 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 4/27/2005 1:19 PM |
ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | GOOD GAWD! Is it really that time again?! Is it really that time where we see the Heroes that have been molded out of men in other feds, become LEGENDS in the ICWA?! Is it really that time yet once again where we find the only place with More Attitude than the WWE, More Big Boys Playin�?than the WCW, and More EXTREME Than ECW?! A place that houses more Total Non-stop Action than TNA and has in it’s short time grown a more high-impact lineage than the NWA?! …Perhaps that’s a touch over the border, but all the same, here it is once again that time where friends and foes alike put there love and hate on hold for two solid hours of ICWA action! The final credits of Nash Bridges have already ran off the air, the narrator’s narrated, and now�?Well now folks, hold on for the ride because the ICWA is on the Air, it’s Here, It’s Live�?It’s NOW! We fade in from black as a customized instrumental plays and we see highlights from last week’s Demented. ::Last Week:: ICWA Demented - April 19th, 2005 | Not much of the night is covered as there really wasn’t much of a night as the Main Event consumed most of the time allotted by the USA Network, however, we do see scenes from the James/Ryan Ross contract signing. We see Paul Heyman announce that both men would face different competitors this week on Demented. We also see James and Ross begin brawling and ending up separated by security on the stage only for Ross to break free, run, leap, and send them both crashing off the stage. We see WallStreet in the ring, beating the Midget replicas of his top superstars only for the real Taz to end up choking him out. We see the Entourage attempt a save, only to be stopped by James, Ryan Michaels, and Scott Jensen. Allen and Douglas backing off from the armed superstars�?and Johnson risking life and limb in a failed attempt to save the boss. Finally Taz releases. The music grows intense as we now enter clips of the 15 Person Main Event. The Grueling trials and tribulations of all the superstars involved�?The immunity ladder match stipulation won by Jacob Mitchell�?And the Jesus making Scott Jensen tap out to leave Y2Jesus, Matt Matlock, Bobby Johnson, Ryan Michaels, Brock Lesnar, and Jacob Mitchell as the contenders for the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship�? We then see the footage that follows the match, the lights flickering, the ring shaking, and the poetic words on the screen. "Now 6 Victors Celebrate At Resurrection 6 Gladiators Decimate For the opportunity to be crowned a King Amongst Men But For That "King", Hell Shall Truly BEGIN!" With that the lights go out as the arena is pitch black. ‘Right Now�?By Korn blast over the PA and the lights fade back on, reviling that Brock Lesnar, Y2Jesus, Matt Matlock, Bobby Johnson, and even Amethyst Jane are all soaked in blood from an apparent Blood Bath given during the black out. | With that we fade to black briefly until Encore" by Eminem blast over the PA and the Dementa-Tron kicks on with the Demented Reel. With that we go to the stage where the pyro begins blast as Encore continues to play, although is seemingly drowned out a bit by the pyro and then the commentary. The cameras sweep the arena and in the right corner of the screen we see a box similar to the following�?/P> ICWA DEMENTED! Live: Wachovia Center Philadelphia Pennsylvania | JR, "WELCOME TO I.C.W.A. DEMENTED! I’m Jim Ross alongside Paul E. Heyman for two hours of high impact action and tonight, the card is absolutely jam PACKED with slobber knockers!" Heyman, "What the Hell is a slobber knocker?! We’ve got some strong matches, sure, but why must you advertise them as if a couple of mutts are gonna play tug-a-war over a milk bone?!" JR, "In any event�?We are just 5 Days away from ICWA Resurrection, but tonight is a pay per view quality show and it’s absolutely free of charge! Tonight we see the most highly anticipated rematch in ICWA history as�? The crowd erupts when the promotional shot for the Main Event hits the Dementa-Tron as JR continue, "ICWA United States Champion No Limits Christian Skywalker goes head to head with ICWA Intercontental Champion Alexis Davis!" Heyman, "That’s right�?After No Limits was so unjustly forced to forfit his rightfully won victory over Alexis Davis last week, Mr. McCallister has done everything in his power to make the situation right, and tonight there is no time keeper to save the fraudulent champion in Alexis Davis!" JR, "The 15 Minutes concluded before Christian Skywalker got the pinfall, and whether any of us like it or not, that means that he did NOT obtain the win, plain and simple�? Heyman, "Who’s the kiss ass now JR?! You’re so high on wanting to see the rivals of Mr. McCallister prosper that you’ve blinded yourself to clear and BLATENT facts!" JR, "Last I knew No Limits wasn’t exactly aligning himself with WallStreet�? Heyman, "Maybe not, but he’s competitively against WallStreet�?She’s against WallStreet out of sheer spite and jealousy. She should thank her lucky stars that Mr. McCallister EVER bothered to waste his time with a nobody like her when he could JUST AS EASILY of been using that time on the sexiest models and celebrities!" JR, "Oh yeah, let us all bow down and humble ourselves on the ground that "Mr. McCallister" steps on! Give me a break!" Heyman, "Frankly I believe that’s one of the few good ideas you’ve ever hand!" JR, "�?Also tonight, the men who will meet in just five days for the nWWF and CWA heavyweight titles will both be in competition tonight as�? JR Proceeds as the crowd again erupts over the promotional banners on the Dementa-Tron, "Ryan Ross will meet a man who seems to have a heavy heart and some deep inner demons as of late in "The Machine" Scott Jensen, and James will meet Entourage Member Dark Child!" Heyman, "Dark Child is already on thin ice with Mr. McCallister after skipping out on the huge Demented Main Event to wrestle for that place down south, so he may not want to fall in this match with WallStreet longest running rival�?James!" JR, "That’s easier said than done Paul�?No question however that both of these matches are gonna be off the charts, not to mention that�? Before he can finish The Chauffer by Deftones blast over the PA. The crowd erupts as out from behind the curtain steps nWs representative and ICWA World Title contender Jacob Mitchell. Mitchell is sporting a pair of black Nike’s, black Roca-Wear jean shorts, and a White and Blue, number 3, Steve Francis Orlando Magic jersey. The crowd is going nuts as Mitchell is grinning from ear to ear as he proceeds down the ramp. It’s not his usual pyro and numerous lighting effects, but that’s cause he’s not holding a match. Never the less he continues down the ramp to a great ovation as Finkle announces him. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Please welcome, from Honolulu Hawaii�?nWs Member, JACOB_MITTTCCHHHHHELLLLL!!" JR, "Jacob Mitchell is an arrogant young man who’s character is questionable at best, but you can’t deny the man’s abilities in the ring�? Heyman, "Okay, this is ridiculous�?Just less than a month ago this guy slapped you back to the Oklahoma pig farm, and now all of a sudden the crowd decides they like the guy and you go from screaming about what an "ass" this guy is to talking about his "Undeniable abilities in the ring�??!?! No sir, It is YOU who should give ME A BREAK!" Mitchell walks up the ring steps, onto the outside ring canvas, and slowly bends down, cringing slightly as his back is clearly still in pain, and enters the ring between the second and third ropes. He slowly gets upright as the crowd is popping and he climbs up into the second rope and throws his arms out, making them grow even louder. Mitchell hops down as the music slowly fades and Finkle hands him the mic before taking his leave. 
| Mitchell, "Not that anyone should be surprised, but here I am 1 week after the "Huge Impress The Boss Match", and I am, as everyone knew I would be, one of the 6 walking into Resurrection’s main event with an ICWA Championship opportunity. (Crowd pops) Actually�?That’s not entirely true�?See Bobby Johnson, Brock Lesnar, Matt Matlock, Y2Jesus, Ryan Michaels�?These guys are all walking into an "Opportunity", I’m walking into Destiny. What kind of an opportunity are they walking into? I’m not sure�?An opportunity to have the ass-kicking of a life time? (Crowd pops)�?Opportunity to be made famous by the newly appointed Prodigal Franchise? (Crowd pops) or perhaps simply the opportunity to turn around a few years down the road, put their kids on there laps as they see me STILL headlining ICWA Demented as they sit home, broken and battered shells of the gladiator like headliners they once were, point me out on TV, and tell their kids ‘Hey, your daddy was once in the ring with that man�?God I wish I could have been half the superstar he was and still is!�? Despite his egotistical display the crowd is going wild for Mitchell, which makes a large grin come across his already arrogant face. Mitchell continues, "But for me it’s not about walking into an opportunity, it’s about one thing and one thing alone and that’s Destiny�?And no I don’t mean some washed up chick that was tossed to the ruins down south, nor am I talking about the former ICWA Women’s champion�?I’m talking about taking a heritage molded on mediocrity and literally, single handedly, changing the entire direction of a legacy�?I’m not one to sit here and give boring speals on the past, but let me give you people a quick history lesson�?Manuel Mitchell�?A Man who performed in an era when moves as basic as an armbar and a bear hug brought gladiators and warriors trembling�?He fought amongst guys such as Frank Gotch, George Hackendschmidt, and even a young Lou Thez�?But only to find himself as nothing more than a local success with a limited name and legacy to pass down to his son and my grandfather, Gabriel Mitchell The first. My Grandfather was the first man out of Hawaii to get our state recognition in the professional wrestling world, albeit not a great deal since Wrestling was extremely territorial in those times�?Then came my dad, the great Greg Mitchell�?My Father has wrestled the names who made this sport what it is today, names like Ric Flair, Harley Race, Hulk Hogan, The Original Sheik, Bruno Samartino, and even our own interviewer and former wrestling Icon, Larry Zybsko! But again, his success was still minimal. The Mitchell Legacy is a lot like the Guerreros in the aspect that it’s huge where it originates from, in my case Hawaii and in the Guererros, Mexico�?However it isn’t anything that brings forth a great deal of bragging rights on American soil. But that stops with me�?I am a forth generation superstar but unlike other multi generational performers the likes of The Rock and Chavo Guererro, I will not attempt to make my claim to fame off my family name�?No much the contrary, I plan to bring fame to my family name, outside of Hawaii. It is my Destiny to become the ICWA Heavyweight Champion and begin my climb on the ladder to Legendary success and Immortality�?It is my intention to grow even more immortal than Seifer�? Mitchell has a small laugh and winks at the camera, sure his nWs running buddy is watching somewhere. The crowd is going wild, clearly very into the proven Icon Slayer, who continues to grin. Mitchell, "See I hear WallStreet in the back and he’s always telling the new talent "In places such as�? Well specific names aren’t important (laughs slightly), anyway, "In.. ‘Those places�? Men become Heroes, but in the ICWA, Heroes, become LEGENNNDSSS!" Well I intend to be living proof, because when I walk into Resurrection I will do so as an Icon Slayer and a Hero�?But when I walk out, I will be the proven best in this company and, an undisputed Living Legend�?So�? Before he can finish the lights dim and ‘Not Falling�?by Mudvayne blast over the PA. Mitchell perks his Prodigal brow as he looks up the ramp only to see Matt Matlock emerge from behind the curtain. This makes Mitchell laugh slight as he places his hands on the top rope, leaning on it as Matlock stands atop of the stage, glaring down at Mitchell. JR, "Matt Matlock another one of the 6 performers who have advanced on to the Pay Per View this Sunday�? Matt Matlock, who has a microphone in hand, paces the stage slowly as the music eventually fades and the lights readjust. Finally he stops on center stage, looks down at Mitchell, and says, "So I’m walking into an "opportunity" to be made "famous" by the "Prodigal son"? Well why don’t you "Prodigally" walk you ass on out of here because you’re wasting the time of the people who paid to see Matt Matlock." Matlock looks over the crowd who begins booing loudly, Mitchell snickers and says, "You mean all 3 of em up there in the 300 section?! If they’re fans of yours I highly doubt they paid to see anything, they’re probably selling beer and peanuts!" Matlock scowls at the crowd and says, "Ah to Hell with em�?The fans never won me a championship, got me that big pay day, or brought me a fine piece of ass, so what good are they anyway?!" Mitchell, "Do you have a point of being out here or are you gonna make me play 20 questions and send these fans into a coma while we’re forced to endure your presence?" Matlock, "As a matter of fact I do�?You talk about having a "Destiny to fulfill" while the rest of us just have the opportunity to basically sit and say ‘Hey we were there when he started his "Legacy"�?/FONT> (Mitchell grins, shrugs, and nods agreeingly)�?Well piss on you, piss on your legacy, and piss on every Mitchell before you! I don’t give a sh*t about a bunch of Hula dancing, pig and pineapple eating, sub-American jackasses that couldn’t cut it in the business and I damned sure don’t give a sh*t about the forth edition of the never ending story of failure!" The crowd begins the infamous "Asshole" chant as JR says, "What blatant disrespect by Matt Matlock�? Heyman, "To Matlock’s defense�?Who the Hell cares about Mitchell’s family line?!" Mitchell is growing annoyed in the ring as Matlock continues, "I don’t think you get it�?Yeah, Resurrection is a night for a Destiny to be fulfilled, but not your Destiny�?MINE!" Matlock begins walking down the ramp slowly as he continues to speak, "For too long have I gone through my career, spit on and disrespected by people like you and your little nWs buddies! Yeah, I’ve had some success but the majority of it took place in SEF, a fed that people tend to disrespect and spit on just as much as they do me. But the ICWA is different�?The ICWA is a legitimate promotion with a legitimate name, and after Resurrection, a legitimate champion�?Me!" Matlock gets half way down the ramp and stops. He is gonna continue but Mitchell raises the mic back to his lips and says, "Tell ya what Matlock, why don’t you try and "Resurrect" your career by stepping in the ring with me here and now, and we can eliminate one of the Elimination Chamber members before the match even starts?" The crowd pops at this idea as Mitchell takes off his shirt and tosses it to the side, showing he is ready to go. Matlock is contemplating the idea but before he can respond we hear the opening chords of ‘Next Big Thing�?from the WWE Anthology CD. Mitchell again perks his prodigal brow as Matlock turns, glancing back and forth from Mitchell to the top of the stage as out from behind the camera comes a slightly bandaged and busted up Brock Lesnar. The crowd boos as Lesnar stands atop of the ramp in his white Nikes, black windbreakers, and black "Here comes the Pain" T Shirt. Just like Matlock before him he has a mic in hand as the music fades and he stands atop of the stage. Lesnar, "Easy kiddos, don’t wanta have a Resurrection Main Event Pre-Party without the guest of honor�? Matlock smirks and says, "Are you blind, I’m already out here?" Lesnar starts laughing as Matlock gets a bit of a scowl and says, "Something funny?" Lesnar slowly stops as he smiles and says, "I’m sorry man�?It’s just�?(laughs) Well I’ve heard some funny ass jokes before�?But you’re about the funniest Joke I’ve ever come across!" Lesnar laughs as the crowd pops slightly since they don’t like Matlock much more than they likes Lesnar. Matlock, "I’m sorry did you say something, I couldn’t hear anything over the sound of your career spiraling further into the toilet?" Lesnar, "I think you’re mistaken Kid, the only sound you hear around me is buzzing�?The buzzing of millions of fans, hundreds of thousands of internet geeks, and the hundreds of critics who are all wondering What will Brock Lesnar do next? After he regains the ICWA Heavyweight championship, what’s next for the Franchise�?(looks up to Mitchell in the ring) Oh and make a note of that kiddo, I’M The Franchise in these parts, not you, not some washed up nobody in Shane Douglas�?Me, The Longtime "Big Thing" BROCK_LESNAR!" The crowd boos as Mitchell rolls his eyes and is growing inpatient, clearly still feeling a bit froggy despite his back. Lesnar, "Everyone’s out here talking about Destinies and Legacies�?Mitchy, you like to tell stories, well let Brock Lesnar tell ya a story of his own�?Let’s paint the picture, the ICWA is booming, getting some of the highest market rate ever seen�?Guys like Destructive KY Jelly Marshal, Psycho, Short Fag-like Mexican, The Cassidy Sluts, James, WallStreet, and Brock Lesnar were your top guys�?A few guys had their panties in a bunch over me *coughs* bitches *coughs*�?