 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 12/14/2008 6:45 PM |
| Date: Friday December 5th, 2008 | Live From: Greenville Convention Center - Greenville, North Carolina | Commentators: WallStreet | Theme: TBD | Deadline: Your First RP MUST BE POSTED 24 HOURS BEFORE DEADLINE or earlier 8pm EST Expect Results Sometime Monday | Main Event Clash Of Champions Triple Threat Non-Title Whysper V.S. Christian Michaels V.S. David Van Dam ((Three Champions mix it up in what's expected to be a true wrestling fan's wet dream of a contest. No titles are on the line, no tag team alliances are being honored, It's just three great athletes giving you the show of a life time.)) Match 6 Singles Katherine Storm V.S. Brooklyn Riot ((Katherine Storm made quite the impact in her debut at Stryking Gold, now can she do the same in her first major match as she goes one on one with a former Women's title contender?)) Match 5 ICWA Cyber TV Title Last Chance Match Scott Addams V.S. Da Sweet Lunatic ((This is DSL's third oppertunity for the ICWA Cyber TV Title. If she doesn't win here she'll be out of the running for the covited Cyber TV Championship for a while, but, if she does that makes Scott Addams a one show champion and with an ego like that I can only imagine there will be Hell to pay.)) -Ten Minute Intermission- Match 4 Singles Patrick Warner V.S. Plowboy Graven ((Plowboy Graven (sharing the name of the Late Plowboy Fraiser) is the next designated victim on Paul Heyman's crusade to kill off the Rip offs... But, he said they'd alter the direction of the promotion by taking out the ultimate rip off on this show... Somehow we doubt he means North Carolina's Plowboy.)) Match 3 Singles Scott Andrew V.S. Darren Hunter ((Time to settle a score. Scott Andrew stood up Darren Hunter to show him it doesn't pay to have sportsmanship, yet, once again he shook the hand of a fallen foe. Ironicly, now these two Un-Americans are foes as a result.)) Match 2 Singles Tani Lyons V.S. Brit Samson ((Tani Lyons through herself back in the Women's division in a big way when she jumped Faith Rivers at Stryking Gold... Now She heads back to the Women's division to face the new commer Brit Samson in what's sure to be a hard hitting contest between the two young ladies.)) Opening Bout Singles Drew Stevenson V.S. Jimmy Stryker ((After Stryking Gold an enraged Jimmy Stryker demanded a confrontation with Drew Stevenson... I'm not sure if he neccessarly meant an actual match but Drew and Jonathan Brooks both took it that way and as a result, here we are. This show is especially important to the ICWA and thus why we're kicking things off with a match that could easily headline any given show.)) Plus: MJ Storm Hosts "Eye of the Storm"... With Nevyrmorr? Six and Rising Inc are in the House, The Corporate Icon, Faith Rivers, And More... Alot of questions were raised at Stryking Gold, and a lot of backlash left by the results... How will it all unfold here tonight? Oh Yeah, And You just may see DSL or Christian Michaels perform in a Cheerleading Outfit. Card Subject To change | |
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Regional Television�?Hmm�?Well it’s not exactly ICWA Demented live on the FX Network, but, it’s certainly a step in the right direction. Already the rumors are running ramped that a deal with In Demand Pay Per View is being constructed to try and get a Pay Per View set up somewhere in early 2009. Is it true? Who knows, but, for now Eastern to Central North Carolina, The Norfolk and Richmond areas of Virginia, and the Northern part of South Carolina all get the viewing pleasure of the ICWA on TV as the cyber world still gets the Web Cast on ICWA.com. Of course with the addition of TV, that means the styling of the ICWA show will have to change a little. The Set up of the show has to change a little. The ICWA has invested in two screens, about the same size as a 52 Inch TV screen. There is one on either side of the entrance way that plays very generic Titan Tron style videos and any previously taped segment that takes place in the back. Also, A live commentary position has been placed down near ringside. It’s only a normal table with a black cloth over it a monitor, and a wireless head set but it is what it is. The Slow opening chords of "Afterlife" by Avenge Sevenfold begins to play as We see a clip of Faith Rivers with the Women’s title around her waist, her hands on her hips and a no non sense look on her face�?A shadow over takes her and we in turn see Scott Addams in black leather coat, jeans, the ICWA Cyber TV championship over his shoulder and a cigarette in his mouth. He’s in the midst of a final drag before flicking it to the ground and offering the camera a cold glare�?A Shadow over takes again and we see Christian Michaels and Whysper (Michaels in a Romo Cowboys Jersey, Whysper in a Black "Black Label Society" T Shirt) with the ICWA Tag Team championships around their waists as they shoot a no-nonsense look into the camera�?Another shadow over takes and David Van Dam walks toward the camera in a black business suit with the ICWA Championship across his forearm in traditional fashion. He stops in front of the camera. As the beat threatens to pick up, David offers an aggressive glare and then throws a European upper cut that shatters the scene into random High-action highlight clips of the ICWA at the full beat of the song. After a few seconds of these clips the song continues as we go to WallStreet on Commentary, the crowd erupting behind him. WallStreet, "Welcome to ICWA’s CLASH. OF. CHAMPIONNNSSS! I Am the Corporate Icon and to those of you watching us on Mid Atlantic TV, WELCOME to the EYE�?SEE�?DOUBLE-YOU�?EHHHHHH! …�?Now, Let’s kick things off in a big way as MJ Storm is in the ring hosting his own talk show, "The Eye of the Storm"." "Afterlife" By Avenge Sevenfold finally concludes as to does the crowd’s huge reaction. MJ begins, "Three weeks ago At ICWA "Stryking Gold" I made a challenge to somebody�?I told this certain somebody to stop playing games and to come on out here LIVE tonight and face me face to face like a man! I told that Somebody�? Crowd: NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! MJ looks appalled and disgruntled by the fans love affair with Nev. MJ, "Yeah�?Him. Anyway�?I Challenged him to be my first guest on the Eye of the Storm and now�?Now it’s time. How about it Nev? I know you’re here, are you gonna nut up or not?" WallStreet, "Hmm�?I haven’t seen Nevyrmorr here today, but, the Exile does have a tendency of keeping to himself. It’s entirely possible that he’s here and I just haven’t seen him." Crowd: NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! NEV-ER-MORE! MJ, "That’s what I thought." MJ Turns to leave when the lights go out and the crowd erupts. WallStreet, "Uh-oh�? "Iowa" by Slipknot begins to blast over the PA as the stage screens show lightning flashing through a midnight sky. WallStreet, "Be careful what you wish for MJ�?We just may end up seeing him get it after all." The lights come back on and MJ is seen facing the ramp with his fists up, waiting for a fight. He finally waves it off and turns around only for his eyes to get wide with "surprise"�?The crowd instantly boos as there stands Nevyrmorr�?Well�?If Nevyrmorr were about two and a half feet tall anyway. WallStreet, "Seriously?" MJ brings the mic back to his lips, "Whoa Nev�?Take it easy now. I didn’t call you out here to fight. I called you out here to be a guest on the Eye of the Storm�?And since this is an interview style show, Let me go ahead and throw a question out there for you�?All these ridicules scare tactics that morons like WallStreet call "Mind Games"�?It’s really your way of saying "I’m too afraid to face MJ Storm face to face�? Right?" MJ extends the mic toward Mini-Nev, but as Mini Nev tries to speak, we really don’t hear much as the mic’s to high above him. MJ, "Oh, excuse me�? MJ kneels down, "This may work a little better." The crowd is booing as WallStreet comments, "Oh yeah, *I’m* The moron." MJ re-extends the mic to mini-Nev who responds in a high pitch voice, "MJ! When you’re right you’re right! I’m scared! I admit it! Why wouldn’t I be?! I mean, look at you and then�?Well�?Look at me? I wear make up like a woman, and I don’t even have the courage to show my face in public�?Although take it from me, I’m doing ya’ll a favor." MJ nods, "I can believe that. So, why don’t you do us all a favor and just retire and cut the crap?" Nev nods, "I should but�?Well�?I’m having a hard time keeping the electric on in my trailer. You know how hard it is to do your make up when you can’t see the mirror?!" MJ smirks, "Your trailer? Where you living now a days?" Nev, "Where else? The trailer trash capital of the world, Greenville North Carolina!" The crowd’s boos grow even louder as MJ nods and says, "I get it now�?That’s why these people love you so much. You’re one of their own!" Nev, "It’s true�?I recognize a lot of the people here tonight from the trailer park cook out we had a couple weeks ago when John-Bob hit a deer with his grand-dad’s chevy!" Crowd: YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! MJ, "Gee, I think they’re turnin on ya Nev�? Nevyrmorr, "Probably a good call. I’m not nearly the great guy they think I am ya know." MJ, "Oh?" "Man In The Box" by Alice in Chains blasts over the PA drawing a huge cheer from the fans as MJ spins up to his feet and facing the stage. The curtain moves and from behind it, mic in hand�?/P> WallStreet, "Thank God, I thought this crap would never end." TOG looks around at his adoring public, however, MJ doesn’t seem keen on giving him time to soak up his reaction. MJ, "What the Hell do you want?!" The music fades as TOG says, "What the Hell happened to you over the years? Look, I don’t know what the deal between you and this Nevyrmorr guy is but…�?Seriously�?Grow up." The crowd erupts as WallStreet adds in, "Advice to live by." MJ quips back, "Win a match and then you can give me some advice." TOG gives a "You Got Me" type of smile as if being ribbed by a friend before saying, "That’s good�?That’s good. I’ll admit that my arrival to the ICWA hasn’t been nearly as impressive as I’d of liked it to of been�?However, I got to thinking about it and realized that perhaps it’s because I haven’t had the right amount of focus. I haven’t prepared for guys like Darren Hunter or Scott Addams on the same par as I prepared for a Superbeast because I underestimated them and didn’t realize I needed to up my game." MJ, "Good excuse." TOG, "Oh no, I’m not making excuses. It was my bad. However, I agree with you Matt�?I *Do* need to win a match�?Matter of fact, I think, I need to go one step further then that Matt�? I think I need to win a championship. Which is why I’ve gone to ICWA President Jonathan Brooks and I begged, I pleaded, I cajoled, I yelled and did everything in between to get him to make it happen in two weeks�? MJ seems confused as he snidely says, "Make what happen?" TOG, "The ultimate turn around�?TOG one on one with………�?DAVID VAN DAM!" The crowd erupts as WallStreet says, "WHAT?!" TOG, "And it’s for the ICWA CHAMPIONSHIP!" MJ, "HOW THE HELL?! I’ve been here for three damn years and never gotten a title shot!" TOG, "Well don’t you worry, because when I win the ICWA Championship, You’re the first guy I plan to give a shot�?And then, we’ll see how well comedy sketches with midgets help you out�?At one time Matt I considered you my best friend, but after seeing what you’ve become�?I can’t wait to say "I Beat that guy’s ass, and I did it with the ICWA Heavyweight Championship on the line." TOG drops the mic as "Man In The Box" blasts again. WallStreet, "Did we hear him right?! December nineteenth, Less than one week away from Christmas, Tee Oh Gee has the opportunity to bring home the ultimate Christmas gift�?The ICWA Heavyweight Championship?! What a match that’s gonna be! We’ll be right back!" The Final shot before the break is TOG smirking on the ramp as MJ glares in return. *Commercial Break* | |
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The camera returns as we see a new face in the ring�?Obviously not that of a wrestler. Just a guy who has a striking resemblance to Sean Hannity dressed in a tuxedo. As he stands in the ring a little graphic comes up on the screen with his name "Sean Greene" Greene, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Following contest is a very special OPENING Bout�?It has been scheduled for Onefall with a Fifteen Minute Time Limit!" "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. Out from the curtains, walks the Legendary Jimmy Stryker. He is seen dressed in black jeans, boots, and a white t-shirt on. Jimmy then looks around at the crowd, who continues to let him feel the heat that they generate towards him. Jimmy then smiles, as he soaks in the hatred. Greene, "Introducing first, Weighing in at 290 Pounds and hailing from Las Vegas Nevada... He is the "Legendary Icon" JIMMY... STRYYYYKER!" He then makes his way down the steel rampway, as he then quickly slides to the inside of the ring, where he then is seen making his way to each corner of the ring, as he raises a smile on his face, while on each corner as the fans continue to feed him boo's (or cheers..if playing face)or cheers. Jimmy then drops to the mat, and kisses the necklace that is around his neck, and he then bends over watching his opponent, (or waiting on them) with pure intent. WallStreet, "Well, as shocking as it is to find out that Tee Oh Gee will be the contender for the championship in two weeks, it is equally shocking to a lot of people that Jimmy Stryker isn’t the champion this week. Three weeks ago he went one on one with David Van Dam for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship in a contest officiated by Drew Stevenson. There was a veil of controversy over the Emerald as he had a prior relationship with Stryker, working as a tag team partner and cohort up until that point, plus, he had a heated history with the Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam�?However, he proved himself to be a trustworthy and honorable man at Stryking Gold as he did a fantastic job of officiating that huge main event. Unfortunately, Jimmy Stryker apparently expected to have Drew in his pocket and when that didn’t happen and Stevenson called it down the middle, the Legendary Icon was not happy. As a result this contest has been made." The lights in the arena shut off putting the arena in complete darkness. The words of Megadeth are heard... Enter the arena and through the lights... Step on down, your in for a ride... This is war, ain't no fun and games... The crowd erupts as WallStreet says, "Drew Stevenson has been more then happy to oblige The Legendary Icon’s match request this week and folks, I guarantee ya he’s prepared for a fight here tonight." Suddenly a large spotlight shines down onto the ramp as a slab of concrete is seen and on it lies a figure. The public address sound system starts up again playing ''Crush Em'' by Megadeth as the figure sits up and climbs off of the concrete pedestal indicating a resurrection. He begins walking down the ramp as the fans begin going wild, the ring announcer heard vaguely. Sean Greene, "AND HIS OPPONENT�?From Seymour Missouri…�?"THE EMERALD"�?DREW�?STEVVVVVVVVENSON!" Drew gets down to the ring and quickly slides under the bottom ropes getting into the ring. He is quick to get back to his feet as he and Stryker begin staring each other down. "The Legendary Icon clearly has a huge size advantage on Stevenson, however, Stevenson’s one of the finest mat wrestlers in the game today and as we saw in the case of Van Dam and Stryker, that can make all the difference in the world." Stryker glares hard at Stevenson as Stevenson stairs back, no intimidation showing at all. Harding looks to both men briefly and then calls for the opening bell. WallStreet, "And we’re underway with this opening bout�? Drew and Jimmy both shoot forward out of the corner, Jimmy looking for a big right hand making Drew wide eyed. Just as Stryker throws the right Drew rolls underneath, rolling right up to his feet. Drew quickly spins around and hooks a rear waist lock on the bigman, but, Stryker breaks with fair ease and reverses with a rear waistlock of his own. Drew tries to escape but there’s no over powering Stryker. Jimmy hoists Drew up, perhaps contemplating a German suplex or simply driving Drew down to his chest, but regardless of his intentions neither comes to fruitation as Drew kicks about and then spins taking the bigman off his feet with an unexpected arm drag that draws a huge cheer from the fans. WallStreet, "And Drew with a surprising take down as he shows that great text book wrestling expertise by coming out of that rear waist lock with a big arm drag." Drew keeps the Legendary Icon on the mat by taking that left arm and hooking a top wrist lock. Stryker looks around, grunting as Drew applies more pressure to the hold. Finally Jimmy reaches behind him, bending his right arm and placing his palm on the mat so he can use his arm to help himself roll backwards, rolling himself to his knees. This eliminates the top wrist lock, although Drew still has hold of Stryker’s wrist. WallStreet, "Impressive athleticism from Stryker�? Jimmy quickly drives a hard right hand into Drew’s skull making Drew let go with one hand so he only has one hand remaining Stryker’s left wrist. Stryker pulls back and drives another soup bone into the Emerald’s skull making Drew shoot up to his feet holding his face. The crowd boos as Jimmy comes up to his feet. Drew turns around and as he does Jimmy goes for another right hand but Drew ducks underneath. Jimmy turns around and Drew leaps up and drives a big drop kick into the left shoulder of the former ICWA Heavyweight champion, knocking him back down. The crowd cheers as Drew spins up to his feet and sees Jimmy pushing himself up�?Jimmy’s coming up from a knee when Drew rushes over, grabs Stryker’s left arm and goes underneath with a wringing wrist lock before swinging back around (still holding the wrist lock with one hand) and hooking a modified front facelock with his right arm. Drew’s feet start running in place before he let’s out a yell and snaps back with a nasty looking single arm DDT drawing a great reaction from the fans. WallStreet, "Good Gracious! That not only just tore up Stryker’s arm, but, also dropped the big man on his head to boot." Drew quickly rolls over and turns Jimmy over to his back with a half nelson roll often times utilized in amateur wrestling to get an opponent to their back. Drew cradles the head and hooks the far leg as Harding drops down and counts …………………One………………Two�?Barely two as the big man kicks out with authority to a disappointed groan from the fans. WallStreet, "It’s gonna take a lot more then that to put down the Legendary Icon." Despite the powerful kick out, Jimmy’s holding his left arm in pain as he tries to pull himself up. Jimmy gets up to a knee before as Drew drives a hard spin kick right into the left shoulder making a huge SMACCCCCK sound as Jimmy drops to his chest, holding his arm. Drew reaches down and extends Stryker’s arm out on the canvas, pinning it down with his right hand and placing his left hand on the mat as he kicks his legs up into the air, basically doing a hand stand before bringing his legs back down and driving his knee into the shoulder of the Legendary Icon. Stryker lets out a loud groan as Drew throws his legs up into hand stand position again�?And then drives the knee down into the shoulder a second time, this time releasing Jimmy’s arm. Stryker lets out another loud groan and rolls to his back holding his arm as Drew quickly drops down, grabbing Stryker’s far (also his left) wrist and pinning it to the mat with a strong lateral press cover. Harding drops down and counts ……………One……………Two…�?Again, barely two as Stryker kicks out. WallStreet, "Stevenson with another two count as he really puts the work on that left arm." Drew slaps the mat showing a little frustration as Jimmy starts to push himself up to a knee again�?Drew hops up to a crouched position and once Jimmy starts to come up from the knee he grabs Jimmy’s left wrist, drops to his back, and shoots his legs up making the crowd erupt�?