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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | This is it�?The Grand Finale. The Final Episode. The Conclusion. Ending Point. Whatever you want to call it, it’s that. The ICWA is rich in history and has done a lot over the years. Personally, I’m proud of the ICWA. It isn’t recognized amongst it’s peers as being anything special, but ya know what, fuck our peers. ICWA Stands in a class of it’s own�?And it’s been a pleasure to run a promotion with so many positive people who believe in doing what’s right for business above doing what’s right for themselves. Thank you�?Thank you for reminding me of why I still do this. That said, let’s get down to business. We are nine days removed from the most heavily viewed Pay Per View event in MSN History (That’s the truth folks)�?People all over the circuit have let the powers that be know that ICWA Resurrection was quite possibly the greatest pay per view event of all time, and thus as you can imagine the average fans loved it. Buy Rates were at an all time high and the buzz around the ICWA is huge. But now, now it’s time for the single biggest episode of Demented to date. The FX Network has granted us up to 3 hours should we need additional time, and we very well may use the entire thing�?/P> The credits for "Cops" on FX are drawing to a conclusion was we slowly fade to black. "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let The Bodies Hit The�?/P> FLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR *DEMENTED REEL* The cameras shoot from the ICWA Demented reel to sweeping the sold out W2K Arena. *W2K PIC* Bert Busch, "WELCOME ICWA FANS, TO THE DOUBLE-YOU TWO KAY ARENA IN SAN ANTONIO TEXAS! I’m Double B Bert Busch alongside former CWA Champion "Destructive" Jay Marshal and folks�?It simply DOES NOT get any bigger or better than the show we have in store for you here tonight. It is the DEFINITION OF, A star studded show. Because folks, Every championship is being defended, and at the end of the night, every champion will enter a five man headline to determine the very last ICWA Heavyweight champion in the year 2006�?Also in that match, the CWA-nWWF Titles will be on the line, so for the first time ever the ICWA Heavyweight titles will be unified as one." The cameras finally come to ringside where we see Bert Busch and Jay Marshal at the commentary tables. Bert Busch is dressed in a black tuxedo and the Destructive one is in a well designed black suit with a white shirt as shown below. *PIC* Marshal, "EYE-SEE-DUB is in the DUB-TWO-KAY arena and I gotta say Bert, As much as I hate W2K, and while I don’t understand for the life of me why we’re hibernating in W2K during our off season, the fans have packed this place to the brim and the reaction is off the charts. San Antonio’s laid down the red carpet�?Quite literally, and it’s goin down. And like you said Bert, Huge matches all the way down the card, and they all lead to one�? The Dementa-Tron lights up with the match banner for the main event which sends the fans into a craze *MATCH BANNER* Marshal, "But the question is, who’s gonna make it." Busch, "Well we’re fixin to find out, but first, it’s time to pay our respects to mother Liberty." The camera goes to the ring where Kevin Dart announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Here to sing the American National Anthem, please welcome multi-time platinum country artists from right here in TEXAS (Crowd pops)�?They are, LOOOOOOONESTAR!" The crowd erupts as we fade to the stage�?/P> *PIC* Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? *PIC*
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? *PIC*
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. *PIC*
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? The crowd erupts as Lonestar offers a few waves and a couple bows before "Superstar II" Blasts over the PA, Drawing a huge reaction from the fans. *PIC* Busch, "THERE HE IS! Former Chairman, and tonight one of several performers looking to advance into the ICWA Main Event!" WallStreet walks over and shakes hands with the members of Lonestar, sharing some pleasantries that go unheard to the camera before he heads down the ramp with a big grin on his face and bop in his step. Busch, "A Very confident WallStreet�? Marshal, "Let me tell ya something Bert�?Bar for maybe James, I have more history with this man than anybody else�?Most of it bad, but that’s neither here nor there. The fact is, I’ve seen that added Swagger in McCallister’s step and that means the man is at his peek�?He’s feeling prime�?If Nic Dangerously weren’t involved with the night I’d put my money on WallStreet right now." Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Please Welcome The NUMBER ONE Contender to the W2K CHAMPIONSHIP (Crowd erupts), And ICWA Ultrastar, The WallStreet Brawler, Mr. TAYLOR_McCCCCCALLISTERRR!" WallStreet gets to the bottom of the ramp and slaps a few hands as he rounds the barricade and then practically skips up the steps. WallStreet half dances across the outside barricade before he swings his leg over the second rope, bends down and hops into the ring. The crowd is still going wild as WallStreet goes over to the corner and climbs up to the second rope, throwing his arm in the air as the already erupting crowd grows even louder. WallStreet smirks and hops down as a crew member hands him a microphone and the music slowly begins to fade. *PIC* WallStreet, "……�? Crowd: WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET�?/P> WallStreet smirks as he laughs to himself slightly. WallStreet, "San Antonio Texas, WELCOME TO EYE-SEE-DOUBLE-YOU-EH DEEEEEMENTED!" Crowd erupts. Brief pause. Busch, "This capacity crowd is defining." Marshal, "Considering I’ve seen more space in a Mini Van then the W2K Shoe-box Arena, it is crazy how loud this place is right now." WallStreet finally continues, "Welcome to Demented�?The very last Demented before the ICWA Merges itself into Double-You Two Kay for the off season and starts raisin�?Hell ALL OVER San An-Tonio." Crowd: DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY�?/P> WallStreet nods, "You bet your asses. See the Corporate Icon�?The Corporate Icon’s excited�?Keyed Up�?EAGER to see the ICWA roll into W2K�?Eager to work San Antonio�?And Eager to do it, as the ICWA World�?Heavyweight�?Champion. (Crowd erupts). And that’s gonna happen�?You can Bet your grandma’s social security on it because I’m *Not* Leaving this arena without the prize that’s eluded me for four years. AH-AH, It simply ISN’T Going To Happen. What Is going to happen is that I am going to roll through DSL, And then�?MJ Storm, Matt Matlock, Bobby Johnson, Jimmy Stryker, James, Matt Hardy, Nikki Black, Christian Skywalka�?And Nic E�? WallStreet can’t even finish saying the man’s name before the Crowd erupts�?/P> Their eruption inevitably turns into a chant of : N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D…�?/P> Busch, "A lot of loyal Dangerously fans here in San Antonio Jay." Marshal, "Dangerously’s been holdin down the fort in San Antonio longer than Tim Duncan Double B" WallStreet, "NLCS Can respect that�?And so too can I. But tonight�?In any other arena in the world�?In any other City in the world�?I’d be the people’s choice to win tonight’s headline, But this here�?This is Dangerously Country�? The cameras shoot over to some fans holding a sign as the crowd is going wild. *PIC* Busch, "No questioning who the celebrity is tonight." WallStreet, "Alright, Alright�?Everyone here loves Nic Dangerously�?I respect Nic Dangerously, The boys in the back respect Nic Dangerously�?But tonight�?Tonight, whether you’re with me or you’re with Nic, I’m taking the ICWA Championship. (Mixed reaction) So don’t expect, that just because we’re in San Antonio there’s going to be some fairy tail ending to the night where the hero reigns supreme at home�?This is not a Disney movie, this is real life, and in real life when you step in my ring, with my belt, and four years of my LIFE on the line, There’s only one force that reigns supreme and you’re lookin at him." The smirk is gone and WallStreet’s stair is firey as the crowd is still loud, but mixing with boos and cheers�?/P> "Mr. Torture" by Holloween suddenly blasts over the PA sending the crown into another surge as James�?Dementa-reel begins playing over the Dementa-Tron. WallStreet smirks again and leans on the ropes as the curtain moves and from behind it to a fairly jacked reaction is James. James stands on the ramp and shakes his head looking down at WallStreet. Busch, "The Original Sadist is set to kick things off tonight as he takes on Version One and Nikki Black for the ICWA Hardcore Championship�?But I’m not sure WallStreet was quite finished." Marshal, "WallStreet is never finished. If we stuck him in a ring in the desert, handed him a mic, and kept our program director away so nobody could tell him he had to wrap it up he’d probably cut promos on the cactuses for a month before it finally dawned on him that he’d died three weeks ago from dehydration." Busch can’t help but laugh a little bit as it’s no secret that WallStreet can run his mouth for a while. Meanwhile James is coming down the ramp in his "gear" (Which is just a pair of black slacks) and a White T shirt. Busch, "I still can’t get over what a night we have in store�?Five championship matchs�?Four of which are in a row�?The winners going to the ICWA Main Event." Marshal, "Not to mention the contendership match between DSL and WallStreet scheduled to take place tonight, the winner of that joining our male division champions in the headline." Busch, "And that’s all huge�?But�?We still have some huge bouts that aren’t related to the headline, because tonight�?Hall of Famer Verses Hall of Famer as Hope Cassidy comes back to the ICWA For One Night Only to go one on one with fellow Hall of Famer and former ICWA Heavyweight Champion Sean Frost-Mann." Marshal, "I’ve been on the opposite side of the ring from both those guys, there’s no doubt that one’s gonna be "Destructive"�?And speaking of destructive Bert, possibly the most intense bout on the card as two huge rivals meet inside of a steal cage here tonight�?Two PWT Walk Of Famers and former PWT Heavyweight champions, David Van Dam and Christian Michaels, go one on one in a Steal Cage and there’s a Red Cross freezer’s worth of bad blood there." Busch, "I don’t think they freeze blood donations Jay." Marshal, "Wanta find out for sure?" Bert, "And Image Johnson defends both her ICWA Women’s title as well as her W2K Championesship in a triple threat verses Summer Stratus and Blaze Inferno�?And regardless of who wins this match, the ICWA Women’s title will be infused into the W2K Championesship as the powers that be have declared this will be the very LAST Match that the ICWA Has an ICWA Women’s championship. Apparently when we return in 07 it’s all intergender." Marshal, "I like that�?Completely dodge your pending doom�?Good call Bert." Busch, "Mamma ain’t raise no fool." At this point James is entering the ring between the second and third ropes as WallStreet is standing in wait. James reaches between the ropes and is handed a microphone as his music fades. James, "WallStreet�?Street�?Taylor. It’s been a long time man�?We’ve been traveling together for what�?Four years? (WallStreet nods)�?The fact is Taylor, in four years I’ve never once seen you put yourself first in this business, and I respect that. You’ve sat back and worried about taking care of everyone else and you forgot about Taylor�?So I’m glad you’re waking up and pursuing the strap, really Street, I am. You know full well that through all these years, whether we were spilling each others blood�?/P> The crowd pops as a lot of them recall the many ICWA Epics between James and WallStreet. James and WallStreet both smirk. James, "Or, Teaming up to spill everyone elses�? I’ve always respected you. BUT, The fact is that there’s a long list of guys who have a chance to get into that headline tonight. Matter of fact, I’m one of em. And while this may infact be "Dangerously" Country (Crowd erupts)�?Yeah, Yeah, Whatever. You’re just as bad as these love starved fans Street." WallStreet cocks a curious eyebrow. James, "Because you’re out here, In the time set for *MY* Match mind you, and you’re going on and on about how you’re gonna beat Nic Dangerously in Dangerously country and it doesn’t matter what Dangerously’s fans think because Dangerously’s in the way and Dangerously blah blah blah, Dangerously, Blah blah, Dangerously, dangerously, Dangerously. First of all, Nic Dangerously isn’t a shoe in for the main event�?He has to face Christian Skywalker (Crowd erupts)�?And since Skywalker holds two draws over Dangerously, I guess that’s not ol�?Nickey’s easiest task. Secondly, YOU, Taylor McCallister, are *Not* a shoe in either because you have to fight Da Sweet Lunatic and frankly Street�?That bitch is crazy. (Crowd pops)�?But, let’s go ahead for the sake of humor and say that not only do you beat DSL (WallStreet nods and we can read his lips saying "Don’t worry, I will.")�?Good man, I hope you do�?And let’s Say Nic Dangerously (Huge Pop AGAIN)�?Let’s say he does beat Chris –Although my money’s on Skywalker-�?There’s gonna be three more guys in that match who’s names aren’t Nic E. Dangerously, so you need to open your eyes and realize that nobody shootin to get in this match is planning on going into the middle of the ring to jerkoff while you and Nic put on some "Clinic" and decide the strap between the two of you. These people can sing the guy’s name all night, sing it from the Mountain tops, sing it from the Alamo, but the fact is that none of that matters when my arm’s in the air and the ICWA Title’s around my waist. WallStreet snickers, "Those are mighty big words for a guy who got lost and made it to work." James, "Well I’ll tell ya what Street�?If you hadn’t of come out here and bored the world with ten minutes of your ever so stale and tired crap, I guess we’d be on the verge of finding out wouldn’t we. So why don’t you do the world a favor, shut your mouth, and let my opponents come down here so someone who’s name is Dangerously or McCallister can get a f**king ten minute slot around this place." Busch, "……………………�? Marshal, "……………………�? Fans: FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)……�?/P> James offers the crowd a one finger salute as WallStreet brings the mic back to his mouth and says, "Tell ya what James�?I’ll do ya one better, You don’t even have to work a match tonight. (James raises his eyebrow)�?Matt Hardy’s currently been placed on a wellness leave as he’s suffering the effects of a Staph infection. So Unfortunately, Matt Hardy was not able to make the trip (Crowd boos) and is resting at his home in Cameron North Carolina. In an unrelated incident, Nikki Black was recently over in the UK doing promotional work for the ICWA and was scheduled to file into the states early this morning, however, due to the recent terrorist threats security has been increased beyond belief out there, and they found some suspicious looking�?Get this folks�?Shampoo�?In her luggage and�?/P> Crowd: BRITS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICCK, BRITTS SUCK DICK�?/P> Busch, "Well now I don’t think that’s fair. The ICWA has a lot of great fans in the UK and we love going out there every opportunity we have." Marshal, "Speak for yourself." WallStreet continues, "So, Nikki Black is only JUST now getting into the air, and quite obviously will not be able to make the show. So, since she realizes that tonight was a mandatory defense for all champions, she has reluctantly forfitted the Hardcore championship, which means that as of right now, James�?Due to the fact that you’re the only who was able to get to the arena, You are the NEW ICWA Hardcore champion. (Crowd boos)�?We’ll get your belt to you in 7 �?14 Business days." James, "Well then�?I guess that means that I’m in the main event�?There’s a lot to be said for a hard nights work�?Let’s see if you can get there too." Street, "Oh, don’t you worry about me, I’ll be there�?And when I get there James�?I’m not just going to beat you�?I’m not going to humiliate you, because come Hell or High water, your ass’ll be gone in the first five minutes or I’ll walk out of the match myself." The crowd pops as Busch says, "WHAT?!" James and Street hold a glare as "Superstar II" By Saliva blasts over the PA as the crowd erupts. James snickers and finally walks away from Street, exiting the ring between the ropes and walking backwards up the ramp offering one finger salutes to Street, The W2K Arena fans, and whomever else is around. *PIC* Busch, "Well, apparently we have our first advancee to the main event and a new Hardcore champion, but, it’s not going to be that easy for Bobby Johnson or Jimmy Stryker because when we come back, those two great athletes go head to head and it’s for the US Title�?Don’t You Go Away!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the ICWA United States Championship!!!! The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen�? THE……�?GREATEST..�?.OF………ALL………TIME....... Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues�?in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues�?on Chris Stlyes. Bobby giving Demented 3 straight Killa Kicks�? with the last one knocking the big man over the top ropes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time�? Bobby giving Matt Collins a Killa Kick, and going for the pin. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble. Bobby in the middle of the ring, holding up the PWT Titanium Championship after beating Jimmy Stryker to become the Titanium Champion. Bobby Standing over a fallen Christian Michaels, while holding the PWT Peoples Championship Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, and stops on the top of the ramp. He’s wearing a black wrestling singlet with the wide green stripes down the sides of it and the Grim Reaper symbol on the front of it, a black and green Team Johnson pullover jersey, black and green wrestling boots, a black and green fitted Team Johnson baseball cap. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, then stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, and the crowd gives him a huge pop. