 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 2/7/2009 10:54 PM |
ICWA: Silence Is Golden | Date:Friday, February 6th, 2009 | Live From: Greenville Convention Center - Greenville, North Carolina | Commentators: Bert Busch & Paul Heyman | Theme: "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold | Deadline: Your First RP MUST BE POSTED 24 HOURS BEFORE DEADLINE or earlier 8pm EST Expect Results Sometime Monday | Main Event ICWA Heavyweight Championship Whysper V.S. David Van Dam ((What a man is David Van Dam. He apologizes for assaulting TOG and in his view hurting the ICWA name and as a token of sincerity, decides to defend his ICWA Heavyweight Championship against one of the fans favorites in "The Silent Warrior" Whysper. This bout promises to be a five star main event�?Can Whysper unseat the longest running champion in company history or will the silent warrior become another notch in the belt of Van Dam’s title legacy? There’s only one way to find out�?) Match Six ICWA Women’s Championship Tani Lyons V.S. Faith Rivers ((Tani stormed off from her refereeing assignment at Rage in A Cage because she got caught in the action and felt that if she was going to be in the action she should have an equal opportunity to capture the ICWA Women’s championship. Brooks can see her point so here ya are Tani�?Here’s your "equal opportunity". What you do with it, however, is up to you.)) Match Five ICWA Cyber TV Title DSL V.S. Darren Hunter ((Due to international flight issues Darren Hunter wasn’t able to be with us at our last show, but that’s all worked out now and how great is it for him? Not only does he get to come back to the show, but, clearly all of his hard work hasn’t gone un-noticed as he’s getting an opportunity to become ICWA’s Cyber TV Champion. Can DSL retain or will England’s pride and joy get to wear the Cyber TV Title in the shower when he’s humming "God Save the Queen"?)) Match Four Singles Christian Michaels V.S. King Slender ((Christian Michaels has referenced WallStreet as his "best friend". As such you can imagine that all the happenings between WallStreet and Heyman have pissed Michaels off. Most of all however, was last week when Slender did Heyman’s bidding and participated in the bout to produce the segment prior to this match. Two run ins later Slender picked up the scraps and gloated like he became the heavyweight champion. With all the stress in Michaels life he begged for anybody to take it out on�?Well, Here ya go Chris.)) Advertised Segment Multi-Media Conglomerate CEO Turned Shoe Shine Boy ((The deal was simple, Heyman selects a wrestler of his choice to face WallStreet One on One. If WallStreet won he got Pat Warner in the ring but if not�?Ol�?Wally had to come here tonight and shine Paul Heyman’s shoes in front of the world. With WallStreet pride and temper combined with Heyman’s arrogance and sheer annoyance, it’s hard telling what could come of this.)) Match Three Singles Grudge Match Zarek Lyle V.S. Scott Andrew Guest Commentator: Scott Addams ((In December Scott Andrew was deported just before his match with Zarek Lyle. Now he’s managed to get all of his visa issues worked out and over a month after the fact get to finally settle the long lingering score between the two of them. However, the wild card in all of it is that Scott Addams has requested a spot at the commentary table during this bout�?His request has been approved.)) Match Two Singles Eagle V.S. Jason Flair ((Two impressive athletes who couldn’t quite make their debuts work the way they wanted. Eagle put on the work horse match of the night with Darren Jones but DJ was just one step ahead. Likewise, Jason Flair had a great showing against Zarek Lyle but the cards just didn’t get dealt his way by the time the bell rang. Now one of these great athletes has an opportunity to call a "Mulligan" (Not Blackjack Hahaha�?Ugh, None of you know who he is do you? Sigh) and get a do-over on the start of their ICWA Career�?Christian Michaels had the same opportunity after his debut this season and put together one Hell of a hot streak. Perhaps Flair or Eagle can do the same.)) Opening Bout Singles MJ Storm V.S. Darren Jones ((What a huge opener. MJ Storm fresh off a big win over one of the greatest stars in the sport today, Christian Michaels, heads into action with an equally hot new sensation in the ICWA by the name of Darren Jones. Momentum’s building for both guys, but only one can win it tonight. Will Darren Jones beat ICWA Veteran MJ Storm and start his climb to the top? Or, will MJ Storm start on a quest to make Oh-Nine his year?)) ALSO: The Messiah Officially Introduces himself, Shattered Soul, and Mason Caine! Jimmy Stryker, Drew Stevenson & Jonathan Brooks determine an adequate way to settle their on going rivalry�?Big Pat Warner, Six and Rising Inc and MORE to be in the house and hey�?Ya never know when Nevyrrmorr may finally show up. Card Subject To Change | |
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ICWA RAGE IN A CAGE JANUARY 2ND, 2009 GREENVILLE, NC Slow fade in from black�?/P> We see Christian Michaels and Whysper on the stage, The technologically muffled sound of the erupting fans faintly in the background as Michaels tries to offer words of encouragement or advice to his partner Whysper, but Whysper ignores him with a "Fuck Off" look to him. With only the faintest hint of the fans in the backdrop, we hear the commentary as clear as a bell�?/P> Busch: Well the champs on the way to the ring for this huge title defense, but Paul they don't look like a tag team at this point. Heyman: I can understand why since everything with this team seems to be made about Michaels. God maybe this guy *IS* another rip-off that Patrick and I need to take care of. It'd be doing Whysper a huge favor. Black re-consumes the screen only for a moment before we see the opening action highlight with CM and Whysper clearly ontop. Again, the crowd significantly muffled but the commentary as clear as a bell. Busch, "CM and Whysper are starting this match off quickly. They've got the former champions reeling with quick offense. If the match continues at this pace, it might not last long." Heyman, "Six and Rising need to find a way to slow this match down. They're the bigger, stronger individuals and they need to use that in their favor." Black�?But oh so briefly. CM drops his upperbody down, looking for a back drop, but Joe stops short of CM and kicks him hard in the shoulder. CM's upper body snaps up, and Joe lunges forward, driving his shoulder into CM's torso, knocking him down with a shoulder tackle. Whysper is quick to roll back up, and catches a big boot from Steed Williams, knocking him back to the ground. Busch, "And now Six and Rising seem to be in control. Using their sheer power and size, they're trying to wear down the reigning Tag Team Champions." Black�?You know�?For a sec. We see Whysper and Michaels both down as Six Pack and Steed are slowly pacing the ring, jaw jacking some of the fans, although we can’t hear them and can’t really hear the fans�?But once again the commentary’s as clear as can be. Busch: The champs reeling here folks, it could be only a matter of tiem before Joe and Steed escape the cage and regain the tag team titles. Black�?Breifly�?/P> We see Six and Rising Ready for a double back body drop on Michaels but Michaels counters with a huge Double DDT that even though the crowd’s been muffled on the audio, clearly makes them grow louder. From there we see Whysper on top of the Cage and Michaels under him on the top rope�?We see Whysper lend himself to Michaels and leap/get thrown into a big cross body on the challengers. All the following comes through loud and clear�?/P> Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! Heyman: I can't believe that I’m saying this, but I agree with the sentiment of these people in North Carolina! Holy shi.. Busch: Good god! I...I don't know what to say! That was....That was a SUPER version of Cm and Whysper's "Fastball Special". From there we flash to Michaels and Whysper doing the poetry in motion to Steed in the corner. It’s time for Six Pack to get the same but Whysper’s showing a lot of fatigue and hurt and shakes his head. CM nods in understand�?He gets up and turns�?CRAAAAACK The crowd’s still muffled but the flesh to flesh SMMMMMMMACK is loud and clear as Six Pack clotheslines Michaels damn near out of his boots. Busch, "GOOD GOD Paul�?He just decapitated the man!" We flash forward to Michaels standing trying to shake the cobwebs off in the corner when BOOM! A Big running boot from Steed drives his head into the cage. Michaels drops to his knees and we then see Steed start to scrape his face along the cage. The scene turns black and white as we see the bloody effects. Heyman: We have blood! Busch: Do you have to sound so excited about it? Black�?/P> Now it seems the focus is Whysper. He too is lifted up and launched at the cage. But somehow Whysper manages to grab onto the cage like Spiderman. He then springs back towards the challengers but they catch him in position for what looks like a double chokeslam. Seemingly back from the dead CM flies into the scene and DRILLS ole Big Steed with a superkick! Busch: Oh my god! Did you see that Hayeman? Big Steed....he...he Just Got Whapped! Heyman: No! This can't happen every single time....can it?! [ Steed drops like a ton of bricks and rolls to the rope. Whysper is then able to snap Joe Six Pack down with a ddt! But the burly former tag champ pops right back to his feet all kinds of peeved. But he takes a kick to the mid-section and gets nailed with a "JustLikeThat" twist of fate! Busch: The champs on their way to another successful defense! [ Whysper goes for the ropes to nail his variation of the lionsault but suddenly the lights down. Busch: What the hell?! We hear the high impact slams and thuds in the ring and then when the lights come on we go slow motion to view Six Pack out in the center, Whysper down and out by the ropes, and CM out right near Six Pack.. We focus on Steed’s face that looks confused, but he doesn’t bother to ask questions as he drops down atop of Michaels. As muffled as the fans have been is as turned up as the sound of the ref’s count and the slams of his hand against the mat are. ………�?.ONE ……………………TWO ……………………�?THREE We hear the sound of the bell and Bert Buschs commentary�?/P> Busch: What.....What the hell just happened? Greene, "Here are Your winners and the NEW ICWA TAAAAAG TEAM CHAMPIONS�? Now the scene goes completely black………�?. It’s more then just a moment…………�?. But not a great deal more………�?. Just…………�?more. "The Messiah Arrives…�?. Now." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "Inside The Fire" by Disturbed blasts over the PA as we see Mason and Shattered Soul standing in the ring. Much quicker then the previous clips and with only the sound of the theme song behind it we see Mason rack Steed Williams and then drop to his ass as the scene stops, turns gray, and we see an X Ray vision of Bones snapping all along Steed’s spine (obviously computer added). Next we see Shattered Soul Grab Six Pack and snap back�?Just as they land with the Shards of Soul DDT it pauses and we see an X Ray vision of Six Pack’s neck compacting itself off the impact�?We See Whysper get hoisted up with a quick rewind about three times before we see Mason complete the choke slam. Then we see Michaels darting off the ropes, sent up in the air like a 3D, And then Mason Swinging around to guide Michaels down with a reverse Side walk slam as Shattered Soul hooks the head and BOOM! DDT/Reverse Side Walk Slam. The crowd gasps as CM twitches about and Busch exclaims, "OH MAH GOD! THEY MAY HAVE JUST BROKEN MICHAELS NECK!" We then see Shattered Soul and Mason drop to a knee as we go to the man on the stage�?/P>  Busch, "Who�?Who the Hell is that?" Heyman, "That’s gotta be…�?That’s Gotta be�?The Messiah!" The Messiah extends both arms and starts to raise them slowly. As he raises his arms, Mason and Shattered Soul raise up to their feet. In the ring Mason and Shattered Soul both have their long curly hair in their faces making them even more disturbed looking as they stand over the motionless bodies in the ring. On the stage the man we’re presuming to be "The Messiah" has a sinister smirk on his face as "Inside the Fire" continues playing. Busch, "I�?I can’t believe what we’ve seen! The�?The Messiah? The Messiah’s finally arrived I guess and�?Bah GOD, he’s brought one Hell of monstrous force with him! We’re out of time, We’ll be back live here in Greenville by the end of the month What the�?What the Hell’s going on around here!?" __________________________________ HAHAHAHAHAHA "Inside the Fire" by Disturbed re-blasts over the PA as the crowd is heard booing loudly. Busch, "Welcome to ICWA’s Silence Is Golden! Bert Busch alongside Paul E. Heyman for what may be two of the most intense hours in ICWA history and I think�? The curtain moves and to a chorus of boos the Messiah steps from behind the curtain in all black suit with a blood red button up shirt and tie. Busch, �?FONT color=#ffff00> Yeah�?I reckon we’re fixin to be joined by "The Messiah" and what I can only presume are his�?Disciples ?" The Messiah gets to the part of the stage where it meets the ramp, turns, and stretches his arms out. When he does the curtains move and from behind it to even more boos steps big Mason Caine and the socially defunct Shattered Soul. The Messiah turns around and begins heading down the ramp as Mason and Soul follow in close proximity on either side of the Messiah. Busch, "Well folks, you saw it at the top of the show�?The Messiah debuted on January second and he brought with him Shattered Soul who’d seemingly dropped off the face of the earth for months and�?Perhaps most shocking of all�?Mason Caine, the misfit of the Caine family and folks�?If you can be dubbed the "Misfit" in that group then you know you’ve got some serious issues." Heyman, "Mason Caine’s one scary individual. I’ve seen what that guy can do and I’ll tell ya what Bert, He could come out to "Real American" with red and yellow spandex and a blonde-n-bald wig and you won’t ever see me bother the guy. Pin yourself up on a cross and rip off Jesus if ya want to, I’m not getting in your way." Busch, "Undoubtedly anybody who voluntarily got in Mason’s way would be looking for a way to hand in their cards and walk away from the table hosting the game we call life. However, at Rage in a Cage nobody voluntarily did anything. Mason and Shattered Soul cost Michaels and Whysper their tag team championships and then proceeded to unmercifully assault both the teams of Michaels and Whysper and Six and Rising Inc." Heyman, "Well we saw those added X Ray effects on that video a couple minutes ago�?It wouldn’t surprise me if that was a fairly accurate depiction of what actually happened to those guys. It was Extreme and it means a lot when ya get that seal from the father of Extreme in America." Busch, "I don’t agree with you often but this just happens to be one of those rare occurrences." Mason climbs up onto the ring and steps over the top rope on the right side of the ring as Shattered Soul Climbs up on the left side, steps between the ropes, and plops down in the corner. The Messiah however climbs the stairs and heads to the center of the outside canvas. Mason heads over and places his knee on the second rope as he grabs the top rope with both hands and lifts it up, making it easier for the Messiah to enter. Busch, "God�?Do you know how tight those ropes are? Those ropes are essentially thick metal cables covered with a thin layer of rubber and then tightened to such an extent that it’ll hold a heavyweight wrestler with hardly any give�?Think about that for a minute folks. Christian Michaels who’s somewhere in the ballpark of 225 pounds hops up on the top rope and it barely moves. 225 Pounds pushing down barely moves the top rope, Mason Caine presses down with that tree trunk leg of his and pulls up with those crane like arms of his and the ropes lose virtually all of their resistance�?What kind of scary strength is that folks?" The Messiah by now is at center ring with a microphone as Shattered Soul is plopped in one corner and Mason is standing like a big oak tree in the other corner. The music fades but the fans are still booing desperately. The Messiah, "Oh faithful congregation�?Allow us to introduce ourselves. I…�?am the Messiah." The fans are booing so loudly that it’s difficult for the Messiah to continue. Mason and Shattered Soul both glare out at the people, as if they’re ready to go out and fist fight with all two thousand people in attendance. The Messiah continues, "I have come to liberate you of the shackled existence you’re all living. I’ve come to be the savior of the lost souls that choose to hear my word and pledge allegiance unto it. I have come to offer fundamental change to the way that you are all living your lives. Embrace me as you would your father and I shall take you into my arms and care for you as a father should care for his child. Allow yourself to lose your inhibitions and one dimensional outlooks on life and fall into the kind of life I can provide for you." Crowd: ASSHOOOLE�?ASSHOOOLE�?ASSHOOOLE�? ASSHOOOLE�? ASSHOOLE�?