 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 4/6/2005 5:34 AM |
ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | It’s that faithful time again viewers, the clock is ticking onto 8:59pm Eastern time, another great re-run of Nash Bridges has drawn to it’s conclusion, and one of the most highly advertised and anticipated episodes of Demented is about to air LIVE, On USA Network. In Millions of Recliners and couches across the world, people are seated, intently watching the credits roll, knowing that they are sheer moments, SHEER MOMENTS�?From 2 Hours of ICWA, DEMENTED!! As the credits for Nash Bridges are drawing to end we hear the female narrator who’s voice is beginning to become a familiarity amongst to ICWA Fans. Narrator, "And now get ready for two hours of hardcore, powerbombing action as the highly anticipated ICWA Demented goes on the air!" NASH BRIDGES USA Network With that a customized instrumental beat plays as we begin seeing bits of Last Weeks Demented�?/P>  JR, "MACE, BAH GAWD MACE HAS ARRIVED IN THE ICWA!" Matlock who was leaning on the ropes, looking up the ramp after his defeat via Shane Douglas, turns around only to be kicked in the guy and nailed with his own finisher, The Matlock Drop (Double Arm DDT). JR, "COUNTER, COUNTER, MACE JUST HIT THE COUNTER AND BAH GAWD WAS IT DEVISTATING!" Heyman, "Of course it was! That’s the originator of the counter! No rip offs, no BS, That’s the real deal, 100% nWs Bad Ass, No Ruckus Guaranteed or your money back, MACE!"  Hussan, "You people can boo but you know that it’s true. After 9/11 you people stereo typed us and had Arabian-American’s all marked off as members of the Taliban. Stop denying it. It shows, every day that I walk, I see it. From going to the airport and having to spend 3 hours in security as I watch White Americans who look much more threatening than I, walk through security with ease. When I walk into a restaurant and everyone turns their head and makes their snide comments. I can sit in a dinning establishment for hours watching people come in after me and leave before I have even been asked what I’d like to order. It’s not right and you know it!" JR, "This is the most asinine load of BS I’ve heard in a long time�? Heyman, "He’s got some valid points..." \Hassan, "SEE! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!! YOU PEOPLE GO ON CHEERING HIM IN AMERICA, YET YOU WILL NOT EVEN TREAT ME FAIRLY!!!" Hassan, "STOP DISRESPECTING ME LIKE THI……�? Suddenly the lights in the arena go out. The crowd grows loud, chanting "MACE, MACE, MACE, MACE, MACE, MACE�? But to their surprise, what they hear is not the theme of Mace. What they hear is the too familiar cords�?The cords of "Enter Sandman" by Metallica. The crowd goes completely insane as the only light source in the arena becomes a dimly lit spot light which is sweeping the arena in search of a superstar. JR, "Listen to this crowd!" Heyman, "Forget the crowd, listen to this music! Do you know who’s theme this is?! JR, Do you have ANY IDEA, Who this just may be!?" JR, "I gotta admit Paul, I’m pretty clueless." Heyman, "COME ON JR!!  JR, "BAH GAWD IT’S THE SANDMAN!" Heyman, "DUH! OF COURSE IT’S THE SANDMAN!" We then switch to footage of Sandman running off the ropes in the ring and smashing that Singapore cain right into the stomach of Hussan, Then in the back, and finally across the forehead as he rolls out of the ring and Sandman raises his Cain.  Allen suddenly stops as his attention seems to of shifted. Allen smirks and says, "Well Hot DAMN Kiddo, I figured you’d be excited to get in the ring with the Walking Legacy, But no need to go rolling around in the ladies used Tampons over it�? The camera pans out and we see a less than enthusiastic Y2Jesus, still covered in that red paint from being nails with a paintball attack via Ricky Carter and Alexis Davis earlier in the night. Jesus walks over to Allen and the two stand face to face. Jesus is smiling as he says, "Yeah, ya like that Shawn? Think it’s funny? �?Why not, it’s a little humorous, I’m a guy who can laugh at himself…�?Although it’s not nearly as funny as the thorough ASS-BEATING that I’m gonna lay on you tonight, or WallStreet once I get my hands on him." Allen, "Is that so?" Jesus, "Oh that my lowly insect, is very "So."" Allen lets out a small laugh as he then says, "I’m really gonna enjoy adding you to the Legacy tonight�? Jesus, "Just do yourself a favor and don’t bother praying for Mercy as I have already denied your request�? There is a bunch of people surrounding a laid out Missy Bytch who has a little blood trickling from her forehead. A trainer ask, "What the Hell happened?!" DSL who is standing over the mess says, "I don’t know, I went out to have a smoke and when I came back she was like this…�?I’d bet it was that b***h Akasha�? The trainer who we just chased speaks up and says, "I wouldn’t count on it�? DSL and the main trainer Danny Young both shift their attention to the secondary trainer who says, "We just had the EMTs come in and pick up Akasha near the parking lot where she had sustained similar injuries to what I’m seeing here." Young, "Go get another medic team in here�? The trainer nods and rushes back out the door as the cameras look over Missy Matlock, who we see storm in WallStreet’s office, and then the scene seemingly does a quick fade out and back in as he grinds his teeth and says (Without ever moving his teeth), "Next Week, I want MACE, In the ring�?And I want to humiliate him, embarrass him, and DECIMATE HIM!" WallStreet nods and says, "Alright Matt�?You want a match with Mace, you got it. You want the opportunity to humiliate and embarrass him? I’ll give ya that too. Because next week it’s gonna be Matt Matlock one on one With nWs’s MACE in a first ever, "HOLLY BREASTICALS BATMAN!" Match." Matlock, "What in the BLUE HELL IS A HOLLY BREASTICALS MATCH?!?!" WallStreet, "A Holly Breasticals Match is quite simple. Hanging from a Pole will be a black lace Bra, in order to win you must render your opponent unconscious long enough to be able to properly strap this bra on your opponent. As a stipulation to this match, the loser must remain in that bra for a week."  WallStreet, "……�?I don’t care if you win tonight, winning is secondary�?I want you to HURT him. I want you to beat him so bad that he has to have a bed side nurse for the next 6 months. If you pin him before it’s all said and done, great, but should you get disqualified, that’s fine too so long as you make it count. There is not room enough in the ICWA for us to have to deal with both James and Jesus. Right now we have James tamed, he can’t touch me and he doesn’t seem to care too much about the Entourage, so for as long as he and I are tag champions, he shouldn’t be a problem. But eventually he’ll screw up and cost us the tag belts and then it’s back to the same ol�?crap and if Jesus is still trying to wage war because I porked his old lady, " WallStreet, "…�?FONT color=#00ff00>our goal of the night isn’t necessarily to get a win over Jesus, just hurt him and Hurt Him BAADDDD!" Allen smirks and nods, "Oh don’t worry�?He’ll be hurt……�?"  From here we see clips of the impressive, submission dominated, main event from last week. The exchanging of holds from Shawn Allen and Y2Jesus. Until we eventually come to the finish of the match.  Allen gets up and begins unloading stomps on the right knee of Jesus. He then wraps up Jesus and turns him over in to the sharpshooter. Jesus however hasn’t moved since the Legend Killer through the commentary, it could be guessed that he may have hit his head on a monitor or even the cement. Tim White ask Jesus if he wants to tap but gets no response. White opts to make a mental decision and he calls for the bell. Time Keeper Mark Eaton rings the bell as Tim White explains the official ruling to the Fink. The crowd boos as Allen keeps on the sharpshooter. Suddenly "The GOAT" By LL Cool J blast over the PA. Bobby Johnson comes flying from behind the curtain and down the ramp as the crowd surprisingly erupts. Shawn’s eyes get big as he quickly releases the hold and rolls out of the ring, realizing that in Johnson’s hand is a black steal chair. JR, "Thank God!" Johnson stands in the ring looking down at Allen as Jesus has seemingly regained consciousness and is holding his leg. Suddenly Johnson swings around and brings the chair crashing down over Y2J’s knee. The crowd boos as Allen smirks and slides back in the ring. Allen can be heard yelling "GET HIS KNEE IN THE CHAIR!" Johnson nods and opens the chair a little, putting half of Jesus�?leg through it so it’s set up to snap his knee should it be hit with any power. Allen pulls himself up onto the top turnbuckle, sitting on it as Johnson has the chair set up and moves. JR, "MAH GAWD, DON’T DO THIS!!" The crowd suddenly erupts and we see a body slide into the ring. As the body arises we realize it’s our Intercontentl Champion. She has her belt in hand and lunges, smashing it across the head of Allen, making him fall off the top, hitting the outside ring canvass and rolling down to the floor... …Douglas stands up and Allen slides in the ring with a chair. The three have Alexis surrounded and she has a look of concern, not sure how she’s gonna get out of this. WallStreet has a look of concern as well, he seems to be having a mental conflict. Allen raises the chair and WallStreet quickly grabs it and rips it out of his hands as the crowd erupts. Allen turns, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" WallStreet, "We’ve made out point, let’s go�? Allen, "But you said�? WallStreet, "LET’S GO!" Allen seems less than thrilled and Douglas and Johnson are a little confused, but they follow the order and exit the ring as WallStreet stands face to face with Alexis. Alexis stands their nervous as WallStreet still has the steal chair in his hand. WallStreet glares at Alexis. 
| On that image we fade to black briefly before "Encore" by Eminem blast over the PA and the ICWA Demented Reel begins playing. As Encore continues to play the pyro shoots from the stage, erupting much to the delight of the sold out HSBC Arena. The cameras then sweep the arena as a sharp looking green tab comes up in the lower center of the screen reading as follows�?/P> ICWA Demented HSBC Arena Buffalo, NY | The crowd is going nuts as they realize the dark matches are over and they are being broadcasted LIVE�?They’re jacked up for this explosive 2 Hours of ICWA Action that you simply can’t find ANYWHERE Else. JR, "It’s good to be back folks, I’m Jim Ross sitting alongside Paul Heyman at ringside and I think I speak for the both of us when I say that it’s exciting to be here." Heyman, "I’m excited, but not for the same reasons as you are. You’re probably excited because you think that tonight in that big main event�? The main event banner comes over the screen, making the already erupting crowd erupt even more so. Heyman, "�?that Taz is going to defeat, perhaps even do so with a submission�?Shawn Allen." JR, "Well I think that’s a real serious possibility�? Heyman, "And that’s why I make the good money and you have to sell barbecue sauce. Tonight is going to be the Entourages night, and if you don’t believe it, check the bill and glance at the main event slot." JR, "Well what he’s talking about folks�? The banner for the ICWA State of the Union address comes over the Dementa-tron, making the crowds erupt in boos. JR, "�?Is the speech that WallStreet has labled the ICWA State of the Union Address. In a staff meeting earlier this week WallStreet personally guaranteed that he was going to shake the very foundation of this company, so it should be extremely interesting to see what the Chairman has to say." Heyman, "Speaking of interesting, I’d be interested to know why the ring is full of low card wrestlers." The cameras show the eleven people booked in the opening match all standing in the ring, none of them seemingly sure as to why. JR, "Well I’m not sure I’d call em low card, but the ring is full and I’m not sure why�?What I do know is�? Before he can continue We hear 50 Cent over the with the start of "Piggy Bank". Click-it-y Clank, Clik-It-y Clank�?The Money Goes Into My Piggy-Bank Click-it-y Clank, Clik-It-y Clank�?The Money Goes Into My Piggy-Bank Then from behind the curtain with a huge smirk on his face and a microphone in hand is the Corporate Icon. WallStreet stands on the stage, his huge smile across his face as he lets the music slowly fade. JR, "Well I think we’re about to find just why these superstars are in the ring." WallStreet, "Now I know that you boys�?and girls, are probably curious as to why I have grouped all of you together in the ring and required you to wear your gear. Well tonight is a night that’s about me and My Entourage. And each of you are in that ring because over your tenure here in the ICWA, you have yet to provide me with any entertainment. I mean even the better looking of you, such as you Natasha, or you Alexis�?Or certainly you Laura�?Tiffany�?Despite being so beautifully built, none of you have done so much as drawn me a rating�?So tonight you’re gonna draw, or your asses will all be looking new jobs. So�?(Looks at his rolex), You have the next few minutes to impress me, and if somebody doesn’t impress me before I grow to bored to remain out here, I’ll personally Fire each and every DAMNED ONE OF YOU! Now Ring the Bell!" WallStreet turns off his mic and remains on stage as the bell sounds, despite there not being a referee at the ring. The 11 superstars all seem concerned as they realize there jobs are on the line. Finally one of them delivers a strike on another which causes a chain reaction, making the whole lot start brawling. WallStreet stands on the ramp as the screen splits in half, showing WallStreet on one half, the match on the other. WallStreet is seeming less than amused as he keeps glancing back at his watch. Heyman, "Looks like we got our answer JR." JR, "We sure as Hell did�?How do you tell 11 people that if they can’t "entertain" you, they’re gonna have to find another way to provide for their family? These are people’s lives we’re talking about!" Heyman, "You should be in this match because your sob story’s putting me to sleep." The screen suddenly goes to a single screen as the crowd erupts. We see someone hop over the fan barricade and slide in the ring with a sledgehammer in hand. BAM! BAM! Body after body dropping as the crowd erupts. After a few bodies hit the mat we get a clear look at the African American man with the black windbreaker pants and a black and white "Originators" T Shirt and realize it is none other than Dark Child! JR, "THAT’S�?BUT HE’S�?HE’S NOT AN ICWA GUY�?WHAT THE HELL?!?!" Heyman, "What the Hell is right! I managed this guy in the past, but I don’t ever remember pitching the ICWA To him�? Finally it comes down to DC and Adam Meyer as everyone else is out from the sledgehammer. Adam talks some trash to DC and DC drops the hammer and opens his arms as to say ‘Come and get it pal.�?Adam runs at DC but Dark Child delivers a stiff kick to the gut and nails the Amazing Grace (Stone Cold Stunner). The crowd is going wild as Dark child hooks the far leg and by himself he hits the mat, counting ………………�?………………�?…………………�?! Dark Child gets up as a lot of the bodies have rolled themselves out on the floor and a few have made there way to the back without the camera’s noticing. WallStreet stands on the ramp, seemingly infuriated as DC demands a mic. A crew member at ringside hands Dark Child a microphone and he begins to speak, "Your eyes aren’t going on ya, Yes this is ICWA Demented, Yes it is Tuesday night, and yes, You can BET YOUR ASS that I AM, DARK CHILD!" The crowd pops as all the bodies have seemingly removed themselves from the ring and DC is pacing around the ring, full of energy, and even rage to a certain extent. DC, "You know I’ve been sitting down south watching for years as guy after guy after guy kept being pushed to the top while I was told to sit with my jock in my hand until they deemed me fit to come out of my little cell and play with Angelique (That name draws a very loud mixed reaction)�?I’ve been watching other guys get MY shots, I’ve been watching guys with half the talent I’ve got get twice the fame for no reason other than 100% Pure, Grade A, Donkey SH*T!" The crowd is going wild off of DC’s energy. Dark Child, "And you pissons can shut the Hell up too, cause just like I don’t need any of them, I damned sure don’t need any of YOU!" Despite just being verbally attacked the crowd is still getting behind Dark Child. Dark Child ignores them and continues, "WallStreet, all week I’ve seen the ads. Biggest Demented in the last two years, maybe even since the existence of this company�?And I sat at home, because you know I wasn’t booked to be else where, and I watched and said "Just how in the HELL can they have ‘The Biggest�?anything when they ain’t got Dark Child"?! How the Hell can you have the biggest Demented without the Originator……�? Dark Child stops right there as he glances down at his Originators T Shirt with himself and a guy who has a strong resemblance to Jay Z on it. Dark Child, "Without the Originators�?But then again, just who in the Hell are the originators? Let me tell you EXACTLY who, or what the Originators are�?The Originators�?ARE DEAD!" Dark Child grabs the shirt by the collar and rips it right down the middle as the crowd pops. DC pulls the ripped cloth from his body and tosses it out into the see of humanity who is chanting Dark Child’s name, perhaps for the first time in a very long time. Dark Child, "The Originators are dead, the last 3 Plus years are dead, and the previous Era in this Industry is DEAD! Now there’s a new Era, an Era which you will find me to be the Ambassador of. It is the Era of a New, It is the Era of Innovation, the Era of New Legends and Legacies�?It is the Era of Dark Child, The Era of the I.C.W.A, and it is the Era which is being forced upon each and everyone of you NOW!" Crowd: D_C, D_C, D_C, D_C, D_C, D_C, D_C,�?