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp. He stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. He walks over to the far corner, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and flexes his biceps for the crowd, and gets back down, and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and repeats his flexing routine. He finally jumps down, and takes the pullover and hat off, and sets them down in the corner. Dart: Making his way to the ring is the challenger...From Alexadria. Louisiana, weighing two hundred and fifty five pounds, he is BOBBY JOHNNNNNNNNNNSON!!!!!! Bobby gets himself ready as the lights drop!! "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. On the top of the stage you notice a good few puffs of smoke fly up, as the spotlights shoot throughout the smoke, a male figure appears on the rampway. He is seen with the ICWA United States Championship around his waist. The lights continue to flicker as the man makes his way down the rampway. The puffs of smoke shoot up every step that he makes, while on the way to the ring. While on his short walk. is a white spotlight that has shown about the halfway point to the ring as the big light and the flickers begin to work together. There you can see the man sliding in underneath the bottom rope as he removes his US title from around his waist, as the lights in the arena continue to flicker over and over the dark black, the white bright color and the dark blue, as he is in the ring ready for his match to begin while the lights in the area, slowly make their way back to normal. Dart: In the ring from Las Vegas, Nevada weighing two hundred and ninety pounds...he is the ICWA United States Champion.....HE is the LEGENDARY JIMMMMMMMMY STRYYYYYYYYYKER!!!!!! The crowd is heard giving him a mixed reaction as he then looks over at Bobby who smiles at him. Jimmy smirks at Bobby, as he then is seen handing his US Championship after giving it a kiss, to Shawn Cain. as Stryker is seen grabbing onto the ropes as he is trying to get himself relaxed for his second meeting in his career with Bobby Johnson. Busch: Here we go folks. This is going to be a match worth the money you all paid for it. Marshall: I have been waiting to see these two go at one another again, so I am waiting for the opening bell in excitement!! DING DING DING!!! Jimmy and Bobby are seen standing right in front of one another, as Jimmy and Bobby reach out their hands as they shake. Bobby and Jimmy lock up. Bobby is first on the scene with placing Stryker into a headlock. Jimmy sends an elbow into the midsection as he then tosses Bobby into the ropes. Bobby comes back as he sends Stryker down with a shoulder block. Bobby then takes off, as Stryker drops to his stomach. Bobby jumps over him, as Stryker stands up. Bobby on his way back as Stryker takes him down with a belly to belly suplex. Bobby hits the mat, but gets up quickly. The crowd the cheers for the two men, as Bobby and Stryker now look at one another smiling. Bobby and Stryker lock up again, as Stryker this time, wastes no time, as he takes Bobby down with a snapmare takedown, and then puts his knee into the back of Bobby pulling back on his arms in a submission hold. Shawn Cain is right there as Bobby is seen giving a look of shock most of all that Stryker got him in the predicament. Bobby then gets to his knees, as he moves to the left, and reverses the hold, as he is seen lifting Stryker into the air, and connectin with a back suplex. Stryker hits the mat hard, as Bobby then grabs a hold of him. Bobby then looks Stryker in the eyes and smiles he then kicks Stryker into the midsection and takes him down with a cobra clutch suplex. Jimmy is seen on the mat grabbing the back of his head as Bobby is on the attack. Busch: Holy crap!! Bobby taking advantage now!! Marshall: And you think he wouldnt? Bobby then takes Stryker by the head lifting him up onto his shoulders. Bobby then swings around a bit, as he then drops backwards nailing Stryker with a samoan drop. Bobby then decides to make a cover. Shawn: 1.....2....Kickout!! Stryker then is seen grabbing his head one more time as Bobby is seen picking him up. Stryker then whips a elbow to the gut of Bobby which phases him a bit. Stryker then swings around with a roundhouse kick, but Bobby grabs his leg, but up in the air comes Stryker with the other leg, and nails Bobby in the back of the head. Bobby is seen staggering back a bit, as he is seen falling back into the ropes. Stryker then walks over to Bobby who is arched onto the ropes. Jimmy then is seen with a clubbing blow to his midsection, as Stryker grabs his arm, and then sends four kicks, two to the gut and two to the head of Bobby rocking him a bit more. Jimmy then whips Bobby into the ropes, Stryker is seen ducking down, but Bobby with a foot to the head of Stryker sending Strykers upper half and whole body into the air, as he comes down, Bobby is right there hooking the leg behind Stryker's leg and dropping him down with a clothesline. Busch: HOLY COW DID YOU SEE THAT MOVE!!! This match seems to be going back and forth!! Marshall: Nice Observation dumbass!! Busch: This is a great match and it just started!! Bobby then is seen locking in a single legged boston crab on Stryker, pulling Stryker nearly bending him in half, as Stryker is seen screaming out a bit, as he is fighting off the move, but nothing seems to be working. Bobby keeps the hold in check as he knows that he needs to keep Strykers deadly legs and feet out of this match. Just then as it was not enough, Stryker is seen ,wrapping his leg around the neck of Bobby, as he swings his body, and then grabs Bobby's arm, and locks an Armbar on Bobby. Bobby is seen trying to get away, but Stryker is seen kicking Bobby across the throat to keep him grounded. Bobby not willing to give up, as he then rolls himself up onto the body of Stryker as he then is seen locking the leg as Bobby is now in a cover predicament. Shawn: 1.....2....Kickout by Stryker!! Stryker then is seen grabbing Bobby by the throat, but Bobby knocks the hand away, as he gets up to his feet, As he then waits for Bobby to turn around only to nail Bobby with a huge spinning heel kick, sending him down hard to the mat. Stryker then once again ready to grab a hold of Bobby. He picks up Bobby and then sets him up for a suplex. Bobby is up in the air and now back down on the mat. Stryker then connects with two more, as he connects with a version of the late Eddie Gurerro's Three Amigos. Bobby on his third time hitting is seen holding his back. Stryker then grabs Bobby one more time, as he goes to get him, Bobby sticks a thumb in the eye, to back off Stryker as Bobby then swings around whipping Stryker into the corner. Bobby then takes off and nails Stryker with a big body splash off the turnbuckle. Bobby then backs off one more time, and takes off again, nailing Stryker yet with another body splash. Stryker is then seen falling to the mat as Bobby is seen heading to the outside of the ring, as he is seen on the top rope. Bobby then takes off as a leg drop is seen connecting to the back of the neck of Stryker. Bobby is seen grabbing his back a bit, as the move took an impact on his body as well. Stryker being the fighting champion that he is, is now up to his knees, as Bobby is seen coming from behind. As he does Bobby grabs a hold of Stryker trying to get him to his feet, but there is a struggle now as Stryker is seen grabbing the tights of Bobby, and tossing him into the second middle turnbuckle. Bobby's head is seen crashing off of the pad, as he lies on the turnbuckle for a moment, as Stryker is seen down on his hands and knees, as he is looking over at the fallen Bobby Johnson. Busch: Holy hell!! This match, is like a complete reversal fest!! Marshall: Shows you that the opponents know each other well!! Busch: Yeah, but how in the hell are we going to get a winner if this keeps up? Marshall: We will just have to wait and see!! Stryker then goes over to the corner, as he then grabs Bobby and picks him up, setting Bobby now up onto the top rope. Stryker is seen taking a running start towards the corner now as he is seen jumping up to the top turnbuckle as Bobby pushes him off, as Stryker falls to the mat with a thud. Stryker then is seen rolling to his back, as Bobby is seen coming off the top rope. Stryker then moves, as Bobby hits hard meeting the canvas and not Stryker, as Stryker then rolls over, laying and arm across the chest of Bobby. Shawn: 1.......2......Kickout by Bobby!! Stryker and Bobby are seen lying on the mat after each attempt on one another. Bobby is then seen pushing himself up, as he wipes the sweat from his eyes, as Stryker is now up off the mat on his knees, as Stryker swings a hard straight jab connecting to the jaw of Bobby. Bobby not wasting time, as a shot is sent back to Stryker. The two men are seen sending shots to one another trying to get the advantage over one another. Finally Stryker is seen with the advantage as he begins punching Bobby a good three or four times, as Bobby is now a little out of it. Stryker then gets up to his feet and helps up Bobby. Bobby is then sent into the ropes. AS Bobby is on his way back, Stryker is seen up in the air, and nailing Bobby with a shinning wizard, sending Bobby dropping like the patented fall faceplant of Ric Flair. Stryker is then seen dropping to his knees, as he then goes down to get Bobby. Instead Stryker is seen locking in his version of the Crippler crossface, The End!! Bobby is seen being arched upwards, as he is heard with a escape of a scream with the pain inflicting thorough his body. Stryker then keeps the hold on, until Bobby is seen a few inches from the ropes. Bobby is seen reaching out, as he grabs a hold of the ropes, while Shawn is seen counting to five for Stryker to release the hold. Stryker releases the hold as Bobby plops back down to the mat. Busch: This has got to be exhausting both men going back and forth like this. Marshall: This is one hell of a match Bert!! I have never seen a match that has went back and forth like this in my spawning in wrestling!! Stryker then looks on as he signals for the end of the matchup. Stryker then picks up Bobby and kicks him in the midsection. A few moments later up in the air goes Bobby and crashes down to the mat with the Supreme Killing. Stryker is seen making the cover Busch: This match is over!!! Shawn: 1...........2...........thr...NO!!!! Bobby is seen to have kicked out right before the hand of Shawn Cain hit the mat the third time. Stryker smiles as he knew that this would not be an easy victory. Stryker the is seen grabbing a hold of Bobby and standing him up. Stryker then turns to clothesline Bobby down to the mat, but Bobby finds it in himself to duck in time, and then BAM!! The Killa Kick sending Stryker down to the mat hard. Bobby then falls himself to the mat, as both men are down on the canvas. Marshall: First Bobby down with the Supreme Killing, and Now Stryker down with the Killa Kick!! Holy Crap!!! Busch: This is unbelievable!! Shawn Cain " 1.................2.....................3....................4.........................5.......................6.........................7.......................8 Stryker is seen getting to his feet as well as Bobby. Bobby then out of nowhere is seen sending a kick to the gut of Stryker. But as for Stryker he then blocks it. Bobby then connects with the Dragon whip on Stryker sending him down to the mat. Bobby then stumbles a bit, as the fatigue, and the shots he took have taken a toll on him. Bobby then picks up Stryker from the mat, As Stryker is seen grabbing a hold of Bobby. The two then try and fight it out one more time, but Bobby is just on the move now, with a shot to the gut, and a double armed suplex, as Stryker is back down to the canvas. Bobby then up to his knees, as Stryker is seen rolling over trying to pick himself up off the mat. Bobby then grabs Stryker one more time. Bobby then swings around Stryker, Bobby locks his arms around the waist of Stryker, but Stryker with elbow shots to the forehead of Bobby, and then a RKO style neckbreaker is delieverd to Bobby. Both men are seen back down on the mat, as Shawn Cain is back to making his count again. Shawn: 1....................2....................3.........................4................................5..............................6........................ Stryker is seen rolling over one more time, as he puts his hand on top of the chest of Bobby. Shawn: 1........2.......Kickout!!! Stryker is then seen looking up at Shawn Cain, as he then shakes his head. Stryker then looks up as he gets back to his feet slowly, as he then helps up Bobby. Bobby then slides around Stryker one more time, as he rolls Stryker up into a school boy.... Shawn: 1............2............3!!!! DING DING DING Dart: Here is your winner and NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW ICWA United States Champion.....BOBBY JOHNSON!!!!!!! Busch: Holy crap Bobby got the victory!!! Marshall: But what a match. Stryker is seen up on his knees with his eyes very wide open. He smirks knowing that he lost this matchup, as he then slides himself to the outside of the ring. Stryker is seen making his way over to the announcers table where the US title is resting. He then picks up the US title, and then slides himself back into the ring. Jimmy then is seen helping up Bobby getting him to his feet, as a confused Bobby Johnson now realizing that he won the match, as Shawn Cain is looking on wondering why Stryker has the US title in his hand! Busch: Watch Stryker Shawn!!! Marshall: Havent you heard of a good sport Bert!! Watch, you will see!! Stryker and Bobby look at each other square in the eyes. Jimmy then is seen giving one last kiss to his former title, as he then is seen handing the US title to Bobby Johnson, as the two men shake hands, and give one another a friendly respectable embrace. Jimmy and Bobby are seen in the middle of the ring smiling and talking for a moment, as Stryker raises the hand of Bobby Johnson. Stryker then gives one last handshake to Bobby as he then is seen heading towards the ropes sliding out from the bottom, and heading to the backstage area, as Bobby is seen in the ring celebrating his US Championship victory over his long time friend Jimmy Stryker. Marshall: See I was right all along! Busch: Yeah yeah!! At least Stryker was a good sport about it. With that the cameras go to the back as we see�?/P> *PIC* DSL watching the monitor. The crowd boos as Busch says, "The former US Champion and the woman who’s facing WallStreet tonight for an opportunity at the biggest match of her career�? DSL, "How cute�?Jesus Christ Jimmy, just kiss him and get it over with already (rolls eyes). I love seeing the title I held proudly getting whored around�?But I guess it won’t matter after I win the ICWA Championship tonight will it?" DSL Gets an evil grin�?/P> Busch, "I think DSL may have something up her sleeve tonight�? Marshal, "Yeah�?A Bra strap, which is why WallStreet’s gonna be in the main event and she’s going to be sent back to the Kitchen to make me a sandwich." With that the scene fades over to Greg Davidson who appears to be standing by with�? *PIC* Matt Matlock. Greg, "Matlock�?nWWF-CWA Unified champion�?In just a few moments you defend that championship against the self proclaimed "Fallen Superstar" MJ Storm. Not only is the championship on the line, but the opportunity to advance tonight into the ICWA Main Event�?Your thoughts?" Matlock, "I Think You Suck�?Hard�?But not AS Hard as MJ Storm. No, MJ Storm’s at a whole different level of Sucktitude and tonight that’ll be displayed with how hard I have him suckin�?wind. MJ Storm may hold some backyard title victory over me in Michigan, but this isn’t there, and a Backyard title isn’t all that rests on the line. Everyone knows that I turn it up when the steaks are raised and the steaks simply do not get any higher than this�?I’ve been telling people all week that the final five were gonna be James, Bobby, Myself, Nic, and Taylor�?Two out of five have proven correct, and the third one’s about to be�?Mark my words Greg Davidson�?I’m telling you who’s making the headline�?And once you see my esp was in full tune there, you’ll also understand why I’m confident in the fact that you’re lookin at the new ICWA�?Heavyweight Champion of the world." Matlock shakes his head with a smile and says, "Emm Emm Emm�?How SWWWWEET It is. HA-HA!" With that Matlock starts walking away from Davidson as Busch says, "Well I guess we’ll find out soon because when we come back�?MJ Storm�?Matt Matlock�?nWWF-CWA Championship on the LINE!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | As the cameras return the following vehicle is seen entering the arena parking area as the crowd erupts. *PIC* Busch, "The Mineral Grey Ford Explorer�? Crowd: N-E-D. N-E-D, N-E-D. N-E-D, N-E-D. N-E-D, N-E-D. N-E-D, N-E-D. N-E-D, N-E-D. N-E-D, N-E-D. N-E-D, N-E-D. N-E-D�?/P> Busch, "Quite obviously these fans are as sure of who’s arrival this is as we are�? The driver’s side draws open and sure enough, out from behind the wheel steps Nic E. Dangerously to a huge ovation. Busch, "Nic E. Dangerously is officially in the building and this capacity crowd is at full level!" Marshal, "I think it should be noted that Amber Michaels isn’t with him�?She’s actually been at the arena for a couple hours already. She came on her own because Nic has stayed away from Amber for a week so that he can tune into his inner rage and anger to make sure to come into this thing on full cylinders�?I feel bad for whomever gets in his way." We fade from Nic entering the arena to the stage as Kevin Dart announces. Kevin Dart: "This match is scheduled for one fall, and is for the CWA/nWWF Unified Championship Title. The fans are buzzing about after getting back to their seats with their drinks and food items.They're waiting for one of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Firefly' by Breaking Benjamin begins to blare over the pa system and the words to the opening verse is seen on the titantron: "You my friend You're a lot like them But I cut your line And you know I did Now I'm lost in you Like I always do And I'd die to win 'Cause I'm born to lose" The lights begin to flicker red and orange as we see some red smoke appear on the stage as it lingers there. The black curtain flicks open as the words And I'd die to win are heard, and appearing on the stage is M.J. Storm. He begins to walk down the entrance ramps as we then hear the ring announcer speak. Kevin Dart: "Making his way to the ring…from Madison, Wisconsin�?the challenger…weighing in at 256 pounds�?he is the ‘Fallen Superstar�? MJ Storrrmmmmm!" M.J. finishes walking down the ramp, and slides into the ring. He walks over to a set of ropes, and jumps on them, bouncing. He then hops down and turns to a stagehand and hands them his leather trenchcoat,and gets ready for his match. Busch: "There’s the challenger of tonight’s first of two title unification matches. Three, if you count the Ultimate Unification Main Event, I suppose." Marshal: "You’ve gotta count the Main Event, Bert. That’s what tonight’s all about. Once the main event is over, there won’t be any other titles remaining BUT the Heavyweight Championship Title." Busch: "That’s absolutely true, Jay." The entire arena waits in silence. They know who's coming, and they're saving their breath to boo. Suddenly, loud music comes blaring over the speakers of the arena, along with a voice... "Don't hate me, because I'm beautiful Don't hate me, because I'm the best Don't hate me, because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest...do" Kevin Dart: "Now coming to the ring…Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada…he is the current nWWF World Champion as well as the CWA World Champion…weighing in at 235 pounds…the "Cornered Animal, Matt Matloooock!"
