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Venue: Hammerstein Ballroom - Manhattan New York Date: December 20, 2006- 9pm Eastern Time (Wed.) Theme: "When I'm Gone" By Eminem Match #1 Singles Adam Royal V.S. Sinner V.S. Taz V.S. Akasha Referee: Ken Martel Written By: Keith AKA Drew Stevenson ((Basicaly Taz wanted to work an ICWA Card again and we didn't have the balls to tell him no. But it worked out as Former ICWA Performer Akasha and two GWA Athletes, having heard of the legacy of the ICWA, wanted to be featured on the ICWA Holiday Spectacular and have been placed in the opening bout to kick things off with a bang as these four phenominal athletes have an oppertunity to set the tone for the show.)) Match #2 No Disqualifications Jimmy Stryker V.S. Dark Child Referee: Darren Thomas Written By: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker ((Jimmy Stryker and Dark Child have a lot of history. At one time the ICWA Hall Of Famer was in a stable called "The Originators" with the Original Bad Man and Dark Child. Due to a bad game of politics Jimmy Stryker would end up taking his leave from the company that the stable was hosted in, which from what we understand, is where the bad blood between DC and Stryker began to boil. Since that time Stryker and Dark Child have been constant rivals. Dark Child's wanted to test his skills against his former leader for quite sometime. The ICWA's finally giving him that test, but can he pass it?)) Match #3 Singles Holiday Cheer Match MJ Storm V.S. Drew Stevenson Referee: Shawn Cain Written By: Keith AKA Drew Stevenson ((So what's a "Holiday Cheer" Match? It's a match where the ICWA Booking committee shows a lot more generosity then normal as they're offering the winner of this match number one contendership to any ICWA Championship (Offer not valid toward the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship) That they'd like in the new season of the ICWA. Much like Money in the Bank they can cash this title oppertunity in anytime within the first 365 days of the ICWA Season (which if we run seasonal, that'd provide two seasons worth of time) BUT, Unlike the Money in the Bank, the competitor must provide management with 30 days notice OOC before they contend for the championship of their choice.)) Match #4 Triple Threat ICWA Women's Championship Da Sweet Lunatic V.S. Nikki Black V.S. Summer Stratus Referee: Chris Martin Written By: Jenny AKA Image Johnson ((Da Sweet Lunatic has never in her ICWA History competed for the Women's championship. Our motto has been if it looks like a man, talks like a man, and walks like a man, It's either a man or DSL.. However, with Image Johnson recently announcing her pregnancy, She can no longer compete and thus has respectfully forfitted her position as ICWA Women's champion. So who do we give the shot to? Da Sweet Lunatic is one of very few females here in the ICWA to be able to travel on the road Hope Cassidy opened up here in the ICWA and work the Ultrastar division exclusivly as she's a former United States champion. Nikki Black is one of the most lethal female competitors to ever step in the ring, and she too is known as a Ultrastar performer more so then a Women's division competitor as she's a former ICWA Hardcore Champion. And Summer Stratus is one of our finest Women's champions and our last women's champion prior to Image Johnson. So in our Holiday Spectacular we're going to pit these three top of the mil athletes together for the ICWA Women's championship, and in the new ICWA Season one of these fine women will get to do what Image Johnson had began to do and raise the bar for the Women's division, making it a recognized division that is taken as seriously as the Ultrastar division.)) First Hour Main Event Ladder Match "The Cornered Animal" Matt Matlock V.S. "The Rush" Ryan Ross Senior Referee: Tim White Written By: Johnathan AKA Christian Michaels ((These two have both claimed to be the greatest CWA-nWWF Heavyweight champion of all time. Those two heavyweight titles were unified into the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship in our last episode of Demented, making Nic Dangerously the first ever ICWA Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion in four years, but these two men still hold great pride in their runs with the Unified championship. So let's find out once and for all then... Who IS The greater nWWF-CWA Champion between these two... We'll find out as these two face off in a ladder match with a very special made, commemorative nWWF-CWA Unified Championship belt which will be hung high above the ring.))
Match #6 Singles United States Championship "No Limits" Christian Skywalker V.S. "N.G.N." Bobby Johnson Referee: Ken Martel Written By: David AKA David Van Dam ((There's been an on going feud between Bobby Johnson and Christian Skywalker since the moment Bobby Johnson walked through the door. Christian Skywalker has been refered to as the greatest rookie in the history of this promotion, But Bobby's contested that all of the way and now both men have legions of fans who'd suggest one over the other. This is perhaps one of the greatest Competition based grudges in the industry. Two young athletes, rich in talent, thirsting for more and more knowledge, and tearing up the ranks like none before them, constantly trying to outshine one another whether it be purposly or not... It's a beautiful thing. But the one mark in Skywalker's cap that Johnson had never touched was the ICWA United States Championship. NLCS is the very first, and the longest reigning ICWA US Champion in history. But on our finale episode of Demented Bobby Johnson obtained the championship from Jimmy Stryker and that means Johnson could possibly try and match another of Skywalker's rookie accomplishments. This bout could be the show stealer as Christian Skywalker looks to regain the championship that put him on the map and in turn that he put on the map, and Johnson attempts to retain as to show the championship committee he's ready to head right back to the headline in the start of the 2007 ICWA Season.)) Match #7 Singles ICWA Hall Of Fame Match Hope Cassidy V.S. "The Original Sadist" James Referee: Darren Thomas Written By: James ((Hope Cassidy and James are both ICWA Hall of Famers, and they've both been here since the early stages of the company, Hope arriving in early 2003 and James at the birth of the Company in the summer of 2002. These two are both phenominal athletes and they've both drawn millions of dollars in revenew for the ICWA. They're some of the ICWA's most beloved children... But as much as these two have done for the company, they've never competed against each other within the walls of the ICWA and rumor has it there may be some unacknowledged heat due to incidents from the past. Only time will tell as these two ICWA Legends go one on one in what will surely be a dominating portion of the ICWA Highlight reel for years to come.)) Match #8 Singles Grudge Match "Southern Heartthrob" Christian Michaels V.S. Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister Vice Senior Referee: Shawn Cain Written By: Taylor AKA WallStreet ((Christian Michaels and WallStreet have been bitter enemies since the day they met each other (which was in the summer of 05 when Michaels won the PWT Champion and WallStreet called him and their title a joke). Every so often we've seen the two push their rivalry to the side to embrace in a cause even greater then their hatred of each other... Burying BUD. Through this, and a classic one on one match where WallStreet and CM wrestled in the honor of Eddie Guerrero, The two grew a lot of respect for each other. That respect, however, was damaged when WallStreet left PWT & W2K in favor of the Heartthrob's (and at one time WallStreet's) sworn enemy, BUD! For years BUD and their distain there for was the only thing CM and WallStreet could agree on. Now with that out of the way, there's nothing stopping these two from tearing down the house at each other's expense LIVE in the I_C_W_A. )) Main Event PWT Heavyweight Champion V.S. ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Non-Title Steal Cage Match David Van Dam V.S Nic E Dangerously Referee: ICWA Senior Referee Tim White Written By: Taylor AKA WallStreet ((Last season before Nic Dangerously won the ICWA World Heavyweight championship he was projected to meet David Van Dam in the finals of a one night Four man tournament. Van Dam, however, notified ICWA right before the show that he'd be unable to make the event as a result of other comitments and the ICWA wouldn't hear from Van Dam again til an appereance against Christian Michaels on the Finale episode of Demented last season. Alot of people speculated that Van Dam left because he feared facing Nic Dangerously. But, Now Van Dam has the oppertunity to render all of those claims invalid as the King of the PWT mountain goes one on one with the king of the ICWA Mountain... And just incase Dangerously had ideas of getting help from Synergy or Van Dam getting aid from Matlock, We've intrapped them inside of a Steal Cage.)) Card Subject To Change | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | August 22nd, 2006. That’s the last time the Ultrastars of the ICWA performed under the ICWA Umbrella. It’s the last time that the green and black flowed through the blood of an entire globe�?It’s the last time that the world got to see the greatest wrestling show on earth. And what a glorious night it was. It was designed to be the last show of 2006 for the ICWA, and the last show before the new season which is projected to start sometime between March and June of 07. But the ICWA Nostalgia has been running ramped both amongst it’s long term fans and it’s superstars. The ICWA saw it, and we simply couldn’t bare to keep leaving our family and the fans there of in want. So now until the ICWA can come back full force, we offer an appetizer of sorts. A small dose of ICWA to tide us over till the new season begins. So please join us momentarily on the FX Network for a live two hour Holiday Spectacular. The final credits conclude from "That 70s Show" as the screen fades to black�?/FONT> The cameras slowly begin to come back into focus as we hear Eminem say "Yo�?It’s My Life�?In My Own Words I guess." With that we fade into a hype video as "When I’m Gone" By Eminem plays. The Dementa-Tron suddenly turns off as we see a series of red and green pyros shoot into the air as we can still hear "When I’m Gone" in the background. The cameras begin sweeping over the Hammerstein Ballroom�?/FONT> And then find their way to the commentary table where we see Bert Busch in red button up with a Green and Red tie that has Elves and Santas on it (as well as a black suit coat unbuttoned)�?Next to him is of course Jay Marshal who has on a green and red, Holiday edition Jay Marshal football jersey and a red Santa hat on. Busch, "Welcome to the EYE SEE DUBBYA EH! I’m Double B Bert Busch alongside ICWA Hall Of Famer "Destructive" Jay Marshal and folks, It’s such a distinct honor and privilege to be here calling the action for you again on this One Night Only, ICWA Holiday Spectacular!" Marshal, "No doubt Bert, It feels damn good to be back here in New York, and back on the FX Network!" Suddenly "Somebody’s Gonna Get It" by 3-6 Mafia blasts over the PA as the crowd erupts and we see the curtain move to the side�?/FONT> Busch, "And as we get ready to get things kicked off, here comes ICWA Women’s Champion Image Johnson!" Marshal, "I’ll tell ya Bert, I’ve never been big on the Women’s division in our sport, but Image Johnson’s one tough broad." Kevin Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the newest edition to the ICWA Commentary Team�?Immmmmmmage JOHNSON!" The crowd pops as Image waves to a few fans and slaps a few hands while coming to the bottom of the ring and rounding the fan barricade to head toward the commentary tables. Busch, "Well folks, you didn’t mishear Kevin Dart. As many of you probably know, Image Johnson has recently found out that she and Bobby are going to be welcoming a lil Johnson into the world in the next nine months or so, and as a result Image has decided to step down from active competition. However, She was asked to join our commentary team by the powers that be, and Image has quite obviously accepted the invitation." Marshal, "A Woman on commentary�?Great." Image rounds the ring while still shaking some hands with fans as Bert and Marshal both stand up at their position. Image comes over and walks around the commentary table, taking a seat at the end by Marshal as she shakes Bert’s hand and then Marshal’s. Image grabs an available headset and gets it up on her head as Bert says "Welcome to the team Mrs. Johnson." Image, "Oh please, just call me Image." Marshal, "Don’t get too comfy Image. You got nine months, most of which we’ll be on hiatus, and then you’re on mommy duty and out of my way." Image, "Nice to work with you too Jay." The three commentators take their seats as Bert says, "You’ll have to excuse him, he’s stuck in the early 1900s. But let me tell ya what isn’t out of date, The ICWA. And I reckon we’re fixin to prove it tonight with the all star card that’s before us!" Image, "Oh absolutely. A lot of great matches set up to take place but the one I think I might be the most excited about Bert, is the ICWA US Title Match�? The Dementa-Tron lights up with a promotional banner for the US Title match that makes the crowd pop�?/FONT> Busch, "ICWA United States Champion Bobby Johnson to defend his title here tonight against the man who made that very belt what it is today in "No Limits" Christian Skywalker, and folks this is a feud that’s been going strong since the beginning of last season and it shows no signs of dying down anytime soon." Marshal, "Maybe not, but speaking of major rivalries, we’ve got one that’s set for the record books�? The previous promotional banner disappears as the following replaces it, making the crowd erupt yet again�?/FONT> Busch, "The Southern Heartthrob Christian Michaels going one on one against the founder and owner of this very promotion in The WallStreet Brawler Taylor McCallister in a first ever "Uncensored" Match. And folks, the bad blood here has been boiling for over a year a half. These two met in a regular singles match in November of last year, and it was a brutal blood bath, so I shutter to think what could happen here tonight between these two." Image, "Speaking of Brutal�? The promotional banner changes one last time to show yet one last promotional banner which draws another huge eruption from the fans. Image, "PWT Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam is in the house and he’s going one on one with ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Nic E Dangerously and to add feul to the fire, it’s going to be housed inside of a fifteen foot steel cage!" Busch, "A lot of people claimed David Van Dam ran away the last time he was set to face Dangerously. There won’t be any running tonight as they’re trapped in that unforgiving cage which is hovering dismally over the ring as we speak." With that we fade to the ring where we see Beyonce Knowles, Kelly Rowlands, and Michelle Williams�?/FONT> Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Please rise for our National Anthem as presented by R&B music sensation, Destiny’s Child!" The crowd pops as the lights dim and the three beautiful music divas begin to sing The Star Spangled Banner Oh, sayyyy can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly weeeee hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming And the roccccckkkets' red glare, the bombs bursting in aiiiiir, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Ohhh say, does that star-spangled banner yet WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVVVVVVVVVEEEEE O'er the land of the freeeeeee-Hey and the home of theeeeeeee Brave... Brave... BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAVVVVEEEEEE... BRAAAAAAAAAVVVVVVEEEEEE The crowd erupts as we slowly fade to a commercial Break. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | When the cameras return we see Kevin Dart standing in the center of the ring�?/P> Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following contest is a Fatal Fourway and it is scheduled for ONEFALL!..." Bert, "Here we go, right into the opening bout�? All is grey in the forum, flashing across the screen are random splashes of black and white paint, slowly disolving into a picture of trees, which are by now crackling with the sound of a chian saw powering on, with the opening notes of "Gekruezigt" by Oomph! kicking in. A single spotlight shines down deep into the crowd, there he stands, feeding from their reactions. Slowly walking down the steps towards the ring, combat is only a moments away, and he's ready to engage. He climbs in the ring, ready for action, as Simon somehow found his way to the ring unnoticed via alternate means. Akasha's Theme song comes on over the PA system. The Lights go out except a single blood red spot light which makes it's way to the top of the ramp. Akasha comes out with her long black trenchcoat on out from behind the curtin. She makes her way down the ramp with the lights still out. She climbs into the ring and she raises her arms up and Red pyro goes off threw out the arena. The lights come back on and Akasha Yels for them to shut of her music. Taz and Royal are already in the ring, the ref signals for the bell as this opening contest is underway. Akasha starts this off by charging forwards, she jumps up being caught by Royal in a powerbomb position but she reverses it into a beautiful hurricanranna taking him down. Royal and Taz hook-up, Taz hits a stiff knee followed by a huge Tazplex really driving Sinner down hard. Akasha is up, she just waits as Taz gets up but is dropkicked in the back by Akasha sending Taz through the ropes out onto the floor. She gets up but is grabbed from behind by Sinner who lifts her up hitting a huge German Suplex but is then hit by a legdrop by Royal. Bert Busch- What fast pace action to get things started. Jay Marshal- Yep... Taz gets back in pissed off, he gets in behind Royal and latches on with the Katahajime trying to choke him out but he fights trying to reach for the ropes. Sinner is up and forearm shots Taz in the back causing him to release the hold, Akasha grabs the groggy Royal for a schoolboy pin. One... Two... Royal kicks out still in this thing, Sinner grabs Taz and hits an out of nowhere pumphandle slam sending him down to the mat hard, he hooks the leg. One... Two... Akasha with the break-up. Image Johnson- Close call there. Bert Busch- Agreed. Sinner holds the back of his head as Royal grabs him picking him up, he hits a huge chop to the chest rocking Sinner back as Akasha springboards off the middle rope hitting a huge moonsault onto Taz. Royal goes to chlothesline Sinner over the top rope but is backdropped over himself landing on the padded floor hard. Sinner remains in the ring, Akasha sees him as he lunges in but Akasha ducks under his grasp, she kicks him in the back of his leg causing him to stumble then kicking him again. Sinner falls to one knee as Akasha backs up then hits a dropkick to Sinner's face, she immediately hooks the leg. One... Two... Sinner benchpresses Akasha off of him with ease, he begins regaining his composure as Akasha gets up but is put right back down by a huge chlothesline by Taz. Bert Busch- What action here, hard to keep up. Image Johnson- No doubt. Jay Marshal- It's ok. Taz begins stalking Sinner, he charges forward chlotheslining him over the top rope but Taz too goes over with him, both men dumping out onto the floor. Here comes Royal back into the ring as Akasha is getting up, Royal smirks seeing this golden opportunity, he grabs Akasha from behind but she elkbows him to the face rocking him back. Meanwhile, Sinner and Taz are trading punches as Sinner hits a huge knee, he then lifts Taz up onto his shoulders and hits a brutal Unleashed onto Taz onto the floor as Akasha hits Royal with the Spine Chiller, she hooks the leg. One.. Sinner sees the pin. Two... Sinner gets in the ring. Three... Sinner is just to late, Akasha's theme hits as she rolls out of the ring, the ref follows raising her arm in victory. Kevin Dart- The winner of the match... AAKKASSSHAAAAAA. Akasha just backs up the ramp with that smile on her face. Busch, "Akasha Reed letting the world know that she could be a force to be reckoned with in the 2007 season." With that the cameras go to the backstage area where we see WallStreet (who draws a huge pop) and an unfamiliar European gentleman who resembles Craig Ferguson. WallStreet, "Well Mr. Flaherty, your GWC Athletes did a great job here tonight." Flaherty, "I believe they did so as well. You know mate, I was looking through the GWC Library and I see that it had an extensive history with the ICWA." WallStreet nods, "Indeed it did." Flaherty, "I see that you’re even a former GWC Heavyweight Champion, albeit not without controversy." WallStreet laughs, "Yeah�?Well call me Shawn Michaels because Controversy basically made me." Flaherty, "I’d be honored if you or any of your athletes would consider residing in our humble resurrection of the GWC while you await the fulltime resurrection of the ICWA." WallStreet, "You want me to come back to the Global Wrestling Corporation?" Flaherty, "Absolutely." WallStreet, "Well I’ll tell ya what Shane, I’ll stop by sometime soon and check things over. I’m not sure if my schedule will allow me to actively compete, but we’ll see what I can do. As for anybody else�?the ICWA Ultrastars are all welcome to work wherever they see fit. The ICWA’s a seasonal promotion and you can’t pay your bills on seasonal jobs, so they’re free to go to GWC, PWT, BUD or anywhere else they’d like to go. But I’ll drop the word around that they could have the opportunity to be seen every Saturday Night on this very same network, FX, at 8pm eastern standard time via GWC Impulse." Shane smiles and nods, "Thank ya mate, I appreciate it." WallStreet nods and the two shake hands as WallStreet pats him on the shoulder and says, "Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go tend to some other issues." Shane nods, "Of course." WallStreet begins to head off as Busch says, "Well folks, Adam Royal and Sinner were both here tonight curtosy of that man, GWC and Frontline Media CEO Shane Flaherty, who’s recently resurrected what was once ICWA’s sister promotion in the GWC." Marshal, "GWC a company rich in history. Melz Mercy and Lue Hunker got it going back in late 2002, and it wouldn’t be long before yours truly would dominate the ranks as GWC Heavyweight Champion. One of the accomplishments on my resume I hold nearest to my heart." Busch, "As WallStreet mentioned, you can catch GWC Impulse here on FX every Saturday Night at 8pm eastern, 7 central. Or check em�?out online at dubbya, dubbya, dubbya, dot Gee Dubbya Cee, dot com." As that’s being said we fade from WallStreet walking off to see�?/P> The ever so intimidating, nearly seven foot legendary monster in Jimmy Stryker walking toward the Gorilla position. Busch, "You can check out the GWC on Saturday, but right when we come back you can check out two men who have been at odds with each other for the last three years, finally meet one on one in a No Disqualifications contest as that man, ICWA Hall of Famer Jimmy Stryker goes one on one with former ICWA Hardcore Champion, Jamal "Dark Child" Atkins!