/P> Dark Child looks into the Crowd, "YOU’RE DAMNED STRAIGHT!" The crowd erupts as JR says, "Well apparently Dark Child has become an ICWA Player, and he looks like he’s gonna be a damned big player at that!" Heyman, "For so many years I’ve said that Dark Child has what it takes if he could just find the right place to show it�? JR, "It looks like he’s found that place Paul, listen to these fans." Dark Child is in the ring, his chest pumping, the adrenaline clearly rushing through him as he has never gotten such a crowd reaction before. WallStreet is still on the stage, a small smirk on his face as DC seems very serious in the ring. Dark Child, "So WallStreet, It goes like this�?You called me up�? and when the ICWA was in New York City for Demented the other week, you came over and you met with me you asked me a few key questions�?Well let me answer each and every one of em, right here, right now, LIVE, on ICWA DEMENTED! (Crowd pops). 1, If it ain’t damn sure obvious, The answer is Hell Yes, Dark Child is ready to call the InterCountyWrestlingAlliance HOME!" The crowd erupts with such volume and bass that Dark Child has to pause Dark Child attempts to continue, "�?2, Yes, I am prepaired to step the game up and show the world that I am not just A Top Guy�?I am THEE MOTHERFU**ING TOP GUY! (Crowd erupts) ………………�?And Finally………�? The crowd is so loud chanting Dark Child’s name that he has to stop and just take it in. After a couple of moments he continues, "And Finally………�?(Smirks), Yes, I WILL Represent your Entourage." The crowd is still loud, but now it’s a little more mixed. Fairly close to fifty-fifty, the crowd has began booing and cheering, both at great volumn. WallStreet grins, nods, turns his mic back on and says, "And as your next United States Champion and my dear friend Shane Douglas would say�?That’s a f**king shoot." With that ‘Hate Me Now�?by Nas blast over the PA as the crowd is going wild. Dark Child hops up on the second turnbuckle raising his arms high above his head, his middle finger at full mass as the fans eat it up. JR, "WallStreet promised us a huge night�?One we’d never forget, and this is just the beginning�?I shudder to think of what he could possibly have planned for the rest of the night." The scene fades to commercial. | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | When the cameras return from commercial WallStreet and Dark Child are seen walking away from the Gorilla position in the back as they come across the rest of the Entourage, Shawn Allen, Shane Douglas, and Bobby Johnson, all standing in wait. WallStreet, "Was that an opening or what?!" WallStreet laughs as the guys all begin talking a bit. WallStreet introduces DC to the rest of the Entourage as he begins shaking their hands and is being well taken in. As they talk WallStreet happens to glance up as a smirk comes across his face. WallStreet, "Well if it isn’t the beat up, soulless wonder himself�?Say, how much milage you getting on that right wheel these days?" WallStreet and the guys laugh a bit as the camera pans out to revile Y2Jesus walking by. Jesus stops and WallStreet walks over, leading the Entourage with him. WallStreet and Jesus stand face to face, both men glaring into the other with bitter distain for each other. WallStreet, "What’s wrong, you don’t like being able to walk? Because if the picture wasn’t painted clear enough for you last week, I’ll be glad to clear up for you right now." Jesus doesn’t say a word, he simply holds his glair, with a look that reads plainly "I Don’t Give A Shit". Suddenly a female’s voice is heard saying, "Leave Him Alone!" WallStreet glances up and the crowd erupts as we see the ICWA Intercontentl Champion, Alexis Davis. WallStreet, "Listen Lex, you’re growing quite tiresome with this belief of yours that you can continue to disrupt me and what I’m trying to do around here and get away with it. Now get out of here before you force me to do something that you really don’t want me to do." WallStreet goes back to staring at Jesus but Alexis steps infront of Y2J and looks up at WallStreet, with great boldness. The Entourage, who have circled around, are simply watching, hoping that their leader doesn’t give them any further doubts as he did last week. WallStreet, "Hold him�? With that said, Shane, Bobby, and Allen all grab Jesus and pull him back, restraining him as Alexis and WallStreet stand face to face. WallStreet brings up his right hand, which is covered in a cast, as he uses his finger tips to scratch his goatee. He brings his arm back down. WallStreet, "This is your last opportunity, back off." Alexis, "I won’t let you hurt him anymore. This has gone far enough, just�? Before she can finish, out of no where he swings with his right hand and nails Alexis with such force across the head that the cast actually shatters. Alexis falls back and nails the concrete floor with force as Jesus now begins trying with all of his might to break free of the Entourage. Jesus, "LEAVE HER ALONE YOU NO-TALENT, LOW LIFE, F***!" WallStreet gets an evil grin as he squats down, grabs a fist full of Alexis�?hair, and yanks up her head as she seems to be unconscious. WallStreet leans down, and gives her a big, almost sickening, kiss where more tongue than anybody needed to see is displayed. At this point the crowd is booing extremely loudly. WallStreet lets her head go as he stands up and licks his lips with delight, glancing down and seeing her forhead is slightly bleeding from the cast shot. WallStreet then walks over to Jesus and kicks him in the right knee as the Entourage lets him go and he falls to the floor. WallStreet, "What bothers you more Chris? The fact that you were right about me all along and yet I’m so damned good that she Never Saw It Coming�?(Laughs) Or that now Both of your women have Actually seen me "Cuming"." WallStreet laughs as Jesus tries to get up in a fit of rage by Allen just kicks him across the head. The Entourage arrogantly walks off as the cameras go to the ring. JR, "I can’t believe that�?That whole damn group makes me sick to my stomach!" Heyman, "Hey, Our boss was a perfect gentlemen. He warned her twice, even gave her a free pass last week. They both had it coming." <<<<<<<<<<<<The Following Is Written By Amethyst Jane>>>>>>>>>> Without warning the arena goes pitch black and pale blue lights begin to pulse. The arena is dead silent except for the screams of anticipation by fans. Suddenly the elevated and obviously pleasure-filled moans of a woman fill the arena, giving the illusion she's orgasming. The moaning is cut off by a cruel laugh, a woman with a soft and sensual voice saying, bluntly, "Perverts". Finkle: "On her way to the ring, weighing in at 140 pounds and hailing from Hollywood California, she is Krystin PRYCEEEE!" A screen of mist/fog has formed, diffusing the blue flashing lights. "System" begins to play and white strobe lights are added to the mind-warping show. Krystin walks out and does some display of vulgar sexuality, whether it be sliding her hand between her legs or pinching her nipples through her top. Blowing sarcastic kisses to the fans, Krystin enters the ring via the steps. As her music slowly cuts as LoveFuryPassionEnergy hits the pa system, the fans are up on their feet cheering loudly as Lita comes out and bounces on the stage. Finkle, "Her opponent…�?LITA!" she salutes the fans and runs down the ramp sliding in as Krystin moves back a smirk on her face. Lita heads over to the right turnbuckle and jumps up saluting the fans and still jamming slightly, her entrance is cut short as Krystin rushes over and pulls Lita off the turnbuckle sending her down onto her back, Finkle steps out of the ring as the bell rings signalling the start of the match. JR: "That was just wrong, Amy hadn't done anything" Heyman: "Now now JR Krystin was just helping Lita get down from the turnbuckle..." Back in the ring we find Krystin still in control of the match she lands a Sidewalk Slam causing Lita to grab her lower back in pain. She gets to her feet slowly and the two divas lock up for the first time in the match. Lita slowly gains the upper hand, but Krystin fights back edging her into the far corner the ref tries to break them and as he does Krysting goes for the cheap shot poking Lita in her eyes. She grins and backs off only to come rushing back in landing a clothesline on Lita. Lita falls to her feet but gets pulled back up as Krystin goes for an irish whip but Lita manages to reverse it sending Krystin into the turnbuckles, as she stumbles backwards Lita spins her around and delivers a harsh DDT sending Krystin down, but with her energy failing her Lita falls down to her knee's trying to gain her breath. Krystin is the first to get to her feet as she goes to kick Lita she ducks but that doesn't stop Krystin she grabs Lita by the hair and slams her knee into her face. Leaving her down on the mat Krystin heads to the top turnbuckle and waits, as Lita gets to her feet she flies off landing a hurricanrana that keeps Lita down smirking Krystin goes for the pin. The ref slides into position and gets a one count before Lita kicks out which makes Krystin frown grabbing her she slams her back down and goes for the pin again this time Lita kicks out without a count coming. JR: "Lita is fighting with all her might here" Heyman: "She should give up.. Come on Krystin!!" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<End of Amethyst Writing>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lita gets up and turns around only to receive a stiff kick in the gut and be brought between Krystn’s legs. She hoist lita up in the powerbomb formation and quickly drops her with the face buster, concluding Sadism Personified. The crowd boos as Kristin covers her and the official counts……�?………�?…………�?! Finkle, "Your winner…�?KRYSTN_PRRICCEEE!" The crowd boos as Krystn just smirks and the cameras go to the back where Alexis is laid on a stretcher, being hoisted into an ambulance. She has yet to do so much as blink. Y3Jesus is standing by, holding himself up by pressing his hand on the side of the ambulance as his knee is clearly all sorts of screwed up. Taz happens to be walking by the area and takes a second to stop. Just as he is about to speak we can hear running shoes against the concrete floor. Amethyst quickly rushes into the scene as apparently someone has informed her that Alexis was being hauled off in an ambulance. Amethyst, "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Y2Jesus, "WallStreet decked her across the head�?Shattered his cast on her." Amethyst, "WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP HIM?!?!" Y2Jesus, "I was being restrained by his pack of jobbers." Amethyst, "So you just let him do this?!" Y2Jesus, "What was I supposed to do?! It’s not like I sat back with a bag of popcorn and watched the show, 3 guys were holding me by my throat and arms�? Amethyst, "Some "savior"�? As they put Alexis in the Ambulance AJ gets up and hops in. Amethyst, "I’m going too!" The medics don’t give her much of a hard time as they pile in and shut the door behind them. The sirens than begin going off as the ambulance takes off and Jesus stands with a very blank stair on his face, as Taz has been watching the whole scene. Taz, "Nice match last week." Jesus, who takes that comment as an insult, turns, glaring at Taz as he says, "F**k off!" Taz, "Hey pal, I was giving you a compliment. That was some damn good submission wrestling, but if you’ve got a problem than Wal-mart’s band of goons’ll be the least of your problems." Y2Jesus, "Try me tiny�? Taz steps up to Jesus, glares up at him, then glances down at that heavily braced right knee before he says, "I don’t beat up the handicapped if I can help it�?Why don’t you rehab that knee of yours and try me next week�?This week I already have a Sally to make my BITCH!" Taz walks around Jesus and walks off as Jesus is seemingly fuming, clearly ready to take his anger out on somebody. The scene fades on his very angry face *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | *Commercial Break* <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Jack Memphis>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After commercial Wallstreet is seen behind his desk. He's talking on the phone, but it's impossible to hear what he's talking about because the mere sight of him has filled the arena with boos. He hangs up and then there is a knock on the door. WallStreet: Come in! The camera stays on Wallstreet, who's writing something down on a piece of paper not even paying attention to who just walked in. A deep southern accented voice is heard. ???: Wallstreet? Wallstreet: That's me, and you are...? ???: You don't know me? You had me under contract for a week and you don't know who I am? I'm Jack Memphis! Wallstreet looks up finally with a smirk on his face, the camera zooms out to see none other then the man who only showed his face once in his new business. Clad in his similar Biker vest and boots with a chain wallet, he stands with a serious look on his face. Wallstreet: Well, sorry kiddo. The card is full. We don't have enough room for you tonight. Memphis: No Room? I don't care, I'll fight when the cameras stop rolling. Wallstreet: Like anyone's gonna wanna stay when the show's over to see some biker from Texas? Memphis: Well, why wouldn't they? Wallstreet: Look, Jack! I've been a champion many a time in the past. I'm the one who has made ICWA what it is today. I'm the one who hired you. And who are you? Just some washed up bouncer from a ti**y bar. I'm the one who brings in the ratings, I'm the one who puts fans in the stands... who the hell are you? The look on Memphis's face doesn't change. WallStreet cracks another smile as if he won some verbal battle. Wallstreet turns around in his swivel chair, bends down not leaving his seat, and turns back to face Memphis. Wallstreet: Tell you what, you want work tonight? The ladies have been complaining about an overflow in their stalls. Wallstreet tosses him a mop. Memphis catches it with one hand and looks at it. He looks back at him in an angrier mood. Wallstreet: Why don't you be a sport and clean that shit up. Wallstreet laughs as Memphis leaves in a fury, slamming the door on his way out... <<<<<<<<<End of Jack Memphis Writing>>>>>>>> With that the cameras go to the ring as JR says, "That man is the most vial, disgusting, pile of�? The Muslim chants begins echoing slowly through out the arena, sending the crowd into a Frantic "USA" Chant. a Figure Emerges from behind the entrance Curtain. He Stands Firmly for only a few moment in the Darkness before stepping out into the Guiding Spotlight. Muhammad raise his hand toward the sky, the white Cloak and Turban a strong sign of his background. The Chants just grows louder and more annoying. Muhammad turns his attention to the ring and starts down the ramp. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for onefall with no time limit! On his way to the ring, hailing from Detroit Michigan and weighing in at 243 pounds�?Muhammad_Hussan!" Muhammad climbs the stair to the apron and enters the ring through the top and middle Rope. He Paces the ring once then Retire to the Middle of the ring With that the lights begin to flicker as ‘Enter Sandman�?by Metallica blast over the PA. The crowd erupts As a spotlight surfs the crowd, looking for the ever so controversial Hardcore Icon. Finally, at the top of the 100 section of the arena stands The Sandman with a beer and Singapore Cain in hand. The crowd is going nuts as Sandman stands and rocks out a bit, the crowd giving him slaps and hugs as HSBC Arena, learning from what happened in Rochester last week, leaves the Sandman’s fans to remain close to him. JR, "There’s no questioning the Sandman’s popularity level in this business." Heyman, "Of course not, because when it comes down to it, there’s no questioning ECW’s popularity in this business, and Sandman, was the epitome of ECW as much as anyone else." Sandman begins his decent through the fans as Finkle continues, "And his opponent�?Hailing from Philadelphia Pennsylvania and weighing in at 244 pounds, He is THE_SANNNNDMANNNN!" The crowd is going wild as the song is a little over half way through and Sandman has reached the floor. The fans continue going wild as the Sandman stops in about the 7 row, pops open his brewski, and drinks that sum-bitch down. The fans go wild as the beer flows from the can down to his mouth, and unlike Austin, it seems like no drop goes unconsumed. Finally as the allegorical keg has seemingly been tapped, he proceeds to repetitively bash the beer can into his skull, compressing the can between his palm and his forehead until finally, the can has been decimated and his forehead has begun to bleed. The fans eat this up as Sandman raises his cain and rocks out to his Metallica made theme song (Which the ICWA is probably paying royalties out the ass for). Finally he finishes his walk through the sea of humanity and hops over the fan barricade. Sandman walks up the steal stairs and enters the ring between the second and third ropes as Hussan stays in the far corner, clearly disgusted by his American adversary. Finally however, Hussan comes to center ring to meet Sandman. The lights readjust as the music fades and these two stand, face to face, as referee Jack Doan becomes very vocal in attempting to get Sandman to get rid of the Singapore cain. JR, "This is a Singapore Cain match, however, the cain is not intended to come into effect until after the match." Heyman, "This match was created by yours truly inside of the ECW. This match is responsible for making Tommy Dreamer’s career! And it’s such a brutal concept, the loser must allow the winner to brutalize their body with that Singapore cain." Finally after some trash talk Sandman tosses the Cain up toward Hussan, Hussan reaches up to catch it and Sandman unleashes several hard rights and lefts to the stomach of Hussan. Hussan doubles over and the Sandman delivers a couple of right hands to the face of Hussan, making him drop the cain as Doan grabs it, tosses it to the outside, and calls for the bell, officially starting this contest. Sandman pushes Hussan back against the ropes and bounces him off with the Irish whip, sending him across the ring. Hussan bounces back only to be stopped in mid ring by a stiff kick to the gut by Sandman. Hussan doubles over as Sandman runs to the ropes, bounces over, and delivers a running fist to the head of Hussan, dropping him hard on the mat. Sandman runs back to the ropes and bounces off, this time jumping and nailing a running Leg drop. Sandman spins around and hooks the far leg as Doan drops to count, gets a quick 1 and Hussan powers out. Sandman gets up as Hussan rolls over and stands up. Sandman runs at Hussan and delivers a running right hand to the face, followed by a second, a third, and then again, pressing Muhammad’s back against the ropes, he delivers an Irish whip, only this time it’s reversed by the rookie Arab-American, and the Hardcore Icon is sent across the ring. Sandman bounces off the far ropes as Muhammad Hussan runs forward and nails a running Forearm smash, dropping the Sandman hard on the mat. The crowd begins to boo as Hussan begins putting the boots to Sandman, clearly irate that the Sandman has had such an explosive start. Muhammad looks out at the crowd and screams some obscenities before he bends down and picks The Sandman up by the neck, lifting him to his feet. Hussan hooks Sandman, hoist him into the air, holds him momentarily, and then BAM! Stalling Brain Buster. Hussan rolls over onto Sandman with a basic lateral press cover (He’s basically set to do a push up over Sandman’s body) as Doan counts, ………�?