 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 12/27/2008 2:51 PM |

| Date: Friday December 19th, 2008 | Live From: Greenville Convention Center - Greenville, North Carolina | Commentators: Bert Busch & Paul Heyman | Theme: "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold | Deadline: Your First RP MUST BE POSTED 24 HOURS BEFORE DEADLINE or earlier 8pm EST Expect Results Sometime Monday | ICWA: A Cinderella Story Main Event ICWA Heavyweight Championship David Van Dam V.S. TOG ((At Clash of Champions TOG made a shocking announcement as he let the world know that he managed to convince ICWA President Jonathan Brooks to give him the ultimate opportunity�?Will we lay witness to the ultimate Cinderella story as TOG comes out of no where to become the number one man in all of professional wrestling, or, will David Van Dam continue his unparalleled success at the top of the ICWA Ladder?)) Match Six Singles ICWA Women’s Championship Angelina Santana V.S. Faith Rivers ((Enough is Enough. Angelina was suppose to be suspended yet, since she still managed to weasel her way into things at Clash of Champions, Brooks has decided to lift the suspension and give these two fiery women one last match to get everything squared away. If Angelina doesn’t capture the Women’s championship on the nineteenth she won’t be granted another title opportunity for so long as Faith Rivers is ICWA Women’s champion.)) Match Five ICWA Cyber TV Championship Scott Addams V.S. Da Sweet Lunatic ((When the world witnessed Scott Addams take the Cyber TV Championship from Zarek Lyle the general consensus was that he’d be the standard barrier of that division for quite sometime to come�?Needless to say nobody was as shocked as he was when Da Sweet Lunatic came out of no where to pick up one of her biggest and perhaps most surprising victories to date. Now an angry and embarrassed Addams has the opportunity to show the world it was just a fluke and recapture his Cyber TV Championship�?Of course, DSL has an equal opportunity to show that her success is as real as it gets and there’s a new Champion in town.)) Match Four Singles MJ Storm V.S. Christian Michaels ((MJ Storm couldn’t believe that TOG was getting a heavyweight title match so soon in his ICWA career�?He was furious that TOG would be given such a main event opportunity�?So, Brooks decided to give MJ a main event caliber bout of his own as he goes one on one with arguably the most versatile and resilient wrestler who’s ever lived and certainly one of the absolute best of all time in Christian Michaels. Now, MJ had better just hope that a certain Exile isn’t in the building to watch.)) Match Three Singles Zarek Lyle V.S. Scott Andrew ((At Stryking Gold Scott Andrew wrapped Zarek with a steel chair in an attempt to make sure that Scott Addams won the Cyber TV championship. The going thought is that Andrews figured if Addams owed him one he’d have to grant him a Cyber TV Title match�?Unfortunately it never registered to Andrew that he might have to face the consequences when Zarek Lyle was healthy enough to begin competing again�?Whoops.)) Match Two Singles Jimmy Stryker V.S. Drew Stevenson ((Jimmy and Drew were looking to settle a score at Clash of Champions, however, Stryker lost his head and ended up disqualified. Obviously nothing was resolved so, we’re gonna let these two Ultrastars give it another shot.)) Opening Bout #1 Contendership Women’s Championship Tani Lyons V.S Kathrine Storm ((You ever see that movie "Mean Girls"? Yeah, Me either, but, based on the title alone we can gather that it should have been made about these two lascivious vixens. They joined Angelina Santana’s assault on the Women’s champion at Stryking Gold and they both made their title intentions very clear at Clash of Champions�?Now as these two vicious jezebels go head to head something’s gonna have to give�?) Also Expected To Appear: WallStreet, Whysper, Six & Rising Inc, Patrick Warner, Darren Hunter, And More!!! Card Subject To change | |
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The Slow opening chords of "Afterlife" by Avenge Sevenfold begins to play as We see a clip of Faith Rivers with the Women’s title around her waist, her hands on her hips and a no non sense look on her face�?A shadow over takes her and we in turn see Scott Addams in black leather coat, jeans, the ICWA Cyber TV championship over his shoulder and a cigarette in his mouth. He’s in the midst of a final drag before flicking it to the ground and offering the camera a cold glare�?A Shadow over takes again and we see Christian Michaels and Whysper (Michaels in a Romo Cowboys Jersey, Whysper in a Black "Black Label Society" T Shirt) with the ICWA Tag Team championships around their waists as they shoot a no-nonsense look into the camera�?Another shadow over takes and David Van Dam walks toward the camera in a black business suit with the ICWA Championship across his forearm in traditional fashion. He stops in front of the camera. As the beat threatens to pick up, David offers an aggressive glare and then throws a European upper cut that shatters the scene into random High-action highlight clips of the ICWA at the full beat of the song. As "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold concludes the capacity crowd is on their feet in great anticipation, as our camera stays focused on the stage…�?/P> "If You Ever Cross That Line (Line) I guarantee You There’ll Be Nothin To Save Ya I Got A Whole Bunch Of Gorillas Ready To Pull The Trigga And We All For That Paper Comin From A Life Of Crime (Ross) Tryin To Be On My Best Behavior Ya See My Rep’s Getting Bigga but I’m That Same Nigga Bustin Shots At The Hatas�?BR>But Only If Ya Cross That Line" As soon as those lyrics start either large TV screen on the sides of the stage starts showing footage of WallStreet making the fans instantly erupt�?It doesn’t take very long before they get what they’re expecting�?/P> The fans go ballistic as Busch starts doing his job, "Welcome to the ICWA’s "Cinderella Story". I’m Double B Bert Busch and folks, if you didn’t catch us last week you may not know why WallStreet’s traded in his normal swagger of confidence for a more aggressive and mission based stride�? For those viewing at home or on the Web "Cross That Line" by Rick Ross and Akon still plays in the background but the Patrick Warner assault on WallStreet shows on the screen. The last images are of Patrick Warner Spinebustering WallStreet through the wooden table at ringside being used for commentary and Heyman saying "Rip That Off" before spiking the mic in WallStreet’s chest. Once that’s over we come back to WallStreet as he’s entering between the ropes. WallStreet reaches between the ropes and grabs a microphone as his theme fades and the TV Screens show the ICWA Logo again. WallStreet, "HEYMAN�?WARNER�?You wanta fight a "Rip Off"?! Well call me a regular TNA attraction and bring you’re asses down here�?(Macho Man Impersonating Voice) Ohhhh Yeeeeeeeah!" WallStreet tosses the mic to the side and starts pacing with his eyes constantly on the entrance way. Busch, "WallStreet opting to trade in his long sometimes comedic and analogy filled style for a much more simplistic and to the point approach. He’s ready to get him some of the ICWA’s Goliath in Patrick Warner�? "One, Two, Three, GO!" The crowd goes berserk in anticipation as the side screens show clips of Warner nailing that huge sitout spine buster on people and his theme blasts from the PA. The curtain moves and out from behind it steps�?/P> Busch, "Wait…�?Where’s Warner?" The music begins to fade as Heyman raises the mic to his lips, "Oh No, the all mighty Triple Ay�?Erm, I mean, Taylor McCallister, is angry. Well let us just rush out here to oblige your blind rage and fight you Taylor." Heyman rolls his eyes as the fans are booing the lack of a Patrick Warner. Heyman, "My Juggernaut has nothing to prove Taylor. He put you down at the Clash of Champions and he can put you down anytime he damn well pleases�?However, he doesn’t "please" to do so tonight. So, sit there all night long, go home, do whatever ya want but the Rip Off Killer and I work on our time, not yours." WallStreet reaches down and grabs his mic, "That’s fair�?I’ll just whip YOUR ass then." WallStreet drops the mic and heads for the ropes as the crowd erupts. Heyman, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa�?Wait a second Taylor�? WallStreet’s got a hand on the top rope and his leg extended with his foot on the second rope, practically on his way through the ropes, but, he waits�?/P> Heyman, "You don’t deserve to fight my monster. When’s the last time you had a singles match? It was more then six months ago. You’re probably more of a hack then the other impersonators Warner’s racked up�? WallStreet glances to the side with a "Yeah, this is dumb" and then proceeds to duck down to exit the ring drawing a huge reaction�?/P> Heyman, "WHOA! WAIT! I’ll make ya a deal!" WallStreet steps back into the ring and holds the top rope, waiting to hear the deal�?/P> Heyman, "January second right here in this Hillbilly Hell hole they call Greenville (Crowd boos)…�? You face a wrestler of MY Choosing and if you win, I’ll give you Patrick Warner one on one. But if you lose…�? WallStreet glares in wait as Heyman forms a coy grin…�?/P> Heyman, "I want what means the most to you Taylor…�?" WallStreet rolls his eyes and can be caught on camera saying "How Much Paul, I’ll write the check now, how much�? Heyman shakes his head, "No, not your money…�? Your pride. If you lose you come in the center of this ring in front of a world wide audience online and these ragging rednecks in Greenville and you shine my shoes." Busch, "Oh come on, that’s ridicules�? WallStreet glares as the crowd grows load with another chant that won’t make TV, "FUCK HIM UP WALLSTREET, FUCK HIM UP (Clap-Clap)! FUCK HIM UP WALLSTREET, FUCK HIM UP (Clap-Clap)�? WallStreet picks the mic back up again and says, "It sounds to me like a more popular deal would be that I take my seven hundred dollar aligator shoe and drive directly into your hemroid infested ass!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Whoa!" WallStreet, "But……�?As much as I’d enjoy rocking your world like a damn canoe in a windstorm, I wanta beat that over grown ape of yours even more, so�?You take your used care salesman suit and your fifteen dollar ball cap and you start looking under every rock, behind every wall, and in every corner of the world that you can�?You find yourself the biggest, the meanest, the nastiest whoop ass machine walkin and THEN you chrome dome pedofile looking sack of crap�? The crowd continues to go wild as Busch says, "I think it’d of been a little more merciful on WallStreet’s behalf if he’d of just chose the shoe to hemroid option." WallStreet looks at the cheering fans as Heyman glares at the same audience�?WallStreet then continues, "And whatever monkey you find to do your bidding, you bring him here in two weeks and I’ll go wipe the dust off my gear bag and bring that and we’ll make it date�?And then when I beat random wrestler A’s ass, you let the Manilla Gorilla know that his days of destruction are coming to an end." Heyman, "Why don’t you tell him yourself�? The crowd boos as Warner slides in from behind and charges WallStreet, but, WallStreet’s no rookie. He spins around and ducks a forearm from behind attempt making Warner throw a phantom clothesline over the top rope. Warner turns around and WallStreet drives a hard boot into the gut of the Juggernaut making the crowd erupt. Then BAM! A big Dusty style Bionic elbow�?A Second bionic elbow and the big man’s staggering on the ropes. Busch, "YES! Warner came in for a back attack but WallStreet’s takin it to him!" WallStreet grabs Warner by the wrist and goes to whip him across, but, just before WallStreet’s about to release the Irish whip Warner reverses sending the Corporate Icon to the other side of the ring. WallStreet bounces back and Warner hoists him up, spins and drops to his ass nailing a nasty variation of his Juggernaut Slam drawing a down pour of boos from the crowd. Busch, "GAH! Warner may have just broken McCallister in half!" "Step Up" by Drowning Pool echoes over the PA again as Warner rolls up to his feet and glares down at WallStreet who’s squirming slightly and wincing in pain. Busch, "Unbelievable�?We’re gonna need some assistance for WallStreet�? Warner exit’s the ring as Heyman’s walked down to ringside. Heyman pats Warner on the back and starts pointing him toward the back. Warner heads that way but Heyman starts heading around the ring. Busch, "Ugh�?What’s this jerk want." Heyman heads over to the commentary table and picks up a head set, "Well Hey there pal!" Busch, "What do you want?" Heyman, "You don’t know? I’m somewhat of an expert at commentary�?Ol Jon-boy’s made us a team. "Howdy Partner"." Busch, "Oh God…�?We’ll be back." *Commercial break* | |
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When we return the cameras are on Sean Greene in the ring. Greene, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is our OPENING BOUT…�?It’s scheduled for one fall with a ten minute time limit and is for number one contendership to the ICWA Women’s Championship!" Busch, "If you’re just joining us, WallStreet was just ambushed moments ago by that massive puppet of Paul Heyman’s, Patrick Warner. WallStreet refused medical attention, however, for his safety and perhaps more accurately Patrick Warner and Paul Heyman’s safty, he’s been asked to leave the building by Jonathan Brooks." Heyman, "Pfffft. Who’s scared of WallStreet? You saw me slap the taste out of his mouth two weeks ago." Busch, "Yeah, I also saw you damn near wet yourself before your boy jumped in." Heyman, "Well sir, you clearly know nothing about the human facial expression because all that radiated from me was an air of confidence." The lights go down as the first beats of 'Cry for you' by September start. The curtain opens as Kathrine Storm struts through. She walk down the ramp, her long blonde hair falling straight over her shoulders. She gives the audience an evil and arrogant grin, then slides in the ring. Giving Bert Busch a strange look before jumping on the turnbuckle, her eyes look over the fans. While her music still plays, she awaits her opponent. Greene, "In the ring now... KATHRINE STORM."
"Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy begins to play over the speakers. Tani steps out onto the entrance ramp with her hands on her hips. She looks around for a second and bounces her head upward. She grins as she begins down the ramp letting her hands fall to her sides. People reach out for her to slap their hands but she laughs at them stepping away. The boos get louder as she gets closer to the ring. Tani walks up the steel steps. She gets in the ring, messing with her hair a little bit, flipping it, and then presents herself outstretching her arms to the sides. She yells some things into the camera directed either towards the fans or her opponent. She then looks toward Kathrine Storm waiting for the match to begin.
Greene, "In the ring... TANIA LYONS."
Busch, “This should be an interesting match-up. Storm has the power, but Lyons has the athleticism. We’ll see who can get the upper hand here in this one fall match.�?BR> The bell rings and Storm moves toward the center of the ring, looking to corner Lyons. Lyons, sensing imminent danger, charges toward Storm. Storm, the Ruthless Devil, goes for a clothesline, but Lyons ducks underneath. Storm spins around to find Lyons charging at her again. Storm looks to end the fight early with another gigantic clothesline, but Tani Lyons ducks again. Tani spins around and chop blocks Storm. Kathrine Storm drops to one knee. Lyons bounces off the ropes and comes flying at Storm, wrapping her arm around Storm’s head, looking for a tornado ddt, but Storm uses Tani Lyons momentum against her, pounding Lyons into the mat with a devastating spine buster!
Busch, “Kathrine Storm is always looking for those big moves to close a fight early, and that just might have happened tonight!�?/FONT>
Storm hooks the leg, 1- 2- kickout by Lyons. Storm hobbles back up to her feet and starts laying the boots to Lyons. She grabs Lyons by the hair, picking her up and locking Tani in her muscular arms. Storm spins Lyons hard, drilling her with a swinging neck breaker, Lyons�?head bouncing off the mat. Storm covers for the pin, 1- 2- barely a kickout by Lyons and Storm argues with the ref. Storm goes to the apron and ascends to the top rope. She positions herself as she shoots a devilish grin to the crowd. She brushes the hair out of her eyes and leaps from the top, looking for a flying head butt. Lyons lay motionless until the last second, when she rolls out of the way and Storm greets the hard canvas, full body. Storm writhes in pain as Lyons uses the ropes to help her to her feet. Katherine rises to her knees, but Tani charges full blast at Storm and nails her with a flying dropkick!
Busch, “Good lord! And Tani Lyons just tried to knock Storm’s face off with that dropkick!�?BR> Tani goes for the cover, but Storm kicks at 2. Tani, with the upper hand, stands up, blows a kiss to the audience, and hits Katherine Storm with a standing moonsault.
Busch, “These two devilish divas are doing everything they can to one up each other here.�?BR> Tani stomps on Storm a few times, then picks her up by the hair. Storm is able to push Lyons off her, and then Storm goes for a powerful right hand. Lyons dodges and cracks Storm across the face with a spinning backhand. Lyons goes for another backhand, but Storm ducks, waiting for Lyons to turn around again, then drills Tani with a jawbreaker. Storm goes to the top rope again, but this time Tani grabs the rope, causing Storm to fall. With Storm sitting on the top rope, Tani catches her breath. Storm hangs from the top rope, her head draping over her chest. Lyons, visibly tired, leaps in the air and kicks Storm in the head. Both women hit the canvas in a slump. The ref begins the count as both women lie in the corner.
At 7, Lyons makes it to her feet. She makes a cut-throat gesture.
Busch, “Lyons must be signaling for her submission finisher, The Mistress of Destruction.�?/FONT>
Tani grabs Storm by the hand, dragging her to the center of the ring. Maintaining hold of Storm’s hand, Lyons reaches down to lock her submission in place, but Storm, using everything left in the tank, manages to lock Lyons into a small package roll-up, hooking a fist full of her tights in the process.
1- 2- 3!
Greene, “And the winner of the match, KATHRINE STORM!�?BR> Busch, “Tani seemed to have this thing in the bag but Storm... Storm played a little possum and then hooked the tights for the quick three! I can'�?/FONT> Immediately after the pin Kathrine rolls to the floor as Tani jumps up in a fit of anger and surprise. Busch, "Well ya can't blame Tani for being more then a little aggravated. She just got robbed of her ICWA Women's title opportunity by Kathrine Storm." The cameras go to the back where TOG is found in his gear walking around trying to loosen up and do some deep breathing and heavy thinking. Busch, "There he is folks, the unexpected number one contender for the ICWA Heavyweight championship. Tonight Tee Oh Gee get’s the opportunity of a lifetime as he goes one on one with David Van Dam in the biggest match of his life�? Heyman, "What about that other heavyweight title match?" Busch, "Like I said, the biggest match of his life." All of a sudden the door opens and in walks Darren Hunter to a solid reaction from the fans. TOG looks up and the two shake hands�?/P> TOG, "Hey buddy." Darren, "Hey mate. How are you feeling tonight?" TOG takes a deep breath and says, "Man�?I’m not gonna lie, I’m nervous, but, I’m also confident. David’s the best in the world today, but, I’m gonna be the best in the world tomorrow when I have the ICWA Heavyweight Championship around my waist." The crowd cheers TOG’s confidence as Darren says, "Well mate, I believe you can do it. Look, I actually came to thank you for what you did at Clash of Champions. That Scott Andrews cheated and then he tried to take advantage of me…�?I’ve got something for him the next time our paths cross but, I really appreciate ya cutting that attack short." TOG nods, "No problem brother. You earned a lot of respect from me with the way you’ve been presenting yourself. You’re a class act and I wasn’t gonna let some punk take advantage of you." Hunter, "Thanks…�?In return, I’d like to be in your corner tonight for your title match." The crowd cheers but TOG’s already shaking his head. TOG, "I really appreciate that Darren, but, This is something I have to do on my own. I’ve gotta prove I can over come and be the competitor in that ring that I know I can be." Darren, "That’s a bloody shame, I really wanted to pay you back for Clash of Champions." TOG laughs, "I appreciate it�?Who knows, maybe if this goes arye I’ll consider a run at the tag champs. Keep your phone on (laughs)." TOG pats Darren on the shoulder and heads out of the room he was using for solitude. The camera remains on Darren as he says, "Hmm�?ICWA Tag Team Champion Darren Hunter…�?I bloody well like the sounds of that!" Darren turns and heads out of the room himself as the Mid Atlantic area heads to commercial. *Commercial Break* | |
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When the cameras return Sean Greene is once again in the center of the ring. Greene, "The following contest is scheduled for Onefall with a twenty minute time limit." Greene, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Following contest is a very special OPENING Bout�?It has been scheduled for Onefall with a Fifteen Minute Time Limit!" "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. Out from the curtains, walks the Legendary Jimmy Stryker. He is seen dressed in black jeans, boots, and a white t-shirt on. Jimmy then looks around at the crowd, who continues to let him feel the heat that they generate towards him. Jimmy then smiles, as he soaks in the hatred. Greene, "Introducing first, Weighing in at 290 Pounds and hailing from Las Vegas Nevada... He is the "Legendary Icon" JIMMY... STRYYYYKER!" He then makes his way down the steel rampway, as he then quickly slides to the inside of the ring, where he then is seen making his way to each corner of the ring, as he raises a smile on his face, while on each corner as the fans continue to feed him boo's. Jimmy then drops to the mat, and kisses the necklace that is around his neck, and he then bends over waiting on them with pure intent. Busch, "This contest a rematch from Clash of Champions where Drew Stevenson got what some might consider an upset victory over Jimmy Stryker when the bigman lost his temper and got himself disqualified. Obviously nothing was settled there so Drew and Jimmy are looking to figure it out tonight." The lights in the arena shut off putting the arena in complete darkness. The words of Megadeth are heard... Enter the arena and through the lights... Step on down, your in for a ride... This is war, ain't no fun and games... Suddenly a large spotlight shines down onto the ramp as a slab of concrete is seen and on it lies a figure. The public address sound system starts up again playing ''Crush Em'' by Megadeth as the figure sits up and climbs off of the concrete pedestal indicating a resurrection. He begins walking down the ramp as the fans begin going wild, the ring announcer heard vaguely. Sean Greene, "AND HIS OPPONENT�?From Seymour Missouri…�?"THE EMERALD"�?DREW�?STEVVVVVVVVENSON!" Busch, "Well you may have noticed that Jimmy Stryker's got his left arm tapped up. That's from the wrestling savy assault that this man, Drew Stevenson, put on it two weeks ago." Heyman, "Wrestling savvy assault? He tried to break the man’s arm! That’s not wrestling, that’s thug tactics!" Busch, "Nothing he did was "thuggish". The man was being methodical and strategic. He picked a body part and centered his focus on it to try and force a submission or deliver enough pain to force the man to stay down for the three." Heyman, "It was a malicious attack and you know it." Busch, "Know, what happened to WallStreet earlier was a "malicious attack". What happened to Stryker was smart wrestling, plain and simple." Heyman, "Yeah, well, your birth was a malicious attack on humanity." Drew gets down to the ring and quickly slides under the bottom ropes getting into the ring. He is quick to get back to his feet as he and Stryker begin staring each other down. As Stryker enters he waists no time charging for Drew and Drew doesn’t back up an inch�?WHAM! BAM! Carlton calls for the opening bell as Stryker and Drew start exchanging hard rights. Busch, "ICWA Official Carlton Banx calling for the opening bell as these two heated rivals are bringing the heat right out of the starting gate." It doesn’t take long for Stryker to take the advantage with his much larger and more powerful right hands. Drew staggers back on the ropes and Jimmy grabs under Drew’s armpit with his right hand and grabs his neck with his left throwing Drew across the ring with a massive Big Show style hip toss/throw. Drew flips and hit’s the mat as t he crowd begins to boo. Busch, "What strength being displayed by the former ICWA Heavyweight Champion." Heyman, "Jimmy Stryker’s one of the strongest monsters in the sport today. He may even be on the same par as my own monster Patrick Warner." Busch, "He has about the same ethical code too." Drew starts to pull himself up with a hand on his back but as he does Stryker grabs a fist full of his hair with his left hand, raises his right, and cracks him with a stiff right hand that makes him snap back to the mat grabbing his forehead. Drew rolls to his knees holding his head so Jimmy darts forward and CRACK! A huge boot across the side of the head makes Drew spin off his knees and lands on his back. Jimmy drops down and gives a lateral press cover as he pins Drew’s far wrist down. Carlton drops down and counts ………………One……………Two……�?Drew kicks out to the fans delight. Busch, "An aggressive Jimmy Stryker picks up two off of that exchange." Stryker glares at Carlton but Carlton insists that’s it’s only two. Stryker pulls himself up, adjusting the waistband of his tights as Drew starts picking himself up using the ropes to aid him as Jimmy looks out and jaw jacks with some fans, drawing some boos. Crowd: Jimmmmmmmmy……�?Jimmmmmmmmy…�?. Jimmmmmmmy…�?YOU SUCK ! Stryker rolls his eyes at the crowd as Drew finally finds his feet, leaning against the ropes for support, Stryker suddenly darts forward and Drew turns just intime to catch a big Clothesline sending him up and over the top rope to the floor below. The crowd boos as Busch says, "Well so far this thing’s been all Stryker." Heyman, "I wouldn’t expect to see any changes anytime soon." Drew starts trying to pull himself up on the floor as Jimmy bounces off the far ropes and darts across�?Drew turns and faces the ring as Jimmy baseball slides looking for a baseball slide drop kick to Drew’s chest but Drew side steps and let’s Jimmy slide right out of the ring and to his feet on the floor. Jimmy turns around and WHOOOOOO! A big chop from Stevenson to Stryker. WHOOOOOOOO! A second chop. Drew glances over and sees the Steel steps so he grabs Jimmy by the wrist and attempts to Irish Whip him that way but the much larger Stryker reverses�?Drew darts toward the stairs as Stryker turns to tell a fan, "HOW DO YA LIKE THEM APPLES?!" But by the time he turns back to see the damage Drew’s leaped up to the top of the stairs and leaps back taking Stryker down with a big moonsault out of no where. Crowd: EYE SEE DUB-EH! EYE SEE DUB-EH! EYE SEE DUB-EH! EYE SEE DUB-EH! EYE SEE DUB-EH! EYE SEE DUB-EH! Drew pulls himself up holding his chest from the impact of that moonsault as Carlton’s beggin em to bring it in the ring before he has to start his count. Stryker rolls to his knees and starts crawling toward the stairs as Carlton starts his count ………………One……………………Two�?