 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 4/21/2005 11:05 AM |
ICWA Demented Live April 19th, 2005 | It’s that time again. The syndicated Nash Bridges has come to a conclusion and the credits are rolling as we hear the female narrator come over the air. "And now get ready to take to the mats with 2 hours of explosive action on ICWA Demented!" NASH BRIDGES USA Network 2 Weeks Ago  WallStreet, "See, in 2 weeks we are going to have what I have labeled a "Impress The Boss" match. And in this match will be Brock Lesnar (Crowd boos), Shawn Allen (Crowd boos), Taz (Crowd pops), Mace (Crowd erupts), And several other ICWA top names. And on that ramp will be a rather comfortable leather chair which will lay host to me very attractive ass (Crowd pops a bit). And I’m going to watch, as every 3 Minutes I will change the stipulations of the match. I will continue to do this until there are 6 People remaining in the ring. Then I am taking those 6 people and I have decided that we will have, for the first time in the ICWA An Elimination Chamber Match (Crowd pops). And the winner of the Elimination Chamber will become the ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!" JR, "BAH GAWD, THAT’S HUGE!" WallStreet, "So, two weeks from Tonight, all you guys in the back�?Be prepared to Impress The Boss!" 1 Week Ago We see Y2Jesus walking in the back. As he proceeds through the hallway he suddenly stops, and gets a less than gratified look on his face. The cameras pan out and there stands Walking Legacy Shawn Allen, along with Hardcore champion Bobby Johnson and US Title contender Shane Douglas, all of which have cocky smirks on their faces. Allen laughs only to feel a sudden hand on his throat. Allen falls back and the cameras pan back to see that Taz has come from behind and locked on the Tazmission. Jesus realizes this is the best opportunity he’s gonna have so he turns and leaps, delivering a double clothesline to Johnson and Douglas. All three men go down but Jesus is the first to get back up. Jesus reaches over and grabs a folded steal chair that’s leaning on the wall rather conveniently, and then as Johnson gets to his feet, CRACK! Right over his head. Johnson hits the floor as Douglas gets to his feet, turns, and CRACK! Right across his head. With both Douglas and Johnson down and out Taz releases an unconscious Shawn Allen and gets up, getting face to face with Jesus. Taz, "…………�?Your Welcome." With that we fade to highlights of the match between Jesus and Taz. The highlights focus primarily on the spots where Taz worked over Y2J’s already injured right knee, especially the figure four which probably did the most damage. We do however also see that very unique finishing move that Y2J used and the win. We then see Allen and Johnson looking to attack Jesus, but his large friend hoping into the ring and making quick work of the Entourage members. Other scenes that we see include DC getting the Prodigal drop after laying defeat to Ryan Michaels, Ryan Ross attacking Havoc and "helping" James, WallStreet’s interview declaring that he’d face 7 people this week with Alexis as the official, and then clips of the opening promo where Shane Douglas disrupted No Limits only to be laid out by Alexis. We then see clips from there huge match and then we fade to the Demented reel. | �?A target=_top href="http://a420.v8383d.c8383.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/420/8383/3b858b51/mtvrdstr.download.akamai.com/8512/wmp/0/3397/oocboard.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=10874&LastModified=4675709729137558421">Encore" by Eminem blast over the PA as the Dementa-Tron kicks on with the ICWA Demented Reel. As the Demented reel draws to an end we come to a huge pyrotechnics show as only the ICWA can produce.   | With that the cameras sweep the arena as JR says, "WELCOME TO ICWA DEMENTED!!! Tonight is a night of first, not only because of that huge main event, but tonight former nWs member Jamie Pierce makes his ICWA Debut against, believe it or not folks, BUD Legend, OBM!" Heyman, "He should change his name from "The Bad Man" to "The Prostitute" because he spends more time on his back than Alexis Davis, and that says a lot." JR, "That was completely uncalled for!" Heyman, "Tell that too WallStreet, who was completely betrayed by that, that, Corner pro." JR, "In any event, Jamie Pierce meets OBM, and while we’re speaking about WallStreet, in what is a first for the ICWA, he will go into a 7 on 1 Handicap match!" Heyman, "That’s right, because WallStreet is a true leader! He doesn’t just sit behind a desk somewhere, telling his talent to go through it all on the line for his gain, he’ll put himself out there! WallStreet is as close to my hero as anyone could come." JR, "You’re unbelievable�? Heyman, "What?" JR, "Anyway�?But finally�?Tonight�? The Dementa-Tron kicks on showing the promotional shot for the Main Event which sends the crowd into an uproar. JR, "In the biggest match in this company’s history, bar the ICWA Royal Rumble of course, 15 Athletes will come into the ring, all at the same time, in the first ever, ICWA Impress The Boss Match!" Heyman, "This match is a result of the ingenious mind of our Chairman, Mr. McCallister. Mr. McCallister will sit right on the ramp, watching this match, and every 3 minutes he will change the stipulations�?Picture it, one minute you’re fighting in a no disqualifications match, you swing back, and the stipulations switch up to a standard wrestling match, BAM! Your disqualified!" JR, "And it looks like a laddermatch may be a stipulation possibility as you see that briefcase hanging over the ring." Heyman, "This match is gonna be insane!" JR, "It’s a guaranteed slobber knocker�?But let’s not hesitate any longer, let’s go to the ring and get right into this opening bout!" <<<<<<<<<<Following was Written by Alexis Davis>>>>>>>>> "Paperdoll" By Kittie begins, setting off vibrations beneath the crowd’s feet and in a blinding flicker of lights a single strobe light scans the arena giving fans a millisecond of limelight. It eventually lands in the middle of the stage, outlining a black figure and casting a shadow as this person immediately heads to the ramp. Finkle "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest has been scheduled for onefall and has a ten minute time limit! On her way to the ring, hailing from Los Angeles California, she is The Provocative Playboy Bunny.. Please welcome Bonny RABYTZ!" The lights stop flickering and brighten enough to make out the shadow to be Bonny Rabytz. She struts down the ramp, casually dropping a look over her shoulder to the crowd, until she reaches the ring. Grabbing hold of the middle rope, Bonny pulls herself onto the apron and climbs through the ropes. As Bonny stands there the arena goes pitch black and pale blue lights begin to pulse. The arena is dead silent except for the screams of anticipation by fans. Suddenly the elevated and obviously pleasure-filled moans of a woman fill the arena, giving the illusion she's orgasming. The moaning is cut off by a cruel laugh, a woman with a soft and sensual voice saying, bluntly, "Perverts". Finkle "Anddd her opponent hailing from Hollywood California, she is Krystin PRYCE!" A screen of mist/fog has formed, diffusing the blue flashing lights. "System" begins to play and white strobe lights are added to the mind-warping show. Krystin walks out and does some display of vulgar sexuality, whether it be sliding her hand between her legs or pinching her nipples through her top. Blowing sarcastic kisses to the fans, Krystin enters the ring via the steps. The two girls look at each other and smirk Krystin runs her hands up and down her slender beautiful frame as Bonny somewhat rolls her eyes and dose a bunny pose, as well as winking at Krystin. Krystin shakes her head and grabs Bonny by the hair before pulling her head back and headbuts Bonny sending the blonde down to her knees as the bell sounds in the background. Bonny raises back to her feet and looks at Krystin almost daring her to make another move, the two circle around each other making fake moves trying to pysche the other out, Krysting rushes at Bonny only to be taken down by a hip toss, getting up she goes again but again Bonny manages to scout it and this time lands a drop toe hold. With Krystin down Bonny grabs her and slams her face first into the canvas before landing her own headbutt JR" These two ladies are certainly trying to mix things up tonight" Back in the ring both ladies are getting to their feet as the crowd starts getting behind them, a thunderous roar of cheers and stomping feet can be heard as the girls move around Bonny going for a clothesline but Krystin moves and as Bonny comes off the ropes she is laid out by a german suplex. With Bonny down Krystin goes for the cover and as the ref gets the one count Bonny kicks out. Krystin grins at her and leans down planting a slow kiss on Bonny's lips as the males in the crowd go crazy. Krystin gets to her feet and stands over Bonny leaning down she begins once again feeling herself up before she gets pulled down Bonny going for a quick roll up but Krystin gets her hands on the ropes breaking the pin before the ref can get a count. Bonny jumps to her feet and gets ready as soon as Krystin gets up she's taken back down by a heel kick. She quickly gets onto the top rope and waits, as Krystin getsup and turns around Bonny flies off landing a cross body but Krsytin uses her momentum to roll them over and quickly gets up licking her lips she shakes her head and grabs Bonny dragging her up before landing a side walk slam followed by a piledriver. With Bonny slightly dazed Krystin pulls her to her feet and whips her into the turnbuckles rushing over she slaps Bonny hard across the face before hitting Speechless (throat Chop) Bonny's eyes go wide as she gasps for air dropping to her knees smirking Krystin pulls her back up and delivers another dose of Speechless before monkey flipping Bonny out of the corner. Krystin gets Bonny set up for Whips 'n' Chains (Widows Peak) and lands it before getting moving into a provocative pinning prediciment, the ref slides into position and counts the three as the bell sounds he raises Krystins hand in victory Finkle "And your winner... Krystin PRYCEEEEE!" Krystin grins and steps up onto a turnbuckle in celebration she feels herself up and laughs before jumping down as the cameras to the back where we find Alexis and No Limits Christian Skywalker standing toe to toe it looks like a lot of tension is in the air but then Alexis grins and nods Alexis: "Now I believe the hype, though I gotta say you lacked a bit at the end" Christian laughs as he looks at her NLCS "At least I pinned you" Alexis: "Yeah you'd love to 'pin' me again wouldn't you Chrissy, besides incase you forgot I'm still the championess and still undefeated.." NLCS: "As am I" She frowns but soon finds herself running a finger up his arm Alexis: "Tell you what when we get our rematch let's make the stakes a little higher just between us" He raises a curious eye brow as she continues Alexis: "If you win when we have our rematch, then you can take me to dinner and afterwards you can 'pin' me all you wish" Christian: "And if you win?" She laughs Alexis: "If I win I take your belt, your undefeated streak and your place at the PPV, but hey feel free to stand in my corner for that when I face Shane Douglas" Christian: "Oh come on, that's not playing fair Alexis, after all you did come onto me" She rolls her eyes slightly Alexis: "That was before I saw your skank of a wife show up." Alexis looks over his shoulder and grins as she finds Wallstreet standing there leaning in she gives Christian a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth Alexis: "Later Mr. No Limits" Grinning Alexis walks off right passed Wallstreet as she flips him the bird leaving both men standing there. <<<<<<<End of Alexis Writing>>>>> WallStreet shakes his head and laughs as Christian raises a curious eyebrow. WallStreet, "Let me give ya a nickle’s worth of free advice, Number 1, ditch Dazi, she’s been trying to service the Corporate Icon’s Icon since last season, and the only reason I haven’t let her is out of respect for our long history. Although, that respect is fading quickly�?I’m gonna tell you one time, you don’t want to wage war with the Entourage, because if you do�?I won’t just beat you�?I’ll destroy you. And Number 2, when you do get rid of Dazi, don’t go after Alexis, she’s nothing but trouble. And if you do go after her, take her for what she’s worth, some easy puntang�?Hit it and run, because if you don’t�?You’ll regret it�?And finally, the reason I came here in the first place�?Next week you will have a rematch with Alexis to unify the belts and I have negotiated with the USA Network, there will be No Time Limit, No Disqualifications, and I am baring everyone, including my own Entourage, from ringside. It will simply be, you and her, one on one, winner gets all, and there MUST BE A WINNER. So, take sometime and think about all of that, and next week, I expect that you will have your aim for a feud directed in a wiser direction than my own." With that WallStreet walks off and the camera fades on Christian Skywalker who has a look of serious thought on his face. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 19th, 2005 | When we come back from commercial we once again find ourselves with WallStreet, but this time he seems to be in his own office and is sitting behind his desk jotting something down on a paper when the phone begins ringing. He hits the speaker phone button and says, "Yo!" "WallStreet?" WallStreet, "Yeah, who the Hell is this?!" "It Dark Child (crowd boos)." WallStreet smirks, "Ah, What’s good man? Hey.. You better hurry up, the Main Event’s gonna be starting sooner than on a usual night." DC, "That’s actually why I’m calling�?I’m not gonna be able to make the main event." WallStreet gets a look of annoyance as he says, "Excuse me?" DC, "Dude, I’m in Jamaica, had to do a show for your southern rival man�? WallStreet, "YOU WHAT?!" DC, "It was a good opportunity man, I mean�? WallStreet, "A GOOD OPPORTUNITY?! ARE YOU F**KING JOKING?! I put you in a match for the contendership to the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE! When’s the last time you had a shot like that?! You could be headlining our return Pay Per View! You’ve Gotta be kidding, tell me your kidding�? DC, "Sorry man, I just�? WallStreet, "Ah save it for someone who gives a flyin�?f*ck!" With that WallStreet hits the speaker phone button again, hanging up on his stablemate as the cameras go to the ring. JR, "What audacity�?For Dark Child to be handed, I mean literally HANDED an opportunity of such a magnitude�?An opportunity that anybody on this roster would do virtually anything for�?And he just pissed on it!" Heyman, " I don’t have much of an argument on this one�?Dark Child has apparently gone stupid, I don’t understand it myself." JR, "What a sorry son of a bitch!" <<<<<<<<<<<Following Was Written By Alexis Davis>>>>>>>>> With that the sound of a fuse being lit is heard, the crowd seem confused not really knowing what to expect a moment later a few explosions of pyro jet off scaring some members of the audience as Watch Me blares around. Domino walks out and stands on top of the ramp a chorus of boos from the crowd just make him laugh, as he begins to walk down the ramp he's taken out from behind by Jamie Peirce!! Shantel Travis stands by him watching him beat down on Domino with a grin on her face the two battle down the ramp and towards the ring, as they get closer Jamie grabs Domino and slams him head first into the ring apron before sliding him into the ring and he soon follows suit as the bell sounds. Shantel stands ringside her hands slapping the mat as she cries out encouragement to Jamie, who really doesn't need it as he again begins beating down on Domino who tries to fight back but can't. Jamie relents slightly and as Domino struggles to his feet he's taken back down by a T Bone Suplex from Jamie. The crowd slightly cheering at Jamie. He smirks and walks around the ring before posing much like Randy Orton does, Shantel grins and keeps calling out things to him he nods and walks back over to Domino and pulls him up before putting him in a sleeper, Domino tries fighting it but it only wears him out more. Domino drops down to his knees Jamie slowly lowering down not wanting to break the hold yet. The ref raises Domino's right arm and drops it watching as it falls down, he shouts out "One" and again raises his arm as he drops it and again it falls down "Two!". The ref grabs Domino's arm and goes to drop it, it drops about half way before Domino begins to wave his arm around trying to gain the crowd's support but they just boo as he fights back struggling out of the tight hold. Domino raises to his feet and turns looking at Jamie before he starts firing off right hooks all connecting and making Jamie stumble backwards into the ropes as he comes off he lands a super kick putting Domino flat on his back Jamie grins and gets down doing a cocky pin the ref slides into position and gets a one count before Domino kicks out. Jamie shakes his head and kneels down attacking Domino with hard punches busting his nose open in the process Jamie grabs Domino and forces him to his feet before landing three sucessful snap suplexes which causes more damage to Domino. Jamie grins and stands dragging Domino to the corner he leaves him near the turnbuckles before climbing up, Shantel grabbing Domino's legs making sure he lays still as Jamie jumps off landing a Shooting Star Leg Drop on him, he again goes for the pin but Domino gets his foot on the ropes. Shantel tries to push it off the ropes but moves as the ref turns and stops the count, leaving Jamie silently fuming in the ring. Domino slowly gets to his feet and Jamie is standing there waiting, as Domino rushes at hime Jamie just stands there calmly until BAM! Domino is laid out once again by a German Suplex not letting go Jamie rolls over and gets to his feet landing another German suplex again he rolls over and gets another german out, this time he bridges it into a pin the ref slides into position and counts.. one...two...two and a half.. kick out! The crowd boo's as Jamie gets to his feet and begins kicking the living shit out of Domino who rolls out of the ring to escape the beating he's receiving. Jamie follows him out of the ring and goes for a clothesline but misses and Domino uses his momentum to throw Jamie into the gaurd rail seperating the fans from the action. With Jamie down Domino drags him towards the ring but stops and applies a modified SharpShooter. Jamie cries out in pain as the ref slides out of the ring trying to get Domino to break the count but he doesn't. Domino keeps the move applied until Shantel Travis gets involved by Bulldogging him to the floor saving Jamie. Jamie crawls towards the ring using the apron to pull him to his feet before crawling in breaking the count the ref had started. Shantel grabs Domino and rolls him back into the ring watching as Jamie stalks him getting ready to strike once more. As he slowly gets to his feet he's taken out by Where Greatness Counts (Rock Bottom) Both men are now down, trying to regain their composure and breath as they lay there almost motionless. The ref looks at them both and begins the mandatory 10 count keeping an eye on both men as he does, Shantel stands on the side where Jamie is her hands slapping the canvas cheering him on as the crowd seems to get behind him, chanting his name watching waiting for him to get up. As he moves the crowd roars and keeps on cheering as he gets to his feet, Domino also starting to move now, Jamie stands for a few minutes clearing his head before he begins moving towards Domino, grabbing him he whips him into the ropes and as he comes off he gets hit with a huge Batista like spine buster which takes the breath right out of Domino. Jamie is now starting to get pumped up, he gets back up to his feet and grins his boots connecting with Domino's side and back before he once again grabs him pulling him up he spits in Domino's face before setting him up for The Greatness Of Perfection (Read stats page, too long to describe) and lands it, quickly moving Jamie pins Domino, the crowd and Shantel counting along with the ref.. One... Two.. THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shantel grins and slides into the ring raising Jamie’s arm in victory. He casts one last look at Domino and shakes his head before moving with Shantel the two begin to walk backstage. We focus in backstage and all we can see is a huge bundle of flowers, all different types in a huge vase. The crowd pops as we find Y2Jesus walking behind them a cheesy grin on his face, still limping from his knee injury, he kicks a door open and is met with two sets of eyes both wondering why he was there. Y2Jesus: "Ame...Can we talk?" Amethyst frowns and turns away from him Amethyst: "About?" Chris grins and sets the flowers down in front of her Y2Jesus: "Firstly, these are for you.. Secondly I've made up my mind, I know what I'm going to choose" Amethyst: "No need to tell me, the papers are in your locker room" He gets a confused look on his face and shakes his head Y2Jesus: "No no, you got me all wrong.. My choice is..." Amethyst: "It doesn't matter Chris.. You males are all alike and just so you know I'll be ring side tonight to see you for the last time" Y2Jesus: "You aren't going out there, it's too dangerous for you!" She rolls her eyes Amethyst: "Like you care right? Face it Christopher I'll be ringside weather you like it or not I have a lot of interest in this match and it's not as if I'm going to get involved. I know my own limits and you should trust me.. But don't get me started on that!" Y2Jesus sighs softly Y2Jesus: "Look Ame.. I can't stop you I just want you to make the right choice. I don't want to get distracted by you being out there tonight, or you being a possible person to target..." Amethyst: "Why do you even care?" He looks into her eyes Y2Jesus: "Because I love you... I'll see you later I guess.." She frowns and looks over at him before standing Amethyst: "You will see me later, and you will see I won't get involved in the match.. I'll merely be out there minding my own business, hell I'll even do commentary!" Amethyst walks passed and freezes, nodding slightly she gives him a soft kiss on the lips and whipsers Amethyst: "Good luck" Y2Jesus stands there a silly grin on his face as he watches his wife walk off into the hallways. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 19th, 2005 | The cameras return from commercial and we see our good friend Michael Cole standing in the back with a microphone in hand. The camera pans out a little and the crowd starts booing as we see that he is interviewing the former ICWA Heavyweight champion, Brock Lesnar. Cole, "Tonight is one of the biggest matches in your illustrious 3 year career with the ICWA. You have a chance to recapture that ICWA Heavyweight Championship and re-cement your name for all of the new skeptics inside of the ICWA. What’s that opportunity feel like?" Lesnar, "Listen Cole, I don’t give a rats ass what any "skeptics" think. I’m the Franchise of this company, The ONLY person who’s been in this company longer than me is WallStreet himself. I was the very first person he signed to the ICWA and do you know why? Because he knows that Brock Lesnar equals ratings which equals asses in seats, which in the long term of things, equals money in the bank. I am the longest running Heavyweight Champion of all time�?Me, not Hope Cassidy, not Jimmy Stryker, not SFM, Not Black Warrior, Not Destructive Gay Marshall, ME! Hell, I could have been the very first world champion. You were with us back then weren’t ya Cole? (Cole nods) Then you should remember, I was in the tournament to become the very first ICWA Heavyweight Champion, back in a time when championship belts weren’t a dime a dozen and 3 Guys couldn’t have an arguable claim at being the best at one time�?But I purposely got myself disqualified and beat Chris Jericho so bad that he has yet to return to the ICWA. Why? Because had I won that match I would have had to of gone for the belt at ICWA Thunderstruck and WallStreet refused to give me two matches at Thunderstruck so I had to decide between the World title or the opportunity to destroy Hulk Hogan�?My hatred for Hulk Hogan weighed larger than my love for that championship at that time, so I opted to bring forth the end of Hulkamania in the ICWA�?And to this day, just like Chris Jericho, Hulk Hogan has yet to be seen in the ICWA. (Smirks) The Iron Sheik couldn’t do it, Earthquake couldn’t do it, Sgt. Slaughter couldn’t do it, The Undertaker couldn’t do it, Triple H couldn’t do it, Hell, even Vince McMahon couldn’t do it�?But I, BROCK LESNAR, ENDED Hulkamania! (Crowd boos) �?But at that time, I had never tasted the ICWA Title�?Later on I’d go on to beat Psycho on this very program for the ICWA Heavyweight championship, and Brock Lesnar changed. Brock Lesnar, for the first time in my life, became an addict. I’m addicted to being the World Heavyweight Champion, and anyone who’s been Dark Child’s neck of the woods knows that nothing’s deadlier than keeping an addict from his drug." The crowd boos at what came off as a racist insult whether it was or not. Cole ask, "With all do respect Brock, You’ve never been in a match of this magnitude, aren’t you even a little concerned?" Lesnar, "Do I look concerned? �?Ya know what, I have better things to do than listen to you go through the list of dumbest questions available. If you want an interview, find me at the end of the night, I’ll be the guy in the ring with his arm raised." With that Lesnar walks off as we go to the ring. The lights fade out as ‘Piggy Bank�?by 50 Cent blast over the PA. The music keeps playing as out from behind the curtain comes WallStreet. JR, "What the Hell�?He’s not dressed to wrestle?!" Heyman, "WallStreet is so good that he doesn’t even need to bother to get in his gear for a 7 on 1 Handicap match�?You’d have to have a 30 on 1 handicap match before he’d need to put on wrestling gear!" JR, "Ya know Alexis has an endorsement deal with Nike, perhaps you could get one with Chap Stick�? Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following bout has been scheduled as a 7 on 1 Elimination Match! Introducing first, Hailing from Hartford Connecticut and weighing in this evening at 279 Pounds�?He is the CEO and Chairman of the ICWA, He is The WallStreet Brawler, Mr. Taylor McCALLLLLLLISTEERRRR!" WallStreet climbs the steal stairs and enters the ring between the second and third ropes. The lights re-adjust and the music slowly fades away as WallStreet walks over and shakes Finkle’s hand before he reaches into the pocket of his sports coat and hands some index cards to Finkle. He says something to the Fink and the fink nods. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Alexis Davis will NO LONGER Be officiating this contest (crowd boos)�?Because she is one of the 7 Opponents!" JR, "WHAT?! BAH GOD, THAT’S HUGE!" Finkle, "With that said�? The main lights suddenly go out, leaving only red and blue spots to light the stage and the ramp. The first few chords of Sweet dreams Play as six beautiful women dressed in catholic schoolgirl outfits strut sensuously down the ramp taking positions along it, three on each side. JR, "JAMES?! HOW CAN HE WRESTLE JAMES?!?!" "James" slowly struts from behind the curtain, Pyro erupts from the stage as the first chorus ends.  He grins as he slowly walks down stopping and posing for a few pictures. he walks by each group of women and they quickly step in behind him. JR, "What the Hell is this?" Heyman, "It’s James!" JR, "Ah to Hell it is!" Finkle, "On his way to the ring, hailing from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, he weighs in this evening at 302 pounds�?He is JAMES!(Crowd boos)" Heyman, "See, You wouldn’t call Howard Finkle a liar would you?!" he climbs the steps slowly and hops the ropes walking to one side and slowly running his hand over his head then down his body suggestively. He walks to the center of the ring, as the girls slowly run their hand over his body, he smirks as they slowly get out of the ring, raising his hands into the air and turning slowly before He attempts to hop up on the second turnbuckle but falls on his ass. WallStreet can be seen in the corner laughing hysterically as the midget gets up and crawls up to the second rope and tries to balance himself as�?/FONT> 'Downfall' by Trust Company blast over the PA as the arena goes dark and red lights begin flashing through out the arena. The crowd pops when suddenly from behind the curtain comes former PLW Heavyweight champion, Scott Jensen.  