………�? Only two on that exchange as The Sandman gets the shoulder up. Hussan gets up and exchanges some very nasty words with American referee Jack Doan, making a rookie mistake as he is giving Sandman the time to regroup on the mat. Sandman begins stirring about and Hussan goes over and begins guiding him to his feet by his neck. Hussan grabs the wrist of our Ultraviolent Icon, and Irish whips him into the far corner, making Sandman land his back hard against the turnbuckles. Hussan rushes after him, probably looking for a Clothesline but Sandman quickly grabs onto the top ropes and throws his leg in the air, delivering a modified big boot to the face of Hussan, making him stumble back and putting his back to Sandman. Sandman quickly pulls himself up, sitting on the top rope and plating his feet on the second ropes, he then jumps, grabs Hussan’s head in a side headlock while he’s in the air, and lands a modified bulldog off the second rope, planting Muhammad’s face in the mat. Sandman gets up and throws his fist in the air, making the crowd erupt. JR, "These fans sternly behind the Hardcore Icon in the Sandman�? Sandman pulls Hussan off the mat and punches the still dazed Hussan several times, until He has him leaning on the ropes. Sandman then runs to the opposite side of the ring, bounces off the ropes, and is probably looking to clothesline Muhammad over the ropes but Hussan quickly ducks down, lifts Sandman in the air as if he is waiting for Bubba Dudley to come in for the 3D, Walks forward a couple of steps, and drops back, landing Sandman’s throat across the top rope. Sandman lands with great force and bounces back, landing back first on the mat as he grabs his throat, gasping for air while Muhammad Hussan gets up and the crowd boos loudly. Jack Doan gets into the face warning Hussan not to pull a stunt like that again but Muhammad is seemingly ignoring the official as he picks up Sandman from the mat. Hussan sets Sandman up and looks like he’s about to hit the inverted STO (Picture the set up for the Downward Spiral AKA The Flat Linner), but Sandman suddenly pulls his knee up into the groin region of Muhammad, which goes undetected by the official. Hussan bends over and Sandman quickly wraps his head and, BAM! DDT! JR, " BAH GAWD, WHAT A DDT! As My dear friend would say, he put some Stank on it!" Heyman, "Earth to JR, Earth to JR, Austin’s a drunken wife beater, do you copy JR?" JR, "Go to Hell�? Meanwhile in the ring Sandman has hooked the far leg and rolled over a bit, holding Hussan’s legs over his upper body, placing all of Hussan’s weight and Sandman’s weight on Muhammad’s shoulders, which are pressed against the mat making Doan count ………�?…………�?…………�?! Hussan kicks out, but just too late as Doan calls for the bell and Finkle announces, "Your winner�?THE SANNNDDDMAANNNN!" The crowd erupts as Sandman gets up with a big ol�?smile on his face. Hussan seems irate as he’s on his knees, trying to figure out what went wrong. Sandman signals to the outside ring crew, and a member tosses him his Singapore cain, making the fans go into a frenzy. Hussan’s eyes grow wide as it just dawns on him that he’s supposed to be beaten senseless with that thing. Hussan pleads for the Sandman to reconsider, but Sandman has that gleam in his eye. JR, "Sandman’s about to take this young buck to the woodshed�? Suddenly Hussan rolls out of the ring, but Sandman quickly gives chase. Hussan runs over and ends up in front of the commentary table as Sandman ends up right in front of him. Hussan puts his hands up, still pleading with Sandman but Sandman brings the Cain back, and goes to strike but Hussan rolls out of the way and the cain comes crashing over Heyman’s head, making the crowd erupt as Heyman drops out of his seat, his headphones falling off. JR, "BAH GAWD, HUSSAN DUCKED AND HEYMAN’S OUT COLD!" Hussan quickly grabs Sandman by the shoulder and turns him around, grabs him by the arm, and with great power delivers an Irish whip, sending Sandman back first into the steal stairs, making a huge Thud. Hussan quickly grabs Finkle by the shirt and coat and tosses him several feet away as he then picks up Finkle’s folding steal chair and closes it. Hussan walks over to Sandman with a look of anger on his face as JR can be heard saying, "AWE COME ON, DON’T DO THIS!" Hussan goes for a huge chair shot, hoping to crush Sandman’s skull between the chair and the steal stairs but Sandman quickly rolls out of the way as Muhammad gets nothing but stairs. Sandman gets up and grabs his cain as Hussan turns around. Sandman raises his cain but Hussan jabs the chair into the gut of Sandman, making him hurl over. Hussan drops the chair and rips the cain out of Sandman’s hand. He raises the cain high, and then�?BAM! He nails Sandman right across the neck, making a sickening "Thwack" as Sandman drops, grabs his neck, and curls up. Hussan raises the cain over his head, mocking Sandman as the crowd’s booing loudly. Hussan raises the cain looking like he’s about to wrap Sandman’s neck again when we hear what sounds like a missle going through the air, and then the opening cords of "Natural Born Killaz" by NWA. The crowd begins going wild as from behind the curtain comes none other than�?/P> New Jack. JR, "You’ve gotta be kidding me�? The crowd goes wild as New Jack has his trash can of toys with him. New Jack puts it down and grabs the guitar out of the trash can, he runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, runs across, and slides right back out, making Hussan drop his cain and jump over the fan barricade, rushing off through the fans as New Jack stands by Sandman, glaring at Hussan who’s running through the fans. Realizing that Hussan has been scared off, New Jack drops down to a knee and begins checking on the Sandman as the paramedics come rushing down to check on both Heyman and Sandman. With that the cameras go to the back where WallStreet is walking through the halls as the fans erupt, some booing, some cheering as he’s one of few heels who rarely draws a solid chorus of boos. As he is walking he comes across ICWA Talent Coordinator Arn Anderson. The crowd pops for Anderson who shakes hands with WallStreet. Arn, "Hey man, looking sharp tonight." WallStreet, "Well you know, it’s a huge night for Demented�?Besides, I’m always stylin and profilin�?/FONT>." Both men being good friends of Ric Flair, this brings about a little laughter before Arn raises the fed ex package in his hand and says, "Hey, this came for you today care of ‘A Friend in BUD’�?I wasn’t sure what else to do so I signed for it." WallStreet nods, "Alright, I’ll go check it out now." Arn nods and hands the package to WallStreet as Arn says, "Alright T, I’ll catch ya later." WallStreet, "Yeah, take it easy Arn." Arn walks away and WallStreet stands, looking at the fed ex package in his hand with a look of curiosity. WallStreet says, "A Friend in BUD�?I have one of those?" He shrugs and walks off as the cameras fade to commercial. | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | The cameras return from commercial as we find ourselves in the office of WallStreet. The Entourage seems to be missing, probably off prepping Allen and Johnson for their matches, or giving Dark Child the look around. WallStreet opens the Fed ex package and finds a tape. WallStreet raises an eyebrow, but shrugs as he pops the tape in his VCR and stands in wait of it’s play. As WallStreet waits on the tape there is a knock at the door. WallStreet turns his head as the door opens and in walks DC. DC, "Hey street�? WallStreet, "Hey man�?Where are the guys?" DC, "Getting ready for Matches�?What you doing?" WallStreet, "Getting ready to watch a tape from BUD." DC, "Why you wasting your time when you’re on the only broadcast that matters?" WallStreet laughs, "Don’t know, it was delivered to me and�?oh here it goes." We go to the monitor as�?/FONT> <<<<<<<<<The Following was written by "Gypsy" of BUD, Thanks babe ;)>>>>>>>>>>>> When BUD comes back from the commercial, Gypsy is standing outside of the Horsemen's lockerroom. She knocks and from inside you hear Someone call out. " Come in!!" Gyspy (Picture Christina Agularia) slowly opens the door...just to make sure that ???? is fully dressed, unlike before. She sticks her head in and sees him sitting on the couch with a few files on the coffee table in front of him, a phone, a cellphone and blackberry, a briefcase, a notebook. There are eraser bits all over the papers and desk and scribbling on the notebook, and he looks frustrated. He looks up at her and smiles softly, exhaustion evident on his face, as he rises to his feet. " Hey Gyps, Lily told me you were looking for me." She walks in and stands there for a moment as they shake hands, his grip firm, " Yeah...I needed to talk to you about somethin' and I was waiting by the offices." " Sorry about that, I'm not too comfortable in there so I figured I'd bring the offices to me, come on in have a seat." He motions for her to sit down on a plush chair opposite the couch. She walks over and sits down. He sits down as she asks, " Swamped?" " A bit, this card bullshit. It's driving me crazy." She leans forward to look at what he has, " You know, I helped Sparrow out quite a bit when he was in charge, if you need assistance, I'll be more than happy to help out." She sits back and crosses her legs, allowing her foot to bounce, "Since Sparrow's been away, I'm a bit bored and, hell, it gives me something to do." She can see a look in his eye that she can place, " What? I'm just offerin'. Anyway, that's not why I'm here." She sits up, resting her embows on her knees, "I have a lot of friends in the business, A LOT!" ???? sits back on the couch, crosses his arms and listens intently on what Gypsy is saying, he feels that he needs the break and also feels that maybe this might be something big. " Well, one of these friends called me the other night and was telling me that BUD getting tosses around in other companies." ??? snickers, " Gyps," he hangs his head chuckling, "Babe, how many times have we heard the boss lady say that what happens in other companies doesn't matter." " I know...it's just that what was said wasn't the usual." Gyspy stands and begins to walk around, "Everyone talks shit about Roxy: 'OoOoOoOo, The famous Foxy Roxy! She's a bitch and a whore, blah blah blah, Burnout and Syck's ex-wife!!' Then let's not forget the scandal of her relationship with you and Ruckus. Everyone wants to talks shit about the woman who's almost the only woman that has managed a great fed. But this time...some little two-bit idiot pretty boy, who doesn't even know his ass from a plunger, is talking shit!" " In what company?" Gypsy looks at the camera and bites her lip. " Afraid to mention them on TV so the world could know?" Gypsy smirks michieviously, " No! It's just that if it were the big companies, like PWT or w2k, then yeah maybe I wouldn't mind mentioning them, they need no plug...but I think the reason these loser f**ks are talking shit and tearing up "O" shirts..." " They did what?" ??? is surprise and finds it rather funny. " Dude...not THEY, one of our own! DC is playing both sides of the fence here!" " We knew he was gay!!" Gypsy laughs, " Not that kind of fence," she thinks for a moment, "Although, that's true too, but he's was the one that went to that other company and tore an "O" shirt right there in the middle of their ring." ??? laughs as she continues, " Then some loser f**k, Ricky Ricardo, Ricky Martin," she ponders and gives up, "I don't remember his name, he was talking about how BUD doesn't produce top talent. How would he know that if he himself said he's never been in BUD so how would he know?" " I don't know, Gyps. What I do know is that you should calm down." ???? gets up and walks over to the mini bar and pours himself a cup of coffee. He turns back to Gypsy, "I know what company you're talking about and yeah...to give them a cheap plug during our show...isn't worth it. But really, do we care about what some small starter company thinks or says? No...we don't. We have been opened for 4 years, and that promo that Ricky did, I saw it already. He's never been in BUD but I know he knows people, I think I tied him back to Jeff Hardy, a once BUD Legend. He has no room to talk because from what I heard, he afraid to come to BUD BECAUSE of the talent hence why he's talking his shit in that ring and not ours. Really," he sits back down on the couch, "Is he anything to brag about? No he's not...he sits there among the rest of the jobber, minus one or two on their roster, and goes on and on about BUD. If we were so minute, if we were so inferior...then why talk about us...even their fucking boss is throwing our name around." Gypsy sits back down and thinks about what he just said. " You're right." " I know....just like what Roxy says, Bad Publicity is better than No Publicity at all. And when Ricky grows a pair and when DC's contract runs out and when that lowly company closes it's door once again, we'll see who's still standing." ???? winks at the camera as it fades to black. <<<<<<<<<<<End of Gypsy Writing>>>>>>>>>>>> The fans are erupting with boos (and odds are they’ve been screwed by BUD at some point too) JR, "Oh boy�? The cameras turn off of the screen and Dark Child is fuming, but WallStreet is seemingly emotionless�?Suddenly a small smirk comes on his face. WallStreet, "God I love this business." Dark Child, "You know what, screw them, I’m above them now, I’m a f*cking God in this place, screw that place." WallStreet laughs, "Ah relax man. We still have the state of the Union Address, the night is young, rejoice, You’re ENTOURAGE BA-BAY! WHOOOOOOOOOOO" Dark Child can’t help but to laugh as he says, "Why are you in such a good mood?" WallStreet, "Well, I’ve never said word one about BUD here the good ol�?ICWA, But by taking that beautiful little shot that the mindless marketing ploy of Roxy’s took, I feel that I have been givin permission by my own conscience to officially be uncensored. And that my friend, is a very beautiful thing. Besides, why get angry and have a heart attack, at the rate they’re going in 6 months the roster’s gonna be Roxy a few people clinging to the old days of BUD, and 6 different characters with styles that are amazingly close to Roxy’s�?Shit, even Ruck left." WallStreet laughs as DC nods and is much more light hearted as we go to ringside where JR and someone with a strong similarity to Simon Dean are seated. JR, "I can’t believe that�?Our boss is certainly taking the verbal attack from BUD fairly well." ???, "Ah BUD’s not important, it’s silly for us to continue spending our valuable show time on them when we have a great match coming up." JR, "That’s true�?Folks this is Carl Cross and he’ll be filling in for Paul for the rest of the night as he was taken out on a stretcher due to that vicious cain shot from Sandman earlier." Carl Cross, "And it’s a true pleasure to be here with you JR." Akasha's Theme song comes on over the PA system. The Lights go out except a single blood red spot light which makes it's way to the top of the ramp. Akasha comes out with her long black trench coat on out from behind the curtin. She makes her way down the ramp with the lights still out. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following contest is scheduled for onefall with a 15 minute time limit! On her way to the ring, Hailing from the Castle of Dracula�?She is AAKASHHAA!" She climbs into the ring and she raises her arms up and Red pyro goes off threw out the arena. The lights come back on and Akasha Yells for them to shut of her music. The unmistakable music of Miss Behavin blares out from the arena loudspeakers. In rapt anticipation, the crowd rumbles in unison, scanning the top of the ramp for any sing of movement.. The lights die out, pink and purple strobes encircle the area and the sexy silloutte appears behind the white screen.. moving and caressing she gives a Triple X grind as the music plays.. Then, she pushes down the screen and steps on it..she looks to the right and left of the stage. She tosses her long blonde hair and pulls a cherry lolly pop from behind her back and senually unwraps it, sliding it between her crimson lips and gives them a grind once more running her hands from the top of her head around her full breasts, acrossed her exposed stomach, down her hips, falling between her thighs and down her leg as she goes all the way down. She smirks the little burst of kinetic energy she is standing tan and curvyfigured like the little blond locked goddess she is. She jumps into the air tossing her hands up as the gold shooting star pyros explode towards the heavens..The thousands in attendance erupt in around the arena... She pulls the lolly pop out of her mouth and skips down towards the ring with the kinky little smirk on her face. Finkle, "And her opponent�?From Ft. Lauderdale Florida�?MISSY_BYYTCCHHH!" She takes the steps stair by stair posing momentarily before she stands on the ring mat.. slides her lolly between her lips once more and gives a sexy pose and then flips her leg between the second and third rope and climbs into the ring...she struts around and then pauses.. <<<<<<<<<<<The following Is Written By Ryan Ross>>>>>>>>> "DING, DING, DING"! Both ladies stand still staring each other down.
