 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 2/22/2007 8:03 PM |
ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | Oh Man�?Do you know what time it is?! DO YOU?! Cause I’ll tell ya what time it is! It’s time for your favorite show, My favorite show, THE WORLD’S Favorite show to make it’s triumphant return to the FX Network�?Folks, it’s time for the ICWA to make it’s long anticipated return�?It’s time for ICWA Demented! The clock’s rounding 9pm eastern standard time as the credits for the syndicated "That 70s Show" continue to roll and we see the screen split, showing clips from old ICWA Demented episodes as we hear a female narrator�?/P> "Now get ready for two hours of bone breaking, face smashin�?action as the superstars of the ICWA take the mat in the premier episode of ICWA Demented on FX in 2007." With that the scene fades to black�?/P> We hear a deep voiced male announcer speak as we can hear an ICWA Produced instrumental in the background�?/FONT> "2002, It Began�? JR, "BAH GAWD! X �?BOMB JUST POWERBOMBED HARDY TO HELL!  HE IS THE FIRST EVER ICWA CHAMPION!" ____________________________ "From there it continued to pick up steam�? "MARSHAL! MARSHAL!  DESTRUCTIVE JAY MARSHAL HITS 200-0!" _________________________ "Not only offering the highest level of competition, But Drama as well�?  "Stacy’s about to become Misses McCallister once she say’s I-D�? James, "Whoa, Whoa�?Before you tie the knot Street, I’ve got something you really outta see�? We hear the sound of a booing crowd, but it’s cut off�?/FONT> ________________________ "Today’s Legends were but reaching their prime�? "LET’S ROLL FROM SFM!  THIS COULD BE�?ONE�?TWO�?THREE! IT IS! SFM HAS BECOME CHAMPION!" _____________________ "The Legacy Continued through 2003�? "BAH GAWD PAUL!  HOPE CASSIDY JUST BEAT BROCK LESNAR! HOPE CASSIDY IS ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!" ___________________ "2004�?  "JIMMY STRYKER HAS WON THE ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE!" __________________ "And 2005�? "Jacob Mitchell�?/FONT>  He just survived the Elimination chamber and become ICWA CHAMPION!" ________________ "In 2006 The legacy continued, but in a different direction�?  "Dangerously and Skywalker both down�?DRAW!" "Looks like another Draw�?" "BAH GAWD! Yet ANOTHER Draw! I’m starting to wonder if Ned’s capable of beating either of these two prime athletes when it counts!" _______________  "Well, Staying true to Dangerously’s championship "legacy" (If ya wanta call it that) this year, The year concludes on a Draw! He couldn’t beat the man, but he still retains as we conclude the 2006 season, and BAH GAWD WHAT A SEASON!" _______________ "One Night Only, The ICWA Made a return at what was billed the ICWA Holiday Spectacular�?  "DANGEROUSLY TAPPED OUT! HE TAPPED OUT! DAVID VAN DAM MADE DANGEROUSLY TAP OUT AND HAS BECOME THE NEW ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT WRESTLING CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!" ____________________ "As Time has come and gone, the Legacy’s withstood�?But now�?  _________________ "The Legacy�?CONTINUES!" | And with that we go into "Straight Out Of Line" by Godsmack as the starting video for ICWA Demented kicks off (Click here for a more advanced video via youtube.com) The video draws to an end by the song continues as pan out and see the pyro shoot from the stage. The cameras then begins to sweep the arena as the music continues�?/P> *PIC* "GOOD GAWD IT FEELS GREAT TOO BE BACK! WELCOME! WELCOME TO EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH DEMENTED!!!!" The cameras finally focus on Busch and Marshal at ringside. Busch, "I’m Bert Busch, alongside me you see former ICWA Women’s champion Image Johnson, and former CWA Heavyweight Champion "Destructive" Jay Marshal, and folks�?On behalf of all of us, it is GREAT to be back!" Image, "Absolutly it is Bert, and what a show we’ve got lined up here tonight�? Bert, "What a show indeed�?Tonight the ICWA United States championship IS on the line as�? A promotional banner comes onto the ICWA Dementa-Tron making the crowd erupt�?/P> Busch, "�?FONT color=#ffff00>ICWA United States champion Bobby Johnson defends against ICWA Hall of Famer and former ICWA Heavyweight champion, Sean Frost Mann! And folks, that one’s gonna be a barn burner deluxe, so make sure you’ve got yourselves ready ." Image, "But that’s not all because tonight we have got a very special treat for all of the old school wrestling fans�?Lacing up his boots yet one more time�? Another promotional banner comes onto the Dementa-Tron, drawing another pop from the fans of Cleveland�?/P> Image, "�?Former NWA Heavyweight Champion, The American Dream Dusty Rhodes laces up his boots one more time and will be joined by Drew Stevenson as he goes one on one with MJ Storm, who in turn will have the "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase in his corner." Marshal, "But your both forgetting the match that people paid to see�? And with that yet one last promotional banner hits the Dementa-Tron which draws the loudest pop of the early night�?/P> Marshal, "The MAIN EVENT!" Busch, "And what a main event it is folks�?The Chairman of this company, Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister, has voluntarily teamed up with his long time rival "No Limits" Christian Skywalker to take on one of the greatest Tag Teams in the history of MSN�?#1 Contender Matt Matlock and ICWA Heavyweight Champion of the World, David Van Dam�?Pure Perfection!" Image, "That one’s gonna be huge�?A lot of great matches on the card to�? Suddenly "Burning Bright" By Shinedown begins to blast over the PA as the Dementa-Tron lights up with images of ICWA performer Drew Stevenson. The crowd pops as Busch says, "Well it looks like we’re gonna kick things off right out of the starting gate with a young man who has won the opportunity of a lifetime�? With that the curtain moves from the side and out from behind it steps the one and only Drew Stevenson to an enormous pop from the fans. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Please welcome�?On his way to the ring from Seymour Missouri�?Theee EMERALD, Drew STEVENSON!" Busch, "There he is folks! December 20th, 2007�?ICWA Holiday Spectacular. Drew Stevenson went one on one with MJ Storm and won the opportunity to face any champion, any time, anywhere, in the next 300-plus days." Marshal, "Well yeah, any champion other then the World champion." Busch, "Absolutely correct. But even still; Cashing this in and winning that contest will show the powers that be that you can get it done when it counts and that’s what they wanta see when they’re selecting ICWA Championship contenders." Stevenson slaps a few hands here and there, but he remains focused as he heads down to the ring. Busch, "Drew Stevenson an incredible young athlete, a phenomenal pure wrestler as well." Marshal, "You can be the greatest pure wrestler alive, doesn’t mean much if you get knocked out by a stiff right hand." Image, "I would tend to disagree�? Marshal, "And if you were a man I might "tend" to give a damn." Image, "How Ironic, I was just thinking the same thing about you." Drew walks around and starts heading up the stairs, entering the ring between the second and third ropes. The music slowly starts to fade as ICWA Ring Announcer Kevin Dart hands the microphone over to the Emerald before taking his leave.  | Drew, "December 20th, 2006�?That was the day that I made my ICWA Debut, as well as the day that I beat MJ Storm and won a sweet little deal that offers me instant contendership to any championship belt in this company outside of the World championship. Now MJ Storm (crowd boos) can go running around all night long screaming "Fluke", but that doesn’t change the fact that this is an opportunity I’ve won and an opportunity that most performers so new to a promotion would die for. So since that Holiday Spectacular I’ve been thinking�?I’ve been contemplating, exactly when and how I’d cash in this remarkable opportunity. And I had a lot of ideas�?But then I was thinking, "What do the fans want?" (crowd pops). I’ve been busting my back to show the world that I can start at the bottom and do what so very few in this business want to do anymore, Work, My way to the top. All that hardwork has paid off as it’s gotten me to the ICWA! So I’m not going to change things up now. I’m going to continue to work my way up each rung, gaining (points to the crowd) your respect (crowd pops) and (points toward the entrance way) their respect along the way�? Busch, "What a blue chipper is Drew Stevenson�? Marshal, "He’s an idiot. Who gives a damn what the people think, just walk over whoever ya gotta and get that title." Image, "Ya know, some people in our sport, and I DID say sport, still give a damn about the credibility of it!" Marshal, "Could have fooled me." Drew, "So I looked through the ICWA and I realized there’s a division that needs to have a strong champion. A Division that you fans want to see succeed, but can’t get behind because it’s so poorly contested. And that Division is the ICWA TAG TEAM Division." He draws a pop from the tag team fans as Busch says, "A lot of great history in tag team wrestling, dating all the way back to Tiny Mills and Stan Kowalski in 1960 when they became the first AWA Tag Team champions and continuing through the years with great teams like the Minnesota Wrecking Crew Arn an�?Ole Anderson, The Steiners, LOD, The Brainbusters with Arn and Tully, Killer Bees, Hart Foundation�?A lot of great history folks." Drew, "So what that means�? Suddenly "Back in Black" by AC/DC Begins playing over the PA, Drawing a series of boos as Drew’s eyes narrow toward the entrance way. Busch, "What’s this?" The curtain moves and out from behind it steps the Psychotic Rookie turned Vet himself, MJ Storm. Behind MJ is the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. MJ has a mic in hand as the music draws to a close and the fans continue to boo. MJ Storm, "What that "Means", Drew Stevenson, is that you need to really reconsider your decision. Because I don’t know if you noticed or not, but the ICWA Tag Division is already spoken for by Remorseless Storm, Sean Frost-Mann and Myself!" Drew, "Then I guess that means that I’m just going to have to up the stats sheet to two-n-oh verses MJ Storm." The crowd pops as MJ glares at the fans only briefly, "No, what it means is you can go play around with Bobby �?Or after tonight, SFM �?For the United States title, or go down and see Summer about a Women’s title opportunity. But the tag team titles are spoken for, Back off jack!" Drew Stevenson, "Maybe you don’t understand what I’m saying�?I am officially applying the contract awarded to ME from when I beat YOUR ass�?As of right now, I am officially declaring myself number 1 contender for the ICWA Tag Team Titles, Period!" The crowd erupts as MJ Storm’s ranting to Debiase. The Million Dollar man tries to calm MJ as he borrows MJ’s mic�?/P> Ted, "Whoa, Hold on a second Drew�?Maybe we can work this out�?See, I’m the Million Dollar Man, Drew�?Now why don’t you tell ol�?Ted just what the price is to change your mind?" Busch, "Oh come on, are these guys that scared of some competition?!" Marshal, "They’re not scared, they’re just not boy scouts like your boy "Drew". Why waste the energy if ya don’t have too?" Drew, "Ted�?You’ve managed me before, so you should know by now�?I DON’T have a price!" The crowd pops as Ted says, "EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE!" Drew, "NOT DREW STEVENSON!" The crowd erupts again as MJ takes his mic back from Dibiase. Storm, "HOLD ON A DAMN MINUTE! How the Hell are you laying claim to the tag team titles! Do you even have a partner?! What? Do you think that Old, Fat tub of goo, Dusty Rhodes is gonna be able to team with you? I’m gonna put that pile of crap in the hospital tonight Drew, and when I do that means you’re partnerless. Then what Drew? You can’t compete for the tag team titles by yourself Drew. Even if you were dumb enough to try it, the ICWA Doesn’t allow it." Drew, "Don’t you worry about who my tag team partner is MJ�?You and the rest of the world will find out soon enough! Until then, however, I suggest you and Sean get yourselves in prime shape. Because the way I see it, the road to the ICWA World Tag Team Championships is going to climax between the two of you, and Me and my partner. When that happens –And it will be soon �?I suggest you be ready. Oh, and likewise MJ, I suggest you be ready tonight for the legendary ass whoopin�?at which you are about_to_Recieve via The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes!" With that "Burning Bright" by Shinedown blasts over the PA as the crowd cheers and Drew holds on to the top rope, looking up the ramp at an agitated looking MJ Storm and his manager. Busch, "Well folks, a lot of bad blood starting to form between MJ Storm and Drew Stevenson, and from the looks of things that bad blood is fixin to spill over into the tag team division!" Image, "Do we even have an operational tag team division? I thought those titles were retired?" Busch, "Well I guess Drew Stevenson just un-retired em." Marshal, "Can he do that?" Busch, "I Reckon he just did." The cameras fade to commercial. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | When the cameras return we find ourselves backstage near catering where Ted Dibiase and MJ Storm are marching by. MJ Storm, "How the Hell can he do that?! He doesn’t even have a partner! And even if he did, his partner didn’t win some cheesy Christmas present! So now some lackey’s gonna get a free ride to OUR Tag Team championships! What the Hell kind of crap is tha�? Before he can finish he bumps into somebody and we see a bottle of red Gatorade hit the floor and spill about. MJ Storm, "Hey Jackass! Why don’t you watch where the Hell you’re going!" The cameras pan back and the crowd goes nuts as we see�?/FONT> ICWA United States Champion Bobby Johnson. Busch, "HO-BOY!" Bobby takes in a deep breath through his nose as MJ stairs him down�?/FONT> Bobby, "Do�?I Know you?" The crowd pops as MJ Sucks his teeth and says, "Oh yeah, real cute! Yeah, you know me Bobby�? Bobby, "Huh�?Sucks to be me then. (Crowd pops)�?And uh, next time you proceed to bump into me, waste my Gatorade, and proceed to throw out a sophomoric insult, it’s gonna really suck for you playa." MJ, "Oh yeah?" Bobby laughs only slightly as he says, "Yeah." MJ, "Well oh grand US Champ! I guess we’ll see exactly what sucks for who when you’re suckin�?the bottom of SFM’s Boot (claps hands) SMACK From a Let’s Roll and proceed to hear the referee count One (extends index finger), Two (extends middle finger), Three (extends ring finger)." Bobby, "That’s a pretty little fantasy you have painted, but that’s exactly what it is, Fantasy. But uh, instead of worrying about my match, why don’t you worry about losing to a sixty year old man who may very well use an oxygen tank to get the mail in the morning. Because from what I can see that’s what you do MJ, You lose�?A Lot�?Drew Stevenson at the Holiday show, Matt Matlock at the last show of last season, not to mention your various losses everywhere else during the ICWA’s hiatus. Watch out Brooklyn Brawler, MJ Storm’s bout to take your job." MJ, "Ya know, I really�?STRONG> REALLY don’t like you." The crowd laughs as Bobby says, "Well pimpin, I just think you’re the coolest (Sarcastic smile)�?But while I’d love to stay and chat, I’m gonna go get ready to steal the show and retain my title." With that Bobby gives MJ a condescending pat on the shoulder before he walks around him and the Million Dollar man and proceeds on his way. MJ, "I Hate that guy�? The crowd pops as the cameras fade back to the ring and we can faintly hear Busch laughing. Busch, "Looks like ol�?Bobby Johnson hasn’t lost a step in the off season." Image, "Of course not!" Marshal, "I’m with MJ Storm on this one�?I really hate that guy." Image, "Don’t hate." Marshal, "Why not? It’s the only thing that brings me joy anymore." Image, "You need to find a piece of tale." Marshal, "You offerin?" Image, "Not on your life." Bush laughs as ICWA Ring announcer Kevin Dart announces, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN�?The following is our OPENING BOUT! It is scheduled for ONEFALL with a FIFTEEN Minute Time Limit!" The lights in the arena dim, through the sound system, Fuel's "Won't Back Down" begins low ..
I know what darkness means (and the void you left for me) The isolation stings (so thick it wants to bleed) The echoes in my brain (of the things you said to me) You took my everything .. (NOW I'M COMING FOR YOU!)