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | When the cameras return to the show we see a red Dodge Viper pull into the arena parking lot. It draws to a spot with a sign in front of it. As we zoom in on the sign we read that it says The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Oh I think we know who this is�? The driver’s side door draws open, and out from it steps�?/P> Busch, "The Heavyweight Wrestlin�?Champion of the World! Nic DANGEROUSLY!" The crowd is going wild as we see the ICWA Champion, strap in hand, heading into the arena. Image, "Later on tonight he meets a man wrapped in controversy here in the ICWA, David Van Dam." Marshal, "Listen toots, I’m a man wrapped in controversy. David Van Dam just pulled a Sabu and got overbooked. The only thing that made it a big deal was �?just like Sabu �?He swore he’d be here, and in turn he was not here." Busch, "That’s your story and David’s story. The internet rumors however have been running rampid that Van Dam essentially "PHEERS" Nic Dangerously." Marshal, "One, Don’t ever speak smark to me again. Two, if I’m to believe everything I see on the internet then we’re irrelevant, MJ Storm’s a former heavyweight champion, and TNA is the mecca." Busch, "�?MJ Storm is a former Heavyweight champion." Marshal laughs, "Come on Bert, You can’t rib a ribber." Image, "No, he’s for real�?MJ was PWT Champion�? Marshal laughs, "You people�?April Fools day’s four months way, cut the crap." By now the scene has come back to the ring where Kevin Dart is standing by. Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall..... The lights in the arena begin to flicker as . "This Fire Burns" By Killswitch Engaged hits as the fans explode with loud chorus of booing. Jamal Atkins then comes out flipping everyone off as he just walks down the ramp and gets into the ring.. Jamal then once again for good measure on his behalf flips off everyone and then goes and stands near the corner looking up towards the enterance ramp. Dart: In the ring from Montreal, Quebec Canada weighing two hundred and twenty pound.................DARK CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Busch: Jamal ready for action to say the least against the man who he lost to the last time he faced him in ICWA.. "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. On the top of the stage you notice a good few puffs of smoke fly up, as the spotlights shoot throughout the smoke, a male figure appears on the rampway. The lights continue to flicker as the man makes his way down the rampway. The puffs of smoke shoot up every step that he makes, while on the way to the ring. While on his short walk. is a white spotlight that has shown about the halfway point to the ring as the big light and the flickers begin to work together. There you can see the man sliding in underneath the bottom rope as the lights continue to flicker over and over the dark black, the white bright color and the dark blue,as he is in the ring ready for his match to begin while the lights in the area, slowly make their way back to normal. "Dart: From Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing two hundred and ninety pounds, he is the Legendary Jimmy Stryker!!! Marshall: Speaking of him there is the former World and US Champ!! Busch: Yeah you got that right. Image: This guy is my homie no doubt about it. Jamal is just a pile of crap known to man today. Jimmy is gonna whip his ass. DING DING DING Jimmy then stares down Jamal and vice versa. We are now underway as the two men lock up. Jamal is seen pushing Stryker back to his corner as Stryker dosent seem to be fighting it to say the least. Stryker then sets himself in the corner, as Atkins then backs off, and charges him. Atkins nails the large Stryker with a clothesline but it took no effect. Atkins now wondering what he has to do to stop this man, as he then fights his way with hard rights and lefts to the jaw of Stryker. Atkins is then seen chopping Stryker hard across the chest. Stryker then drops to his knees in attempt to catch his breath from the shots to the chest that can knock the breath out of you. Atkins then smiles as he has Stryker down on his knees. Atkins then begins booting Stryker in the back of his head. Stryker then drops to the mat of the ring, as he then looks up at the crowd with a smile on his face. Stryker then pushes himself up, as he then begins to get to his feet as Atkins is right there trying to end things early. Atkins then covers Stryker. Darren: 1....Stryker with a massive kickout. Stryker then flies to his feet, as Atkins concerned now after the shots he delivered to Stryker. Stryker then is seen locking up with Atkins one more time, this time Stryker then lays a huge elbow into the head of Jamal. Atkins falls back a bit only to get an oncoming Stryker spinning heel kick sending Atkins to the mat hard holding the back of his head. Stryker then picks up Atkins, as he then whips him into the ropes, smart as it may come Atkins hangs onto the ropes. Jimmy then comes charging at Atkins full speed, clotheslining him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. Atkins small frame comes crashing down, as Atkins is seen trying t help himself back to his feet. Atkins then is met by Stryker and a hard stiff kick to the side of the head. Stryker then drops, sweeping the leg from behind sending the head of Atkins full force into th e barricade on the outside of the ring. Image: Now that is what you call offense!! Busch: But yeah that was some serious heat coming from Stryker!! Marshall: I cant disagree even when Atkins took it to him from the start of this matchup. With Atkins down, Stryker then grabs a hold of him as Darren's Count is now up to six. Stryker then rolls himself into the ring, and then back to the outside breaking the count. Stryker then grabs Atkins as he now whips him hard into the steel steps on one side of the ring. Stryker then watches as Atkins sits himself up moments later. Jimmy then takes off with his run, and dropkicks the head of Atkins into the steel steps. Atkins now dangling from the shot he took, as Stryker then smiles,grabbing him one more time. Atkins not fully with it finally grans the belt loops of Stryker's pants tossing him yet into the steel steps head first. Stryker is seen holding his head, as Stryker is now seen laying up across the steps. Atkins then takes off and delivers a knee to the head of Stryker which collides into the unforgiving steel of the steps. Stryker is now seen bleeding from the side of his head, as the shot had taken him down. Atkins then smiles, as he knows that the long time payback is being handed back to Stryker ten fold. Stryker then tries to get to his feet as Atkins then taunts the crowd and tells them that Stryker has been defeated already. Image: Stryker has been through worse, this is nothing. He is just playing with Atkins. Busch: I dont know about that. He is bleeding now Image. Marshall: And you think that Atkins really stands a chance here? Stryker may be good but this might be Atkins day. Image: He should be like the Atkins diet where the weight of the crap is just fading away. Jimmy now trying to get to his feet as he then turns away, from Atkins and is now walking towards the outside. He is aware however as he then slides back into the ring. Stryker then smiles as he then wipes his own blood onto his hands. Stryker then turns around as Stryker notices Atkins getting back into the ring. Stryker then watches as Atkins comes up to him. Atkins then tosses a punch at Stryker connecting to the jaw. Stryker then revs back and knocks Atkins square in the side of the head with his own right. Stryker then sends a knee to the gut of Atkins, and then nails Atkins with a quick efficient snap suplex, and then rolling on top of Atkins making the cover. 1.....2.....Jimmy lifts up Atkins not done with him yet. Jimmy then picks up Atkins, as Atkins then kicks Stryker in the midsection, and tosse him into the corner. Atkins then sends another kick to the midsection, and then climbs up to the top rope. Atkins then wraps his arm around the head of Stryker and nails Stryker with the Atkins Effect. Stryker is lying on the mat as Atkins then covers Stryker. Darren: 1.....2..... Busch: The hand is coming down for the three, but Darren looked up as Stryker's foot is on the rope. Image: See I told you he was a smart man. Atkins upset with the three count not being finished gets into the face of Darren Thomas. As Darren is explaning that Stryker's foot was on the rope before the count of three the match continued. A few moments later, Stryker is seen getting to his feet as Atkins is still arguing. Stryker now bleeding more from the head, as the move took a shot ripping him open a bit more. Stryker then bends down awaiting for Atkins to turn around. Stryker then watches as Atkins then turns around as BAM a huge kick to the head, of Atkins. Stryker then bends him down, and nails him with the Supreme Killing. Atkins is seen hitting the mat hard, as Stryker then smiles and making the cover on Atkins. Darren: 1..............2.....................3!!!!! DING DING DING!! Image: Now that win by Stryker was the best thing to happen here tonight. Well except my husband beating NLCS to a pulp right here tonight. Busch: This was the second time here in ICWA that Atkins was defeated by Stryker. Marshall: And this was the ending of Atkins career. I swear Stryker just made him look like a fool. Dart: Here is your winner...................THE LEGENDARY JIMMY STRYKER!!!!! Jimmy is seen getting out of the ring, as he then heads over to the announcers table, where Jimmy walks up to Image and gives her a friendly hug as she then smiles as the two chat for a moment. Jimmy then gives image one more quick friendly hug as Jimmy then heads off to the back before the next segment. The cameras fade to the back with the hint of "Right Now" by Korn still in the background only briefly as we see�?/P> Drew Stevenson. The crowd in the Hammerstein Ballroom erupts as Stevenson has a huge Internet following and is relatively over with the cult audience despite his lack of Hardcore wrestling. As we see him standing their, finishing the lacing of his boots we hear a voice�?/P> "Are ya red-ey Drew? Can ya feeeel the en-agy of da Eye See Dubbya Ehhh?" The cameras pan back and we see the legendary Dusty Rhodes walk into the scene. Drew nods, "Man Dusty, I was born for this. It’s the dawning of a huge opportunity." Dusty pats Drew on the shoulder and says, "Good�?Now lets go and do to MJ Sto-wm what I dee-id on so many-a-cassions to his managa Ted Debiase�?Because the whippin�?MJ Sto-wm’s gonna get is gonna be SHAMEFUL! The Whippin�?Ted Debiase is gonna get, is gonna be SHAMEFUL! Nah let’s get em!" Drew nods and then slams his hands together making a loud clap as the two begin to head off down the hallway heading toward the gorilla position. The cameras follow as Busch says, "Well folks when we get back it’s Storm, Stevenson, and the opportunity to compete for any ICWA Title they’d like in 07�?It’s a championship opportunity on the line, but more importantly, it’s pride!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | The fans are buzzing about after getting back to their seats with their drinks and food items. They're waiting for one of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Firefly' by Breaking Benjamin begins to blare over the pa system and the words to the opening verse is seen on the Dementa-tron: You my friend You're a lot like them But I cut your line And you know I did Now I'm lost in you Like I always do And I'd die to win 'Cause I'm born to lose The lights begin to flicker red and orange as we see some red smoke appear on the stage as it lingers there. The black curtain flicks open as the words And I'd die to win are heard, and appearing on the stage is M.J. Storm. He begins to walk down the entrance ramps as we then hear the ring announcer speak. Kevin Dart: Making his way to the ring, from Madison, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, he is "The Fallen Superstar" M.J. Storm!!!!!!!! M.J. finishes walking down the ramp, and slides into the ring. He walks over to a set of ropes, and jumps on them, bouncing. He then hops down and turns to a stagehand and hands them his leather trenchcoat,and gets ready for his match. Kevin Dart- And his opponent... The arena lights suddenly just shut off consuming the arena into complete darkness. The sudden engulfing of a massive bright spotlight shines down onto the entry area, the fans try looking through it but it is far too bright to see through it with the naked eye. Suddenly, the public address sound system comes on playing ''Burning Bright'' by Shinedown just as the stage is still engulfed in the massive light. After a few seconds, the spotlight begins fading away and the arena lights return to life as there stands Drew Stevenson with his hands on his hips just looking out nodding as these fans cheer him, he just begins walking down the aisle sporting his usual attire which consists of dark green Chute Boxe style shorts, dark green kneepads, boots and his hands taped up in dark green tape as well. He begins walkng down the aisle until he gets down to the ring, he quickly rolls into the ring from under the bottom rope immediately getting back to his feet just pacing the ring simply awaiting for the bell to ring thus getting this match underway. Kevin Dart- From Seymour, Missouri, weighting in at two hundred and fifty pounds.... ''THE EMERALD'' DDREWWW SSTEVEEENSOOONNN. The referee signals for the bell as we get this match officially underway. Drew and MJ begin circling around eachother, this match holding alot at stake as they get closer and MJ starts it off with a basic headlock. He applies pressure as Drew grabs under his leg, he lifts him up hitting a textbook backdrop as MJ hits the canvas hard releasing the hold, Drew immediately goes for the legs looking to try applying on his finisher The Career Killer but MJ kicks him in the gut dropping Drew to one knee, he then sits up throwing some punches into the face of Drew to regain his momentum. After three punches, MJ gets back to his feet, he goes for a fourth punch but Drew catches MJ's arm and trips him then locking on an armbar really showing his great submission skills here. Bert Busch- What a great counter by Drew, he is really showing his submission skills here. Jay Marshal- He's looking decent, not great. Image Johnson- I know how Drew is, he is very tough. Drew keeps the armbar locked on, MJ begins getting to his side and up enough to where he begins throwing a few hard punches causing Drew to release the hold. MJ begins shaking his arm to get it back to proper as Drew is getting back to his feet, MJ sees this and hits a stiff kick to Drew's gut then stuffing Drew's head under his left arm, he falls backwards hitting Drew with a DDT driving him face first into the canvas then rolling him over hooking the leg. One... Two... Th... Drew gets the shoulder up just in time, it is definitely not over yet. Image Johnson- Drew showing great resillience here guys. Bert Busch- No doubt Image, you are definitely correct. MJ is on his knees, he just gets back up and hits a nasty looking soccer type kick right into Drew's gut causing him to roll around in pain. MJ just puts on a smirk as the fans are booing him tremendously but he really doesn't care. After a moment, MJ bends down grabbing Drew by the hair pulling him up to his feet, he then lifts him up putting him back down to the canvas with a hard scoop slam and then out of nowhere MJ goes for Drew's legs, he gets the figure four locked in as Drew screams out in pain as this move hurts terribly. The referee checking to see if Drew quits but he says no as MJ smiles really doing the damage here to Drew's already bummed knee. Jay Marshal- MJ is smart, he is already trying to take out Drew's knee. Bert Busch- Well... It is smart. Drew begins reaching for the ropes but he is to far away, he lies on his back riving in pain as both shoulders are down and the ref sees this. One... Two... Drew gets back on his elbows stopping the count, he tries sitting up to punch MJ but MJ lies down getting out of the way. We can suddenly hear the fans chanting ''C'mon Drew'' repeatedly trying to get him in this thing. Drew begins breathing hard, the adrenaline beginning to rush through his body as he begins fighting to roll over on his stomache to reverse the pressure to MJ instead. Bert Busch- These fans really rallying behind Drew here. Image Johnson- They always do Bert! Drew keeps fighting until he gets it reversed, MJ then screams and breaks the hold quickly as Drew holds his knee trying to get over to the ropes to pull himself up inwhich he does, however, that is cut short as MJ charges at him diving forward hitting a chop block taking Drew down again trying to literally destroy his knee. Drew rolls out of the ring onto the black padded floor, he is limping majorly as MJ gets out behind him, he shoves Drew forwards sending him knee first into the steel steps as he hits them hard then hitting the padded flooring clutching his knee in a great deal of pain. The fans looking on worried for Drew as he is really in trouble here. Jay Marshal- MJ has this in the bag. Bert Busch- Not yet he doesn't. Image Johnson- You are foolish if you count Drew out. MJ walks over to Drew, he lifts him up then shoving him hard face first into the ring post as Drew hits the ground hard, his face quickly being covered in the proverbial crimson mask. MJ rolls into the ring as the ref is at four. Five... Six... Drew begins stirring to, the blood really rushing down his face. Seven... Eight... Drew gets to the apron. Nine... He gets back in the ring just in time, the fans gasping. The blood already pouring out onto the grey canvas staining it as MJ grabs Drew pulling him to his feet, Drew begins throwing a few punches rocking MJ back, he quickly grabs him in the Rock Bottom position but swings MJ overhead hitting a textbook Sambo Suplex beginning to build the much needed momentum. Image Johnson- Drew coming back. Bert Busch- Sure is Image. Drew pulls himself back up to his feet, he bends down to grab MJ but MJ hits a punch to Drew's knee dropping him immediately. Drew holds it riving in pain as the blood continues to pour out onto the canvas. Jay Marshal- The question being... How long can Drew go on a bummed knee and losing all of this blood? MJ smiles and grabs Drew, he begins getting very cocky when out of nowhere Drew leaps out grabbing MJ driving him face first into the canvas with Greatness as both men lie there and the ref begins the standard ten count. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... MJ begins stirring. Seven... Drew begins stirring. Eight... Nine... Both men get up stopping the count. Bert Busch- That was close. Jay Marshal- Really? Drew and MJ are to their feet, MJ hitting a stiff kick to Drew's gut folding him over, he then lifts him up on his shoulders looking for the MJ drop but Drew slips out of it getting behind him, he quickly puts his head under MJ's arm then lifts him up hitting the Final Conflict and slowly hooking the leg. One... Two... Three... The bell rings as these fans explode in cheers, Drew still bleeds everywhere as the ref raises his hand in victory. Bert Busch- DREW DID IT! HE DEFEATED MJ! Image Johnson- I told you to never count him out. Jay Marshal- Meh... Kevin Dart- The winner of the Holiday Cheer match, ''THE EMERALD'' DDRREWW SSTEEEEEVEEEENSOOOONNN. Drew sits on his knees, he just sits there taking in deep breaths as the blood keeps pouring down his face quite profusely. Busch, "What a display by these two young, magnificent athletes!" Image, "Absolutely. Drew wanted this one bad and you can see that with each bead of blood that continues to hit the canvas from his forehead." Marshal, "Pfft. I made people bleed all the time. It doesn’t mean they want it, it means they got their ass beat." With that the cameras go to the back where we see DSL sitting in a�?a�?MAKE UP CHAIR?!?! Behind her we see our make up artist Cassie fluffing her hair a bit as DSL kinda sorta resembles a chick. "Heh�?I’m not sure why you’re bothering getting prettied up. I’m just going to make you ugly again, real quick." DSL gets a look of annoyance as she spins in the chair and we see Summer Stratus smirking. DSL, "Ya know, the Women’s title really isn’t my thing, but�?Just to be a bitch I’m going to win it just because I know you want it. And when I do, then we’ll see who’s ugly." Summer snickers, "Well, if you can be pulled from your little makeover long enough, why don’t we go find out right now." DSL snickers and nods her head as she says, "Well then, by all means, Lets go." With that she pushes herself out of the chair as Summer just rolls her eyes. Busch, "When we come back the vacated Women’s title is on the line as Summer Stratus, DSL, and former Hardcore champion Nikki Black meet in a Triple Threat match." The cameras fade to commercial. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | When the cameras return from commercial the Dementa-Tron lights up�?/P> The following is an ICWA Hallmark Keepsake Moment�?/FONT> | The following is a Hallmark Keepsake Moment�?/STRONG> The Following Footage Provided Curtosey of The Johnson Family’s Personal Home Video Collection�?/STRONG> Image: "Now the good part…the present. Each year, it gets harder and harder to find something that you’ll love. I do it, but it’s never easy. This year, though, it was. Actually, I’ve got two presents for you. First, there’s this�? Brianna hands her a small gold box with a red ribbon tied around it, then steps back. Image turns back to Bobby and places it in his hand. He smiles, then opens the box. His eyes light up, and he lifts a brand new Presidential Rolex up in the air. The lights hit the diamonds that circle the watch’s face and nearly blind some of the guests. Image: "You like?" Bobby nods, then leans over and kisses Image to thank her for the incredible gift. Everyone claps, of course, and Bobby holds it up for them to get a better look. Once the room is quiet again, Image is ready to give him his other gift. Image: "Now for the big one�? Ooohs and aahhs escape from the guests, and the crowd parts. A ginormous cake, standing about eight feet tall and about three feet around, is rolled right to him. Well aware of his wife’s naughty side, he grins slyly. He figures there’s got to be a stripper in there. True enough, there IS a stripper inside of the cake. She pops right out of the top, wearing very little. On cue, the burlesque music plays, and she begins to move sexily towards Bobby. He’s given a chair and he takes a seat, ready to enjoy the show. The stripper dances all around him, then straddles his lap and holds up a sign that says "Congratulations Daddy!". Bobby reads the sign, then looks at the stripper, puzzled. He looks over at Image, who is grinning widely. Bobby: "What?" Image: "Congratulations, daddy…we’re pregnant!" The cheers from the crowd are deafening. Whistles and shouts of "way to go, Bobby!" echo through the ballroom. Image stands there, smiling at her husband, waiting for him to say something... That’s the ICWA Hallmark Keepsake�?This Holiday Season, let your loved ones know how special they are�?Make It Hallmark. 