(clears throat)�?And thought I was a nobody�?So I had a few things to prove since realistically I should have been the first and ONLY heavyweight champion in this company’s history. I went to ICWA Wrestle Mania, and I met Psycho, who was the then world heavyweight champion�?Well Psycho had his P words confused when he named himself because what he really was wasn’t Psychotic�?No, he was a PU**Y! �? Brock suddenly cringes as he clearly thinks about something and says, "Whoops, Sorry USA�?Anyway�?Puss…�?err�?Vagina proved himself to be just that when he finished the match with a kick to the Lesnar Jewels�?Which mind you couldn’t of done much damage since I’ve produced 3 kids since then, but that’s neither here nor there�?So he won, BUT, Brock Lesnar would get his rematch two days later on ICWA Demented, and sure as sh*t I F5ed his ass and took my belt. I carried that belt for monthes, beating everybody they could throw at me until eventually the skeptics�?not that I’ll name names *coughs* Marshal *Coughs*�?(clears throat) Damn cold of mind, can’t a guy get some cough drops in this place?! Jesus! Anyway�?eventually the guys who kept crying that my success was due to my friendship with the boss got pissy cause they couldn’t support their argument, and they did what any good pansy would�?They ran just as fast as they could in the other direction as I continued to rack up names for the Brock Lesnar Ass Kicking Express! Then came the biggest bump in an already very bumpy road in Hope Cassidy. Hope and I faught tooth and nail at ICWA Betrayal in what is still to this day billed as the greatest match in ICWA History, which says a lot considering some of the bouts we’ve seen since the re-opening of the ICWA this season alone�?But when it was all said and done, it wasn’t my night and Hope took the strap. But she never pinned me, she never made me tap out, it was a TLC match�?She climbed a ladder�?Well big whoop, congratulations, someone other than Jeff Hardy can be successful by climbing a ladder. If that’s all it takes every carpenter in the country should be top name superstars! Never the less, due to some issues the ICWA would soon take a temporary leave�?Then�? Mitchell brings the mic to his lips and syas, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! Tell me this picks up fast because my life expectancy runs out in under 70 years!" Matlock, "Yeah�? Mitchell, "YOU SHUT UP TOO!! Who the HELL said that you could get up from the Little kids table anyway?! Why are EITHER of you out here?! One of you is a washed up Champion who couldn’t cut it in the ring or on a football field, and the other’s biggest achievement in life is having his pubic hair covered face thrown on posters around the world promoting BIRTH CONTROL!" The crowd erupts as JR says, "Those were some�?um�?Choice Words�? Mitchell, "Jesus Christ! I came out to give my fans a chance to see me since WallStreet deprived them of seeing their Hero in action because he was concerned about my back, which is just find might I add, and it turns into the biggest BOREFEST since Dark Child’s run at the top�?Yeah, all 30 seconds of it! Let me sum this all up for the two of you and the other 3 in this match�?You need to know 3 Things! (Puts up index finger) ONE! So long as I’m around, NONE of you are relevant�?(Adds middle finger) TWO! None of you hold the slights of candles to the walking torch in myself�?(Puts down the index finger and puts up all three of the other fingers) THREE! At Resurrection I become the ICWA Heavyweight Champion, no ifs, ands, or buts�?End of story, no flash backs, no huge swerve making the underdog come on top�?this movie ends with the most obvious ending, Jacob Mitchell OWNS ALL OF YOU! End of story, end of plot, movie over, there’s the credits, now get your fat ass out of the seat so the theater employees can clean up for the next showing of the film so accurately titles "Jacob Mitchell and the nWs OWNS ALL!" With that Mitchell tosses the mic as Chauffer by Deftones blasts over the PA and the crowd erupts. Lesnar and Matlock both glare up at Mitchell who hops up on the bottom rope, holding the top rope and all but daring Matlock or Lesnar to come get some�?/P> JR, "At this rate Resurrection may come early!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | When Cameras return from commercial we go to the back where an angry Matt Matlock is walking out of the Gorilla position. He doesn’t say anything to anyone or even make eye contact till he suddenly feels a rather large hand on his shoulder. Matlock snaps around and glares at who he would find to be Brock Lesnar, who has a typical, cocky smirk. Matlock, "What do you want?!" Lesnar, "Easy "Wolf"�?Listen, we don’t have much in common, but there are two things I can come up with off the top of my head. We’re both going to Resurrection this Sunday with World Championship aspirations, and we’re both card carrying members of the "Jacob Mitchell’s a Douch" club." Matlock, "And�?" Lesnar, "And think about it�?In the Elimination chamber everyone has an edge�?I’m a former ICWA Heavyweight champion who’s grown comfortable in the ICWA Main Events�?Bobby Johnson is being backed by the Entourage, plus he’s hardcore champion, which is helpful in a match as brutal as the Elimination Chamber�?Ryan Michaels has that indescribable hunger that only a Rookie can have, Y2Jesus is a seasoned veteran with a proven skill in submission wrestling, and Jacob Mitchell has been hand picked and groomed by the nWs to become the top guy in the ICWA. The only person without an edge is you�?Until now�? Matlock raises his eyebrow as Lesnar continues, "Hear me out�?I’m not your biggest fan and you don’t seem to be mine, but�?Let’s put that aside for now�?If we go into the Elimination Chamber on the same page and have each others back�?Who’d stop us? It’s simple, you and I eliminate the other four, and then it comes down to you and Me, and from there�?May the best man win�?and when I do, I’ll even think about throwing you my first title defense too�?But don’t answer me now�?Just take sometime and think about it." Lesnar gives Matlock a big pat on the shoulder as he walks off and the scene slowly fades from Matlock’s face which has a look of thought, curiosity, and annoyance wrapped in one, to the ring. JR, "Brock Lesnar seems to be trying to gain an advantage in this huge Pay Per View event!" Heyman, "Can ya blame him?! It’s for the biggest prize in the game�?Do what ya gotta do, JUST WIN!" <<<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Shantell Travis>>>>>>>>> The unmistakable music of Miss Behavin blares out from the arena loudspeakers. In rapt anticipation, the crowd rumbles in unison, scanning the top of the ramp for any sing of movement.. The lights die out, pink and purple strobes encircle the area and the sexy silhouette appears behind the white screen.. moving and caressing she gives a Triple X grind as the music plays.. Then, she pushes down the screen and steps on it..she looks to the right and left of the stage. She tosses her long blonde hair and pulls a cherry lolly pop from behind her back and sensually unwraps it, sliding it between her crimson lips and gives them a grind once more running her hands from the top of her head around her full breasts, a crossed her exposed stomach, down her hips, falling between her thighs and down her leg as she goes all the way down. She smirks the little burst of kinetic energy she is standing tan and curvy figured like the little blond locked goddess she is. She jumps into the air tossing her hands up as the gold shooting star pyros explode towards the heavens..The thousands in attendance erupt in around the arena... She pulls the lolly pop out of her mouth and skips down towards the ring with the kinky little smirk on her face. She takes the steps stair by stair posing momentarily before she stands on the ring mat.. slides her lolly between her lips once more and gives a sexy pose and then flips her leg between the second and third rope and climbs into the ring...she struts around and then pauses..
Howard Finkle: Ladies and Gentleman.. The Following Contest is scheduled for One Fall, Standing in the ring right now...From Fort Lauderdale Florida... Missyyy BYTCH!
"Doubt Me Now" Blasts over the PA System. The crowd jumps up to its feet, immediately booing as they hear that one of a kind music. Shantel Travis could only come to mind as they watch 'The Blonde Bomb's various situations and photoshoot flashes flip over the large screen. Hearing the talented rapper begin to spit in her theme song, as Shantel pushes the large long black curtain from her path as she paces from behind the stage. With an immediate smirk.. staggering some biting her lip as the smirk leaves her face. Reaching the end of the stage where the ramp starts.. the Girl everyone loves to Hate stand still at the top of the ramp, placing her small tender hands at her full waist looking forward over the large arena.. Beginning to make her way down to the squared circle which lies directly in front of her as she looks down at the lit up ramp below her, receiving no positive pump from the crowd as they know nothing good could come of her at all. As she walks by blowing kisses at all of the fans who of course yell back at her with an even meaner cold hearted insult, of course she flips her hair looking and laughing at some of the old wrinkled tanned wives who sit and watch they're husbands and sons cover up they're complete utter lust by booing at her. Gracing the steel steps with one small foot, pushing her weight upwards and placing another foot on the second step.. as she climbs she grabs the ring post to help guide herself across the ring apron. Ducking down into the ring under the second rope.. Standing up straight and expanding her arms outwards with a evil smile on her beautiful face. Shaking her head slightly at the rowdy crowd, Standing there looking around as all the pathetic fans yell at the diva. Shantel rolls her eyes once more..Strutting around the ring with her hands rested right in front of her..as she slightly circles the ring. Looking at Missy Bytch with sortof an evil eye..
Howard Finkle: And The Opponent... From Memphis Tennessee..... SHANTEL Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrravis!
Shantel puts her hands on her hips, looking at Missy who returns the stares with no sign of intimidation. The bell rings in the distant background, the two divas circle around each other as some of the fans sit down.. And the Commentary Prepares itself watching the two competitors stand in the ring. The two lock up in the center of the ring, pushing each other in the opposite direction.. squeezing at each others shoulders.. hoping for one or the other to break. Soon enough Shantel wrangles free bending over, holding her shoulders as if she was in pain but quickly prooves it was playing possum as she jams her foot into the stomach of Missy Bytch..Who quickly grabs Shantel's ankle before the force hits..and flips Shantel flat on her back. Shantel stares up at Missy shocked, as Missy smiles looking down at her shaking her head.. Quickly taking intiative and dropping an elbow over the stomach of the blonde bomb. Knocking the wind right out of her.. Going for an early pinfall as she rips Shantel's leg up.. Hearing the ref slide over..1.. Shantel lifts her arm up.. breaking the fall.. Gasping for air as she rolls over on her stomach.. Missy stands up turning around.. Swinging her leg back and then forward Kicking the already down Shantel in the stomach. Shantel rolls over in pain.. Coughing from the impact as Missy grabs her by the hair.. Forcing her on her feet. Hitting an Irish whip, followed by a drop toe hold, Missy's smirk can clearly be seen as gets up.. Looking at Shantel holding her face... Leaning upwards rubbing her hand under her nose aswell as her lip checking for blood. Shantel climbs towards the nearest rope.. Getting up on her feet and turns around as Missy jumps at her, but quickly thinking..Shantel backhand slaps her. Shantel kicks Missy in the Gut Successfully this time, slouching over Missy gripping her arm around her neck and leaning backwards.. Falling on her back.. Nailing a DDT. As Missy rolls to the side holding her head.. Shantel gets out of the ring, Stumbling to the side, already sore trying to catch up with herself. Shantel walks around the ring, slightly sliding in grabbing Missy's ankle.. And ripping it backwards pulling her out of the ring.. Before she can hit the ground.. Shantel snatches her up by grabbing a handful of hair, reaching over grabbing her wrist hitting an irish whip of her own.. Sending Missy into the security wall. Shantel charges at her, obviously going for a clothesline type maneuver but Missy ducks down grabbing Shantel by the waist.. lifting and sending Shantel clear over her head, aswell as the security wall.. As the ref continues the count.
JR: Well it doesn't seem to be looking good for Shantel.. As She was just sent clear over the security wall.. Now we see Missy climbing in the ring restarting the ref's count.. Obviously now heading over to Shantel to inflict even more damage.
Paul Heyman: That was just amazing.. Lets See that once again.. [The Replay Flashes in Double Screen mode] You can see Shantel was quite suprised.. And look at that impact as she hits the metal floors.
JR: That will hurt anybody I tell you what. Missy is dominating the match at this point and Ooohh.. Wow well there you have it.. Shantel isn't tottaly is out as we thought.
JR Keeps a close eye on the two divas, as Missy had reached over the Security wall to grab Shantel.. Shantel jumped up and eye raked Missy.. And slammed her face first into the wall between the two. Shantel hops over the wall, fixing her skirt.. Grabbing Missy and tossing her into the ring.. Crawling in herself.. Standing up smiling as she starts stomping on the back of Missy... Litterally now kicking Missy in the back.. Yelling insults as the ref fusses at her to ease up on the kicks. Ignorantly.. She jams her foot into Missy's back once more.. Before bending over and grabbing her by the hair.. As Missy gets up elbowing Shantel in the gut... Shoving her backwards into the turnbuckle.. Missy rushes at Shantel but receives a foot to the chest stopping her.. and feels a clothesline from Shantel taking her down to the ground. Missy soon enough gets back up rushing back at Shantel.. as she expands her arm to nail her with yet another clothesline Missy ducks under it slightly confusing Shantel.. Coming from behind.. Bouncing off of the ropes she grabs Shantel's hair using both hands.. landing sideways on her knees.. smashing Shantel down into the mat.. Mocking The Blonde Bomb's finishing move. As Shantel rolls over holding her face Missy slumps over her.. Going for the Pinfall..1...2.. Shoulder Up. Missy gets up now.. taunting for Shantel to get up..even as slow as she is.. Shantel slowly climbs to her feet.. As Missy grabs her going for a DDT.. But Shantel reverses it into a Double Wrist Suplex..Going for a Pinfall of her own..1.....2.... Shoulder Up.. Before Shantel can roll sideways out of the move Missy pushes off the ground with her feet flipping over onto Shantel.. Immediatley starting to slap and scratch Shantel's Face. Shantel holds her arms in front of her face blocking the rough action she's recieinv from her opponent.. But Fails as Missy Scratches and smacks her arms aswell.. Missy stands up smiling as she grabs Shantel's shirt and begins to rip it off of her.
JR:Oh Come on.. This isn't a Bra and Panties Match..Have some Dignity for Gods Sake..
Paul Heyman: Only You JR.. Only You.. The ONLY Man in the arena whos straight.. and arguing about two beautiful women stripping each other.
Shantel stumbles to get up.. Holding her arms up over her black bra.. Looking around furiously as Missy smirks.. tossing the skimpy black halter top out of the ring. Shantel's expression clearly show's her anger as she rushes towards Missy who rushes right back at her.. Missy ducks down hooking her leg..and turning over completley rolling Shantel up in a trick Schoolboy.. 1....2.. Kick out. The two Women get up.. And Shantel slaps Missy clean across the face. Before she can retaliate Shantel nails her in the stomach with a hard right snatches her up.. Smacking a Snap Suplex on her. Shantel now getting the upper hand.. Smirks evilly as she Drags Missy over to the turn buckle..laying her against it.. Immediatley she jams her foot into the throat of Missy.. Holding onto the ropes as the ref Yells at Shantel..counting to 5..forcing Shantel to break the hold. Shantel growls at him.. Lifting Missy up.. slamming her back against the turnbuckle..bending over..gripping the second rope..She jams her shoulder into Missy's stomach standing straight up..as Missy moves forward clenching her ribs in pain..She leans back against the rope launching herself forward using one hand to grab Missy's head.. planting it into the mat. The crowd boos awfully loud, as Shantel rolls Missy sideways..climbing ontop of her..going for the pinfall..1...2.....Kickout!