Two pyro's explode simultaneously on either side of the stage, forming a thick cloud of smoke, Nikki steps through the smoke, she stands motionless, letting her eyes roam over the crowd. Dart, "INTRODUCING FIRST�?Making her way from Oklahoma City OKLAHOOMAAA�?NIKKI_BLLLLLLACK!" She shoots her hand in the air and runs down the ramp. Busch, "A lot of Energy and she’s gonna need it folks�? As she reaches the ring, she hops on the apron and turns and places her back against the ropes. Marshal, "Awe Man, I love this part�? Image, "Me Too!" Marshal, "Re-HEA-lly now?" Image, "Keep it in your pants slick." After a moment she back flips on the ropes into the ring. She hits the four corner posts and plays to the crowd, then hops down and makes her way to the middle of the ring where she waits for her opponent. With that the scene pans up wards as the commentators continue to do their job. Busch, "Well folks this contest is being brought to ya curtsey of Burger King. Burger King, Have It Your Way!" Marshal, "Well, after ya pick up that Whopper ya might as well stop by�?/FONT> Marshal continues, "Blockbuster Movies! Thousands of movies in stock, ya can’t go wrong with Blockbuster Video!" "Brackish" By Kittie begins playing over the PA as we slowly start zooming toward the stage. Image, "Emm�?A Whopper�?That sure sounds good right now." Marshal, "Jesus lady, you had two sets of Nachos before the show. You’re a machine." Image, "HEY PAL! I’M PREGNANT! OKAY?!" Marshal, "Okay! Gesh." Busch, "Well you want a Whopper, this match is certainly fixin to be one." Image & Jay: ………………………�?BR>Busch, "Heh-hmm�?In any event, here comes the challenger." We fade to the stage just as Heather McMahon is finding her way from behind the curtain to a huge ovation from the Cleveland fans. She smirks as she looks around at the cheering crowd. She then puts her hands in the air and lowers them as she starts to make her way down to the ring. Dart, "AND HER OPPONENT�?Making her way from Greenwich Connecticut�?HEATHER�?MC_MAHONNN!" She smiles and waves at the fans as they hold up signs with her name on them. She gets patted on the back a few times. Busch, "The ICWA Seasoned veteran Heather McMahon getting a great reaction here from the fans of Ohio." Image, "She seems like a nice girl�?Lucky for her I’m not there to rip her to shreds." Marshal, "Hmm�?I’d watch." She then walks over to the steel stairs and walks up them. She walks onto the side of the apron and gets into the ring through the bottom ropes. She walks into the middle and holds her hands high as the crowd cheers and Nikki rolls her eyes. The lights readjust as the music fades and referee Darren Thomas calls for the starting bell. The two divas quickly circle the ring before coming to the center and hooking in a elbow-collar tie up. Nikki grabs Heather’s wrist and quickly twists out of the grapple and begins wrenching McMahon’s arm, drawing a few boos. Nikki raises her elbow and drops it hard into the extended elbow of Heather McMahon, making Heather bring her arm in quickly. Busch, "Nikki Black starting on the offensive as she may have just hyper extended the elbow of Heather McMahon�? Nikki walks up behind Heather, grabs a hand full of her black shorts and pulls her into a rear waist lock. With the waistlock still in effect, Nikki charges forward, pushing Heather till her chest collides with the ropes. Nikki then pulls and drops back, bringing Heather with her as Nikki rolls through and then bridges back looking for a quick pin�?/FONT> …………�?…�?/FONT> Just a little over one as Heather McMahon kicks out with authority in the opening stages of this contest. Busch, "Nikki Black looking to get this one over with in the early goings. It’s gonna take more than that to put away Heather McMahon." Heather and Nikki both pop up but Nikki seems to be quicker by about a hiccup. Nikki uses that extremely small time advantage to her advantage though as she springs forward and nearly takes Heather’s head off with a clothesline. The crowd boos as Nikki floats over and applies a lenient lateral press cover. …………�?…………�? Just two as Heather powers out again. Nikki looks at the official and claps her hands three times implicating that he needs to count faster before she grabs Heather by the head and applies a tight chinlock. Heather struggles about, although to no avail at the moment. Heather continues to fight though and slowly gets to her side and ends up on a knee. As she continues trying to get up Nikki’s forced to rise from her knee to her feet in order to maintain the leverage advantage. Finally Heather gets up from her knee to her feet and manages to arrange her body so it’s off to the side. Nikki maintains the chinlock but Heather finally swings an arm around the back of Black and hoists her up in the air and then drops her back with a hard back drop. The crowd pops as both women stay down momentarly. Heather rolls to her side and pulls herself up as Nikki’s attempting to do the same. Heather grabs Nikki by the head as she’s in the process of getting to her feet. Heather wraps her left arm around Nikki’s neck and uses her right hand to grab a fist full of Nikki’s black pleather shorts before she snaps back, taking Nikki over with a snap suplex. Heather floats over and hooks the far leg as Thomas counts……………�?…………………�? JUST two as Nikki kicks out. Heather jumps up and notices the fans as they pop. Heather starts yelling out to the crowd, clearly trying to get them to offer their support, and of course they are more than willing to do so. Nikki pulls her self up and turns around as Heather delivers a hard kick into the abdomen area. She then hoists her up and drops her down with a hard scoop slam making the crowd grow louder. Heather rushes to the ropes and points to the sky making the crowd go nuts. Busch, "Aww I think she’s fixin to go up top!" Heather exits the ropes and then climbs them, the capacity crowd on their feet. She gets up top, extends her arms, then leaps out and nails her variation of the shooting star press. Busch, "NIGHTMARES! Heather McMahon just delivered her patented variation of the shooting star which she calls "Nightmares"!" Heather stays ontop of Nikki and hooks the far leg as Darren counts ………………………�?………………�?……………�?Nikki JUST kicks out before the three, making the crowd deliver a disappointed gasp. Heather gets up and start to rally the crowd behind her as the official drops down to check on Nikki. Heather stands toward the back of the ring in a stalking pose, waiting for Nikki to get up. Busch, "Looks like she could be getting ready for "The Downfall"�? Suddenly out of no where we see Summer slide into the back of the ring and wrap Heather across the back of the skull with ICWA Women’s championship, making her drop hard to the mat as the crowd boos. Summer drops down and rolls out of the ring completely undetected by the referee. Busch, "BAH GAWD! Summer Stratus just came out of no where and nailed Heather McMahon with that Women’s championship! But why?!" Nikki Black pulls herself up, probably not completely sure of what happened. Nikki Climbs the ropes, leaps back and nails a perfect Moonsault. She stays over Heather as the official drops down and counts ………………�?…………�?…………�?.3! The official calls for the Bell as Dart announces, "YOUR WINNER�?NIKKI BLACK!" The ref raises Nikki’s arm up but Summer slides back into the ring under the bottom rope and stalks behind Nikki. Nikki turns around and THWACK! Right between the eyes with the title belt. The crowd boos as Summer holds up the strap and "Hot In Here" by Nelly blasts over the PA. Busch, "Awe how appalling!" The cameras fade to commercial | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | When the cameras return we see a still frame of Summer Stratus walking out of the Gorilla position into the backstage area. Busch, "Take a look folks, this occurred during the commercial break." During The Commercial | The frame starts and we see Summer walking with a smirk on her face. As she’s heading further into the backstage area we see her stop. The camera pans out and the crowd pops as we see Hope Cassidy. Hope, "Big Woman are we?" Summer, "Pfft. Lecture someone who cares." Hope, "Do as you might with Heather and Nikki�?But try something like that with me and see how long it takes before that belt of yours is around my waist." Summer, "Aww�?And who are you again?" Hope smiles, even laughs slightly before she leans real close, chest to chest, body to body, and gets her lips right next to Summer’s ear. Hope whispers in an almost evil yet seductive way, "Your worst nightmare." And with that her lips coil up as she gives Summer a peck on the cheek and then proceeds to walk around her and continue on her way to the Gorilla position. The cameras pan back and focus on a somewhat surprised and confused Summer Stratus. | The cameras focus on the ramp as Busch says, "That was�?That was something else." Marshal, "I’ll say�? Image, "Stop poking me." Busch, "Um�?His hands are on the desk." Image, "……………�?EWWWWWWW!" Dart: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall. The opening beats to the Pussycat Doll’s "Dontcha" hit the sound system and a large base with a silver pole starts to descend slowly from the ceiling above the stage. As the music continues Hope is seen wrapping herself around the pole slowly, teasing the crowd by slightly opening her long black trench coat and leaning right over for a great cleavage shot. As she reaches the stage she throws her coat to the floor, swings around the pole and slides down with her back to the pole one last time. The chorus kicks in and a stunning Hope Cassidy in her usual wrestling gear makes her way down the ramp as the crowd chant her name. Hope flashes one of her winning smiles before hopping up into a sitting position on the ring apron, facing the stage. After a quick Basic Instinct style flash Hope rolls underneath the bottom rope, stands up and poses for the fans before returning her attention back to the match. Dart: In the ring, from Boston, Massachussetts...........HOPE CASSIDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YA! YOUR DREAMS ARE NOW FULLFILL! GET OUT YOUR SEATS AND LETS GET ILL! LIVE BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES, HE IS THA EPITOME OF GREATNESS, YOUR WRESTLING ICON, GIVE IT UP FOR THA LEAKY ONE....LEAKYFORMAT" THE LIGHTS GOES DOWN AS THE MUSIC PLAYS...
FOR THEY IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER.... THE KINGS THE RULER THE RULER RULES LEAKYFORMAT COMES OUT AS THE CROWD BOOS AND CHANTS "LEAKY SUCKS"...He doess a spin and drops to his knees as more pyros erupts. As he walks to the ring with a cocky strut playing to the crowd. He enters the ring and does another muscle pose before the match starts.... Dart: In the ring, from Beaufort, South Carolina, weighing two hundred pounds....Leaky Fooooooooooooormat!!!!!!! Busch: Both competitors are in the ring, we have seen one hell of a opening contest, and now with this being the second match of the night, this should be good. Marshall: Yeah your right Bert!! I mean come on, look at the other matches we have coming tonight. Tonight will be explosive!! Image: You bet your ass it will. DING DING Hope Cassidy taking a look over at Leaky Format, as she then is seen strutting her stuff in front of all of the fans. The fans whistling, and giving her a great reaction, as Leaky is getting angry. Leaky not wanting them to look at her body, but realize the destruction he is going to pass onto the Former ICWA World Champion. Leaky then flexes his muscles to the crowd, but there is Hope again showing off her good looks, as the crowd of males in the front row are seen getting all hot and excited. Leaky then is seen getting more upset, as he goes for Hope. He then slips around hope, as he easily picks her up off the ground trying to take her down in some sort of olympic wrestling move. Hope then rolls Leaky right into a DDT. Leaky holding onto his head, as Hope has already countered for the first time making herself look good in the opening of this contest. Leaky then gains himself and picks himself off the ground, as Hope points to her head, knowing that she has outsmarted Leaky. Hope and Leaky then lock up as Hope just then looks him square in the eyes. She removes the lock, and then just socks Leaky square in the head. She then kicks Leaky in the midsection as she then takes off into the ropes using all of her strength taking down Leaky with a flying crossbody. Hope now on top of Leaky as Leaky using his strength throws her off with ease. Leaky and Hope now back on their feet, as Hope tries one more idea. Busch: This match is not really going anywhere. Marshall: Calm down girly pants, it just started. Busch: Well I want more action than this. Image: There is a bathroom down the hall, think about it Bert!! Hope then notices that Leaky decides to try something spectacular by running at her. Leaky trying for a clothesline, but Hope then ducks down under his arms turns around and tries for a huge dropkick, but Leaky instead, pushes her feet out of the way of his chest as Hope now goes face first into the mat. Leaky, delivering, a couple stomps to the back of the head of Hope Cassidy. Leaky then picks up Hope as he whips her into the ropes, as Hope rebounds, Leaky locks her up and nails her with a belly to belly suplex. Hope flying across the ring due to her size landing hard onto her back, as she then sits up holding her back showing nothing but a painful expression on her face. Leaky satisfied he is winning so far, decides, to pick her up one more time. This time he whips Hope back into the ropes, as he does, Hope the tries to battle her way back, as she stops as Leaky is wondering what she is up to. Hope then kicks Leaky in the gut swing around him trying to lock him into a german suplex, but Leaky a little too heavy for her, as she then gets a elbow to the face from Leaky, as he then whips around her and tosses her backwards through the air hitting a thunderous german suplex of his own. Leaky very proud of what he is doing now and from the get go. Busch: Hope is in for a little trouble here Jay!! Marshall: No she's not!! She is just playing around. I know Hope, she is a little tricky witchy woman!! Busch: Yeah right. Image: The woman has skills!! Dont be hating Bert!! As this happens Leaky goes ahead one more time, as he bends down to pick up Hope. Hope gets up with his help, as she then starts to throw punches and elbows to Leaky to get him off of her. As Hope gets free and Leaky is hunched over, Hope bounces off the ropes, as she comes back trying to nail a swinging neckbreaker, only to have Leaky counter it into a neckbreaker of his own. Leaky takes himself to the next level as he then climbs up to the top rope, as he then attempts to connect with a huge diving moonsault, as he takes off from the top, Hope moves herself out of the way, as Leaky is seen grabbing his gut after he lands hard where Hope once was. Leaky trying to get himself onto his back, but the shot he just took, made a impact on this match. Hope the picks up Leaky, as she then bounces off the ropes, then a flying foot to the head of Leaky with a well connected spinning heel kick by Hope. Leaky crashes to the ground as Hope then stands up as she then drops down on top of him with an elbow drop right across the throat. Leaky not moving, as Hope then grabs both of his legs. She then wraps herself up in them, as she locks in the figure four. Image: If Leaky wasnt moving then, he is now look at him!! Busch: He is sqeauling in pain. I mean Hope is no big girl and she has this hold locked in. Marshall: Yeah she does Bert, but how long can she hold it. Image: The girl has class, look at her she has a nice ass, I mean a nice class of satisfaction in the ring. Hope feeling a bit stronger than she is, is still trying to hold the submission longer but breaks free. Hope then stands up and grabs Leaky, as his legs are a bit weakened from the hold. Leaky holding himself up with what he has left in his body, as Hope then kicks him in the gut, wraps him up and BAM a snap suplex. Hope then rolls on top of Leaky to make the cover. Chris Martin: 1............2..............Kickout by Leaky. Hope then with the power and adrenaline seeming to kick in, she then lifts up Leaky off the mat one more time. Hope then bounces herself back off the ropes, as she then spears Leaky down to the mat. Leaky now down once again, as Hope has some kind of wind in her body pushing her to the limit. Hope then grabs Leaky one more time as she kicks him in the gut again, sending a couple right hand shots to the back of his head, comes off the ropes, as leaps with one leg in the air, crashing down on Leaky with a fameasser. Hope then finally makes a cover on Leaky. Chris Martin: 1...........2...............Kickout by Leaky. Hope wondering what she is going to do to keep him down long enough to ge tthe victory. Leaky then is seen rolling onto his knees, as Hope then goes for a sleeper hold locking it on Leaky. Leaky trying to fight not being put out. Leaky then begins to hulk up, as he lifts Hope into the air and takes her down with a samoan drop, that shakes the ring. Leaky, then wraps up, Hope delivering a double armed DDT. You see Hope's head hitting the mat, as Leaky sits up half out of it, smiling a huge smile. Leaky then sits across the back of Hope as he locks in the camel clutch. as Chris Martin is right there checking on Hope. Hope is heard telling Chris that she is not going to give up as her voice trails off into a scream, as Leaky leans himself back a bit, and increases the pressure on her lower back. Chris then looks at Leaky who is screaming to "ask her to quit" and waves him off, as he is back to checking on Hope. Hope still not wating to give up as Leaky finally gives up on the hold. Leaky then tosses Hope face first back to the mat, as he then grabs a hold of her legs rolling her over. It seemed he wanted to send a kick to the private area, but remembered Hope is in fact a woman, and then just gives her a shot to her abdomen instead. Busch: Leaky with a second wind!! Image: No wonder what stinks in here!! Marshall: Yeah your not a kidding Image!! Or Bert isnt wearing deodorant again!! Busch: Cant you both give Leaky a bit of credit, he is at least trying though he is a pompus ass!! Leaky then seems to then check out every curve on the body of Hope Cassidy. He then licks his lips as he then drops to his knees, as he then smells her hair, and takes a good whiff of her pleasurable scent. Leaky then hops back to his feet, as he then helps up Hope. Leaky then lifts her up over his shoulders, as he then swings her down into a version of the FU. Hope crashes to the mat, as she seems to not be moving. Leaky, then goes down and covers her, as Chris Martin then makes the count. Chris Martin: 1...........2...............thre....No kickout by Hope!! Leaky gets a look of anger on his face as he then picks up Hope one more time. He then slaps her across the face a couple times, as she finally comes back to reality a bit, he then smiles as he wipes his hand across her face, brushing her hair back, as he then whips her into the ropes, as Hope is rebounding, Leaky is right there delivering a hard powerslam, taking Hope back down to the mat. Leaky then slips down, as he then holds her legs up high one more time, as he then locks in a figure four of his own. Leaky then puts more and more pressure onto the legs of Hope, as he is really trying to wear her down some how, with all the fight, and determination that she has. Leaky then notices her trying to get out of the hold wanting to reverse it somehow. However Leaky nakes one leg free for the moment kicking Hope square in the chin, as she sat up looking at him as she is not back lying flat on the mat. Busch: Look at the Leaky, he is on fire. Marshall: Right now he is, but what about two minutes from now? Image: Hell I knew him from BUD, the guy couldnt get the job done then, and why should he now. He is pathetic. Leaky then lets go of the hold as he then drops to his knees. He lifts up the legs of Hope one more time, as he then locks her into a pin attempt as it looks like he is getting himself off, by being in between her legs, rolling her up in a pin attempt. Chris Martin: 1...............2.................Hope with a thumb to the eyes of Leaky, Leaky falls back a bit. As he does, Hope charges at him with a second wind of her own, but Leaky is right there to bring up the knee, sending Hope into the air and back onto the mat. Leaky able to see somewhat after the poke to the eye somehow manages to get the knee up at the right time. Leaky then is seen grabbing Hope from the mat, as he then puts her head down in between his legs, he then lifts her up and slams her down into a huge powerbomb. The blonde bombshell is lying motionlessly as Leaky is seen taking advantage of her being down. Making the cover hooking the leg. Chris Martin: 1............2............Hope with and elbow to the back of the head of Leaky breaking the pin fall once again. Busch: Hope still with fight left in her body!! Image: This chick is on fire!! And I mean she is smokin hot!! Marshall: Well what do you expect out of a former ICWA Champion!! Hope and Leaky both get up but Leaky gets up first and goes for a clothesline but Hope ducks it and Leaky hits the ropes, and when he comes back, he gets hit with a dropkick. Hope gets up and grabs Leaky for a quick snap suplex before kicking him in the gut, flipping him over and taking him down with an Inverted DDT. She gets up quickly, with momentum surely on her side, she lets Leaky get up before grabbing him and taking him down with the Luscious Landing, and the crowd gets riled up, because they know that the end is near. Hope does a little taunting because let's face it, she can right now. Leaky gets up and Hope grabs him, whipping him to the ropes. He comes back and she takes him down with a Russian Leg Sweep, and quickly locks him into a Dragon Sleeper. After a few moments, Leaky fades out, and referee Chris Martin comes to check on him. He lifts the arm up and it falls. Chris Martin: 1! He does it again, lifting it up and it drops once more. Chris Martin: 2! Chris lifts it up one more and it drops as he calls for the bell as Hope releases the hold and "Don't Cha" hits the pa system as the voice of Kevin Dart is heard around the arena. Kevin Dart: The winner of this match, Hope Cassidy!!!!!!! Busch, "Not quite the arrival Leaky Format had hoped for, I’m sure. But never the less, Hope Cassidy victorious in this contest, and ya have to believe she’s fixin to find her way to Summer Stratus and that ICWA Women’s championship very, VERY soon!" The cameras fade from Hope in the ring to the parking lot where we see a chauffer walking to the back door of a parked limo. Busch, "Apparently somebody’s arrived here to the Quickens Loan Arena in Cleveland." The Chauffer grabs the door handle and draws the door open, holding it open only briefly as we see�?