Jim Ross- This should be a classic Women’s match here in the ICWA.
Carl Cross- Your DAMN SKIPPY it will be a classic, both of these two women are accomplished wrestlers, and have a huge fan following. SLAP!!!! Akasha nails one right across Bytch’s cheek!
Jim Ross- OUCH! That was a hard slap from Akasha.
Missy, not one to be outdone, returns one her self! Akasha is stunned, and Missy Bytch steps back then runs to the ropes. She returns and ducks from an attempted clothesline from Akasha. Missy Bytch bounces off the other and hit’s a flying clothesline! Missy pops right back up to her feet and jumps over Akasha heading to the ropes. Akasha gets to her feet�?BAM low-drop kick! Bytch is rolled out of the ring through the bottom rope with the impact. As she lands hard on the outside and climbs to her feet Akasha hits her with a suicide dive!
Jim Ross- Well the winner of this match gets The Women’s title.
Akasha drives Bytch’s lower back to the barricade then tosses her face-first into the steel steps busting her wide open!
Jim Ross- These two have an intense hatred for each other. Carl Cross- Can’t we all just get along? I guess not, oh well make for good entertainment.
Akasha enters the ring to break the count-out and rolls right out intending to punish Bytch with some kicks. Bytch somehow manages to tackle Akasha to the ground then enter the ring. Akasha stands on the outside as Bytch climbs the top turnbuckle. Akasha cant see Bytch anywhere�? She finally looks up�?Sexation! She hit it to the outside!�?. Both are lying on the outside as the ref exit’s the ring to see if either is knocked out. Bytch gets to her feet and rolls Akasha inside. Bytch follows and covers.
Akasha kicks out as Bytch grabs her from the hair to lift her then tosses Akasha to the other end of the ring. Akasha lands sitting down just to have Bytch run her knee right into the back as Akasha’s head! Bytch drags Akasha to her feet then attempts a DDT, but Akasha Counters, and hits Bytch with a kick to the gut. She follows this with her own finisher, the Spine Chiller! Akasha covers�?
Akasha pounds her fist on the mat! As she looks lost on what else to do, Bytch grabs her tights and rolls her over! 1...2..NO! Akasha just kicks out. Akasha jumps to her feet and quickly lands a dropkick to the face of the Bytch, and then drops her elbow onto Bytch’s rib-cage. Akasha then lifts her up. Bytch counters with a snap suplex�?followed by two more! After the triple snap suplex Bytch lifts Akasha Up, and hits a running bulldog. She then jumps up to the top turnbuckle, and hits a standing moonsault�?Kinky Contact high. She rolls over for the pin
Bytch lifts Akasha up, and tosses her out of the ring, and does a quick jump to the top rope, and bounces to a leg drop to the outside. Her heel makes swift contact with Akasha’s Head busting her open as well. Both are down on the outside. They each stumble to their feet. Bytch is first, and throws a right hand, but its blocked and Akasha kicks her in the gut, and does a quick bulldog. Bytch is slow to get back to her feet as Akasha begins with a series of lefts and rights. Bytch, knowing the danger, rolls back into the ring. She gets to her feet as Akasha Gets in the ring, but Akasha spears her into the corner. Akasha pushes her into the middle of the ring, and climbs the turnbuckle for the shooting star press. But Bytch rolls out of the way. The bloodied women are slow to get back to their feet, but Akasha is first, she throws a right, which is caught. Bytch returns with the right, and is caught also. Bytch turns around and runs to bounce off the ropes, but Akasha nails her with a dropkick on the return. Akasha wipes the blood from her face as Bytch begins to get to her feet. Akasha runs at her but is met with a kick to the gut, which Bytch follows with a DDT. She covers. 1�?.2…�?3!!!!! We have a women’s Champion! <<<<<<<<<<<End of Rush Writing>>>>>>>>>>> Finkle, "YOUR WINNER, AND THE NEW ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPION…�?MISSY BYTCH!" Missy celebrates in the ring when someone suddenly slides in out of no where. We see that it’s Krystin Price. Kristin has a smirk on her face as she applauds the show from the Women’s champion and the challenger who is stirring on the mat. JR, "I’m not sure what this is about." Krystin grabs Missy by the hair and gives her a small kiss in the lips making the crowd erupt, before she reaches behind her and WHAM! JR, "BAH GAWD, IS THAT A FRYING PAN?!" Krystin apparently was stashing a small frying pan in the back of her pants. She smirks as Missy lays on the mat, barely moving as her hands are on her head. In the corner of her eye she sees Akasha getting up. As Akasha get to her feet�?BAM! Frying pan over the head! Carl, "Guess she couldn’t jump out of the proverbial frying pan�? Krystin smirks as she’s handed a microphone and says, "Awe, Missy�?Don’t be mad, you look at home on your back�?Don’t worry about rading the locker room, the search is already over�? She gives a sarcastic kiss to the air and drops the mic as System by Chester Bennington blast over the PA and she rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp. JR, "So she�?She attacked Akasha and Missy last week?" Carl, "That’s the way it looks JR�? The cameras then go to the back where we see Ryan Ross walking with his CWA Championship slung over his shoulder. Ryan walks through the hallways when he notices James having a conversation with 6 very attractive, although less than intelligent looking, ladies. They’re all gigiling mindlessly when Ross walks up and says, "Jimmy here must be telling you the story of how I came back to my legions of fans in the ICWA by kicking him in his ever so tender jaw, and then delivering perhaps the most perfectly executed shooting star press in the business where I flipped not once, but two beautiful times." The ladies just look at Ross as if he’s speaking jappannese although a couple of em are checking him out, just making him smirk as James turns around, a small smirk of his own. James, "Actually, funny enough, we were just talking about the after-party for when I win the CWA championship." Ross, "Ah, so you’ve accepted my challenge then?" James, "There’s not a lot that you can be sure of in this life, but there are 3 things that are all but graved in stone�?1.) If there is a surplus of Beer, the James is not far away. 2.), If the area reeks of Sex, the James hasn’t been away for very long. And 3.) If the James has the opportunity to offer a good ol�?fashion, pure, unadulterated ‘beat-ass�?lesson, well then just call me Professor Shea." Ross, "Well then, I guess all that’s left is to get it on paper�?So you go and polish up my nWWF Title for me, and I’ll go get WallStreet to get everything finalized." James, "Yeah, I’ll get on that�?What was your name again?" Ross goes to answer but James shakes his head and says, "Actually, don’t worry about it, after Resurrection nobody’s gonna remember it anyway." Ross snickers as James grins and the scene fades to Commercial. | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | After the commercial we come back where Y2Jesus is seen sitting in his locker room, less than pleased to say the very least as he is icing his knee. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door. Jesus, "GO AWAY!" Knock Knock Jesus, "DAMN IT I SAID GO AWAY!" Knock Knock Knock, Knock Knock Jesus sighs, "Fine, come in�? Knock knock knock, Knock Knock Jesus gets a very blank stair as he says, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GO AWAY OR COME IN!!!" Knock Knock, Knock Knock Knock. Jesus gets up and chucks his steal chair across the room, making it bash the wall with great power, although due to having a weak knee he damn near falls on his ass in the process. Jesus glares as he just walks over and opens the door. The crowd pops as standing, his hands behind his back, and a look of innocence shining through his puppy dog eyes is Ricky Carter. Jesus, "What in the Hell do you want?!" Carter, "Gee-golly Mr. La` Case`, can Lexy come out and play?" Jesus, "She’s not here!" He goes to slam the door but Ricky gets his foot in the door. Jesus stairs blankly before he gets a look of annoyance on his face and re-opens the door. Jesus, "WHAT?!" Ricky get’s a devilish smile as he says, "You wanta play?" Jesus, "What the Hell�?Get away from me you sick bastard!" Ricky ducks under his arm and forces himself into the locker room as we see some cords trailing him. Y2Jesus turns around and Ricky is over by the TV hooking up a Game cube, which he must have been hiding behind his back. Jesus, "What in God’s green testicals are you doing?!" Ricky gets a huge smile as he says, "We’re gonna play……�?STRONG> MARIO CART!" Jesus gets a blank stair as he says, "Goodbye Ricky�? Ricky pouts, "Awe you’re leaving? But I don’t wanta play alone�? Jesus, "No�?You’re leaving�? Ricky, "Don’t be silly, my match isn’t up yet." Jesus stairs blankly, unable to believe the thick headedness of this kid. Jesus, "Ricky�?Get�?OUT!" Ricky turns on the TV and Gamecube and gets a huge smile as he says, "YAY! IT WORKS! Let’s play!" Jesus just stairs blankly before he sighs and gives up as the cameras switch to the ring. At the ring we see a pole connected to the far left ring post (looking down from the ramp), and attached to this pole is a black lace bra. JR, "That was�?interesting." Carl, "That kid’s a few dollars short of a full Monopoly board." JR, "A few Ribs short of a full barbecue, no question." Mudvayne's "Not Falling" begins to play over the speakers, as the lights slightly dim. The Dementa-tron shows images of the one & only Matt Matlock, beating the living hell out of many opponents. Pyro blast off on the ramp as the first verse begins. As it subsides, walls of sparks come up on either side of the ramp as Matlock emerges in a pair of torn denims and a white wifebeater. He puts his hands on his hips, and narrows his eyes as he looks back and forth at the crowd. The crowd boos the shit out of him, but it bothers him not. With the sparks still shooting up, he walks down the ramp as the crowd continues their pointless booing. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The Following match has been billed the first ever, ICWA "Holly Breasticals BATMAN" MATCH! In order to win you must remove the black lace undergarment from the pole located on the ringpost, and then properly place the lengire on your opponent! This bout has no time limit! Now entering the ring, he weighs in this evening at 240 pounds and hails from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Canada�?MATT_MAAATTTLOCCKK!!!" He steps through the ropes into the ring, and leans on the ropes on one side flipping off the crowd and talking shit to them. He goes to the opposite side, and does the same. He begins to climb the turnbuckle as JR says, "Well let’s give ya an idea of how this match came about." Last Week ICWA Demented - March 29th, 2005 | Dementa-tron kicks on as we see the image of a whole being burned through the center of the screen as if it’s being eatin away by Acid. We see black and white images of different guys, One of which looks similar to Shawn Michaels, but is wearing the BUD Heavyweight Championship. Another that looks like the Rock with a different promotions world title. A performer with a similar look to Angel, and finally a performer with a similar appears as Raven until finally�?/FONT> From Olympus The All Mighty God Of War Has Awoke�?/FONT> ________________________________________________ Matlock tries to get to his feet but can’t seem to support himself on that right leg. As he turns around Douglas quickly hooks him and delivers the Pittsburg plunge, holding the bridge as Long counts ………………�?………………�?…………………�?! Long calls for the bell as Finkle announces, "Your winner, AND THE NUMBER 1 CONTENDER FOR THE ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP…�?SHANE_DOUUUUGLASSS!" The crowd boos as Long raises Douglas�?hand. Suddenly the lights go out as the Dementa-tron lights up, the following words fading onto the screen. In A World Of Choas Only One Can Be Truly Worshiped As The Ruler Of This Earth�?/FONT> The God Of War Has Arrived�?/FONT> With that the lights come on as the crowd erupts. Shane Douglas and WallStreet are out of sight but in the ring Matlock is leaning against the ropes, looking up the ramp in confusion. When he turns around he is kicked in the gut by�?/FONT> JR, "MACE! BY GOD MACE HAS COME TO THE ICWA!!!" Mace hooks Matlocks arms in a double underhook, Hoist him up high, and delivers a devastating Double Arm DDT (A Modified Matlock Drop) as the crowd is going wild. JR, "THE COUNTER! MACE JUST HIT THE COUNTER AND BY GAWD IT WAS DEVISTATING!" Heyman, "Of course it was! That’s the originator of the counter! No rip offs, no BS, That’s the real deal, 100% nWs Bad Ass, No Ruckus Guaranteed or your money back, MACE!" Mace says nothing as he just looks over his fallen victim with an evil yet cocky grin on his face. ________________________________________________ Suddenly the scene switches over to WallStreet standing in his office, watching the monitor and shaking his head, clearly not enthused that his big women’s title match is seemingly ruined. As he stands watching, his door flies open and a very irate Matt Matlock storms in. Matlock, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" WallStreet, "What the Hell was what?" Matlock, "That attack! You could of permanently screwed my knee up!" WallStreet, "I am Shane Douglas�?manager, it is my job to make sure that he achives success at ANY cost. Now if I were you, For 1, I would NEVER, walk through my door without knocking again. For 2, I would get down on the one knee you got tonight and thank whatever all mighty power you believe in that I was kind enough to pull back on my shot enough that you should be able to walk fine in a few days. Cause had I chose to really attack you, your career would be OVER." Matlock, "Whatever�?I’m not here about that anyway, I’m here about Mace (crowd pops)." WallStreet, "You came to the right place. I’ve got Mid Evil Mace’s with twice as many spikes and double the chain length for double the fun. Also for 1 night only, with every purchuse of 100 dollars or more I’ll throw in a free can of Mace protective spray. If you order now I’ll include shipping and handling for free and tonight only, all Mase CDs are 50% off. ACT NOW!" Matlock looks mildly confused but shakes his head and says, "THE WRESTLER MACE! I WANT THE WRESTLER MACE!" WallStreet, "Listen buddy, I’m a lot of things�?A Billionare, Handsome, Charming, Somewhat Alarming, Sexual, Sensual, Athletic, Increadible, Irresistable, incomparable �?particularly in the ring, However the one thing that I am not, Is a Dating service. But if Mace swings that way, then I say, Go For It Kiddo!" WallStreet gives him a thumbs up as Matlock is starting to really fume. Matlock grinds his teeth as he says (Without ever moving his teeth), "Next Week, I want MACE, In the ring�?And I want to humiliate him, embarrass him, and DECIMATE HIM!" WallStreet nods and says, "Alright Matt�?You want a match with Mace, you got it. (Crowd erupts) You want the opportunity to humiliate and embarrass him? I’ll give ya that too. Because next week it’s gonna be Matt Matlock one on one With nWs’s MACE (Crowd pops), in a first ever, "HOLLY BREASTICALS BATMAN!" Match." ________________________________________________ | With that the lights go out as the arena is covered by pure darkness. Not like pure as in pure evil, that'd be absurd! We're talking pure as in no light. Yeah, no impurities of any kind, even French people! Well that's until the white search lights roam the arena, kind of ruining my build up and push of the pure darkness. They pass over the crowd members, who recognizing the entrance, chant the name "Mace, Mace, Mace!" The spotlights tentatively pauses on each exit to the arena, giving the illusion that Mace could appear from any one of them. Suddenly the darkness, and crowd's cheering and shouting are torn apart by three massive explosions on the stage. (Total bodycount: 4 dead, 3 injured.) The lights are back at full brightness as "Third Reich From The Sun" by Hanzel Und Gretyl rages through the room. The intensity of the song picks up the tempo of the whole arena, as everyone is more and more psyched. In the damage created by the over the top explosions, stands Mace, hands out to his side, on one knee. His cocky smile blazes, as he looks up to the sky, and then around the