The song picks up in pace, as we see Matt Matlock emerge from the backstage area, with his usual out of ring attire on and his CWA & nWWF Title belts over each shoulder. Pyros shoot off in a shower at the top of the stage, as Matlock slides each belt down to a hand and spins around, raising them up in the air. Following this, he makes his way to the ring and climbs inside. As he does, the song is coming to a close, with pyro blasting at all four corners once during each of the final lines. "Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm beautiful Don't hate me (BOOM!) because I'm the best Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest do Love Me" BOOM! Each time the pyro blasts, Matt sticks his arms straight into the air, titles in hand of course. As the final explosion goes off, he hands his belts to the ref and then removes his hat, ring, cross and shades as he gets ready to tangle with his opponent. Busch: "Matt Matlock looks like he’s more than ready to get things underway. Look in his face; there’s a man that’s determined to win." Marshal: "It’s more than a winfor him, Bert. He’s fighting to be the one leaving tonight with that newly unified title." Busch: "Well, we’ll soon see if he’s successful with that." Referee Ken Martel calls for the bell to ring and the match is underway. As soon as the bell rings, each man lunges for the other. They lock onto one another and keep their holds until the referee calls for them to break apart. The two men separate, and Matlock immediately grabs MJ, giving him an Irish Whip and then greeting him with a hard kick to the midsection. As MJ stumbles back into the corner of the ring, Matlock lands two more kicks and MJ crumbles, dropping to his knees. Matlock nails MJ in the jaw with a solid right hook. He grabs MJ by the chin so that he’s got total access to his face, then begins punching him. Matlock lands one hard blow after another, finally showing mercy when Ken Martel warns him about using a closed fist and he lets go of MJ’s chin. MJ falls over, laying on the mat in obvious pain. Lying there, MJ is totally defenseless as Matlock pounds him with back-to-back-to-back Mudhole Stomps. The referee calls for Matlock to back away, giving MJ enough time to get up on his feet. Ken Martel asks MJ if he’s ok to continue, and MJ nods, keeping his eyes on Matlock. Busch: "MJ’s showing how much heart he’s got by getting right up. That can’t be easy after taking such a beating from Matlock." Marshal: "That’s not heart; it’s stupidity. If he was smart, he’d have taken the countout. Bad move, MJ." As the referee moves out of the way, Matlock rushes straight for MJ, but MJ moves out of the way and Matlock flies head-first into the turnbuckles. He slumps over into the ropes, and MJ comes from behind and gets him in a Sleeper Hold. Still in the corner, the referee calls for MJ to release his hold and Matlock falls to the mat. MJ grabs him by the hair and raises him to his feet, only to give him another Irish Whip. As he bounces off of the ropes, he is greeted with a Tilt-O-Whirl Backbreaker by MJ. Matlock lies on the mat, writhing in pain. MJ tries to make the most of this by climbing the turnbuckles and leaping out into the air, looking to deliver a Springboard Moonsault. He nails it, and Matlock doesn’t move. MJ hooks one of Matlock’s legs and the referee counts. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Th-…kickout by Matlock! Matlock gets a shoulder up off of the mat. MJ lets the leg go and stands, pulling Matlock up with him. As soon as he’s up on his feet, he hurls Matlock with a Hip Toss. MJ goes to pull Matlock up once again, but he’s met with a shot to the crotch. He buckles over, and Matlock nails him with an uppercut. MJ hit’s the mat hard, rolling around holding himself. Busch: "That was a cheap shot." Marshal: "Maybe so, but it worked." Matlock is up on his feet in an instant. Before MJ can even recover from being hit down below, Matlock gets him with a Bulldog. MJ’s face hit’s the mat with a "thud", almost knocking him out cold. Matlock rolls him over and applies an Indian Deathlock. Ken Martel rushes over and lies where his face is level with MJ’s. He watches for any sign of submission, but there isn’t any. He asks MJ if he’s had enough, and MJ shakes his head no. Matlock applies more pressure, and once again the referee asks MJ if he’s ready to give up. MJ shakes his head no again, though he’s obviously in tremendous pain. Matlock tires of waiting for MJ to submit, and he releases his hold. He pulls MJ up from the mat and nails him with a Piledriver. Matlock scrambles to his feet, and turns MJ over so that he’s lying face up. As MJ lies there motionless, Matlock climbs the ropes and comes down on him with a Spiral Guillotine Leg Drop. Busch: "My GOD! MJ might be seriously hurt after that move, Jay." Marshal: "That’s why Matlock is the champion, Bert. He knows just how to deliver. He brings the pain." Matlock covers MJ as the referee counts. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Thre-…kickout by MJ Storm! Busch: "How is MJ still managing to hang in there? Where’s he getting the strength to kick out like that?" MJ appears to be in excruciating pain. He’s still lying on the mat, barely conscious. Matlock scoops him up and raises him over his head, then sends him crashing down face first into the mat. Busch: "What a Fireman’s Carry by the Cornered Animal!" Marshal: "Ken Martel might want to think about calling this one before MJ winds up in the hospital." MJ is on the mat, barely able to breathe. Matlock looks around the arena and grins. Busch: "This might be the end, Jay. The champion has to be looking to finish MJ off right here." Marshal: "And what better way to finish him off than with a Matlock Drop. You know it’s coming; look at that shit-eating grin plastered on his face." Sure enough, Matlock darts over to the corner and climbs the turnbuckles. He pauses for dramatic effect at the top of the turnbuckles, more than certain he is about to be announced the winner and remain champion. Just as Matlock is about to come crashing right down onto him, MJ rolls out of the way and Matlock slams right into the mat. Busch: "He moved! MJ Storm moved at the last second and Matlock ate some mat." Marshal: "How did that happen? This is supposed to be over. How in the hell did MJ Storm get out of the way?" MJ scrambles to his feet, quickly trying to regain his footing. He charges over to where Matlock is lying, and yanks him up by the head. Before Matlock can offer any resistance at all, MJ drills him with a Tornado DDT. Matlock is hurt, unable to move at all. MJ scoops him up and executes a perfect Snap Suplex. He doesn’t even wait for Matlock to catch his breath before he picks him up and delivers a Powerbomb. Ready to finish the champion off and get himself the win and the newly unified title, MJ climbs up to the top of the turnbuckles and lands on Matlock with a Tsunami Leg Drop. He rolls off of him, then slides back over to him and applies a Tornado Stretch. The referee is now face-to-face with Matlock, ready to call for the bell as soon as he taps. Busch: "This one is finished, Jay. There’s no way Matt Matlock is getting out of that Tornado Stretch unless he taps out. It looks like there’s going to be a new champion." Marshal: "Come on, Matlock; get up! Don’t let this clown get the best of you. You can do it, man!" Matlock can see the ropes.......They look so far away, but he stretches and stretches his arm out......Still the ropes look to be so far away. In reality they're just a mere inch or two away. MJ screams for Matlock to give it up......Ken Martel asking 'Lock if he wants to.......Matt says "F*ck No!"......One last time he reaches out for the ropes and gets them! Marshal: Hell yeah! I knew ole Matlock could hold on. Busch: Yes, but he spent close to two minutes in that hold. Does he have enough to fend Storm off or is this thing just academic now? Seems that MJ thinks that way and pulls Matlock back to the center of the ring. He makes a quick pin and ends up getting a two count. he's a lil flustered that Matlock is putting in so much effort and being this difficult to beat. MJ shakes his head and gets to his feet. He bends down and grabs Matlock by the head and pulls him up too. Storm looking for a big vertical suplex but Matlock wiggles out and lands behind MJ! Storm turns round and takes a kick to the gut. Matlock follows up with his "Animal Instincts" (Stevie-T)!!! Busch: Matlock hits the Animal Instincts!!! Matt Matlock rolls MJ onto his back and weakly hooks a leg. One.........Two........Three!!!!! Marshal: Good lord! Matt Matlock is going to the main event!!! Busch, "I reckon that just shows what mah daddy always said�?The sun shine’s on every dog’s tail once in a while." With that we fade to the back as we see�?/P> *PIC* (Crowd erupts) the man Nic E. Dangerously finishing gearing up. Crowd: N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D�?/P> Busch, "That’s right folks�?It’s ICWA Heavyweight Champion Nic E. Dangerously, and he’s getting ready to do action against Christian Skywalker next!" Nic finishes adjusting his knee pad, turns and heads out of his lockeroom. We follow him coming down the hall till he suddenly stops and raises an eyebrow. Nic, "What?" The camera pans out and the crowd goes wild with boos as we see The Original Sadist himself, James. James, "So you’re the Nic Dangerously I’ve heard so much about?" Nic, "Yeah�? James, "Well lets get something straight now Nic�?ICWA, This is my territory. I’m not happy about this move into W2K, I’m not happy about you being champion, and I’m DAMN SURE Not happy that everyone and there mom is publicizing some Indy hack from some nothing promotion in the middle of east bum-screw Texas." Crowd: JAMES SUCKS DICK! JAMES SUCKS DICK! JAMES SUCKS DICK! JAMES SUCKS DICK! JAMES SUCKS DICK! JAMES SUCKS DICK! JAMES SUCKS DICK! JAMES SUCKS DICK! JAMES SUCKS DICK! JAMES SUCKS DICK! Busch, "A Vocal crowd on hand tonight." Nic, "Well�?I guess I’m lucky you’re not important enough round here to have your opinion hold any weight�?Hmmm�?Four years and you’re finally contending for what took me four weeks to win�?Keep up the good work�?When I’m at a forth of July party this year I won’t wait up for the guy crapin�?Christmas dinner." The crowd erupts again as NED walks around James and continues toward the gorilla position. Busch, "The ICWA Championship is on the line in the first of TWO Defenses here tonight as soon as we come back�?Don’t Go Away!" *BANNER* *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | When we return from commercial we find Image Johnson and Bobby Johnson leaning back on a couch in a locker room�?Bobby’s still a little sweaty as he has the United States title over his shoulder, and his wife has both the W2K Championesship and the ICWA Women’s championship. Bobby, "Damn�?I almost feel bad, I like Jimmy�?I’d of liked to have seen him get the chance to headline our last show." Image, "Don’t feel bad baby, ya gotta worry about number 1." Bobby, "Like I said�?"ALMOST"�?Jimmy knows how this business works and he knew I wasn’t going into the match with him to be his "friend" and give him one. He wouldn’t want it like that anyway. But I tell ya who I DO Feel sorry for, is James. That crazy bastard’s gone out of his way to piss off WallStreet (crowd pops) AND NED (Crowd erupts)�?He’d better pray that Matt Matlock didn’t catch Sylvia Brown syndrome and he’s off with his last two predictions for the main event cause if he’s not, James�?is screwed. And I ain’t even messin with it. If Nic and Taylor wanta double team James and get his ass out in the first five minutes, I ain’t about to stop them. This is elimination so by all means�?One less guy I have to whoop to get my destiny wrapped around my waist." Image, "On the same night I’m gonna be the very last ICWA Women’s Champion and unify the ICWA Women’s championship into the W2K Championesship and your gonna become the very first ICWA Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion�?It’s gonna be a Johnson night." Bobby smirks and edge like grin and says, "Maybe we should engage in some pre-match training to keep ourselves limber for our big matches." Image gets a devilish grin of her own as Bobby wraps his arms around her and the two begin engaging in a very intense game of Tonsel hockey as we fade to the ring. Busch, "That was a bit obscene." Marshal, "Yeah�?If I was a fifty year old virgin I’d be worked up too." Dart: The following contest is for the W2K Championess Title...... The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He then walks down the ramp towards the ring and he climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring and... Dart: Making his way to the ring, No Limits Christian Skywalker...... "King Nothing" rumbles across the PA, as a woman's voice repeats "Danger... danger... danger..." over and over. Red and white strobes flare across the rampway, and the song kicks in just after the woman says "You have just entered... the dangerzone!", at the chorus, and Nic E Dangerously walks out on stage, the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship arround his waist, with arms extended parallel to the floor, and he spins as he walks down to the ramp. Once he hits the ring, he walks up the steps, holding the top rope with his left hand, as his right arm extends up, with a fist. He turns to the ring and enters. Dart: And making his way to the ring, he is the current ICWA World Heavyweight Champion, Nic E. Dangerously...... Busch: NED could possibly have the daunting task of defending the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship twice in one night if he wins both of his matches tonight. Marshall: It will be one hell of a task for him, but if anyone can do it, he can. The two men walk to the center of the ring, as the ref signals for the match to start, and they lock up with one another. NED is able to give NLCS a kick to the guy, and gives him an Irish Whip, and follows it up with a Tilting Brainbuster. He gives NLCS a few stomps to the body, then runs and bounces off the ropes, and gives him a Knee Drop. NLCS rolls over to his side, as NED gets back up, and helps guide NLCS up to his feet, and slings him into the corner, and follows that up with a Body Splash, and bounces off of him. NLCS stumbles out of the corner, and is grabbed by NED, and given a Belly to Belly Suplex, and sends him flying overhead, and to the mat.. NED climbs up the turnbuckle, and executes a Leg Drop, and goes for the cover as the ref makes the count. One�?Two�?Kickout by NLCS. NED gets back up to his feet, and helps NLCS back up to his, and slings him in the corner again, walks over, and starts to issue a series of lefts and rights. NLCS slides down the turnbuckle, and winds up with his back leaning up against it, and NED Starts to stomp a mudhole in him, and walk it dry. He takes his wrestling boot, and places it on NLCS’s neck, grabs the ropes, and starts to apply pressure to the neck of NLCS. He lets go when the ref makes it to the four count, bends down and helps NLCS to his feet. He tries to sling him into the opposite corner, but NLCS reverses it, and sends NED there instead. He falls back into the corner, and tries to catch his breath. NED gets out of the corner, and charges NLCS, but NLCS steps out of the corner, and gives NED a Drop Toe Hold. He gets up, and starts to give NED a few lefts and rights of his own. He then takes a few steps back, and charges forward, and gives NED a Shoulder Block. He does it again, which makes NED lean back in the corner. NLCS gives NED a slap to the chest, and NED grabs it, and yells out in pain. NLCS does it a few more times, and gets the same result from NED. Busch: The action in this match has gone back and forth so far, with no man showing any sign of giving up Jay. Marshall: That is why these two men were selected to be in a match of this magnitude, and that is because they can produce and bring ratings. NLCS pulls NED out of the corner, and drops him with a Side Walk Slam. He goes over, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and tries to execute a Frog Splash, but NED rolls out of the way at the last second, and NLCS hits nothing but mat. Both men lay there for awhile, as the crowd starts to get loud. They are clearly behind NED as they scream his name loudly�?