 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 11/19/2008 12:44 PM |

| Date: Friday November 14th, 2008 | Live From: Greenville Convention Center - Greenville, North Carolina | Commentators: WallStreet | Theme: TBD | Deadline: Your First RP MUST BE POSTED 24 HOURS BEFORE DEADLINE or earlier 8pm EST Expect Results Sometime Monday | Main Event ICWA Heavyweight Championship Singles Jimmy Stryker V.S. David Van Dam Special Guest Referee: Drew Stevenson Match 7 ICWA Tag Team Championship Concession Stand Brawl Six and Rising Inc V.S. Christian Michaels & Whysper Match 6 Lights Out Match ICWA Cyber TV Championship Scott Addams V.S. Zarek Lyle Match 5 ICWA Women's Championship Fatal Fourway Ashley Caswell V.S. Brooklyn Riot V.S. Angelina Santana V.S. Faith Rivers -Ten Minute Intermission- Match 4 Grudge Match Paddle On A Poll Tani Lyons V.S. Da Sweet Lunatic Match 3 Tag Team Scott Andrews & Darren Hunter V.S. TOG & "The Wild Pitbull" Terry Kenderson Match 2 Singles Patrick Warner V.S. Donnie Steamboat Opening Bout Singles John Shepherd V.S. King Slender Plus: Rumors are running wild that Nevyrmorr could be on the verge of arriving in the ICWA, Will He do it Tonight?! TOG's in Action, Will MJ Storm Be In The House? All This and Much More! Card Subject To change | |
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"ICWA Fans, Welcome to ICWA STRYKING GOLDDDDD!" Those words are heard as the mobile cam kicks on and the camera man begins shooting various ICWA Fans in the erupting sea of humanity at the Greenville Convention Center. "One, Two, Three, GO!" "Step Up" By Drowning Pool begins to blast over the PA as WallStreet chimes in, "And with no hesitation we’re heading right into this huge show, ICWA Stryking Gold. I am of course the Corporate Icon Taylor McCallister, and Thank you for welcoming us into your home whether it by live Webcast or the official Stryking Gold DVD." The curtain moves and from behind it steps Paul Heyman, closely followed by the man beast Patrick Warner. WallStreet, "There he is folks�?The often tested, Undefeated Monster that is Patrick Warner. In the ring you see Donnie Steamboat�?The supposed nephew of the legendary Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat." Busch, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following contest is our OPENING BOUT! Already in the ring, weighing in at 215 pounds from Maui Hawaii�?He is DONNNNNNIE STEAM-BOAT!" Busch pauses briefly�?/P> Busch, "His opponent, Making his way from Indianapolis Indiana and weighing in at 312 pounds�?Accompanied by his manager Paul E. Heyman�?He is PATRIIIIICK WARNER!" Warner walks down the ramp and the isle with purpose, getting to the ring and offering a pig snort of sorts before leaping up onto the ring and then entering as Paul walks around the ring. As soon as Warner enters the ring he darts toward Donnie looking for a massive clothesline, however, Donnie ducks and darts underneath, rushing toward the ropes. Warner growls a little and turns around just in time for Donnie to leap up nailing a Flying forearm. Warner shakes it off so Donnie darts around the big man again. Warner turns around and BLAM! Another flying Forearm�?Donnie glances around and darts to the side ropes as Warner shakes off the second Forearm and turns to see what Steamboat’s doing�?Donnie leaps up onto the second rope and springboards back looking for a Springboard Crossbody, However, Warner catches him as the crowd boos�? Heyman, "END HIM! END HIM!" Warner Drops to a knee delivering a rib breaker to Steamboat’s side�?He keeps a hold of Steamboat, Stands up, takes a step forward and does another rib breaker�?He continues to hold him, lifts him back up and stairs out into the booing masses�?/P> WallStreet, "I have a feeling this won’t end well for Donnie Steamboat�? Warner Throws Donnie up into the air, Catches him in an elevated Fireman’s carry, and leaps to the side driving him down hard on his neck with an inadvertent Death Valley Driver/Spicolli Driver. Warner covers as Carlton drops down to count. WallStreet, �?FONT color=#00ff00>And that’s all she wrote �? …………………One�? Heyman, "NO! PICK HIM UP! PICK HIM UP!" ………………………Two�?/P> WallStreet, "Did Heyman just call for Warner to�? ………�?Before the three Warner picks Donnie’s head and shoulders off the mat, breaking the count and drawing more boos. Heyman, "CRUSH HIM!" Warner picks Donnie up off the mat and whips him to the ropes�?As he comes back Warner hoists him up, spins and BAM! His huge version of the D-Lo Sky High. Carlton drops back down and counts again …………………One……………�?Two…………………Three. The bell sounds again. Busch, "Your Winner…�?PATTTTTTRICK WARNERRR!" WallStreet, "And so the beast remains untamed." "And another Rip *Off* Get’s ripped in HALF!" Ah yes, Heyman has the mic on t he floor as he begins walking up the stairs. Heyman, "Mark my words Greenville�?I’ve told all of you before that my one man militia Patrick Warner was going to run through every rip off and con put in our way till we eventually get to the ultimate rip off�?Well guess what �?In THREE Weeks Greenville, We arrive at our destination. Then, all the bodies racked up in exhibition will be meaningless next to the one rotting, STINKING CORPSE That we’ll leave for all of you! Mark my words, In Three weeks the entire face of things is about�?To Change." Heyman drops the mic as "Step Up" by Drowning Pool begins again. WallStreet, "In three weeks the face of things is about to change? Hmm�?I’m not too sure what it is Paul’s on about but I guess we’ll find out on December 5th as we come back to the Greenville Convention Center for what I’m sure will be some hefty backlash from this great event." Heyman and Warner begin heading up the isle/ramp way as WallStreet continues, " Next week, however, for the fans in the Eastern Carolina area we’ll be heading to the Onslow YMCA�?Onslow of course hosts Camp Lejeune and for all the Marines in the neighborhood, come on down and see us. Have your Military ID Present for free admission. This of course is going hand in hand with our Christmas for the Troops fund raising. Our show in Kinston did very well, but we can do better for the men and women protecting our liberties." "King of my World" by Saliva begins blasting over the PA as King Slender walks through the curtain, robe on, with his hands outstretched. He does a twirl as Busch Begins to announce. Busch, "The following contest is scheduled for Onefall with a ten minute time limit. Introducing first, From Manhattan New York�?KING SLENNNNNNNNNDER!" Slender slowly ascends the staircase, walking along the apron in disgust of the audience. He sneers at them before entering the ring. A crew member at ringside carefully removes King's robe, careful to fold it properly. King Slender hits the ropes a few times and prepares for a fight. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana takes over the speakers as the curtain parts again and from behind it steps John Shepard. Busch, "And the opponent, from Honolulu Hawaii�?John Shepard." WallStreet, "Shepard out weighed here by more than a hundred pounds and has about a foot less in height then Slender but uh�?Hey, David beat Goliath right? Of course David also had a sling shot and some damn good aim, but eh, Meh, Ya never know." As the two stair at each other from across the ring Carlton calls for the bell as the two men begin to circle. WallStreet, "John Sheppard a new edition to the ICWA roster looking to test his luck with another rookie in King Slender�? Shepard rolls into the ring and gets up right as the music fades and Harding calls for the bell. The two men suddenly bolt forward and head into a hard grapple as the lights begin to flicker. WallStreet, "Sheaperd and Slender heading into a hard collar and elbow lock up and�?umm…�?Well it looks like we may be having some electrical difficulties here at the Convention center. If we could get somebody to look at that right away it’d be greatly appreciated�? We then hear the sound of a large motor shutting down as the venue is engulfed in darkness. WallStreet, "Oh Boy�?I�?I don’t know if I’m talking to myself or what. If I had to guess I’d say the Power’s gone out or�?I don’t know what the deal is, but, I assure you that our staff and the convention center staff is rushing to rectify the problems immediately." Ooooooooooo-ahhhhhhhhh……�?oooooooooooooooooo-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…�?ooooooooooooooooo-ahhhhhhhhh�?/P> WallStreet, "What’s that?" OOOOOOOOOOO-AHHHHHHHHHH�?OOOOOOOOOOOOO-AHHHHHHHHHH�?/P> A set of flames come from the bottom of the isle way and then all the way to and up the ramp we see sets of torches lighting (one on the far left, one on the far right)�?The light from the flames is enough to show that Shepard and King are both stopped in the ring and looking toward the flames with clear confusion. The cult like chanting heard in the background begins growing louder as music begins playing with it, producing a sound virtually identical to�?(Click Here). WallStreet, "I’m all out of explanations folks. I don’t know what’s going on but, my years of experience tells me that things like this never end well for people in the ring. If I was Mr. Shepard or Mr. King, I’d strongly consider getting the Hell out of Dodge." As the music continues there’s suddenly a bright shinning light over the ring and ramp area�?I mean super bright�?Like going to see Jesus bright. WallStreet, "Good lord, that’s blinding." Fans can be seen in shielding their eyes before it fades away, leaving the torches extinguished and nothing but darkness again as the music fades and a whisper is heard over the sound system�?/P> "The Messiah�?Is Coming." KA-BOOOOOM! The lights come back on and in the ring King Slender’s still looking up the ramp confused but behind him John Shepard lays unconscious. Slender turns around and see’s his fallen foe and gets wide eyed like an eight year old viewing the red bike under the Christmas tree. He quickly slides down and hooks the far leg as his head nods up and down with glee. Harding, not sure what else to do drops down and counts ………………ONE……………TWO…………………THREE! The bell sounds as Slender jumps into the air with his arms up, yelling, "THE KING’S BACK ON HIS THROWN BEH-BEH! WHOOOOO!" Harding goes to raise his hand but he yanks it away and leaps up onto the second ropes as "King of My World" by Saliva blasts over the PA and the crowd boos loudly. WallStreet, "Well based on the surprise on Slender’s face I’d recommend he had very little to do with whatever knocked that kid out, but, whatever it was just gave Slender a big double-you on the record. You have to wonder why Slender was spared�?You have to wonder just what this "Messiah" is�?Ugh, You have to wonder a lot of things folks. This show get’s weirder by the episode." Slender exits between the ropes, jumping about on the floor like he just won the ICWA Heavyweight championship as Carlton darts down to join Harding in scrapping Shepard off the mat. WallStreet, "As Slender celebrates, seemingly overjoyed with being back on the winning side of things in the ICWA, John Shepard is being carried out of here. This is an unfortunate situation. I was really hoping to see what this kid could do. Hopefully we’ll get that opportunity again somewhere down the road." Slender heads behind the curtain and Carlton and Harding aren’t very far behind with Shepard. | |
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Once they get Shepard behind the curtain Harding jogs back down in preparation of the next bout. Bert: The following contest is scheduled for one fall............
"Man In The Box" by Alice in Chains begins blasting from the speakers as the crowd jumps to their feet. Eventually the curtain moves and from behind it to a grand ovation is the man most commonly known as That One Guy.
Bert: "Making his way from Buffalo New York, weighing in at 240 pounds... He is Tee... Oh... GEEEE!"
TOG makes his way down the ramp and slaps some hands along the way till he gets to the ring.
He climbs the stairs, enters the ropes and climbs up the turnbuckles where he raise his arms above his head as he gains approval from the fans as his music dies out.
WallStreet, "TOG has had a fairly balanced win-loss ratio so far in the ICWA. He‘s looking to tip the scale to a more favorable ratio here tonight as he teams up with the Wild Pitbull for the first time ever."
Nothing To Lose starts playing while we focus on the stage. The camera skims around for a second till the music picks up. The camera then goes back to the stage and standing on it with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face is the Pitbull. The crowd cheers and/or boos but Kenderson pays it no mind.
Busch, "And his tag team partner, from Brooklyn New York…�?The Willlllllllllld Pitbulllllllllll�? TERRRRRY KENDERSONNNN!"
Kenderson makes his way down the ramp, his focus never leaving the ring. He climbs the steps and enters the ring. He climbs to the second rope, crosses his arms and looks beyond the fans. He nods at TOG, then stands alongside him, waiting for the opponents�?BR> The sounds of "Dream on" By Aerosmith fill the hall and from behind the curtain out steps Darren Hunter in his ring gear as he stands in front of the curtain he looks around and then to the ring.
Bert: In the ring, from Nottingham, England weighing two hundred seventeen pounds.....DARREN HUNTER!!!!!!
He then walks towards the ring looking nervous and then he slides into the ring and a smile then forms on his face and he puts his arms around and does a little spin and then he looks towards the curtain for his tag partner, the Canadian Dream Scott Andrews.
Andrews's music hits, but he's nowhere to be found.
WallStreet, "We all know how much Andrews loves to make an entrance, but I don't see him coming out."
Darren Hunter rests his arms on the top rope, staring off at the entrance way, but Scott Andrew still doesn't show.
The referee comes over to Darren Hunter, "Hey Hunter, we have to get this started."
WallStreet, "And referee Jason Harding just informed Hunter that they have to get started with or without his tag team partner, The Canadian Dream."
The bell rings and the match has turned into a handicap match: Darren Hunter vs TOG and the Wild Pitbull Terry Kenderson.
TOG walks over to the referee, whispering something in his ear. TOG then looks around at the fans, and then Kenderson and Darren Hunter. He touches his chest, then raises his hand. He points outside the ring. The crowd can hear him yell to Kenderson, "I'll make it fair, Pitbull! I'll hang out ringside!"
WallStreet, "And a noble act by That One Guy as he evens the odds by taking himself out of the match! What was once a tag match has transformed into a singles match between Wild Pitbull Terry Kenderson and Darren Hunter."
The bell rings two circle each other a few times.
WallStreet, "Darren Hunter is exceptionally fast, so let's see if Kenderson can out power him and slow Hunter down. The Wild Pitbull has his work cut out for him tonight."
The two go for a lockup in the middle of the ring, but Hunter ducks underneath Kenderson at the last second, running to the ropes. Kenderson sticks his arm out for a clothesline, but Hunter holds on to the ropes. Wild Pitbull backs off, and the two circle each other once more.
They meet at the center of the ring, preparing to lockup again. Before they can tie up, Darren Hunter delivers a stiff kick to the gut and immediately starts clubbing the back of Kenderson.
