 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 1/21/2009 6:01 AM |
| Date: January 2nd, 2009 | Live From: Greenville Convention Center - Greenville, North Carolina | Commentators: Bert Busch & Paul Heyman | Theme: "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold | Deadline: Your First RP MUST BE POSTED 24 HOURS BEFORE DEADLINE or earlier THE DEADLINE FOR THIS EVENT WILL BE SATURDAY THE 3RD. THE 24 HOUR DEADLINE WILL BE FRIDAY THE 2ND. 8pm EST Expect Results Sometime Monday | Main Event Steel Cage ICWA Tag Team Championship Six & Rising Inc V.S. Christian Michaels & Whysper ((This rivalry's been boiling since the return of the ICWA... Now it's time to get it settled once and for all as these four men get locked in a steel cage and forced to beat their issues out of each other... Although you have to wonder if the events at A Cinderella Story will have any baring on the efficiantcy of the tag team champions as a team.)) Match Six ICWA Women’s Championship Duel Officials: Angelina Santana & Tani Lyons Kathrine Storm V.S. Faith Rivers ((Kathrine beat Tani Lyons in controversial fashion to become number one contender to the ICWA Women's championship. Now she gets her match with Faith Rivers, but, the wild cards are the unexpected officials Tani Lyons and Angelina Santana. Four pissed off women who seem to perfer beating the crap out of each other over looking at each other? If they don't kill each other first maybe we'll get a wardrobe malfunction =D.)) Match Five Singles MJ Storm V.S. T.O.G ((These two have a boat load of history and a lot of bitterness... MJ wanted TOG to be Heavyweight Champion by this time so he could face him for the belt. That didn't work out so odds are there's just an added bit of fuel for the already erupting fire.)) Match Four Singles WallStreet V.S. Heyman's Choice ((Having taken two Juggernaut slams from Patrick Warner and being man handled in ways he's never been man handled before, you gotta imagine that WallStreet's chomping at the bit to get his hands on Patrick Warner. The deal is if WallStreet beats whomever Heyman selects as his opponent, he gets Warner one on one... If not though, he has to swallow his pride and humble himself by getting on his hands and knees and shinning Heyman's shoes in the middle of the ring.)) Match Three Singles Zarek Lyle V.S. Jason Flair ((Time for evaluations. Jason Flair looks to earn himself a strong spot on the ICWA Roster in his Greenville debut as Zarek looks to show he hasn't missed a beat since his injury and he's ready to start his quest back to the Cyber TV Title or perhaps, even more.)) Match Two Singles Jimmy Stryker V.S. Drew Stevenson ((Twice now these two have met and ended up with a DQ and a Count Out. Bound and Determined to get this thing settled for good, Two of the very best in the business today go one on one for a third straight time.)) Opening Bout Singles Darren Jones V.S Eagle (W/Taylor Smith) ((A Bunch of fresh faces get a chance to show us what they've got live in Greenville.)) Also Expected To Appear: David Van Dam, Scott Addams, And More!!! Card Subject To change | |
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The Slow opening chords of "Afterlife" by Avenge Sevenfold begins to play as We see a clip of Faith Rivers with the Women’s title around her waist, her hands on her hips and a no non sense look on her face�?A shadow over takes her and we in turn see Da Sweet Lunatic in black leather pants, a denim coat and, the ICWA Cyber TV championship over her shoulder and a toothpick in her mouth. She eventually flicks it to the ground offering the camera a cold glare�?A Shadow over takes again and we see Christian Michaels and Whysper (Michaels in a Romo Cowboys Jersey, Whysper in a Black "Black Label Society" T Shirt) with the ICWA Tag Team championships around their waists as they shoot a no-nonsense look into the camera�?Another shadow over takes and David Van Dam walks toward the camera in a black business suit with the ICWA Championship across his forearm in traditional fashion. He stops in front of the camera. As the beat threatens to pick up, David offers an aggressive glare and then throws a European upper cut that shatters the scene into random High-action highlight clips of the ICWA at the full beat of the song. As "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold continues to play our mobile cam begins sweeping the stands from his stance in the ring. Busch, "it’s That time again folks�?Time for great ICWA Action as we welcome you to ICWA’s Rage in a Cage. There’s a lot to look forward to as we have two in ring returns tonight with Zarek Lyle making his return against the new comer Jason Flair, and the founding father of this organization, The Corporate Icon Taylor McCallister makes his return against…�?Well who’s he going against Paul?" Heyman, "Whoever I deem fit to face him and let me tell ya Berty-Boy, all I’ve heard all week is that I could pick the biggest, baddest monster I could find�?Well I’m already managing the biggest and the baddest monster around but, I may have just found the number two behind big Pat." Busch, "What’d you say his name was again?" Heyman, "I didn’t. Nor do I intend to until it’s time to introduce him to beat McCallister’s brains in!" Busch, "It was worth a shot." Heyman, "Yeah, and speaking of shots, Six and Rising’s gotta be bordering on their last shot at the ICWA Tag Team championships tonight." Busch, "The big main event, Six and Rising Inc going one more time against the ICWA Tag Team champions Christian Michaels and Whysper. Michaels just suffered his first loss since his bout with David Van Dam in our return show at the start of the season against MJ Storm two weeks ago as a result of a huge assist from Six and Rising Inc. That same attack also caused a mishap where Michaels ended up super kicking a steel chair into Whysper’s face by accident�?You have to imagine that the tag champs have fire in their eyes and blood on their mind as they enter the ominous steel cage tonight." The titan tron flickers a few times. Appearing a picture of an eagle on the tron. Indestructable by Disturbed starts blaring through the arena as the fans cheer.
Busch, " What a way to open up the show Paul. We have two new comers to show us what they can bring to the ICWA."
Heyman, "It should be interesting. I heard good things about Darren Jones."
Busch, "What about Eagle?"
Heyman, "What's to know? It's a bird."
Busch, "I'm sure there's more to him than that. And we're about to find out, because here he comes!"
Eagle runs out onto the stage with Taylor Smith following close behind. Eagle stares straight into the camera as if saying "I'm back!!" Eagle slowly makes his way down to the ring as green lights start to flood the arena showing their color proudly.
Greene,"Making his way to the ring from Miami, Florida and being accompannied by Taylor Smith...in his ICWA debut...Eagle!"
Heyman, "Well one thing is for sure the Bird got GREAT taste in women!"
As the fans cheer at Eagle he smirks, walking his was down the ramp and to the ring apron. Now looking at the ring he excitedly jumps up onto the apron while Taylor walks up the steps. He looks ready and willing to deal some damage on his opponent or maybe he is ready to talk, either way it was sure to be a great show. After a few seconds they both climb into the ring and Eage runs to the nearest turnbuckle and jumps up on it as he flashes his sexy uper body. Taylor claps a little for him as he hops down. They exchange a few words before turning their attention to the entrance ramp.
Busch, "And here comes his opponent."
Heyman, "You mean here comes the man that's going to put Eagles back on the Endangered Species list."
Busch, "That remains to be seen, Paul."
The lights dim down to a scarlet tone as the drum beat to the song comes in through the P.A. System. After a few seconds, the piano player on the left side of the stage starts playing the melody for "Amazing" as Kanye's voice starts to sing the first verse. After a few seconds, Darren steps from behind the entrance and comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Of course, he didn't really care what the fans were thinking at the moment. The only thing that was on his mind is his upcoming match. Obviously, the intense look on his face gives the impression that he is beyond ready for the match up. With each step of his somber strut to the ring, his confidence builds as he listens to Kanye say repeat the phrase "I'm Amazing" "So Amazing" "So Amazing."
Greene,"Making his way down the aisle from Nashville, Tennessee...also in his debut...Darren Jones!"
It's not cockyness, but confidence in his own abilities that defines his character. No impression of worry whatsoever was on Darren's face. With his gaze focused on the ring, he jumps up onto the ring side and stands there for a few seconds absorbing the message from the song. Darren finally enters between the ropes and waits for his music to die down as he jumps up and down while looking across the ring at Eagle and Taylor. Once Taylor went to the outside to watch from her respective corner, the bell was sounded for the start of the match.
Busch, "And here we go."
At the sound of the bell, Eagle and Darren started to circle each other before stepping into a collar and elbow tie up. Darren gets the upper hand and backs Eagle up into a corner. The ref asks for a clean break, but as Darren backs away he delivers a boot to Eagle's midsection. As Darren moves back in, he grabs Eagle's arm and goes to irish whip him into the corner. Eagle reverses it and as Darren hits the turnbuckles, Eagle hits him with a Crossbody Splash. After contact, Darren stumbles from the corner and Eagle grabs a hold of him, before dropping down for a jawbreaker. As Darren falls to the mat, Eagle goes for the cover.
Busch, "Eagle trying to end things early here."
Darren kicks out just after two.
Heyman,"But to no avail."
As both men scramble back up to a vertical base, Eagle comes at Darren for a clothesline, but Darren ducks underneath. As Eagle turns back around, he is met with a dropkick from Darren. Eagle stumbles back a step or two before Darren is back on his feet and picking up Eagle, only to plant him to the mat with a spinebuster. Darren goes for a cover but Eagle kicks out before the three.
Busch, "Eagle with a kickout of his own."
Heyman, "Darren will just get him next time. No big deal."
Darren is up first and helps Eagle back up to his feet before whipping him into the ropes. As Eagle comes off of them Darren gets Eagle up for a Samoan Drop but Eagle spun and reversed it into a DDT. As Darren's head went into the mat, Eagle rolled Darren onto his back for a cover.
Busch,"So much for next time, huh, Paul?"
Another kickout by Darren.
Heyman,"The match isn't over yet. There's still time!"
Busch, "Not according to Eagle...he's looking to end things right here."
With Darren still laying on the mat, Eagle had went to the outside and climbed to the top. As Eagle perched himself on the top turnbuckle, he came off with a Swanton Bomb.
Busch, "He's going for the Eagle Watch!"
Before Eagle could connect, Darren rolled out of the way.
Heyman, "And he misses!"
Darren was on his feet first and in waiting, so that a few moments later when Eagle staggered to his feet and turned, he watched into the Baseline from Darren.
Busch, "WHOA! What a Spear!"
Heyman, "It doesn't look like Eagle will be moving for a long time after that."