/P> NED, NED, NED, NED, NED, NED, NED, NED, NED, NED, NED, NED, NED!!! He is the first man to his feet, possibly because he is feeding off of the crowds energy, and he walks over, and guides NLCS back up to his, and Irish Whips him into the ropes, and follows it up with The Kthxbye. He gets back up to his feet, and starts to stalk NLCS. The crowd goes nuts because they know what is coming next. Busch: It looks like NED is set to end this match. Marshall: That is not such a bad idea. Get this match over with as quickly as possible, and still have something left in the tank for this evenings Main Event. NLCS finally staggers to his feet, and is grabbed by NED, and given the Dues Ex Machina. Ned goes the cover, and hooks the leg, and the ref makes the count. One……Two…Three…Pinfall by NED!!! NED gets back up to his feet, and the ref raises his arm in victory. Dart: And your winner, a still ICWA World Heavyweight Champion, Nic E. Dangerouslyyyyyyyyyy!!! Busch: That was a nice win for NED, and he has the momentum going into this evenings main event. Marshall: Well he better not get comfortable because his night is not over. Busch, "I’m a little surprised it was that easy�?I mean NLCS and NED have wrestled two straight draws and now all of a sudden Chris is easy pickins?" Marshal, "Well, he’s not completely over that Flu, and he was reduced a lot of training time because of the said flu�?When NLCS gets back to a hundred percent, you’ll see a final rematch between he and Nic that’ll mean something." With that we fade to the back in what appears to be a superstar lounge area, but nobody’s present�?Nobody but Matlock staring into the camera next to the monitor he’s been watching�?/P> Matlock, "What have I been sayin�?Four out of five predictions stand correct�?DSL may as well not even bother showing up. I Told you�?I told each and everyone of you how this is gonna work out�?(Grins)�?ICWA Champion�?I Damn sure like the sounds of that." The cameras fade on Matlock’s almost eerie grin. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | The cameras draw back from commercial as we find David Van Dam walking through the back to a roaring disapproval from the fans on hand. As we see David walking he suddenly stops, raises an eyebrow and turns�?He has focused on a door that reads "W2K Talent Only" David turns the knob and sees that there isn’t much of a turn out�?But there are two people there. A larger black man who some W2K Fans would know as Killa B and long time W2K Cameraman Patrick (Picture that homo "The Miz"�?Douche Bag.) Killa B, "So I Told that ni**a�?I said�?Ni**a, you think you gangsta? We’ll see how gangsta you is when I bend yo bitch ass ova that counta�?That’s when Damien Collins tried to tell me he don’t think he’s gangsta�?Well I’ll tell ya what, when Kutta and I got done with him he felt some "gangsta" if you know what I mean�?You know what I’m sayin dawg?" Patrick doesn’t respond as he just points behind Killa. Killa Be turns his head, snickers and says, "Awe that’s just David Van Dam. He ain’t nuttin." DVD, " ‘Ain’t nuttin�?! For one, the language is English, learn it buddy. Secondly, This "Ain’t nuttin" guy whipped your happy ass all over Rage." Killa B shrugs and goes back to his conversation with Patrick. Killa B, "Anyway, so this ni**a Collins�? David’s eyes about pop out of his head at the blatant disrespect. DVD glances over and notices a black steal chair folded up against the wall. DVD Picks up the chair, runs forward, and cracks B right across the back of the skull as Patrick leaps out of the way. The crowd erupts with boos as Busch says, "Awe come on!" B has fallen face first onto the cement and David is wrapping him relentlessly with that steal chair, over and over and over again. Busch, "That’s enough!" Marshal, "Hell no! Take out that DUB-TWO-KAY GARBAGE!" David finally stops with the chair and grabs Killa’s now lifeless body up off the ground. He holds him by the back of the neck and charges him forward, smashing him into a row of lockers. One of the locker doors pops open on impact so David grabs Killa by the neck and place’s B’s head halfway in the locker. Busch, "Don’t do this�? David grabs the door�?Draws it back�?Then WACK! WACK! WACK! WACK! WACK! WACK! WACK! Busch, "THAT’S ENOUGH DAMN IT! THAT’S ENOUGH!" Marshal, "David Van Dam’ll decide when it’s enough!" Finally David draws the door back just as far as it’ll go, puts both hands on it firmly, then with all his might………�?THHHHHHHHHWACK! Killa collapses forward and his shoulders slide down the next locker and the inside edge of the wide open door on this locker as he slides down to his knees, slumped over with his head in the empty locker. Crowd: YOU BLOW GOATS! (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), YOU BLOW GOATS! (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), YOU BLOW GOATS! (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), YOU BLOW GOATS! (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), YOU BLOW GOATS! (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), YOU BLOW GOATS! (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), YOU BLOW GOATS! (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap)�?/P> David sinks a couple of hard kicks into the back of Killa before he finally spits on Killa’s back and starts to head for the door�?He suddenly stops as he notices Patrick in the corner. DVD, "AND WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT?!" Patrick puts his open hands up and says, "Nothin dude�? DVD, "YOU CALLIN ME NOTHIN TOO?!" Patrick’s eyes draw wide, "NO! NO! YOU DA MAN DAVID! YOU DA MAN!" DVD Has an angry look on his face but he nods and points at Patrick as he says, "And don’t you f**kin forget it!" The crowd is booing like crazy as we fade to the ring. Busch, "I hope CM whips his ass like a government mule!" Marshal, "Fat chance, that’s David_Van_Dam." Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. "Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, (Crowd Erupts) The Money goes Into My Piggy Bank Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get Atchu�? Busch" Here we go folks, WallStreet set to go one on one with DSL.... The crowd is going absolutely nuts as WallStreet is seen making his way out from the backstage area. Street then high tails it down to the ring, as he then climbs up the metal steps. He then slides in through the ropes, as he then is seen making his way over to his side of the ring. He then looks back up at the rampway, awaiting the arrival of his opponent..... Marshall: Yeah and I am sure DSL dosent mind this match, being able to get her hands on WallStreet!! Dart: In the ring from Hartford, Conneticut, weighing Two Hundred and seventy six pounds...he Is The Corporater Icon.....WallStreet..Taylor McCallister!!!!! His music drops as "You Can Run" Billy Kidmans old theme hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. She looks around as the fans continue to boo her. Dart: In the ring from New York City, New York......DA SWEEEET LUNATIC!!!! Busch: Can you see this one coming folks. Just a little under a week since she lost the US title to Stryker, she has been fueled up for sure. Marshall: Yeah but can she take out WallStreet? Chris Martin is seen speaking to each competitor, as he then stops and turns ringing the bell for the start of the contest. DING DING DING!!! Immediatly DSL not wasting time as she takes off bringing her foot forward, catching WallStreet in the head with a big boot. The boot sends Street falling back a bit, but not taking him off his feet. DSL then pushes WallStreet against the ropes of the ring, as she is seen jumping up into the air and nailing Street with a dropkick, sending him over the top rope and to the floor. DSL then is quick as she climbs out onto the apron. Street is seen getting to his feet, as he is leaning over the guard rail. DSL is then seen taking off as she jumps high into the air. WallStreet in time turns around and moves out of the way, as the body of DSL is seen nailing the guard rail, as she is seen falling off the railing, and down onto the mat on the outside. WallStreet is then seen picking her up into a bear hug like formation, as he takes her over to the post on the outside ramming her back into it, a few times, as DSL is seen with a groan of pain coming from her body. Street with his big frame then takes her from the bear hug predicament, slides her down as he is carrying her into a football hold, and drops her down on the outside with a gutwrench powerbomb. DSL is seen down holding her back, as she is seen grimacing in pain. Street now wondering what to do next is fast in his decision, as he boots DSL in the face sending her back down to the mat. He then picks up DSL, and helps her to her feet. As he is about to throw DSL back into the ring, she rakes WallStreet in the eyes, wraps her arms around his body, and slams his back into the apron of the ring. Taylor not expecting this, is a little thrown off, as DSL pushes back a bit, revs up and big boots Taylor right in the mouth. Busch: Holy crap!! First against Jimmy who is nearly three hundred pounds and now Street who is about two eighty. Marshall: She is a tough bitch. Dont take her lightly, but she should stay in the kitchen where she belongs. Busch: You egotistical son of a bitch!! DSL then revs back with her right hand, and sends knife egde chops to the chest of WallStreet who is seen arching back with every loud hard slap being given to his chest. DSL then takes the hand and arm of WallStreet and tries to whip him into the corner but Street is seen tossing DSL instead. This time picking her up in a gorilla press predicament, and tossing her over the top rope and back into the ring. DSL is heard landing with a thud. Street is seen sliding back into the ring, DSL then is right there with assortments, of kicks to the back, and now a leg drop to the back of the neck of WallStreet. She then goes to get WallStreet up and tried to whip him one more time. She does, but Street reverses it, as DSL is now whipped into the ropes. As she comes back, aq huge Spinebuster from WallStreet sending DSL crashing down ot the mat. WallStreet then is now on his knees looking down at the fallen DSL with a smile on his face as he put her down hard. Street then gets back up, as he just cant stop showing off that he just crushed DSL with this spinebuster. WallStreet, then backs up a bit, as he comes forward, with a patented Ric Flair rolling knee drop. DSL is seen jumping off the mat for a moment, as she is now holding her head. Street, then stands up as he then turns around adding more injury to DSL with a standing leg drop. WallStreet proud of his assault on DSL, as she is seen somehow sitting up. Street then goes back for DSL, as she is seen grabbing his legs, as she swipes at his knee, Street is seen falling forward, as DSL is seen with a little bit more help as she pushes him into the ropes. Street is seen crashing down throat first against the ropes, as DSL is now to her feet, as she takes off across the ring, and stops right behind Street. DSL is then seen placing her foot on the back of Street's head continuing to choke him on the ropes, as Chris is trying to get her off of him since he is hung up in the ropes. Busch: What the hell, get her off of Street Chris!! Marshall: Oh Bert, you have just lost the last braincell that you have!! All is fair in war man!! DSL then backs off of Street who is still hanging on the ropes, as she backs up and the takes off as she goes into the air, and lands on the back of WallStreet who is seen choking on the ropes one more time, and then flying off the rope and onto his back. DSL then is seen going to the outside and climbing the ropes. She then takes off from the top rope, as she does a flip through the air and lands square on the chest of WallStreet with a 450 splash. DSL is seen hooking the leg on Street as she is trying for a pin fall attempt. Chris: 1......2.....Kickout!!! DSL smirks, as she revs back and slaps street across the face a couple of times as she is heard talking trash to him, as WallStreet is seen holding his rib area. DSL then stands up as she then grabs a leg of WallStreet, as she does, she then drops a fist to the abdomen area, of Street as Chris is seen warning DSL of the low blow areas that is not allowed. She gives Chris a "eat shit" look at then grabs the legs one more time, as she boots WallStreet in the gut one more time. Chris Martin is seen about to blow his top, but resides it, as DSL backs off as Street is seen grabbing a hold of the ropes, Street is seen helping himself up off the mat. As he does DSL is right there, taking off, as Street ducks a bit catching DSL in the air and dropping her down into a huge powerslam. WallStreet is seen up on his knees, as he is trying to keep himself there after the attack of DSL. DSL is seen holding her back, as Street then moves over on his knees towards her. Street then grabs DSL by the hair, and starts ramming right hands into her face. WallStreet then turns DSL over on her stomach, as he then grabs her ankle, and has her in a ankle lock submission. Busch: He is going to break her ankle Jay!! Marshall: I think that is the point Bert!! So she cant continue!! DSL is seen screaming out in horrific pain, as Street is seen getting the best of her with this ankle lock submission. Street then dosent let go until DSL is seen grabbing onto the ropes as she pulls herself there somehow with her last wind she has in her body. But Street is seen pulling her back with the ankle lock still holding strong. DSL then turns around with her other foot kicking Street in the head. Street trying not to let go of the hold is seen releasing it for a moment. DSL's ankle drops to the mat, as she tries to get to her feet. But when she does she is seen limping after the ankle lock. DSL then is seen going after Street with a clothesline, but WallStreet ducks as he kicks her in the midsection. WallStreet then wraps his arm around the body and the shoulder of DSL, as he lifts her up, and drops back as he connects with his trademark "Nasdaq Plummit" (Downward Spiral). WallStreet is seen covering DSL as Chris Martin drops to the mat. Chris: 1.......2......Kickout by DSL Busch: Holy Crap!! She kicked out of that Trademarked Nasdaq Plummit! Marshall: Yeah!! I am shocked too!!! Street not