Wallstreet, "Some hard shots to the back by Hunter."
Kenderson takes several more clubs to the back before rushing Hunter, driving him back a few feet. Kenderson wraps his arms around Hunter's abdomen and lifts him high in the air, drilling him with a Northern Lights Suplex! Wild Pitbull keeps it locked for a pin!
1- 2- Kickout by Hunter. Pitbull rushes to his feet and begins laying down kicks all over Hunter. Pitbull picks him up and whips him hard into the corner. Darren's body smashes into the corner and comes stumbling out, only to be met with a capture suplex by Wild Pitbull.
Wallstreet, "Wild Pitbull Terry Kenderson has taken control of this match with a pair of bone-splitting suplexes!"
Pitbull goes for the pin - 1- 2-
Hunter manages to kickout! Kenderson picks Darren Hunter up and whips him into the ropes. Kenderson goes for a clothesline, but Hunter ducks underneath, bounces off the ropes and dives at Kenderson with a flying crossbody. With Pitbull down, Hunter guns for the ropes again, this time, nailing Kenderson with a senton splash right across the stomach of Kenderson!
Wallstreet, "Impressive move from the man who seems to be impressing us with a lot of things these days, Darren Hunter!
Hunter attempts to lock Kenderson in the STF. Kenderson scrambles for the ropes, latching on to the bottom rope.
Wallstreet, "Kenderson, sensing imminent danger, clawed his way to the ropes."
Referee Jason Harding gets in between the two and pushes Hunter back a few steps, giving Kenderson some breathing room. Kenderson rises to his feet, bent over, clutching his stomach. Darren Hunter, seizing opportunity, charges past the ref and delivers a deadly knee to the head of Wild Pitbull. The crowd roars as Kenderson's body slumps to the ground. Hunter drags Kenderson to the middle of the ring and slaps on his STF. Harding checks on Kenderson, who is completely knocked out by Hunter's kick to the head. Jason Harding calls for the bell.
Hunter releases his hold and throws his hands up in the air in victory.
Bert Busch: And the winner of the match is...DARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEENNNNN HUNT- ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR! TOG slides in and begins reviving the Pitbull, helping him to start to shake the cobwebs out as "Dream On" by Aerosmith blasts from the speakers. WallStreet, "It was originally going to be a tag team contest, It ended up as a solid single’s bout and another opportunity for Darren Hunter to really shine." TOG aids Kenderson to his feet as the Pitbull staggers a little, still a little loopy from that hard knee. He turns around and when he does, Hunter’s standing there watching. Kenderson and Hunter look each other hard in the eyes as TOG stands to the side of them cautiously�?Finally Hunter extends his hand drawing some cheers. Kenderson gives him the once over, but, he too extends his hand and shakes Hunter’s hand drawing a round of applause from the Greenville crowd. WallStreet, "And another contest concluded on a great note of sportsmanship here in the ICWA. I’m truly impressed at the character of this young man from Nottingham England." Kenderson and TOG roll out and head up the ramp as Harding raises Hunter’s hand again. TOG and Kenderson go behind the curtain as Darren exit’s the ring and makes his way up the ramp. Meanwhile some guys in black jeans and black ICWA T Shirts come down the isle with a black metal pole and a brown wooden paddle that’d make a catholic school nun wet between the thighs. They quickly head to the ring and begin placing said pole on one of the corner posts. | |
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WallStreet, "Well folks, there you see our ring staffers getting that large metal pole attached to the ring and on that poll will be attached a paddle as we’re about to head into the Paddle on a Poll match between The Sweet Lunatic and Tani Lyons. Neither Zarek Lyle nor Scott Addams are expected to be at ringside as they’re both getting ready for that unsanctioned Cyber TV Title fight later on tonight." The pole is in place and a crew member is now climbing the ropes with a brown wooden paddle in hand�?/P> WallStreet, "That paddle does not look very forgiving. Folks, the Paddle on a Poll match isn’t a new match but it’s new to the ICWA. The Rules are simple, Climb to the top rope, extract the paddle from the pole and utilize it on the opponent. Upon doing so, You win the match. A Very simple concept indeed. However, the actual task at hand is far more difficult as neither of these young ladies are going to offer the other a free pass to climb up and obtain that weapon of ass destruction." The ring is now free of crew members and our camera slowly zooms in on that menacing wooden paddle. "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy begins to play over the speakers there are boos heard from the crowd as Tani steps out onto the entrance ramp with her hands on her hips. She looks around for a second and bounces her head upward. Busch, "The Following Contest is a PADDLE ON A POLL MATCH! In Order to win you must obtain the paddle from the poll and utilize it on your opponent! Introducing first, From Apple Vally California... TANI LYONNNNNS!" She grins as she begins down the ramp letting her hands fall to her sides. People reach out for her to slap their hands but she laughs at them stepping away. WallStreet, "Tani Lyons and Scott Addams have been at odds recently with the unlikely allies, DSL and Zarek Lyle. This particular contest came about as a result of Tani growing bitter over what she called "humiliation" at the hands of DSL replicating a spanking I’d given Tani at the show previous. I don’t believe the crowd’s "You Got Spanked" chant aided miss Lyons in taking it on the chin and walking away�?Or I suppose more accurately, taking it on the ass and walking away." The boos get louder as she gets closer to the ring. Tani walks over towards the steel steps walking up them. She walks to the middle of the turnbuckles and swings her leg through the middle and top rope. She takes her time ducking under the ropes and getting into the ring making the crowd pop with cheers for a second. WallStreet, "Tani Lyons prime and ready as too is her romantic friend Scott Addams who’s currently preparing for his unsanctioned fight with Zarek Lyle for the ICWA Cyber TV Title. Zarek and Scott go back much further then Tani and DSL, dating back more then a year ago in a far away and now extinct land. It’s carried over and finally, later here tonight it all comes to a head in what I expect to be one of the hardest hitting contests in recent memory." Tani then walked towards the middle of the ring she messes with her hair a little bit, flipping it and then presents herself outstretching her arms to the sides. She yells some things into the camera directed either towards the fans or her opponent. She then looks towards the entrance ramp waiting for the match to begin. The Opening beat of "Perfect Insanity" as the crowd begins to erupt…Eventually we hear the beat pick up immensely as cued by the sound of an escape siren from a mental ward�?When that sound goes off purple spot lights begin flashing all over the stage, replicating an effect similar to prison spot lights sweeping the area for an escaping prisoner�?As the spot lights dart around, the curtain eventually moves and to a grand reception steps�?/P> WallStreet, "And the bane of Tani Lyon’s existence has arrived folks." DSL heads to the right side of the stage and begins shaking her arms in front of her in a fashion similar to Batista as she screams out to her adoring public. Satisfied with their reaction she darts to the other side of the stage and does the same for the fans on the opposite side. Bert Busch, "And Finally, Making her way from the backstreets of New York City�?The Sweet Lunatic, DEE……�?ES……�?ELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" DSL jogs down the ramp and begins slapping hands with some fans as she heads down the isle way toward the ring. WallStreet, "This is going to be a unique situation for The Sweet Lunatic as she’s primarily an intergender performer. She’s been competing with men so long she may find it challenging to adapt back to the Women’s style of wrestling. Beyond that, this is also the Lunatic’s very first Paddle on a Pole match." As she finally gets to the ring she bounces a little between feet before she darts forward and slides into the ring as Tani rolls out on the opposite side. DSL takes to the near corner and hops up on the second ropes, pointing out to various fans as they cheer hard. By the time DSL hops down Tani’s re-entered the ring on the opposite side. The two diagonally face off and to DSL’s immediate left and Tani’s immediate right is the corner that lays host to the paddle wielding poll. The two dart forward and lunge for each other, DSL ducking down and nailing a low impact football tackle as her music concludes and Carlton calls for the bell. DSL hops on top of her and begins pounding her with hard right and left palm strikes as Tani tries desperately to cover up. DSL takes a brief second to stop striking Tani as she glances up at that wooden paddle upon the poll�?DSL hops up and darts toward that corner as the crowd cheers�?/P> WallStreet, "And DSL wasting no time as she scores the take down, plants some hard shots and now looks to head home early�? DSL puts a foot on the bottom rope to begin her ascent but that’s as far as she can get before Tani Lyons nails her from behind with a big forearm to the back. DSL spins and drops back into the corner as Tani grabs the left-top rope with both hands and begins driving hard right kicks to the gut of the Lunatic, making her slowly start slumping more and more as the crowd boos. Finally Tani brings her right arm underneath DSL’s left, steps out and sends her up and over to her back with a hard hip toss out of the corner. The fans boo as Tani turns around and puts her arms out screaming, "WHO’S GETTING SPANKED NOW?!" The crowd boos but it doesn’t take long for those boos to convert into a "YOU GOT SPANKED" Chant. Tani glares before shaking it off and heading for the poll corner. WallStreet, "Tani now heading for that paddle�? Tani gets a foot on the bottom rope and starts to bring her other foot up only for DSL to dip in and take her off the bottom rope with a school boy roll up�?Before anyone can question her use of a pin in a non-pin based match, she gets to her feet and converts the school boy into the set up for the Boston crab ala Chris Jericho�?Except, instead of hitting the crab she looks to the left, looks to the right, smirks, and then drops back catapulting Tani into the air and making her hit that paddle-hosting poll head first. The crowd cheers as Tani drops down to her feet and staggers backwards out of the corner, Allowing DSL to drop down, put an arm around the lower back, hoist her up and drop her back with a high angle back drop. DSL spins to her feet with great swiftness and pumps her arms as the crowd gets adamantly behind the insane one. DSL shoots over to the corner yet again and begins climbing the ropes to get up into reaching distance of the paddle. However, as she gets up top she sees Tani getting on her feet and realizes that she’s just not going to have the time to reach up and secure the paddle, so, she flips back as Tani’s turning around and much to the crowd delight, nails her with a big moonsault off the top. Crowd: DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL!" WallStreet, "DSL heading up for the paddle but quickly realizing that the time was just not going to be available to grab that paddle so being the quick thinker she is, She ended up with a big time moonsault on Tani Lyons and this crowd is eating it up." DSL pushes herself up to her feet and points toward the paddle as she looks out to the fans and yells, "YOU READY TO SEE A SPANKIN?!" The crowd erupts which ends up turning into a new unique chant of�?/P> Crowd: PADDLE HER ASS! PADDLE HER ASS! PADDLE HER ASS! PADDLE HER ASS! PADDLE HER ASS! PADDLE HER ASS! PADDLE HER ASS! WallStreet, "Well�?I’ve gotta admit that in all my years I believe that’s my first time hearing that particular chant." DSL darts to the corner and begins climbing to the top rope. As she gets up there she grabs the poll to steady herself and establish her balance. While holding the pole with her left hand she begins reaching up, putting her right hand on the devastating looking wooden paddle�?/P> WallStreet, "If she gets that paddle and can utilize it on Miss Lyons, this contest will be over�? Yes�?Yes it would be. However, Tani’s back on her feet and as DSL’s left hand is now leaving the poll to head for the paddle as well, Tani rushes over and hit’s the ropes, making DSL drop down, crotching the top turnbuckle pad. Tani reaches up and grabs DSL’s shoulders, forcing her upper torso down so she’s hanging upside down in the corner with her foot getting stuck on the metal piece that attaches the ropes to the corner post. Tani begins delivering hard stomps to the gut area of DSL as Carlton tries to get Tani to back off and let DSL get untangled�?Tani appears to be adhering to Carlton’s request as she rushes back�?but oh, guess not. Tani darts forward and delivers a baseball slide, driving her feet right into DSL’s face with enough force to make DSL’s foot break free and her body to flop down onto the mat. The crowd boos as WallStreet declares, "Shades of the Innovator of Violence Tommy Dreamer with that Tree of Woe predicament into the baseball slide drop kick." Tani begins putting the boots to DSL with a look of great aggravation on her face. Tani grabs two fist fulls of DSL’s hair, sitting her up before grabbing her left arm and her head in a variation of the Dragon Sleeper. WallStreet, "Well there’s no submissions in this contest, but, if she can render The Lunatic unconscious with this maneuver it’s going to be awfully difficult for DSL to stop Tani Lyons from obtaining that wooden paddle and using it however she see’s fit. DSL is slowly showing less and less resistance to the Dragon Sleeper, thus providing Tani’s expression with more and more confidence. The Booing crowd begins to trade in their boos for shouts of encouragement toward DSL. The more encouraging the crowd is, the more DSL seems to come back to life. This of course further encourages The fans to encourage DSL, which turns Tani’s confidence into anger and aggravation as she becomes bitching at the fans. Regardless, DSL Bridges up out of her seated position, forcing Tani to stand a bit more up right. DSL reaches up, grabbing Tani’s shoulders and pulling down making Tani bend back down a little before DSL leaps up and back flips out of the Dragon sleeper and behind Tani Lyons. Tani turns around and DSL leaps up with a big drop kick knocking Tani down to the mat. The crowd erupts as both ladies come back to their feet. Tani rushes at DSL but the Lunatic bends down and sends her up and over with a big back body drop. Tani grabs her back and spins back up to her feet, still holding her back as she darts toward DSL again�?This time DSL kicks her in the gut and puts her head in between her legs�?She wraps her arms down around Tani’s waist like she would to hoist her up for a power bomb or piledriver, but she hoists her up and drops back, throwing Tani behind her and making her land hard on her face. WallStreet, "Good Gracious!" The crowd erupts as DSL leaps up to her feet, looks at Tani down on the mat and then up to the paddle with a grin from ear to ear�?