 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 3/17/2007 6:26 AM |
ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | Once again folks it’s that time of the week. Last week the ICWA drew a 4.0 on hour one and a 4.3 on hour two. Not quite as impressive as the first episode of Demented, but still a highly watched episode never the less. Now it’s time for a brand new edition of the hit prime time wrestling show known simply as ICWA Demented. It’s 8:59pm Eastern Standard Time and the concluding credits for "That 70’s Show" have just aired. Now the screen goes to black. With that we immediately go into the Opening Video as "Straight Out Of Line" by Godsmack blasts in the background. As the video concludes we watch the pyro explode from the stage and then begin to sweep the arena. Busch, "Welcome to yet another jam packed two hour broadcast of Eye See Dubbya Eh Demented! I Am Bert Busch alongside former CWA Champion "Destructive" Jay Marshal and we are at the over stuffed Times Union Center in the capital of the Empire State, Albany New York. And we have got a Capital sized card set up for ya here tonight!" Marshal, "No doubt Dub-Bee, a big time card in a big time city on the BIG TIME FX Network! As always we’re stoked to be here and I’m REALLY stoked about the main event�? The crowd pops as the main event poster comes over the Tron�?/P> Busch, "Well folks, a huge return match from two weeks ago as former United States Champion Christian Skywalker teams up with our CEO and Chairman, Taylor McCallister to take on the, as of late, dysfunctional tag team of "Pure Perfection", Number one contender Matt Matlock and ICWA Heavyweight Champion of the World, David Van Dam. That’s gonna be a volatile situation Jay." Marshal, "No Doubt, No Doubt. But ya know what I’m most excited about Bert?" As he says that the cameras settle on the commentary table as a small bar shows up on the screen with the commentators names underneath them. Busch, "What’s that Jay?" Marshal, "We ditched the chick! For one whole show there’s no Image Johnson!" Busch, "Image Johnson is with her Husband, the ICWA United States champion, who is no longer with us as the result of a creative difference in opinion. Folks we’re sorry about that, but don’t be downhearted for too long because our card is huge, BUT, There’s two huge announcements that are coming LIVE, Here tonight." Marshal, "Announcements!?! Nobody said nothin�?about no stinkin announcements! What announcements?!" Busch, "Jay�?Here tonight�? The crowd begins to boo as we see a promotional banner pop up�?/P> Busch, "The Rush Ryan Ross will officially answer The offer of The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase and the Million Dollar Corporation!" Marshal, "These fans better wise up and show some respect! I got nothin�?but respect for the boss-man, but he’s dropping the ball with Ryan Ross." Busch, "I think Ryan Ross is dropping the ball with Ryan Ross, but that’s neither here nor there." Marshal, "You’re right, it is neither here nor there. So you said AnnouncementS�?Plural�?What else?!" Busch, "Well Jay�? The crowd erupts as the next promotional banner pops up�?/P> Busch, "In a HUGE bit of news, Drew Stevenson will OFFICIALLY Reveal his tag team partner here tonight! And�? The Dementa-Tron suddenly lights up with various video clips of Drew Stevenson as "Burning Bright" by Shinedown blasts over the PA. The crowd gets into a small frenzy as Bert says, "BAH God! I don’t think we’re gonna have to wait long Jay!" The curtain flies back and out from behind it steps the Emerald Himself. Busch, "Well folks, later tonight Drew Stevenson will go one on one with ICWA Hall of Fame athlete Sean Frost Mann. That match to come a little later on in evening. But right now I’m not sure what he’s doing out here unless�?Unless�? Marshal, "Unless what?!" Busch, "Unless he’s fixin to reveal who his tag team partner is right now! What a way to kick of ICWA Demented!" Dart, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN�?Please Welcome, From Seymour Missouri�?DREW_STTTEVENSON!" Drew is walking down the ramp, slapping hands and occasionally switching sides of the ramp to give both sides of fans a fair opportunity at slapping hands with the New Age People’s champion. Busch, "Well�?Two weeks ago Drew Stevenson came out here and declared that he’d be pursuing the ICWA Tag team championships. What he didn’t mention, was who his partner would be. A lot of people assumed it’d be the American Dream Dusty Rhodes, and it very well may be, but I have an inclination that it’s not." Marshal, "Well just who do ya think it is Bert?!" Busch, "Well I ain’t too sure, but I reckon we’re fixin to find out before this night is over, and I dare say before this pleasant surprise visit of Drew Stevenson’s is over." Marshal, "Well ya know who I think it is?" Busch, "Skywalker? McCallister? Styles maybe?" Marshal, "NOBODY!" Busch, "What?!" Marshal, "I think he’s bluffin! I don’t think Drew’s even got a partner! Matter of fact, I know he doesn’t!" Busch, "How do you know that?" Marshal, "Because who in their right mind would want to team up with a guy like Drew Stevenson to take on a team like Remorseless Storm? They’d have to have a death wish!" Busch, "Oh come on! Drew Stevenson’s an incredible young athlete with all the tools to become huge star." Marshal, "He’s a jackass! Who comes into the business and begs to start at the bottom? The guy’s not going anywhere but down and Remorseless Storm’s gonna make sure of it." Busch, "There’s nothing wrong with wanting to earn your keep Jay. There’s nothing wrong with using hard work and sportsmanship to get to where you want to go in this business." Marshal, "Oh give me a break already. If I wanted a sermon preached I’d be at mass right now. Drew Stevenson’s an idiot with an attention fetish. And he gets off when these people cheer for him." Busch, "And what’s wrong with that?" Marshal, "In our business, everything. It’s not "Oh Gee Golly, I hope they like me." It’s "Win." Period. Win and win by any means necessary. Don’t worry about what these people think. When have these people ever won a match for anybody? They haven’t. MJ Storm and SFM get that, and that’s why they’re going to slaughter Drew Stevenson and his imaginary partner to become the first ICWA Tag Team champions of Oh-Seven." Busch, "Well we’ll just see about that Jay." By now Drew’s in the ring and he has a microphone in hand as his music is fading out. Stevenson, "Ya know�?Two weeks ago, MJ Storm came out here and he challenged that I didn’t have a tag team partner�?He challenged that perhaps I didn’t deserve to go for the tag team titles (crowd boos)�?FONT color=#009900> He even suggested I step off in favor of letting he and SFM obtain the tag team championships uncontested . (Crowd boos) Well�?Boy are they gonna be disappointed." He grins as the crowd cheers�?/P> Busch, "I like where this is headin�?/FONT>." Marshal, "That makes one of us." Stevenson, "So I think, without further ado I should introduce my new tag team partner�?He is�? "Behold The King�?The King of Kings�?BR>On Your Knees Boy!" The crowd’s reaction turns instantly as they begin booing. Marshal sarcastically, "BAH GAWD BERT! SFM! SFM IS THE PARTNER! Gah-ha-ha!" Busch, "Well that’s SFM’s music but I somehow doubt he’s Drew’s partner." Based on Drew’s slightly sour look I’d venture to say that Bert’s probably right. "All Hail�?BR>Bow Down To The�?Bow Down To The King Bow Down To The�?Bow Down To The King�?/EM> The King grinned red as he walked from the place, Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. Through the halls and the corridors singeing in blood, He tasted his grin and it tasted good. The King took his head. Left him broken and dead�? The curtain moves and from behind it to a chorus of boos steps SFM. The music slowly begins to fade as we see SFM smirking down the ramp. SFM, "I’m sorry, am I interrupting? And of course by "Sorry" I really meant I don’t give a damn." SFM Smiles a very sarcastic smile as the crowd begins to chant: ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE�?/P> SFM goes to speak but Drew beats him too it as he says, "I’m not sure how good your hearing is but there’s 18,000 people calling you an assh**e!" The crowd pops as Marshal says, "HEY! You can’t say that on TV!" Busch, "I think he just did!" SFM seems only slightly annoyed as he says, "You think I give a crap what they think?" Stevenson, "Matter of fact, I do Sean." SFM, "Well you’re wrong. I don’t give a crap what any of these sniveling bastards think! Nor, Drew, do I give a damn who your little partner is. Because ya see, while you’re out here playing suck up to these losers, I’m back here just counting down the minutes before I get in that ring with you here tonight�?And when that happens Drew�?Your partner better be the Incredible Hulk or Superman because he’s gonna be flying solo for a long time." Stevenson, "Well if you think you’re man enough SFM, then why wait till later�?Why don’t you bring yourself down here right now and we’ll sort this out here and now!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "That’s a damn good idea! Right here, right now!" SFM Snickers, "Right now? You want me, right now?" Stevenson, "I’m relatively certain I speak a very clear variation of English�? SFM, "Don’t get smart with me boy�?You want it, you got it." The crowd is going wild now as Drew sets the Mic down in the corner and pulls his shirt up over his head, tossing that in the corner as well. SFM keeps his mic in hand but begins unbuttoning his cuffs and rolling them back. Busch, "HO-BOY! Business�?Business�?BUSINESS Is fixin to pick up!" "When The Lights Go Up And The Game Is On Is You Ready for Me? Cause I’m Ready For you When The Bell Rings Out And The Fight Is On Is You Ready For Me? Cause I’m Ready For Yooouuu" SFM Stops midway down the ramp and cocks a smirk as Drew starts to get the feeling he’s about to be in a two on one situation�?But he doesn’t back down, he stands his ground. The crowd is booing as Busch says, "That’s�? When The Lights Go Up And The Game Is On Is You Ready for Me? Cause I’m Ready For you When The Bell Rings Out And The Fight Is On Is You Ready For Me? Cause I’m Ready For YYYYOOOOOUUUU" The curtain moves and the crowd boos as out from behind it steps�?/P> Ryan Ross. "It’s Time For Us To Start Throwing Down Take A Look and See Who’s Standing There It’s Time for Us To Start Throwing Down Look and See Who’s Standing Now!" The music fades as Busch says, "I don’t like the feel of this�? Marshal, "That makes one of us�? Ross draws a microphone up to his mouth�?