Warning: If you are in search of high quality programing or a good read you're in the wrong place. This show is going to be very poorly put together without much hoopla. There will be a couple of segements, 1 written match because someone wrote it and sent it to me already. So basically this will be all winners, and 1 segement... Sorry, hopefully those writers jobs will be filled soon. <<<<The following was written by Alexis Davis>>> I Believe in you blares across the pa system with reb and pink strobe lights dancing around the crowd like mad, Snake Eyes walks onto the stage and begins dancing as the crowd pops for her. Grinning she makes her way down the ramp making sure to slap a few hands of lucky fans as she does Finkle: "On her way to the ring, weighing in at 135 pounds and hailing from Queens New York, this is her ICWA debut match, SNAKE EYES!" Snake Eyes grins and jumps up onto the ring apron before getting into the ring. As her theme fades Stuck begins to play, this time the crowd seem confused, the long legged blonde babe steps out onto the stage grinning from ear to ear... Only her grin fades as Megan Lee Mitchell comes out and hits her across the back of the head with a steel chair the crowd is now going nuts remembering the incident where Foxi tried getting into Jacob's pants but well.. Lost!(Possibly due to the fact she doesnt remember how to undo a zipper?) Megan grins and drags Foxi to herwards the ring and tosses her at the bottom of the ramp, she leans down and smirks at Foxi before laying her boot into the mid section of Foxi and heads back stage. Snake looks down and smirks sliding out of the ring she grabs Foxi and whips her straight into the steel stairs! The ref slides out and tries to get Snake Eyes back into the ring and she slides in only to come back out and grab Foxi, sliding her back in she heads to the top turnbuckle she waits for Foxi to stand and as she does Snake Eyes flies off with a perfect Molly Go Round sending the diva or well lady back down to the canvas, Snake eyes grins and gets back to her feet waiting and watching to see if Foxi will move, yet she does slightly. She slowly gets to her feet and goes for a clothesline, but Snake Eyes ducks and whips her into the ropes, as she comes off them Snake Eyes is waiting and hits a back body drop on the blonde. She walks around almost loving the fact she gets to make this young lady pay. Sure enough it seems Foxi is moving and struggling to get to her feet. Snake Eyes attacks and rams her knee into the back of Foxi but holds on so the diva doesn't fall to the ground. Picking her up Snake Eyes lands a harsh DDT before grabbing Foxi and drags her towards the corner, laying her there Snake Eyes climbs to the top rope and performs a split legged moonsault that sends the fans nuts. She smirks and lays down for the pin, only to get a two count due to Foxi just getting her foot onto the bottom rope. Shaking her head Snake Eyes gets back up and stares down at the blonde, wondering how to keep her down for long enough, smirking she boots Foxi in the head and moves her towards the middle of the ring before landing a standing shooting star press but before she goes to cover her Snake Eyes gets down and locks in a perfect Crossface. Foxi cries out in pain but Snake Eyes locks it in harder, pulling back making her cry out more. She goes for the ropes but can't reach. She doesn't want to tap out, slowly Foxi begins moving but soon her hands tap the mat to get the hold broken. The bell sounds in the background as Snake Eyes releases the hold and smirks as her hand is held up in victory. She grins and rolls out of the ring heading backstage as her music plays and the ref helps Foxi backstage <<<<End of Alexis Writing>>>> Carl Cross V.S. Scott Jensen Cancelled - Neither rped Match 3 Angelous V.S. Ice V.S. Renzo #1 Contendership to the Hardcore title. Renzo is the clear aggressor of this bout and after droping Angelous hard on the floor he managed to land that devistating finisher of his on Ice in the ring and pick up the win. He is our new contender for the Hardcore title. Match 4 Jamie Peirce V.S. Brandon Hartman In what was a very hard faught match Peirce and Hartman battled back and forth until Johnny Invincible came down and got involved. Through an accidentl bumping from Hartman earlier the official had been out of commision and Invincible took advantage, dropping him hard with the Old School Explosion. Jamie exited and Peirce picked up the win. After the bout Invincible extended his hand to Peirce but Peirce simply glared the Old School performer down as we went into the commercial break. Match 5 Lesnar defeated Cali via the F5, showing once again that he seems to have an edge on the Diva's division. <<<The Following was Written By Jimmy Stryker>>>> ICWA returns from a commercial to wild and crazy fans who are drinking beer and wearing t-shirts and all kind of ICWA merchandise. The lights then begin to drops as the opening guitar riffs hit as the fireworks fly into the air and the pyro explodes as "Right Now" by Korn plays. The fans go into an immediate mixed reaction. The lights continue to flicker as out comes the Legend Jimmy Stryker!! Jimmy with his ray ban sunglasses, his black jeans, and a blue colored t-shirt and nike's with black and white trim. Jimmy stops for a moment as he then looks around as the crowd. Jimmy smirks a bit as he just shakes his head as he is displeased with the fans in general. Jimmy then quickly makes his way to the ring as some women pull up their shirts showing Jimmy their boobs. Jimmy stops and admires them for a second, then smirks and continues to the ring. Jimmy then slides in under the bottom rope as he then looks throughout the crowd one more time. Jimmy keeping a straight