/P> WallStreet, "It might be about that time folks�? DSL darts to the corner and begins climbing the ropes as Tani tries desperately to get to her feet. DSL gets up top and begins trying to get the paddle loose as Tani gets to her feet. Tani runs over toward DSL but DSL holds the paddle with her right hand and launches her left foot back, blasting Tani in the head and making her turn and lose her balance dropping to a knee. Tani turns her head back toward DSL just in time to see her rip that paddle of the poll, in turn making the crowd erupt. WallStreet, "DSL’s got it, now she’s just gotta use it!" Tani spins around to her ass and begins sliding back toward the ropes, one hand protecting the back of her ass as the other hand shoots up to beg off while DSL turns and hops down off the ropes. DSL starts heading toward Tani as Tani continues to scoot back and pleed with DSL�?Eventually Tani’s back hit’s the ropes and as soon as it does she rolls out of the ring and darts up the ramp as DSL gets an annoyed look on her face and looks at Carlton as if to say "What the Hell man?" The crowd is booing as WallStreet says, "Oh Come on now�?Don’t run out on a match over a frickin spankin." Carlton doesn’t seem anymore sure what to do then DSL is. Tani gets up to the stage and turns around grinning. She waves off the match and turns on her heels, sauntering to the back as the fans boo. WallStreet, "Well I guess Tani Lyons has skipped town and I can only assume that’d be a forfit victory in The Sweet Lunatic’s fav�? All of a sudden Tani stumbles backwards through the curtain. Right behind her follows Faith Rivers to a riveting reaction. Faith nails Tani with what we can only imagine is not the first right hand exchanged between the two. WallStreet, "The Women’s Champion has taken it upon herself to save this bout and she’s forcing Tani Lyons back to the ring!" Tani spins around holding her jaw and Faith grabs her by the back of the hair, running her down the ramp and using the momentum from their running to roll her into the ring with that hand full of hair. Tani jumps up holding the back of her hair and looks down at Faith, screaming obscenities�?However, while she’s doing that she seems to of forgotten that she’d left an opponent in the ring. DSL stalks up behind her and then grabs the back of her pants by the waist band making her eyes grow wide. DSL yanks her back to the center of the ring as Tani begins trying to run forward, only to be stuck running in place. DSL drops to a knee and forces Tani over her raised knee as the crowd is going wild. With her left arm she restrains Tani’s upper torso and with the Right?�?/P> CRAAAAAAAAAACK! CRAAAAAAACK! CRAAAAAAACK! Carlton calls for the bell as the crowd is going nuts, "Perfect Insanity" blasts over the PA as WallStreet declares, "Tani Lyon’s has just been paddled like a red headed step child!" Busch, "Here is your winner via�?Spanking? (Shrugs)�?The SWEEEEEEET LUNATIC!" DSL finally releases Tani who’s hands immediately shoot to her ass as she quickly rolls out of the ring, Faith laughs a bit on the floor, shaking her head before turning and heading back up the ramp while DSL walks around the ring holding the paddle in the air for the adoring fans to see. WallStreet, "DSL picks up an interesting win with an assist from ICWA Women’s Champion Faith Rivers. (Laughs) Well folks, as we head into this ten minute break session, I sincerely doubt we’ll see any more spankings tonight, however, With four straight championship matches, I guarantee that things are just beginning to pick up. Faith Rivers defends in a Fatal Fourway, Zarek Lyle and Scott Addams finally get to fight it out in an unsanctioned brawl for the Cyber TV Title�?Christian Michaels and Whysper defend their newly obtained tag team championships against Six and Rising Inc in a Concession stand brawl and of course, Jimmy Stryker finally goes one on one with David Van Dam for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship with special guest referee, Drew Stevenson. We’ll be back in a few." *TEN MINUTE INTERMISSION* | |
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As the Intermission concludes we find ourselves back in the ring with Bert Busch�?/P> Busch, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following cont�? The opening storm warning signal that’s become synonymous with one of our favorite villains blasts from the PA, drawing massive boos from the fans as Busch stops his announcing and raises a curious brow. As "Riding The Storm Out" By REO Speedwagon blasts from the speakers the curtains move and out from behind them with a mic in hand comes MJ Storm. It doesn’t take long for the music to fade and the boos to be the only sound left. However, MJ raises the mic to his lips never the less, "How Ironic�? MJ sucks his teeth with a look of annoyance upon his large jawed mug. MJ Continues, "Oh yeah, How Ironic indeed�?How Ironic that I make my return to the ICWA as a blast from TOG’s past, only to have a blast from my past threaten to return some three weeks ago at Good Friends, Better Champions. Well guess what, Unlike TOG, I don’t go out to the ring and whimper and moan and stutter, "Bu-bu-bu-but�? No, If somebody wants to come back and threaten MY territory, I man up and I address it. So, NEVYRMORR�? Before MJ can say anything else the crowd erupts at the mere mention of Nevyrmorr’s name. MJ crinkles his face in an annoyed scowl�?/P> MJ, "Yeah, (Mock-Chantish voice) "Nevyrmorr�?Nevyrmorr�?Nev�? Crowd: NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! MJ Rolls his eyes, "Well you people chant your little hearts out because in two weeks I’m inviting Nevyrmorr to man up, stop playing games, and show himself LIVE as I introduce the ICWA to "The Eye of the Storm" with MJ Storm�?My first guest, Nevvvvvvvyrmorrrrrr!" The crowd erupts as MJ drops the mic and glares in disgust at the people going wild at the premise of Nevyrmorr’s official ICWA debut. "Riding The Storm Out" Reblasts from the sound system as WallStreet says, "Did you hear that?! Two weeks and MJ Storm’s gonna bring Nevyrmorr to the Eye of the Storm! I’m getting goose bumps at the premise of Nevyrmorr finally arriving in the ICWA!" MJ turns and exits between the curtains as his music begins to fade and Bert Busch gets into position to attempt the introduction of the next match again�?/P> Busch, "The Following is a Fatal Fourway�?It Is Scheduled for ONEFALL and IS FOR The ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP!" "Riot" begins to play over the system, a few minutes later Brooklyn Riot steps out; hands on her hips and that sexy, cocky little grin spread across her face. Busch, "Introducing First, From Las Vegas Nevada�?BROOKLYN RIOT!" Lifting an eyebrow to the booing crowd, the diva throws her body weight forward as she walks down the ramp. WallStreet, "Brooklyn Riot relatively lucky as she’s essentially ended up in a title contest by association. Had she not been involved with the women’s division explosion that took place at Good Friends, Better Champions, she probably wouldn’t be obtaining a title bout at the moment. If she’s wise she’ll make the most of this exceptional opportunity." Stopping towards the bottom of the ramp, Brooklyn glances around and scrowls towards a fan who tries to reach out to touch. Rolling her eyes, Brooklyn walks to the steps and crawls between the two middle ropes slowly; always showing off her body. A few seconds later, Ms Riot stands in the middle of the ring waiting for an opponent. "Pain" by Three Days Grace begins as the curtain moves again to let Ashley Caswell make her way to the stage. Busch, "Next, From Hollywood California�?Ashley CASWELL!" Caswell begins heading down the ramp as WallStreet says, "And here comes Ashley Caswell. Just a few weeks ago she was entering a contest with the exact same participants, except, she was tag teaming with Miss Riot. After their loss to Angelina and Faith however, that team seemed to quickly dissolve and now she finds herself in an every woman for herself situation for the ICWA Women’s Championship." Caswell begins climbing the stairs. WallStreet continues, "Both she and Brooklyn Riot appear to have some romantic ties to Jimmy Stryker, However, That has to be the furthest issue from their minds with the Women’s championship being within grasp. Jimmy Stryker of course taking his first shot at the ICWA since the Royal Rumble of 2005 when he went one on one with then ICWA Champion Jacob Mitchell. That was a close contest but no dice for Jimmy Stryker. Obviously the bigman looks to have better luck a little later on tonight with David Van Dam in what I predict to be one of the most aggressive contests in the history of this organization." A woman's voice cooes, "This is where the money's at," and Angelina walks out to the stage as Rob Zombie's "Girl On Fire" blasts out of the PA system. Busch, "Now Making her way from Beverly Hills California…�?ANGELINA SANTANA!" She stops, holds her arms out to her sides and twists her hips with a seductive smile. She then proceeds to walk to the ring, all business. WallStreet, "Angelina Santana is on the warpath due to this misperception she has that Faith Rivers betrayed her and blasted her in the back with a steel chair. Of course Ashely Caswell actually struck Angelina and Faith made the save. Unfortunately, when Angelina recovered she saw Faith holding the smoking pistol so to speak and assumed her assault was at Faith’s hands. As a result, an already highly volatile situation has turned into the explosion that’s got the entire women’s division trembling." Once she gets to the ring, she stops at the apron, and hops up on it on her right knee. She looks around a bit, leaps up, does the leg splits, and ducks under the ropes. WallStreet, "A little later on tonight we’ll see Angelina’s husband Whysper in action as he and his partner Christian Michaels defend their ICWA Tag team championships against the former champions Six and Rising Inc in a Concession Stand Brawl. I expect that to be a brutal fight, and, while typically the defending champion is almost always the odds on favorite, I tend to believe that in a straight fight atmosphere where it’s anything goes and the actual wrestling aspect falls to the way side�?Well, I tend to believe that Six and Rising Inc have the clear advantage in this bout. Never the less, Anyone who would count out Michaels and Whysper would be crazy. You never know when those two are going to pull the upset, they’ve made a career of being the conquering under dogs." She stands up on one knee and flips her hair back, smiling slightly. She stands up and holds out her arms in a grandiose fashion(a la Randy Orton).
The lights go out as "Faith" by Limp Bizkit begins to come out of the PA System. Faith Rivers walks out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp. WallStreet, "And here she is folks, the ICWA Women’s Champion, Faith Rivers." Busch, "And FINALLY�?From MIAMI FLORIDA, She is the ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPIONNNN�?FAAAAITH RIVVVVVERS!" As the chorus of the song hits, 'You Gotta Have Faith' she jumps up a little and as her feet come down on the ramp again, lights flash on the entrance ramp before her, just before Faith runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. WallStreet, "Faith Rivers has taken the Women’s division by storm, winning the championship in her very first contest here and building up a ton of momentum, having thus far managed to keep a flawless win record." As she gets to her feet, Faith runs into the corner and gets up on the second turnbuckle. She raises her championship in the air before jumping down. Faith hands the title over to Carlton while loosening up in her corner, never taking her eyes away from her three other opponents. All Four ladies are now in the ring, as Bert Busch is seen leaving the ring, and going to his normal spot during the matches. The four of them are seen staring one another down, as the ref shakes his head releasing a loud sigh, as he throws his hand ringing the bell.
WallStreet: Well folks, four sticks of dynamite have been placed in the ring and Carlton just called for the bell and lit the fuse�?Let’s watch it explode.
Brooklyn, starts out going after Angelina Santana after last shows match, as it seems the two have some sort of unfinished business that they have to attend to. Ashley is seen then grabbing the hair of Brooklyn, and nailing her from behind with a DDT. Ashley about to spring to her feet, before Faith Rivers, is now all over her, laying a kick to the side of Ashley's head knocking her a good few feet, out of the ring, and to the floor on the outside. Angelina then takes Brooklyn picking her up by the hair and tosses her to the outside right next to, almost on top of Ashley. Angelina then turns staring down Faith Rivers, as she then pushes Faith. Faith then looks out at the crowd, and then pushes Angelina back.
WallStreet: Uh Oh�?We know where this is going�?/FONT>
Angelina then slams Faith in the head with a huge forearm and pushes her back into the ropes. Angelina whips Faith across the ring, only to be met with a spinning heel kick to the jaw. Faith crashing to the mat, as Angelina looks to the outside for a quick moment, noticing the two others in this match are still down trying to pick themselves up. Angelina then bounces herself off the ropes, she hops into the air, sending a knee into the throat of Faith Rivers, who sits up holding her throat as Angelina gets to her feet, then sends a kick to the chest of Faith sending her back down to the mat trying to catch her breath.
WallStreet: Angelina Santana, on a roll here folks, she could indeed be our next ICWA Womens Champion if she keeps this up.
Finally on the outside Brooklyn is seen slamming her fists into the face of Ashley Caswell, who is trying to cover herself up, but to no avail as the fight is being brought to her. Brooklyn letting up a bit, as Ashley then slips a thumb into the eye of Brooklyn rolling her over on the outside sending hard rights into her head as well. Brooklyn not sure where this came from, as Brooklyn is seen getting her to her feet. Angelina, who is still inside the ring, after nailing Faith with a huge leg drop, is on her feet, and smirks, while running full force launching herself over the top rope. Some how the two ladies on the outside see it coming and move out of the way. Angelina comes crashing throat first into the steel security barricade, as she falls helplessly to the mat. Brooklyn and Ashley both slide into the ring, as Brooklyn is making a cover on Faith.
Ref: 1........2.........Brooklyn is kicked in the ribs by Ashley.
Ashley then picks up Faith, and slams her to the mat. Ashley then heads to the outside, as she climbs up on the top rope. As she leaps off the top, Faith is seen getting to her feet, and laying a hard shot to the gut sending Ashley dropping to her knees holding her stomach. Brooklyn now coming for the womens champion, but Faith right there, with a kick to the gut, and a huge facebuster plant on Brooklyn. Faith then is seen locking in the STFU on Brooklyn, as Angelina is seen stirring on the outside, and Ashley is still down, trying to catch her breath. Brooklyn is heard screaming loudly, in pain, as Faith is seen putting the hold on rougher than normal. Just then a staggering Angelina Santana is seen on the apron to a round a cheers, as she climbs to the top rope. Faith with the hold locked in not aware she is coming back to. Angelina comes off the top, and nails Faith across the back of the neck with a fameasser, that nearly knocked the head off of Faith Rivers. Angelina is seen making the cover...
1......2.......Kickout by Faith Rivers barely...
Angelina then is seen turning around as Ashley is back on her feet. But here comes Ashley with a clothesline sending Angelina down to the mat, as she drops back to her knees again holding her mid section again. All four women are now down in the middle of the ring.
WallStreet: What a bout thus far�?All four ladies are down in the middle of the ring and it’s anybody’s ball game at this point.
Finally holding her gut Ashley is seen getting to her feet. Brooklyn now coming to, as Angelina is now on her feet as all three women are now looking at one another. Angelina right there darts towards both women, nailing them both with a double clothesline. Angelina then picks up Ashley, ramming her head into the turnbuckle a few good times, as Angelina shoots a leg up into a roundhouse kick to the back of Ashley's already hurting head sending her crashing to the mat, as Brooklyn is seen getting to her feet and charging at Angelina, who see's her coming and moves out of the way helping with her momentum as Brooklyn's left shoulder rams into the ring post as she falls out to the outside of the ring. Angelina now seeing a opportunity, as she then grabs Faith. Faith somehow pushes Angelina off, but here comes a charging Angelina, as Faith lifts her into the air, and comes down nailing The move she calls Faithful!!!