And Heyman was right because a three count later Darren had picked up a victory.
Greene, "And the winner of the match...Darren Jones!"
Busch, "A tremendous effort by Eagle, I expect to see a great deal more from him in upcoming weeks here in ICWA, but tonight Darren Jones got the better of him."
Heyman,"I'd like to see more from Taylor Smith in upcoming weeks, but anyway, Darren picks up a victory over Eagle...just like I said."
As the referee was raising Darren's arm in victory, Taylor Smith slid in the ring under the bottom rope and went to check on Eagle before the scene fades to commercial. *Commercial Break* | |
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"Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. Out from the curtains, walks the Legendary Jimmy Stryker. He is seen dressed in black jeans, boots, and a white t-shirt on. Jimmy then looks around at the crowd, who continues to let him feel the heat that they generate towards him. Jimmy then smiles, as he soaks in the hatred. Greene, "Introducing first, Weighing in at 290 Pounds and hailing from Las Vegas Nevada... He is the "Legendary Icon" JIMMY... STRYYYYKER!" He then makes his way down the steel rampway, as he then quickly slides to the inside of the ring, where he then is seen making his way to each corner of the ring, as he raises a smile on his face, while on each corner as the fans continue to feed him boo's. Jimmy then drops to the mat, and kisses the necklace that is around his neck, and he then bends over waiting on them with pure intent. Busch, "Well here we are, their fourth straight and so far, no definitive winner. Hopefully that changes here tonight." The lights in the arena shut off putting the arena in complete darkness. The words of Megadeth are heard... Enter the arena and through the lights... Step on down, your in for a ride... This is war, ain't no fun and games... Suddenly a large spotlight shines down onto the ramp as a slab of concrete is seen and on it lies a figure. The public address sound system starts up again playing ''Crush Em'' by Megadeth as the figure sits up and climbs off of the concrete pedestal indicating a resurrection. He begins walking down the ramp as the fans begin going wild, the ring announcer heard vaguely. Sean Greene, "AND HIS OPPONENT�?From Seymour Missouri…�?"THE EMERALD"�?DREW�?STEVVVVVVVVENSON!" Busch, "The Emerald surely just as anxious to end this thing with the Legendary Icon as we are to get some closure and see who really is the better of the two." Drew enters between the ropes and as he does Jimmy comes darting forward looking to catch Drew with a huge right, but just as quickly as Drew perks his head up he drops it back down and ducks under. Jimmy swings all the way around with his momentum putting his back against the ropes as Drew delivers a quick series of unanswered rights rocking and reeling the bigman as the crowd erupts. Busch, "Drew evades that huge soup bone of Jimmy Stryker’s now he’s got the bigman reeling with a flurry of his own shots�? Drew grabs him by the wrist and goes for the big Irish whip but Jimmy’s so much bigger that it takes virtually no effort to swing around and reverse, sending Drew across the ring instead. Drew hit’s the far ropes and comes back as Jimmy lifts his leg looking for the big boot, however, the Legendary Icon threw it up a quarter second too soon and Drew being the wily veteran that he is, ducked underneath the boot and Jimmy. Drew stops in mid run as Jimmy puts his foot back on the mat, however, the bigman doesn’t have enough time to collect his balance before Drew spins around and leaps up, drop kicking the Legendary Icon in the lower back/higher ass and sending him darting forward, hooking the top rope with his arm and going up and over, bouncing off the canvas and landing on his feet on the floor. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Drew’s really starting to get confident against Jimmy Stryker." Jimmy grabs his lower back on the floor and spits some venom at a few fans in the front who are giving the bigman crap. Jimmy turns around just in time to find Drew suicide diving through the ropes and boom! The Technician slowly turning ariel assault machine in Drew Stevenson nails the bigman and takes em both off their feet on the floor. Crowd: DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! Drew pushes himself up and shakes off the effect the fall had on him as Jimmy holds the back of his head. Busch, "Stryker may have cracked his head on the concrete. Jimmy’s left arm is finally almost recovered from the first encounter with Stevenson, however, his head may still be a little fuzzy from the last encounter with Drew where he delivered a vicious kick sandwiching the Legend’s skull between Drew’s boot and the steel steps at ringside." Jimmy starts to roll to his knees and he appears to be crawling toward the steel steps. Drew gets the look of a child at Christmas as he looks out at the erupting crowd�?/P> Busch, "Uh-Oh�?We maybe heading into a repeat of last week�? Heyman, "Last week should have been a disqualification! If Carlton doesn’t call for the DQ this time I think Jimmy’s got a legitimate gripe!" Busch, "But Jimmy won last week via count out anyways�?" Heyman, "That’s not the point. In their first match Jimmy got DQed for no reason, now all of a sudden Drew can do whatever he wants to and never get punished? To quote a hillbilly who’s likely to die tonight, "It’s garbage." Busch, "Actually Jimmy got disqualified for assaulting an ICWA Official and refusing to adhere to the five count and a flurry of illegal right hands�?but I suppose that’s that selective memory of yours kicking in there Paul." Jimmy rolls so his back and head’s against the steps�?Drew darts forward, raises his boot and KA-BOOOOOOM! Crowd: OOooOOOooo�? Jimmy rolls out of the way at the last second and Drew boots the stairs so hard that despite being somewhere around seventy five pounds of steel, they go flying about two feet. Drew immediately drops to the floor and rolls into the fettle position holding his left leg. Busch, "Bah God�?Drew just went for that big kick but�?Jimmy was playing possum and Drew may have just broke his leg!" Heyman, "That’s what I call Karma my chubby buddy." Busch, "Cause you’re the spokesperson for anorexia�? Jimmy pulls himself up and gets a devilish grin on his face as in the ring an unnoticed Carlton (to this point) has reached a five count. Jimmy adjusts the waist band of his pants as he saunters over, reaching down and grabbing a fist full of the waist band of Stevenson’s trunks and a fist full of Stevenson’s hair. Jimmy yanks him up to his feet and violently rolls him in as Carlton reaches eight. Jimmy waves it off, climbing up onto the ring and climbing in over the top rope before Carlton can reach ten. Jimmy looks at Drew who’s face down on the mat holding his extended left leg and trying desperately to get to his right knee�?WHAM! Jimmy drives a hard stomp into Drew’s left knee making him flip to his back, screaming in pain as he holds his leg. The crowd boos but Jimmy doesn’t even acknowledge them. Jimmy puts his foot across the back of Stevenson’s knee, grabs Stevenson’s ankle with both hands, hoists the leg into the air and drives it down crushing Stevenson’s knee between the mat and his boot as he screams out in agony again. Busch, "Dear God, He may end up completely dismantling that left leg of Drew Stevenson." Heyman, "Serves him right." Busch, "Come on Paul, nobody deserves a career threatening injury." Heyman, "I Beg to differ. If you think this is bad, wait and see what my newest client does to WallStreet tonight." Drew’s rolling around holding his knee but Jimmy shows no signs of showing any mercy. Jimmy reaches down, grabs Drew’s leg, lifts it up so high that Drew’s basically doing a hand stand, drapes the bent knee around his neck and begins tugging at the ankle and shaking about, completely stretching the leg out. The official begins pleading with Jimmy to reconsider while pleading with Drew to just give it up and come back another day. Drew refuses to quit despite the fact that he seems to be near tears from the pain. However, this move begins to require a lot of stamina as time passes, so, Jimmy eventually releases the hold letting Drew flop on his chest. The crowd boos loudly as Jimmy saunters around the ring and yells in that big burley voice, "ANNNNNNNND WHAT?!" Drew’s trying desperately to drag himself with his arms and his right leg as he slowly heads for the corner. Jimmy’s still sidetracked with the fans, however, once he eventually turns around he sees Drew reaching up and grabbing the corner ropes. Jimmy smirks and lets Drew use the bottom ropes to push himself up to his right knee as his left leg remains limp. He reaches up to the top ropes and with all of his arm strength pulls his body up and turns, falling into the corner. Jimmy walks over and grabs the top ropes with his hands and begins driving hard Kevin Nash-like hip checks into the stomach/abs/ribs of the Emerald as the fans groan with frustration. Busch, "So far that missed yakuza kick on the floor’s taken the Emerald completely out of his game." Heyman, "See! You talk about what "heart" he has and how much "potential" he’s loaded with and the guy can’t even over come a missed kick. How can you be some grand superstar if missing one strike ruins your whole night?" Busch, "For God sakes Paul, he may have broken his leg on that kick. He may have popped his knee out of joint, dislocated the knee, tore his meniscus�?There’s no telling what kind of damage may have occurred when he drove his boot with all of his force into those steel steps. We’re not talking about a simple "Missed strike", we’re talking about a debilitating leg injury." Heyman, "That’s because Karma’s a bitch and Drew forgot it’s birthday. That’s what ya get for trying to conduct illegal activities on the floor." Busch, "If there’s any truth to that I’d recommend you seriously consider making some significant changes in your life." Jimmy takes a few steps back and darts forward looking for a big corner clothesline but as he comes in Drew holds the top rope with his left hand and turns raising his right elbow and blasting Stryker in the higher chest area. The crowd immediately starts cheering as Jimmy staggers back, shakes it off, heads forward again and BAM! Another elbow�?A hard right hand, a second, a hard right chop WHOOOOOO! Another hard right chop WHOOOOOO! The crowd is erupting as Busch exclaims, "Like a cornered animal Drew Stevenson’s on the defensive and he’s startin to unload on the Legendary Icon!" Stryker’s rocked and reeled just shy of the center of the ring as the capacity crowd on hand is all fired up and going nuts behind the war forged warrior�?Drew starts to pull himself out of the corner, pretty much dragging his left leg as dead weight, his face wincing in pain and struggle as he desperately tries to get to Jimmy�?Unfortuantly due to the mobility challenges presented by that nearly useless left leg, Drew arrives just in time for Stryker to get his wits back about him and WHAM! Striker drives a hard boot into the lower quad/higher knee region of Drew’s left leg, making him flip in the air and land hard on his back as the crowd groans again. Stryker looks out at the crowd and says, "YOU LOVE HIM SO MUCH? YOU CAN HAVE HIM!" Jimmy reaches down, pulls Drew up off the mat and then points out into about the forth row�?