/P> Ross, "Ya know, it seems like the only damn way I get any air time around here, is when I open the show. I’m on the bottom of the card because somebody in the front office has a wild hair up their ass because they can’t keep me under their thumb, and because I don’t come out here every week like Drew Stevenson and go "Mwah, Mwah" to the grotesque and ample backside of these fans!" The crowd boos as Marshal says, "He’s talking about you ya know." Ross paused during the peek of their boos, but now continues, "Now, I can’t even get that because you two jerkoffs want to steal the very little bit of TV time I DO Have! Do you know what it’s like to give yourself to a company as much as I have to this one, only to be left off the return show and to open two weeks in a row? And THEN, to find out that my time�?My very limited, precious time�?Is being used up by Ruby-boy’s big announcement and SFM’s gargantuan ego?!" Drew, "�?Admittedly I haven’t been here very long, so forgive me�?but umm�?Who�?Are You?" The crowd erupts as even SFM grows a smirk. Ross, however, does not appear to be nearly as amused. Ross, "Who am I?! WHO AM I?! I am RYAN FRICKIN ROSS! I AM THE MAN WHO MADE THIS COMPANY! I Am the man who brought it to the peek of GLORY! And now I’m being SHAT on by glorified noobs!" Drew Stevenson, "Ryan Ross? I loved your album!" Ross’s jaw drops slight�?He suddenly gets a look as to say "Hmm, maybe he’s not so bad." Ross, "Well�?I’m glad somebody has good taste. What was your favorite song?" Drew, "You know�?That one�?(Deepens his voice and "sings") "Err Day I’m Hustlin, Err Day I’m Hustlin, Err Day I’m Hustlin, Hustlin�? Ross gets a sour face again as the crowd is laughing and cheering. Busch, "Well Ryan Ross was the lead singer of a band, but I think Drew’s got him mistaken for the rapper *Rick* Ross." Marshal, "Don’t laugh! This isn’t funny Bert! Who’s he think he is!" Busch concludes his laughter as he says, "I think he think’s he’s the number one contender for the tag team championships. And Bah-God he is!" Ross, "Ha�?Ha�?Ha. Ya know something Drew�?I’m starting to really not like you very much." SFM, "Ya know, I hate to interrupt this little B.E.T Fest�?But if I wanted to listen to that black crap I’d go to the projects where half of this crowd probably got the money for their tickets by selling crack! (Crowd boos)�?But since I don’t, I do believe that Drew and I were in the middle of something. So, anybody who’s not at least (raises his hand to mid chest) This High on the card can dismiss themselves as the top tier does business." SFM takes a few more steps forward as he’s about three quarters of the way down the ramp. Ross, "Oh, I’ll dismiss something�?I’ll dismiss my foot in your ass." And with that Ryan Ross begins heading down the ramp. Busch, "Oh Boy, it’s lookin�?to be a free-for-all out here! Somebody might wanta call security!" Ryan Ross is walking down the ramp none too pleased�?/P> Suddenly The Triumphant trumpets begin blasting over the PA�?/P> The crowd instantly erupts, giving it’s biggest reaction of the night so far as We soon hear someone working out hard as we hear Nelly�?/P> "Ya Gotta work, Gotta Work, Come on�?Push It�?Come on man Push It�?Five more, five more, you can do it�?Come on baby�? Busch, "Wait a Second�?WAIT A SECOND�?THAT’S�? "Heart of a Champion" by Nelly begins to take off as the crowd is going wild and Ryan Ross has now stopped half way down the ramp�? the curtain moves�?/P> Busch, "It’s the heavyweight Champion of the World! He’s got that huge tag team main event later on tonight but�?What’s he doing here now?!" In one hand he has the ICWA Heavyweight championship belt, in the other a microphone. His music slowly fades as he soaks up the crowd’s reaction�?/P> Crowd: D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D�?/EM> David, "Aww Man�?Does it feel GREAT to be back in Albany." The crowd cheers loudly as David nods his head and looks around. David, "I was sitting backstage thinking about how tonight, I get the distinct privilege of giving Albany one of the greatest main events they have ever seen�?(crowd cheers)�?And it was then that I heard borderline blasphemy�?I heard Sean Frost Man say "Let the Top tier do business"�?The Top Tier?! I don’t know if you noticed buddy, but I AM The Top Tier!" The crowd cheers again as Busch says, "The World Heavyweight Champion�?There’s no disputing that." SFM, "Yeah, that’s cute. You’re the world champion, congratulations. In another life maybe I give a crap, but in this one I’ve been there, done that, bought the Tee shirt, and am content to move on to the next destination." David, "Ya see, that’s where your wrong Frost Mann. There Is NO "Next Destination". This championship is the ULTIMATE destination. Every trip you make in this business is simply a side road that you can only hope leads to the end all and be all of destinations in the ICWA World Heavyweight championship. And anybody who doesn’t think so doesn’t deserve to be in this business to begin with." Busch, "There’s no arguing that." Marshal, "As a former ICWA Ultrastar myself, no, no there’s not." SFM, "Well maybe somewhere down the road when I get real bored I’ll come back and pursue that belt again and take it off your shoulder. Until that time my focus is on the�? Ross, "WHOA WHOA WHOA! HELLO! YOU-WHO! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! Is every ego and jackass in a ten mile radius just going to come out and help themselves to my time on the show?! How the Hell does somebody like me who’s done so much, merit such COMPLETE disrespect?!" David scratches his head as he says, "Erm�?This is kind of embarrassing�?Obviously you know who I am but uh�?Who are you?" The crowd erupts with laughter and cheers as SFM smirks again and Drew tries to stifle a chuckle. Ross has a very Jericho-like "That’s not funny" face�?/P> Ross, "I’m getting real tired of having to answer that question! Don’t any of you people have the first clue about the history or legacy of the company you’re working! I built this place from the ground up!" David raises an eyebrow, "Well�?I know you’re not the founder and owner because that’s WallStreet (Crowd cheers)�?And we all sat here last week and watched footage of every ICWA World Heavyweight champion to ever walk in this company last week and I don’t recall you being there�?So try not to be overly offended as I don’t exactly take your word for that." Ross, "You don’t want to take my word for it then don’t. But one of these days when the powers that be stop protecting you and you get in the ring with Me�?I promise your doubts will be washed away as you feel the Rush�?BITCH!" Busch, "I’m not sure I’d advise calling our world champion a "Bitch"." Marshal, "Ross just laid down the punk card brotha." DVD smiles, "Bitch huh? Well feel this�? DVD Sets his title to the side and tosses the mic to the other side as he begins unbuttoning his cuffs and the crowd goes wild. David starts walking down the ramp with purpose as Ross glances from side to side looking for a way out�?Meanwhile down at the bottom of the ramp SFM slides into the ring and pops up as he and Drew begin throwing hands. Back on the ramp Ryan Ross has decided to stand his ground and when DVD arrives Ross kicks him in the knee instantly dropping him to one knee. He begins striking the side of the head of Van Dam but David wraps Ross�?legs and delivers a double leg sweep dropping him on the ramp. The crowd is going nuts. Busch, "BAH GAWD! IT’S PANDEMONIUM!" A flood of referees and security come flying down the ramp. Once they get to Ross and Van Dam the group splits in half as some continue into the ring and some stay right there and try to separate Van Dam and Ross. Busch, "I can’t believe what is going on! Ryan Ross and David Van Dam are exchanging holds, and SFM And Drew Stevenson said "Hell No I ain’t gonna wait till later" and they’re gettin�?it on right now!" Marshal, "Somebody do something! Drew’s trying to get a cheap advantage for later tonight! SFM’s in very expensive street clothing! Not wrestling gear! And look at our champion pick on Ryan Ross for no reason!" Busch, "Aww cut the crap! Folks, this is mayhem! We’ll be right back!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | When the cameras come back we see Ryan Ross pacing the ring in anger. Busch, "Well folks if you’re just joining us here’s why Ryan Ross is already out here and in such a wonderful mood�? Moments Ago | Ross is part way down the ramp as DVD is on the stage. SFM is at the bottom of the ramp and Drew is in the ring. Ross, "You don’t want to take my word for it then don’t. But one of these days when the powers that be stop protecting you and you get in the ring with Me�?I promise your doubts will be washed away as you feel the Rush�?BITCH!" DVD smiles, "Bitch huh? Well feel this�? DVD Sets his title to the side and tosses the mic to the other side as he begins unbuttoning his cuffs and the crowd goes wild. David starts walking down the ramp with purpose as Ross glances from side to side looking for a way out�?Meanwhile down at the bottom of the ramp SFM slides into the ring and pops up as he and Drew begin throwing hands. Back on the ramp Ryan Ross has decided to stand his ground and when DVD arrives Ross kicks him in the knee instantly dropping him to one knee. He begins striking the side of the head of Van Dam but David wraps Ross�?legs and delivers a double leg sweep dropping him on the ramp. The crowd is going nuts. A flood of referees and security come flying down the ramp. Once they get to Ross and Van Dam the group splits in half as some continue into the ring and some stay right there and try to separate Van Dam and Ross. |  | The crowd erupts as the scene switches to the above promotional banner. Busch, "And as a result of that, next week we have got a huge main event heading into the ICWA Resurrection Pay Per View as we’ve just found out that "The Rush" Ryan Ross will be going one on one with David Van Dam in a non title contest! Folk’s that’s gonna be huge!" Marshal, "No doubt Bert, No doubt." The promotional banner stays on the Dementa-Tron but the viewers at home switch to Ross standing in the ring, his head cocked to the side as he looks up at the graphic on the tron, further anger on his face as we can read him saying "That’s bullshit!" Busch, "Well apparently Ryan Ross isn’t too thrilled with that decision from the ICWA Executive branch." "Pain" by Three Days Graces begins to play as the words "FLIPSIDE" appear on the screen. Flipside walks out slowly, stops at the top of the ramp, nods his head towards the fans, and slowly walks towards the ring, as he slaps a few hands, and smiles at some of the fans. Upon reaching the ring, and rolls in under the bottom rope, stands up, crosses his arms, and smiles while nodding once again at the fans, as Ryan wastes no time getting his hands on Flipside nailing him with a hard European uppercut to begin the match. DING DING DING!! Busch: Here we go folks, Kevin Dart our ring announcer I have never seen move so fast took off out of the ring like a flash of lightning. Look Jay, Ryan Ross really on fire right now after what just happened with the ICWA World Champion. Marshall: Why wouldnt he be. After being disrepected like that I would have been hot too!! Ryan then grabs Flipside who is still on his feet, as he locks Flipside lifting him into the air, crashing down to the mat, hard with a mist suplex. Ryan, then grabbing Flipside and dragging him into the corner as he then starts with the arsenal of attacks. Ryan, then nailing Flipside with hard knife edge chops over and over again, as Flipside is seen trying to regain the oxegyn into his lungs. Ryan then heads over to Flipside who is hunched over grabbing his chest, nailing him with a huge high impact dropkick to the chest where the stinging effect chops took effect only moments ago, as Flipside crashes down to the mat hard.