The crowd is booing, but not as loudly as before as they everyone loves to see midgets. Jensen stands, staring around the arena briefly before he forcefully throws his arms into the are in a fashion similar to Stone Cold. The crowd erupts as Jensen begins power walking down the ramp. JR, "This is unbelievable�? Heyman, "I know�?I can’t believe he’s about to take on 7 of the top names in the ICWA By himself�?He’s such an increadible man!" JR, "Yeah, he’s something alright!" As Jensen gets to the bottom of the ramp he slaps a few fans hands on his way to the steal stairs. Jensen quickly climbs up the stairs and hops in the ring through the second and third ropes. Finkle, "Next, from Cleveland Ohio, he weighs in this evening at 252 Pounds�?Scott "The Machine" JEEENSSEEEN!" Jensen walks to the turnbuckle and climbs up to the second rope, raising his arms again in an Austin fashion as the crowd is going wild. Jensen holds his pose briefly before he hops down and walks over to the opposite corner of the ring and repeats this same process. Jensen then hops back down, wraps his arms around the second rope and leans back, crack/stretching his back quickly as he then stands in wait of his other partners. The crowd is waiting, their hearts racing, the anticipation setting in�?Who’s next? They wait eagerly, when the lights fade to black and the familiar opening chords to ‘Lose Yourself�?by Eminem begins to blast over the PA. This sends the crowd into an absolute frenzy as the beat picks up and a collection of light blue and green lights begin flashing with the base. Eminem, "Look�?If You Had One Shot�?Or One Opportunity�?BR>To Seize Everything You Ever Wanted�?BR>One Moment�?BR>Would You Capture It�? Or Let It Slip?" At exactly 54 seconds into the song, out from behind that oh so familiar black curtain, that for years has separated the dreamers from the Achievers, the Immortal from the merely mortal�?"Alexis Davis" steps, sending the packed coliseum into an uproar. She stands on the top of the stage, shakes her arms a bit and rolls her head back, loosening herself up, before she finally steps out from right in front of the curtain and ends up on stage, moving a bit with the music. The crowd continues to cheer (Deciding to go with the joke), clearly in support of this hot young rookie, as she finally begins making her decent down the ramp, a look of sheer determination sketched on her face. Finkle, "On her way to the ring�?Hailing from Miami Florida…�?ALEXIS_DAAAAAVISSSS!" The crowd pops at the announcement of her name as she gets to the bottom of the ramp. She walks over to the stairs, climbs them one step at a time, and then steps up onto the outer-ringcanvas as she slowly makes her way to the center of the ropes, faces the crowd, and raises her hands high in the air, sending them into another frenzy. Alexis than enters the ring between the first and second ropes. She grabs onto the second rope and pulls back, stretching herself out a bit as her music fades, the lights readjust, and we await her other 4 partners. The lights go off and strobe lighting searches around the building, going over the fans. As the music starts to play the strobe lights point to the entrance ramp. Ryan Michaels walks out into the lights and pyros go off on both sides off him, leading to the arena being lit back up.  He walks down the ramp a bit and as the lyrics get to the chorus he kneels down and pyros start going off in all directions. Finkle, "From San Antonio Texas, he weighs in this evening at 238 Pounds�?He is RYAN_MICCCHAAELSS!" He gets up and walks down the rest off the ramp, giving the fans high-fives and everything, slowly making his way to the ring. When he climbs in he climbs the turnbuckles and taunts the crowd. He then goes to the rope facing the entrance ramp and does the thing Shawn Michaels does. The unmistakable music of Miss Behavin blares out from the arena loudspeakers. In rapt anticipation, the crowd rumbles in unison, scanning the top of the ramp for any sign of movement.. The lights die out, pink and purple strobes encircle the area and the sexy silhouette appears behind the white screen.. moving and caressing she gives a Triple X grind as the music plays.. Then, she pushes down the screen and steps on it.. she looks to the right and left of the stage.  She tosses her long blonde hair and pulls a cherry lolly pop from behind her back and sensually unwraps it, sliding it between her crimson lips and gives them a grind once more running her hands from the top of her head around her full breasts, crossed her exposed stomach, down her hips, falling between her thighs and down her leg as she goes all the way down. She smirks the little burst of kinetic energy she is standing tan and curvy figured like the little blond locked goddess she is. She jumps into the air tossing her hands up as the gold shooting star pyros explode towards the heavens..The thousands in attendance erupt in around the arena... She pulls the lolly pop out of her mouth and skips down towards the ring with the kinky little smirk on her face. Finkle, "Coming from Ft. Lauderdale Florida�?She is MISSY_BYYYYTCHHHH!!" She takes the steps stair by stair posing momentarily before she stands on the ring mat.. slides her lolly between her lips once more and gives a sexy pose and then flips her leg between the second and third rope and climbs into the ring...she struts around and then pauses.. The lights go out in the arena as the fans grow loud with anticipation. War Machine by KISS echos through the arena as Taz’s video plays on the Titan Tron. An orange spot like sweeps the arena like a prison light searching for an escaped convict. This makes the crowd get even louder as they now believe that Taz could be coming from anywhere in the Arena. At nearly a minute into the song a blast of orange pyro explodes on the stage and then with a black towel over his head comes Taz at the same time that the singer says �?Better Watch Out, Cause I’m A War Machine!  Taz walks down the ramp with his aggressive bad ass walk as JR and Heyman can be heard arguing over the abilities of the man labeled the Human Suplex Machine. Taz gets to ringside, climbs the stairs, and enters the ring. As he bends over to enter the ring the towel falls of his head. He stands in the corner of the ring with his arms crossed, just waiting for the referee to ring the bell so that he can chalk up Just Another Victim. -()- Suddenly the lights in the arena dim and the Titan Tron flickers to life with the symbol for the Inter County Wrestling Alliance . Suddenly some hard guitar riffs begin pulsating through the PA system. The ICWA symbol is crushed by a falling graphic that says Y2Jesus. The lights around the Titan Tron begin strobing as the tempo speeds up again the climax of which shows the Y2Jesus graphic explode as his tron video begins playing. "Halleluja" by Rammstein is heard blasting over the PA system. The song is being sung in German, but translated into English in Y2J's entrance video. The lights around the arena and stage strobing bright white and gold. begins rocking throughout the arena as the crowd erupts in waves of jeers, boos, and obscenities! -()- " Er ist fromm und sehr sensibel.....an seiner Wand ein Bild des Herrn.....er wischt die Flecken von der Bibel.....das Abendmahl verteilt er gern!" -()- As the song plays you see the Self Appointed Savior of the ICWA strut out onto the ramp. He pauses with his back turned to the audience, he hands in prayer before spining around and holding them out in a grand fashion.-()-  " Er liebt die Knaben aus dem Chor.....sie halten ihre Seelen rein.....doch Sorge macht ihm der Tenor! So muss er ihm am nächsten sein auf seinem Nachttisch, still und stumm, ein Bild des Herrn er dreht es langsam um!" -()- As he stands proudly atop the ramp as a shower of gold pyro erupt behind him from atop the Bud Vision (think Christian's old entrance), and some firework like pyro explode above him in a teardrop type fashion. -()- " Wenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlägt halleluja faltet er die Hände zum Gebet halleluja er ist ohne Weib geblieben halleluja so muss er seinen Nächsten lieben halleluja " -()- Y2J smiles widely as he spins around on the top of the ramp. Y2J begins walking in a very cocky manner, his flowing brown locks trail behind him as the golden specs from the fireworks fall all around him. He struts and primps, tossing his hair, pausing and jabbering with the fans a few times as he approaches the ring. -()- Finkle, "And finally, hailing from Boston Massachuttes and weighing in this evening at 262 pounds�?He is the self appointed savior of the ICWA, Y2JEEEEEEESUSSSS!" " Der junge Mann darf bei ihm bleiben...die Sünde nistet überm Bein...so hilft er gern sie auszutreiben... bei Musik und Kerzenschein! " -()- Y2J gets to the ring and stomps up the steps one at a time, getting up on the apron. He pauses and wipes his shoes on the outside before stepping through the ropes. -()- " Wenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlägt halleluja faltet er die Hände zum Gebet halleluja " -()- He goes to the center of the ring and holds out his arms motioning up and down his body playing to the crowd as a shower of flashbulbs rains down on the arrogant Y2J. He smirks at his opponent before climbing atop the nearest turnbuckle and posing again. -()- " er ist ohne Weib geblieben halleluja so muss er seinen Nächsten lieben halleluja " -()- Y2J hops off the turnbuckle and walks over to the ropes as the song begins to fade and the house lights return to normal. Y2J takes off the top part of his old robes he used to wear and hands it to a tech guy at ringside. -()- The music fades and the lights readjust as these midgets all stand on the side of the ring nearest the ramp as WallStreet has a huge smirk on his face, looking at the tiny replicas of some of his ICWA rivals. WallStreet takes off his coat and hands it down to a member of the ring crew as he undoes his cuffs and rolls his sleeves up a little bit on his arm. JR, "This is absolutely ridicules�? Heyman, "I know, these are 7 of the best in this company and WallStreet’s about to make light work of them all at the same time�?unbelievable." Not knowing what else to do, referee Charlie Robinson calls for the bell. Suddenly they all rush him, grabing onto his legs, 3 on one leg, and four on the other. WallStreet reaches down and wraps his arms around Alexis. He hoist her into the air, and then powerbombs her down to the mat. That brings it down to Ryan Michaels and Scott Jensen on that leg, so he gives it a couple of powerful shakes and they bounce off. WallStreet reaches down and delivers a hard right hand to the top of the head of Taz, droping him, then Y2J, and then James, knocking all of them to the mat and just leaving Missy, who is seemingly humping the leg of WallStreet. WallStreet bends down, Hoist her up over his head with a gorilla press, and then drops her behind him, letting her hit the mat hard. WallStreet has quite the smirk on his face as Scott Jensen comes running at him and he raises his leg a little, delivering a "Big boot" of sorts, droping Jensen. Michaels tries to come at him but WallStreet delivers a modified Sweet Chin Music. Heyman, "HE HIT HIM WITH HIS OWN FINISHER!" JR, "Give it a rest�? WallStreet drops down and covers Jensen and Michaels at the same time as Robinson counts ………�?………�?…………�?! That eliminates those two but before WallStreet can get up Jesus jumps on his back and tries to lock on the sleeper as James begins delivering hard right hands to the face of WallStreet. WallStreet reaches back, grabs Y2J, and chucks him across the ring, and then grabs James by the throat, stands up, hoist him up into the air, and delivers a choke slam to the midget replica of the Original Sadist. WallStreet puts his boot across the chest of "James" and Robinson counts ……�?……�?……�?! Y2J is back up and comes running so WallStreet drops to his knees, catches him, and delivers a powerslam, hooking the far leg as Robinson counts ……�?…………�?………�?! WallStreet Stays on his knees as Missy and Alexis grab each other’s wrists and go for a double clothesline but they seem to have no effect on the Corporate Icon. WallStreet then lunges forward with both arms out, clotheslining both of them, and nearly knocking there heads off. WallStreet keeps his arms draped over there chests as Robinson again counts ………�?…………�?…………�?! WallStreet gets back up to his knees when out of no where "Taz" jumps on him from behind and hooks a modified Tazmission. WallStreet stands up and Taz stays hooked to Street’s back, until WallStreet runs backwards and creates a Taz sandwich, using the turnbuckles and WallStreet’s back as the bread. WallStreet steps forward and let’s Taz fall to the ring. Taz slowly gets up and stumbles forward till WallStreet grabs his neck and puts him between his legs. WallStreet bends down, grabs The Taz replica’s arms, and delivers a modified Stock Market Crash (Pedigree). WallStreet rolls him over and covers him as Charlie Robinson counts ………�?……………�?………………�?! Robinson calls for the bell as WallStreet stands up and demands Robinson raise his arm. Robinson does so and Finkle announces, "Your winner�?WALLLLLLLLLSTREEETTTTTT!" WallStreet begins flexing about as if he just took over the world. JR, "This is the most assanine, waste of air time that I have ever seen, and I worked under Eric Bischoff at one point!" Heyman, "WHAT?! You just saw WallStreet lay waste to 7 of the best in the ICWA in a matter of mere minutes�?He didn’t even break a sweat!" The crowd begins to pop as WallStreet gets up on the turnbuckle. WallStreet assumes that they’re cheering over seeing the Corporate Icon, but under the bottom rope nearest the commentators slides Taz. WallStreet hops down, never bothering to turn around. He reaches for the second rope, getting ready to exit the ring when Taz grabs him and hooks on the Tazmission, dropping backwards. WallStreet is fighting, trying to escape the hold, but unlike Mini-Taz, he isn’t finding it easy. Finally up on the stage we see Shawn Allen, Shane Douglas, and Bobby Johnson all walking from behind the curtain. They power walk down the ramp but from the sides of the ramp on both sides comes (Right side, looking down to the ring from the stage) James with a pair of those thick wooden "sticks" that Steve Blackman use to have in his hardcore matches all the time. Behind him with a steal chair is Ryan Michaels. From the left side comes Scott Jensen with a black steal chair. The three of them stand at the bottom of the ramp, stopping the Entourage in their tracks. Shawn Allen and Shane Douglas back up a couple of steps, clearly none of them want to make there chance of winning the main event any less, Johnson however doesn’t move. He looks over James shoulder and sees that Taz is taking the life right out of WallStreet. Johnson takes off his Hardcore title and leaps, bringing it across the head of James. James falls on his ass and Johnson gets up and goes to sprint to the ring but James reaches back and grabs his ankle, making him fall to the floor as Jensen and Michaels are holding off Allen and Douglas with there chairs. James gets up as does Johnson, and Johnson turns around and begins unloading right hands on James. He turns and goes to slide in the ring but James grabs him by the tights and pulls him back out. Johnson turns around and as quickly as he does James leaps up and delivers a Modified "My Roots" (Modified Diamond Cutter) on the floor. James gets up and glances over his shoulder, making sure that Jensen and Michaels have Douglas and Allen at bay, which they do. Finally in the ring as WallStreet is completely limp, Taz releases the Tazmission as ‘War Machine�?by Kiss blast over the PA. Taz hops out of the ring and claps hands with James as they start heading up the ramp and the scene fades. