In the monkey seminar they gave out stuff monkeys and people was running up to the podium to perform the skit to prove they know how to do it. One girl fell down but she did not let that stop her, she just get back up and run up those stairs as they only wanted ten people they end up getting 15 people. Once she was on the podium she brush herself off and do her skit just find. After the manager meet the monkey seminar ended, we gather for talks amongst ourselves and just wandering around the place until the next seminar started which was suppost to be the people find keep grow workshop that seminar went over time and so we missed out on our free time activities. The free time activities that i did not get to participate in was mountain biking, rock climbing, volley ball, hiking, shopping in the village, dockside activities such as paddle boats, kayaking, horse shoes, fishing and gondola rides up blue mountain. Some of these activities would have been great fun if i had gotten a chance to do them and i was so looking forward to the rock climbing . |