Busch: And as I said, Ryan Ross is really laying it into Flipside so far Jay!! Marshall: Well as I said, Can you really blame him? He is upset Bert, he has to take it out somewhere!! Ryan then grabs a hold of Flipside as he whips him into the ropes, as Flipside is on the way back, Ryan is right there with a huge flying calf kick sending Flipside crashing down hard to the mat. Ryan then looking down at the fallen Flipside, as he climbs on top of Flipside, sending hard right hands into his head, and face, as Flipside was not ready for this kind of assault. Ryan removes himself off the fallen Flipside, as he tries to help him back to his feet. As he does, Flipside then pushes Ryan back. Ryan coming closer to Flipside again, but Flipside is right there with a huge thumb to the eye. Ryan not able to see for a moment, as Flipside comes a charging at him, only to have Ryan, move out of the way whipping Flipside into the corner once again, and charging towards Flipside. As Flipside hits the corner, Ryan is right there with a shinning wizard to the head of Flipside, as he comes out of the corner falling face first, as Ryan catches him with a neckbreaker on the way down. Marshall: Now that was a hell of a move Bert!! Busch: Now I would have to agree with you Jay!! That was unbelievable!!! Ryan then makes sure Flipside is able to continue since the anger and the tension still inside of him is seen at its boiling point. Ryan then grabs Flipside, wraps him up and locks him into the fishermans suplex, hooking the leg. 1............2..............Flipside kicks out!!! Ryan amazed with the fight of Flipside, where he has hardly had no offense all match long. Flipside is then helped to his feet, as finally two shots to the gut from Flipside sending Ryan back a bit, then a kick to the midsection as well, as Flipside then backs off a bit as he attempts a clothesline on Ryan, only to see Ryan duck out of the way, as Flipside goes right past him. As Flipside turns around Ryan then is seen charging him for a clothesline. Flipside then ducks, grabbing the neck of Ryan and drops him into a beautiful execution of a neckbreaker. Ryan is seen holding the back of his neck, as Flipside is seen not moving a muscle. The ref is seen making the count on both of the men. 1..........2...............3................4.......................5......................6.................................7.............Flipside gets to his feet. Flipside then grabs Ryan as he hoists him high on his shoulders. Flipside then drops him down into a tilt a whirl sideslam, to the canvas, as Ryan is seen out of it more than he was before Flipside started his trek back to reality. Flipside getting to his feet rather quickly. Flipside knowing that he must take advantage now, is the only way possible Flipside then sends a couple of kicks to the head of Ryan Ross, who seems to know have been tamed. Flipside then picks him up. Flipside locks his arms around Ryan and up he goes and nails the tbone suplex. Ryan now back down on the mat as Flipside then grabs his right arm, as he locks in an armbar submission pulling on the arm more and more with every check by the referee. Flipside finally lets the hold go, as he then wrenches the arm around a good couple times then pulls Ryan in closer, nailing him with a very powerful short armed clothesline. Busch: WOW!! Flipside now in control of what was once a loose cannon in Ryan Ross!! Marshall: Yeah!! I cant believe that Flipside came back from all of that!! Unbelievable!!! Flipside still not done with what seems to be a very good offensive run. Flipside tries to get himself back focused on what he needs to do to get the win. Flipside then finally whips Ryan into the ropes, as Ryan rebounds, Flipside then ducks down, pushing Ryan's body into the air, and as Ryan comes down, the knee of Flipside is right there to greet the falling Ryan Ross. Flipside right there to make the cover on Ryan. Ref: 1............2.............Kickout!!! Flipside not happy with that attempt as he covers again. Ref: 1.............2..............Kickout!!!!!!!! Flipside knowing that he is close, as he then picks up Ryan and nails him with a snap suplex. As Ross goes up and over in the suplex we see his foot inadvertedly drive into the face of the official, knocking him down to the mat hard. We watch the official roll out to the outside floor. Busch, "The official’s been knocked out�? After Ryan hits the mat, Flipside is seen rolling over on top of him, as he is right there with another armbar of some sorts. Ryan is screaming out as Flipside continues the assault on the arm and the shoulder of Ryan. Ryan tries to push himself up to where he can get himself out of the hold, and does, as he gets to his feet. With the free arm, Ryan tosses elbows to the midsection causing Flipside to release the hold, as Ryan comes off the ropes only to be nailed with a huge spinebuster. Flipside then smiles, as Ryan has been contained. Flipside knowing that the end is near as he then locks in the move that The Nature Boy himself made famous...The figure four.... Busch: I dont know if Ryan can come back from this!!! Marshall: Come on Bert!! Ryan is tougher than that!! Busch: But Flipside has been all over Ryan like flies on crap!!! Marshall: I know that Bert, but that dont mean anything until that final bell rings. Ryan is seen trying to turn the move over, to release the pressure off of him and give it to Flipside instead. Somehow Ryan does just that, only to see Flipside once again in control still with the figure four locked into place on the legs of Ross. Ross is seen being ready to tap out but Flipside gets a bit frustrated with him not giving up as of yet. Finally Flipside is seen standing over the fallen Ryan Ross as he then shakes his head and raises his hands into the air, signaling that this match is ready to end. Busch: Does this mean Flipside is through playing games? Marshall: Must be Bert!! Maybe he can get himself a big win here in ICWA!! Flipside then looks down knowing that the legs have been weakened as he then locks in the texas cloverleaf, as he executes the hold perfectly, as well as Dean Malenko used to. Suddenly out of seemingly no where we see some one in a pair of black dress slacks and a black button up (top button unbuttoned) fly into the ring, grab Flipside by the neck and drop down hard with a modified Diamond Cutter. Busch, "What in the Hell?!" The man instantly pops up and we realize that it’s The Original Sadist James. The Rush looks up from the mat and sees James. James ignores him as we hear the fans booing. The Sadist rolls out of the ring, grabs the official off the floor, slaps his face a couple of times and slides him into the ring as the Rush pulls himself over and hooks the far leg of Flipsde. Busch, "Aww come on�? The official counts ………………………One……………………Two………………………Three! The bell sounds as Dart announces, "YOUR WINNER�?"The RUSH" Ryan ROSS!" Ross rolls out of the ring, his legs like spaghetti as James just grins, looking in at Flipside who’s holding his neck in pain. Busch, "Well Ryan Ross may have gotten the official win but he owes it to a major assist from the Sadist!" Marshal, "Every great athlete gets some assists, look at Michael Jordon." Busch, "Basketball and Singles Pro Wrestling are two very different situations." James walks around the ring and begins walking backwards up the ramp as Flipside has pulled himself up and is leaning on the second rope, holding his neck and glaring at a very arrogant James. James does the DDP "Diamond" taunt and then grabs his neck sarcastically and winks at Flipside as Flipside is breathing hard and glaring harder. The cameras fade to the back as the fans erupt upon seeing�?/P> WallStreet. WallStreet finishes his drink of water and continues walking as Busch says, "There he is, our Chairman and CEO�?And Jay, did ya know his birthday is this Friday?" Marshal, "Of course I knew! I’ve got him the perfect gift too!" Busch, "Oh yeah? What’d ya get him?" Marshal, "Higher ratings then Mick Foley’s title win, Gah-ha!" WallStreet suddenly stops walking as he raises an eyebrow. We pan around and see what he’s looking at�?It’s the door to his dressing room, but it’s slightly ajar with the lights out. WallStreet, "I know I locked that�? WallStreet glances over and sees a crowbar sitting atop of a crate in the hallway. WallStreet grabs the black crow bar and slowly approaches his dressing room door�?/P> Busch, "You think somebody’d have the fortitude to try and jump Taylor McCallister?" Marshal, "I’d hope not, but then again we do have a lot of idiots around here. It’s probably his own tag team partner�? Busch, "Oh come on, that was a one time deal of confusion." We see WallStreet suddenly jump into his dressing room and we hear somebody yell and then hit the ground. The camera goes in and the lights pop on as we see a very decorative room with a large group of people who scream "SURPRISE!" WallStreet glances around and sees a table full of wrapped presents, a table of snacks and a bunch of people, some we recognize and some we don’t, all smiling, although only briefly as they look toward WallStreet’s feet in surprise. WallStreet, who still has that crowbar clutched tightly in his right hand, glances down as we see Goldust lying unconscious in his full Golden get up. Busch, "Looks like Goldust was just on the business end of a crowbar shot." Marshal, "What do ya expect, WallStreet thought he was being attacked, not celebrated!" WallStreet shrugs, "Opps." Mark Hellion, a commentator for the Ultimate Domain (picture Fred Durst) walks through the group of people and says, "Happy Birthday Tee." WallStreet and Hellion slap hands and share a small hug as WallStreet says, "You guys shouldn’t have." Hellion says, "Stephanie sends her regards, she couldn't make it. But It’s your day brother, enjoy it." WallStreet glances over to the couch and sees an open spot between a few very attractive females, two of which are holding Champaign glasses. WallStreet smirks, "Oh don’t worry�?I will." WallStreet takes a seat and stretches his arms out around the ladies as they begin pouring him a glass and the scene begins to fade�?/P> Busch, "Well folks, don’t go anywhere�?When we get back�?/P> Busch continues, "The return match between Hope Cassidy and Jay Styles from last week�?That’s next." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | The cameras come back and we see WallStreet leaning back between the women�?There’s one rubbing his shoulders, one leaning her head on his broad chest and another has a chocolate covered strawberry and is approaching his mouth�?/P> Strawberry girl, "Want something sweet?" WallStreet grins as he says, "Oh yeah�? She giggles as she places the strawberry in his mouth to the green park, lets him bite down, and slowly draws the stem out�?Suddenly the door comes flying open as the crowd boos the arrival of a very angry Ryan Ross. Ross looks around, "What the Hell is this?!" WallStreet, "It’s a celebration. Have some Champaign." Ross, "Aww Gee bossman, I’d really like to and all except that�?I don’t have CRAP ALL to celebrate! Do you know who I am?!" WallStreet, "You look vaguely familiar." Ross, "I look "VAGUELY" Familiar?! I should look DAMN familiar since I’ve been making you more money than anybody else in this damn place for years!" WallStreet laughs, "Get off the shrooms kid, you’re hallucinating." Ross, "Oh no Wally-World, You’re the one who’s flippin lost it! You’ve got me going one on one with David Van Dam next week?!" WallStreet, "Yeah�?So?" Ross’s eyes draw wide as he says, "So? �?SO?!" Ross reaches down, grabs the edge of the snack table and flips the whole table up and over drawing some screams from some of the women. Busch, "Uh-oh." WallStreet jumps up from his seat and gets right into Ryan Ross�?face. WallStreet, "Just WHO IN THE HELL do you think you are?!" The crowd erupts as Ross puts up his hands and backs up just a step�?