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 19th, 2005 | The cameras return from Commercial as we see Jacob Mitchell standing in complete darkness, bar one soldiery light shining down him, making him seem almost God like. He is holding his left wrist in his right hand, right in front of him as his head is bowed down. From the distance a recognizable male voice is heard. "3 Undisputed championships�?13 World Heavyweight Championships, 1 Death Match Tournament Victory�?And countless lower championships�?Now�?Now it’s your time to shine�?Tonight starts a journey�?A Journey not to superstardom, no you’ve already achived that�?A Journey to Imortality." With that we see that the voice was that of Mace as he steps into the light, behind Mitchell, putting his arm on Mitchell’s shoulder and says, "Tonight is not about 14 Jobbers, it’s about 1 Legend in the making�? Mace steps back and we hear a second familiar voice. "Wherever I go, my name becomes synonymous with pure Excellence. I was the most contested World Champion in BUD history, and I took down every name thrown at me�?No man or woman can ever claim to of "Owned" me. My legacy speaks louder than any words that can be spoke against me." We realize that this voice belongs to Seifer as he too steps into the light behind Jacob and also places his hand on Mitchell’s shoulder. Seifer, "Tonight, you begin etching your name into the same Immortal stone that reads off the likes of Mace and Myself�?And at Resurrection, you conclude your etching and have your name fully engraved in that stone of Immortality when you become the ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling Champion of the World." Mace steps back into the light on the other side of Mitchell as he says, "Tonight it’s not about the nWs, it’s not about the ICWA, It’s about Jacob Mitchell�?Now get it done!" For the first time Mitchell raises his head, a look of serious determination deeply etched on his face. He nods, acknowledging everything that’s been said to him and walks forward, exiting the locker room as the camera goes to the ring which has been covered with a red ring carpet. In the center of the ring is a desk with a contract in the center and two black leather chairs, one on either side. On the side nearest the commentary table James is already seated, apparently deciding not to go to the back after he helped protect Taz earlier. JR, "Well I’m getting word from the back that WallStreet is still being looked at by the medical team, so he’s opted to name a replacement to oversee this Contract signing�? Heyman, "Who?" JR, "You!" Heyman, "WHAT?! JR, "That’s the bosses orders, if you wanna protest go back there and find him, I’m sure he’s in the mood to have his directions questions." Heyman doesn’t say anything but just takes off his head set, stands up, and walks around the commentary table and up the stairs to the ring. He enters the ring between the second and third ropes as James just grins, remembering back to the ICWA Betrayal Pay Per View where he knocked Heyman out after Heyman gave an assist to the then owner, and opponent of James that night, Bryant Montgomery. Heyman stands by the desk as the lights in the arena dim to a barest minimum, and the Dementa-Tron flares up with images of the CWA champion, "The Rush" Ryan Ross. Then, "Shadows" by 12 Stones begins to play loudly as Ryan Ross steps out from behind the curtain. He thrusts his arms out to his sides, and then Pyrotechnics rain down from behind him. He taps the CWA title which is resting on his shouter twice as he begins to walk down the ramp. The Crowd boos him loudly, but he still smiles, and even waves to some of them. Ryan Ross then jumps up onto the ring apron, and climbs into the ring. The crowd is still booing and at this point James has leaned back and thrown his feet up on the desk. On the desk along with the Contract is two microphones and James nWWF championship. Ross places his CWA Championship on the desk and takes his seat as the music fades and Heyman reaches out of the ring, being handed up a microphone from a crew member at ringside. Heyman grabs the clipboard which lays host to the contract and gives it the look over and seems slightly surprised by something. Heyman, "Okay�?Well due to the attack from Taz (crowd pops) against our CEO and Chairman, he has requested that I, Paul Heyman, over see this contract signing in his absence. Now along with the contract is a couple of other things that he was going to announce right now. First of which he was gonna ask (looks at Ross) you to explain why you aided James in his mix tag match last week�? Ross laughs and grabs the microphone placed on his side of the desk. Ross, "I didn’t "Aid James" in the aspect that you think�?I’m a fair man, and if James is gonna have a prayer against me at Resurrection he needs something in his favor, so I opted to give him some momentum heading into the Pay Per View. Consider it an early "Get Well Soon" present for what I’m gonna do at Resurrection." James snickers as Heyman looks down at the clipboard and then says, "Well it seems that WallStreet has decided that both of you should have the opportunity to obtain some momentum on your way to Resurrection as he has booked the two of you in action next week. It seems that (looks at James) You will be meeting Entourage member Dark Child in a non-title match�? The crowd boos but James smirks, apparently liking the idea of getting his hands on a member of the Entourage. Heyman looks over at Ryan Ross and says, "And he’s set you against�?Scott Jensen!" The crowd pops as Ross laughs out loud, knowing that Scott Jensen has yet to get a win since his return to the ICWA. Heyman, "Now as for the contract�?It seems that he’s added a stipulation that he wants announced�?This match will be, apparently at your request Mr. Ross (Ryan smirks), An Ultimate X Match." The 7 or 8 fans who watch TNA pop as James raises an eyebrow, clearly spending way to much time on women and beer to see TNA. Heyman, "Apparently two ring ropes will be extended over the ring in the form of an X, hooked to some kind of a device that will be latched onto the ring�?And from that X, the nWWF and CWA Championships will be hung. The first person to shimmy across the ropes and obtain the belts will become the Unified CWA/nWWF Champion. So if that’s agreed upon�?I suppose you guys may as well sign the contract." Heyman drops the clipboard on the desk and Ross is quick to grab it. He takes the silver pen off the top of the clip board and signs without hesitation. He then drops it on the desk and slides it over to James. James just shakes his head, clearly thinking that this is a cheap attempt to get an edge in this match from Ross, but James doesn’t seem bothered as he picks up the contract and signs, dropping it on the desk and making the match official. JR, "There it is folks, this match is official and it looks like it’s gonna be an Ultimate X Match�? James reaches on the table and goes to grab the nWWF title but as he does Ross grabs it with his left hand. James looks up with a serious look as Ross has his arrogant grin. The crowd erupts, knowing that James title belt is on a list with his beer and his women when it comes to things ya don’t touch. Ross grabs the mic with his right hand and says, "Enjoy that belt, by my calculation you have 12 days before it’s around my waste." Ross winks as James rolls his eyes and pulls to leave, but Ross has yet to release the nWWF Title. James stands up as if to step up to Ross, and likewise Ross gets up, which cues Heyman to get out of dodge. James and Ross glare a hole through each other til finally Ross drops the belt and smirks. James decides to maintain his composure and turns to exit the ring but Ross jumps up on the desk and then leaps, drop kicking James in the back. James lunges forward, nailing the ropes with such power that he goes up and over, lands on the outside ring canvas, bounces, and hits the floor at ringside. The crowd begins booing as Ross just smirks. He hops down, grabs his CWA Championship and walks to the otherside of the ring, exiting through the second and third ropes and hoping down to the floor. Ross starts heading up the ramp but James comes from behind and nails a Clothesline, making Ross drop his title and stumble forward. Ross turns around and James begins delivering hard right hands, backing Ross up the ramp as the crowd is going wild. Ross and James get to the stage and James grabs him by the back of the hair and slams his face into the steal frame of the entry way. He goes to do this a second time but Ross puts his foot up and blocks the shot and then drives his elbow into the ribs of James. James jumps back and Ross begins delivering his own right hands. James goes down and sweeps Ross�?legs, dropping him on the stage as James begins delivering rights and lefts. Ross rolls him over however, and begins unloading rights and lefts of his own. Ross and James continue rolling around, exchanging devastating shots as security and a few retired wrestlers turned ICWA Staff members such as Kevin Nash, Animal, Arn Anderson, and Kurt Angle pour out on the ramp to separate these two. They finally get the two pulled off of each other although the group of staff holding James find that they are very close to the edge of the ramp. The staff holding Ross seems to be having a hard time, as Ross somehow manages to get free. Without thinking he runs and leaps in a reverse moonsault (basically a standing swanton) and collides with James who grabs him as he goes flying back, sending both of them off the stage where they fall 20 feet to the bottom, crashing through several black tables that were apparently being used for some of the electronically equipment of the ICWA’s. Fortunatly somebody thought to move it all when the two superstars started fighting on the stage. They both lye there, motionless as the medics rush in from an entrance on the floor. The crowd is still erupting: HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT�?/EM> JR, "MAH GAWD! THEY MAY HAVE JUST HAD THERE CAREERS ENDED!" Heyman, "That right there is why The Rush Ryan Ross is my pick to win it all at Resurrection! That kid is EXTREEEEMMMEEE!" JR, "RESURRECTION?! THEY MAY NOT MAKE IT TO RESURRECTION! BAH GAWD!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 19th, 2005 | When the cameras return ‘Freak On A Leash�?is playing as purple lights are flashing and the crowd is cheering for Amethyst Jane who is already walking around the ring and toward the commentary table. She waves to a few fans and then takes a seat next to JR, placing the extra headset on her head. JR, "Well�?Welcome Amethyst." AJ, "Thanks JR." Heyman, "So how’s the home life?" AJ, "F*ck you Paul." With that the cameras go to the stage where we see a large, very comfortable looking leather chair set up on the right side (if you’re walking out of the entrance way and looking down at the ring), then two the entry way as 911 By Eminem with Cypress Hill blast over the PA. The arena is taken over with gold lighting and out from behind the curtain, led by Shawn Allen, is the 3 Entourage members in this bout. Allen, Douglas, and Johnson all arrogantly head down the ramp as JR says, "This says a lot�?You see the unity between the Entourage members�?If they display this kind of unity during the match we could be watching all three of em in the main event at Resurrection." Heyman, "WallStreet wouldn’t align himself with idiots!" AJ, "I don’t know, he seems to have a liking for you." JR can be heard laughing slightly as the cameras focus on Finkle in the ring. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following bout is the 15 Person Elimination Main Event! It has been labled an "Impress The Boss Match"! Atop of the stage WallStreet will momentarly enter and take a seat at which time he will name a new stipulation every 3 minutes! The final 6 left standing in this bout will go on to the MAIN EVENT at our up and coming Pay Per View event, ICWA RESSSSSSSURECCCCTIONNNN!" By this time the Entourage have already entered the ring. Finkle," Already in the ring�?From Pittsburg Pennsylvania is Shane Douglas�?From Milwaukee Wisconsin is Shawn Allen�?And from New Orleans Louisiana is the ICWA Hardcore Champion, Bobby Johnson�?They are THEE_ENNNNTOURAGGGGEEEE!" the arena is Pitch black,this is the darkness you would call you parents into cause you were afaird something by get you. A low buzz of static fills the air and smoke pours from the entrance like fog. Slightly heard over the buzzing of static is a faint Laughter. Just as the crowd becomes comfortable with Darkness the stage erupts, the strobe lights hit along with the taunting sound of Prayer by Disturbed. O’haire is standing at the top of the ramp with his head down, his hand pulling back his long stringy hair. He looks up with a Frenzied look and starts down the ramp. Finkle, "On his way to the ring, hailing from Hilton Hills North Carolina and weighing in at 243 Pounds�?He is Sean O’Haire!" He almost has the creepy aura about him that makes you not want to look at him, Sean Slides under the bottom rope and comes to his feet in the middle of the ring the lights return to normal One more road to cross - DMX Blast over the PA as out from behind the curtain steps Dark Angel. Amethyst starts lauging which leads JR to say, "What’s the joke?" Amethyst, "She is! (keeps laughing)" Heyman, "I don’t see you rushing in to wrestle her." AJ, "I’m pregnant you f**kweed!" JR, "I’m sorry Amethyst but we’re on Cable TV, you’ve gotta control your use of the four letter words�? AJ sighs and says, "Alrighttt�?Wait, f**kweed is 8 letters�? Finkle, "Next, her whereabouts unknown�?Dark_ANGEL!" DA slides into the ring as Its My Life By Bon Jovi blast over the PA. The crowd erupts as The lights go off and strobe lighting searches around the building, going over the fans. As the music continuwa to play the strobe lights point to the entrance ramp. Ryan Michaels walks out into the lights and pyros go off