arena. The decibels are louder than a jet engine as Mace rises to his feet, and walks slowly down the entrance ramp. "The One" sways from side to side, not due to alcohol intoxication, but to slap and shake the hands of all the fans clamoring for the attention of their hero. Finkle, "And his opponent�?Coming to us from Chesterfield England and weighing in at 210 pounds�?Representing the New World Slaughter, he is MAAACCEE!" Mace calmly pounces onto the ring apron, looks at the crowd, and raises an arm. The crowd's cheers are like thunder clapping, as mace somersaults over the ropes, and lands in the middle of the ring on both knees, arms outstretched to soak up the fans adulation. Matlock on the other side of the ring doesn’t seem nearly as enthused about this as the rest of the arena as he glares at his adversary. Vice Senior Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell as Mace just smirks and Matlock glairs. Matlock glances up, seeing that Bra hanging above his head and just shakes his head, clearly not overly thrilled about the match concept. As They stand their the crowd gets very loud, albeit both a positive and negative reaction, The camera’s look at the ramp and we see Seifer and Jacob Mitchell walking down the ramp. JR, "That’s�?But he’s�?Well he’s damn sure not ICWA!" Carl, "No, but if my memory serves me correctly he is nWs." JR, "But still�?After that footage we saw earlier�?Well frankly it takes some audacity for the former BUD Heavyweight champion to be on our show." Carl, "Don’t look now but I think they’re coming our way." JR, "Well isn’t that just "peachy"." Sure enough Jacob and Seifer walk over to the commentary table. Jacob pulls the headset off of Cross as Seifer yanks the headset off of Ross and they both place them on. Seifer, "Good by JR, Helllllllooo nWs!" Jacob, who is getting a little more resistance from Cross than Seifer did from Ross, says, "Hey man, get the Hell out of here, you’ve got real commentators for this match." Cross keeps resisting, clearly annoying Mitchell until finally, Jacob seemingly relinquishes his spot, taking off his headset and offering it to Cross. Cross nods and reaches out for the headset as Mitchell comes out of no where and nails the Prodigal Drop (RKO) on the cement. Cross is seemingly out as Mitchell gets up and puts his headset back on. Mitchell, "Good god Damn kid! You’d think this was the last bowl of soup at the shelter or something!" Seifer laughs as he says, "Okay, we’re here for a "slobberknocker" of a match, I’m good Ol�?Seif-R, at ringside with Paul Mitchell�?Wait, isn’t that a hair product? Eh whatever, anyway, Here we go!" Back in the ring Mace is very relaxed, seemingly waiting for Matlock to strike. Finally to the crowds delight however, Mace finally gets sick of waiting and walks in the middle of the ring, although Matlock showing he’s not intimidated meets him half way. Seif-R, "This is the classic Stair down which dates clear back to the days of George Hackenshmidt in 1905 and Pat O’Connor." Paul Mitchell, "This is NOT EXXXTRREEEEMEEE!" Finally Matlock goes for a right hand however Mace wraps up Matlock’s right arm with his left arm, delivers a quick jab to the heart, then wraps Matt’s right leg in his own legs and drives forward, dropping Matlock to the mat as Mace swings behind Matlock, still holding the armbar as he also drives his knee into the back of Matlock. Seif-R, "What a devastating Armbar, shades of the late�?eh�?Well some dead wrestler has to of used the armbar at some point." Paul Mitchell, " Will ya listen to that ECW Chant!" Seif-R, "What ECW chant Paul?" Paul Mitchell, "SHUT UP! I Miss ECW damn it!" Back in the ring Mace and Matlock get up to their feet as Matlock has managed to maneuver himself in front of Mace and presses Mace’s back against the ropes before sending him running across the ring. Mace comes running back across the ring as Matlock bends over, looking for a back body drop, however Mace quickly jumps, wraps Matlock’s head in a front facelock (set up for the DDT), falls back in a DDT, But doesn’t release as he wraps his legs around the body of Matlock Appling the guillotine. Seif-R, "Matlock telephoned the move and it cost him there!" P. Mitchell, "Don’t you mean telegraphed?" Seif-R, "How the Hell should I know, just shut up and buy my Barbecue sauce!" Paul Mitchell, " ECW!" Back in the ring somehow Matlock has somehow broken the body scissors that Mace had applied with the legs, and is on his feet, even though Mace still has the front facelock applied. Matlock pushes Mace against the ropes, grabs the second ropes, drives mace against the ropes further, and then pulls back making Mace release the hold and run across the ring. Mace gets to the far side of the ring, hooks his arms around the top rope, and stops himself from bouncing back as he steps away from the ropes and circles Matlock. This match is beginning to feel more like a UFC Fight than a wrestling match with the very unique style that Mace has brought to the ring. Seif-R, "WHAT A SLOBERKNOCKER!" Paul Mitchell, "THAT WAS EXXTREEEMMEEE�?(uh dude, what are we talking about?)" Seif-R, "Meh, I don’t know�?I have a fascination with slobber that dates back to 1967 when the Oklahoma Sooners did something that lead to something that I have convinced myself is relevant." Paul Mitchell, "Oh, well when ya put it like that�?ECW!" ((Place Several Minute Time laps here as I want to get these finished tonight and have decided to sacrifice this match a bit since Matlock was unable to show)) Matlock has given a fair fight but Mace has clearly lead this bout this far. Mace however, is down in the corner and pulling himself up. Matlock grabs Mace’s arm and looks like he’s about to climb the ropes when out of no where Mace delivers a huge kick to the temple of Matlock with a sickening "SMACK". Matlock’s eyes instantly gloss over as in a fashion similar to Ric Flair he flops down. Seif-R, "SWEET CHIN MUSIC, SWEET CHIN MUSIC, SWEET CHIN MUSIC!" Paul Mitchell, "Actually Seif-R, he kicked him with the top of his foot across the temple which has no resemblance to the Sweet chin music." Seifer, "You blow as Paul Heyman." Mitchell, "Blow me f**kweed!" Seifer, "WHAT THE F**K!? YOU CAN’T FU**ING SAY F**K ON CABLE TV?! THIS IS THE FU*KING USA F**KING NETWORK! WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU THINKING?!" Mitchell, "F**king sorry." Seifer, "You better f**king be." Back in the ring Mace has aquired the bra and dropped down where Matlock is still out. Mace grabs him, places his arms through the bra, and then clicks the back as Patrick calls for the bell. Finkle, "YOUR WINNER, MACE!" Mitchell, "DUDE, RATLOCK’S WEARING A F**KING BRA!" Seifer, "Dude, I’ve gotta get this!" The sound of the headset dropping is heard as Seifer slides in the ring. He has something in his hands although we can’t tell what it is. Mace has set Matlock in the corner and flashes begin coming from Seifer’s hands. Seems Seifer brought a camera! Mitchell can be heard laughing hysterically as the camera switches and shows him. Behind him however, Cross has finally gotten up and seems less than amused. Mitchell is standing, laughing at what’s going on in the ring when Cross picks up the ringbell, and with the wooden side as opposed to the bell side, cracks Mitchell in the back of the head, making him lunge forward onto the commentary table as the headset rips off of his head. Cross climbs up on the fan barricade and then BAM! He nails a huge elbow drop putting Mitchell through the commentary table. The crowd erupts, which makes Mace and Seifer glance outside the ring to see what’s going on. Carl gets up as Seifer and Mace both head out of the ring toward him. Carl’s no coward but he’s also no Idiot, he hops over the barricade and runs as Seifer gives chase through the fans and Mace bends down and checks on Mitchell. With that the scene goes to the back where The Living Legend Larry Zybsko is standing by with Bobby Johnson. Zybsko, "In recent weeks we’ve seen you make your mark here in the ICWA�?You didn’t fair to well in the IC Title battle royal but you more than made your point last week against TJ Powers. Now this week you have the opportunity to win the ICWA Hardcore championship against a peculiar, but very talented young individual in Ricky Carter. How do you feel going into this match?" Johnson, "I feel great Larry. Ricky’s been off doing TV shows and making a joke of our match, I’m glad. He’s taking me lightly, which is why you’re looking at your next ICWA Hardcore champion. I’m gonna obtain the Hardcore title, officially breaking myself out of the shadow of my brother and bringing glory to not only my own Legacy but to that of the Entourage as well�?All in one match." Zybsko, "Speaking of the Entourage, will they be a factor in this match?" Johnson, "It’s Hardcore, that means anything goes so what happens happens, but if they are, it’s not by my request. I’m hardcore, I don’t need help from the Entourage, but if Mr. WallStreet decides that Ricky’s earned a little extra beat down from the boys, than that’s his decision to make." Zybsko nods as Johnson walks off and the scene fades to commercial. | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | The scene comes back and a half hearted Y2Jesus is sitting in front of the TV with his gamecube control in hand, as next to him is a intensely entertained Ricky Carter who’s sitting the floor with his legs crossed, moving about with the game. The Toadstool comes across the finish line in first place as he yells, "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO, I WIN AGAIN!!!" Jesus rolls his eyes and drops his control as he says, "Okay, I’ve entertained you long enough, now make like a rubber ball and bounce." Ricky raises a sarcastic eyebrow as he says, "Typically if I plan to bounce I prefer to have a trampoline or a pit of plastic balls as my landing pad�?Not a concrete floor." Jesus again rolls his eyes as he takes a deep breath and says, "Look kid, your play pal isn’t here and I’m not entertaining ya anymore, I’ve got things to do and video games with you doesn’t happen to make the list." Ricky, "Where is Lexy anyway?" Jesus, "She got taken to the hospital after�? Ricky’s eyes grow huge, not letting him finish he says, "THE HOSPITAL?!?! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" Jesus double blinks as he is sure he was in the process of explaining this before the poster boy for Acid interrupted him. But having concluded to him self that he’s "special", he just ignores it and speaks on, "She got taken to the hospital after WallStreet wrapped his casted hand over her forehead, shattering the cast and rendering her unconscious." Ricky, "Wait�?WallStreet�?So they’re not gonna be like all flirty and stuff now?" Jesus, "I would guess not�? Ricky, "So she’s available?" Jesus, "Theoretically but�? Ricky gets a huge smile before he thinks, get’s very shifty eyes, and says, "Ssshhhh, be vawy vawy quiet…�?I’m Hunting a Wabit!" With that he springs up and goes to run for the door but he falls on his ass and pouts. Jesus, "What the Hell�? Ricky (pouting), "My leg fell a sleep! (Smiles) Wanta massage it for me?" Jesus stands up and says, "How about I help you out in another manor�? With that he bends down, picks Ricky up off the floor, drags him to the door, and in a very "Fresh Price of Bel-air Uncle Phil �?Jazzy Jeff" type scene, chucks Ricky out of the locker room. Ricky, who landed againt the wall, raises a hand and goes to say something but as he does the gamecube and accessories for the gamecube come flying out and land in his lap. Ricky, "…�?FONT color=#00cc00>Thank You …�? With that we hear the door slam as the cameras go to the ring where the Rockers�?theme is blasting over the PA as Marty and Shawn are standing in the ring. The main lights suddenly go out, leaving only red and blue spots to light the stage and the ramp. The first few chords of Sweet dreams Play as six beautiful women dressed in catholic schoolgirl outfits strut sensuously down the ramp taking positions along it, three on each side. James slowly struts from behind the curtain, white pants and shirt adorning his body as he slowly walks out both hands crossed in front of his chest, his hands resting by his throat as he stares at the ground. Pyro erupts from the stage as the first chorus ends, James slams his hands apart easily tearing the shirt from his body to the roar of the crowd. he grins as he slowly walks down stopping and posing for a few pictures. Finkle, " Their Opponents�?First, hailing from Philidalphia Pennsylvania, he weighs in at 302 pounds and is the nWWF Heavweight Champion as well as ONE HALF, Of the ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS…�? He Is JAAAMMMEEESSS!" He walks by each group of women and they quickly step in behind him. He climbs the steps slowly and hops the ropes walking to one side and slowly running his hand over his head then down his body suggestively. He walks to the center of the ring, as the girls slowly run their hand over his body, he smirks as they slowly get out of the ring, raising his hands into the air and turning slowly before hopping up on the turnbuckle and sitting on it, leaning back relaxed and flirting with some women in the audience. As James awaits the arrival of his partner and Ryan and Blaze are discussing strategy, The lights again fade out green lasers shoot from the ramp and 50 Cent is heard with the starting cords of Piggy Bank over the PA. "Clickity Clank�?Clickity Clank�?The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank Click-it-y Clank, Click-it-y Clank�?The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get At Ya�? As the song gets going the crowd erupts seeing from behind the curtain, wearing his tag strap and all is the Corporate Icon. JR, " So, for those keeping score tonight, I have had one commentary partner cained in the head, I have had another elbow drop a strong ally of the nWs, probably signing his own death warnt, and now, our beloved boss in the ring has decided to give me his "teammate", Shawn Douglas.." Douglas, "Ha-ha, that’s right jackass! And I’ll guarantee ya that no Singapore cain or nWs member takes me out." JR, "That’s too bad�? WallStreet glares ahead, never taking his eyes off the ring as he has always cut his arrogance and become a very serious competitor when it comes game time. Finkle, " AND FINALLY…�?. He weighs in this evening at 297 pounds, Hailing from Hartford Connecticut he is our ICWA CEO and CHAIRMAN, As well as ONE HALF, of the ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONNNSS�? He is The WallStreet Brawler Mr. TAYLOR_MC_CAALLLLLISTEERRR!" WallStreet at this point has arrived to ringside as James continues relaxing on the top rope and his opponents look at him very seriously, clearly not taking the tag champions lightly. WallStreet climbs the stairs slowly and walks over to the middle of the ropes on the outside of the canvas. WallStreet looks back at his opponents, than his partner, then glares out to the crowd, listening to their cheers and boos. He finally turns and enters the ring between the second and third ropes as the music fades and the lights readjust. James rolls off the top rope and hops on the outside, having started the contest last week as WallStreet just glares ahead at the competition. Referee Charlie Robinson calls for the bell as WallStreet looks dead ahead into Jannetty who looks like he may have a couple of doubts now. JR, "Well it looks like WallStreet and Marty will be kicking things off here�? Jannetty and WallStreet meet in center ring with a basic neck and elbow grapple. WallStreet powers Jannetty down to a knee, but Marty powers his way back up to his feet, albeit only to have the sideheadlock applied via the Corporate Icon. Marty stumbles back until he gets to the ropes where he presses WallStreet’s back, and then bounces him across the ring. WallStreet comes running back and stiffens up as he drives his shoulder into the upper torso of the Rocker, dropping him to the mat with great force. WallStreet runs to the side ropes but as he comes back Jannetty has rolled to his stomach so WallStreet leaps over him. He hits the far ropes as Marty gets up and goes for a leap frog but WallStreet has hooked the top rope with his left arm, stopping him from running. As Marty comes down from his jump WallStreet delivers a hard right elbow to the mouth followed by a kick to the gut, and finally, a gutwrench powerbomb. JR, "What absolute