happy with DSL kicking out, as he grabs DSL one more time. He then kicks her in the midsection one more time, but right there is DSL, poking Street in the eyes with two fingers, then dropping Street into a randy orton style back breaker. Street now back down on the mat one more time, as DSL is seen picking up Street. She then grabs Street around his neck, as she jumps up with her knees in the lower part of his back, as she drops into a carlito style backbreaker. DSL then climbs over Street, as she is seen rubbing her forearm into the face of Street. Street is seen trying to get her away from him, as he then pushes his arms up and throws the small frame of DSL off of him. DSL then crashes to her knees, as she then tries to get up, but her ankle is seen giving way. DSL drops to the mat one more time, as Street rolls over with a glazed look in his eyes. DSL then grabs a hold of Street, wraps her arms around Street in a gutwrench suplex motion, but instead drops him onto her knee face first, as Street is seen dropping to the mat. DSL, then is seen pulling Street to the middle of the ring. DSL then goes to the outside, and climbs to the top rope. DSL then explodes off the top into the 450 once again. Street is being nailed with the move one more time. DSL is seen making the cover. Chris: 1.....2.....Street rolls DSL over as he is pinning her now. Chris: 1.......2.......3!!! DING DING DING!!! Busch: His big frame helped him with that pin fall!! Marshall: No doubt there Bert!!! Dart: Here is your winner.....WALLSTREET TAYLOR MCCALLISTER!!!! Busch, "WALLSTREET! WALLSTREET! WALLSTREET HAS ADVANCED! We have ALL FIVE ADVANCEES!" Marshal, "Nic E. Dangerously�?WallStreet�?Bobby Johnson�?Matt Matlock�?and JAMES! What a match that’s gonna be." The crowd erupts as the match banner takes over the Dementa-Tron *BANNER* Busch, "There it is folks�?We finally have all five participants. This is gonna be one for the ages." *MATLOCK PIC* Matlock, "I told everybody�?I said, James, Bobby Johnson, Nic E Dangerously, WallStreet, and yours truly�?And I also said, I’m the next ICWA Champion�?Five for five thus far�?But how sweet the final fulfillment of the prophecy will be�? CRAAACK! Matlock drops to his knees as we see James standing behind him with a steal chair. The crowd erupts with boos as James says, "Fulfill that douche bag." James smirks and drops the chair as he walks off and the scene fades. Crowd: FUCK-ING DIE (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), FUCK-ING DIE (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), FUCK-ING DIE (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), FUCK-ING DIE (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap), FUCK-ING DIE (Clap Clap Clap-clap-clap)�?/P> *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | As the cameras return from commercial we find ourselves wondering a hallway but we’re not entirely sure why. Busch, "Welcome back folks�?We’re getting ready to head into the big Women’s title match, although I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here�? We get around to the make up area and see Summer flat on her back with blood coming from a cut in her forehead. The crowd erupts with boos as Busch says, "OH MAH GAWD! Who did this?!" Marshal, "Probably our brilliant Women’s champion�?Why fight two opponents if ya can just beat one!" Busch, "What a low-down�? Marshal, "Low down my ass�?She already beat Summer Stratus at the Pay Per View�?There’s nothing left to prove." Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is to unify the ICWA and W2K Women's Championships!!! Black rose petals fall as "Do you dare to enter my world" is said. Flames block the entrance as Blaze comes walking out. The fans are unable to see her as the bell rings. She lowers her hands and the flames create an opening. She walks through the opening with no show of fear whatsoever. As the rose petals fall "Barely listening" hits and Blaze walks down the ramp. She is introduced and makes her way down the ramp. She enters the ring by jumping on the apron. She does a pose in the ring and takes off her jacket, giving it to the ref. She then stretches and touches her toes without even bending her knees, warming up for her match. The fans go wild as Blaze Inferno smirks and then waits for her opponent as the music fades. Dart: Now in the ring, from Edmonton, Alberta Canada........BLAZE INFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERNO!!!!!!! As Blaze is still smirking............ "Some Bodies Gonna Get It", by Three 6 Mafia starts to play over the PA system: "Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck" The arena lights go off, all except the one over the ring, and on the rampway. Both the ICWA and W2K womens championships around her thin waist. Pink laser lights dance all over the arena, and Image makes her way onto the ramp. She makes her way down the ramp, and halfway down, she starts to run forward and slides in under the ropes. Image goes over to one corner and climbs the turnbuckle. She flexes her left bicep, then gives it a quick kiss. She jumps down and walks to the center of the ring, as she is seen staring down, Blaze who is standing across the way from her. Image then removes her two pretigious championships from her waist, as she is seen handing them off to Darren Thomas who is the referee for this match. Darren is seen holding up both championships high into the air signalling that this is indeed a championship match. Dart: In the ring, from Alexandria, Louisiana, she is the ICWA and W2K Womens Champions.................IMAAAAAAAAAAAAGE JOHHHHHHHHHNSON!!!!!!! Busch: The crowd seems to be giving her a mixed reaction Jay!! Marshall: Yes indeed Bert!!! Busch: So why not!! Let her have a moment in the sun!! Marshall: Sure!!! DING DING DING Image and Blaze are seen watching each other very carefully not wanting to allow the other to make the first move. Image then walks up and gets into the face of Blaze, as Image starts talking trash to her, as Blaze is seeming to talk trash right back. Just then Image is seen lifting her hand at Blaze, as Blaze moves her body back, only to trip over her own foot, as she falls to the mat right on her ass. Image is seen laughing at her, as Blaze finally gets back to her feet. As she does, while putting pressure on the right ankle, she then drops to one knee as she is unable to stand on one of her ankles. Image then goes over to her, as Darren is seen backing off Image and checking on Blaze. As Image pushes Darren out of the way, Blaze is right there with a shot to the gut of Image and then delivers a rake to the eyes. Blaze then grabs Image from the side as she is looking like she is going to drop Image in to a sidewalk slam but instead drops and slams Image's back right across her knee. Image is seen rolling off the knee and down on the mat, as Image now holding her back trying to collect herself after the small aresenal of assaults by Blaze. Blaze finally not wasting much time, then grabs a hold of the legs, of Image as she sets her up and locks Image into a submission predicament, such as a modification of a surfboard. Image is seen folded in half as the knees of Blaze are seen pushing into the back where earlier Image was nailed by a back breaker. Darren is right there checking to see if Image is wanting to quit or give this match up. Busch: I doubt that will work. Blaze is a little crazy if she thinks you can end the womens champion this early. Marshall: Let her think all she wants Bert!! She is a little short of a six pack to be honest with you in my opinion!! Blaze then sure of herself, she releases the hold knowing that it wont make a difference since Image is not going to tap out. Image then is seen on her stomach on the mat. Blaze then picks up Image as she then locks her arms around Image as she connects with a northern lights suplex on Image, and wisely grabbing a leg into a pinning position. Darren is seen dropping to the mat. Darren: 1........2..........Kickout!! Blaze then tries to focus on how she can continue on her assault on the womens champion. Image is seen being helped to her knees, as Blaze backs off a bit. Image now pushes herself back a bit, as she has some distance from Blaze. Image then from out of nowhere, charges Blaze and spears her down to the mat hard. Image starts giving her stiff right hands to the jaw as Blaze is now, still in a bit of shock where Image came from. Image is seen picking up Blaze, as she wraps her arm around her neck and head. Image is showing off a signal, as she drops Blaze right on top of her head with a thunderous DDT sending Blaze's body upside down and plopping to the mat, in a summersault like fashion. Image then is seen getting back to her feet. As Blaze is seen getting up, Image wanting to do some more damage to Blaze, as Image takes off, and springs off the middle rope, locking her legs around the neck of Blaze and taking her down with a hurricanrana, sending Blaze flipping through the air and back down to the mat. Blaze is seen grabbing her head and the back of her neck as Image has seemed to find her target on Blaze. Blaze not sure of where she is, comes too, as she is helped back to her feet by Image. As she is, Blaze is seen slipping around Image and locking her into a sleeper hold. Image trying not to go to sleep, as Image then quickly thinks fast as she then grabs a hold of Blaze's head and drops down into a jaw breaker, sending Blaze bouncing up off the mat, as Image turns around quickly taking out the leg from under Blaze where she comes down really hard to the mat. Image then heads over to the ropes as she is catching herself a breather. Blaze is seen rolling to her hands and knees, where Image is seen setting up for one more try at her run. As Blaze is seen getting to her feet, Off comes Image, and jumps into the air, and nails Blaze with a scissor kick to the back of the head. Busch: Holy crap!! Image on a beating spree!! Marshall: Yeah courtesy of the Womens Champion!!! Image then gets back to her feet momentarily as she is seen helping up Blaze one more time. Blaze then is seen getting to her feet as she is seen leaning herself into the corner of the ring. Image then comes charging at her, but Blaze is right there and instead of her getting more damage for the moment, tosses Image into the turnbuckle post shoulder first. Image is seen hanging off the middle rope, as Blaze is seen going to the outside. Blaze then sends a hard right hand to the jaw of Image, as Image falls back into the ring Blaze then slides in underneath the bottom rope, as she is checking herself for any type of cut, or blood of any kind from the assault. Blaze then heads outside and onto the apron as she is seen climbing to the top rope. She then signals her move, and then takes off, and nails a shooting star press with major impact on the body of Image Johnson. Image is seen holding her midsection as is Blaze. But now both women are seen getting to their feet, as Blaze, then shakes off everything as she is now back in control. Blaze then is seen pushing Image over into the corner. As Image is facing the crowd in the corner. Image is seen being hoisted onto the second turnbuckle. Blaze is right behind her as she locks in what possibly could be a russian leg sweep, and connects with it from the middle turnbuckle. Blaze is then seen rolling on top of Image who is down on the mat. Darren: 1............2...........Shoulder up!!! Blaze, running her fingers through her hair, as she also moves it away from her face. Blaze not happy with what has happened, and with Image getting out of all these pinning predicaments. Blaze then picks up Image as now Blaze is seen sending a kick to the midsection of Image only to have it blocked. But Image is seen being sent to the mat, as Blaze swings her body around and bringing her free leg up across the back of the head of Image sending her down hard face first in a plant. Blaze then helps up Image, Image a little woozy from her last shot, as Image is seen being whipped into the ropes by Blaze. As Blaze is waiting for her, she then begins a jumping motion for a dropkick but Image finds a way to hang onto the ropes, as Blaze goes face first now to the mat, after nothing happening with that move. Image now noticing Blaze on the mat, goes over to her and drops to her knees, she then starts slapping Blaze across the back of the head as Blaze is seen with a look of shock on her face as the stinging shots come over and over again. Image is then seen going to the outside of the ring, and climbs to the top rope. She is seen keeping her balance on the top rope as she looks like she is trying to decide on what she wants to pull off on Blaze. She then nods her head and smiles, as off the ropes she comes with a huge elbow drop across Blaze's throat. Blaze is seen holding her throat now, as Image is the one trying to make the cover. Darren: 1.......2.....Kickout!!!! Busch: Blaze sat up!!! Marshall: Yeah, these two women are going all out it seems. Busch: Image has it, Blaze wants it, and Image wants to keep it!!! Image sure of herself now, then grabs a hold of Blaze, as she then sends her over the top rope and to the floor on the outside. Blaze now lying on the mat on the outside, as Image is now seen going to the outside as well. Image then is seen grabbing a hold of Blaze and whips her into the steel steps. Blaze is seen holding her back, as now Image then picks her up and then rams her head into the steel ring barrier on the outside. Image then backs off a bit, and then takes off. Image then connects with a huge body splash sending the back of Blaze ramming into it really hard. Image then grabs a hold of Blaze, and is about to throw her back in, as Darren has reached 8 in his count to ten. The count is now broken, as Blaze is back in the ring. Image then slides in herself and then back out as she is seen grabbing a hold of Blaze one more time. She pulls Blaze to the floor as she is seen pushing Blaze up to the sheet with is hooked onto the ring. Image is seen reaching for something underneath the ring. She is seen grabbing a club, as Darren is seen still making his count now up to five. Image then sends the club across the throat of Blaze twice, before slamming it across the forehead two more times. Image then slides to the inside of the ring. As Darren is now up to nine, Blaze finally is back into the ring, but not long before Image comes charging and tries for a baseball slide to the side of Blaze. Blaze is seen moving out of the way, as Image slides underneath the ropes and out to the floor on the outside of the ring as Blaze is seen on the ring apron. Blaze then does a moonsault off the second rope now connecting on Image who is lying on the outside on the concrete. Blaze then gets herself back to her feet as she then goes and picks up Image and then tosses her back into the ring, as Blaze is seen getting herself back into the ring as well. Image to her feet while Blaze is getting back into the ring, as Image and Blaze are seen trading right hands now back and forth. Blaze finally take advantage, when she backs off and nails Image with a clothesline, that sends her down hard to the mat. Busch: Holy crap!! this match has gone back and forth all night long!! Marshall: Yeah think of us who have to call it. We are like teeter totters at a park going back and forth up and down!!