/EM> Busch, "A Less than flattering anatomy chant for "The Messiah"." The Messiah continues, "Forgive them�?They know not what they do." Busch, "……�? Heyman, "He’s gotta point, they are pretty ignorant." The Messiah, "BUT�?Soon you will all understand what following me provides�?You’ll see it first hand as you watch The Brethren who follow my word achieve things they never dreamed imaginable. They’ll do things never done before because they’ve vested their faith into me and the higher power that I represent. (motions toward Mason and Soul) These Lost Souls have become Brethren of the New Faith and as they follow my word to the letter they will rip through the faithless of the ICWA just as they ripped through your precious Whysper and Christian Michaels upon their arrival." The fans boos heat up as the Messiah grins a devilish grin. The Messiah, "Look�?We didn’t discriminate. The Brethren sacrificed Six and Rising Inc as well. Why? Because it makes no difference to us who’s on the chopping block as long as said chopping block is never empty. Our path will be paved in the broken bodies of those who refuse to embrace our way or worse, attempt to stand in our way. Consider what happened at Rage in the Cage a message�?I hope it’s been received loud and clear." With that the Messiah motions to Mason and Shattered Soul that it’s time to roll�?Shattered Soul pulls himself up to his feet as Mason heads for the ropes to reopen em for the Messiah, but they all end up stopping in their tracks as "Champion In Me" by Three Doors Down blasts over the PA and CM’s Video begins to play on the Plasma screens. The crowd instantly erupts as Busch declares, "Uh Oh Paul, I reckon that business is fixin ta pick up!" The curtain flies to the side and sure enough, there he is. Busch, "Christian Michaels is in the building and folks�?He sure don’t look happy." Shattered Soul and Mason stand at the ropes on either side of the Messiah, ready to go as the Messiah stands in the middle of the two, a look of interest on his face. The music fades as the fans are still going wild. Messiah, "How kind of you to�? Christian abruptly cuts him off, "Stuff a cross in it needle dick!" Busch, "WHOA!" Crowd: CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! Michaels isn’t in his usual fun mood�?Then again, I guess lately this abrupt frustration and anger is his usual mood. CM, "I don’t give a good holy crap about any of the mindless dribble you just forced these people to sit through, NOR do I care to hear anymore of it. What I *do* care about however, is that my waist is as naked as Adam and Eve, Pre-Apple theft. So, I’m going to give you about five seconds to explain to me just why in the Hell Mr. I Need A Hug and Giant Gon-retard felt the need to interject themselves into my tag team title match and cost Whysper and I our belts before I come down there and put my foot so far up your blasphemy preachin ass that you have to get industrial strength dental floss to get the leather and lace out of your teeth!" The crowd is eating up every word as Busch exclaims, "Holy Toledo! Michaels is all kinds of fired up tonight!" Heyman, "Too bad he’s not just "fired"." The Messiah raises an eyebrow, "We justify our actions to no mortal. We answer to a higher power�?However�?It is worth mentioning that the Brethren never laid a hand on you till after you fumbled your tag title match." Michaels, "You pulled the lights, you attacked us in the middle of our match!" Messiah, "Rest well assured feeble one�?When The Brethren attack, they don’t need to do it in the dark. They single handedly destroyed all four of you with the lights on and the cameras rolling�?There’s nothing to hide about the power that their new faith brings�? Michaels, "Yeaah�?Time’s up." Michaels starts heading down the ramp as the crowd erupts. Heyman, "Has he lost his freakin mind?!" Busch, "Michaels has never been the guy to stop and look at the odds but�?Come on Christian, think about this�? "Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers" by Motorhead suddenly hit’s the PA as Michaels has just arrived to the floor. Busch, "What on earth�? The Six and Rising Inc video plays on the plasmas as from behind the curtain now arrives, Joe Six Pack. Six Pack has the ICWA Tag Team title strapped around his waist but somehow doesn’t seem much happier then CM. The music fades as the Messiah says, "Joe�?You’ve come to give yourself to the Faith?" Six Pack, "Ah stuff a sock in it needle dick!" The crowd cheers as the Messiah puts his tongue in his cheek, showing a little aggravation. Six Pack, "Me and Hick McGee don’t agree on much, but, one thing we do have in common is that neither of us got any use for you and your lil Cult of No Personality. Now I don’t give a damn who put Michaels and Whysper out in the dark because the way I see it, any which way ya slice it Six and Rising Inc was leaving Rage in a Cage as the ICWA Tag Team champions. It was our night. If it hadn’t of happened like it did, what would of happened is that lil light skinned Bob Marley would have done his flippity floppity off the second rope, I’d of put my boot up and knocked his teeth clear back to the weed farms of Jamaica, and then my man Steed and I would have shown Christian Michaels exactly why we are the baddest men in professional wrestling today, period." The crowd boos as Michaels raises a skeptic eyebrow. Six Pack, "So CM, you can stop your whining anytime because any way ya look at it the end result would have been the same�?Us champions, You losers. Messiah, thank your higher power for me, because finally the planets are back in alignment and all is right with the world again. " Busch, "If Joe Six Pack believes he’d be wearing that tag team gold right now without whatever assist he received during that brief black out at Rage in a Cage, he’s more delusional then I thought." Six Pack, "Where my problem arises, is that you may notice a certain somebody isn’t by my side right now. My man Big Steed Williams is at home putting the final stages of recuperation in on a back injury he received at "The Brethren‘s" hands. I got no issues with you wantin to toss the hillbilly and his lucha-lover all over the place, but, when you put my best friend on the shelf I tend to return the favor. Ordinarily I’d tell ya not to take this ass whoopin personally but son, it’s damn personal." Now Six Pack starts heading down the ramp and for the first time in a long time, the crowd is actually cheering for the burly brawler. As Six Pack starts down the ramp CM shrugs and actually looks like he may say screw it and go in there with Six Pack and put the work on the men in the ring. Busch, "Paul�?I think�?I think we’re fixin to see the fight of the century!" Heyman, "Look, I’m a big fan of Joe Six Pack but if he’s drinking the same dumb-dumb water as CM right now! These two are gonna get killed!" | |
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Suddenly "Rocky Top", the theme for Tennessee University (and more importantly, Jonathan Brooks) hit’s the PA. Busch, "Oh boy, now it looks like ICWA President Jonathan Brooks is gonna get involved in the mix." Heyman, "Now I’ll pay good money if Jonathan Brooks decides he’s gonna go fight Mason Caine and Shattered Soul." Busch, "Of course I’m sure that payment will come way of an I.O.U with an open ended expiration date." Heyman, "Well yeah, that’s the only way I make payments." Busch, "I’ve heard. Now Brooks is on the stage, Six Pack’s half way down the ramp, Michaels is on the floor getting more annoyed by the minute, and The Disciples and the Messiah are still standing by the rope staring at everybody. Brooks, "Let me first say that I assure you "Messiah", I won’t start this off by addressing the apparent similarities these gentlemen feel your genital has with a needle." Crowd: NEED-LE-DICK! NEED-LE-DICK! NEED-LE-DICK! NEED-LE-DICK! NEED-LE-DICK! NEED-LE-DICK�? Busch, "I wonder if you can get thrown off regional television?" Heyman, "I wonder if it’s possible to go from a globally recognized mega power to being on regional TV…�?Oh, Right�? Brooks, "With that in mind, it would seem that while Mr. Michaels and Mr. Six Pack haven’t been able to agree on anything else since their arrivals to the ICWA, they both are in agreement that they’d like to get their hands on you and your "Brethren"�?By the way, Nice to see I get to continue my longstanding warm and fuzzy relationship with the Caine family here in the ICWA�? There may have been some sarcasm attached there but it was stated pretty dryly. Brooks, "Never the less, I believe that Six Pack and Michaels both have legitimate gripes and both deserve an opportunity to handle those gripes. Likewise, I believe that the people deserve the opportunity to see the huge contest that can come of it�?Which is why�? "Sllllllllllllllllender Bennnnnnnnnnnnder" "King of My World" by Saliva abruptly cuts Brooks off as confusion sweeps everybody’s face�?Well�?Except CM’s, he’s still pretty much stuck on annoyed�?Easy Michaels, Momma says you keep making that face it’ll get stuck that way. Busch, "What in the Hell�? The curtain moves yet again and now it’s King Slender with a suit, tie, microphone, and a look that’s difficult to describe but offers us an unexplained desire to punch him in the face and not stop until he’s dead. The music fades as Slender says, "Don’t worry Johnny Appleseed, I’ve got it from here. Heh-hmm�?So, tonight what’s going to happen is that Christian Michaels will take on both of the Messiah’s disciple’s in a handicap match! Oh�?And umm�?Joe Six Pack�?Erm�?You can watch?" The fans boo as Busch inquires, "Since when does King Slender book matches around here?" Heyman, "Since now apparently." Brooks, "I’m sorry, I think you’re lost. Your action figure league is located in the lockeroom near the locker that says "Slender"." Busch, "No current action figures have been made yet, however, you can still order all of your 2002 through 2007 ICWA Action figures at ICWA-dot-com. Click on our "Shop Now" button on the top of the screen. Lots of great figures including David Van Dam, Jimmy Stryker, DSL, WallStreet, and four or five different variations of Drew Stevenson. Check it out, ICWA-Dot-com." Heyman, "Well done Don West�?Maybe after the next break you can pull out a collection of steak knives and baseball cards and we’ll throw a one eight hundred number up on the screen for ya." Slender, "I’ll have you know that in my last match�?I beat WallStreet!" The fans boo that statement as Brooks seems puzzled. Heyman, "Well that’s true Bert, he did beat WallStreet�?Heh-heh." Busch, "Don’t even start�? Brooks, "I’ll concede that a Lights Out RKO from James and a Juggernaut Slam from Patrick Warner later, you did in fact pin WallStreet�?However, I fail to see how that explains why you’re out here trying to book matches�? Slender, "I beat the guy who created the ICWA�?That obviously means that I should now have possession of the ICWA. I mean, if he’d of been heavyweight champion he’d of probably had to defend his title right? So as the owner of the ICWA, he should have to defend his stake in the company. He lost, I now run the ICWA. It only makes sense. Now, go grab me a cola, I’ve got a long night ahead of me. You haven’t been doing a very good job, I’ve gotta resituate the whole run of this company. Now, Next on my list of things to address�?I will be facing David Van Dam tonight for the heavyweight title�?Whysper can go do Library commercials or something. Oha nd I think we’ll do a blind fold one hand tied behind your back if your names David Van Dam match�?And�? Brooks, "Good bye Slender." Slender, "We’ll also�?Wait�?Huh?" Brooks, "A.) WallStreet signed over his executive powers to me so even if your ludicrous scenario was accurate, he wouldn’t have any authorative power to defend. Secondly, you should join the Messiah because you’re spoutin as much nonsensical dribble as he is. Now, Let me finish this and you go do whatever it is that you do." Slender, "�?Hmm�?Well is the Michaels/Brethren match at least going to stick?" Brooks contemplates�?/P> Brooks shakes his head, "No, I think I have a better idea for Christian Michaels�?I think he’ll have a singles match tonight." The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Oh boy�?It’s always big news when we find out we’ve got Christian Michaels in action." Heyman, "The only news I wanta hear in regards to Christian Michaels would be located in the obituary section of the paper." Slender smiles, "Against Big Pat Warner!? Mason Caine?!" Brooks, "Against You." Slender, "HA! Yes! You’s gonna�?Wait�?Who’s You?" Brooks points at Slender and Slender’s eyes get wide�?/P> Slender, "AGAINST ME?! Whoa! Wait! AH-GOD! MY�?Erm�?My Toe! My Toe! It’s broken! I can’t wrestle doc! Gee�?Sorry�?Anyway, Gotta run�? Brooks, "Well don’t run far because the match is official and it’s gonna be up in just a little while." Slender, "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I’LL PROTEST!" Brooks, "Well ya can’t protest without a good picket sign." Slender, "Hmm�?Good point. I’m gonna go make a picket sign�?But THEN, I’m gonna protest!" Slender storms off stage and back to the back as Busch chuckles, "Well�?That was different. On the flipside, Christian Michaels is gonna be in action here tonight and that’s always good." Heyman, "Sure, if by "always" you mean "never"." Michaels, "HEY! HEY BROOKS! You think maybe, JUST MAYBE you can do your job, restore some order, and get back to telling me when and how I get to go beat the Golly Green Retard and the Emo Warrior?" The crowd cheers as Busch nods and continues, "Certainly�?In two weeks right here at the Greenville Convention Center I’m going to give You -Christian Michaels-, Joe Six Pack, and the rest of the world what they want�?In two weeks in that very ring You will see the most resilient athlete perhaps ever to step between the ropes in Christian Michaels side by side with who may by then be the new ICWA Heavyweight Champion, The Silent Warrior Whysper, in one corner. In another the fiercest brawlers around today and the ICWA Tag Team champions, Six and Rising Inc�?And in the third corner the newest force in the ICWA, Mason Caine and Shattered Soul!" The crowd cheers as Busch concedes, "That’s about as big as it gets�? Brooks, "And�?This will be the very last time we see Six and Rising Inc against Christian Michaels and Whysper, That’s my guarantee�?So, In the interest of fairness to the former tag team champions, This match will be for the ICWA Tag Team Championships!" The crowd erupts as Busch proclaims, "I stand corrected! Bah God Paul, can ya believe that?!" Heyman, "I’m not gonna lie to ya, that’s pretty freakin big!" Brooks, "So gentlemen, save it for next week and find yourselves to the back tonight." "Rocky Top" restrikes as he steps to the side of the curtain and motions toward it, waiting for the superstars to find their way to the back. Six Pack is glaring hard at the ring, Michaels is pointing up talking trash, and the Messiah is simply grinning from ear to ear with either hand on either shoulder of "The Brethren". Busch, "A lot of news�?Later tonight Christian Michaels goes one on one with King Slender, but, in two weeks it’s the tag team match of the century as Michaels and Whysper, Six and Rising Inc, and the Brethren of the Messiah head into an unholy war with the ICWA Tag Team championships on the line. Folks, Big doesn’t begin to describe what we’re lookin�?at. All of this and we’ve just opened the show! There’s a whole lot more when we come back!" *Commercial Break* | |
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With that the storm warning sirens begin blasting over the PA as red flashing lights are seen on the stage�?/FONT> Greene, "The Following Contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a Ten minute time limit." As "Riding The Storm Out" by REO Speedwagon continues to blast over the PA, the curtain moves to give way to one of our least favored performers�?/FONT> Greene, "Introducing first, from Madison Wisconsin�?He weighs in at 247 pounds�?He is EM�?JAY�?STOOOOOORM!" MJ glares at the audience as he trots down the ramp. He hopes up on the ring apron on one knee, and while sneering at the audience, rolls into the ring. MJ Storm climbs to the turnbuckle, posing amidst the boos filling the arena. The lights dim down to a scarlet tone as the drum beat to the song comes in through the P.A. System. After a few seconds, the piano player on the left side of the stage starts playing the melody for "Amazing" as Kanye's voice starts to sing the first verse. After a few seconds, Darren steps from behind the entrance and comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. With each step of his somber strut to the ring, his confidence builds as he listens to Kanye say repeat the phrase "I'm Amazing" "So Amazing" "So Amazing."
Greene,"Making his way down the aisle from Nashville, Tennessee....Darren Jones!" Bert Busch, "Ladies and Gentleman, this is Darren Jones's second matchup as he looks to go two for two."
With his gaze focused on the ring, Darren jumps up onto the ring side and stands there for a few seconds absorbing the message from the song. Darren finally enters between the ropes and waits for his music to die down as he jumps up and down while looking across the ring at MJ Storm.
The bell rings and MJ is quick to take the offensive. He circles Jones, feigning a lunge towards him. Jones stays on his toes, ready to dodge. The two circle each other a few more times, then meet in the center and lockup. As Jones goes for the tieup, MJ kicks him in the gut and slams a forearm on Darren's back. MJ charges towards the ropes and comes flying back.
Busch, "MJ off the rebound..."
MJ goes for a dropkick to the face of his doubled over opponent, but Jones drops to his stomach to avoid it. Both fighters get back to their feet and MJ snaps Darren's head back with a European uppercut. Jones stumbles back and MJ darts at him, throwing himself in the air and bringing Jones down with a tornado DDT!