| With that the cameras fade down to the commentary team. Busch: "Welcome back, folks! For those of you who are just joining us, Jay and I have been joined here at the commentator’s table with the former ICWA Women’s Champion Image Johnson. As you just saw in that Hallmark Keepsake, Image has recently announced that she and her husband, MSN‘s own Bobby Johnson, are expecting! Therefore, for obvious reasons, Image has given up her title as ICWA Women‘s Champion, and we‘re going to crown a new women‘s champ here tonight. Congratulations once again, Image." Image: "Thank you so much, Bert." Marshal: "What exactly is it that you‘re expecting, Image?" He smirks, and Image shoots him a nasty glare. Busch: "Don’t pay him any mind, Image; he’s just worried that with you down here calling the matches, he won’t have a job much longer." Marshal: "Pfft…I’m not worried about that." Image chuckles. Image: "Oh, but you should be. Be afraid, little man…be VERY afraid." Busch laughs, but Marshal isn’t quite as amused. Marshal: "Let’s just get back to announcing, ok?" The lights in the arena dim, through the sound system, Fuel's "Won't Back Down" begins low .. I know what darkness means (and the void you left for me) The isolation stings (so thick it wants to bleed) The echoes in my brain (of the things you said to me) You took my everything .. (NOW I'M COMING FOR YOU!) Kevin Dart: "This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the ICWA Women’s Championship title. Making her way to the ring…from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing in at 145 pounds…Nikkkkiiiii Black!" Two pyro's explode simultaniously on either side of the stage, forming a thick cloud of smoke, Nikki steps through the smoke, she stands motionless, letting her eyes roam over the crowd. She shoots her hand in the air and runs down the ramp. As she reaches the ring, she hops on the apron and turns and places her back against the ropes. After a moment she back flips on the ropes into the ring. She hits the four corner posts and plays to the crowd, then hops down and makes her way to the middle of the ring where she waits for her opponents. Busch: "There she is, folks; the first of the three ladies fighting for the Women’s Championship belt tonight. What do you think about Nikki Black, Image?" Image: "I happen to be a BIG fan of hers, Bert. I’ve had the pleasure of facing Nikki on two occasions, and I can tell you that she is probably one of the most powerful, most dominant women that there is on the circuit today!" Marshal: "Kissass�? Image: "Keep it up, Jay, and I’m going to do you what I did to Fecca over in PWT." Marshal: "And what exactly did you do to Fecca? Call him a bunch of big word insults and threaten to claw his eyes out?" Image: "How bout I show you�? Image goes to stand up, but Busch holds her back and gets her to sit back down. Busch: "Easy now, Image; you’ve got a baby on the way. As for you, Jay, I’d watch it if I were you. In case you’ve forgotten, Image Johnson slapped the taste out of Fecca’s mouth over in PWT. Twice, in fact. If you don’t want to be the next one getting bitch slapped, I’d suggest laying off the smart-ass comments." Marshal: "Whatever�? Image: "Hate to cut you off, Jay, but participant number two is on her way out to the ring." "You Can Run" Billy Kidmans old theme hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. Kevin Dart: "And now on her way to the ring…from New York City, New York, weighing in at 135 pounds…Da Sweeeeet Lunatic!!!" On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. She looks around as the fans continue to boo her. Busch: "Alright…the second lady competing in tonight’s match." Marshal: "Lady? Are you sure about that, Bert? I mean, as far as I know, it’s never actually been proven." Image: "That may very well be, Jay, but she’d still kick YOUR ass, now wouldn’t she?" Busch holds up his hand for Image to give him a "high five"." Busch: "Nice!" Image: "Thank you, Bert." Busch: "I already know I’m going to love having you around here." Marshal: "That makes one of us." Busch: "So Image…your thoughts on DSL?" Image: "DSL is a solid competitor. She’s another great female wrestler." Busch: "Do you think she’s championship material?" Image: "Absolutely! DSL has held her fair share of titles. The thing is, she’s out of her element tonight, Bert. DSL isn’t a women’s division competitor." Marshal: "See…I told you she’s really a man." Image: "You’re an idiot, Jay. What I’m saying is that DSL hasn’t competed in the women’s division of any company for quite some time. She’s more of an intergender competitor." Busch: "Do you think that will play a part in how she performs tonight?" Image: "Not at all…she’s still a competitor, right? I mean, Nikki Black’s an intergender competitor as well. These two women have gone up against some of the biggest male superstars in the business, so I‘d consider it more of an advantage than a hinderance." Busch: "Good point." Marshal: "If you could stop the asskissing, Bert, we just might hear the announcement." Summer stands in the gorrilla position, listening to the crowd as they wait for something to happen. As "Hot in Here" by Nelly plays, she steps out from behind the curtain and stand on top of the entrance ramp with her hands on her hips. Kevin Dart: "Now making her way to the ring…from Toronto, Ontario, Canada and weighing in at 120 pounds…Summmerrrr Straatusss!" Busch: "I’ve got to say I’m surprised at just how confident Summer looks heading into the ring. You’d never know by her demeanor that she’s the match’s biggest underdog. Wouldn’t you agree, Image?" Image: "Absolutely! I mean, she’s looking like she’s got this one in the bag; of course, we all know better than that." Marshal: "Really? Didn’t she beat you, Image?" Image: "Yes she did. Once, over in W2K." Busch: "Now then…why don’t you remind the nice folks, and this jackass, how many times you beat her." Image: "Two or three…who’s counting?" She walks down the ramp with a smile on her face as she hears the boos from the crowd. As she reaches the bottom of the ramp, she slides in the ring under the bottom rope. As she gets to her feet, she walks over to the ropes and point out into the crowd as cameras flash. She does this on the opposite side of the ring as well before her music cuts and she paces the ring. Busch: "Listen to this crowd…they’re showing the newcomer NO mercy whatsoever." Image: "They’re not supposed to, Bert. She hasn’t earned their love OR their respect." Referee Ken Martel holds the title belt up above his head and the crowd cheers. He hands it off to someone down on the floor, and signals for the bell. Immediately out of the gate, it’s all Summer Stratus. She gives Nikki Black a Chick Kick to the side of the head, and Nikki Black is knocked to the mat. Summer gets down on the mat and puts Nikki in an abdominal stretch. Busch: "It looks like Summer’s gotten herself the upper hand very early on in this match. Look at how she’s going to work on Nikki Black." Image: "Bad move there, Bert. That’s a big mistake on her part. All she’s doing is wearing herself out way too early in the match. That, and pissing off Nikki. Not a good combination, if you ask me." Marshal: "That’s garbage, Image. Summer’s got a strategy, a plan of attack. She knows that if she wants to win, she’s got to win it early on." As Summer tries to tighten the stretch on Nikki, she’s forced to let go by a hard boot to the back of the head, courtesy of DSL. She goes down hard, face-first into the mat. While Nikki regains her barings, DSL seems more than happy to occupy herself with driving her heel down into the side of Summer’s face. When the referee sees that she’s not stopping anytime soon, he orders her to stop and warns her about that sort of behavior. DSL just grins. Busch: "Good job by referee Ken Martel of keeping these ladies in line here tonight." Marshal: "Like hell he is. DSL’s just humoring him; she’s got no intentions of fighting fair. That’s not her style." Image: "You’re probably right, Jay. Damn…that’s a scary thought." Meanwhile, Nikki Black is up on her feet, and now she’s zeroing in on DSL. As DSL turns in her direction, she’s met head-on with a Spear. DSL drops to the mat with a loud thud, and Nikki pounces. She drives her fist into DSL’s face over and over again, looking like she’s relieving some pent-up stress. Once she’s got her fill of that, she jumps to her feet and pulls DSL up by her hair. Then, she levels her with a Tornado DDT. Busch: "My God! What a move by Nikki Black! She looks like she’s trying to hurt DSL." Marshal: "Come on, Bert…you know you can’t kill crazy." Image: "No, but you sure as hell can give it a good ass whoopin." All this time, Summer is still on the mat, barely moving. Feeling pretty good about the way things are going for her, Nikki Black climbs the turnbuckles and attempts to finish DSL off with a Swanton Bomb. Unfortunately for her, DSL’s got enough energy left in her to move out of the way, and Nikki comes crashing down. Now, all three of the women are down on the mat. Busch: "DSL moves out of the way just in time to avoid Nikki Black’s Swanton Bomb, and now all three women are hurt." Image: "You know, DSL never ceases to amaze me. Just when you think she’s taken all she can possibly take, she finds a way to pull it together long enough to come up with a quick save and keeps herself in the match." Now, the women are beginning to stand. It’s Summer who gets back up on her feet first, though; she doesn’t wait for DSL to stand before she’s playing catchback for what DSL had done to her at the start of the match. Summer pulls DSL up off of the mat, then levels her with a Piledriver. Then, she quickly yanks her up yet again, this time Irish Whipping her into the ropes and greeting her with a Clothesline. Busch: "What a clothesline! Summer has just knocked DSL right off of her feet." Marshal: "See…I told you two from the start that Summer would be the one walking out of here with the Women’s title." Image: "Uh, I don’t think so, Jay. She’s good, but she’s just not good enough." Busch: "She’s going for the pin." The referee counts�?/FONT> One�?/FONT> Two.. Th- kickout by DSL! Image: "What did I tell you? It’s not going to be that easy for Summer to win." Frustrated, Summer starts yelling at the referee for counting too slow. Out of nowhere, Nikki Black catches her off guard and nails her with a Spinning heel kick. Nikki Black laughs as Summer hits the deck, only to be met with an Inverted DDT from DSL. Busch, "Good God!" DSL Rolls Summer over and hooks the far leg as Nikki raises an eyebrow, unable to believe that she’s really trying to pin Summer right in front of her. Referee Chris Martin drops down and begins to count ………�?………………�?……………�?Nikki kicks DSL in the back of the head breaking up the count. Busch, "I’m not quite sure about that strategy from DSL." Nikki lifts DSL up by the hair and begins delivering a couple of hard closed fists, making DSL back up til she’s against the ropes nearest the commentary table. Nikki grabs DSL by the wrist, presses her against the ropes, and Irish whips her across the ring. DSL rushes across the ring as Nikki Black gives chase. Lunatic’s back hits the ropes and Black comes barreling across looking for a clothesline but at the last second DSL drops down and wraps her legs and arms around the top rope, bring it down with her and creating a low bridge, using Black’s own momentum against her as she goes up and over the ropes to the outside floor. The crowd pops as DSL turns around and sees that Summer’s pulling herself up on the ropes nearest the commentary table. DSL charges across the ring and just as Summer gets to her feet DSL Connects with a massive clothesline that makes Stratus go right through the second and top ropes, falling on the outside canvas and bouncing out to the floor. The crowd pops again as DSL Stands in the ring alone, posing to the fans. Image, "DSL’s on fire here, and good for her. She really prepped hard for this match." On the floor Stratus is back to her feet and doesn’t look none too pleased. Stratus happens to glance over and notice Image at the commentary table. Summer comes over talking trash. Image, "Pfft. Go get back in the ring before you get yourself hurt kid." Summer’s head bounces around a little, almost like D-Lo Brown for those of you who can remember him. Image, "Listen Summer, I’m trying to keep my compos�? Summer suddenly reaches across and slaps Image with such force that it echoes through out the arena. The crowd boos as Image’s eyes draw wide, fire flicking in her pupils. Summer just smirks, turns around, and slides back into the ring. Image, "That little _________" Suddenly we hear ruffling on her mic, till we hear her headset hit the desk. Bert, "What are ya doin�?Image you’re pregnant, you don’t need to do anything�? Back in the ring Chris Martin is over, looking down at the floor on the rampside. Nikki Black is holding her ankle outside, it looks like she may have fractured it or suffered a severe sprain. As Martin is trying to check on her, DSL grabs the re-entering Summer, delivers a couple of right hands, and then goes for an Irish whip. Summer zips across the ring and ends up slamming into Referee Chris Martin, driving his chest into the strong cable ropes, and making him drop down to the mat holding his chest. As he does so We see Image slide into the ring with her women’s championship. DSL grabs Summer from behind and turns her around as the crowd is going wild and Image does some Austin like trash talk with the belt in hand. She then darts across the ring and leaps into the air, leading with the belt�?but as she leaves her feet Summer suddenly breaks DSL’s hold and leaps out of the way�?DSL’s eyes grow wide just in time for her to be wrapped across the forehead by Image and the Women’s championship. Image hits the mat and instantly rolls out of the ring, not having time to look back and see that she hit the wrong woman. Busch, "DSL JUST GOT KNOCKED OUT! Image was Seeking revenge on Summer, but Summer darted out of the way and DSL got nailed!" Summer rushes over and hooks the far leg as Chris Martin rolls over, clenching his chest with his left hand. Image looks back and her eyes grow wide as she realizes what happened. She grabs her hair with both hands as Martin counts ……………………�?……………………�?…………………………�?! The crowd erupts with boos as "Hot In Here" by Nelly blasts over the PA. Dart, "Your Winner and the NEW ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPION�?SUMMER_STTTTTTTTRATUSSSS!" Summer smirks as she points out to Image and then to her newly won Women’s title. Image slaps the mat, clearly frustrated that her attack backfired. Bert, "Whether it be by hook or by crook, Summer Stratus has regained possession of the ICWA Women’s title. But ya have to believe that as soon as Image is able, she’ll be coming back for what’s rightfully her’s." Marshal, "And Summer’ll be right there to burn her ass the same way she did DSL’s!" Summer goes up on the turnbuckles and raises the belt into the air. As she does Image slides back into the ring, making the crowd pop�?/P> Bert, "Come on now�?You’re with child, get out of there before ya get yourself hurt." Summer drops down off the ropes, turns around, and�?SMACK! Busch, "MIRROR IMAGE! MIRROR IMAGE! IMAGE JOHNSON JUST DROPPED THE WOMEN’S CHAMPION WITH THE MIRROR IMAGE!" The Mirror Image of course being a variation of Bobby’s Killa Kick which is essentially the Sweet Chin Music. The crowd is going wild as Summer is out in the center of the ring. Image walks over and grabs the Women’s title which ended up landing in the corner. She picks it up, snickers, and then lays it across the belly of Summer before she drops down and rolls out of the ring, heading back for the commentary table. Bert, "She may be pregnant but bah gawd that don’t mean she can’t still kick a lil ass!" With that the cameras go to the back where we see Greg Davidson standing with Matt Matlock. Davidson, "Good evening fans! I’m Greg Davidson and it’s a pleasure to be back in the ICWA even if it’s for One Night Only. With me is former nWWF-CWA Unified Champion Matt Matlock who’s about to go into a Ladder match for the right to cement himself as one of the greatest nWWF-CWA Champions of all time and to obtain a specially made commemorative championship belt in honor of such. But Matlock�?It looks like you still have the title belts from your last reign even though they were to be combined into the ICWA Championship which is currently around the waist of the man we saw earlier, Nic E. Dangerously (crowd pops)." Matlock, "Very observant ass-munch. Yeah, technically these belong to Nic, but ya know what, Nic doesn’t need em�? Nic has seven W2K Championships on his wall. He has two PWT Championships on his wall. He has the ICWA Championship on his waist. So I kept em�? And ya know what, Maybe Nic did TECHNICALY Win these belts, but in my eyes, I’m the very last nWWF-CWA Unified champion. Nic’s the first Undisputed champion, fine. But I’m the last nWWF-CWA Champion, and nobody can take that from me. I want to use an old cliché here Greg, it was always said to me that ya save The Best for Last. That’s exactly what the ICWA Did with the nWWF-CWA Championships. Sure, there were other champions�?Sting, James, Angle, Jarrett, Marshal, WallStreet, Ross�?But they saved The Best, for Last. Me. Matt Matlock. Because ya see Ryan Ross�?What you see before you is 100%... Pure�?Unadulterated�?Grade A�?Greatness�?And as a result that means, I’m better than you, you just won’t admit it. So get ready to watch me climb that ladder, grab that belt, and go on about my business. Because you Ryan Ross�?You aren’t worthy to wipe my creamy load off your girl’s face!" With that Matlock throws his hand up enough to implicate that he’s brushing Davidson off now, and walks off down the hallway as we switch over to Ryan Ross standing infront of a monitor. Ross, "Pfft�?Alright Matlock. We’ll see Pillsbury, we’ll see." Busch, "This one’s gonna be violent, it’s gonna be exciting, it’s gonna be personal, It’s gonna be NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | [ Beloved ICWA senior official Tim White is in the irng as we return from a commercial break. He has the special Unified version of the CWA-nWWF Heavyweight title in hand. White holding the title up and showing it to every side of the arena that has fans seated. The formerly suicidal ref then hooking the title onto the loop. The fans watching as the title is then lifted and suspended fifteen to twenty feet in the air. Double B: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the ICWA Holiday Spectacular! We've had some exciting matches already for you here tonight, but get ready for this next one. It should be a doozy and thats something I'd think you'd atest to partner. Right? Marshal: What makes this any more special than the previous matches? I mean yeah, this one has a ladder involved, but the folks out here earlier didn't need to raid home depot to have a great match. Double B: That's true Jay, but you can't deny that there a special connection with the fans and ladder matches. You virtually have the people going up and down these ladders emotionally with the star they choose to back Marshal: Emotionally? Look Burt if you wanna talk about emotions and all that crap you need to head on over to the Doctor Phil show. But I will give ya that these ladder matches offer a little bit more brutality. Cause it is great to hit an opponent with something and not worry about getting disqualified for it. [ At this point good ole Kevin Dart has entered the ring. Kevin Dart: This next match is the CWA-nWWF Unified Heavyweight title LADDER match! [ The crowd pops loudly as everyone loves a good ladder match. Kevin Dart: The rules of the ladder match are as follows: Above me hangs the special unified version of the CWA-nWWF Heavyweight championship. To win the match, you must beat your opponent to the point they can not interfere as you climb the ladder. You must then proceed to climb the ladder and gain possession of the championship. The person who does so will then be recognized as the UNIFIED CWA-nWWF Heavyweight champion [ Once again the fans pop nicely. Double B: Folks if you're wondering where our special third member of tonight's broadcast team is......Well she stepped out for a bite to eat. Marshal: She's not that pregnant yet. Double B: I didn't say she was, I just said that she was out to get a bite to eat. Marshal: Pffft. She's a woman. She's probably off powdering her nose or something. [ The entire arena waits in silence. They know who's coming, and they're saving their breath to boo. Suddenly, loud music comes blaring over the speakers of the arena, along with a voice...
Don't hate me, because I'm beautiful Don't hate me, because I'm the best Don't hate me, because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest...do [ The song picks up in pace, as we see Matt Matlock emerge from the backstage area, with his usual out of ring attire on. Pyros shoot off in a shower at the top of the stage, as Matlock slides each belt down to a hand and spins around, raising them up in the air. Following this, he makes his way to the ring and climbs inside. As he does, the song is coming to a close, with pyro blasting at all four corners once during each of the final lines.
Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm beautiful Don't hate me (BOOM!) because I'm the best Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest do Love Me
BOOM! [ Each time the pyro blasts, Matt sticks his arms straight into the air, pointing at that unified belt. As the final explosion goes off, he hands his belts to the ref and then removes his hat, ring, cross and shades as he gets ready to tangle with his opponent. Kevin Dart: Now standin in the ring, awaiting his opponent.......Hailing from Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, Canada......MATTTTTTTTTT MATLOCKKKKKKK!!!!! [ The crowd booing loudly at Matlock. He gives them all a one-finger alute and they eat it up. Matt smirking as Kevin Dart gets ready to introduce his opponent. Kevin Dart: And the opponent......Hailing from The City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia........RYYYYYYYYYYAN ROSSSSSSSS!!!! [ The Lights in the arena black out to nothing and "Breathe Into Me" begins to play as I hits the main guitar chords, Red strobe begin to flare across the arena. Then Ryan Ross steps out from behind the curtain, and poses for the fans similar to how Randy Orton does as red sparks rain down from the Tron. Double B: Hey! Matlock's trying to steal this thing before Ryan even gets to the ring! Marshal: That's what I'd do. I'd go ahead and win the match and then beat the hell out of my opponent anyways. [ At the top of the ramp, Ross notices Matlock sliding into the ring with a ladder. he starts running down the ramp as Matlock sets the ladder up and starts his climb. Matt is near the top when Ross slides in the ring. Apparently not thinking that he has time to get the belt, Matlock throws himself off the ladder at Ryan in a cross body block. However Ross jumps into it with a dropkick. Both men hit the mat and roll away from one another. Matlock is holding his gut and Ross his back. Its about now that Image climbs back over the ringside barricade with some nachoes an a soda. Image: Hi guys, what'd I miss? Marshal: Apparently getting me that sammich I asked for in the break. Image: Keep it up pal and you'll be wearing these nachoes and have a soda cup stickin outta your ass. Double B: I guess you heard that Jay. Marshal: Whatever. [ In the ring Matlock an Ross get back up about the same time. Both come at each other with haymaker right hands, and both connect with them. Ross falls back into a corner form the impact. Meanwhile ole Matlock falls back to the ladder. He quickly folds it up and tosses it at Ross in the corner. Somehow Ryan manages to duck outta the corner just in time to advoid contact. he then springs from t he ropes and takes Matlock down with a clothesline. Matt hitting the mat and then rolling back to his feet with the quickness. It only serves to get him mowed back down once again. Ross is building a head of steam and Matlock is a lil slower getting up after that one. However when he does, he's scopped up and slammed to the mat. And yeah, it was a scoop slam. Double B: Ryan Ross is building up some momentum here..... [ As Matlock holds his lower back, Ross walks back to the corner and grabs the ladder. He looks down at Matlock who instantly begs Ryan not to do anything rash. However Ross looks at the crowd and they give their approval. He smirks at Matlock and then slams the ladder down onto him! The metal ladder hitting flesh making a sickening thud. Marshal: Now that's how you use a ladder. None of that fancy see-saw crap like what got Joey Mercury placed on the injured list. You just throw it at someone! YEAH! Image: Is he always this hard for violence? Double B: You have no idea. Sometimes I swear he's going to orgasm all over the announce table here. Marshal: You two realize I'm hearing everything in my headset......Right? [ Image and Double B hush up for now. In the ring again, Ryan Ross is aacending to the top turnbuckle. Matlock is under the ladder still, trying to show loose the cob-webs. Meanwhile Ryan springs on the top turnbuckle for a moment before he leaps off with his finisher known as "Adrealine". That of course being his version of a shooting star press that has two extra rotations. The crowd coming to their feet and watching in awe as Ross soars through the air and then.....WHAM! He splashes into the ladder, squishing Matlock between it and the ring canvas! The only drawback to hitting the move though is that he takes almost as much punishment as Matlock. Tim White coming over to make sure that both men can continue. Somehow it seems like they will be. Double B: I don't know how these two could even tell Tim White they can continue, but their willingness to do so is an testament to the kind of people that the ICWA draws. Image: Nutsos? Double B: I was going for "tough"... Image: Oh. Yeah I can see how you meant that. [ Ryan Ross has pulled himself up after nailing that triple rotation shooting star. He sets the ladder up and begins to slowly climb up. The fans giving a mixed reaction as he gets closer to the unified belt by each rung. Ross nearly at the top and beginning to reach up towards the title. His fingertips are just brushing it as Matlock gets to a seated position. He looks up and see's Ross inches away from winning the match. Matlock beginning to scramble up the ladder, well as quickly as he can after being the meat of a ladder/ring sammich. Ryan now on the second to last rung of the ladder. He's beginning to grab hold of the title when suddenly the wind is driven out of his lungs. Matlock and his right fist buried in Ross' gut being responsible for this. This give Matlock time to climb to the same position on his side of the ladder. Immediately both men begin to trade righthand shots. Double B: This is a dangerous place for these men. They're fighting fifteen feet above the ring, trading those haymakers. Marshal: If I was up there, the other one of these goons woulda already been knocked off. And then I'd retrieve the belt, win the match, and open a real can of whoop ass. Image: As would I. Marshal: You'd be making me a sammich right now. Image: You know we can step in there after these two if you want baldie. Marshal: Why we gotta wait? Double B: Come on now Image, don't forget that you're with child now... [ Matlock senses that he's not gonna take this with just straight haymaker punches. So he adjusts his punches to where he connects with the fist but pushes along to also slam his elbow into Ross' face. A few of these and Ryan's defenses are down. Just to make sure though, Matlock slams Ryan's face into the top of the ladder a couple times. Then he cautiously hooks Ross up, tosses that caution to the wind, and leaps off the ladder taking Ryan along for the ride with a side-effect off the ladder!Both men slamming into the mat with quite an impact. So much so that the ladder falls over. Thankfully for Matlock an Ross it falls the other direction. Though with his opponent seemingly out of things for the moment, Matlock rolls out of the ring. he flips the ring skirt up and begins to look underneath and suddenly we hear a familair chant. Crowd; WE WANT TABLES! *CLAP-CLAP-CLAP* WE WANT TABLES! [ Matt stops, looks at the crowd, and nods. This sends them into a frenzy cause right afterwards he pulls out a table. He sets the table on the aprong of the ring and just as you'd expect, Ryan Ross baseball slides into the table knocking it into Matt. The impact sends Matlock careening backwards into the security barricade where he slumps down. Meanwhile Ross takes the table and lays it so that it makes a bridge from the ring to the barricade. Then gives Matlock a few stomps before headingf or the announce table. Double B: Hey now! Keep away from us! Marshal: Get outta here before I bust your lip! Image: Don't hurt my nachos! [ Ross ignors our announce team and tears part of the table off. He then reaches in and grabs one of the monitors out. Ryan turns and goes after Matlock, swinging for his head full force. Luckily ole Matlock learned an important life lesson as a youngster. Its called....DUCK! And it saves Matlock from being killed, or even worse. Ross though swung with such a force that he loses his balance and stumbles forward. This gives Matlock time to snatch the chair from under the time's keeper. He folds it up and when Ryan turns back around Matt hits a friggin homerun! Double B: Good gawd! Ryan Ross' brains have to be scrambled for sure! Marshal: Good. Sorry son of a bitch coming over here and taking *MY* monitor......Why couldn't it be your's Bert? Image: Oh quit ya cryin. Sheesh! [ And back to this match now. Matlock's homerun swing has busted Ryan Ross open now. He's staggering to his feet, only to take another chair shot. This one though knocks him up onto the table. Ross looking up at the lights as Matlock comes over and pounds a fist into the wound on Ross' forehead. Matlock then digging under the ring and finds the dreaded twenty foot tall ladder Double B: Uh oh..... [ Matt sets that bad boy up and climbs it with chair in hand. He is just abouta t the top when he turns around and looks down at Ryan Ross. The crowd is fired up as Matlock takes in a deep breath......and then leaps off of that twenty foot ladder. He sails through the air, down towards Ryan, moving the chair underneath his legs. You could hear a pin drop just before Matt crashed through Ross and the table with a twenty foot high Arabian face-buster! That table explodes into countless splinters as the two men collide with the thin padding on the floor. Crowd: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLT SHIT! [ Tim White jumps out the ring and makes sure that these two aren't dead. Somehow though they are still managing to draw a breath. But they're in a hell of alot of pain. Matlock rolling and holding his tailbone. He's using every curse word in the book and prolly making some new entries. Ryan Ross is.....Hell he's just thankful he can move his legs. Marshal: Aight, I'll give it to Matlock....That was pretty good. Image: Dude that was friggin insane! I wish I could go do that to someone right now. Double B: Guys I hate to interupt, but Matlock is back in the ring. [ Sure enough he is. He staggers over and sets up the ladder from earlier. Looking up, Matlock makes sure its in the right spot. Satisfied he starts the slow climb up the ladder rung by rung. The crowd coming back to their feet yet again as Ryan Ross wills his body to get into the ring. Matlock see's him and tries to climb faster, but he's in too much pain. Ross is able to meet him at the top and we have another brief slug-fest. Unfortunately for Ryan he's too weak from blood loss and taking that 20 ft Arabian face-buster. Matlock gets him into position for what looks to be a Jackhammer, but he throws just Ross down to the mat instead of going with him. Matt looking down for a moment before he climbs a step higher and retrieves the title. The bell rings and Matlock's theme blares as Kevin Dart takes over. Kevin Dart: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner of the commemorative CWA-nWWF UNIFIED Heavyweight championship.........MATTTTTTTTTTTTT MATLOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK!!!! Busch, "There it is folks! A Hard fought match but Matt Matlock cements his place atop the nWWF-CWA legacy!" We fade from Matlock who’s hoped off the ladder and is leaning on the ropes with his belt, to the backstage area where we see Bobby Johnson doing pull ups on a bar in the lockeroom. Bobby, "Gah………�?Ehh�?Dah………�?Gah…………�?Pfffffff…�? Bobby finally hops down as we see Crystal enter the Lockeroom. Crystal, "You ready?" Bobby, "Every second of every minute of every hour." Crystal, "Then stop playin�?with yourself and let’s go." Bobby laughs slightly as he grabs his US Title out of a chair and begins to head out of the lockeroom. The scene switches over from Bobby to NLCS, who we see standing with DSL, who’s got an icepack on her head. NLCS, "You gonna be alright?" DSL, "Yeah, I’ll be fine hun. Just go out there and win back your US Title so at least one of us has something to celebrate." NLCS nods, "Don’t you worry about that, It’s as good as (Raps like a Chopped & Screwed Lil Scrap) Money In The Bank, Shorty What’s Ya Drank." NLCS Crosses his arms and makes a weird face looking for his Gangsta pose. DSL Laughs abruptly as NLCS then drops the pose and chuckles himself. DSL, "Oww�?You suck. My head still hurts and then you making me laugh like that didn’t help (sticks her tounge out)." NLCS laughs, "Sorry. But hey, I gotta go get my belt, I’ll be back." DSL Nods and the two share a small hug as NLCS Then begins heading down the hallway himself. Busch, "When we come back the ICWA United States Championship is on the like as Bobby Johnson defends against former ICWA US Champion No Limits Christian Skywalker." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | When the cameras return we find ourselves backstage where Ron Taylor is standing by. Taylor, "Earlier tonight we saw Nic E. Dangerously enter the building with his ICWA World championship�?Now, for the first time since that fateful day in June, David Van Dam is being given an opportunity to offer his side of what happened and why he left when he was scheduled to face Dangerously for the ICWA Championship." The camera pans out and sure enough we see�?/P> David Van Dam. Van Dam, "There’s no story to Tell Ron. I was caring UWA on my back, I was training heavily all over the world to continue keeping my style fresh and diverse, and I simply didn’t have the time to commit to the ICWA. That’s what it boils down to. There was no ill will from me toward the ICWA, and I’ve been assured that the ICWA has no Ill will toward me. It was just a very unfortunate situation. I was busy, too busy, and I simply didn’t do well at managing my schedule. I don’t like that it happened, and I’m sorry to all of the ICWA Fans who were looking forward to seeing the match, but there’s really not much else I can say or do about it at this point�?/FONT> (Dave stops and ponders)�?Then again, maybe there is. The world wanted to see Nic Dangerously Verses David Van Dam for the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship, am I right? (Ron nods)�?Then I’ll tell ya what�?Nic E. Dangerously, wherever you are in this arena, Let me lay down the gauntlet if you will�?You and I are scheduled to meet inside of a steal cage here tonight, to create the headline of headlines. Well let’s make that headline just a little bit sweeter�?Let’s give everyone at home something they can really sit on the edge of their seats for. Let’s give this great Manhattan crowd (crowd pops) something to say "Ya know, That main event alone was worth the price of my whole ticket." Lets, Nic E. Dangerously, put the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship in the mix!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "That’d be Huge!" Taylor, "Listen pal! There’s a way we do things around here. You can’t just go around demanding title shots the minute ya walk in the door! Besides, ya left us once, who’s to say ya won’t do it again?" Van Dam, "I’m to say I won’t leave again. I can’t. Because when I walked in this arena tonight and I saw all the staff running around, all the talent running around�?When I felt that aura and saw the way that people who’d be trying to kill each other in other promotions were sitting around, laughing, joking about their past here in the ICWA�?I was instantly addicted Ron Taylor. The ICWA’s like no place else on Earth�?I knew that before, But I didn’t understand why. I didn’t understand what made it that way. But the fact is that the ICWA’s the family Sports Entertainment never really had. Inside of the ICWA these men and women will rip each other limb from limb. But I feel sorry for the outsider who tries to do the same because the very person who was doing the attacking before will defend their opponent and decimate the outsider (snaps fingers) like that. When I walked through the doors today Ron Taylor, I Got It. I Understood. And now that I’ve taken a hit of this drug called the International Championship Wrestling Alliance, I’ll never be able to give it up!" Crowd: DEE-VEE-DEE, DEE-VEE-DEE, DEE-VEE-DEE, DEE-VEE-DEE, DEE-VEE-DEE�?/STRONG> Van Dam, "And that’s why I don’t just want to be apart of it, I want to represent it. I want to make up for not being able to give this promotion my all so many months ago Ron. I want to give the fans a token of my appreciation and a genuine gift of my remorse by giving them the title match to end all title matches�?Nic E. Dangerously Verses David Van Dam in a fifteen foot steal cage. Think about it Nic�?You’re the guy who’s known for doing what’s right for the business, so do what’s right for business tonight and put your strap on the line. The balls in your court Dangerously, make the shot or pass it off and stop hoggin�?the paint." With that David emulates taking a shot in basketball before he walks off and we fade to the ring. Busch, "How Huge would that be?! Van Dam, Dangerously, for the ICWA Title, LIVE TONIGHT?!" Image, "Huge isn’t the word Bert." Marshal, "That’d be astronomical, no doubt. But the question is will Dangerously nut up or shut up?" Busch, "I have to believe he’ll�?well he’ll take that challenge head on!" Marshal, "HA! Doubt it!" The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen�? No……�?GIMMICKS..�?.NEEDED....... Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues�?in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues�?on Chris Stlyes. Bobby giving Demented 3 straight Killa Kicks�? with the last one knocking the big man over the top ropes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time�? Bobby giving Matt Collins a Killa Kick, and going for the pin. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble. Bobby in the middle of the ring, holding up the PWT Titanium Championship after beating Jimmy Stryker to become the Titanium Champion. Bobby Standing over a fallen Christian Michaels, while holding the PWT Peoples Championship. Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, and stops on the top of the ramp. He’s wearing a black wrestling singlet with the wide green stripes down the sides of it and the Grim Reaper symbol on the front of it, a black and green Team Johnson pullover jersey, black and green wrestling boots, a black and green fitted Team Johnson baseball cap. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, then stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, and the crowd gives him a huge pop. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp. He stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. He walks over to the far corner, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and flexes his biceps for the crowd, and gets back down, and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and repeats his flexing routine. He finally jumps down, and takes the pullover and hat off and sets them down in the corner. The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He then walks down the ramp towards the ring and he climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring and... Kevin Dart: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the International Championship Wrestling Alliance United States Championship. Introducing first, in the corner to my right." Dart pauses. Kevin Dart: "Wearing the red, white, and blue tights, he is the challenger and hails from Silver Springs, New York. His official weigh-in from this morning as two hundred and fifty pounds. He is No Limits Christian Skywalker." Dart pauses aain. Kevin Dart: "And his opponent. He's wearing the black and green singlet, he is the reigning United States Champion and comes to us tonight from New Orleans, Louisiana. His official weigh-in was two hundred and fifty-five pounds. He Is No Gimmicks Needed Bobby Johnson!" Dart exits the ring as referee Ken Martel takes the United States Championship from Bobby Johnson and takes it over to NLCS. Skywalker nods at the belt as Martel walks back to the center of the ring and raises the United States Title high above his head. Martel hands the title to a ring hand before calling for the bell. The match officially starts, and starts with Bobby Johnson and NLCS start off right away, going at it with an exchange of quick punches. Neither man backs down as they throw their rights and lefts, rocking each other with each blow. Finally, NLCS seems to gain the upper hand as he drives fist after first after fist right into Bobby Johnson's face. Bobby begins to stagger as NLCS takes him by the arm and whips him into the ropes. NLCS hits the other ropes and comes roaring back. He leaps into the air and grabs Bobby's head, swinging down for a big DDT. Bobby's head smashes into the mat as the first ever ICWA US Champion gets back to his feet. He's pumped as he pulls the reiging US Champion up. A few hard chops from NLCS followed up by a suplex. NLCS doesn't give Bobby a moments rest as he pulls Bobby up and lifts him onto his shoulder. NLCS takes off, running across the ring, and leaps into the air and swings down, slamming Bobby Johnson into the mat and lands ontop of him. NLCS stays on op of Bobby for the pin as Ken Martel slides into position. One Two Bobby gets his shoulder up off the mat, not going to be defeated that quickly or that easily. NLCS just gets off of Bobby and moves to the ropes, climbing up to the top rope, crouching, staying perched until Bobby staggers to his feet, trying to shake off the cob-webs from the quick heavy impact moves of NLCS. Skywalker leaps off the top rope and drives both of his feet into the chest of Bobby Johnson. Bobby hits the mat and rolls out of the ring, grabbing at his chest. The United States Champion is in trouble as he tries to get his wind back. NLCS grins as he hits the ropes and comes charging back. He leaps onto the middle rope and comes springing towards Bobby Johnson. Bobby sees NLCS flying towards him, and manages to move out of the way. NLCS crashes chest first into the guard rail. The crowd let's out an ohhh as Bobby grabs NLCS and tosses him back into the ring. The quick Bobby Johnson isn't moving as quick as normal, still trying to get his wind back. Bobby grabs a handful of NLCS' hair as he pulls him to his feet. A big knee to the gut followed by a gut-wrench suplex. NLCS grabs at his back as Bobby is up. He pulls NLCS up and lifts him up into the air again, holding him up, letting the blood run to his head before bringing him down with a stalling brain buster. Bobby follows it up with a cover. One Two NLCS gets his shoulder up and Bobby just shrugs it off, pulling NLCS up again as he whips him into the ropes. NLCS comes roaring back as Bobby catches him with a big T-bone suplex, successfully hitting The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time. NLCS hits the mat and sits up, his face going blank as he slumps back to the mat. Bobby crouches in the corner, waiting. The crowd knows what's coming as NLCS slowly gets up. Bobby lunges, going for The Killa Kick, but NLCS manages to duck the kick, grab Bobby and lift him in the air before bringing him down with a big spinebuster. Bobby grabs at his back as NLCS makes another attempt at a cover. One Two Th Bobby gets his shoulder off the mat again. NLCS pulls Bobby Johnson up and moves behind him, grabbing Bobby Johnson's head, he hits The Skyscraper. Bobby grabs his neck as NLCS pulls Bobby up again and this time, he hits Bobby with The Red Scare. NLCS makes the cover. One Two Thre.. NO! Bobby gets his shoulder up off the mat, and Skywalker looks at Martel, asking if that was a three. Martel shakes his head and motions that Bobby got his shoulder up. NLCS shakes his head as he pulls Bobby up and whips him into the ropes. Bobby hits the ropes and comes back, ducking an attempted clothesline from NLCS, NLCS turns around... KILLA KICK! Bobby falls ontop of him for the pin. One Two Three Kevin Dart: "Your winner, and STILL United States Champion, Bobby Johnson" Busch, "And Bobby Johnson retains his ICWA United States championship!" Image, "Was there any doubt?" Marshal, "Considering the fact that he’s been on the other end of NLCS, Yeah, I guess there was a little doubt." Image, "You need to relax, Roid Rage is getting you ruffled." Marshal, "I don’t take Steroids�? Image, "Anymore?" Marshal, "EVER!" Busch, "Alright guys�? With that we go backstage where Rhya and Christian Michaels are standing. Rhya, "Be careful Chris. You aren’t in the same postion you were when you were at war with Nic. It’s not like back when the only person depending on you to come home in one piece was me. Now there’s Gabby too. Gabby needs a father who’s mobile and can play with her, hold her, and be a role model for her." CM laughs, "Babe, it’s not that serious." Rhya seems unamused, "No Chris, it IS that serious. Do you think WallStreet’s just some guy Chris? Do you think that the Eddie Guerrero Memorial show’s as bad as it can get with him? Are you so foolish as to believe that nobody can take you beyond where Nic’s taken you? Like he’s the only guy in the business who’s sadistic or competitive at that level? Don’t be so naive. I’ve watched the tapes, I’ve seen the matches. I swear if you let your foolish pride prevent you from being logical and you don’t come out of this match in one piece�? Christian, "Rhya�?I know what I’ve gotten myself into, and I know what my priorities are. It’ll be okay�?I’ll be okay. As much as he claims he’s going to try and end my career, he won’t. Because Taylor knows I’m one of the few guys left in this business that still puts the business first and isn’t a cancer. And no matter how much we may hate each other, we Love the business enough to leave each other in it." Rhya, "I think you’re overestimating his love for the business and underestimating his need to caress his ego." CM, "Well, if that’s true and he really does think he’s taking me out, then I guess he’ll need a new game plan because just like Matt, I�?Will Not�?Die." The crowd pops as the scene switches too�?