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Erin's Playhouse 2Contains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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  Candle Making  
  Warning For Pagans  
  The Law of Power  
  The Nature of Our Way  
  The Waters of the Earth Mother  
  Thirteen Goals  
  Colors of candle magick  
  List of Healing Herbs for Candles  
  Magikal Scripts  
  Current Moon Phase  
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  16 Symbols  
  Fighting the Good Fight  
  Feng Shui  
  The Shaman's Quarters  
  The Teaching of Sweetgrass  
  The Drum: The First Musical Instrument  
  The Teachings of Mother Earth  
  Discover Your Animal Totems  
  The Three Worlds  
  The Flight of NightHawk  
  Wicca & Witchcraft  
  The Witches Rede of Chivalry  
  The Witches Creed  
  The Witches' Rune  
  Charge of the Horned God  
  Charge of the Dark Goddess  
  Charge of The God  
  Charge of the Goddess  
  The Wiccan Rede  
  The Religion of the Ancient Celts  
  Irish Witchcraft and Demonology  
  Irish Mythology  
  Irish Myths, Legends, Heroes and Saints  
  Mythology of Ireland  
  The Dagda's Harp  
  The Faerie Kings  
  The Human Hounds  
  The Human Hounds  
  The Human Hounds  
  The Children of Lir  
  The Giant Rat  
  Legend of The Shamrock  
  The Banshee  
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Internet Safety Checklist

Are you...

Wearing your cyber_condom? 

Anti-Virus Are its definition current?  Do you run online scans regularly?
Firewall Is it working?
Windows update  Are you set for auto-updating?
Passwords & login Are you logged onto your computer as the administrator.  Are your passwords guessable?
Crudware Are your Spy and crudware defenses up?
More & resources

 A Spam_Magnet?

Is your E-mail addy showing on your passport and/or on your profile?

Do you give it up to websites that ask for it?

Do you forward E-mail or allow others to forward to you?

Click here if you answered yes to any of the above


Do you reply to spam?

Do you ever reply to E-mail from businesses you do business with requesting sensitive information such as passwords or account numbers?

Do you make online purchases with your primary credit card or bank acount?

Click here if you answered yes to any of the above




Grisoft AVG


Zone Alarm

Windows update 

Windows Update

Crudware killers      

Ad-Aware  Spybot S & D

Online Scans      

Trend Micro Housecall

All of the above have the option for automatic self updating.  You should use it.  You can set it to do its updating in the wee hours.  If you can't tie up a phone line, pick a day of the week and make updating a regular routine.  Most virus and crudware infections can be prevented.  You wouldn't drive your car without checking the oil, would you?

If you are logging onto your computer and surfing as the "administrator", you are asking for trouble.  Create user accounts with limited permissions (such as  no downloading and installing).  Using these accounts to surf with will protect you from stepping on a land-mined site.  They will also prevent accidental or intentional disabling of your anti-virus or firewall.  Consider also that the administrator will give your user account name to each and every spy cookie that sneaks in.  Only use your Administrator account for installing programs you definitely want and maintaining your computer.

 Passwords should not be easy.   Do your passwords look like this: 

Login:   My Name   Password:  My pets name
Login:   Screw-u-hacker   Password:  k{&xil195_tt
You should change them regularly

Hide That Addy.  In simple:  If your Addy is showing on your passport or in your comunity profile, you are asking for it.

Don't Feed the Spiders!   Spam Spiders are programs that crawl the web looking for pages that contain e-mail addy's.  They gorge on people that like to put their addy in posts.  Replying to a post via e-mail also will include your E-mail addy.  Forwarding e-mail to a post is a seven course meal for them.  We disallow the practice in all of our communities.  If it is worth replying to or posting, it is worth the time to go to the community and post it.

Is It worth It?   You find a great site and it demands your E-mail to view it.  The cost is having a buttload of spam.  If you really feel compelled to view these pages, take the time to create a "junk" or "Spam" account and use it soley for that purpose.  Never give up your primary E-mail Addy.

Human Harvesters    Programmers have gotten smarter.  They have designed excellent anti-virus programs that make it really tough for spammers to use a virus to harvest E-mail Addys.  Luckily for spammers, the average user hasn't gotten much smarter and does quite nicely as a mechanism for harvesting addys.  All he needs to do is create or rip off some cute little poem or prayer with a request to forward it to others, E-mail it to a few already on the list and voilla!  Next thing he knows, it finds its way back to him with a load of new addys in the header.   Never forward anything or allow anyone to forward to you.  If it is worth re-sending, it is worth the time it takes to copy paste it in a new E-mail.

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Don't be a Sucker    Learn to spot a scam.  Most are the same ones that have been around seedier dives for a long time.  The internet provides a large hunting ground for these cyber piranha.  They don't even need you to hand them your money.  Thanks to ACH and other means of electronic payment, once they have your information, they can help themselves.  Keep these ideas in your head when handling correspondence from anyone, even if it is on what appears to be company letterhead.

No legitimate company will ever ask you to verify your password or account information via E-mail

Never click any link within an e-mail or reply to any E-mail from any company, even one you do business with.  Call them or go directly to their site from a link you have saved to favorites or obtain the correct link by calling them.

Never log on to an unfamiliar site.  If you are requested to log on, X out of the log in window, go to a site you know is legit, such as a community home page for passport, and log in there.  Once you are logged in, you remain logged in as long as that window is open and any request to log in after that is a phish to steal your  password.

Nobody, not even the prince of Nigerea is going to give you a cut of a large sum of money to funnel it into you country, nor are you going to get a whopping return playing "Angel investor" or by anonymously supplying downpayments to qualify persons or businesses for loans.  The list of scams is endless.  Common trademarks are confidentiallity and urgency.  Ussually they appeal to one's greed.

Any time you give up your credit card number, bank PIN or password to make an online purchase, you are opening your wallet.  Do you carry all of your money with you when you go shopping at the mall or go out drinking?  Open a second checking account that you keep very little in or obtain a credit card with a low limit specifically for making internet purchases.  

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