Busch, "Good instincts by MJ Storm as he capitalizes on Darren Jones." Heyman, "Give him more credit, Busch. He knows how to hurt you as hard and as fast as he possibly can in any given situation." Busch, "Looking at the dazed Darren Jones, I can't argue."
MJ begins drilling Darren Jones with repeated elbow drops, stopping to pose before each one. Storm goes through the ropes, standing on the apron. He leaps in the air, bouncing off the top rope and coming in with a huge body splash on Jones. Darren puts his knees up at the last second and MJ crashes into them.
Darren staggers to his feet and lays a few kicks into Storm's sternum. The crowd begins to get behind Darren as he stomps MJ into the mat. He picks MJ Storm up and goes for a DDT. MJ tries to fight out, reversing Darren into a northern lights suplex. As Darren flips over MJ, he manages to catch Storm in school boy. 1- 2- kickout by Storm.
MJ hobbles back to his feet just in time to get knocked back down with a roundhouse kick. MJ gets up even quicker this time and MJ gets drilled with another kick.
Busch, "Darren Jones is making a nice comeback and has all the momentum in the match now."
MJ gets hit with another roundhouse kick and is barely able to stand. Darren Jones shoots him off the ropes, but MJ reverses and sends Darren to the ropes. MJ bends over for a back body drop, but Darren Jones smashes his knee right into Storm's face. Jones bounces off the ropes as Storm staggers back to the opposite ropes and bounces back to the center of the ring. Jones charges at him with full force but Storm catches him with a bossman slam.
Heyman, "Game! MJ Storm!"
MJ rolls on top of Darren Jones for the win. 1- 2- 3!
Busch, "The rookie Darren Jones put forth an honest effort but in the end the crafty vet was just too much to handle." Greene, "Here is Your winner... EM JAY STOOOOORM!" Despite having his hand raised, MJ doesn't seem too pleased. He yanks his arm away from the official and reaches between the ropes demanding a microphone. Busch, "It looks like MJ's got somethin on his mind." MJ Storm, "This is BULLSH*T! I Beat Christian Michaels at Rage in a Cage and what’s that get me?! An opening match against some Lil Wayne in training?! I deserve better! But ya know what? The one thing I’ve learned in the ICWA is that if you want what you deserve, you’ve gotta take it. Well that’s fine�?I’ll by the end of the night, I’ll make sure to get started on doing just that�?And NEVYRMORR�? The crowd erupts at the mere mention of Nevyrmorr’s name, which of course draws more of a scowl from MJ Storm. Busch, "A lot of Nevyrmorr fans in the house." MJ Storm, "�?FONT color=#cc0000> NEVYRMORR�?You saw what I did to Christian Michaels at Rage In A Cage! Let that be a message! I don’t know where you are or how you’ve been doing your little attention stunts over the last few months, but, it stops now. DO YOU HEAR ME?! IT STOPS RIGHT NOW! You’re dealing with Em�?Jay�?STORM! I Will do things to you that’ll make the way you are now seem like the ideal picture of sanity. So, when I start taking what I deserve, you mind your business and stay out of my way!" MJ throws the mic to the side as "Riding Out The Storm" by REO Speedwagon blasts over the PA. Busch, "Some strong words from MJ Storm�?What do ya think he means when he says he’s gonna "start taking" what he quote-unquote "Deserves"?" Heyman, "I don’t know but he said he’s gonna start before the night’s over so I’m sure we’ll find out. Maybe he’s gonna bring out an extra shoe brush for McCallister later tonight HAHAHA." Busch, "Sigh. Well, later tonight WallStreet shines Paul Heyman’s shoes�? Heyman, "You damn right her does! Get ready Bert, You’re gonna have high definition quality when you see your three chins staring back at you on my shoes!" Busch, "You cutting fat jokes makes about as much sense as Slender’s claim at being ICWA’s new figure head." Heyman, "I thought he had a pretty logical argument actually." Busch, "You would." *Commercial Break* | |
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When the cameras return we find Whysper sitting in a steal chair lacing his boots as the crowd erupts. Busch, "There he is folks, the number one contender to the ICWA Heavyweight Championship." In the background we hear a door open and close. Whysper offers a glance but goes right back to lacing up his boot. Into the scene to a massive cheer from the fans steps Christian Michaels. CM, "Man�?Did you see all of that earlier?" Whysper musters a very "I Don’t care-ish", "Yeah." CM shakes his head, "Slender’s out of his freaking mind. You know what? After all that crap with WallStreet at Rage in a Cage, I can’t wait to Whap his teeth down his throat. But what about the Messiah?! Talkin�?about "We didn’t attack you during your match�? Horse crap!" Whysper ties his right boot and starts lacing up his left boot, never bothering to look up at CM as he mumbles, "Yeah." CM Looks at Whysper a little confused. CM, "Hey�?When the lights went out during our match�?What’d you get hit with?" Whysper shrugs, "I don’t know, it was dark." CM, "Well yeah, but even with it being dark I know I got DDTed. I mean I could feel it. That’s why I’m so sure it was Mason and Shattered Soul. Shattered Soul loves that DDT. What’d you get hit with? Mason’s Shock Treatment? Chokeslam? Did Soul get us both?" Whysper looks up with a glare in his eyes as he with slow sarcasm, "I�?Don’t…�?Knnnnnow." Whysper goes back to lacing his boot as Michaels get’s an offended "WTF" look. Michaels, "What’s your problem dude?" Whysper keeps his focus on his boots as he says, "I don’t have a problem." Michaels, "You think maybe it wasn’t the Brethren?" Whysper sighs and shakes his head as he ties off his left boot. Michaels, "Well?" Whysper jumps up out of his chair, "I DON’T FRICKIN KNOW! How Many times do I have to tell you?!" Michaels takes a deep breath before he says, "I get that you’ve got a lot going on, but, If you get in my face like that again……�? Michaels is clenching his fist, the fans are a buzz�?/P> Michaels, "Ya know what, forget it. Good luck in *my* title match." CM turns around and walks away as Whysper glares at the back of his head. The scene fades from the glaring Whysper to Sean Greene in the ring. Busch, "Oh Man�?Things are really starting to break down between Whysper and Christian Michaels." Heyman, "That’s what happens when you have an egomaniac like Michaels in a team situation." Busch, "It’s not a matter of ego Paul�?I just think all of the stresses in Whysper’s personal life are starting to pile up and when ya combine that with all of the professional frustrations Michaels is enduring�?Well it creates two men with short tempers. Hopefully they can work this thing out between now and that huge triple threat tag team match in two weeks." Greene, "The Following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a Ten Minute Time Limit! Already in the ring from Miami Florida... EAGLE!" Eagle raises an arm as the crowd cheers. Busch, "Eagle a new comer to the ICWA. A month ago he made his debut against Darren Jones and was quite impressive despite not quite aquiring the victory. Perhaps tonight will show him better luck." With that "Cocky" by Kid Rock begins to blast over the PA. Greene, "And his opponent..." The curtain moves and from behind it steps the largest of the Flair children. Greene, "Making his way from Paradox Colorado, JAAAAAAAASON FLAIR!" Flair starts down the ramp as Heyman says, "Paradox Colorado... That's a long ways from Charolette." Busch, "People move." Heyman, "Yeah, that's what it is." Busch, "What are you implicating?" Heyman, "That he's as much Flair's kid as Bubba Ray and D'Von are brothers." Busch, "Wait... Are you trying to tell me that Bubba Ray and D'Von aren't really brothers?" Heyman, "......" The match kicks off as the referee calls for the bell and Eagle charges at Flair like a bat or eagle out of hell, throwing punches and forearms that seem to be at least causing Flair to stagger back. Eagle takes a few steps and charges in for a big clothesline but Flair takes him down first with one of his own. Eagle bounces off the mat, and rolls to the opposite side of the ring while Flair just stands in the other corner with a big grin on his face. Eagle gets up with a scowl on his face but taunts Flair to bring it to him. Flair comes out charging at Eagle and before he gets there, Eagle moves out of the way but Flair is able to get his hands up on the turnbuckle, stopping his momentum and keeping him from suffering any real damage. Eagle gets behind him though and pulls him down with an Orton-esque backbreaker. This does take Flair down and Eagle starts to stomp away on Jason before the referee pulls him back. Eagle picks up Flair and hooks him into and executes a nice Russian Leg Sweep. Eagle then gets back up and sets Flair up to suplex him but Flair blocks it and instead snaps off a nice Snap Suplex of his own. Busch: "And a nice counter by Flair." Heyman: "That’s why you don’t try to suplex a man twice your size." Busch: "Well, Eagle isn’t a small man, Paul." Heyman: "So? Flair is bigger, therefore trying to suplex him is a bad idea, stupid redneck." Meanwhile back in the ring, Jason has gotten back up and waits for Eagle to get up which he does but then Jason hits him with another clothesline which takes Eagle down but Eagle gets back up a little quicker this time and Jason takes him down with a Big Boot. Eagle hits the mat hard and Jason picks him up and flings him over his shoulder. He then runs forward, performing a well executed Running Powerslam. Jason takes his time, taunting the crowd, saying this match is over. He slowly struts over to Eagle and picks the man up and sets him up on his shoulders. However, before he can hit the move Eagle slides out the back. Jason turns around and Eagle catches him with a Jawbreaker and he quickly keeps the advantage by kicking Jason in the gut and giving him the suplex he missed earlier which he connects with beautifully as a big thud is heard when Jason hits the mat. Busch: "And Eagle hits a big suplex on Flair, what were you saying earlier about suplexing a man twice your size?" Heyman: "Different situation, this time he had stunned Flair, thus allowing him to get the momentum to perform a suplex." Busch: "You just don’t want to admit you were wrong, Paul." Heyman: "I’m never wrong." Eagle got up, a little sore but none worse for the wear and he picked up Jason and kicked him hard in the stomach again before scooping him up and slamming Jason right in front of the turnbuckle. He smiles as he goes up to the turnbuckle, climbing onto it. He taunts the crowd before attempting his Eagle Watch but at the last moment, Jason rolls out of the way and Eagle crashes and burns as the crowd gasps. It gets to a count of seven before Jason is up and Eagle isn’t too far behind but Jason comes at Eagle and takes him down with another Clothesline and Eagle hits the mat but bounces right back up and Jason hits a big punch right to Eagle’s face and Eagle dropped down a knee. This allowed Jason to take a few steps back and run at Eagle, hitting him with a running knee to the temple. Eagle went down in a heap much to the delight of Jason. Jason picks up the limp Eagle and performs the Flair Fling. It went so far back that it caused Eagle’s head and neck to hit the turnbuckle in a weird way. Jason just smirks and before the referee can check on Eagle, Jason puts him on his shoulders and performs the F5 on Eagle. He makes the cover as the referee counts, 1…�?2…�?3! Busch: "And it looks like Flair is back on the winning track but what about Eagle? He looks seriously hurt." Heyman: "Guess it's time to put Eagles back on the endangered species list... Ha!" Busch: "Well you may wanta add Scott Andrew to that list as well because when we come back he has to finally pay the piper and go one on one with Zarek Lyle." Heyman, "And we're gonna be joined by Scott Addams during the process... This could be fun. I hope he doesn't like you... It's always more fun when we have guests that don't like you." Busch sighs, "Well I guess we'll find out when we come back." *Commercial Break* | |
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"Pride, Honor, Glory, Stardom - it all defines me... Greatness Incarnate" The arena goes black and the opening riff and drums to "Divided" by Silent Civilian hits. A dely on Scott's arrival occurs as 24 seconds into the song, the opening scream hits and then cuts up to around a minute in when the lyrics come nto play. The heavy scream speaks out loudly and the boos begin to run rampant through the arena. I'm not the one you'll deceive/choose what I want to perceive You lack the will and control/ your church is destined to fall Force those to bow and accept/ imposing fear to repent Divide a nation of one/ ignore the damage you've done
Free minds destroyed, they kneel Trapped in the lies, you sell
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell
Prey on the hearts of the week/give them something to believe Undo their liberal state/ revoke the right to debate Your lies of deliverance/ scare tactics gain their consent Abortion of the free mind/ create the sheep get in line The lights quickly flash with a red and white combination as the arena is black as the lights pulsate to the drum beat of the song, and with a big flash the lights are instantly back on and smoke is filling up at the entrance as Scott emerges from the smoke. His arms are in the air as he turns around in a circle taunting as streaming sparks explode to his sides from the two bases set up just for his entrance, just executing his ever-growing cockiness as he's showered in the sparks. Busch, " Welcome back folks... As we head into this singles contest we're going to be joined by the self proclaimed "Greatness Incarnate" Scott Addams at the commentary table." Heyman, "I'm reaaaaally hoping he doesn't like you." Busch, "Well frankly Paul, I don't much give a damn if he or anybody else likes me. It's not my job to make friends, it's my job to call the action and do so as unbiasedly as I can." Heyman, "Ha!" Scott makes his way walking down to the ring throwing profanities and hand gestures to the fans as he reaches the edge of the ring and the solo of the song hits. Scott walks around the ring and heads over to the commentary table as Scott Andrews music starts to cut Addams off. Greene: The following contest is cheduled for one fall.......