JR: Kickout! Missy Bytch kicked out! Even after a devistating Face Plant..which Shantel refers to as the 'Blonde Bomb'..This is unbelievable.. What a way to open a ICWA Event!
Paul Heyman: Well What do you expect? You heard both sides of the story from these two lovely ladies.. And they're not doing anything less that what I expected early on in this match up..Maybe I should be head on commentary.
JR: Well regardless of rather you really expected it or not.. No one expected her to kick out of that..
Shantel screams in frustration.. Getting up.. getting in the face of the referee.. Yelling at the top of her lungs in anger.. Falling forward not to soon afterwards.. As Missy launches forward nailing a Double Hammer Smash to the neck of Shantel.. Shantel stumbles down to her knees holding her neck in suprise.. As Missy gets ready to toss Shantel across the ring by her hair..Shantel mangles free nailing Missy dead in the face with a hard kick. The two divas fall to the ground.. neither of them moving.. as the crowd goes crazy pumping behind one or the other of the two divas.. Shantel manages to slightly get up..slugging across the ring..moving as slow as a snail almost..holding the back of her head.. she slumps down over Missy...1......2..............3!
The crowd boos immediately, as Shantel steals a win over Missy Bytch. Shantel looks up still sort of dazed, with a big smile on her face.. She stumbles slightly, hearing her theme music blare in the distant background..
Howard Finkle: Ladies and Gentleman..The Winner of this Match......SHANTEL TRAVIS! <<<<<<<<<<End of Shantel Travis Writing>>>>>>>> With that we go to the back were we see Bobby Johnson wearing his typical one piece wrestling Singlet with his hardcore championship around his waist and a White T Shirt which has his face on the front and on the back says�?/P> HARD F’N CORE! He seems to be getting a cup of coffee when the Living Legend Larry Zybsko approaches with a microphone in hand. Zybsko, "Excuse me Mr. Johnson, I was wondering if I could get a quick word�? Bobby Turns around stirring his coffee as he nods and says, "Shoot�? Zybsko, "In 5 days you go into the biggest match of your career as you meet 5 other men for a chance to win the crown jewel of this business, the ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling Championship of the World�?How do you feel going into this match?" Bobby, "I feel good�?Ya gotta look at it like this pimpjuice, I lasted 13 other guys to get this shot. I beat some ass, and sure, I had my ass beat a little, but when push came to shove, I got the job done. Even if I didn’t win at Resurrection, I’ve still gotten further than some of the top names and icons in the business just by advancing to Resurrection in a Match that I wasn’t even originally scheduled to be in�?But then when you add on to that the fact that I am going to Resurrection and winning the Heavyweight championship�?Well that makes it even that more impressive�? Zybsko, "It seems like everyone is sure of obtaining victory in this Elimination Chamber, yet when the time comes someone has to lose�?What sets you beyond those who are saying the same claim of victory as you are?" Bobby, "To be honest with ya that’s the best question I’ve been asked in an interview�?Well for starters I am the ONLY champion walking into this match (taps the hardcore title)�?Secondly, I have the boss in my corner and ya can’t go wrong there�?and finally, if I don’t win, who will? Ryan Michaels?! (laughs) Nobody in here has anything on me�?But in a match with this many people, things can happen that throw you off your game so I won’t sit here and guarantee victory like everyone else�?But I will guarantee that when it’s all said done you’re gonna have 5 hurtin�?individuals who will all remember the day they stepped in the ring with Bobby Johnson!" Bobby nods and walks off as the scene fades. | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | The cameras return as we find ourselves in WallStreet’s office which, baring WallStreet who is sitting behind his desk with his feet propped up, seems empty�?/P> WallStreet, "Tonight is gonna be a good night�?Shane Douglas gets to handle Taz, Dark Child handles James, and No Limits and Alexis will take each other out�?This leaves me a half broken Y2Jackass, a no-talent Rookie high on luck but low on talent, and kid who was sexually abused as a child warping his little mind in Sean O’Haire�?I like my odds." "I’m still not sure I grasp what possible gain you have from Dark Child�? The camera pans back as out from the shadows of the office steps the man we’ve come to recognize as a revamped Jimmy Stryker. He has on his long black cloak but as he steps from the shadows, his NRA Legends championship glimmering on his shoulder, the camera catches just a glimpse of his face. WallStreet laughs slightly, "Yeah, you and a lot of other people�?Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing�? Jimmy, "Do ya?" WallStreet, "What’s that suppose to mean?" Jimmy, "Nothing personal but while tormenting the feeble minds of these infantiles is keeping me fairly amused, I’ve been out of the ring for a year and I’m just itching to kick some ass�? The crowd pops at the idea of seeing Stryker back in the ring despite their hatred for the legendary chaotic mastermind. WallStreet nods and says, "Yeah, but which lamb do we throw to the slaughter, I mean�? Before he can finish there is a knock at the door. WallStreet very briefly glances up and says, "Not now!" With that he goes right back into his conversation with Stryker but not for long as his door comes flying open and the crowd pops as an angry Scott Jensen walks in. Jensen makes a B Line for WallStreet’s desk but Stryker steps between the desk and Jensen. Jensen gets body to body with Stryker, who is quite a bit taller than Jensen, but Jensen doesn’t budge an inch. Jimmy, "Back off kid, I’ve had bigger pimples on my ass than you�? Jensen doesn’t say anything and just goes to walk past Stryker but Stryker puts a hand on Jensen’s chest and pushes him back. Jensen goes to walk by one more but only to get the same result so this time The Machine swings on Stryker but The Chaotic mastermind catches the punch and just shakes his head as he squeezes Jensen’s hand with great force making Jensen wince in pain. WallStreet, who seemingly finds this amusing finally decides to put his feet on the floor, sit up, and say, "Alright Jimmy, I think he gets the point�? Jimmy snickers but releases the hold as he steps to the side and lets Jensen pass. Jensen glares at Jimmy but decides not to test his luck as he throws his hands on WallStreet’s desk and says, "WHAT THE HELL?! I’ve done NOTHING but LOSE since I’ve come back to the ICWA and instead of putting me in the ring with equaled level opponents so I can refine my skills, you keep throwing me against guys who you KNOW will destroy me! What’s your problem?! Are you STILL Pissed cause I told your little boy Shane Douglas where he could stick it and didn’t cower at your feet when I returned?! Are you that immature that you can’t get over some petty sh*t like that?!" WallStreet lets out a small laugh as he says, "You know it’s kind of funny�?You want to "refine" your skills, and as I recall�?(turns to Jimmy) Weren’t you the head trainer in PLW last season?" Jimmy smirks and nods as WallStreet grins and says, "Well then�?Jimbo here wants to get back in the ring, you want to "refine your skills"�?I think I have the perfect solution. The Master V.S. The Student�?Jimmy Stryker V.S. Scott Jensen at Resurrection�?I like it�?And I’ll tell ya what Scott, since you are SOOOOOOO Displeased with the way I book you�?I won’t book you for the next month. (crowd boos)�?Don’t get me wrong, I’m not taking you off the cards�?No, what I’m going to do is raise the stakes of this little match you have with Jimmy�?If you win, You can book your own matches for the next four weeks following Resurrection�?However, if you lose�?Well if you lose, Jimmy Stryker books your matches for the next four weeks following Resurrection�?Oh yes, I think that will do quite well�? WallStreet laughs as Jimmy smirks. Jensen Glares at WallStreet, then at Jimmy, but he bites his tongue, gets up, and leaves as the scene fades to the ring. JR, "That’s just ridiculous�?How do ya take a man on a losing streak, throw him in the ring with a talent the level of Jimmy Stryker and throw his entire career on the line!?" Heyman, "I don’t think it’s that serious�? JR, "Than obviously you don’t know the mind of Jimmy Stryker do ya?! God only knows what that sick son of a bitch’ll come up with for Scott Jensen!" <<<<<<<<The Following was Written by Matt Matlock>>>>>>> The lights go out, then they flash on and off changing from blue to red. "Lies" by Evanescence hits the PA and The Pitbull steps out from behind the curtain with her manager Ken Shamrock at her side. She is in a black trench coat with a black tight top and black leather paints. Her manager stands in a suit and his hands folded before him looking around at the crowed of people that are watching them. She stands there for a second looking left then right before bowing her head and letting her hair fall in her face. Pitbull looks back up and walks from one end of the stage to the next taunting the crowed by pointing at them and yelling back at them. She returns to her managers side and he offers her his arm. She takes it then Pitbull and her manager walks down to the ring together. Shamrock climbs the steps first then sits on the middle rope. Pitbull smiles up at him and climbs the steps after him and crawls threw the top and middle ropes, once she is over the ropes her manager is soon threw the ropes behind her looking around protectively. She slowly takes off her coat and hands it over to her manager who in returns passes it to someone waiting to take it out side the ring. She walks around the ring a few times and glares at everyone before retreating to a corner. She and her manager have some words before he slips threw the ropes to the out side of the ropes. She turns some and talks to him a little bit more before focusing on the entrance to the ring. Shamrock walks down the other steps and takes a set ring side to watch the match. "Waiting" by Green Day hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue and purple fireworks go off in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms.
The bell rings and the match up beings with a collar & elbow tie up between the women. DSL shoves Pitbull back and chops her across the chest before laying in some stiff forearms. An Irish whip to the ropes and Pitbull is on her back, after being on the receiving end of a powerslam. DSL hooks the far leg as she goes for the cover. One...two...no! Kickout by Pitbull as DSL picks her up by the hair. However Pitbull suddenly grabs DSL by the arm and takes her down to the canvas, managing to lock in a crossface. DSL struggles but the hold is locked in tight. It's on for about a minute before DSL manages to attempt to roll out of it. Pitbull keeps the hold locked on, but now DSL is close to the ropes and she grabs them to break the hold. Pitbull keeps it on for a count of 4 and lets ig go.
Now firmly in control, Pitbull lifts DSL up and nails The Rain Drop (Inverted Falling DDT). Pitbull makes the cover now, but Da Sweet one gets a shoulder up. Pitbull boots her a couple of times in the face before bouncing off the ropes and dropkicking DSL square in the jaw. Another cover, but Pitbull still only gets a two count. Lifting her up by the head, Pitbull irish whips DSL to the ropes and looks to hit a hurricanrana. However she can't flip DSL over. Instead DSL drops her to the ground backfirst, hooks both legs and flips forward in a jacknife hold pin. One...two...thr---no! No Pitbull manages to kick out.
Both ladies stand up now, and eye each other as they both seem to be fairly even. They circle each other inside the ring and go for another grapple. DSL gets behind her opponent and hits a belly to back suplex. She pulls Pitbull a short way from the ropes before wrapping her legs around Pitbull's neck in a triangle choke hold. Not really looking to make her submit but mainly to just choke her out, DSL shows her crazy side and just tightens the hold. Referee Brian Hebner starts a count now as he sees this as being an illegal choke. He counts to 4 and then DSL breaks it. Pitbull is rolling around now, holding her throat and gasping for breath.
She grabs Pitbull and lifts her up, and hits a backbreaker. A cover by the Lunatic. One...two...thre---no, no, not yet. Pitbull raises her shoulder off the canvas. Getting a little frustrated now, DSL hits the mat with her open palm. She runs off the opposite ropes and drops a leg across Pitbull's throat, and again goes for a cover. It's only a two count again. Picking Pitbull up, she whips her hard into the corner and hits a big clothesline. Pitbull crumbles into a heap in the corner as DSL steps on her face. Dragging Pitbull by the hair, and slapping her across the face, DSL takes her to the middle of the ring. Putting her head in between her legs, DSL looks to hit the Lunatic Virus (powerbomb) and end the match. But as she gets Pitbull up, the move is suddenly reversed into a hurricanrana. DSL lands hard and she rolls to the outside as Pitbull as well tries to take a break. Pitbull notices DSL on the outside, and bounces off the ropes and looks to dive out of the ring at her. But she swings around 619-style. But then Pitbull jumps up on the top rope and connects with a cross body taking DSL down. The ref begins to use his count as the bodies of the women lay on the floor in a heap. Pitbull is the first one up at the count of six, but she rolls inside to break the count. Sliding back out she runs & clothesline Da Sweet Lunatic over the ring barricade. Following her, she takes her by the head and bashes it off of the barricade, as DSL is sent back over to the ringside area. Pitbull slides inside the ring once more to break Hebner's count.
As she heads back out DSL punches her a few times, only to get an elbow to the cranium in return. Heading back inside the ring, DSL just sorta lays there as she seems out of it at the moment. Pitbull stands on the apron and flips over the top rope to land on DSL. A quick hook of the leg. One...two...DSL gets a foot on the ropes. Pitbull is the one getting frustrated now, as she complains to the ref. She turns around to continue the assault on DSL, only to suddenly find herself wrapped up in a small package. One...two...kickout! Pitbull stands now, a little taken aback at the near fall. Lunatic makes a run but ends up getting a backbody drop to the canvas. Pitbull raises her hand in the air, as the reaction from the crowd is mixed. She bends down, getting set to deliver the Pitbull Charge. DSL gets to her feet, and turns around. Pitbull goes for the charge but DSL sidesteps out of the way. DSL bounces off the ropes as Pitbull turns around to get a big boot straight in the face. DSL leans on the ropes now and screams at the crowd and turns around to Pitbull. DSL seems like a woman possessed as she grabs the out cold Pitbull, and once again sets her up for the Lunatic Virus. This time it connects, with a impact heard loud & clear throughout the arena. A lateral press cover. One....two....three!