/P> Sean Frost Mann step out. The crowd draws loud with boos as Busch says, "Looks like SFM’s decided to "grace us" with his presence. Glad to see he could make it." Marshal, "He’s his own man, he shows up when he wants to." Image, "Yeah well, He better show up in his match because if he thinks he has a chance against Bobby he’s gonna have to be on his A-Plus game." Busch, "No doubt about that�?Bobby Johnson’s an increadible athlete and has developed into an uncomparable performer here in the ICWA." Marshal, "Yeah, well let me tell ya�?I’ve been in the ring with SFM, He’s a Hall of Famer for a reason." Busch, "SFM is indeed a Hall of Famer, and speaking of Hall of Famers�?Don’t go anywhere�? The crowd pops as Busch says, "When we come back two ICWA Hall of Famers lock up as The "Original Sadist" James goes one on one with the "Legendary" Jimmy Stryker." The cameras fade as "Straight Out Of Line" is playing in the background. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | When the cameras come back we see MJ Storm wrapping his wrists with athletic tape as Ted Dibiase is close by. MJ Finishes up his right wrist when the door draws open, causing him to look up. Into the Lockeroom walks SFM with his bag over his shoulder. MJ jumps up, "Where the Hell have you been all night?!" SFM, "Well See�?Even at 43 Years of Age the Mexican Messiah’s still a chick magnet. So I was out pickin up a pack of Condoms for this one girl who I’m hookin up with after the show, when the lady behind the counter said "Aren’t you SFM"�?Noticing she was 20, blonde, and perfectly formed, I said "Why yes I am"�?And wouldn’t ya know, her lunch break just so happened to be coming up and�? MJ, "So let me see if I’ve got this right�?I’ve been here trying to protect our shot at the tag team titles and having to fend off jackasses like Drew Stevenson and Bobby Johnson, while you’ve been out feeding some dumb slut your meat for her lunch?!" SFM contemplates, then nods as he says, "Sounds about right." MJ gets up into SFM’s face and says, "Let’s get one thing clear�?For this tag deal to work, that means I have to be able to rely on you. I can’t do that if you’re showing up close to an hour into Demented. Anytime over the course of the last hour I could have been jumped by Dusty Rhodes and Drew Stevenson. And where would you have been? Motel 6?" SFM, "For your information I wasn’t ABOUT to spring for Motel 6 on some ho I just met! We were at that place there�?The one where ya pay for the room in four hour blocks of time�? MJ seems unamused as he says, "If I can’t depend on you, tell me now and I’ll find someone I can depend on." SFM, "I Care, really, I do�?But umm, if you’re done crying because I didn’t make Curfew�?Well Gee Golly Daddy, I sure would like to go to my room, think about what I’ve done, and get dressed for my match�?I Uh�?I DID get here before my match didn’t I?" MJ, "YA KNOW WHAT�? The Million Dollar Man suddenly pops in between the two of them and says, "HEEEY�?Calm Down�?(Turns to SFM)�?It just hasn’t been a good night thus far Sean�?(Turns to MJ) But we’re gonna make it a good night when we beat Dusty Rhodes�?And I’m sure we can rely on SFM, He’s here now, that’s what matters. So let’s just forget about all this and focus on the issues at hand�?(Looks at SFM) Bobby Johnson�?(looks at MJ) And Dusty Rhodes." Neither guy says anything but MJ shakes his head, turns, and walks out the door. Ted just watches as the cameras fade to the stage. Busch, "Looks like there’s already trouble in paradise." Image, "Couldn’t see that Comin�? The screen switches back, showing the Commentary team at their table. The sound of the fans roaring from the last two matches almost enough to overwhelm poor Double B Busch: "Ladies and Gentlemen I think that at this time I should let you know that if your child is watching you should pay close attention. Even though this match is not a no DQ match with the two men that are going to be getting into that ring it still has a chance to become a very disturbing sight." Marshal: "Yea so if you’re a coward or want your kids to grow up to be cowards then by all means take them away so they don’t have to see what type of men the world makes now and then." As Marshall is Talking. Suddenly the arena is filled with the sounds of an Organ. The lights shutting off plunging the arena into darkness for a split second before four pillars of flame erupt on the stage. Forming a square as "go to sleep" blares through the area. Slowly a mist seems to bubble out of a hole in the middle of the stage, bathing the stage and the entry ramp in mist. The crowd erupts into a chorus of Boos as James slowly rises through that hole. One hand running over his smooth scalp as the other is clenched at his side, his eyes burning as he stares forward, seeming to not hear or see anything. Busch: "Now that certainly speaks volumes about what the crowd thinks of James. There certainly is no mistaking the sound of these fans and then sure as hell ain’t whistling for joy." Image: "That’s for sure. Neither of the two men in this match is ever going to win most lovable superstar of the year but weather you love em or hate em you have got to give a nod to what Both James and Stryker have managed to accomplish in their careers." Marshal: "Well thank you mother Teresa and Reverend Busch. I do not know where I’d be with out the two of you. but I’m starting to realize that wherever it would be I’d be a lot happier then I am now. The truth is neither of these two guys are phenomenal. Neither of them is even a real wrestler. You will not be seeing any great technical move coming from either Stryker or James. What you are going to see tonight however is a lot of hard hitting. A lot of viscous shots and probably a match that is going to have even the out of shape idiots at home feeling bruised. And that is a good match. Not as good as one I’d be in but still ok." James is now Standing in the ring. He is resting against the far ropes, his eyes locked on the entrance as he licks his lips, his body flexing slightly in anticipation as "Right Now" by Korn blasts over the speakers. The crowd boos again. Showing the truth of Images words as Stryker walks out onto the stage. He stands there for a few moments, his eyes locked on the man standing in the ring. The two men staring holes through each other as the crowd boos. Both seeming to feed of something inside them as neither even appears to notice that there is a crowd. Stryker slowly raising both arms into the air James�?lips curling into a snarl as he watches Stryker slowly walk down the ramp, each step slow and measured, letting James know that he is in no hurry. Simply a man going to do a job. Striker slowly walks up the steps, walking across the ring apron to get into the ring as James charges forward looking to start the match by sending him back to the outside. Stryker is no fool and quickly hops off the ring apron, his hands reaching under the bottom rope looking to drag James to the outside and finding…nothing? James surprises not only Stryker but allows the crowd and even the announcers as he grips the top rope with both hands, vaulting himself over the ropes and coming crashing down right on top of Jimmy. Both men slamming against the thin mats outside the ring in a heap as the crowd explodes into cheers at the unexpected beginning of this match. Both men slowly get to their feet With James managing to regain his vertical base a little sooner and meeting Stryker with a hard kick to the chest. James quickly steps in following up the shot by grabbing the back of Strykers head and slamming him face first into the ring apron. James pulls the head back and slams it down for a second time. He pulls back again to go for the third and suddenly finds the elbow of Jimmy slamming hard into his stomach. James tries to shake it off, reaching out to regain his grip on Stryker and catching another hard shot to the gut. James doubles over holding his stomach as Stryker quickly grabs his arm, turning slightly and sending him flying shoulder first into the outside of the ringpost. The crowd cheers as James clutches at the shoulder. Not even noticing Stryker coming up behind him. James is suddenly yanked around by the bad arm as Stryker swings him obviously aiming for the steel steps. He swings and lets go…only to find James�?has not done the same as they swing again, James releasing his grip and sending Stryker shoulder first into the ring steps. James rubs his own injured shoulder as he slowly rolls into the ring. His hand rubbing the sore spot as Stryker slowly gets to his feet, his eyes locking on James as he slips under the bottom rope, sliding into the ring and the bell sounds. Busch: "The match is finally underway and both men already have managed to get at least one shot that could come into play later on in the match. But I gotta say of everything I expected to see James taking to the air over that rope was not one of them." Image: "You and everyone else. Well James has kept talking about how he has come back and how he is ready to retake what he believe was his legacy in this company. And it certainly looks as if he’s willing to put his own body on the line to do it." Back in the ring James and Stryker are slowing circling each other. Taking their time to size up the competition. James comes in with a quick straight punch, not managing to get anywhere near Stryker as Jimmy picks it off in mid air with a wrist block. Stryker quickly returns the favor sending out a hard straight of his own that James picks off in mid air. James slowly takes a step back catching another punch and another turning them one after the next. James quickly ducks a right and spins around behind Stryker who reacts seemingly on pure instinct and kicks out hard with a beautiful side kick that James narrowly manages to side step, reaching out and grabbing the kick, his free hand swinging under and catching Stryker under the kneecap as he falls to his back executing a beautiful dragon-screw takedown.. Stryker rolls through, coming up on his feet as James flips onto his stomach and vaults to his own. Both men coming forward quickly James kicking out and Stryker lifting the leg and turning it harmlessly aside before stepping in both arms locking under James shoulders and sending him flying with a hard over-hand suplex. James hit the ground rolling a little and sitting up with one hand under his back, his teeth locked together as he is obviously fighting off the pain. He doesn’t have much time to worry about that though as he quickly finds himself on the wrong end of a descending foot. The crowd is on it’s feet as Stryker begins feeding the boots to James. Dropping to a knee and sending a hard right straight at James face. Which proves to be the wrong thing to do as James suddenly slams his head forward, the top of James�?forehead connecting just below the knuckles on Stryker’s hand. James quickly sits up, slamming his head right against Stryker�?s and knocking him back a bit. That seems to be all the opening James needs as he rolls forward, using the momentum to swing him to his feet and carrying him into Stryker as James starts nailing left’s and rights into Stryker’s head and body. James seems to be on a rampage as he drives his arm down hard against Stryker’s upraised hands, leaning back and howling as he feels a new surge of energy. That howl being Cut off as the crowd screams, Stryker’s hand wrapping hard around James throat, tossing him back as James stumbles to his feet. Charging at Stryker who has managed to get to one knee. James jumps, looking for the shoulder tackle, his hopes dashed as Stryker quickly brings up his lower hand, catching James and taking him over into a huge power slam. Marshal: "Well we all knew this thing wasn’t going to be all holds and counter holds but these two are certainly showing you don’t need finesse to put on a match." James is being dragged to his feet. Stryker slowly pulling him up and suddenly being thrown off. James opening up with several hard right hands, slamming them against the head of Stryker one after another. James suddenly finds the tables turned as Stryker unloads several hard right hands of his own. The two trading shots in the middle of the ring. James connecting with a hard boot to the midsection, following it up by driving the forearms hard across the back of the shoulder Blades of Stryker. James continues his assault, slamming shot after shot into Stryker’s back before launching a quick snap kick to straighten him up. James steps forward, obviously looking for the clothesline as Stryker surges into motion, one hand slapping against James crotch and the other against his shoulder. And Taking him up and over with another powerslam. Stryker is not leaving anything to chance this time as instead of letting James go he adjusts his grip, surging from his leg and bringing him up and over in the other direction. James back crashing once again to the mat. The crowd screams as for a third Time Stryker Lifts James into the air, walking over to the ropes and popping the hips. The crowd boos as James is tossed to the outside. But not for the move as Stryker releases the lower hand of James comes up, the crook of his elbow catching Stryker right between the legs and pulling him over. The ref looks to the outside. Unable to call the DQ because it can’t be proven if James did it deliberately or if it was just the angle Stryker threw him from . Busch: "Knowing James I can almost guarantee you that the shot was no fluke of nature. James saw what was coming for him and wanted to make sure that Stryker was in just as bad a condition as he was." . Marshal: "Oh cry me a Freaking river. I swear why don’t you just put on a pair of Slippers and join Image in the damn Kitchen you’d prolly like it there ya damn women." Image: "To those watching our next match is going to be done without Jay Marshal as very soon he will be taking a little ride in an ambulance." Back in the ring Stryker as managed to get back into the ring and pull James with him. James is obviously in a bad way as Stryker has him in the corner and slingshots him hard across to the other side. Flying through the air and body splashing him hard. The effects of the earlier attack from James however do seem to have left their mark as the next series of Punches he unloads do not seem to come quite as quickly as Stryker normally throws them. Again James is sent into the corner, this time with enough force that he bounces back a couple of steps, his head slammed by a savage forearm from Stryker much to the crowds delight. Stryker leans down, pulling James up slowly obviously having a little trouble with his shoulders and back as he locks James�?head under his arm. His hips popping as he pulls James slowly into the air holding him straight up. The crowd erupting at the power displayed as James feet suddenly kick out showing a little life and forcing his body down slowly. Landing on his feet as he throws several punches into the gut of Stryker, unable to break the lock Stryker has on his head and instead receiving three hard knees to the gut for his trouble before once again being lifted into the air. James once again squirms, Stryker showing tremendous power as he manages to hold him, James feet finally bringing him forward again. This time however James�?arm comes up, locking Stryker’s head under his arm as he tucks his feet into his chest. Stryker falling forward and not having James�?feet there to stop as he keeps going. the reason for James�?actions obvious as without James to Land on his feet there is nothing between Stryker and the most savage DDT of a lifetime. And That is exactly what happens, Stryker falling forwards, trying to let go of James and finding his own head caught under the sadists arms. James landing flat on his Back as Stryker is slammed head first into the canvas, his feet straight up in the air for a moment before slamming to the mat. Both men out in the middle of the ring as the ref starts to count. 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! Both men begin to stir 8! James is up to a knee as is Jimmy 9! James is up and so is Jimmy so the referee stops the count. James charges towards Jimmy and throws a punch at Jimmy. Jimmy staggers a little, but then Jimmy throws a punch of his own. James throws another, and then Jimmy throws another, but then Jimmy starts getting a wind under him and he grabs James' arm and gives him an irish whip to the ropes. James hits and comes back as Jimmy lifts up his leg for a big boot but James gets under it. He hits the ropes again and as Jimmy turns around and James hits him with a diving clothesline. Jimmy staggers back into the ropes and James goes back to the ropes, bounces off of them and knocks himself and Jimmy out to the outside. The referee grumbles as he goes towards the ropes and starts to use his ten count. James gets to his feet first and heads over to Jimmy, lifting him back up to his feet. James then goes to whip Jimmy into the steps but Jimmy reverses it and he sends James right into the steel steps and even with James being the heel, you can hear a perpetual groan. The referee is at eight so Jimmy rolls into the ring and rolls out so that he can break the count up. He goes over to James and brings him to the center of the apron and smashing up against him before rolling James into the ring to stop the referee's count one more time. Jimmy slides into the ring and gets up to his feet as he lifts James up, putting him in a Gorilla Press position and drops James down to the mat right behind him. Jimmy then drops down to the mat, and makes a cover, 1......2....James shoots the shoulder up at the last second! Busch, "Nearly a three but James able to get it up at the last second!" Marshal, "Never say that again." Jimmy looks a bit miffed that he didn't get the win right there and he argues with the referee, holding up three fingers while the referee only shows two. However, during the aruging, James made a recovery, and snuck up behind Jimmy, grabbing his tights and pulling him down into a roll-up pin as the referee makes the count, 1......2...Jimmy rolls out of it. He gets up but James is now going on the offensive, it seems like he's gotten another wind in him. Jimmy gets to a knee and James gives him a swift kick to the side of the head and Jimmy goes down. James drops an elbow to Jimmy, not once but twice, before picking Jimmy up off the mat and kicking him stiffly in the gut before hitting him with another DDT. James gets up and waits for Jimmy to get up one more time, and once Jimmy does, James grabs his head and takes him down with Fractured (Diamond Cutter). Jimmy hits the mat hard and James goes for the cover, 1.....2....Jimmy gets a foot on the ropes! James seems slighly irate for not getting the win right there, and he rolls out of the ring. He motions for Kevin Dart to move, and grabs the steel chair he was sitting on and then sliding into the ring with it. Jimmy has gotten to a knee but the referee grabs the chair away from James before he can use it. While he goes to dispose of it, Jimmy gives James a wicked low blow. James doubles over in pain as Jimmy gets up, and brings James' head between his legs, he then lifts him up into the powerbomb position and takes him down with the Supreme Killing. Jimmy makes the cover as the referee turns back around to make the count, 1.....2.....3! The referee calls for the bell as "Right Now" by Korn hits the pa system and the voice of Kevin Dart is heard. Kevin Dart: The winner of his match, Jimmy Stryker!!!!! Busch, "Good GAWD What a fight!" Marshal, "Gotta love a good ol�?fashion brawl sometimes!" The cameras fade from the ring to the back as the crowd erupts and we see�?