The lights dimmer down and little paper maple leafs float above the arena. He then grabs the Canadian flag from a backstage crew and upon the stage he then goes. He then waves the flag for everyone while pyros are being exploded behind him. Busch, " Months ago Scott Andrew interjected himself in a Cyber TV title contest between Zarek Lyle and Scott Addams attacking Zarek and costing him his championship. I think he was hoping that he could claim a shot at Addams if he had a hand in getting him the title, however, Addams lost the belt at the very next show to DSL and that plan was official marked off as "foiled"." Heyman, "And he'd of gotten away with it too if it hadn't of been for those pesky kids!" Busch, "Something like that. In any event, now Karma's finally finding it's way back around as Andrews has to go one on one with Zarek Lyle." He then makes his way down to the ring , he spits at the fans down at ringside and in the aisle. We hear the headset being fiddled with and it isn't long before we hear Heyman say, " Welcome to our humble abode Mister Addams." Addams, "Thanks Paul. Always a pleasure for the ICWA Crowd to hear the greatness that radiates from my vocal cords every time I speak, I'm sure." Heyman, "Haha! I'm inclined to agree sir." He proceeds to the ring and jumps over the top rope . He then continues to bad mouth the fans and waves the flag some more. He then proceeds to take off his jacket and gets ready for his match. Greene: In the ring, from Toronto, Canada... weighing two hundred and twenty pounds...The Canadian Dream...SCOOTTTT ANDREEWS!!! Busch: Scott Addams was scheduled to have this match a while back but was deported... That was certainly an interesting turn of events. Addams laughs, "Ha, yeah... That was fun." Busch, "I'm sorry?" Addams, "Getting Andrews deported." Busch, "You were responsible for getting Scott Andrew deported?" Addams, "Yeah." Busch, "Why on earth would you do that?" Addams, "My Playstation was broken." Busch, "......." Addams, "What? I don't like to be bored and if I can cure boredom and torture this putts at the same time then I rack it up to having my cake and eatin the crap out of it too." The lights suddenly go dark without any sense of warning as "Ex's and Oh's" by Atreyu begins to play over the pa system. A single figure comes out from behind the black velvet curatin. As the lights slowly raise, you see Zarek Lyle walking down the ramp. Busch, " And here comes the former ICWA Cyber TV Champion, Zarek Lyle." Addams, "Let's not forget who put the "former" in front of Cyber TV Champion for ol' Zarek." Busch, "Oh I haven't, and I'm sure he hasn't either. Which leads me to ask what exactly was your deal at Rage in a Cage when you came down and applauded Zarek after his bout with Jason Flair?" Addams, "I was applauding a victor on his victory. What of it?" As he walks down, he taunts the crowd, getting their screams up to a point of his liking. He hops onto the apron and flips over the top rope. Zarek goes to a corner, jumping to the second turnbuckle, to get the crowd roaring. He hops off the turnbuckle, and jogs around the ring a bit. Resting his hands upon his knees in a crouching position, he awaits the ring of the bell... Greene: In the ring from Crete, Greece weighing two hundred and twenty five pounds....ZAREEEEEEK LYLE!!!!!!! Sean Greene clears the ring as Jason Harding is there signalling for the bell to start this match. Busch: Here we go, were about to see two great ICWA stars in the ring. What more could you ask for. Addams: This is gonna be entertaining for sure. Busch, "So who does a Scott Addams route for in a match like this? Your story with Zarek is long and well documented and certainly there's no love loss between you and Scott Andrew..." Addams, "If I was a betting man -And I tend to be- I'd put my cash on Zarek. Aside from me he might just be the best around... Certainly in the top tier for sure." Busch, "Am I hearing you right... *You're* complimenting Zarek Lyle?" Addams, "Look, he's no Scott Addams, but, who is? Nobody. He's as good a second choice as you're gonna find, which, is why I intend on making him my tag team partner." Busch, "WHA-WHA-WHAT?!" Zarek and Scott are now underway as the bell has sounded, as Zarek is seen wrenching the arm behind the back of Scott, who is showing some pain on his face. Zarek continues his assault on the arm until Scott turns and reverses the hold and locks up the arm of Zarek. Zarek now shaking his head, as he switch back behind Scott and lifts him into the air and drops him into a beautiful german suplex. Scott is seen holding the back of his head as he looks up at Zarek who smirks a bit. Zarek then backs up a bit and allows Scott to get back to his feet. Scott then gets to his feet, as he slaps the taste from the mouth of Zarek Lyle. Zarek's expression dosen't seem to change, as he just socks Scott in the jaw with a hard right hand, then whipping him into the ropes. Scott is seen rebounding off the ropes, as Zarek steps up onto the knee of Scott and delivers one hell of an ensiguri to the back of his head. Busch: Zarek scores big with an Enziguri... Now wait, Did I hear you right? You're going to try and recruit your long time nemisis Zarek Lyle as your tag team partner?" Addams, "Correct." Zarek, then picks up Scott from the mat, and pushes him into the corner, and delivers a hard knife edge chop to his chest. then whips him across the ring. Zarek then comes a flying into him,grabbing Scott's neck and dropping it over the top rope, while he goes to the floor on the outside. Zarek smiles, as he slides himself back into the ring, where he is admired by all of the fans via ringside. Zarek then picks up the fallen Scott, but Scott then rakes Zarek in the eyes giving himself some more time to recoup from the shots he has taken already. Zarek now coming to a bitas Scott is seen grabbing him in a head lock position, and sending shots to the face of Zarek Lyle. Zarek then backs off a bit, wondering how Scott could have come back, but Scott is right there staring down Zarek, who is tired of this renewed offense, and slugs Scott right in the side of the temple. Scott is seen rocking a bit from the shot, but manages to fall face first (aka Ric Flair stlye) to the mat, as Zarek, now stomps on his head and back a few times. Busch: What on earth leads you to believe that Zarek Lyle's going to want to team with you after all you've done? And while we're at it, why on earth would you pick the guy you've rivaled more than any other?" Addams, "Because I know he's competent and I know the tag division would be as good as ours. He'll say yes because he knows the same things." Finally Zarek is seen climbing to the top rope, as Scott is getting to his feet. As Scott turns around off the ropes comes Zarek trying for a hurricanrana, but it is reversed by Scott into a huge powerbomb. Scott then hooks the leg for the cover. Jason: 1....2...kickout by Zarek!! Busch, " Two and a kick out by Zarek Lyle... So what's your deal then? You're gonna purpose tagship to the man you brutally attacked and put on the shelf after his bout tonight against Andrew?" Addams, "Yep. You keep making all this personal stuff seem unpassable but you forget that this is a business and we're all business men. I'm not advising we become best friends and go drink some beers and watch the game together, I'm just purposing we go into business together and bring ourselves unmeasurable success." Scott then picks up Zarek, locking up their legs and his arm around his head, dropping Zarek backwards for side russian leg sweep. Scott not finished yet, as he picks up Zarek, and places him over his shoulders into a crucifix position. Zarek trying to fight out of this predicament, but Scott is seen dropping him down into a samoan drop. Scott the lays his arm over Zarek, and hooks one of the legs... Jason: 1......2....kickout by Zarek!! Scott then tries for another pinfall not wanting to give up... Jason: 1.....2....kickout by Zarek again!! Scott frustrated a bit, gets back on his feet, and pulls Zarek to his by his hair. Jason is there warning him to let go of the hair, but Scott continues to hold onto it yanking Zarek around... Jason: 1........2.....3......4......Scott releases the hair....... Zarek then turns looking over at Scott, who is just being dominant at the time, as a right hand comes crashing to the face of Zarek. Scott is seen grabbing the hair one more time, as Zarek sends a knee to the midsection, trying to get out of the predicament, but Scott is right there to drag him down to the mat by a handful of his hair instead. Jason Harding seen warning Scott again to quit with the hair or he is gone. Scott smirks, as he then pushes Zarek back a few feet. Zarek this time make a rush for Scott sending him down with a huge clothesline. Zarek, then stops a moment, and arenaline rushes his body, Zarek takes off and nails Scott with a huge pele kick sending Scott to the mat. Busch: Your tag partner canadate Zarek attempting to mount a comeback here..." Addams, "Not much keeps him down." Busch, "Let's say he says yes and you do become a tag team... In two weeks the tag team titles are on the line in ahuge three way dance with Michaels and Whysper, Six and Rising Inc, and The Brethren... You don't seriously believe you guys would just run over the tag team division do you?" Addams, "Of course I do." Zarek then grabs Scott by the hair, dragging him from the mat to his feet. Zarek then slap him around a few times. as he then nails Scott with a huge hammerlock DDT. Zarek still not thrilled with what he has done so far, picks up the fallen Scott, and snaps him down to the mat, and then bounces off the ropes and nails a perfect front faced dropkick to the head of Scott Andrews. Scott the holds his face and he falls onto his back in the middle of the ring. Zarek then sets Scott up on the ropes throat first, as he charges across the ring. On the way back Zarek jumps up, but Scott moves out of the way, as the balls of Zarek crash into the rope, as Zarek immediatly grabs for them, and falls to his knees. Scott trying to wipe the shock off his face, as he then sends a huge kick to the side of Zarek's head. Zarek somehow fights back with a fist to the midsection. A poke into the eyes is delivered to Zarek. Scott sets up Zarek. Whipping him into the ropes, after a couple of ducking moves, they both connect with a huge double clothesline sending both to the mat. Jason Harding is seen over them counting...... Busch: Both men down on the mat... So you mean to tell me you're gonna "run over" Mason Caine? Addams, "If he gets in our way then yeah, we'll run him and his emo buddy down." Busch, "I think Caine and Soul might have something to say about that." Addams, "Good, let em say it... In the ring." Busch, "That's a big challange from a guy who doesn't even know if he has a tag team partner yet." Addams, "Oh I know. Zarek's not stupid enough to say no." Jason: 1............2...............3................4..............5.............6 Scott is seen now to one knee, as Zarek is still down. 7......8........9.......Zarek is seen leaping to his feet, with yet another shot of adrenaline, as he is seen now taking it to Scott with rights and lefts and kicks as well. Scott not stopping a bit, as he begins throwing them right back at Zarek, who seems to not be budging much from all the shots. Scott then shoots himself into the ropes, upon his rebound...Zarek is there with a kick to the midsection, and then nailing the Sweet Misery....and now making the cover. Jason: 1.....2....3!!! DING DING DING!!!! Greene: Here is your winner.....ZAREK LYLE!!!!!!!! "Exs and Ohs" begins blasting over the PA as Addams says, " Well fellas, that's my cue." As Harding raises Zarek's hand and Andrews rolls out t o the floor we see Scott Addams slide into the ring with a mic in hand. Zarek immediatly gets ready for a fight but Addams raises his free hand and says, "Whoa! Relax!" The music cuts out as Addams says, " Impressive... Look Zarek, You and I have destroyed each other all over the map. Now, as fun as that is, and rest well assured that kicking the crap out of you is as much fun as I can have without Tani and Chocolate Syrup involved... We work twice as well as a unit. We tried it once before and it was great..." Zarek, " Oh yeah, fantastic... You wrapped me with a chair." Addams rolls his eyes, " Oh for God sakes, let it go man. Stuff happens. That's besides the point. The point is that we've watched Christian Michaels, Whysper, and Six and Rising Inc roll around for the tag belts since the ICWA's return... None of those guys are in our leauge. Now there's Frankenstien and Slit Wrists or whatever his name is but we're way better then those guys. Right now you and I are at the back of the line in the Cyber TV division and Brooks has his head way too far up his own ass to give us world title opportunities like we deserve, so, why not take the tag division and make it our bitch?" Zarek, " You're out of your..." Before he can finish Andrews wraps him across the back with his Canadian flag pole. Busch, " Gah! Andrew came out of no where and blindsided Zarek Lyle..." The fans start to boo but Addams quickly drives the boot into Andrews gut making him hunch over. Addams then nails Andrews with a hard right making him snap back upright and toss his flag pole to the side. Addams hits a few more shots backing Andrews up to the ropes as Zarek's shaking off the pole shot. Addams whips Andrew across the ring and as he does Zarek drops down making the Canuk jump over him on his way to the opposite set of ropes. Andrew bounces off the far ropes and comes back but as he does Zarek leaps up, wraps his legs around Andrews head and snaps back looking for a frankenstiener but as Scott flips into the air Addams catches his higher leg/lower waist area and drops turning the move into a double team Frankenstiener/Sitout Powerbomb. Busch, " Bah God! What a move!" The crowd erupts As Addams rolls out and "Divided" by Silent Civilian begins blasting over the PA again. Zarek gets up and raises an eyebrow toward Addams. Scott Addams points back and forth between himself and Zarek and then makes the title taunt around his waist as he starts heading backwards up the ramp. Busch, " Well I may not understand it but I've gotta concede that if they did team up it'd be one Hell of a team..." Zarek watches Addams head backwards up the ramp and then at the downed Scott Andrew. He shakes his head and hops out of the ring himself. Busch, " I don't know... Well folks, when we come back... Sigh..." Heyman, "Don't sigh! When we come back Taylor McCallister, Fortune 500 company owner, ICWA Founder, Wrestling Legend and the biggest rip off on the planet get's to shine my shoes!" Busch sighs again, "Yeah... What he said. We'll be back." *Commercial break* | |
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When the cameras return we find ourselves backstage where King Slender is walking around with a clip board in hand. He sees a stage hand and quickly asks, "Hey! Hey you! How about signing my petition?" The stage hand shakes his head and walks away as Slender glares. Slender continues on his walk as a livid Scott Andrew makes his way into the back. Andrew grabs a table with a bowel of Ice and Bottled water and flips it over. Andrew, "DAMN IT!" He starts kicking stomping at the underside of the table. Slender approaches, "Hey pissed off wrestler guy�? Andrew snaps around, "WHAT?!" Slender, "Easy pal. What’s your problem?" Andrew, "I just got beat to crap by those moose brained Yankees!" Slender, "Isn’t Zarek from like Mount Olympia or someplace?" Andrew, "Well if he is I wish he’d of fallen off and made a loud and difficult to clean SPLLLLLLLLAT!" Slender nods, "Fair enough. Anyway, I’m trying to get signitures on my petition to have Jonathan Brooks impeached as ICWA President. How about doing me a favor and signing?" Andrew, "Hmm…�?I’ll tell ya what, I’ll do you a favor if you do me a favor." Slender raises a curious eyebrow. Andrew, "I want Addams and Lyle but I know better then to go into a handicap situation�?In two weeks you come out and team with me against the both of em!" Slender, "Whoooooa. You’re out of your mind! They’ll kill us!" Andrew, "Ah come on. They’re all talk." Slender, "But they just killed you." Andrew glares, "Look, I have a plan this time! Now do ya want my damn signature or not?!" Slender sighs, "Alright, but this better be a damn good plan and it better have nothing to do with Mooses or Molsons." Andrew rolls his eyes and signs the clip board. Andrew, "It’s Moose." Slender, "But I meant more then one�? Andrew, "Right�?It’s still Moose." Slender shakes his head, "You silly Canadians." Slender walks off as Andrew rolls his eyes. With that we switch to the center of the ring where Paul Heyman has the mic in hand as his One Man Militia (Who’s trimmed back up to his Luther Reigns look for TV) is standing behind him. Sitting on the canvas is a chair and an old wooden shoe shine kit. Heyman, "Greenville North Carolina, I’d like to say it’s a pleasure to be here, but I try to save my lying for court rooms and charities. However, despite being in the depths of southern Hell, It truly is a sheer delight to be here tonight�?Because tonight, Your precious Taylor McCallister (crowd cheers)�?Gets to clean and shine my shoes. Hey camera putts, take a look down at my shoes." The camera directs itself to Paul E’s black dress shoes, however, said shoes are muddy and dull looking. Heyman, "On my way to the Greenville Convention Center, big Pat and I ended up getting lost on some back road and before we knew it we were at a farm. Everytime we come across a farm Pat gets it in his mind that he’s going to find some livestock to wrestle. He’s Juggernaut slammed hogs, pile drivin goats, and perhaps most impressively he once DDT’d a wild Bull with such force that it was left vertical in the ground being held up in the air by it’s own horns. That’s a true story folks." You can virtually hear Busch’s eyes roll as he chimes in, "I reckon that Bull left a little defecation all over that story.." Heyman, "However, tonight we’re on a strict schedule so I had to chase him down and in doing so I ran through pig feces, cow patties, and goat urine all alike. At first I was going to look for a hose to wash it all off, but then�?Well then I thought about it and well�?Who needs a hose? I’ve got WallStreet!" The fans boo as the camera zooms in at some of the shit (literally) on Heyman’s shoes. Busch, "That’s a bit much." Heyman, "So let’s not delay the party. I’m looking forward to looking in my shoe and combing my hair." Busch, "What hair?" "Huuh!" "Hunt You Down" by Saliva begins blasting over the PA as Wally’s video begins playing on the Plasma Screens to a huge eruption. "I am the master of this game And everybody knows my name And I will gladly make you see That you should not have messed with me
But you have thrown the gauntlet down Only one who wears the crown So I will gladly hunt you down And I'm gonna stomp you into the ground" As we pick up into the next portion of the song WallStreet powers forward, a look of clear aggravation and annoyance on his face. Busch, "The Corporate Icon does not look pleased and who can blame him? This whole thing is simply absurd." The lyrics continue as WallStreet heads down the ramp, ignoring the fans attempting to touch him
And you know it's true I'm just better than you See the fear that's in your eyes I'll make you realize
Well oh yeah, here we go again Looks like we're on the floor again Hell yeah, here we go again Cause I can't get away
I'll fight forever I won't surrender And I will always HUUUUUUUNT YOOOOOOU DOWWWWWWN!" The crowd is going wild as WallStreet rounds the corner, heading up the stairs. He grabs the top rope, walks all the way to the other end of the outside canvas, then comes back to the middle, throws his leg over the middle rope and enters between the ropes. Instead of the usual playing to the crowd however, he immediately powers across the ring and comes face to face with Patrick Warner. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Oh Boy! WallStreet and Warner are chest to chest, face to face, and neither man’s giving an inch!" The music fades as Heyman says, "WHOA! WHOA! This is NOT what you’re out here for! You back up McCallister! You back up right now!" WallStreet reaches out and grabs a fist full of Paul’s shirt and yanks him right into the fold. The crowd is eating it up. Heyman, "WHOA! Now you listen to me McCallister, if you lay a hand on me I’ll sue you and I’ll see your new lightning rod on top of the company Jonathan Brooks! Unsafe Working Environment, Assault, Attempted�? WallStreet, "Let me make something clear to YOU Paul�? The crowd is on their feet beggin for WallStreet to drive Paul’s face through the back of his head, however, WallStreet’s eyes haven’t moved from Warner’s eyes despite having Heyman by the shirt. WallStreet, "I’ve taken as much crap from this oversized ape of yours as I’m going to. I made a deal and that deal said if I lost at Rage in a Cage, I’d shine your shoes. I’m a man of my word, But, I Won’t be slammed by this buffoon again without repercussion. If he touches me before this is all said and done Paul�?You mark my words�?You’ll BOTH live to regret it." WallStreet shifts his glare from Warner’s eyes to Paul’s eyes, and then finally releases Heyman and backs up a step. Busch, "I smell the feces on Heyman but I’m not so sure it has anything to do with what he stepped in. I think WallStreet may have just scared the you know what out of him." Heyman starts brushing out his suit as he says, "And so speaks the shoe shine boy." WallStreet shoots him a "test me" look, but Heyman just smirks as he starts to sit down in the chair. Heyman, "Alright Wally-world, Get down and shine my shoes! I wanta see my reflection as clear as day when you’re done!" WallStreet takes a deep breath, shaking his head�?But he slowly drops down to a knee much to the fans dismay. Busch, "Imagine if you will that you’re the founding father and chairperson of a fortune five hundred company�?You’ve main evented on every majorly populated continent, had your name in lights and been recognized as one of the all time greats in your field for years�?And now you’re forced to get on your hands and knees and shine a man’s shoes in the middle of a ring that *YOU* purchased and *YOU* Made famous…�?This must be one of the hardest things that Taylor McCallister has ever�?ever had to do."