/P> Stryker gets to the stairs and puts a hand on them, pushing himself up to a knee�?Drew suddenly darts forward and CRAAAAAAACK! The crowd lets out a gasp as Drew drives a huge Yakuza kick to Stryker’s skull, making a Stryker Skull Sandwich between the steel steps and the bottom of Drew’s boot. Jimmy’s eyes roll in the back of his head as he flops on his chest. Crowd: DREW JUST KILLED JOO! DREW JUST KILLED JOO! DREW JUST KILLED JOO! ……………………Three………………Four……�?/P> Drew bends down and starts trying to pull Jimmy up by his head, but, Stryker’s completely out and three hundred pounds of dead weight isn’t easy to pick up off the floor. ………………………Five…………………Six He gets Jimmy to his knees and facelocks Jimmy’s head with his left arm as his right hand grabs a fist full of Stryker’s tights to try and lift him up further. ……………………Seven…………………Eight Drew finally gets Jimmy to his feet and rolls him up onto the canvas. …………………Nine�?/P> He rolls Jimmy under the ropes……�?/P> …………Ten, Drew slides in but it’s too late as Carlton’s already calling for the bell. Greene, "Here is Your winner via Count Out�?JIMMY STRYKER!" The crowd erupts with boos as Drew puts his hands up like "Come On man" and looks at Carlton in disbelief. Carlton seems empathetic enough but sticks to his guns and raises Stryker’s lifeless arm as "Right Now" by Korn echos over the PA. Busch, "Drew laid the bigman out on the floor with that nasty lookin�?yakuza kick and I believe he probably could have pinned Stryker a half a dozen times, I mean, He hasn’t moved yet; But Drew spent so much time trying to load Jimmy back into the ring that he didn’t manage to make the ten count and now Stryker has an official W in the record books over Drew." Drew’s steaming in the ring. He kicks the bottom rope and places his hands on his hips, shaking his head in frustration before he finally exit’s the ring between the second and third ropes. Drew stands on the floor just before the ramp, looking back to the ring and shaking his head as Jimmy’s still down and out on the mat. Heyman, "Drew knows the rules, he’s got nobody to blame for himself. I mean realistically he should have been disqualified for the use of the steel steps anyway." Busch, "It wasn’t intentional, they just happened to be there." Heyman, "Oh yeah, and Hitler just happened to pile the Jews into an oven�?Whoops, it just happened to be there." Busch sighs, "That’s a low comparison. Regardless, while we’re scrapping Jimmy off the mat we’re gonna take get some bills paid with a word from our sponsors. Don’t go anywhere, when we come back it�?/FONT>s…�? The cameras suddenly switch to the back where we see a Camera racing through the halls. "THIS IS CRAP! I’M A LEGAL! I HAVE A WORK VISA!" The camera finally arrives to a scene where police officers and I.N.S officers have Scott Andrew handcuffed and are hauling him out of the building. Brooks walks out of a room as they’re going by�?/P> Brooks, "Whoa�?Where you goin with my wrestler? He’s got a match to wrestle!" One of the INS officers says, "Sorry, he let his work visa expire and now he’s staying here illegally." Brooks, "What? Do those things even expire? He’s obviously working here, I just told you he has a match in like three minutes�? INS officer shakes his head, "Sorry Charlie, it’s back to Hockey and Molsons for this guy." They take Andrew through the door as Brooks sighs, "…………Crap." Busch, �?FONT color=#ffff00>What in the world ?" Heyman, "…………�? Busch, "Well I thought Zarek Lyle and Scott Andrew were coming up next but uh�?Yeah�?Well whatever’s coming next It’s bound to be good�?We’ll be right back�? Heyman, "Except for those of us being deported�?GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" *Commercial Break* | |
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When the cameras return we find Jonathan Brooks standing outside the Greenville Convention Center in the back parking lot, watching INS and the Greenville police department load up Scott Andrew in the back of a cruiser. The cruisers drive off as Brooks stands there shaking his head. "Hey�?What’s going on?" Zarek Lyle walks into the scene to a big reaction. Brooks, "Seems your opponent’s been deported. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?" Zarek shakes his head, "Nah, I was the one who wanted to face him, remember?" Brooks nods, "Yeah, I had to ask though." Zarek, "Fair enough�? So what now?" Brooks shrugs, "I guess you put this down as a plus for you and utilize tonight as some extra insurance to make sure you’re completely healed before you start back competing." Zarek sighs, "I’m good to go Brooks. I wanta wrestle." Brooks nods, "Alright. Well, I’ve got a new guy looking for an opportunity to show us what he’s got and earn a spot on the roster, so, I’ll let you break him in next week and use that opportunity to evaluate your post injury performance and see which direction you’ll be heading." Zarek, "Anyone I ever heard of?" Brooks shrugs, "I don’t know�?Oh hey, speak of the devil." Brooks looks beyond Zarek, "Here’s your chance kid�?Show me whatcha got on January second against ol�?Zarek here and we’ll see what we can do for ya." Brooks gives Zarek a pat on the shoulder and heads off leaving Zarek with a raised eyebrow. Zarek turns around and when he does he finds a human wall�?/P> Busch, "Oh hey, That’s Jason Flair." Heyman, "Ugh." Zarek and Flair stand face to erm�?Chest�?Neither backing up an inch before we head to the ring. Busch, "Looks like in two weeks from the Greenville Convention Center we’re gonna get the chance to see the debut of Jason Flair and the return of Zarek Lyle in one shot." With that the storm warning sirens begin blasting over the PA as red flashing lights are seen on the stage�?/P> Greene, "The Following Contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a Thirty minute time limit." As "Riding The Storm Out" by REO Speedwagon continues to blast over the PA, the curtain moves to give way to one of our least favored performers�?/P> Greene, "Introducing first, from Madison Wisconsin�?He weighs in at 247 pounds�?He is EM�?JAY�?STOOOOOORM!" MJ glares about before starting down the ramp. Busch, "MJ Storm an exceptional athlete with an exceptionally poor attitude." Heyman, "Can ya blame the guy? He’s busted his back for the ICWA and what’s he got to show for it? A Tag title run with the late SFM? Meanwhile, Guys like TOG are just being handed heavyweight championship opportunities." Busch, "The "late SFM"�? SFM’s not dead�? Heyman, "Meh, His career is. Which actually, it pretty much was then too which is exactly why MJ’s become the way he’s become. You can only carry nincompoops like that for so long before ya get fed up. Trust me, I know." MJ Climbs the steps and enters between the ropes, glaring out at the booing sea of humanity. Busch, "MJ So far this season has only competed in one match�? Heyman disrupts, "Did he win?" Busch, "Well yeah�? Heyman, "So he’s undefeated? Gee, even the "ubber super kewl" Christian Michaels can’t make that claim." Suddenly the high impact opening chords of "Champion In Me" by Three Doors Down begins blasting from the PA as the crowd instantly erupts. Busch, "Speaking of the Redneck Superhero�? The fans go ballistic as Greene declares, "AND THE OPPONENT�?From RIPPPPPLEY Tennesseeeeee�? Weighing in at 227 pounds he is ONE HALF of the ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS…�? He is The Southern Heartthrob�?CHHHHHHHRISTIAN MIIIIIIIICHAELLLLLS!" Michaels looks around, a bandage on his head from where Angelina cracked him two weeks ago with that cull stick. The fans are jumping and pleading for their hero to go whoop some cheese head ass and Michaels shows no signs of denying their pleas as he begins down the ramp. Busch, "The Most Resilient�?The Most Daring�?The Most Heart driven superstar in the sport today�?Folks, you may find someone stronger and you may find someone faster, but, I defy you to find anybody in this business who brings it all to the table every single time like this man, Christian Michaels." Heyman, "Let me translate that to what it really means�?"The Most Resilient" - The guy gets his ass kicked well. "The Most Daring" - The guy’s dumb enough to call big Pat Warner "garbage"�?Oh yeah Chris, we saw that. Consider yourself lucky that we have bigger fish to fry. "The Most Heart driven superstar today" - Too flippin dumb to call it quits." Busch, "I have to adamantly disagree with your analysis. Christian Michaels is an all time great in the sport of Professional Wrestling and at the moment he’s the hottest star in the ICWA with an impressive win streak starting after his opening season title bout with ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam. Now Michaels is on a quest to get another opportunity for the ICWA Championship�?The question is, would he have to face Van Dam a second time or, would he meet Tee Oh Gee for the first time? We’ll find out by the end of the night." Heyman, "After MJ Storm knocks that win streak out like it’s name is Randy Corture in a Brock Lesnar fight, CM won’t have to worry about facing either guy." Michaels enters the ring and climbs to the second rope, throwing an arm up for the fans, making sure to keep an occasional glance over his shoulder so he doesn’t get bum rushed by MJ. CM finally hops down, handing his belt to Harding who hands it down to the commentary team table which is right against the ring circa the NWA 80s and Prior set up. Harding looks at the opponents as the music fades, and then calls for the bell. Busch, "For those of you unaware this is not the inagural match up of these two competitors. They’ve had a vast history with each other outside of the ICWA and as a result of that combined with a similar in ring make up, these two always give ya something special when they clash." Heyman, "Special like Christian Michaels is missing a helmet special?" Busch says with clear disgust, "Oh, that’s real nice Paul." Heyman, "What? What’d I Say?" Michaels and Storm pace their respective corners a couple of times before they start circling in the ring. They finally start to cautiously inch toward each other, both of them with their fingers wiggling and their hands to either side as if they’re contemplating locking hands for a variation of the Greco Roman Knuckle lock�?However, just as They’re about to lock up�?SMMMMMMMMACK! Heyman, "WHA-HO! Hey Christian, if you’re looking for your taste it landed somewhere in the third row." The crowd gasps as MJ bitch slaps Michaels. Michaels eyes grow wide as his eyebrows narrow and his face starts turning red�?MJ suddenly turns and darts to the ropes, sticking his upper torso through the ropes as CM starts to give chase only to be grabbed by Harding. Harding, "Come on Michaels, back it up, he’s in the ropes." Busch, "MJ starting the mind games, trying to get Michaels rattled." Heyman, "That’s called strategy." Busch, "It’s also called a good way to piss off a good ol�?boy with a good ol�?temper." Michaels backs up, pointing at MJ and saying "I’m gonna beat your ass." The fans that heard the comment cheer as MJ slowly starts to pull himself out of the ropes. The two start to circle again. This time instead of cautiously approaching a roman Greco knuckle lock, the two shoot forward looking for a standard collar and elbow grapple but, MJ ducks underneath, grabs Michaels shoulder spinning him around and SMMMMMMMMMMACK! Heyman, "GAHAHAHAHA!" Busch, "Oh for Christmas sakes!" Once again the fans gasp at the bitch slap from Storm to Michaels and once again Michaels head looks like it’s about to explode. Michaels darts forward making MJ dart away and baseball slide out of the ropes. Michaels goes to dart out between the ropes but Harding just manages to get between the Southern Heartthrob and the ropes, drawing boos from the fans as he insists on keeping CM in the ring and backing him up. Busch, "A Game of cat and mouse ensuing between MJ Storm and the Southern Heartthrob Christian Michaels, however, I’d recommend that MJ seriously consider what happens when the mouse eventually get’s caught." Heyman, "You clearly aren’t an avid fan of Tom and Jerry or you’d know the mouse never get’s caught." On the floor MJ’s bitching at Harding to do his job and back up Michaels between occasional jaw jackings with the fans at ringside. Begrudgingly Michaels allows himself to be backed up to the other side of the ring as Harding then re-insists that Thunder Lips II (MJ) come back into the ring. MJ takes his time, but, he does start climbing up onto the ring apron. MJ cautiously starts to enter between the ropes but CM starts to walk forward so MJ hops back down and points at Harding yelling, "COME ON REF! BACK HIM UP!" Busch, "Oh come on already�? Heyman, "Yeah�?Stop trying to cheat and let the man in the ring already." Busch, "Ugh�?Seriously?" Harding again insist that Michaels keeps it back as the fans are booing loudly, clearly not happy with MJ’s BS. MJ readjust his tights before climbing up onto the outside canvas. He looks back at someone in the third or forth row and says, "FORGET YOUR HILLBILLY HEARTTHROB, WATCH HOW A *REAL* MAN DOES IT FRITO BREATH!" Just as he concludes that statement ol�?CM’s grabbed hold of the top rope. CM pushes it out making MJ wide eyed, and then yanks it back making MJ flip up and over the top rope landing hard on his back in the ring and making the crowd erupt. Busch, "And MJ Storm get’s brought in the hard way!" MJ sits up off the impact holding his lower back and letting out a load "GAAAAH" Before rolling under the side ropes and landing hunched over on his feet on the floor. The crowd starts to boo again but this time Harding starts exerting his count. …………………One………………Two�?