Ref: 1...........2...........3!!!!!
Bert Busch: Here is your winner and still ICWA Women's Champion....FAITH RIVERS!!!!! "Faith" By Limp Bizket blasts over the PA as WallStreet exclaims, "When all the odds were against her, Faith Rivers managed to retain the Women’s championship here tonight in this fatal fourway situation. Faith may be on the verge of creating the equivalent of a sports dynasty situation as the ICWA Women’s champion�?" Caswell heads up the ramp and Riot isn’t too far behind as Faith climbs the corner ropes, raising her ICWA Women’s championship into the air. WallStreet, "The fans sure seem to enjoy rejoicing in victory with their women’s champion, Faith Riv�? Perhaps he spoke to soon because the crowd’s cheers quickly become boos as Angelina is back on her feet in the ring and is charging Faith with that Cull Stick (A bladeless axe), Blasting Faith across the back of the left knee with it. Faith drops crumbles down off the second rope and turns around holding her knee as she staggers out of the corner. Angelina darts back, hit’s the ropes, and drops down blasting the back of Faith’s knee again with the Cull Stick, using said stick for an inadvertent chop block sending Faith to her back, screaming in pain as she holds her knee. The bell is sounding repeatedly although it’s hard to hear it over the loud, desperate boos of the fans. WallStreet, "Come on now! The match is well beyond over!" Angelina reaches drops the Cull stick and then reaches down, grabbing Faith’s left leg and wrapping it between her legs in a Spinning Toe Hold (The set up to the figure four before dropping and actually locking the figure four). She then bends over, picks the Cull Stick back up, and BAM! A big shot to the twisted, trapped knee. Faith screams in pain as Angelina lifts up and BAM! Another shot." WallStreet, "Somebody’s gotta stop this, her knee could be destroyed!" All of a sudden the curtain moves and darting down from behind it is�?Tani Lyons? Tani Lyons in a hurried hobble, still holding her ass with a hand from the paddling she took earlier darts down and slides into the ring. As Angelina maintains the Spinning toe hold, Tani gets up and begins screaming, "YOU SHOULD HAVE MINDED YOUR BUSINESS BITCH!" And with that she begins driving hard stomps to the twisted knee of Faith as the fans boos are making the walls tremble. WallStreet, "NO! DAMN IT! Somebody get down there!" The curtain moves again and this time it’s someone we’re not nearly as familiar with�?/P> WallStreet, "That’s�?That’s Katharine Storm! We just signed her, she hasn’t even had an opening bout yet, she was just here tonight to see what she had to look forward to but�?Thank God she’s deciding to get involved early." Katharine Storm Slides in as Angelina relinquishes her hold and both she and Tani enter a stair down with Storm while Faith grabs her knee in obvious pain�?Katharine has a wild look in her eye like she’s ready to pounce on somebody and the fans are quiet, waiting to see what happens�?BAM! Katharine with a big stomp to Faith’s knee as Faith begins trying desperately to cover the knee and get to the corner. All three women now begin stomping away at the knee as the fans boos grow even louder than before. WallStreet, "You’ve gotta be freakin kidding me! Ah forget it!" Thump…�?/P> The Curtain flies open a second time and this time the crowd erupts�?/P> Ah yes, you guessed it�?Good Ol�?Jerry Lawl�?Erm�?WallStreet heading down to make the save. The Corporate Icon slides into the ring and as he does the three ample breasted vultures dart out of the ring. Tani, Angelina, and Katharine all head around the ring and begin walking backwards up the ramp as Angelina points at Faith with her cull stick, a sadistic, unremorseful glare in her eye�?She snarls and apparently despite being significantly out weighed by WallStreet decides what ever he may have for her will be worth it as she begins darting down for the ring again. WallStreet cocks his right hand back and makes it very clear he’ll deck her if she comes in but she’s still heading that way. She begins climbing up onto the ring but from behind Whysper leaps up and yanks her down, wrapping his arms around her from behind as she begins kicking wildly trying to get free. Angelina shreks, "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" Whysper, "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR EVER LOVING MIND?! COME ON!" Whysper has to use all of his strength to keep her restrained as he turns around and begins carting her back up the ramp. Tani and Katharine both shoot accomplished yet venomous looks at Faith and WallStreet before they turn and head up the ramp themselves. | |
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Heyman, "Well�?As WallStreet tries to scrape blondie off the mat Paul E has arrived and the E is for Extrrrrrrrrreme! Since our next match is unsanctioned by the ICWA, Scott Addams and Zarek Lyle had to recruit their own staff to volunteer and work off the clock for this one. I’ll be doing the commentary by Scott’s request, free of charge�?Hmm�?This is a weird end of things for me to be on�?You know, being the guy working without getting paid instead of being the guy not paying the guy (laughs). There, Now nobody can say I can’t take it on the same level I dish it out. Besides, I’m gonna get paid by watching what I expect to be a virtual ode to the kind of extreme violence that ECW brought to North America over the course of the 90s." WallStreet carries Faith to the back as she holds her knee desperately. Shortly after they head back through the curtain�?/P> "Pride, Honor, Glory, Stardom - it all defines me... Greatness Incarnate" The arena goes black and the opening riff and drums to "Divided" by Silent Civilian hits. A delay on Scott's arrival occurs as 24 seconds into the song, the opening scream hits and then cuts up to around a minute in when the lyrics come into play. The heavy scream speaks out loudly and the boos begin to run rampant through the arena. I'm not the one you'll deceive/choose what I want to perceive You lack the will and control/ your church is destined to fall Force those to bow and accept/ imposing fear to repent Divide a nation of one/ ignore the damage you've done
Free minds destroyed, they kneel Trapped in the lies, you sell
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell
Prey on the hearts of the week/give them something to believe Undo their liberal state/ revoke the right to debate Your lies of deliverance/ scare tactics gain their consent Abortion of the free mind/ create the sheep get in line The lights quickly flash with a red and white combination as the arena is black as the lights pulsate to the drum beat of the song, and with a big flash the lights are instantly back on and smoke is filling up at the entrance as Scott emerges from the smoke. His arms are in the air as he turns around in a circle taunting as streaming sparks explode to his sides from the two bases set up just for his entrance, just executing his ever-growing cockiness as he's showered in the sparks. Heyman, "And there he is, your next Cyber TV Champion�?The Ambassoder of Excellence, The Reflection of Perfection, The number one selection, The Man of the Hour to Sweet to be Sour, Superstar Billy Gra�?Erm�?Scott ADDDDDDDDAMS!" Free minds destroyed, they kneel Trapped in the lies, you sell
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell
Please believe within you, resist oppression Lies and greed before you, passive aggression Guilt, they'll feed, and scorn you, for liberation
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell Scott makes his way walking down to the ring throwing profanities and hand gestures to the fans as he reaches the edge of the ring and the solo of the song hits. Scott raises his arms up into the air to form the "X marks Greatess" taunt with the arms in the air with an X, and his music continues to play as the boos are heard loudly. Scott lowers his arms, and Scott walks over to the corner, and puts his arms out into a wing span type of motion, as he waits for the opponent and his music fades off and Scott jumps out of the corner. Heyman, "As Addams enters the ring I have to wonder�?Bert Busch has been removed from ringside leaving nobody to ring the bell, which, I guess is fine�?but I don’t see a referee. If all the ICWA staff has been pulled then I can only assume that means the officials as well, so what are we going to do for a�?Oh God�?What do *You* Want?" "I figured I’d join you�?Somehow I don’t suspect you’re going to offer a very fair and balanced perspective on the commentary." Heyman, "I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that the fairness doctrine was going to go from raping talk radio to wrestling commentary as well." We hear a laugh, "This should be entertaining. Anyway folks, I’m That One Guy, The one and only Tee Oh Gee joining Paul E for this unsanctioned fight between Scott Addams and Zarek Lyle." With that "Exs and Ohs" by Atreyu begins playing over the PA as the crowd jumps to their feet. The curtain moves and out from behind it in a pair of cargo pants and a black ICWA T Shirt is Zarek Lyle with that Cyber TV title in hand. TOG, "And there’s the defending champion Zarek Lyle. Zarek Lyle undefeated so far in competition here in the ICWA, however, tonight he enters this Cyber TV Championship contest the immense underdog." Heyman, "And while I know everybody wants to cream their shorts over the premise of an underdog victory, you had better look elsewhere for it because it’s not gonna happen in this contest." Zarek darts glares into the ring where Addams is scowling and cursing, motioning for him to bring his ass�?Zarek drops the Cyber TV Title and darts down the ramp as Addams gets in postion to pounce�?Addams slides in and comes to his feet, darting toward Addams, who’s more then happy to meet him in the middle. The two come to the middle and begin throwing hard rights at each other as Zarek’s music fades. TOG, "AND HERE WE GO!" As the two are throwing those hard rights, Zarek’s seem to become a little quicker and harder, inadvertently making Addams slower and less frequent�?Finally Zarek hits three unanswered shots making Addams stagger back against the ropes. Zarek grabs him by the wrist and winces as he Irish whips Addams across the ring. Addams darts across and hit’s the far ropes as Zarek leaps up looking for a hurrancanrana�?Unfortunately for Zarek, Scott held onto the top rope so Zarek just ends up back flipping to his knees. Zarek pushes shakes his head and looks up�?CRAAAAACK!" Heyman, "THAT’S IT! IT’S OVER! Good night folks." As Zarek lifted his head up, Scott darted forward with that Test/Orton style kick to the face, knocking Zarek’s eyes backwards before he himself drops back. Scott drops down and grabs Zarek’s far wrist, pinning it down over his head as he waits for a count�?/P> TOG, "Uh oh�?I don’t think they bothered to get a ref!" Scott gets up off the pin and yells, "COME ON! WE DON’T HAVE ANYONE TO COUNT A PIN?!" Suddenly Zarek scoops Scott back with a School boy and as he does the crowd erupts�?/P> TOG, "The crowd going wild off that school boy but he could keep him down to a hundred, we don’t have a �?Wait, What’s this?!" Someone in the ol�?Zebra skin slides in and strikes the mat ONE…………�?TWO�? Addams kicks out with authority as our referee jumps up and declares it a two. TOG, "That’s Earl Hebnar! Former WWE Senior Official and current TNA official Earl Hebnar has come in to count the pinfalls In this unsanctioned contest!" Heyman, "Taylor better watch out, Earl’s brother’s probably running around here with a box grabbing as much ICWA Merchandise as he can right now." The exceptionally lively crowd we have tonight takes this opportunity to break into another chant�?/P> Crowd: YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET! Heyman, "Oh for God’s sakes, that eleven years ago!" TOG, "To the month in fact." Heyman, "There’s plenty of reasons to give Hebnar crap beyond the 97 Survivor Series. Go ask him for a Zarek Lyle T Shirt, he’s probably got em three for five out of the trunk of his car." Scott gets up and looks at Earl with surprise and aggravation, but, no time for that as Zarek drives a hard kick into the contenders gut making him double over. Zarek darts to the side and comes back, nailing a swinging neck breaker. Zarek pops up and darts over to the corner, leaping up to the top rope, standing up right, and similar to his newly found cohort DSL earlier in the night, he leaps back for a moonsault�?Unlike DSL, however, He doesn’t quite land as well as he’d hoped as Addams rolls out of the way making Zarek do the belly flop from hell on the canvas. The crowd boos as Zarek rolls into the fetal position grabbing his ribs. Scott pushes himself up and glares down at the Cyber TV Champion before driving some hard stomps into his sides. TOG, "Zarek went up top but perhaps risked too much and may have just re-injured that rib and midsection area." Heyman, "Re-injured? I don’t believe he ever let them heal in the first place." TOG, "You’re probably right." Heyman, "I usually am." Addams reaches down and grabs Zarek by the head, pulling him up off the mat. Scott drives a hard knee into the gut of the Cyber TV Champion, doubling him over. The contender then reaches down, grabbing the bottom of Zarek’s T Shirt and lifting it up, withdrawing it from his upper torso and making the crowd gasp as they see the rolls of athletic tape that are wrapped around Zarek’s entire rib area. TOG, "Oh�?Well if Zarek had any hopes of making Scott forget about the battered mid section, those hopes just went out the window." Scott takes the T shirt and wraps it around Zarek’s throat, beginning to choke him as he drives his boot into the back of Zarek’s knee, making him drop down to his knees. Scott Addams plants his foot into the back of Zarek Lyle, pulling back hard on the T Shirt as Zarek’s hands clutch at the T Shirt, trying desperately to get it away from his wind pipe. Eventually Scott gives it one last violent tug before releasing as the fans boo. Addams looks out and brings up his forearm while slapping his bicep. The crowd boos some more as Scott looks at Zarek down on the mat trying desperately to unwrap the shirt from his throat and regain his ability to breath. "Greatness Incarnate" Drops to his knees and rolls the champion to his back, hooking the far leg and hovering over as Hebnar drops down and counts ………………One……………Two………�?Zarek throws the arm up drawing a great reaction from the fans and a scowl from Addams to Hebnar. TOG, "Nearfall after the blatant choke from Addams." Heyman, "Why hide it? This isn’t an ICWA wrestling match�?This is an unsanctioned, unmoderated all out FIGHT." Addams pushes himself up and begins arguing with Hebnar. As the two argue the crowd restarts their chant from earlier�?