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Dowsing : Pendulums Are A Good Way To Get Started!
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamewhirlwindZ1  (Original Message)Sent: 9/21/2006 3:56 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameJanLightworker</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 7/13/2003 3:51 PM
Hi All
Just recently I have amassed a collection of books on Pendulums and Dowsing.  and now I have picked up this book called Healing All and Everything by Leonard Locker.  ( Printed in England)  the guy talks about healing and diagonosing things with a pendulum. 
Does anybody on here use a pendulum or do dowsing?
My father was a dowser.  He used to work on the pipeline and dig ditches.  He was a ditching machine operator.  He would get out and "Witch" the way before he would dig the ditch and never had any problems.  Both uncles who did the same thing but never "Witched" the way hit electric and gas lines and got seriously burned and nearly killed.  Daddy also witched at our house and told them where to dig for a new water well.  They did find water.  I suppose that must be where I get my "Witchy ways".lol
So has anybody here had any experience dowsing or using a pendulum?

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Recommend  Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknamewhirlwindZ1</NOBR> Sent: 7/13/2003 6:16 PM
I used 2 do it a lot when I first got into energy work. It'z such an
instant an E*Z way 2 get resultz that it givez confidence 2 try
other stuff.
Quickly I got to the point where I would dowZe w/
my body left arm twitch "yes" right "no". It'z a part of m/2 this day
and a good guidance system. Whenever I need 100% accuracy
I go thru the pipeline 2 The Christ and ask him in the same way
and I Know I can work with that assuredly!

Recommend  Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameEerie7</NOBR> Sent: 7/13/2003 7:28 PM
Hi All,
A few years ago, when my children were young, in order to entertain them, I used some sticks and taught them dowsing.  It is hard to tell if we were successful or not as we have a large body of underground water here.  In fact, the "Ozone" water {bottled water} pump is only 3 blocks away.  The trains and trucks fill up their tanks and take it to N.O. to sell.
It smells like sulfur, but left uncapped overnight in the fridge, it is sweet tasting water. I suppose it is 'mineral water.' Since it appears that everyone is incomplete without a bottle of water now, I am sitting on a gold mine.

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamewhirlwindZ1Sent: 9/21/2006 3:57 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameJanLightworker</NOBR> Sent: 7/15/2003 2:12 AM
Hi all
Do you think it makes any difference what the pendulum is made out of?  in the book the guy used a wooden one for illness of the body. 
do you think you should use different ones made out of different things for different purposes?

Recommend  Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameQuizmistress21</NOBR> Sent: 7/15/2003 1:38 PM
Hi Jan!
I can do a bit of research on that, if you like?

Recommend  Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameJanLightworker</NOBR> Sent: 7/15/2003 3:08 PM
Hi All
Thanks Quiz.  I would need to know if I need to use different ones made of different things.
light and love

Recommend  Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknamewhirlwindZ1</NOBR> Sent: 7/15/2003 5:28 PM
From: Jan3051 Sent: 7/15/2003 2:12 AM
Hi all
Do you think it makes any difference what the pendulum is made out of?  in the book the guy used a wooden one for illness of the body. 
do you think you should use different ones made out of different things for different purposes?
Totally Jan! Psychometry 101. Certain Euro-Witches only dowsed with witch
hazelwood and some in the statez swear on that tradition today.
Certain crystal workerz like ourselves  wrap quartZ in copper in prescribed wayz
to AMPLIFY CONDUCTIVITY, U.S. soldierz in Vietnam dowZed for Vietcong
tunnelz with wire coat hangerZ and were highly successful. Magic iz
SYMPATHETIC (that info iz what NLP would call a "useful lie". Who knowz if
ANYTHING IS "TRUE" but certainly sympathy iz ARCHETYPICAL in world magic).Thus, a Radionic worker
"witching" for water would use muddy water if he wanted 2 find a swamp,
spring water if they wanted 2 find a spring, and tap water if they wanted to
find a water pipeline!

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamewhirlwindZ1Sent: 9/21/2006 3:58 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameJanLightworker</NOBR> Sent: 7/16/2003 12:42 AM
Hi all
I thought psychometry was just getting vibes off personal items like rings, jewelry and clothing. 
I made a couple of wands myself.  one was a one inch piece of copper pipe and I put a big generator crystal on one end and a copper end cap on the other. wrapped it in leather.  gave me a heck of a shock one day in meditation. 
The other wand was a little piece of copper.  about 1/2 inch.  I put a stone for each chakra inside and put a clear quartz on one end then. little chips like I put inside for each chakra around the quartz. 

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameQuizmistress21Sent: 11/14/2006 6:30 AM
Jan asked:
Hi all
Do you think it makes any difference what the pendulum is made out of?  in the book the guy used a wooden one for illness of the body. 
do you think you should use different ones made out of different things for different purposes?
There is a fantastic book called 'The Crystal Bible' by Judy Hall.  In it the healing attributes of many semi-precious crystals & stones are listed.  If you're looking to treat a certain malady, you could use a pendulum made from a corresponding gemstone.   
But truth to tell, if you don't want to go to the trouble & expence of amassing a boatload of pendulums, just use the one that speaks to your Healers Soul.   Personally, I have but one pendulum that I keep with me in my purse & use for everything.  It works well for me & that's all that matters, really.  Mine is made of Green Aventurine.  I held a few different kinds of pendulums in my hands one by one when I bought it, but the green just sang to the Healer in me.
Little did I know that the attributes for Green Aventurine were:
"...a comforter and heart healer, and general harmonizer, protecting the heart.  It brings things back into control and is useful in malignant conditions.  It settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. An all-around healer, bringing in well-being and emotional calm."  
All aventurine have many general attributes, too numerous to write out.  Pick up the book; it's wonderful!
On the subject of dowsing, I have also trained in using metal rods, mainly to find Ley lines.  Funny story - the summer evening my study group & I were using them in a large park, our instructor did a little experiment for fun.  She told one lady, who is trained in Reiki, to just stand still & the instructor walked towards her so the rods would react when they hit the outer boundries of her aura.  She got about 10 feet from her.  Instructor then backed way up & told my friend to channel Reiki Energy outward from herself in all directions.  Instructor couldn't get any closer than 35 feet before the rods reacted. 
Funny, too, that just last week that same instructor & I were having coffee & she mentioned that she had tried dowsing with her pendulum regarding a job opportunity, but that she was too close & connected to the outcome, so the answer wasn't forthcoming.  I asked if she'd like me to dowse for her; yes.  Had her write out the questions on paper, then I dowsed over it.  She's been too impatient about when the opportunity will happen.  The answers came quickly, & I also wrote out a possible timetable & dowsed on that.  The answer came back that it would happen after the first of the year.  I told her to be patient, circled the answer & turned it so she could read it.  She just shook her head at her own human nature.
Now I haven't read the thread with the basic dowsing lesson in it, but I'd like to caution anyone to create a protective boundry around themselves every time they do any dowsing.  This can be as simple as using Thought Energy to clear & fortify ones aura, or by saying the Prayer of Light. 

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamewhirlwindZ1Sent: 11/14/2006 9:53 AM
Xcellent post QuiZzy. Pendulumz are worth the RE-visit! Although practice makez perfect most of us get impressive reZultz the first time we go for it.  Blessing the process for protection iz a great idea too.

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