WallStreet grabs a brush from the shoe shine kit and shakes his head again before he finally starts brushing the mud and goop off of Heyman’s shoe, making Heyman grin from ear to ear and the capacity crowd boo even louder. Busch, "Man, it hurts to watch this. Knowing Taylor the way I do and knowing the pride and integrity of the man�?I know they made a deal and I have a tremendous amount of respect for the character of McCallister that makes him come down here and live up to his end of the bargain but�?this just seems�?well it seems wrong." WallStreet’s facial expressions lead us to believe he’s trying not to throw up from the smell of the stuff he’s scrapping off of Heyman’s shoes. Heyman withdraws a rag from his pocket and says, "Hey, When you’re done scrapping the pig crap from my shoe, shine em up with this�? WallStreet looks up just in time for Heyman to throw the rag right in his face. WallStreet’s hand draws up and yanks the rag from his face revealing a "I Will Murder You" look, but Heyman just continues to grin like a grown virgin with his package against the jet in the YMCA Hot tub. Busch, "Paul may wanta watch what he’s doing. WallStreet’s a man of his word, but he’s also a man who can only be pushed so far before he pushes back and I promise ya folks, if he pushes back Paul’s gonna be seeing garbage cans and steel chairs floatin around over his head like little birdies in a Sylvester and Tweetie cartoon." With all the goop off of Heyman’s shoe WallStreet reaches for a can of shoe polish. As he does Heyman nods at Warner and Warner reaches out and shoves WallStreet’s shoulder with the bottom of his shoe, making WallStreet tip over onto his ass. The crowd boos as WallStreet sits there and nods to himself�? WallStreet then darts up to his feet and those boos instantly turn to cheers as WallStreet looks straight at Warner and waves him to come and get him some. Busch, "I told ya he can only be pushed so far and Heyman’s damn sure pushin it!" Heyman, "HEY! You get back down there and finish the job you! Come on! (Snaps fingers) Back on my shoes!" WallStreet’s glare snaps over to Heyman who simply points to his shoes. WallStreet clenches and unclenches his fist, rolls his neck a little�?But finally takes a deep breath and starts to drop back down to his knees. The crowd boos yet again as Heyman practically giggles like a school girl. Busch, "Man�?I don’t think Paul has any idea how lucky he is that WallStreet’s trying to be a man of his word. I also don’t think he realizes that WallStreet’s attempting to keep himself in a non-competitive mind frame. I’ve had many a lengthy discussions with Taylor and he’s trying desperately to steer clear of getting back to the guy he once was when he was competing regularly." WallStreet grabs the polish and the rag but Heyman nods at Warner again and once more Warner pushes WallStreet over onto his ass with his boot�?WallStreet shakes his head and starts to push himself back up to his knee, yet Warner pushes him down again. Crowd: FUCK EM UP WALLSTREET, FUCK EM UP! FUCK EM UP WALLSTREET, FUCK HIM UP! FUCK HIM UP WALLSTREET, FUCK HIM UP! Busch, "I’m telling ya folks, he’s only gonna take so much of this�? WallStreet heads back up to a knee, this time left alone. He begins shinning Paul’s shoe as Heyman actually is chuckling like a school girl now�?Suddenly WallStreet drops the rag and polish, grabs the legs on the chair and jumps up, bringing the chair with him and making Heyman fly out and fall on his back. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "I TOLD YA HE’D ONLY TAKE SO MUCH!" WallStreet quickly folds the chair as Warner’s cocking back to punch him�?CRAAAAAAAACK! WallStreet drives the chair over Warner’s skull with such force that there’s about a four inch dent the same shape as Warner’s head. WallStreet pulls the chair back and Warner’s a little cloudy eyed but he’s still standing. Busch, "Bah God! How on earth is he still standin?!" Warner shakes it off and looks at WallStreet with sheer destruction in mind. WallStreet balls up his right hand and looks at it�?/P> Busch, "WallStreet hasn’t thrown a single punch in months�?Give it to him Taylor, Give it to him! He’s got the most devastating right hand in the business, BAH GOD GIVE IT TO HIM!" WallStreet shakes his head and jabs Warner in the gut with the chair. Warner hunches a little and WallStreet raises the chair up and swings around, cracking him across the back. Warner arches back as the crowd is going wild. WallStreet looks at the chair which is just demolished and tosses it to the side. WallStreet raises his right hand again, balling up his fist and looking at it as the fans go wild�?/P> Busch, "DO IT! I Know ya don’t wanta but Bah God ain’t nothing else gonna stop this man!" Heyman finally gets his barings about him and rushes over on his hands and knees and wraps his arms around WallStreet’s legs�?WallStreet looks down and in that split second destraction�?KABOOOM! Warner drills the Corporate Icon with a huge clothesline. The fans start booing as Busch shouts, "Damn It No!" WallStreet pulls himself up and turns just intime for Warner to grab him by the wrist and shoot him across the ring with a big Irish whip. WallStreet darts across, hit’s the ropes, comes rushing back and Warner hoists him up, spins and drives him down with the Juggernaut Slam (Sitout Spinebuster/Sky High). The fans boo desperately as Busch declares, "Damn it! If WallStreet would have used that right hand I promise you this would not be the scene on display! Warner and Heyman better consider themselves damn lucky that whatever internal baggage WallStreet’s carrying is preventing him from unleashing!" Heyman grabs the microphone which hand ended up by the ropes and looks at Warner, "PICK HIM UP! HIT IT AGAIN!" The crowds booing but Warner starts bending over to grab WallStreet�?Some of the crowd starts to erupt and it doesn’t take us long to find out why or long for the rest of the crowd to join in as Christian Michaels slides into the ring. Busch, "MICHAELS! MICHAELS! CHRISTIAN MICHAELS HAS ARRIVED!" Warner turns�?WHAAAAAAAAP!" CM super kicks Warner right in the jaw making the big man stagger back. Busch, "Bah God! Patrick Warner just got Whapped and he’s still standin! How the Hell does that happen?!" CM seems surprised but he’s not gonna take the time to stand in shock�?WHAAAAAAAP! He hits it again and this time Warner staggers even further back as the fans gasp that he’s STILL on his feet. Busch, "How the Hell do ya put this mammoth down?!" WHAAAAAAAP! A Third "Just Got Whapped" Super kick makes him stumble back and fall through the ropes, bouncing off the outside canvas and landing on his feet at ringside holding his jaw. The crowd erupts just at the fact that Warner’s been put out of the ring. Busch, "Never in all of my years in this sport have I ever seen anybody take three straight "Whapped" Super Kicks to the jaw and STILL be on their feet! How on earth do ya stop a man like that?!" Heyman escapes the ring with great haste as Warner tries to climb back in�?But Heyman quickly grabs him and shakes his head, insisting they just head to the back. Michaels drops to a knee by WallStreet but keeps his eyes glued on Heyman and Warner who are backing up the ramp. Busch, "Thank God Christian Michaels came to the aid of his best friend in WallStreet�?Another one of those vicious Juggernaut slams and he could have broken the man’s spine in half! WallStreet swore that Warner and Heyman would live to regret it if he got slammed by Warner again here tonight�?Folks, That ain’t no empty threat�?One way or another those two are gonna lament this day for a long, LONG time!" WallStreet starts to grab for his back, his face etched in pain as Warner and Heyman are on the stage. Michaels hops up to his feet and jumps up on the ropes facing the stage, pointing at Warner and Heyman and talking trash as Heyman keeps a hand on Warner’s chest, preventing him from going after Michaels and WallStreet. Busch, "Christian Michaels is all fired up and folks, that doesn’t bid well for King Slender�?When we come back it’s Slender and Michaels One on One!" *Commercial Break* | |
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The cameras return as we see CM pacing the ring in wait. Busch, "Welcome back. WallStreet was assisted out of the ring after that vicious attack from Heyman’s "One Man Militia" Patrick Warner but Christian Michaels, however, is still here and raring to go." "Sllllllllllennnnnnder Bennnnnnnnnnnder" "King of my World" by Saliva begins blasting over the PA as the fans begin to boo. The curtain moves and out from behind it steps King Slender�?In Slender’s hand is a big picket sign that reads "IMAPEACH BROOKS". King starts walking around raising his sign up on the stage as a one man picket circle. Busch, "At the top of the show Slender attempted to make a handicap match between The Brethren and Christian Michaels under the bases that by pinning WallStreet last week he should have the run of the ICWA�?Apparently ol�?Slender’s a little miffed that his attempt at running the ICWA turned into him heading into one on one action against Christian Michaels. However, I do have to wonder if he‘s aware that his sign reads "I‘m A Peach Brooks"." Slender starts heading down the ramp as Sean Greene begins to announce, "The Following Contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a fifteen minute time limit! On his way to the ring, hailing from Manhattan New York and weighing in at 265 Pounds�?KING�?SLLLLLLLENDER…………�?His opponent, already in the ring from Ripley Tennessee�?CHHHHHHHHHHHHRISTIAAAAAAAN MIIIIIIIICHAELSSSSSS!" Slender steps between the ropes and starts pacing the ring with the sign as his music fades. Slender, "HELL NO, BROOKS GOTTA GO! HELL NO, BROOKS GOTTA GO! HELL NO, BROOKS GOTTA GO!" Michaels seems very impatient as Slender marches the ring like a Vietnam protester. Carlton shrugs and calls for the bell, but Slender ignores it and continues to protest. Michaels shakes his head and starts walking behind the protesting Slender. Slender, "HELL NO, BROOKS GOTTA GO! HELL NO, BROOKS GOTTA GO! HELL NO�? Slender turns around and POW! Hard right hand from Michaels makes Slender toss the sign outside. Wham! Wham! Two more rights has Slender against the ropes as the crowd is going wild. Michaels grabs the King by the wrist and shoots him off with an Irish Whip across the ring. Slender bounces off the far ropes as Michaels comes to the center of the ring. Michaels ducks down at the last second and WHOOOOOOOP�?Slender goes flying up and over with a big back body drop as Michaels screams in the general direction of the fans, "PROTEST THAT!" Busch, "Michaels ships him up and over and this capacity crowd is on their feet!" Slender shoots up to his feet and darts toward Michaels, but Michaels drops back and takes Slender over with a deep arm drag. Slender comes back up and heads back for Michaels again and Michaels hits an even deeper arm drag, his hair hitting the mat before the take over. Busch, "Shades of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat with those deep arm drags�? Slender pulls himself back up again and turns around�?Bam! The King takes a boot in the royal breadbasket doubling him over. Michaels hooks the neck and the tights, hoists him up, takes a couple steps forward and let’s his feet fly into the air, taking Slender down with a Bret Hart style Vertical Suplex. Michaels floats over and hooks the far leg as Carlton drops down …………………One……………Two�?Only two as Slender kicks out. Busch, "Michaels with the suplex and a two count on that exchange." Slender sits up and as he does Michaels comes to a knee and cradles Slender’s jaw in the bend of his elbow as he hooks the chinlock. Slender reaches up and tries to pry Michaels�?arm away from his jaw but quickly realizes that’s gonna be a lost cause. Realizing he’s not gonna pry Michaels�?arm away he starts pushing himself up to a knee making Michaels come up to his feet to keep the leverage advantage. Slender pushes himself up to his feet and turns himself so that Michaels chinlock becomes a modified side headlock. Slender wraps an arm around Michaels back and grabs Michaels leg with his other hand, hoisting him up for a belly to back suplex or a high angle back drop, however, Michaels keeps going flipping backwards and landing behind Slender’s back to more cheers from the crowd. Busch, "Slender lookin for the Belly to back�?Michaels evades�? Slender turns around and BOOM! Michaels hit’s the high drop kick making Slender fly to his back. Michaels darts over, grabs Slender’s legs the same way ya would to head into a Walls of Jericho but flips over so his feet land on the mat and he’s basically back bridging over Slender’s body and holding his legs for a pinfall situation. Carlton drops down again …………………One………………Two……�?Slender kicks out again. Busch, "Michaels with a massive drop kick and a two count to follow it up." Slender starts pulling himself up as Michaels grabs the top rope by the corner and starts slamming his foot on the mat. The crowd starts to erupt as Busch says, "Uh-oh�?Michaels is getting the leg warmed up for that "Just Got Whapped" Superkick�?I reckon the Southern Heartthrob’s lookin to take this one home early." Slender pulls himself up, staggering around with his back to Michaels. Slender turns around and…�?WHAAAAAAP! Slenders eyes roll back in his head as his legs fly into the air and he lands hard on his back. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "And I do believe that may very well be all she wrote." Michaels drops down and hooks the far leg as Carlton slides into position and counts …………………One……………………Two…………Three. The bell sounds as Greene declares, "Here is your winner�?Christian MICHAELS!" "Champion In Me" by Three Doors Down begins blasting over the PA as Michaels hops up onto the ropes, points to the back, and motions for somebody to "bring it". Busch, "Michaels sending a message to somebody�?I’m not sure if it’s The Messiah and the Bretheren, Heyman and Warner, Six and Rising Inc, or perhaps even tonight’s Main Event David Van Dam and Whysper�?It’s hard telling but he’s certainly prepared to get it going." Michaels hops down and exit’s the ring as Busch says, "Well folks, when we come back Darren Hunter gets an opportunity to "get it going" as he goes one on one with The Sweet Lunatic for the ICWA Cyber TV Championship. That’s when we return!" *Commercial Break* | |
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The show comes back from commercial with the camera focused on the announce table where Bert Busch is just being joined again by the mastermind of extreme Paul Heyman, who looks visibly upset as Bert smiles at him. Busch" Welcome back Paul, how did that shoe shine go?" Paul glares at Busch" Cram it Bush league, the world just witnessed what I have been saying all along" Busch" That's funny, I thought they just witnessed Pat Warner getting his molars loosened by several kicks to the face" Heyman" I will discuss that Hillbilly with a death wish in a moment, but what I'm talking about that you missed, which doesn't surprise me considering your low I.Q. is the mighty Taylor McCallister getting man handled by my unstoppable juggernaut. Even when he tried such dirty low life tactics as assaulting Warner with a steel chair, it failed...You seen the rip-off artist get his spine nearly put through his chest by the most dominating power ever to step into a wrestling ring, and if it hadn't been for that inbred pig humper Christian Michaels, you all would have seen the death of Wallstreet." Busch" Cm is Wallstreet's closest friend and he is obviously tired of your monster attacking Wallstreet just like everyone else is." Heyman" He stuck his nose into my business, and that will be a horrible mistake for CM. It took all my power to keep Pat Warner from going on a rampage and killing that inbred punk right here tonight. I can promise you if the Brethren don't put an end to CM in two weeks, my Juggernaut shall. Let’s see how many kicks he is throwing with his legs snapped off" Before Busch has a chance to point out that Heyman and Warner better be worried about what Wallstreet has in store for them "Dream On" by Aerosmith begins to play over the sound system and Busch switches gears to the next match. Busch" It's now time for the Cyber TV title match and the impressive Darren Hunter possibly taking that next step to notoriety in ICWA" Heyman" He should be taking a step back on a plane and heading back to England with the rest of limeys" Busch" Glad to see having your night spoiled hasn't ruined your charming personality" Heyman" Of course not, I'm the consummate professional" Busch" You are something but professional wasn't the first thing to come to mind" Sean Greene's booming voice fills the air as Darren Hunter steps through the curtain. Greene" Ladies and Gentlemen, the next match of the evening is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit and is for the Cyber TV title...Coming to the ring first the challenger, he hails from Nottingham, England this is Darrennnnnnnn Hunterrrr!!!" Busch" The impressive young rookie sensation Darren Hunter ran into a snafu last month with travel arrangements but this week he in on the cusp of winning his very first championship in ICWA" Heyman" He didn't have flight issues, he had fear issues. Look at the look on that punk's face, his blue blood just turned yellow." Busch" He may look nervous right now folks but when that bell rings I can promise you that Hunter will be ready to win that title" Hunter climbs into the ring bouncing on the balls of his feet as he waits for the champion to make her entrance. "Perfect Insanity" by Disturbed replaces Aerosmith on the sound system and out from behind the curtain steps the Cyber champion. The lighting effects and purple smoke from the fog machine fill the stage as DSL stares intently at the ring and Hunter. Greene" Coming to the ring now, hailing from the NYC ...She is the reigning and defending Cyber TV champion...This is DSL...Da Sweet Lunaticcccccccc!!" Busch" Here comes the champion and if Hunter wasn't already nervous you can bet he will be now. DSL continues to show her talents at keeping that strap of gold around her waist taking on all comers...Her beauty is rivaled only by her ring skills" Heyman" If by ring skills you mean being crazy as a pet coon then you are correct Sir" Busch" Hey, that’s my line" Heyman" Actually I think it belongs in Stamford by way of Oklahoma" DSL climbs into the ring and the title is handed over to the referee who shows it to Hunter and then holds it up for all the fans to see before handing it to Greene who takes it out to the floor with him as the bell rings. DSL and Hunter slowly circle each other looking for that opening to allow them to shoot in and it is the champ who makes the first move going in for the collar and elbow tie up, Hunter quickly shows off that speed ducking behind DSL into a waist lock before dropping down with an ankle hook taking DSL off her feet and immediately going for the STF....DSL is fast to scramble out of Hunter's clutches rolling to her back and shoving Hunter off as he tries to move in her by putting both her boots into his gut and kicking him off...Quickly both competitors come to their feet with some more feeling out going on. Busch" Hunter is a shooter and brings a lot of that European mat wrestling across the pond while DSL is more of a street fighter with some well versed skills mixed in" Heyman" I didn't know they taught wrestling skills at the Wacko Shack" Busch" Well if the zoo taught your gorilla Warner how to wrestle then I guess anything is possible" Back in the ring Hunter is the one moving in to be aggressive this time and looking for that collar and elbow again but DSL has a surprise waiting for him as she shoots three stiff forearms at his jaw rocking the English Import and sending him back against the ropes. DSL sends him across the ring with an Irish Whip getting her own momentum from the ropes to meet Hunter in the middle of the ring with a cross body into a quick pin attempt. One...Two.....Hunter comes out the back door of the pin attempt rolling up onto his knees and attempting to get to his feet...