/P> Busch, "Uh Oh�?I don’t like where this is going…�? Jimmy gorilla presses Drew into the air as the fans are on their feet�?Jimmy goes to throw Drew, but, Drew hooks Jimmy’s arm with his arms and weakly wraps his legs around the other arm�?Jimmy get’s wide eyed with surprise and starts turning around, trying to resist Drew’s crucifix attempt and walk toward the center of the ring�?Unfortunately Jimmy’s just not able to do it and ends up falling back to his shoulders as Carlton drops down to count�?/P> ………………�?One………………�?.Two As Carlton gets to two Jimmy tries to power out, however, his legs are so long that in the kick out attempt they get caught under the top rope and practically trap him on his shoulders�?/P> Busch, "Wait I think�?I think Jimmy’s legs are stuck under that top rope�? ……………………Three! Drew instantly releases and rolls out of the ring holding his leg as Jimmy’s legs untangle and he rolls to his knees with a look of confusion upon hearing the bell sound. The crowd is going wild as Greene declares, "Here is your winner via PINFALL�?DREEEEEEEEEW STEEEEEEEEVENSON!" "Crush Em" by Megadeath begins to blast over the PA as Jimmy jumps up, screaming at Carlton. Jimmy grabs the top rope and starts pointing, trying to contest that his feet were in the ropes but Carlton refuses to flip his decision. Busch, "Well I think we’re gonna…�?We’re gonna go back and take a look at that pinfall one more time�? The two big screens on the stage start playing the footage from the Gorilla press. We see Drew drop and hook the crucifix as Jimmy starts turning to face the center of the ring�?We see Jimmy take a couple steps forward but end up being brought down and back by Drew into the crucifix pin. We watch Carlton hit one�?Hit Two�?We see Jimmy’s legs power up but get brought to a hault in mid kick out by the top rope, forcing his shoulders to remain on the mat as Carlton (who’s eyes are fixed on Stryker’s shoulders) counts the three. When the replay ends we see Drew on his knees on the floor facing the Screens. His look is one of disbelief as he groans and tips his head back. Busch, "Drew thought he won it fair and square but I think now with the evidence of what should have been a rope break out of the pin�?Well I just don’t believe Drew’s satisfied with that victory." Heyman, "Good. With as many times as he’s screwed Jimmy Stryker as of late he should start to grow a conscience and feel like crap about it." Busch, "Drew hasn’t screwed Jimmy Stryker, but, one way or another we haven’t been able to have a clear cut winner in this rivalry for the past three contests." With assistance from a couple of security guards Drew’s heading to the back shaking his head as Jimmy (who’s alone now in the ring) is kicking the ropes and offering various cusses for some of the near by fans. Busch, "Clearly neither performer is pleased with the outcome of this bout�?However, the competitors in our next bout are over pleased as they finally get an opportunity to show their stuff�?When we come back the returning Zarek Lyle gets his opportunity to show just what he’s got left as he goes one on one with the newly acquired Jason Flair�?It’s gonna be good, It’s gonna be hard hittin�?It’s gonna be�?NEXT." *Commercial Break* | |
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"Cocky" by Kid Rock hits the speakers and the boos can be heard through the arena as he makes his way down the ring. Showing off a cockiness he ignores the fans and walks up the steps to the apron. Greene: "Making his way to the ring, from Paradox, California, Jaason FLaaiir!" As he enters the ring, The lights suddenly go dark without any sense of warning as "Ex's and Oh's" by Atreyu begins to play over the pa system. A single figure comes out from behind the black velvet curtain. As the lights slowly raise, you see Zarek Lyle walking down the ramp. Greene: "Now making his way to the ring, from Crete, Greece, he is Zaaareeeekk Lyyyllllllllle!" As he walks down, he poses for the crowd, getting their screams up to a point of his liking. He hops onto the apron and flips over the top rope. Zarek goes to a corner, jumping to the second turnbuckle, to get the crowd roaring. He hops off the turnbuckle, and jogs around the ring a bit. Resting his hands upon his knees in a crouching position, he awaits the ring of the bell. The bell sounds and we’re off. The two begin to circle around the ring, seemingly scouting each other both with victory on their mind. Jason charges in going for a clothesline, however Zarek uses his speed and rolls under it, behind Jason. Quickly to his feet he turns around and Jason turns around only to be met by a beautiful high angle drop kick to the face and Jason stumbles backward into the ropes. Heyman: "What we have right here is a battle of two entirely different styles of athletes. Zarek has an inch on Jason, but Jason has an astounding seventy (70) pounds on Zarek giving him the distinct weight advantage in this contest." Bert: "That’s right, so if Zarek intends on winning this bout he’s really going to need to use his intelligence to out-match the power and size of Jason Flair. Oh my! What vicious clothesline by Jason!" Sure enough, Jason had rebounded off the ropes and with impressive speed of his own clotheslined Zarek and flipped him inside out. Zarek lands and Jason throws a flexing taunt the way of the fans which is met by a response of boos. Zarek starts to stagger and Jason walks over grabbing Zarek by the head and starts to lift him to his feet, Zarek quickly breaks out of Jason's grasp and quickly spins and leaps backwards in the air with seemingly a corkscrew pele kick. Jason's eyes immediately get wide and he falls over like a ton of bricks with rigamortis. Bert: "What an impressive kick by Zarek! He goes for the cover!" One…Two…Kick out! Heyman: "As impressive as Zarek is, Jason Flair is not only a flair but a beast as well, so Zarek better be careful. I mean just look at that power, simply tossing Zarek off of him!" Zarek got tossed off the pin and into the ropes but was quicker to his feet than Jason. Zarek runs and slides at Jason, locking in a nice headlock with a firm grip, not allowing Jason much maneuverability. Zarek holds onto it for a few moments but Jason is able to get to his feet and shove Zarek off and into the ropes. As he rebounds, Zarek flies half-way across the ring kicking Jason and actually flipping him inside out as he lands flat on his back. Bert: "Tears of Misery!" Heyman: "I’m surprised he was able to put that much force behind it to cause Jason to flip over like that." Jason isn’t down for long, though. Zarek runs off the ropes again, charging at Jason but is met by a kick to the gut doubling Zarek over. Standing at his side, Jason grabs Zarek is a waist lock, lifting him up and holding Zarek in the air for a good thirty seconds, Jason thrusts Zarek downward with a sick gut wrench powerbomb and Zarek doesn’t look like he’s moving and Jason goes for the pin. One…Two…Kick out! Zarek got the shoulder up and Jason doesn’t look to happy and begins to argue with the referee. Bert: "Simply amazing. The drive this kid has to kick out of a powerbomb with such force like that," Heyman: "You’re preaching to the choir. Jason is a monster and he’s showing it, but Zarek just doesn’t want it to be over so soon." Jason starts to pick Zarek up again, grabbing him by the throat calling for the "Welcome to my world" choke slam. Lifting Zarek up, Zarek appears to counter with a right kick to Jason’s head and Zarek swings himself out of the throat grab and he lands on the top turnbuckle facing the fans, almost losing balance but he doesn’t and the fans are in a riot. Heyman: "That could have been bad for this young athlete." Zarek takes a look behind him and sees Jason running toward him. Zarek leaps off looking for a moonsault but actually lands on Jason’s shoulders, sitting on them. A luck of the draw right there, but Zarek jerks backwards looking to take Jason over with a type of reverse flipping piledriver but Jason shakes his head "no" and Zarek is stuck in an upside down position. He starts to raise himself up, but as he does Jason reaches his arm back grabbing Zarek’s head and drops with a modified bulldog. Bert: "That would have been nice if Zarek could have pulled it off, but Jason’s size looked to just be too much for him." Heyman: "Jason's a beast and there’s no stopping that. Just like my monster in Patrick Warner." Jason goes for a pin on the seemingly unconscious Zarek. One...Two…Thr-Kick out! Bert: "Zarek is still in this thing!" Heyman: "Jason better be careful, Zarek is a fighter." Jason is looking a bit frustrated as Zarek got a shoulder up. The big man didn't seem to worried though. He got to his feet and pulled Zarek up to his. He hoisted the limp Zarek up onto his shoulders and went for the F5. Heyman:"This is it!" But as Jason went to drop him, Zarek spun and reversed things into a DDT, planting Jason's face to the mat. Bert:"No it's not!" Zarek was still a bit dazed but up on his feet first so that when Jason staggered up to his, Zarek ran into the ropes and came off with the Tears of Misery. As Jason fell to the mat, Zarek was quick to make the cover and hook the leg. Bert:"1...2...3!!! As quick as that the former Cyber Television Champion turned things around into a victory for himself." Greene:"And the winner of the match, Zarek Lyke!" Heyman:"UUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!" After getting his arm raised in victory, Zarek exited the ring as Jason got to his feet, holding his head and kicking the bottom rope in frustration. Busch, "Look at the Intensity of Jason Flair. He took two of those devastating "Tears of Misery" kicks and was barely kept down for three and is already back on his feet and ready to destroy something. Zarek was very fortunate that he was able to keep a step ahead for the better part of this match, however, if the largest member of the Flair family should find his hands on the Greek cruiserweight’s body again, it may not work out the same way." Jason glared at Zarek's back as he headed up the ramp�?However, Zarek stops in mid stride as he looks up with a "WTF" look on his face�?There on the stage is Scott Addams. Addams has his normal annoying smirk on his face and is applauding with a slow golfer’s clap type of deal. Busch, "What�?What’s this?" Heyman, "This is Scott Addams applauding Zarek Lyle." Busch, "I can see that much, what I don’t understand is why. These two hate each other." Heyman, "Yeah, well, maybe they got together, watched the view, and let their inner womanly feelings take over. How the Hell should I know. What I do know is that in a few minutes you’re gonna see someone who has no "inner womanly feelings" beat the living day lights out of your buddy "WallStreet"." Busch, "We’ll see�?When we come back it’s the return of the Corporate Icon himself to action as he goes one on one with a hand picked opponent from Paul Heyman." *Commercial Break* | |
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When the cameras come back from commercial we find ourselves taking a wide range shot of the Stage with the two large TV screens on either side of the curtain…It’s not long before we hear the guitar intro to "Hunt You Down" by Saliva as the screens start showing WallStreet’s tron video to a huge reaction from the crowd. "HAAA!" The curtain moves and from behind it to a huge reception steps the Corporate Icon. "I am the master of this game And everybody knows my name And I will gladly make you see That you should not have messed with me
But you have thrown the gauntlet down Only one who wears the crown So I will gladly hunt you down And I'm gonna stomp you into the ground" As we pick up into the next portion of the song WallStreet powers forward, looks to his right, then his left, drawing a huge response from both sides of the Convention center before heading down the ramp.