on both sides off him, leading to the arena being lit back up. He walks down the ramp a bit and as the lyrics get to the chorus he kneels down and pyros start going off in all directions. Finkle, "On his way to the ring, He comes to us from San Antonio Texas and weighs in this evening at 238 Pounds�?he is RYAN_MICCCCCCCHAEEELLLLSS!" He gets up and walks down the rest off the ramp, giving the fans high-fives and everything, slowly making his way to the ring. When he climbs in he climbs the turnbuckles and taunts the crowd. He then goes to the rope facing the entrance ramp and does the thing Shawn Michaels does. This then sets off more pyros, this time coming from the turnbuckles in the ring. The lights go out, then they flash on and off changing from blue to red. Lies by Evanescence hits the PA and she steps out from behind the curtain. She is dressed in A long black over coat that goes all the way to the floor. Under that is a pink top and black leather pants that flair out at the bottom. She stands there for a second looking down at the floor letting her hair fall in her face. Then she walks to one end of the stage to the next like edge does. Finkle, "From Detroit Michigan, She is The RAVISHING_PIT_BULLLLLLLL!" She walks down to the ring and jumps up on to the ring. She climbs threw the ropes. She slowly takes off her jacket and hands it over to the person waiting for it. She walks around the ring a few times and glares at everyone before retreating to a corner. She looks around then looks down at the floor and lets her hair fall in front of he face. She then looks up and watches through her hair for her "Victim" to come to her. As the crowd is in wait, 'Downfall' by Trust Company blast over the PA as the arena goes dark and red lights begin flashing through out the arena. The crowd pops when suddenly from behind the curtain comes former PLW Heavyweight champion, Scott Jensen. The crowd erupts as Jensen stands, staring around the arena briefly before he forcefully throws his arms into the are in a fashion similar to Stone Cold. The crowd erupts as Jensen begins power walking down the ramp. JR, "What a group of top talent young athletes we got piling into this ring�? Heyman, "Oh yeah, can’t go wrong with a guy like Scott Jensen who’s already 0 �?2." AJ, "What’s your win loss record like?" Heyman, "Incase you couldn’t tell by the headphones on my head or the monitor in front of me, I’m not a wrestler, I’m a commentator�? AJ, "Well than why don’t you shut the fu�?ngus up until You’ve stepped in the ring and gotten an idea of what it’s like to actually compete at the level that an ICWA Athlete has to compete!" As Jensen gets to the bottom of the ramp he slaps a few fans hands on his way to the steal stairs. Jensen quickly climbs up the stairs and hops in the ring through the second and third ropes. Finkle, "On his way to the ring from Cleveland Ohio�?He weighs in at 252 pounds, he is Scott "The MACHINE" JENNNNSENNNNN!!!" Jensen walks to the turnbuckle and climbs up to the second rope, raising his arms again in an Austin fashion as the crowd is going wild. Jensen holds his pose briefly before he hops down and walks over to the opposite corner of the ring and repeats this same process. Jensen then hops back down, wraps his arms around the top rope and leans back, crack/stretching his back quickly as he then stands in wait of his opponent. The chords of the electric guitar sound and the familiar sound of "Next Big Thing" hits the PA system. From behind the curtain comes Brock Lesnar. He stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the fan reaction, which isn’t very positive, then he begins to jump from side to side to get himself pumped up. He then slowly begins to walk down the ramp. Finkle, "Next, hailing from Minneapolis Minnesota, he weighs in this evening at 292 pounds and is the former ICWA Heavyweight Champion�?BROCCKK_LESSSSSSNARRRR!!!" He gets to the bottom of the ramp and the stops to do some more pumping up. He then leaps up onto the apron which sends pyro from each of the four ring posts. He then gets into the ring and pumps himself up even more... The lights in the arena flicker, as the commentators and crowd watches the Dementa-tron, waiting for the man's introduction movie to hit. Red lights fill the arena, as the small projector in front of the stage begin to flash with Jacob's face and one of his trademark tattoo signs. Finally, the familiar guitar strums opening up "The Chauffeur" by Deftones plays over the P.A. System. The crowd jumped to their feet, booing Jacob yet at the same time anxiously waiting the arrival of The Prodigal Son. The black curtain was seen pushed to the side as Jacob slowly struts out and stopped at the top with his head cocked a bit. Out behind him is his older brother Allan Mitchell. Jacob looked back towards Allan and then laughed at something Allan said before he turned back around and faced the ring. He held both arms out to his side with a cocky smirk on his face while he waves the crowd down. Allan stepped to Jacob's side as he dropped his arms back down to his side as he begun to walk down the ramp. Jacob and Allan watched the crowd laughing at different signs in the fans giving them a better reaction. Jacob had on his black tights, and tribal design on the back of his tights, which was outlined with a gold stroke, and in silver letters 'MITCHELL' which was also stroked with a gold outline. Allan sported a black and grey surf shorts with a white shirt thrown over his right shoulder, blocking the tattoo of the Taurus on his shoulder. Once they reached the middle of the ramp, he slowly dropped down to his left knee and braced himself with his left arm and closed his eyes. Behind him, Allan stood with both of his arms above him. Jacob looked down at the steel ramp and Allan cut a cocky smirk as sparks fell from the top of the titantron. After a few seconds, Jacob pushed himself back up and Allan dropped his arms back down to his side as they made their way down to the bottom of the ramp. Finkle, "Being accompanied to ringside by Allen Mitchell�?He hails from Honolulu Hawaii, and weighs in this evening at 266 pounds�?He represents the nWs�?JACOB_MITTTTTTTCHELLLLLL!" Jacob walked towards the ring apron and pulled himself up. He got into the ring and walked over to the ring post in the far right-hand side. He pulled himself up and extended his arms again while a few gold and white lights beamed down on Jacob, exposing his deep muscle definition. Allan stood on the bottom rope and bounced himself on it, similar to something Jeff Jarrett did. Camera flashes and cheers filled the arena as Jacob and Allan's smirks got wider. Jacob dropped his arms back down to his side and jumped back down to the mat. He backed up into the corner and rolled his head on his shoulders as he made his way to the turnbuckle in the opposite side. Jacob climbed up the turnbuckle again and held his arms out, gathering much more cheers this time around. Allan made his way over towards the opposite side ring ropes and once again bounced himself on the bottom rope while he held his right arm above him and left arm gripping the top rope. Chants of "Prodigal Son" and "Allan" begun to start up, that only fed his ego more as he dropped down to the mat and perched himself up onto the turnbuckle. Allan stood near him as the two joked about his opponent and match as the two awaited Jacob's opponent. The infamous cowbell is heard as it accompanies the beat of a drum. Before the guitar lick, four firecrackers on each side of the stage blast off like a rocket and explode just in time to hear the Rockin' Riff that is "Hair of the Dog" by Nazareth. Out comes Jack Memphis in his usual White T-Shirt, Leather Biker Vest, Blue Jeans, Chain Wallet, and Biker Boots. He comes out smiling' and happy to be here. He comes down to the ring giving high fives to all the adoring fans. Finkle, "Hailing from El Passo Texas, he weighs in at 264 pounds�?He is JACK_MEMMMMMPHISSSS!" He gets in the ring just in time for the music to worn his enemies, "Now you're messin' with a Son of a Bitch!" He begins taking of his vest and wallet�?/FONT> Mudvayne's "Not Falling" begins to play over the speakers, as the lights slightly dim. The Dementa-tron shows images of the one & only Matt Matlock, beating the living hell out of many opponents. Pyro blast off on the ramp as the first verse begins. As it subsides, walls of sparks come up on either side of the ramp as Matlock emerges in a pair of torn denims and a white wifebeater. He puts his hands on his hips, and narrows his eyes as he looks back and forth at the crowd. The crowd boos the shit out of him, but it bothers him not. With the sparks still shooting up, he walks down the ramp as the crowd continues their pointless booing. Finkle, "Now hailing from Nova Scotia Canada, he weighs in at 240 pounds�?He is MATT_MATTTTTTLOCKKK!" He steps through the ropes into the ring, and leans on the ropes on one side flipping off the crowd and talking shit to them. He goes to the opposite side, and does the same. He then climbs one of the far turnbuckles, folds his arms in front of him and gazes out over the crowd. He then looks upward as he raises his arms out to his sides, palms upward. Rapid shots of pyro shoot off in the middle of the ring. When he lowers his arms, the pyro subsides. He then steps down. The lights go back to normal, and the song fades as Matt awaits his opponent. The lights go out in the arena as the fans grow loud with anticipation. War Machine by KISS echos through the arena as Taz’s video plays on the Titan Tron. An orange spot like sweeps the arena like a prison light searching for an escaped convict. This makes the crowd get even louder as they now believe that Taz could be coming from anywhere in the Arena. At nearly a minute into the song a blast of orange pyro explodes on the stage and then with a black towel over his head comes Taz at the same time that the singer says �?Better Watch Out, Cause I’m A War Machine! Taz walks down the ramp with his aggressive bad ass walk as JR and Heyman can be heard arguing over the abilities of the man labeled the Human Suplex Machine. Finkle, "On his way to the ring, hailing from The Red Hook section of Brooklyn New York, and weighing in at 240 Pounds�?He is TAZ!" Taz gets to ringside, climbs the stairs, and enters the ring. As he bends over to enter the ring the towel falls of his head. He stands in the corner of the ring with his arms crossed, just waiting for the referee to ring the bell so that he can chalk up Just Another Victim. -()- Suddenly the lights in the arena dim and the Titan Tron flickers to life with the symbol for the Inter County Wrestling Alliance . Suddenly some hard guitar riffs begin pulsating through the PA system. The ICWA symbol is crushed by a falling graphic that says Y2Jesus. The lights around the Titan Tron begin strobing as the tempo speeds up again the climax of which shows the Y2Jesus graphic explode as his tron video begins playing. "Halleluja" by Rammstein is heard blasting over the PA system. The song is being sung in German, but translated into English in Y2J's entrance video. The lights around the arena and stage strobing bright white and gold. begins rocking throughout the arena as the crowd erupts in waves of jeers, boos, and obscenities! -()- " Er ist fromm und sehr sensibel.....an seiner Wand ein Bild des Herrn.....er wischt die Flecken von der Bibel.....das Abendmahl verteilt er gern!" -()- As the song plays you see the Self Appointed Savior of the ICWA strut out onto the ramp. He pauses with his back turned to the audience, he hands in prayer before spining around and holding them out in a grand fashion.-()- " Er liebt die Knaben aus dem Chor.....sie halten ihre Seelen rein.....doch Sorge macht ihm der Tenor! So muss er ihm am nächsten sein auf seinem Nachttisch, still und stumm, ein Bild des Herrn er dreht es langsam um!" -()- As he stands proudly atop the ramp as a shower of gold pyro erupt behind him from atop the Dementa-Tron (think Christian's old entrance), and some firework like pyro explode above him in a teardrop type fashion. -()- " Wenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlägt halleluja faltet er die Hände zum Gebet halleluja er ist ohne Weib geblieben halleluja so muss er seinen Nächsten lieben halleluja " -()- Y2J smiles widely as he spins around on the top of the ramp. Y2J begins walking in a very cocky manner, his flowing brown locks trail behind him as the golden specs from the fireworks fall all around him. He struts and primps, tossing his hair, pausing and jabbering with the fans a few times as he approaches the ring. -()- Finkle, "And finally, hailing from Boston Massachusetts and weighing in this evening at 262 pounds�?He is the self appointed savior of the ICWA, Y2JEEEEEEESUSSSS!" " Der junge Mann darf bei ihm bleiben...die Sünde nistet überm Bein...so hilft er gern sie auszutreiben... bei Musik und Kerzenschein! " -()- Y2J gets to the ring and stomps up the steps one at a time, getting up on the apron. He pauses and wipes his shoes on the outside before stepping through the ropes. -()- " Wenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlägt halleluja faltet er die Hände zum Gebet halleluja " -()- He goes to the center of the ring and holds out his arms motioning up and down his body playing to the crowd as a shower of flashbulbs rains down on the arrogant Y2J. He smirks at his opponent before climbing atop the nearest turnbuckle and posing again. -()- " er ist ohne Weib geblieben halleluja so muss er seinen Nächsten lieben halleluja " -()- Y2J hops off the turnbuckle and walks over to the ropes as the song begins to fade and the house lights return to normal. Y2J takes off the top part of his old robes he used to wear and hands it to a tech guy at ringside. -()- With that �?A target=_top href="http://a420.v8383d.c8383.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/420/8383/3b858b51/mtvrdstr.download.akamai.com/8512/wmp/4/9052/graphics.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=10920&LastModified=4675710924949166064&all_topics=1">Piggy Bank�?by 50 Cent blast over the PA as out from behind the curtain steps none other than the ICWA CEO and chairman. The chairman has a microphone in one hand, and what appears to be some sort of square cardboard object in his other hand. WallStreet raises the mic and says, "What are you doing Taz? You’re not in this match? (Taz raises an angry yet curious eyebrow) �?What, you think that you can attack the Chairman of the Board and still wrestle for a spot in the Pay Per View’s main event?! Security, remove the so �?called "Human Suplex Machine"." A dozen or so of security guards come from behind the curtain and begin walking down the ramp. Taz just shakes his head as the Entourage members snicker and laugh. Taz drops down and rolls out of the ring�?