/P> WallStreet, "Stevenson’s looking for that trademark triangle armbar-slash-choke�? Unfortunately for him, Stryker throws his right arm up capturing Drew’s left leg before he can get it to meet his right leg to hook the head scissors�?Stryker then drops back, DDTing Drew’s left leg and in the process powering his arm out of Drew’s grasp. The crowd boos as Drew instantly brings his knee to his chest and grabs it. WallStreet, "Jimmy Stryker had the Triangle choke well scouted and countered with a big shot to the left knee of Drew Stevenson. That may have just changed the tide of this contest." Jimmy pulls himself up, trying to make circular motions with that left arm to work the kinks out of his shoulder but showing obvious signs of pain with each movement. Meanwhile, Drew starts pulling himself up to his feet. As the former referee pulls himself up, Stryker lands a hard kick to the bread basket, doubling Drew over. Jimmy places his left palm on the top of Drew’s head, draws back with his big right hand, glares out to the crowd and then CRAAAAACK! A hard right driven to the top of the head makes Stevenson snap back to the mat as the fans boo and Jimmy shakes his hand from the impact of his fist hitting Drew’s skull. WallStreet, "What a devastating right hand. Drew Stevenson is a phenomenal mat wrestler, I’d go so far as to list him as probably number two in the world, right behind our very own Heavyweight champion in David Van Dam. However, when we start talking striking and hard right hands, I’m not sure there’s anybody alive today that trumps Jimmy Stryker." Jimmy extends that right arm, bends it, and drops down driving that huge elbow deep into Stevenson’s sternum, sending a shock through his body that makes his legs jolt. Stryker stands up, extends the arm again, and to a chorus of boos drops a second elbow before rolling over and pinning down the far wrist with a solid lateral press pin. Harding drops down and counts ………………One………………Two�?Only two as Stevenson kicks out to an applause. Jimmy shakes his head and rolls his eyes as he stands up and watches Drew attempt to start pushing himself up. Drew starts to get to a knee but Jimmy quickly reaches down, grabs both of Drew’s wrists, pulls back and places his large boot in the center of Drew’s back creating a variation of a bow and arrow. The crowd boos as Drew winces in pain. Harding quickly asks him if he wants to give up but he shakes his head adamantly, refusing to surrender. Jimmy yanks back some more, applying more pressure, making Drew cry out a little from the pain. WallStreet, "This is a pretty smart plan of attack from Stryker. The more he can weaken the back and shoulder areas of his opponent, the more damaging that huge "Supreme Killing" Powerbomb will be should the Legendary Icon be able to get it at some point in this bout. Of course I tend to believe that when a man the size and strength of Jimmy Stryker power bombs you, you can be as fresh as a daisy but you’re still not coming back around in under three seconds. But, with that left arm weakened, It can’t hurt to get Drew as beaten down as he can before he drives him down to the mat with the Supreme Killing." Indeed�?Back in the ring Jimmy’s really got the tork on that submission. The crowd is starting to rally behind the Emerald, pleading for him to get out of the clutches of the Chaotic Mastermind. Apparently their support is somewhat effective as the louder they get, the more resistant Drew becomes. Slowly he starts to get to a knee as Jimmy tries desperately to keep the Emerald grounded. Drew’s head starts bobbin up and down, drawing more from the capacity crowd on hand�?/P> Crowd: DREW-DREW-DREW-DREW-DREW-DREW-DREW-DREW-DREW�?/EM> His long brown hair (this week) waves about as his head continues to bounce about and slowly he progresses upward, eventually forcing Jimmy to withdraw his foot from Drew’s back to keep his balance. Finally drew gets to his feet although Jimmy still has his arms extended to his sides. Ordinarly Jimmy would probably just force Drew’s arms behind his back and turn this into a variation of a rear Greco roman knuckle lock, but, with the work put on Jimmy’s left arm, it’s not as easy to over power Drew’s adrenaline pumped, struggling arms. However, Jimmy does have enough strength to prevent Drew from the standard counter of just turning inward and driving some elbows into his ribs�?So, realizing he’s in a straight shot of the corner, Drew darts forward bringing an unsuspecting Jimmy with him. By the time Jimmy realizes he’s being dragged Drew ducks down, forcing Stryker to bend with him a little and BAM! Jimmy takes the top turnbuckle pad with that left shoulder. He instantly releases Drew’s arms and staggers away holding his left shoulder and cussing under his breath as the fans erupt for Drew’s release. Drew glances behind him, turns back to the corner, grabs the top rope, squats down and then leaps up as Jimmy’s slowly turning back�?Drew springboards back off the top, turning almost like he wants a cross body but instead nailing a modified enziguri kick to Stryker’s shoulder, making Stryker literally spin in the air and drop to his chest holding his shoulder and kicking his feet in pain as the crowd is going nuts. WallStreet, "Good Gracious! What a shot! Drew Stevenson forgoing his typical ground game and mixing a more fortitude based styling into his offense here tonight against the behemoth Jimmy Stryker and so far, It seems to be paying off." Stryker rolls to a knee as Drew is leaning back on the ropes�?Seeing Stryker on a knee Drew bounces himself off the ropes, darts forward, leaps up catching Jimmy’s head with his right arm and Jimmy’s left arm with his left arm and finishes flipping over Stryker, driving him down with what kinda looks almost like a short elevation diamond cutter if you were to extend the opponents arm. The crowd eats it up as Drew quickly rolls Jimmy over and hooks the near leg as Harding drops down and counts …………………One……………Two………�?Jimmy kicks out before the three, grabbing his arm immediately upon doing so as the crowd groans. WallStreet, "That’s as close as Drew’s been all night and this crowd is just as frustrated as I have to imagine he is�?However, Notice that on the simple task of kicking out, Jimmy’s managed to get a shot in his arm. This is a brilliant strategy by the Ultimate Strategist in Drew Stevenson�?The less useful that arm of Stryker’s becomes, the less he can put into that Supreme killing, or any of his big power moves. That immediately limits his arsenal and methods of winning�?In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king and in the squared ring the one armed man doesn’t tend to fair real well." Drew’s back to his feet stalking Jimmy as the capacity crowd is on their feet waiting to see what’s coming next�?Jimmy gets to his feet and Drew shoots in from behind, looking to grab a strong armbar on that weakened left arm, perhaps even use said arm bar to drive Stryker back to the mat�?Unfortunately for Drew, as soon as he goes to put on the arm bar, Stryker swings around and drives a hard right hand directly into the face of the man WallStreet just referenced as the "Ultimate Strategist". Drew snaps back to the mat again, holding his head as Jimmy bends down, holding his arm and wincing in pain, the fans booing loudly in the background. WallStreet, "And as quickly as Drew appeared to be turning things around, Stryker takes back the reigns with another of those sick right hands. The silver lining in this for Drew, however, may be that Jimmy’s arm appears to be dangling by a thread." Jimmy glares down at Drew and begins driving hard stomps into the upper torso as the crowd boos further and Harding tries to get the Legendary Icon to back off. Jimmy drops to his knees and wraps his right hand around Drew’s throat, a sinister, angry look on his face. The fans are booing desperately as Harding tries to pull the bigman back. Harding, "COME ON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Stryker, "YOU TRYIN TO BREAK MY ARM BOY?! HUH?! I’LL END YOU YA SON OF A BITCH! I’ll -----IN END YOU!" WallStreet, "Whoa�?Sorry about that folks." Harding has zero luck pulling Stryker off so he begins counting …………………ONE………………TWO………………THREE…………FOUR……�?COME ON JIMMY!" Stryker releases Drew’s throat long enough to backhand Harding into the air as the fans continue to boo. Stryker then starts driving hard rights into Drew’s face as Drew quickly covers up. Harding grabs his face with his right hand and signals for the bell with his left. Upon hearing the bell Jimmy’s eyes get wide as he perks up�?/P> Greene, "Here is Your winner by Disqualification�?DREW STEVENSON!" The crowd cheers but Jimmy seems even more furious as he leaps up screaming, "WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHAT?!" Jimmy darts toward Harding, but he quickly rolls under the ropes to his feet on the floor, holding his face and shaking his head toward Stryker. WallStreet, "Jimmy Stryker’s lost it folks." Jimmy turns around with that wild look in his eye, but Drew’s rolled out by now too. He’s still holding his head as he and Harding meet up on the floor right in front of the ramp. Harding raises Drew’s right arm as his left arm still holds his head. "Crush Em" by Megadeath begins over the PA as Stryker’s kicking the bottom rope and throwing a fit in the ring. WallStreet, "Well, Drew’s gonna get a mark in the win column tonight, but, I don’t believe that anything has been settled. I’d bet my gross income for 2008 that we’re gonna see these two back between the ropes sooner then later�?And folks, That’s a lot of money." Jimmy stands at the ropes, pointing toward Drew (who’s about half way up the ramp) throwing out threats of "Next Time" as he occasionally stops pointing to nurse that left arm. Drew just shoots a glare back and continuously responds, "ANYTIME BIGMAN�?ANYTIME�? WallStreet, "This is heading into an intense rivalry�?And speaking of intense, You don’t get anymore intense then the sultry ladies of the ICWA�?When we come back the sexy new comer Brit Samson goes one on one with the always lascivious Tani Lyons. Don’t change that dial." *Commercial Break* | |
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When we return we see MJ Storm marching through a hallway in the Greenville Convention center. WallStreet, "There’s MJ Storm. We saw him out here earlier tonight and he didn’t seem thrilled at the premise of TOG obtaining a championship opportunity�?He still seems to be a little sour." MJ finally seems to find his destination as he grabs a door handle and bursts into what appears to be Jonathan Brooks�?place of business�?I don’t necessarily want to call it an office since it’s certainly not the lavish office scene you’d get from a McMahon on a WWE show, but, there’s a folding table set up with a lap top on it and some papers scattered about. Brooks is sitting in a basic rolling chair and in a steel chair in front of the table is ICWA Champion David Van Dam. The crowd instantly erupts as Brooks offers MJ a curious glance and David offers a sigh and a shake of his head. Brooks, "Can I help you?" MJ Storm, "Well, In the spirit of my interview show I thought I’d offer you quick question�? Brooks nods, "Alright�? MJ offers a disingenuous smile and says, "Thanks…�?Heh-hmm�?HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND?!" Brooks, "Once in 87, but I eventually found it. Is that all?" MJ fakes a laugh and says, "Ha-ha�?You’re a real riot�?A regular Eddie FREAKIN Murphy! What the Hell are you doing giving TOG a title shot before me?! Do you know how long I’ve been with this company?!" Brooks shrugs, "Nope." MJ gets a straight faced look before he yells, "THREE YEARS! That’s how long! Do you know what I’ve done in this company?! HUH?!" Brooks shakes his head, "Nope." MJ, "…………�? David, "That was it, he just named it all." The crowd laughs as MJ glares and says, "Fantastic, everybody’s a comedian today. Well there "Champ"�?(looks back at Brooks), I’m an Undefeated ICWA Tag Team Champion! I’m a self made millionaire as a result of beating SFM in his own match for a briefcase full of his own money! I�? Brooks seems confused as he says, "Wait�?SFWho?" MJ, "ICWA Legend Sean Frost-Mann!" Brooks dismissively says, "I’ve never been real interested in antiques. What I am interested in, however, is what have you done lately? I’m aware of some ICWA history but for the most part I came in completely uninformed because I felt it’d be best that way. That way, all of my decisions would be based on the here and the now�?What have YOU done in the here and the now that makes you such an ideal contender?" MJ, "What have *I* Done?! What has TOG done?! He beat Superbeast! Oh Wow, Get out the confetti and the streamers!" Brooks, "At least he’s had more then one match since his arrival this season." MJ, "It’s not my fault you idiots don’t book me!" Brooks, "Umm�?Yes it is." MJ, "WHAT?!" Brooks, "Every time I try to book you, I get a call from your agent telling me you have a medical excuse�? MJ interrupts, "That was a very serious issue, I could have lost my vision!" Brooks, "I don’t wanta know about your personal life Mr. Storm�? MJ looks confused, "What? I got a French fry in my eye!" David rolls his eyes, "Riiiiight." Brooks, "The point remains that if it isn’t a medical excuse then you supposedly have contractual obligations to do an appearance here or a this there or whatever�? MJ Storm, "I can’t help that I’m a hot commodity." Brooks, "Perhaps not but it seems awfully convenient that stuff keeps landing on the dates of shows, or, so close to shows that I keep hearing "He can appear, he just can’t wrestle as he has to rush right to this or that". I mean, I don’t care, we have plenty of fantastic talent to fill the card with�?But, Until you do something other then take a salty load……�?of French fries to the eye or random guest appearance that happen to fall just when you’d have to be having a wrestling match, You don’t get to protest who I allow to have a championship match. David, who’s proven to be a legitimate performer within this company is contesting my decision and I haven’t wavered on it, I’m certainly not going to waiver for you." MJ, "What? The Mighty David Van Dam’s afraid of lil ol�?Tee Oh Gee?" David stands up, "No, I just don’t feel he’s earned a title match. But, Unlike you, I’m not gonna whine and cry about it. I’ve vocalized my opinion, Brooks has explained to me his reasoning behind his decision and while we respectfully disagree on it, I’ll show up in two weeks and beat him the same way I beat Jimmy Stryker three weeks ago�?(Crowd cheers)…�?And the same way I’ve beat you every time we’ve stepped between the ropes." MJ, "Well, You haven’t beat me with the ICWA Heavyweight championship on the line, How about trying that one hot shot." Brooks, "Whoa�?One contender at a time. I gave TOG this shot based off his heart and his determination. He hasn’t won every match but he’s damn sure tried and put forth an honest effort. He’s been a glowing example of the kind of attitude I want in this lockeroom. Now maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll win�?Afterall, he did say he’d give you the first title match just to have a reason to beat your backside redder then Tani Lyons as of late�?But, Unless that happens, a title shot isn’t in the foreseeable future�?But, I’ll meet ya half way. You’re mad he’s getting this huge main event match�?Well, I’ll give you a main event caliber contest of your own�?Live in two weeks from this very building, You can go one on one with the very first heavyweight title contender of the new season�?(The crowd already starts cheering)�?You can go one on one with CHRISTIAN MICHAELS!" The crowd erupts as MJ glares and says, "That’s BS Brooks!" Brooks, "I hear that a lot lately. I’d recommend you get a good seat for tonight’s main event and watch what you’re up against." David snickers and says, "Yeah, and watch a Heavyweight champion in action�?Who knows kid, Maybe you can be ICWA Champion one day�?You know�?when you grow up." The crowd cheers while David heads out of the office. The camera comes back to MJ as his nostrils flair and we fade from his irate face to the ring. WallStreet, "MJ Storm and David Van Dam have a long history of bitterness between the two of them and I believe we just had that illustrated a little bit there�?That being said however, what a huge match we have set to take place on December 19th from right here in the Greenville Convention Center. In addition to Tee Oh Gee getting the opportunity of a life time as he goes one on one with David Van Dam for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship, One half of our tag team champions in Christian Michaels will go one on one with former ICWA Tag Team Champion MJ Storm and folks, they’re not virgins to each other either." Sean Greene : This contest is scheduled for one fall. "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy begins to play over the speakers there are boos heard from the crowd as Tani's video begins to play on the ICWA Screens. Tani steps out onto the entrance ramp with her hands on her hips. She looks around for a second and bounces her head upward. She grins as she begins down the ramp letting her hands fall to her sides. People reach out for her to slap their hands but she laughs at them stepping away. The boos get louder as she gets closer to the ring. Tani walks over towards the steel steps walking up them. She walks to the middle of the turnbuckles and swings her leg through the middle and top rope. She takes her time ducking under the ropes and getting into the ring making the crowd pop with cheers for a second. Tani then walked towards the middle of the ring she messes with her hair a little bit, flipping it and then presents herself outstretching her arms to the sides. She yells some things into the camera directed toward the fans. Greene: In the ring from Apple Valley, California...She is Tani Lyons!! She is seen showing off a bit until.... "I Am Sound" By Secret Broadcast hits the waves as the TV screens simply show the name "Brit Samson" in a sharp looking font. Greene: And her opponent....From Charleston, New Brunswick Canada....Brit SAMSON!!!!! Brit comes from behind the curtain and heads down toward the ring as WallStreet interjects�?/FONT> WallStreet, "Brit Samson a new comer to the ICWA from New Brunswick Canada�?She’s going to have a real opportunity here tonight to show us what she’s made of as she goes head to head with the less than happy Tani Lyons. Of course Tani Lyons on a bit of a downward slope as of late�?I imagine she’ll look to start switching gears and picking things up here tonight against this young lady." Samson slides in as the music fades and the official calls for the bell. WallStreet: Here we go folks, were ready to get this match under way. Tani and Brit go face to face, as the ref is right there telling them to get it on. The two ladies, look at one another, then back off a bit walk around the ring, and the finally get their crap together, as the fight ensues, with a kick to the gut from Tani, who is just completely wanting to steal the show. Tani then hooked Brit slamming her to the mat with an amazing well done suplex. Tani, sure of herself now, decides to go for the cover. Ref: 1....Kickout!! Brit flies to her feet, as she shakes her head confidently, that you can't beat her that easily. Brit then slams a fist into Tani's head, as she whips her into the ropes, as Tani rebounds, here comes Brit with a hard forearm smash across the bridge of the nose, sending Tani down. Tani then gets back to her feet with an angry look on her face holding her jaw, and nose, as Brit is right there smiling at her, telling her to bring it. Without hesitation here comes Tani, as she just begins wailing on Brit, as she tries to cover up, until Tani, just gets her good after sweeping her legs out from underneath her. Tani then picks up Brit one more time, as she lifts her into the air into a suplex formation, instead dropping Brit across her knee stomach first. WallStreet: And a brutal shot to the breadbasket by Lyons. Brit now on the mat, holding her stomach while Tani lifts Brit on her feet, as she then nails Brit with her spinning backfist, then swings around Brit, locking in the Sgt Slaughter favorite, the Cobra Clutch. Brit fighting to get out of the hold, finally lets herself stay calm, as Tani with the hold locked in tightly cutting off the air to her lungs. But Brit right there fighting out of the hold, until Tani with a knee to the lower back of Brit dropping her into a reverse DDT. Brit, now on the mat one more time, as Tani, has been in control for most of the match already.... WallStreet: The new comer Brit Samson having a hard time with seasoned Vet Tani Lyons�?