/P> MJ looks back in the ring, clearly annoyed as he points to Michaels and yells, "COME ON REF! YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO KEEP HIM BACK!" Harding replies, "THREE! …………�?FOUR!" Michaels is pacing in the back of the ring like a lion waiting to rip out the throat of his gazelle lunchable�?MJ paces on the floor holding his back�?/P> …………………Five………………Six MJ Slides in and then pulls himself right back out, clearly annoying Jason Harding as he now has to restart the count. MJ turns around and points this temple as he yells at somebody, "I’M NO DREW STEVENSON, I’M TOO SMART TO BE COUNTED OUT!" The fans near him boo as MJ grins and nods. MJ turns around and BAM! Michaels slides down and connects with a big baseball slide making MJ fly back and hit the guard rail. The crowd erupts as CM swings his legs back around stands back up. Busch, "MJ mouthing off to the fans and Michaels caught him with that baseball slide�? MJ pushes himself off the guard rail holding his chest as Michaels (who’s in the middle of the ring) darts forward again and this time grabs the top rope and flips over it, crashing his back against MJ’s chest on the floor to a huge ovation from the fans. Busch, "Bah God! Christian Michaels just went into the air like a leer jet and used MJ Storm as his landing strip!" CM rolls up to his feet looking around at the erupting fans�?/P> Crowd: CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CM bends down and peels MJ’s body off the concrete before grabbing him by the neck and the back waistband of his tights to send him under the ropes and back into the ring. CM hops up onto the ring as MJ’s crawled a little ways away from the ropes before pulling himself up off his hands and knees�?MJ staggers around and as he does, Michaels leaps up onto the center of the top rope, leaping off just as MJ faces the ropes and driving his feet into MJ’s chest with a huge missile drop kick off the top. The crowd cheers again as CM quickly makes the lateral press cover. ………………One…………Two�?Just two as MJ kicks out with authority. Busch, "And Michaels gets a quick two in the early going of this contest." MJ sits up trying to shake the cobwebs away but as quickly as he does, Michaels puts his knee in the ol�?Stormsters back and cradles his jaw in his elbow pad, locking his hands and applying a reverse chin lock. MJ grits his teeth and blinks a couple of big blinks before trying to pry CM’s arm away from his chin. Having no luck MJ quickly realizes he’s gonna have to get to his feet to try and escape. MJ puts a palm on the canvas and starts trying to push himself over to a knee. Michaels forces him to really work for it but, eventually MJ successfully get’s to a knee making CM raise to his feet to maintain the leverage advantage. MJ puts his hands back on Michaels elbow, half trying to pull Michaels elbow down and half trying to pull himself up�?He manages to do the latter as he finds his feet but is still hunched over. Finally he drives a hard elbow into Michaels abs�?A second�?A third breaks him free and he makes a run for the ropes. MJ hit’s the ropes but Michaels leaps down to his chest making MJ jump over his back. MJ darts across to the other side as CM pulls himself up and heads back for the center of the ring. MJ heads back for CM again and time he ducks down as CM leaps up, creating a leap frog effect. MJ hit’s the original set of ropes he had bounced off of and comes back again as this time Michaels stands strong and reaches back, hooking his arm under MJ’s and looking to send him up and over with a big Hip Toss�?However, MJ stands strong grabbing a fist full of CM’s pants to keep himself from going with the hip toss. He then quickly brings his captured arm up far enough to grab a fist full of Michaels long hair and yanks back snapping him down to his back and drawing a chorus of boos from the crowd as well as admonishment from ICWA Official Jason Harding. Busch, "And with a fist full of hair, MJ Storm evades the Hip Toss and looks to try and get back on top." MJ quickly starts putting the boots to CM’s chest and arms as Harding tries to convince him to trade in the boots for wrestling holds. Instead he drops down over CM, grabs a fist full of CM’s hair in his left hand and starts driving hard rights to the Heartthrob’s skull. Harding tries to pull him off briefly before starting his count……………One……Two�?/P> Busch, "Apparently the frustration’s setting in early for MJ Storm." ……�?Three…�?.Four…�?MJ finally let’s CM’s head drop to the mat as he stands up and looks out to the crowd yelling, "YEAH, WHAT NOW?! HUH?!" The crowd boos loudly as MJ starts drivin g some more boots to CM’s upper torso as he rolls to his knees and starts trying to fight up from the shots. Michaels gets to a knee and starts to come up as MJ quickly drives the boot to Michaels gut and then picks him up as if he was about to deliver a Fall Away Slam or a Catatonic or Worlds Strongest Slam�? He then swings him out like a Catatonic, drops to a knee dropping Michaels back across his knee, pops right back up, swings around hooking Michaels from the side and in one swift motion transitions from the Catatonic Backbreaker to a side Russian leg sweep. Michaels let’s a hand shoot to his back but MJ quickly brings the arm out from behind CM and pins It to the mat with a strong lateral press cover. Harding drops down and counts ……………One……………Two……�? Michaels kicks with sufficient authority. Busch, "Backbreaker into the Russian Leg Sweep, good combination by the Wisconsin native, but, not enough to put the southern pride of Christian Michaels to rest." Michaels tries to sit up but as he does Storm grabs him by the wrists and drives his knee into CM’s back, stretching his arms back and creating a variation of the bow and arrow. The crowd is booing desperately as Harding asks CM if he wants to give it up. Of course CM grits his teeth and declare very firmly that he’d like to pass on that option. Busch, "An intelligent follow up to that backbreaker/Russian Leg Sweep combo with the bow and arrow submission. MJ Storm has his knee firmly pressed into the spine of Michaels, and then with the backwards stretch of the arms it applies additional pressure to the shoulders but also pulls that spine harder against that knee. He may be looking to soften up the back and shoulder area of Michaels to make that Storm Chaser of his have an even more adverse effect then normal." Heyman, "Or he may just want to cripple this chump." Crowd: CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! CHRIS-TIAN! Busch, "This capacity crowd rallying behind the Southern Heartthrob�? CM winces hard but as the fans are cheering his legs starts to go up and down, pounding the mat with his boot to the same rhythm of their chant, drawing even more into chanting his name. As their chants grow louder and more rapid, CM’s arms start to quiver and shake, straightening out a little and resisting MJ’s pull�?CM rolls to a knee taking MJ’s knee out of his spinal column as a result. MJ starts to come to his feet and CM starts to raise up from the knee to his feet. Michaels finally gets to his feet as MJ’s trying desperately to pull his opponents arms back but CM finally ducks down and spins into MJ, wrapping an arm around his lower back and placing another hand down on his leg before hoisting him up in a high angle back drop and…�?. WHAM! There it is. Busch, "Michaels came out with a huge Belly to back suplex!" The crowd erupts as CM grabs his back and rolls over, crawling over top of MJ and hooking the far leg. Harding drops down and counts ………………ONE…………�?TWO……�?Only two as MJ kicks out to the fans dismay. Michaels rolls off of his adversary and starts to push himself up off the mat as MJ’s rolling the opposite direction with similar intentions. They pull themselves up and MJ quickly grabs Michaels eyes and delivers a quick rake in the split second Harding happened to be glancing at the time keeper for a time limit update. The crowd boos as Busch says, "That one’s clearly not within the context of the rules, but, it is effective." Heyman, "And that’s all that matters." Storm grabs Michaels by the wrist and whips him across the ring. CM bounces off the ropes and comes back as MJ leaps up for a much more elevated variation of Viscera’s spinning heel kick�?However, CM ducks under neath and MJ lands hard on the mat as CM continues darting across the ring. MJ grabs his lower back and rolls up to his feet. Just as he does Michaels leaps up and drives a flying right hand into Storm’s skull. The crowd erupts as Michaels continues with his momentum off that right hand to front roll up to his feet. MJ comes up and turns just in time to take a hard kick to the gut. Christian front facelocks Storm’s head, grabs a fist full of his tights, hoists him up and drives him down with a hard implant DDT making the crowd go wild. Busch, "Michaels is makin�?a comeback!" Michaels takes a second to breath hard as he’s down on his back and Storm’s on his face�?/P> Busch, "But how much does the Southern Heartthrob have left? He may not be able to capitalize�? Michaels rolls back and then leaps to his feet with a Shawn Michaels/Rock kip up sending the fans into an even bigger frenzy as he shakes his fist and yells, "COME ON YA’LL!" Busch, "I May have spoke too soon!" Heyman, " "Yall"? Ugh. I hate any place south of about Chicago." Busch, "But you’re a big fan of Chicago?" Heyman, "No, I just don’t hate them because of their map placement. There’s plenty of non-geographical reasons to detest that crap hole." MJ starts to slowly roll to his knees when the fans start to boo�?/P> | |
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The cameras return and we see Carlton and Harding underneath Whysper’s arm pits, Whysper’s feet dangling and dragging on the concrete in the back. They set him down in a chair as he’s trying to open his eyes but is clearly still out of it. CM’s following close behind with a clear look of concern on his face. Busch, "Welcome back�?They got Whysper up and out of the ring during the break but he seems to of gone back out�? "SHRIEEEEEEEEEK! WHAT’D YOU DO TO MY HUSBAND YOU HILLBILLY!" CM turns around just in time to see Angelina shrieking into the scene like a banshee. She looks at Whysper with Horror and then snaps around and balls up her fist, driving the bottoms of her fist into CM’s chest and arms as she screams, "WHAT’D YOU DO?! WHAT’D YOU DO?!" Carlton and Harding both grab Angelina and use all the strength they’ve got to restrain her as Michaels is clearly a little ticked off�?/FONT> CM, "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT YOU SHREW BITCH!" The crowd erupts as Bush says, "Erm�?Sorry folks." CM clenches his fist, gritting his teeth before shake his head and opting to turn around and walk away before things get worse. We on the other hand, head to the ring. Busch, "Six and Rising Inc have returned and they’ve just whipped up a whole bunch of controversy and turmoil in the tag team title scene." [ Its time for the second of FOUR big main event cailber matches here at ICWA's "A Cinderella Story?". The fans still abuzz over the happenings between Christian Michaels and MJ Storm. One has to wonder if these fans are gonna make it through the rest of the show. But we're about to find out. Double B: Paul its about time for Da Sweet Lunatic to put her recently won Cyber Television title on the line against the man she won it from. Heyman: You mean STOLE it from! [ Double B rolls his eyes. Heyman: Hey don't you roll your eyes at the truth pal! Its not my fault that the ICWA hires worse referees than Earl Hebner. Double B: There's nothing wrong with the refs that the ICWA employs. If anything there seems to be problems with some of the wrestlers we've hired. Heyman: What?! Double B: You heard me! I've watched the tape of DSL versus Addams a dozen times and I don't see his point of kicking out before the three. [ Heyman throws his hands up. Heyman: Thank god I'm here tonight! Because it looks like not only does this company hire blind refs but they also hire blind commentators. [ Before the arguement can go any further its time for the challenger to make his way to the ring. "Pride, Honor, Glory, Stardom - it all defines me... Greatness Incarnate" [ The arena goes black and the opening riff and drums to "Divided" by Silent Civilian hits. A dely on Scott's arrival occurs as 24 seconds into the song, the opening scream hits and then cuts up to around a minute in when the lyrics come nto play. The heavy scream speaks out loudly and the boos begin to run rampant through the arena. I'm not the one you'll deceive/choose what I want to perceive You lack the will and control/ your church is destined to fall Force those to bow and accept/ imposing fear to repent Divide a nation of one/ ignore the damage you've done