/P> JR, "AWE COME ON! This is a damned travesty!" Heyman, "It certainly is! WallStreet should have pressed full charges and called the police!" JR, "For what?! Defending his pride?!" Heyman, "How about Assault and attempted man-slaughter!" JR, "MAN-SLAUGHTER?! HOW THE HELL DO YOU FIGURE?!" Heyman, "If Taz had left that Tazmission on much longer WallStreet could of suffered serious brain damage and even death!" JR, "AWE WHAT A CROCK OF�? AJ, "Ah-ah JR, watch the four letter words, remember�? Taz gets to the top of the ramp and one of the guards goes to grab him which causes Taz to violently shove him back. Taz is picked up by the camera as saying "Do I look like I’m resisting and need to be restrained?! Keep your damn hands off of me or I’ll choke your ass out next!" The guards back off and let Taz walk through the curtain as they follow closely behind him. This leaves WallStreet smirking on the ramp as he takes a seat in his large leather chair. WallStreet sets the cardboard object on his lap and reviles it to be a spinner, similar to that, that would come with the game "Twister". WallStreet flicks the spinner letting it go around and around. As it finally lands WallStreet grins and says, "Well, well, Looks like this contest is going to start as a "Technical Match"�?Have a nice, clean three minutes gentlemen�?Ring the bell Eaton!" | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 19th, 2005 | With that the time keeper rings the bell as Ameythst says "A technical match with 13 guys all looking to destroy each other?" JR, "For those of you who don’t know, a Technical match is a fairly regular match except that the referee is not able to loosely officiate. So much as a closed fist, a kick, a high flying move, Even an elbow drop�?They can all get you disqualified. You see that our entire officiating staff is at ringside, so there’s a lot of eyes looking to through the proverbial yella flag." In the ring, the match begins very slowly as no one is sure who to shoot for and how to get started without even being able to utilize a basic clothesline. Finally however Sean O’Hare kicks things off as he belly to belly suplexes Jack Memphis. He follows it up with a hammer lock as DA drops down and hooks on the sideheadlock as these two are seemingly working as a cohesive unit. This draws Shawn Allen’s attention enough that Matt Matlock is able to drop down and hit the Drop Toe Hold as he sprawls around and hooks on the front facelock. Shane Douglas goes to deliver a kick to Matlock but Bobby stops him, reminding him that he’ll be disqualified. Shane shrugs but before he can walk away Lesnar has him with a rear waist lock and delivers a belly to back suplex. That’s enough to set everyone off as the rest of the wrestlers either shoot for a take down, or get in a grapple with whomever is nearest them. Jacob Mitchell can be seen grappling with Pitbull who he quickly hoist up and drops down with a high angle suplex. He quickly rolls over and locks in a tight chin lock, however Bobby Johnson sees an opportunity to take out the gentleman he likes least in this contest and locks his own Sleeper on Mitchell. Mitchell keeps the chinlock intact as he is trying to fight through the sleeper, eventually however, he has no choice but to release Pitbull as He is fading off slowly. Over with Shane and Lesnar we see that Douglas has somehow put on the Texas Cloverleaf, but Lesnar grabs the ropes which makes referee Jack Doan hop up onto the ring apron and demand the break from Douglas. Douglas quickly releases knowing that the referees are much more strict in a Technical match. Lesnar is quick to his feet but Douglas wraps on the front waist lock, hoist him up, and delivers a belly to belly suplex. Ryan Michaels seems to be wrestling with Scott Jensen although at the moment Jensen has the best of him with a standing arm bar. Michaels however is able to get upright do a standing flip, then spin around grabbing Jensen’s wrist and spinning behind his back, locking on a hammerlock. Jensen quickly reaches down between his legs and sweeps Michaels leg before he spins himself around and grabs the legs of Michaels, looking like he may be hoping to hook on the Boston Crab. Michaels however rolls with Jensen with great speed, surprising Jensen and sending him through the second and third ropes to the floor bellow. Michaels gets up and Jensen grabs his foot and yanks him down to the mat, and out of the ring. He locks on a very tight sideheadlock which makes Michaels struggle briefly before he hoist Jensen up and delivers a modified belly to back suplex, dropping Jensen on the black mats at ringside. Back in the ring we see that Allen has finally gotten the better of Matlock as he has him locked in a Sharpshooter. Y2Jesus, who had been wrestling Dark Angle, making O’Haire and Memphis a one on one situation, has DA down and decides to go exact some revenge on Allen. Jesus runs, jumps, wraps his arms around Allen, and falls making Allen release Matlock as he ends up being the victim of a modified Tornado DDT. We get a high camera shot like they use for Ladder matches so that we can catch everyone in the same view. There’s a lot of very generic and basic holds being applied and exchanged when a little 30 Second clock comes on in the right hand corner of the screen. JR, "Apparently only 30 Seconds till we get a stipulation change�? Heyman, "Thank you�?And Captain Obvious comes to the save yet again." AJ, "I think "Captain Obvious" should of flown to the rescue when you were trying to figure out what to wear this morning." Heyman, "And what are you, a fashion designer?!" AJ, "As a matter of fact I am..." Heyman, "Oh...... Look at that action in the ring!" We go back to the ring where we see Jack Memphis has yet to fair well against O’Haire as a technical wrestling match is definitely not his forte. Lesnar and Douglas are still grappling and Lesnar is the clear aggressor, which shouldn’t come off as overly surprising since he’s a two time NCAA Heavyweight Champion as well as a multi-time Big Ten champion. On the outside Ross has the sharpshooter locked on Scott Jensen, but Jensen refuses to give up. The crowd begins counting 10……�?……�?………�?……�?6…�?……�?………�?………�?……�?�?A Loud air horn goes off as the competitors continue wrestling and the camera goes up to WallStreet. WallStreet flicks the spinner, waits for it to draw to an end, and then raises the mic�?BR>WallStreet, "The match has become a Bra and Panties Match!" JR, Heyman, and AJ all yell in unison, "WHAT?!?!?!" The camera goes back to the ring where Y2Jesus and Shawn Allen have begun brawling since it’s no longer illegal. As they fight, Allen is seemingly pinned under Jesus. Matlock sees an opportunity as he grabs Allen’s dress slacks and begins yanking them down. Allen can’t do much about it and after a little fight with the pants, Matlock gets em off and the nearest ref signals to Finkle who announces, "SHAWN_ALLEN HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!" The crowd pops as Jesus raises an eyebrow, glances behind him, and realizes that he’s on a nearly naked man. Jesus jumps up and bitches at Matlock for stripping Allen while he was on top of him. Matlock and Jesus briefly exchange words as Allen rolls out of the ring and starts heading to the back. In the ring Matlock finally pops Jesus in the jaw and follows it up with a kick to the gut and an inverted DDT. On the floor Jensen and Michaels are still wrestling although Michaels has since released the Sharpshooter, probably because a submission is irrelevant in a Bra and Panties match. JR, "My God, what a unique situation�?Don’t go anywhere, we’re taking our final Commercial Break for the night!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 19th, 2005 | We return from commercial just as the Air Horn goes off again. Nobody seems to be missing from the match baring Allen who was eliminated before the stipulation change. Back on the ramp WallStreet again flicks the match spinner. WallStreet, "And the match will now be a……�?HA! A losser Losses His Job Match�?Don’t let yourself get beat in this 3 minutes (winks)!" JR, "MAH GAWD, Somebody could lose there job!" AJ, "COME ON LESNAR!" In the ring we see that now Lesnar is paired off with Dark Angel. Lesnar has her in the corner and is pummeling her with those huge right hands until Sean O’Haire comes from behind and spins him around. O’Haire begins delivering right hands to Lesnar, steps back, and delivers a clothesline sending both of them up and over the top rope, landing on the floor right next to the ramp. Back in the ring Angel gets out of the corner, shaking it off as she sees Jack Memphis heading for O’Haire. She delivers a stiff kick into his gut, puts on a sideheadlock, and delivers a bulldog. Jacob Mitchell is Fighting against Shane Douglas, they’ve both been getting there licks in but at the moment Mitchell is on the offensive. Mitchell delivers a snapmare take over, and then delivers a quickly executed dropkick to the back of the Franchise. Franchise grabs his back and falls back as Mitchell rolls over and hooks the far leg as Earl Hebnar slides in and counts ……�?…………�?�?Just two as Douglas kicks out. Mitchell pulls him up and locks on a sleeper as we go over and find Bobby Johnson getting body slammed by Pitbull. Johnson quickly gets up holding his back only for Pitbull to take a huge bite on Johnson’s arm. Johnson screams out in pain before he spins around and nails a huge right hand to the face, knocking her on her ass. The Hardcore champion begins shaking his left hand, looking down in disbelief, probably finding it difficult to believe that he was just bitten in a main event match. Clearly still pissed he nails a couple of hard kicks in Pitbull’s ribs and then leaps and nails a standing Elbow drop. Johnson goes for the cover as Brian Hebnar slides in and counts ………�?………�?………�?But Pitbull kicks out. Johnson gets up as she slowly follows. He whips her into the corner and follows delivering a High Body Avalanche (stinger splash) as we go to the floor directly infront of the commentary table where Ryan Ross and Scott Jensen are still paired off together, thus far they are the only two who have stuck with each other the entire match, and they’ve had a very competitive bout which has been fairly clean between the two of them. Michaels leaps up delivering a hurracarana. As Jensen hits the mats Ryan gets up, turns, and runs, grabbing onto Jensen’s head and leaping over him, giving the same basic effect as severe whip lash. Jensen grabs his neck and falls back. JR, "Shades of the late "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig with that maneuver!" Ryan Michaels again grabs the legs of the Machine and goes for the sharpshooter, however in a rookie error he bends to low allowing Jensen to grab a fist full of his hair and deliver a couple of hard right hands. Michaels releases The Machine and Jensen gets up. Back in the ring we see Jack Memphis has finally gotten away from DA but only to receive a kick to the gut followed by the Divine Intervention (Stone Cold Stunner) from Y2Jesus. Memphis snaps up and stumbles back only for DA to grab him and put the icing on the cake with a hard Reverse DDT. Dark Angle covers him and Tim White slides in and counts …………�?………………�?……………�?! White signals to Finkle who announces, "JACK_MEMPHIS HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!" The crowd boos as JR says, "This isn’t right�?This was meant to be for the contendership to the world title, nobody warned these guys that there careers were on the line!" Heyman, "Hey, they knew the risks when they walked into this match. Besides, it’s just some washed up bouncer, who cares?!" JR, "That’s a human being you’re talking about! A Man with a family!" Heyman, "I’m sorry, you must have confused me with someone who cares." With that we see Jack Memphis roll out of the ring with his hung low as he heads up the ramp. The crowd is booing loudly, clearly not thrilled at seeing Memphis go. We follow Memphis up the ramp where he meets eyes with WallStreet who’s grinning from ear to ear. WallStreet gives him a sarcastic wave and in return Memphis gives him the big middle finger. JR, "I don’t think he’s telling WallStreet that’s he number 1!" WallStreet’s grin fades as he glares at Memphis who continues walking and goes behind the black curtain. With that we go back down the ramp a little ways where Lesnar and O’Haire are brawling�?Please note I said brawling, not wrestling. These guys are beating the ever loving Hell out of each other. O’Haire finally delivers a stiff kick into the gut of Lesnar, hoist him up, and delivers one Hell of a powerbomb on the ramp. O’Haire lays across him and hooks the far leg as Bill Alfonso runs up the ramp and then drops, counting ……………�?…………�?…�?But Lesnar thrust his shoulder up with great power as Alfonso blows his whistle, declaring it’s only a 2 count. O’Haire is quick to get up and begins arguing with Alfonso as Lesnar is slowly getting up behind Sean. Sean turns around and Lesnar lunges forward with that huge clothesline of his, dropping O’Haire hard on the ramp. O’Haire rolls down a bit as Lesnar follows behind. As he does so the 30 Second timer shows up in the corner of the screen again as we go over to Michaels and Jensen near the commentators again. Michaels grabs Jensen’s wrist and delivers an Irish whip, sending Jensen back first against the Commentary Table. Ryan runs and nails a Clothesline sending Jensen up onto the commentary table. Michaels hops up on the commentary table and grabs Jensen, pulling him up. The commentators at this point all get up and take there headsets off, getting out of the way. Michaels seems to be thinking about a DDT, however Jensen suddenly hoist Ryan on his shoulders and then, BAM! The Machine (Perry Saturn style DVD) Through the commentary table. The crowd begins counting down 10……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?…�?Jensen covers as referee Teddy Long counts ………�?………�?……�?The Air horn begins blowing at the exact same time that Long counts three. JR, "I think�?I think the ICWA Just lost Ryan Michaels!" Teddy long shakes his head and we can hear him yelling "No Pin, The time ran out!" Heyman and Amethyst get there headsets back on as the camera goes to WallStreet who has apparently already spun the spinner. WallStreet, "Well Ladies and Gents, the following match is a Glass Table Match! Same concept as a regular table match, only with Glass tables!" JR, "Mah GAWD! That’s brutal!" With that said the Crew members begins carrying glass tables out and placing them on the stage. They get four out there when WallStreet nods and waves his hand as to say ‘Okay, that’s enough.