/P> Crowd: YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET! YOU SCREWED BRET! Heyman, "Did this show move to Montreal without my knowledge? I didn’t even realize people this far south cared about Bret Hart�?Matter of fact, with the price of Cable TV I wouldn’t suspect anyone down here to know about anybody post Jim Crockett’s Mid Atlantic wrestling." As the crowd chants Addams yells, "I DON’T GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT BRET, BUT STOP SCREWING ME! I’M NOT CANADIAN, I DON’T DESERVE IT!" Scott turns around and sees Zarek’s gotten to his feet but is posted up on the ropes, looking like he could fall back over at any moment. The "Great One" (if you will) decides to forgo the argument with ol�?"You Screwed Bret" Hebnar and darts forward looking to clothesline the champion up and over the top rope, however, at the last second Zarek grabs the top rope with both hands and falls down, creating a low bridge situation that uses Addams own momentum against him to ship him up and over the top himself, bouncing off the outside ring canvas before hitting the floor. The crowd erupts as TOG states, "I don’t know if Zarek was playing a little possum there, or, if he had no other escape in his weakened state but to fall out of the way and hope and for the best but either way Addams is down on the floor and this capacity-plus crowd is on their feet. Zarek starts pulling himself up on the ropes as his challenger is pulling himself up off the floor. They both get to their feet about the same time, but Zarek’s climb up almost seems wasted in hindsight as Scott Addams reaches in, grabbing behind both of Zarek’s heels and sweeping the champion’s legs, dropping him to his back and pulling him out of the ring. Zarek lands on his feet on the floor and Scott goes for a big right hand but Zarek throws up a left forearm to block and then nails a stiff right of his own making Scott spin around and stumble away holding his jaw. Zarek quickly grabs the ropes above him and uses them to aid him in getting up onto the ring. As Scott turns around, Zarek leaps off the outside of the ring with a high Crossbody, however, Addams darts underneath and as a result Zarek lands hard across the top of the steel guardrail before falling at the feet of the fans in the front row, holding his chest and midsection and nearly crying from the intense amount of pain. The crowd groans as if they can feel Zarek’s pain as TOG says, "YOUCH! That’s not good for the defending champion." Heyman, "And count this as one of what I expect to be three title changes here tonight." TOG, "Of course Paul E referencing the Tag Team title match coming up next between the defending champions Christian Michaels and Whysper and the former champions Six and Rising Inc, and of course our huge main event as Jimmy Stryker finally challenges David Van Dam for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship." Heyman, "And in both of those matches great former champions reclaim their crowns from the current chumps." TOG, "That’s entirely possible, however, those matches are later on tonight and in there here and the now it’s Cyber TV Champion Zarek Lyle who’s in serious danger of losing his championship. Zarek’s well known for his high speed, high risk offence however, both times he’s tried to break out with that trademark style of his Scott Addams has evaded the damage and forced Zarek to crash and burn. The challenger may have the champion too well scouted to mount any return here tonight�?Especially when you factor in that he’s no where near a hundred percent." As Zarek lyes at the fans feet holding himself, Scott is climbing over the fan barricade. A couple of men in black jeans and black ICWA T Shirts quickly surround Scott�?We can assume these are members of ICWA’s security staff. Scott heads over toward Zarek, Folding up a steal chair from a now standing along the way. Once he gets over there he tips the chair upside down (holding it by the legs), and jabs it into the tapped up ribs of the Cyber TV champion. TOG, "Oh, Come on now." Heyman, "Hey, it’s a no holds barred fight. Why do you think the ICWA was quick to say "No Way, We’re not sanctioning this thing�? They knew when these two met it wasn’t gonna be pretty, it wasn’t going to be something Zarek could skate through on reduced health�?It was going to be a brutal fight. That’s what this is, an unsanctioned, uncondoned, all out fight and Zarek Lyle is finally being held accountable for his absurdly reckless behavior." TOG, "I understand all of that but at some point you’d expect a man’s conscience to provide some level of barrier even if the rules at hand don’t." Heyman, "I’m sorry, I’m unfamiliar with this forign word you use�?How’d you say�?Conscience?" TOG, "Somehow I’m not surprised." Heyman, "You shouldn’t be. I wouldn’t be a quarter of the success I am today if I let something as silly as a Conscience stand in my way. Maybe one of these days you’ll wake up and realize the same and then you can stop dry humping the bottom of the card." Back where the action’s at, Addams has jabbed that chair into Zarek’s ribs and abdomen region about five or six times and finally tosses the card over the barricade to the side of the ring. Scott then bends down and begins lifting Zarek up off the concrete�?As he does so Zarek begins coughing and we see blood start to exit his mouth as he does so. TOG, "Oh God�?Hebnar’s gotta call this�? Heyman, "How can he? This isn’t an official match. He’s just there to count the pinfalls." TOG, "I’d assume that even though he isn’t an ICWA official, a ref’s decision would still be valid if we’d be willing to except his three count as a valid one." Heyman, "Hmmm�?For the first time tonight you may have a valid point." TOG sarcastically quips back, "Guess I was due." Scott pushes Zarek’s upper torso onto the steel guard rail and then grabs the waist band of his pants with one hand and his leg with the other, sending him up and over said guard rail to the floor at ringside. As Zarek continues to cough up blood, one of the fans is so into the moment that when Scott tries to go over the barricade he reaches out and grabs Scott’s arm, spinning him back around. Before the fan can follow up the action Security’s already got him on either side but Scott working on instinct still hauls back and decks him in the center of the face making him fall back over his own seat. Scott turns and gets back over the barricade and as soon as he does he looks back to the crowd and in an angry, aggressive tone he yells, "ANY OF YOU OTHER FUCKERS WANT SOME?!" Most of them talk trash but none of them are as bold as the gentleman who’s being lifted off the floor with a gushing nose by security. Addams bends down and peels Zarek off the concrete, taking him over to the ring and rolling him in under the bottom rope. Zarek continues rolling to his back from the momentum and appears about lifeless. Scott pulls himself up onto the ring, tugs back on the top rope and then leaps up and over, landing his neck and shoulders across the lower chest/higher rib area of Zarek ala Eddie Guerrero. Zarek grabs his ribs and rolls further toward the center in pain. Scott hooks the far leg, his back across Zarek’s chest as his hand goes into the air, an arrogant smirk gracing his face as his hand begins counting along with Hebnar …………………One…………………Two…………�?. Addams counts three but since Zarek throws up his arm Hebnar doesn’t join him. The crowd erupts as TOG says, "Oh no�?I have so much respect for Zarek’s heart but, he may have been better off to just stay down there." Heyman, "This guy’s a freakin moron! He’s hackin up blood like Hannibal Lector after an un-cooked midnight snack and when Scott Addams shows the kindness and mercy that makes him the man he is by offering to just pin him and let him go die somewhere he KICKS OUT?!" TOG, "Zarek’s got too much heart to stay down, but, there comes a time when you have to consider if it’s worth it to win today if you can’t compete again tomorrow." Scott gets up fuming as he’s certain that this time he was screwed out of the three for sure. Hebnar insists that it was two but Scott’s not hearing it. Scott shoves Hebnar so hard that he lands hard on his back. Hebnar grabs his back in pain as Addams chest pumps up and down, his face turning red with rage. Crowd: ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE�?/EM> TOG, "A relatively accurate anatomy chant by these great fans in Greenville North Carolina." Heyman, "Absolutely. I’ve hated Hebnar as long as I can remember." TOG, "I’m pretty sure they’re directing it at the Cyber TV Challenger, not referee Earl Hebnar." Heyman, "Then I’m "pretty certain" they’re as stupid as the goats they have relations with." TOG, "Greenville’s a relatively large city and is home to the Eastern Carolina University�?It’s not some town from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or something�? Heyman, "Eh, Anything south of the Mason-Dixon is goat relatin�?territory." Addams looks to the crowd but doesn’t really offer them much of a response to their chant other then the angry glare he’s had etched on his face most of this match. Addams looks over and sees TOG trying desperately to crawl toward the ropes, the occasional cough followed by some blood being spit up along the way. Addams watches him crawl and looks out to the fans as he yells, "THIS IS YOUR GUY?! THIS IS YOUR HERO?! PFFFFT, I’D RATHER BE THE ASSHOLE!" This just draws some more boos from the crowd as Scott stays behind Zarek, allowing him to get to the ropes and start pulling himself up. Zarek finally gets up to his feet, but doesn’t have enough strength to support himself and as a result he stumbles to the side and falls into the corner. Scott shakes his head and struts in toward Zarek, however, Zarek throws a boot up and just catches Scott’s face, making him turn and stagger away again. The crowd cheers as Zarek puts his hands on the top ropes and uses them to pull himself up so he’s sitting on the top turnbuckle pad with his feet on the second ropes. Scott turns around and as he does Zarek leaps off the second rope with a bionic elbow, blasting Addams in the forehead and dropping him hard. Zarek himself drops to a knee from the impact as the crowd erupts. Scott rolls back up to his feet, checking his forehead for blood as he quickly turns around only for Zarek to shoot off his knee and drive his arm into Addams chest with a lunging clothesline that takes both men off their feet. TOG, "Zarek’s mounting a comeback and this crowd is going wild!" Heyman, "For God’s sakes what it does it take to kill this guy?!" Zarek starts to get to a knee as Scott pulls himself back up, rockin and reelin . Scott turns around and lifts his hands into the air, looking to nail an Axe Handle smash across Zarek’s back, but, Zarek cuts the axe handle smash off with a punch to the gut forcing Addams to double over. Zarek then leaps up and SMACCCCCCCCCK! | |
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The crowd goes nuts as TOG exclaims, "ENZIGURI! Zarek cracked Addams across the skull with that big enziguri, but, I don’t think Zarek has enough left to capitalize on the advantage. Both men are down on the mat�?Zarek Lyle’s in desperate need of medical attention and Scott Addams may be as well after that thunderous kick to the side of the skull by Zarek Lyle!" The crowd is on their feet chanting yet again�?/P> Crowd: ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! Heyman, "COME ON SCOTT! Get up and finish this clown off!" TOG, "That’s gonna be easier said then done Paul�?This man’s runnin off heart and adrenaline and that’s a dangerous combination." Heyman, "So’s Bulimia and Diarrhea, but that doesn’t mean an Olsen Twin’s got any better of a chance against Scott Addams then Zarek Lyle does! Somebody button the championship around his waist and let him get the Hell out of here!" TOG, "It’s not gonna happen that way Paul. Zarek Lyle’s still in this thing." Zarek begins desperately trying to push himself up off the mat. As Addams is holding his head while trying to do the same. After putting forth a lot of effort, both men eventually make it to their feet. They both turn around, stumbling a bit as they come to the center. Scott goes to throw a hard right hand but Zarek blocks and then throws a hard right of his own. Scott shakes it off and goes for another hard right, but again, Zarek blocks and nails a hard right of his own. Scott shakes it off again but this time instead of waiting for Scott to throw another shot, Zarek delivers a second, and then third right hand. Scott staggers back to the corner and Zarek steps back a couple of steps and then darts forward, leaping up and driving a hard clothesline across the upper chest of Addams. Addams staggers out and Zarek hooks a side headlock, darts out and drives him face first into the mat with a bull dog. The crowd erupts again as Zarek rolls over covers Addams …………………One…………………Two………�?Addams kicks out. TOG, "A Two count by the champion!" Zarek grabs his ribs and coughs a little, but at least there isn’t any more blood shooting out from what we can tell. He pulls himself up and with one arm he holds his stomach and ribs, but with the other he rallies for the fans to get behind him as he yells out "COME ON!" The crowd of course immediately adheres to his beckoning and begins chanting his name again. Scott begins pulling himself up and now it’s Zarek stalking behind the challenger. Scott gets up, staggering a bit before turning around just in time for a kick to the gut followed by a DDT. The crowd erupts again as Scott bounces off his face to his back and Zarek pulls himself up. He points to the top rope and spins his hands around each other, signaling for Apollo’s Calling. TOG, "He’s gonna go up and if he hits this it’s gonna be all over!" Heyman, "That fool! If he hits this his insides are gonna become mush!" TOG, "I didn’t even think about that, You’re probably right�?Think this through Zarek!" Zarek exit’s the ropes and begins climbing the ropes on the outside as the crowd is going wild�?However, some of their cheers switch to boos although we’re not especially sure why. Zarek gets into a crouched position up top when somebody jumps up onto the outside canvas and CRAAAAAACK! Zarek takes a steel chair to the back, flipping off the top rope to his back. TOG, "WHAT THE HELL�? That�?That’s Scott Andrew! Why the Hell is he out here?!" Heyman, "Your guess is as good as mine. Last time I saw any interaction from Addams and Andrew it was on ICWA Dot Com and it wasn’t very friendly." Zarek grabs his back and tries to pull himself up as Addams is holding his head and pulling himself up. Addams gets to his feet and staggers around as Zarek’s pulling himself up. Addams wastes no time before heading over and placing Zarek’s head between his legs�?He steps back a few steps so they’re in the center of the ring, he looks out to the crowd, points toward the fans and says, "THIS ONE’S FOR YOU" He then offers a mock kiss and then hoists Zarek into the air before leaping back and driving Zarek face first into the mat. Heyman, "Platinum Landing baby!" TOG, "Oh Come on! Not like this!" Scott rolls Zarek to his back and hooks the far leg as Hebnar drops down and counts ……………………ONE�?/P> TOG, "This is a damn travesty!" …………………………TWO�?/P> Heyman, "Travesty, Glorious Moment�?To-mate-oh, Ta-mot-oh my friend." ………………………THREE! Addams music hits as the crowd erupts with boos. TOG, "By hook or by crook Scott Addams has become ICWA Cyber TV Champion." Hebnar hands Addams his title, as Addams grabs his head in pain from the last few shots he took. Heyman, "The ICWA Fans are in the same position as the republican party�?Whether they like it or not Barack Obama is their president and whether you people like it or not, Scott Addams is YOUR ICWA Cyber TV CHAMPION!" For the first time Addams glances out toward the ramp and midway up the ramp he sees a smirking Scott Andrew with his chair still in hand. Addams gets a look of confusion as Andrew drops the chair and begins applauding. TOG, "I�?I don’t think Scott Addams even realized that Scott Andrew gave him the assist�? Heyman, "What difference does it make? When Zarek fell of the top rope Scott Addams rolled out of the way, so, surely he’d of done the same had Zarek come off with whatever whirly twirly flippitty floppity crap he was gonna do to try and finish the NEW Cyber TV Champion off." TOG, "Maybe, Maybe not. Regardless, I don’t think Scott Addams is thrilled by the assist." Scott Andrew offers a smirk with a bit of a menacing grin added to it before turning and heading through the curtain. Addams shrugs as if to say "Whatever" Before he holds the Cyber TV championship up one last time to show it off to the booing fans. Scott then exits between the ropes and starts heading up the ramp as Carlton, Harding, and an on site paramedic team comes rushing into the ring with a large orange stretcher. Zarek’s coughing and now there’s blood coming out again. TOG, "This is scary folks. I pray that he’s able to get through whatever damage he may have suffered here tonight." Scott gets to the top of the stage, turns, and raises his belt one last-last time before he then turns and heads through the curtain himself. In the ring, they get Zarek onto the stretcher board and tip his head to the side to prevent him from drowning on his blood before they can get to the ambulance to put the proper devices in his mouth to prevent such an event. They rush to get Zarek out of the ring and power walk around the stage and through some black curtains on that are blocking off the "gorilla position" from the fans view. We hear the head sets drop and it isn’t long before we figure out why. WallStreet, "The Corporate Icon back with ya folks and that�?That was scary. I assure you, as soon as we know what Zarek Lyle’s condition is, we’ll let you know. If we don’t receive that information before the end of this event we’ll make sure it’s on the website as soon as we do. And speaking of Injury reports, I personally loaded Faith Rivers into a car and she‘s being rushed to -Or by now has probably arrived to- a nearby hospital. Her knee was as big around as a basketball when I got her into the car as a result of those ravenous jezabells in the Women‘s division. Rest assured when Faith‘s capable, She‘ll be seeking some vengence�?However, I imagine that‘ll come before Zarek Lyle‘s recovery�?What we just saw him endure was down right scary. I�?I really hope he‘s alright." WallStreet takes a deep breath as Bert Busch walks down the ramp toward the ring. WallStreet, �?FONT color=#00ff00>Well folks, The show must go on, so, I’m gonna try and get back into the game to call what I’m sure will be a brutal Concession stand brawl ." | |