Howard Finkel: Your winner of this match...Da Sweet Lunatic! <<<<<<<<<<End of Matlock Writing>>>>>>>> As DSL gets her arm raised in the ring the cameras fade to the back yet again where we come across No Limits Christian Skywalker in the Men’s locker room. He is in his wrestling gear but as opposed to working out or mentally prepping, we see that he’s standing in front of the mirror with two ties, one primarily blue and one primarily red. He hears the door fly open and glances up into the mirror to see that Scott Jensen has entered the room. Christian smiles, "Hey man, give me a hand�?I’m trying to figure out which tie to wear on my date with Alexis�?Or maybe I shouldn’t wear a tie at all�?I don’t know, this blue one isn’t half bad�?hmm�?What do you think?" But Jensen doesn’t offer a reply, he just plops down in the corner, fuming but not letting himself explode. Christian turns around and says, "Hey, you alright man?" Jensen ignores him and glares dead ahead at the wall. Christian raises an eyebrow and says, "Okay�?Well I’m gonna go grab a bottle of water, you want one? (no response from Jensen)�?FONT color=#0000ff> I’ll take that as a maybe�?Alrighty, I’ll be back in a few �? Christian keeps the ties in hand and steps out of the locker room still contemplating his wardrobe for the night as the camera zooms in on Scott Jensen who’s deadly eyes tell the story as the cameras fade to break. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | The cameras return from commercial as Christian walking through the hallway, his head down gazing at his hands which hold the blue and red ties that he’s trying to opt between. He gets near the refreshment table and bumps into someone. NLCS (not looking up), "My bad man�? "Not a man�? Christian looks up and sees that Alexis is standing there, smirking, her Intercontental championship glimmering around her waist. Christian, "Oh�?Hey�?Sorry about that�? Alexis, "Going to a business meeting?" Christian, "Huh? (glances down at his ties) OH! These�?Yeah�?um�?actually�?I was kinda thinking about which one I’d wear on our dinner�? Alexis laughs and says, "Sweetie, I don’t want to go someplace real stuffy�?Don’t wear a tie, I don’t think it’ll suit you." No Limits laughs slightly and nods as he glances over and sees a large bowl filled with ice and bottles of spring water. Christian grabs two bottles of Poland Springs Water which he conveniently makes sure the label shows clearly to the camera�?Not that the ICWA would EVER offer cheap plugs to big business for ridiculous amounts of money�?Nope�?Not us�?*Continues stalling the progression of this scene so the Poland springs labels can remain in the camera…………………………�? Alexis, "Drinking for two?" Christian laughs slightly, "Yeah but don’t worry, I think I can get rid of the Poland Springs buzz before our match�? Alexis laughs and says, "Despite everything said and done�?Good luck tonight�? Christian smiles softly, nods, and says, "Yeah�?You two�? Alexis extends her hand and Christian gladly shakes it as we go to the ring. JR, "In a business where everyone is looking out for "Me" and "I", it is refreshing to see such a display of sportsmanship between two genuine, young, athletes!" Heyman, "Yeah, I agree�?Makes me wanta puke too!" <<<<<<<<<The Following Is Written By Alexis Davis>>>>>>>>>> Truth" by Overdose hits and Heather McMahon appears on the top of the ramp. She smirks as she looks around at the cheering crowd. She then puts her hands in the air and lowers them as she starts to make her way down to the ring. Finkle: "Making her way to the ring hailing from Greenville Alabama and weighing in at 124 pounds, she is Heather MCMAHON!" She smiles and waves at the fans as they hold up signs with her name on them. She gets patted on the back a few times. She then walks over to the steel stairs and walks up them. She walks onto the side of the apron and gets into the ring through the bottem ropes. She walks into the middle and holds her hands high as the crowd cheers loudly for her.The arena goes pitch black and pale blue lights begin to pulse. The arena is dead silent except for the screams of anticipation by fans. Suddenly the elevated and obviously pleasure-filled moans of a woman fill the arena, giving the illusion she's orgasming. The moaning is cut off by a cruel laugh, a woman with a soft and sensual voice saying, bluntly, "Perverts". A screen of mist/fog has formed, diffusing the blue flashing lights. "System" begins to play and white strobe lights are added to the mind-warping show. Finkle: "Andd her opponent, making her way out she weighs in at 140 pounds she is Krystin PRYCE!" Krystin walks out and does some display of vulgar sexuality, whether it be sliding her hand between her legs or pinching her nipples through her top. Blowing sarcastic kisses to the fans, Krystin enters the ring via the steps. Heather looks over at Krystin and just grins but the grin soon falls from her face as Krystin begins stalking towards her with the bell sounding in the background. The two ladies stalk each other before they lock up, both trying to gain an advantage which Krystin gains easily as she begins backing Heather into the turnbuckles, licking her lips she slaps Heather hard across the face as the referee trying to break them up finally Krystin backs away slightly before rushing back at her and lands a flying clothesline that causes Heather to buckle to her knees. With Heather down Krystin grabs her and monkey flips her out of the corner and into the middle of the ring. Krystin gets up and stalks Heather more, but before she can pull off another move Heather gets back to her feet and takes her down with a DDT. With Krystin down, Heather gets into position and waits, as she gets up Heather goes for a superkick but Krystin grabs her foot haulting her. She gets a sick grin on her face as Heather bounces up and down trying to keep her balance but soon finds herself on her back as Krystin kicks her other leg out from under her. Heather slowly gets back to her feet and Krystin takes no hesitation in attacking this time taking Heather down with a Stratusfaction. With Heather down Krystin goes for the pin, but she kicks out at two. Shaking her head Krystin grabs Heather and slams her head into the canvas a few times before getting to her feet, she kicks Heather in the gut and places her head between her legs before pulling her up into a piledriver position before landing the move perfectly. She doesn't give up her offensive though as she once again gets to her feet and looks at Heather's fallen body leaning down Krystin picks her up and lands a German Suplex. Krystin looks down at her fallen body and shrugs before laying the boots into Heathers side before Heather begins rolling around finally getting to the ropes she uses them to pull herself up, but shortly both girls fall over to the outside from Krystin delivering a harsh clothesline that sends them both over. The two girls lay on the ground both trying to move. Krystin is the first to move as she rolls over and begins laying into Heather with punches. Heather finally gets the enrgy to push her off which doesn't really help cause Krystin gets to her feet and pulls Heather up before slamming her back first into the ring apron. She laughs as she watches Heather fall down before grabbing her and rolling Heather back into the ring. Krystin rolls Heather up into a pinning predicament but Heather grabs the ropes in breaking the count. Both girls get back to their feet, Heather with one last bout of energy launches herself at Krystin taking her down with a spear, getting to her feet she grabs Krystin and drags her to the ropes before slowly climbing up to the top rope. As she flies off into a moonsault Krystin gets her knees up as Heather slams into them. Grabbing herself around the stomach Heather rolls into a ball as Krystin jumps up ready for more action. She laughs as she looks at Heather and runs her hands over her beautiful body, grabbing Heather she lands a stunner which knocks her out. She nods to the crowd and hoists Heather back to her feet before setting her up for Sadism Personified (Powerbomb set up into a facebuster) With Heather out, Krystin lays over her for the count but as the ref counts to two Krystin breaks the count and shakes her head obviously not finished with this diva yet. Grabbing Heather once more Krystin lands Whips 'N' Chains (Widow's Peak) and once again goes for the pin, this time getting the three <<<<<<End of Alexis Writing>>>>>> As Krystin has her arm raised the crowd erupts, which is surprising since they’ve never been overly fond of Krystin, however it doesn’t take long to grasp why they are cheering. Missy Bytch has rushed down and gotten behind her, stalking her with her women’s championship in hand. Krystin turns around and Missy lunges forward, slamming the Women’s title across the forehead of Krystin Pryce as the crowd erupts. Krystin rolls out of the ring Missy isn’t far behind as Krystin stumbles about aimlessly on the floor. She turns around only to have Missy grab two fists full of her hair, drag her over to the commentary table, and begin repeatedly slamming her face off the table. Eventually however Krystin gets her boot up, blocking the attacks, and throws her arms up, breaking Missy’s grip in her hair. Krystin goes to deliver a hard right hand but Missy sweeps her legs, drops her down, and mounts over her grabbing her hair and slamming the back of her head against the floor. Krystin eventually rolls her over and delivers the same treatment�?The two roll around, exchanging offense until eventually the Zebra’s locker room empties and the officials run down to ringside and begin separating the two women. The woman have looks that strongly stress the bit about Hell having no furry like "A Woman scorn"�? However we find ourselves going to the back where James is entering the arena. The crowd erupts as JR says, "In 5 days he meets the CWA Heavyweight champion to unify the titles, but tonight he goes toe to toe with Dark Child!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | When cameras return from commercial we go to Paul and JR at ringside. JR, "Well folks, I’ve gotten word from the back that it’s been made official�?This Sunday Missy Bytch and Krystin Pryce will meet in the ring and on top of that Paul�?The ICWA Women’s Championship is gonna be on the line!" Heyman, "Well Judging by what we saw out here just a few minutes ago, there may not be enough of these two left by Resurrection to have a title match if security doesn’t keep em apart." JR, "That’s a definite possibility�?In any event, ICWA Resurrection is shaping up to be a huge event�?It is the ICWA’s return to Pay Per View after a one year hiatus and we URGE you to call your cable or satellite provider and order ICWA Resurrection, Live on May 1st, at 8pm eastern time from the Gund Arena in Cleveland Ohio!" With that said "Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple hits as "The Franchise" Shane Douglas makes his way down to the ring as he is accompanied by WallStreet. He stays in the middle of the isle way so that the fans can't touch him. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen the following bout is scheduled for ONEFALL, With a 10 minute time limit! On his way to the ring�?Hailing from Pittsburg Pennsylvania and weighing in at 240 Pounds�?He is The Franchise SHANE_DOUUUGLASSSS!" He jawjacks with some of the fans before getting into the ring, and taking the mic away from the ring announcer. The lights go out in the arena as the fans grow loud with anticipation. War Machine by KISS echos through the arena as Taz’s video plays on the Titan Tron. An orange spot like sweeps the arena like a prison light searching for an escaped convict. This makes the crowd get even louder as they now believe that Taz could be coming from anywhere in the Arena. At nearly a minute into the song a blast of orange pyro explodes on the stage and then with a black towel over his head comes Taz at the same time that the singer says �?Better Watch Out, Cause I’m A War Machine! Finkle, "His opponent�?Hailing from the Redhook Section of Brooklyn and weighing in at 240 Pounds�?The Human Suplex Machine, TAZ!" Taz walks down the ramp with his aggressive bad ass walk as JR and Heyman can be heard arguing over the abilities of the man labeled the Human Suplex Machine. Taz gets to ringside, climbs the stairs, and enters the ring. As he bends over to enter the ring the towel falls of his head. He stands in the corner of the ring with his arms crossed, just waiting for the referee to ring the bell so that he can chalk up Just Another Victim. <<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By No Limits Christian Skywalker>>>>>>>>> Taz is standing in one corner and Shane Douglas is in the other. The walk to the center of the ring and face each other. Taz is looking up to Douglas. Douglas smiles and slaps Taz right across the face. Douglas laughs as Taz turns away with some great anger. He then turns around and punches Shane right in the mouth sending him down to the canvas. Taz then falls right down to the canvas and puts a headlock on Douglas. He then gets to his feet and picks Douglas up to his feet. He sends Douglas into the ropes, but Shane comes back and drops Taz with a shoulderblock. Taz gets to his feet and Shane sends him back to the mat with a standing dropkick. He picks Taz up and drops a massive vertical suplex on him and goes for the quick cover. The ref counts 1...2...and Taz kicks out with some force. Shane picks him up and delivers a belly to belly suplex that sends Taz halfway across the ring. Shane gets up and the crowd boos him loudly. He goes around and stands at the feet of Taz. He picks up one leg and then spins around that one, he picks up the other, and attempts to go for the figure four. But as he bends down to get to other leg, Taz punches him three times in the head and sends him backwards into the turnbuckle. Shane is stunned and Taz puts him up on the top rope. He then sinches Shane in and delivers a Super Overhead Belly to Belly suplex that sends Douglas crashing to the mat. Taz is stunned, but he gathers himself after a few moments and goes for the pin. The ref counts 1...2... and Shane barely gets his shoulder up. Taz has him reeling, but he does not jump right on him. Instead he looks over at Wallstreet and that gives Shane times to get his thoughts together a little and then Taz turns around and hooks Shane in and delivers a T-Bone suplex. Taz this time goes right back to work on him, he gets onto Douglas and begins to punch him right in the face. He picks Shane up and puts his arm around Shane's head. The then reaches down and grabs Shane's leg, and then with one quick motion, he delivers the release fisherman suplex. Shane lands near the ropes but Taz goes for the cover anyway. Before the ref can count, Wallstreet gets up and smacks Taz's boot, which promptly breaks up the pin. Taz gets up and grabs ahold of the top rope glaring a hole through the boss. Taylor smiles and as this distraction is taking place, Shane is getting to his feet. He sneaks up behind Taz delivers a vicious low blow. Taz falls and the ref does not see it because he is focused on getting Wallstreet back to the announcer's booth. Shane then picks up Taz and drops him with a Stunner real quick. Taz falls backwards and Shane is again at his feet. This time he picks up both legs and crosses one of them behind the other. He puts his arm through and then turns Taz over and puts him in the Texas Cloverleaf. Taz is writhing in pain, it is horrible, but he is trying to reach the ropes. The submission has been in place for about forty five seconds now, but Taz is inching ever so near to the ropes. Finally, he gets his finger tips on the rope and the ref forces Shane to break the hold. Shane does so promptly, which is surprising. Shane gets right back on Taz and picks him up. He delivers a side suplex which does some more damage to Taz's back. Shane looks over to Wallstreet and the boss nods in approval. He then picks Taz up and delivers a belly to belly suplex. He then does the throat slashing gesture saying that he is about to win the match. He picks Taz up and hooks him in. It appears that the Franchise is about to go for the Pittsburgh Plunge. He hooks Taz's leg, but Taz punches him in the gut, and with amazing quickness gets Shane's arm and delivers a Hammerlock suplex. Shane is stunned beyond belief. Taz picks him up and goes behind him, and grabs him around the waste. He delivers a german suplex. Taz then does the throat slashing gesture, and picks Shane up. He irish whips him into the turnbuckle and Shane hits chest first. Shane comes backwards woosey and Taz hooks on the Tazmission. The crowd errupts and Taz is nearing the end. He takes a minute and looks at Wallstreet. He then tosses Shane backwards with the Tazmission suplex and Shane lands right on his head. Taz then gets up and looks at the boss, and then picks Shane back up. He goes behind him and synchs in the Tazmission one more time. This time he falls to his back and locks the move in real good. Shane appears to be unconscious from the Tazmission suplex, so the ref goes in to do the three arm lift to see if Shane can continue. The ref picks up the arm once and lets go, it falls to the canvas. He picks it up again and it falls to the canvas. The ref then goes in for the third time, he picks up the arm and it falls back to the canvas. The ref calls for the bell and Taz lets go of the move. He then stands up and stares right at Wallstreet who is looking a hole right back at him. <<<<<<<<<<End of No Limits Writing>>>>>> Finkle, "YOUR WINNER VIA KNOCK OUT�?TAZ!" WallStreet goes to Enter the ring but Taz is keeping him at bay as he is also requesting a mic which is promptly delivered to him. Taz, "Listen up and listen good WallStreet! I’m sick and tired of all your crap around this place and since no else seems to have the balls to step up, I’ma do it! This is the second Entourage goon I’ve choked out in this ring and beaten! Let’s skip the rest of the group and cut straight to your happy ass! This Sunday, ICWA Resurrection�?You, Me, One on One�?And just to keep it one on one, I say we surround the ring with a huge Steal barrier known as The Hell in a Cell! I ain’t neva done a Hell in a Cell match, but what the Hell, if I can survive a scaffold match I can damn sure survive a Hell in a Cell�? WallStreet glares into the ring and grabs a mic as he says, "You want me inside of a Hell in a Cell at Resurrection?! Inside of a match that I have YET to LOSE?! You want the bill to read Taz �?Street �?HELL IN A CELL?! Is that what You WANT?! Then I guess I Have no choice but to…�?