And you know it's true I'm just better than you See the fear that's in your eyes I'll make you realize
Well oh yeah, here we go again Looks like we're on the floor again Hell yeah, here we go again Cause I can't get away
I'll fight forever I won't surrender And I will always HUUUUUUUNT YOOOOOOU DOWWWWWWN!" Greene, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with NO Time Limit. Introducing first, Currently Residing RIGHT HERE in GREENVILLE NORTH CAROLINA (Crowd erupts)�?He is The Corporate Icon�?He is�?WAAAAAAAALLLLLLLSTREEEET!" The crowd is going wild as WallStreet rounds the corner, heading up the stairs. He grabs the top rope, walks all the way to the other end of the outside canvas, then comes back to the middle, throws his leg over the middle rope and enters between the ropes before heading over to the side ropes, placing his left foot on the bottom rope and his right foot on the center rope and pointing out to the erupting sea of humanity. Busch, "WallStreet making his return to the ring here tonight for the first time since that big Six Man Tag with ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam and current ICWA Cyber TV Champion DSL back on October Tenth. Prior to that he hadn’t competed since May forth of 2008. It has been somewhere in the ballpark of eight months since WallStreet has last competed in singles action and now, in his return bout, he isn’t even afforded a notice of who he’ll be facing. Although it would appear that we are about to find out." As WallStreet paces the ring glaring toward the commentary table, we pan over and see Heyman standing in front of said table, leaning back so he’s kinda sitting on the edge of the table as he smirks with the mic in hand. The music concludes and Heyman says, "Hey Sean, Go take a seat, I’ve got this." ICWA Announcer Sean Greene (who was still in the ring), finds his way to a seat by the barricade. Heyman, "HEEEEEH-HMMM! *COUGH* AHHHHH�?And now, Wally-Rip Off’s opponent�?Being accompanied to the ring by the most devastating force in all of professional wrestling, My one man militia�?The Juggernaught, Patrick Warner�? The crowd is already booing loud enough for Heyman to take a pause but WallStreet just holds his glare, giving occasional glances over his shoulder to make sure he doesn’t get blindsided. Heyman, "He stands at more than six and a half feet tall and has been shown the ropes by an ORIGINAL guy who would have torn your Triple H Man Crush Havin ass up if he was still in his prime�?He was trained by former NWA Heavyweight Champion Harley Race�? The crowd cheers and heads into a chant of: HAR-LEY, HAR-LEY, HAR-LEY, HAR-LEY, HAR-LEY, HAR-LEY Busch, "Harley Race an all time great and a true legend in our sport, no doubt about it folks." Heyman, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring to you�? A Deep voice comes over the PA that says, "Sllllllllennnnnder bennnnnnnder" From that "King of My World" by Saliva begins to blast over the PA as WallStreet gets a "What the Fuck" look that’s pretty comparable to Zarek’s expression upon seeing Scott Addams applauding him. The curtain moves and as Patrick Warner leads the way Heyman declares, "KIIIIIIING SLLLLLLLLLENDER!" The crowd boos as Slender comes through the curtain. WallStreet’s looking out at Heyman mouthing, "Are you serious?" Busch, "Well erm�?That’s not quite what I was expecting. Well folks, King Slender the apparent choice of Paul Heyman to oppose WallStreet here tonight. Slender has had�?Well�?To be honest, a somewhat lackluster start here in the ICWA. He has a great build, a ton of strength and surprising finesse combined with one of the most destructive finishing maneuvers in the sport today, however, he’s lacked the concentration and determination to put it all together into a winning package. I’ve got to admit that I’m really surprised that Heyman’s putting his chips in the hands of King Slender and letting him bet the house. I’ve gotta believe there’s something here that we don’t know about." Slender’s strutting down the stage talking trash as Patrick Warner walks a slow steady pace behind him, his cold glare never leaving McCallister and like wise, WallStreet’s glare never leaves big Pat Warner. Busch, "You can feel the tension and the animosity radiating from Heyman’s monster Patrick Warner and the founding father of the ICWA, Taylor McCallister. You have to believe that sooner or later WallStreet’s gonna get his hands on Patrick Warner and when he does I have a gut feelin there’s gonna be train wrecks that look like sweet dreams and candy canes by comparison." Slender struts up the stairs and nonchalantly waves WallStreet back with a hand before entering between the ropes. WallStreet’s glare is cold and if looks could kill the match would be over before it started, but, Slender doesn’t seem intimidated as he puffs his chest out and has his chin up, pacing his corner like he’s the king of the roost. The music fades as Carlton calls for the bell. WallStreet begins slowly circling, a look similar to that of a lion getting ready to battle for the leadership of the pack as Slender struts around offering the occasional jeer to the occasional fan at ringside. Finally they both dart in for a grapple, however, Slender ducks under at the last moment and baseball slides out of the ring to a loud "boo" from the audience. WallStreet turns around, placing his hands on his hips as his expression is one of a man with no patience. Busch, "Slender evades the grapple and is now consulting with the urinal patty of life that I’m forced to call my broadcast colleague, Paul Heyman." Heyman (who’s standing at ringside in typical managerial fashion) is offering Slender some whispered advice that Slender’s nodding excessively to. Carlton’s demanding Slender’s re-entry to the ring, to which Slender counters with a demand that Carlton make sure WallStreet’s backed up. WallStreet shakes his head, sighing in annoyance, but, he does back up to the opposite side of the ring. Slender slowly climbs up onto a knee on the outside canvas before pulling himself up and wiping his feet on the outside canvas. Slender slowly starts to enter between the ropes. Slender adjust his trunks and starts strutting around the ring as WallStreet shakes his head, also circling the ring. The two suddenly dart toward each other again for grapples, but again Slender ducks under looking to evade the grapple�?And he does in fact evade the grapple�?However, what he doesn’t evade is the big "kitchen sink" knee WallStreet extends at the very last second, clearly anticipating another dodge attempt from the grapple. Slender flips up and over to his back holding his gut as the crowd pops. WallStreet turns around but Slender’s quick to roll out to the floor, still holding his bread basket as he hunches over and looks into the ring pointing at the ref and demanding he admonish WallStreet. Busch, "Slender tried to escape the grapple again but, this time the Corporate Icon had something for him in the form of a big knee to the Barbecue pit." WallStreet doesn’t pay Slender any mind as he paces the backside of the ring, waiting for Slender to stop getting consoled or advised by Heyman. Slender finally starts climbing back onto the ring again, pointing at WallStreet and demanding Carlton keep his eye on him. Carlton doesn’t pay much mind to Slender’s request but Slender bends down and enters between the ropes anyway. WallStreet’s finally had enough of all of this circling crap so he starts powering directly toward Slender but Slender’s quickly backing up with an open palm in the air. Slender, "WHOA! WHOA! RELAX! WHOA!" WallStreet stops about mid ring, the look of a man ready to break somebody’s neck clear in his eyes. Slender, "WHOA BOSSMAN! THIS WAS DUMB! I SHOULD HAVE NEVER TAKEN PAUL’S DEAL. AIN’T NO PRICE WORTH THIS. LET’S CALL IT A DAY�? Slender extends his right hand as the crowd boos. Busch, "It would appear that King Slender’s having second thoughts about this match with WallStreet." WallStreet looks around at the fans to get their perspective, but that really isn’t necessary as their boos make their opinion relatively obvious. Never the less, WallStreet nods and says, "Alright�? WallStreet extends his hand as Slender gets a coy grin and starts inching forward to shake WallStreet’s hand. As They come within an inch of shaking hands, Slender goes for a big boot to the gut but WallStreet quickly catches the foot making Slender’s eyes grow as wide as Oprah’s ass. WallStreet quickly sweeps Slender’s right leg with his left and holds on to the left leg. As the right leg flies up Wally wraps that one up too, and then looks around at the cheering fans before dropping back, slingshoting Slender into the air and making him hit the top turnbuckle pad head first. The crowd erupts as Slender staggers back, turns, and BAM! A big Bionic elbow to the skull makes the hobo-killer drop back. Slender rolls right back up and charges WallStreet but McCallister ducks down and sends Slender up and over with a big back body drop. Slender grabs his back and rolls back up again. Slender shoots for WallStreet one more time and CRAAACK! Another big bionic elbow drops him and this time he’s down holding his head as the crowd is going wild. If that’s not enough WallStreet points out to Warner and yells, "YOUR ASS IS NEXT BIG BOY!" Which turns "wild" into a complete frenzy from the people. Busch, "WallStreet’s got the people of Greenville Rockin�?and Rollin�?here tonight. I think something worth pointing out here is that WallStreet’s known for having one of the most vicious right hands in the history of our business. In years past he’s always had that right hand heavily tapped to provide even more damage with his punch while protecting that big right hand�?Not only does he not have that right hand tapped up here tonight, but, I haven’t seen WallStreet throw a right hand since regulating himself to the announce table." Slender starts pulling himself up as WallStreet stalks behind�?Slender turns around and WHOOOOO! A big hard chop across the chest gets a Flair Whoo from the fans and makes Slender spin back around and stagger to the corner. Slender turns his back to the corner and WHOOOOOO! Another hard chop makes him fall back into the corner. WallStreet drives two more hard chops across the chest of Slender, painting his chest a Rudolph red before hooking him under the arm, stepping out, and hip tossing the King out of the corner and into the center of the ring. Slender lays there as WallStreet hit’s the ropes, walks out, and then leaps up and drives his knee down across Slender’s skull before rolling through to his feet. The fans are cheering but Heyman’s pounding the mat screaming, "COME ON YOU ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS! GET UP!" Busch, "Perhaps Heyman’s beginning to realize that Slender wasn’t quite the pick he - for whatever reason- thought he was." Slender starts to pull himself up again. Slender staggers to his feet, his eyes wide and confused as he looks like he may not even be fully aware of where he is. Slender turns around and BAM! A big kick to the gut doubles him over. WallStreet drives his