 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 9/25/2005 2:16 AM |

| Date: Thursday September 22nd, 2005 | Arena: Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas Nevada | Commentators: Jim Ross & Paul Heyman | Theme: Encore by Eminem w/ Dr. Dre & 50 Cent | Deadline: USA Eastern Time: 9pm Thursday | Dark Match 1 | Brook Lesnar V.S. Raylee Jazlynn | Winner: The Fan who went to the bathroom | Crowd Reaction: 0 - I've never heard of two attractive women drawing NO reaction, but it happened in this event... Not even any heat, it was if the match wasn't even taking place. | Heyman's Thoughts: I wasn't aware you could get ICWA Contracts out of a cracker jack box these days. If these two make TV I'm suggesting we hand Michael Cole a pair of spandex shorts and throw him in the ring... On second thought he may enjoy the spandex a little TOO much if ya know what I mean. | Dark Match 2 | Alexis Fullington V.S. Taz V.S. Shane Douglas | Winner: No Contest as a result of a surprising visit from PWT's Damon Hades | Crowd Reaction - 2: In truth it didn't draw much of a reaction, but Taz and Douglas did get a couple of strong ECW chants brought on before the crowd realized that what was before them was a very tired and watered down version of the ECW Champions that had once lived. However, WallStreet's PWT Hench Man Damon Hades (Picture the Abyss, only over 7 feet tall) came in and decimated all three opponents, drawing quite the pop. Rumor has it that Damon is signed to a developmental contract with the ICWA and is currently working PLW shows as well as occasional PWT House Shows. | Heyman's thoughts: Let's get Damon fully developed and on TV, Let's keep Alexis Fullington in bikini contests, and Shane, Taz... I hate to say it guys, but it might be time to consider retirement. | Dark Match 3 | The Inforcer V.S. Daddy Draks V.S. "Next Generation" Joey Daniels | Winner: Joey Daniels via "The Next Generation" (Modified Tazmission. | Crowd Reaction: 4 - The crowd responded well to Daniels, although showed little to no emotion toward the other two performers. Daniels clearly carried the bout and managed to really draw some heavy heat from time to time. Finally at the end he knocked Daddy Draks out of the ring and applied his version of the Tazmission to the Inforcer, gaining nearly an immediate submission. | Heyman's Thoughts: Joey Daniels belongs on TV, Plain and simple. His european indy fed days are over, let's put him on Demented next week and let him go wild. Personally I'd put him against a strong face, he is still a rookie, but if ya set him up with a Christian Skywalker or a Sean Frost Mann the match will be gold, I'll gaurantee it. | Match 1 | Winner: Ryan Michaels | Carlito Caribian Cool V.S. Ryan Michaels | Singles | Carlito showed some promise last week on the dark card and Michaels has been training hard with PLW, making Kurt Angle offer a personal recommendation to WallStreet that he be reinstated to Television, so thus we have our opening bout. | Match 2 | Draw: Neither Rped For The Match | Pitbull V.S. John Cena | Contendership to the ICWA Hardcore Championship is on the line | | Match 3 | Winner: Draw (2 - 2 Vote from the Judges) | Dazi Darkside V.S. Snake Eyes | Singles | Obviously the attempt at pushing an Alexis/Snake Eyes feud failed so the ICWA Booking commity has seen the effot being put forth by Dazi Darkside as of late and have decided to see what they can work by placing her back on cards and starting her off against the Women's Title contender, Snake Eyes. | First Hour Main Event | Winner: Storyline (Neither Opponent could be bothered to rp so I will salvage it with a storyline) | Ryan Ross V.S James | Non-Title singles | This will make a little more sense after I do longer Demented results, but more or less Ryan Ross has suffered defeat to James in the past for his CWA Title, and after seeing No Limits beat the Sadist last week Ross feels he's been one uped and has requested the oppertunity to prove he can infact beat the CWA-nWWF Champion. | Match 5 | Winner: Da Sweet Lunatic ((Blaze you easily could have won this match but almost all of your rps were for your storyline and while DSL got a breif mention from time to time, only 1 rp was really about your match. Working a Storyline is always good but try and keep your matches in mind too.)) | Blaze Inferno V.S. Da Sweet Lunatic | Singles | Last week Blaze won contendership to the United States Title, however the stipulation was that she can't cash in on the title shot till after the ICWA Thunderstruck Pay Per View, but, the front offices were interested to see how these two will work together so they've decided to give the world a POSSIBLE US Title preview, provided that DSL walks away from Thunderstruck with the US Title in hand. | Match 6 | Winner: No Limits Christian Skywalker | No Limits Christian Skywalker V.S. Sean Frost-Mann | Singles | Two weeks ago No Limits won the oppertunity to meet WallStreet in the ring. Since then we've seen him face James, and now SFM, but not WallStreet... Perhaps the Corporate Icon is putting NLCS on the back burner as he deals with other issues, or perhaps he's ducking the former United States Champion... Regardless, this week he has a task on his hands as he meets One of only two men who can lay claim to being An Undefeated ICWA Heavyweight Champion in SFM. | Main Event - Match | Winner: Matt Matlock (Although it was close, I'd like to rematch you guys sometime when you both have more time and I can get a decent storyline behind it.) | Jimmy Stryker V.S. Matt Matlock | Singles | Matt Matlock seems to be trying to throw himself in to a main event spot, so this week he gets his wish as he takes on a man who knows ALL about headlinin', Former ICWA Heavyweight Champion Jimmy Stryker. | Card Is Subject To Change | | |
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