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These great ICWA fans have just witnessed Scott Addams pull off the upset and become the NEWWWW Cyber Television champion of alll the ICWA. There's still a buzz in the air as everyone tries to come to grips with it. But they better get over it fast as its time for the recently crowned Tag champs to put the belts on the line. "Double B" Bert Busch in the ring to set things up for us. Double B: Ladies and gentlemen our next match is tonight's Tag Team title defense! [ The fans break out of their somber mood with cheers. Double B: This match will be contested as a "Concession Stand Brawl" match! [ More cheering. Double B: The match will start at the concession stand and from there go any and everywhere in this very building. Naturally any weapons are legal in this type of match and falls count anywhere. [ Cheering again by these rowdy fans. Double B: Our fans watching at home on ICWA-dot-com will see the action from a direct camera view. For everyone here with us tonight we ask that you turn your attention toward the screen e've set up tonight. The hardhitting action will be displayed on it for your viewing pleasure. Of course if the action spills out to the ringside area you'll see them live and in person. [ The screen flickers to life with the shot of CM and Whysper walking into the concession stand. They're proudly wearing those tag team title belts around their waists. Referee Jason harding asks for the belts and the champs hand them over. Wally: Well there you see the champs, in the concession stand area, awaiting their challengers. But oddly it seems as though Six and Rising is running a bit late. I've never known those two to be late to a fight. [ Whysper and CM exchange glances with one another. Both shrug not knowing what to think about the situation. With no sign of the challengers the champs have an impromptu autograph session. After a couple minutes CM turns to the peeps behind the counter. He's thirsting for a Dr Pepper but gets a straight right hand from Joe Sixpack! CM is floored by the punch and Whysper whips around. he tries to jump through the opening between the patron side an the business side of teh concession stand. But damn that Big Steed brings the shudder door down sandwiching Whysper between it an the counter. Wally: Gah! I knew there was a reason Six an Rising was late. Like 'em or not, that was a pretty smart move. And in a title match you need every advantage you can get to combat the fabled "champion's advantage". [ The former champs exit the business area of the concession stand to the patron side through a door. CM is getting to his feet when he's grabbed by both arms and yanked backwards. He stumbles backfirst into a wall. Staggering out the Southern Heartthrob holds his back. He's in too much pain to even try to advoid the double clothesline. No time for Michaels to recover as he's pulled back to his feet by Sixpack. This Joe, a meaner one than ole Joe Greene of the NFL, takes CM by the hair and leads him to a table. This is the table set up with all the condiments like ketchup and mustard for people to put on their hamburgers and hotdogs. Joe throws CM on the table and slides him all the way down it back to the floor. Wally: Over the past week the champions had trained with famed USWA tag team The Moondogs to get tougher. So far it doesn't seem to be paying off... [ Joe leans down to grab a handful of CM's hair again. But this time CM is ready. He grabbed the bottle of mustard and squirts it all over Sixpack's face! The former champion falling back against the condiment table wiping his face. CM to a knee as Big Steed comes over. Big forearm to the back of Steed as CM staggers to his feet. Steed comes for a clothesline but CM ducks, reaches back, and nails a neckbreaker! Both men though feeling the pain of that move on the hard floor. Wally: CM buying himself and Whysper osme time now. But it looks like Joe has just about got the mustard out of his eyes. Could be a short reign for the champions. [ Indeed ole Joe has finally cleared the mustard from his eyes. He stomps forward ready to kill CM but hears a whistle. Sixpack whips around and its Whysper! Whysper jumps from the counter and he nails a spear taking down Sixpack! The fans who were caught up in teh concession stand when things started cheering loudly. Wally: What a spear by Whysper! Maybe I spoke too soon about the toughness training not paying off... [ All four guys get to their feet and things break down into a fist-fight. Its CM an Steed while Joe an Whysper trade blows. Wally: Normally this wouldn't be a wise choice of action, but....Well hell the champs are holding their own. In fact they're winning. [ CM manages to back Steed up against the wall and starts laying in with the knees to the mid-section. Big Steed doubled over by the series of knees to the mid-section. He's then caught with a ddt by CM onto the unforgiving floor. The Heartthrob with a pin fo rthe ocunt of ONE.........TWO...........No! Joe Sixpack managed to break away from Whysper and put a boot to CM's back. Joe turns back for Whysper who charges in. Bad idea though as Joe snatches Whysper up and gives him a HUGE spinebuster through the condiment table! Fans: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Wally: The fans are right on the money there! Good gracious what a spinebuster to Whysper.......And right through the table no less! That could be it for the Silent Warrior tonight. [ Joe Sixpack talking some smack to an unconscious Whysper who isn't hearing a thing. Suddenly though Joe is sent stumbling over to the concession stand counter. This was thanks to CM grabbing one of those big ole plastic garbage barrels and smacking Joe with it across the back. CM then walks over to Joe and starts laying into him with kicks to the side and forearm smashes across the back. Michaels is really putting it to Joe when Big Steed attacks from behind. He an CM exchanging rights an lefts. Eventually CM with a kick to the gut looks for a piledriver. Unwisely though he left his back to Joe. So the seething former tag champ clotheslines CM from behind. And with CM's momentum sending him forward, Steed raises up giving CM a rough back body drop! Wally: Wow! I don't know if I've ever seen that before. [ Big Steed an Joe pick CM up and they look like they're getting ready to deliver a double chokeslam to our favorite Heartthrob. But not so fast folks! Somehow Whysper has recovered and he gives both Steed and Sixpack chopblocks! They go down and CM lands with an arm across both! ONE............TWO...........TH-NO! Both of the former champs get a shoulder up. Steed sits up and gets a dropkick to the face from Whysper. Unfortunately though Whysper couldn't nail Joe and this let him get to his feet. Whysper is snatched by Joe as he was getting up after the drpkick. Sixpack takes Whysper by the back of the neck an back of the shorts and flings him out into the hall. Joe follows out and we can hear the sounds of the battle raging out there. Soon enough Big Steed and CM head through the door. The camera shot quickly changes now to the hall. CM an Steed are taking turns slamming each other's faces off the nearby wall. meanwhile down the hall, closer to our new camera shot, Whysper and Joe are exchanging blows amid various debris. We can see a couple dented trash cans, some folding chairs, a "slippery when wet" sign, and other stuff. Wally: Looks like we missed a war before the camera shot changed. Again I have to admit this match has been more than I expected. I knew CM and Whysper could fight, but I didn't know it was like this. Remind me never to drink the last Dr Pepper. [ Taking the Silent Warrior by the hand, Joe whips him into a door. There's a sign on the door but Whysper's body is covering it from view. Joe is smirking until Whysper spits at his feet. This enrages Joe and he charges like a rampaging bull. Whysper steps aside and Joe charges through the door into.... Wally: The women's locker room?! Gah-ha! Joe Sixpack just entered the domain that every guy in this building would love to as well. [ The camera gets up close to the door and we can hear women shrieking and Joe yelping. Suddenly the door opens an Joe rushes out. Wally: Hmm. Maybe not then. [ Steed comes over and he's asking Joe what the deal is. Sixpack is trying to explain the promised land when suddenly CM and Whysper shove BOTH Joe an Steed into the lady's locker room! More shrieking and then BOTH members of Six & Rising yelping. The door swings open again and they come backing out. Backing right out into a couple school boy pins by the champs! ONE.........TWO.........THR-NO! Both of the former champions kicking out. All four men are quickly up and slugging it out between them. The camera following as the fight makes it way further through the building. Wally: Ladies an gents if I'm right, and I am ninety-six percent of the time, they're on their way out here. [ Bah golly gee willickers! Wall$treet is right again folks! Through teh curtain comes the tag champs and their challengers. CM squaring off with Big Steed as Joe Sixpack and Whysper beat each other down to the ring. As they fight inside Steed an Michaels are fighting it out on the outside. CM getting the upperhand until Steed rakes the eyes. CM starts wiping his eyes trying to clear his vision. But he's unable ta get it done before Steed grabs a tag belt from the ref and smacks CM in the head! The Southern Heartthrob going down to the mat, his head and left arm ending up under the ring apron an skirt. Wally: What a shot from that tag title belt by Steed! [ Looking in the ring Steed witnesses Whysper in control against Sixpack. The Silent one leaping from the middle turnbuckle and catching Joe with that spinning sleeperslam he calls the "Poetic Justice". he goes for a pin but Steed rolls in and slams the title belt across Whysper's back. Steed rolls his partner into a pin but its only good for a two count. Six 7 Rising decide to again try a double-team move. They get Whysper upa nd lift him into position for a double stalling suplex or maybe brainbuster. But they stall too long. Whysper swings his weight forward and ends up delivering a big-time double ddt! Wally: Look at Whysper go! He's basically on his own right now. No! There's CM getting to his feet. It looks like the hsot from that title belt has busted Christian open though. [ Yes indeed it has. CM pulls himself up weakly onto the apron as Joe an Steed roll out the ring. They're trying to come up with a plan of attack. Meanwhile the bloody Heartthrob is crawling on his hands an knees beside the ropes. He gets in the right position and Whysper takes full advantage. Fullsteam ahead Whysper charges across the ring, steps off CM's back, and takes out Six & Rising Inc outside the ring! Wally: Whysper with a HUGE "Poetry in Motion"! [ The fans go apeshit for the highflying offense by Whysper. He pulls off his cut-off t-shirt, driving the ladies wilder, and t osses that to the crowd. Wally: Whysper is all pumped up here. He's telling Six an Rising to get up. Wait a minute! Is CM going to the top now? [ Six & Rising to their feet and they attack Whysper. But they hear the crowd roaringa nd look up. From the top turnbuckle to the outside comes CM with a moonsault! He takes out everybody! Wally: They're all down! [ And the tag champs are up first folks. CM roots around under the ring and pulls out a table. He slides it in the ring and then looks under the ring again. The fans are surprised to see another table. This one CM sits up in the corner of the metal guardrails nearest the ringsteps. Michaels directing Whysper to the top step. Now CM lays Steed against the table. He then grabs Whysper and throws him from the top step through Steed and the table with a spear! Wally: Fastball Special! CM had told me to be on the lookout for that new move from him and Whysper! This match should be over.....Why is CM getting a ladder from under the ring? [ Who knows but CM slides it into the ring. But then he's clobbers from behind by Joe Sixpack. Mighty Joe rolls CM into the ring and begins to set that table up himself. But CM interupts those plans. Joe attempts a short-arm clothesline. The clothesline ducked by CM! Joe spins round.....kick to the gut...JustLikeThat twist of fate! Again this match should be over but CM sets up the ladder. Whysper in the ring and CM tells him ta head up top. Whysper thinks baout it but finally shrugs an heads up. Wally: This should be big... [ The table set up by Michaels. He then bends Joe over the table and tells Whysper to do it. Everyone holds their breath as Whysper leaps off with the "Sound of Silence" fameasser off the top of that 15ft high ladder through Joe Sixpack and the table! Wally: Good Gracious!!! [ CM looks on in shock as Whysper rolls on the mat holding his tailbone and Joe slightly convulses amongst the splinters. Michaels rolls Joe over, bout to pin, but he see's Steed trying to get in the ring. CM quick to throw a baseballs lide dropkick to prevent that. And somehow Whysper manages to lay across Joe. ONE.................TWO...............THREE!!!!!!!!!!! Double B: Your winners......AND STILL THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!....Christian Michaels and Whysssssssper!!!! WallStreet, "Good Lord! A War has been waged and folks, I believe that was the final battle. I don't know what the Moondogs did to the champs but in my next big match I'm seeking their wisd.... Wait, What the Hell... Was I about to recommend seeking the "wisdom" of the Moondogs? On second thought, I'll just drink an extra protien shake. In any event folks, as the officials and ring crew try to clear the bodies and other misc. objects, I'd like you people in Cyber land to enjoy this quick look at why ICWA-dot-com is your number one source for ICWA Merchandize." | |