Busch" DSL should have hooked the leg "
Heyman" Those sloppy pin attempts can come back to haunt you" DSL sees that one knee up and the other down giving her the perfect set up for her Shining Wizard...She runs in for it but Hunter pops to his feet at the last second catching DSL legs and sending the back of her head thumping against the mat before quickly turning DSL over with the Boston Crab. Busch" The champ went for the Shining Wizard, a move created by Japanese sensation The Great Muta and once again fell prey to Hunter's mat wrestling putting her into the Boston Crab. She is in real trouble here but DSL doesn't quit" Heyman" The amount of pressure being put on her lower back may decide she don't need to quit if Hunter snaps her spine like cord wood" The ref asks DSL if she wants to quit and gets told to go F*** himself...Thankfully for that tape delay or ICWA would be paying some fines perhaps. DSL shows off her impressive upper body strength pushing up with her arms and slowly moving towards the ropes one hand at a time. Busch" There is a lot of fight in this very usual young lady" Heyman" She has Prozac Power" Busch" Not funny" Heyman" Then stop laughing" Just as DSL is fingertips away from the ropes Hunter lets go of the move and drops a vicious elbow right into DSL's lower back before dragging her back out into the center of the ring and hooking her up for the pin making sure to grapevine the leg in the process. One...Two...Th...DSL shoots a shoulder up. Busch" You aren't going to get the champ like that, you have to nearly kill this lady to get her shoulders to stay down for the three" Heyman" The Limey keeps working her back like that and he just might" Hunter slowly pulls DSL back up to her feet both competitors starting to show the hints of getting tired, Hunter hooks DSL into a suplex taking her up and over slamming that back hard into the mat, he pops his hips rolling over and pulling her back up as the crowd starts to count along. Busch" Hunter going to go a little Three Amigos on the champ" Heyman" That was a crappy movie" Hunter takes DSL over again as the crowd chants in unison....TWO!!!....Hunter pops those hips again taking DSL back up her feet and looking for that trifecta only this time DSL somehow manages to hook her leg around Hunter's and suddenly pull her head free hooking Hunter's head and planting his face in the mat with the DDT. Busch" Damn, did you hear that thud?" Heyman" I don't think Darren will be singing God Saved the Queen anytime soon, someone might need to sing God save the limey instead for Hunter" Both competitors lay motionless in the middle of the ring as the ref starts the standing ten count for them both. Busch" What a match we are witnessing here and we still have the Women's title match and the big daddy of them all the Heavyweight title match still to come. ICWA is back and we are getting stronger each and every week" Heyman" Can you have your little nostalgia moment later and pay attention to the match" In the ring the count has reached seven when DSL comes up to her knees and back onto her feet a little wobbly but still showing that heart of a champion that keeps you in the fight when you think you got nothing left in the tank. DSL rolls Hunter over looking for the pin and this time hooking the leg. One...Two...T...Hunter kicks out to the cheers of the Hunter fans and the boos of the DSL fans. DSL drags Hunter up to his feet by his hair whipping him into the ropes and taking him down with a flying back elbow that catches Hunter right on the chin. DSL points to the corner with a mixed reaction coming from the fans. Busch" I think the champ is signaling that it's time for some Sugary goodness" Heyman" Another move stolen from my great ECW alumni" Busch" Perhaps if you could balance a checkbook they would still be around" Heyman" Watch it Busch League, my Juggernaut is still hungry for rip-offs J.R....I mean B.B." Again DSL pulls Hunter up to his feet both competitors covered in sweat and looking a little un-steady on their feet as DSL hooks Hunter's head like she is going to give him a Stunner or maybe the Diamond cutter variation and runs towards the corner turnbuckle. Busch" Sugary Tasty Drop with last stop Hunter's head coming up" DSL runs up the ropes, spins around and drops down nailing the Sugary Tasty Drop as the crowd erupts. Busch, " Well folks I've gotta imagine that's gonna be all she wrote right here..." DSL pulls herself over Hunter hooking the near leg as the official drops down ................One................Two..............Three! Greene" Here is your winnner and STILLLLLLLLLL Champion....D...S...L...Da Sweet Lunatic!!!" Hunter slowly rolls to his knees holding his head as the frustration (and pain) are both evident on his face. Busch" Hunter has no reason to hang his head in shame tonight, he was an eyelash away from winning the title and I think very soon we will see this talented young man with gold around his waist" Heyman" Do you want to hold his hand also?...A loser is a loser, there is no second best in wrestling and he is a loser ,but around here with the likes of who owns this place I'm sure he should feel right at home" Hunter slowly retreats to the floor heading backstage pausing along the way to slap a few hands with his fans and nod at their encouraging words...In the ring DSL holds her title above her head savoring in a hard fought win. Busch" She continues to come out here night after night into a man's world and somehow manages to overcome the odds and keep on winning. A very impressive young lady is DS....What the hell!!" Out of no where we see somebody slide in and WHAM! A Big spear on DSL. The crowd instantly starts to boo as MJ Storm pulls himself up to his feet. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOIN?!" DSL grabs her ribs and rolls about as MJ reaches down and grabs the Cyber TV Championship, taking a long hard look at it. A smirk begins to form as he raises the belt into the air, drawing more boos. "Riding Out The Storm" by REO Speedwagon begins to play over the PA as Heyman responds, " It looks like he's "Taking" what he "deserves" Busch!" Busch, "What he deserves is a good swift kick in the ass! I reckon after this DSL will be more than obliged to give it to him!" Heyman, "We'll see Busch... We'll see." *Commercial Break* | |
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When the cameras return we see Jonathan Brooks standing in the middle of the ring with the microphone in hand. Brooks, " Over the course of the last couple of months we’ve had two competitors who have engaged in a bit of an in ring rivalry to try and prove who’s the best between the two of them. Unfortunately, every contest they’ve had to date has ended in a way that has left that question completely unanswered. Well, I reckon it’s finally time we get together and find a way to finish this thing once and for all. So at this time I’d like to welcome Jimmy Stryker (Crowd boos)…�? With that "Right Now" by Korn hits the PA as the crowd begins to boo. The curtain moves and from behind it steps the bigman himself.  | Busch, "Stryking Gold... Jimmy Stryker went One on One against David Van Dam for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship with special guest referee, Drew Stevenson. It was a fantastic bout that saw Jimmy Stryker a mere heartbeat away from the championship on a multitude of occasions, however, it simply was not meant to be. David Van Dam being the incredibly skilled and well rounded performer that he is showed the world exactly why he is the number one guy in all of professional wrestling... That's right folks, THEE number one guy in all of professional wrestling. No where else in the world will you find a championship that represents our sport on the same level as the ICWA Championship... It's ironic in the grand scheme of things that the major criticisim the ICWA faces from the tools on the cyber sheets is that we're more "Entertainment" and less "wrestling" when in fact this company is the number one WRESTLING company on MSN, BAR NONE. It's not even close, the margin is wider then Heyman's mouth." Heyman, "Hey! Why ya gotta bring me into this?! For once in my life I agree with you! Although I do think you're getting a little sidetracked from your point." Busch, "You're right. In any event folks, David did what David does best and that's obtain the victory in a championship fight. There's no shame in being on the downside of a David Van Dam match. However, despite facing arguably the greatest technician and submission specialist of the modern era, Stryker still feels that the main reason for his defeat at Stryking Gold was the officiating of one Drew Stevenson." By now Stryker's climbed over the top rope and into the ring. Brooks, "�? And Drew Stevenson (Crowd cheers)." "Crush Em" by Megadeath strikes over the PA as the curtain moves yet again.  | Busch, "And here comes the controversial official himself." Heyman, "What's with the belt?" Busch, "Drew Stevenson is Professional Wrestling Today champion. A title he earned not too long ago in a ladder match against "The Immortal" Seifer." Heyman, "Oh... I think it should be noted that Drew Stevenson had an ICWA Title match not too long go as well... Just to throw that out there." Busch, "Heh-hmm... In any event, I believe Drew's officiating was just fine that faithful night but, ya gotta give a lot of credit to a man who's willing to stand behind his decisions. He could have just as easily conceded that Jimmy was right and probably avoided any physical confrontation with the much larger athlete. However, True to the character that's made the man you see before, you he stuck to his guns and as a result has had to go head to head with Jimmy Stryker in three straight bouts... None of which had a definitive winner or loser." Heyman, "That's right and let me tell ya something about guys like Jimmy Stryker and Drew Stevenson... You can say what ya want to about either guy and perhaps from a moralistic standpoint they couldn't be any more different from one another, BUT... When it comes to that deep burning desire to prove they're the absolute best at what they do, they're cut from the same cloth. These are two guys who live their lifes off that rush they get when they beat someone in the center of that ring and get the opportunity to point and say "That's yet another guy I'm better than." Stryker may be a little more vocal about it than Drew is, but, I promise ya they both get high off being competitive and besting whoever's on the otherside of that ring." Busch, "Well I believe you're absolutely right and... Whut-oh!" Drew steps between the ropes and heads righta cross to the center of the ring, face to face with the bigman. Brooks, " Now I don’t suppose that either of you would like to simply concede that the other is the better competitor?" They both look at Brooks like he’s retarded. Brooks, "I didn’t think so. Well then, we’ve gotta come up with something because booking you guys one on one every show just ain’t cutting it. Do you have any suggestions?" Stryker, " I suggest you get this boy out of my face before he get's hurt." Drew, "Bring it bigman!" The crowd erupts as Brooks quickly inserts, "Whoa! Nobody's gonna bring nothin right now. (Crowd boos). Now, In terms to settling this issue between the two of you in the ring, Do you have any suggestions Mr. Stryker?" Stryker, "Matter of fact, I do. I "Suggest"... You take out the rules. In our first match I’d of beat Drew’s ass to a pulp if that zebra bastard hadn’t of disqualified me for swattin him away." Brooks, "Interesting theory. How about you Drew�?Do you have any recommendations?" Drew, " I had Jimmy pinned at Rage in Cage, but later realized the ropes prevented him from kicking out. I wanta be sure that there’s no way for any missed rope breaks�?In our second match I had Jimmy unconscious. The ref could have counted to a hundred and he wasn’t getting up, but, It took me so long to roll his big ass back in the ring that the ref counted me out. He gave him the count out win when he was the one unconscious for the ten�?that’s BS. We need to make sure that doesn’t happen again." Brooks, "Hmm�?/FONT> (Looks at Jimmy) You don’t want any rules (Jimmy Nods)�?(Looks at Drew) No chances of missed rope breaks or faulty three counts (Drew nods)�?And if someone can’t answer the ten you want them to lose�?Well, I think you two just booked your own match." Jimmy and Drew both look curiously�?/P> Brooks, "In Two Weeks, Jimmy Stryker, Drew Stevenson, One On One, and There MUST be a Winner in this………�?LAST MAN STANDING Contest!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Last Man Standing?! Bah God!" Jimmy gets a grin on his face as he nods in approval. Drew doesn’t grin, but he also nods in approval. Busch "If that don’t settle this thing I don’t reckon nothing will." As Jimmy and Drew are staring each other down we switch shot to Sean Greene standing in front of a black and green ICWA Banner with ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam. Greene, " I am standing here with ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam and David�?A little more than a month ago you defended your ICWA Championship against Tee Oh Gee in a heavyweight title match. After your submission victory in that contest you violently attacked the man and now, tonight, as your way of apologizing to the fans and the organization, You’ve put yourself in a title defense against the Silent Warrior himself, Whysper. I don’t think we’ve ever seen a more distracted, yet, more combustible Whysper�?What are your thoughts heading into this big title defense?" David, " My thoughts are simple Sean Greene�?I’m going to go into the center of that ring and do what I do better than anybody else in the world today�?Wrestle. There is nobody better at what I do then I am. I am the Michael Jordan of Pro Wrestling�?The Stephen Spielberg of Pro Wrestling�?The Stephen King of Pro Wrestling�?The Philharmonic Orchestra of Professional Wrestling�?Plain and Simply put, the best in my field. I don’t just say that to say it, I say it because fifteen pounds of International Championship Wrestling Alliance leather and gold puts it in the books as a fact�?A Fact no more disputable then H2O Being the formula for water, Concrete being hard, the sky being blue, or two and two being four. Now, what’s the point? The point is this�?You said Whysper’s never been more combustible? Well I know Whysper better than almost anybody and I’d tend to recommend that your analysis is an accurate one. However, I don’t care if you’re strapped with C4 and a lit fuse, you’re not gonna take me in a wrestling contest because I’ve busted my ass for too long to become the absolute best between those ropes. As for him being distracted? Well, I agree with you there as well but I hope for his sake that we’re both wrong. Because if he is distracted, he may never step between those ropes again. It’s nothing personal, I’m a big fan of Whysper’s, but, when you step between those ropes with this championship on the line, all bets are off. I only know how to do this one way and that’s all the way. If he’s not on task tonight then he’s making a very foolish mistake by getting between those ropes." Greene, " Very matter-of-factly put." David, " That’s because that’s what it all boils down to Greene�?A Matter of Fact." Greene nods, " One more question if I may�? Van Dam Nods. Greene, " A lot of people feel that you gave Whysper a shot that perhaps he hadn’t rightfully earned. A lot of people, including Christian Michaels himself, feel that perhaps you by passed Christian Michaels who may have seemed like a more likely contender." David, " A Lot of people need to mind their own business. Nobody asked me to come defend my championship against anybody tonight. I chose to defend the title tonight and I chose Whysper to defend it against. When Christian Michaels becomes champion then he can decide to defend his title against whoever he wants on nights that he’s not already booked against a pre-selected opponent from the front office. Had I been booked to defend against Christian, I would have. However, I’ve only been booked to do that once and as I recall, that didn’t end too well for the Southern "Heartthrob". So, I’d suggest Christian get off my sack and write me a Thank You letter for NOT selecting him as my opponent�?Because if he comes after my belt again, I may not be as kind as I was the first time�?I may just have to make a point and make our next match, his last match." With that David walks off as Greene watches him walk away with clear surprise in his eyes. Busch, "Gracious�?Talk about some big words from the Champion�? *Commercial Break* | |
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As cameras go to the ring for the Women's Championship match, "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy begins to play over the speakers there are boos heard from the crowd as Tani's video begins to play on the tron. Tani steps out onto the entrance ramp with her hands on her hips. She looks around for a second and bounces her head upward. She grins as she begins down the ramp letting her hands fall to her sides.