Free minds destroyed, they kneel Trapped in the lies, you sell
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell
Prey on the hearts of the week/give them something to believe Undo their liberal state/ revoke the right to debate Your lies of deliverance/ scare tactics gain their consent Abortion of the free mind/ create the sheep get in line [ The lights quickly flash with a red and white combination as the arena is black as the lights pulsate to the drum beat of the song, and with a big flash the lights are instantly back on and smoke is filling up at the entrance as Scott emerges from the smoke. His arms are in the air as he turns around in a circle taunting as streaming sparks explode to his sides from the two bases set up just for his entrance, just executing his ever-growing cockiness as he's showered in the sparks. Free minds destroyed, they kneel Trapped in the lies, you sell
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell
Please believe within you, resist oppression Lies and greed before you, passive aggression Guilt, they'll feed, and scorn you, for liberation
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell [ Scott makes his way walking down to the ring throwing profanities and hand gestures to the fans as he reaches the edge of the ring and the solo of the song hits. Scott raises his arms up into the air to form the "X marks Greatess" taunt with the arms in the air with an X, and his music continues to play as the boos are heard loudly. Scott lowers his arms, and Scott walks over to the corner, and puts his arms out into a wing span type of motion. While he does that Sean Green steps to the center of teh ring. Greene: Ladies and gentlemen this next match is scheduled for ONE FALL! And it is for the ICWA CYBER TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP! [ The fans now cheering loudly Greene: Already in the ring, hailing from Chicago Illinois, he is the self-professed "Greatness Incarnate"....he is SCOTTTTT ADDDDDAMS!!!! [ Addams holds up a hand and gets booed damn near out of the building. Heyman: Leave it to *these* kind of people to boo true Greatness. Double B: What's that supposed to mean? Heyman: These are the same people who want to throw a parade because that drughead Jeff Hardy won the WWE championship. Double B: That's uncalled for. [ Before this can go on its the champion's time to make her appearance. "YOU! ………�?It’s Dem Dallas Cowboys……�?Uh-huh�?Ya Boys are Back In Town�?It’s ya favorite Homie�?Uh-huh�? Greene: And now, making her way to the ring, she is the reigning ICWA CYBER TELEVISION CHAMPION.....She is....DA SWEET LUNNNNNATIC!!!! "Awwwww YOU! Now Tony Romo In Dat Hole Watch Him Roll and Watch Him Throw Watch Him Lead them Cowboys to the Superbowl Now Watch Me (Crank Dat Cowboys) Now Watch Me (Crank Dat Cowboys) Now Watch Me (Crank Dat Cowboys)" [ The curtain moves to the side and once again DSL steps out onto the stage in the attire of a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader. Although this time carrying the ICWA Cyber TV title has her in a better mood about it. DSL heading down the ramp slappin hands with the fans leaning over the guardrail. Double B: And there comes the Cyber Television championess! [ She climbs the stairs and steps into the ring. DSL goes toa corner and climbs up. The championess raises her title high up and the fans cheer loudly. But suddenly Scott Addams rushes across the ring. he jumps up and slams his forearm into her back! The championess nearly topples over the turnbuckle to the outside. She does drop her title though and its scooped up by a member of the ring crew. Double B: What a cheap tactic by Addams! Heyman: Cheap tactic?! I call it being proactive. [ Addams jerks DSL off teh turnbuckle and she lands hard on her back. She rolls to her side holding her lower back.The former champion Addams delivering several stiff kicks to the lower back. But he finally leans down and pulls DSL back to her feet. before she can do anything to reverse her fortunes she's lifted up for a suplex. Addams stalling it before finally dropping DSL back in the suplex. She hits the mat hard and sits right up reaching for her back. Scott quickly on the attack again. He puts a knee between DSL's shoulders, grabs her by the wrists, and then pulls back on her arms. Double B: It looks like Scott Addams has targetted DSL's back here in this match. Heyman: Its a wise point of attack too Bert. Its been said before that if your back goes, so too does your ability to really kick out of pins. Double B: Very very true. [ Early in the match and already DSL needs the crowd's help. They of course give it to her, their cheers fueling the championess to force herself up off her butt to a knee. *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP* [ The fans clapping drives DSL to force her way up to her feet. She turns into Scott forcing him to release the grip on her wrists. DSL then grabs addams ankles and pulls his legs from under him. Scott lands on his back and before he can react DSL flips through to a bridging pin. ONE.......TWO-NO! Scott kicks out squarely at two no question. Both race up to their feet and Addams buries a knee into DSL's mid-section. DSL doubled over takes a couple forearm clubs to the back. She's then whipped to a corner, taking it boobies first to try an protect her back. But taking it boobies first knocks the wind from her. DSL is gasping for air when Addams approaches and delivers several forearm shots to the lower back. With the championess draped over the top turnbuckle Scott Addams backs to the corner directly across from DSL. Double B: Addams firmly in control here. [ Scott Addams charges across the ring and leaps into the air. He ends up colliding with DSL in the corner in a Stinger Splash! The breath drawn out the fans as DSL is squished. Addams looks out to the crowd smirking as he heads back across the ring. He then nails the Stinger Splash again! Double B: And again Scott Addams sandwiches DSL between himself and the corner. Heyman: Probably not the first time DSL's been the meat in a sandwich. Double B: That's uncalled for! [ It looks like the former champ is calling for a THIRD splash. He backs into the corner and the measures.....Across the ring Scott charges now. He leaps into the air and his eyes get huge as DSL falls away from the corner. Nothing ole Scott can do as he splashes the corner. He staggers back and DSL with a school boy pin! ONE..........TWO...........THRE-NO! Tonight Scott Addams clearly kicks out before the three, no question here. Addams races to his feet but DSL is a lil slower. She's still bent over when he's up. Scott chargers at her and delivers a running knee-lift. DSL's lifted into the air and falls to her back. Double B: And the reigning Cyber TV championess knocked to her back by the knee lift......Don't even say it Heyman! Heyman: I was just going to say that this is it. DSL's eyes are rolled so far back in her head that she's staring at the empty space where her brains hould be. [ The heinous former owner of ECW could be correct here. Scott Addams makes the pin on DSL but doesn't hook a leg. ONE.........TWO..........THR-NO! This time its DSL that kicks out just before the fatal three-count. Angered now Addams hooks the far leg. ONE.........TWO........THR-NO! Once again its a kickout by DSL! And now Scott is up arguing with Harding that it was a three. Jason stands his ground though and Addams turns his attention back to DSL. He leans down to grab a handful of hair but DSL played a lil possum. DSL with a small package pin! ONE..........TWO...........THR-NO! Another kickout in this match. Double B: Lots of nearfalls in this match tonight. Heyman: Yeah but before too long you'll see Scott Addams picking up the pinfall and HIS title. [ DSL rolls over near the ropes. She's pulling herself up when Addams rushes at her. Thinking quickly DSL ducks down and grabs the top rope. Scott's eyes get huge as the rope is pulled down and he tumbles over the rope to the outside. he pops back up with a quickness and turns around towards teh ring. When he does DSL grabs the top rope again, springs up off the bottom one, and then she dropkicks Addams between the middle an bottom rope! The former champion sent careening backwards into the barricades at ringside. He hits his back and staggers forth from the barricade holding his back. This all gives DSL the time to get onto the apron of the ring. She then leaps off and catches Scott with a hurricanrana. They're both down on the thinly padded floor as Harding starts a ten count. DSL getting up at five holding her lower back. She manages to roll Scott into the ring and then climbs in herself. The championess looking to pull Scott to his feet, but he catches her offguard with a european uppercut. the force of the blow sending DSL back between the top an middle ropes to the outside. As she begins to pull herself up amidst a newly began ten count, Scott Addams tries to step out through teh ropes. But our referee isn't allowing that ta happen. He backs addams up to the center of the ring and starts to admonish him. Meanwhile as he's doing that, and DSL pulls herself up, Tani heads down the ramp. Double B: And what is *she* doing coming out here? Heyman: I'm sure she just wants to cheer her man on. Double B: I somehow doubt that very much. [ Tani stalking behind DSL as the reigning Cyber TV championess gets to her feet. She's about to strike but DSL senses something amiss. DSL whips around and tani stops dead in her tracks. The championess starts waving her finger and telling Tani she oughta not come out here. But before she can show her why, Scott Addams reaches between the ropes and grabs a handful of hair. Amidst warnings from Harding he pulls DSL onto the apron of the ring. Addams then hooking DSL and bringing her back into the ring with a reverse suplex. The championess landing on her chesticles and popping up to her knees holdin them. Double B: What a reverse suplex into the ring. Heyman: What a great job of that skimpy top of keeping DSL's breasts queezed in it. [ Scott Addams comes over and stands before DSL as she's on her knees holding her chest. Looks like the challenger with alot to say to DSL. But suddenly the championess responds with a Ric Flair-ish testicular claw! Heyman: What?! Hey she can't do that! Someone needs to tell her she can't do that! Double B: Go tell her then! Heyman: Erm luckily for DSL I'm a commentator and not a ref or else she'd be DQed right now. [ DSL holds this claw variation til she can get to her feet. Once she's up the claw is released on a count of four. Scott hobbles over to the ropes holding his jewels. Tani up on the apron and she's screaming every curse word in the book at DSL. And with a smirk on her face DSL holds up her hand with her index finger and thumb nearly touching. Double B: I think everyone knows what DSL is suggesting about her challenger. [ The championess hears enough of Tani's screeching and charges the ropes. With the quickness Tani hops down. DSL whips around and charges at Scott as he steps away from teh ropes. She leaps for a Thez Press but its reversed into a spinebuster by Addams! Double B: Both competitors down again! Heyman: As much as I hate giving that Lunatic credit, this has actually been a great match. Thankfully though it looks like Scott is about to put this "Menace to Society" away. [ It would appear that Heyman could be correct in his speculations. In the ring Scott Addams is to his feet stalking behind DSL as she gets up. Once she's on her feet Addams strikes! A big time german suplex does more damage to DSL's back, neck, and shoulders. Addams holding on the waistlock and brings himself and DSL back to their feet. He then brings DSL up onto his hsoulders for a reverse death valley driver to complete his "Menace to Society" signature. But when he tries to land the move DSL lands up her feet. Before Addams can react he takes a boot to the mid-section. DSL grabs him with a front facelock and charges to the corner! She runs up and spins back into teh ring connecting with a "Sugary Tasty Drop"! Heyman: No no no no! Double B: She's done it! DSL has won this match if she can just make a pin! Heyman: No! Someone do something! Tani! [ DSL, holding her back in pain, manages to slowly roll Scott onto his back. The fans are going wild as she makes a cover. Heyman: Kickout Scott! [ Harding hits the mat and counts: ONE..................TWO...................THREEEEEEE!!! "Perfect Insanity" hits over the speakers as the fans go wild. Greene: Here is your winner and STILL the ICWA Cyber Television champion.....DA SWEET LUNATIC!!! [ DSL has her title handed in and holds it up above her head. The celebration is on as Scott Addams rolls out the ring. *Commercial Break* | |
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As cameras return to the ring for the Women's Championship bout, "Girl On Fire" is blasting through the arena as Angelina Santana is seen doing her splits on the apron. As she ducks under the ropes and gets to her feet, the announcer's voice is heard.