/P> ICWA World Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam watching the show from his lockeroom. As David’s watching the victor of the previous match in the ring, we hear a door draw open as the camera pans back and we see Matt Matlock walk into the room, drawing a mix reaction from the crowd. Matlock, "Hey man." DVD Stands up and flicks off the TV as he says, "Hey. Where ya been?" Matlock, "My Girlfriend’s here. I was spending sometime with her before the show." DVD feigns shock as he says, "Why Mr. Matlock! Is it possible that my schovanistic pig of a partner’s maintaining a steady relationship?" Matlock, "Shhhh! If anybody found out I’d be ruined!" Both DVD and Matlock look at the camera with a very straight face before looking back at each other. DVD, "Alright. You ready for the main event?" Matlock, "Of course." DVD, "Good, because I’ve never seen Street as on fire as he’s been this week. That’s gonna be a tough World title match when the time comes." Matlock, "Yeah it is�?But I think I can handle it." DVD, "Eh, I don’t know man. But it doesn’t matter, you won’t have too. I’m gonna be the guy having to try and beat the crazy bastard." Matlock laughs, "Well he promised he’d wait till after Resurrection, so you should be in the clear." DVD chuckles, "Aww�?That’s cute. You really think your gonna win our match." DVD laughs and shakes his head as pats Matlock on the shoulder. DVD, "Alright man, I’m gotta go see Angelica in Wardrobe. She’s supposed to be making some alterations to my Robe for the match. I’ll catch ya before match time." With that David walks out of his lockeroom as Matlock stands there, looking annoyed. Busch, "Looks like some tension might be starting to brew between Pure Perfection�? With that we switch to a split screen image of�?/P> SFM and Bobby Johnson on their way to the Gorilla position. Busch, "Well folks, there’s plenty of tension here as ICWA United States Champion Bobby Johnson is set to defend against ICWA Hall of Famer Sean Frost Mann! You don’t wanta go away cause that one’s comin up and it’s comin up NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | The cameras hit the stage as the Dementa-tron lights up with flames and a cross slowly fades in on the screen. Blue laser lights shoot out from the Dementa-Tron circling through the crowd. A couple of seconds later red lasers shoot out from the stage hitting the ring. After a moment the arena goes black as a voice comes over the PA. Voice: I can hear what your thinking all your doubts and fears and if you look in my eyes in time you'll find the reason I'm here. And in time all things shall pass away and in time you may come back someday. To live once more or die once more, but in time your time'll be over As the words fade over the PA. blue and red smoke begins to role over the entrance way as six men walk out from under the smoke and line up down the ramp standing across from each other. They reach under there cloaks and each pull a single large cross out and hold it high above their heads as "King of Kings" by Motorhead begins to play. The lights come on dimly in the arena as a figure appears under the red and blue smoke. Motorhead: Behold the King, the King of Kings. On your knees dog. All hail. The figure bows its head before stepping out from under the smoke and raises his hands high in the air as the fans erupt with boos at the sight of SFM on the stage. SFM looks left and then right as he lowers his arms and starts down the ramp walking under the crosses held above his head by the cloaked men. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Dart, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! The Following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a thirty minute time limite and it IS for the ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing First�?Making his way from the SOUTH PARK SECTION of HOUSTON Texas�?He weighs in this evening at 238 Pounds�?SEAN_FRRROST_MANN!" As SFM reaches the ring steps he goes two steps up before stopping and turning towards the fans and shooting them a cocky smile before continuing up the ring steps and standing on the ring apron. SFM turns once again resting his back against the ropes and raising his hands high above his head Motorhead: The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze, Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood, He tasted his grin and it tasted good. The King took his head. Left him broken and dead. SFM turns and ducks under the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and shoots the fans another cocky smile as he raises his hand and points at a turnbuckle and red pyro explodes out of it. He points at a second turnbuckle and a blue pyro explodes. A red explodes from the thrid and a blue from the forth. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. SFM raise his hands above his head and lowers his head as his hair falls down covering his face. He brings his hands down as red and blue pyros explode from all four turnbuckles and his music fades as SFM waits for his opponents The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen�? No……�?GIMMICKS..�?.NEEDED....... Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues�?in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues�?on Chris Stlyes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time�? Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble 2. Bobby in the middle of the Hell in a Cell over a fallen MJ Storm, as he is holding the PWT Titanium, People’s, and Tag Team Championship’s simultaneously. Bobby executing a perfect Crescent City Connection on David Van Dam, and covering him for the three count to win the PWT Heavyweight Championship. Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, as his manager/sister Crystal follows close behind, and they both stop on the top of the ramp. Crystal has his ICWA United States Championship draped over her shoulder. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, as she stands behind him, and holds his United States Championship high into the air. He finally stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, as Crystal lowers the US Title, and stands next to him. Dart, "AND THE OPPONENT�?Making his way from New ORLEANS Louisianna�?He weighs in at 255 Pounds and is the ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPION�?BOBBY_JOOOOHNSON!" The crowd pops as He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp, Crystal following close behind.  | Busch, "Well folks, there he is�?The ICWA United States Champion, Bobby Johnson. Johnson’s been increadibly successful since he arrived to the ICWA in 2005 under the tutelage of The WallStreet Brawler Taylor McCallister �?Who, by the way, will be partaking in that huge tag team main event later on-." Image, "Absolutely, and I’m not just saying this because I’m his wife, but I think Bobby’s going to be the strike out star for 2007 on MSN and more specifically, here in the ICWA." Busch, "I’d certainly find it difficult to argue that; No question Bobby Johnson a huge candidate for that title." Marshal, "Eh, Bobby’s alright but he’s no SFM, and I think we’ll see that tonight when we crown a NEW ICWA United States Champion!" Busch, "Well, I wouldn’t be so sure." Marshal, "I would. Look at SFM in there, possed, confident�?SFM’s gonna take the US Title from Bobby Johnson the same way he took the World title from Black Warrior in 2002." Image, "PFFFT! Not likely!" Marshal, "Very Likely!" Bobby stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. Crystal walks over to the ring steps, and makes her way up them, and she goes through the ropes, as Bobby sits on the middle rope, to let her pass through them (meanwhile SFM exits the ring and watches from the floor). He gets his title from her, walks over to the far corner, climbs up the turnbuckle, and holds his arms in the air for the crowd. The fans give him a huge pop. He gets back down, walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and does the same routine, as his sister stands in the middle of the ring smiling, as she watches him. He finally jumps down, gives Crystal his US Title, and she exits the ring. The Camera fades into the ring where SFM has re-entered as ICWA Referee Shawn Cain calls for the bell.  | Bobby and Sean both look at each other, sizing each other up, but only briefly as they shoot in for an elbow and collar grapple. Bobby uses his mild strength advantage and powers SFM down to a knee. Once the Hall of Famer’s put down to his knee Bobby swings around and applies a tight side headlock, wrenching on it as opposed to simply holding it in place. Sean struggles briefly before he manages to slip out while shoving Johnson’s back with enough force to send him darting across the ring. The US Champ hits the ropes and bounces back as SFM leaps up, looking for a Hurricannrana�?Bobby scouts it and ducks under creating the classic "leap frog"�?Bobby continues to dart across the ring as SFM turns around. Bobby bounces off the opposite set of ropes and comes back as SFM reaches out and grabs the arm, delivering a quick arm drag take down. Bobby sores across the ring and hits his back, but he rolls with it reducing the level of impact as he and SFM both pop up to their feet quickly. SFM and Bobby come rushing in at each other and end up in another neck and elbow grapple, this one much tighter then the one before. This time SFM manages to apply enough force and drive to put Bobby down to a knee. SFM quickly grabs the arm of Bobby Johnson and applies a basic wrist lock. Bobby lets out a grunt of pain and slaps his upper forearm (right under where SFM has the lock on the wrist) to establish that he feels the pain in that region. SFM continues to wrench back and as he does Bobby arches back with the hold in an attempt to save his wrist from any major damage. SFM ends up pushing so far on the wrist that Bobby ends up in a full bridge with his toes and the top of his head both on the canvas. SFM flips over (still holding in the wrist lock) so that he’s in a Bridge as well and his forehead is nearly touching Bobby’s. Busch, "SFM really puttin�?the tork in on that wrist lock. Ya see he’s flipped over and bridged up in order to get to an angle that will provide him the maximum ability to apply pressure and maintain balance over Bobby Johnson." Bobby starts to bring himself up and in turn, SFM comes up as well, both men leaving the bride and ending up on their feet with their backs to each other and a very modified, inverted variation of the original wrist lock applied. It doesn’t take much for this mutated form of the original hold to be broken as Bobby turns toward SFM (Breaking the hold). SFM turns with Bobby so they both end up face to face. Bobby quickly grabs the neck and leg and pops up and back with a Fisherman’s suplex (AKA Perfect Plex) and maintains a bridge, looking for a cover. Cain drops down but doesn’t quite get to start the count as Bobby wasn’t able to hook his hands and thus SFM was able to kick out virtually immediately. SFM and Bobby both pop up. SFM shoots in on Bobby, maybe looking for a leg sweep of sorts, maybe a short range spear, either way it’s blocked as Bobby hooks the Mexican Messiah in a Front Facelock (the set up to the DDT) and kicks his legs back, providing a clear leverage advantage as all of his weight is being placed on his chest which is pushing down on Frost-Mann’s back. SFM fights through it though and drives Bobby back into the corner, which draws in the official to demand a break. Bobby doesn’t resist as he slowly breaks and brings his hands up to show the official that he’s let go. Likewise SFM releases the modified waist lock and gets up right, backing up from Bobby with his hands in the air as well. SFM and Bobby both leave the corner and start circling center ring. Busch, "I’m impressed�?I can’t believe we got a clean break out of SFM." Image, "Well he let everyone know that Bobby’s one of three guys SFM has any respect for, so I guess he’s letting that reflect here as he just wrestles Bobby straight up." Marshal, "It’s stupid if ya ask me!" Image, "Good thing nobody did then." Bobby And SFM shoot in at each other again, applying yet another elbow and collar grapple. This time SFM swings around and applies a Hammerlock.  | Bobby slaps his shoulder, again letting us know that’s where he’s feeling the pain, and then he grits his teeth but doesn’t look like he’s on the bring of submission. SFM holds in the Hammerlock and then brings his boot up and steps on the back of Bobby’s knee, breaking him down and forcing Bobby to drop down to a knee. SFM still holds in the hammerlock with his right arm, but with his left he reaches under Bobby’s head and hooks it the same way you’d hook a reverse DDT or an Ultimo Sleeper (AKA Taker Care of Business)�?Then he releases the Hammerlock and in the same motion flips over Bobby and holds Bobby’s head, nailing an extremely modified, reverse Blockbuster or flipping 3/4 neck breaker. Bobby snaps back and drops on his back as SFM quickly rolls over and rushes to Bobby, Hooking his far leg as the champ holds his neck. Cain drops down and counts ………………�?…………�?Not quite two as Bobby kicks out. Busch, "What a move there by SFM! Only a one count but still a very innovative move!" SFM gets up as Bobby pulls himself up holding his neck. SFM grabs Johnson’s neck with his left arm, and a fist full of his tights with his right arm before quickly snapping back and taking the US Champion over with a snap suplex. SFM Floats over and holds down the far wrist as Cain drops down and counts ………………�?…………�? Just two as Bobby powers out. Bobby sits up and SFM drops a knee into the center of his back as he cups Bobby’s jaw in his hands and pulls back. Busch, "SFM trying to apply pressure to the back and neck of Bobby Johnson�? Bobby struggles, his hands grabbing at SFM’s arms, but seemingly unable to break the hold. Slowly however, Bobby manages to get rolled over to his side and plants his palms on the canvas. Bobby starts to push himself up which forces SFM to stand up. As they make this transition to their feet Bobby ducks out of the lock and behind SFM. Sean turns around and Johnson sweeps his legs, twists around and nails a big AA/Triple H Style Spinebuster, making the crowd pop. Busch, "Shades of his mentor right there!" Bobby hooks the far leg and Cain drops down and counts ……………�?…………�? Just two as SFM manages to kick out. Bobby gets up and SFM rolls over and starts pulling himself up. As Sean reaches his feet the US Champ shoots in again and yet again they end up in ANOTHER elbow and collar grapple. This time Bobby sweeps under and sweeps the legs, dropping SFM down hard on his chest. Bobby grabs SFM’s right leg as SFM rolls over to his back. Bobby swings around and squats down with a spinning toe hold on the right leg of Sean Frost-Mann, which forces the former ICWA World champion’s eyes wide as he lets out a yell of pain. Busch, "SFM has a storied history with his knees, especially his right knee. He had to have that knee surgically repaired back in 2003 and has had a history of knee problems long before that. SFM’s really been fully charged all match, which means that knee’s gotta be feeling the running and rushing and now with that spinning toe hold applied, no doubt the tork on the knee’s gonna get to SFM quick, fast and in a hurry!" Image, "My baby does his homework!" Marshal, "Oh real nice! SFM wrestles a clean match and this is how he’s repaid?!" Busch, "What? It’s a very intelligent strategy. It’s classic wrestling at it’s best." Marshal, "It’s crap!" Bobby finally finishes applying the spinning toe hold and drops back, keeping a hold of that well noted, injured right leg as he applies a grapevine to the leg. The Messiah of Mexitude is thriving in pain as he looks longingly at the ropes which are a couple of feet away. Referee Shawn Cain is right down in his face, asking if he wants to give it up. "GAH! NO!" "Come on Mex! We’ll throw this thing out before ya suffer permanent damage!" "NO!" "Ya Sure?" "SHUT UP DAMN IT!" And with that Cain backs off and simply watches closely for a tap out. SFM puts his palms down and tries t o push himself back�?And it works to a very limited degree. SFM his upper body over, twisting so he can try and uses his forearms to crawl and drag his legs and Bobby’s body to the ropes. Slowly but surely he makes progress�?VERY Slowly�?Finally however he grabs the bottom rope, making vice senior official Shawn Cain demand a break. Bobby offers such without resistance as he pops up to his feet to a loud pop. SFM grabs the ropes and looks over at a very confident Bobby Johnson, as he himself gets a small smile�?/FONT>  | Busch, "I’m not sure I like the looks of that�? Image, "I’ve heard a lot of people compare Bobby to a younger SFM, Perhaps SFM’s coming to a similar realization." Busch, "That’s very possible." Marshal, "Aww, How effin cute." SFM gets up and appears to have a small limp. SFM Hobbles in to Bobby and goes for another lock up but Bobby quickly darts under and hooks a rear waist lock. SFM instinctively reaches out and ends up grabbing a fist full of Shawn Cain’s shirt. Cain struggles to free himself as Bobby appears to be trying to deliver a belly to back suplex, but can’t because SFM’s holding Cain. Cain continues to struggle to free himself and as he does he fails to see SFM swing his leg back and nail Bobby right between the legs. The crowd erupts with a boo as Bobby grabs himself and doubles over in pain. SFM immediately releases Cain and snaps back with a hard back elbow into the skull of Johnson, knocking him down to the mat and making the crowd boo some more. Busch, "Aww! There’s the REAL SFM! What a low down�? Marshal, "Heh-hmm�?It’s a very sound strategy�?Classic Wrestling at it’s best�? Busch, "IT’S CHEAP!" Marshal, "YOUR MOM’S cheap! So what!" Image, "It’s some Bull is what it is." Marshal, "Cry me a river tubby." Image, "’SCUSE YOU!?" Back in the ring SFM looks down on Bobby with distain. SFM spits toward him before grabbing the top rope with both hands and burying his boot deep into the throat of the US Champion, cutting off his oxygen. Cain gets right in there and starts the count ………………�?………………�?………………�?………………�? SFM Breaks the hold and puts his hands up as to suggest he’s not doing anything wrong. The official turns to walk away and SFM immediately goes right back to the choke. Again Cain gets in there and demands the break. Again no success, so he applies the count again …�?.1……�?.2………�?3………�?4�?SFM breaks again and then delivers a stiff kick to the neck of Bobby Johnson, drawing more boos. SFM limps to center ring and looks out to the crowd, bad mouthing the fans before turning back around and seeing the champion pulling himself up on the ropes. The challenger pursues the Champion as the Champion turns around. Sean immediately sets in an eye rake making Bobby Johnson grab his eyes and slide across the ropes to the corner in pain. The self proclaimed Icon grabs a hold of the top rope with his left hand and then sets in a deep, hard chop with his right as the fans Boo where they’d normally "Whoo". SFM then delivers a stiff right hand to the jaw. Then another chop. Another right hand. Another chop. Another right hand. Finally he grabs as if going for a vertical suplex, lifts him up and drapes his feet over the top rope while holding his head in a front face lock�?SFM uses his left hand and does a Catholic Hail Mary prayer before dropping back and spiking Bobby hard with his variation of the top rope DDT. Busch, "SFM with the Manifest Destiny�? SFM rolls him over and delivers a nonchalant lateral press cover as Cain drops down and counts ………………�?……………�?…………�?Before he can count 3 he notice’s Bobby’s foot on the bottom rope and calls for the break. SFM gets up and gets into Cain’s face, but Cain insist that the rope is clearly draped across the bottom rope, thus constituting a rope break and the match continuing. SFM doesn’t seem to think that should apply to him, but he knows this isn’t an argument he’s going to win and he certainly isn’t going to intimidate Shawn Cain. So instead he turns around and grabs the neck of the already rising Bobby Johnson. SFM grabs Bobby by the neck and the tights�?Steps out away from the ropes, and then hoists him up and drops back with a Vertical suplex. SFM maintains the Vertical Suplex grapple as he rolls over and gets up to his feet, bringing Bobby with him. SFM hoists him up and brings him over with a second vertical suplex. Again he maintains the vertical suplex grapple as he rolls to his feet with Bobby being dragged up for the ride. And one last time SFM hoists him up and drops him back, thus completing his Tequila Toss (Or Eddie Guerrero’s Three Amigos.) The crowd is booing but SFM doesn’t seem to care as he stands up, still favoring that right knee. SFM hobbles over to the ropes and exits between the second and third ropes as he then starts to climb on the outside, still favoring that right knee with each step up the ropes. Marshal, " I think I might have gone for the pin there." SFM gets up top�?