Blaze then picks up Image, as she whips her into the ropes. As for the rebound Image is seen grabbing the ropes stopping herself, as Blaze a determined woman, charges Image. As Blaze is closer than before, Image is seen trying to move out of the way, but the two of them knock heads hard, as both of them fall to the mat, not moving. Darren is seen making his count in the middle of the ring..... 1........2.................3.............4............5 Just then "Hot In Here" by Nelly hits and out from the back in a complete sprint is none other than Summer Stratus. She is seen sliding underneath the bottom rope as both women are still down. Summer then crawls on top of Image as she is seen making a cover. Darren not knowing what is going on starts making a count. Darren: 1...........2........Image barely gets her shoulder up!! Summer not happy with the outcome then slides over to where Blaze is lying as she makes the cover on Blaze. Darren: 1.......2.......Blaze gets her shoulder up. Summer is then seen sliding to the outside of the ring, as she is seen ducking down hiding herself with the aid or the ring apron as both women are seen getting to their feet. Both Image and Blaze are seen looking back at one another, as they are seen locking up. Summer is then seen sliding back into the ring, as she seperates the two women, she then kicks Image in the gut, and then a shot to the gut of Blaze, as Summer is seen going behind both women, and locking them both up nailing them with a russian leg sweep. Image and Blaze are both seen down on the canvas one more time, as Summer is seen going for Blaze. Summer then picks up Blaze as she knows Blaze would be a easier target for her. She picks up Blaze, and puts Blaze back down again with a thunderous snap suplex. Summer then picks up Image as she whips the womens champion into the ropes, as Image is coming back, she is nailed with a dropkick from Summer. Busch: Summer comes into the match she was scheduled for, and then when both women are down, she takes advantage. Marshall: I was wondering what kept her so long!! Busch: Yeah well, what a crock if you ask me!! Summer then pulls Blaze over next to Image, and then climbs up to the top rope. Summer then takes off, as she nails both women with a huge body splash from the top rope. She is seen grabbing her gut, but keeps on top of both women as Darren is seen dropping to the mat for the cover. Darren: 1............2............Kickout by both women!! Summer is seen now going back for Blaze one more time. As she is seen sending boots to the back of the head of Blaze, Image is seen getting to her feet. Summer then whips Blaze into the corner, as she then turns in time to nbotice Image coming for her. As Image comes for Summer, Image is seen sending a forearm to the kidney area of Summer while she was not expecting it. Image then grabs the hair of Summer pulling her back, and then dropping Summer into a reversed DDT onto the mat. Blaze not sure of where she is, or what she is doing, comes out to the middle of the ring, as she does, Image now back on her feet, nails Blaze with the Mirror Image sending Blaze crashing down to the mat. Image is then seen making a cover on Blaze. Darren: 1........2......Save by Summer who pulls Image off of Blaze!! Image then swings her body around with a foot into the head of Summer, who is slammed back down to the mat, with a force. Summer now holding her head, as Image now gets to her feet. Image then grabs a hold of Summer, as she is seen connecting with a gutwrench powerbomb. Image then comes to her feet, only to have Blaze, come from off her back, and nailing Image with the throwback, sending the face of Image into the mat. Blaze then is seen sitting up still a little out of it, as she tries and gets to her feet. She is seen helping up Summer. Summer then steps back a bit, as she tries for a clothesline, only to have Blaze duck the move, and connect with a huge neckbreaker!! Blaze then covers Summer... Darren: 1...........2............Thr...NO KICKOUT!!!! Busch: Holy crap that was close!! Marshall: Yeah and she is the freshest competitor in the match!! Blaze then smirks, as Image is now seen getting onto her knees, As Blaze is not allowing her to get to her feet, as Blaze takes off and with a kick to the back of the head of Image, and now Image goes down holding the back of her head. Now Summer is seen getting to her knees as Blaze the tries to take her out as well. As she is trying to come with a kick to the head, Summer then blocks the leg, picks up Blaze, and nails her with the Samoan Drop!! All three women are seen on the mat not moving, as Darren is seen counting all of them out. Busch: Who is going to get up first here? Marshall: Look Summr is almost up!! Busch: Look Image is up too!! Summer then charges at Image Johnson. Image being smart is seen moving out of the way. Summer the is seen rebounding off the ropes. AS she does the leg comes up into the air, and nails Summer under the chin with the Mirror Image. Summer is seen lying out cold on the mat. Image is then seen making the cover as Blaze is now found her way to the outside which was a odd choice. Darren: 1........2.......3!!! DING DING DING!!! Dart: Here is your winner and still W2K Championess.....IMAGE JOHNSON!!!! Busch, "It’s official folks�?Image Johnson is the last Women’s champion in ICWA History and still W2K Championess!" Image reaches out between the ropes and is handed a microphone from ringside. Her music fades as Image says, "I’m gonna make this short and sweet�?Rumor has it that somebody in W2K isn’t too happy with my championesship reign�?Rumor has it that she doesn’t seem to think I’m the real deal�?Well�?Terri Lamin Dangerously�? The crowd goes absolutely ballistic with a chant that rivals even NED’s chant. Crowd: T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D, T-L-D…�?/P> Image, "Yeah, Her. Terri�?You think you got it like that, then by all means�?Any place, any time�?We can do it the hard way or the easy way�?Step up and get shut the f**k up, or just skip the first step so W2K doesn’t have to lose one of their so called Icon’s to injured reserve." Image tosses the mic down as "Somebody’s Gonna Get It" blasts over the PA again and the crowd is now booing Image�?But as perusual to the Johnson mentality, she couldn’t care less. Busch, "Mah God Jay�?That’s huge. Image Johnson just laid down the gauntlet to former W2K Championess and the first ever female W2K Heavyweight Champion in Terri Lamin!" With that we go backstage where Ron Taylor is seen standing by with�?Christian Michaels. The W2K Crowd goes ballistic as Taylor says, "Christian�? Christian puts up a finger and says, "At the risk of ripping the Rock, Listen Ron Taylor, because it doesn’t get any sweeter than five thousand plus W2K Fatefuls chanting your name�? Crowd: CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN, CHRIS-TIAN�?/P> Taylor, "Right�?Anyway, We just saw DVD whip the holy Hell out of fellow W2K based performer Killa B�?The man looks prime and ready, and you have to get locked in a cage with that guy�? CM laughs, "Well incase you didn’t notice, I’m not exactly Killa B. But I’ll tell ya what, DVD can get guys from behind all day�?(Pauses)�?Let me rephrase." That makes the crowd instantly erupt. Crowd: DAVE SUCKS DICK (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), DAVE SUCKS DICK (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), DAVE SUCKS DICK (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), DAVE SUCKS DICK (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), DAVE SUCKS DICK (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), DAVE SUCKS DICK (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), DAVE SUCKS DICK (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), DAVE SUCKS DICK (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)�?/P> CM smirks as he says, "The facts are simple Ron Taylor�?David Van Dam’s been telling the world how Great Christian Michaels is�?Former PWT Champion, Former W2K Champion, King of PWT, This and that and that and this�?What it all boils down to is, He’s right. And he’s going to find out just how right he is when the King locks him up in his steal cage dungeon and gives him a royal ass kickin." With that CM pushes the mic out of his way and begins walking down the hallway as we go to a split screen�?/P> *PICS* Busch, "There they are�?David Van Dam and Christian Michaels�?A Lot of bad blood between these two and when we get back they’re fixin to get it on inside of a fifteen foot steal cage�?Don’t go away." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | Kevin Dart: "The following contest is the Steel Cage Grudge Match. Introducing first�? ["King of Kings" by Moterhead begins to play as the ICWA crowd stands to their feet. There is a mixture of cheers and boos as the Titan Tron begins to show images of The King of PWT, Christian Michaels. The lights begin to flash as he walks out onto the entrance stage. He’s not alone though, accompanying him is The Queen of PWT, Rhya Michaels. The duo share a kiss on the stage before walking down the ramp. Kevin Dart: "Making his way to the ring, coming to ICWA from PWT by way of Ripple, Tennessee. He is the 2006 King of PWT, and he’s accompanied by his wife, this is CHRISTIAN MICHAELS!" [Christian Michaels stares at the steel cage enclosed ring. He gives his wife one last kiss, knowing this match will change him forever. He climbs into the ring and backs into a corner. His music fades out as it changes to "Get Your Handz Off" by Jin. The lights shut off as a golden spotlight shines on the stage. There, standing on the center of the stage wearing a pair of yellow and black tights with a yellow and black sleeveless jacket is David Van Dam. He begins to walk down the aisle, making sure to stay center so the fans can’t reach out and touch him. Kevin Dart: "On his way to the ring, he is coming to ICWA by way of The Top of the Card, he weighs in at two hundred and thirty pounds, he is "The Main Event" DAVID VAN DAM!" [DVD takes his jacket off and hands it to a ring hand as he climbs up the steel steps and enters the ring himself. He gets in, and moves to get out, having doubts but the door is quickly locked behind him, trapping him in the ring with Christian Michaels. Bert Busch: "It’s showtime." [The bell rings, officially starting the contest. Both men slowly walk forward to the center of the ring, standing toe to toe, looking in each other’s eyes. Neither man says a thing, neither throws a punch, they just look at each other, soaking up the moment. After what seems like an eternity Christian swings a big right hand that connects with the jaw of DVD. DVD staggers as Christian swings another one, then a third, rocking DVD and sending him falling back against the ropes. Christian winds up as DVD bounces back from the ropes give. CM clocks DVD, sending him back first onto the mat. DVD hits the mat and snaps up as CM nails him with a hard forearm, backs him up against the ropes and sends him off towards the other set off ropes. DVD hits the set of ropes and comes roaring back, only to get caught with a big clothesline from Christian Michaels. Busch: "Michaels with the early advanatage in this big time match. David Van Dam is desperate, Jay, to prove that he's better than Christian Michaels." Marshal: "Yeah? Well I hope the overhyped on himself lil sumbitch uses that to his advantage rather than let it become a disadvantage. Cause if he isn't careful he'll make mistakes and get picked apart by Michaels." [Rhya applauds her man as he grabs a handful of DVD’s hair and pulls him back up. CM hits a big snap suplex on DVD, driving his back into the mat. He follows this up with a pin fall attempt. One Two Busch: "First attempt at a pin in this match made by Michaels" [DVD gets his shoulder off the mat when the ref’s hand comes down for two. CM just shrugs and pulls DVD up. He lifts DVD up onto his shoulders and then slams him back into the mat with a nice scoop slam. CM then hits the ropes and comes back, dropping a big knee on the face of DVD. CM gets up and taunts to the crowd before turning around and getting a shot to the gut from DVD. CM almost doubles over when DVD nails him with a second one. DVD somehow springs up to his feet and brings CM head first into the mat with a big DDT. DVD lays there for a moment trying to catch his wind back, trying to get his mind settled. CM lays there, stunned. DVD gets back to his feet as the crowd boos him. Marshal: "Come on Van Dam, don't let these idiots in San Antonio get in your head." Busch: "Its gotta be difficult not to Jay. I mean this building is full of people who have seen Christian Michaels compete for Wrestling Two Thousand the better part of six years." Marshal: "Yeah but this is an ICWA show. These type of rabid fans had their event last night. Tonight its all about us!" [DVD pulls CM up from behind and wraps his arms around CM’s waist. Big German Suplex, a release German. Both men lay on the mat for a few seconds before DVD gets to his feet. Instead of going for a cover, he calls for the door to be opened. It is, and he and moves towards it, hoping to walk through it. He’s stopped though by CM, who grabs him by the trunks and pulls him back into the ring. CM clobbers him with forearm after forearm to the upper back before grabbing DVD by the hair. He runs him towards the cage wall, but DVD gets his boot up to stop his face from meeting the steel. CM tries again, but again DVD blocks it. The crowd is getting antsy, they want to see someone meet the steel. DVD nails CM in the gut and moves away from the cage wall. Busch: "These fans in here in San Antonio sure are a bloodthirsty bunch Jay." Marshal: "Yeah.....They really are. Hmmm. Maybe they ain't so bad then. But you can't blame 'em Bert. I mean hell everyone pops a boner at the words "Cage Match" cause they know somebody's gonna bleed. And so far that unfortunately hasn't happened." [DVD shakes his head, trying to clear some cobwebs when he gets a big kick to the gut from CM, and then he gets thrown forward, his body flying into the steel. The crowd roars with approval. DVD takes the steel face first before bouncing back, only to get drop-kicked by Christian right back into the steel. He bounces back again from the force of the ropes, only for CM to grab him by his trunks and hair, and propel him up against the steel, this time DVD slides down it, getting trapped between the ropes and the steel. The steel has ripped at his flesh, pulling it away from his bone, slashing him, causing the blood to begin to flow from his head and various other parts on his body. With DVD trapped, CM hits one set of ropes and comes charging back. CM leaps into the air and turns his body so he’s horizontal. He crashes chest first into DVD’s back with a flying cross body, grinding DVD’s body against the steel. The crowd roars with approval. Marshal: "Now thats what I'm talkin bout!"
Busch: "How can people enjoy this? My god the man's flesh is being shredded!" Marshal: "Do you not listen? Thats the only reason people come to see a cage match!" Busch: "These people really are animals...." [DVD is still trapped against the steel when CM begins to climb the same wall that DVD’s body is pressed against, a cocky move by CM. Some how DVD grabs onto the steel and begins to haul himself up the wall after CM, he grabs CM by the ankle when CM is only a few inches away from grabbing the top of the cage. CM tries to shake DVD off, and actually succeeds in doing so. DVD falls off the cage wall and into the ring. CM keeps climbing, reaching the top of the cage. He turns when he’s there, and looks at DVD, then looks down at the floor. Rhya is begging him to climb down and win the match, but CM manages to stand up on the cage before extending his arms, letting out a scream of sorts as he leaps off the cage wall, sitting down, going for a mega leg drop, a modified version of his Southern Climate. DVD manages to roll out of the way, so CM crashes and burns. He howls in pain and grabs at his leg and ass, rolling in agony as DVD lays against the mat to get his wind back. Busch: "Michaels went for it all but crashes and burns!" Marshal: "Thats what these highflying Hardy wannabes get!" [DVD forces himself back to his feet. He stumbles, blood flowing from his body. He gets his balance and pulls Christian Michaels up to his feet. DVD lifts Christian onto his shoulders with a Fireman’s Carry. He swings Christian out and nails him with a Diamond Cutter, his finisher- The Last Chance. DVD rolls Christian over onto his back and makes the cover. Busch: "This could be all she-wrote for PWT's King" One Two Thr.. [NO! Christian gets his shoulder off the mat before the three count. DVD looks at the referee in his bloody vision and shakes his head, wondering what more he has to do to seal the deal. He pulls himself back to his feet and pulls Christian up. He nails Christian with a hard forearm, then a second one. He wraps his fingers in Christian’s long, dark hair, and then runs Christian towards the cage, driving Christian face first into the wall, but instead of letting Christian bounce back, DVD holds Christian’s face against it, raking the royal face over the steel. Rhya yells at David that he's a sorry piece of sh*t, as it’s right in front of her. She can see the flesh being pulled from her husband’s face, the blood beginning to flow, quickly coating him in the crimson mask. Marshal: "It must suck for that hot piece of ass watching her hubby's face get shredded like cheese. But thats what happens when you're out at ringside and not back home in the kicthen". Busch: " One of these days.....One of these days some woman is gonna put you in your place." Marshal: "If you mean on my back as she rides me like a stallion.....Then yes. Otherwsie thats a no." [DVD backs away, and runs forward, leaping up so his knee drives into the small of Christian’s back, sending him against the cage again. Christian hits it the cage and bounces back with force. DVD looks at him and moves to the corner and begins to climb up it, he’s ready to end what’s been a very bloody cage match. He’s almost up to the top when Christian gets a burst of adrenaline and leaps up to his feet, and runs towards the corner DVD is climbing. DVD is at the top, straddling the cage when Christian leaps onto the middle rope and then springs up the cage wall. He climbs up it, blocking DVD’s attempts at kicks. Now they are both at the top of the cage, and the crowd is on their feet. They begin to battle, but DVD begins to win the fight. DVD moves so he’s on the outside of the cage, but still at the top. He grabs CM’s head, trapping it between his arm and his side. He puts one of CM’s arms around his own neck before grabbing a handful of CM’s tights and pulling CM up, then falling backwards with him. The crowd looks on in an opened mouth shock as the announcers quickly scatter, DVD and CM crashing through their announce table. The crowd begins to chant holy shit as the referee looks on in disbelief, before darting out of the cage to check on both wrestlers. He signals for the bell. Kevin Dart: "The referee has ruled this match a no-contest due to double knock out!" [Demented quickly cuts to commercial as the on-staff medics come running out. .. Crowd: SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT, SAME OL�?SHIT�?/P> Busch, "Well I think the ICWA Fans are a little sick of draw outcomes, but, it happens. Sometimes one guy simply isn’t any better than the other�?But�?Bah God�?They destroyed they destroyed our announce position�?They’re bout broken in half right infront of us�? Marshal, "They came into it expecting to dismantle and be dismantled�?What they didn’t expect was a draw�?Looks like this story isn’t quite finished." As the crowd is throwing miscellaneous trash toward the caged ring we go to the backstage area where we see Nic Dangerously, which of course cheers our angry mob right up. Crowd: N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D�?