POWER from WallStreet." Franchise, "Of course, WallStreet’s one of the best in the business, why do you think I’m doing business with him?" WallStreet bends over and grabs a fist full of Marty’s hair, pulling him up to his feet before he swings around, wraps his right arm around him, picks him up, and delivers a huge sidewalk slam making the crowd pop with both cheers and boos. Michaels can be seen on the bottom rope trying to get behind his partner. WallStreet hears this, turns to him, and yells "SHUT THE F**K UP YOU F**KING FAGGOT!" Shawn’s eyes grow wide as he ducks under the top rope and attempts to get in the ring only to be held back by Robinson. As the official is occupied with Michaels WallStreet raises his arms above his head, drops down driving his knee into the head of Jannetty and then brings his body back as he presses his right forearm across the throat of Marty, choking him out as the fans boo and Charlie Robinson is still trying to get Shawn to get out of the ring. JR, "Awe come on! WallStreet blatantly has his forearm across the windpipe of Marty Jannetty!" Franchise, "Nothing wrong with it unless ya get caught JR!" JR, "What?! That’s the most ridiculous�?Ah forget it!" Finally Robinson gets Shawn out of the ring and conveniently it’s just as WallStreet pulls his forearm off of Jannetty’s throat and locks on a legal sleeper submission hold. Marty is already about out of it from the illegal choke but Shawn still has hope as he’s beating the top of the turnbuckle, attempting to get crowd support. Marty is seemingly out as referee Charles Robinson lifts his right arm, and drops it, counting 1. He repeats this process, and again Jannetty’s arm drops and Robinson declares 2. Robinson lifts the arm a third time, and probably would have had the same reaction, but WallStreet broke the hold and grabbed the arm before it could fall. WallStreet stands up and drags Jannetty over to the corner where James is standing. WallStreet sets him in the corner and slaps James on the shoulder, fairly hard. James glares at WallStreet and WallStreet glares right back, almost daring him to touch him. James enters the ring, both of them still glaring at each other before they finally both begin stomping the unholy Hell out of Jannetty which despite the Rocker’s popularity, makes the crowd erupt. Finally WallStreet exits the ring and James lifts Jannetty up and Irish whips him down into the neutral corner. JR, "The stipulations on this tag situation with James and WallStreet is that both men must be in the ring for at least a solid two minutes before they can attempt to end the match, otherwise it’s a breach of the contract that WallStreet had designed originally to screw James, but wouned up screwing himself." Franchise, "Shut your trap!" James hoist Marty up on the turnbuckle and delivers a big superplex as the crowd pops, clearly unimpressed with the Rockers. James looks down at Jannetty and just shakes his head as he looks over at Michaels in the corner, points, and then with his index finger does the "come here" motion. Shawn goes to get in the ring and again the referee tries to cut him off but this time Shawn just pushes by him and comes at a grinning James. Michaels goes to deliver a right hand but James blocks and delivers a big headbutt to the bridge of the nose of Michaels, knocking him down to the canvas as he holds his nose. James is clearly disappointed having expected a little more than this from the Rockers. James reaches down, grabs Shawn’s hair with his right hand, and Marty’s hair with his left as he pulls them both up to their feet, and then bashes their skulls off of each other, dropping them as he looks at Robinson and says something that the cameras don’t pick up. Robinson looks over to time keeper Mark Eaton and smacks his wrist with his index and middle fingers a couple of times, implicating a desire to know the time. Eaton gives Robinson a signal that they understand and Robinson nods as James rolls his eyes and mouths the words "Thank God". James goes over and smacks WallStreet on the shoulder in the same fashion he had done earlier. WallStreet enters the ring and once again James and WallStreet are glaring at each other and the crowd is eating it up. JR, "If these two get it going on James is out of a job and WallStreet’s out of a company!" In the corner of their eyes they can see The Rockers both getting up. Much to everyone’s surprise they grab each other’s arm and deliver a double clothesline to Michaels (who is first to find his feet), knocking him up and over the top rope. Then they stalk Jannetty. Jannetty gets to his feet and James hoist him up as WallStreet bounces off the ropes, grabs his head, and they deliver the 3D. JR, "3D, BAH GAWD THEY HIT THE 3-D!" Franchise, "I’ve been there and let me tell ya, it ain’t fun!" WallStreet slaps his hand hard on Jannetty’s chest as he is on one knee and has a very disrespectful cover as James just stands and watches. Robinson counts ……�?………�?…………�?! JR, "My God�?They just absolutely DOMINATED The Rockers." Finkle, "YOUR WINNERS, AND STILLL THE ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS�?JAMES AND WALLLLLSTREEETTTT!" Robinson raises their arms and hands em their belts as they just glare at each other, both of them with a small smirk on their face that nobody but they themselves could possibly understand. As they go to leave the lights in the arena go out as the Dementa-tron pops on, although it’s still dark. A Bunch of thunder clouds are seen as the opening cords of �?A target=_top href="http://a420.v8383d.c8383.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/420/8383/3b858b51/mtvrdstr.download.akamai.com/8512/wmp/3/581/graphics.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1">Right Now�?by Korn blast over the PA. The loud booming sound of thunder is heard as the lightning strikes from the clouds on the Dementa-tron, and from these thunder clouds ride four skeleton riders on skeleton horses. As the "ghost riders" ride they all suddenly and simultaneously combust into flames. The flames quickly fall to a pile of Ash and from the ashes forms a tall dark figure cloaked. His face is not visible, but he turns and the back of his cloak reads "Your Failure", which we can assume is metaphoric and is referring to the term of being "Cloaked In Failure"�?This person is proclaiming not to be cloaked in his own failure, but "your" failure. You Open Your Mouth Again I Swear I’m Gonna Break It You Open Your Moth Again, I Can Not Take It Shut Up, Shut Up, Shut Up or I’ll Fuck you up�?BR>Shut Up, Shut Up, Shut Up or I’ll Fuck you up�?/EM> SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP OR I’LL FU*K YOU UP SHUT UP ,SHUT UP, SHUT UP OR I’LL FU*K YOU UP SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP OR I’LL FU*K YOU UP SHUT UP ,SHUT UP, SHUT UP OR I’LL FU*K YOU UP The Figure in the tron fades away as do the clouds. Then the cloaked figure returns as the Dementa-tron simply shows his upperbody with the hood covering any possible look at his face, give him a very "Grim reaper" like look as the words come on the screen�?/P>  ((I Did The Decade Of Destruction Before It Was A Tag Line For T Shirts I’ve Victimized More People Than Most Will Even Meet In Their Lifetime And Now, Here I am Again�?And All Hell’s Gonna Break Loose�?BR> LITERALLY)) <<<<<<<I left the words from the screen in that bubble incase they were too difficult to read on the graphic>>>>>> *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | After the commercial break we find James leaning his back against a wall, despite having just come from the ring he doesn’t look like that "match" with the rockers exactly wore him out. With James is Krystin Price. She is leaning on his chest whispering suggestions as to where and how their time could be better used which is making James grin grow wider and wider. Suddenly James moves Krystin behind him and the cameras pan out to see that it’s because Missy is coming and boy does she look pissed with that lead pipe in her hand. Krystin pears around James and sees Missy, which makes her smirk as she steps out from behind him and pats him on the chest as to say ‘Down James, I got it�? Missy comes over and goes to swing that pipe at Krystin, but James catches it and yanks it out of her hand. He shows no desire to use it or interfere in these two beating the Hell out of each other, but he can’t let the odds be uneven against his girl. Not appreciating his interference in Missy’s revenge she slaps him across the face. Now James is a good guy, but he can be a bit temperamental, James steps forward, less than enthused when behind Missy steps Havoc (out of where I have no idea). The crowd erupts realizing that a fight is brewing. James, "Easy their big guy, don’t get yourself hurt." Havoc, "By who, the bitch�?Or your woman?" James, "Oh yeah, that was slick, I bet ya spent a week thinking it up." Havoc goes to reply but Missy speaks up, "What’s wrong, if the walking crotch critter doesn’t have a frying pan she has to have you?" Before much more can get said, security, having been told that Missy was going on a tirade, have located her and step in to calm the situation as WallStreet has instructed them to be on the guard and at their best for this huge Demented event. They separate the situation as the cameras again go to the ring. ‘Rock Your Body�?By Justin Timberlake blast over the PA as the crowd begins to erupt and out from behind the curtain steps Ricky Carter. The crowd cheers as Carter walks down the ramp and arguably the greatest announcer of all time (bar Michael Buffer perhaps), Howard DelaFINKLE Announces! Finkle, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN�?The following contest has been scheduled for onefall and is for the ICWA Hardcore ChampionSHIP! This match has no time limit, and there is No Disqualifications! On his way to the ring, from Albany New York�?He is RICHARD_CAARRTTTERR!" Ricky’s eyes get big as he is half way down the ramp. He quickly runs and slides under the ring and rushes over to Finkle, who conveniently has forgotten to turn off his mic so we hear Carter as he says, "Hey Fink�?Easy on that "Richard" stuff heh?" Finkle nods as the crowd finds it amusing which makes Ricky blush with embarrassment. JR (Laughing), "I’ll tell ya, this young guy brings a much needed feeling of youth to our sport." Franchise, "This guy’s a Jackass. Every time he speaks and we listen, valuable brain cells die a slow and painful death." With that, "The G.O.A.T." starts to play as Bobby Johnson appears at the top of the entrance ramp wearing black spandex-like shorts with wide white stripes going down the sides. He wears no shirt to show off his chiseled physique, and he wears a black spandex-like wave cap on his head. He flexes his muscles for the crowd as his pyros go off a lot like Batista does. When he is done flexing, he make his way down the ramp and heads to the ring. Finkle, "And his opponent�?Hailing from New Orleans Louisiana, he weighs in at 255 pounds and is a representative of The ENTOURAGE�?He is BOBBY_JOOOOHNSOOOON!" He gets to the ring and walks up the stairs and climbs the nearest ring post, and again flexes his muscles for the crowd. He climbs down from the ring post, and gets into the ring and walks to the ring post on the opposite side, and climbs it and again flexes his muscles to the crowd. He then climbs down from the ring posts and steps into center ring, facing the light hearted Ricky Carter as the music fades. Hardcore division referee Bill Alfonso holds up the ICWA Hardcore Championship showing the world what this contest is all about before he points to time keeper Mark Eaton who rings the bell, and hands the championship down to a crew member at ringside. JR, "The ICWA Hardcore championship, which had been retired shortly after Sparrow had defeated Sting back the late part of 2003. But apparently your good buddy WallStreet has decided to bring the Hardcore championship out of retirement." Franchise, "And just as Mr. WallStreet brought the title to the ICWA, Bobby Johnson is gonna bring it back to Mr. WallStreet and the Entourage! BEAT HIS HAS KID!" Back in the ring Bobby is talking trash to Carter, which makes Ricky giggle like a school girl as he flips his wrist and says ‘Oh stop it you�? Bobby gives a blank stair of disbelief before he delivers a devastating right hand across the jaw of Carter, making him stumble back a couple of feet. Johnson begins delivering a combination of stiff kicks to the gut and hard right hands to the face which has Carter reeling in the corner. Bobby climbs up and gets on the second rope as he begins delivering punches to the head of Carter as the crowd counts ………�?…………�?…………�?……………�?…………�?5�?6�?�?�?9………�?0! Johnson hops down and Ricky’s eyes roll around a little before he flops on his face. Bobby just glares down at Carter before he picks Ricky up off the mat, and then applies a rear waist lock. Johnson hoist Carter up and goes for a German suplex but much to everyone’s surprise, Rick flips through it and lands on his feet behind Bobby. Bobby gets up and is met with a couple of stinging right jabs from Carter before Carter backs up, pressing his back against the ropes as he waits, letting Johnson stumble forward. Ricky then leaps up, wraps his legs around Bobby’s head and delivers a massive hurricanrana sending Bobby up and over the top rope as Carter lands on his chest on the outside portion of the ring canvas. The crowd erupts as JR says, "By God, he just got frankensteinered right in front of us!" Franchise, "COME ON BOBBY!" Ricky rolls off the ring and walks over to Bobby Johnson who’s on his forehead and knees. Ricky guides him up by the neck and then delivers an Irish whip, sending his back colliding hard with the steal stairs. Ricky then politly ask Finkle if he’d move, and Fink so surprised that someone actually asked him instead of threw him, is more than happy to step out of Ricky’s way. Carter flashes that big dopey smile as he grabs Finkle’s folding steal chair, leaving it set up as it is, and carries it overm setting it a few feet in front of Bobby with the back of the chair facing Bobby. Ricky Steps back, runs, runs up the seat of the chair, onto the back of the chair, brings his arms out straight to his side as the chair tips forward and he jumps and flips in an inverted Swanton as Johnson just rolls out of the way and Ricky nails his back on the side of those steal steps with great power as the crowd goes nuts. Johnson has a look like he can’t believe what he nearly got hit with as the crowd is just deafening from that stunt of Ricky’s. JR, "BAH GAWD, That Kid may be broken in HALF!" The screen splits as in the higher right corner of your screen you see the replay of Carter’s chair leap and hear the impact that he nails those stairs with. Meanwhile Johnson reaches under the ring and pulls out a table, which makes the crowd pop. He sets the table up and then picks up the limp body of Ricky Carter via his neck. Bobby slides Ricky into the ring via the neck and pants as he then slides in behind Carter. Johnson picks Ricky up and locks his hands around the back of Carter as he is seemingly looking for a modified over head belly to belly suplex but Ricky brings up the leg and blocks the move. Johnson goes for it a second time but this time Ricky bites the bridge of Bobby’s nose, making his release the hold as the crowd pops. Franchise, "HE BIT HIM!?!?" JR, "No disqualifications, that’s just as legal as an armdrag in this match." Franchise, "BUT HE BIT HIM!?!?!" Ricky delivers a hard kick to the gut of Johnson before he steps out of the ring between the second and third ropes and stands on the outside ring canvas. Ricky reaches over the ropes and grabs Bobby’s head, turning him so he’s facing Carter. Carter hooks the arm and hoist Johnson up in what appears to be a stalling vertical suplex, but Ricky jumps back and lands a Brainbuster through the table which again makes the crowd erupt. Ricky rolls over on top of Johnson as Alfonso counts ……�?………�?