/FONT> Tani then drops to the mat, as she locks in a huge figure four leg lock, but then blows it off and locks in one hell of a sharp shooter. Tani pulling back on the body of Brit, as she screams out in horror. After a bit, Tani seems to not want to give up, but some how here comes Brit finding some wind left in her beaten body...and keeps reaching and reaching, Finally the ropes, Tani is seen not letting go of the hold. The ref warns her about the five count, and about 4 she lets go, and turns around to get Brit who is on the mat, but through all the beating, and the pain, Brit throws her legs into the gut of Tani, who backs off a bit, catching her breath. Tani is seen thrown back into the ropes as she bounces off, as Brit is right there, flipping Tani feet first over her, into a back body drop as Brit tries to collect herself some more. WallStreet: And Miss Samson has managed to obtain control of this contest�?Oh and there’s the big kick to the ribs by the new comer. Brit not happy, as she picks up Tani, while holding her by the hair, and slapping the taste out of her mouth a good couple times, as she places Tani in between her legs, motioning to the crowd, then lifting her up and nailing her with her own version of the batista bomb. Brit still not done, doesn’t attempt the cover, as she gets to her feet, bounces off the ropes, and nails a high but effective leg drop across the neck of Tani. Tani a bit with it, is seen holding her neck as Brit with a look of anger on her face, as she grabs Tani, bringing her to her feet, and ramming her head into the turnbuckle a few times, then swings her leg up into the chick kick, as Tani just collapses inside of the ring. Brit smiling a bit, as she then takes a small couple of steps before jumping up and laying a knee to the jaw of Tani. WallStreet: Solid display by Samson. Brit then picks up Tani whipping her into the ropes. Sure of herself Brit takes off and delivers on hell of shot to the chin with her knee to the jaw. She then comes out of the corner with a huge tornado DDT that plants Tani in the middle of the ring. Brit, happy with herself, as she finally makes a cover. Ref: 1........2........ Tani just gets her shoulder off the mat. WallStreet, "Samson with the near fall, however, despite the kick out by Lyons the new comer still seems pretty confident." Brit sure of herself now lifts Tani to her feet, but Tani sick of the crap she was put through just now, chops Brit in the throat, staggering her. Tani then clotheslines Brit to the mat, as she drops to the mat herself, and heads to the outside. Tani tries to get herself together as Brit gets back up to her feet. Brit heads over the ropes and reaches down to grab Tani by the hair but as she does, the former supermodel hops up onto the apron, wraps her arms around Brit’s neck and drops down, driving her throat over the top rope in the process. Brit flies back to her back holding her throat as she starts trying to roll up to her feet. Tani climbs back up onto the outside of the ring�?Brit comes up to her feet as Tani leaps up onto the top rope, leaps out wrapping her legs around Brit’s neck and swinging around as if she was about to do a variation of the West coast pop, but, instead manages to unlatch her legs, flip back, catch Brit’s head and drive her down with the most devastating variation of the X Factor you’ve ever seen. WallStreet: Good Gracious! Tani is seen looking over at Brit who is rolling over trying to muster up the energy to get back to her feet. Tani then is seen getting to her feet a few moments later, grabbing the weary Brit, as she nails Brit with Vanity's Curse. As Brit comes crashing to the mat, a tired Tani Lyons covers Brit, as the ref drops to the mat. WallStreet: It's Over Folks!!! Ref: 1.........2.........3!!! Greene: Here is your winner...Tani Lyons!!! The ref raises Tani’s arm but she quickly snatches it back and demands a microphone be handed up from ringside. Tani, "You See that Faith? How’s your knee sweetie? I hope that as you watch this from whatever little hole you’re nestled up in, your knee’s throbbing at my mere site. They suspended Angelina Santana for orchestrating that little attack but, when you come back they’re gonna have to suspend me too because I’m going to do whatever I have to in order to become�?ICWA Women’s Champion." Tani drops the mic as "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy blasts over the PA. WallStreet, "The ICWA Women’s Title hunt is heating up and I suppose it’s not a prime time to be Faith Rivers. Well folks, when we return, Two friends turned foes by different methods of competing�?"The Canadian Dream" Scott Andrew goes one on one with the pride of England, Darren Hunter. Both men have yet to suffer defeat in the ICWA�?Something’s gotta give folks. We’ll be right back." *Commercial Break* | |
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The scene returns at ringside with WallStreet. WallStreet, "What a night we have had so far and we’re no where near the same vicinity as done. Already for our next show we know that TOG Will challenge David Van Dam for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship�?MJ Storm will go one on one with ICWA Tag Team champion Christian Michaels, and, I’ve just had it confirmed that Jonathan Brooks has signed off on a rematch between Drew Stevenson and Jimmy Stryker. Less than an hour into this broadcast and we already have three main event calibur matches to look forward to in two weeks�?Not to mention the fantastic bouts still to come here tonight like Scott Addams going one on one with The Sweet Lunatic in what is a "Last Chance" opportunity for her to try and obtain the ICWA Cyber TV Championship�?Our Huge Main Event tonight pitting Whysper, Christian Michaels, and David Van Dam all into battle against each other in a contest of pride, and of course, this up and coming grudge match." WallStreet motions toward the ring and the camera follows his direction focusing on Sean Greene in the Ring. Greene, "The Following Contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a fifteen minute time limit." [ Human League's "You're My Obsession" hits over the speakers as the lights dim down. Fans looking up as little paper maple leaves float down from the ceiling. One lands on Wall$treet's table as he looks at it. Wall$treet: So apparently its Scott Andrews making his entrance first....Wonder if you can make a paper football out of these? Hey that reminds me, everyone tune in to ESPN this Monday night as the Carolina Panthers take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for first place in the NFC South. [ Finally onto the stage steps Scott Andrews waving a Canadian flag proudly. Behind him some very low level pyros are fired off behind him. Andrews then making his way down to the ring spitting at the feet of our great fans. Climbing the steps onto the ring apron, Scott hops right over the top rope. In the ring he continues badmouthing fans while waving the flag. Green finally announcing him. Greene, "Now in the ring, he stands five feet an seven inches tall.... weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds....Ladies and gentlemen he is "The Canadian Dream".....SCOTTTTT ANNNNNDREWS!" [ Andrews stand proudly as he's announced. But then he slinks back to a corner as "Dream On" by Aerosmith hits over the speakers. Greene, "And his opponent! Standing at six feet tall and weighing two hundred and seventeen pounds.....He is DARRRRRRREN HUNNNNNNNTER" [ From behind the curtain out steps Darren Hunter in his ring gear as he stands in front of the curtain he looks around and then to the ring. He then walks towards the ring looking nervous and then he slides into the ring and a smile then forms on his face and he puts his arms around and does a little spin and then he looks at his opponent in the ring Wall$treet, "Well this match has a little bit of a personal edge to it. Ever since Hunter and Andrews have met, Scott has tried to change Darren. So far it hasn't been successful and so now Scott going to take it out on Hunter." [ The bell rings and we're underway. In the opening moments both men circling around each other. Finally looks like things are going to get going here. Darren Hunter comes in for a collar an elbow tie-up. Andrews on top of things and grabs a side headlock. Scott really wrenching it in here. Darren drops back to the ropes and attempts to send Andrews off. Scott hangs on and brings Hunter with him to the center of the ring. Still looking for a way out Hunter grabs Andrews an picks him up for a side belly to back suplex. Scott though rakes the eyes and darren drops him back onto his feet. The ref warns Andrews about the eye raking. Wall$treet, "It may be against the rules folks, but nonetheless the eye rake is one of the most effective moves in wrestling. Everyone's vulnerable there." [ Darren Hunter still searching for an escape to this headlock. He lifts Andrews up again and once more gets his eyes raked by Andrews. Scott then shifts his weight and turns it into a side headlock takedown on Hunter. Now seated on the ground wrenching that headlock Andrews yells at the fans. Our fans here immediately responding with boos. But those quickly change to cheers as Darren Hunter rolls Andrews over into a pin. Jason harding down for the count. ONE.........TWO.........KICKOUT! Scott Andrews managing to push off his shoulders back into the seated position. He wrenches the headlock an warns Hunter not to try that again. So naturally Darren rolls him back into the pin. Another two before Andrews gets off his shoulders. Wall$treet, "Hunter trying to get out of this side headlock, but he can only get two counts on Andrews. I think he's going to have to try another tactic here." [ Maybe ole darren heard Wally's commentary folks. Hunter forces his way up to a knee as Andrews wears a look of complete shock. Scott really wrenching in on that headlock now trying to control Darren. But its of little affect. The crowd getting behind Hunter as he forces himself to his feet. The eyes have nearly popped outta Andrews' head here. He wrenches some more but Darren trhows a couple elbows to the gut. The third one breaks the headlock an Scott Andrews is sent to the ropes. he hits an rebounds off to Darren Hunter set prematurely for the bac body drop. Andrews slams on the brakes and gives Darren a kick to the solar-plexes. He then looks for a standing dropkick but countered by Hunter! Darren catching Scott's legs leavinging Andrews dropping to the mat almost in a sloppy spinebuster. Still not letting go of Scott's legs, Darren swings around and then falls back catapulting Scott into a corner! Andrews hitting the top turbuckle and then flying out the corner. He salutes the crowd like he's in the military and then face plants on the mat. Wall$treet, "Andrews just got his senses knocked out from being catapulted into that corner! Oh this is a huge chance for Hunter to pick up the win here." [ Looks like Hunter realizes this too. he quickly rolls Scott onto his back and makes a pin. ONE............TWO...........THR-NO! The left shoulder comes off the mat and the match continues. Hunter shakes his head in disappointment but he doesn't argue the count. Instead he gets to his feet and reaches down to grab Andrews. Scott pulled to his feet and whipped into the ropes yet again. He rebounds off and this time is taken down with a drop toehold. Darren then up and hooks Andrews' legs into a Boston Crab. The corwd on their feet hoping for the submission. Wall$treet, "The fortunes have really turned in this match. And good gracious I think Darren's going to break Scott's back if he leans back too much further" [ Somehow, much to the fan's chagrin, Scott Andrews makes it to the ropes. Harding warns Darren to release the hold or he'll DQ him. Naturally Hunter realeases the hold. Harding now checks to see if Scott can continue. apparently after everything he's been through darren decides to make the decision for Scott. He starts heading for Andrews, being intercepted by harding. But there's no deterring Hunter. He pushes past teh ref.....only to have Scott grab the front of his tights an dump Darren out the ring through the middle an top ropes. The fans booing at this turn of events. Wall$treet, "What a cheap move by Andrews. You know I think this kid is really worried that he can't be Hunter straight up." [ Now with Darren outside the ring Scott Andrews is Mr Big Stuff. He's standing by the ropes, back towards them, and holds up his arms celebrating......Yeah until Darren Hunter yanks his feet from under him! Scott claws at the mat as he's yanked out of the ring. Scott drops to his knees outside the ring and begs off the asskicking coming his way. Hunter grabs a handful of hair and rares back with his right hand. he looks out at the crowd and they're beggin for Darren to give Scott what he deserves. Unfortunately though Darren spends to much time taking his poll. Scott Andrews shoots to his feet and drills Darren in the mouth with a forearm shot! Then taking Hunter by the back of the head Andrews sends him face first into the ring post. There's a sick thud as Hunter hits and then flops to the thinly padded floor. Meanwhile Scott rolls back inside the ring. He gets in a corner and stretches out like HBK used to. Wall$treet, " Darren Hunter took too long to deliver Andrews medicine to him, and now that looks to have cost him the match. Jason Harding already on a count of four with no movement from Hunter." [ Harding's count makes it to nine before Hunter somehow manages to pull himself into the ring. Scott Andrews is beside himself. He doesn't believe it and argues with Harding, evening shoving Harding. the ref not going to take this abuse shoves Andrews back into the corner. Harding then turns to make sure Hunter can continue with his busted mouth from the forearm shot. In the meantime Scott Andrews is untying a turnbuckle pad. Wall$treet, "Turn around ref!" [ He does and catches Scott in the act. After admonishing him, Harding goes to tying the padding back up. Andrews backs away smirking and turns around...into a HUGE clothesline from Darren! Scott hitting the mat and rolling outside the ring. He kneels down out there and reaches into his boot. Darren leans out between the top an middle ropes ta grab him and WHAMO! There's a shot to the forehead with a pipe! Hunter is flattened and Andrews ditches the pipe under the ring. Sliding back in he makes a pin as Harding turns around. ONE...........TWO.........THREE!!! Wall$treet, "What an effort by Darren Hunter, but it just wasn't meant to be tonight" Andrews jumps up in the air and drops to his knees with his arms in the air ala Kurt Angle as Harding raises his arm to a chorus of boos. Andrew’s theme hits, but, it’s shortly lived as he jumps ontop of the unconscious Darren Hunter, pulls his head up with his left hand and begins driving hard rights into head. Harding starts calling for the bell and insist that Andrew get up, however, he’s not having a ton of luck�?/P> The capacity crowd on hand is booing desperately as WallStreet says, "Ah Come on! Ya already cracked the guy with a led pipe to get the win, what’s this post match assault prove?" The booing crowd suddenly starts to cheer�?Why? Because darting from the back and sliding under the ropes is the one and only Tee Oh Gee. Andrews glances up and gets wide eyed as he sees TOG charging his way�?Andrews quickly rolls off of Hunter and out of the ring as the crowd is going wild. WallStreet, "The newly named number one contender to the ICWA Heavyweight championship has come to the aid of Darren Hunter!" Andrews hit’s the floor and points into the ring shaking his head and smirking as his theme re-hits. TOG drops to a knee next to Hunter and shoots Andrew some glares as he heads toward the back, still facing the ring and grinning at the damage he’s caused. WallStreet, "Well, by hook or by crook Scott Andrews has won this contest, however, thank God Tee Oh Gee was in the house to prevent him from taking things much further. I have to imagine that these two young gunz to the business have earned each other’s respect over the course of their last couple of interactions with each other. Of course you’ll remember all the issues between Hunter and Andrews started back about a month ago when Darren Hunter shook the hand of Tee Oh Gee after defeating him in a highly competitive singles bout." Hunter starts to slowly blink a little, feeling at his forehead and wincing�?TOG’s on a knee checking on him as he appears to be regaining consciousness. WallStreet, "In any event folks, when we return it’s the Mid Atlantic Television debut of the Monster that’s been leaving a path of destruction here in the ICWA for the last couple of months�?It’s The Juggernaught Patrick Warner as led by the mad scientist of professional wrestling himself, Paul E. Dangerously. Don’t touch that dial." *Commercial Break* | |