Greene, "In the ring from Beverly Hills, California weighing in at 122 pounds.....Angelina Santana!"
Busch, "This is Angelina's last chance to win the Women's Gold. If she can not grasp the title here tonight, Angelina will not recieve a title shot for as long as Faith Rivers is the champion."
Heyman, "She looks pretty determined tonight. I think she can do it."
Busch, "This woman may have something to say about that....."
As Angelina is looking up the ramp, the lights go out momentarily, as "Faith" by Limp Bizkit begins to come out of the PA System. Faith Rivers walks out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp with the Women's Championship around her waist.
Greene, "And her opponent making her way to the ring from Miami, Florida weighing in at 125 pounds......she is the ICWA Women's Champion Faith Rivers!"
Busch, "The champion looking ready to go as usual. She is no stranger to putting away one Angelina Santana."
Heyman, "Only this time we'll see her be put away!"
Busch, "That remains to be seen Paul."
As the chorus of the song hits, 'You Gotta Have Faith' she jumps up a little and as her feet come down on the ramp again, lights flash on the entrance ramp before her, just before Faith runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. As she gets to her feet, Faith runs into the corner and gets up on the second turnbuckle. She taunts the fans a bit before jumping down. Faith unfastens the belt from her waist and raises it up before handing it to the ref. Faith then begins to loosen up her arms before leaning back against the ropes. As her music fades, the bell is sounded.
Heyman, "And here we go. Time to see if Angelina is as good as her word. I bet she is."
Once the bell is heard, Angelina and Faith step out into the center of the ring. The two of them talk back and forth a little before an angry Angelina slaps Faith across the face. Faith brings her hand to her jaw for a moment while looking over at a smug Angelina, contemplating what to do. Suddenly Faith tackles Angelina to the mat and grabs her by the hair, only to repeatedly bash Angelina's head into the mat much to the delight of the fans. Finally the ref pulled Faith off of Angelina stopping the assault. As Angelina staggered up to her feet, Faith escaped the ref's grasp and dropkicked Angelina. Angelina fell through the ropes and landed on the outside.
Busch, "The champion stalking her opponent."
When Angelina is up, Faith launches herself over the top rope and takes Angelina down with a crossbody. Faith is the first back up to her feet and pulls up Angelina before tossing her back in the ring. Faith follows her in and goes over toward Angelina. Faith tries to pull her up but gets an elbow to the midsection. As Faith stumbles back a step, Angelina gets up and grabs Faith's head putting her chin under Faith's jaw, before dropping down to her knees for a jawbreaker.
Heyman, "Apparently Angelina doesn't want to hear Faith talking for a long time to come!"
As Faith stumbles back some holding her jaw, Angelina kicks her in the midsection before delivering a tornado DDT. Angelina follows it up with a cover but only recieves a count of two.
Busch, "Near fall by the number one contender. She seems to be mounting some offense."
Heyman, "Told ya she was going to win!"
Angelina doesn't waste time in getting up and scaling the ropes. She comes off and connects with a moonsault before going for a cover again. Angelina once again gets a two and looks a bit annoyed as she argues with the ref some. As Angelina and the ref are exhanging words, Kathrine Storm comes out and starts making her way down the aisle to ringside.
Heyman, "That's Kathrine Storm. What is she doing out here?"
Busch, "I don't know but I can't see how any good can come of it..."
Heyman, "Perhaps she's just observing here pending competition. She is the number one contender to whomever wins this match ya know."
Busch, "That's entirely possible..."
Angelina stops arguing with the ref and looks over at Storm for a moment before turning her attention back to Faith. Angelina sees that Faith is starting to stir. As Faith is staggering back up to a vertical base, Angelina goes to run in for the SoCal Stunner, but Kathrine reaches in and grabs Angelina by the ankle.
Busch, "Angelina about to put away the champion but... What... Kathrine's got her by the ankle..."
Angelina then turns toward Storm and the two of them start yelling at each other. The distraction is enough for Faith to regroup, so that a moment later when Kathrine turns her back to Angelina and she turns back around to Faith, she recieves a boot to the midsection followed by a Diamond Cutter.
Busch, "That's Faithful and that's the end."
Faith is quick to follow up her finisher with a cover and gets a three count to retain the title. Greene, "Here is your winner and STILL ICWA Women’s Champion�?FAITH RIVVVVVVERS!" Busch, "Faith Rivers picks up the win with an assist from the outside by Kathrine Storm although�?I’m not entirely sure she’s aware that she got an assist�? The official hands Faith her championship and raises her arm as Faith raises the title in the air. She happens to glance to the side and when she does she sees Kathrine on the floor in front of the ramp clapping sarcastically and smirking. Faith seems confused as she looks out at Kathrine on the floor. Busch, "It may be starting to set in that this victory wasn’t quite as clean cut as some of her prior victories over Angelina Santana. If Angelina wasn’t such a ragging lunatic I’d be inclined to feel sorry for her." Heyman, "I’m much more inclined to feel sorry for Whysper." Faith puts her arms out as if to say "What’s up? You want some or what?" But before Kathrine can make any kind of a response she’s snatched by the hair from behind and driven face first into the floor by Tani Lyons who for the first time ever in the ICWA, Draws a big cheer from the fans. Busch, "Oh My�?Tani Lyons went one on one with Kathrine Storm earlier tonight for contendership to the ICWA Women’s championship. Kathrine picked up the victory with some questionable methods and Tani doesn’t seem too pleased." Tani gets ontop of Kathrine and starts slapping the crap out of her but Kathrine quickly reaches up grabbing Tani by the hair and rolling her over. The two roll around slapping each other up as the fans cheer even louder. Heyman, "Heh-hmm�? CAT FIGGGGGGGGGHT! FRANCINE AND DAWN MARIE ARE�?Erm�?STRONG> TAMMY AND DAWN…�?/STRONG> Eh�?STRONG> TANI AND KATHRINE ARE ROLLING AROUND IN A CAT FIIIIIIIIGHT! Sorry�?Had some flash backs." Faith shakes her head but it isn’t long before she takes a big forearm to the back making her stumble between the ropes, hitting the apron and rolling to her feet on the floor. Faith turns around just as Angelina’s looking for a baseball slide�?Faith side steps and grabs a fist full of Angelina’s pants, yanking her out and exposing a good part of her ass to the delight of the crowd near by. Angelina lands on her feet and turns around long enough to take a hard forearm to the face from Faith. The crowd cheers as Angelina staggers away. She turns back around and Faith leaps on her, taking her down and driving some slaps and even a few punches to Angelina making the crowd go wild. Heyman, "TWWWWWWWO CAT FIGHTS! YES! NOW *THIS* IS EXXXXXXTREMEEE!" Busch, "It’s certainly an estrogen created war zone. Security and ICWA Official are heading down to try and get these four ladies separated, in the meantime don’t go anywhere�?We’re gonna give ya a line up of what’s planned for the Greenville Convention Center in two weeks and then, The Main Event�?ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam defends against perhaps the most unlikely contender in ICWA History�?Tee Oh Gee. All that and more when we come back." *Commercial Break* | |
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When the cameras return Bert Busch is in the ring with a microphone. Busch, "Good God folks�?Has this been a wild ride or what?" The crowd cheers. Busch, "It’s been a crazy night but in two weeks when we return to the Greenville Convention Center what we’ve got planned thus far has all the makings to take us on perhaps an even wilder ride then this week. As you just saw moments ago things are getting very aggressive in our ladies division (Crowd cheers)�?Next week Kathrine Storm goes One on One with Faith Rivers for the ICWA Women’s championship and since Tani and Angelina aren’t expected to keep their noses out of the affair, ICWA President Jonathan Brooks has accepted their involvement an decided that if they’re gonna be involved he may as well put them to work. They’ll be Co-Referees for this bout." The crowd cheers as Heyman says, "Oh yeah, throw some more tampon huggers into the mix, that’ll help things." Busch continues, "Zarek Lyle will go one on one with the newly acquired Jason Flair and folks…�?It’s been confirmed, MJ Storm will go One on One with TOG and IF TOG manages to capture the ICWA Heavyweight championship, the title WILL be on the line." The crowd cheers as Busch pauses. Busch, "WallStreet makes his in ring return against an opponent of Heyman’s choosing, and folks�?At the behest of Christian Michaels, the ICWA Tag Team champions will defend t heir tag team titles one more time against Six And Rising Inc and ladies and Gentlemen……�?They went all over the place in their last bout, now, there’s gonna be no where to go because it’s gonna be inside of a sixteen foot steel cage to�?/FONT>" The crowd instantly erupts forcing Busch to pause�?/P> Busch, "It’s gonna be in the cage to give these two teams one last opportunity to get all that aggression out of their system and leave it all inside of the ring. Folks, you don’t wanta miss�? The lights suddenly begin to flicker as Busch instantly seems confused. Busch, "Umm�?Sorry folks, I guess there’s some electrical iss�? The lights go completely out as "Liberi Fatali" begins over the PA with images on the two side screens of a first person perspective going through a fiery molten rock tunnel. As the Chantish/Orchastra sounding Latin lyriced song continues to bellow over the PA, Our journey on the side screens grows in intensity as we suddenly drop and begin going quickly down this molten rock tunnel with nothing but darkness below�?A Red light begins to radiate in a ball form and as we continue downward it stretches making a shape similar to an eye or a super stretched out oval with a bright white light in the center�?We hear a loud crash and when we do the entire venue get’s super super bright much like a movie sceen where someone who’s dying is heading "toward the light"�? The light extinguishes and when it does we hear a whisper over the PA�?/P> "The Messiah Arrives…�?Two Thousand Nine." *Commercial Break* | |
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The crowd in the Greenville Convention Center is buzzing with anticipation as the lights dim down. The sounds of "Man in the Box" by Alice in Chains blares through the speakers as the crowd applauds as That One Guy emmerges from the curtain. Wearing an ICWA t-shirt and his trademark black pants. He looks around at the crowd, nodding at them.  He knows this is his chance of a life time. He makes his way towards the ring, slapping hands with the fans as he does so. He climbs up the steel steps and enters the ring. Once in the ring, he climbs up to the middle rope and throws his arms in the air. The crowd cheers as "Man in the Box" is replaced with the sounds of R. Kelly's "World's Greatest." Busch, "TOG looks as prepared and focused as I've ever seen him, which he's going to need tonight, because he's got the challenge of a lifetime. He's got, who I believe to be, the greatest wrestler alive today, David Van Dam." The cheers grow louder as the curtain is pushed aside, and out-steps the reigning ICWA Heavyweight Champion. David Van Dam looks around at the crowd that's on their feet, nodding his head. He slams an arm of his chest two times before raising both arms to the sky, letting out a guttural roar.  