head between his legs and hooks one arm as the crowd begins to erupt. Busch, "Uh-oh, I think the Stock Market’s fixin to CRASH!" Heyman quickly rushes up onto the ring making Carlton rush over to argue with him as WallStreet hooks the second arm to set up for the Pedigree. The crowd starts booing as Warner slides in. Warner darts forward and extends the arm for a nasty clothesline but WallStreet ducks and Warner shoots across and hit’s the ropes. WallStreet releases Slender letting him fall to a heap, turns, and darts at the returning Patrick Warner, nailing him with a hard clothesline�?However, all that comes of that clothesline is that Warner’s forced to stop running. Warner cocks back and goes for a big haymaker but WallStreet ducks under�?The big man turns around and WHAAAAAAM! Busch, "Bah God! WallStreet just made like an NFL Punter and sent Warner’s footballs through the uprights!" Warner’s eyes get wide as he hunches over grabbing his jewels but WallStreet’s eyes almost get just as wide when he realizes Warner isn’t down on the mat. WallStreet shakes his head and grabs a fist full of Warner’s trunks and Warner’s neck and throws him out through the ropes. WallStreet turns around and finally notices Heyman destracting Carlton. WallStreet points toward Heyman, making Heyman’s eyes grow wide as the crowd erupts�?KA-BOOM! Busch, "Uh-oh, WallStreet’s got his eyes on Paul E and�?Wait�?WHAT THE HELL?!" Somebody with a shiney tan head, black dress slacks, and a black button up shirt slide in, nailed an RKO on WallStreet and slid right out. The camera does a close up and while the crowd is booing loudly by majority, some fans are cheering. Busch, "THAT’S�?THAT’S THE ORIGINAL SADIST JAMES!" Heyman drops down off the ring and Carlton turns around to see WallStreet out and Slender crawling toward the ropes. Busch, "JAMES�?JAMES�?JAMES IS AN ICWA HALL OF FAMER BUT WHAT�?WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOIN HERE TONIGHT?!" The camera stays with Heyman and James on the floor and we see Heyman pull out a wrapped stack of cash that he hands James. James thumbs through it, shakes Heyman’s hand, and begins heading around to the ramp. As he gets half way up he turns back and raises the cash into the air. Busch, "What!? Heyman paid James to come back here tonight and do a hit on WallStreet?! SON OF A BITCH! THAT’S IT! THAT’S WHAT HE KNEW THAT WE DIDN’T! That SLIMEY BASTARD!" Slender crawls up to his feet and sees WallStreet down holding his neck. Slender smirks, shaking the cobwebs away before looking out and yellin, "HA! LOOK WHAT I DID!" The crowd boos as Busch yells in disgust, "WHAT *YOU* DID?! YOU DIDN’T DO A DAMN THING BUT GET YOUR ASS WHIPPED!" Slender struts over and slowly drops to a knee, then the other knee, and then lays across WallStreet’s shoulders as the crowd boos loudly. Busch, "This is complete horse manuer!" ……………………ONE! Busch, "I hope Heyman gets everything that’s comin to him when this is all said and done and I hope it catches up to that worm Slender too!" …………………………TWO! Busch, "Well folks, Heyman may have won this battle but�? ………………………THR�?/P> Busch, "But I have to imagine the war is far from�?WHAT?! HE KICKED OUT! HE KICK OUT! WALLSTREET KICKED OUT!" Slender looks like he’s seen a ghost as he jumps back and yells, "WHAT?! THERE’S NO WAY! JAMES HIT THE�?ERM�?I MEAN *I* LAID HIM OUT!" Carlton shakes his head and insists that it was a two as the fans have made an instant switch from a deep sea of boos to an overjoyed cry of support for WallStreet. Slender immediately starts putting some vicious boots to WallStreet, just stomping the crap out of the Corporate Icon. Slender finally stops long enough to do the "Raise the Roof" taunt, implicating that his Military press into a Backbreaker (AKA The Slender Bender) is coming. Of course the fans boo but Slender doesn’t seem to give a good crap. Busch, "Well WallStreet managed to kick out from that "Lights Out" of James�? but, how much can he have left to defend himself with?" Slender grabs two fist fulls of WallStreet’s hair to start pulling him up. Of course this provokes Referee Carlton Banx to get right in Slender’s face demanding he let go of the hair�?Because Carlton’s arguing with Slender, he doesn’t see WallStreet’s arm fly between Slender’s legs, nailing his second big low blow of the night as the crowd "OoooOO"s before erupting with cheers. Slender grabs himself and falls over as WallStreet falls back holding his neck. Busch, "WallStreet just fought Slender off with a shot that found it’s way south of the belt line, but, he’s still reeling from the Lights Out! I Don’t know if he can rally back!" Carlton checks Slender and WallStreet but both men are down with no signs of getting back up. So of course he opts to start a count. ……………………ONE………………TWO Heyman’s pounding the mat, "GET UP SLENDER! GET UP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD�?GET! UPPPPP!" …………………………THREE…………………FOUR Crowd: WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! ……………………………FIVE………………SIX Around six both guys are coming to a knee, which, stops the count. They both start to pull themselves up�?Slender turns and darts for WallStreet but WallStreet leaps and spins driving Slender down with a big back elbow. The crowd cheers as Slender and WallStreet both roll up. Slender heads for WallStreet again shooting the arm out for a clothesline but WallStreet ducks under, hooking the extended arm of Slender, applying a cobra clutch (AKA Million Dollar Dream) for a mere moment before hoisting Slender up and driving him down with the Cobra Clutch Slam. WallStreet drops down and hooks the far leg as Carlton slides into position and begins to count ……………………ONE………………TWO…�?. WHOOOP. Before we can find out if it’s gonna be three, Heyman reaches in and pulls Carlton out by the ankle. Carlton spins around and starts screaming at Heyman who screams back about the "excessive speed" of the count. WallStreet get’s up and ignores the outside deal as Slender starts pulling himself up. WallStreet drives a knee into slender’s gut assuring he’ll stay doubled over as he darts back to hit the ropes, probably in pursuit of the Triple H Face Buster he’s been known to do. As Wally bounces off the ropes, Warner darts in, darts forward and shoves Slender so hard he flies to the side. WallStreet gets wide eyed but can’t pump the breaks enough and Warner hoists him up, spins around and BOOM! The crowd erupts with boos as he hit’s the Juggernaut Slam (Sky High/Sitout spine buster). The crowd boos desperately as Warner rolls out leaving Slender to rush over and make the cover. Busch, "Oh Come on! Not again!" Carlton turns and sees the pin and slides in. ……………………ONE Busch, "Could they have put the screws to this guy anymore?" ………………………TWO Busch, "A Hell of a display by WallStreet but in the end the Numbers were�?/P> ………………………THREE Busch, "�?FONT color=#ffff00>just too much ." The bell sounds as the fans boo, almost drowning out Greene’s declaration�?/P> Greene, "HERE IS YOUR WINNNNNNNNER�?KING SLENDER!" Heyman and Warner climb up on separate sides of the ring as Slender jumps around like he won a gold medal. Warner stands behind Slender and stalks but Heyman shakes his head. Warner sighs and steps back as Slender continues to celebrate, no idea how close he was to being slammed. Heyman reaches out and grabs a mic from a staffer. Heyman, "HA! HOW DO YA LIKE US NOW WALLY-H?! HUH!? THE NEXT TIME WE’RE IN THIS GOD FOR SAKEN TOWN, GUESS WHAT?! GUESS!" Heyman smirks�?/P> Heyman, "That’s right Wally-H�?You get to SHINE�?MY�?SHOES! Here Taylor, Why don’t ya go ahead and get acquainted with em!" Heyman pulls the mic away and starts calling for Warner. The crowd is booing as Warner grabs WallStreet by the hair, drags him over, and pushes his face against Heyman’s foot. Busch, "Oh for God sakes!" Heyman, "YOU LIKE THAT?! HUH?! Get used to it pal. You and these shoes are gonna get real well acquainted in this very ring next show. I’m gonna break you Taylor�?My Juggernaut’s gonna break you physically and I’m gonna break your pride. I Hate you�?I hate your guts, I hate everything you stand for and I CAN’T WAIT�?Can’t WAIT�?/STRONG> To Humiliate you." With that "Step Up" by Drowning Pool blasts over the PA as Heyman motions for Warner to release WallStreet. Busch, "This is appalling. We gotta take a break�?We’ll be back shortly." *Commercial Break* | |
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As the cameras return we see a very pleased Paul Heyman kicked back with his feet on the commentary table as Busch just looks at him and shakes his head. Busch, "You’re real pleased with yourself right now aren’t ya?" Heyman, "As pleased as Bin Laden was when we elected Obama." Busch glares harder, "You make me sick, you know that?" Heyman, "Know? Yes. Care? Not so much." Busch sighs and focuses his attention to the Camera, "Well folks�?Two weeks ago our Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam defended his championship against Tee Oh Gee in what was dubbed "A Cinderella Story." During that bout MJ Storm interfered on his own accord in aspirations of dethroning Van Dam and getting the belt around the waist of TOG, Who had promised to defend the belt against MJ in a grudge match if he’d of won. David still managed to obtain victory and this is how he reacted after the match." _____________________________________________________ DVD is able to lock in his Faded Glory. TOG struggle to reach the ropes, but DVD jumps up some, wrapping his legs around TOG's waist and falling backwards, locking it in full. Jason Harding has has come, and has crawled into position, asking TOG if he wants to give it up. TOG holds on for a few seconds, but starts to tap out, the pain too much. Busch, "TOG has given it up. TOG has given it up. Van Dam retains! Van Dam retains!" Greene, "Your winner, by submission, and STILL ICWA Heavyweight Champion, DAVID...VAN...DAM..." DVD releases the hold and looks down at his hands for a few moments as Harding raises his arm and hands him the ICWA Title. DVD drops the title and looks down at TOG and screams. DVD, "What was that Holden? You trying to screw me? You tryin' to screw me out of my title!" Van Dam pulls TOG up to his feet and kicks him in the gut, driving him back down into the mat with a DDT. He rolls out of the ring and heads towards the time keepers table, pushing the time keeper aside he grabs the steel chair and heads back towards the ring. Busch, "What is Van Dam doing? Has he lost his mind? He won the match. What is the need for this attack?" DVD screams at TOG again as he holds the chair up. DVD, " How dare you get MJ Storm to attack me? HOW DARE YOU!" DVD pulls the chair back and slams it down into TOG's head. Then a second time. DVD drops the chair and pulls TOG up, he looks at TOG, who looks out of it, and then delivers a vicious DDT onto the steel chair. DVD, "I trusted you Holden. I trusted you and you tried to screw me!" DVD grabs the ICWA Title, pulling it to his chest he rolls out of the ring. ___________________________________________________ Busch, "Well folks, at this time David Van Dam would like to address his actions."