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When we come back we can hear "When It All Goes South" by Alabama still in progress as Plowboy Graven Stands in the ring. WallStreet, "Welcome back. For those of you new to our program, we’ve had a mammoth of a man by the name of Patrick Warner take the ICWA by storm under the guidance of Paul Heyman. Heyman’s been on a crusade to destroy anyone who he deems a "Rip Off" as he apparently feels that he and his former wrestling promotion ECW were ruined by promoters "ripping" them off and there for reducing the value and uniqueness of their product. Tonight he looks to tear through "Plowboy" Graven, who shares a name with the late "Plowboy" Frasier�?Plowboy Frasier of course primarily known from his time in Memphis back in the seventies. Plowboy Graven’s the biggest opponent Warner’s had, so perhaps the man handling will end tonight." "When It All Goes South" fades as Greene stands in the center of the ring. Greene, "The following bout is scheduled for one fall with a ten minute time limit. Already in the ring, Weighing in at 352 pounds and hailing from south of the Mason-Dixon line�?PLOW-BOY GRAAAAAAAAAAVENNN!" Plowboy throws up an arm and starts yellin at the fans, drawing a moderate cheer since he’s from the local indy scene. "One! Two! Three! GO!" As "Step Up" by Drowning Pool blasts from the PA we see "PAT WARNER" Flash across the TV screens with some images of him nailing various imitation wrestlers with his huge sitout spine buster, The man himself comes from behind the curtain with Paul Heyman close behind. WallStreet, "And there’s the Monster himself�?Big Pat Warner." Greene, "And the opponent, From Indianapolis Indiana�?He is accompanied to ringside by Paul Heyman�?He is, PATRIIIIIICK WARNER!" WallStreet, "A.O.P�?Dick Foley�?Team Macktion�?Donnie Steamboat�? Derek Flair�?Never heard of any of these guys? Don’t expect that you will anytime soon. They’re all lying in a heap of decay as a result of that man�?Patrick Warner." Warner stands at ringside momentarily before leaping up onto the ring and entering between the second and third ropes. The music slowly fades as the two huge men stair each other down in the center of the ring. Carlton asks them both if they’re ready, getting no response from either he assumes they are and calls for the bell. As soon as the bell sounds Warner drives his leg into the gut of Plowboy with a big hip check. Plowboy doubles over and Warner grabs him by the wrist and whips him across the ring. Graven hit’s the ropes and comes back.. BLAM! Both men go for a shoulder tackle, neither man moves. Plowboy gets wide eyed, glances around, and then shoots for the side ropes�?Plowboy bounces back�?KABLAM! Again, neither man budges off the dueling shoulder blocks. WallStreet, "Good Gracious. It’s like watching dueling refrigerators." Warner doesn’t say a word as he points to a third set of ropes�?Plowboy looks around, raises his finger and yells, "YA’LL WANT ONE MORE?!" The crowd cheers so Plowboy goes to nail the ropes, but, Warner reaches out, grabs his pony tail and snatches him down to the mat to a chorus of boos from the fans. WallStreet, "Shady tactics from the beast they call Warner." Plowboy grabs his head and holds it as he starts to pick himself up, only to get driven back down to a knee by an overpowering forearm across the back from Warner. Patrick picks him up to his feet, grabs him by the armpit and the neck, and then throws him up and over to his back with a Bigshow-style Hip Toss/throw. Plowboy grabs his back, arching back as he lets out a loud "AHHHHH GOD!" Plowboy starts to pull himself back up but Warner’s right there to send him up and over with a repeat of the same move. Plowboy let’s out another yell for the man up stairs as he reaches for the ropes, using them to pull himself up to his feet. Warner meets him at the ropes, pushes him back, and then ships him off across the ring. Plowboy hit’s the far ropes, shoots back, and Warner sends him up�?And then BOOOOOM! A 352 Pound Sky High/Sitout Spinebuster. WallStreet, "And it looks like Plowboy Graven’s being unceremoniously shipped back to the farm." Carlton drops down and counts …………………One………………Two………………Three! The bell sounds as Greene declares, "Your Winner�?PATRICK�?WARNER!" Warner gets up as Heyman climbs in with a mic in hand. Heyman, "That’s right folks�?Here stands my one man militia against the leaching, stinking, vampiric strains of humanity that build their careers off ripping off from guys who busted their asses to create something unique and fresh to progress." Heyman sees Plowboy still laying there so he drives a few shots to the Plowboy with his black dress shoes, eventually forcing plowboy to roll to a heap on the floor. The crowd boos some more but Heyman disregards it. Heyman, "Tonight, I’ve vowed that we will confront the ultimate rip off, climaxing our war. I am a man of my word�? WallStreet quips, "There’s a lot of unpaid wrestlers that might dispute that claim." Heyman, "And so…�? Heyman walks to the ropes and exit’s the ring, Pat Warner following close behind. WallStreet, "Hmm�?I wonder what they’re doing now�?Wait�?Are they heading over here?" Heyman and Warner approach the table WallStreet’s seated at. WallStreet stands up and says, "May I Help you gentlemen?" Heyman, "Can you help me? Yeah, you can help me�?You can get ONE Creative bone in that steroid induced body of yours! Look at you! Why do you even bother to call yourself WallStreet? Why don’t you make like the Derek Flairs and the Donnie Steamboats and Dick Foleys and just call Yourself Hunter Hearst Hell-I’m-Too-Lazy-To-Make-My-Own-Way! Your entire career has been one big attempt at playing make believe and pretending your Triple H! And when you’re not pretending you’re Triple H as a wrestler, You’re off bangin the Boss in PWT, BUD, and god knows where else to cling to the top spot like mold to a shower curtain�?Seriously, When are you going to pull your quads? Isn’t that about all that’s left?" WallStreet takes a deep breath and says, "I think now’d be a good time for you to leave Paul." Heyman, "Oh, I’m sorry? Does the Truth hurt? Ya know it’s not bad enough you have a clear man crush for Triple H�?But when you’re not off boinking the Becca Wipwrecks of the world wishing they’d change their names to "Steph", You come back here and start ripping off Vince McMahon! For God’s sakes, You’ve been running a WWE-Lite formula for SIX YEARS! You rip off the people who RIPPED ME OFF! That makes you a DOUBLE RIP OFF! And now you’re out here calling commentary trying to portray yourself as a simple commentator when everybody knows you own the damned company�?Congratulations, You’ve gone from Triple H the second to Vince McMahon circa the Hulkamania years. Where’s Bret Hart and Steve Austin to inspire you to become "MISTER McCallister"?!" WallStreet clenches his fists as he says, "Really Paul�?It’s time for you to go." Heyman, "Oh yeah, You’d like that wouldn’t ya? You’d like me to just go away�?Well the truth doesn’t just "go away" Taylor. The Truth is real and the truth is forever! You…�?You know I’m right don’t you? You know what you’ve done and you don’t give a damn do you? DO YOU?" WallStreet grits his teeth, breathing deeply through his nose as he tries to resist pimp slapping the fat lil man. Heyman looks at WallStreet with disgust and disbelief as he says, "You self indulging piece of�? CRAAAAAACK Heyman nails WallStreet with a huge open handed slap sending a gasp over the entire crowd as WallStreet’s face spins to the side. The side of his face instantly turns red with the inprint of a hand as WallStreet’s upper torso begins to quiver from the rage he’s pent up. He turns his face as Heyman get’s an "Uh-Oh" expression on his face�?nbsp; WallStreet reaches up, withdrawing the head set from his head and dropping it on the ground as Heyman puts his hands up in a pleading attempt as the crowd is going wild in anticipation... Finally WallStreet goes for a big right but out of no where Warner throws an arm up to block the shot on Heyman. WallStreet looks up at Warner and without hesitation he drives a boot into the monster’s gut, doubling him over as the crowd erupts. WallStreet raises his arm and nails a big Dusty Rhodes-style Bionic elbow making Warner stumble back a couple of steps. WallStreet cocks back and goes for a huge right hand, but Warner ducks under�?WallStreet swings in a full circle and as soon as he’s back facing Warner, The big man hoists him up and then BAMMMMM! His huge spine buster (minus the sitout) through the table. The previously cheering crowd let’s out another gasp as WallStreet lays in the shards of table. Heyman, "Rip That Off!" Heyman spikes the mic on WallStreet’s chest as "Step Up" By Drowning Pool blasts over the PA. The crowd boos heavily as Heyman and Warner stand over WallStreet�?The following words coming across the screen in big white letters�?/P> WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK! *Commercial Break* | |
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When the cameras come back we head to ringside again as we see Bert Busch standing up with some papers in his hand and the headset on his head as the crew members are cleaning up the shattered table. Busch, "Well�?Welcome back I guess. I’m Bert Busch�?WallStreet was doing the commentary but Patrick Warner�?Well if you didn’t see it, here’s another look. ::REPLAY:: Heyman, "�?FONT color=#000000>You…�?You know I’m right don’t you? You know what you’ve done and you don’t give a damn do you? DO YOU ?" Busch, "Here Heyman’s essentially accusing WallStreet of being "The Ultimate Rip Off", which by my view is simply absurd. You can see WallStreet trying desperately not to bury his fist in Paul’s face when�? WallStreet grits his teeth, breathing deeply through his nose as he tries to resist pimp slapping the fat lil man. Heyman looks at WallStreet with disgust and disbelief as he says, "You self indulging piece of�? CRAAAAAACK Busch, "And that was pretty much the last straw for WallStreet." Heyman nails WallStreet with a huge open handed slap sending a gasp over the entire crowd as WallStreet’s face spins to the side. The side of his face instantly turns red with the imprint of a hand as WallStreet’s upper torso begins to quiver from the rage he’s pent up. He turns his face as Heyman get’s an "Uh-Oh" expression on his face�?WallStreet goes for a big right but out of no where Warner throws an arm up to block the shot on Heyman. Busch, "If it wasn’t for that mammoth of a man in Patrick Warner, we’d of finally gotten to see that worm Paul Heyman get his. Unfortunately that‘s not quite how this ended up going�? WallStreet looks up at Warner and without hesitation he drives a boot into the monster’s gut, doubling him over as the crowd erupts. WallStreet raises his arm and nails a big Dusty Rhodes-style Bionic elbow making Warner stumble back a couple of steps. WallStreet cocks back and goes for a huge right hand, but Warner ducks under�?WallStreet swings in a full circle and as soon as he’s back facing Warner, The big man hoists him up and then BAMMMMM! His huge spine buster (minus the sitout) through the table. The previously cheering crowd let’s out another gasp as WallStreet lays in the shards of table. Heyman, "Rip That Off!" Heyman spikes the mic on WallStreet’s chest as "Step Up" By Drowning Pool blasts over the PA. ::END REPLAY:: We go back to Busch who’s watching the ring crew put another table up for him. Busch, "Thank you gentlemen. (Looks back at the camera)�?To WallStreet’s credit, he refused to be stretcher out of here. He walked out with the aide of Carlton and Jason Harding, however, the trainers have forced him to seek medical attention. WallStreet refused to take the ambulance, but, it’s my understanding that Jonathan Brooks has personally loaded WallStreet into his car and is on route to the hospital as we speak. WallStreet complained that his back was really bothering him, but aside from that we have no medical report at this time." "YOU! ………�?It’s Dem Dallas Cowboys……�?Uh-huh�?Ya Boys are Back In Town�?It’s ya favorite Homie�?Uh-huh�? Busch, "Never the less, the show must go on. Sean Greene, Take it away." "Awwwww YOU! Now Tony Romo In Dat Hole Watch Him Roll and Watch Him Throw Watch Him Lead them Cowboys to the Superbowl Now Watch Me (Crank Dat Cowboys) Now Watch Me (Crank Dat Cowboys) Now Watch Me (Crank Dat Cowboys)" Greene, "The following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL and it IS FOR the ICWA CYBER TV CHAMPIONSHIP! (Crowd cheers)�?Introducing First, The Challenger�? The curtain moves to the side and with a less than thrilled expression we see DSL come out in a blue and white Dallas Cowboys cheerleading outfit. Greene, "Making her way from New York City�?She is THE SWEEEEEET�?LUNATICCCCC!" She heads down the ramp and starts slapping some hands as Busch laughs slightly, "Well�?For those of you who are unaware, Christian Michaels and DSL made a little wagger at the beginning of the Football season via SouthernCorporateBookinginc.com on the Cowboys/Niners game�?The loser of said bet would have to dress in the same appareal as a cheerleader from the winner’s team. Obviously you can see that DSL didn’t fair too well in that bet�?I’m not sure if this Cowboys based remake of Crank that soldier child was part of the deal though�?Huh? Oh�?I’m being corrected through the headset. It’s a remake of Crank that soldier "boy"�?Regardless, DSL doesn’t seem ecstatic about it." DSL gets down to the ringside floor and shakes off her disappointment with her attire and starts to look much more focused�?/P> Busch, "This is a Must-Win situation for The Sweet Lunatic. If she does not win here tonight she will not be granted another Cyber TV title opportunity for quite some time." DSL slides into the ring and darts to the far corner, jumping up and pointing out to her erupting fans as her music slowly fades. Greene, "And her Opponent�? "Pride, Honor, Glory, Stardom - it all defines me... Greatness Incarnate" The arena goes black and the opening riff and drums to "Divided" by Silent Civilian hits. A dely on Scott's arrival occurs as 24 seconds into the song, the opening scream hits and then cuts up to around a minute in when the lyrics come nto play. The heavy scream speaks out loudly and the boos begin to run rampant through the arena. I'm not the one you'll deceive/choose what I want to perceive You lack the will and control/ your church is destined to fall Force those to bow and accept/ imposing fear to repent Divide a nation of one/ ignore the damage you've done
Free minds destroyed, they kneel Trapped in the lies, you sell
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell
Prey on the hearts of the week/give them something to believe Undo their liberal state/ revoke the right to debate Your lies of deliverance/ scare tactics gain their consent Abortion of the free mind/ create the sheep get in line The lights quickly flash with a red and white combination as the arena is black as the lights pulsate to the drum beat of the song, and with a big flash the lights are instantly back on and smoke is filling up at the entrance as Scott emerges from the smoke. His arms are in the air as he turns around in a circle taunting as streaming sparks explode to his sides from the two bases set up just for his entrance, just executing his ever-growing cockiness as he's showered in the sparks. Free minds destroyed, they kneel Trapped in the lies, you sell
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell
Please believe within you, resist oppression Lies and greed before you, passive aggression Guilt, they'll feed, and scorn you, for liberation
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell Scott makes his way walking down to the ring throwing profanities and hand gestures to the fans as he reaches the edge of the ring and the solo of the song hits. Scott raises his arms up into the air to form the "X marks Greatess" taunt with the arms in the air with an X, and his music continues to play as the boos are heard loudly. Scott lowers his arms, and Scott walks over to the corner, and puts his arms out into a wing span type of motion, as he waits for the opponent [match to start] and his music fades off and Scott jumps out of the corner. Busch, "Whether ya like it or ya don’t, he’s the ICWA Cyber TV Champion. Three weeks ago at ICWA Stryking Gold, every championship was on the line, however, only one changed hands�?The one that’s around that man’s waist right now. Zarek Lyle was no where near a hundred percent, but, there’s something to be said about the only contender capable of dethroning the champion he faced. Six and Rising Inc couldn’t do it to CM and Whysper, Angelina Santana, Brooklyn Riot and Ashley Caswell couldn’t do it to Faith Rivers and as we all know�?Jimmy Stryker couldn’t do it to David Van Dam. Scott Addams did it, and now that he has it the question becomes, how long can he keep hold of it? The answer very well may be three weeks if DSL has her way here tonight." Addams hands the belt to Harding who raises it into the air, letting the crowd see what’s on the line. He hands the belt down to a staff member at ringside as the music fades. Harding asks DSL if she’s ready, then asks Addams, and then calls for the bell. Addams lets out a smirk and says, "LAST CHANCE SWEET CHEEKS." DSL, "LAST CHANCE I NEED BABY-CAKES." Addams snickers as Busch says, "Heh�?Nice." The two finally shoot in for each other�?DSL goes high looking for the grapple but Addams ducks underneath and swings around, applying a rear waist lock. DSL puts her hands on Addams�?hands and walks out as far as she can, leaning back to make Addams have to stretch his arms out further and to use her upper torso to weaken his grasp. She finally stomps hard and manages to break the lock, swinging herself around and rear waist locking Addams. Addams quickly grabs DSL’s hands and with fair ease powers out of her rear waist lock, swinging back behind to try and re-apply his original rear waistlock, however, before he can get it locked in, DSL jumps up and then swings to the side taking Addams down to the mat with an unexpected arm drag. DSL hops up to her feet, spins, and leaps in the air looking for a standing swanton on Addams, but Addams quickly rolls out of the way making her land back first on the mat. Addams rolls up to his feet, extends his arm and drops down with an elbow drop, but this time DSL rolls out of the way making Addams drive his elbow into the mat. He lets out a grunt as he grabs his elbow and rolls up to his feet. As he does DSL leaps up, wraps her legs around his neck and flips back, delivering a hurrancanrana and hooking Addams legs ala Rey Mysterio for the cover. Harding drops down ……………………One……�?Only one as Addams uses the power advantage with his legs to roll her over into a Sunset flip style cover. Harding (who’s still down) hit’s the mat …………………One�?. DSL kicks out, rolling backwards to her feet as Addams quickly spins himself up to his feet. Addams darts toward DSL with his arm extended for a clothesline but DSL ducks underneath and spins around. Addams quickly turns back around and She takes him over with a deep arm drag ala Ricky Steamboat. He quickly grabs his arm and rolls up to his feet. She charges forward and he takes her up and over with a Japanese Arm Drag. They both roll up and go for simultaneous clotheslines AND simultaneously duck each other’s clothesline, making their arms catch�?They both look at their arms, look at each other, get wide eyed and spin backwards to untangle. Once they complete their spins and end up face to face they both leap up for a drop kick, both catching nothing but air. They quickly roll forward, then roll back to their shoulders and hands and kip up, quickly facing each other as Addams draws his right hand back and DSL squats down with both fists balled up�?