/FONT> SFM Leaps but as he does Bobby jumps up off the mat, catches SFM in mid air and launches back with perhaps the most incredible T-Bone Suplex we’ve ever seen. The crowd goes absolutely nuts as Bobby beats his chest in a form similar to Sting. Busch, "BAH GAWD! WHAT AN INCREADIBLE SUPLEX!" Bobby gets in prime position, as if he’s stalking SFM, who’s slowly trying to pull himself up on the ropes. SFM grabs the official to further help him pull himself up as Bobby continues to stalk. SFM turns around and just as he does the US Champ launches out for his variation of the Super kick, but SFM ducks and darts out of the ring as Bobby Johnson ends up nailing referee Shawn Cain in the jaw. Busch, "OH NO! HE GOT THE REFEREE!" Cain drops like a bag of bricks as we can hear Bobby say "Shit!"�?Bobby looks out and sees Sean Frost Mann on the floor in front of the commentary tables. The Champ leans on the ropes as he points down to the Mexican Messiah and dares him to get back in the ring. The self proclaimed "Icon" simply waves him off. The crowd is erupting with boos as Bobby shakes his head and the camera just barely picks him up saying "You’re a pussy!" Bobby turns around and when he does he leap frogs and we see MJ Storm, who apparently ran down to the ring while SFM was on the floor, go flying through the ropes, hitting the floor hard with a failed spear attempt. The crowd erupts as Bobby just shakes his head. Johnson turns back around and Ted Dibiase has entered the ring with a steel chair in hand. Charges forward and Bobby springs forward as well, nailing the Killa Kick and sending that chair right into the Million Dollar Man’s face. Dibiase flies back and rolls out of the ring to the floor holding his face in pain. Bobby turns around and CRACK! SFM nails the champion with a chair of his own. Bobby drops to the mat as the crowd pours the boos back on. SFM Limps over and slaps the official in the back of the head a couple of times, waking him up. Busch, "Aww come on�? SFM then hobbles back over to Bobby and drops down, pushing the fallen chair out of the ring before. SFM hooks the leg as the official drags himself over. ………………………�? Busch, "No Damn It! Not this way!" ……………………………�? Image, "KICK OUT BABY!" …………………………………�? BUT WAIT! Just as the official’s hand grazed the canvas Bobby popped a shoulder up. Busch, "HE GOT HIM! DAMN IT!" Marshal, "GAH HA! THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES TITLE!" Image, "Cram it Schavonie!" SFM is up, leaning on the ropes as the crowd is booing�?But Cain’s doing the "safe" sign, which in our sport suggest that the pinfall didn’t occur. SFM is calling out for the championship but Vice Senior referee Shawn Cain comes over, attempting to explain that a pinfall DIDN’T occur. The crowd erupts as SFM seems infuriated. Busch, "WAIT! HE�?I�?I GUESS HE DIDN’T GET HIM!" Marshal, "WHAT?!" Image, "YES!" In the higher right corner of the screen a replay box pops up and we begin to see the count�?It’s in slow motion but we see the one, then the two�?Then just as it’s near three the shoulder blade just BARELY pops off the mat. Busch, "BAH GOD! He DIDN’T get him!" Marshal, "THIS IS HORSE CRAP!" Apparently SFM agrees as he’s arguing with the official, his face a new shade of red with rage�?Suddenly Bobby Johnson kips up ala Shawn Michaels and the Rock, drawing a HUGE pop�? Busch, "JOHNSON’S UP! HE’S ON HIS FEET!" SFM turns around�?STRONG> WHACK! | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | Busch, "KILLA KICK! KILLA KICK! BOBBY JOHNSON JUST CONNECTED WITH THE KILLA KICK!" SFM’s eyes instantly roll into the back of his head as he drops like a tree and the fans go ballistic. Bobby drops down and hooks the leg as Cain and the crowd both count�?/FONT> Cain, Busch, Image & Crowd: ……………………………ONE…………………………TWO……………………………THREE! Cain hops up and calls for the bell as "G.O.A.T" By LL Cool J blasts over the PA. Busch, "YES! BOBBY JOHNSON! BOBBY JOHNSON! BOBBY JOHNSON HAS RETAINED!" Kevin Dart, "YOUR WINNER�?AND STILL ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPION�?BOBBY_JOHNSON!" Cain hands Bobby his title and raises his arm into the air as the crowd continues to cheer. Bobby turns around, however, and BAM! Busch, "Aww come on! MJ Storm with a damn spear!" The crowd showers MJ with boos but he doesn’t seem too enraged. MJ starts sinking the boots to Bobby as the Million dollar man is helping SFM up. Once SFM gets to his feet he pushes Ted aside and begins joining MJ with the assault of boots to Bobby as we hear the continuous ringing of the bell in the background. Busch, "COME ON DAMN IT! THAT’S ENOUGH!" The Million Dollar man exits the ring and bends down, grabbing the chair SFM had slid outside. Crystal, who’s stayed fairly quiet and out of the way on the floor finally rushes over and tries to stop Ted from passing the chair into the ring. Dibiase sinks a kick into the gut of Crystal Johnson, forcing her to drop to her knees and relinquish the hold on the chair. Dibiase passes the chair up to SFM and SFM yells to MJ, "PICK HIS ASS UP!" Busch, "Come on!" Image, "I can’t sit here and watch this�? Busch, "Whoa Image, sit down�?You’re pregnant! Who the Hell knows what they’ll do if you get in the ring!" Image, "Ugh! Marshal! Go do something!" Marshal, "PFFFFFFFFFFT! All broadcast it’s one liner after one liner, now it’s "Marshal, save my husband"�?Ha! You can kiss my ass lady." Image, "Then I’m going!" Marshal, "By all means�?Am I blocking you? I’ll get up?" MJ pulls Bobby up and SFM’s ready when we hear�?/P> "Ammmmericannn�?Drreeeaammm" The crowd erupts as Dusty Rhodes�?theme blasts over the PA. Busch,"YES! WE ALL KNOW WHO THAT IS!" SFM taps the mat a couple of times with the chair like a baseball batter might tap the bat against the plate before he gets poised to swing as the curtain flies from the side and Dusty comes running (as well as a 61 year old man who’s incredibly out of shape can) down the ramp with a steal chair in hand. After he gets half way down Drew Stevenson darts down as well. They both get to the ring about the same time and slide in. As they do MJ and SFM both get big eyes as they drop and roll out of the ring the same time Drew and Dusty are getting up right in the ring. Busch, "LOOK AT EM! Look at em runnin away like scolded dogs!" Marshal, "They’re not runnin! Why stay?! They made their point!" Image, "What? That they’re cowards?" Marshal, "That Remorseless Storm Equals Greater Than You." Remorseless Storm is walking backwards up the ramp, SFM being aided by the Million Dollar man as his knee is obviously still bothering him. Drew checks on Bobby as Dusty’s music fades and he appears to have a mic in hand.  | Dusty, "MJ Stawm�?Ted Dibiase�?Ess Ef Emm�?Yawl aw cowards! Ya yella! You attack a man when he’s down, you attack a man from the BACK!? Well the American Dream don’t play dat! Ya know, the American Dream be traveling all over the world, ya understand? There is No.. no FINER PLACE, then this right here�?There’s no Finer group of people then right here. And for you to desecrate it�?Well MJ Stawm Daddy�?Let me tell ya, I Got somethin�?fo ya�?(He brings his fists up)�?In these two fists�?I have in these two fists�?I have in these two fists…These fists are like lightning bolts flashin from the sky! My legs are like electr-oh-fied fusion! I wear afrosheed on mah Hair! I don’t Care; If ya black, white, brown, green, or YELLA! You all can get off on Dusty Rhodes cause I never had a DANG THING till I went out and tried and reached fow-a-dream! Now I’m Hea! I’m Hea to stay! I DID NOT come to Play!" Dusty drops the mic as "American Dream" blasts over the PA and cameras begin switching from a very serious Dusty Rhodes to MJ Storm who’s looking at Dusty and talking some unhearable trash. Busch, "Ho-boy! I sure don’t envy Remorseless Storm right now! Dusty Rhodes is prime and ready to go for his match here tonight against MJ Storm!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | When the cameras return from commercial we find ourselves at ringside with Bert Busch, Image Johnson, and Jay Marshal. Busch, "Well folks, if you’re just joining us Bobby Johnson retained the United States championship, but he certainly didn’t leave unscathed. Let’s take a look at what happened." Moments Ago | Cain hands Bobby his title and raises his arm into the air as the crowd continues to cheer. Bobby turns around, however, and BAM! Busch, "Aww come on! MJ Storm with a damn spear!" The crowd showers MJ with boos but he doesn’t seem too enraged. MJ starts sinking the boots to Bobby as the Million dollar man is helping SFM up. Once SFM gets to his feet he pushes Ted aside and begins joining MJ with the assault of boots to Bobby as we hear the continuous ringing of the bell in the background. Busch, "COME ON DAMN IT! THAT’S ENOUGH!" The Million Dollar man exits the ring and bends down, grabbing the chair SFM had slid outside. Crystal, who’s stayed fairly quiet and out of the way on the floor finally rushes over and tries to stop Ted from passing the chair into the ring. Dibiase sinks a kick into the gut of Crystal Johnson, forcing her to drop to her knees and relinquish the hold on the chair. Dibiase passes the chair up to SFM and SFM yells to MJ, "PICK HIS ASS UP!" Busch, "Come on!" Image, "I can’t sit here and watch this�? Busch, "Whoa Image, sit down�?You’re pregnant! Who the Hell knows what they’ll do if you get in the ring!" Image, "Ugh! Marshal! Go do something!" Marshal, "PFFFFFFFFFFT! All broadcast it’s one liner after one liner, now it’s "Marshal, save my husband"�?Ha! You can kiss my ass lady." Image, "Then I’m going!" Marshal, "By all means�?Am I blocking you? I’ll get up?" MJ pulls Bobby up and SFM’s ready when we hear�?/P> "Ammmmericannn�?Drreeeaammm" The crowd erupts as Dusty Rhodes�?theme blasts over the PA. Busch,"YES! WE ALL KNOW WHO THAT IS!" SFM taps the mat a couple of times with the chair like a baseball batter might tap the bat against the plate before he gets poised to swing as the curtain flies from the side and Dusty comes running (as well as a 61 year old man who’s incredibly out of shape can) down the ramp with a steal chair in hand. After he gets half way down Drew Stevenson darts down as well. They both get to the ring about the same time and slide in. As they do MJ and SFM both get big eyes as they drop and roll out of the ring the same time Drew and Dusty are getting up right in the ring. Busch, "LOOK AT EM! Look at em runnin away like scolded dogs!" Marshal, "They’re not runnin! Why stay?! They made their point!" Image, "What? That they’re cowards?" Marshal, "That Remorseless Storm Equals Greater Than You." | Image, "Jerks. Wait till Bobby gets his hands back on SFM!" Marshal, "Ah he had it coming! If he didn’t want that he should have just handed the belt over!" Image, "Are you outside your box?" Marshal, "No! But I think the attack was just." Busch, "Yeah well, I think it’s atrocious, and there’s no doubt folks that Bobby Johnson’s gonna come back and seek his revenge before long, I can guarantee ya that! Well folks let’s take ya to the ring where ICWA’s own, Greg Davidson is standing by. Greg?"  | Davidson, "Thank you Bert. Ladies and Gentlemen, the first Demented of 2007 and we’re here Live in the Quickens Loan Arena right here in Cleveland Ohio. (Crowd pops) Let me tell ya folks, it feels great to be back on the air and it feels great to be back in Cleveland. (Crowd pops). Folks, there’s another man who I know is equally as excited to be here tonight and I’d like to introduce him at this time if I may�?He is the young up and comer from the Empire State and the longest reigning United States champion in the history of this great company and one part of our four man tag team main event tonight (Crowd pops)�?Ladies and Gentlemen please help me welcome my guest at this time�?Noooooo Limits Christian Skywalker!" The crowd is soaring as the triumphant sound of the trumpets blare from the speakers and "Final Countdown" by Europe blasts over the PA while the Dementa-Tron kicks on.  | Busch, "The fans here in Cleveland are on their feet for the former ICWA United States champion in Christian Skywalker�?Folks, if ya don’t believe he’s one of the primer Ultrastars in our business then take a minute to listen to this reaction!" Marshal, "AHHH! Reaction my dairy air! The fans are like sheep, they’ll follow anybody! Christian Skywalker isn’t a main eventer, he doesn’t deserve to headline." Image, "Where the Hell do you get off telling ANYBODY if they do or don’t deserve to be in the main event?" Marshal, "Don’t act like I’m just some guy with a broadcasting degree. I didn’t get this job because of a history in journalism, I got it because I’ve been in that ring, I’ve worked every spot on the card from open to headline. Christian Skywalker’s no headliner." Busch, "Well I’d beg to differ." Marshal, "Beg all ya want Bee-bee, the fact remains." Image, "Actually, it’s "The question still remains"." Marshal, "Huh?" Image, "It’s Leaky Format’s�?Eh�?Nevermind." "Ten�?Nine�?Eight�?Seven�?Six�?Five�?Four�?Three�?Two�?One�? The music picks up as the curtain moves to the side and to a huge pop comes�?/P> Christian Skywalker. Busch, "There he is folks! Two consecutive seasons have began with that man in the ICWA Main event, so ya gotta believe he’s been doing something right!" Image, "Absolutely Bert. Guys like Christian and my husband Bobby are the breed of ICWA Athlete." Marshal, "Yeah well, you can keep the "New Breed". They’re pansies. I wrestled during an era of legitimate tough guys in this company. I wrestled the Brock Lesnars and Psychos. The guys who had raw power and could throw fists, not these pansies who float around like ballerina princesses because some acne ridden, masturbation addicted, fatso on a dial up server in his mom’s basement might write a ten minute column praising em before they spend 8 hours playing Dungeons and Dragons or World of Warcraft or whatever the Hell the big cyber-geek fetish is this decade!" Christian can be seen slapping hands with the fans as he makes his way down the ramp, Greg Davidson waiting patiently inside the ring. Busch, "Welp�?Whether ya like the man or ya don’t, - and most of us do-, I believe that Christian Skywalker has proved statistically to be one of the very best in this company. Last year in our return episode he wrestled the man who would later become our heavyweight champion to a draw on the opening broadcast. He proceeded to compete in a Triple Threat headline at the Pay Per View with Bobby Johnson and the former champion while battling the flu. He actually vomited in the middle of the match and kept going." Marshal, "Okay, I’ll give him that. And that’s the match where our last champion won the title by beating Bobby Johnson and Christian Skywalker in a triple threat�?Although if you ask the "New Breed" of our business, Image’s husband there, supposedly our last world champion didn’t do anything special to win the title. I guess what he’s trying to say is beating him really is kind of lack luster�?Not that I disagree." Image, "That’s not what he meant�? Marshal, "No? It’s certainly what he said." Image, "Yeah but�? Marshal, "Exactly. And then our current champion made the guy your husband COULDN’T beat for the title, tap out. Another "un-special" feat? And thus my case is rested on why the "New Breed" of the ICWA is worthless. I’ll keep the seasoned vets, thank you very much." Christian walks up the stairs and gets onto the ring apron, looking out to his Limitnators and talking a bit to hype em up before he hops over the top rope and begins to spin with his arms out, taking in the adoration of the crowd. Busch, "The crowd solidly behind Christian Skywalker here tonight. That could play a major factor in the tag team competition scheduled to take place later on tonight." The music slowly draws to a close as we see Christian standing by Davidson, Smiling. Greg, "Christian Skywalker�?They sure love ya in Cleveland." Skywalker, "And likewise, Christian Skywalker loves Ca-LEVELAND!" The crowd pops as Christian smiles. Skywalker, "But even more so, I love the ICWA, and that’s why I’m so stoked to be back and full swing BEH-BEH!" The crowd pops again as Davidson says, "Well I couldn’t agree with ya more. Christian, Let me ask ya, here tonight you’re in the ICWA Main Event against the Worlds Heavyweight Champion DavidVanDam (Crowd erupts) and the Number one contender, Matt Matlock (crowd goes loud albeit a mixed reaction). Beside you for this epic contest, your long time rival suddenly turned tag partner, Our fearless leader himself, The WallStreet Brawler Taylor McCallister (crowd erupts). What’s running through your mind at this time?" Skywalker, "Well ya know Greggy Brother�?Taylor McCallister’s a real psychologist. As physically threatening as he is, he’s even more mentally threatening because ya never know what’s going on inside of that head of his. One minute he’s a typical corporate big wig, the next he’s a egomaniacal psychopath Hell bent on destruction. So the sad truth of the matter is, I’m just as concerned, if not MORE concerned about my tag team partner’s motives and thoughts in this match then I am my opponents." Davidson, "That’s not good, and certainly not against a team the caliber of "Pure Perfection." The crowd pops at the mention of Pure Perfection as Christian takes a second to turn his head to the fans one way, then the other. NLCS, "You’re right about that Gregster�?There’s no question that Pure Perfection’s one of the greatest teams that ever held the tag rope, Perhaps THEE greatest team in ICWA history if I dare to say so. But just because I have it in the back of my mind that my partner may be the biggest predator in the match and I very well may be his prey, does not mean that I don’t have plenty of room at the front of my mind to focus on Pure Perfection. Pure Perfection’s got the talent, they’ve got the Gold and the contendership there too. They’ve got the main event locked up from here till Resurrection Three at the very least. They’ve Got it all�?But what they don’t have is a crazy, dangerous son of a bitch with more resources at his finger tips then Ted Dibiase ever dreamed. Because let me tell ya, WallStreet may not be the worst guy in the world, but he’s still a winner regardless of what that means. If he’s not the dirtiest player in the game, he’s certainly the second place candidate. And whether he’s out to fulfill some sick, perverted fantasy with me and my blood, I know he’s out to continue what he enjoys more than anything, and that’s winning. So with that in mind, I’ll take a post match ass beating. I’ve taken plenty and there’s plenty more on the way, I’m sure. But during the match, I’m not in it to beat Street to the punch, I’m not in it to play defense against my own teammates. I’m in it to win it man. And Win it is exactly what we’re gonna do. I belong in the main event, so too does WallStreet, and we’re going to prove that tonight. Then down the road, whether he gets his shot first or I get my shot first, one way or another you’re looking at two huge headline matches when we collect on the title opportunities that will be undeniable to us once we beat the Champion and the number one contender." The crowd is loud as Greg says, "Well Christian, I think it’s safe to say that tonight’s main event is gonna be a blockbuster. You people do not wanta miss it, that’s coming up a little later in the hour. Thanks a lot for joining us. Fans remember, if you want the inside scoop, Live up to the minute interviews and feedback from the Ultrastars themselves, call me up at 1-900-909-9900 for all the news and gossip in Professional Wrestling. Kids, get your parents permission before calling. Again that’s 1-900-909-9900. Thanks again Christian." Christian nods as "Final Countdown" replays over the PA. The crowd is going wild as Christian and Greg shake hands before Christian heads over to the corner and climbs the turnbuckles, pointing out to the fans and shouting, hyping the house up. Busch, "Christian Skywalker seems in good spirits. Well folks�?Don’t go away, when we return it’s Da Sweet Lunatic one on one with Dark Child and that’s�? The crowd pops as Busch says, "Uh-oh�?That’s Jimmy Stryker and he’s watchin�?that monitor with a look that reminds me of the Cheshire cat�?What do ya think he’s got in mind?" Image, "I don’t know but it probably doesn’t bid well for Jama�?Erm�?Dark Child, or DSL." Busch, "I guess we’ll find out when we come back�? *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | When the cameras return we find ourselves backstage where we see David Van Dam standing next to Angelica Morales who’s sitting at a sowing machine, putting some last touches on Van Dam’s robe. The crowd of course pops for the site of DVD. Angelica pulls it up and hands to DVD as she says, "There ya go, all done." DVD looks at it with pride as he says, "Aww, Angelica you’re a life savor!" Angelica, "I do what I can." DVD leans down and gives her a peck on the cheek as he skips off with his robe, clearly satisfied with the work done. As he walks off we see him suddenly stop. The camera pans back and the crowd erupts�?