/P> Ross, "I didn’t come here to fight." WallStreet, "Then I’d encourage you to tell me exactly what in the Hell you did come here for, and do so in a hasty fashion." Ross, "I’m tired of being disrespected. You may or may not agree with how much money I brought in�?Fine. But you can’t contest my consistency, my loyalty and the level I maintained inside of that ring. Yet all I’ve gotten for it all is crap. I got my show time diminished by SFM, Drew Stevenson and�?David Van Dam (crowd cheers)�?And further more, I’ve got James stealing my lime light�?A very reduced level of limelight that I don’t see anymore." WallStreet, "You want limelight? You want to get some kind of "lost fame" by steppin�?to the Corporate Icon? Because if that’s what you want son, I’ll make ya famous, that’s no problem." Busch, "You can cut the tension with a knife�? Ross, "Oh yeah, you’d love that. You and I fight and then I find my release in the mail. Uh-uh, not interested. What I want is verification that this company still gives a crap about one of it’s longest reigning talents�?One of the only ICWA Originals left�?The Rush Ryan Ross. What I want is a match change for next week." WallStreet, "You made your bed with David, now you lye in it. I’m not canceling your match." Ross, "Who the Hell said anything about canceling my match�?I want the steaks uped�?I want the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line." The crowd pops as WallStreet says, "You want the title on the line�?Is that what you want?" Ross, "Oh yeah�? WallStreet, "Well then I’ll tell you what Ryan Ross�?I told David Van Dam his first title defense this season would be coming from Matt Matlock. So if you want David to put his title on the line then you go to David and you ask him to put the title on the line. If he agrees, then you got it. If not then I suggest you think very�?VERY long and hard before you consider coming back to me to try and change the match, Because I promise, if I change the match you WON’T enjoy it in the least. Goodbye Ryan Ross." Ross doesn’t look real satisfied with this decision, but since he knows he’s been on thin Ice lately he opts to turn around and leave. Busch, "The Rush not exactly endearing himself to our Chairman." We follow Ross as he walks out of the Corporate Dressing room and begins walking down the hallway�?/P> Ross, "Old bastard. I hope he chokes�? "Ryan!" Ross stops and turns around as he sees Ted Dibiase, who of course the fans boo. Ted, "You’ve had a week Ryan�?What’s the verdict?" Ryan Ross, "Ted, let me make a few things clear out of the starting gate�?I respect you. I respect you and everything you’ve done for our business. I grew up watching you in the Spectrum with the likes of Dusty Rhodes, Randy Savage, Jake Roberts, and so many others. And MJ�?MJ’s a great athlete who’s suffering the same political injustices that I am. Guys like McCallister and rest of the pompous wind bags around here who think they can hold down the raw talent that men like Ryan Ross and MJ Storm posses�?But Ted, the fact of the matter is simply this; I go to the beat of my own drummer. It’s nothing personal, and I’m not saying we can’t work together here and there, but as far as actually being a part of the Million Dollar Corporation�?I’m sorry man, I’m just not interested." The crowd actually cheers that decision. Busch, "Well I’ll be damned�?Ryan Ross had an opportunity to do things the easy way and he turned it down." Marshal, "He’s his own man. I’m not knockin�?the Million Dollar Corporation, but in general the team thing is a little over done. Ted nods, "Alright Ryan�?I can respect that. But if you change your mind, I’ll make the price right kid. That much I guarantee. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Ryan smirks as the cameras switch over to the parking garage as we see a black ford explorer pulling in. Busch, "There ya see the arena parking area for the Times Union Center here in Albany New York�? The break lights come on before the vehicle turns off. We see the passenger side door draw open and see a petite brunette woman step out. A few fans may recognize her as being the woman who was with Matt Matlock last week. She begins walking toward the back of the Explorer and when she gets there she meets up with a blue jeaned, orange muscle shirted (Holy crap, according to Microsoft Word "shirted" really is a word K) Matt Matlock. Matlock draws open the back of the explorer and grabs an orange duffle bag with a black "Nike" Logo very visibly embroidered. Matlock grabs the bag with his left hand and with his right arm he gives the girl an embrace before grabbing her hand in his and starting toward the arena. She’s smiling as Matlock just kinda looks like�?Well�?Matlock. Busch, "Later tonight he teams up with David Van Dam to face off against WallStreet and Christian Skywalker�?But the question on everybody’s mind after last week is, can he and Van Dam get along�? Last Week | A custom made ICWA Instrumental begins playing as the following footage begins�?/P> X Bomb darts for Matlock looking for a spear but Matlock side steps, hooks the biceps and drops down nailing an inadverted Double Arm DDT. Busch, " ANIMAL INSTINCTS! ANIMAL INSTINCTS! BAH GAWD !" The crowd is going wild as Matlock rolls him over and hooks the far leg and Tim White drops down and counts�?/P> Crowd & White: ONE…………………TWO………………THREE! The bell sounds as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" blasts over the PA. Dart, " YOUR WINNER�?MAAAAAAAAAATT MAT-LOCKKKKKKKK!" The crowd erupts as Tim White raises Matlock’s arm in the air. David, " That was impressive. Matt really turned it up in the forth quarter and showed exactly why he is the number one contender to the most prestigious championship in the world today, the ICWA World Heavyweight championship." Busch, "Absolutely. X Bomb looked as good as he’s ever looked, but Matlock looked that much better and champ, I think you’re fixin to have a real challenge on your hands at ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the wolf." David, "No question Bert. Matt’s going to come and he’s going to come hard. It’s gonna be a match for the ages." Back in the ring X Bomb suddenly rushes up from behind and drives a hard double axe handle into the back of Matlock, dropping him in the center of the ring. The crowd starts to boo as Matlock’s theme fades and the bell begins to sound. X Bomb doesn’t seem to care though as he starts laying in hard boots to the upper torso of Matlock. ______________________________________________________ We hear the roaring crowd as David runs up behind X Bomb, hooks a rear waist lock, and pops back nailing a huge German suplex. The crowd erupts as X Bomb pulls himself up and runs back at David Van Dam looking for a big clothesline. The champion ducks under, spins around and hooks the arm and leg before popping up and nailing a huge Last Chance (Olympic Slam). Busch, " YES! The champion went in and made the save!" David pulls off his sweet shirt and tosses it to the side before he reaches down, grabs X Bomb’s ankle, and begins to twist drawing a huge pop from the crowd. Busch, " ANKLE LOCK! ANKLE LOCK! DAVID VAN DAM’S GOT X BOMB IN THE ANKLE LOCK!" He holds it momentarily before he finally releases, making his point, and lets X Bomb roll to the floor holding his ankle. David glares down toward X Bomb for a minute before he turns around to see Matlock pulling himself up on the opposite of the ring. David walks back over as Matlock heads toward center ring as well. David, " You alright?" Matlock shoves David, drawing a small bit of boos. {The music suddenly gets intense as we see the scene go back and we watch that shove from Matlock to Van Dam again in slow motion, hearing a slow-mo grunt from Matlock as he shoves Van Dam] Busch, "What the�? Matlock, " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" {Slow motion we re-hear Matlock yell " WH-AT____THE___HELL___WAS____TH-AT?!" David seems confused, " What was what?" Matlock, " YOU KNOW WHAT! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" David puts his hands up, showing that he doesn’t understand what Matlock’s talking about. Matlock balls up his right hand and nails a huge fist to the jaw of Van Dam, dropping him hard on his ass as the crowd boos. {We go back and watch that right hand nail David again, but in slow motion} David holds his jaw and looks up at Matlock like he must have lost his mind. Matlock just seems pissed off as he shakes his head, drops down, and rolls out of the ring. "Born with Nothing, Die With Everything" blasts over the PA as the crowd is booing. David, still sitting, puts out his arms as to say "What the fuck dude". Busch, " What the Hell was that?! What’s going on with Pure Perfection?!" Matlock turns around and looks at David, Shaking his head in disgust before turning back around and heading up the ramp. Busch, " David doesn’t seem to understand�?I don’t understand�?What the�?I�?Well�?Next week they’ve gotta team up against WallStreet and Skywalker�?How in the Hell�?I don’t know�? The cameras fade on Van Dam’s misunderstanding look as he’s on his ass in the ring. | *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | Last Week | "The Following is the Nike "Re-Run" of the Week�? We see Hope on her feet but seemingly dazed and confused as Jay Styles seems to be looking sharp. Figuring the kickout was just one last bit of luck on Hope Cassidy’s part, Styles moves in for the kill. He goes a Bodyslam, but she’s got him fooled. Instead , she rolls him up into a Modified Small Package. Now, both wrestlers�?shoulders are on the mat. The referee drops down and makes the count. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Three! Hope Cassidy thinks she’s won, but soon learns otherwise. Kevin Dart: "As a result of a double countout, this match will end in a draw!" Busch: "I don’t believe it! Hope Cassidy and Jay Styles were both counted out! This one’s gonna be a draw!" We looks at Jay and Hope who both have faces of shock and are debating the official, but to no avail. ____________________________________________________ That was the ICWA Nike Re-Run�?Nike, The Second Coming. 