/P> The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Good God! What a great display of professional wrestling from these two marvelous athletes." Addams puts down his fist and DSL gets up right as the two begin slowly circling and sizing each other up again. Finally they both draw to the center and collide with a strong elbow and collar grapple. Addams quickly grabs DSL’s wrist, ducks under and turns around, applying an arm wringing wrist lock to the left wrist of the Lunatic as he grins and looks to the crowd, nodding his head and saying, "NOW WHAT?! HUH?!" The crowd boos as DSL winces in pain, albeit only briefly before she does a forward roll, then a backwards roll, then swings under and sweeps the legs of Addams unexpectedly, making him relinquish the wrist lock as he falls to his back. DSL covers but Harding can’t even drop down for a one count before Addams powers out. They both come up to their feet but DSL quickly wraps his head and then takes him over with the side headlock take down as the crowd cheers. She wrenches it in on the mat, putting as much pressure on the headlock as she can from the seated position. It doesn’t take Addams very long to start climbing back to his feet as DSL only has but so much weight to put behind the headlock to try and keep her much heavier opponent grounded. Once "Greatness Incarnate" get’s his feet firmly planted on the mat he hoists her up into the air, probably looking for a High angle back drop, however, DSL back flips through to motion and lands on her feet behind the "Plethora of Excellence" to a sound ovation from the fans. Addams turns around and DSL shoot up an unexpected European uppercut making him turn and stagger away. DSL darts back, hit’s the ropes, runs forward, catches Addams�?head from the side in another side headlock, but, keeps running, jumps up to the second rope and then spring boards out and around driving Addams face first into the mat with a springboard tornado bulldog. Yes�?It *IS* As cool as it sounds. The crowd goes wild as Busch exclaims, "What a move! Scott Addams just had an involuntary lunch break and I reckon that canvas probably don’t taste too good without some barbeque sauce!" Addams bounces to his back holding his face as DSL quickly grabs the far leg and rolls toward Addams�?shoulders. Harding drops down and counts ……………………One…………………Two…………�?Only two as Addams kicks out strong and then goes right back to holding his face. DSL slaps the mat hard and looks at the ref, obviously feeling she may have got short changed with that count. However, Harding sticks to his guns and DSL’s not a whiner so she leaves it as it is and starts pulling herself up. She looks at Addams trying to get up an she points to him then brings her arm up like she might be givin the Stunner to the invisible man as she points to her arm doing the stunning motion and then to Addams, drawing a rile from the crowd. Busch, "I think she’s gonna look for that Sugary Tasty Drop with aspirations of putting this one in the bag early and becoming the New ICWA Cyber TV Champion�? Addams gets up, still holding his face with a hand as he staggers a little. He turns and BAM! DSL plants a boot into his gut. Addams doubles over as DSL turns, grabs his head, darts forward, runs up the turnbuckles�?But, as she does Addams swings an arm around her chin and neck as his other hand grabs a fist full of her Dallas Cowboy blue trunks and sends her flying back as he leaps into the air driving her down with one of the sickest Reverse Vertical Suplexes EVER. The crowd gasps as DSL’s body goes limp. Busch, "What a counter. Addams may have just changed the entire tide of this contest if he hasn’t finished it completely." Addams sits up and shakes the cobwebs out of his head as he checks his face to make sure he wasn’t busted open earlier on that twisty-turney Bulldog DSL nailed. Upon realizing he’s alright he rolls DSL to her back and pins her far wrist down for a strong lateral press cover as he glares toward the crowd. Harding drops down and counts …………………One………………Two………�?Only two as DSL musters just enough for a decent looking kick out. Addams shoots his glare at Harding and says, "CAN’T YOU COUNT?!" Harding reaffirms it was two but Addams doesn’t seem happy with that decision. He grabs a fist full of DSL’s hair on either side and begins slamming the back of her head off the mat repeatedly as Harding demands the break�?Harding, "…………ONE………TWO………THREE……FOUR�?COME ON ADDAMS!" Addams breaks and stands up, being showered in boos as DSL grabs her head and rolls to her chest, kicking her feet a bit in pain. Busch, "The signs of frustration setting in as Addams realizes just how close to losing his Cyber TV Championship he may have been." DSL Starts to pull herself as Scott points to the official and tells him to back off. DSL gets to her feet and Addams quickly grabs her by the wrist and Irish Whips her into the corner. The champion follows in his contender and drives a hard clothesline into her chest as soon as she arrives to the corner. She tries to stumble out but Scott grabs the top rope with both hands and puts the bottom of his boot across her throat as she kicks about and tries desperately to push his boot away to no avail. The fans boo as Harding again rushes in with the count ………ONE………TWO………THREE……FOUR�?Addams breaks just shy of the five as she drops her ass. Busch, "Come on now, That’s completely uncalled for." Harding admonishes the champion and get’s blown off for his efforts. Addams reaches down and grabs The Lunatic by the hair, pulling her up out of the corner and making her follow him to the center of the ring. He then hooks her head with his left arm, hooks her trunks with his right, and hoists her up into the air, making her completely vertical�?He keeps her up there and releases her trunks, putting his right arm out to the side like somebody stretching when they first wake up�?He then uses his right hand to cover his mouth as he lets out a deep yawn before yelling, "I CAN DO THIS ALL NIGHT LONG BABY!" He then leaps into the air and drives the two of them down making a loud boom on the ring as he concludes his stalling vertical suplex. The crowd boos loudly and when they land the boos start to turn into a DSL chant. Addams floats over and covers�? …………………ONE Crowd: DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! …………………TWO Crowd: DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! …………………TH�? DSL kicks out just before three and the crowd erupts as Busch says, "This Capacity crowd is on their feet over the fortitude of the challenger, The Sweet Lunatic�?DSL." Addams hops over DSL, conveniently leaving his left calf across her throat as he leans back on one knee and starts arguing with the official as the crowd boos desperately. At first Harding argues back, insisting he was just shy of the three, but, as he watches DSL’s legs flail around he realizes something’s up and walks around far enough to see the choke. Harding immediately starts to count as Addams tries to act like he doesn’t understand what Harding’s counting over�?……………ONE……TWO……THREE……FOUR�?Addams stands up and glances down and feigns surprise as he says, "WHA�?WHO PUT HER THROAT THERE?" Harding warns the Champion that he’s on thin Ice but Addams blows him off again. Busch, "Well, I’m sure it’s of no major concern to Scott Addams if he get’s disqualified here tonight as he’d still retain the Cyber TV championship if that were the case, however, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a coward’s out." DSL holds her throat and gasps for air as Addams smirks, bending down to grab her�?that smirk quickly changes to wide eyed surprise as she quickly rolls him up with a small package. The crowd erupts as Harding drops down and counts ………………………ONE……………TWO……………THR Addams powers out to a boo. Busch, "DSL Out of No Where with a near fall!" Addams rolls up to his feet with a look of rage and surprise on his face as DSL pulls herself up a split second behind him. He turn and goes for a big right hand but DSL ducks underneath, hooks a rear waist lock and quickly lowers her upper torso before pulling back forcing him to his back as she rolls him back so all of his weight is on his shoulders and she’s essentially squatting between his legs and over his chest, her palms on his lower back as Harding counts again ………………ONE……………TWO……………TH.. Addams powers out forcing DSL to dart a few steps away from his leg strength. Busch, "And once again we were less than a heartbeat away from a new Cyber TV Champion!" She turns around just in time to eat a knee to the gut from her clearly embarrassed and pissed off opponent. She doubles over and he grabs a fist full of her hair with his left hand and drives a hard right into her skull, making her snap back to her back hard as she holds her head. Harding admonishes Addams for the closed fist as the crowd boos loudly. Busch, "Two near fall attempts by the challenger, however, the Champion appears to be back in command of this contest." Addams drops down and wraps his hands around her throat as he starts screaming obscenities at her. Harding quickly begins applying his count ……One……Two……Three……Four�?Addams releases as he shoots a hard glare out at the booing fans. Addams comes up to his feet and says, "THIS BITCH IS FINISHED!" To add emphasis for anyone in the cheap seats who couldn’t hear him, he does a faster variation of the Benoit Thumb across the throat taunt. Busch, "The Cyber TV Champion pretty confident and to some extent, you’ve gotta give the devil his due. In his short time within this organization he’s proven himself to be a stand out performer whether you agree with his methods or not�?Which naturally, I don’t." DSL is trying to roll to her knees but Scott doesn’t seem interested in waiting that long for her to get to her feet as she reaches down and grabs a couple fist fulls of her hair, pulling her up to her feet. Scott raises his hip driving it into the Lunatic’s gut doubling her over before placing her head between his legs and keeping it their while slowly glaring out at the booing masses……�?Finally he underhooks hooks her waist and throws her up in the air like a power bomb, but then throws her out to attempt his power bomb/face buster finisher�?Except as he grabs the back of her head to try and drive her face down she continues to rotate till her legs wrap around his neck and she can then snap back reversing with a killer looking hurrancanrana that sends Addams sailing through the ropes to the floor as the crowd erupts. Busch, "BAH GOD! What a counter by The Sweet Lunatic!" DSL is down on the mat and Addams is down on the floor. Harding looks at the two bodies and begins his standard ten count as the crowd is growing strong in support of DSL. ………………………One……………………Two…�?/P> Busch, "Now bare in mind that a title can’t change hands on a count out so, if either of these competitors can’t answer the ten count�?Well, I think you get the idea." ………………………Three�? DSL slowly starts to roll to her knees, grabbing at the side ropes as Addams is on his back, wincing as he starts to move a little on the floor. ……………………Four………………Five�?/P> By now DSL is pulling herself up on the ropes as Addams is to his knees reaching for the fan barricade to try and accomplish a similar task. Crowd: DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! DEE ES EL! ……………………Six…………�? DSL comes to her feet to a great reaction as Addams staggers on the floor. Seven………………Eight�?/P> Addams looks at DSL in the ring, shakes his head, and waves the match off as he says "TA HELL WITH IT!" Scott starts heading around the ring as the crowd begins booing�?/P> Busch, "Ah come on! All that garbage about being "Greatness Incarnate" and now the man’s runnin like a sculded dog!" Addams rounds the corner as DSL looks annoyed as crap�? ……………………Nine……………………�?TE…�?/P> Just before Harding can count to ten DSL baseball slides out of the ring making Harding throw a fit. DSL Darts forward and drives a big axe handle smash into the back of Addams, making him stumble forward as the crowd erupts. The Cyber TV Champion turns around and DSL drives two hard kicks into the gut of the champ before grabbing a fist full of the hair on the back of his head and forcing him to head back to the ring as Harding’s count has restarted. Busch, "Well We’ve heard Addams mention time and time again that one of DSL’s victories over him in the past was only because he walked out on the match�?I reckon DSL wasn’t about to let him make that claim on a second match�? DSL rolls Addams into the ring and starts climbing up onto the ring herself as he quickly starts pulling himself up to his feet. He staggers and turns just in time for DSL to leap up on the top rope, leap forward, wrap her legs around his neck again and whip around taking him over with another huge hurrancanrana. The crowd erupts as Both performers roll back up to their feet. Addams charges after DSL looking for a big clothesline but the Lunatic ducks under, reaches back grabbing his head, and drops down with a big neck breaker making the crowd grow even louder. Addams grabs his neck but quickly starts rolling back up to his feet again as DSL does the same�?Addams turns and UGH! Big kick to the gut from DSL doubles him over�?/P> Busch, "The Lunatic’s all fired up!" DSL glances at either side, then front flips in the air landing her leg across Addam’s neck and driving him down face first with a Front flip into a Fame Asser. The crowd goes ballistic as Busch exclaims, "BAH GOD WHAT A MOVE! That’s gotta be it!" DSL swings her legs around and grabs a fist full of Addams trunks to roll him over to his back before hooking the far leg as Harding drops down and the crowd joins in�?/P> Crowd & Harding: ……………………ONE…………………TWO………………THREE! | |
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But wait, that third one was only done by the crowd�?Addams just barely got his shoulder up as Harding symbolizes with his fingers that it was super close, but, was only two. The crowd boos loudly as DSL looks up in frustration and disbelief�?/P> Busch, "What?! It was only two?! DSL can’t believe it, I can’t believe it, and this capacity crowd can’t believe it! How on earth did he get out of that?!" DSL gets up breathing heavy, her eyes wide before she points to the corner and then does a stunner motion with her right arm making the crowd erupt�?/P> Busch, "I think she’s got something sugary and tasty in mind!" DSL crouches down, stalking as Addams starts slowly pulling himself up………�?He finally gets to his feet as the entire building is on their feet in anticipation�?Addams turns, DSL darts forward, grabs his head for a stunner and begins darting up the ropes�?/P> Busch, "SUGARY TASTY DRO�?OH GOD!" As she spins off the top Addams hooks the top rope and DSL ends up landing hard on her back with no Scott Addams in her grasp. Busch, "That’s the second time tonight Scott Addams has managed to escape the wrath of that big Sugary Tasty Drop from DSL. Somebody’s done their homework. He’s got that move well scouted. This may have just concluded DSL’s opportunities at success in this contest." DSL starts pulling herself up to her feet holding her back near the ropes as Addams quickly grabs her by the wrist and ships her across with a big Irish Whip. DSL comes back and Addams hoists his left knee into the air for the Kitchen Sink (A big knee to the gut) but as he does DSL wraps an arm around his thigh, flips over and makes the champion wide eyed as she rolls him up with a big School boy, all of her weight on his legs�?/P> Busch, "Addams set up for the Kitchen Sin�?REVERSAL�?THERE’S THE PIN…�?" …………………ONE………………TWO……………�?.THREE! Addams powers out and DSL flies back and ends up rolling under the bottom rope but as she does we hear the bell sound�?/P> Busch, "WAIT�?DID SHE�?I THINK�? Greene, "Here is YOUR WINNER and the NEW ICWA CYBER TV CHAMPIONNNN�? Busch, "BAH GOD SHE DID IT! DSL HAS DONE IT!" Greene, "DA SWWWWWWWET LUNATIC!" Addams is still wide eyed with shock as Harding hands DSL the Cyber TV title on the floor and raises her arm as "Perfect Insanity" by Disturbed begins blasting over the PA. Busch, "I DON’T BELIEVE IT!" Addams charges the ropes as DSL is just in front of the ramp, holding the Cyber TV Title over her head as Harding grabs her wrist again and points toward her. Addams, "COME ON REF! I KICKED OUT! Harding just points to DSL again making Addams charge the corner and punt the bottom turnbuckle pad, even though it doesn’t go very far. Addams spins around leaping in the air as he grabs two fist fulls of his own hair and drops to his knees in a fit of rage�?/P> Addam, "AGRHHHHHH!" Busch, "The Sweet Lunatic has pulled off the upset and captured the ICWA Cyber TV Championship from Scott Addams and folks, He is furious!" Addams charges the ropes on his knees, his upper torso extending outside the ropes as he screams, "THIS ISN’T OVER YOU DUMB BITCH! THIS ISN’T OVER BY A LONG SHOT!" DSL (who’s now on the stage) just offers the title over her shoulder a pat before sending him a sarcastic kiss�?/P> Busch, "Well you can about imagine exactly what part of her anatomy she might recommend Addams return that kiss too�?Geez�?I’m a true gold and blue Rams fan but, maybe DSL outta make that cowboys apparal a permanent wardrobe change�?That cheerleading outfit just may be her lucky rabbit’s foot�? DSL raises the belt in the air one more time as the crowd bathes her in adolation while she stands in front of the curtain. Busch, "You heard Scott Addams and I believe he’s most sincere when he tells us that this issue between t hese two is far from over, but, so is our show�?When we come back we’ve got�? CRAAAAAAACK DSL’s rolls forward and then ends up rolling sideways down the ramp as the formaly cheering crowd begins booing loudly�?Why? Well a certain somebody’s standing on the stage with a tan steel chair in hand. Busch, "What the�?What’s Scott Andrews doing here?!" DSL turns to her knees and starts trying to crawl as Andrews swaggers down the ramp with the chair in hand. He looks down at DSL an says, "WHAT’S THE MATTER CHAMP?" CRAAAAAACK Another big chair shot across the Lunatic’s back making her drop to her face as a hand quickly races to her back. In the ring Addams is on his feet with a "What the Fuck’s this tool doing?" type of look as Andrews appears to be measuring her up�?He raises the chair high in the air and is set up in position to do a modified con-chair-toe using the concrete as an alternative to a second chair�?/P> Busch, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO!" Suddenly the high impact chords of "Exs and Ohs" by Atreyu blasts over the PA as the crowd instantly goes ballistic�?/P> Busch, "Wait�?Is That�? Andrews goes pale in the face with a look like that kid who realizes his mom’s defiantly standing behind him and his arm’s defiantly elbow deep in the cookie jar�?Addams just backs up to the center of the ring and gets into a fighting stance�?/P> "You Took Me Home, I drank too much Because of you my liver turns to dust�? The curtain flies to the side and in a pair of black and red cargo pants and an ICWA T Shirt stands the one and only�?/P> Busch, "IT’S ZAREK LYLE!" Eh, you heard the tubby southern guy. Andrews turns around and drops the chair as he quickly puts his hands up, begging off ala Ric Flair as Zarek points his way and starts heading down the ramp. Busch, "It’s time to pay the piper!" The crowd is going wild as Andrews back peddles toward the ring, pleading that Zarek just hear him out and relax�?As Zarek gets down on the floor he sees Andrew’s dented up chair lying next to DSL and gets a sadistic grin as he bends down and picks it up, staring at it for a moment as Andrew’s eyes grow even wider and the fans reaction grows even louder. Busch, "Uh-oh folks�?I think the former Cyber TV champion’s got some Ill intentions here�? Andrews back hit’s the ring as there’s about ten feet between he and the child weilding, crazy eyed Zarek Lyle.. Andrews hands are still up, pleading for Zarek to relax, but Zarek shows no signs of taking his advice. Andrews falls back onto the outside ring apron and rolls into the ring on his knees facing Zarek. He slowly pulls himself up as he continues back peddling with his hands up�?Wait�?That’s weird, a wall in the middle of the ring? Andrews raises an eyebrow and turns around and instantly falls back on his ass with his hands up again as he sees a very unpleased Scott Addams standing there, glaring hard. Busch, "Oh Boy�?Scott Andrews and Scott Addams may be cut from a similar mold of dastardly methods but if you believe that opposites attract you can imagine how much these similar performers clash�? Scott starts pulling himself to his feet as he tries to reason with the other Scott�?/P> Andrews, "Come On man�?Hey, We both hate this guy�?and hey, we both have ubber cool first names�?Let’s let bygones be bygones�? Addams shrugs and seems receptive of the idea as Andrews sighs a breath of relief…�?WHAM! Addams charges forward and nails Andrews with a big clothesline sending him flying between the ropes, bouncing off the outside of the ring before hitting the floor. For the first time since his arrival to the ICWA, The crowd cheers Addams actions. Busch, "I reckon we won’t be seeing an "Allied Forces" part two or "Can Am" part two between Scott Addams and Scott Andrews." Andrews pulls himself up, wincing in pain as he glares at Addams and starts yelling, "YOU YANKEE BASTARD! I OUTTA�? All of a sudden his face becomes perplex as he listens to the fans cheering�?He looks up at Addams, points to him as if to say "Wait, You’re there�? He points to himself, "I’m here�? His eyes suddenly get huge�?He spins around�?CRAAAAAAAAACK! The crowd erupts as Busch exclaims, "GOOD GOD! That one went way, WAY over the fence!" Zarek nailed Andrews across the skull with that chair so hard that he actually back flipped and landed on his chest on the floor. Zarek spikes the chair like a football on the concrete as "Exs and Ohs" re-echoes over the PA. Zarek glares down at Andrews, shoots a couple of glares to Addams which get returned, and then starts heading back up the ramp. By now DSL’s recovered and exited apparently because she’s no longer in site�?Addams in the ring with his usual glare�?/P> Busch, "Well folks, the Cyber TV title scene is heating up and pretty soon it just may boil over. I can’t believe the way this night has gone and people�?We’re STILL not done. When we come back Kathrine Storm goes one on one with Brooklyn Riot AND, Still t o come, That HUGE Clash of the Champions Triple Threat�?You don’t wanta miss this! We’ll be right back!" *Commercial Break* | |
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Greene: The following contest is scheduled for one fall....