/P> WallStreet just inhales through his nose. DVD sucks his teeth. WallStreet nods. DVD nods. The two continue on about their respective ways as the cameras come back to the ring. Busch, "Ho-boy! Not a word exchanged but what an intense conversation! WallStreet and DVD just sized each other up, acknowledged a level of respect, and said "I’ll see ya in the ring" and they never uttered so much as a word! The main event is going to be off the charts!" Image, "No question!" Demented comes back from another commerical, and it's time for the next match up. The lights in the arena begin to flciker as "All About Me" by Ja Rule begins to play over the pa system. The fans explode with booing. He then comes out flipping everyone off as he just walks down the ramp and gets into the ring.. Jamal Atkins flips off everyone and then goes and stands near the corner looking up towards the entrance ramp. Kevin Dart: In the ring, from New York, New York, weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, Dark Child!! DC gets off the turnbuckle as "Perfect Insanity" by Disturbed hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. She looks around as the fans continue to boo her. Kevin Dart: And his opponent, from the Back streets of NYC, weighing in at one hundred and thirty five pounds, Da Sweet Lunatic!!!! The referee looks at both competitors before calling for the bell and the match gets underway. DSL and Child move around the ring, before locking up in the center of the ring, and DC uses his size to push DSL into the corner which prompts the referee to come for the break. It looks like we're going to get a clean break, but then DC throws a chop right to the chest of DSL. She winces in pain as Child does some corner stomps on her while the referee counts. He reaches four and Dark Child stops so he doesn't get disqualified. He then goes back and picks up DSL, and goes to whip her to the other corner. She heads to the other corner, and he follows and she grabs the top rope and sling shots herself over him as Dark Child lands in the corner. She gives him a throat thrust and then returns the favor of the corner stomps on Jamal, and she gets out of the corner before the referee disqualifies her. Busch, "She’s walkin a mudhole in him and bah-gawd she’s gonna walk it dry!" Marshal, "Hey Ross Dela Jim, Up-fa Uht-sha!" Image, "Aww, poor pig Latin for a poor pig." Marshal, "Pfft. I’m Not Poor." DSL gets Dark Child back to his feet and gives him a snapmare to a sitting position. She then runs, grabs his head, and jumps over him, giving him jump over jawbreaker. DC drops to the mat holding his jaw tightly, and DSL picks him up, not allowing him to get any breaths, and takes him down with an arm drag. She drops a quick elbow on DC before making a cover, and the referee drops down for the count, 1.......2.Jamal shoots the shoulder up. DSL doesn't seem bothered by not getting win right there as she gets up and lifts Child up. She whips him to the ropes and when she expects to come back, she goes for a dropkick but DC holds onto the top rope as DSL hits the mat. DC smiles as he taps his head, taunting the crowd a little before bouncing off the ropes finally and nailing DSL with a well placed leg drop. He then gets up and grabs DSL's legs, then dropping back and catapulting DSL into the turnbuckle. She hits the top one, and staggers back a little as Dark Child rolls her up, as the referee drops down to make the count, 1.....2..DSL rolls out of the pin. DC keeps on the offensive as he picks DSL up and kicks her hard in the gut, then taking her down with a DDT. He then heads down to the mat, looking for one of his signature moves, The Devastation. DSL is slow to get up and she turns around which prompts DC to go for the move, but DSL pushes him forward. He steps a few feet forward, and turns around as DSL goes for what appears to be a kick but Jamal catches it, and taunting DSL with a finger wag. But DSL just smiles at him and swings her other leg up and catches him with an enziguri. Child hits the mat, and DSL also hits it as both competitors go down. Busch, "Quite the back-n-forth battle here thus far." The crowd boos as Jimmy Stands atop of the ramp. Busch, �?FONT color=#ffff00>Well, we saw him watching the monitor earlier�?Now he’s getting an even closer view and I gotta say I’m not sure I like that ." Marshal, "I’m not sure it matters what you like�?Actually scratch that. I am sure; It Doesn’t." DSL gets up gingerly and you wonder if she was just trying to get a little breather time for herself. She gets Dark Child back to his feet, but it seems she wasted too much time as DC rakes her eyes and she stumbles back. Jamal goes and grabs her right arm, bringing it over his shoulder and lifts her up for a suplex. However, DSL slides out and gives him a chop block. DC goes down to a knee and DSL gives him a vile Shining Wizard, which takes him down to the mat again. She takes a deep breath as she picks him up off the mat, kicks him hard in the gut and nails him with her Implant DDT. Jamal hits the mat near the ropes hard, and a lot of people would figure him to be out of it. DSL crawls over into the cover and the referee makes the count, 1.......2.....DC gets his foot on the rope! Busch, "Foot on the ropes and Jama�?Erm�?Dark Child still appears to be in this thing." With that Jimmy reaches ringside. DSL shakes her head, wondering how she could make such a mistake, letting him be by the ropes. She goes over to the corner nearest to DC and she sits on it, waiting for DC to get up. DC does and she jumps off for her Lou Thez Press but DC sidesteps it, letting DSL hit the mat. He goes over to her, and grabs her from behind, throwing her into the air for a German Suplex. She hits the mat hard as well, and DC sneaks around behind her, and goes for a stacked up pin, the referee drops down for the count, 1...DC puts his feet on the ropes...2....right before the referee's hand is going to hit the mat, he notices this, and gets up, kicking DC's feet off the ropes. DC gets up and argues with the referee, backing him into the corner. He's yelling at him, which keeps the referee's eyes on him, as DSL slides in and gives him a low blow. She quickly gets up and hooks his head, and the referee bolts out of the corner, as DSL goes towards it and gives DC a Sugary Tasty Drop (Acid Drop). Busch, "STD! STD! DSL JUST GAVE DARK CHILD AN STD!" Image & Marshal both burst out with laughter. Busch, "What?" She makes sure Jamal is away from the ropes and covers him as the referee makes the count, 1......2......3! The referee calls for the bell as "Perfect Insanity" blares over the pa system and the voice of Kevin Dart can be heard. Kevin Dart: The winner of this match, Da Sweet Lunatic!!!!!!!! Jimmy climbs up onto the ring and climbs over the top rope. Busch, "What the Hell’s he doing?!" Referee Darren Thomas gets in his face, demanding he leave. Jimmy puts his huge hand over the official’s face and pie faces him down to the mat. DSL stands in the middle of the ring looking at Jimmy with a look of Distain. Suddenly Jimmy shoots forward and nails a huge big boot, dropping DSL hard on the mat as the crowd boos. The crowd erupts with boos as Jimmy grabs two fist fulls of DSL’s top, hoists her up, and throws her into the corner. He begins unloading heavy right hands on her as the Bell is flaring in the background. Busch, "Aww come on damn it! She just wrestled a full match! What the Hell is this for!?" Marshal, "It’s for three years of being a pain in that man’s ass! It’s for the aggravation, the annoyance, the way she produced suicidal thoughts�? Busch, "I don’t think she got to Jimmy Stryker on that level." Marshal, "I meant me damn it! Do you know how many of her interviews I’ve had to sit through with protective coverings on my wrists!?" Jimmy stretches out, grabbing the top rope as he places his foot across DSL’s throat in the corner, choking her. We can see blood trickling from her forehead, showing us that Jimmy busted her open with those big soup bones of his. Finally we see Agents and referees clear the back and dart down the ramp, flooding the ring. Jimmy releases the foot choke and gets right in on her, grabbing her throat with both hands as the officials and Agents are trying to get him back. The camera zooms in and picks up Jimmy saying, "It’s over Jazmine�?Three years is coming to an end�?A bloody end. And when it does, you mark my words you little bitch! When it does, the whole worlds going to see a Jimmy Stryker they’ll wish they’d left locked in obscurity�?You�?Will wish he stayed locked in obscurity." With that he lets her go and she sinks down to her ass in the corner, basically unconscious as the agents and refs try to guide Jimmy out of the ring. Busch, "That was down right spooky." Darren Thomas puts a hand on the small of the back of Jimmy to try and push him along out of the ring and Jimmy spins around and drives that huge right hand right between the eyes of Thomas, knocking him out on the spot. The crowd continues to boo as Jimmy steps over the top rope and hops down to the floor. Busch, "What a lowly human being." All of the Agents and refs are on the floor now in front of Jimmy, urging him to go back up the ramp. Jimmy’s being fairly cooperative as he turns to start walking up the ramp�?Suddenly he spins back around, runs, and believe it or not, at almost seven feet tall and three hundred pounds, he actually leaps over the sea of Officials and ends up flying into the ring just over the bottom rope. He begins pummeling on DSL again as the crowd is going wild with boos. Busch, "OH FOR PETE’S SAKE COME ON ALREADY! HAVEN’T YA DONE ENOUGH?!" Marshal, "Obviously not." "Pain Without Love Pain I Can’t Get Enough Pain I Like It Rough Because I’d Rather feel Pain then Nothing At Allll�? With that the music picks up as "Pain" by 3 Days Grace blasts over the PA and the crowd stands up, unsure of what’s going on. Busch, "Somebody’s gotta stop this! Jimmy Stryker’s a crazy man!" The curtain flies and out from behind it darts�?/P> Busch, "Wait That’s�?That’s Raymond Brothers�?FLIPSIDE! But what’s he doing in the ICWA?!" Sure enough Flipside is there and appears to be sizing up the situation. Finally he sores down the ramp. Not knowing what else to do the agents and officials move out of the way and Flipside slides under the bottom rope as Stryker is holding the top rope to keep his balance as he continues putting the boots to DSL. Flipside grabs Stryker by the shoulder and swings him around. Before Stryker can figure out who it is and what’s going on he takes a stinging right hand, followed by a second, then a third, forth, and then the wind up and BAM! Big Haymaker from Flipside sending Stryker up and over the top rope, landing on his feet at ringside. Busch, "YES! YES! FLIPSIDE! FLIPSIDE! THE MAN KNOWN AS FLIPSIDE HAS DONE JUST THAT AND FLIPED THE SIDES ON JIMMY STRYKER!" Marshal, "What the Hell business is this of Flipside’s?!" Busch, "I don’t know but thank God he made it his business!" "Pain" restarts over the PA as Jimmy Looks at Flipside quizzically, clearly not sure why he’s in the ICWA and more importantly, why he’s interfering in Stryker’s assault on DSL. Stryker doesn’t seem like he’s going to react physically yet though. He just looks on, slightly confused as he starts walking backwards up the ramp while Flipside stairs him down from the ring. Busch, "FLIPSIDE! Flipside has come to the EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH! I don’t know why! I don’t know How! And I don’t know when! But by God am I glad he’s here! What a night!" The cameras fade on Jimmy standing at the bottom of the ramp, slowly walking backwards up the ramp with a fleet of agents and refs in front of him as we see DSL being tended to in the ring by trainer Danny Yung and Flipside continuing to stare Stryker down from the ring. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | When the camera draws back from commercial we find ourselves outside the Quickens Loan Arena during the daylight ours. Earlier Today | We see interviewer Greg Davidson standing outside with the fans who are lined up to get into the arena. They’re all screaming and hollering. Greg, "Folks, Tonight is ICWA Demented Live from the Quickens Loan Arena (Crowd erupts)�?FONT color=#ffff99> The Main event, ICWA World Champion David Van Dam and Number One Contender Matt Matlock verses the unique tag team of former ICWA United States champion "No Limits" Christian Skywalker and Two time Tag Team champion Taylor McCallister ." With that he walks up to a man in his early twenties who’s wearing a black "Jimmy Stryker" T Shirt. Greg, "Who do you think will win that highly competitive main event?" Fan 1, "Oh dude, WallStreet all the WAY! (We hear a lot of cheers, hoots, and hollers) WallStreet’s the MAN! I traveled all the way from Maine to see WallStreet in his second main event ever on Demented! WallStreet’s gonna go in there, lay the beat down, Kick some ASS (More cheers) And then BAM! Stock Market Crash Baby! Nobody gets up from that! WHOOOOO!" Greg, "Clearly a dedicated WallStreet fan here. Let’s get somebody elses thoughts�? He continues walking down the line and stops at a guy in his late teens with a Cleveland Browns Jersey on and a black cap turned backwards. Greg, "What are your thoughts on our Main Event?" Fan 2, "Ya know I’m a big fan of all four of these guys. But I gotta say that first and foremost I’m a David Van Dam fan (hoots and hollers)�?David Van Dam’s a title machine! He’s dominated every place he’s ever been! And tonight as good as Skywalker and WallStreet are, I feel Van Dam and Matlock being the more experienced team are gonna be that much better! After all, Van Dam’s the champ!" The crowd cheers as Greg says, "Absolutely he is. Let’s see if we can’t get one more person here………�?How about you?" He finds himself a relatively attractive young woman in a tight pair of jeans and a Baby Tee that says "ICWA Diva". Woman, "Oh God�?They’re all so pretty I don’t care who wins! (Cheers from the women) Well�?Except Matlock. But Taylor and Christian and David�?OH my GOD!" Greg, "Well there you have Bert�?"Oh.. My�?God." | The scene fades to ringside where Bert Busch, Image Johnson, and Jay Marshal are sitting, Bert laughing slightly. Busch, "Well guys, no doubt an amazing main event ahead of us tonight. You two are both successful in ring competitors. What are your thoughts and predictions for the main event?" Marshal, "I predict Christian Skywalker get’s retired." Busch, "I highly doubt that Jay." Marshal, "I don’t! He’s a pretty boy! A Punk!" Image, "Christian Skywalker’s a great young athlete with a lot of charisma and potential." Marshal, "Potential just means you’re crap with a chance of one day being Crap-Deluxe. Meanwhile you have three genuine all-stars in that ring." Image, "Here’s what it boils down too�?Pure Perfection have worked as a cohesive unit for years, have won tag team titles, have done it all. They also just so happen to be on the road to a major world title match and we saw earlier that the tension’s already starting to set in. On the other hand Christian and WallStreet have a storied history as enemies, and they don’t trust each other and haven’t been a successful tag team for a lot of years. But they can rely on that distrust. They know where they stand with each other. Matlock and David however, aren’t nearly as sure about each other after that little incident in David’s lockeroom�?Or at least, I’d have to guess, Matlock isn’t as sure of David as he once was." Busch, "Well folks, that one’s going to be explosive any way ya slice it." The fans are buzzing about after getting back to their seats with their drinks and food items. They're waiting for one of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Back in Black' by AC/DC begins to blare over the pa system and the crowd begins to boo loudly, as M.J. Storm comes through the black curtain with his manager, 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase. They begin to walk down the ramp, and M.J. holds up the Million Dollar Championship belt to spite the crowd. Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for Onefall and has a fifteen minute time limit! Making his way to the ring, accompanied by 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase, from Madison, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, he is "The Million Dollar Champion" M.J. Storm!!!!!!!! M.J. finishes walking down the ramp, and slides into the ring as Ted DiBiase walks over to a corner outside of the ring. M.J. then walks over to a set of ropes, and jumps on them, bouncing. He then hops down and turns to a stagehand and hands them his leather trench coat, and gets ready for his match. "Ammeeericannnn Dreeeeeammmm" The fans erupt as the curtain flies from the back and Dusty Rhodes comes out to a Kings welcome. Busch, "A Ton of respect for the Legendary American Dream Dusty Rhodes here tonight!" Dart, "And The Opponent�?Being occumpanied to ringside by the EMERALD Drew Stevenson�?Making his way from The Lonestar State�?He is, The AMERICAN DREAM�?DUSTY RHODES!" Drew Stevenson is following close to Dusty as they begin strutting down the ramp, the fans giving it up to the Legend and the Legend in the Making. Busch, "The fans really getting behind Drew and Dusty and who can blame em guys�?A Former NWA Heavyweight Champion, and we’re talking about the REAL NWA Title, not the façade that is the TNA variation of the NWA title. Drew of course�? The fans suddenly start booing loud and it doesn’t take us long to figure out why as we see SFM come flying from behind, nailing Drew in the back of the neck with a huge Forearm, making him drop to a knee. Busch, "Come on!" SFM grabs Drew by the head as he starts to get up and sinks a right hand but Drew suddenly swings up and begins to unload with European uppercuts and open palm strikes. SFM and Drew end up brawling their way back up the stage as Dusty looks on. Dusty continues to watch as Drew and SFM battle their way behind the curtain. Not sure what else to do, Dusty continues down the ramp and climbs the stairs as MJ Storm waits in the middle of the ring. Busch, "SFM taking Drew out of the equation and now that leaves MJ with the Ace in the pocket as Ted Dibiase’s still at ringside. I don’t like the feel of this one." Image, "Me either�? Marshal, "Oh yeah? Well I LOVE it!" Dusty steps into the ring and referee Chris Martin calls for the opening bell. Busch, "This match officially underway." MJ doesn’t waste anytime as he opens up with a stiff kick into the rather rotund gut of Dusty Rhodes, followed by a hard right hand, then a second, and a third which backs Dusty into the corner. Storm brings up his arm and then springs in with a hard elbow into the face of Rhodes ala Kevin Nash. The Crowd is booing but MJ seems Hell bent as he climbs up to the second rope and begins unloading heavy right hands into the skull of the American Dream. Marshal, "Pretty soon the *American* Dream’s gonna be on Dream *Street*! Gah-ha!" MJ gets ten solid shots in as the crowd is booing loudly. MJ hops down, rotates his hands and ends up doing a very poor Dusty imitation before hitting a week variation of the Bionic Elbow, making Dusty Drop back against the Turnbuckles. MJ Comes out of the corner with an arrogant smirk, still chewing his gum as the crowd is clearly frustrated. MJ Spits his gum and slaps it into the crowd ala Curt Hennig before he starts to walk back over to the corner as Dusty’s pulling himself out. MJ drives a hard right across the jaw of Rhodes before he grabs him by the arm, pushes him against the turnbuckle pads, and Irish whips him across to the opposing corner. MJ Darts after him and as Dusty hits the corner, MJ nails a hard Clothesline across the large chest of the American Dream. Dusty stumbles out of the corner and MJ grabs him by the neck and the tights and drops him hard with an Implant DDT. The crowd continues to boo as MJ rolls him over and covers him arrogantly. Martin begins counting ……………�?……………�?……�?Dusty gets the shoulder up. The crowd pops as MJ gets up, adjusting his tights. MJ starts to argue with the official about the count but Martin sticks to the Two. As Chris Martin is distracted by MJ’s complaints, The Million Dollar man reaches in and chokes the American Dream. MJ finally stops distracting the official and Ted steps back as Storm reaches down and grabs a fist full of Dusty’s blonde locks, drawing him up to his feet. MJ goes for another right hand but Storm throws up an arm to block and then nails a right of his own that drops MJ on his ass and makes the crowd erupt. MJ’s eyes grow wide as Dusty points down and says "Get up and get what’s coming to ya Stowm!" MJ gets up and takes another hard right dropping him on his ass. MJ Rolls out of the ring this time as the crowd boos. Busch, "Don’t underestimate Dusty Rhodes!" MJ is on the floor, glaring at Dusty as Dibiase is offering advice. Finally MJ waves him off and starts walking around t he ring, Dibiase following behind. Dusty grabs a mic as MJ and Ted begin walking up the ramp to a chorus of boos. Dusty, "MJ STOWM! YOU COW-AD! I told YOU that my fists was like Lightning! Now you have felt the shock MJ Stowm! Now come on back in hea and getcha some mow!" MJ waves off Dusty as we can hear him saying "Forget you old timmer." Dusty, "What’s da matta MJ, Ain’t there no SPINE in dat there back of yaws?!" MJ starts to walk back down the ramp now saying "You want Spine? I’ll show ya spine!" Busch, "Maybe business is fixin to pick up folks�? Suddenly we see somebody get behind Dusty on a knee and nail a huge low blow as the crowd erupts with boos. Dusty Doubles over and drops as the man stands up�?