| The screen fades in show the packed arena, the crowd jumping to their feet and exploding with cheers as The opening beats to the Pussycat Doll’s "Dontcha" hit the sound system and a large base with a silver pole starts to descend slowly from the ceiling above the stage. As the music continues Hope is seen wrapping herself around the pole slowly, teasing the crowd by slightly opening her long black trench coat and leaning right over for a great cleavage shot. As she reaches the stage she throws her coat to the floor, swings around the pole and slides down with her back to the pole one last time. The chorus kicks in and a stunning Hope Cassidy in her usual wrestling gear makes her way down the ramp as the crowd chant her name. Dart, "Laaadies and Gentlemen, The following contest has a Ten minute time limit and is scheduled for ONEFALL! Introducing first, from Boston Massachusetts�?HOPE_CASSIDY!" Hope flashes one of her winning smiles before hopping up into a sitting position on the ring apron, facing the stage. After a quick Basic Instinct style flash Hope rolls underneath the bottom rope, Hope hops up to her feet posing for the crowd as she walks to one corner, her smiling seeming to focus on the crowd only the intensity of her eyes giving away the fact that her attention lays on the match to come. Busch- Ladies and gentlemen, for those of you who didn’t join us last week this is a rematch between Jay styles and Hope Cassidy. For those of you who don’t know these two had a tough match last week which ended in a double count out. Now theres no star in the ICWA who will settle for that kind of outcome so here they are to settle it once and for all. Marshall- oh joy. They can’t be satisfied with ruining one week for me they have go to and try for a second. Marshall is cut off as "Enter Sandman" Blares over the speakers the Crowd cheering as the arena is plunged into Darkness., the lights along the ramp illuminating the smoke that slowly filters out from the curtain covering the stage and the ramp. The crowd is again on their feet as a red spotlight hits the curtain just as Jay Styles walks through to the thundering roar of the crowd. Dart, "On his way to the ring from Memphis Tennessee�?He weighs in this evening at 212 Pounds�?He is JAY_STTTTTTTTTYLES!!" He quickly makes his way down the ramp, slapping the hands of a few fans as he passes by before rolling into the ring and coming quickly to his feet the two competitors staring each other down as the crowd cheers. The Chants switching back and forth from styles to Hope as the crowd can’t seem to make up there mind. Busch- looks like the crowd doesn’t really care who wins as long as these two are putting on one hell of a match Marshall- For once Bert I totally agree with you. I just hope these people can remain calm when just like last week I and everyone else am left unimpressed. Hope and Styles continue to stare at each other for a moment, each one taking a couple steps to close the gap between them. The crowd can barely contain their excitement as the two circle each other, obviously remembering what happened the last match and trying to remember the weakness�?of their opponent. Both step forward looking for the tie-up or at Least Styles is looking for it as he steps in only for hope to duck under one arm stepping quickly behind him and nailing a hard dropkick right to the shoulder blades sending Styles falling forward. Jay hits the mat hard and rolls coming back to his feet quickly and wasting no time as he charges at Hope, who jumps into the air looking for another dropkick which styles barely manages to sidestep. Hope hits the mat and rolls out of the way, just barely avoiding a quick elbow drop from styles. Both are quickly back on their feet only inches form each other. Styles kicks out obviously looking for a setup for the ddt. The kick never comes close however as Hope snatches the kick out of the air infront of her, bringing her other hand up from underneath and catching styles hard under the knee, twisting and pulling off a quick dragonscrew. Styles wastes no time in bounding back to his feet, stepping in quickly to grab hope who grab the arm, obviously looking for the armdrag. Styles locks the back at the last moment to keep from going over, his other arm swinging out and catching hope in the stomach, doubling her over as he steps across locking her other arm with his and hitting a hard Double arm suplex. Styles quickly scrambles looking for the cover and gets only a one off of it as hope easily gets the shoulder up. Busch- Styles looking to put this one away early but obviously hope has other plans tonight. In the ring both hope and Styles are back to their feet. Styles steps in looking to try and actually tie-up this time. Again hope goes to duck under the arm, Styles however obviously see this coming as he spins, grabbing her as she goes to hit his back and hitting a quick belly to belly sending hope crashing yet again to the mat. Styles wastes no time and quickly pulls her back to her feet Irish whipping her to the ropes catching her as she rebounds and sending her flying across the ring with a double overhand suplex. Styles is obviously feeling the pump of the crowd as he quickly pulls Hope to her feet again, sending her hard to the turnbuckle and charging forward, arm out for a hard clothesline. Styles reels as instead he gets a hard double boot to the face. Stumbling back a couple paces with a hand going to his nose for a moment to make sure his nose isn’t broken. Hope locks her hands on the top rope, taking advantage of this moment to hop up to the top rope and flying nailing Styles with a hard cross-body and sending them both careening to the mat. The crowd is going nuts as both Hope and Styles slowly regain their feet Styles obviously the fresher of the two as he finds a little extra energy and charges forward catching Hope with a quick clothesline, bouncing off the ropes and catching her with a second just as she regains her feet. He bounces off the ropes again this time throwing the arms wide and catching hope in his grasp, spinning and hitting a hard running belly to belly, slamming her to the mat and hooking the leg for the cover 1�?. only two as Hope manages to throw the shoulder up. Jay seeming a little surprised as he grabs her head and slowly pulls her back to her feet. Kicking out and hitting her hard in the stomach before stepping in, grabbing the Head and looking for the DDT, Hope is in a bad spots and reacts with the only chance she has. Hope stamps down on the foot of styles, the surprise of the move causing him to loosen the grip on her head as she throws the arms wide, reaching up and grabbing each side of his head as he puts her own head right under his Jaw and dropping to her knees for a quick Jawbreaker. Styles stumbles back from the unexpected move, shaking his head to try and clear the cobwebs as Hope seizes the moment and jumps up, plowing both feet right into the face of styles and sending him flying back against the ropes. Hope charges again, catching him on the ropes with another cross body and sending both of them to the outside. The crowd seeming as if they intend to tear the roof from the arena with their screams. As both Hope and styles lay on the out side as the ref counts. 1�?�?�?�?both hope and styles are up to a knee, Hope reaches out and dropping a forearm across the back of the shoulders of styles. Hitting a second and a third as she gains more momentum. Styles stealing her energy from her as he suddenly pops up to his feet kicking her in the gut and quickly hitting that DDT that he has been looking for all match. The ref is now up to 7 as Styles rolls into the ring and back out to break up the count. Slowly pulling hope to her feet he puts her on the apron and rolls her to the ring. Styles slowly moves to the corner, obviously feeling the effects of the match slightly as he slowly starts to climb the turnbuckle, looking back at hope to make sure that she is not recovering to quickly he nods a little as he sees her just starting to stir and slowly pulls himself up to the top of the turnbuckle. Turning to regard hope who is now on a knee he stands, both hands out wide as his knees bend slightly. Hope gets to her feet and turns just into time to see styles flying through the air looking for a incredible missile dropkick. And finding nothing but Pain as Hope falls onto her back, narrowly missing the move. Styles crashes hard to the mat and lays there obviously trying to catch his breath as hope moves quickly, Dropping several hard elbows onto her prone opponent. Hope pulls Jay up and grabs him by the wrist, quickly pressing him to the rampside ropes before whipping him across to the commentary side. Hope bends over in the middle of the ring, telegraphing a back body drop but Jay catches it and jumps up into the air and turns in mid air, droping a leg over Hope’s neck in a modified Fame Asser�?/FONT> Busch, "STYLES FLOP! STYLES FLOPS! THIS ONE COULD BE OVER!" The crowd is on their feet as Jay rolls Hope over and hooks the far leg. The official drops down to count …………………One……�?DING DING DING�?/FONT> Referee Chris Martin hits two but stops counting after he hears the bell. Styles pops up to his knees confused as Martin goes over to the commentary side of the ring to consult with ICWA Ring Announcer Kevin Dart and ICWA Time Keeper Mike Marks. Busch, "Well I’m not sure what’s going on here�?Jay Styles hit that Style’s Flop and it looked like he was a three count away from victory but�?The bell sounded before the count finished�? After some deliberation the Official and Time Keeper come to an understanding. Kevin Dart gets his facts straight as Hope and Jay are both on their feet in the ring (Hope holding her neck) as they try and figure out what’s going on�?/P> Kevin Dart, "Laaadies and Gentlemen�?This contest has gone to the full extent of the ten minute TV Time Limit! As a result this contest is a DRAW!" The crowd boos as Jay and Hope both sigh in frustration. Busch, "A Time Limit Draw! Bah God Jay, these two great athletes have gone for two straight draws! What a great match up! The fans aren’t happy with the decision and I don’t think Jay and Hope are either but bah gawd, how often do ya see something like this?" The cameras switch to the back where we see Summer Stratus looking into a lockeroom doorway, although she only has the door cracked open. Summer, "Alright, I’ll introduce you�?Remember, she can’t win. I don’t care what you have to do, hurt her, end her, do whatever you have too�?Just WIN!" Summer shuts the door and gets and evil grin, "We’ll see if that bottom feeder gets to Resurrection to face me." Summer (Good Side), "She’s not a bottom feeder�? Summer, "You sush!" Summer rolls her eyes and walks off as Busch says, "Erm�?Anyway�?When we come back�?/P> Busch continues, "Heather McMahon enters the semi final round of the Summer Stratus Invitational against a world class mystery athlete of Summer’s choosing�?That’s comin up next." Straight out of Line by Godsmack plays in the background as we fade on the image of the match banner. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | The cameras return from the break as we see Matt Matlock and his lady friend walking through the back. They suddenly come to a dead stop as the camera pans back and see�?David Van Dam. The crowd pops but neither Matt nor David seem real ecstatic. Busch, "This is the first time these two have seen each other since their encounter last week�? David, "We need to talk." Matt looks at his girl, then at David�?He releases her hand and nods, "Yeah." David turns and starts to walk away as Matt gives the girl a kiss on the cheek and says, "I’ll be back soon Jessie." The woman, who we’ve realized is named Jessie, smiles and nods as Matt walks the same way as David and the cameras fade to the ring. Busch, "Well hopefully those two great performers are gonna get themselves back on track as a team, and more importantly, as friends." Marshal, "They can be best buds if they want, but come March 25th at Madison Square Garden there are no friends, there are no "pals", "Buddies", Whatever�?There’s simply the ICWA Undisputed Heavyweight Wrestling Championship of the World." Busch, "No doubt about it, that’s what it comes down to at ICWA Resurrection Three: Howl of the Wolf just two weeks away on Pay Per View." "Brackish" by Kittie hits and Heather McMahon appears on the top of the ramp. Busch, "Speaking of big time title matches at "Howl of the Wolf"�?Here’s Heather McMahon, who’s competing for her opportunity to try and challenge Summer Stratus for the ICWA Women’s championship at the Pay Per View on March 25th." She smirks as she looks around at the cheering crowd. She then puts her hands in the air and lowers them as she starts to make her way down to the ring. She smiles and waves at the fans as they hold up signs with her name on them. She gets patted on the back a few times. She then walks over to the steel stairs and walks up them. She walks onto the side of the apron and gets into the ring through the bottem ropes. She walks into the middle and holds her hands high as the crowd cheers. Dart: In the ring, from Greenwich, Conneticut, and weighing in at one hundred and thirty two pounds, Heather McMahon!! "Brackish" cuts out as Nelly's "Hot In Herre" starts to play. The Demented audience showing their disproval by showering her with boos. Summer just stands on the ramp, not dressed to wrestle, and with microphone in hand. Summer: Welcome to the Summer Stratus Invitational ladies and gentlemen! Heather, are you ready to face your second challenge? Well, this one should be a little more of a challenge for you. She is one of the most dominate women in the United Kingdom's wrestling circuit, becoming a one-time BWA Women's Champion, a one-time BWA Television Champion, EWR Women's Champion and Diva of the Year for 2006 in EWR. As well as competing in some barrier breaking matches for women, such as ladder, hardcore, steel cage, street fights and an Ultimate X match. From Kiama, New South Wales, Australia, weighing in at one hundred and fifty-six pounds, Lady Mystique!!!! "Split Personality" by Pink hits the pa system and coming through the black curtain is Lady Mystique herself as she has an evil smirk on her face and she's holding her signature weapon, a trash can lid. She gets to the steel steps and gets into the ring and threatens Heather with the lid before setting it down in the corner as Summer Stratus has made her way down to the ring. She stands in the corner glaring at Heather as the referee calls for the bell and the match gets underway. Busch, "This should be an interesting one�?Lady Mystique very well known in the UK and Australia. Her recognition level may not be through the roof here in the United States but make no mistake about it folks, Lady Mystique certainly meets the qualifications of a World Class Athlete." Heather stands in the center of the ring, and she waits for Lady Mystique to come to the center of the ring. Lady Mystique struts up to her, and makes a motion towards her face, and yelling "Hit Me!" Heather seems confused but she does what Lady Mystique asked and nailed her with a right hook to the jaw. Lady Mystique staggered back a couple feet, but then walked up to Heather again, and said "Hit me again!" Heather sighed as she threw a left hook to the jaw, showing she could use both hands. Lady Mystique staggered back again, but when she stopped, she flicked back her raven haired locks, to reveal a psychotic smile on her face. Heather went slightly bug-eyed but then charged at Lady Mystique with a clothesline, but Lady Mystique stepped to the side, and grabbed Heather's arm, then kicking her in the gut to send Heather down to her knees and Lady Mystique kicked her hard in the gut a couple more times while holding onto the arm. She then abruptly let go, and headed towards the corner, climbing up to the top, sitting on the turnbuckle and laughing at Heather. Busch, "A very unique individual is this Lady Mystique." Heather gets up rubbing her stomach and sees Lady Mystique sitting on the top turnbuckle. Lady Mystique hops down, but Heather had charged at her, and splashed her into the corner. Lady Mystique groaned in pain, and Heather gave her a chop right to the chest. Lady Mystique brought up her arms to her chest, and Heather takes one of them, and whips her to the other corner. Lady Mystique hits it chest first, staggering out of it. She gets spun around by Heather who kicks her hard in the gut and brings Lady Mystique's head under her arm before taking her down with a DDT. Heather quickly follows up with an elbow drop, and another before turning towards Summer and taunting her, which infuriates Summer. Heather then turns around, and lifts Lady Mystique up, looking for a suplex but Lady Mystique slips out of it and lands right behind Heather. Heather turns around and only is quick enough to see Lady Mystique going for and connecting with her Mystery Kick (Chick Kick). Heather falls down to the mat, and Lady Mystique first taunts the crowd, then places one foot on Heather's chest in a cocky pin as the referee drops down and makes the count, 1......2...Heather shoots the shoulder up! Busch, "Heather McMahon gets the shoulder up at two and keeps her women’s title opportunity near by." Heather rolls away when Lady Mystique goes for a stomp, and Lady Mystique then goes over to Heather, looking to pick her up when Heather quickly grabs her jaw and hits a jawbreaker. Lady Mystique staggers back, and Heather goes over to the ropes to help her up and then bounces off them, and nails Lady Mystique with a clothesline. Lady Mystique goes down hard to the mat, and Heather follows it up quickly by picking her up into a doubled over position and nailing a neckbreaker. She picks up Lady Mystique again, and gives her a quick snap suplex which she floats into the pin with as the referee comes down for the count, 1.......2....Lady Mystique gets the shoulder up. Heather gets up and drops the elbow again on Lady Mystique before motioning towards the corner. She goes over to it and climbs up, but then Summer Stratus climbs on the apron to distract her which brings the referee over, who yells Summer down off the apron. Heather still sees Lady Mystique down on the mat, and jumps off for a moonsault but Lady Mystique rolls out of the way, and Heather crashes and burns! Lady Mystique goes towards the corner, and uses it to help herself up as she goes over to Heather, and gives her a scoop slam in front of the other corner. She climbs up to the top turnbuckle and taunts the crowd which boos her loudly and then gives Heather the thumbs up for her finisher The Wreckoning (450 Splash). She jumps off but Heather brings her knees up and Lady Mystique lands right on them and bounces off grabbing her ribs. Busch, "Big time reversal by Heather McMahon�?that could change the direction of this contest as Heather would certainly hope." Heather gets up and she waits for Lady Mystique to get back up and when she does, both women begin to trade punches back and forth. Then Heather begins to build up a head of steam, and hits more punches before whipping Lady Mystique to the ropes. She bounces off and Heather catches her in the gut with a high knee. Lady Mystique doubles over in extreme pain from that and the knees she endured earlier and Heather brings her head between Heather's legs. Heather then brings her up, past the powerbomb position and hits The Downfall (Widow's Preak) on Lady Mystique. She then rolls Lady Mystique over, and goes for the count, 1.......2......3! The referee calls for the bell as "Brackish" hits the pa system and the voice of Kevin Dart can be heard. Dart: The winner of this match, Heather McMahon!!!!!! Summer slams her hands on the canvas in frustration as Heather rolls out of the ring and referee Ken Martel follows, raising her arm on the floor. Busch, "Well Heather McMahon’s done it again! She’s got one more hurdle to jump and then she’s on the first thing smokin�?to New York City for ICWA Resurrection Three, Howl of the Wolf!" Marshal, "Yeah, well you can bet that whoever Summer picks next week is gonna be the trump card Berttie!" The cameras switch to the back as the fans cheer the site of their heavyweight champion David Van Dam and their number one contender Matt Matlock. David and Matlock are eye to eye, neither giving an inch. Busch, "There’s Pure Perfection�?They are of course slated to take on Christian Skywalker and Mr. McCallister in that huge return tonight�? David nods, "Alright man, I feel ya." David extends his hand and Matlock accepts it as the two shake hands, bring each other in, and share a small embrace which draws a solid reaction from the crowd. Busch, "Oh Boy! It looks like Matlock and Van Dam are back on the same page! That doesn’t bid well for the former US Champion and our Chairman!" "Heh-hmm." David and Matlock turn around as the camera pans out and the fans begin booing upon the site of Ryan Ross. David, "What do you want?" Ross, "Some respect, some recognition, my rightfully deserved spoils for the blood and sweat I’ve left on that ICWA Canvas�?And the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." David, "I respect ya as a fellow ICWA Ultrastar and a great in ring performer�?I recognize you and what you’ve done in the past for this great organization�?And if by spoils you mean cash, I’ll even buy your T Shirt. But as far as the ICWA World Heavyweight title is concerned�?Well that belongs to me kid. And if you want that�?(David steps closer, nose to nose as he stares straight into Ryan’s eyes) You’ll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers." The crowd erupts as Busch says, "And Bah God he means that folks!" Ross doesn’t back down a step as he says, "Ironicly David, it appears I have the opportunity to do just that. Because you see, next week on Demented I’ve been booked to meet you one on one�?And I went to Taylor and requested that you be forced to put your ICWA World Heavyweight title on the line�? David, "Oh yeah? What’d he say?" Matlock chimes in, clearly having a vested interest, as he says, "Yeah Ross, what’d he say?" Ross, "Well�?He said that it was up to you David. So what do ya say Van Dam? All that crap about being the best there is�?All the talk�?Is it just that David? Is it simply "Talk"? Or are ya willing to back it up and put that title on the line next week?" David doesn’t hesitate as he says, "Oh I’ll back it up Ryan�?I’ll back up every word. You want the championship on the line next week? YOU GOT IT!