...the crowd seems to be electrified this evening, waiting for the next action to come. The lights get down, as the first beats of 'Cry for you' by September start. The intro had just finished as a person steps trough the black curtain with a serious look on her face. The fans give the person a mixed reaction but the boo's get louder as the spot falls on the persons face. Its none other than Kathrine Storm, the young talented but also evil diva making an appearance in ICWA. The female finally starts to walk down the ramp, her long blonde hair falling straight over her shoulders. Greene, "Introducing first, making her way from New York City�?She is KATHRINE�?STORM!" Busch, "Well folks, as Kathrine Storm makes her way to the ring, we’ve gotten word that after the incidents that occurred before the break, Zarek Lyle’s stated that he wants Scott Andrews in two weeks at the Greenville Convention Center on December the nineteenth�?If that wasn’t enough, Scott Addams is already demanding a rematch for the ICWA Cyber TV Title and while Jonathan Brooks isn’t in the house to comment, we have every reason to believe that’ll probably happen. It’s looking like we could be heading into a real barn burner of a show in a couple of weeks." She gives the audience and evil and arrogant grin, then sliding in the ring. Giving the announcer a strange look before jumping on the turnbuckle, letting her eyes look over the fans. While her music still plays, she is awaiting her opponent for tonight...
"Riot" begins to play over the system, a few minutes later Brooklyn Riot steps out; hands on her hips and that sexy, cocky little grin spread across her face. Lifting an eyebrow to the booing crowd, the diva throws her body weight forward as she walks down the ramp. Greene, "And the opponent�?Hailing from Las Vegas Nevada�?BROOKLYN�?RIIIOT!" Busch, "Two weeks ago at Stryking Gold we saw the woman in the ring, Kathrine Storm, make her debut by involving herself in that vicious three on one assault of the Women’s champion Faith Rivers. As a result Rivers has been incapacitated with some knee damage, although, she is expected to be back in action by the nineteenth. That attack of course orchestrated by Angelina Santana who has been suspended indefinitely as a result." Stopping towards the bottom of the ramp, Brooklyn glances around and scowls towards a fan who tries to reach out to touch. Rolling her eyes, Brooklyn walks to the steps and crawls between the two middle ropes slowly; always showing off her body. A few seconds later, Ms Riot stands in the middle of the ring staring down her opponent.
Busch: Both women are in the ring, as the ref is seen signaling for the bell. Katherine and Brooklyn are seen tying it up in the middle of the ring, as the two seem to be fighting for the upper hand, as Brooklyn pushes Katherine back, and pikes her into the eyes, as Katherine covers her face with her hands, as Brooklyn finally lays in a forearm to the head of Katherine. Katherine still trying to find her sight throws a right, but catches nothing but air, as Brooklyn slides in behind her lifts up Katherine and slams her down in a back suplex. Brooklyn right there as she places a forearm in her face really digging it in harder than ever before. Katherine trying to get herself out of this predicament, as The ref is right there forcing Brooklyn off of the face of Katherine Storm. Brooklyn then helps up Katherine, as she sends a fist into her face, as she whips Katherine into the ropes, as she rebounds, Katherine ducks a clothesline. As she rebounds, Brooklyn side steps her and tosses her through the middle rope out onto the floor. Busch: Smart move, take advantage of the situation. Brooklyn is seen climbing to the outside of the ring, as she grabs a hold of Katherine now, and hangs her throat first over the ring barriers on the outside. She gloats to the crowd for a moment, then taking off and sending a huge double axe handle across Katherine's back and crashing her throat off of the barrier. Katherine now falling to the floor as the ref is now as a 7 count. Brooklyn slides inside the ring, and then back out as she breaks the count, while she goe back to get Katherine. Katherine who is now thrown inside of the ring, as the ref is seen checking on her. Brooklyn is seen grabbing some sort of weapon from under the ring, as she slides into the ring. She stops staring down Katherine, who is helping herself up from the knee of the referee. Busch: I believe a forign object's being introduced to the fold of things... Katherine now to her feet, as Brooklyn comes charging, Katherine moves out of the way, as she trips Brooklyn, as the object flies from her hand across the ring. Katherine then drops from behind her as she pulls something out of her tights, as the ref is seen getting rid of the other object not paying attention, and begins choking the daylights out of Brooklyn. The ref beginning to turn around, as Katherine tosses the object to the outside to the floor. Katherine is seen locking into a crossface, as Brooklyn is heard screaming, while Katherine is screaming for her to quit and give up. Brooklyn not wanting to give up, as she uses her wits and pulls her body far enough to get her over to the ropes. Brooklyn, then grabs the bottom rope as the ref is right there to break the hold. Katherine, slams her fist into the mat, angry that Brooklyn found her way to the ropes, as Katherine now on her feet, stomps Brooklyn across the head, as Brooklyn just now lies on the mat not moving. Busch: Man Katherine now on a mean streak. Katherine now grabbing a hold of Brooklyn bringing her to her feet, then whipping her into the corner. Katherine comes charging, as she lifts a knee into the chin of Brooklyn, then connecting with a huge neckbreaker sending Brooklyn to the mat hard. Katherine now grabbing Brooklyn as she wraps her up into a school boy pin. Ref: 1..........2.........Kickout!!! Brooklyn and Katherine now on their feet, as Brooklyn and Katherine take a charge at one another nailing a double clothesline. Both women are down, although they both start rolling to their knees before a count can ensue�?The two pull themselves up�?/FONT> Busch: Katherine making it to her feet first�?/FONT> Katherine finally getting her wits together after her fought out battle with Brooklyn, as she finally gets her shit together after the double clothesline given by each other. Katherine then gusters up, kicks Brooklyn in the gut and nails Brooklyn with the Serious Breakdown and makes the immediate cover. Ref: 1.........2..........3!!!
Greene: Here is your winner, Katherine STOOOOOOOOOOORM!!!!! Brooklyn rolls out of the ring as Kathrine demands a microphone�?/FONT> Kathrine, "I Don’t know what Tani Lyons was on about earlier, but, FAITH RIVERS (Crowd cheers)……�?What you see before you is a new dawning in the ICWA Women’s division�?I am the most dominate woman the ICWA has ever seen and I’m going to prove it by taking that leg of yours that’s twindling by such a thin thread -Your welcome by the way (smirk)-……�?And then I’m gonna RIP IT OFF AND BEAT YOU WITH IT!" Kathrine throws the mic down as her theme blasts over the PA. Busch, "Goodness�?those are some strong words from Kathrine Storm�?It appears that Faith Rivers has em comin at her from all angles. I suppose that’s the price of being champion though�?Speaking of Champions�?When we come back we get to see three ICWA champions all go head to head in a HUGGGGGGE Triple Threat contest as the Silent Warrior Whysper, The Southern Heartthrob Christian Michaels, and the ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam all clash in the ICWA’s�?Clash of the Champions! That’s Gonna be Big, It’s Gonna be Intense, It’s Gonna Be…�?NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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The cameras come back focused on Sean Greene in the ring. "Ladies and Gentlemen…�?It is now time for the ICWA MMMAAAAAAAIN EVENTT!" The crowd erupts as Greene places his hands in front of his lap and waits�?/P> The opening chords of Fire It Up by the Black Label Society begin over the PA as we see images of Whysper doing Lionsaults and other high risk moves in the ICWA between flashes of his name on the TV screens�?The crowd immediately begins to cheer as the music picks up the curtains fly to the side. Whysper comes out on the stage, his tag team championship securely around his waist as he grabs the bottom of the center medallion with his left hand and raises his right hand in the Heavy Rock symbol (\m/) while bobbin his head, letting his long dreadlocks fly all over the place. Greene, "The Following contest is a CLAAAAAASH Of the CHAMPIOOONS TRIPLE THREAT! It Is Scheduled for ONEFALL with a SIXTY MINUTE Time Limit!" Whysper claps his hands hard and starts power walking down the small wooden ramp, letting out some yells to the fans as Greene continues to earn his check. Greene, "Introducing First�?Weighing in at 212 Pounds he makes his way from Plainville Indiana�?He is the last ICWA United States Champion, and ONE HALF of the CURRENT ICWA TAAAAAG TEAM CHAMPIONS…�?If Silence is Golden, then call him King Midus�?He is�?WHYYYYYYYYYYSPERRRRRRR!" Whysper slides into the ring and leaps up onto the corner ropes, flashing the heavy metal hand gesture. "Fire It Up" begins to fade and is then quickly replaced as "Champion In Me" By Three Doors Down begins, drawing an even bigger explosion from the fans. Greene, "Next�? The curtain flies to the side as CM comes out, running to the side of the stage and pointing out to the sea of humanity before slapping the face of his title belt. Greene, "He weighs in at 225 Pounds and hails from Ripley Tennessee�? The ICWA Recognizes Him as a Former Heavyweight Wrestling champion, he was the very first challanger this season for the ICWA’s Heavyweight Title, and now he too is ONE HALF of the CURRENT ICWA TAAAAAAAG TEAM CHAMPIONS…�? He is your everyday, ordinary, Self-Proclaimed REDNECK SUPERHERO�?The "Southern Heartthrob" CHHHHHHHHHHRISTIAAAAAAAAN MICCCCCHAELLSSSSS!" By now CM’s hit both sides of the stage and coming off the ramp and walking the isle slapping hands with the erupting fans.  | Busch, "What a Main Event we have in store here tonight folks. Whysper already making his entrance, Christian Michaels in the midst of his�?Folks, this is what you call a once in a life time opportunity. You could not ask for a better Clash of Champions contest then the one we are about to display. This has been a fantastic show from top to bottom and as a result, Next week’s show is already forming to have some great contests�?We already know that Drew Stevenson will go one on one with Jimmy Stryker in a rematch from tonight’s bout where Jimmy lost his head and got disqualified�?MJ Storm will go one on one with this man, Christian Michaels�?We also know that in what some might call a Once in a Lifetime opportunity, TOG will challenge ICWA Champion David Van Dam for the Heavyweight Title�?Can Miracles happen? We’ll find out of TOG captures that coveted ICWA Heavyweight championship. However, In addition to those contests I’ve since been told that Jonathan Brooks has phoned in and Katharine Storm will go one on one with Tani Lyons for number one contendership to the ICWA Women’s championship, Zarek Lyle's gonna get his wish and go head to head with Scott Andrews, AND Finally�?nbsp;DSL WILL rematch Scott Addams for the ICWA Cyber TV Title on December nineteenth. All that and much, much more at the Greenville Convention Center." The opening snares of "World’s Greatest" by R Kelly begin playing over the PA as the crowd continues to erupt. On The TV Screens we see images of David Van Dam draped in the ICWA Banner in an unzipped Hoodie as he looks up to the sky. This is our primary image but between it we see flashes of him jogging through a city in his hoodie, gradually getting more and more people jogging behind him after each time we flash back to him draped in the ICWA Banner looking to the sky�?So we ripped off Rocky, Sue us (Just kiddin�?Sly�?We’re Broke, please don’t sue us.) Greene, "And Finally�? As this video is showing, the curtain moves and from behind it�?/P> Greene, "He Hails from Indianapolis Indiana and weighs in at 253 Pounds�?He is the most decorated Champion in the history of Professional Wrestling having held collectively more then Thirty Seven heavyweight championships, and a grand total of One Hundred Thirty One Championships within his eight years in the sport of professional wrestling�?He is the ONLY Repeat Heavyweight Champion in ICWA’s history holding the championship a record setting TWO times.. He is the REIGNING ICWA HHHHHHHHHHHEAVYWEIGHT CHHHHHHHAMPIONNNNNNN�?HE IS�?DAVID! VAN! DAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMM!" The crowd is going wild as Van Dam stands on the stage moving his upper torso from side to side as his face is etched in determination and focus. Finally he throws his arms out, letting the ICWA Banner hang from his fists behind him as the crowd goes wild. He drops the banner on the stage and begins walking with clear determination in his stride as he heads down the ramp. Back in the ring, Michaels is in one of the far corners, Whysper’s in the other, and both are slowly trading glances with each other, and then refocusing their attentions on the entering Heavyweight champion. Busch, "Sean Greene said it a moment ago�?David Van Dam is the ONLY Repeat Heavyweight Champion in the six year history of the ICWA. For you history buffs out there, As Barrack Obama will become the forty-forth president of the United States, David Van Dam is the eleventh and thirteenth ICWA Heavyweight champion. He won his first championship via submission over Nic E Dangerously at the ICWA Holiday Spectacular in a steel cage match in 2006. His second title win came from Matt Matlock at ICWA Oblivion in the fall of 2007. Since that time he has defended globaly even in the ICWA’s off season and retained. His most recent defense against ICWA veteran and former ICWA Champion Jimmy Stryker. David Van Dam is on the brink of being a one man sport’s Dynasty here in the ICWA." Van Dam stands on the floor below the ring, his head down as he moves from side to side with the music. Finally he yells "IT’S GO TIME BABY" And slaps the mat hard before jumping up ala Triple H, quickly entering between the ropes and getting into a wrestling stance as he stands in between the near corners. The music slowly draws to a fade as Jason Harding checks with each of the participants. Crowd: EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! All Three men turn to give a look to the crowd as Busch interjects, "This capacity crowd already showing their appreciation for the match that they’re about to receive." The three men give the crowd a nod of appreciation and then refocus on each other as they begin to slowly circle, exchanging glances between the three of them. Finally they all come to the center but David quickly reaches out with both arms and takes both of the tag champions in one armed side headlocks. They squirm a little but then plant their feet and in a combined effort they both put a hand on Van Dam’s back and shoot him off to the ropes. They bend over for what we can assume would be a huge double back body drop but Van Dam catches the top rope, takes a brief stop, then on his own momentum he darts forward, drives a big boot into Michaels face making him snap up right and stagger around holding his face while David sends Whysper back up right with a big European Uppercut. Whysper spins around in a complete circle and once he re-faces the Heavyweight champion, He gets hoisted up and driven down with a big Body slam from Van Dam. Christian darts toward David, but Dave ducks down and sends Michaels up and over with a big back drop. The crowd is going wild as Van Dam pounds his chest and then puts his arms out with a big "AHHHHHHHH". Busch, "The Heavyweight Champion’s on fire!" Whysper’s back up by now so Van Dam grabs him by the wrist and whips him to the ropes. Whysper comes back and Van Dam takes him and snaps around, driving him down to the mat with a big power slam and grabbing the far leg while maintaining his position on top of Whysper for an early pin attempt. Harding drops down and counts ……………�?.One�?Before it goes any further Michaels comes out of no where with a big double axe handle to the back of Van Dam. Van Dam shakes it off and starts getting up as Michaels grabs him by the head and helps the process along. Michaels hooks Van Dam for a Vertical Suplex, however, Van Dam quickly rolls him up in a small package making Harding drop back down and count……………One……�?Just shy of two Whysper drives a low drop kick into the back of the heavyweight champion making him break his cradle. Van Dam shakes it off and starts pulling himself up to his feet as Whysper stands in an attack stance waiting for the Champion to get to his feet. Van Dam gets up right and Whysper leaps up driving a high drop kick into Van Dam’s chest as CM happens to be on his hands and knees right behind Van Dam. The Champion goes flying back as Michaels gets to his feet. Van Dam winces in pain and starts trying to pick himself up, but, CM meets him with a couple of hard kicks to the gut as David reaches back and keeps his balance by grabbing the top rope. Michaels grabs the wrist, shoves his left pec against David’s to press him back as far against the ropes as he can before shipping him across the ring with a hard Irish whip. David hit’s the far ropes, comes back, and both Whysper and Michaels send him up and over with a big double Hip toss. Busch, "Interesting�?A little tag team action in this every man for himself contest." David immediately sits up grabbing his back in pain. As he does Whysper shoots to the ropes, bounces off, and then does an Owen Hart style front drop kick to Van Dam’s chest making him snap to his back. As soon as Van Dam’s back hit’s the mat CM jumps up and nails a high elevation leg drop. CM rolls to his feet as Whysper rolls over David and ends up with a lateral press cover. CM raises an eyebrow as Harding drops down and counts ………………One……………Two�?CM grabs Whysper by the ankle and yanks him off Van Dam. Busch, "We may find that the tag team antics will be short lived now that it’s starting to set in that somebody’s gotta score the pin." Whysper stands up as Michaels says, "What the Hell ya doin man?" Whysper shrugs, "It’s every man for himself." Michaels contemplates this concept, then shrugs, "True�? CRAAAAAAAAAACK! The crowd erupts as Busch says, "HOLY TOLEDO! Whysper Just�?Got�?WHAPPED!" CM blasted Whysper across the jaw with that "Just Got