/P> WallStreet, who draws a huge pop from the ICWA fans as he finishes putting on his pads. The door suddenly draws open as We see Becca Wipwreck enter the scene. Becca, "Hey Taylor." WallStreet, "Hey baby." WallStreet finishes putting on his pad, steps forward and gives Becca a hug followed by a small kiss. WallStreet grins, "Come by to give me my victory gift?" Becca seems confused, "Have you gone on?" WallStreet, "No, but actually working the match is just a formality." Becca looks a bit more serious then normal, "I hope you know what you’re getting into." WallStreet raises an eyebrow, "Of course I do. I beat this clown a year ago and I’ll beat him again. And at this time next year I’ll beat him again, and then the following year, and so on and so forth till it gets to the point where I’m beating his ass in the Geriatrics�?ward before we get our holiday Jell-O! Screw Jingle Bells, Screw Santa’s red-ribbon KFC Gorgin�?ass! The new Holiday tradition is watchin�?The Corporate Icon whoop that Southern ASS!" Becca, "Just keep in mind that he’s a crazy backwater redneck. He’s likely to go do some stupid kamakazi crap and kill both of ya." WallStreet laughs, "Well, this is one tower that can’t be knocked down, so let him." Becca smiles and the two share one last kiss before he heads out of his locker room. The screen then splits as we see WallStreet and CM both heading for the Gorilla position from separate directions. Busch, "When we get back the action is completely Uncensored, No Holds Barred as this heated rivalry comes to a head!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | When the cameras come back Greg Davidson has finally caught up with Drew Stevenson who’s sitting on a medic’s table, getting the last of his stiches placed in his forehead. Greg, "Drew Stevenson, in your ICWA Debut you managed to not only win your match, but win the opportunity to face any champion of your choice in the next 365 days�?What are your feelings at this point." Dusty, who’s standing on the side of the table, steps in and says, "I’ll tell ya how heh feels Greg David-son. He feels like a millon bucks! And I’m GLAD NOW... that MJ Sto-wm knows what he was dealin with! I’m GLAD NOW... that Ted Debiase knows now just what he lou-st when he left The Ema-rol-d Drew Steven-son. And I’m GLAD NOW..., that Drew is one step closeah to reachin�?that golden ring and breakin�?through that impervious glass ceilin�? Be-cause what you see right hea Eye See Dubbya Eh�?What You see Right Hea Eye See Dubbya Eh�?Is tha futua�?Tha tu-ning point-a da Eye See Dubbya Eh and mow impo-tantly, of da bus-ness." Stevenson simply nods as we can see the determination in his eyes as his final stitches are being put in. Greg, "Well there you have it folks. Bert, Jay, Image, Back to you." The crowd is cheering as the cameras go to the ring. Busch, "I’ll tell ya what guys, That Drew Stevenson�?I reckon that fella’s got a very bright future." Image, "No question." Marshal, "Perhaps, but every lightbulb’s bright until someone comes along and shatters it. Something to keep in mind." The Bell sounds three times as we focus on Finkle in the middle of the ring. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following is the first installment of our DOUBLE MAIN EVENT! (Crowd pops)�?The following bout has been declared an ICWA UNCENSORED Match! It is scheduled for ONEFALL with NO Time Limit! You may obtain victory ANYWHERE! But you may ONLY Obtain victory through acquiring a pinfall, or forcing your opponent to verbally declare Submission!" A video starts on the tron as we hear "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down start to play. This video comprised of images depicting Christian Michaels in PWT & ICWA & W2K action,.....Fans are cheering like hell, the lights coming back on to reveal their hero with his back to them....His arms are outstretched in Jericho-fashion...CM spins round and makes his way down the aisle slapping as many hands as he can on the way.... Dart, "INTRODUCING FIRST! On his way from Memphis Tennessee, he weighs in on this evening at two hundred-thirty pounds�?He is the 2006 King of PWT and W2K God Of Wrrrestling�?He is the "Southern Heartthrob"�?ChhhhhhhhhhhhhhRRRRRISTIAAANNN�? MIIIIIIIIIIIICHAELS!" Many fans are shouting well wishes as he moves up the steps.....Michaels steps into the ring and calls for those cheers ....The music fading away as CM looks over to referee Shawn Cain, asking something of the official as he awaits his adversaries entrance. Suddenly we hear the punching of a few buttons on a phone�?/P> Kid - Yeah. Man - Yeah? Kid - I Wanta Be a Rockstar when I grow up. Man half laughs - A Rockstar huh? Kid - Hell yeah. Just Like You. (Drums) YEEE-AH…Yea-ea-ea-eah�?/P> The crowd is going biserk as Superstar II By Saliva is blasting over the PA. Busch, "HERE WE GO!" The curtain suddenly swings open and we see WallStreet jump out, pointing to the sea of humanity as he jaw jacks like no other, making the crowd go through the roof. WallStreet hops back and then looks at the crowd on the otherside of the stage, also jaw jacking a bit. Dart, "AND THE OPPONENT�?Making his way from NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK�?Crowd erupts)�?FONT color=#00ccff> He weighs in at 282 Pounds and he IS The FOUNDER and OWNER of the InnnnnnTERNATIONAL Championship WrrrrrrrrESTLING ALLIANCE (Crowd continues going wild)…�?He IS, Taylor�?WallStreet�?MmmmmmmcCCCCCCCCCCCAAALLLLLISTERRR!" WallStreet does his own unique power strut down the ring slapin an occasional arm on either side as CM Stands in the ring, staring down his competition. Busch, "Listen as WallStreet Woos This Capacity Crowd!" Marshal, "The Corporate Icon a man I have a storied history with and let me tell ya from experience, Christian Michaels bit off a Hell of a lot more than he can chew tonight." Image, "WallStreet a force to be reckoned with, no question, but do not underestimate Christian Michaels. The battles I’ve seen this man have in PWT and W2K are second to none. He will go to Hell, swim across the lake of fire, and make his return because he’s THAT Dedicated." Busch, "No question, Christian Michaels one of the most dedicated and resilinate performers to ever enter the business. A Seven year veteran out of Memphis Tennessee�?Growing up watching the likes of Jerry Lawler, Jimmy Valiant, The Moon Dogs, Bill Dundee, and so many other great athletes who frequented the Memphis territory!" Marshal, "And while Christian was watching Lawler and Dundee play slap and tickle, WallStreet was buying America. And while Christian Michaels was being resilient and dedicated, WallStreet was doing that other thing�?You know�?Winning." Busch, "Christian Michaels has lost a few, but he certainly hasn’t lost em all. He’s got a lot of big name wins. He has a pinfall victory over the Immortal Seifer. He has a submission victory over our Champion, Nic E. Dangerously. Christian Michaels is a multi-time, multi-company heavyweight champion. He’s a should-be two time God of Wrestling and an official one time God of Wrestling. He’s the official 2006 King of PWT. Christian Michaels isn’t just some nobody from across the way, Christian Michaels is, to coin a phrase, The Real Deal." Marshal, "He’s a real Bitch. He should have been makin me a sammich with Image." Image, "Ya know�? Marshal, "No, I don’t know. Why don’t we go to the back of my Impala after the show and you can show me." Image, "Or how about you go shoot another needle of roids while I leave with the man I’m HAPPILY Married to." Marshal, "I DON’T DO ROIDS!" Image, "Seems like Roid Rage to me." We can hear Marshal actually growl as WallStreet enters the ring between the second and third ropes. The music slowly fades as we see referee Shawn Cain call these two athletes to the center of the ring. Busch, "This may be as much of the official as we see till somebody’s out for the three." Marshal, "Oh The Brutality�?I Love It!" Cain, "Alright Gentlemen�?This match is Uncensored. What that means is absolutely anything goes. So keep that in mind because if you two kill each other, I can’t and I won’t stop the match till one of your lifeless corpses finds a way to flop over on the other. Use your own judgment and try not to let your pride getcha Killed. That in mind, Let’s Get It On!" Cain signals to time Keeper Mark Eaton as the bell sounds and this contest is officially underway. WallStreet and Michaels both begin to talk a little trash when CM suddenly points beyond WallStreet’s shoulders, his eyes wide as he yells "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Cain looks over as too does WallStreet�?CM Suddenly goes for a monster kick to the nads of the Corporate Icon but his eyes draw wide as he notices that WallStreet’s legs closed around his leg, trapping it. WallStreet looks back, grinning as he waves a finger and says, "Not this time Pal." WallStreet then releases CM’s leg and lunges forward for a huge Clothesline but CM Ducks under. WallStreet spins around and WHAM! CM Delivers a hard kick right through the uprights, nailing WallStreet in the fellas after all and making the crowd pop as Street doubles over holding his groin. Busch laughs, "Well folks�?One year ago Christian Michaels kicked off the match against WallStreet by doopin�?the referee into looking away as he nailed WallStreet between the thighs as a tribute to the ever so crafty Eddie Guerrero. One year later and apparently he felt that he wanted to see a repeat. I guess WallStreet didn’t have it as well scouted as he thought." WallStreet didn’t drop to the canvas but he is doubled over holding himself. Michaels grabs a fist full of The Corporate locks with his left hand, draws back with his right�?WHACK! Stiff right hand to the side of the head. Michaels maintains his grip of the hair, draws back again…�?WHACK! Christian still has the fist full of locks�?He winds up way back this time…Swings his fist in a circle a couple of times as the crowd can be heard going with him saying "Wooo Wooo Wooo" And then he leans back like Roger Clemens and THWACK! He nails WallStreet so hard with the Haymaker that WallStreet snaps back and lands hard on his back. The crowd pops as WallStreet rolls over and stands up, staggering a bit. WallStreet turns around and Michaels delivers a Snapmare Takeover. WallStreet lands on his ass holding his neck as CM bounces off the ropes and delivers a low drop kick that lands directly in the center of the Corporate Icon’s back, making his arm extend outwards as the pain etches on his face. WallStreet finally grabs his back and rolls over to his knees as Michaels pops up off the mat. WallStreet pulls himself up and walks over as Michaels delivers a stiff kick to the Corporate gut and puts him over into the corner. Christian comes walking in, perhaps hoping to hoist McCallister up onto the top rope, but Taylor responds by jabbing the Corporate Thumb into the Southern eye socket making Christian spin around holding his eye in pain. The crowd actually pops as WallStreet gets onto his tip toes, brings up his right forearm, and then drops forward, chop blocking Michaels at the back of the knee. The crowd is loud, although split as WallStreet gets up with a scowl on his face. Busch, "The self proclaimed Mecca of Mainstream taking the reigns for the first time in this contest." Marshal, "In all fairness we’re like two minutes into the thing. And the past two minutes have been Corporate Charity." Busch, "I’m not sure I’d tend to concur with that statement, but never the less WallStreet is in control." Michaels gets up and turns around as WallStreet delivers a hard right hand that makes Michaels spin around and stumble away a few steps. WallStreet follows him and just as the God of Wrestling turns back around, he takes yet another stiff right hand which offers a similar reaction making Michaels end up grabbing the top rope at rampisde. WallStreet delivers a stiff kick into Michaels gut and the grabs the top rope with his left hand and lets lose with a massive knife hand chop with his right. Crowd: WHOOOOOOO! CM cringes as WallStreet wrenches back, and then SLAAAP! A second chop. Crowd: WHOOOOOO! Busch, "Shades of Terry Funk and Ric Flair with those knife edge chops." Marshal, "Wahoo McDaniels was actually a huge innovator with the Knife Edge chop as well, adopting it even before Flair." Busch, "Absolutely." WallStreet finally lets go of the top rope and grabs Christian’s arm as he uses his own shoulder to push Michaels back against the ropes before shooting out with an Irish whip. Michaels darts across the ring as WallStreet gives chase. Michaels bounces off the ropes as WallStreet leaps in the air and nails a high knee into the upper torso and jaw area of Christian Michaels, making the Southern Heartthrob drop to the mat and roll out of the ring. The crowd pops as Busch declares, "WallStreet delivering the high knee showing shades of seven time heavyweight champion Harley Race." WallStreet drops down and rolls under the bottom rope as Michaels is pulling himself up. WallStreet springs forward looking for a clothesline but CM quickly ducks under, grabs WallStreet by the leg and hoists him up while dropping back in a modified slap jack as WallStreet’s face smacks the commentary table and he then staggers about holding his mouth and nose. Michaels gets up, seeing his adversary stumbling around. CM walks over and grabs WallStreet by the arm. He then takes The Corporate Icon and delivers an Irish Whip which sends him rushing across the floor and nailing the steel stairs hard with his back. Michaels Goes over to the time keeper’s table and tells him to hit the breaks. Obviously he doesn’t argue as he jumps out of the way and Christian folds up the black steal chair he was sitting on. The King of PWT comes out and looks at WallStreet. WallStreet see’s that Michaels has the chair and puts his hands up, begging for CM To reconsider. CM nods�?Perhaps he’s going to show mercy. McCallister seems relieved when the Heartthrob suddenly rushes, leaps, and places the chair in front of his feet in mid air and drop kicks it directly into the face of WallStreet, making a Corporate Sandwich with the stairs and the chair as the bread and WallStreet’s skull as the meat. WallStreet instantly plops over, his upper torso disappearing under the ring apron as we can see his feet kicking in fury of pain. Busch, "BAH GAWD What A Shot!" The crowd is going wild as Michaels gets up and grabs Street by the trunks and leg, pulling him out from under the ring. As he does WallStreet rolls over to his back showing that he’s been busted open across the forehead from that massive shot and he’s bleeding like a stuffed pig. Michaels actually stops for a second, perhaps a little surprised himself that he put Street in such a state. But it doesn’t take him long to get over it as he bends over and grabs WallStreet by the hair, pulling him up to his ass, and eventually his feet. Michaels grabs a dazed and confused WallStreet and takes him over to the American commentary booth, rolling him onto the booth. Busch, "This has nowhere but bad to go." Michaels then reaches under the ring and starts fishing around�?He then begins to withdraw a ladder, making the crowd pop�?A Long ladder as he’s still withdrawing it. Oh God it’s one of them 16 Footers. Michaels sets the ladder up on the outside and the very top is a bit higher than the top rope. Michaels begins climbing the ladder as WallStreet lye’s, bleeding on the commentary table. Busch, "Christian Michaels heading up to no man’s land." Marshal, "He’s taking too much time, ya don’t go playing chutes and ladders when ya got a guy like WallStreet down." Image, "But this is the environment Michaels excels in." Marshal, "Yeah well, It’s gonna be hard to excel in anything if he gets crippled coming down, which is a very real possibility." Michaels gets to the top and extends his arms with an almighty roar making the crowd erupt�?But suddenly WallStreet rolls off the table to his feet and charges the ladder, shoving it violently and making it tip up. Michaels�?eyes grow wide as the ladder tips back and nails the top rope making Michaels bounce off and land hard in the middle of the ring, making the crowd gasp. Marshal, "I’m not the type of guy to say I told ya so�?But�? Image, "Yeah-Yeah." Marshal, "Just as long as we’re all aware that I Told ya so." WallStreet stumbles back and leans on the commentary table as he looks at the tipped ladder, realizing how close he may have been to the end. WallStreet shakes his head as he gets a look of anger, or perhaps determination on his face. Marshal, "I have a feeling WallStreet’s decided to stop playing games." Busch, "I’d hope that if he’s as good as he says he is, he wouldn’t be "Playing Games" in a match with Christian Michaels to begin with." Marshal, "How many matches have you won Bert? Oh that’s right, so until you can answer that with a number higher than ZERO why don’t you shut up and nevermind the way WallStreet chooses to face someone." Image, "Well, I’ve won a couple more than zero and I’d tend to agree with Bert." Marshal, "You’re a woman and in turn your opinion is like your entire division in my sport, Irrelevant." Image, "Ya know, you bash women so much, did it ever occur to you that a Woman made you?" Marshal, "Ya know you defend women so much, did it ever occur to you that a Woman made me?" Image, "………�? Marshal, "I’m kidding�?I was actually just sent here by God in a hand basket, a woman had nothing to do with it." Image, "………�? Busch, "Not for nothing, but there is a match goin on right now." Yes, Yes there is. And while Image and Jay were bickering, WallStreet went fishing under the ring�?What did he find? Looks like�?A large chain. WallStreet slides into the ring and wraps the chain around his fist. Busch, "WallStreet wrapping his fist with that chain." Image, "Ya have to wonder if this is designed to be a message to Christian Michaels." Marshal, "Yeah�?Steel on Flesh hurts. Duh." Image, "I meant that for the wrestling historians out there, the chain around the fist is a classic attack that was utilized quite frequently in the old Memphis wrestling days." Marshal, "�?Is that true Bert?" Busch, "Well Yeah, but it had slipped my mind�?However for a man like WallStreet who’s been a constant scholar of the game for years, it probably hadn’t slipped his. I’m quite Impressed Image." Image, "Yeah well, even us irrelevant women know a thing or two about the business." Marshal, "Pfft." In any event, Michaels is now staggering to his feet as WallStreet has his chain covered fist raised high in the air�?Michaels turns around and THWACK! He drops down hard via a hard right hand from Street. WallStreet drops to a knee over Christian and grabs his head by the hair with his left hand. The Corporate Icon lifts the Heartthrob’s head of the mat and then raises his right arm�?WHACK! …………�?WHACK! …………………�?WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! …………………�?WHACK! WallStreet hops up off as Christian rolls over to his chest holding his face. WallStreet unwraps his fist and grabs the chain with his left hand as he shakes his right, trying to shake off the pain his own hand endured from those vicious shots. WallStreet then takes the chain and drops to a knee over Michaels�?back�?He then takes the chain, brings it under Christian’s face, and then jerks up squeezes, using the chain to choke the life out of CM. The God of Wrestling’s face is off the mat and the camera zooms in as we see that he too has been busted open and the blood is trickling down his face, quickly providing that classic Crimson mask. Busch, "Both men now donning the Crimson mask as WallStreet’s�?Well�?He’s chokin�?the life outta Christian Michaels is what he’s doin!" Michaels has his hands on the chain and is trying desperately to pry it from his throat but to no avail thus far. His feet are kicking in desperation and his face is starting to grow pale as we can see him beginning to cough a bit, his body fiendin�?for air like a crack addict being forced away from the rock. Slowly he begins to struggle less and less, his face getting less and less color under the layer of blood that’s on his face. Finally his body starts going limp as WallStreet finally releases and gets up, glaring evilly through his own crimson mask, and making the crowd pop. WallStreet rolls out of the ring and finds the chair that Michaels had drop kicked into his face quite some time ago. WallStreet slides that chair into the ring and walks over to the time keeper’s table where Kevin Dart is sitting. WallStreet grabs Dart by the Tux and essentially throws him out of the way as the crowd nearest Street pops. WallStreet grabs Dart’s chair and folds it up. He then starts to head back to the ring but stumbles slightly as he trips a bit over some cables and wires. WallStreet looks back and curses a bit before he slides back into the ring with the chair. WallStreet grabs the chair that was drop kicked into his own face and he lifts up CM’s lifeless cranium, only to slide the chair under his face and let his face plop down on it. WallStreet then grabs the other chair, Lifts it high in the air………�?But stops as he gets a smirk on his face. Marshal, "Gah ha! I love that smirk!" Busch, "Well I have a feeling Christian Michaels won’t love whatever’s inspiring that smirk." WallStreet steps back to the corner. He then frees his left hand leaving the chair only in his right as he grabs the top rope to help him hop up, placing his ass on the top turnbuckle pad. WallStreet stands up on the second ropes and raises the chair high in the air�? Busch, "Oh God No�?Don’t Do this�? WallStreet leaps off the second rope but as he does Michaels rolls away and WallStreet hits his knees while bringing the chair down hard over the now clear bottom chair. WallStreet nailed the bottom chair with such force that he instantly releases his chair and shakes his hands to try and relieve the instant pain that jolted into his wrists. WallStreet pulls himself up still shaking his wrists as Michaels, somewhat dazed with a blood soaked mug, waits. WallStreet turns and Michaels delivers a kick to the gut and hooks the Vertical suplex grapple. Michaels then snaps back executing a well done snap suplex. Christian floats over and Cain drops down for the first time in this match and counts …………………�?