�?They go to the back as go back to the ring to determined what everyone is doing. In the ring DA and Pitbull have paired off and DA seems to be on the offensive. Jacob Mitchell has just locked The Mitchell lock on Shane Douglas, not that it matters in the aspect of making the Franchise tap as he can’t win this fall via submission, however it will wear down the Franchise and make it all that much easier to obtain a win over him in this stipulation or another stipulation. And in a very surprising turn of events, Bobby Johnson and Y2Jesus seem to be double teaming Matt Matlock in the corner, which has the crowd pretty enthused. On the floor in front of the commentators who are now tableless, Jensen is starting to get up and Michaels is still down. Back on the ramp toward the bottom Lesnar and O’Haire are still going at it, and finding themselves throwing more fists than holds, but to each there own. We’re gonna go back in the ring where the harmony between Johnson and Jesus is seemingly drawing to an end. Jesus delivers a stiff kick to the gut of Johnson and goes for another Divine Intervention (Stone Cold Stunner) but Johnson hooks the Bourbon Street Blues (Rear Naked Choke, Or a Modified Tazmission) and falls back, looking to choke the life out of Jesus. As he does this Matlock begins getting himself up. Over with Douglas and Mitchell, The Icon Slayer has released the Mitchell Lock and goes for an Irish Whip, sending Douglas across the ring. Jacob Runs after him and as The Franchise’s back hits the ropes he’s met with a big clothesline that sends him up and over the top rope to the floor bellow. Douglas, to his credit, lands on his feet and turns around, seeing O’Haire and Lesnar going back and forth. Douglas joins O’Haire and starts pummeling Lesnar. Mitchell sees this and contemplates giving chase to the Franchise and joining the battle at ringside but he doesn’t get much time to make a decision when Pitbull, who has apparently shaken off DA, Attacks him from behind. Mitchell turns around only to receive a Rain Drop (Inverted DDT), Planting Mitchell hard. Pitbull gets up and is about to capitalize on the downed Icon Slayer but is blind sided by a recovered Dark Angel who comes running and nails a spinning heel kick. Pitbull goes flying between the first and second and ropes and ends up on the floor at ringside. She slowly gets her self up and turns around just in time to see Dark Angle grab the top rope and catapult herself over the ropes, landing a modified Cross Body across The Ravishing one. Back in the ring Matlock has began stomping at that heavily braced right knee of Y2Js as Bobby has basically rendered him unconscious with the Bourbon Street Blues. Finally Johnson releases the hold and Matlock decides to wrap Y2J’s legs up and hook on the Figure Four leg lock. If he was conscious there is no doubt he’d cry in pain, and if this was a typical match right now Matlock would obtain an easy 3 count but since the stipulation is a Glass Tables match, all that’s gonna come of this move is more damage to that already decimated knee of the Savior. JR, "That knee of Y2J’s been a big bull’s eye since he had it so brutally attacked at the hands of Shawn Allen and the Entourage less than a month ago." Heyman, "Personally, I think it’d be "Extreme" if one of these guys ripped the lower leg of Y2J right off his body!" The camera angle switches to the announce area where Amethyst reaches across and slaps Heyman across the face. She takes off her headset and goes over to the ring with a look of grave concern as she is trying to get a closer look to see how much damage is being done. Heyman, "JESUS CHRIST! WHAT’D I SAY?!?!" JR, "Oh yeah Paul, I wonder what ya said�?That was real classy!" JR, "WHAT?!" JR, "Awe ya just came right out and said you wanted to see someone rip her husband’s leg off his body!" Heyman, "Hey, my sources tell me that he is about to be divorced from her and it was HER idea, so why in the HELL is she slapping me?! If anything she should be in my lap trying to find a new daddy for the little bastard child!" JR, "You’re the lowest form of scum I know�?You know that?! You are unbelievable�?I’m embarrassed to say I know you!" Heyman, "Trust me, the feeling’s mutual." As AJ is still at ringside, Dark Angel has apparently opted not to continue fight Pitbull as she is now around on the opposite side of the ring and she’s got a gleam in her eye as she looks at Amethyst. AJ doesn’t notice at first however she turns and sees DA growing closer. Typically Jane would be more than happy to oblige Dark Angel’s desire for a fight, however with her pregnant she’s trying to back away and talk her way out of this. AJ slips and falls on her but with her back against the ring steps as Dark Angel gets an evil grin, realizing this is her chance to handle her business. Just as she’s about to attack, Jensen comes out of no where, grabs her wrist and leg, and delivers an Olympic Slam to DA. He turns around and extends his hand down to AJ, who hesitantly accepts as he helps her up. Jensen walks her back over to the commentary table and insist that AJ take a seat. AJ pleads that her husband needs her so Jensen assures her that she doesn’t have to worry and finally convinces her to take a seat next to JR. As she does DA Comes from no where and nails a clothesline to the back of Jensen, making him stumble forward, going against the fan barricade. DA turns him around but just as she does, she is blindsided by the Sweet Chin Music. The crowd erupts as Ryan Michaels has surprisingly come to the save of Jensen. Jensen says something to Michaels that goes undetected by the cameras, but Michaels nods and reaches down, focusing on DA as if he trust Jensen to leave him be. And Jensen, surprisingly considering the steaks of this match, does infact leave him be as he runs and slides into the ring. By now Y2J has awoke and is screaming in pain as Matlock has yet to even consider loosening that hold. Johnson and Mitchell are brawling in the corner, and other than that the ring is empty baring the newly added Scott Jensen. Jensen runs over, leaps, and nails a leg drop on Matlock, breaking the figure four. Y2J rolls out of the ring, holding his right knee and rolling himself up the fetal position as he is in serious pain. Back in the ring The Machine grabs Matlock by the head and pics him up. He delivers an Irish whip sending him across the ring. As the Lone Wolf bounces back Jensen bends down and throws him up and over the top rope with a modified Back body drop. Jensen drops down and rolls out of the ring, going to work on Matlock. Now to give a brief idea of where everyone is and what everyone’s doing�?Dark Child stayed in Jamaica and stood up the ICWA, Thus never entered the ring. Taz was thrown out of the match because WallStreet’s a dick. Shawn Allen was eliminated in the second stipulation which was a Bra and Panties match. Jack Memphis was eliminated in the "Loser Losses His Job" stipulation, there for not only eliminating him from the match, but the ICWA as well. Now we are on our forth stipulation meaning we are somewhere between 9 �?12 minutes into this huge match, and JR has assured us that there will not be any further commercial breaks. In the ring Jacob Mitchell and Bobby Johnson are wrestling/fighting, with no clear aggressor as the two have been fairly evenly matched tonight. At ringside nearest the commentators, Ryan Michaels and Dark Angel have began mixing it up, Ryan started out as the clear aggressor, but Dark Angel has returned the fight, and at this moment is doing well against Michaels as they seem to be slowly making there way around ringside. On the side floor, Jesus is curled up holding that knee which may have met it’s final match since he has yet to even try and stand up. Right in front of the ring by the ramp, Jensen and Matlock are going at it pretty hard. Up the ramp, almost right next to WallStreet�?Pitbull, O’Haire, Shane Douglas, and Brock Lesnar are all going at it. We’ll stick with these four. O’Haire nails Pitbull with a clothesline which sends her flying back into the lap of the Corporate Icon. WallStreet gets a big smirk on his face as he brushes the hair out of her face and allows her to remain in his lap. Brock Lesnar, however, doesn’t seem to think that WallStreet’s lap is the place for Pitbull and comes over, grabbing her by the hair, and yanking her up. WallStreet shrugs as Shane Douglas and Sean O’Haire are going blow for blow, getting very close to those glass tables on the opposite side of the stage of WallStreet. O’Haire delivers a kick into the gut and looks like he’s about to power bomb Douglas through the table. He pulls him up for the powerbomb but as he does WallStreet gets up, rushes across the stage, drops to a knee, and delivers a huge lowblow to O’Haire. O’Haire falls back as WallStreet just barely gets out of the way. Douglas rolls off of his chest as WallStreet gets up and grins, giving an approving nod to Douglas. WallStreet walks back over and takes his seat again Douglas goes to bend down for O’Haire, but is Powerlined by Lesnar, and just narrowly misses the glass table. Lesnar thinks about going after Douglas, but decides he’d rather finish his business with O’Haire. The 30 Second timer starts counting down in the corner of the screen as Lesnar bends down and grabs O’Haire by the hair, pulling him up. Brock throws O’Haire up on his shoulders, Throws him forward, and delivers an F5 Through the first glass table, shattering it as Bill Alfonso signals to The fink. Finkle, "SEAN_O’HARRRIE, HAS BEEN ELIMINATEDDD!" JR, "And it looks like O’Haire’s back to contending for the Hardcore championship, but he put up one Hell of a fight here tonight!" Lesnar gets up and gets an evil grin as he looks over at Douglas who is being attacked by Pitbull. Douglas rolls over however, and begins unloading rights and lefts of his own on The Ravishing one. The crowd begins counting down from ten as Lesnar grabs Douglas by the neck, picks him up, Knees him in the gut, and hoist him up for the powerbomb. Lesnar walks over the broken glass, and broken O’Haire, and is about to powerbomb Douglas through two glass tables that are side by side when the airhorn blows, declaring the glass table stipulation over. Lesnar would probably still powerbomb Douglas through the table, except that Pitbull has found her feet, runs, and delivers a dropkick which makes him lose his hold of Douglas and they both fall, crashing through the tables. WallStreet flicks the spinner again, and is pleasantly surprised by the outcome. WallStreet, "Well ladies and Gents, now it’s a Ladder Match! (Crowd pops). And let clarify, in this fall it is impossible to be eliminated, HOWEVER�?If anyone climbs the ladder and grabs that briefcase, they are automatically guaranteed a spot in the Elimination Chamber and may take there leave as an early winner." JR, "Immunity from elimination rest in that brief case over the ring!" So once again, Let’s get an idea of what we’re looking at. O’Haire is eliminated but has yet to move from the heap of glass he was thrown through on the stage. Lesnar and Douglas are still in the match, but much like Sean O’Haire, they have yet to move. Pitbull is heading down the ramp, and as she does so she is nearing Matt Matlock and Scott Jensen. Matlock has Jensen in the air and is the midst of landing a Fisherman’s Suplex�?Scratch that cause he just landed it, but now Pitbull is going over Matlock. In the ring, Johnson gets behind Mitchell and is looking for that Bourbon Street Blues again but Mitchell uses his Cat Like Quickness and reverses with The Prodigal Drop! (RKO). JR, "PRODIGAL DROP! HE HIT THE PRODIGAL DROP!" On the floor Jesus is still holding his knee, and Dark Angel and Ryan Michaels are half way through the crowd, fitting toward one of the exits. On the side of the ring opposite of Jesus, Allen Mitchell is still standing and surprisingly enough, that side of the ring hasn’t seen any action. Allen bends down and reaches under the ring apron, withdrawing a long black ladder. Allen slides it into the ring and Jacob grabs it and sets it up in the center of the ring. Mitchell begins climbing the ladder, although he is taking his time and trying very desperately not to fall from the ladder. It is becoming very apparent that ladder matches are not the Prodigal Son’s favorite. He very slowly continues up, rung by rung by rung, but to his benefit, the only person close enough to stop him is Bobby Johnson, and he’s only just started to move. Jacob finally gets high enough to reach the briefcase and reaches up, grabbing it. He begins attempting to un-hook the latch that is holding the briefcase but Johnson is up and drop kicks the ladder out from under Mitchell, however, to Mitchell’s credit, he keeps a hold of the briefcase and hangs from it as the ladder falls bellow him. Suddenly the handle of the Briefcase snaps off due to the weight and Mitchell comes crashing down hard on that ladder. He shoots forward, grabbing his back with his right hand as he is in obvious pain. Finkle, "JACOB_MITCHELL HAS BEEN GUARANTEED A SPOT IN THE ELIMINATION CHAMBER AT RESURRECTION!!!" JR, "And we’ve got our first of the 6 Elimination Chamber entrants!" Heyman, "Maybe�?With the way he landed on that ladder he may have just Eliminated himself from the Chamber." JR, "That’s a definite possibility�?This Kid’s gonna have to get a thorough physical before he’s allowed to get in the ring again." Back on the ramp WallStreet flicks the spinner again�?It wasn’t 3 minutes but obviously you can’t continue the ladder match stipulation. WallStreet, "Oh what fun, it looks like a leather strap match�?Get comfortable with the opponent nearest you because for the next three minutes you’ll be connected by ten feet of leather, and if you resist being strapped, you’ll automatically be eliminated." With that several crew members come from the back with leather straps. One of them carefully steps over the shards of glass on the stage and connects Douglas and Lesnar at the wrists. Down on the ramp Jensen gets hooked to Pitbull. Matlock is just getting up from a previous move executed by Pitbull and is informed that he will be strapped to Bobby so he reluctantly slides in the ring and they hook him to Johnson. Those two start brawling almost instantly there after. That leaves Ryan Michaels and Dark Angel who have disappeared to God knows where, and Y2J at ringside. The crew member looks up the ramp, not sure what to do so WallStreet