/P> As NED is standing there, trying to mentally prep for one of the biggest matches of his career�?The crowd erupts again as his long time buddy�?/P> *PIC* Damo enters the scene. Crowd (same sound as a Goldberg chant), "DAAAAAMO�?DAAAAAMO�?DAAAAAMO�?DAAAAAMO�?DAAAAMO�?DAAAAAAAMO�?/P> Bert, "W2K’s Monster in Damien Destruction�? Damien, "How’s it goin mate?" Nic, "You know the deal Damo, same sh*t different day." Damo nods, "Nic Dangerously in a huge title match in San Antonio�?Quite nostalgic eh?" Nic laughs slightly, "Yeah�? Damien, "Well, not that you need any added support with the way this crowd has reacted to you all night (crowd erupts)�?But Synergy’s here (crowd erupts) and we got your back mate." Nic nods, "Ten years Damo�?Ten years of bloodshed, scars, and "dangerous" livin’�?Ten years, seven W2K Titles�?And zero credibility�?Til now. I’ve finally won an untarnished Mainstream heavyweight title�?After ten years the world’s starting to take notice to Nic E. Dangerously�?One week later it’s all on the line�?Ten years is on the line tonight�?If I lose here tonight I come back to W2K a failed messiah�?That can’t happen Damo�?It WON’T Happen." The crowd erupts as Busch says, "A lot of fire in those eyes folks�? *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | As we return we appear to be in a car�?We have a view very similar to when the viewing audience travels with a Cop in the show�?"Cops"�?But behind the driver seat is�?Johnny Fame?! (Picture Johnny Nitro) Fame, "Yeah�?It’s a tough beat�?But Ya do whatcha gotta do. See, normally right now, I’d going over the techniques shown to us in our training by Sensei Richard Simmons. But, My partner, Jonathan Andrew Reed, has abandoned me for a date with some chick named May. (Sighs)�?It’s a lonely life bein the greatest Gangsta Samuri Jedi of all time�?But ya barrol on cause ya got to." Fame flicks on the radio�?The AM Radio cause real Gangsta’s don’t sell out to that FM stuff�?/P> "…Sports Radio is proud to be bringing you this live action from the W2K Arena�?A lot of great action thus far, and the pending main event promises to put the proper exclamation mark on the whole thing�?Plus a match of Legends about to comense as�? Fame turns off the radio and seems shocked as he says, "HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF MICKEY "THE GANGSTA" MOUSE! There’s a W2K EVENT AND NOBODY TOLD ME! Or Maybe They did�?I don’t know, Terri keeps track of all of that! TERRI! I bet this was a rib! She said she was going out with friends�?TERRI DOESN’T HAVE FRIENDS! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN! It’s a rib to make me miss the show and pay hella fines! I’LL BE THERE TRUNKS KENNI! DON’T FINE ME! I’M TOO GANGSTA TO SELL MY LIGHTSABER!" Fame yanks the wheel and skids around in a U Turn as he bolts down the highway and we fade back into the ring area. Busch, "Well that was W2K’s Johnny Fame�?That kid’s goofy as a pet coon." Marshal, "�?In a Tin crap house." Just then the whole arena falls into darkness... causing the crowd to cheer and scream at the top of their lungs, not knowing what to expect. As the darkness continues, the tension grows, every single audience member on their tip toes... waiting anxiously to see who will step from behind the curtain. A thunderous boom echoes throughout the arena and a few eerie notes play across the sound system as a deep voice echoes throughout the arena. Voice: The time has passed, the hour near... welcome to your downfall. Then just as the crowd begin a huge "Hope" chant another loud explosion fills the arena as red and orange pyros shoot off on the entrance ramp as the chorus to "Haunted" takes over the airwaves. The "Hope" chant grows louder and more excitable as the lovely Miss Cassidy makes her way out onto the stage with a smile on her face, lapping up every ounce of adoration this crowd has for her with a sweet grin. She blows the crowd a few friendly kisses then extends her index finger and places it on her toe without bending her knees. She looks up at the cheering crowd then runs the finger up her leg, up the side of her body and to her chest. She stops, wiggling her hips and running her hands over her body, as the cheering continues then just as it seems she is about to remove her top she sticks her tongue out and shakes her head. More pyros shoot off as Hope makes her way down the ramp confidently... still enjoying the cheers and whistles she is receiving.. Hope climbs the steel steps, walking slowly along the ring apron, then lifts her left leg, entering under the ropes in Stacy Keibler fashion, much to the delight of the male fans. She shakes her head with a smile, stepping into the ring as she bends down to stretch waiting for her opponent.... Dart: In the ring, from Boston, Massachusetts...........SHE IS HOPE CASSIDY!!!!!!! The crowd is heard going crazy until they are silenced by......... The camers hit the stage as the Titiontron lights up with flames and a cross slowly fades in on the screen. Blue laser lights shoot out from the Titontron circling through the crowd. A couple of seconds later red lasers shoot out from the stage hitting the ring. After a moment the arena goes black as a voice comes over the PA. Voice: I can hear what your thinking all your doubts and fears and if you look in my eyes in time you'll find the reason I'm here. And in time all things shall pass away and in time you may come back someday. To live once more or die once more, but in time your time'll be over As the words fade over the PA.blue and red smoke begins to role over the enterence way as six men walk out from under the smoke and line up down the ramp standing across from each other. They reach under there cloaks and each pull a single large cross out and hold it high above their heads as "King of Kings" by Motorhead begins to play. The lights come on dimely in the arena as a figure appears under the red and blue smoke. Motorhead: Behold the King, the King of Kings. On your knees dog. All hail. The figure bows its head before stepping out from under the smoke and raises his hands hig in the air as the fans erupt at the sight of SFM on the stage. SFM looks left and then right as he lowers his arms and starts down the ramp walking under the crosses held above his head by the cloaked men. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. As SFM reaches the ring steps he goes two steps up before stopping and turning towards the fans and shooting them a cocky smile before continuing up the ring steps and standing on the ring apron. SFM turns once again resting his back against the ropes and raising his hands high above his head Motorhead: The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze, Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood, He tasted his grin and it tasted good. The King took his head. Left him broken and dead. SFM turns and ducks under the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and shoots the fans another cocky smile as he raises his hand and points at a turnbuckle and red pyro explodes out of it. He points at a second turnbuckle and a blue pyro explodes. A red explodes from the thrid and a blue from the forth. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. SFM raise his hands above his head and lowers his head as his hair falls down covering his face. He brings his hands down as red and blue pyros explode from all four turnbuckles and his music fades as SFM is introduced. Dart: From the Southpark section of Houston, Texas weighing two hundred and thirty eight pounds.......SEAN FROST MAAAAAAAANNNNN!!! Busch: Were getting ready for a legends showdown here folks. Marshall: Look at Hope!! She is hell bent on winning this matchup no doubt. Busch: Well so is SFM!! SFM then looks at Hope who is only now a few feet away from SFM, walks up to SFM, and smiles, as she just lays a couple hands to the gut of SFM and then hooks him up, and uses her super strength and snap suplexes SFM to the mat. SFM a little shocked with what happened. gets to his knees and stares down Hope with a look of shock. SFM then gets to his feet as he still has a hard time adapting to Hope getting her strength and nailing him with a move. SFM then runs towards Hope, and tries to clothesline her down ot the mat, only to have Hope duck the clothesline, and then swing herself into the air, and nailing him with a spinning heel kick. SFM crashes to the mat, as Hope now gets up to her knees, as she then looks down on SFM who is down, as Hope swings her fist nailing SFM in the head with a hard punch. SFM's head rocked to the side pretty good with the shot, as Hope then picks up SFM off the mat to his knees, as she backs off a bit, and then comes down across the neck of SFM nailing him with the FameAsser. SFM is down on the mat as Hope finally starts to turn him over onto his back. Hope the tries to lock in the figure four but SFM being smart about the whole thing, rolls out of it using his feet to propel Hope across the ring into the ropes. Busch: Here we go folks, the ties turned!! Marshall: YEah they have but Hope did fight for what she was worth. SFM then taking no more from Hope as he picks up Hope and nails her with a belly to belly suplex, as Hope is now seen holding her back, as SFM brought her down hard to the mat. SFM then gets up as he smiles, as he flies his way up to the top rope, as off he comes nailing a huge moonsault. Hopes body is seen folding in half from the shot, as SFM is seen holding his midsection as he then is now sitting on his ass in the middle of the ring. as he then rolls over and sets himself ready for the next plan of attack. SFM then swings over on the back of Hope who has turned herself over as SFM is seen using his strength to lift up Hope, and nailed her with a released german suplex, sending Hope crashing to the mat on her back, and folding up like an accordian again for the second time. SFM then sits back into the corner, as he watches Hope lying on the mat, as he is seen catching a breather. Busch: Holy crap a change in action, but Hope being the lightest in this matchup has helped SFM in many ways. Marshall: Hell if he wanted to he could throw her around like a rag doll!! Shawn Cain is seen trying to get Hope back on track. As he gets her to speak to him, SFM comes over and then tries to grab her. As he does Hope is seen grabbing onto the belt of Cain, and pulling him backwards. Just then Cain is seen falling to the mat, face down. Before he can turn over, Hope low blows SFM, as SFM drops to the canvas on his knees. Hope then goes over and grabs SFM and spreads his legs open, as she drops a fist into the lower abdomen area of SFM. SFM still trying to get over the pain from the crotch shot, that he just tries to get away from Hope at all costs. As he does indeed finally he is up to his feet and in the corner. Hope is coming for him, as he ignores the pain for a moment, and nails Hope with The Lets Roll, sending Hope down to the mat back out cold. SFM then smirks as he then shakes off the pain some more wasting precious time. SFM a few moments later decides to go back for Hope as she is on the ground as he tries for a cover, as Shawn is back up on his feet. Shawn: 1......2.....No!! Hope is seen rolling up SFM into a inside cradle.... Shawn: 1............2.............Kickout by SFM. As Hope is seen letting go, Shawn is getting to his feet, as she punches the nuts again of SFM. SFM now just in more pain that before as Hope then grabs him from behind and drops him into a huge neckbreaker. SFM drops like a thud onto the mat, as Hope is seen still a little bit shaken up from the kick that SFM gave to her a few moments ago. Hope then lifts up the legs of SFM, as she locks in the figure four leg lock. SFM is seen screaming in pain, as she places her foot on the groin of SFM making the whole thing more painful. As Shawn is seen checking on SFM, Hope moves her foot off the groin as she tightens the hold on SFM. SFM then trying to roll over to release the pain that he feels. But for some reason is not able to, due to the shots to the groin and then theleg lock that is applied on him now. Hope then lets go of the hold a few moments later now knowing that SFM will not quit. Busch: Who is she kidding? Ric Flair uses that hold and he is old a decrepid!! Marshall: Wooooooo!! Dont bash on the Nature Boy!!! SFM's face turns from pain to intent as he now rolls over Hope to her stomach reversing the figure four and causing the legs of Hope to be shooting with emense pain. SFM, then pushes himself up from a lying position and locks in a version of the texas cloverleaf. Hope is heard releasing a cry of pain, as SFM just keeps the hold locked on tighter than before. Hope then is seen trying to pull her weight, and the weight of SFM as she is trying to get to the ropes to break the hold. But as she finds it in herself to keep pulling, and she is almost to the ropes, SFM then stops that momentum and pulls her back to the center of the ring. SFM finally releases the hold, as he stands himself up and grabs a hold of Hope. He then nails her with a vertical suplex, and then is seen rolling on top of her for a cover. As Shawn Cain was seen dropping for the count, SFM stops what he was doing and just helps up Hope instead. Hope is the placed into a headlock by SFM. Hope then starts throwing elbows to the gut of SFM, but SFM is seen holding onto the headlock, and not letting go. Hope then is seen pushing SFM back into the ropes, she then pushes off SFM, as SFM rebounds, Hope again flies up with a spinning heel kick only to have SFM crash once again to the mat. Busch: Holy sh**!!! This is the second time SFM has fallen prey to that move. Marshall: Wait, SFM is back on his feet. Hope is seen rushing towards him, as SFM is seen with a belly to belly suplex sending Hope back down again.
As SFM is seen getting back to his feet long enough to grab a hold of Hope by the head. AS she then musters some more of her strength as she lifts up SFM to her shoulders and drops him to the mat somehow with the Straight to hell. SFM drops with a thud. Hope is then seen covering SFM. Shawn: 1............2.............3!!! DING DING DING!!! Busch: She did it!! Marshall: Yes she did. SFM just wasn’t enough here tonight!! Busch: I cant believe the strength of that woman picking up SFM. But i guess that is what you get when you take them midol!! Marshall: Midol is for menstrual cycle periods idiot!!! Busch, "Regardless, a Hell of a match between two ICWA Hall of Famers.." With that we fade to back as a Wood panel station wagon with "Gangsta-Mobile" spray painted across the side in blue comes whipping into the arena. The car comes to a quick stop and shuts off as the door flies open and Johnny Fame leaps out. He slams the door behind him and takes off toward the Arena door. Busch, "Boy’s he fixin to be surprised." He swings open the door and comes in yelling "PRESENT! JOHNNY FAME! PRESENT TRUNKS!" Fame stops and puts his hands on his hips and bends slightly to catch his breath�?He looks up and sees Jimmy Stryker, Bobby Johnson, Image Johnson, Blaze Inferno, X �?Bomb, Devon Monroe, Shane Borden, Referee Shawn Cain, and a few other random ICWA performers. Fame K Fame, "You guys�?Don’t look like the W2K Roster�? Devon, "That’s because we’re not you twit. This is an ICWA show. And unless you’ve got a security pass it’s fixin to be your last�? Fame, who might I add, has his sunglasses on at nearly 11 pm (Doofy bastard)�?Gulps. Fame then remembers, "WAIT! I’m Samurai Gangsta bitches. Ya’ll don’t want it." Fame gets a smug grin on his face till the nearly seven foot, 300 + Pound Devon Monroe and the almost equally large Shane Borden both grab him, one on either side, by the arms and start carrying him back toward the door. Fame, "BUT! BUT! I’M GANGSTA! I’M SAMURAI LEVEL! RICHARD SIMMONS IS GONNA BE PISSED YO!" "Wait." Everyone turns and the crowd erupts as WallStreet walks into the scene. Borden and Monroe let Fame’s feet get back on the ground but they’re still holding his arms as Street walks up face to face with Fame. WallStreet, "Johnny Fame�?The Corporate Icon has but two words for you�?/P> �?/P> �?/P> �?/P> �?/P> �?/P> �?/P> �?/P> Yoink Bitch!" As he says that he snags the glasses off Fame’s face and replaces them upon his own face as Fame’s eyes grow wide in shock. Monroe and Borden get a small laugh as they both pick Fame back up and start carting him back toward the door. Fame, "THIS ISN’T RIGHT! DAMN IT! IT’S AN INJUSTICE!" They set down Fame. Devon grabs him by the collar and pants, and the scene switches to the parking lot just in time to see Fame get chucked back out of the arena in a fashion similar to Jaz by Uncle Phil in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Busch laughs, "Well�?That was something else." *BANNER* Busch, "All Laughing matters aside�?There will be no humor, no skits, and no Johnny Fame in this one�?Folks, This is our last commercial break�?When we return, uninterrupted�?James�?Matt Matlock�?Bobby Johnson�?The Corporate Icon WallStreet�?And The Defending champion Nic E. Dangerously get it on for the ICWA Undisputed World Heavyweight Title." The scene fades to commercial. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | The cameras return as in the center of the ring stands Kevin Dart�?/P> *PIC* The bell sounds three times as Dart begins to announce, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest has been made a FIVE MAN ELIMINATION MATCH! This bout is No Disqualifications and it has No Time Limit. The only way to obtain victory is to be the last man remaining after the other four opponents have been forced into submission, or defeated via pinfall. On the line in this bout is the nWWF-CWA Unifed Championship�?And the EYE-SEE-DOUBLE-YOU-EH HEAAAAAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIIIIIPP Of The WORRRRLD" The crowd is going wild. Dart continues, "The winner will be the VERY FIRST ICWA Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion, and will carry that championship on into the NEW Era of Double-You, Two, Kay." Crowd: DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY, DUB TWO KAY�?/P> Dart brings the mic down and holds his hands in front of himself as we fade to the stage. Busch, "Alright�?Here We Go!" The lights dim as "Mr Torture" Blares through the speakers drawing a wave of boos from the W2K Arena�? the Dementa-tron lighting up with images of people screaming and James taking care of past opponents in the ring. a single spot-light hits the ring end of the ramp, the red-light casting an eerie glow as the next one slowly fades in, each light moving more and more up the ramp until only the stage is Dark. Three Crimson spots slamming on full to show James standing there, his head down as one hand slowly plays over his bald scalp. his head rising slowly looking out at the sea of fans with an arrogant smirk. The crowd is booing loudly as Dart announces, "Introducing First! Making his way curtosey of Philadelphia Pennsylvania, he weighs in at 256 pounds and is the ICWA HARDCORE CHAMPIONN�?JAAAAAAAMES!" James is laughing as he shakes his head, slowly making his way down the ramp, ignoring the fans reaching out to touch him before sliding into the ring. jumping to his feet and holding his arms wide, the boos and jeers of the fans causing his smile to widen as he chuckles, shaking his head and slowly walking to the corner. Busch, "Certainly not the most popular fella in this one." The crowd is booing hard, throwing misc. items toward James who’s just smirking and challenging them to give him their best�?Suddenly, loud music comes blaring over the speakers of the arena, along with a voice...