(smirks) Strongly advise you find someone who gives a Sweet Ratkin’s ASS what you want!" The crowd boos as WallStreet smirks and begins to strut around his way to the steal stairs which he climbs. WallStreet enters the ring between the second and third ropes as Taz stays standing in the middle of the ring. WallStreet, "Who in the HELLLLL do you think you are, telling ME who I’LL face at MY Pay Per View!?" Taz, "I’’ll tell ya what Street, you’re a business man�?I’ll negotiate the deal for ya�?You and Me at Resurrection side of a Hell in a Cell, if you win�?I’ll join the Entourage as your personal "Boy". You need a hit carried out, an attack, an erond, even a cup of f**king coffee�?I’ll do it. But if I win, I wanta hand select the next team you and James face for the tag team titles, AND I wanta pick your opponent for the Royal Rumble!" WallStreet contemplates this momentarily and says, "FINE! YOU’RE ON!" The crowd erupts as Taz smirks and the two stand in center ring. JR, "BAH GAWD! That’s HUGE! At Resurrection the ICWA CEO and Chairman will meet TAZ in the Hell in a CELL!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | As we are concluding the basic commercials that are being aired by the likes of Nike, McDonalds, and our other sponsers we hear ‘Burning Bright�?by Shinedown begin playing. ((We strongly urge you to play the song as you watch the promotional "video" for added effect)) With that we go back to JR and Heyman at ringside.  | JR, "ICWA Resurrection just 5 days away and we have got some incredible matches�?Right before the break you saw Taz issue the challenge to WallStreet for a Hell in the Cell match�?And Paul, the chairman’s accepted!" Heyman, "Of course he did, and when it concludes Taz will become the Entourage’s personal bitch!" JR, "That’s to be seen�?but in any event, also joining the card will be Missy Bytch and Krystin Pryce for the ICWA Women’s championship and folks, I’ve just heard that Missy has apparently laid out the challenge to make this a "Leather Lace" match�?Missy’s patented match and it seems that Krystin Pryce�?Well Krystin’s accepted the match! Heyman, "Leather and Lace�?Now that’s a combination you CAN’T go wrong with!" JR, "Not to mention that Jimmy Stryker makes his return to the ring after a 1 year hiatus, Da Sweet Lunatic, Ricky Carter, and Sasco Studman will all contest for contendership to the United States Championship�?Ryan Ross and James will unify the nWWF and CWA Championships�?and of course�?That huge 6 person Elimination Chamber, which is a first for the ICWA." Heyman, "Here JR, Let me save you the 30 bucks on the pay per view and tell ya how it’s gonna go, Krystin’s gonna rip Missy apart, Ryan Ross will decimate James, Shane Douglas will beat the winner of tonights US Title match, DSL will become the contender for the US title, Jimmy Stryker will all but KILL Scott Jensen, and Brock Lesnar or Matt Matlock will become the heavyweight champion!" JR, "Those are certainly some bold predictions�?In Any Event, let’s take ya to the ICWA’s Club Evolution where Ryan Michaels is standing by!"  | The crowd at the New York City based Club Evolution is loud and the crowd in Philadelphia erupts when Ryan Michaels comes up on the Dementa-Tron. Ryan, "Well HELLLLLLLLLLLLOOOO ICWA!" The crowd pops as JR says, "Ryan Michaels�?We were just talking about ICWA Resurrection, a lot of great matches on the card but the headlining match is of course, the ICWA Elimination Chamber match where you and 5 others will meet for the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship!" Ryan laughs, "Yeah, and to no surprise to anyone with abit of brains! Of course not everyone has been gifted with intelligence, As a matter of fact�?Wasn’t it ol Bobby Johnson who said of the 15 guys booked in the Demented main event, I stood the LEAST chance of progressing?! Yet here I am�?Not only am I here, but I even picked up one of the eliminating pinfalls�?Who’d you eliminate Bobby? (laughs) But it’s okay, see Bobby Johnson talks about what he did to me in XWA, Talks about me "disappearing" from the XWA�?News flash pal, XWA’s the minor leagues, the ICWA’s the big time�?That’s why I left XWA, not because I was "scared" or "showed up", I left the XWA to persue a career here in the ICWA, and here I stand number 1 contender to the ICWA Heavyweight Championship�?Bad call? I don’t think so�?But hey, maybe after I win the ICWA Championship you can give Triple X a call and work it out with your new found "buddy" WallStreet for him to bring his ass to the ICWA and we’ll go Champion against Champion. (crowd pops) Never the less, I’ll sum things up�?This Sunday, 6 Men, 1 Belt, 1 Match, 1 Immortal Champion�?The One and ONLY Ryan Michaels!" JR, "Alright�?Well thanks a lot Ryan!" Ryan nods and we fade from ICWA Club Evolution to the back where James is heading to the gorilla position. JR, "When we come back, It’s James and Dark Child one on one!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | The cameras return as the Dementa-Tron kicks on Booming male voice, "This is the Mountain Dew, Do of the Night!" James reaches on the table and goes to grab the nWWF title but as he does Ross grabs it with his left hand. James looks up with a serious look as Ross has his arrogant grin. The crowd erupts, knowing that James title belt is on a list with his beer and his women when it comes to things ya don’t touch. Ross grabs the mic with his right hand and says, "Enjoy that belt, by my calculation you have 12 days before it’s around my waste." Ross winks as James rolls his eyes and pulls to leave, but Ross has yet to release the nWWF Title. James stands up as if to step up to Ross, and likewise Ross gets up, which cues Heyman to get out of dodge. James and Ross glare a hole through each other til finally Ross drops the belt and smirks. James decides to maintain his composure and turns to exit the ring but Ross jumps up on the desk and then leaps, drop kicking James in the back. James lunges forward, nailing the ropes with such power that he goes up and over, lands on the outside ring canvas, bounces, and hits the floor at ringside. The crowd begins booing as Ross just smirks ---------------------------------------------------- Ross starts heading up the ramp but James comes from behind and nails a Clothesline, making Ross drop his title and stumble forward. Ross turns around and James begins delivering hard right hands, backing Ross up the ramp as the crowd is going wild. Ross and James get to the stage and James grabs him by the back of the hair and slams his face into the steal frame of the entry way. He goes to do this a second time but Ross puts his foot up and blocks the shot and then drives his elbow into the ribs of James. James jumps back and Ross begins delivering his own right hands. James goes down and sweeps Ross�?legs, dropping him on the stage as James begins delivering rights and lefts. Ross rolls him over however, and begins unloading rights and lefts of his own. ---------------------------------------------------- The staff holding Ross seems to be having a hard time, as Ross somehow manages to get free. Without thinking he runs and leaps in a reverse moonsault (basically a standing swanton) and collides with James who grabs him as he goes flying back, sending both of them off the stage where they fall 20 feet to the bottom, crashing through several black tables that were apparently being used for some of the electronically equipment of the ICWA’s. Fortunatly somebody thought to move it all when the two superstars started fighting on the stage. They both lye there, motionless as the medics rush in from an entrance on the floor. The crowd is still erupting: HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT�?/FONT> JR, "MAH GAWD! THEY MAY HAVE JUST HAD THERE CAREERS ENDED!" Heyman, "That right there is why The Rush Ryan Ross is my pick to win it all at Resurrection! That kid is EXTREEEEMMMEEE!" JR, "RESURRECTION?! THEY MAY NOT MAKE IT TO RESURRECTION! BAH GAWD!" With that the screen goes back to the Mountain Dew logo which quickly meets the Amped logo to create a can of Mountain Dew Amped on the screen. Narrator, "The Great taste of Mountain Dew with an extra JOLT Of Energy�?GET AMPED!" 
| The main lights suddenly go out, leaving only red and blue spots to light the stage and the ramp. The first few chords of Sweet Dreams By Marilyn Manson Play as six beautiful women dressed in catholic schoolgirl outfits strut sensuously down the ramp taking positions along it, three on each side. James slowly struts from behind the curtain, white pants and shirt adorning his body as he slowly walks out both hands crossed in front of his chest, his hands resting by his throat as he stares at the ground. Pyro erupts from the stage as the first chorus ends, James slams his hands apart easily tearing the shirt from his body to the roar of the crowd. Finkle, "The following contest is scheduled for onefall with a 10 minute time limit! Introducing first, hailing from Philadelphia Pennsylvania and weighing in at 302 Pounds... He is the nWWF Champion and one half ICWA Tag Team Champions, JAMES!" he grins as he slowly walks down stopping and posing for a few pictures. he walks by each group of women and they quickly step in behind him. he climbs the steps slowly and hops the ropes walking to one side and slowly running his hand over his head then down his body suggestively. he walks to the center of the ring, as the girls slowly run their hand over his body, he smirks as they slowly get out of the ring, raising his hands into the air and turning slowly before hopping up on the turnbuckle and sitting on it, leaning back relaxed and flirting with some women in the audience. With that the lights in the arena turn Gold as we hear the rapid gun shots that lead into 911 by D12 and Cypress Hill. Eminem, "GUESS WHOS BACK! MOMMY, WE’RE HOME! SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIENDS! DJ MUGZ, SOUL ASSASSIANS, CYPRESS HILL EVERYBODY�?PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE MY EYES CAN SEE EM! (More gun shots) Everywhere we go people know we roll deep as fuck 40, 50 Samoans ain’t knowing when we gonna bust 50, Twizy, Obie, There won’t be no ho in us They Pop shit like they gonna do shit but no one does From New York down to Texas back up to Los Angeles We Changed the way we move so man up if you can’t adjust You May end up getting rushed by too many to handle us It’s Funny, I guess money Does Have It’s Advantages And It Isn’t That We Just Think That We Can’t Be Touched It’s not That like We’re Feeling Our Selves That Much It’s Just that if someone does put us in the Clutch We Just know that yawl ain’t gonna be the one who’s gonna do it Cause first of all you pussy and everybody can see that�? The crowd is going wild until out from behind the curtain steps Dark Child�?This sends them into a frenzy of boos, which only grows louder when an arrogant WallStreet steps out behind him. Dark Child comes out to center stage and WallStreet stands behind him, his average, arrogant smirk as Dark Child just stairs down to the ring where James resides. JR, "Dark Child a man of a lot of controversy as of late�?Frankly I’m a little surprised to see that he’s still got WallStreet’s support." Heyman, "You and me both�? Dark Child proceeds down the ramp as Finkle announces, "His opponent�?Accompanied to ringside this evening by ICWA CEO and Chairman, as well as fellow Entourage Member, The WallStreet Brawler Mr. Taylor McCallister! He makes his way from New York City, New York, he weighs in this evening at 220 Lbs�?He is DARK_CHILLLDDD!" Dark Child slides into the ring as WallStreet walks up the stairs with great arrogance and enters between the second and third ropes. Dark Child runs up to the far turnbuckle and raises his arms giving a double one finger salute as the crowd boos. James hops down out of his corner and smirks as he looks over at WallStreet, who surprisingly, is also smirking. WallStreet gives James a wink as he wraps his arms around the top rope, pressing his back against the top rope, and flipping himself up and over in a Kane like fashion, landing on his feet on the floor as Dark Child jumps down from the corner and looks over at James. The music fades as the lights readjust and vice senior referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell. <<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Matt Matlock>>>>>>> DC & James circle one another. DC looks for a possible tie-up but James goes low and hits a cross chop to his opponent's knee. DC falls down, and James immediately goes to work dropping an elbow on the back of DC's knee. James then hooks in a single leg Boston crab as he takes the early advantage. He keeps the old on DC for quite some time but the man just won't give up. Eventually James simply releases it, and picks up DC and looks to hit "My Time" to finish the match early. However DC counters by lifting James up and nailing a Manhattan Drop. DC then grabs James and hits a snap suplex and then goes for a cover. One...two..kickout!
DC puts the boots to James, and then attempts his own submission, The Punisher. However in the process of putting it on, James fights back and kicks DC in the chest. James gets up and hits a hard clothesline sending DC down to the canvas. James makes a cover now. One...two...no! Kickout by Dark Child. James grabs him around the neck and starts landing hard blowd to DC's chest. Lifting him up now and whipping him to the ropes, DC finds himself on the end of a 'Flat You'. James again makes a cover, and again only manages a two count. James picks DC up again, and punches him twice with his right hand, before setting DC up for an STO. However DC shoves James back suddenly and then hits the Amazing Grace from out of nowhere! DC crawls over and makes a cover. One...two....thr---no! No, James gets his shoulder off the canvas in the nick of time.
Dark Child finds himself in control now, as he gets James to his feet and makes his way behind him. He manages to lift the over 80 pounds heavier James and connect with a release german suplex. DC pops up as James tries to get to his feet. DC flips James off, and then the original sadist gets a face full of boot and he gets superkicked right in the chin and gets knocked over the top rope of the ring. The ref starts counting now, getting to three before DC climbs out after James. He looks to roll him back inside, but gets a blow to the throat by James, who proceeds to toss Dark Child into the cold steel steps. Taking DC by the head now the sadist rolls him back inside. He heads up to the top, and points to a woman in the crowd, licks between his fingers and rubs the hand down his chest. He leaps off with a leg drop, and connects with Dark Child's legs that were worked on earlier in the match. DC lets out a holler as James drives his knees repeatedly into Dark Child's already hurt leg.
James stands up now, with a grin on his face and he shouts "It's so damn hard, being this damn good!" as the crowd cheers. Taking DC by the legs, James locks in the Picture Perfect, in prime position in the center of the ring. DC's in pain and it shows, and after about a minute & a half in the hold DC hits his hand repeatedly on the canvas.
