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Results Archive : ICWA Demented - September 29th, 2005
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From: WallStreet  (Original Message)Sent: 10/1/2005 1:33 AM

Date: Thursday September 29th, 2005
Arena: Metro Center, Rockford Illinois
Commentators: Jim Ross & Paul Heyman
Theme: Encore by Eminem w/ Dr. Dre & 50 Cent

Deadline: USA Eastern Time: 9pm Thursday


Dark Match 1

Big John V.S. Scott Jensen

Winner: Cancelled

Crowd Reaction: N/A

Heyman's Thoughts: How the Hell can I judge a match that never took place?!


Dark Match 2

Ash Campbell V.S. The Ravishing Pitbull

Winner: Referee Bill Alfonso

Crowd Reaction: 1 - Alfonso drew a few ECW chants, otherwise this was a dead crowd. It's safe to say that we're dealin with a couple of people who aren't gonna be able to draw a dime.

Heyman's Thoughts: What's there to say? Obviously Daddy Shamrock lost his fuckin mind when he decided Pitbull was ready to get back in the ring... As for Ash Cambell... Go back to the Army of the Dead movies. Thank god for charismatic officials like Bill Alfonso.


Dark Match 3

WallStreet V.S. Ryan Michaels

Winner: WallStreet via the Stock Market Crash

Crowd Reaction: 9 - This bout was arguably the biggest draw of the night, and definitly the biggest draw on the dark match card. WallStreet, who always has good heat anyway, really drew the heat from the always hostile Illinois crowd. And Ryan Michaels acted like a Vet as he saw that the Illinois crowd was more hostile toward WallStreet than typical venues, and played off of it to gain some easy pops. This bout was top notch, WallStreet offered us the same five star performance he always does and Ryan Michaels really stepped to the plate to prove that he can hang with the big boys.

Heyman: By far the best Dark Match I've had the liberty to call. It's the first dark match where both opponenst carried their weight and actually performed like they were on TV... Like all Performers SHOULD! Ryan Michaels stepped his game up and really shinned in this bout. WallStreet has a tendincy of making his opponents look good regardless, but you could tell that Ryan held his end of the match with style and class. I'd like to see Michaels get pushed up the card a little and I really think that WallStreet should start wrestling on TV again.


Match 1

Winner: Sting

Ryan Ross V.S. Sting


This is an epic rematch from...


Match 2

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar V.S. Sean Frost Mann

Behind the scenes Brock and WallStreet...


Match 3

Winner: Missy Bytch

Missy Bytch V.S. Blaze Inferno & Snake Eyes

Handicap Match

Missy Bytch has this tendincy of showing up at ICWA Events uninvited despite her lack of a contract, so at the last event...


First Hour Main Event

  Winner: John Cena

John Cena V.S. Carlito Caribian Cool

Special Guest Referee: Ryan Michaels

No it's not daytime TV, It's still very much ICWA Demented but...


Match 5

Winner: Christian Michaels

"Next Generation" Joey Danials V.S. PWT Tag Champion Christian Michaels


Behind the scenes Paul Heyman ...


Match 6

Winner: Jimmy Stryker & DSL (Jimmy over Dazi)

Jimmy Stryker & DSL V.S. No Limits Christian Skywalker & Dazi Darkside

Tag Team

It is safe to say that WallStreet has an EXTREMELY Warped sense of humor because...

Main Event - Match

Winner: Matt Matlock (Congrats Champ) 

Matt Matlock V.S. James


CWA-nWWF Heavyweight Championship


::Further Results May or May Not Come::

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