He power-walks his way down the aisle, fans reaching out to touch his shoulders as he climbs up the steel steps, walking to the center of the apron, he wipes his feet several times before entering the ring. With Van Dam in the ring, his entrance theme fades out and the lights return to normal. Standing in the center of the ring is ICWA official Jason Harding and ICWA Ring Announcer Sean Greene. Greene, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a sixty-minute time limit, and is for the ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, in the corner to my right. Wrestling out of Buffalo, New York, Known as one of the hardest working men in wrestling today, he weighed in this afternoon at two hundred and two hundred thirty nine and one-fourth pounds. He is THAT....ONE...GUY..." TOG raises his arms to the sky again as the crowd cheers again. He settles back into his corner, bouncing from foot to foot as he prepares himself for the challenge in front of him. Greene, "And his opponent, in the corner to my left. He is wrestling out of Indianapolis, Indiana, and weighed in this evening at two hundred and forty-six pounds. He is the REIGNING and DEFENDING ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... He is THE IRONMAN...DAVID...VAN...DAM..." DVD steps out of his corner and raises both of his arms to the sky, giving a full three-sixty turn. The crowd roars with their approval as Van Dam settles back into his corner. Harding moves towards him to check him for concealed objects, and to take the ICWA Heavyweight Title from him. Busch, "This has all the makings to be a great contest. Like I said earlier, I believe David Van Dam to be the best pound for pound wrestler active today, and That One Guy has all the tools to be a fantastic wrestler, and is well on his way to being great. This match might be the match that pushes TOG across the threshold to greatness. David Van Dam has been the reigning ICWA Heavyweight Champion since August 12th of 2007. For those of you keeping track, this is Van Dam's 496th day as Champion, or one year, four months, and eight days. The longest reigning Champion in ICWA history, and if TOG can manage to defeat David Van Dam tonight that would push him to instant stardom." Harding hands the ICWA Heavyweight Title to the time keeper and sounds for the bell, officially starting the contest. Busch, "And the main event here at ICWA presents A Cinderella Story is officially underway." Heyman, "As much as it pains me to say this, David Van Dam might be the most intense wrestler in the business today. Standing at six feet two inches, he wrestles like a rabid pitbull. I would go so far to say David Van Dam is An Extreme Wrestling Machine." Busch, "Let's not under-estimae That One Guy. The young man has shown that he has all the tools to be a great champion, and tonight could be the night that his boy-hood dreams of being a Heavyweight Champion come true. Center of the ring collar-elbow tie up." Heyman, "I do not think this is the smartest decision That One Guy could've made. You do not want to start a match in a tie up with David Van Dam. Van Dam might have the best tie up wins to tie up loss ration in wrestling history. I can not recall more than two or three opening tie ups that Van Dam has lost." DVD pushes against TOG, backing him up into the corner. ICWA official Jason Harding calls for the break, and he gets a clean one. Van Dam releases the lock up and backs to the center of the ring. He looks at TOG and calls him back to the center of the ring. TOG tugs on the top rope several times, trying to loosen up himself up. TOG moves back to the center of the ring and once again enters a collar-elbow tie up with Van Dam, and again he is backed into the corner, and again a clean break. Van Dam bounces from foot to foot calling TOG back into the center of the ring. TOG kicks the bottom rope in frustration. Busch, "That One Guy has to be very careful that he doesn't let himself get thrown off of his game early. His lack of success in these early collar-elbow tie ups seem to have him rattled and frustrated. He can't let that throw him off his game plan. As good of a wrestler as Van Dam is, he only needs one momentary opening and he can end the whole match." Heyman, "What TOG needs to do is to stop trying to out wrestle Van Dam. Very few can say that have ever out-wrestled Van Dam. TOG needs to force Van Dam into a brawl, force him to strike. If TOG wants to win the ICWA Heavyweight Championship, he's got to do it with a brawl, not with a scientific display of wrestling." TOG slams his hand into the turnbuckles and comes out towards DVD, looking like he's ready to start throwing some punches. DVD raises his fist, getting into something of a boxing stance as TOG suddenly hits DVD with a big kick to the gut. Quickly underhooking DVD's arms, TOG looks around at the crowd, letting them know he's about to attempt his version of the Double Armed DDT, but before he can hit it, Van Dam drops to his knees and scuddles back into the ropes. Busch, "If TOG could've hit that move, it might have been over there." DVD gets back to his feet and shakes his head as he moves out of the ropes, looking like he wants to lock back up. TOG meets DVD for a collar-elbow tie up, but is quickly captured by DVD in a standing side headlock. DVD wrenches it in, his arms and side acting like a vice that's squeezing TOG's head. TOG drops to a knee before fighting back to a standing position, his hand grabbing the back of Van Dam's singlet, he backs himself up to the ropes and shoots DVD off. DVD hits the ropes and comes charging back, he rears back with his arm, looking for a lariat, but TOG ducks under it. When DVD turns around, he's greated with a massive forearm from TOG that sends DVD stumbling backwards into the ropes, which catapult him into a kick to the mid-section from TOG and a quick snap DDT. TOG quickly makes the cover, and Harding slides into psition. Busch, "Van Dam kicks out at one! That One Guy looks like a fire has been lit under him." TOG grabs Van Dam by his scalp and pulls him to his feet. A hard right hand causes the Champion to loose his footing and fall to one knee. TOG hits the ropes that Van Dam's facing away from, and comes charging back to the now some-what doubled over ICWA Champion. A big bulldog from TOG, another cover, but another one count. TOG doesn't let the one count detour him from his current goal. The challenger pulls DVD back up to his feet and delivers a Dusty Rhodes style elbow, which sends the already reeling Champion stumbling backwards. TOG follows him and grabs ahold of Van Dam's arm and whips him into the corner. TOG looks around at the crowd and nods his head as he charges across the ring, headed towards DVD, his arm outstretched for a big clothesline, but at the last second, DVD moves out of the way, causing TOG to crash shoulder first into the turnbuckles. TOG clutches at his left shoulder as he stumbles out of the corner. Van Dam is quick to act, grabbing a hold of TOG's left arm, he places his elbow on TOG's shoulder and snaps down, sending TOG crashing shoulder first into the canvas. Busch, "One mistake from TOG and now Van Dam is in control. What a pivotol mistake too. Van Dam's primary submission hold, The Faded Glory, his version of the Cross-face Chickenwing puts a lot of pressure on that left shoulder, and TOG gave DVD the opening to attack." Heyman, "Van Dam is like a shark that smells blood in the water. TOG needs to rebound, and rebound quickly. If he doesn't, this match could be over quickly." Busch, "Another knee to TOG's shoulder from Van Dam. That makes the fourth straight knee to that shoulder. Van Dam is dilligently attacking that shoulder. Now he's going into an armbar. Look at the pressure Van Dam's applying. He's forcing TOG's arm to be fully extended, and he's wrenching it up, while keeping his elbow pressed into the shoulder. Referee Jason Harding is in perfect position to see if TOG wants to call it quits." Van Dam's feet are placed firmly on the mat, allowing him to bridge up to increase the pressure on TOG's shoulder. TOG is thrashing in pain as he tries to find away out of the arm bar. Harding is right there, asking him if he wants to give it up, but TOG screams no, not wanting to end what could be the biggest moment of his professional career. He uses his feet to pull his body somewhat. After what must feel like an eternity for him, he manages to drape his foot over the bottom rope, forcing Van Dam to break his arm bar. Busch, "What guts shown by TOG to hold on. His shoulder has to be screaming in pain though." TOG uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. His left arm hangs limp at his side, leading with his right arm, TOG does his best to keep his left side away from Van Dam, who's circling him like a lion circling an injured prey. TOG throws a right hand DVD's way, but DVD dodges it. DVD shoots in, and TOG jumps back, but now DVD is exposed, and TOG goes for a kick to DVD's face and chest, but DVD catches his foot, pulling on it as his foot kicks at TOG's ankle, sweeping TOG off his feet. DVD grabs a hold of TOG's feet, turning him onto his stomach, he uses his legs to trap TOG's feet. Bending forward, DVD grabs ahold of TOG's left arm, pulling it back so that he can start delivering multiple elbows to TOG's shoulder. TOG yelps in agony as he tries to get away, but Van Dam's weight pressing down on him makes it hard to squirm. DVD grabs a hold of TOG's arm and tries to chicken-wing it, but TOG quickly rolls now that his feet are free, and gets to the ropes. TOG keeps rolling until he's standing on the outside of the ring. TOG grabs at his shoulder, trying to massage the pain out of it. Busch, "This was a smart move by That One Guy. He got out of the ring so he can get a few moments to try and get the pain out so he can use that arm." TOG gets back on the apron and back into the ring, still favoring his left arm. Van Dam wants a collar-elbow tie up, but TOG doesn't look like he wants to try another lock up. When Van Dam goes to lock up, TOG kicks DVD in the gut, and grabs him for a DDT, but is quickly hit with a Northern Lights Suplex. Harding slides into position, but only a two count. DVD breaks the bridge and goes to pull TOG up, but TOG surpries him with a small package roll up. Harding counts to two before DVD manages to kick out. DVD is the first to his feet, and when TOG gets up, DVD grabs a hold of his left arm and moves it into a hammer lock. He pushes forward, ramming TOG shoulder fist into the turnbuckles shoulder first before backing him out and hitting him with a quick Hammerlock Suplex. DVD looks at the crowd, letting out a roar. DVD turns and stalks TOG, his arms back in the classic "I'm Going To Lock In A Submission Hold" pose. TOG starts to get up, not aware of where DVD is. DVD explodes forward, Chicken-Winging TOG's arm, but TOG is quick, he rushes forward, dropping down, he uses the momentum to send DVD throw the middle and top rope to the outside of the ring. Busch, "That One Guy just bought himself so much needed rest with that counter. Van Dam hit the outside hard, so now That One Guy can try and recooperate. He needs to capatlize on this opening right now." TOG pulls himself to his feet, shaking his arm, still trying to get the feeling back in it. DVD is slowly trying to get to his feet, the painful fall to the outside leaving his whole body jarred. Holding the guard rail, DVD manages to get to his feet. Just as he looks up, he sees TOG flying through the middle rope with a suicide dive, driving his body into DVD's. The impact causes DVD to tumble over the guard rail and crash into the first row of the crowd. A large chant of "Holy Shit" starts up as TOG holds his shoulder in pain. Heyman, "TOG just used his own body as a human torpedo. If there's anything that's going to change the momentum, it's a move like that. He showed a complete disregard for his own physical well being with that dive." TOG pushes himself to his feet, looking out at the crowd, who roar with approval of the big risk taking by the challenger. He reaches over the guard rail to pull DVD up. Ignoring the throbbing in his shoulder, he sets DVD up for, and successfully hits, a suplex bring DVD over the guard rail and back to the ringside area. DVD's body writhes in agony as TOG pushes himself back to his feet, clutching at his shoulder as he rests against the ring apron. Referee Harding instructs TOG to bring the contest back into the ring. The crowd is on their feet right now as TOG shakes the pain out of his left arm, forcing himself to use it despite the throbbing pain it must be in. As he pulls DVD up to his feet he grimaces with pain from his shoulder before rolling DVD back into the ring. TOG follows him in and attemps the pinfall. One, Two... DVD manages to get his shoulder off the mat. TOG doesn't let it throw it off his game as he looks around, his eyes spying the turnbuckles. He nods to himself as he moves to them, climbing up to the top rope. Busch, "What is TOG planning? He's not a guy who goes to the top rope very often. This shows how badly he wants to win this contest." TOG motions for DVD to get up, he stays perched on the top rope. DVD slowly gets up with his back to TOG. He stumble-spins around and TOG leaps off the top rope, holding his arms above his heads, his fists clenched together. DVD isn't able to move as TOG slams his fists into the top of DVD's chrome dome. DVD's eyes roll back in his head as he slowly slumps to the mat. TOG makes the cover and Harding slides into position. Busch, "This could be it... ONE...TWO... THR... NO! Van Dam kicks out! Van Dam kicks out of the flying double axe handle. TOG