Greene, "This match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the ICWA Women's Championship! Making her way to the ring from Apple Valley California, the challenger, Tani Lyons!"
Busch, "Tani's looking quite confident going into this thing."
Heyman, "Why wouldn't she look confident? She knows she's going to win the Women's Championship before the night is over."
People reach out for her to slap their hands but she laughs at them stepping away. The boos get louder as she gets closer to the ring. Tani walks over towards the steel steps walking up them. She walks to the middle of the turnbuckles and swings her leg through the middle and top rope. She takes her time ducking under the ropes and getting into the ring making the crowd pop with cheers for a second. Tani then walked towards the middle of the ring she messes with her hair a little bit, flipping it and then presents herself outstretching her arms to the sides. She yells some things into the camera directed at the fans. The boos that are filling the arena as Tani is running her mouth quickly turn to cheers as "Faith" by Limp Bizkit begins to come out of the PA System. Faith Rivers walks out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp with the Women's Championship fastened around her waist.
Greene, "And her opponent, making her way to the ring from Miami, Florida, she is the ICWA Women's Champion. She is Faith Rivers!"
Heyman, "It's going to be the last time we hear her announced as champion after Tani is through with her."
Busch, "That remains to be seen!"
As the chorus of the song hits, 'You Gotta Have Faith' she jumps up a little and as her feet come down on the ramp again, lights flash on the entrance ramp before her, just before Faith runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. As she gets to her feet, Faith runs into the corner and gets up on the second turnbuckle. She taunts the fans a bit before jumping down. Faith begins to loosen up her arms before leaning back against the ropes. As her music fades, Faith undoes the championship from her waist and gives it to the referee, who holds it up.
Heyman, "Tani is eyeing that up like there's no tomorrow."
Busch, "And Faith is eyeing Tani. Tani needs to go through Faith before she can get her hands on the title."
Heyman, "Tani is going to make that look easy."
Once the ref gives the belt to the timekeeper and signals for the bell, things get underway. As Tani and Faith move into the middle of the ring, Faith goes to grab Tani, but Tani ducks underneath and goes behind the champion, grabbing her by the waist. Tani then picks up Faith and puts her to the mat with a german suplex. Tani rolls through and delivers another for good measure before releasing Faith. Faith rolled over into a corner and was slow getting up. As she was holding her neck and got to one knee, Faith looked over to see Tani smirking at her. Faith glared at Tani as she shook things off and rose to her feet. Faith stepped out and the two of them began circling each other, before going to lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Both women struggle against the other but Faith is the one overpowering Tani back into the corner. As the hold is broken, Faith goes to deliver a right hand but Tani blocks it and kicks Faith in the midsection before reversing positions. With Faith's back up against the turnbuckles, Tani nails her with a hard right hand, that has Faith's head snapping back.
Heyman, "Tani proving to the champion she means business."
Tani then delivers a few hard chops to Faith's chest before grabbing her by the arm and irish whipping her into the opposite corner. As Faith hits the turnbuckles, she stumbles out some and Tani runs at her for a clothesline, but Faith ducks underneath and runs into the ropes. When Tani turns around, Faith drives her shoulder into Tani and takes her down with a spear.
Busch, "And as quick as that things are back in the champion's favor."
Faith makes a cover but Tani kicks out just after the two. Faith is up on her feet first and grabs Tani by the legs and lifting her off the mat some before spinning her around in the River's Current. After spinning her around a few times, Faith tosses her across the ring as she let's go. Faith just lies in waiting for a dizzy Tani to stagger to her feet before kicking her in the midsection and shoves her head between her legs. Faith then hoists Tani up for the River's End but Tani escapes the hold and rolls Faith up in the process. 1..2...Faith kicks out.
Heyman, "That was a close one."
Busch, "But not close enough."
As both women scramble up to their feet, Faith comes at Tani, who buries a knee into Faith's midsection. As Faith is doubled over forward, Tani picks her up onto her shoulders and drops her into the Vanity's Curse, before making another cover while hooking the leg. 1..2..Faith gets a shoulder up just before the three.
Busch, "The champion refusing to stay down."
Heyman, "But Tani keeps inching herself closer to the Women's title."
Tani gets to her feet and goes to pull Faith off the mat, but as she bends down, Faith grabs a hold of Tani and rolls her up into a small package. 1..2..Tani kicks out this time. As both women are scrambling up to their feet, Tani comes at Faith, who ducks and backbody drops over the top rope. As Tani crashes to the floor, Faith waits for her to pull herself up by the ring apron, before launching herself over the top rope with a crossbody. Both women go crashing to the floor, Faith's head hitting the barricade in the proceess.
Busch, "Faith took a high risk maneuver and I don't know how smart that was because now both women are down and not moving."
Heyman, "C'mon Tani, GET UP!! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!!!!!!" ...............One......................Two........... Busch, "I believe Faith Rivers may have hit her head on that steel barricade with that big crossbody to the floor..." ...................Three..................Four... The two divas begin to stir as the crowd is on their feet. ..................Five.....................Six... Busch, "ICWA Official Carlton Banx at six now... What a shame it would be to see this highly competitive contest conclude with a count out on the floor." ....................Seven............. The two divas are pretty much on their feet, although they're both trying to shake the cobwebs. ...............Eight...... Tani pulls herself into the ring. .....................Nine... Faith pulls herself into the ring, thus concluding the count. Busch, "And our ladies are still in it." Tani and Faith both start to slowly push themselves up. They come up and stagger around a bit before they finally end up face to face in the center. Tani drives a hard forearm across the jaw bone of Faith. Faith gives her a recipt. Tani hits again... Faith hits again. Tani finally cocks back for a big haymaker but Faith ducks under. The momentum of the missed right hand swings Tani around and as soon as it does Pop! Pop! Pop! Three quickly delivered forearms from Faith has Lyons stumbling back to the ropes and the crowd gettin' loud. Busch, "Faith's puttin it on her..." Faith grabs Tani by the wrist and shoots her across the ring with an Irish whip. Tani hits the far ropes as Faith bounces herself off the near ropes. The two are darting for each other but when they finally meet Faith's airborn, taking Tani down in the center with a big flying forearm. The crowd erupts as Faith rolls back up and Tani feeds back up. Tani turns around and BAM! Flying back elbow. Faith's quick to her feet again but again Tani feeds right back up. Tani turns this time and darts for Faith with her arm out looking for a clothesline but Faith ducks under, hooks her from the side, locks her hands and leaps up driving Tani down with the Side Effect. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "The Champion just drove her challanger to the mat with that River Plunge!" Faith rolls over and hooks the near leg as Carlton drops down and counts ................One............Two.......... Tani kicks out to a groan from the crowd. Busch, "The Champion was a mere hiccup away from retaining her title on that exchange." Faith shakes her head and pushes herself up. Tani's starting to push herself up as Faith stalks behind her. The fans are growing loud in anticipation as Busch proclaims, "The Champion is on the prowl and she's waiting for her prey to get in postion..." Tani gets to her feet, her eyes half way back in her head as she turns around... UGH! Kick to the gut. Faith turns around and hooks the head looking for a Diamond cutter as the fans are on the cusp of erupting... Busch, "THIS COULD BE..." Tani quickly brings her arms up and spins Faith around. Faith comes around and Tani kicks her in the gut making the crowd groan again. Busch, "NO! Not on this exchange." Tani puts Faith's head between her legs and takes some deep breaths as she looks out and screams, "THIS BITCH IS DONE!" The fans boo as Tani hoists her up like a powerbomb... Busch, "Tani looking for Scott Addams Platinum Landing And..." She gets Faith up in the Powerbomb position and flips her through to go for the X Factor portion of the move but Faith continues flipping, wrapping her legs around Tani's neck before changing her course of direction in mid air and snapping back taking Tani over with a huge hurrancanrana. The crowd goes nuts as Busch exclaims, "BAH GOD WHAT A COUNTER!" Faith gets up and sees Tani getting up a couple of feet in front of her. Faith Rushes over and just as Tani makes it to her feet Faith grabs her arm and sets her up for a side Russian legsweep or Jeff Jarrett's Stroke... Busch, "She's looking for the Faithless..." Faith Pulls Tani back a little but before she can drive her foreward with her variation of The Stroke Tani spins around, rolling her chest off Faith's chest, ending up on the opposite side of Faith and quickly grabbing her and snapping back with an inverted side Russian legsweep. The crowd boos as Tani pins down the far wrist. Busch, "Tani with an innovative counter and the cover..." Carlton drops down and counts ....................One...............Two...... Faith kicks out to a huge applause. Busch, "Only two. What a competitive bout." Tani pulls herself up and shoots Carlton a death glare but Carlton reaffirms that it was only two. Tani starts yelling at Carlton, getting right in his face but behind her Faith's getting to her feet. Faith darts forward and leaps up onto Tani's back trying to hook what would be a match ending variation of the Sleeper submission hold. However, as soon as Tani feels Faith on her back she spins around... BOOM! ....... BOOM! Busch, "Uh Oh... Tani got out of that Sleeper by spinnin' Faith around and then snappin her over with the snap mare but in the process of that spin Faith's boots drilled the official right in the head knocking him down hard on the mat." Tani reaches down and yanks Faith up with two fist fulls of her beautiful blonde locks. As Tani gets her to her feet Faith throws her arms up breaking Tani's grasp on her, turns, grabs Tani by the head and drives her down with her varaition of the Diamond Cutter. Busch, "FAITHFUL!" Faith hooks the far leg as the crowd begins to count .......................One...................Two...............Three! Busch, "One! Two! Three! Come on! We need a referee down here!" On cue the curtain flies to the side and Jason Harding darts down the ramp to a big cheer from the capacity crowd. Busch, "Here comes Jason Harding!" Harding slides in and as close to in position as he can as He and the crowd both count .......................ONE..............TWO................THREE! Busch, "YES! FAITH HAS RE... WAIT... UGH! Tani Kicked out!" Indeed, only the crowd called the three, Harding stopped just before his hand hit the mat as Tani barely got the shoulder up. Busch, "The time delay of having to get a new referee may have just cost Faith huge!" Heyman, "She shouldn't have kicked the other ref then." Busch, "She didn't kick him! She had her body swung into him!" Faith gets up and looks at Harding with clear frustation, but Harding insists it's only two. Faith sees Tani trying to pull herself up so Faith grabs her by the head and helps her find her feet. Faith swings around and looks like she's gonna try and hook her a second time for the "Faithless" (Stroke) but Tani swings around and hooks Faith in a rear waist lock. Tani drives Faith forward so her chest hits the ropes, then rolls back so Faith's shoulders end up on the mat and Tani is basically squatting over her, her weight on Faith's legs. However, for added leverage Tani grabs two fist fulls of Faith's tights and falls back so her higher back is on the mat. Faith's ass is exposed by Harding was already down getting into postion... Oh and hey, Carlton's back with us and he's down to count too... ..........................ONE.....................TWO........................THREE! The crowd boos as both refs come up and call for the bell. Greene, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Here is your winner via Pinfall... And STILL ICWA WOMEN'S CHAMPION, FAAAAAAITH RIVVVVVVVERS!" The crowd erupts as Tani's eyes get huge. Harding raises Faith's arm and hands her the Women's title. Busch, "Wait... Tani's shoulders were on the mat as well during that cover and I... I guess Faith must have gotten the shoulder up! Faith's still the champion!" Heyman, "What?! This is crap!" As Harding's trying to hand Faith the belt Carlton yanks it out of his hands. Harding gets a "WTF" Look as Carlton walks over and starts conversing with Sean Greene at ringside. Greene nods a few times... Busch, "Wait... I'm not too sure what's going on here now. Harding had awarded the match to Faith however it appears that Carlton Banx has taken the Women's championship before Harding could hand it to Faith Rivers and is having a conversation with our announcer - slash - time keeper Sean Greene." Greene, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Referee Carlton Banx has declared that this bout did conclude via pinfall, HOWEVER, he has declared TANI LYONS as the winner and the NEW ICWA Women's Champion!" The crowd boos as Faith looks at Harding, the two exchanging "WTF" Looks. Carlton raises Tani's hand and is about to hand her the title but Harding yanks it away. The two officials begin arguing in the center of the ring as Faith and Tani are both getting aggravated as they watch on. Busch, "Apparently Jason Harding and Carlton Banx are having a difficult time coming to a unanomous decision on the conclusion of the ICWA Women's championship bout." For the third time tonight "Rocky Top" strikes the airwaves as the crowd grows loud. The curtain swings to the side as Jonathan Brooks steps out onto the stage. The music quickly fades as Brooks asks, "What seems to be the issue gentlemen?" Harding reaches out and is handed a microphone by Sean Greene. Harding, "No issue at all Mr. Brooks. The challanger's shoulders were on the mat for three consecutive seconds there for constatuting a pinfall and a successful title defense for the champion." The crowd erupts as Brooks nods. Brooks, "Sounds simple enough to me..." Carlton grabs the mic from Harding, "Whoa... Much the contrary, Faith's shoulders were down for the three, I know, I counted em." The crowd boos as Brooks sighs, "You're sure?" Carlton, "Positive." Busch, "For what it's worth Tani Lyons had two full fists worth of Faith Rivers tights regardless of who's shoulders were on the mat." Brooks, "Well, ordinarly the senior official would get ultimate say over this situation. However, because we only have two referee you're both of equal positioning. As a result, if the official who was originaly assigned the bout is capable of making a decision, then it's his decision to make. Harding was right to come out here in Carlton's absence, however, Carlton was alert and able to function for the final count and his decision was that the Challanger, Tani Lyons, was victorious...." The fans are already booing loudly as Brooks continues, "There for, Carlton's decision will stick." "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy begins to blast as Carlton hands Tani the belt and raises her arm. Busch, "Well that's controversial to say the very least. There's definatly going to have to be a rematch soon down the road. I hope that our Heavyweight title match doesn't conclude in a similar fashion." Heyman, "Well I guess we're about to find out." Busch, "Indeed we are because when we return it's Whysper going One on One with David Van Dam for the covited ICWA Heavyweight Championship! We'll Be Right BACK!" *Commercial Break* | |