Van Dam comes on the two plasma screens on the stage as the fans murmer about. David, "Good evening. I apologize for my absence, however, after what occurred two weeks ago at A Cinderella Story, ICWA President Jonathan Brooks has given me a one show suspension." The fans boo as Van Dam pauses. Van Dam continues, "While there’s nothing I want more then to be in Greenville competing right now, I have to agree with Mr. Brooks�?decision. He was a hundred percent in the right to force me to sit out tonight. Now I know what you may be thinking�?Other people have assaulted their opponent after the match and been back to tell about it the following week, why not David? The answer is simple and frank�?Other people don’t have this." The camera pans back to show the ICWA Heavyweight title nestled in his arm. David continues, "I’m the ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. As a result it is my distinct duty to set the tone for the entire lockeroom. As ICWA Champion I’m held to a whole different set of rules then anybody else because I am the primary representative of this great organization. Going even beyond that, it’s also a matter of personal ethics. In the heat of the moment two weeks ago, I defied my own code of ethics. Tee Oh Gee’s a good man and he didn’t deserve what I did to him. I felt a little sabotaged at the time and thought that perhaps he was in cahoots with MJ Storm to try and unjustly abduct the ICWA Championship. A curse I have to bare is that sometimes being as passionate as I am about this business, makes me get over obsessive about being the absolute best. There’s only one way to call yourself the absolute best in this sport and that’s by carrying the ten pounds of gold with the ICWA crest on it. I have that and the idea of someone trying to steal it made me enraged." David pauses. David, "Regardless my reasoning however, my actions were wrong. Tee Oh Gee�?Holden�?I’d like to extend a personal apology to you for what I did after our match and to your family for what they had to witness. You’re a good man and you didn’t deserve that. You put forth a valiant effort to become ICWA Heavyweight champion and at the very least you should have been allowed to walk out with your head up in pride for the great contest you gave me. It’s not your fault MJ Storm’s as worthless as utters on a bull." The crowd cheers that statement. David, "As for you MJ�?I know a certain "Exile" who’s got something for you." The crowd immediately erupts as Busch says, "I believe our champion’s eluding to Nevyrmorr, who’s had MJ on edge for months now." David, "I’d also like to extend an apology to Jonathan Brooks and the ICWA Board of Directors for my misconduct and failure to represent this organization in the way that it deserves to be represented. The ICWA is the greatest wrestling promotion on the planet today, bar none. As such, it deserves to be represented that way and I didn’t accomplish that with my actions at a Cinderella story." David pauses again. David, "Finally and most importantly, I owe You, -The fans of the ICWA-, A huge apology. You’ve supported me through thick and thin and you didn’t deserve to have your champion act the way I acted. With that in mind, I have every intention of making it up to you�?I plan on doing so at our next show in Greenville where, just for you, I WILL Defend my ICWA Heavyweight Championship." The crowd cheers as Busch exclaims, "Oh Boy! We’re gonna get a Heavyweight title match LIVE here in Greenville!" David, "And to add on, I’ve hand selected someone who I feel has been under looked and under appreciated for a long time�?Someone who I know each of you would love to see get a title opportunity against me�?Jonathan Brooks has approved my request and live in Greenville I will defend my ICWA Heavyweight Championship against………�?Whysper." The crowd erupts as Busch further exclaims, "DID YOU HEAR THAT PAUL?!" David nods, "Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you right here in Greenville for Van Dam Verses Whysper." Busch, "What huge news! Live here in Greenville it’s gonna be David Van Dam defending his championship against the Silent Warrior himself, Whysper! I can’t believe it! What a way to say "I’m Sorry"! Heyman, "Pfft. More like a way of giving yourself the night off." Busch, "Are you crazy? Whysper’s been on a roll lately. He’s one half of the Tag Team champions and�? Heyman, "And a hundred pounds soaking wet. Face it Busch, Van Dam just gave himself the night off and he managed to sucker all of you people into thinking he was doing you a favor when he did it." Busch, "You’re crazy Paul. He’s giving us a big money match up�? Heyman, "Really? Then answer me this�?Sure, Whysper’s been doing well, but, did Whysper win a Clash of Champions Triple Threat? Did Whysper take the champion to his limits in the start of the season? Did Whysper have a win streak that spanned from our third show back through A Cinderella Story? While I don’t think either of our tag chumps equate to much, the obvious choice for a challanger out of the two of em was Christian Michaels. But he didn’t pick Christian Michaels�?Why?" Busch, "Well I�?I don’t know." Heyman, "Because Christian Michaels might win." Busch, "I�?I just don’t believe that Paul. Michaels certainly deserves a shot but, so does Whysper and at our next event here in Greenville, he’s gonna get it�?Much the same as Kathrine Storm gets her earned shot against Faith Rivers when we return." *Commercial Break* | |
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As cameras return to the ring, Tani Lyons is seen standing in the center of the ring wearing a referee's shirt.
Greene, " The special guest referee for this Women's Championship match...Tani Lyons!"
Busch, "Angelina Santana was supposed to be out here to help with the officiating but has failed to show up, so Tani will be the sole referee for this encounter."
Heyman, "Angelina didn't show up and Tani looks like she wishes she hadn't."
Busch, "Well I'm sure Tani would rather be fighting for the Women's Championship, rather than playing the role of referee."
Heyman, "More than likely. Speaking of the Women's Championship, here comes the number one contender now..."
The lights go down, as the first beats of 'Cry for you' by September start. The intro had just finished as a person steps trough the black curtain with a serious look on her face. The fans give the person a mixed reaction but the boo's get louder as the spot falls on the persons face. Its none other than Kathrine Storm, the young talented but also evil diva making an appearance in ICWA. The female finally starts to walk down the ramp, her long blonde hair falling straight over her shoulders.
Greene, "Making her way to the ring from New York, New York...she is the number one contender for the ICWA Women's Championship...she is Kathrine Storm!"
She gives the audience and evil an arrogant grin, then sliding in the ring. Giving the announcer a strange look before jumping on the turnbuckle, letting her eyes look over the fans. While her music still plays, she is awaiting on the Women's Champion. The lights go out once again as "Faith" by Limp Bizkit begins to come out of the PA System. Faith Rivers walks out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp with the ICWA Women's Championship around her waist.
Busch, "For as ready as Kathrine looks, the Women's Champion doesn't appear the least bit intimidated."
Heyman, "Give it time."
As the chorus of the song hits, 'You Gotta Have Faith' she jumps up a little and as her feet come down on the ramp again, lights flash on the entrance ramp before her, just before Faith runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. As she gets to her feet, Faith runs into the corner and gets up on the second turnbuckle. She taunts the fans a bit before jumping down. Faith then removes the Women's Championship from her waist and holds it high before leaning back against the ropes. As her music fades, Greene's voice is heard.
Greene, "And in the ring from Miami, Florida...the ICWA Women's Champion...Faith Rivers!"
After the introduction, Greene exitted the ring and Tani took the Women's Championship from Faith, keeping it in her grasp a free moments too long causing Faith to say a few words to her. Tani gave her a look before calling for the bell.
Heyman, "If looks could kill we'd have a dead Women's Champion as we speak."
As the bell was heard, Kathrine and Faith moved to the center of the ring. The exchanged some words before Kathrine slapped Faith hard across the face. Faith brought a hand up to her face momentarily before stepping forward and shoving Kathrine hard. Kathrine stumbled a few steps to never left her feet. Kathrine then retailated with a shove of her own, which had the Women's Champion falling to her ass in the corner.
Busch, "The champion and challenger trying to one up the other as the match gets underway."
Heyman, "Looks like the challenger won this round."
Faith looked across the ring at Kathrine, who had a smug look on her face, as Faith slowly got to one knee and then her feet. Faith moved out again and the two women began to circle each other. As they stepped in toward one another, they locked up in a collar and elbow tie up. Faith put up a good effort but Kathrine easily overpowered Faith into the corner. Kathrine then delivered a few chops to Faith's chest before going to irish whip her into the opposite corner. As Faith hit the turnbuckles, Kathrine followed her in with a clothesline. As Faith stumbled forward, Kathrine ran into the ropes and came off with a Running Knee Lift. As Faith went to the mat, Kathrine made a cover. She waited for Tani to make the count, Tani was ever so slow to get down, and by the time she hit the mat for a second time, Faith was already kicking out.
Busch, "Tani up to no good! She should be moving a little faster here."
Heyman, "Says who?!"
Busch, "Says Kathrine. Apparently."
As Kathrine gets to her feet, she gets in Tani's face, and the two begin to exchange some words. With Kathrine distracted, this gave time to Faith to regroup, who came up behind Kathrine and rolled her up. Tani gave her the same slow fashion, which resulted in a two count. This time Faith exchanged words with the special guest referee.
Heyman, "Now the Women's Champion is having words with Tani."
Busch, "Both competitors can't be pleased with what's happening here."
Heyman, "But what can they do about it?!"
As Faith is confronting Tani, Kathrine comes up behind Faith and grabs her by the arm. Kathrine then spins the champion around to face her and kicks Faith in the midsection before planting her to the mat with a DDT. Kathrine stands over Faith and looks down at her motionless body, smirking, before bending down to pick up Faith. Kathrine then delivers the Spit Back before going for the cover. Again Tani isn't counting and as Kathrine looks up, Tani is checking at her nails.
Heyman, "I think she broke one."
Busch, "Well it looks like Kathrine wants to break her."