Don't hate me, because I'm beautiful Don't hate me, because I'm the best Don't hate me, because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest...do The song picks up in pace, as we see Matt Matlock emerge from the backstage area, with his usual out of ring attire on and his CWA & nWWF Title belts over each shoulder. Pyros shoot off in a shower at the top of the stage, as Matlock slides each belt down to a hand and spins around, raising them up in the air. Dart, "Introducing Next�?Making his way from Nova Scotia Canada�?He weighs in on this evening at 235 pounds and he is the current Championship Wrestling Alliance AND new Wave Wrestling Federation HEEEEAVYWEIGHT Champion�?He is "The Cornered Animal" MATT_MAAAAAAAAATLOCK!" Following this, he makes his way to the ring and climbs inside. As he does, the song is coming to a close, with pyro blasting at all four corners once during each of the final lines.
Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm beautiful Don't hate me (BOOM!) because I'm the best Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest do Love Me
BOOM! Each time the pyro blasts, Matt sticks his arms straight into the air, titles in hand of course. As the final explosion goes off, he hands his belts to the ref and then removes his hat, ring, cross and shades as he gets ready to tangle with his opponents. Busch, "Matt Matlock has gone through and predicted every single person who would advance into this match�?And he was right�?He’s also predicted that tonight is his night to win the big one�?Frankly Marshal, I’m afraid to question him after the way tonight’s gone." Marshal, "Don’t be ridicules Bert. Matlock got lucky, plain and simple. He’s not psychic. Don’t get all superstitious on me�? The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen�? THE……�?GREATEST..�?.OF………ALL………TIME....... Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues�?in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues�?on Chris Stlyes. Bobby giving Demented 3 straight Killa Kicks�? with the last one knocking the big man over the top ropes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time�? Bobby giving Matt Collins a Killa Kick, and going for the pin. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble. Bobby in the middle of the ring, holding up the PWT Titanium Championship after beating Jimmy Stryker to become the Titanium Champion. Bobby Standing over a fallen Christian Michaels, while holding the PWT Peoples Championship Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, and stops on the top of the ramp. He’s wearing a black wrestling singlet with the wide green stripes down the sides of it and the Grim Reaper symbol on the front of it, a black and green Team Johnson pullover jersey, black and green wrestling boots, a black and green fitted Team Johnson baseball cap. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, then stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, and the crowd gives him a huge pop. Dart, "Next�?On his way to the ring from New Orleans Louisiana, he weighs in at 252 pounds�?BOBBY_JOOOOOOHNSON!" He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp. *PIC* Busch, "Bobby Johnson, a spectacular athlete�?An extremely well accomplished amateur wrestler�?Former Big Ten champion, NCAA Champion, But never an ICWA Champion. Bobby’s looking to rectify that here tonight." Marshal, "Well it’s no secret that "Destructive" Jay Marshal is a big Bobby Johnson fan�?The guy is exactly what this sport is about�?He’s a young athlete who can shoot and grapple and work a solid mat game, which is something a lot of wrestlers today lack�?But, he is stepping in the ring with the very best in his field. This is like the ICWA Olympics Bert�?These guys all rose above and beyond earlier in the show to prove they are in fact the top of the company, and now they’re all lookin to prove that they’re beyond even that and in a class of their own. He stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. He walks over to the far corner, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and flexes his biceps for the crowd, and gets back down, and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and repeats his flexing routine. He finally jumps down, and takes the pullover and hat off, and sets them down in the corner. Marshal, "I’ll tell ya what Bert Busch�?I’ve never worked with Bobby Johnson, or Matt Matlock�?But�?I was in FWA when Nic E. Dangerously there. I saw this guy work first hand over there�?The man’s a decisive assassin�?WallStreet�?I’ve been on the opposite side of WallStreet. Matter of fact, I walked into the infamous GWC Atlanta situation as the champion�?He walked out champion. The man is as deadly of a performer as there is. And James�?James isn’t as much of a strategically wizard as Dangerously or WallStreet, but, he is the toughest man I’ve ever met in my life, and he can out FIGHT just about anybody I know. That said, like I said, I’ve never worked with Bobby or Matlock, but I have watched them closely from the broadcast booth and to count out either of these guys would be plain ignorant. Bobby Johnson is probably the greatest natural Athlete in ICWA history, and Matt Matlock has an uncanny "Survival Instinct"." Suddenly we hear the punching of a few buttons on a phone�?/P> Kid - Yeah. Man - Yeah? Kid - I Wanta Be a Rockstar when I grow up. Man half laughs - A Rockstar huh? Kid - Hells yeah. Just Like You. (Drums) YEEE-AH…Yea-ea-ea-eah�? *Reel* The crowd is going biserk as Superstar II By Saliva is blasting over the PA. The crowd flips out as the curtain goes flying to the side and WallStreet jumps out on the stage and throws his arm up in the air to the fans. Busch, "THERE HE IS! The Former Chairman turned World Title Contender virtually over night!" Marshal, "Good thing Wrestling can’t effect the Space Time Continuum�?I’d be worried." Dart, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN�?Making his way to the ring at this time�?He is currently in the process of relocating to RIGHT HERE IN SAN ANTONIO TEEXXXAS (Crowd erupts)�?Weighing in at 267 Pounds�?He is The WallStreet Brawler, TAYLOR_MccccccCAAAAAAAAAAAAAALISTERRR!" The crowd is going absolutely nuts as Street is coming down the ramp with a ton of energy. WallStreet slaps the hands of the fans as he rounds the barricade and runs up the stairs, stepping onto the ring apron and into the ring via the second and third ropes. WallStreet gets in there, Points at Matlock, Then at James, and then to Bobby, Talking shit to all three before he goes up the turnbuckles and throws his arm up salute to the Millions……�? AND MILLLIONS OF Rock Fa�?Erm�?Street Fans. *PIC* WallStreet eventually hops down and paces in his corner as the playing to the crowd is over and his expression shows that he’s ready to get to business�?/P> Busch, "WallStreet more fired up than we’ve ever seen him before�?This man is ready and raring to go." "King Nothing" rumbles across the PA making the fans grow louder than they’ve been all night, as a woman's voice repeats "Danger... danger... danger..." over and over. Red and white strobes flare across the rampway�?/P> Busch, "FOLKS! SEVEN TIMES OVER THE DUBBYA TWO KAY CHAMPION�?CURRENT EYE-SEE-DUBBYA-EH CHAMPION�?GOD OF WRESTLIN�?FIRST EVER TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION�? The song kicks in just after the woman says "You have just entered... the dangerzone!", at the chorus, and Nic E Dangerously walks out on stage, with arms extended parallel to the floor. *PIC* Crowd: N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D�?/P> Busch, "As Nearly 8,000 fans are telling you at the volumn of 50,000 strong�?He is EN-E-DEE�?HE IS THE PARADIGM�?HE IS�?NIC_E_DAAAAANGEROUSLY!! AND BAH GAWD HE HAS THIS CROWD GOIN NUTS!" Dart, "AND FINALLY�?Weighing in at 260 POUNDS�?From SAN ANTONIO TEXAS (Crowd erupts further)�?He is the SEVEN TIME W2K Champion (crowd erupts)�?He is the CURRENT InternationalChampionshipWrestlingAlliance HHHHHHHHHHHEAVVVVVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOOOOOOORLD……�?HE *IS* NIC_E_DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGEROUSSSSSSSSSLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" After spinning atop of the stage he walks down to the ramp. *PIC* Busch, "This is the biggest reaction I’ve ever heard for a man in an arena of this size�?This is like Babe Ruth hitting seven home runs in Yankee Stadium�?Joe Montana throwing Seven Touch Down passes in San Francisco�?Wayne Gretzky scoring Seven straight goals at Madison Square Garden�?It is the equivalent of Michael Jordon scoring Seventy-Seven Points in Chicago�?This is it�?This is San Antonio’s Babe Ruth, Wayne Gretzky, Joe Montana, or Michael Jordon�?This is a localized Ric Flair�?He Is The MAN! And these fans ain’t fixin to let him forget it." Marshal, "Tim Duncan ain’t got nothing on Nic Dangerously in San Antonio!" Once he hits the ring, he walks up the steps, holding the top rope with his left hand, as his right arm extends up, with a fist. He turns to the ring and enters. Busch, "Five Men�?Five the ICWA’s Absolute Elite�?They Stand Tall, They Stand Firm�?They Are, The Headliners. And They *Are*, Fixin to get it on for the richest prize in our business." The music slowly fades as the lights readjust and all five men are in the ring. Referee Tim White has the CWA Title, nWWF Title, and ICWA Title in hand�?He raises all three into the air showing the world what this match is all about before he hands them down to a crew member at ringside. Tim White gets in the center of the ring and says, "No Rules, No count outs�?Do whatcha gotta do fellas, I’m just here to count the 3�?But keep in mind, I can only count that three in the middle of this ring so if ya go all over God’s creation you’re not gonna be eligible to pick up a pinfall til ya get it back in the ring. Get Er Done fellas." With that Tim White steps back and calls for the Bell. Crowd: N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D�?BR>Everyone is cautiously stepping around the ring when Matt Matlock suddenly runs after James looking for a Clothesline. James ducks and spins around and starts going punch for punch with Matlock but is quickly thrown off his game as NED and WallStreet both come over and start pummeling on the back of James. The crowd erupts as NED, WallStreet, and Matlock are all stomping a mudhole in the Original Sadist. Busch, "Ya had to see this one comin!" Whether it was obvious or not, the fans are lovin it and just as promised Bobby’s leaning in then far corner letting the three handle their business. Suddenly James snaps up and scoops Matlock, spinning around and nailing a massive Spinebuster which sends the crowd into a boo session. WallStreet runs after James but James hits a big back kick to the chest of Street. Dangerously darts forward and James deliver’s a quick round house across the temple of NED dropping him to a knee. WallStreet comes up from behind James and grabs him by the head but James quickly repositions himself, hoists Street up, and drops back with a high angle belly to back suplex slamming Street hard as the fans are erupting with boos. James bends down and grabs Matlock by the hair (as he was already on his way up anyway)�?James grabs the arm and delivers an Irish whip sending Matlock across the ring�?Matlock bounces back and James delivers a devastating Jimmy Snuka style knife edge chop dropping Matlock�?But suddenly from the side Bobby lands a Killa Kick (Superkick) across the jaw of James making the crowd erupt. James eyes gloss over and he stands, only momentarily, before he turns and literally falls into the Animal Instincts (Double Arm DDT) From Matlock. Matlock rolls James over and hooks the leg as Nic and Taylor just lean on the ropes and watch Tim White count ……………………�?…………………�?………………�?! Dart, "JAMES! Has Been Eliminated!" Busch, "That didn’t take long." Marshal, "That’s what happens when ya piss off three out of four opponents when you’re heading into a five person match." The crowd, much to EVERYONE’s surprise, chants: MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK�?BR>Matlock gets to a knee and gets a face that can only say "Fhat the Wuck?!"�?NED and WallStreet both bend over and peel James off the mat before they both grab the back of his neck with one hand and the waist band of his pants with another, charge forward a couple of steps and send him flying up and over the top rope to the floor below. Busch, "And the Corporate Icon and the Paradigm bid you farewell and boe-bye." With that the four men left begin to slowly circle each other, sizing each other up�?almost as if coming back from a false start. Finally, out of no where Bobby shoots down around the legs of Dangerously and sweeps the legs with a reverse double leg take down before he sprawls around the back of Dangerously and applies a front face lock to Dangerously, holding him down on the mat. WallStreet and Matlock both shrug and at the same time turn and start throwing right hard hands. Matlock eventually locks on a side headlock stopping the straight shots�?WallStreet charges the ropes and grabs the top rope, but Matlock refuses to relinquish the headlock so they both end up going up and over the top rope and eventually both end up on the ringside floor. Apparently someone must have come by and scooped up James or something because he’s no where to be found. Back in the ring Nic is just getting to his feet, but Ol Roberto still has the front facelock applied well. Dangerously suddenly plants his feet, hooks his hands around the back of The "GOAT" and pops back with an inverted northern lights suplex bridge. Tim White drops to the canvas but can’t even get the one count before Bobby kicks out and spins over on his hips, keeping the original front face lock applied and wrestling Dangerously back over to his chest. The crowd is booing, but surprisingly not to loud as they’re digging the wrestling based situation. Busch, "Bobby Johnson just refusing to give up that front face lock." Marshal, "I Realize that today’s the day of TNA and all that garbage wrestling so people don’t put much stock into a Front Facelock anymore but let me tell ya something Bert Busch�?You lock that Front Facelock in and you hold it firm�?You apply it correctly as Bobby Johnson has�?And as long as you can keep the opponent from finding an escape, he’s done. It reduces the air flow�?Your chest is pumpin, you wanta suck wind, but you can’t�?All you can use to breath are your tiny nostril holes, and eventually it becomes to much and your brain shuts down, you pass out, and it’s over." Back on the outside Matlock is on his feet and has WallStreet by the arm, He whips out and WallStreet goes zipping along at ringside and collides back first across the ringsteps as the crowd boos. Matlock comes over and grabs two fist fulls of the ring apron as he presses his leg across the throat of Street, choking him against the steal stairs. Back in the ring NED Is on his feet but still locked up in the Front Facelock. Nic’s arms are dangling and he’s hunched over, showing that he’s damn near out of it�?Dangerously then drops to a knee as the crowd starts getting behind their tragic hero. Crowd: HERE WE GO DANGEROUS, HERE WE GO (Clap Clap), HERE WE GO DANGEROUS, HERE WE GO (Clap Clap), HERE WE GO DANGEROUS, HERE WE GO (Clap Clap), HERE WE GO DANGEROUS, HERE WE GO (Clap Clap)�?BR>Tim White gets on the side and grabs one of NED’s wrists�?lifting his arm up, and then releasing it as he declares ONE. �?Again White lifts the champs arm, and again it flops down. TWO! ……………�?He raises the arm one last time�?And releases it but as soon as he does Nic springs to his feet and charges forward, ramming the US Champion into the turnbuckles with enough force to finally break the front facelock, which sends the fans into a frenzy. Busch, "YES! I was afraid Dangerously was gonna be taking an early exit!" Nic starts landing hard right hands across the face of Johnson, slowly working making him slide down the turnbuckles. The lower Bobby goes the more Nic begins exchanging the Punches for vicious stomps till finally he has the GOAT down on his ass in the corner. Dangerously grabs ahold of both top ropes and places his leg across the throat of Johnson and begins chocking him as we switch back to ringside. At ringside Matlock has Street on the right side of the ring (looking down from the stage) and is delivering a hard right making him continue to stumble around. Matlock runs up from behind and kicks the back of the right knee of Street making fly up and land hard on his back on the outside mat. Back in the ring Alright, I didn't get a chance to finish this and I'm heading off to job corps right now. Basically, All four guys faught through a bloody match. In the end though it came down to two men... Nic E. Dangerously and WallStreet. The two battled epicly in a match that would make Steve Austin and Triple H applaud endlessly... In the end, both men were so drained... NED kicked out of the Stock Market Crash, WallStreet kicked out of the Deus Ex Machina... But Finally, NED Hit a final Deus Ex Machina on the steal chair... However, he'd exausted himself and he fell back Ontop of WallStreet, his back over Street's chest. He slid down his chest and his shoulders ended up on the mat with Street's arm over his arm... But NED's lower back is still over Street. The Referee, with both hands, slaps the mat Once... Twice... Three times. The ref calls for the bell. The final finish was a DRAW Between NED and Street, But because it was a draw Dangerously retains the ICWA Championship. The fans weren't angry about this one though... Much respect in the arena. | |
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