………………�?………�?WallStreet kicks out. Busch, "The first count of the match and it was a nearfall from Michaels over WallStreet. Could that be a sign of things to come?" Michaels pops up and staggers a little as WallStreet holds his back and begins lifting himself up on the ropes. WallStreet turns around, his back leaning on the ropes, as Michaels springs forward and smacks Street’s chin via the "Just Got Whapped" Super Kick. WallStreet’s eyes instantly roll back into his skull as he goes up and over the ropes and lands on his face on the outside floor. Busch, "WALLSTREET JUST GOT WHAPPED OUTTA THE RING! BAH GAWD WHAT IMPACT!" The crowd is going wild as Michaels drops down and rolls out of the ring. Cain follows as CM pulls WallStreet over, placing him on his back. CM hooks the far leg on the floor as Cain begins to count …………………�? Busch, "Falls count anywhere!" ………………………………�? Busch, "This is gonna be it!" ………………………………�?! Busch, "MICHAELS! MICHAELS! MICHAELS HAS WON! BAH GAWD CHRISTIAN MICHAELS JUST BEAT WALLSTREET IN THE EYE SEE DUBBYA EH!" But wait�?If he has, why hasn’t the bell sounded? Cain’s got two fingers raised and is slapping his shoulder indicating that�?WallStreet got a shoulder up from Christian’s finishing "Just Got Whapped"?! Christian looks up at Cain with a look in his eyes that makes you unable to do anything but sympathize with the Southern Heartthrob. His facial expression is like that of the 8 year old who spent all year being good, only to come down the stares and see that not only is that fire engine red bicycle missing, but someone stole the Christmas tree and took a big crap where it once was placed. Busch, "I�?I Can’t believe it�?Is he sure?" The screen then splits a bit as a box comes up in the lower left side of the screen that reads "Replay"�?We then see Michaels hook the leg and the official Count …………�?……………�?……………�? But just as his hand is grazing the ground for three WallStreet JUST gets his shoulder blade off the ground, albeit extremely brief. Busch, "Well I’ll be damned! WallStreet got his shoulder up from The "Just Got Whapped"�?It may have been done before, But I personally have never seen it." The crowd is going wild�?They were hype when they thought Christian won, but they’re certainly not disappointed that the match has to continue. Michaels gets to his feet and pulls WallStreet’s hair, guiding him first to his knees, and then eventually to his feet. WallStreet appears to be out on his feet, but there must be some semblance of life in there somewhere if he just popped his shoulder up�?Then again it could have been sheerly on instinct. Regardless, Michaels knows full well that if he didn’t get the pin the first time, it wasn’t gonna change if he just tried to pin him again so he has WallStreet by the hair and is starting to head up the very shallow ramp that was set up in the Hammerstein Ballroom for the entrance walkway. Michaels gets him up to the stage and hooks vertical suplex grapple again. Michaels goes to pop back but WallStreet raises his leg, blocking the move�?CM tries again, but with the same response. Suddenly WallStreet grabs a fist full of CM’s pants, and then snaps back himself hitting his own snap suplex as the crowd pops. Busch, "WallStreet may still be in this thing after all!" Image, "We’ve talked a lot about the heart and drive of Christian Michaels, but I think a lot of people underestimate that very same heart and drive in WallStreet. WallStreet further trained my Husband when he came into the mainstream and Bobby’s told me on more than one occasion that WallStreet has no idea what the word "Quit" means. He used to have my baby in training session for fifteen hours, just going and going till his whole body was a big piece of Jell-O. At 34 years of age and at the pinnacle of fame, WallStreet’s still as hungry and driven as he ever was." Marshal, "Heh.. I never thought I’d say this, but the woman’s right." | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | Back on the stage both Christian and WallStreet are down, their chests rising and falling vigorously. Busch, "Both men have lost a lot of blood and expended a lot of energy�? Marshal, "No doubt�?See this is where experience becomes a factor. When you’re at this stage in the match you have to be able to calculate how much you have left by comparing the state you’re at to when you’ve been in similar states in other bouts. Then after you gauge what you’ve got left in your tank, you need to do the math, figure out exactly how much you can expend, and how much further you can go before ya hit that E and you just shut down. And then, based on your scouting of your opponent, you need to compare that against a over exaggerated estimation of what your opponent has left and can withstand –Because it’s always better to over shoot and assume he has more than to under shoot and find out he had more than you predicted - . Then you have t o strategize and execute that strategy, while still factoring in that your opponent’s probably doing t he same, and they are of course going to resist your plan of attack. And all of this needs to be done in a matter of a few seconds�? Busch, "Wow�?That was very�?Insightful." Marshal, "Yeah, well, I have my moments." Apparently these modern day gladiators have made their necessary assessments as they are both finally starting to stir. They both roll over to their knees slowly as the crowd is on their feet in anticipation. WallStreet slowly gets to a knee as almost simultaneously Christian Michaels does the same. They both take a second and then they both get to their feet, although neither of them seem like they’re both their. WallStreet finally shakes it off and comes over toward Michaels, but the God of Wrestling hits a hard kick into the abdominal region of WallStreet. WallStreet doubles over and the King of PWT Grabs him by the hair and starts to drag him through the curtain. The camera man follows and we see Michaels and WallStreet heading through the gorilla position where we see a couple of tables set with monitors that are being watched by MSN’s Devon Monroe and ICWA Road Agent Ahmed Johnson. We don’t pay them much mind though and Christian and WallStreet don’t stop there as Michaels brings McCallister through a second set of curtain to the backstage area. CM Starts to guide the Brawler off to the side but WallStreet suddenly puts on the breaks and pops up, breaking the Southern Heartthrob’s hold. WallStreet suddenly nails a hard knife edge chop�?/FONT> Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOO WallStreet hits a second Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOO A Third (WHOO) Forth (WHOO) Fifth (WHOO) Sixth (WHOO) Seventh (WHOO) Eighth (WHOO) Ninth (WHOO) and then raises his right arm high in the sky and switches up the knife edge to a Bigshow-like Bare Palm down the center that makes Michaels drop clutching his chest and makes the crowd erupt. Busch, "Bah Gawd! Michaels is gonna be lucky if he don’t end up with a staff infection after that series of knife edge chops!" WallStreet stands, wobbly, but standing all the same as he catches his breath and tries to collect just where in the Hell he is. WallStreet glances over and sees that there’s a 12 foot ladder up in the middle of the hallway, and a light cover is hanging open, revealing one functional florescent light tube and then one that isn’t. Down on the ground next to the ladder are a few light tubes. Busch, "Looks like maintenance was trying to fix a light backstage�?I’m not sure where maintenance is now but I reckon this don’t look like it’s got anywhere good to go." WallStreet begins to stagger toward the ladder and light tubes as Christian rolls to his knees and forehead, still holding his chest in pain. Michaels slowly pulls himself up as WallStreet gets to the ladder and tubes. WallStreet suddenly collapses forward, being propped up only by the ladder. Busch, "WallStreet just�?He just fell over�?He’s been bleedin�?for quite sometime, the wound looked like it was starting to clot but he may�?He may be sufferin�?a loss of blood. I think our paramedics better go check on him." Marshal, "Hey, you heard Cain. If they fall cold and dead on the ground the match continues till one of their corpses can get flopped atop of the other!" Busch, "Have a heart Jay, This match isn’t worth their lives!" Marshal, "Not as a match in itself, no. But as my entertainment it is, and since this match is my entertainment, it in turn is worth their lives." Busch, "Well I must say I’m a little surprised�? Marshal, "Why?" Busch, "I figured if nothing else you’d have compassion for the guy who’s pocket pays your salary�? Marshal, "………�?Ah Crap, You’re right, WallStreet can’t die! Ah Hell, fine, go check on him I guess." Image, "Eww. You’re so�?So�? Marshal, "Irresistibly handsome?" Image, "REPULSIVE!" Meanwhile Michaels is staggering on his feet, trying to collect some balance. He looks over and sees that WallStreet is out on the Ladder. Christian begins to stumble a bit before he collects enough balance to walk over to WallStreet. Christian grabs McCallister by the back of the neck/trapoid area but as he does WallStreet spins around and we hear a CRACK as we see something shatter over Christian’s skull. The crowd erupts as Michaels drops to the ground holding his forehead as we realize that WallStreet just shattered one of those Light tube’s over the Southern Heartthrob’s forehead. Busch, "MCCALLISTER WAS PLAYIN�?POSSUM! He just�?He Just�?SHATTERED That Light tube over Christian Michaels skull! And Michael’s cuts from that chain earlier appear to have been re-opened!" Yes, yes, they do because Christian’s blood is starting to pour again. WallStreet finally drops down to his knees, lays across Michaels chest, and for the first time tonight he attempts a pin on the God of Wrestling. Cain drops down a few feet away to make sure he doesn’t get glass in his hand and counts …………………�?……………………�?…………………�?STRONG> JUST Before Three Michaels pops his shoulder up. WallStreet leans back on his knees as he looks up, slightly dazed, trying to contemplate what it’s going to take to put this man away. WallStreet slowly pulls himself up on the ladder, and actually begins to climb the rungs, one by one, by one�?/FONT> Busch, "What’s he thinking here?" Marshal, "I don’t know. WallStreet is NOT a highflyer, I don’t know why he’d go out of his comfort zone in such a critical time of the match." Image, "That’s the reflection of that heart factor I was discussing earlier." Marshal, "Hearts are for Pansies." WallStreet gets about halfway up the ladder before he turns himself around so he’s facing out. WallStreet staggers slightly, almost falling off but he regains his balance. WallStreet slaps his elbow, telling the world that he’s planning an elbow drop, and then he leaps but just as his feet leave the ladder we see Michaels rolling to his feet. Fortunately WallStreet saw it as well so he comes down and lands on his feet. But as he lands Christian Michaels delivers a quick right hand across the jaw of WallStreet, making him spin around and stumble forward, actually pushing the ladder away a few feet. CM Bends down and grabs one of the unshattered light tubes as the crowd pops. WallStreet is still facing away as CM pulls the light tube back like a batter at the plate, and then springs forward and swings, shattering it across the shoulder blades of The Corporate Icon. McCallister instantly drops to his knees, his arms extended and the look of pain etched deep through the partly dried, partly sweat soaked blood on his face. WallStreet crawls a couple of feet forward and begins pulling himself to his feet with the aid of the ladder rungs. As he’s pulling himself up CM, who’s got blood still trickling down his face, grabs yet one more light tube. WallStreet gets to his feet and turns himself around, leaning back on the ladder for support. Christian again draws back, and swings the light tube, this time shattering it over the pectoral muscles (chest) of WallStreet. The crowd pops again as WallStreet cringes and we see spots of blood on his chest instantly. Michaels glances down and sees there’s but two light tubes left. He grabs both of them, one in each hand and he hops back in a Rock-stalk-like stance as he dares WallStreet to come forward. WallStreet, who’s about out of it between blood loss and the intense paid he’s endured, stumbles off the ladder forward�?Christian springs forward and brings both lights together, shattering them simultaneously across the sides of WallStreet’s head, making him drop, holding his face in pain as the crowd goes nuts. Busch, "OH MAH GOD! Christian Michaels just shattered those light tubes across WallStreet’s face! He could�?He could have�?He may have gotten shards of glass in his eyes! Christian Michaels may have very well permanently blinded The Corporate Icon!" WallStreet is holding his face and we can see the blood pouring through his fingers, so we know his cuts from the chair shot at the beginning of the match have been re-opened. Christian drops down on his knees, pushes Street over, and hooks his leg as Cain drops down a couple feet away, again staying away from the glass, and counts …………………�?……………………�?…………………………�?But just before three he props his shoulder up again. Busch, "These two guys are gonna end up dead before they end up lettin�?the other claim victory at their expense!" Image, "You don’t understand the level of pride and competitiveness till you’ve been there. It’s just so hard to concede defeat." Marshal, "I wouldn’t know, I’ve always dominated my prey." Christian pulls himself up and sighs, clearly a little frustrated that he hasn’t been able to pick up the win yet. Michaels bends down and grabs a fit full of WallStreet’s blood soaked hair, pulling him up slowly to his feet. WallStreet makes his way to his feet but is clearly still on the ground mentally. Christian wraps WallStreet in a Front face lock, takes a few steps back and hops up onto about he third rung on the ladder. He then leaps off, spins around, and SLAAAAM! Busch, " BAH GAWD! WHAT A SPINEBUSTER!" Image, "Christian Michaels looking for a Tornado DDT, but WallStreet somehow mustarded up enough now how in his current state to deliver a devastating Spine buster reversal!" Marshal, "That’s because when ya get to be at the stage that these guys are at, and you eat and breath the business like these guys do, then you get to a point where you can essentially black out and still work. I’ll just about guarantee you that if you show the tape of this match to WallStreet tomorrow he won’t remember half of it, yet there he is, on his feet, after having nailed a massive spine buster." Busch, "Well, I’ve heard of that happening before. I know Mick Foley said that the vast majority of his 98�?Hell in a Cell match with the Undertaker took place while he was blacked out." Back with the action WallStreet’s staggering on his feet, but he is on his feet. Michaels is down, the pain etched on his face, but WallStreet doesn’t have the wits about him right now to make the cover. WallStreet turns around and sees the ladder standing there. WallStreet takes his arm and pops up the cross bars, folding the ladder. He then lets the legs drop as he holds the top of the ladder and drags it across the concrete floor heading back for the curtain. The blood is still dripping down his body and leaving a trail on the floor. Busch, "The amount of blood these two men have lost here tonight is comparable to a battlefield of war." Marshal, "And that’s exactly what it’s been Bert, a battle field for war." Image, "Absolutely." WallStreet drags the ladder through the first set of curtains back into the Gorilla position where Devon Monroe and Ahmed Johnson are both still watching. WallStreet stops, bends over, picks up the ladder, and then launches it like a spear, making it soar through the curtains and land flat on the center of the stage as the crowd pops, knowing the action’s about to head back that way. With that WallStreet turns around and throws open the pair of curtain, making his way back to CM in the immediate backstage area. Christian Michaels is down on a knee, probably trying to get his wits back about him as WallStreet is stumbling toward him�?Suddenly Michaels spins up to his feet and throws something with his arm�?As it launches we see it’s a Fireball! WallStreet’s eyes draw wide but he has no time to move as he gets blasted in the face with the fireball. The crowd erupts as WallStreet immediately spins around, holding his face and screaming in agony. Busch, "OH MAH GAWD! HE JUST THREW FIRE IN THE FACE OF HUMAN BEING!" Image, "Shades of Jerry Lawler as he just literally blasted WallStreet right in the face with that fireball!" Busch, "Well, I’m as much of a Christian Michaels fan as the next guy but I didn’t condone throwin�?fireballs when Jerry Lawler used to do it in Memphis and I don’t condone it now! That’s too much! At what point do we stop and take into consideration that that’s a human being on the other end of the attack!" Marshal, "Obviously somewhere beyond the fireball." Image, "Well to be honest Bert, I kind of agree. Throwing fire is a bit much, But it’s also not something Christian Michaels does on a regular bases. It’s a sign of his desperation, and it really shows just how much he wants this, how far it’s gone. These two guys have pulled out all the stops and yet we still don’t have a winner!" Busch, "�?I�?I guess you’re right but bah gawd, that’s one stop too many!" WallStreet at this point has stumbled through the first set of Gorilla curtains while holding his face in agony as Michaels is limping his way in pursuit. CM opens the curtains and as he does we hear a spraying sound and see a frosty white mist immediately engulf the Southern Heartthrob. CM spins around holding holding his eyes with one hand and waving off the mist with the other as WallStreet walks back through the curtains with a fire extinguisher in hand. Busch, "I think McCallister just put Michaels fire out!" Marshal, "CM wants to use Fire, WallStreet’ll use the Fire Extinguisher! Good call!" WallStreet tosses the extinguisher to the side and wipes his eyes with his forearm, clearly still a bit blinded from the light tube earlier and then the fire just a few moments ago. The Corporate Icon grabs the back of the God Of Wrestling’s neck and begins leading him back to the curtains. WallStreet pulls him through the first set, and marches right on through the second set coming back out onto the stage as the sold out Hammerstein Ballroom erupts for their returning superstars. WallStreet sees the ladder is lying on the center of the stage so he quickly plants his legs, reaches back, hooks his arm under CM’s arm, and then pops his hips, hip tossing Christian Michaels up and over, making him land back first on the ladder as the crowd pops. WallStreet lifts up his arm, smacks his elbow pad a couple of times, and then drops down and sinks his elbow deep into the chest of Michaels. WallStreet then rolls to his knees and covers CM who’s out on the ladder. Shawn Cain drops down and counts …………………………�?……………………………�?……………………………………�?! But Not QUITE�?Just as Cain’s hand is about to hit three CM pops his shoulder up. Busch, "I just�?I can’t fathom what these astounding athletes have left to give!" Image, "Nothing. And they haven’t had anything for the last fifteen minutes at least. But they’ve still been giving it. And that, Bert Busch, is what separates the Elite from the Mediocre. The Elite is a group of guys who give when they have nothing to give. A group of people who know not the meaning of the word "Quit"�?They’re guys who hit Empty and go for another hundred miles on one, single, solitary, DROP of Gasoline, and do so in a fashion that allows you to believe they’ve still got a full tank. Christian Michaels is one of those guys, Taylor McCallister is one of those guys, My husband is one of those guys, David Van Dam is one of those guys, and there’s a few others. They are Elite Athletes." Back on the stage WallStreet has fallen back on his knees, looking to the heavens for any way to finish of perhaps the most resilient performer he’s ever met in Christian Michaels. WallStreet finally pulls himself up as Michaels has rolled off the ladder to his knees. WallStreet begins stumbling down the ramp as the fans extend their hands desperately to try and touch the bloody mess that was once WallStreet. Back on the stage Christian Michaels is up to a knee and he’s slowly trying to pull himself up. Crowd: LETS GO MICHAELS, LETS GO WALLSTREET,LETS GO MICHAELS, LETS GO WALLSTREET,LETS GO MICHAELS, LETS GO WALLSTREET,LETS GO MICHAELS, LETS GO WALLSTREET,LETS GO MICHAELS, LETS GO WALLSTREET,LETS GO MICHAELS, LETS GO WALLSTREET,LETS GO MICHAELS, LETS GO WALLSTREET,LETS GO MICHAELS, LETS GO WALLSTREET, �?