Kathrine gets up off Faith and goes over, getting right in Tani's face. After a few moments, Tani is telling Kathrine she better not touch her or she'll be disqualified. But Kathrine doesn't seem to care. Just before going to put her hands on Tani, Faith runs at Kathrine from behind. She drives Kathrine into Tani and Tani gets crushed into the corner upon contact. As Kathrine stumbles back, Faith takes Kathrine down with the Faithful. As Faith goes to make the cover, she looks over at Tani who yells "Screw this!" before tossing her arms up in the air and exitting the ring. Faith is still covering Kathrine as Tani is walking to the back.
Heyman, "What is going to happen now?"
Busch, "1...2...3...4...5...6................."
Heyman, "We need another ref out here!"
Busch, "7...8...9...10...1---"
Just then another woman wearing a ref's shirt comes running down the ramp and slides into the ring to make the count.
Busch, "Well you said you wanted to see more of her early tonight. Looks like you get your wish."
As Taylor is making the count, Kathrine kicks out at two.
Busch, "Faith should have won right there."
Heyman, "But she didn't. Too bad for her."
As both women scrambled to their feet, Kathrine ran at Faith for a clothesline, but Faith ducked underneath. When Kathrine turned back around, she was met with a spinning heel kick. As Kathrine fell to the mat, Faith went to the outside and climbed to the top. She came off with Faithfully and connected. Faith then hooked Kathrine's leg and Taylor made the three count.
Busch, "Now Faith gets the win as it should be!"
Greene, "The winner of the match and STILL ICWA Women's Champion...FAITH RIVVVVERRRRRRSSSSS!"
Heyman, "Kathrine Storm isn't going to be happy."
Busch, "Too bad for her."
Taylor got the Women's Championship and handed it to Faith before raising her arm up in victory. Fans cheered as Faith walks over to the ropes and raises the championship high, while looking up the ramp at Kathrine who was slowly retreating to the back with a glare on her face. As Faith turns back around, Taylor is there. She points to the Women's Championship and Faith walks right up to her, stopping within a few inches of her. The scene fades as the two of them stare down one another. Busch, "I think Taylor Smith may already be putting her name in the hat for contention to the ICWA Women's Championship! Whether she gets a shot or not is yet to be seen but we know exactly who's getting the next tag team title shot... It's Six and Rising Inc against Christian Michaels and Whysper in sixteen foot Steel Cage and folks........ IT'S NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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Busch, "It's that time of the night folks... Main event time. This promises to be an intense fight. The two teams that are going to be competing in that fifteen foot high steel cage do not like each other. They have had multiple battles with each other sense the ICWA's return. Let's go ringside for the introductions." [The lights dim down low as "God Gave Me Everything I Want" by Mick Jagger and Lenny Kravitz hits the public address system. The fans in attendance here at the ICWA area (the Greenville Convention center, of course) stand up and begin to boo. They know who is about to walk through the curtain, and they don't like them. The former ICWA Tag Team Champions, Six and Rising Inc push the curtains aside, wearing the wrestling tights and "Six and Rising Inc" t-shirts. The two powerhouse wrestlers look around at the crowd with sneers on their face. Greene, "On their way to the ring.. They each hail from Buffalo, New York and are the former ICWA Tag Team Champions. The team of Joe Six Pack and Big Steed Williams... SIX and RISING INCORPORATED!" [The crowd boos even louder as Six and Rising Incorporated enter the steel-cage encased ring. Their music fades out. Greene: And now making their way to the ring.....They weigh intonight at a combined weight of four-hundred and twenty pounds, they are the reigning ICWA Taag Team CHAMPIONS......."The Southern Heartthrob" Chrisssssssstian Miiiiiichaels and Whyyyyyysper!!! [ The fans come to their feet cheering as "Champion In Me" hits over the speakers. Every one of them looking towards the entrance ramp. The song really picking up before the champs finally emerge from behind the curtain. Its easy to see that things aren't weel between the champs. CM's telling Whysper something and it seems like Whysper couldn't give any less of a damn. Busch: Well the champs on the way to the ring for this huge title defense, but Paul they don't look like a tag team at this point. Heyman: I can understand why since everything with this team seems to be made about Michaels. God maybe this guy *IS* another rip-off that Patrick and I need to take care of. It'd be doing Whysper a huge favor. [ Finally CM just throws his hands up and goes to slappin hands with the fans on the way to the ring. Whysper slapps a few hands, but not many. He's busy glaring at CM and then their opponents waiting in the ring. CM and Whysper both enter the ring, moving to their assigned corner as their music fades. ICWA official Jason Harding takes the Tag Team Titles from the reigning Champions and shows them to the former ones, before raising them to the sky. Busch, "And this is what this is about for these four individuals. Championship gold. Everyone knows that if you are a professional wrestler you want to be a Champion. For a Tag Team, they want to be the Tag Team Champions. Inside that steel cage, we have two teams who want to leave with Championship gold, we have two teams who loathe each other. Tonight they finally get to settle the score. And a vicious score it will be." Heyman, "These fans in Greenville, North Carolina are getting a fantastic match. The previous contests between these two teams have been great, tonight promises to raise the stakes. I have seen many cage matches in my time in this business, and they are never pretty.. Tag team cage matches are almost always more brutal, after all, there are four men in it instead of two." [The bell sounds, officially starting the main event of Rage in a Cage. Joe and Steed are quick to approach the smaller wrestlers, the reigning Champions, and the Champions are quick to lunge at the Challengers, each Champion leaping into the air to drive their shoulders into the larger wrestlers. Steed and Joe hit the mat but are quick to get back up, where they are each met with a flurry of forearms. They stumble back towards the ropes and are shot off. Michaels and Whysper each leap into the air and deliver drop kicks, causing Joe and Steed to again hit the ground. Steed and Joe each get back up, but they are in opposite corners. Whysper goes to Steed, Michaels to Joe. The Champions each grab their respective challengers and go to whip them towards each other, Steed and Joe are able to reverse it and send Whysper and CM towards each other. Whysper and CM lock arms and do a little doe-c-doe, and are rocketed back towards the men who threw them, leaping into the air, they each deliver big flying forearms, once again knocking the challengers off their feet. Busch, "CM and Whysper are starting this match off quickly. They've got the former champions reeling with quick offense. If the match continues at this pace, it might not last long." Heyman, "Six and Rising need to find a way to slow this match down. They're the bigger, stronger individuals and they need to use that in their favor." CM pulls Joe Six Pack up to his feet and delivers a stiff European Uppercut. A second uppercut has Captain Badass back against the ropes again, where CM nails him with yet a third uppercut before whipping him across the ring into the opposite set of ropes. CM drops his upperbody down, looking for a back drop, but Joe stops short of CM and kicks him hard in the shoulder. CM's upper body snaps up, and Joe lunges forward, driving his shoulder into CM's torso, knocking him down with a shoulder tackle. Whysper has Steed back up in the corner and leaps on him like he's going for a monkey flip, but the larger wrestler doesn't budge, and Whysper just collides onto the mat. Whysper is quick to roll back up, and catches a big boot from Steed Williams, knocking him back to the ground. Joe grabs a handful of CM's hair to pull him up, driving his own head into the forehead of CM's with a big headbutt. Joe shakes his head to clear out the cobwebs. Joe pulls CM to him, lifting him up, he drops him with a big powerslam. Steed has Whysper up against the ropes, where he is unloading on him with body shot after body shot, causing Whysper to fold up some to try and protect himself. Busch, "And now Six and Rising seem to be in control. Using their sheer power and size, they're trying to wear down the reigning Tag Team Champions." Steed whips Whysper into the ropes, and ducks down like he's going for a back drop, but Whysper leap frogs over him. As soon as Whysper's feet hit the ground, he's met with a massive clothesline from Joe Six Pack. The sheer force of the clothesline causing him to do essentially a standing moonsault- but not by choice. The crowd let's out a "Holy Shit" as Joe Six Pack looks around at the crowd, slamming his forearm into his chest. Heyman, "What power displayed by Joe Six Pack. I think people often forget how strong Joe Six Pack is. He might be the second strongest man on the ICWA roster... After The One Man Militia, of course." CM is back to his feet and Steed and Joe are quick to attack, puling him to the center of the ring, they hit him with a big double suplex. They roll off of him and Steed hits the ropes, coming roaring back he jumps into the air, he brings his leg down over CM's throat and chest with a massive leg drop. Steed rolls off of Michaels as Whysper is now pulling himself back to his feet with the ropes. Joe grabs Whysper and shoots him towards Steed, who catches him and tosses him in the air, moving out from under him to let Whysper crash chest and face first into the canvas. Busch: The champs reeling here folks, it could be only a matter of tiem before Joe and Steed escape the cage and regain the tag team titles. Heyman: You wish Bert! I think that tonight Six and Rising are intent on delivering alot of pain and suffering on the current chumps. Oh I mean champs. [ Ya just know that Heyman didn't "accidentily" make that call. But right now CM nor Whysper give a damn. Whysper is on his knees, face down on the mat kicking his feet as he holds his chest. Six Pack and Steed both grab handfuls of hair and pull Whysper to his feet. They point at the cage and then send Whysper into it facefirst! The Silent Warrior bouncing off the cage onto his back. Whysper holds his face as Six Pack and Steed begin putting the boots to him. The fans are booing as Whysper is just bouncing on the mat from teh impact of the boots. But suddenly the crowd starts cheering as CM gets to his feet. Michaels see's what's going on and he just charges forward colliding with Steed and knocking him to a corner. Quickly the Heartthrob turns and catches a massive right hand from Joe. The standing champion knocked backwards into the ropes. Six Pack and Steed both deliver some big chops before whippin CM across the ring. The Heartthrob hits the ropes and rebounds off back towards the challengers. Six & Rising looking to raise CM up an over with a double back drop, but somehow the champion manages to reverse into a double ddt! The crowd is going wild as CM makes a pin on Steed. ONE...........TWO..............THR-NO! Steed fires his left shoulder up off the mat before that fatal three count. Undeterred CM rolls to a pin on Joe Six pack. ONE.............TWO...........THR-NO! Now its Six Pack shooting his shoulder off the mat. Busch: The Southern Heartthrob just inches away from winning this match and retaining the titles for his team. But you have to give it to the challengers Paul. Like them or not, and yes I know you do, they are very tough individuals. Heyman: I like that Bert. You were actually able to pull your head out of your ass and give Six and Rising Inc some due credit. I'm impressed. Busch; Yes but you make me regret it. [ Unable to secure a pinfall over either challenger, CM walks over and helps Whysper up. He tells his friend to head up to the top. And so Whysper climbs to the top rope and gets perched. CM shakes his head "No" and points higher. Whysper looks unsure and then looks to the fans for their thoughts. Naturally everyone in the crowd is with CM suggesting Whysper go up top. And dammit give that man some credit, all the stuff going on in his life and he does climb up to the top of the cage to give the fans what they want. Busch: What is....That's crazy going all the way up there! [ With Whysper now perched on the top of the cage, CM climbs up onto the top turnbuckle. The champs wait until the challengers are up to their feet. After shaking out the cobwebs both Six pack and Steed turn around. When they do CM launches Whysper from the top of the cage! The Silent Warrior angled his body in mid-air and takes out the challengers with a double crossbody block from the top of the cage oh my effin gawd! Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Heyman: I can't believ that i'm saying this, but I agree with the sentiment of these people in North Carolina! Holy shi.. Busch: Good god! I...I don't know what to say! That was....That was a SUPER version of Cm and Whysper's "Fastball Special". Heyman: Are you kidding me? These two are ripping off comic books? They're really making their case for me and Patrick to set our sights on them. [ Michaels climbs down off the top turnbuckle and goes over to check on Whysper who rolled off the champs. But the Silent One tells CM to make the pin. He does and again its only a two count. So then Whysper makes a pin and he only gets a two as well. he rolls out of the pin and to a knee. Meanwhile CM is already got Steed up and whipped him to a corner. CM follows Steed in and makes a clothesline and then gets on all fours in front of Steed. The heartthrob tells Whysper its time to put some poetry in motion. Now folks Whysper is sore from jumping off the top of a cage. But he picks himself up, runs across the ring, and leaps off CM's back into the leg lariat type deal on Steed. Big Steed hitting the mat after Whysper does an rolls away. Busch: The champs now pulling out all the stops to keep their titles... Heyman: More like stealing the Hardy Boys playbook! [ CM now has Joe Six Pack in a corner. He tells Whysper to come nail the "Poetry In Motion" on Six Pack too. But Whysper shakes his head. he's needing the ropes to hold him up. CM nods, understanding but when he turns back around he's mowed down by a HUGE clothesline! Whysper charges at Joe but he gets back dropped....right onto CM! The champs roll away on the mat and CM gets pulled to his feet by Six Pack. He now whips CM into a corner. Whysper is then whipped in as well. Joe charges in after them but CM takes Whysper by the back of the neck and tights and sends him into Six pack with a spear carrying a lil extra momentum! But as they both go down, Steed sandwiches CM's head between the cage and Steed's boot. Michaels dropping down to his knees. Big Steed takes the long haired tag champion and grinds his face into the side of the cage. The camera getting in for a good shot as blood trickles down CM's forehead. Heyman: We have blood! Busch: Do you have to sound so excited about it? Heyman: Excuse me, I owned the original ECW....Of course I do! [ Steed pulls back on CM's hair with one hand and with the other drives his fist into the freshly opened wound. Michaels body convulsing as each shot rattles hima nd causes more blood to flow from his cut. At the same time Whysper is being choked on the bottom rope. His throat across the rope as Joe Six Pack pushes his foot between Whysper's shoulders. He eventually pulls Whysper to his feet and scoops him up. Six Pack slamming Whysper into the cage and letting him slides down to the mat. Joe goes over to where Steed has been beating the blood right outta CM's head. Steed now holds the Heartthrob's arms as Joe rocks CM with hard right hand shots. Busch: Come on now! heyman: What? This is all legal in a cage match. Busch: Doesn't mean I have to like it! Heyman: Well you can do two things about it Bert, "nothing" and another helping of "nothing" [ The former champs finally seem to relent on Michaels' assault. But its only momentarily as they pick him up and launch him like a lawn dart into the cage! CM hitting and then sliding down onto the top rope. Now it seems the focus is Whysper. He too is lifted up and launched at the cage. But somehow Whysper manages to grab onto the cage like Spiderman. He then springs back towards the challengers but they catch him in position for what looks like a double chokeslam. Seemingly back from the dead CM flies into the scene and DRILLS ole Big Steed with a superkick! Busch: Oh my god! Did you see that Heyman? Big Steed....he...he Just Got Whapped! Heyman: No! This can't happen every single time....can it?! [ Steed drops like a ton of bricks and rolls to the rope. Whysper is then able to snap Joe Six Pack down with a ddt! But the burly former tag champ pops right back to his feet all kinds of peeved. But he takes a kick to the mid-section and gets nailed with a "JustLikeThat" twist of fate! Busch: The champs on their way to another successful defense! [ Whysper goes for the ropes to nail his variation of the lionsault but suddenly the lights down. Busch: What the hell?! Heyman: Did that cheapskate that runs this place forget to pay his electric bill? [ In the ring we hear what sounds like several heavy, very impactful, thuds. Finally the lights come back on and there's devastation all around the ring. Joe Six pack is still sprawled out from the JLT. But now though Whysper is in a crumpled heap by the ropes he was about to spring off of. In the center of the ring Christian Michaels is laid out on his side. The only ones still moving are Big Steed and the ref. With a look of pure shock on his face, Steed comes out of the corner he'd gotten to. He makes the pin and the ref drops down. ONE...............TWO................THREE!!! The bell sounds as we have NEW Tag Team champs! Busch: What.....What the hell just happened? Greene, "Here are Your winners and the NEW ICWA TAAAAAG TEAM CHAMPIONS�? Before he can finish the booing crowd and downed competitors are all cloaked in darkness yet again. " Fithos lusec wecos vinosec Fithos lusec wecos vinosec Fithos lusec wecos vinosec" As "Liberi Fatali" begins over the PA the Screens light up as we race downward through a tunnel of bright orange and red molten lava. It doesn’t take long before we hit the Bottom and the music dulls as a loud Whisper takes the system�?/P> "The Messiah Arrives……�?Now." Everything goes quiet. Busch, "Wha�?What’s going on?" Heyman, "I don’t know but I wish there was enough light for me to get the Hell out of dodge. This doesn’t feel good." BOOOOOOOM! We see a big explosion of fire from all four sides of the ring before the ring’s over taken with a blood red light. The smoke drifts about as the Ring/Cage begins to quiver and shake�?/P> Busch, "Oh my God�? The Ring begins to rise and fall, rise and fall�?Suddenly it rises to it’s peek level (which is only about three feet off the ground) and then slams back down onto the ground. When it does that blood light goes out and the opening chords of "Suicide Messiah" by Black Label Society begins to blast over the PA as the blood red light comes back to cloak the stage, ramp, and ring. The Plasma screens start flashing the following graphic�?/P>  Suddenly the lights come back on and when they do We see Two Men standing in the ring as everyone else (Aside from Steed who’s fine) is trying to get up�?/P> Busch, "OH MY GOD�? In the ring stands�? Shattered Soul, and………�?/P> Busch, "THAT’S MASON CAINE!" Steed turns around and damn near craps himself when he sees the six foot eight, four hundred pound monster. Steed puts his hands up to beg off but Mason instantly grabs Steed and picks him up in the Torture rack. Busch, "I Can’t believe it! That’s NovaCaine’s deranged brother Mason, and if I can call you "deranged" by comparison to Nova you’re pretty screwed up!" Mason cranks it down and then drops to his ass, essentially crushing Steed’s body over those massive Caine shoulders. Busch, "OH GOD! STEED JUST GOT THE "SHOCK THERAPY"!" Six Pack pulls himself up and turns just in time to take a kick to the gut from Shattered Soul and BAM! Implant DDT. Busch< "AND OH! SHARDS OF SOUL! GOOD GOD!" Whysper’s next to pull himself up. Whysper turns around and WHAM! Mason grabs a hand full of his throat. Busch, "NO! COME ON NOW! DON’T DO THIS�? BOOM! Big Chokeslam from Mason. Meanwhile, CM pulls himself up but, unlike the rest, he’s facing Mason and Shattered Soul. CM darts forward and drives some stiff right hands into the head of Shattered Soul drawing the first loud reaction from the stunned fans in attendance. However, those shots are short lived as Mason spins CM around and Irish Whips him across the ring. CM darts back and Mason hoists him up for a big flap jack, but then turns, grabbing him in a side waist lock, and starts to drop only for Shattered Soul to hook CM’s head from the opposite side Mason’s on and drop back providing a DDT from Shattered Soul simultaneous to the reverse side walk slam from Mason. The crowd gasps as CM twitches about and Busch exclaims, "OH MAH GOD! THEY MAY HAVE JUST BROKEN MICHAELS NECK!" "HAHAHAHA" The Opening of "Inside the Fire" by Disturbed begins playing over the PA as Mason and Shattered Soul both turn and drop to a knee bowing their heads. Busch, "Wha�?What’s going on now?" The curtain moves and from behind it�?/P>  Busch, "Who�?Who the Hell is that?" Heyman, "That’s gotta be…�?That’s Gotta be�?The Messiah!" The Messiah extends both arms and starts to raise them slowly. As he raises his arms, Mason and Shattered Soul raise up to their feet. In the ring Mason and Shattered Soul both have their long curly hair in their faces making them even more disturbed looking as they stand over the motionless bodies in the ring. On the stage the man we’re presuming to be "The Messiah" has a sinister smirk on his face as "Inside the Fire" continues playing. Busch, "I�?I can’t believe what we’ve seen! The�?The Messiah? The Messiah’s finally arrived I guess and�?Bah GOD, he’s brought one Hell of monstrous force with him! We’re out of time, We’ll be back live here in Greenville by the end of the month What the�?What the Hell’s going on around here!?" Fade�?To�?Black. | |
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Credits Main Event Steel Cage Tag Team Titles Six and Rising Inc V.S. Christian Michaels & Whysper Co-Written by: David "Van Dam" and Johnathan aka Christian Michaels Womens Title Match Special Referee: Tani Lyons Kathrine Storm V.S. Faith Rivers Written By: Chrissy AKA Faith Rivers Singles Zarek Lyle V.S. Jason Flair
Co-Written By: Justin AKA Scott Addams and Chrissy Opening Bout Eagle V.S DJ Written By: Chrissy Banner Made by: Justin Incredible thanks to everyone for their paitence. Big ups to Chrissy for really helpin out to get these pushed out. | |
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