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I would like to know thoughts on why we join groups such as F4F. Are most people here hoping to meet somone special, looking for friendship, just for laughs, or any other reason? Do you think you should only join a group with flirt in the title if you are willing to actually flirt or is it ok to join and just enjoy the banter of the boards. Do you think it's wrong for married folk to be here and join in flirting? |
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I think we all join groups for a reason, we want too!! I dont think its wrong for anybody to join groups, if all was perfect in our personnal life, would anybody join??? Even then maybe some people still would for the fun, friendship and the crack!! Whyever you are, enjoy because life is too short and life is for living....X |
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Bloody hell. Well I wouldnt mind pulling a nice fella and if something like this helps then great, but having a laugh along the way is great too!  |
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My feelings exactly...... Except I would like a woman in my case.....  |
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It was the voices. They told me to.... |
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let me try I am married been there for a long time i love to flirt and make people smile and laugh and feel good that is why i am here if I make a few friends along the way cool Life is way to short not to i tell you i have made so many friends in thse groups i just couldn't imagine the reaction I have gotten makes me feel wanted and loved and i hope I spread a little of that love around to you. tink |
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Flirting with strangers is safe. Especially if they live way the hell over in England. I'm single, open to meeting someone, but not why I enjoy msn groups. They entertain me. I can sit here in my p.j.'s and interact with other people. I don't read the newspaper or watch much news but groups keep me informed. Always interesting to hear so many different opinions. I don't think being married means you can't enjoy these groups. Long as the flirting is kept here I don't think any harm is being done. |
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I see it as a form of escapism..where you can be yourself..or in some cases..alter ego's. Again aslong as no harm done, should be open to both married and single alike. christ is that me being sensible again...must be gettin old  |
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I think deep down we all have reasons for being here, some are different, some are the same?? Regardless of maretial status as long as no one gets hurt and we all understand our own and other people's boundaries and limits and expectations etc, then there's no harm done! Each to there own.....  |
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s'pose I should add my own opinion here....me....I'm just here cos it keeps me entertained....I love all the banter and joviality of the boards....ok so it gets a bit risque....but we are all adults and no-one is getting hurt by any of the content in here....lol....steve makes sure we don't get to glimpse too much flesh in any of the pics if those that are hoping to meet someone special do....then good luck to them....and if those that aren't hoping, but meet someone anyway then all the better....the main thing is...it is a place where we can all come and join in the posting and just chill out....who cares whether you are married, single, gay, straight, black, white, christian, muslim or athiest......just enjoy |
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Spot on......just go with the flow....... |
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I used to go with the flow... Until the prostate started playing up...  |
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Why am I here? In order to answer that, I need to know myself. Maybe an hour or two with a therapist will help. Rob. |
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Why am I here? Where is here? Who am I? Oh, god....I'm blind!!!! |
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Well I think you have to define flirting cause some people see it totally different from others...me I think it is a bit of fun and banter and if it has a bit of sexual conitation then so be it..as long as the two parties are of concent who cares.. |
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I agree but I also think some see it as a means to pull. Not me of course. Rob. |
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