/P> Busch, "That’s�?That’s DUSTIN RHODES! DUSTY’S SON! BUT WHY?!" Dusty is down on the mat and the crowd is booing loudly as we hear the bell ring, signifying the disqualification. Marshal, "I’ll tell ya why Bert! Because Everybody’s got a price! And tonight Dusty had to pay!" "Back in Black" by AC/DC blasts over the PA as Dustin hops out of the ring, leaving his father lying there in agony. Dusty’s eyes show a deep hurt as Dustin just shakes his head, no real emotion at all, before he turns and joins MJ Storm and Ted Dibiase on their way up the ramp. Busch, "I�?I just can’t believe this�? Image, "Me either�? Marshal, "Believe it boys! Dustin’s clearly a lot brighter than his old man EVER was!" Dusty’s lying there on his side, holding himself in pain and watching his son with MJ and Ted as they get on the stage. The three of them turn around and Dustin grab’s MJ’s wrist and raises his arm high in the air as he points to Storm and MJ smirks with evident contempt for Dusty. Busch, "That’s gotta be breakin�?Dusty’s heart!" And with that we fade to the an image on the TV of the Main Event. Busch, "Well folks�?Don’t go anywhere�?When we come back it’s our highly anticipated main event as Pure Perfection goes against WallStreet and NLCS!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | The bell sounds three times as we find ourselves focused on Kevin Dart in the center of the ring. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is the ICWA MAIN EVENT! (Crowd pops)�?It is a Tag Team bout scheduled for ONEFALL with a One Hour Time Limit�? Busch, "Well folks, here we go�? The cameras slowly fade from Dart to a wide pan from the back of the arena�?/P> "Do-Don’t Make Us Click Up Don’t Make Us Click Up The Dirty South Bout Too Tear This Mother____ Up (YEAAAAH) Don’t Make Us Click Up Don’t Make Us Click Up The Dirty South Bout To Tear This Mother____ Up (YEAAAAH) Don’t Make Us Click Up Don’t Make Us Click Up The Dirty South Bout To Tear This Mother____ Up (YEAAAAH) Mic Check, One-Two-One-Two You Wanta beef with the King What is you gonna Do?" With that the curtain flies to the side and out from behind it to a huge roar steps the one and only, Christian Skywalker. Busch, "THERE HE IS! The former ICWA United States champion!" Image, "Key word, Former. No disrespect to Christian, but the title’s where it belongs now." Christian Stands to the side, smiling and shaking his head to the fans reaction. He then swings his arms, one over his head ala the nWo, and points to the entrance way he just came from as the other side’s curtain flies and out from behind it steps a screaming WallStreet who turns immediately to his left and starts posing and screaming to the erupting fans. Marshal, "And there comes the ol�?Corporate Icon!" Dart, "INTRODUCING FIRST�?Coming to the ring from the State of New York�?At a combined weight of 524 Pounds They are�?NO LIMITS Christian SKYWALKERRR�?And the WallStreet Brawler, MISTER Taylor_MmmmmCCCCCCALLLLISTERRRRR!" A Green spotlight follows WallStreet as a red one follows NLCS While they start heading down the ramp, pointing and at various fans and slapping hands when they get far enough down the ramp to do so. Busch, "Well folks, this has been a highly anticipated bout all week�?The Champion and the number one contender reforming their wildly successful tag team in Pure Perfection�?But the real story may be on it’s way to the ring. WallStreet and Christian Skywalker have never been on the same side of the ring before. Matter of fact, they’ve never been in the ring at all in the ICWA. But now, for the first time in this company’s history�?After years of being at each other’s throats�?Here they are, and they have to function as a well oiled machine verses a team that’s rich in history and has held every major tag team title –Bar THEE tag team titles in the ICWA World Tag Team Championships -�?This one’s gonna be interesting to say the least." Marshal, "Personally I have to question the Bossman’s intelligence for teaming with a guy like Christian Skywalker, but the Boss always has a plan so I guess he’s gotta have one here too." Image, "Question his intelligence, are you crazy? Christian Skywalker’s a great partner. He’s a top notch athlete with main event experience and championship success, what more could want?" Busch, "I’d tend to agree�? Marshal, "Of course you would. Sure that’s not your kid in there?" WallStreet and Christian get to the bottom of the ramp and slap a few more hands before Christian walks around and starts heading up the stairs. As he heads up the stairs WallStreet walks to the right side of the ring (looking down from the ramp) and climbs up onto the outside ring apron. WallStreet points at a few fans fans and then throws up his right arm drawing a huge pop as on the other side of the ring Christian leans back against the ropes and screams to hype the crowd (and it seemingly works as they too pop). Busch, "No doubt the ICWA Fans seem to be strongly behind these two performers. Although that could very well change momentarily as the Champion is incredibly popular as well�?And as of late his partner’s picking up some fans too." WallStreet and NLCS both enter the ring and go to opposite corners, climbing up the ropes and doing their respective posses of choice for the fans to erupt too. They then drop down and come back to the corner nearest the commentary tables and begin discussing strategy as the crowd is on their feet, ready for the next entrance, ready for the main event to begin. Instead of the lights lowering turn to pure gold. The Public Address System begins to play "Don't Say Nuthin'" by the Philadelphia based rap group The Roots. The ICWA Jumbo Tron is flashing the words "Pure Perfection" in between clips of David Van Dam and Matt Matlock in action. The curtain underneath the tron is pushed aside as David Van Dam, Matt Matlock, and Monica Swhear walk onto the stage. David Van Dam stands on the right, Monica Swhear in the center, and Matt Matlock on the left. The trio looks out at the crowd. Monica takes Van Dam's right arm and Matlock's left arm and raises them to the air before the trio walk towards the ring. Kevin Dart: "Making their way down the risle, being accompanied by Monica Swhear. They weigh in at a total combined weight of five hundred and fifteen pounds, the team of David Van Dam and Matt Matlock... PURE....PER....FECTION!" David Van Dam gives Monica Swhear a kiss on the cheek before following Matt Matlock up the solid steel ring steps. The duo enters the ring as Monica moves to their corner. Inside the ring, Matlock unzips his hooded jacket and hands it to a ring hand as Van Dam takes off his robe and does the same. They move to their corner to discuss strategy for their upcoming match as their music ends and the lights go from gold to the normal ICWA setting for a match. The crowd is on their feet, roaring. They're ready for the match to begin. David Van Dam undoes his World Championship belt and hands it to his girlfriend Monica Swhear. Busch, "We've got all four guys in the ring, and we can tell they're ready to blow the roof off of this place. We've talked to FX Network and no commericals will interupt this match up, and if we have to go to the full hour time limit they will not stop us tonight." Image, "That's tremendous to hear, this promises to be the best match of the night." Marshall, "The match would be much better if I didn't have to watch this Christian Skywalker kid. The other three I can handle, and can even enjoy to an extent. But this Christian Skywalker kid is just a bum." Busch, "Skywalker is a talented athlete who pours his heart and soul into every match he's in." Marshal, "So? So did Billy Jack Haynes." Image, "Who?" Marshall, "Exactly." Busch, "Anyway, it looks like Senior ICWA official Tim White is about to officially start this contest. There's the bell, and it looks like we're going to start off with the ICWA World Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam squaring off against No Limits Christian Skywalker." Marshall, "That's not very smart, the match might only go five minutes now." Image, "Will you stop, Skywalker can hold his own." [With the match officially started, the reigning ICWA World Heavyweight Champion looks over at Skywalker before motioning to the twenty one thousand two hundred people filling out the Quickens Loan Arena to make some noise. The noise level raises as Van Dam slaps his forearms and crouches in his wrestling stance. Skywalker, a faster wrestler than Van Dam, stays standing almost straight, but with his knees bent slightly. He has his right foot- his powerful foot- set back some so if he needs to do a quick powerful kick, he can shift his weight forward and do so. Busch, "Notice the difference between their stances. The Champion has a lower stance that allows him to strike low and take his opponents to the mat. Skywalker has a taller stance that will allow him quicker strikes and movements." Marshall, "I think the terms you are looking for Bert, is that David Van Dam is using a wrestling stance, and Christian Skywalker is using a crapp stance." Image, "That's not a crappy stance, Jay. Skywalker uses a different style of wrestling than the Champion, you can't fault him for that." Marshall, "Sure I can. And woman, don't you take that tone of voice with me." Image, "Don't call me woman, unless you want to do something about it." Marshall, "Okay, I'll sit here while you go make me a sandwich? Got it? Good." Busch, "There's a match going on right now! Anyway, collar-elbow tie up in the center of the ring, it's probably not a good idea for Skywalker to try and out wrestle the Champion, he needs to use his speed and his quickness to get the advantage." [Van Dam moves from a collar-elbow tie up to a standing arm wringer. Skywalker shakes his head that his arm is trapped. Skywalker grabs at his shoulder as his arm is twisted. He drops down to the mat and rolls before nipping up and taking Van Dam's arm into his grip. Van Dam doesn't allow Skywalker to lock in the arm lock as he switches his hand to grip Skywalker's wrist and pull him closer to his body. Van Dam quickly locks in a side headlock, but Skywalker pushes him off and into the ropes. Van Dam hits the ropes and comes back, dropping Skywalker with a shouder tackle. Van Dam drops down to the mat to grab Skywalker's arm, rolling him onto his stomach he locks in an arm-bar, leaning up to apply some more pressure. Marshall, "Van Dam is really attacking the shoulder with some arm bars. He's trying to soften up the shoulder for his Faded Glory- Cross Face Chickenwing, which is an excruciating hold that really puts a lot of a pressure on the shoulder." [Skywalker manages to get himself to his knees, with Van Dam trying to apply more pressure to his shoulder. Skywalker tucks his right arm and right shoulder and rolls, causing Van Dam to lose his grip on the arm. Skywalker is quick to get back to his feet and back away from the World Champion. The crowd applauds as Van Dam invites Skywalker back to the center of the ring to wrestle some more. Skywalker shakes his arm out, trying to keep it from swelling and stiffing up on him, he needs to keep it mobile and with swelling down. Van Dam smiles as he goes for another lock up with Skywalker, but Skywalker ducks under it and kicks Van Dam's left knee. Van Dam holds his knee and turns around. Skywalker is in there and delivers a huge dropkick ala Fantastic Bobby Fulton. Marshall, "What a dropkick! Thank you Bobby Fulton where ever you are for delivering fantastic drop kicks!" Busch, "I thought Antonio Rocca made the dropkick a popular move?" Marshall, "Rocca was a bum, Bobby Fulton was where it was at." [Van Dam is back to his feet and Skywalker whips him across the ring. Van Dam hits the ropes and comes back. Skywalker leaps into the air and wraps his legs around Van Dam's neck before falling back and turning with a great hurricanranna, rather uncharaceristic of most two hundred and fifty pound man, but Skywalker can float throught the air like a butterfly. Van Dam hits the mat and the force of it sends him rolling across the mat and to the floor. The crowd watches as Van Dam gets to his feet and grabs the bottom rope before pulling himself onto the apron. Skywalker backs off at referee Tim White's orders, allowing Van Dam the chance to get in the ring. Busch, "Good sportsman ship from Christian Skywalker." [With Van Dam back in the ring, No Limits and The Champion lock up, and this time, Van Dam is a little aggitated that he was flipped over. Van Dam pushes Skywalker into the corner and referee Tim White demands a break, a clean break at that. Van Dam slowly releases the hold and backs off. The crowd applauds the sports manship as they lock up again. This time, Van Dam brings his knee right up into Skywalker's gut, straightens Skywalker's arm out and brings Skywalker crashing to the mat with his shoulder out. Quickly, Van Dam hammerlocks Skywalker's arm, and delivers several knee shots right to Skywalker's shoulder. Image, "The Champion is very methodical as he attacks Skywalker's shoulder." Marshall, "That's because he's a wrestler, and that's what wrestlers do." [Van Dam pulls Skywalker up and hammerlock's his arm again as he runs him into the corner, driving his shoulder right into the turnbuckle. With Skywalker chest first in the corner, his shoulder pressed up against the turbuckle, Van Dam raises his arm up, and drives his elbow right into Skywalker's elbow over and over before pulling him out of the corner and locking in an arm wringer. He reaches over and tags in Matt Matlock, who climbs onto the top rope. He puts his hands together, leaps off of the top rope, and delivers a crushing blow right to Skywalker's shoulder. Skywalker clutches his shoulder and falls to his knees in agony. Busch, "A devestating blow from Matt Matlock. He and the Champion are working together beautifully." Marshall, "They are an experienced tag team, Bert, they're going to work together well." [Matlock pulls Skywalker to his feet by his arm, but Skywalker nails Matlock with several shots to the gut. The loyal ICWA fans are cheering on the longest reigning US Champion in history as he opens his fist up and delivers a big shot right to the side of Matlock's face. Matlock hits the ropes and Skywalker turns and moves towards his corner. He's craddling his left arm as the crowd roars. They want to see Wallstreet in the ring. They need to see Wallstreet in the ring, but just a moment before Skywalker's hand comes in contact with Street's, Matlock flies forward, driving his arm right into the side of Wallstreet's face. The force of the blow knocks Wallstreet off the apron and prevents the tag. Image, "He was so close to making the tag right there! Go Skywalker go!" Marshall, "Leave it to the woman to cheer for the only loser in the match." Image, "Excuse me?" Marshall, "I didn't stutter." [Matlock locks in an arm wringer, and drives his elbow into Skywalker's arm several times. Hammerlock by Matlock, followed up with a Hamerlock Suplex. With Skywalker down, the arrogant Matt Matlock climbs to his feet and struts near the ropes. He bounces off the ropes and comes back, leaping in the air, he drops a knee right onto the shoulder, following that up by placing his knee between the shoulder and the side of Skywalker's face, and locking in an arm bar, demanding that referee Tim White asks Skywalker if he wants to quit. White, "What do you say, Chris? I'll call this right here?" Skywalker, "Oh God no. Ah that hurts." White, "You sure, you can give it up. Do you want to give it up Chris?" Skywalker, "Ah, No. Ahh God that hurts. Never." [ Matlock grunts as he pulls back on the arm, adding more pressure to that already worked on left shoulder of No Limits. The first-ever United States Champion can't move because of the angle he's in, all he can do is groan in pain and hope that Matlock releases the hold. Wallstreet is back up on the corner, banging his fist against the turnbuckle, trying to get the crowd behind his tag team partner, trying to rally the crowd to give Skywalker the support he needs to make a come back. Skywalker digs his boots into the canvas and begins to slide his body. Matlock tries to wrench in more, and it shows on Skywalker's face as his eyes screw shut, his teeth clenched as he just tries to naturally find the bottom rope. He does so, his feet wrapping around it. White, "Alright Matlock, break the hold. Come on, I said break it. ONE! Let him go. TWO! Matlock let him go. THREE!. If I get to five you're disqualified. FOUR! Damnit, I said release the hold." [Matlock does so and holds his hands out, apologizing to ICWA's Senior Official. He tells him he just lost his head for a moment, and was in the heat of battle. White responds by telling him if it happens again he's going to throw this thing out. Matlock thanks him for not disqualifing him and his team there, before moving towards the downed Skywalker. Suddenly, Skywalker springs up and drives his right forearm into Matlock's abdomen, forcing all the wind out of the former nWWF and CWA Champion. The crowd cheers as Matlock falls to a knee, holding his stomach. Skywalker is up and dives towards his corner where Wallstreet is. Skywalker's hand connects with Wallstreet's, and the Quickens Loan Arena explodes as the CEO of the ICWA almost leaps into the ring and points at Matt Matlock, bringing his other hand back in a closed fist, signalling that Matlock is about to get his ass handed to him. Busch, "My God! What a reaction for the former two time ICWA Tag Team Champion and the CEO of this fine organzation." Image, "This is the crowd's way of saying that they believe in Taylor McCallister, that they believe in his struggle to get to the top. This is their way of telling Wallstreet to get what he deserves." Busch, "And it looks like he's about to give Matlock what he thinks he deserves." Image, "He did promise to stick his foot deep in Matlock's..." Busch, "And boom! Big right hand from the CEO!" [Wallstreet delivers another big right hand to Matlock, then a third, before whipping Matlock across the ring. Matlock comes bouncing back, and Street lifts him high in the air, spins, and brings him down with a big spinebuster. Marshall, "Big Spine buster ala Gene Anderson." Busch, "I think you mean Arn Anderson." Marshall, "Did I say Arn?" Busch, "No, but..." Marshall, "Then I didn't mean Arn." [Wallstreet leaps up and brings his arms back, flexing his back. He pops his arms back down as Matlock staggers to his feet. Big kick to the gut from Wallstreet before lifting Matlock up high into the air. He holds Matlock up there, letting the blood run to Matlock's head. Wallstreet falls down and drives Matlock head first into the mat before floating over into a cover. Referee Tim White slides into position. ONE [Matlock manages to kick out before the two, something that almost never happens these days. Wallstreet doesn't worry though, he pulls Matlock up and nails him with another right hand before bringing his knee up into Matlock's gut. Raising his arm above his head, he brings it down on Matlock's scalp ala the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Matlock drops to a knee and Wallstreet whips him into the neutral corner closest to the ramp. Wallstreet moves towards Matlock and delivers a couple of big knees to Matlock's chest before moving Matlock's arms outside of the ropes, leaving his shirt-covered chest exposed. Wallstreet brings his hand back and then has it come crashing down with a heavy chop. The crowd 'whoo's as Wallstreet shakes his head, pulling Matlock's shirt up over his head. Image, "Ewww, look at all that hair on Matlock's chest." Marshall, "That's a real man's chest right there." Image, "That's disgusting is what it is." [Wallstreet brings his hand back and has it comes crashing down on Matlock's exposed hairy chest. The crowd whoo's louder as Wallstreet does it again, before doing The Strut. Yes, the Ric Flair strut and giving a whoo as a tribute to the sixteen time World Champion. After strutting, Wallstreet charges into the corner, but finds no body home. He crashes sternum first into the turnbuckle pads and stumbles out clutching at his billion-dollar chest. Matlock has pulled his shirt back down, hit the ropes, and comes charging back at the CEO. Matlock extends his large arm and let's it collide with the thick chest of Wallstreet, knocking Wallstreet to the ground. Matlock stops at the other set of ropes- the ones facing the hard camera, and shakes his arm in pain, almost as if clotheslining the muscular chest did just as much damage to him as it did to Wallstreet. Busch, "If I were Matlock, I'd