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As we come back from the ICWA-Dot-com plug, the ring is clear of everyone and thing except Bert Busch. Wallstreet, "It's main event time." "Crush Em" by Megadeth hits the ICWA speaker system as Drew Stevenson walks out to a great reaction wearing a referee shirt, black windbreaker pants with black sneakers. Wallstreet, "Here‘s the unexpected wild card to the Jimmy Stryker/David Van Dam Saga�?Special Guest Referee Drew Stevenson. Just a couple of months ago he made his return to the ICWA by blind siding Van Dam and making an alliance with Jimmy Stryker, however, as of late he seems to be so aggravated with Stryker‘s constant attacks and disruptions in major ICWA bouts that he‘s lashed out a bit�?He swears up and down he‘s gonna call it down the middle here tonight, I suppose we‘ll just have to find out.." Drew slaps a few hands on his way down before climbing the stairs and entering between the second and third ropes. The Emerald walks to the far side of the ropes and holds the top rope as he awaits the contestants. The lights in the Greenville Convention Center fade to blackness as the sounds of Korn's "Right Now" blare over the ICWA sound system. A spotlight [Not the WWE style, more like the ROH Style], shines on where the ICWA curtain is. It's pushed aside as ICWA's Resident Legendary Icon emerges from behind it wearing his usual wrestling attire of black wrestling tights with a tank top style top, much like The Undertaker's current attire. The boo's from the crowd are deafening. He's missing his usual smug arrogance, it's replaced by a look of fierce intensity. He stares at the ring, nodding to himself. He knows his destiny lies in that squared circle. The close-to-seven-feet tall monster lumbers to the ring, occasionally glancing in the crowd's direction, a scowl on his face. He climbs up the steel steps and steps over the top rope to enter the wrestling ring, moving to a corner, waiting for his opponent, the ICWA Heavyweight Champion. Wallstreet, "I don't think I've ever seen Jimmy Stryker look this focused. He knows how important this moment is for him, this is his chance at reclaiming immortality, reclaiming his glory. The question is, will he?" "Right Now" switches into "World's Greatest" by R.Kelly. The crowd explodes with cheers as the spotlight returns to the entrance curtain. It's pushed aside and there stands the singlet clad ICWA Heavyweight Champion. WallStreet, "AND THERE�?HE�?IS! The ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, David! Van! Dam!" He snorts a few times, his eyes staring at Jimmy Stryker. Van Dam is just as focused, just as intense looking as Jimmy Stryker. Van Dam nods his head several times as he looks out to the crowd, pointing down at the ring. They cheer him on as he takes that long walk to the ring, their hands reaching out to touch his shoulders, to pat him on the back. He climbs up the steel entrance steps and walks down the apron, pausing at the center to wipe his boots on it before stepping into the ring. His music fades out and the lights return to normal, leaving the focus on David Van Dam and Jimmy Stryker in their respective corners with Bert Busch in the center of the ring for the match introductions. As Busch raises the microphone to his lips, Stevenson approaches Van Dam, taking the ICWA Heavyweight Championship from him. Stevenson moves to stand next to Busch. Busch, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a sixty-minute time limit and is for the ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Presiding over this contest, From Seymour Missouri he is The Special Guest Referee�?The EMERALD�?DREW STEVENSON!" The Crowd cheers as Drew waves to a few of the fans. WallStreet, "Despite some questionable actions since his return to the ICWA, Drew’s managed to recapture the vast majority of his fan base on account of his far above par contests and his clear passion for the sport of Professional Wrestling." Busch continues, "Introducing first, in the corner to my left, he is the challenger. Wrestling out of Las Vegas, Nevada, he weighed in today at two hundred and ninety-one pounds. He is Your Legendary Icon, he is JIMNMMMMMMMMMYYYYYY STTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR! A chorus of boos greets the sound of Jimmy's name as he steps forward, looking at the crowd with a sneer, before letting his glance settle back on David Van Dam. Busch, "And introducing his opponent. He is the reigning and defending, ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. Wrestling out of The Hoosier State, he weighed in today at two hundred and forty six pounds. THE IRONMAN....DAVID....VAN....DAM!" The crowd explodes with cheers as Van Dam steps forward, pounding his right arm off of his chest before lifting both of them to the sky. He steps back into his corner, his eyes locking onto Jimmy Stryker. The two stare at each other as Stevenson moves to Stryker, showing him the ICWA Heavyweight Championship, moving back to Van Dam to show him the title as well, before returning to the center of the ring, and lifting it up for all to see. Stevenson hands the title to Busch, who takes it with him to the time keepers table. Stevenson calls Van Dam and Stryker to the center of the ring for the pre-match rules talk. Stevenson, "Jimmy, David, I want a good clean match. When I say break the hold, or get out of the ropes, do so. No low blows, no chokes, you both are veterans and know the rules. Understand? Good, now return to your corners and wait for the bell." Both men back up, keeping their eyes on each other as Stevenson stays center ring. He waits until both men are in their corners before turning to Stryker. Stevenson, "Stryker are you ready?" Stryker nods and Stevenson turns to look at Van Dam. Stevenson , "Van Dam are you ready?" Van Dam nods his head yes as Stevenson turns towards the time keepers table. Stevenson, "Then let's get it on, ring the bell." Stevenson signals for the bell to officially start the contest. Stryker starts to move out of his corner, his fists up in his fighting stance. Van Dam looks at the crowd for a few moments before charging forward, lowering his shoulder, he drives it into Stryker's abdomen, driving him back into the corner, where he begins to unleash a flurry of punches to Stryker's torso. Wallstreet, "And Van Dam strikes first with a very uncharacteristic charge forward. I think it's obvious that Van Dam is not going to wrestle his usual match tonight. In the weeks building up to this match, Van Dam let the world know, via ICWA.com, that he was coming here tonight with the full intention of inflicting a serious amount of pain on Jimmy Stryker. I didn't expect this though. He's got Stryker reeling in the corner, BIG uppercut from Van Dam, Stryker slumps over, and there's Stevenson to demand the break." Stevenson demands that Van Dam back up out of the corner, and Van Dam does so, backing up, he looks at the crowd, again pounding his arm off his chest as he extends his arms towards the crowds than brings them back towards him, as if telling the crowd to get louder, and they do so. They begin to chant "Van Dam! Van Dam! Van Dam!" Stryker gets back to a standing position and angrily begins to argue with Stevenson about how long it took him to pull Van Dam off of him. Stevenson points to his referee shirt, letting Stryker know that Stevenson, not Stryker is in charge of enforcing the rules. Stryker grunts and charges forward at Van Dam, swinging his arm for a big clothesline. Van Dam ducks under it, and when Stryker turns around, he receives a kick to the gut and the a DDT for his trouble. Stryker grabs his neck and rolls out of the ring, angrily kicking at the barricade. Wallstreet, "Van Dam has Stryker rattled here in the early going. I don't think Stryker expected this level of intensity from the ICWA Champion." Stryker turns his back on the ring, arguing with some fans ringside as Van Dam steps onto the ring apron, waiting for Stryker to turn around. Stryker does so, and Van Dam leaps off the apron, driving his fists into the top of Stryker's head with a double axe-handle. Stryker falls back against the guard rail and Van Dam looks at the crowd, giving them that "It's On Tonight" look. Grabbing a handful of Stryker's hair, Van Dam pulls him towards the ring apron, slamming him head first into the apron. Stevenson tells Van Dam to bring it back inside, but Van Dam ignores him, slamming Stryker's head into the mat again. Wallstreet, "Stevenson is being very generous here, not counting these two out, or being more forceful with his demands for them to get back into the ring. I know Drew believes in matches ending with pin falls or submissions, with matches ending in the ring, so maybe he's giving them more le-way there because he does not want to see the match end with a count out." Van Dam pulls Stryker away from the apron and looks over at the ring post, nodding his head, he goes to whip Stryker into it, but the stronger Stryker reverses it, sending Van Dam head first into the steel ring post. Van Dam immediately hits the ground as Stryker shakes his head a few times, trying to clear the cobwebs. Stryker moves towards Van Dam who is still down, using his boot to roll him over. There is a nasty cut on Van Dam's head, right above his right eye the blood not yet pouring out, but definitely staring to slide down his face. At this sight, Stryker smiles. Wallstreet, "And Van Dam has been busted open early, this is not a good sign. It's hot in this building, he's in a very physical contest against a larger competitor, and now he's bleeding. That blood is not going to help his energy level, which he needs to keep as high as possible against someone the size of Jimmy Stryker." Stryker grabs Van Dam by the front of his singlet and pulls him to his feet. Stevenson exits the ring and tries to get Stryker to bring it back inside. Stryker ignores Stevenson's instructions and rears back, slamming his right fist right into the cut above Van Dam's eye, causing blood to squirt out. Van Dam stumbles backwards, turning and dropping to a knee, holding at his eye. Stryker goes to follow but Stevenson steps in his way, pointing at the ring, telling Stryker to get back into the ring. Stryker pushes Stevenson aside and charges at Van Dam, who is now bent over, the right side of his face is towards Jimmy Stryker. Stryker raises his big left knee and drives it right into the side of Van Dam's face, right into the side of the eye and the side of the cut. Van Dam crumples to the arena floor holding at his eye as Stryker turns to the crowd, his arms spread as if to say, "Hate Me Now." Wallstreet, "Stryker is really putting the works to Van Dam here on the outside of the ring, but he's got to be careful that he doesn't get disqualified for ignoring Drew Stevenson's instructions. He does not want to end up with a disqualification loss when he's in full control of the reigning ICWA Champion." Stevenson is down checking on Van Dam when Stryker starts to move back towards the Champion. The Special guest Referee gets up and steps between the downed champion and the standing challenger, telling Stryker to get back into the ring. Stryker grunts and starts to head back towards the ring, but when Stevenson turns back to Van Dam, Stryker quickly spins back around and darts past Stevenson, delivering a big kick right to Van Dam's face, causing Van Dam to flip from his all-fours position onto his back. Stryker immediately drops into a sitting position on Van Dam's chest, unleashing a flurry of right hands onto that cut and eye of Van Dam's. Van Dam tries to cover up, but Stryker's massive fists keep finding their way through Van Dam's guard. As Stryker rears back for another punch, Stevenson hooks him under the arm and pulls him off of Van Dam. Stryker pushes Stevenson off of him and Stevenson angrily shouts on Stryker. Stevenson, "Get back in that ring, Jimmy, or I will disqualify you and end this match right now!" Stryker grunts, but does what Stevenson instructed, climbing back onto the ring apron and entering the ring as Stevenson returns to Van Dam, checking to see if he can continue. Stevenson nods his head after Van Dam says he's okay, and returns to the ring. Stryker tries to exit the ring, but Stevenson stops him, telling him to back up. Van Dam uses the guard rail to pull himself to his feet, blood now pouring out of that cut, streaming down the right side of his face and into his eye. He stumbles, trying to get his bearings as he makes his way back to the ring. Wallstreet, "Van Dam is back up, but he is reeling. That blood is getting down to his eye, and I speak from experience when I say that getting blood in your eyes is one of the worst thing that can happen in a wrestling match, especially against someone as vicious with the strikes as Jimmy Stryker is. Not only does the blood sting as it gets in your eye, it clouds your vision, it messes up your depth perception, and takes away your side-vision. Stevenson has done a great job officiating this match up to this point. He's remained in control, letting Stryker and Van Dam know he's in charge. He's letting these two men go at it, he's letting them solve it, but Stevenson has got to stay on top of Van Dam's cut, because if it gets to bad, if it looks like Van Dam can't protect himself, Stevenson might have to call the match." With Van Dam back in the ring, Stevenson moves out of Stryker's way. The big man from Las Vegas is quick to move towards Van Dam, who has his fists up in a very loose guard. Stryker fakes a shot to Van Dam's gut, which causes Van Dam to scrunch down some, and then Stryker's right hand comes flying foward to nail Van Dam right on the gut. Van Dam let's out a yelp of pain as he stumbles back into the corner. Stryker follows him to the corner, delivering several forearms to Van Dam's face. Stevenson demands that Stryker get the action out of the corner, so he pulls Van Dam away from the corner, lifting him up, he slams him down to the ground. Stryker grins at the crowd as he moves into a pin position on Van Dam. Stevenson slides into position. One Two Van Dam manages to roll his left shoulder off the mat to stop the count. Stryker doesn't let it faze him, and moves so his forearm over Van Dam's right eye, pressing down against Van Dam's cut, he grinds his forearm against the cut, causing Van Dam to writhe in pain as he tries to get out from underneath Stryker, trying to get Stryker's arm off of his head. Stryker stands up and lifts his arm for the crowd to see. His forearm is smeared with blood. He laughs loudly as he points down at Van Dam. Stryker, "This is your champion? This is your hero?" Stryker moves back towards Van Dam and bends down to lift him up, but Van Dam surprises him with a small package roll up. Stevenson slides into position. One Two T Stryker kicks out and quickly gets to his feet. Van Dam is back on all fours, trying to get to his feet, but is greeted with a big kick right to his cut. Van Dam grabs at his eye and rolls to the corner, trying to use the corner as protection. Stryker moves towards Van Dam, but Stevenson stops him, telling him to get back, but Van Dam has gotten to his knees, and is telling Stryker to bring it on. Wallstreet, "I don't know how wise it is for David Van Dam to tell Stryker to bring it on. I mean, the right side of his face is covered in blood, he hasn't been able to muster any offense sense he got sent face first into the ring post. If things keep up like this, Jimmy Stryker is going to be the ICWA Heavyweight Champion." Stryker pushes past Stevenson and moves closer to Van Dam, brings his right fist back, he slams it down into Van Dam's face, right into that eye. A second punch, then a third, and Van Dam is slumped against the mat. Stryker drags Van Dam out of the corner and makes a cover. One Two Th... Again Van Dam is able to get his shoulder off the mat, able to keep himself in the match. Stryker looks at Stevenson and holds up three fingers, saying that he believes that that was a three count, but Stevenson holds up two fingers, and then motions with his shoulder that Van Dam got his shoulder off the mat in time. Stryker shakes his head as he stands up, pulling Van Dam to his feet. Van Dam can barely stand, his legs look like they're ready to give out. Stryker hoists Van Dam onto his shoulder and charges towards the corner, letting Van Dam go so he falls face first into the turnbuckle pad. Stryker hits the ropes and comes charging towards Van Dam as Van Dam stumbles back, lifting up his big left foot to drive right into Van Dam's face. Van Dam hits the mat holding his face, rolling in agony as Stryker again attempts a pin fall. One Two Thr... Van Dam again gets his shoulder off the mat in time. The crowd erupts as WallStreet declares, "David Van Dam somehow manages to kick out of another near fall situation, but, unless something drastically changes soon, he appears to simply be delaying the inevitable." Stryker looks around, contemplating what exactly he’s gonna have to do to kill off the champ as the cut under his eye seems to finally be closing up a little. Jimmy Shakes his head and grabs Van Dam by the neck, sitting him up. Stryker then grabs both sides of Van Dam’s skull with his huge hands, making sure to get the middle and ring fingers of his big right hand to dig right into that cut, reopening it with this vicious vice clamp on the champ’s skull. Van Dam screams out in pain as Stevenson is quick to get down and ask him if he wants to give it up. Van Dam emphatically yells "NO!" WallStreet, "I respect the heart and determination of our champion as much as anybody, But, at this stage in the game he’s entering a very dangerous area of competition. On one hand, He’s the champion and of course, there’s no bigger honor in our Industry then being the Heavyweight Champion so, of course if you’re one of the few lucky enough to ever receive that honor you want to protect it at all costs�?On the other hand, when a freak accident occurs as clearly is the case here tonight with that unexpected laceration near the eye of the Champion, sometimes you’re better off to relinquish that championship and give up so you can prevent that injury from getting any worse and come back to claim your rematch for the championship. Kind of the "Live to fight another day" philosophy if you will. The Champion would probably be wise to concede the contest here, however, it’s moments like this when we see that even a man who can legally be called "Doctor" can be a real idiot when adrenaline and emotion take over. His heart and courage is sure to be much larger then his brain in this situation." Perhaps but the human body can only endure so much before it forces itself to shut down and David Van Dam seems to be entering that stage. His arms are becoming limp as Jimmy’s Hands (his right hand in particular) is growing soaked with Van Dam’s blood. The crowd is quiet, almost in awe of the vicious display as Stevenson reaches down and grabs the Champion’s right wrist, Raising his arm up and then releasing it, allowing it to drop to the mat. "ONE�? Drew declares. Drew raises it again, and again it flops upon release. "TWO�? Drew raises it a third time and looks around the arena, hesitating�?