raises his mic and says, "Don’t worry about it�? The crew member nods and all of the crew members head back to the back. So once again, let’s give this match the look over. Despite agreeing to stay in her seat for Jensen, AJ has grown to concearned for her Husband and we see her getting up and rushing over to check on him since he is still nursing that knee on the floor. Allen is helping Jacob to the back, he’s hobbling bad and holding that back, lets HOPE to GOD that his back is just sore or bruised cause we really can’t afford to lose him. In the ring Matlock and Johnson are beating the Hell out of each other, but Matlock seems to gain the upperhand via the Fireman’s carry followed up by a sleeper submission hold. On the floor Jensen and Pitbull are going hard but Pitbull seems to have the advantage as she nails the Twist of Fate. Up on the stage Lesnar and Douglas have both just started to move and as they roll to there knees we see the blood coming from the many cut on there backs and arms. Ryan Michaels and Dark Angel have lost the cameramen in the back, however as JR will surely inform us, they are attempting to locate the two. JR, "What a massacre! Well, I’m not sure what happened to DA and Ryan Michaels, but I am being told that our cameramen are attempting to locate them." What timing eh? Never the less, let’s make our primary focus on Scott Jensen and the Pitbull on the lower portion of the ramp. Pitbull followed up her twist of fate with a cover however referee Charlie Robinson declared it a two count as Jensen somehow got his arm up. Pitbull gets up and grabs Jensen by the neck, guiding him to his feet as she delivers an Irish whip and runs with him, watching him collide back first with those steal stairs. She continues running and drives the knee into his face in a Mick Foley fashion. She picks up Jensen and rolls him into the ring as she follows behind. On the other side of the ring Johnson has gotten the upperhand on Matlock as he delivers the T-Bone Suplex. Back over with Pitbull and Jensen, Pitbull, who has been the clear aggressor over the Machine, slams him hard in the corner. She suddenly bares her teeth as she begins growling at Jensen. She then backs up and runs at Jensen, probably looking for a High Body Avalanche or a clothesline but Jensen delivers a stiff kick to her gut, which is even harder than usual since her own momentum forced even more power into the kick. Jensen hooks her arm, hoist her up, stalls, and then nails the Locura Driver (Brain Buster). Jensen falls over on Pitbull and hooks the far leg as Earl Hebnar slides into the ring and counts, …………�?…………�?…………�?!" Finkle, "THE RAVISHING PITBULL HAS BEEN ELIMINATEDDDD!" Hebnar undoes the leather strap from Pitbull’s wrist as he explains to Jensen that he’s gonna have to come out to the floor and get tied up with Jesus. Jensen nods and rolls out of the ring as Hebnar hooks the strap to Jesus�?wrist. On the floor Amethyst pleads with Jensen not to further damage Y2J’s knee. The camera gets close enough that we pick up the conversation. Jensen, "You think you can continue bro?" Jesus shakes his head, "There’s no way�? Jensen, "Alright man, let’s get ya up and to the back. WallStreet clearly has no intention of getting the medics out here for ya so we’ll just go and take you to them." Y2J nods as Amethyst thanks Jensen. Scott grabs Y2J’a hands and with all his strength, pulls him up. Jensen puts himself under Y2J’s right arm and starts helping him hobble to the ramp as AJ follows a couple of paces behind. The slowly get to the ramp and suddenly Jesus wraps his arms around Jensen’s head and runs, jumping and nailing a bulldog. AJ’s jaw drops as Jesus rolls Jensen over and hooks the far leg making referee Jack Doan run from ringside as Alfonso has disappeared, probably sent to find DA and Michaels. Doan counts ………………�?………………�?………………�?Nearly three but Jensen just gets his shoulder up. Jesus gets up, limping on that right leg, but it doesn’t seem nearly as bad as he was making it out to be. He begins laying the boots to Jensen as AJ looks on is disbelief, clearly being just as mislead as the rest of us. The fans, who have been growing fond of Jesus in recent weeks, are booing him now. JR, "He�?He was playing possum!" Heyman, "And in the process he’s been able to rest for half this match while everyone else has been getting beaten to Hell�?I have to give the devil his due, Good strategy." JR, "I guess I can’t deny the effectiveness of the strategy, although it seems a little underhanded." Heyman, "In a match like this, NOTHING is underhanded." JR, "That’s certainly an arguable point�? As Jesus proceeds putting the boots to Jensen, Matlock has yet again gained the leverage in the ring as he has locked on the Figure four again, but this time on Bobby Johnson. And on the ramp, both Lesnar and Douglas have been up and dishing out a lot of fists and a few moves as there bodies are bloody from the thousands of pieces of glass all over the left hand side of the stage. They have however made there way over toward the right side and are fighting right behind WallStreet when Douglas hooks the leg and neck of Lesnar, and delivers a Pittsburg Plunge (Modified Fisherman’s suplex) throwing Lesnar off the stage, however he apparently forgot that he was strapped to Lesnar and goes flying behind him. Lesnar crashes through the recently replaced tables where Ross and James had crashed Earlier, and Douglas falls ontop of Lesnar, but bounces off and as he does, Lesnar unconsciously rolls over and when it’s all said and done his arm is over the body of the Franchise. JR, "BAH GAWD! There won’t be anything of these two left to go to the Elimination Chamber!" Crowd: HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT�?BR>Referee Teddy Long finally gets over and counts …………………�?…………………�?……………………�?! Finkle, "SHANE DOUGLAS HAS BEEN ELIMINATEEDDD!" The medics come back through the same way that they came when had to scrape James and Ross off the floor. They un-hook the leather straps and start putting neck braces on the athletes as the 30 Second timer comes up in the corner again. We go back down on the lower ramp where Y2J has been beating the Holy Hell out of Scott Jensen. Jesus grabs the legs of Jensen and rolls him over, locking on The Pearly Gates (modified Lion tamer). Jensen grabs his face, trying so desperately to fight the excuiating pain as he hears the crowd count 10……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?………�?……�?……�?……�?…�?The airhorn blows and after it does Jensen taps out. Jesus keeps the hold locked in, probably hoping for a Submission match to be the next fall as WallStreet flicks his spinner yet again. | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 19th, 2005 | WallStreet, "This could grow difficult�?The next fall is an ICWA Street Fight!" JR, "Well inorder to win an ICWA Street Fight, you have to actually pin or force the submission of your opponent on Pavement, black top, or gravel�?By the time one of these superstars gets to the streets the 3 minutes would be up�?BR>Heyman, "Not necessarily�?I’m being told that we’ve found Ryan Michaels and Dark Angel�? With that the cameras go to the back where Ryan Michaels and Dark Angel are fighting right in front of the multiple glass doors at the entrance of the arena. We can see a few fans at the ICWA Merchandise tables in the background, although most of them are in their seats for this huge match. Dark Angel delivers a kick into the gut of Michaels and then lands the DDT as we see Bill Alfonso finally catching up with these two. Dark Angel decides to try and finish it and go for the cover but Alfonso explains that he can’t count. Dark Angel gets up and gets into his face, asking him why he can’t count and Alfonso tries to explain that DA must obtain the pinfall outside. They continue arguing, which gives Michaels time to shake the cobwebs out a little and roll over to his knees. DA turns around and grabs Michaels by the hair, lifting him up and starting to guide him toward the doors. Ryan however, is quick to plant his feet, wrap his arm around her waist, and drop, delivering a sideslam. He hooks the near leg but Alfonso again explains that he can’t count. A Look of heavy frustration comes over his face as he rolls off of Dark Angel and begins to lift her off the floor. As he does we come back inside the arena where in the ring The figure four has long been escaped by Johnson and we see that both Johnson has that Barbwire covered Sledge hammer as Matlock is on his knees on the opposite side of the ring and both man have ditched the leather strap. Johnson walks toward Matlock, ready to use that Sledge but Matlock jumps out of the corner, wraps on a sideheadlock, and leaps forward landing a Bulldog. On the ramp Jesus hasn’t bothered disconnecting himself from Jensen as he is using the leather strap to choke the life out of him. Y2J is like a possessed man, and has kicked it into overdrive in the late goings of this match. Over on the floor by the stage we see Shane Douglas being wheeled to the back on the stretched. They have Lesnar up on a stretcher as well and begin rolling him out but he grabs one of the medics arm and insist that they stop. The Medics try to explain to Lesnar what’s going in but Lesnar refuses to listen as he slowly sits up and yanks off the neck brace they’ve given him. Lesnar rolls off the stretcher and walks about three steps before he falls over. He slowly crawls over to a piece of ICWA Electrical equipment, and uses it to pull himself back up as he begins stumbling his way toward the ring, barely conscious. All the same he walks between the ramp and the fan barricade, using the fan barricade to support himself as the fans all slap his arms and shoulders. Lesnar stumbles out to the floor by the ramp and drops to a knee, trying desperately to collect himself. As he does so Jesus eyes him like a piece of candy and quickly releases Jensen and unstraps his wrist from the strap that’s connected to "The Machine". Y2J limps over to Lesnar and begins delivering devastating right hands to The ICWA Franchise as we go back to the front of the arena. We are outside the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence Rhode Island where Michaels and Dark Angel are still fighting it out. Dark Angel kicks Michaels in the stop, takes a few steps back, runs and delivers a swinging neck breaker. With that she goes around and puts on the spinning toehold and is looking to finish with the Figure four however when she bends down to grab Ryan’s legs, Ryan rolls her over in a Small package as they roll onto the street and Alfonso counts …………�?…………�?…………�?! DA just kicks out, however she seems to be a half a second too late as Bill Alfonso points to the camera, which signals for Finkle to announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?DARK_ANGEL HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!" JR, "That leaves on more to be eliminated and at the moment, Brock Lesnar isn’t looking so hot!" Alfonso helps guide Ryan back into the building to head back to the ring as the cameras go back inside the arena where we find our final 5. JR, "Now for those of you who may have just joined us�?Even though there are 6 left, these are not our final 6. During the Ladder Match stipulation nWs�?Jacob Mitchell obtained immunity from elimination and guaranteed himself a spot in the Resurrection Main Event�?So now it comes down to these 5, perhaps 6 if Ryan Michaels gets back in time�?Although keep in mind that if the next match stipulation should happen to be a standard onefall match, than Ryan Michaels could very well find himself counted out as he is furthest from the ring at this point." With that said the 30 Second timer comes on in the corner of the screen as Jesus has Lesnar locked in a front facelock at ringside. In the ring Matt Matlock and Bobby Johnson are still going in what has been a brutal brawl. Finally however, Johnson gets the upperhand and locks on that Bourbon Street Blues again (Modified Tazmission). Matlock fights as the fans again count down 10........9……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?�?The airhorn goes off again as yet again WallStreet flicks his spinner. It comes to a spot that WallStreet seems very pleased with as he says, "Well, Well�?Looks like it’s not your night Matlock�?This is a Submission Match!" Matlock desperately fights to survive that Bourbon Street Blues that Bobby has locked on so tightly as at ringside Jensen has gotten up and come over to Jesus, looking for a Sleeper however Jesus senses it, turns, scoops his legs and hooks the Pearly Gates back on The Machine. So now it seems like it’s come down to who will submit first�?It looks like Matlock or Jensen is gonna end up being eliminated. The two both fight but both Johnson and Jesus have there respective holds locked on tightly. Finally however, it seems to be too much and Scott Jensen taps out. Tim White calls for the bell. Finkle, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE FINAL ELIMINATION HAS BEEN SCOTT_JENNNNNSENNN! (Crowd boos) Your Final Six Are, JACOB MITCHELL, RYAN MICHAELS, BROCK LESNAR, Y2JESUS, MATT MATLOCK, AND BOBBY_JOHNNNNNNNNNSONNNNNN!!!" JR, "BAH GAWD! WE HAVE OUR RESURRECTION MAIN EVENT, BUT AT WHAT COST?!?!" Jesus has kept his hold locked in til just now when he finally releases it and drops down. He pulls himself back up and slides into the ring, leaving the broken Scott Jensen laying on the floor. Suddenly the lights begin to flicker as the ring begins shaking. JR, "What the Hell?!" With that a huge blast of pyro explodes on the stage which causes WallStreet to jump up and walk a little ways down the ramp, which it’s probably a good thing he does because the stage gets engulfed with flames, which begins melting the leather chair. The Dementa-Tron then kicks on as the following words come across. "Now 6 Victors Celebrate At Resurrection 6 Gladiators Decimate For the opportunity to be crowned a King Amongst Men But For That "King", Hell Shall Truly BEGIN!" With that the lights go out as the arena is pitch black. ‘Right Now�?By Korn blast over the PA and the lights fade back on, reviling that Brock Lesnar, Y2Jesus, Matt Matlock, Bobby Johnson, and even Amethyst Jane are all soaked in blood from an apparent Blood Bath given during the black out. Right Now by Korn is still blasting over the PA as JR says, "What the Hell�?I�?Well, next week should be interesting as we lead into ICWA Resurrection! I’m Jim Ross, alongside Paul Heyman�?We’ll see ya next week!" All Name and Copyrights Reserved to InterCountyWrestlingAlliance Inc. 2002 �?2005. | |
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