Whapped" Superkick sending the crowd into a frenzy. CM grins as he shrugs and says to the crowd, "IT’S EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF I GUESS." As CM comes across like Bugs Bunny changing the "Rabbit Season" sign to "Duck Season", he drops down and hooks the far leg of his tag team gold holding partner as Harding begins to count again ………………One………………Two…�?David reaches down, grabs a hand full of the waist line of CM’s pants and literally throws him up, catches him in the air and snaps back nailing a sick looking snap German Suplex type deal that makes the crowd gasp before erupting with cheers. Busch, "Good God, what a ferocious German Suplex. That may very well be it." Whysper’s still holding his jaw, having rolled his still nearly unconscious frame under the ropes (like literally, he’s laying under the bottom rope) as David rushes over to CM (Who’s still laying with his weight on his neck and his shoulders and his legs up, his knees on either side of his head in the air) and pushes down on his elevated legs as Harding drops down again ……………………One…………………Two…………………�?CM just manages to kick out as the crowd cheers. Busch, "Gotta give a lot of credit to Christian Michaels. I thought this was over after that high impact German." Christian starts slowly trying to roll up to his feet but the Heavyweight champ comes to him and grabs him by the head, rushing his progress up. David grabs Michaels by the wrist, swings under while dropping to a knee and sends the Tag champ up and over to his back with a text book Fireman’s carry. Michaels sits up off the impact and David puts his knee into his back as he inter locks his fingers and cups CM’s jaw with his hands, wrenching back on the chinlock and working CM’s neck as a result. Busch, "We just saw Christian Michaels take the brunt of the punishment from that German suplex on his neck, now Van Dam being the superb wrestler that he is, is going right to the holds that’ll focus the pressure on the neck." Michaels winces and groans a bit as his hands try desperately to pry David’s hands away. Crowd: CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! Busch, "The crowd rallying behind the Southern Heartthrob�? CM’s hand starts waving, encouraging the crowd to continue and of course they do. He turns off his ass to his knee, forcing David to come up to his feet to maintain his leverage advantage on the chinlock. CM’s hand keeps waving as he slowly finds his way up to his feet. CM drives the hard elbow into Van Dam’s gut doubling him over. He drives a second, then a third that forces Van Dam to break the hold and gives CM an opportunity to make the break away as he darts to the ropes. CM leaps up to the second rope and leaps back looking for a springboard back elbow, however, As CM’s in the air David catches CM In the Cobra Clutch and snaps backwards driving CM on his neck again before he falls to his chest from a modified variation of the a Cobra Clutch suplex. The crowd let’s out a loud "OHHHHHH"�?/P> Busch, "Good God! Another huge Suplex from Van Dam." Crowd: (Censored off the TV broadcast) FUCK HIM UP DAVID, FUCK HIM UP! (Clap! Clap)! FUCK HIM UP DAVID, FUCK HIM UP! (Clap! Clap!) FUCK HIM UP DAVID, FUCK HIM UP! Clap! Clap!) David rolls over and uses the half nelson to roll Michaels over to his back as he hooks the far leg. Busch, "And that’s all she wrote." Harding drops down and counts …………………One……………�?.Two……………�?And out of no where Whysper now drives the double axe handle into the back of Van Dam. Busch, "And Whysper makes the save on what I believe would have been the end of this contest." CM grabs his neck and rolls out to the outside ring canvas as David starts getting up while taking some hard kicks from Whysper. Whysper darts to the side ropes which are relatively close, leaps to the top rope, and then comes flying back with some messed up corkscrew deal that ends up with his leg nailing David in the head and his ass hitting David’s chest before they both land on their backs. Whysper spins up to his feet and then leaps backwards nailing a standing shooting star press as the crowd lets out another "Ohhhhhh". Whysper stays on top of Van Dam as Harding drops down again …………………One………………Two………�?Van Dam manages to kick out drawing an applause from the fans. Busch, "And the crowd on hand truly enjoying this great athletic contest between three of the very best this industry has to offer." Whysper looks up at Harding with a little frustration as he says "Come On Man!" Harding reaffirms the count was a two as Whysper shakes his head and gets to his feet. David holds his ribs and lower chest as he tries to roll over to a knee. As David gets to the knee Whysper darts back, bouncing off the ropes. David gets to his feet but is still doubled over as Whysper comes back, leaps up and nails the Heavyweight champion with a Booker T Style axe kick dropping Van Dam to his chest. Whysper rolls backwards, doing a hand stand before snapping to his feet in an almost flaunty way�?David rolls to his back holding his neck as Whysper leaps up, spinning in a full circle in the air before landing a high elevation leg drop of his own across the higher chest of Van Dam. Whysper quickly spins around and hooks the far leg as Harding drops down and counts …………………One………………Two……�? Only two as Van Dam kicks out again as the crowd cheers. Busch, "Whysper with that big axe kick followed up with the spinning leg drop�?He was hoping that’d be enough to put the two time ICWA Champion down for the three, however, it was just shy." Whysper slaps the mat in frustration as David starts trying to pull himself up. Seeing David get to a seated position Whysper hops to his feet, places both of his hands on Van Dam’s shoulders, jumps up and then swings forward with his legs open, wrapping them around David’s ribs with great force as he applies a leg scissors on the rib and stomach area of the Heavyweight champion. David winces in pain as Whysper pushes himself up on his palms to apply the maximum force to his squeeze. Busch, "Whysper applying that leg scissors to the torso of the Champion, really putting a lot of pressure around the ribs and the mid section. That’s not a bad idea. This hold has very similar effects to the big bear hug we see Pat Warner use from time to time in that it makes it very difficult for the opponent to maintain his breath and can cause an opponent to pass out if they don’t tap out first." Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! Busch, "These Carolinians getting behind Van Dam now, much the same way as they were behind Michaels a few moments ago when David was looking for the submission with the chin lock. I’m not so sure if the crowd has a favorite out of these three, I think they just want to see this contest continue on as long as it can." David’s trying to relax his breathing and take more calculated breaths to minimize the effect this hold has on his air supply as he winces in pain a little from the pressure being applied. The light shines from his perspiration covered chrome dome as he tries to turn either way to see if any of Whysper’s limbs are within reachable range so he can try and apply his own submission. Unfortunately Whysper’s smart enough to know that leaving him self susceptible to a submission from a wrestling machine like Van Dam would be a good way to secure a loss in this ultra important main event. David’s breaths are becoming less and less as the exhaustion from the hold is being broadcasted from his facial expressions. David runs a hand over his head to reduce the flow of sweat heading into his eyes as the crowd’s chants are growing louder, almost desperate. Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! Busch, "They’re begging for their Heavyweight Wrestling Champion to make a rally but, David’s looking less and less likely to be able to answer their pleas." David puts his hands on Whysper’s feet, which are crossed over each other locking this leg scissors in place somewhere near Van Dam’s belly button. David starts trying desperately to pry Whysper’s feet apart, however, he isn’t having much luck. Busch, "Van Dam trying to break that lock, but how much does the Champ have to give to his upper body strength with Whysper having significantly reduced David’s Cardio Vascular abilities and in effect, reduced how much energy and strength Van Dam can distribute?" Van Dam realizing he can’t do this alone, flails an arm about, now offering the crowd a plea of his own to get behind him. As loud as they were, they grow even louder now�?The louder they get the more Van Dam’s arms quiver and shake while trying to pry Whysper’s feet apart�?Slowly they start to come away from each other till they’re no longer locked. Van Dam’s head is bobbing up and down, his eyes clenched shut and his teeth gritting together as the crowd is making the walls tremble with their chants for their champion…The veins in Van Dam’s arms implore his skin to move out of the way and let them escape�? Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! Whysper shakes his head emphatically, his long dreds flying about as he supports his weight on his palms and uses all of the strength he can find to try and resist Van Dam’s attempt at an escape. Slowly Whysper’s legs start reluctantly separating. The further apart they go, the faster and harder the chants become until eventually�?/P> Busch, "He’s close�?He’s close�?Van Dam’s close to breakin�?this hol�?HE DID IT! VAN DAM BROKE THE LEG SCISSORS!" Van Dam’s break of the hold puts Whysper in an awkward position and as a result he’s not able to continue supporting himself on his palms and falls to his back as David quickly spins around and pops to his feet. He quickly grabs Whysper’s legs as Whysper shakes his head and tries to roll any which way he can�?To no avail as David locks his legs the same way he would if he was about to turn him over for the Texas Cloverleaf�?Except, instead of doing the cloverleaf he bends down and flips himself over so his feet are a couple feet above Whysper’s shoulders, his chest in the air and his arms holding Whysper’s locked up legs in what I guess you could call a Bridging Cloverleaf pin. The crowd is going wild as Busch exclaims, "What a pin by Van Dam!" Harding drops down and counts ………………One……………Two Just as Harding hits two the crowd starts going even more nuts and our camera pans out to see that Christian Michaels is standing on the top rope with his arms out stretched�?/P> Busch, "Uh Oh, I see a McMillion brother in the High Rent district, This can’t be good�? Michaels leaps into the air flipping with the grace that would bring a tear to a ballerina’s eye before his shoulders collide with Van Dam’s ribs and abs making him immediately release Whysper’s legs and fall to the side from Michaels Swanton Bomb off the top rope. Crowd: HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT……�?EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! Busch, "WHAT A SHOT! HE SHOOTS, HE SCORES! And NOW HE GOES FOR THE PIN! ONE……�? TWO……�? GAH! WHYSPER BREAKS THE PIN!" The crowd erupts again as Whysper pulls himself up and grabs an already rising Michaels by the head to continue bringing him up as David rolls to the outside ring canvas holding his mid section, the pain clearly etched on his face. Whysper goes to send his tag team partner to the ropes with an Irish whip, however, Michaels swings around and reverses sending the Lucha El-Not-Very-Loud-oh to the ropes�?But no worries as the quick witted and incredibly agile Guardian of the Mimes (I can do this all night folks) leaps up to the second rope and springboards back with a Crossbody�?However, as soon as his chest hit’s Michaels chest, Michaels does a complete back flip using Whysper’s momentum and his own force to drive Whysper back first into the mat with a back flipping variation of The World’s Strongest Slam. Yet AGAIN The crowd goes into a frenzy as Busch screams, "GOOD GOD! The Athleticism and God-Given abilities of these men are AMAZING!" Michaels stays on top of the Silent Warrior as Harding drops down and counts ………………�?.One…………………Two……………………Thr-- Busch, "And that’ll do it here tonig�?NO IT WON’T! HE KICKED OUT! How in the WORLD?!" The crowd erupts again as Michaels mutters "Son of a Bitch" and has a look of frustration on his face. Michaels pulls himself up and looks at the ref askin, "You sure?" Harding nods and Michaels shakes his head but accepts the call. Whysper starts trying to pull himself up as Christian looks out at the crowd and gets a mischievous look on his face before crouching down a little and extending his arms�?/FONT> | |
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The very vocal and obviously energized crowd starts yet another chant�?/P> Crowd: JAY EL TEE (Finger Snaps)! JAY EL TEE (Finger Snaps) JAY EL TEE (Finger Snaps) JAY EL TEE (Finger Snaps) Busch, "That’s the first time I’ve heard fifteen hundred people simultaneously snap their fingers." Whysper gets up, staggering slightly�?He turns around and BLAM! A big kick to the gut. Michaels heads forward and starts to lift his leg for the set up kick to the Twist of Fate, but Whysper quickly snatches his partner and rolls him over in a Small Package making the crowd let out an "OHHHHHHHHH" much like they might if someone just got verbally burned. Busch, "Michaels wanted the Just Like That I believe, but he got small packaged for the second time here tonight." Harding counts …………………………One………………�?Two…………�? Michaels kicks out just shy of three letting this energetic crowd go nuts again. Busch, "These fans aren’t gonna be able to talk for a week but what an exciting night they’ve received in exchange. This match in itself has been well worth the price of admission and then some." Whysper and Michaels both roll up to their feet and Whysper goes for a grab but Michaels ducks under, wraps Whysper up and snaps back sending Whysper up and over to his back as CM maintains the bridge on the Northern Lights Suplex causing a pinning situation. Harding drops down again ………………………One……………………Two………�?The crowd had already started cheering�?Why? Their Heavyweight Champion was heading back toward the action. Right around the same time as Harding calls two David bends down, wraps his arms around CM’s waist, Gets as snug to Michaels as he can, Squats a little and then comes up-right bringing CM out of the bridge and sending him up into the air as he snaps back with a huge Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex�?The worse part? David’s head just misses the ropes as he falls back�?That’s not so bad�?But if David’s head just missed the ropes then…�? You guessed it�?Michaels back makes a sickening thud as it hit’s the floor. Busch, "WHAT THE�?BAH GOD�?THAT’S LIKE NOTHING I’VE EVER SEEN BEFORE!" Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY�?EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH!" Busch, "Can you believe this match? Can you believe that there is no championship on the line? This my friends, is what makes a TRUE champion�?This is what it means to be the very best that the wrestling world has to offer�?To be able to perform on this level every night, every match, regardless if your title is in jeopardy or not, regardless if you’re on a Pay Per View event or not, regardless of whether there’s a hundred fans in the building or a hundred thousand�?This is what it means to be a Champion�?No�?This is what it means to be an *ICWA*�?Champion." David drops down and rolls under the ropes as Michaels is still down on his back, his face constantly cringing and wincing. David bends down and grabs him by the head, peeling him off the floor and pulling his pretty much lifeless body up to his feet. David grabs Michaels by the neck and looks like he’s about to guide the Southern Heartthrob back to the ring but just as he turns to head that way Whysper, Who’s already leaped to the top rope, Flips backwards while flying forwards and ends up landing across the Heavyweight Champion and the other Tag Team Champion with a crazy looking Shooting Star Press into a Crossbody Block off the middle of the top rope to the floor. Busch, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! BAH GOD PEOPLE!" Crowd: THIS IS AWESOME (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap) THIS IS AWESOME (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)THIS IS AWESOME (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap) THIS IS AWESOME (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)THIS IS AWESOME (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap) THIS IS AWESOME (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap) Busch, "You’re damned right it is!" As the three men lye in a heap on the floor, Whysper’s the first to start pulling himself up. Since Michaels weighs a little less then Van Dam, Whysper decides to pick his partner up off the floor and roll him into the ring. Busch, "Between that overhead belly to belly from Van Dam and then that amazing manuever Whysper just landed from the top you have to believe that Christian Michaels is a pinfall away from defeat." Whysper slides in and apparently has the same mind set Bert Busch does as he immediately grabs the far leg and rolls back for the cover. Harding drops down and counts ………………………One…………………Two…………………�?Thr…�?Just before the three David grabs Whysper by the ankle and yanks him back out of the ring. The crowd erupts as David quickly drives a big European uppercut into the higher chest and jaw of the Messiah of Silence. The Hushmeister spins around drapping himself over the outside of the ring and David quickly grabs him by the neck and the waist band of his pants, sliding him in underneath the bottom rope. David shakes his head and wipes the sweat from his face with a hand as he attempts to clear his head from the big bump on the floor before sliding back into the ring himself. Busch, "Whysper was less than a heartbeat away from Victory but the Heavyweight Champion broke the pin and now all three men are back in the ring." Whysper’s already pulling himself up as Michaels has rolled to the side, so, David stands behind Whysper waiting�?He looks to the crowd, Slaps his shoulder and his neck before locking his hands in the universal taunt for a submission to the crowd�?The crowd erupts yet again�?