Howard Finkle: Your winner of this match, by submission...James! <<<<<<End of Matlock Writing>>>> Despite Nick Patrick repeatedly calling for the bell and time keeper Mark Eaton repeatedly ringing it, James shows no desire of releasing the hold. WallStreet hops up on the canvas and James finally releases the hold and lunges forward but WallStreet hops back before WallStreet can do anything. James turns around, picks up Dark Child who’s holding his knee, and Irish whips him into the corner. WallStreet goes over, grabs Finkle by the tuxedo, and throws him from his seat as he grabs the steal chair and slides into the ring. WallStreet goes over to the corner where James is just stomping a mudhole in Dark Child. He pulls back and James turns around, smirks and says, "Hit me�? WallStreet’s face is distorting with anger as he remembers that he can’t touch James so long as they’re tag team champions. James gives the double 1 Finger salute to WallStreet making the crowd erupt as James turns back and continues stomping in the chest of Dark Child. WallStreet is seen waving to the back, clearly calling for the troops, but James pays no attention as he picks Dark Child up again, Irish whips him into the ropes, and as he comes off, BAM! My Roots (Diamond Cutter with opponent coming off the ropes). James glances up and sees the Entourage running from the back so he smirks and rolls out of the ring as Bobby Johnson and Shawn Allen slide into the ring. James smirks on the floor, walks around the ring over to the timekeepers table, Tosses the table on it’s side, and reviles a cooler. He pops it open and withdraws two bottles of Canadian Molsons. The crowd pops as he walks over around the ring, over to the ramp, and pops a top, taking one very long swing of his first beer. WallStreet is just glaring at James as James brings the bottle to his head, and then somewhat salutes WallStreet with it, enough to say "Cheers" as he guzzles down the rest, tosses the bottle on the side of the ramp, and pops open the second. WallStreet still has the steal chair in hand and is glaring hard as James just guzzles down that beer, tosses it over with the other empty bottle, laughs, turns, and walks up the ramp. JR, "Well I think James may have just put the screws to WallStreet!" Behind WallStreet in the ring Allen and Johnson have gotten Dark Child up, making him stand, woosy. Suddenly out of no where WallStreet turns and with great power brings the steal chair crashing over the head of Dark Child, dropping him again and busting him open. WallStreet smirks as Allen and Johnson join him. The crowd pops, clearly disliking DC more so than WallStreet as WallStreet says, "PICK HIS ASS UP!" JR, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Heyman, "It looks like WallStreet couldn’t "Find forgiveness in his heart" after all!" Back in the ring Allen and Johnson have Dark Child up again and WallStreet begins unloading hard right hands into his head. Eventually DC drops to his knees as Allen and Johnson still have a hold of his arms, making sure he doesn’t fall forward so WallStreet can continue to bury hard rights into his head. JR, "AWE COME ON, HAVE A LITTLE DECENTCY!!!" Heyman, "OH NO, HE BROUGHT THIS ON HIMSELF JR!!" JR, "AWW GIVE ME A DAMN BREAK! THE MAN MADE A MISTAKE, AIN’T YOU EVER MADE A MISTAKE?!" Heyman, "Not that I can think of off the top of my head." JR, "Yeah well, I’ll bet there’s a locker room’s worth of wrestlers waiting for back paychecks that would beg to differ! STOP THIS ALREADY!!" Almost as if he heard JR, WallStreet does infact stop. He nods his head and Allen and Johnson again pick up Dark Child, WallStreet kicks him in the gut which at this point was an irrelevant shot, places his head between his legs and then BAM! JR, "Well what a perfect finish, the Stock Market Crash! This group is a bunch of vial, sick human beings! Heyman, "Aren’t they GREAT!?!?!" JR, "No, No they’re not "GREAT", They’re damned pathetic, that’s what they ARE!" WallStreet stands up as Shawn Allen grabs a mic from a member of the ring crew and hands it to WallStreet. WallStreet, "Tell ya what Dark Child, you go back to your little buddies down south and you have a good time there, because we don’t need you here! Now why don’t you go and beg and plead your contract out over there like you did when you defected to NRA for a week the last time you got pissed at their management�?Let this be known right now, and you can tell all your little buddies who think this place is gonna be somewhere to come, bash on your previous employer, let off some steam, and head back with their cl*t in your mouth�?What just happened to Dark Child is a small message�?My next victims will see a wrath unleashed that would make Lucipher himself beg for mercy…�?Oh and Dark Child�?Incase you didn’t get the message�?YOUR FIRED! Security, ship his ass back to Chicago, he’s got fifteen minutes to get out of here or I’ll fire every damned one of ya and the Entourage’ll run security ourselves!" With that 911 Blast over the PA as WallStreet hops out of the ring and Bobby and Shane follow. JR, "This is absolutely disgusting!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | When cameras return We find Y2Jesus and the man we’ve grown to know as Ice hanging out in the back. As they chilify, the door opens and in comes Alexis. Y2J, "Hey kiddo." Alexis, "Hey�? Ice, "Excited about getting your title rematch�? Alexis, "Yeah�? Y2J sarcastically replies, "Sure she is, can’t you tell she’s about to jump out of her skin�? Alexis, "Ha, ha�? Ice, "Why so monotone? You’re about to create history, become the first unified champion in this company’s history, what’s the deal?" Alexis, "I’m just a little confused with where everything stands right now." Jesus goes to reply but Ice puts up his hand as to say ‘I’ve got this one�?and walks over, Ice, "Listen, if you guys wanta fall desperately in love, have kids, buy a nice big house with white picket fences, that’s cool�?But that can start tomorrow, Tonight where things "stand" are, you’re the ICWA Intercontental Champion, He’s the ICWA United States Champion, and as such, you’re competitors. Tonight he’s not some "sweet guy", he’s just another guy gunning for your strap, and as such, you need to drop him on his head a few times, hook the leg, let the ref do his job and count the three, and then you can help scoop him off the mat and go from there." Alexis, "I know bu�? Ice, "No buts�?This isn’t a "but" situation, that’s the way it is, clear as Ice�? Alexis laughs slightly and nods, "Yeah�?That’s true�?To hell with the mushy stuff, we can sort all that out after I give him oh so sweet dreams and take my title." Ice, "There ya go�?(looks at Jesus) This kid isn’t nearly as bad as you said she was�? Alexis snaps her head around and glares at Y2J as he gets very red in the face and says, "Um�?yeah�?uh�?sorry?" We can hear JR laughing slightly as we go to the ring. <<<<<<<<<The following was written by Y2Jesus>>>>>> As Jr fades out a bunch of random letters matrix style except with yellow text begin to rain down the dementa tron, the crowd eyeing on unaware of the odd entrance video. As the text begins to rain down faster and faster, the letters G R E A T N E S S appear in bold yellow sparkling font, "Imperial March" By Rage Against the Machine blasts onto the P.A. system as clips of jamie's previous match ups from numerous feds flash in his entrance video's with wild graphics. Jamie appears out of the back no shirt on a pair of expensive sunglasses, a huge platinum belt buckle and a pair of light denim blue jeans. He grins as he looks over at the beautiful woman drapped around his arm, clicking his tounge ring against the front of his teeth, then around slowly at the wide range of heads. In his other free hand a sledgehammer, taped in the middle with black electrical tape, he holds it high above his head on the stage, as the crowd both boo in utter disgustance of the man, and cheer in blantant respect for the prophecy. Back in the ring the FInk gets on the mic and motions towards the entrance ramp. " The following contest is scheduled for one fall...making his way to the ring...weighing in at 272 pounds and hailing from Atlanta, Georgia...being accompnaied to the ring by Shantel....Jamie Piiiiiiiiiiiiiierce!" He smiles before turning and kissing Shantel before they both calmly make thier way towards the ring, jamie with a tight but gentle grip on shantel's hand. He leads her up the steel steps as he follows closely behind sitting on the middle rope giving her easy access to the inside of the ring. Jamie climbs in through the middle and top rope before walking at a speedy pace towards a turnbuckle and holding his sledgehammer high in the air for everyone to see as they burst into another mixed reaction. Taking his sunglasses off he hops back down to the canvas and kisses shantel once more handing her the sledgehammer, he begins stretching out as he awaits the arrival of Sasco Studmen. As Shantel makes her way out of the ring, the lights slowly begin to fade and after two to three minutes the arena is pitch black. The crowd start to freak out and all of a sudden a faint "static" noise can be heard coming across the PA system. A large image begins spreading across the titantron screen though the crowd are disappointed when that to, is just television static. The crowd suddenly become anxious to find out what is going on and a thin green smog begins to spread thinly across the ramp way and the crowd begin to liven up a little and come out of there temporary silence. The static noise suddenly stops and several words can be heard across the PA system�? "This is a song about what I am, a mother fucking IDIOT!" The crowd all instantly rise to their feet as "I.D.I.O.T" by Mudvayne begins blasting over the pa and green lights begin to whiz around the arena and highlight certain individuals at random holding their precious crappy signs. The green smog begins to spread a lot further and it eventually makes the ring, smog unexpectedly starts pouring out from the top turnbuckles and the crowd begin to freak out, then�?it happens. The curtains begin to ruffle a little and the crowd begins screaming all sorts of obscenities. The scruffy bastard himself emerges from behind the curtain and walks two to three metres down the ramp way before stopping. As Sasco stops he throws both of his arms in the air in the formation of a "X" and the crowd go crazy as the man standing knee deep in green fog appears to be doing all of the right things. " And his opponent...weighing in at 240 pounds and hailing from Lima, Ohia...Sasco Ssssssssssssstudmen!" Sasco slowly begins to shuffle down the ramp whilst on the titantron highlights from several of his previous federations are shown and the crowd seem to be quite shocked by the manoeuvres and risks that this man is willing to take. Twenty or so seconds pass by and Sasco is standing at the rings steps paying no attention what so ever to the massive crowd around him. Sasco quickly takes a look around him and walks up the ring steps and cunningly makes his way through the ropes and steps into the ever elusive "squared ring!" Sasco walks around in circles for a brief period of time as Fink gets out of the ring. The ref signals for the bell and it's rung announcing the begining of the contest. The two move towards each other and begin circling the ring, sizing each other up. They get in the standard collar and elbow ties up, both struggling for control, taking turns as they moves their opponents around the ring. Eventually Jamie begins to get control as Sasco gets moves into the ropes. The ref tells them to separate, which they do...but as soon as Jamie comes back in for another tie up Sasco wisely moves his upperbody between the ropes. He yells at the ref to tell Pierce to back up, but as the ref tries Sasco gets in a cheap shot with the tried and true thumb to the eye. Jamie immediately recoils and that's all the openings that Sasco needs. He begins laying into Jamie with rights and lefts, forcing him into the corner. He nails a shoulder to the gut and follows it up with some elbows to the face Nash style. Jamie begins to slump down into the corner, seemingly overcome by the onslaught and the crowd buzzes as Sasco grins and backs away to the other corner pointing at Jamie. He croses his arms over his chest in an X and looks to land a Bronco Buster on Pierce. But Shantel quickly grabs Jamie and scoots him out of the ring causing Sasco to skid to a stop. The crowd begins booing as Shantel begins pampering Jamie on the outside. Sasco doesn't look to impressed and rather than wait for the refs 10 count to finish, he hops out of the ring. Jamie begins backing up, begging Sasco off...but he just smirks and shakes his head no. He's so busy on Pierce that he doesn't notice Shantel sneaking up behind him. He spins him around and slaps him in the face, shouting at him as he gently touches the spot where she slapped him. Suddenly he reaches out and grabs hold of her hair, catching her as she tries to run. She begins flailing about screaming bloody murder, and as the ref begins to admonish Sasco, he's nailed from behind by a huge clothesline by Pierce. Shantel scampers away and cheers her man on as Jamie begins to unload on Sasco with boots to the body as Sasco tries to fight his way up. As he slowly begins to get up, Jamie switches to stiff right hands, before grabbing Sasco around the neck and ramming him face first into the guardrail. Jamie smiles as Sasco bounces off before then whipping him with surprising velocity into the steel steps. Sasco flies shoulder first, dislodging the top portion of the steps as Jamie slides back into the ring to break the refs 10 count. He slides back out saunters over to where Sasco is now laying, trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head. Jamie picks up Sasco by his hair and slaps him across the face before tossing him back into the ring. He follows and doesn't let up on the assault either, grabbing Sasco and nailing a couple of snap suplexes on his adversary. Jamie hooks the leg but only gets a 2 count from the ref, and looks up in disgust before grabbing Sascos' head as he gets to his knees and forces it between his legs. He locks his arms around Sasco's waist and calls for a piledriver, but somehow Sasco somehow powers out backdropping Jamie to the mat. He shakes his head as he begins to stalk Pierce who's using the ropes to get to his feet, and immediately begins to unleash his "Confusion" ...a series of hard and rapid kicks to various parts of Jamie's anatomy. Pierce tries in vain to block the attempts but isn't successful, getting planted with a spiked DDT for his troubles. This time Sasco makes the cover and smiles as he feels Jamie kick out underneath him. He licks his lips and grabs Pierce off the mat, and hoisting him up on his shoulders. He tries for a running powerslam, but Pierce pushes off and lands a standing dropkick to Sascos's back. Studmen goes chest first into the ropes and gets nailed by Jamie as he turns around with his " Where Greatness Counts" (rock bottom). Both men lay still on the mat, trying to recover somewhat, and you can see Shantel run around nearest to where Jamie lays trying to get her man back into the match. Jamie crawls and drapes an arm over Studman, he's get a 1...then a 2...but right before the ref can slap it down for a three Sasco raises his shoulders. The crowd lets out a "Ooooo", they too thinking the match was over. Jamie raises to his knees and pounds the mat in frustration as he looks over at Shantel. She begins pointing to the top rope and Jamie nods as he wearily makes his way over. He climbs up to the top and stands up on jello legs before leaping off attempting his Shooting Star leg drop. As he comes crashing down to the mat, Sasco is just able to roll out of the way causing Jamie to land hand on his ass. He groans and falls to his side as the crowd lets out an audible groan of their own. Both men begin to yet again make their way to their feet, trading blow for blow albiet much weaker then their earlier slugfests. Sasco begins to get the upperhand and whips Jamie into the ropes and tries for a high back body drop. But he telegraphis it and Jamie is able to nail Sasco with a knee to the face driving him back against the ropes. Shantel suddenly jumps up onto the apron and holds Sasco in place shouting for Jamie to nail his ass. Jamie grins and blows her a kiss before going for a superkick, but Sasco is too smart for that and he ducks at the last second causing Jamie to accidentally superkick Shantel instead. She falls off the apron, and Jamie rushes to the ropes to check on her but forgets about Sasco who runs and nails a body avalanche from behind. As Jamie ricochets off the ropes, Sasco grabs him and whips him again for the ropes. But Jamie reverses it and when Sasco comes back he lifts him up trying for a spinebuster, but some split second timing and a shift of weight allows Sasco to reverse the spinebuster in mid air, driving Jamie's face into the mat with the "Dope" (X-Factor). Sasco rolls him over and gets the lateral press and three seconds later the " I.D.I.O.T" begins to play over the PA as Studmen has his hand raised in victor <<<<<<<<<End of Jesus Writing>>>>>> Finkle, "YOUR WINNER VIA PINFALL, SASCO_STUDDDDMANNNN!" JR, "That right there shows why WallStreet has opted to place that man into a US Title contendership match despite being so new to this company!" Heyman, "Oh yeah, some pothead get’s luck in a match and we’re ready to make out as King of the World�?It’s people like you that are the reason I have to hear Burnout’s name everywhere I go!" With that the cameras go to the back where Pamela Paulshock is standing by with Ryan Ross who has his CWA Championship slung over his shoulder. Pamela, "Ryan Ross, in just five days you meet your biggest challenge to date in the ICWA in the nWWF Champion James�?What’s going through your mind?" Ryan Ross, "You without a top�?(Pamela glares) Easy sweetheart, I wouldn’t actually do ya or anything, I’m a man of class�?Besides, I don’t know what I’d catch�?Look lady, I’m not worried about James, I think I’ve made that painfully obvious. It’s the Ultimate X match, and of all the people in the ICWA there’s two who even know what this thing is, Me, and WallStreet. And even WallStreet would be clueless to it if I hadn’t of shown him the video when I made the request. James can’t beat me in this environment�?or any other for that matter, but especially this environment�?You look back at everything James has done in this company, the title runs, the ground breaking matches, all of it, and it comes down to one simple fact�?James has never faced me. And this, this is why James is such a success, cause he’s never had to cross paths with the likes of The Rush Ryan Ross. For nearly four years we’ve been watching James V.S. WallStreet, waiting for one of them to bring the other to the end�?Well in one match I’m gonna accomplish what WallStreet couldn’t in 4 Years�?I’m gonna end James, and then when I bring the titles together, WallStreet has agreed to let the winner, in other words me, choose the new name for the Unified heavyweight title. I personally am pretty keen on The Rush Ryan Ross Heavyweight Wrestling Championship since you won’t see anybody else with the belt so long as I’m around. But I suppose we’ll see, I’m still excepting suggestions on my website from all the Rush-heads out there." Pamela Paulshock, "How can you be so arrogant, you’re not steping in against some nobody from PLW, You’re facing JAMES! The man who has single handedly defeated nearly every top name to of ever walked the ICWA�? Ryan Ross, "And�? Listen lady, I’ve got a nobody to go throw around for a few minutes, but you keep the air flow going between them ears." The Rush gives a wink and a laugh as he walks off and Pamela glares into the back of his head. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | When cameras return we find James in the back, sitting on a leather love seat with his feet kicked up and a cold bottle of beer in his hand as he has a smug smirk and is watching the monitor, clearly interested in this next bout. The monitor has the empty ring on it and we fade into the glassy screen until we end up fading to the ring. As the crowd is in wait, 'Downfall' by Trust Company blast over the PA as the arena goes dark and red lights begin flashing through out the arena. The crowd pops when suddenly from behind the curtain comes former PLW Heavyweight champion, Scott Jensen. The crowd erupts as Jensen stands, staring around the arena briefly before he forcefully throws his arms into the are in a fashion similar to Stone Cold. The crowd erupts as Jensen begins power walking down the ramp. JR, "No question that this is gonna be quite the bout�?Scott Jensen a little down on his luck as of late and seemingly frustrated, but hopefully this one can be the difference maker for him heading into Resurrection." Heyman, "I wouldn’t count on it JR." As Jensen gets to the bottom of the ramp he slaps a few fans hands on his way to the steal stairs. Jensen quickly climbs up the stairs and hops in the ring through the second and third ropes. Finkle, "The following bout has been scheduled for onefall with a ten minute time limit! On his way to the ring, hailing from Cleveland Ohio and weighing in at 252 pounds, He is Scott "The Machine" JENSENNN!" Jensen walks to the turnbuckle and climbs up to the second rope, raising his arms again in an Austin fashion as the crowd is going wild. Jensen holds his pose briefly before he hops down and walks over to the opposite corner of the ring and repeats this same process. Jensen then hops back down, wraps his arms around the top rope and leans back, crack/stretching his back quickly as he then stands in wait of his opponent. The lights in the arena dim to a barest minimum, and the Titantron flares up with images of the CWA champion, "The Rush" Ryan Ross. Then, "Shadows" by 12 Stones begins to play loudly as Ryan Ross steps out from behind the curtain. He thrusts his arms out to his sides, and then Pyrotechnics raindown from behind him. He taps the CWA title which is resting on his shoulder twice as he begins to walk down the ramp. Finkle, "And the opponent�?Making his way from Philedalphia Pennsylvania and weighing in this evening at 225 Pounds�?He is the CWA Heavyweight champion, The RUSH, RYAN, ROOOOOSSSSSSSSSSS!" The Crowd boos him loudly, but he still smiles, and even waves to some of them. Ryan Ross then jumps up onto the ring apron, and climbs into the ring as the crowd boos loudly. <<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By No Limits Christian Skywalker>>>>>> Jensen has his back turned to Ross, so Ross begins to charge like he is going for a spear, but Jensen turns around just quick enough to deliver a standing dropkick. Ross falls backwards and Jensen goes right after his legs. He delivers an elbow smash to the leg and then he picks Ross up. He sends him to the ropes and he runs in the opposite direction, and when the meet in the center of the ring, Jensen nails a clothesline. He then picks up Ross and hooks him up. He then delivers a snap suplex, and stays locked with him. They roll and get to their feet and Jensen delivers a second vertical suplex. They stay locked again and Jensen rolls his hips and goes for the third suplex. Ross is quick though and somehow manages to hit a standing tornado DDT. He picks Jensen up and delivers an elbow smash right to Jensen's mouth. That staggers Jensen and Ross goes to kick Jensen, but Jensen catches his leg. Ross jumps quickly and hits an enziguri, which sends Jensen right back to the mat. Ross then goes to the top rope and goes for a flying elbow, but at the last moment Jensen rolls out of the way. Ross struggles to his feet, but he gets there, and Jensen is right there to nail an Olympic slam. Ross holds his back and is in obvious pain. Jensen sees this and picks Ross up and delivers a side slam which does even more damage to the back of Ross. Jensen then goes to the top rope and he is going for a high risk manuver. He jumps and lands the flying headbutt, although he is now clutching at his head. Ross struggles and gets to his feet first, but Jensen is quick to roll up Ross and tries to go for a pin. He grabs a handful of trunks and the ref sees it, so he makes Jensen break up the pinning combination. Jensen gets up and he is obviously a little upset that he got caught, but he goes right back to work. He picks up Ross on his shoulders and looks about ready to deliver the Machine, but Ross counters it and delivers a monster reverse DDT that sends both men crashing to the mat. They are both down and the ref begins his standng 10 count. He gets up to six before Ross gets to his feet. He is still a little out of it, and Jensen gets up as well. Jensen walks towards Ross, but he is caught, and Ross delivers a T-Bone suplex that drops Jensen right on his head. Jensen gets up out of confusion and Ross dropkicks him in the back. Jensen lands on the ropes and Ross runs to the other side of the ring and back and delivers the 215. Jensen falls backwards but is not on his back for long as Ross picks him up and delivers a twist of fate. Jensen is sprawled out. Ross picks him up again and goes for the Knockout Blow, but Jensen slides down his back and delivers a high angle belly to back suplex that drops Ross high and tight on his shoulders. Jensen is a little bit hurt but he is trying to take advantage of that desperation move. He runs over and drops to his side and locks in the Pura Locora Submission. Ross is in some pain, but he is right next to the ropes, so he grabs the ropes and the ref makes Jensen break the hold. These competitors are taking a lot out of each other, but they are striving to continue. Jensen gets to his feet and picks Ross up as well. He goes behind Ross and hooks him around his hips. He delivers the german suplex and the keeps holding on. He gets up and delivers another one, and then does the same for a third time. Jensen is really feeling it now and it seems that he has got Ross reeling. Jensen picks him up and goes for the standing tornado DDT, but Ross throws him off, but Jensen lands on his feet. He runs right back at Ross, but Ross delivers the Broad Street Slam sending Jensen back first right into the mat with a thunderous crash. He picks Jensen right up and puts him back on his shoulders. He then delivers the Knock Out Blow. He begins to get ready to end the match, but he is waiting for Jensen to get up. Jensen gets up and Ross goes for the super kick. Jensen ducks out of the way and when Ross turns around, Jensen hits the Pura Locura Slam. Jensen then falls backwards and is completely exhausted. He may have Ross down for the count, but he cannot take advantage of it. After about thirty to forty seconds, Jensen begins to crawl towards Ross. He gets there and goes for the cover. The ref counts 1...2... and Ross gets his shoulder up barely at the 2 and 15/16ths count. Jensen is so out of it that he cannot be disappointed with not getting the pinfall. They both are still stunned but they manage to get to their feet at about the same time. Jensen comes in and looks like he is going for the Locura Driver but Ross moves out of the way and Jensen turns around to get the Super Kick right in the jaw. Jensen is out cold and Ross is leaning against the ropes trying to regain his composure. He stands there for about thirty seconds while catching his breath, and Jensen still has not moved. He then gets a running head start and jumps on the second rope. He flips backwards and delivers the Impact with great force. He gets the move flush and goes for the cover. The ref jumps to the mat and counts. 1...2...3! and Ross is the winner in a highly competitive match. <<<<<<<<<<<End of NLCS Writing>>>>>>>>> Finkle, "Your winner via Pinfall�?THE RUSH RYAN ROOOOSSSS!" The crowd boos as Ross gets up, takes his belt from referee Teddy Long, and just smirks. With that we go to the back where we see both Alexis and Christian walking toward the gorilla position on the split screen�?/P> JR, "Boy, you do not wanta miss this one�?we come back, Skywalker, Davis, Double Championship�?And it’s NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 26th, 2005 | The cameras return and we see Michael Buffer standing in the center of the ring�?/P> Michael Buffer, "Philadelphia Pennsylvania…�?The City of Brotherly Love�?Are You Ready? (Crowd pops)�?Philadelphia Pennsylvania I said, Are You, RRRRRRREADY?! (Crowd pops)�?Philadelphia, I can’t hear you�?Are You RRRRRRREADDDDDY?! (Crowd erupts)�?Then�?For the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world……�?Leeeets Geta RRRRRRRRREADY to RRRRRRRRRUMMMMBBLLEEEEE!" The cameras briefly sweep the erupting crowd before fading back to Michael Buffer in the ring. Buffer, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following bout is the ICWA Demented MAIN EVENT! It has been sanctioned by ICWA CEO and Chairman, Taylor McCallister, Philadelphia State Athletic Commission Chairman, Chuck Bednarik, Commissioners Andrew DePaolo and Humberto Perez, Secretary Of Commonwealth Pedro A. Cortez, Executive Director Gregory Sirb, and Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board, Alan Brackup�?The trainer on hand for this event is ICWA Senior Trainer Danny Young�?The Commentary for this contest will be provided by James Ross and Paul Heyman�?The Time keeper who for this contest will soley be responsible for opening and concluding the bout is Mark Eaton�?And finally, the official assigned to this contest is InterCountyWrestlingAlliance Senior Referee, Timothy White! This bout has been scheduled for onefall, and there will be NO Time Limit(crowd pops)�?All ICWA Athletic Staff has been bared from ringside by the order of ICWA CEO and Chairman, Mr. McCallister�?Mr. McCallister has declaired that their MUST BE A WINNER! There for there will be No Disqualifications�?The only way to obtain victory is via Pinfall, Submission, or Knock Out. This match is to Unify the ICWA Intercontental and United States Championships and it is a Rematch, from two weeks ago�? The crowd is waiting, their hearts racing, the anticipation setting in�?What’s next? They wait eagerly, when the lights fade to black and the familiar opening chords to ‘Lose Yourself�?by Eminem begins to blast over the PA. This sends the crowd into an absolute frenzy as the beat picks up and a collection of light blue and green lights begin flashing with the base. Eminem, "Look�?If You Had One Shot�?Or One Opportunity�?BR>To Seize Everything You Ever Wanted�?BR>One Moment�?BR>Would You Capture It�? Or Let It Slip?" At exactly 54 seconds into the song, out from behind that oh so familiar black curtain, that for years has separated the dreamers from the Achievers, the Immortal from the merely mortal�?Alexis Davis steps, sending the packed coliseum into an uproar. She stands on the top of the stage, shakes her arms a bit and rolls her head back, loosening herself up, before she finally steps out from right in front of the curtain and ends up on stage, moving a bit with the music. Buffer, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?On this night she makes her way from Miami Florida�?As we have yet to reach the half way point for 2005 the experts of this sport are already dubbing her as the undisputable Rookie of the Year�?With only 3 bouts under her belt she has yet to suffer defeat and has been held to a time limit draw once in a match that has been publicized through thousands of professional wrestling based websites and magazines as the match of the year, bar none�?In her opening bout she obtained a championship which carries a legacy of mar key names here in the ICWA�?Names such as Kane, Joey De’Angelo, Triple H, and even the former ICWA Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar�?It is a championship that originated in 1979 When Pat Patterson won the original IC Title tournament in Rio Di Janeiro�?In her second bout she managed to lay defeat to the second generation superstar Raven Calloway in one of the most intimidating and deadly structures in the sport, The Steal Cage�?On this night she gives up over a hundred pounds to her adversary as she weighs in at 122 and 1 quarter pounds�?She sports the light blue trunks�?She is the perfecter of the "Sweet Dreams" move spot and has been labled as "Devastating" by her application of the career shortening "Fade Away" submission hold�?She is the ICWA Intercontental Champion, ALEXIS_DAAAAVISSS!" By this time Alexis is entering the ring, but upon mention of her name her arms shoot up with the Intercontental championship in hand which sends the crowd into a frenzy. She hands the strap over to Tim White and takes her spot in the corner as the triumphant trumpits blast over the PA and the opening chords of ‘Final Countdown�?by Europe is ringing through the arena, making them go wild as they are swept by Blue and red spot lights. At 43 seconds into the song we hear the a voice count down, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and with that an all mighty blast of pyro explodes from the stage and out from behind the curtain steps ICWA United States Champion, No Limits Christian Skywalker. The fans are gowing wild, loving him just as much, probably even more so, than Alexis Davis. Buffer, "And the challenger�?He hails this evening from Silver Springs New York�?He has been labeled the best "Good Guy" of our era�?He stands nearly alone as one of very few who has yet to have his character or moral value brought into question�?Making his ICWA Debut in 2003, he obtained the United States Championship in a battle Royal where he would withstand some of the greatest competitors to ever compete inside of this great organizations�?Names the likes of Layla Cassidy, Sting, Triple X, Tyranos Fallon, and even Shawn Michaels�?To this date he has been the ONLY United States Champion under the InterCountyWrestlingAlliance name�?His championship is much like he is, as it represents strong character, and has a legacy that dates back over the course of time to even before he himself was about�?Dating back to Johnny Valentine in 1975�?Much like this young phenomenom, Johnny Valentine would never suffer defeat as the United States championship, however his career was tragically drawn to a conclusion in the infamous plane crash of 75 which laid host to many other main stays in professional wrestling at that time including a young Ric Flair! �?The Challanger this evening has performed with some of the biggest names in this companies history, including Destructive Jay Marshal and Da Sweet Lunatic�?He has had very successfully defenses against the likes of Matt Hardy Version 1, Shawn Michaels, Blaze Inferno, Sting, and Da Sweet Lunatic. At a clear weight advantage on this evening he weighs in at 250 Pounds�?He was recognized in the NCAA as one of the greatest Safeties in Syracuse University History on account of his tremendous speed and power, however in the ICWA His claim to fame has come way via one of the most devastating moves in the sport�?A Move that has been immulated but never properly duplicated by the likes of Hurricane Helms and The Bigshow, that move is of course The Red Scare�?This combined with an unbeatable Ankle Lock Submission and a Texas Cloverleaf Submission that when applied has been compaired to the great Dean Malenko’s originating format, gives him a nearly unbeatable array of maneuvers�?He is the InterCountyWrestlingAlliance United States Champion, No Limits CHRISTIAN_SKKKKYYYYYWALKKERR!!" No Limit’s who has taken his sweet time walking to the ring, probably assuming that the longer he took the longer Michael Buffer would stroke his ego, has only just made it to ringside. As opposed to walking around up the steal stairs he walks around them and walks over to the crowd barricade where we see standing, none other than RICWA Legend, Kamakazi Kaukasian ((Picture Stone Cold Steve Austin dressed like the American Bad Ass Undertaker)). The two shake hands and share a brief embrace as ‘Final Countdown is still playing and Alexis is anxiously waiting in the ring. As Christian walks away from Kamakazi, a customized name plate similar to what shows up during superstar entrances comes up on the screen, reading�?/P> RICWA Legend Kama Kazi Kaukasian | KK looks up at the Dementa-Tron, notices this, smirks, and does RVD’s Thumb pointing taunt as a good portion of the ICWA fans say "Kama Kazi Kaukasian" along with him. Christian enters the ring between the second and third ropes. He takes off his United States championship and hands it over to Tim White as Michael Buffer exits the ring, the music fades, and the lights readjust. Tim White holds the championships high in the air, showing the world what this contest is all about�?