……�?Just two as Bobby barely pops the shoulder up. Ricky gets up and stumbles a little, feeling the effects of the crash through the table and the chair stunt moments ago. Ricky is living off this psyched up crowd so he decides to try something out. By now Bobby has rolled off the rubble of the table so Ricky begins tossing the destroyed table to the side as Bobby’s upper torso is hidden under the ring. Ricky Comes back over and drags Bobby out from under the ring apron but when he does he’s surprised by as Johnson has a fire extinguisher in hand and sprays it in Ricky’s face instantly. Ricky stumbles about in the white cloud of dry Ice as Bobby gets to his feet. Franchise, "THAT’LL COOL YA DOWN HOT STUFF! HA-HA!" As the Ice fades away, Ricky is still trying to clear his eyes when he turns only to be cracked across the head with the fire extinguisher. Ricky drops down hard and holds his forehead, rolling over, burying his forehead into the black mats at ringside before he rolls back to his back, his hands flying from his face as he has began bleeding. Johnson realizes it’s gonna take something big to finish off Carter so he reaches under the ring and grabs yet another table. He sets the table up fairly close to the commentary table and then lifts Carter off the floor and rolls him onto the table. Johnson then walks over, grabs the top set of the steal stairs, and with all of his strength he tosses em up and over the top rope. Bobby then slides into the ring and grabs the stairs, setting them so that the back of the stairs are touching the ropes, the actual step part of the stairs facing the opposite side of the ring. With that Bobby looks out at Ricky, looks up, and we all imagine he probably says a little prayer in his head before he darts across the ring, bounces off the far ropes, runs with full speed, runs up the stairs leaps and in the air twist about ending up going for a 450 splash but just at the last second Ricky rolls off the table and keeps rolling nearly under the ring as Johson comes crashing through the table with great force sending the capacity crowd into an absolute frenzy. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT�?BR>JR, "MAH GAWD, I CAN’T BELIEVE WHAT WE’VE JUST WITNESSED! THESE TWO KIDS ARE DESTROYING THEMSELVES!!!" Ricky Rolls out from under the ring, at this point the blood is gushing. For TV purposes one is too assume that he must have got nailed pretty hard with that Extinguisher, but as the superstars in the back and the staff surrounding the ring can tell, he clearly got caught up in the moment and bladed too deep. Ricky gets up as the crowd is going wild. He reaches under the ring and now, a Third table is brought into this match. He sets the table up fairly close to the ring as he then walks over and rolls Johnson off of the decimated table he landed through, Johnson has yet to move after that 450 splash. Ricky rolls him off and then tosses the remains of that broken table to the side. He then yanks the black, ICWA Logoed, cover off of the commentary table, exposing the monitors and desk top in front of JR and Shane Douglas. Ricky yanks out the monitors and puts em to the side, and then he walks over to time keeper Mark Eaton and ask him to move. Eaton does so and Ricky grabs his folding steal chair. Ricky puts the steal chair on the commentary table with the back of it facing toward the ring as he then grabs Bobby by the arm and Neck and hoist him up onto his feet. Johnson’s body is seemingly lifeless as Ricky rolls it up onto the table he set up by the ring. Ricky then goes back and climbs up onto the commentary table. He climbs up onto the chair, trying to maintain his balance in the process, and then yanks his shirt of, sending the fans into a frenzy as he tosses it to the side. Meanwhile behind him Shane Douglas has pulled off his head set and is slowly creeping onto the table. He gets up onto the commentary table but as he does the table gets wobbly making both Shane and Ricky start to lose their balance before the table suddenly collapses under them which makes Shane fall back and hit his head on the padded crowd barricade and makes Ricky’s feet slip out from under him as he falls and smashes the side of his head on the edge of the steal chair. The crowd gasp as this obviously wasn’t supposed to happen. Hardcore referee Bill Alfonso rushes over to Carter and Douglas, checking on them as Ricky looks up, his eyes glazed over. JR, "By God�?The Franchise got up on that table�?The Table�?It, it, it collapsed under all that weight and�?Well it just looks like a damned train wreck out here!" Alfonso is speaking to Ricky and Ricky’s lips can be seen moving on occasion although we can’t tell what’s being said. Finally Alfonso goes over to Johnson who’s only just began to stir and is "checking up on him" (letting him know what’s going on with Carter and the match status). Johnson gives a nod "confirming that he’s okay to continue" (that he understands what’s going on) and rolls off the table, stumbling about as he tries to collect himself, still a bit messed up from that failed 450 splash. Bobby ducks down under the ring and just as he promised�?He withdraws that Sledgehammer wrapped in barbwire. JR, "Now what the Hell’s he gonna do with that?! Damn it this has gone far enough!" Bobby drops to a knee over Ricky and rubs that barbwire covered Sledge hammer over his face, using it like a cheese grader as Ricky barely moves. He seems to be talking trash as he does so (but we in the business know that he’s using this time to communicate with his opponent and see exactly what he wants to do). Finally he tosses the sledge to the side and pulls Carter up. Carter is limp and finding it hard to stay on his feet as Bobby leans him against the steal ringpost. Bobby grabs the chair that Ricky was standing on, and even though it’s dented up, he closes it up and walks toward Ricky with it. He tosses the chair and Ricky, despite probably being concussed, catches it only for Bobby to deliver a huge Killa Kick (Sweet chin music) to the chair, making a Ricky Carter’s Head sandwhich using that steal chair and the ring post as the bread. Ricky Falls frontwards as Bobby pushes him over to his back and lays across him as Alfonso counts ………………�?………………�?……………………�?! Finkle, "YOUR WINNER AND THE NEW, ICWA HARDCORE CHAMPION�?BOBBY_JOOOOHNNNNSONNNN!" JR, "Well Bobby Johnson managed to gain the win and the title, but honestly neither of these men look like winners right now. I’ve lost my third straight broadcast colleague tonight, Ricky Carter’s gotta be severely concussed at best, and Bobby Johnson, God only knows what that failed high risk maneuver did to him! This match was a Slobberknocker if I ever saw one�? With that the cameras go to the back We see Taz standing, just glaring ahead�?Finally he begins walking forward as Encore plays in the background and JR says, "When we get back, Shawn Allen of the Entourage will go head to head with the Human Suplex Machine, TAZ!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | When the cameras return from commercial nWs (Mace & Seifer) and Jacob Mitchell are walking through the back. Despite Mitchell being attacked by Cross earlier in the night they all seem like they are in decent spirits as they are still laughing and joking about, over having placed Matt Matlock in a bra. Seifer, "These pictures are gonna be priceless�? Mace, "I tend to disagree, I think we’ll get quite the price for em via El�?Ebay-o!" Jacob, "That’s gonna be hot�?Not as hot as me beating the piss out of the Ron Simmons on crack of the commentary world that attacked me, but hot all the same." They laugh when they notices that the lights are flickering. Seifer, "Wow�?Buffalo sucks�? With that said the ground begins to tremble as Mitchell says, "My geography isn’t top-notch, but I didn’t think they had earthquakes in New York�? With that ‘Right Now�?by Korn begins playing, from where, we have no idea, but it’s damn sure playing. The crowd is going nuts watching what’s going on in the back via the Dementa-tron. Jacob, "Allllllllllrigghty when the shitty music kicks in that’s our key to get out of this Hell hole." The lights go out but fortunately the Exit sign is within sight so nWs calmly makes their way foreword and exits the arena as we go back to the ring. JR, "That was different�? The InterCountyWrestlingAlliance's Arena is booming with the excited cries of fans. The lights dim, only a little, as the rap beat of "#1" by Nelly starts to play throughout the ring area. Soon follows, from behind the curtain, "The Walking Legacy" Shawn Allen wearing his black windbreakers and black silk shirt, buttoned down to the middle, exposing some of his muscular chest. His arms are outstretched on either side of him, accepting the boos he's recieving from the fans. These boos continue to surround The Walking Legacy, though they're drowned out from his Entrance Music, as he slowly nears the ring. Finkle, "The following contest is the ICWA MAIN_EVENT! It Is scheduled for onefall with a 20 minute time limit! On his way to the ring�?Hailing from Milwaukee Wisconsin and weighing in at 275 pounds�?He represents the Entourage�?He is SHAWN_ALLLLLLEN!" Once he gets to the ring, he rolls in under the bottom rope and stands up, readying himself for the match. With that the lights go out as the black 13 with the orange glow appears on the Dementa-tron and the beeps of the life support machine are heard through out the arena. Finally the machine flat lines as we then get a blast of orange pyro and ‘Just Another Victim�?by Cypress Hill blast over the PA. Out from behind the curtain to a huge ovation comes Taz. JR, "Folks I’ve managed to lose 3 Consecutive broadcast partners tonight and apparently WallStreet is occupied preparing for his State of the Union Address, so it looks like I’m calling the rest of the night alone." Taz proceeds down the ramp as Finkle announces, "And his opponent�?From the Red Hook Section of Brooklyn New York, he weighs in this evening at 240 pounds, he is TAZZZZZ!!" Taz climbs the steal stairs and enters the ring between the second and third ropes as the lights readjust and the music slowly fades. ICWA Senior Referee Tim White signals for the bell and the bell is rung making this bout officially in progress. Taz and Allen stair each other down knowing that on this is more than just a match tonight. The time for talk and games is over as finally Taz and Allen are face to face ready to make things happen. Taz and Allen both nod and then grapple. Taz forces Allen down to a knee with his incredible power. But Allen is no weakling as He uses his own force to get himself back to his feet and actually forces Taz down to a knee. Taz fights back up as the grapple stays in tacked. Allen finally manages to break the grapple with a hammerlock. Taz then reverses with a hammerlock of his own. Then Allen bends over and grabs Taz’s right ankle and sweeps the leg forcing Taz to the ground. Taz hits a drop toe hold bringing down Shawn Allen. Taz sprawls around the body and hooks a side headlock on Walking Legacy. Allen gets to his knee and grabs The Human Suplex Machine’s lifts and locks a modified Chicken wing. Taz then brings up his free arm and snapmares Allen over in between The former ECW Champion’s Legs. Shawn jumps to his feet as does Taz and the fans cheer. Allen nods approvingly and then goes back into the grapple with Taz. Shawn brings up a knee into the gut of Taz and then delivers a release Northern lights suplex. Shawn twists over and locks a sleeper submission on Taz. Taz is fighting for air as Allen is clenching even harder on the submission. Legacy is starting to take the air out of The Human Suplex Machine but the crowd is completely in support of Taz. Taz gets to his ass and is trying to fight away the feeling of lightheadedness and dizziness. Taz gets to one knee but Shawn Allen shows no sign of letting up. Taz finally makes it to his feet as Walking Legacy continues to put the ECW Veteran to sleep. In a desperation attempt Taz grabs the back of Shawn’s head and drops in an inverted Jaw breaker. Shawn drops the hold and falls to the mat as Taz is trying to catch his breath. White starts the count early in this contest 1...2...3...4...5(Taz is to a knee as Allen is as well)...6...7.. by 8 Walking Legacy has found his feet and so has Taz. Allen rushes and Clotheslines Taz. Allen goes over to the corner and taunts the fans who are booing him. As he is doing so Taz gets to his feet and is stalking Shawn. Allen hops down off the turnbuckle and as he does The Human Suplex Machine charges and hits a running belly to belly suplex. Taz gets up and crowd goes nuts. Taz then picks up Allen and puts him up on his shoulders setting him up for an for God knows what, But Allen rolls off his shoulders and grabs Taz by the shoulder and spins him around. Taz is met with a kick to the gut and a hard inverted DDT. Shawn arrogantly covers Taz as referee Tim White counts...1...2... Only two as the Human Suplex Machine powers out of the near fall predicament. Allen gets up in White’s face and argues that it was three as the fans boo. Taz is starting to pull himself up on the far ring ropes as Allen turns around and notices him. Shawn grabs Taz by the back of the head but Taz sinks a stiff elbow into the gut of Allen and then hits a side walk slam. Taz then grabs Allen by his head and lifts him to his feet. Taz then hooks in a front waist lock and delivers an over head belly to belly. The crowd pops as Taz stands, stalking Allen. Allen slowly gets up and stumbles back as Taz locks in the Tazmission, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Allen is struggling to free himself but Taz has the hold locked on tight. Taz falls to his back and wraps his legs around Shawn Allen, who is slowly fading away as the fans are chanting Taz’s name. JR, "Taz has that move sinched in and I think this one’s just about over." Allen appears to be out as Tim White raises his right arm and then releases it. It drops to Allen’s side and White counts 1. Tim White repeats the process with the same result. Tim White raises Allen’s hand a third time and sure enough, he’s out. White calls for the bell as the crowd erupts and Taz holds the move for a couple of seconds, but eventually rleases. Finkle, "YOUR WINNER�?TAAAAAZZZZZ!" JR, "Taz just made a statement here! He didn’t just beat Shawn Allen, he beat a member of the Entourage." With that the cameras go to the back where WallStreet is watching the Monitor�?He has clearly just gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed as he shakes his head but still smiles. WallStreet, "That’s okay�?The night still belongs to the Entourage, rest assured." WallStreet smiles and walks out of his office as JR says, "This is gonna be big, when we return the long anticapaited State of the Union Address!" | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | When the cameras return The ring apron has been covered with a red fabric that has made the ring look very ceremonious. In the middle of the ring is Howard Finkle. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the ICWA State Of The Union Address! Please welcome, from Hartford Conneticut, he is the CEO and Chairman of this company�?The WallStreet Brawler, Mr. Taylor_McCALLLLLLISTTTERR!" 50 Cent "Clickity Clank�?Clickity Clank�?The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank Click-it-y Clank, Click-it-y Clank�?The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get At Ya�? As ‘Piggy Bank�?by 50 Cent blast over the PA, out from behind that black curtain that separates the dreamers from the achievers steps the Corporate Icon himself. The crowd erupts, giving him both heat and pops as that’s the reaction WallStreet tends to draw. WallStreet has the ICWA Heavyweight Championship slung over his shoulder and is taking his sweet time going down the ramp, a big, cocky, almost evil, smile on his face. JR, "In a recent production meeting WallStreet guaranteed�?And anyone who knows their ICWA history knows that anytime WallStreet’s EVER made a guarantee in this business, it’s always come to be�?He has GUARANTEED, that this is going to be huge. I personally have no idea what this is about, he refused to tell anybody, but I’m gonna guarantee ya that if WallStreet guarantees it’s gonna be big, than Bah gawd, it’s gonna be big." WallStreet comes to the bottom of the ramp and slowly walks over to the steps as he takes his sweet time walking one by one by one, and then onto the outside ring apron. WallStreet holds the top rope as he walks to the middle of the outside ring canvas and looks out over the crowd. He smirks and has a small laugh before he notices a very attractive woman in the forth row with a sign that reads "I Wanta Take A Ride On Wall Street". It’s been a while since he’s seen that sign, he laughs as he gives a wink and then enters the ring between the second and third ropes. The Corporate Icon goes over to Howard Finkle, shakes his hand and takes his mic as Finkle exits the ring and the music slowly fades.  | WallStreet, "�?What a night huh? It’s been a night of unexpected events to say the least, I mean first Dark Child arrives in the ICWA, and might I add he did so with quite the impact. (Crowd boos)�?Then I received a tape from "A Friend in BUD"�?It’s funny, I was definitely unaware that I had any friends in BUD�?I killed some very valuable air time showing the tape from my "Friend in BUD" which turned out to some dumb broad who’s probably tapped more times than the oldest Keg in Ireland�?(Crowd pops)�?Speaking on the ICWA and a couple of our performers there in. Now originally the State of the Union Address had a completely different direction, but, what kind of a promoter, and more importantly, what kind of a man, would I be if I didn’t address the situation and let you people know, that as usual, BUD is full of sh*t." The crowd pops as JR says, "That was pretty straight forward�? WallStreet continues, "Firstly, BUD wanted me to air that little tape, and BUD wanted me to speak on them right here in the ICWA, and why not? If I was a dying group of politicians I would try and get my name associated with a pure product too. And I know�?I know a lot of promoters would say ‘Well they want a plug from us, they’re not gonna get it, we’re gonna ignore em, blah blah blah", but that’s what separates me from "A Lot of Promoters". Because a lot of promoters might be intimidated by BUD. Why? Because no matter what the lie is, if you hear it enough, you’ll believe it. No matter how ludicrous something may seem, if it is pushed on you hard enough, and frequently enough, you will buy it. And this isn’t me out here trying to draw some heat and call you fans gullible, this is a simple fact and it’s not just you fans�?It’s people in general. Look at how many people are positive that there are Aliens observing us�?There’s no proof, but it’s been said and pushed so much, that people believe it. Greek Mythology�?If you take a look at Greek mythology now it’s just a very fantastic story with some larger than life characters and some neat concepts, but there was a time where Greek Mythology wasn’t considered "Myth" at all�?People preyed to Zeus and worshipped him as the God of all Gods. They believed everything that we’ve labeled "As mythology" and why? Because it was preached and pushed enough to be believed. Just the same as BUD has done to many people, both fans and performers alike. Let me give ya an idea of what I mean�?The management of BUD would have you believe that anyone who has left BUD and claimed that they were biased and political simply "couldn’t hack it" and as a result, left and felt the need to trash the place. Yet the list of people who "Couldn’t hack it" grows larger and larger, and it seems like the only people who "can hack it" are either key members of Management or very close friends there of. Now to you 6 guys in the 300 section who watch BUD, I know what you’re saying�?‘But Frantic just got pushed over Angelique and he’s not a management member of a close friend there of’�?You six are idiots, but I’ll explain anyway�? WallStreet is slowly walking the ring as he proceeds, "See, Syck and Karnage are both in the hunt for the title, and everyone knows that it’s more likely than not that Valek will drop the title. I mean ultimately Valek was simply a way to get the belt off of it’s "Unbeatable Champion", the guy who was to BUD as Taz was to ECW�?Valek was there way of keeping the belt on a guy with a legitimate name, so it didn’t seem as bad when they ass-raped the previous champion without the offer of KY or Vaseline. (Crowd pops at WallStreet’s frankness) But that is a completely different rant for a completely different time and place. Back to the point�?Everyone knows that Valek is not a guy who’s gonna hang on to that belt for a long time. He got his fifth title run conveniently, and at the expense of the real champion, and more likely than not, he’s content now. And please, don’t mistake this as shots at Valek. Valek is a legitimate competitor who is to be held in high regard, but that doesn’t change the facts, and the facts are simply as I’m telling em�?So, with the previous champion probably not feeling like having his ass ripped apart by getting raped two times in a row, he chose to decline a rematch. Now is that the reason? I don’t, I’m just making a guess here, but all the same he declined the rematch so, In the "Interest of fairness"�?Yeah right�?They made a Tournament for contendership to the title. And at their next Pay Per Viewing of real athletes getting it up the tail pipe, they’re gonna have a "big" triple threat match for the title. Now what does this have to do with those 6 morons in the 300 section who just said "But they pushed Frantic�? Of course they did. Did he deserve it? No. Angelique and Obie busted their ass and in the end the argument was very, very debatable as to which should progress, but Frantic wasn’t even in the debate. Yet he got the push and why? Because this week Syck and Karnage meet and in the mix is Phantom. And the main event at the Pay Per View will be�?Unless it changes because I brought all of this out to the world like this�?Valek, Frantic, and Syck�?Well Karnage has a shot, although if they’ll screw Angelique, nobody is in a position of safety�?None the less, the reason they pushed Frantic was so that it will be much easier for Syck or Korey to obtain the title because when push comes to shove, whether they’ll admit it or not, It just pisses them right off that PWT was resurrected. The question that raises in my mind, is that how do you take two of your loyalist members in Obie and Angel�?bend them over and stick the dick in their ass right on National TV?" WallStreet takes a second to stop as he contemplates this idea. WallStreet, "This is just one politically powered screw job�?If I listed all of them that I have PERSONALLY bared witness to, I’d be here all night and frankly, if I wanted to spend that much time talking about BUD I’d just go back because God knows they’re too hard up to tell me I can’t return. I will however say this�?I saw what Ricky said on the Sharon Osbourn show. And Obviously I saw what Dark Child said tonight�?I stand FIRMLY behind my performers here in the ICWA and their right to say whatever it is that they feel like saying. So Ricky knows a few guys who got screwed in BUD�?And? Who the Hell doesn’t? Frankly, Ricky’s comments are none of my business. But I�?I had not said anything about BUD�?And trust me, I have PLEANTY I could say�?So much infact that no one will ever hear it all�?Well depending on how much shit they pull out of their ass that could be proven wrong in further broadcast, but at the moment�?Anyway, I hadn’t said shit. Yet there’s Rox�?I mean Gypsy, running her mouth about me talking shit, and trashing my organization. So yes, I’ve taken this precious airtime and wasted it on them, just as they hoped I would�?But this is nothing. (laughs) Trust me, this is nothing. Because when push comes to shove, they’re gonna pretend it doesn’t eat at em, and they’re gonna brush these facts off and keep spreading their BUD Mythology. Their gonna continue bitching and moaning behind locked doors like the cowards that they are�?Because as a friend of mine recently pointed out, B.U.D. Really stands for Bitching Ultimately Describes us�?And they’re gonna pursue some kind of war�?Despite claming otherwise in that little promo you all saw earlier�?You know, the one that was all about us yet ended by saying we were to miniscule to be talked about? (laughs) …�?Neither here nor there, I’m not concerned. BUD couldn’t get past the nWs on Mace’s worst day, hence the reason he was tossed out of the place�?And that’s just 3 guys in this place�?With that said, If I stay on pointing out the heaping mounds of BS that comprise BUD I could be here all night so let’s get on to what’s relevant�?ICWA Business!" The crowd erupts as WallStreet smiles. He probably planned on saying more on it, but he’d already drawn his thoughts out longer than he wanted to, and truthfully, he wasn’t nearly as well minded as he was when he first decided to wri�?I mean speak about it. WallStreet proceeds, " In 3 weeks we have a huge Pay Per View event with no card and no world champion to be in the main event, so what shall we do? Well first we announce a couple of matches. (Crowd pops) Next week, live on Demented we will see the recently hospitalized Alexis Davis�?(The crowd boos on account of the "recently hospitalized" comment as WallStreet smirks)…�?Will face the returning United States Champion No Limits Christian Skywalker! (Crowd erupts) ……�?And we will Unify the United States and Intercontentl championships! (Crowd pops). Then, at Resurrection the winner of that match will meet my dear friend Shane Douglas for their championship! (Crowd boos)…�?Also, Two weeks from tonight in what will be another very VERY big night for the ICWA�?We will place nWWF Champion James (Crowd erupts)……�?And CWA Champion Ryan Ross (Crowd boos)…�?In the middle of the ring for an official Resurrection contract signing. (Fans pop) �?FONT color=#00ff00> I’d do it next week, but James is gonna be a little busy because after that little show with he and his "friend" Krystin, and Havoc and his "friend" Missy, I’ve decided to book an intergender tag team match next week pitting these two pairs of "Friends" in the ri ng. (Crowd pops)…�?So with all of that out of the way�?We come to the prize of all prizes�?The ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." The crowd pops as WallStreet shifts the title up on his shoulder. WallStreet, "So what are we going to do with the world championship�?Well first of, we can’t have a world title party without our longest reigning world champion to date, so first, I’m gonna invite a certain player to the party�?It is my pleasure to welcome back, the only man who has ever held the ICWA Intercontentl and World Heavyweight Championships at the same time�?The only person who’s been in this company longer than this man is myself…�?Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my Privilege, and distinct Honor to present to you the single most controversial man in the history of this company…�?He is ICWA’s Original Franchise Player……�?BROOOOCKKKK_LEESSNARRR!" The crowd goes nuts as ‘Next Big Thing�?from the WWE Anthology CD blast over the PA. The cameras go to the entrance and from behind the curtain, sure enough, he emerges. JR, "BROCK LESNAR! BROCK LESNAR HAS RETURNED TO THE I.C.W.A!!!" The crowd is going wild as Lesnar walks down the ramp. Lesnar has a very cocky smirk on his face as he walks the rest of the ramp, steps in front of the ring, and then jumps up and lands on the ring canvas as a set of pyros explode from the turnbuckles. The crowd pops some more as Lesnar just smiles and enters the ring between the second and third ropes. Lesnar steps up to WallStreet and the two shake hands and share a small hug where they exchange a couple of unheard words. Brock then reaches between the ropes where a crew member hands him a mic and the music fades.  | Brock shakes his head and says, "Damn it feels good to be back (Crowd pops)……�?I gotta admit, I wasn’t that surprised when the boss called me up and told me that the ICWA was coming back. Because for me, it never closed. Sure, I had one Hell of a long vacation, but that was it. I stayed in the gym, I kept training, because I knew one day WallStreet would get his priorities straight and put the single greatest promotion of all time back on the map (crowd pops)…�?Now with that said�?(Turns to WallStreet) I just want to say that while I am not surprised, I am still honored that you’ve made me the ICWA Heavyweight champion. And I look forward to defending the belt against what ever sad sack you throw at me." Brock goes to grab the title off of WallStreet’s shoulder but WallStreet pulls away and says, "Easy killer�?I just invited you to the party, I didn’t hand ya the Keg and spread the blonde’s legs for ya…�?See, I’m not "handing" you the title." Brock Lesnar seems slightly confused as he says, "Why not?" WallStreet, "To be absolutely honest, handing you the most prestigious prize in the business isn’t the biggest ratings puller." Brock, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa�?Brock Lesnar pulls ratings. I draw ratings from everybody. Kids like me more than Michael Jackson, adult men fantasize about being me more than Tom Brady, The women fantasize about being with me more than Fabio, and old people think I’m the greatest thing since Viagra and Medicare. Brock Lesnar pulls ratings." WallStreet, "Yes, yes he does, but he draws more ratings when he earns his titles�? Brock, "Earns my titles? I’m the best performer to ever walk the ICWA, I’ve earned my title just by spending my time in front of these pissons in the crowd." The crowd boos as WallStreet laughs and goes to speak but the lights go out and apparently so does the power to his mic. The Arena becomes dimly light as the ramp and ring are engulfed by a dark mist. Suddenly the sound of a thunderstorm approaching can be heard as the Dementa-tron kicks on and again the clouds begin forming. But this time they’re moving forward, and actually seem to come out of the screen as thunder clouds begin rolling over the top of the arena. Small bolts of lightning can be seen coming from the clouds occasionally but don’t seem to land on anything. Then on the Dementa tron we see the four "ghost riders" from earlier, and sure enough the ride straight out of the screen in what is a phenomenal set of effects that probably even WallStreet himself isn’t aware of how it’s being done. Suddenly as they’ve ridden right about over the ring, they are struck by four separate bolts of lightening and they become nothing more than ash, which drops in the ring at Lesnar and WallStreet’s feet. On the Suddenly the dim lighting and the Dementa-tron all shut off. When our dim lighting returns the clouds seem to be gone although the mist on the stage, ramp, and ring are still intact as the Dementa-tron lights up, and again, the same scene as earlier.  As it fades off and the lights readjust Brock seems very serious, but somewhat confused as to why he’s an inch away from stepping in a large pile of ash. WallStreet however, has a grin on his face. WallStreet looks up toward the rafters and says, "Yeah Jimmy�?(crowd erupts at the thought)�?I get the hint, and I know that you’re there, so why don’t you go ahead and grace us with your presence as you of all people will find my next announcement very interesting." The cameras focus up on the rafters and sure enough, out steps a very large figure in a dark cloak and over his shoulder is the NRA Legends Championship. JR, "It’s not�?You don’t think?! But he was never�?I mean�?Jimmy Stryker?!" At this point the crowd is going wild as the cameras slowly fade off of the cloaked man in the rafters and comes back to WallStreet in the ring. WallStreet, "See, in 2 weeks we are going to have what I have labeled a "Impress The Boss" match. And in this match will be Brock Lesnar (Crowd boos), Shawn Allen (Crowd boos), Taz (Crowd pops), Mace (Crowd erupts), And several other ICWA top names. And on that ramp will be a rather comfortable leather chair which will lay host to me very attractive ass (Crowd pops a bit). And I’m going to watch, as every 3 Minutes I will change the stipulations of the match. I will continue to do this until there are 6 People remaining in the ring. Then I am taking those 6 people and I have decided that we will have, for the first time in the ICWA An Elimination Chamber Match (Crowd pops). And the winner of the Elimination Chamber will become the ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!" The crowd erupts as Brock gets a sadistic grin on his face and nods. JR, "BAH GAWD, THAT’S HUGE!" WallStreet, "So, two weeks from Tonight, all you guys in the back�?Be prepared to Impress The Boss!" With that ‘Piggy Bank�?by 50 Cent blast over the PA as the crowd is going wild. JR, "What a night�?I can’t believe�?Bah gawd. How huge are the next 3 weeks gonna be?! We’ll see ya next week!" All Name And Copyrights are reserved to InterCountyWrestlingAlliance Inc 2002 - 2005. BUD Footage Provided care of Haywood Jablowme in corporation with number 1 Reporter Gregory Helms and Cheif Editor Harry Ballsax | |
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