After the Intermission Six and Rising Inc head to the ring with the microphone. Joe expresses a large aggravation with his current lack of gold around his "God Given, Beer Improved Waist" as he referenced it. He then went on a breif tirade about his intentions to hurt the tag champions at Stryking Gold, but, between now and then he's going to let someone else throw them around. He then announced the Midnight Rock-N-Roll Express Bobby Eaton and Ricky Morton. The fans cheered the former rivals turned tag team for ICWA purposes and it appeared that Six and Rising Inc had made their decision... However, in the midst of his promo, Six PAck clotheslined Morton of his boots and Steed followed suit with a hard right hand.
They began demolishing the legendary performers while Joe expressed that there was no way he'd let two "has beens" who they already destroyed take on the task of destroying the champs. Ironicly, the champions darted down around the same time chasing the future challangers out of the ring.
While heading around the ring Six Pack declared that that's one team down, They'll find out who they face from the other two teams at the main event.
Match Four
Faith Rivers V.S. WCW's Daffney
This was a solid women's contest between the two contrasting beauties. Daffney found it easy to draw a lot of heat from the fans with here incesent screaming that gave her the nick name "The Scream Queen". The two ladies exchanged some chops that drew a great reaction, and, at one point began rolling about on the mat, rolling over referee Jason Harding. Harding stood up with a smile replicating a six year old arriving at Chucky Cheese and then pleaded with the finally broken up ladies to do it again. This drew a solid laugh from the crowd but a hard right handed slap from Daffney. Harding grabbed the side of his face in pain as Daffney begain birating him and shoving him. After the third time she shoved him he finally shoved back and Faith happened to be right behind her to take her over in a school boy pin. HArding counted the three drawing a great reaction from the crowd as Daffney went out of the ring screaming in rage and slamming her hands around on the mat.
Winner: Faith Rivers via Pinfall
Match Five
Javen V.S. Terri Lamin - Dangerously
This match had an interesting start... Busch began to announce as Javen's music hits but as opposed to his typical entrance, he darted out from the back screaming and running. This was not an Ode to the Ultimate Warrior we realized as Terri Lamin was hot on his chest in pursuit screaming "STOP TOUCHING MY TA-TAS!"
Javen slides into the ring and Terri follows as Carlton calls for the bell just in time for Javen to baseball slide out of the ring and jump the guard rail, Terri still following. The two dart through the crowd as Carlton doesn't know what else to do but start the ten count. As the fans can pretty much predict when Javen darts through the exit door and Terri follows, Carlton reaches the ten count.
Winner: Draw via Double Count Out
Main Event
Michaels & Whysper V.S. ???
Un-characteristically the tag champs made the first entrance and awaited Six Pack and Steed to hit the stage with mic in hand... They finally picked their poision and it was......
Warlord and the Barbarian.
They got a solid reception but quickly begrudged the audience getting their heat. They're not nearly as menacing as they once were but I still wouldn't rush to steal their jello from the old folks home. They climbed into the ring and and CM and Whysper shrugged and darted toward the vets only to be met with hard rights.
Warlord and the Barbarian took the early advantage with basic brawling tactics. Whysper and Michaels found themselves being slammed and bumped all over the place. Eventually however, CM and Whysper take the advantage capitalizing on their speed and never say die attitudes. Eventually Six and Rising Inc grew tired of seeing their hand picks not doing so well so they came in with a couple of chairs only to take a couple boots from the champions to their guts, have their chairs stolen, and as a result find themselves blasted in the heads with said chairs. Warlord and the Barbarian try to capitalize on the distraction but Barbarian finds his way outside from Whysper's hurrancanrana. Michaels drops Warlord with the "Just Like That" (Twist of Fate) and Whysper then offers a Lionsault for the pin, 1, 2, 3.
Winners: Whysper & Michaels via Pinfall
The heels get together on the floor and appear to be contemplating jumping the champions, but to a great ovation the Midnight Rock-n-Roll Express dart down and stand in the ring with the champs, making the heels opt to exit. The four men celebrate in the ring and eventually with their fans to conclude the show.