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The cameras return focused on Sean Greene standing in the center of the ring. Greene, "The following conntest is your MAIN EVENT of the evening..." The lights in the Greenville Convention Center dim down low as the sounds of "Fire It Up" by the Black Label Society pulsates through the ICWA sound system. The crowd is on their feet, cheering as The Silent Warrior pushes through the curtain. He looks around at the sea of people that have jam-packed the Greenville Convention Center to Whysper's first shot at David Van Dam's ICWA Heavyweight Championship. The dread-locked gladiator nods to the rhythm of his music as he makes his way down the ring aisle. He's so focused right now he's ignoring the out-stretched hands of the fans who adore the youngster from Plainville, Indiana. He slides underneath the bottom rope, moving to his assigned corner. Whysper pulls on the top rope, trying to keep himself loose as his music fades out. Busch, "Whysper looks more focused than I've ever seen him. I have been following his career since he was a rookie back who started in November of 2005. He's in his fourth year as an active wrestler and has really grown as a competitor. Over these past few years, he has really broadened his wrestling ability, picking up a more physical style than when he first started." Heyman, "Although it pains me to say it, Whysper is destined for success in the wrestling business." The ICWA sound system now begins to play "World's Greatest" by R. Kelly, and the crowd that was already loud for Whysper explodes even louder for the reigning ICWA Heavyweight Championship. After the first few opening lines of the song, the curtain is pushed aside and David Van Dam steps out onto the stage. He wears the ICWA Championship around his mid-section proudly, his blue eyes staring directly ahead of him at Whysper. He power-walks down the ring aisle, also ignoring the hands that are stretched out towards him. Both he and Whysper are clearly locked in the "zone." Van Dam climbs up the steel steps, taking a few slow steps down the ring apron to wipe his feet before entering the ring. He moves to his corner as the lights return to normal and his entrance song fades out, nothing but the sounds of the cheers of the crowd for the soundtrack of what promises to be a classic contest. Busch, "David Van Dam looks equally as focused as Whysper. Van Dam is, without argument, the most prolific ICWA Heavyweight Champion in history. He's looking to add another successfull title defense tonight. He has his hands full, though. Let's go to the ring for the introductions now." Sean Greene stands in the middle of the ring, with Whysper to his left, and Van Dam to his right. Referee Jason Harding stands behind him and to the right. Greene, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a sixty-minute time limit, and is for the ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, in the corner to my left: Wrestling out of Plainville, Indiana, he weighed in this afternoon at 191 and three-fourths pounds... He is The Silent Warrior... WHYPSER!" The crowd applauds for the former ICWA United States and Tag Team Champion. Whysper steps out of the corner and raises his hands in the air, forming an X out of his arms. The Aphonic Straightedge Gladiator steps back into his corner, his eyes never leaving David Van Dam. Greene, "And his opponent... The reigning, and defending, ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... Wrestling out of Indianapolis, Indiana, he weighed in this afternoon at two hundred and forty-four pounds even. He is The Ironman. DAVID...VAN...DAM..." DVD pounds his forearm off of his chest a few times, stepping out of the corner with both arms thrown to the sky. He reaches down and undoes the ICWA Heavyweight Championship, handing it to referee Jason Harding, who shows it to Whysper before raising it to the sky. Busch, "I have never seen either of these men more focused than they are right now. Both men want to win this more than I've ever seen two men want to win a match, and I've been around a long time. For Whysper, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. He has the chance, in this match, to cement himself as one of the elite in pro wrestling. For David Van Dam, it's another chance to prove why he feels, and many others feel, that he is the best wrestler alive today." Harding hands the Title to Greene as Greene exits and heads to the time keepers table. Signalling for the bell, the main event officially starts. Van Dam and Whysper each explode out of their corners, Van Dam and Whysper meet center ring with a collar-elbow tie up. Van Dam is quick to pull his dread-locked challenger into a headlock. Whysper grabs a handful of Van Dam's singlet, pulling on it as he backs up to the ropes, Whysper shoots Van Dam off. Van Dam hits the other set of ropes, and when he comes bouncing back, he gets hit with a Ricky Steamboat style Arm Drag. Whysper and Van dam each get back to their feet, and Whysper is quick to leap up and hit a dropkick on Van Dam. Van Dam hits the mat and rolls out of the ring, shaking his head, trying to clear the cobwebs. The crowd stands up, because as Van Dam turns around, he catches a diving forearm from The Silent Warrior. Whysper lands on his feet as Van Dam stumbles backwards against the guard rail. Whysper does not waste any time as he moves towards Van Dam, nailing him with several hard forearm shots before whipping him into the ring apron. Van Dam's back collide with the apron and he lets out a groan of pleasure as Whysper comes charging towards him. DVD ducks down and moves forward, as if going to tackle Whysper, but the youngster from Plainville leaps over Van Dam and lands on the ring apron. Van Dam looks from side to side as if to say "Where'd he go", before turning around, and getting hit with a beautiful spring board moonsault. The crowd explodes as Whysper leaps up, slamming his arm off of his bare chest, looking out at the sea of people. Busch, "An early explosion of offense from the challenger. Whysper is showing in these early moments that not only is he prepared, not only did he come to win, but he's going to do whatever it takes to do so." Harding demands the match be brought back into the ring, and Whysper pulls Van Dam up, rolling him into the ring. Whysper climbs up onto the apron, holding onto the top rope, he waits until DVD has pulled himself up, before leaping onto the top rope, and springing forward, diving into Van Dam with a springboard shoulder tackle. Van Dam hits the mat as Whysper lands on his feet. Whysper quickly runs towards the ropes, leaping on the second one, he flips backwards, looking for his "Silent Scream". Van Dam gets his knees up though, and Whysper crashes gut-first across Van Dam's raised knees. Rolling away from DVD, Whysper clutches his abdomen in pain as Van Dam rolls towards the ropes. Grabbing onto the second rope, DVD pulls himself up. Whysper pushes himself up to all fours, and Van Dam charges forward. Lifting his boot up, Van Dam drives his boot into Whysper's stomach. Whysper clutches his stomach as he rolls onto his back towards the ropes. DVD moves closer to Whysper, reaching down he pulls him up. Hard European Uppercut. Whysper stumbles along the ropes, and Van Dam hits him with a second European uppercut. Whysper stumbles into the corner now, where Van Dam delivers several hard forearm shots. Busch, "Van Dam is starting to get some offense rolling." Van Dam grabs a hold of Whysper's arm and whips him across the ring into the other corner. Whysper collides back-first and DVD looks around, nodding his head to the crowd before charging towards Whysper. At the last second, Whysper moves out of the way, DVD crashes chest first into the corner, and starts to stumble backwards, where Whysper catches him with a dropkick to knock him back towards the corner. DVD manages to turn his body some so his back hits the corner. Whysper moves back and looks around at the crowd now, charging forward at Van Dam. DVD ducks his shoulder down and lifts up, causing Whysper to go over the top rope, but Whysper holds onto the top rope so he lands on the apron. DVD turns towards Whysper, driving his forearm into Whysper's face so Whysper falls off of the apron. DVD moves out of the corner, shaking his head to try and clear the cobwebs. Busch, "David Van Dam and Whysper are really going at it early on. Whysper has a lot of energy and a lot of intensity, more than I've seen of him in a long time. Whysper's back on the apron, Van Dam's caught him... Suplex back in. Van Dam doesn't let him go, he's back up. What's he looking for here? Van Dam's got him up for another suplex... He falls forward!" Heyman, "Van Dam is starting to lock in now, Bertie-boy. This is where Van Dam is most dangerous, when he can link moves together to break his opponents down." DVD rolls ontop of Whysper, who's laying on his stomach, and crouches over his back, pulling his left arm over his leg, and then his right arm, he locks his hands around Whysper's jaw, pulling back on it with a camel clutch. Van Dam rears back with it, really locking it in deep. Whysper lets out a yelp of pain as his eyes clinch tight, trying to block out the pain. Busch, "Camel Clutch from David Van Dam. I don't think I've ever seen him use a camel clutch before." Heyman, "Break his back, Van Dam! Make him humble!" Whysper manages to get his arms free, and starts to crawl towards the ropes. After what must feel like an eternity to Whysper, his right hand grabs on the bottom rope. Van Dam breaks the hold immediately and backs up. He's crouched, his hands out to his sides, his eyes staring straight at Whysper, waiting for him to stand up. Whysper slowly gets to his feet, his back towards Van Dam. Whysper takes a few steps backwards as Van Dam grabs him, lifting him up in a sidewalk slam position, DVD drops down to one knee, driving Whysper's back into his knee. Whysper cringes in pain as he grabs at his lower back. Van Dam doesn't let up, though, he presses his knee into the small of Whysper's back, his hands grabbing at Whysper's chin, he pulls back, causing Whysper's body to arch un-naturally. Whysper lets out another loud scream of discomfort as his hands reach towards the ropes. Referee Jason Harding gets down low and asks him if he wants to give it up, but Whysper screams, in a pain-filled voice, the word no as he crawls towards the ropes. He grabs the bottom rope, and again Van Dam breaks the hold. Busch, "Van Dam is being very aggressive, he's dissecting Whysper's back with expert percision. Whysper's got to be in a world of hurt." Whysper is back up, this time facing Van Dam. Van Dam moves towards him, grabbing him by the head, he pulls him out of the ropes, wrapping his arms around Whysper's back, he squeezes his grip like a python. Busch, "A big bear hug from David Van Dam, another move he does not normally use because his size doesn't really provide him the opportunity to apply it." Heyman, "That's The Rip Off Killer's Move! The Heavyweight Champion just ripped-off the Rip Off Killer!" Whysper howls in agony, his teeth clechened to try and block the pain out. He brings his arms back and slams them int o the side of Van Dam's head not once, not twice, but three times. DVD breaks the hold and stumbles backwards as Whysper grips his back. Van Dam shakes the cobwebs out and comes back towards Whysper, but Whysper leaps into the air, one foot moving to the back of DVD's head. DVD's eyes roll back in his head as he drops first to a knee, and then to the ground. Busch, "My God! Van Dam looks out of it. Whysper's going for the pin... This could be all. One. Two.. No! Van Dam kicks out. Whysper was just one second away from realizing his dream and winning the ICWA Heavyweight Championship." Whysper looks at Jason Harding with pleading eyes, holding up three fingers, but Harding shakes his head, holding up two and then motioning that Van Dam kicked out. Whysper sighs, running a hand through his dread locks as he stands up, one hand going to the small of his back. Whysper reaches down, one hand grabbing a hold of his singlet, the other staying on his back as he guides Van Dam up. Hard forearm from Whysper backs Van Dam against the ropes. Kick to the gut from Whysper doubles Van Dam over. Whysper charges towards the ropes, bouncing off he comes running towards Van Dam, he leaps up in the air, looking for a standing version of his Sound of Silence. Van Dam moves his head out of the way at the last second, but Whysper is able to get his leg under him. Van Dam grabs him around the waist, snapping his hips he hits Whysper with a German Suplex. Whysper crashes into the mat and Van Dam moves quickly to make the cover, but Whysper kicks out. Van Dam shakes his head angrily as he pulls Whysper up. He grabs Whysper and hits him with a T-Bone suplex. Another cover from Van Dam ends in just a two count. Van Dam runs a hand over his bald head as he pulls Whysper up again, this time hitting him with a head-arm suplex. Busch, "A suplex-flurry here from Van Dam. Whysper looks just about out of it. Another cover from Van Dam, will this be it? No, only a two count." Van Dam stares up at the sky, as if asking him what he has to do. He pulls Whysper up, one arm grabbing Whysper's leg he lifts him up for the Last Chance, Whysper manages to slide off of Van Dam's shoulders, his arms wrapping around Van Dam's head, he drives Van Dam down with a version of his Poetic Justice. Busch, "Poetic Justice from Whysper! He's doing his very best to keep himself alive in this contest." Whysper and Van Dam are both down, but Whysper, despite the pain in his back, manages to climb up to the top rope. Van Dam gets up, doubled over though. Whysper looks up towards the sky crosses himself before leaping off the top rope, his body in a seated position. His leg catches the back of Van Dam's neck, driving him face first into the canvas. The crowd explodes with cheers as Whysper makes the cover. Jason Harding slides into position. One...Two...Thr... Van Dam manages to kick out and the whole crowd groans as Whysper's hands move up to his head, holding it frustration. He pulls himself up and see's that Van Dam is still out of it on the canvas. Whysper looks towards the ropes, then back at Van Dam. Busch, "Whysper could be looking for the Silent Scream.. He was so close after the Sound of Silence. If he hits the Silent Scream I think that will be all she wrote. Here he goes, he's leaping towards the second rope... No! Joe Six Pack just pulled Whysper's foot off the second rope! Why Six Pack! Why?" Joe Six Pack, one half of the ICWA Tag Team Champions grabs Whysper's ankle, pulling him out of the ring. When Whysper's feet hit the ground, Six Pack backs up and lunges forward, driving his arm into the chest of Whysper for his "Pop A Top" clothesline from Hell. The crowd boo's heavily as Jason Harding calls for the bell. Harding explains to Greene what his decision his. Greene, "Wrestling fans, Jason Harding has ruled this match a disqualifaction. Therefor, your winner via disqualifaction is Whysper. However, the ICWA Title can not change hands by disqualifaction; therefore, STILL ICWA Heavyweight Champion... DAVID... VAN...DAM..." The crowd is in shock as Van Dam starts to pull himself to his feet. He stares at Joe Six Pack with a shocked look on his face, as if he's sayin "What the fuck?" Six Pack just starts backing away. Busch, "What is the meaning of this? We had a great contest on our hands! Whysper was just about to go for his Silent Scream, and folks, I firmly believe that if he had connected with it we would have a new ICWA Champion... Damn it Joe Six Pack! Damn it! Folks, I'm very sorry about what just happened, and I promise you we will get to the bottom of this. That's all the time we have tonight. For Paul Heyman, I'm Bert Busch. Have a nice night." The scene fades as Van Dam stands at the ropes looking at Six Pack (who's on the stage) in confusion as Harding's checking on Whysper on the floor. | |
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Credits ICWA Main Event ICWA Heavyweight Championship Whysper V.S. David Van Dam Written By: David "Van Dam"/Dave Anderson ICWA Women's Title Match Tani Lyons V.S. Faith Rivers Written By: Chrissy and I ICWA Cyber TV Title Match Darren Hunter V.S. Da Sweet Lunatic Written By: Andrew AKA Nova/Mason Caine Grudge Match Scott Andrew V.S. Zarek Lyle Written By: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Singles Match Eagle V.S. Jason Flair Written By: Matt AKA MJ Storm Opening Bout Darren Jones V.S. MJ Storm Written By: Jeff AKA Six & Rising Inc/King Slender/ Jeff Blanchard/ Writter of the greatest show on Youtube =D Slender's sign reading "IMAPEACH" as opposed to "IMPEACH" came from Andrew. Thanks of course to everyone who rped, and thanks for your paitence. Aside from matches I was waiting on results were postable last Tuesday, however, I've had some unexpected difficulties with my wireless. | |
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