/P> Jimmy, "DROP IT DAMN IT!" Drew sighs and releases the wrist and sure enough, It flops down again. WallStreet, "The clouds are black and the future bleek, we’ve just obtained a new ICWA Heavyweight Champion and his name is Jimmy Stryker." | |
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Drew goes to step away and make that decision final but just as he does David’s hand catches the leg of his pants, clutching it. Drew spins around and with all the champion’s got left he musters out, "DON’T�?STOP�?THE MATCH!" The crowd erupts as Jimmy gets furious, applying even more pressure as he demands, "CALL IT DREW! CALL IT OR HE’LL NEVER WRESTLE AGAIN! CALL IT DAMN IT!" WallStreet, "Van Dam’s showing signs of life but�?His hand did come down that third time, what’s Drew gonna do?!" Drew cringes, shaking his head the whole time clearly not wanting to make this decision. Jimmy Stands up to give himself more leverage and gets up on his tippy toes before driving back down to a knee, clearly doubling the pressure on Van Dam’s skull as Van Dam screams out in pain and Stryker screams in rage, "RING THE BELL DREW!" David almost weeps, "NO! DON’T YOU DO IT!" Jimmy relinquishes the vice grip only to place his legendary left palm on the bald scalp of the Champion to steady his head for a Hard right to that cut�?A Second hard right�?And a third before reapplying the Vice grip. Jimmy, "CALL IT DREW! SAVE HIS LIFE AND CALL THE MATCH!" David whimpers, "Don’t do it Drew�?Don’t do it�? Drew sighs and finally he shakes his head and looks at Busch yelling, "KEEP THE CLOCK GOING, THE CHAMPION’S CHOOSING TO CONTINUE!" The crowd erupts as Jimmy’s face is bright red with anger. Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! WallStreet, "THE MATCH CONTINUES?! THE MATCH CONTINUES! DAVID VAN DAM IS STILL IN THIS AND MY GOD WHAT DOES HE POSSIBLY HAVE LEFT?!" The crowd is adamantly behind Van Dam and David’s trying to use that to help him find the energy to escape this vice grip, but, it doesn’t seem necessary as Stryker finally realizes it’s simply not gonna finish the Champion. Stryker releases the Vice grip just in time to spin around and grab the champ by the throat. Stryker lifts David off the mat and to his feet as he begins screaming, "YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED DOWN DAVID!" Jimmy hoists him up�?/P> BOOM! He sends him down with a big choke slam as the crowd groans in disappointment. Stryker drops down to his knees and places a hand on Van Dam’s chest as he glares up at Drew�?Of course Drew drops down and begins counting ………�?.ONE WallStreet, "Despite all of his efforts, The Legendary Icon was just too much for the Champion to endure on this night." ………………�?.TWO WallStreet continues, "But you have to believe that it won’t be far down the road before Van Dam cashes in that rematch and�? …………………�?.THRE�?/P> WallStreet, "�?FONT color=#00ff00>Looks to recapture his IC�?WHAT?! His foot�?HE GOT HIS FOOT ON THE ROPE! How in the world?! I DON’T BELIEVE IT !" The crowd erupts and so it starts again�?/P> Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! Stryker shoots to his feet and grabs two fist fulls of Drew’s shirt, violently shoving him all the way back into the corner. Stryker, "WHAT’S YOUR DEAL DREW!?" Drew, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME JIMMY!" Stryker, "YOU’RE FUCKIN ME!" Drew, "I’M CALLIN IT DOWN THE MIDDLE!" Stryker, "BULLSHIT!" Drew, "YOU WANTA BE DISQUALIFIED?! HUH?! DO YA?!" Stryker, "FUCK YOU DREW!" Stryker releases the shirt with a violent shove and turns around to see David holding his eye, trying desperately to get to a knee. WallStreet, "What a heated exchange between the "teammates", Drew Stevenson and Jimmy Stryker." Jimmy walks over with clear anger replacing the arrogance he had earlier. He grabs Van Dam by the head and brings him up to his feet. Stryker delivers a hard right hand to the gut doubling the champion over before looking at Drew and saying, "YOU BETTER COUNT HIS ASS OUT AFTER THIS!" Stryker darts back and hit’s the ropes, before coming back and raising that big leg in the air, however, Van Dam quickly spins out from under said leg and to the back of Stryker’s side, quickly grabbing Stryker’s tree like leg and wrist before hoisting him up and slamming him down with a big Olympic Slam drawing an orgasmic eruption from the fans. WallStreet, "GOOD GRACIOUS! Stryker was looking for that "Nightfall" Scissors kick of his and that would have easily finished this thing up but Van Dam countered out of no where with the Last Chance! Van Dam hit the Last Chance but�?He�?He doesn’t have anything left to capitalize off that huge manuever and now both men are down on the mat and this capacity-plus crowd is going out of their minds in an attempt to rally behind the defending champion!" Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! Drew stands there, watching both men lay down and shaking his head. Drew, "I’M NOT COUNTIN! One of em’ll cover the other or we’ll stay here all night!" WallStreet, "I�?I think Drew just said he’s not counting. Ordinarily there’d be a ten count implemented and if neither competitor could make it to their feet it’d be a draw, in which of course the defending champion would retain but�?Drew’s refusing to count. He wants a pinfall or submission win just as desperately as everybody else in this building and by God, he’s gonna make sure we get it!" Van Dam and Stryker are both flat on their backs, their stomachs rising and dropping with urgency as Van Dam tries swipe the blood and sweat from his eyes. Slowly, both men start to roll to their sides as there’s not an ass in a seat as far as the eye can see in the Greenville Convention Center�?Van Dam slowly starts to push himself up as Stryker does the same and the crowd hangs on the anticipation. WallStreet, "Stryker and Van Dam both searching desperately for a vertical base in this intense heavyweight contest." They both come to their feet about the same time but Stryker seems a little less loopy then Van Dam. They both turn toward each other but Stryker gets the first strike as he drives a huge right hand into Van Dam’s skull, making him drop to his back. David tries to come back up and does so with an assist from Stryker. The Challenger presses the Champion’s back against the ropes and shoots him off with a big Irish whip. Van Dam darts across the ring as Stryker comes to the center. Stryker goes for yet another big boot in this contest, but, as he raises the leg Van Dam ducks under, spins around, quickly hooks a rear waist lock and just as Stryker’s leg goes back to the mat the Champion pops back and sends the big man up and over with a big German Suplex release drawing a huge reaction from the fans. WallStreet, "Stryker looks for the Boot, Van Dam ducks under�?Van Dam just suplexed the three hundred pounder!" Both men come back to their feet and Stryker turns into a big capture suplex from Van Dam, again throwing him back. The crowd is going wild as Van Dam and Stryker both get back up�?Stryker turns around and BAM! You guessed it, another suplex. This time Van Dam takes him up and over with a Northern Lights suplex but is to exhausted to maintain the bridge. Van Dam slips to his back instead of keeping the bridge, but quickly rolls over and hooks the far leg as Stevenson drops down and counts ………………One………�?Two�?. Stryker powers out as the erupting crowd groans again. WallStreet, "Van Dam gets two with the Northern Lights!" David stands up wincing in pain. His cut’s clogged up again thankfully, but, he’s still taken a brutal beating. He reaches up and rips down his left singlet strap, and then his right as the crowd begins going wild yet again. WallStreet, "We Know What this means! YOUR Heavyweight Champion means business!" Stryker staggers up as Van Dam stalks�?He gets to his feet and as soon as he does Van Dam hooks the leg and the wrist again and BAM! WallStreet, "LAST CHANCE! LAST CHANCE AGAIN!" This time Van Dam’s able to roll roll over and hook the near leg, rolling back so all of his weight and Stryker’s lower body weight is on Stryker’s shoulders as both the Crowd and Stevenson begin to count�? Crowd and Drew: ……�?.ONE! WallStreet, "Can you believe it?!" Crowd and Drew:………�?. TWO! WallStreet, "Van Dam has defied the odds and retained the ICWA Championship!" Crowd: …………�?THREE! Unfortuantly Drew couldn’t count with the crowd because just shy of the three Stryker kicks out. Drew’s hand barely stops in time but it does in fact stop and Drew quickly jumps up and throws up two fingers, declaring a two as the crowd boos. WallStreet, "WHAT?! Stryker just�?He just kicked out of the Last Chance! I Don’t Believe it!" Van Dam sits up with a look of bewilderment and dismay on his face as he pleadingly asks Drew, "Three?" But Drew shakes his head and reaffirms that it was indeed only a two. David cups his face with his hands, clearly running out of ideas in how to salvage this match. David starts to push himself up and gets to his feet as Jimmy’s climbing up from a knee. Jimmy Gets to his feet and David quickly grabs the big man’s left arm and is trying to come up and grab his chin too�?/P> WallStreet, "Van Dam’s trying to hook in his Crossface Chickenwing submission but�?Jimmy’s so damn big that Van Dam’s having a Hell of a time trying to get it locked in�? Stryker knows it could be curtains if he does get it locked in so with his free right hand he reaches out and grabs Drew by the shirt, using him to prevent Van Dam from trying to drop down and apply the move on the mat. Drew tries to escape and while Drew’s distracted trying to free himself, Stryker throws his right leg back, driving his boot between Van Dam’s legs and nailing an undetected low blow. The Champion instantly releases the attempted hold and Stryker in turn releases Drew’s shirt as the crowd boos. Drew watches David drop to the mat holding his junk and get’s an annoyed look on his face as he yells at Jimmy, "DID YOU LOW BLOW HIM?!" Stryker shakes his head, "NO!" Drew, "DON’T LIE TO ME JIMMY!" Stryker, "PFFT!" Stryker rolls his eyes and dismisses Stevenson as he turns and looks down at Van Dam. A Sadistic grin comes to his face as his brings a thumb to his throat and crosses his throat with it. WallStreet, "The Challenger signaling for the end and at this point, I’d imagine it’d just about have to be�? Stryker bends down and grabs either side of Van Dam’s head, lifting him up off the mat and placing his head between his legs. Stryker raises an arm in the air and then hoists Van Dam into the air�?/P> WallStreet, "And with this Supreme Killing from Stryker I have to imagine�? Suddenly a wide eyed Van Dam places both hands on the top of Stryker’s head and pushes up, flipping over Stryker and inadvertently sunset flipping the big man over. The crowd erupts as Drew drops down ……………………�?ONE……………………TWO…………………THREE! Stryker kicks out with so much authority he rolls out of the ring but Drew’s jumping up and down making the motion to ring the bell. The Bell sounds, "World’s Greatest" bellows over the PA, and the Crowd goes ballistic. Busch, "YOUR WINNER AND STILL ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION�?DAVID! VAN! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!" Stryker’s on his feet on the floor with a look of horror and disbelief as Van Dam’s on his knees, Stevenson raising one arm and handing Van Dam back his belt in the other. WallStreet, "VAN DAM! VAN DAM! DAVID VAN DAM IS STILL THE EYE SEE DOUBLE-YOU EH CHAMP-I-ON!!!!" Stryker reaches up, pulling his hair with both hands as he violently begins kicking the steel stairs. WallStreet, "Stryker clearly frustrated and with every reason. He thought he had this thing in the bag, but the Champion was able to quickly access his situation, counter-slash-escape, and as a result is STILL the ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!" Van Dam gets up and staggers about as he raises his championship in the air. WallStreet, "I can’t believe it�?I know the Champ better than anybody and even I thought Jimmy Stryker had this one in the bank. I can’t believe it�?If you aren’t here to feel this and to feel the electricity from this over flowing crowd, I don’t know how to describe it to you�?The World has just seen a champion tested and folks, If you don’t consider that a Passing grade I don’t know what is. Seven feet, Three hundred pounds of raw beast�?I just can’t believe it. As Van Dam rightfully celebrates his success in the ring tonight you have to wonder where that leaves us for December fifth when we come back to the Convention Center again�?That’s right folks, December fifth will be the next time we see you and when we do we already know that MJ Storm has issued the challenge for Nevyrmorr to show up on his show "The Eye of the Storm"�?What’s the deal with this "Messiah" and will we find out on the fifth? One New champion was crowned tonight, three other champions retained, What kind of backlash awaits us on the Fifth? Plus Paul Heyman’s declared he and his monster Pat Warner will climax their quest to rid the world of rip offs by getting their hands on what they’ve deemed "The Ultimate Rip Off"�?Who or What do they mean? All this and so much more�?December Fifth�?Greenville Convention Center�?BE THERE!" The Internet feed and DVD fade on the following image�?/P> | |
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Credits Thanks to Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker for writting The Women's Fatal Four Way and having it in my inbox a day in advance. Thanks to Johnathan AKA CM for writting the Concession Stand Brawl. Thanks to Jeff AKA Joe Six Pack for writting the Kenderson/Hunter match Thanks to David for writting the first have of the Main Event And of course thanks to everyone who RPed | |
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