try to make the tag to David Van Dam now. Matlock has been in the ring for six or seven minutes now, and has taken some heavy moves from the CEO and some quick strikes from Skywalker." [Wallstreet's back up, and drops to one knee, delivering a heavy shot to Matlock's gut before standing up, grabing Matlock's head and planting him with a very quick Fisherman's Suplex. He stays on him for the pin, but only gets a quick two before Matlock kicks out and rolls onto his stomach. The crowd is now behind Matlock, wanting him to tag in the World Champion, they want to see Wallstreet and David Van Dam go at it. Wallstreet backs away and motions for Matlock to tag in Van Dam, Street wants the Champ. Matlock shrugs and gets to his feet, stumbling towards the Champion. Wallstreet moves quickly though, and grabs Matlock, whipping him towards the corner with Skywalker in it. Matlock collides back first as the crowd boos at Wallstreet's action. Wallstreet smirks at the Champion before turning and running towards Matlock. The six foot three inch former nWWF and CWA Champion gets his boot up right into the kisser of Taylor McCallister. McCallister grabs at his jaw and falls into his corner, tagging Skywalker, who leaps from the apron onto the top rope. Matlock turns around and catches a big missle drop kick from the former United States Champion. Skywalker is up, still favoring his left arm, but the adrenline is flowing now. Marshall, " Damn it." [Skywalker jumps up and down, waiting on Matlock to get to his feet. Matlock gets up slowly from the drop kick, and Skywalker lunges, ducking under a wild Matlock punch, grabbing Matlock's neck and bringing him down with a big neck breaker. Matlock grabs at his neck and Skywalker leaps onto the top rope with surprising agility. He jumps off and brings his knees and arms together at the middle of his chest, before snapping them out, landing squarely on Matlock's frame. The impact knocks Skywalker off as he grabs at his midsection, while Matlock rolls in agony, his body involuntarily spasming as two hundred and fifty pounds come crashing down onto his chest. Busch, "WHAT A FROG SPLASH! Christian Skywalker truley has no limits. A man of his weight floating through the air with that amount of grace. Amazing." [Skywalker manages to drag himself over to Matlock and make the cover. It's not a full cover though, but it's a cover that shows what a frog splash at two hundred and fifty pounds will do to you. Tim White slides into position, checking Matlock's shoulders. ONE TWO THR .. [Van Dam delivers big kick to Skywalker, knocking him off of Matlock. Van Dam doesn't have to be told by referee Tim White to get out of the ring, he does so on his own, but he begins to clap, getting the crowd to clap with him, getting them to get behind him and more importantly, Matlock who looks like he might be out of it. Skywalker gets up and leans against the ropes trying to catch himself. Matlock stumbles to his feet near the center of the ring. Skywalker runs towards Matlock and leaps into the air, but Matlock catches him and spins him over, dropping him with a huge powerslam. Both men lay on the mat motionless. Busch, "Both men need to make a tag here and bring in the fresh men." | |
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ICWA Demented Live February 21st, 2006 | [Neither man moves as referee Tim White begins the ten count. The crowd is loud and live, they want to see Wallstreet and Van Dam get in there and lock it up. At four, boh wrestlers begin to crawl to their corners. At eight, Skywalker makes the tag to Wallstreet and Matlock makes the tag to Van Dam. The tags were made at the exact same time, and both men enter the ring as the crowd explodes. Busch, "Not to steal a phrase, but business is about to pick up." [Van Dam and McCallister don't move very fast. Instead, they circle each other. Their eyes never leave each other, sizing each other up. McCallister has the clear height and weight advantage over the World Champion, but the World Champion is the World Champion. They move to the center of the ring and stand toe to toe, the two inch height difference clear as their eyes lock, neither man touching each other, just standing there in the center of the ring with the cameras on them, and all eyes on them. Marshall, "This is what this business is all about. Moments like this!" Image, "The crowd has been waiting all night for this match and to see these two guys go at it." Busch, "It's The Iron Man against the Corporate Icon, the Babe Ruth of Wrestling and The Mecca of Main Stream. The Ultimate Technician and The Wallstreet Brawler. The..." Marshall, "Shut up, Bert." [After what seems like eons but is only about a minute or so, the two men nod at each other and move away from each other. They know it's time to get to work. They move more quickly around the ring so they can size each other up again before locking up. They move back to the center of the ring, but instead of locking up, they just stare at each other again, causing a groan of frustration from the crowd. They thought they were going to lock up. Busch, "I've never heard the crowd this live, this hyped. They are dying to see these two men go at each other. They want to see these best of friends beat each other from pillar to post." Marshall, "They want to see who wants it more. Was all of Wallstreet's talk this week just talk? Was it just fluff? How bad does he really want it? And, is the Champion just a one hit wonder? Does he have what it takes to stay on the top? We're about to find out." [Again, both men nod and begin to move away, before suddenly snapping forward and locking up in the most intense collar-elbow tie up in ICWA history. They push against each other, their muscles straining. Wallstreet's got more power than the Iron Man, but The Champion has got a lower center of gravity than the CEO, so neither man moves as the crowd roars with contact. Finally, they break the lock up and move in a circle again. They move back to the center of the ring with another big lock up. They push against other again, but again neither man can gain the upper hand. Busch, "Both men seem to be evenly matched. Or, rather, Wallstreet's size and strength advantage seem to be combatted by Vam Dam's center of gravity and fortitude." [They break the lock up for a moment before locking up again. This time, Van Dam pulls Wallstreet's head down into a side headlock. Van Dam works it in as Wallstreet tries to get his hand between Van Dam's arm and head. He manages to do so, using his impressive strength to break Van Dam's grip and lock in a standing arm bar. Van Dam shows his frustration as he slaps his hand off his shoulder. He takes his hand and pushes up on his elbow to bend his arm, he moves his hand hand to his forearm, rotating it back into place since Wallstreet had to turn it to complete the move, Van Dam's left hand quickly moves to Street's left wrist, Van Dam steps under and rotates Street's arm, locking in an arm wringer of his own. Wallstreet grunts in discomfort as he narrows his eyes. He bends his knees and his waist, moving under Van Dam's arm, managing to move his hand to grab Van Dam's wrist and pull Van Dam's left arm behind him for a hammer lock. Van Dam grabs at his shoulder in discomfort before trying to reach back and grab Wallstreet's head. Wallstreet moves his head back, and Van Dam surprises him with quickness as he moves down, his arm moving go grab Wallstreet's left boot, pulling on his foot. Breaking his grip, Wallstreet falls to the mat. Van Dam is quick to try and pounce but Wallstreet rolls out of the way and gets back to his feet. The two grapplers look at each other and nod as the crowd applauds. Busch, "What an exchange of holds, these two men are going back and forth trying to gain mat superiortiy." [Wallstreet moves to the center of the ring, raising one of his hands, signalling that he wants a test of strength with the Champion. The Champion looks around at the crowd, asking them if they think he should. They cheer loudly in support of him doing it, so he moves closer to Wallstreet and slowly raises his hand to lock with Wallstreet's. Wallstreet and Van Dam lock their other hands together and move chest to chest. Wallstreet is incredibly powerful as he pushes against Van Dam, forcing him to arch himself backwards at such a degree that his sweaty bald head touches the off-white canvas, leaving a sweat stain as he grits his teeth, beginning to push back against Street and bring himself back up to a vertical base, showing an incredible amount of dedication to power out of that. As soon as Van Dam is standing, he's pushed back down at an angle again, his head touching the same pool of sweat it had just made. Wallstreet raises one of his tree-trunk like legs and bends it, slamming his powerful knee into the thick thighs of Van Dam. Van Dam's leg quivers as it suffers another shot, and then a third before Wallstreet moves the knee up to Van Dam's abdomen, driving his knee into it once, but Van Dam doesn't give in, he suffers a second shot and his legs- which were already starting to give, give a little more, almost flattening out his body. A third shot flattens Van Dam's body out. Wallstreet holds down Van Dam's arms as referee Tim White begins to count. One Tw .. [Van Dam pushes one arm up, but it gets pushed back down. One Two [Van Dam pushes the other arm up, but it to gets pushed back down. One Two [Van Dam pushes the first arm he pushed up, up again. Wallstreet pushes it back down before showing an impressive amount of strength as he pulls Van Dam up to his feet. Van Dam surprises Wallstreet though as he pops his hips and brings Wallstreet over with a Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock Suplex. The knuckle lock is broken as Van Dam slowly gets to his feet, not immediately capatalizing like normal. Wallstreet begins to get to his feet and leans against the ropes Van Dam turns to Wallstreet and Wallstreet nails him with a hard chop over his chest. Van Dam responds with a chop of his own, Wallstreet fires back with another chop, and then Van Dam chops back. They get into a big chop fest, each man exchanging chops as the crowd cheers. Busch, "This match is quickly breaking down into a very physical contest." Image, "David Van Dam doesn't usually turn this physical with his strikes, but we can see his intensity now." Marshall, "This match means a lot in terms of ego and in status, so The Champion has to step up his intensity and physicality to match the CEO's, he can't let the boss out shine him." [The crowd is roaring with approval as Wallstreet begins to win the battle of chops- understandable since he's got the strength advantage. Wallstreet changes from chops to a right hand, Van Dam staggers from the right, but comes back with a big European Uppercut. Wallstreet's knees buckle from the force of the blow but he manages to stay standing and deliver another big punch. Van Dam spins and drops to a knee before pushing himself back up and forcing himself to deliver an even harder European Uppercut that knocks Wallstreet into the ropes. The ropes give but then snap back, shooting Wallstreet out for a huge forearm that literally knocks the Champion onto his ass. A major reaction from the crowd as Wallstreet looks around at them motioning with his hands for them to bring on the noise. Wallstreet turns back to Van Dam and pulls him to his feet, setting him up for what looks to be a suplex, but Van Dam blocks it. Again Wallstreet tries and again Van Dam blocks it. A third time Wallstreet tries and a third time it's blocked. Now Van Dam pops his hips and brings the six foot four inch billionaire to the mat with a snap suplex. Busch, "Back and forth back and forth, Van Dam and McCallister are taking it to each other like we've never seen in the ICWA- and they've got partners who have been doing just as good. What a match." Marshall, "I think these two are forgetting they're in a team enviroment, they just want to take it to each other." [Van Dam rolls is hips and pulls Wallstreet up, still holding him for a suplex. He lifts Wallstreet up and holds him there this time, showing an incredible amount of strength as he walks towards Matt Matlock. Van Dam brings Wallstreet down with a big suplex, but holds on as he rolls his hips. He goes to lift Wallstreet up for the third one, but Wallstreet blocks him and lifts Van Dam up, holding him in the air Wallstreet drops Van Dam on the top rope. Van Dam is straddling the top rope as Wallstreet hits the set of ropes opposite Matlock and comes charging back, hitting a big running knee lift on Van Dam that causes him to fly through the air and crash onto the outside floor. Monica Swhear is quickly to his side checking on him as Wallstreet moves to the center of the ring and does his back taunt again. Image, "That could have taken David Van Dam right out of it. He needs to get into the ring and make a tag to Matlock now." [Wallstreet gets out of the ring and Monica backs away from Van Dam. Street grabs Van Dam by his head and pulls him to his feet. He doesn't try to do anything on the outside, he just rolls Van Dam right into the ring and follows him in there. Street covers Van Dam with a lateral press and Tim White is there to make the cover. ONE TWO THR ... [Van Dam drapes a foot over the bottom rope and Matlock sighs with relief as the crowd cheers, they don't want to see it end off a running knee lift and a crash to the outside. They want to see someone's finisher, they want more. Street pulls Van Dam up and kicks him in the gut and brings his head between his legs. The crowd roars with approval as Street underhooks both arms. The crowd knows what's coming, but Van Dam pulls his arms away and back body drops Wallstreet, but do to their positioning, the back body drop sends Wallstreet over the ropes and to the outside! Van Dam collapses on the mat as the crowd roars. Both men are out. Busch, "Both men down! Both men down! Two guys on the apron, two guys down!" [Van Dam begins to pull to himself to his feet using the ropes. Wallstreet grabs at the apron skirt to help pull himself to his feet. Rolling into the ring, Street lays on the mat and tries to catch his wind as Van Dam pulls Wallstreet to the center of the ring and goes for the cover. One Two Th ... [Taylor McCallister gets his shoulder up barely before the three count, he's physically exhausted now. Van Dam pulls McCallister up and tags in Matlock. Van Dam gets behind McCallister for an inverted DDT before lifting Street up and dropping his legs on Matlock's shoulders. The crowd is on their feet as Pure Perfection completes their Full Impact. Van Dam rolls out of the ring as Matlock makes the cover on Wallstreet. ONE TWO THREE ! [Wait, No! Street has his foot on the bottom rope. Referee Tim White waves off the pin and points to the bottom rope and signals that it's only a two. Matlock runs his fingers through his brown hair and looks at Tim White. Christian Skywalker is in the corner slamming his open hand off the top turnbuckle trying to get the fans to rally behind The Corporate Icon. Matlock pulls Wallstreet up and whips him into a neutral corner. Matlock charges towards Wallstreet but then stops and nails Wallstreet with several vicious body shots before raising Wallstreet to the top rope. Matlock climbs onto the top rope and hooks both of Wallstreet's arms. Pulling Wallstreet into a standing position on the top rope, Matlock looks like he's going to go for The Matlock Drop. Wallstreet pulls his arms back and pushes him off the top rope and onto his back. Wallstreet leaps off the top rope all of a sudden and floats through the air with the grace of a swan before raising his large, muscular arm up and bends it, driving his elbow straight into Matlock's chest. Wallstreet grabs at his elbow and rolls in agony before rolling over to make the cover. ONE TWO THRE . Busch: "MATLOCK KICKS OUT! MATLOCK KICKS OUT! MATLOCK KICKS OUT! MY GOD! MATLOCK KICKS OUT OF THE FLYING ELBOW DROP!" [Wallstreet rolls off of Matlock and begins to crawl towards No Limits. Matlock kicked out, but he can't move from the lack of oxygen in his lungs. McCallister reaches his hand out and makes the tag to Skywalker. Skywalker leaps over the top rope and lands on the mat. Skywalker begs Matlock to get up. Matlock gets up and gets kicked right in the gut before lifted onto Skywalker's shoulders. Skywalker is going for the F-5 as Matlock slides off of Skywalker's shoulders and rolls him up, grabbing a handful of tights. ONE [Wallstreet is laying on the mat, his eyes facing away from the pin. TWO [Wallstreet turns his head to face the pin and tries to get up, diving for the roll up. THREE [The pin is counted, and Wallstreet gets there half a second too late. Matlock rolls away as the bell sounds. Dart, "And your winners PURRRREEEEE....PERRRRFFFFFEEEECCCCTTTIIIIOOOONNNNN!!!!!" [Matlock and Van Dam raise their arms in glory. Busch, "Pure Perfection has done it! They’ve picked up the win over Christian Skywalker and WallStreet! But Bah Gawd what a match! All four of these impressive athletes should be proud of themselves!" The crowd is going wild as WallStreet’s on his knees, leaned back, looking up at the lights in clear frustration. NLCS slaps the mat in frustration as well. But both men stand back up and find themselves back face to face with Pure Perfection. All four men are sweaty, they’re all breathing hard, and DVD and WallStreet are face to face as too are Matlock and Skywalker, The crowd in a frenzy. Busch, "All four of these guys gave us all they had. They left it all on the mat. The crowd clearly showing their appreciation." DVD and Matlock both extend their hands as the crowd erupts. WallStreet and NLCS both seem a little hesitant and begin looking out to the fans for advice. Crowd: SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS! SHAKE THEIR HANDS�?/EM> WallStreet and NLCS look at each other and nod in agreement before they both turn and accept the hand shake from Pure Perfection, making the crowd go wild. Busch, "What a great display of sportsmanship!" "Don’t Say Nothin" by The Roots blasts over the PA as WallStreet raises DVD’s arm and NLCS raises Matlock’s. Busch, "Well folks, I think that’s all we’ve got�?I’m Bert Busch along sid�? Suddenly Christian drops Matlock’s arm and kicks WallStreet in the small of the back, making him fall a little backwards as the crowd erupts with boos. Christian hooks WallStreet’s head like you would for a reverse DDT, and then quickly spins and drops the forearm across the chest of WallStreet nailing his version of the "Eye of the Hurricane" as the crowd boos. Busch, "WHAT THE HELL?! CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER JUST HIT THE RED SCARE ON WALLSTREET!" Christian Rolls out of the ring quickly as Matlock cocks his head to the side, watching Skywalker leave with a perplexed look and David drops to a knee to check on WallStreet while also glancing out to the floor with a look of misunderstanding. Busch, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Marshal, "STUPID! THAT’S WHAT IT WAS! STUPID! HE’S A DEAD MAN!" Christian looks nervous, almost a little scared as we see him on the floor, looking around almost like he’s not sure what he’s done. Busch, "Well they had a great match�?But I�?I don’t know! Maybe it’s the Frustration of the big loss? I don’t know but I reckon we’ll find out next week! I’m Bert Busch alongside Image Johnson and Destructive Jay Marshal�?Bah GAWD What a Night!" 
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ICWA Demented Credits & Quick Match Results Quick Match Results Dark Matches Mystical Def. Joey De'Angelo Ryan Ross Def. Christopher Boudreaux (The match was well enjoyed) Scott Jensen Def. Steve Corino Demented Matches Nikki Black Def. Heather McMahon via Pinfall (Assist from Summer Stratus) Hope Cassidy Def. Leaky Format via Pinfall Jimmy Stryker Def. James via Pinfall Bobby Johnson Def. SFM Via Pinfall & Retained ICWA US Title DSL Def. Dark Child Via Pinfall Dusty Rhodes Def. MJ Storm via Disqualification Pure Perfection Def. NLCS & WallStreet via Pinfall (Matlock over NLCS) Post Show Dark Match David Van Dam Def. Jimmy Stryker & Matt Matlock via pinfall in an extremely well recieved, 10 minute bonus match. Credits
Match 1 Singles Heather McMahon V.S. Nikki Black Written by: Taylor AKA WallStreet (Sorry it wasn't very good) Match 2 Leaky Format V.S. Hope Cassidy Written by: Aaron & Matt AKA Jimmy Stryker & MJ Storm Match 3 Singles James V.S. Jimmy Stryker Written by: James & Matt (MJ Storm) First Hour Main Event Singles ICWA United States Championship Bobby Johnson V.S. SFM Written By: Taylor AKA WallStreet Match 5 DSL V.S. DC Written By: Matt AKA MJ Storm Match 6 MJ Storm V.S. Dusty Rhodes Written By: Taylor AKA WallStreet (Again, Sorry it wasn't very good) Main Event Tag Team "No Limits" Christian Skywalker & WallStreet V.S. Pure Perfection (David Van Dam & Matt Matlock) Written by: David Van Dam Winners Selected by Management Thanks to everyone who rped this week. Those who did rp did a great job. Special Thanks to MJ Storm who picked up an extra match and finished two other matches. 
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