/P> Crowd: FADE ED GLORY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FADE ED GLORY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap),FADE ED GLORY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FADE ED GLORY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap),FADE ED GLORY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FADE ED GLORY (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), Whysper gets to his feet and David darts in looking to grab the arm and the head but Whysper immediately turns his body to the side and holds his arm snug to his body, clearly knowing exactly what Van Dam wanted. David quickly realizes Whysper’s got his submission scouted so instead of wasting time trying to mess with the arm he quickly changes up his game plan and wraps Whysper’s head in a Sleeper submission. Busch, "Van Dam wanted that variation of the Crossface Chickenwing he calls the "Faded Glory" but to no avail as Whysper defended against that trademark hold of the ICWA Heavyweight Champion�?However, Van Dam’s switched his game up and has that Sleeper hold firmly locked in and folks, That’s one of the most efficient submission manuevers in the sport." Whysper’s hands immediately go to Van Dam’s bulging bicep as he tries desperately to escape the hold, however, he isn’t having much luck. As Van Dam holds Whysper in the sleeper, the crowd starts to get loud�?In the background we can see that Christian Michaels is pulling himself up. CM gets up holding his neck as he analyzes the scene�?Hmm�?Michaels walks over and gets behind Van Dam and then�?SNNNNATCH! The Southern Heartthrob hooks Van Dam in a sleeper of his own as David’s eyes get as wide as saucers. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "What?! Van Dam’s got the Sleeper on Whysper, Michaels has the Sleeper on Van Dam, and now it’s going to be a game of who’s going to sleep first!" Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! (Other Section: CHRIS-TIAN {Other-Other Section: LET’S GO WHYSPER! DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LETS GO WHYSPER! DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! Busch laughs, "This fantastic Greenville crowd having a real good time here tonight." David synchs up on his Sleeper has a look of exhaustion yet intensity as he tries desperately to put the Reticent hero to sleep. Behind him Christian is doing the same thing with the same aspirations of placing the ICWA Corner stone deeper in the dirt. Whysper drops to his ass as David drops to his knee and Michaels is bending over on his feet. Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! As the chants continue to grow louder Whysper starts throwing an arm out, waving the fans on much the same as David and Christian have both had to do previously in this contest. Crowd: GET R DONE WHYSPER, GET R DONE (Clap-Clap)! GET R DONE WHYSPER, GET R DONE (Clap-Clap)! Busch Laughs as he says, "In all my years in this sport I don’t think I ever expected to hear a "Get R Done" chant�?Somewhere Larry The Cable guy looks on fondly (laughs)." Whysper’s arm starts picking up momentum on his wave as he pops to a hip and starts making his way to a knee, forcing an incredibly exhausted David Van Dam to use what little strength he’s got to come up off his knee and get into a more bent over position underneath Michaels�?Whysper gets to his knee and waves a little more as his eyes fight to stay open�? Crowd: WHYSPER! WHYSPER! WHYSPER! WHYSPER! WHYSPER! WHYSPER! Suddenly out of no where Whysper reaches up grabbing Van Dam’s head and drops to his ass bring Van Dam’s jaw down on top of Whysper’s skull and inadvertently forcing CM’s jaw to jerk down into Van Dam’s skull from a big jaw breaker�?Both CM and David instantly release their sleepers go flying in opposite directions to their backs as Whysper’s eyes roll back and he flops back himself. The crowd erupts as all three men are down on the mat. Busch, "All Three Men are down and now it comes down to who can get to their feet first!" Very astute observation by Berteus Buschamus. All three men are down on the mat, their stomachs pumping up and down as Harding checks around to see if any of them are showing signs of life. Without much of a reply from any of the three, He begins his count…………………ONE………………TWO……�?/P> Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! DEE VEE DEE! CHRIS-TIAN! LET’S GO WHYSPER! ………………Three………………Four…�?/P> David wipes the sweat from his head as he starts to blink a little, still breathing hard. Michaels can be seen looking at Harding and saying something but whatever it is doesn’t seem to detract him from his count�?/P> Five………�? Harding starts rechecking on Whysper and DVD as Michaels starts to slowly stir a little, grabbing his neck and starting to roll to his hip. David and Whysper slowly seem to be contemplating similar actions�?/P> Harding ……………Six……………Seven………�?/P> CM rolls to his knees and grabs the ropes, pulling himself up to his feet as Harding concedes his count and heads over to see how well David and Whysper are progressing as they’re getting to their feet in stereo�?Michaels grabs the top rope and starts slamming his boot down, making the crowd erupt�?/P> Crowd: WHAP HIS ASS CHRISTIAN, WHAP HIS ASS (Clap-Clap)�?WHAP HIS ASS CHRISTIAN, WHAP HIS ASS (Clap-Clap)�?/P> Busch, "Christian’s signaling for a Whappin, Van Dam and Whysper are both about to their feet and this capacity crowd is on fire with yet another creative chant�?This is one of the most lively crowds I’ve ever witnessed and it was all inspired by this impeccable main event." David and Whysper both turn around simultaneously and as they do CM launches out and�?WHHHHHHHHHAP! The crowd lets out yet another "OHHHHHHH" As Busch exclaims, "OH! Van Dam and Whysper both ducked under and evaded the super kick but ICWA Official Jason Harding wasn’t nearly as lucky! Harding Just Got Whapped!" Michaels looks down and sees Harding down on the mat. Michaels let’s out a "Damn it" but doesn’t take the time to offer much more. The Southern Heartthrob turns around an as he does Whysper leaps up and CRAAAAAAAACK! A big modified enziguri makes Michaels front flip in the air and land on his ass, the camera getting the perfect shot of his eyes rolling into the back of his head before he flops back. Whysper looks and realizes that CM’s just a tad to the left of dead center in the middle of the ring. This makes Whysper look from Michaels, to the ropes, back to Michaels, and back to the ropes with a devilish grin as Van Dam’s on a knee in the corner half out of it still from the sleeper exchanges I guess. Busch, "I think he’s got the Sound of Silence in his mind and lately that’s been finishing his matches�? Whysper darts to the ropes, leaps onto the second and flips back performing his variation of the Lionsault as the crowd erupts upon the chest to chest impact with Michaels. The impact’s enough that Whysper’s body bounces off of CM’s forcing him to lean back on his knees. Before Whysper can drop forward to cover Michaels though, David ducks down under Whysper’s arm, hooks his wrist, pulls him up to his feet and leaps up and back driving Whysper down hard with the Last Chance (Angle Slam) as the crowd erupts. Busch, "LAST CHANCE! THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION GOT THE LAST CHANCE!" David hooks the far leg as the crowd starts to counts ………………One……………Two……………�?Three………�?/P> Busch, "This thing should be over but there’s no referee!" The crowd starts to erupt and it doesn’t take long to figure out why as Carlton comes running out from the back and slides into the ring. Carlton slides into position and begins hammering the mat ………………One……………Two…………�?Crowd, "Ohhhhhhhh" Michaels leaps out of know where and drives a hard forearm into the back and neck of Van Dam making him forfeit the pin. Michaels pulls himself up half bent over favoring the area that Whysper landed on with the Golden Silence, as well as giving some favor to his neck. David starts pulling himself up but as he does Michaels drives the boot into his gut making him double over as the crowd is on their feet in anticipation�?/P> Busch, "It feels like it’s about that time�? Michaels hooks the Front facelock, throws an arm up and swings around looking for the diamond cutter portion of the Twist of Fate, however�?Just as Michaels swings around Van Dam puts both hands on his back and shoves the Southern Heartthrob with so much force that he bolts forward and ends up colliding with Carlton with such force that both men go down to the mat. Busch, "Good God, What a horrible day to be a referee if you’ve gotta be anywhere near Christian Michaels." Christian shakes his head and pushes himself up to a knee seeing Carlton out on the mat. Christian seems annoyed now as he says, "Mother fu�? Before he can finish that thought David drives a quick forearm across his neck making him tumble forward catching himself with his hands and pushing himself t o his feet as he continues stumbling. Michaels turns around near the ropes as David trips a little over Whysper’s leg in the pursuit of the eldest McMilion brother. David drives a hard forearm across Michael’s jaw bone making him fall back against the ropes trying to shake the shot off. David nails a couple more of the same shots and then grabs Michaels by the wrist and shoots him across the ring with a big Irish whip. Michaels hit’s the far ropes and returns to the Heavyweight champ as the aforementioned champ bends down (one hand on the top rope) and sends Michaels up and over with a forearm and shoulder based variation of the back body drop as often times favored by Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig. Michaels goes up and over the top rope but lands on his feet on the outside canvas making the crowd erupt. David, however, doesn’t assume he was successful as he quickly turns around to make sure.. As he figured Michaels agility kicked in so David quickly launches forward with yet another big European upper cut making CM loose his balance and drop down to his ass on the floor. Van Dam turns and heads back for Whysper who’s finally pulling himself up on the ropes, however, we’re still with CM on the floor. Busch, "Michaels knocked to the floor as Van Dam pursues the Reticent lucha Whysper." Michaels pulls himself up but feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns around and CRAAAACK! The crowd that isn’t focused on Van Dam in the ring boos loudly as Michaels drops back holding his forehead from a big shot from�?Angelina with the Cull Stick? Busch, "What the Hell?! She’s not even suppose to be here! She was suspended for her actions at Stryking gold three weeks ago!" Back in the ring Whysper gets to his feet on the ropes and as soon as he does David grabs the left arm and hooks the head, this time successfully grabbing the Faded Glory Crossface Chickenwing. The crowd that hasn’t paid attention to Angelina and CM is going crazy as David pulls Whysper to the center and watches his arms flail about. However, that doesn’t last long as Angelina slides in and darts foreward, diving down and nailing Van Dam behind the left knee with the cull stick. Van Dam instantly releases the chickenwing and drops down holding his knee as the crowd is booing desperately. Whysper feels the release and turns around just in time to see Angelina with a manical glare and the cull stick in hand�?/P> Whysper looks in disbelief and quickly realises what happened. Whysper, "WHAT’D YOU DO?!" Angelina, "SHUT UP AND JUST FINISH THE MATCH!" Whysper grabs at his dreads with his fists as he says, "I DIDN’T WANT IT LIKE THIS ANGELINA!" Angelina, "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?! JUST FINISH IT!" The crowd suddenly starts to erupt again which makes Angelina get a curious look�?She turns around just in time to get driven down by Faith Rivers who hobbled into the take down slightly due to a large knee brace on her left knee. Angelina hit’s the mat with so much force that she and Faith go rolling under the ropes and land on the ringside floor�?But no problem for them as they’re bitch slapping and punching the crap out of each other with very little notice of their collision with the floor. Busch, "Angelina came down and offered Whysper what appears to be an undesired assist and now she and Faith Rivers are on the floor going at it like a couple of pitbulls fightin over the last bowel of kibble. Whysper looks torn in the ring as to what to do here�? Whysper lets out a loud "UGGGGGH" before baseball slides out of the ring and starts trying to separate the divas on the floor. In the ring David’s pulling himself up, holding that knee and wincing in pain as he hobbles toward the ropes and grabs the top rope for support, glaring down at Whysper and the women yelling for Whysper to get his ass back in the ring. Suddenly David’s spun around and in front of him stands a bloody Christian Michaels�?/P> Busch, "Oh My God�?That shot from Angelina’s opened the crimson floodgates on Michaels forehead." Michaels drives some rights across the face of Van Dam before quickly front face locking Van Dam and swinging around, but, for the second time the Twist Of Fate is blocked as Van Dam again shoves the Southern Heartthrob away�?This time making him dart across the ring as Van Dam follows to the center. Michaels hit’s the ropes and comes back toward David, who, ducks under, grabs the arm and the leg and hoists Michaels up for the Last Chance as the crowd gasps�?/P> Busch, "Michaels lookin for the Just Like That�?Van Dam sends him across the ring�?STRONG> LAST CHA�?WAIT�? Michaels slides off his back�?Van Dam turns and BLAM! Big Kick, Quick facelock, quick spin, and KABOOM! The crowd goes ballistic as Busch joins them by screaming, "JUST LIKE THAT! JUST LIKE THAT THIS CONTEST COULD BE OVER!" Michaels hooks the far leg and rolls back as Harding, who’s holding his jaw and barely back around drags himself over and shakes his head as he drops down ……………………One……………………………�?.............TWO……………………………�?........ THREE! Harding flops to his face going back out as he hit’s the three, but who cares, he served his purpose. The bell sounds as "Champion In Me" blasts over the PA. Greene, "Here is YOUR WINNER……�?CHHHHHHRISTIAN MIIIIIICHAELS!" Whysper who finally has Angelina restrained (Carlton eventually got back around and is restraining Faith) looks at the ring in shock�?/P> Whysper, "DAMN IT!" Michaels pulls himself up holding his face as the crowd is going wild. Busch, "Christian Michaels has won this huge Triple Threat contest and he pinned the Heavyweight champion to do it! What implications will this have on the heavyweight title picture?!" Whysper’s cussing up a storm on the floor as CM’s glaring down at the scene at ringside. CM finally exits through the ropes and hops down, standing right in front of Angelina and Whysper. CM (Looking at Angelina), "What the Hell’s your problem?!" Whysper, "Back off Chris, I’ve got this." Christian looks almost offended as he says, "BACK OFF?! Look at my effin face! What the Hell?! Did you tell her to get involved tonight?!" Whysper, "DOES IT LOOK LIKE IT?!" CRAAAAAACK! Angelina manages to get an arm free and cracks CM across the face. The crowd gasps as CM’s blood flies�?CM takes a deep breath before he slowly turns his head back. Whysper, "Whoa, Relax man�?Relax�? CM raises his hand and balls up his fist as he contemplates decking her�?The crowd goes wild at the premise�?Apparently Angelina’s wearing as thin on their nerves as the rest of us. CM shakes his head and puts down his hand�?CRAAAAAAAAAACK! Busch, "Uh-oh…�?Michaels forgave that first shot�?He may not do the same on that second one�?What’s come over Angelina as of late?" CM doesn’t react at first, he doesn’t even turn his face back around�?But then when he does snap his face back he has Satan staring through his eyes. He reaches out, snatches Angelina by the hair and with one yank takes her out of Whyspers arms and rolls her into the ring. CM slides in as Angelina gets to her feet and actually looks a little regretful, putting her hands up and pleading with Michaels. Busch, "It may be a little late for negotiations Angelina�? Angelina’s back peddling till�?Hmm�?There seems to be a wall behind her�?The crowd erupts as She raises an eyebrow and then lifts her hands up and starts feeling the face of who’s behind her�?Uh Oh�?No Hair�?She spins around and sure enough, there’s a very unhappy David Van Dam. Busch, "I reckon a certain Jezebel may be about to reap what she’s sown." The crowd quickly changes their attitude and starts booing as Whysper darts in and shoves Michaels to the side before grabbing Angelina, dropping down and rolling with her in his arms till they get to the floor. Whysper grabs her by the hand although not in a very romantic fashion and starts storming off as CM lifts his hands in the air like "What the Hell"�?David just shakes his head. Busch, "Well it looks like Whysper’s saved Angelina from getting her’s tonight but what’s this mean for the tag team champions?" Whysper and Angelina go back behind the curtain as Carlton and a member of security are accompanying Faith around the ramp to an alternate method of getting to the back. In the ring David extends his hand, making the crowd grow loud�?CM nods and shakes the Champ’s hand as the fans erupt�?/P> Crowd: EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! EYE SEE DUB EH! David goes to walk away but Michaels keeps his hand and yanks him back, making the Heavyweight champion get an instant look of preparation�?Michaels points to Greene, so Greene quickly climbs up with his mic, enters the ring, and holds the mic beside Michaels and Van Dam, their foreheads practically touching as their hand shake has almost become a form of the test of strength�?/P> Michaels, "Good match�?GREAT match�?But uh�?I just pinned you. That puts us one to one on ICWA soil�?Now, I hear that the top contender’s slot is open for your championship�?I sincerely hope that next week you show the world that not every Cinderella story works out and you beat the Togster�?Because if you do, I have every intention of making sure our paths meet one more time and that match number three involves A little something called the EYE SEE DUBBYA EH HEEEEEEEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHHHHIP!" The crowd goes ballistic as Greene looks around in surprise, not sure what to do�?/P> Busch, "Hoooo Boy! What a match up that would be�? David looks dead into Christian’s eyes, and with no major show of emotion he says, "You’re On." The crowd grows even louder as Busch says, "DID YOU HEAR THAT?!" Michaels grins through his blood soaked face and finally releases the hand shake as "Champion In Me" Reblasts over the PA. David exits as CM hops on the rope raising his tag strap in the air... Busch, "What a show and folks, All signs point to another show of epic porportions in two weeks... You don't wanta miss it. We'll catch ya same ICWA Place, Same ICWA Channel!" | |
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