/P> JR, "Well that’s it folks�?that’s what this one is all about�?BR>Heyman, "Yeah, he just wrote that you idiot!" JR, "What?!" Heyman, "�?I have no idea�?I need some sleep�? JR, "In any event, tonight there Must Be A Winner�?USA has agreed to keep us on as long as this takes, so we could very well end up going into the wee hours of the morning with ya knowing the heart of these two competitors�?And Folks, we have taken our last commercial break, so we won’t be cutting any of the high impact action that this contest will offer�? Back in the ring Tim White hands the championships through the ropes to the ring crew and calls for the bell as Alexis and Christian begin circling each other, staring into each others eyes, seemingly attempting to read one another�?Finally they both nod and shoot into the center of the ring�?Christian shoots for a tie up but Alexis goes low and sweeps the legs, however No Limits jumps back and lands onto of Alexis, wrapping his arms around her waist. No Limits sprawls around, making this a basic rear waist lock baring the fact that they’re down on the mat�?He however, opts to change that quickly as he gets to his feet, keeping the rear waist lock intact, and lifting Alexis with him. He pushes Alexis forward a few feet as she uselessly attempts to break his hold around her waist. He hoist her up and throws her back in the form of a German Suplex however she flips through and lands on her feet as Christian hits the mat on his side and jumps to his feet. Alexis runs and leaps, looking for a crossbody, but as Christian falls back he rolls through and ends up on the upperhand of the exchange with a cover. Tim White doesn’t even have the opportunity to drop down to the mat as Alexis Kicks out, forcing Christian off her, and the two come to their feet. Alexis backs up and runs as Christian attempts to counter whatever she’s looking for with a Clothesline, however she surprisingly evades the move by baseball sliding through his legs, quickly getting up, and hooking a rear waist lock of her own. Alexis attempts a German Suplex however she’s giving up a hundred and 30 pounds to the United States champion and since he has yet to expend a great deal of energy she isn’t having much luck. Finally Christian breaks her hold and spins around, locking a rear waist lock of his own and quickly hoisting her into the air but instead of going back with a German suplex he turns in the air and plants her down with what looks like a standing spear or perhaps an inverted Spinebuster. The crowd pops as Christian grabs the right ankle which he so intelligently worked over in their last contest, however Alexis sensing Danger quickly kicks about so No Limits can’t get a hold of the ankle and with great speed she pulls herself out of the ring and walks around on the floor, clearly trying to recompose herself and work out another strategy in her mind. The crowd boos slightly but Christian just smiles and leans in the corner, letting her take her time. JR, "Alexis seemingly trying to slow down the pace of this match, which comes as a bit of a surprise too me since you would think a fast paced match would be to her benefit." Heyman, "That’s true since No Limit’s has her by over a hundred pounds, but then again, you heard Buffer’s long drawing speech�? JR, "Yeah..?" Heyman, "I don’t know, you heard it, I didn’t�?I decided to read the Dictionary�?To no surprise I had completed it about the time No Limits came to the ring�? Alexis finally slides back in the ring as Christian begins slowly circling again and Alexis follows suite. Again they shoot for center ring but this time they both meet in a neck and elbow grapple. Alexis spins in a sideheadlock but continues spinning and ends up delivering a drop toehold. Christian Drops but puts his hands out and lands in a push up form, he does a push up, throws himself to his back and leaps up in a Shawn Michaels/The Rock fashion which makes the crowd goes wild. Alexis again comes in and the two again deliver a tie up but this time Christian powers her over to the corner. Tim White comes in and demands the break, and Christian gives it, putting his hands up and backing off as Alexis glares, clearly getting frustrated early in this bout. JR, "I think it should be pointed out that both of these young athletes are running a much slower pace than they did two weeks ago�?I believe with the elimination of the time limit they’ve decided to attempt to turn this into a contest of who can outlast the other, which may not bid well for No Limits." Heyman, "Even you can’t possible be THAT stupid?! How can you say that when No Limits CLEARLY, I mean even an NFL Referee could see it was so clear, that he out lasted Alexis just two weeks ago." JR, "I’m not sure that, that was the case�? Heyman, "Who was pinning and who was being pinned? End of discussion, Point Paul!" Back in the ring Christian and Alexis are again circling but not for long as again they meet in yet a third neck-n-elbow tie up. Alexis again puts on the sideheadlock but this time she doesn’t follow up with the drop toe hold. Christian brings his arm around and hoist her up looking for a sidewalk slam but Alexis quickly brings her legs up, wraps em around No Limit’s head, and delivers a modified head scissors take down. Skywalker pops up fairly quick as does Alexis and the two rush back into the grapple, this time however he breaks the grapple, grabs her under the arms, throws her up (probably looking for a modified Sky High Powerbomb) but is reversed as Alexis gets up a little to high, throws out her legs and delivers a front drop kick to the chest of the United States champion making him hit his back and roll through sliding his legs under the ropes and this time taking his walk on the floor as the crowd pops. Christian readjust the waist band of his tights and looks in the ring where now Alexis has a smirk on her face, clearly having gained the advantage although neither performer has received any huge offense over the other. Christian nods, giving her, her props as he paces in front of the commentary table briefly and then slides into the ring making the crowd pop. Christian extends his hand and Alexis hesitates but shakes it. Christian goes to release and step back but Alexis however, keeps a hold of his hand. No Limits turns around and Alexis delivers a modified Irish whip, sending him across the ring. No limits bounces back and Alexis leaps, delivering a drop kick to the US Champ. No Limits hits the mat as Alexis is getting up and runs to the ropes, she bounces over, summersaults, and then jumps and delivers the Rolling Thunder to No Limits, quickly turning and hooking the far leg as Tim White drops and counts ……�?……�?Only 1 as No Limits powers out. Alexis gets up and Christian is quick to follow. Alexis bounces off the ropes and jumps looking for A spinning heel kick but No Limit’s catches her and drops to his knees landing an innovative and unique powerbombish counter. Christian quickly covers and hooks the far leg as Tim White again drops and counts ………�?……�?and again, only 1 as Alexis kicks out. Christian gets up as Alexis follows suit and runs at Christian only for him to catch her and deliver a tiltawhirl backbreaker. She rolls off his knee and again he hooks the far leg as senior referee Tim White again counts ………�?…………�? Just two as she throws her arm up. Christian gets up and leans against the ropes, not out of exhaustion but simply to await Alexis�?arrival to her feet as she seems to of really felt the effects of that back breaker. She holds her back and gets up, turning around only for Christian to bounce his back off the ropes and look for a Clothesline from Hell but Alexis ducks, reaches back, and nails an inverted neckbreaker that comes out looking like a reverse Diamond Cutter. The crowd pops as Alexis rolls over again covering Christian. White drops and counts ………�?………�?�?No Limits kicks out as Alexis gets her body up but stays on her knees. Her face shows that she’s not remotely surprised that Christian kicked out, but she is mildly disappointed. She gets up and the United States champion follows, holding his neck, as he turns around Alexis delivers a stiff kick into his gut, grabs him in a front facelock, leaps, twists, and nails a standing Tornado DDT, which makes the fans pop. Alexis gets up and gets on the side of Christian, flips back, and delivers a standing Moonsault, remaining ontop of No Limits as White counts, ……�?………�?…�?Again only two as Christian body presses Alexis, tossing her off of him. Alexis stands in wait as Christian gets up, holding his head. He turns around and receives a kick to the gut and again locks on the front facelock, perhaps looking to go back to the well, or perhaps looking for a Sudden Impact (inverted DDT), But we won’t find out because Christian grabs her, hoist her into the air, and SLAM! A powerful Spinebuster nearly driving Alexis through the mat. Christian glances down at Alexis�?feet and smile’s a devilish smile as the crowd pops. He reaches down, grabing the ankle, and turning her over but just as he’s about to lock it on Alexis pushes herself up and rolls underneath herself, freeing her leg and quickly turning over to her knees and crawling under Skywalker’s legs. She gets up as Christian turns around and is met with a Hurricanrana, flipping him over and landing him by the ropes nearest the commentary table. Christian grabs the bottom rope and rolls himself under it, landing on a knee on the floor. Christian gets up, shaking his head, and turns to go back into the ring but as he does Alexis backs up, runs, and leaps over the top rope, flipping forward in the same motion as a Swanton Bomb, and landing her back against Christian’s chest only for Christian to wraps his arms around her upside down waist and drop on his ass delivering an insane piledriver reversal. The crowd goes nuts as we watch Alexis�?head hit the mats with such force that she literally bounces out of his lap and lands on her back next to Christian who’s on his ass, catching his breath. JR, "MAH GOD! HER CAREER MAY BE FINISHED!!!" With that said the screen splits into the ICWA Instant Replay format as in the higher left corner we see Alexis running in slow motion, leaping, being caught, and being driven into the ground. It shows this replay a second time and then shows it once more, but at full speed, as the screen than goes back to it’s regular format as Christian has found his feet, Alexis is laying down holding her neck, and Tim White has come down to check on Alexis. Christian let’s Tim White do his job, not interfering as he attempts to get a straight answer out of Alexis as to whether or not she can continue all she keeps saying is "My neck�?My neck�?. Finally the official shakes his head and waves to the back. Shortly their after the medical team comes out rolling gurney toward the ring as the crowd boos. Christian shakes his head, clearly disappointed that he may have just crippled his friend. The medics come down and get down, trying to talk to Alexis, as they find themselves unsuccessful in conducting a conversation they begin applying the neck brace. The fans are being fairly quiet as Christian can be heard asking "Is she gonna be okay? She’s gonna be alright�?right?" He doesn’t get much of an answer which pisses him off, making Tim White pull him back. No Limits turns his back to the situation and is listening to Tim White who’s trying to calm him down. Alexis happens to glance and see that No Limit’s has his back turned which brings an evil smirk on her lips. She yanks off the neck brace and quickly gets to her feet as the crowd erupts. She grabs the orange stretcher off the gurney and stands in wait as Christian shakes his head and turns around only to be blasted over the head with the stretcher. The crowd boos as Christian hits the mats. JR, "What the Hell?! She was fine all along?!?! Heyman, "And you’re surprised?! She’s a woman, of course she’s gonna fake it to get what she wants!" Alexis drops the stretch and the medics throw it back on the gurney and head out as quick as they came down. Alexis grab the ring bell off of the time keepers table and again waits as Christian is to his knees and slowly getting up. He turns around and BAM! Right across the head. No Limits spins and drops on his chest, bringing his hands up his face briefly before they fly out from under him and he lays, motionless. Alexis rolls him over and we see that the bell shot has busted him open as the blood is pouring from his forehead. She covers him as Tim White counts …………�?…………�?……………�? But just as Tim White’s hand is about to graze the black mats surrounding the ring, Christian thrust his shoulder up. Alexis gets up, celebrating her win but Tim White throws his shoulder forward and slaps it, signifying that Alexis only got the two count. Alexis begins arguing, clearly infuriated by the call of Tim White, although it apparently doesn’t occur to her that this is valuable time that No Limits is using to collect himself. Alexis finally shakes her head and turns, walking over to grabs Christian by the head, however, as she bends down he wraps his arms around her leg, drives forward, and locks on the Ankle Lock submission, making the crowd go nuts. He stands up and begins Appling serious pressure as he has a look of pure rage on his face. He lets out a scream of anger which makes the crowd absolutely erupt, clearly in strong support of the United States Champion. Alexis is crying in pain, grabbing her hair in a desperate attempt to occupy her hands so they don’t begin tapping on instinct as her pain tolerance is wearing fast. If Christian didn’t already have that bad boy locked, he damn sure does now as he twist the ankle just a hair further, synching it in�?what difference does a hair make? Well if he gives it one more hair it’ll be the difference between Alexis walking on her ankle, or picking her foot off the floor and carrying it to the back with her. Alexis realizes that if she doesn’t escape 30 seconds ago she’s gonna have to tap as the pain is enough to make a grown man weep like an infant. She pushes her self up off the mats as she is pretty close to the crowd barricade. She puts her left foot on the mats, helping her pull herself up on the barricade. She pushes her self up so she’s now leaning on the barricade, although Christian isn’t letting up. She places her palms down on the fan barricade and pushes her self up, making it seem as if she’s almost levitating. This makes her completely level with Christian. With that she uses all of her strength and pushes her self back with enough force that Christian releases the leg and she manages to grab his head and nail an inverted Bulldog, making the crowd (especially the fans who are right in front of em) erupt. Alexis quickly curls up, holding her ankle and rocking about, trying to nurse it as we can see the tears pouring down her cheeks, obviously No Limits has just taken that ankle to it’s limits. Alexis continues to nurse that ankle however it occurs to her as she sees Christian starting to move a bit, that she can’t just lay there holding her ankle or she’s gonna be in a second ankle lock, and it’s unlikely that she’ll survive that. She rolls over to her knees and crawls over to the steal stairs, using them to push herself up. She begins hobbling, unable to apply even the slightest weight to that right ankle, so she’s basically bouncing around on one leg and she isn’t quite as graceful with it as Zach Gowen was, but she’s certainly giving it a good go. Christian gets up and turns as Alexis delivers a hard right hand, followed by a second and then a third which makes him stumble back and lean back against the crowd barricade. She hops over as Christian happens to notice how much damage he’s done to that ankle, he throws quickly rolls off the barricade and heads over to the commentary table as she gives a very slow chase, grabbing the fan barricade to help her out till she gets as far as the time keepers table and runs out of barricade to hold on to. She continues hobbling as Christian shakes his head and sighs. Christian signals for a microphone which Buffer tosses him. Christian, "Look Alexis, you don’t wanta do this�?You step wrong on that ankle and you’re never gonna walk the same again�?Hell, ya may not now. Just forget this, let’s walk out of here, two champions and WallStreet can find someone else to use to take us out as opposed to each other. Come on�? Christian takes the mic over and puts it down on the time keepers table as he grabs the two titles that sit their and puts out the IC title, offering it to Alexis. Alexis has a tear coming from her eye, probably from the pain she’s in, but she nods and takes her title and then grabs Christian’s wrist, raising his arm as the crowd grows loud albeit with a mixed reaction. Christian ducks under Alexis�?right arm and is helping her walk around the ring. JR, "Well that’s a true gentlemen right their�? Heyman, "THAT’S AN IDIOT!!! You had it won you FOOL!!" JR, "At what cost?! He of had this young woman’s career on his conscience for the rest of his life!" Heyman, "And that’s why the successful names in this business, WallStreet, Jimmy Stryker, Brock Lesnar, Psycho, Hope�?None of em had a Conscience!" Christian has her around the ring and they’re getting ready to go up the ramp when she stops him. She tells him something and points to the otherside of the ring and we see that she’s seemingly forgotten her IC Title. Christian yells at Tim White who comes over and replaces Christian’s spot under her arm. Christian leaves the United States title with Alexis and turns, starting to walk over to get the belt. As he days Alexis yells, "OH, CHRISTIAN�? Christian turns around and Alexis tosses the strap at him. He catches it with the gold face plate facing him and as quick as he does she springs forward and delivers a Sweet Chin music, driving the strap into his face and dropping him in his tracks as the crowd is again loud and again mixed. They’re glad the match is continuing but they hate seeing Christian played like that. Alexis hit the ground just about as fast as Christian as she kicked with that right leg, only damaging that ankle more. She cries out in pain but she rolls over to her knees and crawls over, pulling herself up on the ringcanvas, and then the ring. She slides in the ring and pulls herself up on the ropes. She finds herself hobbling over to the turnbuckles, and slowly begins climbing. Heyman, "YOU IDIOT! YOUR ANKLE’S NEARLY BROKEN, JUST PIN THE LOVE STRUCK MORON!!!" She gets up on the top rope and instantly jumps as she knows she won’t be able to support her weight for any length of time. As she does she flips and nails a very sloppy shooting star press on Christian, completing her "Sweet Dreams" finisher. She cries out again, clearly infurther pain, and just stays across Christian on the floor as Tim White counts ……………�?……………�?…………………�?! The crowd erupts with more boos than cheers as ‘Lose Yourself blast over the PA and Buffer announces, "Your winner as result of a pinfall, and the NEW ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPION, AND REIGNING INTERCONTENTAL CHAMPION, ALEEEXXXXXISSSSSSSS_DAAAAAAAAVISSSSSSSSS!!!" Tim White hands her the belts as she now sits on the black mats at ringside and hugs them, rocking back and forth, tears coming down her face, probably more from the pain then the win, but surely the win had to add to it. Kamakazi Kaukasian hops over the guard rail and comes over, dropping to a knee in front of Christian, trying to see if he’s okay but he’s yet to move. He glares at Alexis but she doesn’t pay him any mind as she just won the biggest match of her career. She asks Tim White to help her up and he extends his hand, she tries to get up but slips back down and screams out, dropping her belts and grabbing her ankle. Tim White waves to the back as a few referees come running down. Brian Hebnar and Nick Patrick bend down, grabing her wrists and ducking under her arms and pulling her up as Tim White grabs her belts and the three of them very slowly begin heading up the ramp. As they’re heading up the ramp the medics rush down and begin checking on Christian as KK stays with him. JR, "Mah Gawd�?Well Alexis has obtained the championship but at what price?! And what’s gonna happen come Resurrection?! Less than 5 days away, we’ll see ya THERE!" 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