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Results Archive : ICWA Demented - September 6th, 2005
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From: WallStreet  (Original Message)Sent: 9/15/2005 7:21 PM

Date: Tuesday September 6th, 2005
Arena: The Pyramid, Memphis TN
Commentators: Jim Ross & Paul Heyman
Theme: Encore by Eminem w/ Dr. Dre & 50 Cent

Deadline: USA Eastern Time: 9pm Tuesday


Dark Match 1

Mandatory Demented V.S. Ted Choas

Winner: Ted Choas via "The Joint" (A lack-luster Jackhammer)

Crowd Reaction: 3 - The crowd was less than impressed, but they didn't expect much from a match of no names that wasn't being televised. They did find it easy to get behind Demented as he's just a likeable guy... Probably because he's much smaller than most and has a Mikey Whipwreck sympathy factor about him.

Heyman's thoughts: As the head trainers I think Black Warrior, KK, and Jimmy Stryker need to STRONGLY consider whether or not they're doing what needs to be done with these two. They seem to have some potentiol, but they are by NO MEANS ICWA Talent level yet.


Dark Match 2

Blood Flame V.S. Carlito Caribian Cool

Winner: Carlito Caribian Cool via a School Boy roll up with a handfull of tights

Crowd Reaction: 5 - It wasn't anything special but Carlito managed to get people a little riled up. Blood Flame didn't draw much of a reaction but Carlito certainly got himself some heat, and even forced some face pops onto Blood Flame.

Heyman's Thoughts: Blood who? Let's put her back on the unemployment line with the rest of SDE. As for Carlito... He's got the charisma, and that'll get ya far, but he needs to complete the package. I could see him opening Demented next week, but he still needs to spend some time in PLW and get some work from our exclusive trainers... Carlito, my best advice is to seriously watch some of the tapes of the headliners... The WallStreet's, The Jimmy Strykers, The No Limits', the Matt Matlock's... Keep a strong eye on guys like James and Christian Michaels, and you could turn yourself into a top guy here in the ICWA... You won't get a chance anywhere else like you could here, take it and use it the best you can kid.


Dark Match 3

Amazin & Stryker McQueen V.S. James & WallStreet

No Contest

Despite being heavily advertised in the Memphis area, it seems that the "Card Subject To Change" clause was used as this match was never seen. Instead it was replaced by PLW Trainer Kamakazi Kaukasian making a suprirse appereance to go one on one with ICWA Road Agent, Roard Warrior Animal. This substitute match grew a huge reaction and had the crowd in a frenzy but we have recieved a little heat for the PWT V.S. ICWA Tag Match tease.

Heyman's Thoughts: What's there to say, these two are made men, they shined like two legends of the sport would... I'm a little disappointed we didn't see the tag champions in action against PWT, It really looked like a great match up, but the substitute match was no disappointment.


Match 1

CANCELLED - As a result Carlito V.S. Blood Flame MAY make TV

Akasha V.S. Taz




Match 2

Scott Jensen V.S. John Cena

Winner: John Cena



Match 3

Winner: Snake Eyes

Alexis Fullington V.S. Snake Eyes

Bra And Panties Match

Women's Title Shot


Match 4

Winner: Blaze Inferno  

Shane Douglas V.S. Blaze Inferno

US Title Shot

When Douglas left the ICWA Due to personal reasons, he was the number 1 contender to the US Title. Now that he's returned he has an oppertunity to keep his contendership, however should he suffer defeat to Inferno than she will become the number one contender for the US Title AFTER THUNDERSTRUCK!


First Hour Main Event

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar V.S. Sting


STIPULATION: Steal Cage Match


Match 6

Winner: Christian Michaels

Christian Michaels V.S. Sean Frost-Mann

PWT's most Historic Face Battles ICWA's Most Historic Face


Main Event - Match

Winner: No Limits Christian Skywalker 

No Limits Christian Skywalker V.S. James

Special Guest Referee: Ryan Ross
Special Guest Commentator: Matt Matlock

This will make much more sense after Demented is full posted

Further Results Will Follow, Probably this weekend.

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