/EM> Busch, "These two have poured so much heart that the arena’s backin�?both men about equally!" Michaels pulls himself up but he appears to be on spaghetti legs as he tilts and staggers a little. Back at ringside, WallStreet grabs on to the bottom rope and uses it to pull himself up onto the ring and roll into the ring under the bottom rope. Back on the stage Michaels bends down and grabs the ladder drawing a huge pop from the crowd. Michaels begins dragging the ladder down the ramp, still a bloody mess himself as the fans also try frantically to reach out and grab the Southern Heartthrob. Back in the ring WallStreet slowly tries to pull himself up using the ropes as Shawn Cain (Also in the ring) simply watches, waiting for someone to get pinned or tap out. CM gets down to the ringside floor, places the top of the ladder on the side of the ring, then lifts the other end and slides the ladder into the ring as WallStreet’s up and leaning against the turnbuckles in the far corner. Christian slides in after the ladder and pulls himself up as WallStreet steps out of the corner, only to stumble and fall right back into the corner. Michaels bends down and pulls up the ladder, setting it up in the ring near the ropes nearest the ramp. Busch, "This has nowhere but bad to go folks." WallStreet again pushes himself out of the corner and begins trying to stumble out of the corner, toward CM, but this time successfully makes foreword progression. Meanwhile The Southern Heartthrob begins climbing the ladder, One rung at a time. He climbs to the second and Street makes another step forward�?He climbs to the third�?Then the forth………�?By the time he gets to the fifth WallStreet is leaning on the opposite side of the ladder. WallStreet grabs the sides of the ladder and he too begins climbing the ladder which makes the crowd go nuts as they consider the high risk possibilities. WallStreet climbs up slowly, but he eventually gets to about the same level as CM on the other side, Both of which have their feet on rungs higher than where the top rope is. CM suddenly delivers a hard right hand to the bloody skull of the Corporate Icon making the crowd pop. He then delivers a second�?He Goes back and delivers a third as WallStreet begins to tilt back�?Michaels reaches back for a forth but Street lunges back with a hard right hand of his own. Michaels head snaps back as droplets of blood going flying from his hair, two even getting on the camera lens. WallStreet then throws another right hand but not in the form of a closed fist, but a thumb to the eye. CM grabs his eyes and when he does WallStreet climbs up another rung, and then one more leaving only one rung left before he reaches the top of the ladder. WallStreet grabs the Heartthrob’s hair and lifts him up, making him climb up to the same rung on the opposite side of the ladder�?/FONT> Busch, "Oh God�?I don’t like where this is headin�?/FONT>�? WallStreet suddenly hooks Christian in a set up similar to that of the Rockbottom�?/P> Image, "Oh Lord�? Busch, "Don’t do this�?Think about it�? WallStreet then looks at the center of the ring�?And Then the camera flashes begin going wild as he leaps off the ladder…�?STRONG> OVER THE TOP ROPE�?/P> Busch, "OHH MAH GOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!" Crowd: HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK, HO-LY-FUCK�?/P> Busch, "HOLY HELL!!! HE JUST DID A STOCK MARKET CRASH VERSION TWO OFF THE TOP OF A LADDER TO THE OUTSIDE FLOOR!!!" The crowd is going absolutely ballistic after seeing WallStreet deliver his version of the Rock Bottom off the top of the ladder to the ringside floor. CM actually bounced off the impact when he hit the wrestling mats at ringside and ended up clear at the bottom of the ramp on his back as WallStreet is on his chest on the ringside mats, and the crowd is still going beyond crazy. Busch, "THEY MAY BE DEAD! THIS MATCH IS OVER! IT HAS TO BE! RING THE DAMN BELL!" Marshal, "THEY CAN’T! You heard Cain! Come Hell or high water there Must_Be_A_WINNER!" Busch, "If they live to see tomorra�?they’re both winners! Now get the EMTS out here!" Image, "This is too much! Put your pride aside guys, this match is done. You have to respect the Hell out of both guys efforts and the bottom line is that this match was a draw. They just both wanted it beyond the point that their bodies could achieve what their hearts demanded." Cain is on the floor trying to check on both guys but not getting much of a reaction. We can just BARELY see CM’s stomach moving enough to know he’s alive, and WallStreet could very well be dead because I haven’t see anything move on him since he landed. The Dementa-Tron lights up as we see the Replay box come back on the screen�?/P> Busch, "This is one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen�? We see WallStreet lift CM up to his feet on that second-to-top rung and hook him�?We then see them leap off the ladder and we watch them falling in slow motion, till you eventually see CM’s back and WallStreet’s knees smack the ringside mats. The Replay then restarts from atop of the ladder again, but this time in real time�?Still drawing oos and ahhs from the crowd. Busch, "I just�?I really can’t�?I can’t believe what I just witnessed. It was as if for that very moment WallStreet actually switched places with Chrsitain Michaels�?WallStreet’s always been a strategist, a psychologist�?He’s slower and maniacal�?He’s cunning and calculating�?But in this one instance he threw all of that away, and just through the dice on the floor and hoped for the crap-shoot! I’m just�?I’m awe struck is what I am." Image, "You and me both bee-bee." Busch, "Well here ya see the officiating staff and the trainers all clearing the backstage area, and it’s inevitable that this match is over. These two guys are gonna have to be wheeled out of here on stretchers and then we will move onto our main event for the night. Hopefully Van Dam and Dangerously don’t leave here in the same condition although it wouldn’t shock me if they did." Marshal, "No doubt, DVD and Dangerously lookin to tear each other apart I’m sure. Head trainer Danny Young is hoverin over WallStreet and his pupil Anoop Kaushik is checking on Michaels�?Anoop Kaushik�?Damn dot heads takin all our jobs!" Busch, "Kaushik is a fine young man and an excellent trainer." Marshal, "Yeah, I’m sure he gave great customer service at the Kwiki mart, that doesn’t mean he needs to be in the ICWA." Busch, "Now isn’t the time to argue over the nationality of one of our trainers, I’m far more concearned with the condition of WallStreet and Christian Michaels." Image, "Likewise." Neither man has moved. Young is about to call for the stretcher but WallStreet suddenly grabs his pants cuff. Young looks down and sees that WallStreet’s beginning to slowly crawl across the floor on his forearms, dragging the rest of his body behind him as the fans erupt so loudly that the walls LITERALY Quake! Busch, "HE’S MOVIN! BAH_GAWD HE’S MOVIN! But�?Is that necessarily a good thing?! I’m ecstatic he can move, but don’t! Stay down and just let the stretchers get you two the Hell outta here!" WallStreet continues to inch across the floor as the crowd is on their feet, slowly clapping but gradually picking up speed like they might to support someone who was drifting off in the sleeper. WallStreet continues to get closer and closer to the motionless Michaels and the crowd’s claps become louder and faster. Finally WallStreet pushes himself up to his hands and knees and then pushes his upper torso out, lying across the body of Michaels as Cain drops down�?/FONT> …………………………………�? ……………………………………………�? ……………………………………………………………�? | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | Busch, "WHAT A MATCH! I Can’t Believe that it went this far, but�?Well now wait a second�?OH MY GOD! HE GOT A SHOULDER UP!" That’s right�?Cain’s fingers were literally scraping the bottom of the floor when CM JUST and I mean JUUUUUUST popped his shoulder blade off the floor. The crowd is going absolutely nuts. Crowd: EYE_SEE_DUBBYA-EH, EYE_SEE_DUBBYA-EH, EYE_SEE_DUBBYA-EH, EYE_SEE_DUBBYA-EH, EYE_SEE_DUBBYA-EH, EYE_SEE_DUBBYA-EH, EYE_SEE_DUBBYA-EH, EYE_SEE_DUBBYA-EH�?/EM> WallStreet rolls over on to his back as CM is still barely moving. Busch, "Well he�?Christian Michaels�?He�?He Got his shoulder up by sheer instinct, but what good does it do?! And if that Stock Market Crash Vee-Two off the top of a ladder to the outside floor didn’t finish this match, What the Hell will?!" WallStreet slowly rolls over to his knees as the officials and trainers are still there trying to figure out what to do. WallStreet grabs a hold of Shawn Cain’s leg, and begins pulling himself up on Cain as if Cain was a ladder. The crowd is going wild as we can see WallStreet’s blood getting on Cain’s shirt, staining it. WallStreet gets to his feet but stumbles back and only remains on his feet by grabbing Danny Young and referee Darren Thomas to keep on his feet. Young, "You gotta get to the hospital, you may have suffered serious internal damage and you’ve lost way too much blood�? WallStreet, "No�? Young, "Mr. McCallister, I have to insis�? WallStreet violently shoves Danny Young, making Young stumble over his own feet and land on his ass, which of course makes the crowd erupt. On the bottom of the ramp Christian’s rolled to his knees and is climbing the pant legs of Ken Martel and Anoop Kaushik. They both offer a hand down and help CM up. Anoop, "We should really call this match off and take you backsta�? CM violently shoves Anoop down to his ass, drawing another eruption from the crowd. Michaels and WallStreet, both unidentifiable under the thick layer of blood, both dry and wet on their bodies�? begin to come toward each other. WallStreet delivers a stiff kick to the gut of CM, and then grabs him by the neck and leads him into rolling into the ring under the bottom rope. WallStreet slides in after them as these two gladiators appear to be on there second wind�?Or in this case perhaps their forth or fifth wind. CM gets up in the ring, holding his back as he’s clearly still feeling the effects of that Stock Market Crash V.2�?WallStreet grabs him by the wrist and whips him across the ring�?WallStreet gives chase and just as Michaels back hits the ropes, WallStreet drills him with a huge Clothesline that takes both men up and over the top rope to the floor below as the fans are eating it up. Busch, "They’re at our feet now and by God are they a mess. They look like they’ve been pulled outta the wood chipper!" WallStreet grabs the outside ring skirt and uses it to pull him up to his feet as he walks over to the American commentary table and grabs the black protective cover off the top of the table, throwing it off to the side and exposing the monitors. Busch, "Hey! What are ya doin!?" WallStreet grabs Busch’s monitor and pulls it up out of the table and sets it on the side of the table. Then he goes over, grabs Marshal’s monitor and sets that one on the side of the table as well. WallStreet comes back over and see’s CM has pulled himself up and is leaning with his back against the ring. WallStreet grabs the top of the ring skirt with his left hand, and then pulls back and hits a hard chop with his right. Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOO A Second chop Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOO A Third Chop Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO A Forth Chop Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOO And a Fifth�?/FONT> Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOO! WallStreet releases the ring skirt and pulls Michaels away as the Heartthrob clutches his own chest (which is undoubtedly about raw at this point) in pain. WallStreet grabs Michaels by the hair and goes to drive him face first on the American announce table but Michaels puts his foot up and blocks it, making the crowd pop. CM turns around and delivers a huge chop across the chest of WallStreet making the Crowd WHOOOOOO Again. He then nails a second, and a third, and a forth, but so rapidly that the fans can’t keep up. Busch, "Bah Gawd! Those chops are vicious!" Image, "Karma’s a bitch Double B." Christian’s battled WallStreet all the way over to the Spanish announce table where Carlos Colon and Mil Mascaras are calling the action. Michaels goes for a big right hand but WallStreet suddenly pops in a Thumb to the eye. Busch, "Another Thumb to the eye by the Corporate Icon�? WallStreet grabs Michaels and rolls him up onto the Spanish announce table, clearly deciding to say the Hell with the American one. WallStreet Climbs up and picks Michaels up�?He begins to set CM’s head between the Corporate Thighs as he then hooks one arm�?Then Two�?/FONT> Busch, "Oh God�?I think he’s gonna go for the Stock Market Crash right on the Spanish Announce table!" WallStreet goes to hoist CM up, but CM SOMEHOW breaks the underhook of WallStreet. WallStreet’s eyes grow to the size of Saucers as CM places his palms on his thighs and begins to stand up�?WallStreet’s feet leave the table and he suddenly soars through the air�?/FONT> Busch, "WATCH OUT!" The American commentators all jump back as WallStreet flies over the gap between the announce tables and comes crashing through the American commentary table via a Backbody Drop Reversal from Christian Michaels that sent the fans into another frenzy. Busch, "WALLSTREET WAS LOOKIN FOR THAT�?FOR THAT STOCK MARKET CRASH BUT�?CM REVERSED! HOW in thee HELL are they STILL FIGHTIN?!" Image, "HEART! That’s my only answer! I know it’s vauge and even I Didn’t think they had SOOO Much heart, but that’s the ONLY LOGICAL Explanation!" Marshal, "WHAT?! That’s Not logical! There is NO LOGICAL Explanation AT ALL! These crazy bastards just are incapable of dying!" Michaels slowly rolls off the Spanish announce table as WallStreet continues to contemplate just where in the Hell he might be. Michaels stumbles over and grabs WallStreet by the hair, lifting his lifeless corpse off the ground. Michaels reaches over and grabs Dart by the Tux, pulling him off his chair. Kevin doesn’t argue as he darts off (no pun intended) and CM grabs his chair, folding it and taking a few steps forward before launching it into the ring over the top rope. Michaels then comes back and grabs the back of Street’s head, forcing him to come back over to the ring and sliding him into the ring under the bottom rope. Michaels slides in and then bends down and again grabs WallStreet by the hair�?/FONT> The ring is clear now, The weapons from way earlier disappeared after they went to the back, leaving us only to assume that the ring crew got em outta the ring�?The ladder that the SMC V.2 Was done off of is folded at ringside and the ladder that was in front of the commentary table is gone as well�?But that solid black steal chair is sitting right in the center of the ring. CM brings WallStreet out to the chair and applies the front facelock�? Busch, "THIS COULD BE IT!" CM snaps around into a diamond cutter but WallStreet shoves him off at the shoulder blades. CM doesn’t run across the ring, but simply stumbles away a couple of steps. CM instantly turns around and WallStreet scoops under him and hoists him up on his shoulders�?/FONT> Busch, "HE’S GONNA HIT THE GREAT DEPRESSION!" WallStreet spins Michaels legs out but Christian shoves WallStreet’s Shoulder blades and pops down behind the Corporate Icon as McCallister stumbles over the chair. WallStreet turns around and takes a kick to the gut. CM hooks the front face lock, snaps around again but WallStreet again shoves CM in the shoulders and CM this time takes off across the ring. He bounces off the ropes and returns to center ring only to take a huge kick to the gut from WallStreet. WallStreet hooks the arms, leaps up and BAM! Busch, "STOCK MARKET CRASH! STOCK MARKET CRASH! BAH GAWD HE JUST STOCK MARKET CRASHED CHRISTIAN MICHAELS FACE FIRST INTO THAT STEAL CHAIR!" WallStreet uses the absolute last bit of his energy to roll Michaels over�?He hooks the far leg and rolls back as the referee drops down Crowd & Cain: …………………………………………�?STRONG>ONE! Crowd & Cain: ………………………………………………�?STRONG>TWO! Busch, "IS THIS IT?! IT HAS TO BE DOESN’T IT?!" Crowd & Cain: ……………………………………………………………THREE! The bell sounds and WallStreet releases the leg and rolls over onto his own back as "Superstar II" By Saliva blasts over the PA and the capacity crowd is going absolutely nuts. Busch, "WHAT A PHENOMENAL MATCH!!!" Image, "An Instant five star!" Marshal, "I gotta admit�?These two guys came, they put it all on the line, and even though WallStreet’s theme song is playin, I think it’s safe to say that nobody lost this match." Busch, "Absolutely Jay! I’ve never seen so much damn heart and drive in mah life. I’ve never been as impressed in two individuals as I am in Christian Michaels and Taylor McCallister. This match was about one thing and one thing only, Respect. They both had it from each other at one time, and they both lost it for each other due to different circumstances. Tonight, I can’t believe that these two men can POSSIBLY leave this match without a new found respect for one another." Image, "It’s just�?Wow. That’s really all I can say Bert�?Wow." Marshal, "I believe "Wow" just about covers it Image. Wow." Busch, " "Wow" Indeed. Folks, They let us run this entire match without disrupting with a commercial break, so now we have to show them that same respect and allow our wonderful sponsors to help us pay the Bills. But we’ll be back! Bah Gawd! Can ya believe that this night isn’t even over yet?!" The cameras fade on the two lifeless bodies in the ring�?/P> *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | When the cameras return from the commercial WallStreet and CM are still lying in the middle of the ring but now the trainers and EMTs are surrounding them, as too are Becca and Rhya. Busch, "We’re back and folks, Christian Michaels and Taylor McCallister haven’t moved since we went to commercial. Ya can see the trainers and the EMTs in the ring trying vigorously to bring these two superstars back from where ever they’ve knocked each other�?We can see that they’re both breathing which is definitely a good sign, but folks�?I hate to say this but�?This may have very well been the last match for either of these men." Image, "Michaels and McCallister are two of the best in the industry and if there careers were drawn short tonight that’d be a crying shame." Busch, "The things we saw tonight are incomparable to anything else that I’ve witnessed in my twenty four years in this business." Marshal, "Absolutely breath taking was the bout that we just witnessed. They literally went to Hell and back�?They fought in the ring, they fought on the floor, they fought up the ramp, on the stage, backstage, back to the stage, back down the ramp, back on the floor, back in the ring, so on and so forth and oh My God, it was just brutal!" Busch, "Absolutely it was�?As they’re trying to get these two up in the ring, I want to remind everyone that our night’s not over. David Van Dam is still scheduled to meet Nic E. Dangerously inside of a fifteen foot steal cage match. Earlier tonight our very own Ron Taylor interviewed Van Dam, and this is what he had to say." ____________________________________________________ Earlier Tonight Van Dam, "…�?Nic E. Dangerously, wherever you are in this arena, Let me lay down the gauntlet if you will�?You and I are scheduled to meet inside of a steal cage here tonight, to create the headline of headlines. Well let’s make that headline just a little bit sweeter�?Let’s give everyone at home something they can really sit on the edge of their seats for. Let’s give this great Manhattan crowd (crowd pops) something to say "Ya know, That main event alone was worth the price of my whole ticket." Lets, Nic E. Dangerously, put the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship in the mix!" Van Dam, "�?I want to give the fans a token of my appreciation and a genuine gift of my remorse by giving them the title match to end all title matches�?Nic E. Dangerously Verses David Van Dam in a fifteen foot steal cage. Think about it Nic�?You’re the guy who’s known for doing what’s right for the business, so do what’s right for business tonight and put your strap on the line. The balls in your court Dangerously, make the shot or pass it off and stop hoggin�?the paint." ____________________________________________________ With that we go to Busch, Image, and Marshal at ringside, albeit with a regular wooden table laying host to their monitors after Michaels and McCallister decimated the previous commentary table. Busch, "So now the question is, Will Nic E. Dangerously place his ICWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line, or will he opt to make Van Dam wait and climb the ranks in the new season of the ICWA scheduled to take off in the spring of oh-seven." Marshal, "If I’m Nic E. Dangerously, I make him wait. What the Hell has Van Dam done inside of the ICWA To earn himself a World title opportunity?" Image, "Perhaps he doesn’t done a lot within this company, but the man’s wrestled on six different contanints�?He’s a former PWT Heavyweight Champion, W2K Heavyweight Champion, and is currently holding the BUD Tag Team Titles�?The man is PWI Magazine’s Number One Wrestler for 2006�?He’s more than qualified to wrestle for the ICWA Heavyweight championship." Busch, "No question, but is he reliable? Personally, I believe he is�? Busch is cut off as the crowd is starting to erupt�?/P> Busch, "The crowd here growing loud although I’m not sure�?Wait A Second! Look! In The Ring!" The cameras switch to the ring where we see WallStreet and Christian Michaels both slowly rolling to their stomachs. Busch, "THEY’RE MOVIN!" Marshal, "I hope they know the match is over!" WallStreet begins pulling himself up EXTREMELY slowly on the ropes nearest the commentators as CM does the same on the exact opposite ropes. They pull up on the bottom rope�?Then the second�?Then the third…They both get on their feet although they don’t look like they have any intentions of being there for any length of time�?They both turn around and see each other on the otherside�?Their blood is caked on their bodies, each movement making it crack�?They both slowly come to center ring and stair eye to eye as the crowd is on their feet. Michaels wobbles a little, as too does WallStreet, Becca and Rhya on either side with looks of deep concearn�?