pissed off look on his face make his way over to the ringside area where he is handed a microphone. Jimmy then asks for a chair as he is then handed one. Jimmy thenopens up the chair and sits down as his music begins to fade, while the crowd continues their mixed reaction to him. Jimmy then gets a Jimmy SUCKS chant as he smiles. Jimmy then raises the mic to his mouth as he begins to speak. JR: What the hell? Is he kidding? And why the hell is he even out here? Heyman: Calm down sweet cheeks!! Jimmy is a legend, you need to bow down to him JIM ROSS!! JR: I bow down to no one. Jimmy: Well well well...Milwaukee Wisconsin!! The home i love so dear. The place that makes my precious BEER!!! -Crowd begins to cheer a bit as a woman then keeps standing in the front row. Jimmy then pays no attention to her as he goes back to speaking- Jimmy: Now I know you people want to see me hand an ass whipping to someone here tonight. But you know what, I have no opponent. So you think that I am going to just sit here and do nothing and like it right? WRONG!!! I want a match RIGHT NOW!! -Jimmy then hears the one woman screaming at the top of her lungs calling his name. Jimmy then walks over and looks her square in the eyes. Jimmy then speaks to the woman- Jimmy: So I take it your the one who feels that can take me out right here tonight!! -The woman the begins to scream more and cuss at Jimmy. She continues to tell Jimmy how no good he really is in the ring and how she could hand him his ass at any time.- Jimmy: What? You think you can beat me? Then why don't you get in here and do it then? Woman: YOUR NOT WORTH MY TIME YOU ASSHOLE!! Jimmy: Nice!! A woman who talks her shit but can't back it up. Kinda sounds like DSL to me!! Woman: DO NOT COMPARE ME TO THAT WOMAN!! SHE HAS NO CLASS!! Jimmy: No class? Well ok your right bout that, but if your so high and mighty why don't you get in here right now and try to beat me since you see to have all the class Ms High and Mighty!! -The woman stops and then has a look on her face that could kill. She does not hesitate as she climbs into the ring. Jimmy then gets into her face as she does the same to him. Jimmy then backs away and he then pulls the mic back to his mouth.- Jimmy: Here we are!! Now your not that bad are you? -The woman steals the microphone from Jimmy's hand.- Heyman: UH OH JR!! JR: Good someone needs to shut him up!! Heyman: That bitch wont last a second in the ring with Stryker!! Jimmy: You wouldnt last 2 minutes in the ring with me... Woman: Then if you think that way, then if I beat you, you are my slave for 1 week!!! Jimmy: You wont beat me so I ACCEPT!! -Jimmy then clotheslines the woman to the mat. Jimmy immediatly picks her up and wraps his leg around her neck and drops her into a technical leg drop to the throat by dropping her to the mat. The woman grabs at her throat and hold it for a moment as Jimmy stands up in nothing but delight. JR: (laughing) what is Jimmy getting himself in to!! Heyman: NOOOO Jimmy dont do it man!! JR: I though you wereconfident in Stryker!! Heyman: I am, but against some woman. PMS and shit? Good god man, this is why I steer away from my wife!! Well if I had one! -The woman who is now leaning to the ropes pulling herself up Jimmy goes over to her as she delivers a hard right to his jaw sending him back off of her for a couple of feet. The woman then grabs the chair in the middle of the ring and flods it quickly as she nails Jimmy with it over his head sending Jimmy down to the mat with a huge thud!! Jimmy then holds his head as a referee finally makes his way to the ring as the match begins. The woman continues to kick Jimmy in the ribs over and over. The next kick comes to connect but Jimmy grabs her foot and then twists it leg sweeping the woman to the ground. Jimmy then stands up as well as the woman. Jimmy then nails the woman with The Final Countdown and covers her. The ref drops to the ground. 1....2...Kickout!!! JR: YES!! She kicked out!! Heyman: FUCK!! She shouldnt have done that!!! -Jimmy gets a look of frustration on his face as she kicked out. Jimmy then goes to pick her up as the ref tries pulling them apart, but the woman ends up nailing Jim with a low blow that the ref did not see. The woman goes for the cover. 1...2...Kickout!! The woman then smirks at Jimmy who is on the ground holding his groin area. She then grabs Jimmy only to have him kick her in the midsection and then set up for the Supreme Killing. Jimmy then quickly send his foot towards her jaw but the woman duck and rolls up Stryker into a small package. 1....2....3!! -The bell rings as Jimmy then rolls out of the ring!!- Heyman: SHIT HES THE WOMANS SLAVE FOR A WEEK!!! JR: He got what he deserved!!! Heyman: Fuck you JR!! He was screwed. Look at the low... JR: Shut up Heyman!!! -The woman then pushes her hair out of the way and the woman turns out to be none other than Missy Bytch!! The crwod begins to cheer as Jimmy then gets a very pissed off look on his face. Jimmy then tries to get back in the ring, but the referee wont let him back in. Jimmy then shakes his head and smiles, as he makes his way to the back. While Missy and Jimmy are seen staring one another down, the scene fades and goes to another ICWA commercial- <<<<End of Stryker Writing>>>> Match 6 In what was a brutal and very hard faught bout. No Limits Christian Skywalker just barely managed to pick up his second win over da Sweet Lunatic via his Red Scare. Main Event Both men battled like true warriors but in the long run of things Y2Jesus picked up the win by using his Divine Intervention over a fatigued Johnson. On a side note, all this time off over recent weeks seems to of worked wonders for Jesus' leg as it was still heavily braced but didn't appear to offer him any handicap. |