is pulling out all the stops here. What's this? TOG's grabbing a hold of DVD's ankles. Could he be looking for a slingshot into the corner? That's what it looks like. He slingshots DVD, oh no! He just slingshot David Van Dam into Jason Harding, and Harding definitely looks out of it, and TOG looks like he hurt himself. He's clutching his shoulder. This doesn't look good." DVD and TOG are in corners opposite each other, TOG clutching at his shoulder. It appears the slingshot damaged his already sore shoulder. The crowd begins to boo as MJ Storm slides into the ring and crouches in a corner, looking towards DVD, his hand motioning for DVD to get up. Busch, "What is MJ Storm doing out here? This has been a great contest and MJ Storm is going to ruin it!" DVD slowly gets to his feet, oblivious to the fact that MJ Storm is there. MJ Storm charges across the room, driving his shoulder into the midsection of Van Dam, hitting him with a vicious spear. DVD clutches at his midsection as MJ Storm runs his hands through his hair, looking somewhat derranged. Suddenly, the lights cut out and "Iowa" hits by Slipknot. The noise from the crowd is defeaning. Busch, "This is Nevymorr's music! MJ Storm and Nevymorr have had... problems so to speak. Nevymorr has not showed at an ICWA show, but MJ Storm has been calling him out every week. Could this be the time that Nevymorr shows up!" The lights come back on and MJ Storm is still in the ring, facing the entrance area, awaiting the arrival of Nevymorr, who's not there. MJ Storm starts to grin, but what he doesn't know, is that the reigning ICWA Champion is now behind him, and does not look happy. MJ Storm starts to turn around, but is caught by David Van Dam, who delivers a big Last Chance to MJ Storm, who hits the mat with a thud, and is then kick-rolled by Van Dam out of the ring. DVD shouts some obscenities at MJ Storm that our censors won't allow us to air, but when he turns around, TOG gives a big kick to DVD's gut and hooks his arms, looking for his Nameless. Busch, "TOG's going for Nameless! If he hits this it's over!" DVD blocks the attempted double-armed ddt by breaking the grip on his arms, and quickly capturing TOG's arm and quickly chicken-winging it. TOG struggles, but unsuccessfully so as DVD is able to lock in his Faded Glory. TOG struggle to reach the ropes, but DVD jumps up some, wrapping his legs around TOG's waist and falling backwards, locking it in full. Jason Harding has has come, and has crawled into position, asking TOG if he wants to give it up. TOG holds on for a few seconds, but starts to tap out, the pain too much. Busch, "TOG has given it up. TOG has given it up. Van Dam retains! Van Dam retains!" Greene, "Your winner, by submission, and STILL ICWA Heavyweight Champion, DAVID...VAN...DAM..." DVD releases the hold and looks down at his hands for a few moments as Harding raises his arm and hands him the ICWA Title. DVD drops the title and looks down at TOG and screams. DVD, "What was that Holden? You trying to screw me? You tryin' to screw me out of my title!" Van Dam pulls TOG up to his feet and kicks him in the gut, driving him back down into the mat with a DDT. He rolls out of the ring and heads towards the time keepers table, pushing the time keeper aside he grabs the steel chair and heads back towards the ring. Busch, "What is Van Dam doing? Has he lost his mind? He won the match. What is the need for this attack?" DVD screams at TOG again as he holds the chair up. DVD, " How dare you get MJ Storm to attack me? HOW DARE YOU!" DVD pulls the chair back and slams it down into TOG's head. Then a second time. DVD drops the chair and pulls TOG up, he looks at TOG, who looks out of it, and then delivers a vicious DDT onto the steel chair. DVD, "I trusted you Holden. I trusted you and you tried to screw me!" DVD grabs the ICWA Title, pulling it to his chest he rolls out of the ring. Busch, "I'm... I'm not quite sure what to make of the situation. TOG isn't moving in the ring, and David Van Dam looks derranged. We need to get some help out here for TOG... Folks....I'm sorry I can not update you on the situation, or that we can't keep the cameras rolling, but that's all the time we have tonight. Check ICWA.com for an update on TOG, we'll have one as soon as possible. For Paul Heyman and the ICWA, I'm Bert Busch, have a safe and happy Holiday." | |
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.::Credits::. Main Event TOG V.S. David Van Dam Written By: David "Van Dam" ICWA Womens Title Match Angelina V.S Faith Written By: Chrissy AKA Faith Rivers ICWA Cyber TV Title Match Da Sweet Lunatic V.S. Scott Addams Written By: Johnathan AKA Christian Michaels Womens Contendership Match Kathrine Storm V.S. Tani Lyons Written By: Jeff AKA Six and Rising Inc And of course a special thanks to everyone who rped. Thanks for your paitence as well. It's no secret that the ICWA's never been known as the quickest running fed around, but, we always have a pretty paitent and understanding crew. I appreciate it. | |
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((Somehow I forgot to post the rest of CM/MJ Storm. Here it is.)) Busch, "Wait�?What’s this?" On the side of the ring, Steed Williams hops up, drawing both CM’s attention and Jason Hardings. Steed starts pointing to his jaw as he says, "COME ON BOY! GIMMIE A REASON TO CRACK YA ONE! COME ON BOY!" Michaels starts heading that way but Harding’s between them, yelling at Steed to get off the ring. Busch, "What the Hell is he doing out here?" Heyman, "It would appear that he’s trying to provoke Christian Michaels to a fight�?I don’t like Christian’s odds…�?Well, *I* like them but he shouldn’t." Michaels turns around and sees that MJ’s staggered to his feet. MJ turns around and BAM! A kick to the gut. CM Facelocks him and goes to swing around into the twist of fate, but, as he’s got the facelock Joe Six Pack hops up on the front of the ring with his right hand clenched…�?/P> Busch, "Now Six Pack’s on the apron�? Michaels spins around and as soon as he does Joe throws his right hand as if he was pitching a baseball, releasing a fist full of powder in Michaels eyes. The crowd boos as the ring’s over taken with a powdery cloud that’s just behind where Harding’s arguing with Steed. CM staggers out a few steps trying desperately to wipe the powder from his eyes, but he ends up to close to the ropes and takes a right jab from Six Pack that spins him around. He then staggers forward where MJ hoists him up by the arm pits and spins around driving the Heartthrob into the mat with his variation of the Bossman Slam/Black Hole Slam. Crowd: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Busch, "I don’t know where Six and Rising Inc came from but they’re participating in the high way robbery of this match from Christian Michaels." MJ hooks the far leg as Steed and Six Pack both hop down. Harding finally turns around and sees MJ covering CM so he drops down and counts ……………………One The crowd boos loudly as Busch says, "This is a damn travesty�? TWO Busch, "I can’t believe this�? THREE�?/P> Harding calls for the bell to a down poor of boos as "Riding Out The Storm" by REO Speedwagon begins and Greene tries to speak over the fuming fans. Greene, "Here is your winner via pinfall……�?EM JAY STTTTTTTTORM!" Harding raises MJ’s arm as MJ is grinning from ear to ear. Busch, "MJ Storm just stole this one like a thief in the night and he’s damn proud of it. This is horse crap!" Heyman, "No sir, whatever you had for lunch was Horse crap from the smell of your breath. This is a big win for your future heavyweight title contender, Em�?Jay�? Storm." Six and Rising Inc slide back into the ring as CM’s rolling around a little, wincing in pain. Six Pack and Steed look at each other, look at CM, then back at each other before heading over and starting to drive hard boots into the upper torso of Michaels. The crowd boos as Harding tries to convince Six and Rising Inc to cease their attack. MJ watches, shrugs, and heads out of the ring as Six Pack looks at Steed and says, "PICK HIM UP! PICK HIS ASS UP!" Steed grabs CM by the hair and starts yanking him up to his feet. Steed spins him around and hooks his arms from behind as Six Pack grabs him by the face and starts yelling, "YOU LIKE WEARING OUR TAG BELTS BOY?! HUH?! THAT’S PROPERTY OF SIX AND RISING INC! YOU TAKE OUR PROPERTY, WE T AKE IT OUT OF YOUR ASS!" Joe then drives a hard right into CM’s skull. CM’s hair flies as he slumps in Steed’s arms. But Steed doesn’t let him go and Steed seems content to keep giving him hard, measured shots. Fans, "WE WANT WHYSPER (Clap! Clap! Clap-clap-clap) WE WANT WHYSPER (Clap! Clap! Clap-clap-clap) Busch, "This capacity crowd calling for Whysper but�?Where the Hell is he?!" Heyman, "Probably babysitting his bat crap crazy wife." Busch, "His tag team partner’s being annihilated, why the Hell isn’t he out here doing something?! Six Pack looks at the damage he’s already distributed and says, "YOU LIKE THAT BOY?! HUH!? MERRY CHRISTMAS, I GOT SOMETHIN FOR YA." Joe reaches down into his the side of his jeans and withdraws a led pipe that draws even more boos. Busch, "Oh God�?Don’t do this Joe�?Think this through�?" Joe takes a step back to measure Michaels up as he holds that pipe�?The crowd finally starts to cheer, and it doesn’t take long to realize why as Whysper slides into the ring in his blue jeans, a Purple ECU T Shirt and a blue steel chair in hand. Whysper jumps to his feet and CRAAAAAAAACK! He wraps Joe in the back making him drop the pipe and drop to a knee. The crowd erupts as Busch exclaims, "FINALLY! YES! THE ODDS ARE BEING EVENED!" Steed drops CM to the mat as Joe glances up from his knee and see’s Whysper raising his chair up�?Joe quickly drops to his side and rolls out of the way just as Whysper’s bringing the chair down. Whysper nails the canvas and Joe rolls under the ropes as Steed darts out between the ropes. The crowd is going wild as Six and Rising Inc walks around the ring, Six Pack holding his back and glaring while Steed does the championship taunt around his waist yelling "WE WANT OUR BELTS BACK BOYS! WE’RE COMIN FOR YA! WE WANT OUR BELTS BACK!" Whysper holds the chair and stairs Six and Rising Inc down as they retreat up the ramp and head for the curtain. Busch, "Whysper certainly wasn’t early in his arrival, but, he finally made it and he sent Six and Rising Inc on their way with their tails between their legs. CM pulls himself up holding his head, his back to Whysper’s back as he stumbles around. Whysper takes a step back and when he does he bumps CM making him stagger forward a couple of steps. Whysper turns around still holding his chair and as he does�?CRAAAAAAAACK! The crowd gasps as Busch says, "BAH GOD!" Michaels launched out and drove that chair into Whysper’s face with a big super kick, making him drop to his knees as Whysper crashes to his back. Heyman, "THAT’S Why Whysper was taking his time! Because as we’ve all learned over the years, THIS is what happens when ya team with Christian Michaels!" Busch, "I�? I don’t think that was intentional�? Heyman, "Oh yeah, Michaels just slipped on a damn banana peel and his foot conveniently found it’s way to driving that chair into Whysper’s hushed face." CM pushes himself up and starts wiping the left over powder from his eyes, using his fingers and the back of his hand and wrist to try desperately to clear his eyes�?/P> Busch, "I don’t think�?I don’t think he could see. I think he was still feeling the effects of that powder and just felt someone bump him and acted accordingly. I’m not even sure he’s aware Whysper’s in the ring yet." Almost on cue CM turns and looks down, his eyes getting wide as he tries frantically to wipe his eyes now�?CM drops to a knee and looks, and sure enough he laid out his own partner. CM, "UGGGGGGGGGGGH!" CM waves frantically to the back making Carlton, Harding, and a couple of nameless folks in ICWA Shirts jog down to the ring. Busch, "I think it’s just finally settin in for CM that he just lamb basted his partner with that big super kick." Heyman, "*I* Think it’s a very convincing act, but, don’t BS a BSer." Busch, "You’re wrong Paul�?I just refuse to believe this was anything more then a tragic accident." Heyman, "You can refuse to believe Santa Clause is really your fat uncle Joe getting some extra cash for his New Years beer run too, but it doesn’t change the fact that Santa’s really just a fat guy who only works a month out of the year and Christian Michaels is a snake and the worse partner alive. He calls me garbage, but I never left anybody out to dry�? Busch, "No, You left them out of their bill money, that’s much better. Folks, while they’re tending to Whysper we’re gonna take a break. Hopefully when we return we’ll know more about the situation at hand." | |
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