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Results Archive : ICWA House Show - October 8, 2005
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From: WallStreet  (Original Message)Sent: 10/11/2005 10:00 PM
Match 1
Dazi Darkside V.S. Missy Bytch V.S. Shantel Travis V.S Torrie Wilson - Lesnar
Winner: Cancelled - The fans saw PLW's Women's Champion Jaymie Leigh defeat PLW's Ebony
(Last time I spoke to Shantel she said she was still on board in the ICWA, But that was a month a go. If she doesn't show this will be done like a triple threat match ONLY BECAUSE I don't have messenger during the week and can't properly find out if Shantel's still checkin this place)
Match 2
John Cena V.S. Sting
Winner: Neither promotted the match so as a result we saw PLW & PWT's Damon Hades come in and destroy both men, giving the crowd a tease of what could be to come should he be brought up to the ICWA.
Match 3
Ryan Michaels V.S. Carlito Caribian Cool
Winner: Ryan Michaels via the Sweet Chin Music
Match 4
Matt Matlock & Joey Danials V.S. Chance Frost-Mann & MJ Storm
Winner: Matt Matlock over MJ Storm with the Matlock drop as Danials and Chance had faught their way to the back.
Tag Team
Match 5
Christian Michaels V.S. Brock Lesnar
Winner: Christian Michaels via the twist of fate
Match 6
Former CWA Champion Destructive Jay Marshall V.S. Former NWA Champion Ric Flair
Winner: Jay Marshall had other commitments and as a result was unable to make the house show, so fellow ICWA Staff member and former nWWF Champion Kurt Angle ended up against Flair. These two had a knock down drag out bout but in the end Flair pulled it off with an eye poke followed by a small cradle roll up.

((Last time I spoke with Marshall he made sure to remind me he was still in the ICWA, But again I'm not sure if he still checks the boards or not cause I haven't been booking him since I was under the impression that he was too busy with his primary fed to really get thrown in a storyline or anything here. I will be the one rpin as flair and it's really just for shits and gigles anyway. If Marshal doesn't rp I'll replace his character with an NPC when I post results. If he does rp, we'll have some fun.::Side Note - It is NOT my intention to compete for a win in this match, I just wanted a reason to rp as Ric Flair::))
Match 7
Big Daddy V.S. Scott Jensen
Winner: Big Daddy made an impressive debut as he finished Jensen off with a devistating Powerbomb.
Main Event
WallStreet & Jimmy Stryker V.S. Da Sweet Lunatic & No Limits Christian Skywalker
Winners: In a unique fashion WallStreet and Jimmy finished DSL and NLCS off together as WallStreet got the Stock Market Crash (pedigree) on DSL and Jimmy nailed NLCS with the Supreme Killing (Tajiri kick). The two picked up the pins at the same time as well, sharing the victory.
((It's a house show so it doesn't really matter where you're placed on the card. I happened to take the main event because this match has the highest quanty of ICWA Established top names in it, nothing more, nothing less.))

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