/P> Michaels suddenly extends his hand which sends the crowd through the roof�?/P> Crowd: SHAKE_HIS_HAND, SHAKE_HIS_HAND, SHAKE_HIS_HAND, SHAKE_HIS_HAND, SHAKE_HIS_HAND, SHAKE_HIS_HAND, SHAKE_HIS_HAND, SHAKE_HIS_HAND�?/P> Busch, "This Capacity crowd clearly wants to see these two men shake hands! And So do I!" WallStreet looks to his right, the fans still chanting�?Then to his left, the fans again maintain their chant�?WallStreet finally looks down at the hand of Christian Michaels�?And he slams his own palm into CM’s palm making the crowd erupt as Michaels and WallStreet basically collapse into each other, acting as each other’s support beam from hitting the canvas. Busch, "What a Great show of sportsmanship! This is what the business is all about! This is why I wake up with a smile on my face every morning, ANXIOUS to get to work!" The camera man gets right up close so the mic on the camera can hear them as their foreheads are leaning against each other and they still have each other’s hand�?/P> CM, "Don’t think this is our last match Taylor." WallStreet, "Heh, It’ll be a cold day in Hell before I let ya off that easy!" The crowd couldn’t hear it but surely the fans at home are hype as the two finally release each other and stumble backwards, being caught by their significant others. Busch, "Bah Gawd�?Can you imagine that? CM �?WallStreet Number Three?! Number One was Insane�?Number Two was border-line Homocide�?How the HELL will they survive a round Three?!" "Superstar II" By Saliva blasts over the PA as CM drops down and rolls under the bottom rope. Rhya follows behind and props herself under his arm, acting as a human crutch while WallStreet leans back on the ropes with Becca helping to hold him up. Crowd: THANK YOU CHRISTIAN, THANK YOU TAYLOR, THANK THANK YOU CHRISTIAN, THANK YOU TAYLOR,THANK YOU CHRISTIAN, THANK YOU TAYLOR,THANK YOU CHRISTIAN, THANK YOU TAYLOR,THANK YOU CHRISTIAN, THANK YOU TAYLOR,THANK YOU CHRISTIAN, THANK YOU TAYLOR,�?/P> Busch, "The crowd showing their appreciation for the blood they spilt and the years from their careers they just shaved�?By Gawd it’s like having been ringside for a massacre." Image, "That’s exactly what it was Bert�? As CM and Rhya are trying to go up the ramp, CM of course embracing a few fans along the way, and Street trying to muster enough energy to leave the ring himself, the scene fades to the back where we see two men who have plenty of energy and are ready to spend it�?/P> Bert, "There they are�?David Van Dam and ICWA Champion Nic E. Dangerously�?When we come back they’ll be encased in fifteen feet of steal cage�?Don’t go away!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | Busch, "There it is�?The fifteen foot steal cage that’s about to surround this ring and house two of the absolute best that our business has to offer�? We fade into the ring where Kevin Dart is standing�?/FONT> The bell sounds three straight times as Dart announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is a Steal CAGE Match! You may win this bout via Pinfall, Submission, ORRR, ESCAPE of the Cage! This Contest is scheduled for ONEFALL�?And It IS for the INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ALLIANCE Hhhhhheavyweight Wrestling Championship Of The WORRRRRLDDDDDD!" The crowd goes ballistic as Busch says, "IT IS?! DANGEROUSLY HAS ACCEPTED! THE TITLE IS ON THE LINE! BAH GAWD THAT’S HUGE!" The lights cut completely, which is custom for a lot of entrances. The crowd turns their attention to the ramp as "Cult Personality" by Living Color begins to play over the public address system. A shower of golden sparks begins to fall as a golden spotlight shines on the stage. Walking through the sparks is David Van Dam and Monica Swhear. They stand in front of the sparks as David Van Dam spreads his arms wide, Monica wraps her arm around his waist and kisses his cheek. David has on his Ric Flair style entrance robe, and the duo begin to walk down the ring aisle. Dart: "INTRODUCING FIRST�?Making his way down the aisle, being accompanied by Monica Swhear, he hails from Indianapolis, Indiana and weighs in tonight at 245 pounds. He's the most decorated athlete in wrestling history, "The Ironman" DAVID...VAN...DAM..." DVD climbs up the solid steel steps and walks down the apron. He wipes his feet off before steping into the ring. Monica slides under the bottom rope and smiles. DVD takes his robe off as Monica gives him another kiss, sliding out of the ring as the song ends and the lights return to normal. "King Nothing" rumbles across the PA, as a woman's voice repeats "Danger... danger... danger..." over and over. Red and white strobes flare across the rampway, and the song kicks in just after the woman says "You have just entered... the dangerzone!", at the chorus, and Nic E Dangerously walks out on stage, with arms extended parallel to the floor�?/FONT> The crowd erupts as Dart announces, "Finaly�?Making his way to the ring from SAN ANTONIO TEXAS�?He weighs in this evening at two hundred sixty one pounds�?He is the DEFENDING INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP WRRRESTLING ALLIANCE�?HEEEEEEEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORRRRLLDDD……�?NIC_E_DANNNNNGEROUSLYY!" Busch, "There he is folks�?The EYE SEE DUBBYA EYE Champion, and he’s fixin to defend his belt right here tonight verses arguably the greatest technical wrestler of our era in David Van Dam." He spins as he walks down to the ramp. Once he hits the ring, he walks up the steps, holding the top rope with his left hand, as his right arm extends up, with a fist. He turns to the ring and enters. The crowd is going wild with anticipation as these two mega titans stand across the ring from each other, simply waiting as the steal cage is drawing lower and lower, just beginning to come down over the top rope. Busch, "David Van Dam�?Nic E. Dangerously�?A Fifteen foot Steal cage�?The ICWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line�?Folks, don’t go away, this is our very last Commercial Break of the evening!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Holiday Spectacular December 20th, 2006 | The cameras return as we see Dangerously and Van Dam on opposing sides of the ring with the steal cage trapping them like a mesh prison. In the ring referee Tim White is standing to count a pinfall or call a submission. On the floor referee Darren Thomas is standing by the door to call it if someone’s feet hit the floor�?/P> Busch, "Welcome back. That was our last commercial break, and FX has assured us that our broadcast will proceed until this match declares a winner, so we’re ready for the long haul. For those of you just joining us the ICWA Heavyweight Championship IS on the Line�?This one’s gonna be a barn burner deluxe if I ever saw one, I’m sure." White calls for the Bell and as soon as he does Dangerously and Van Dam spring foreword and lock into a forcefully applied collar and elbow grapple. The two are forehead to forehead, moving each other about like a couple of Bulls locked at the horns. Finally Van Dam presses Dangerously’s back against the corner making Tim White request the break�?DVD slowly lets up and backs off only to take a kick the gut for his trouble. David doubles over and the Champ grabs him and swings him into the corner. NED delivers a hard right hand, followed by a second, and then a third. The Paradigm then grabs the Iron Man’s arm, presses him back against the turnbuckles, and then springs out with an Irish whip sending David Van Dam whipping across the ring and colliding back first against the opposing corner. As the PWT Champion hits the turnbuckles, Dangerously is right there to land a high-impact clothesline. Van Dam stumbles out a few steps and Dangerously swings around, locking a rear waist lock, and then hoisting DVD up and slamming him down with a Belly to Back suplex, which makes the crowd pop. Busch, "The champion coming out strong in the opening moments of this contest." Image, "Nic E. Dangerously is exactly what his name insinuates, Dangerous." Marshal, "Oh yeah, THAT Was Crafty. Ya come up with that one while readin�?the back of a Lucky Charms box this morning?" Image, "Actually, I was reading the warning label on your Steroids�? Marshal, "I�?Do�?Not�?Take�?STEROIDSS!" Image, "Of course ya don’t�?So Um Jay�?Is it true?" Marshal, "Is what true?" Image, "You know�?About the eh�?"Shrinkage" that’s said to occur with long term Steroid use." Marshal, "Don’t you have a floor to sweep or a husband who needs a sandwich?" Image, "Yeah�?Come by around two, Bobby like’s his lunch late�?And thanks for the offer." Busch, "In Any Event, back in the ring Van Dam and Dangerously are back into the grapple�? Yes, Yes they are. Albeit not for long as Van Dam grabs a hold of Dangerously’s wrist and spins out, wrenching the arm into an arm wrench. David holds it only briefly before he lifts his arm up high, and then drives forward, driving his own elbow/under arm through the extended elbow of Nic Dangerously before releasing the arm wrench. NED shakes his arm vigorously, but only briefly as David grabs a hold of the wrist again, and spins underneath to add more tork. The self proclaimed Iron Man pulls up on the champ’s arm, then stomps down. He pulls up again, then stomps down again. Busch, "Van Dam starting to attack that right arm of the heavyweight champion’s. At this rate he may very well pop the shoulder right out of the socket." Van Dam finally takes that right arm and turns it into a modified standing arm bar as the pain is etched on Dangerously’s face. Dangerously let’s out a few grunts and yells of pain before he takes a minute to realize that he needs to find an escape route. NED begins slowly trying to progress toward the ropes as David Van Dam just adds more pressure to the arm bar. Dangerously grunts a bit and continues inching his way to the ropes. Every time NED moves forward David applies just a little more tork. Busch, "Dangerously headin�?toward the ropes although I’m not entirely sure why as I don’t imagine Van Dam would be forced to relinquish the hold with this being a steal cage bout." Finally Dangerously gets to the ropes and grabs a hold of that top rope with his left arm. He then lets out a mighty roar and uses the left rope to give him some added leverage as he swings Van Dam over and makes his head collide with the cage wall. David has no choice but to relinquish the hold. Dangerously delivers a deep seeded kick to the gut of PWI’s Number One Wrestler of 2006. Van Dam doubles over a little and Dangerously grabs the back of his shinny skull and smashes his face off the cage wall Once�?Twice�?Thrice, and then begins rubbing DVD’s face back and forth on that mesh wall like a brick of cheese over a cheese grader. Finally he pulls back on the Ironman’s head and smacks it off the cage wall one last time, making Van Dam sail back and land hard on his back. The crowd pops as Dangerously shakes his right arm, still feeling the effects of Van Dam’s earlier assault. Dangerously comes over and kneels over Van Dam, mounting the PWT Champion before he lifts up his head with his left hand and begins driving hard rights into the grill of the Wrestling Machine David Van Dam. Busch, "Dangerously relentless with those stiff right hands to the challenger�? NED finally gets up and shakes his hand off as he looks over at the door of the cage and smirks. NED, "Open The Door!" The crowd boos as referee Darren Thomas does what he’s told and opens the door. Busch, "The crowd’s not too receptive to the idea of this match concluding at this stage�? Image, "Well of course not, it’s barely started." Marshal, "Not our problem, just retain the strap." Dangerously walks over to the ropes but Van Dam suddenly spins to his feet and runs up behind the Champion. The crowd pops as Van Dam locks a rear waist lock then falls back and rolls through into a squatting pin as he holds the small of the back/higher ass of Dangerously and Tim White drops down and counts ………………�?……………………�? Dangerously kicks out abruptly and the fans are on their feet. Dangerously pops up with a look of rage on his face as we see the steal door being relatched in the background. Dangerously charges in at Van Dam but David does a leap frog�?Sort of�?When he leaps up in the air, instead of going up and over NED’s body, he catches NED’s wrist, twists his frame wrapping his legs in front of NED’s Chest, and dropping back with NED in a modified arm bar with a leg scissors around the base of the shoulder. Busch, "Van Dam going back to work on that right arm of Nic E. Dangerously’s, he could be trying to soften him up for that patented Crossface Chicken Wing." Image, "Well this is a very smart strategy because, not only does it soften Dangerously up should Van Dam choose to go for the Crossface Chicken, but, the Deus Ex Machina and the Jagged Reality are both moves that require some tork from the bicep and forearm muscles. If those muscles are torn from the limb or if the bones those muscles are attached to are dislocated or perhaps even broken, then it makes it extremely difficult for Dangerously to apply those holds. And even if he can apply them, it’ll still take a great deal of the effectiveness away, leaving Van Dam much better odds at being able to kick out or resist submission." Busch, "Very well put." Marshal, "Pfft." Van Dam continues to pull back on that right arm of Dangerously’s in an attempt to get the shoulder to separate from the socket. Dangerously, however, being the seasoned veteran that he is, knows better than to kick and scream and panic. Instead he assesses the situation. Finally he reaches over, grabbing David’s legs with his left arm as he plants the bottom of his feet on the mat. Dangerously then rolls over and to his feet while Van Dam maintains the arm bar but ends up on his shoulders. Tim White drops down and begins to count ………………………………�?……………………�?………………………�?Van Dam releases the arm bar and rolls through to his feet. Busch, "Van Dam being left with no choice but to relinquish the submission or suffer defeat via pinfall." The two men are on their feet, Dangerously’s arm dangling at his side as he rushes in to Van Dam. David sinks down and grabs that injured arm applying a deep Arm drag. Dangerously pops up and goes for the charge again with the same result. He gets up a third time, staggering slightly and comes in again, and once again takes a deep arm drag but this time David Van Dam retains hold of the arm and squats down, applying yet another variation of the arm bar on that right arm of The ICWA Champion. Busch, "Shades of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat with those deep seeded arm drags, and now Van Dam going back to that right arm of the self proclaimed Paradigm, really turning up the pain dial as he applies more pressure to the shoulder and elbow regions." Dangerously slowly starts to get up to his feet as Van Dam maintains the armbar�?Suddenly Dangerously swings through and reverses into a hammerlock as the crowd pops. Van Dam slaps his shoulder a few times before he leaps up and back, brings his free arm back to catch Dangerously’s neck, and then drops through to a knee and delivers an inverted snapmare takeover. David goes to apply a rear chin lock but Dangerously quickly grabs the wrist of the Ironman and swings up and back into another hammerlock. Not looking to suffer a similar reversal to the one he just took, Dangerously doesn’t hesitate before delivering a couple of hard forearms across the neck of David before releasing the hammerlock. Dangerously shakes his arm again, trying to regain some kind of use of it as Van Dam turns around just in time to take a drop toe hold. The crowd pops as Dangerously rolls through and applies a Half Boston crab. Busch, "Dangerously’s got the crab applied!" Dangerously torks back as much as he can but there’s as much pain on his face (perhaps more so even) then there is on that of David Van Dam. Finally NED releases the crab and stumbles foreword holding that right arm. Image, "There ya see all that work David’s done on the arm of the Paradigm beginning to pay off." David pulls himself up and Dangerously bounces off the ropes and comes from behind with a hard soccer kick across the back of the knee of the Technical Miracle Worker in David Van Dam, dropping him on his back. Van Dam grabs his knee and gets up only to be grabbed by Dangerously and snapped right back down with a side Russian leg sweep. The crowd pops as Dangerously starts to mount some offense. NED sits up and looks over to Darren Thomas and once again demands the door be opened. And once again, Thomas does as he’s told and he opens the door. Dangerously gets up to his feet and delivers a few hard stomps across the chest of Van Dam before he starts walking over toward the door. Busch, "Dangerously lookin to win this bout via the escape of the cage and retain his ICWA Championship�? Dangerously gets to the ropes as Van Dam pops back up making the crowd pop. DVD rushes over and gets right under, Scooping Dangerously up for the fireman’s carry�? Busch, "Van DAM LOOKIN FOR THE LAST CHANCE�? Dangerously was expecting it though as he pushes off and gets behind Van Dam�?/FONT> Busch, "DANGEROUSLY ESCAPES�? Dangerously drives under and pops Van Dam up�?/FONT> Busch, "DUES EX MACHINA�? But as he has Van Dam up in the air like Angle has an opponent for the Angle slam, David slides down his back, hooks his arm and face, stumbles back a few feet away from the ropes and drops down, wrapping the leg scissors around the body as he has the Crossface Chickenwing synched, making the crowd go wild. Busch, "REVERSE INTO A CROSSFACE CHICKENWING! VAN DAM HAS THE CHICKENWING AND DANGEROUSLY AIN’T GOT NO WHERE TO GO!" Image, "David Van Dam applies that move in a way that only Bob Backlund could ever contest!" Busch, "DANGEROUSLY! Dangerously�?He’s�?He’s tryin not to tap but what choice does he have! That arm’s been turned ta Jella�?and there ain’t no way in Hell he’s escapin�?the way Van Dam has that locked on�? They’re in the middle of the ring, Dangerously trying so hard to resist�?But finally he uses his free arm and taps the mat repeatedly as we hear the bell sound and Van Dam release the hold. "Cult of Personality" Begins to blast over the PA as the crowd is on their feet, erupting. Busch, "VAN DAM! VAN DAM! DAVID VAN DAM HAS JUST WON THE EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH CHAMPIONSHIP!" Dart, "YOUR WINNER�?and the NEW INTERNATIONAL Championship WRRRESTLING Alliance HHHHHHHHHEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION of the WORRRLDD�?DAVID_VAN_DAM!" The crowd is going absolutely nuts as the cage is raising and Tim White’s at the time keepers side of the table awaiting the ICWA Title. Busch, "Going into this venue we had no idea the ICWA Title would even be defended�?On this Night, Wednesday December Twentieth, two thousand six, David Van Dam has won the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship! Only his second match inside of this company and he has won the World Heavyweight Championship! BAH GAWD Does it get any Bigger Than THIS?!" Finally the cage is raised and Dangerously has rolled out of the ring and exited as Tim White hands David Van Dam the ICWA Heavyweight championship. Busch, "That right there says it all! Through all the Hell, through all the criticisms�?If there was ever any question, the question is answered now�?Yes, 2006 has OFFICIALLY Been stamped "Property Of David Van Dam"! By God this is unbelievable�?What an Unbelievable night�?/P> Suddenly the so familiar cords hit the PA as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" By Papa Roach blasts over the PA. Much to everyone’s surpise the Hammerstein Ballroom actually blows up with cheers as Matt Matlock’s tron begins flashing�?/P> "Fed-up, Tired, Sick and twisted One-man army I'm enlisted Trust yourself trust no one else Fuck a hero be yourself" Busch, "That’s the theme song of Matt Matlock�?Matt Matlock’s David Van Dam’s long time tag team partner, but I’m not sure what he wants here�? Marshal, "Obviously he’s coming out here to congratulate Van Dam on his win�? "I don't need your lousy hand-out Clinched fists I'll fight my way out Fighting my way out Find my way out" As the music is playing Van Dam’s standing in the center of the ring, the championship over his shoulder as he stands, looking only slightly fatigued while he looks up at the stage, curious. Busch, "Matlock of course beat Ryan Ross earlier here tonight in a ladder match to cement his place as one of the greatest nWWF-CWA Champions ever�?
"People wake up and sing aloooooong I trust no one My trust is gooooone
Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with everything Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with everything Yeah!" Suddenly the curtain moves and the Hammerstein Ballroom goes crazy for The Man�?/P> Busch, "THERE HE IS! Matt Matlock!" The music continues to play as Matlock stands on the stage and points down to David Van Dam in the ring. Matlock nods and begins to applaud. Busch, "Looks like Matlock’s applauding the new ICWA Champion�? David smiles and nods as if to say "Thank you"�?Then Matlock points to David�?David tilts his head�?Matlock gets an evil grin as he brings his hands down to his waist and makes his hands go over an invisable title belt, using the universal taunt to insinuate that he’s looking to take Van Dam’s belt. The crowd goes absolutly nuts�?/P> Busch, "WHAT?! YOU DON’T THINK?! IS�?IS MATLOCK CALLING OUT VAN DAM FOR THE TITLE?!" Marshal, "That’s what it looks like to me!" Van Dam laughs slightly, but his face instantly goes serious as he points to Matlock with his index finger, then back to himself with his thumb, then slaps the ICWA Title and nods his head, drawing yet another huge reaction from the fans as Matlock’s theme continues playing�?/P> Busch, "HE DID! AND VAN DAM JUST ACCEPTED! BAH GAWD! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION! WE HAVE A NEW CONTENDER! OH! MAH! GAWD!... Folks.. I don’t know when we’re comin back, But when we do�?BAH GAWD What a match we have set up! Van DAM! MATLOCK! The EYE SEE DUBBYA EH CHAMPIONSHIP! THANK YOU for lettin us invade your home! Have a great Holiday season! I’m Bert Busch along Jay Marshal and Image Johnson�?BAH GAWD I can’t wait til we’re back Full Time! Keep an Eye on the listenings! We’ll see ya next TIME! BAH GAWD!" The cameras fade on a panned back shot showing Matlock applauding on the stage and DVD staring him down from the ring�?/P> Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with everything Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with everything�?/EM> Born with nothing (Born With Nothing) Die with EV-ERY-THING! | |
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