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "WHAT?! THAT’S HUGE!" David doesn’t move his stare as he says, "But you better come with a game like you have NEVER came with before�?Because if you don’t, This won’t just be the biggest match of your career�?It’ll be the LAST." Ryan smirks, "Oh don’t you worry David�?You’ll get the best I’ve got, and in turn, I’ll get the title of being the best there is as I obtain the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." Ryan nods as he turns (satisfied with how that worked out) and walks away. David just stares at the back of his head as Matlock is behind David, his eyes about out of his head as his head’s cocked to the side and he has a look of both shock and anger on his face as he looks at David�? *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | The cameras hit the stage as the Dementa-tron lights up with flames and a cross slowly fades in on the screen. Blue laser lights shoot out from the Dementa-Tron circling through the crowd. A couple of seconds later red lasers shoot out from the stage hitting the ring. After a moment the arena goes black as a voice comes over the PA. Voice: I can hear what your thinking all your doubts and fears and if you look in my eyes in time you'll find the reason I'm here. And in time all things shall pass away and in time you may come back someday. To live once more or die once more, but in time your time'll be over As the words fade over the PA. blue and red smoke begins to role over the entrance way as six men walk out from under the smoke and line up down the ramp standing across from each other. They reach under there cloaks and each pull a single large cross out and hold it high above their heads as "King of Kings" by Motorhead begins to play. The lights come on dimly in the arena as a figure appears under the red and blue smoke. Motorhead: Behold the King, the King of Kings. On your knees dog. All hail. The figure bows its head before stepping out from under the smoke and raises his hands high in the air as the fans erupt with boos at the sight of SFM on the stage. SFM looks left and then right as he lowers his arms and starts down the ramp walking under the crosses held above his head by the cloaked men. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Dart, " LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! The Following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a thirty minute time limit! Introducing First�?Making his way from the SOUTH PARK SECTION of HOUSTON Texas�?He weighs in this evening at 238 Pounds�?SEAN_FRRROST_MANN!" As SFM reaches the ring steps he goes two steps up before stopping and turning towards the fans and shooting them a cocky smile before continuing up the ring steps and standing on the ring apron. SFM turns once again resting his back against the ropes and raising his hands high above his head Motorhead: The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze, Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood, He tasted his grin and it tasted good. The King took his head. Left him broken and dead. SFM turns and ducks under the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and shoots the fans another cocky smile as he raises his hand and points at a turnbuckle and red pyro explodes out of it. He points at a second turnbuckle and a blue pyro explodes. A red explodes from the thrid and a blue from the forth. Motorhead: Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. SFM raise his hands above his head and lowers his head as his hair falls down covering his face. He brings his hands down as red and blue pyros explode from all four turnbuckles and his music fades as SFM waits for The Emerald. Busch, " No doubt ladies and gentlemen, we are on the verge of what they call a "Wrestling Clinic" with this next contest. A Contest that is being brought to us courtesy of..." Busch, "Mountain Dew�?Do the Dew." Marshal, "And you can enjoy that cold, refreshing, Mountain Dew while helping yourself to a tasty, meat filled Stacker from�?/P> Marshal, "Burger King! Feeling hungry? Go to Burger King where you can Have It your Way, Right Away. Burger King." Busch, "Burger King and Mountain Dew�?You can’t go wrong." Marshal, "No doubt, No Doubt." The arena lights suddenly just shut off consuming the arena into complete darkness. The sudden engulfing of a massive bright spotlight shines down onto the entry area, the fans try looking through it but it is far too bright to see through it with the naked eye. Suddenly, the public address sound system comes on playing ''Burning Bright'' by Shinedown just as the stage is still engulfed in the massive light. After a few seconds, the spotlight begins fading away and the arena lights return to life as there stands Drew Stevenson with his hands on his hips just looking out nodding as these fans cheer him; he just begins walking down the aisle sporting his usual attire which consists of dark green Chute Boxe style shorts, dark green kneepads, boots and his hands taped up in dark green tape as well. Dart, " And the opponent... Making his way from Seymour Missouri, weighing in at 250 Pounds... He is The EMERALD... Drew_STTTEVENSONNN!" He begins walkng down the aisle until he gets down to the ring, he quickly rolls into the ring from under the bottom rope immediately getting back to his feet just pacing the ring simply awaiting for the bell to ring thus getting this match underway. Busch, " These two well rounded athletes getting ready like two lions fighting for supremacy of the pack. Drew Stevenson undoubtably playing the roll of the younger, hungry lion trying to take his spot from the older, established lion." Marshal, "Older maybe, Wiser definitly. And that combined with the fact that SFM isn't distracted by these morons or what they think will provide the necessary advantages to lead SFM to victory tonight and to lead SFM and MJ Storm to victory at ICWA Resurrection III for the ICWA Tag Team championships." Busch, "Well I reckon we're fixin to get a little insight here tonight; No doubt about it." With that said ICWA Vice Senior referee Shawn Cain calls for the opening bell as the two in ring performers begin slowly circling each other. Busch, " For those of you just tunning in you may notice that the American Dream Dusty Rhodes is absent from ringside. Drew of course made it perfectly clear earlier tonight that he didn't want there to be any excuses this week as he asked the Dream to stay in the back for this one. To SFM's credit, he too has come to the ring on his own as you see that the Million Dollar Corporation are also absent from ringside." Marshal, "Of course they are Bert! SFM doesn't need a group of guys to support him, he's the Icon of Icons. He's gonna get it done all on his own." With that said we see SFM calling Drew to come in to a grapple. Drew hesitates breifly but decides to dart in. As he does SFM shoots forward with a double finger eye poke, making Drew instantly stop in his tracks, grab his eyes, and spin around holding his eyes in pain. The crowd boos as SFM wastes no time grabbing a fist full of Drew's hair, charging to the corner and bouncing his face off the top turnbuckle, making Drew's neck bounce back before he rolls and lands his back against the turnbuckles. Busch, " Didn't take long for SFM to start with the short cuts." Marshal, "Whether ya take the long road or the short one, ya still reach the same destination and you reserve some miles on the ol engine when ya take the short cuts. Nothin' wrong with that." Busch, "No... not if it's a Buick and a Sunday drive, but this is an ICWA Hall of Fame athlete and you can rest well assured this ain't no sunday drive." Back in the corner SFM grabs a hold of the arm, pushes his weight against the Emerald, and then pulls back sending Stevenson zipping across the ring with a hard Irish Whip. Drew hits the corner hard back first as from the opposing side SFM begins running across the ring... Frost Mann leaps up into the air and connects with a hard High Body Avalanche (Stinger Splash) and bounces off as Drew grabs his chest and starts staggering out of the corner. As Drew staggers out, SFM bounces off the nearest ropes for added momentum, catches Drew's head with a tight side headlock and slides down to the mat using his weight and momentum to drive the Emerald down and keep him grounded as SFM's on his ass holding in a tightly applied side headlock to Drew Stevenson, who is on his chest. Busch, " Solid Side headlock into a Bulldog like take down except in that he has maintained the headlock and appears to be attempting to apply the pressure to the neck and cranium of the number one contender to the Tag Team titles." SFM's holding in that side headlock on a grounded Drew Stevenson. Drew kicks his feet around a little bit trying to muster enough strength to get out of the side headlock. Drew finally draws his legs under him and keeps his knees far apart from each other, creating a wide base or foundation if you will in order to attempt to make an escape or at least get up off the mat. SFM maintains the headlock but as he does Drew grabs a hold of the Mexican Messiah's wrists and starts to push upward, forcing Sean Frost Mann to begin climbing to a knee in order to maintain a clear leverage advantage. The Emerald continues applying the pressure to the locked hands of the ICWA Hall of Famer as the fans are getting strongly behind Stevenson, clapping rapidly to encourage him. Drew pushes himself up to his feet, thus forcing SFM to do the same. Drew continues pushing up on the locked hands of SFM. Stevenson slowly forces SFM's arms up and spins his body while holding SFM's locked hands up over his head, thus facing SFM. Stevenson swings his leg behind Frost Mann's legs and at the same time pushes the elevated wrists of SFM, thus tripping the self proclaimed Icon down to the mat. The Emerald instantly drops down and locks in a front facelock on the seasoned Vet, extending his knees as far back and away as he can to provide a wide, very difficult to resist, base. Busch, " Great ring posture from Drew Stevenson. You can really see the advanced mat wrestling skills of Drew Stevenson coming into play." Marshal, "You'll never hear me clame that Drew Stevenson isn't an incredible mat wrestler, but that doesn't change the fact that he's on the opposite side of the ring from an ICWA Hall of Famer and a man who's willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. You can be the greatest mat wrestler in the world, but if you aren't willing to capitalize at the right time because of some silly concept of professional or athletic ethics you have, then it doesn't matter." SFM reaches up based solely on instinct (as his face is down in the mat) and grabs a fist full of Stevenson's long golden locks, pulling his head back and torking his neck a little while also yanking at his hair. Cain gets down there and demands that SFM release the hair. SFM doesn't acknowledge the official, so the official demands a mutual break. Drew starts to release the front facelock but as he does SFM pops up, bringing both men to their feet before SFM drives a knee into the testicular region of Drew Stevenson. The crowd boos as Drew doubles over and SFM smirks. Busch, " SFM going low with that knee, not that-that should bid as any surprise." Marshal, "Of course not. Because SFM is a smart competitor, he does what needs to be done." Busch, "Yeah. He cheats." Marshal, "To-mate-oh, Ta-mot-oh. SFM hooks Drew with the Vertical Suplex grapple before snapping back, taking Drew over with a snap suplex. SFM floats over and offers a basic lateral press cover. Cain drops down and counts ..........One...........Two... Just two as Stevenson powers out. SFM places his hand around Stevenson's throat and starts blatantly choking him as Cain is pulling himself up from counting. Cain looks and sees the choke and immediatly begins demanding the break. He then begins to apply his count ....One...Two....Three...Four SFM breaks and puts his hands up as to suggest he's innocent of any wrong doing as Drew grabs his own throat with both hands, gasping to regain his breath as the fans are still booing. Busch, " What a blatant choke." Marshal, "I don't think Drew's choking himself, I think he's just nursing a sore throat." Busch, ".... I meant from SFM to Stevenson..." Marshal, "Pfft, what match are you watching?" Back in the ring SFM is on his feet as Drew's rolling to his knees. Drew starts pulling himself up and as he does SFM grabs a hold of his hair, aiding him in the process. SFM goes to hook Drew for another Vertical suplex but as he does Drew immediatly breaks the grapple, hooks the leg and the neck and sends him sailing with a huge T Bone suplex drawing a huge reaction from the crowd as both men are now down on the mat. Busch, " What a suplex! Both men down on the mat... We'll be right back." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | The following portion of the match was only seen by those in live attendence. The crowd is on their feet as SFM's wincing in pain and Drew is breathing a little more heavy then usual, clearly trying to regain his composure after the less than noble offensive streak of his adversary. Cain ducks down and checks on SFM, then darts over and checks on Drew... Busch, " Ya still with me Jay?" Marshal, "Yeah, I'm good Bert." Busch, "Ya look like Hell kid." Marshal, "This fuckin cold is workin' me stiffer then X Bomb." Busch, "Well ya better get well soon, looks like we're going it alone for a while." Marshal, "That's too bad, Image and I had good chemistry together." Busch, "Yeah, she certainly added a flare to things. I think with you having maintained such a sexist gimmick for so long and having a proud Women's champion here with us... It really did good things. You two worked well off each other." Marshal, "Yeah... Well, shit happens." Back in the ring the official had began his count. He's up to six... Seven... Eight... At eight we see Drew roll to a knee as SFM starts pulling on the ropes. ......Nine..... Drew and SFM Both just get to their feet as the crowd lets out a small cheer. SFM charges Stevenson but Stevenson grabs his neck and takes him over with a side snap mare take down, immediatly followed into a reverse chin lock as Drew stays on a knee and SFM stays on his ass. Marshal, " Good take down. I like the way D.S. and Mex work with each other." Busch, "Yeah. This is a great year in terms of our talent pool. We've got a few guys who have a real legit feel about em and provide a big match atmospher to anything they touch. Guys like Drew and Davey Van Dam." Marshal, "I remember when that was my job, to bring the big fight atmospher to things. Ya know I was going through some of my DVDs because I like to watch guys like the Bobby Heanen's and the Jerry Lawlers, the Tazes, even Raven's commentary work from Portland and Florida... Just to help me out since I really never intended on getting into being a color guy." Busch, "Yeah?" Marshal, "So I was checking out that "Rise and Fall of ECW" DVD they put out a couple years back... I realize my career was very similar to Taz's. I was the big fight guy, I was the unbeatable war machine, but I generally stayed on the semi-headline and worked the guys who were heading to the champ." Busch, "Yeah, I'd say if I had to compare your career to anybody's it'd be Taz, just on a bigger scale.... What's that? Alright Jerry, thanks. We're back on in ten Jay." Marshal, "Alright." Busch, "Just keep it together for another hour and then you're home free to the land of sudifed and Nyquil." Marshal laughs, "Yeah." Back in the ring Drew still has the reverse chin lock held, not much action during this commercial break as the wrestler's don't want the people at home to miss anything big. *END Commercial Break* ((Back On Camera)) The cameras return to SFM being held in a reverse chin lock by Stevenson. SFM's struggling to get out and Stevenson's fighting for a submission Busch, " Welcome back folks. Drew Stevenson has maintained control of this contest over the course of the break and has had that reverse chin lock tightly applied for sometime now... SFM has to be on the brink of submission." Marshal, "That just goes to show how stupid you really are Busch! It's gonna take a Hell of a lot more than a reverse chin lock to draw Sean Frost Mann into submission. He's a former ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Bert! One of only tweleve men on the planet earth who can make that very claim Bert! This isn't some nobody, this is Ess_Eff_Em... Sean Frost Mann. The man!" Back in the ring we finally see SFM's hands come up as both of his thumbs get into the eyes of SFM. He holds them there only breifly before raking em, creating an eye rake that makes Drew jump up holding his eyes in pain as the crowd boos. Busch, " And SFM takes yet another short cut." Marshal, "And that's WHY he's the man." SFM pulls himself up as the fans are booing. SFM follows Drew, who ends up in the corner. SFM delivers a hard kick into the gut of Stevenson, followed by a right fist, and a second right fist, and then another kick in the gut. SFM grabs Drew's head, presses his face down on the top rope, wrapping his face in a side headlock with the top rope still pressing on Drew's face. SFM then begins dragging Stevenson's face across the top rope from one corner to the other as the fans are getting hot and Cain's demanding a break. Frost Mann gets Stevenson to the other corner and breaks the headlock, lifting his hands up as Drew falls back in the corner holding the side of his face. SFM reaches down, grabbing Drew by the back of the knees as he hoists him up and sets his ass on the top turnbuckle. SFM begins climbing up, grabbing Drew by the neck and tossing Drew's arm over the back of the Mexican as he appears to be contemplating a Super Plex. SFM continues climbing as he gets to the top rope and thus forces Drew Stevenson to stand on the top rope as well. The Mexican Messiah appears to be getting ready to bring the Emerald over with the superplex but Stevenson delivers a hard knife edge chop (Not the Ric Flair version but literaly chopping with the bottom edge of his hand) to the ribs of the ICWA Hall of Famer. The crowd gets on their feet with anticipation and excitement as Stevenson hits a second knife edge, then a third. He then leaps forward, forcing SFM to leap back as the two go sailing. Drew appears to have a hold of SFM's tights with his left hand and a hold of his neck with his right... Drew lands on his ass with his legs spread wide as SFM lands face first between Drew's legs in what looked like a flying front face vertical suplex with an X Factor landing. Busch, " BAH GAWD! What a move!" Stevenson rolls him over and hooks the far leg as Cain and Busch both count ................One.............Two.............. SFM just kicks out as the fans sigh in disappointment. Busch, " What an incredible reverse by "The Emerald" Drew Stevenson! Let's check that one out again..." The screen splits as a smaller replay screen comes up in the higher right corner. In that we see a slow motion replay of that incredible suplex reverse by Drew Stevenson that drew such a huge reaction from the fans. As the replay concludes we see Drew on his feet and SFM trying to get to his. Drew grabs SFM by the head and helps him finish his acension to his feet. Stevenson grabs the wrist of Frost Mann and runs with him, charging his shoulder into SFM's and thus pressing SFM all the way back till his back's against the ropes. Stevenson yanks back and sends the ICWA Hall of Famer darting across the ring. SFM bounces off the far ropes as Drew is heading his way. SFM extends the right arm looking for a clothesline but Stevenson quickly ducks under, swings around, and catches the Icon with a rear waist lock. Drew Instantly pops back and delivers a German Suplex, although he does not release the waist lock. Drew Rolls through and pulls both himself and SFM up to their feet as the crowd is standing, watching. Drew Pops back again and nails a second German Suplex, but once again he does not release. He draws SFM up again, and again he hits the German.... He doesn't seem content though as he's still got the rear waist lock held. He pulls SFM up back again and the crowd begins counting the Suplexes.... Crowd: Four... Drew repeats the process again... Crowd: Five.... Again... Crowd: Six.... Uh-huh. Crowd: Seven..... You can see the obvious fatigue on both Drew and SFM as Stevenson's pulling them back to their feet yet again... Crowd:Eight........ On the eighth one Drew releases and both men lay on the mat breathing heavily. Busch, " Bah gawd! He just delivered eight consecutive Germens!" Marshal, "Yeah but how much did he take out of himself in order to do it?!" Busch, "Well that's a damn good question; Both men down on the mat." Cain ducks down and checks on SFM, then one Drew. Seeing that neither man is striding to get to their feet, Cain begins his count. .................One...................Two................Three...............Four... The crowd is on their feet screaming for their hero. Crowd: DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! Busch, " The fans here in Albany firmly behind the Emerald Drew Stevenson in what has been a highly competitive contest." .....Five.................Six... Drew starts to roll over to his chest as SFM's holding his neck, moving only slightly about as he's clearly in pain from all of those Germens. ..............Seven.............. Drew pulls himself to a knee as SFM rolls to his chest .....................Eight................Nine Drew gets up to his feet as SFM's pulling on the ropes. SFM finally pulls himself to his feet but he's staggering as Cain stops the count. SFM staggers back as Drew goes up and locks the rear waist lock again. The crowd erupts as Stevenson hoists him up and back with ANOTHER German suplex. Busch, " HE'S PICKIN UP RIGHT WHERE HE LEFT OFF!" Stevenson rolls back to his feet bringing SFM with him. Drew launches back again but this time he holds the bridge as Cain drops down and counts .....................One.................Two..............Thre- SFM Just pops out of the bridge pin as the crowd boos breifly before erupting for the Emerald. Busch, " That's ten straight German Suplexes Jay!" Drew pulls himself up and has a look of frustration on his face but he quickly gets rid of it as he sees SFM pulling himself up on the ropes again. Drew runs toward the rising SFM, hooks his wrist and his thigh and hoists him up into the air, setting up for his variation of the Angle slam... The crowd is loud but they suddenly gasp as SFM manages to slide down Drew's back and escape the hold. Drew spins around and SFM drops down and rolls out of the ring on the rampside of the ring. The crowd begins booing as Drew points to SFM and him in, yelling " COME ON SEAN! COME ON!" SFM gets a look on his face that basicaly reads "Pfft, Screw this" and waves Drew off, turning and walking up the ramp. Busch, " Looks like ol' SFM don't want him any more of the blue chipper native of Seymour Missouri!" Marshal, "Ah, why waste his time?! He's a Hall of fame athlete Bert!" Busch, "He's a coward is what he is." Drew goes to give chase but Cain holds him back, insisting he stay in the ring. SFM turns around half way up the ramp and points to Drew yelling obsenities. Somewhere in there we make out " And you can take this match and shove it!" Shawn Cain steps outside of the ropes with one leg and his entire upper torso as he begins counting SFM out. Drew stands right by him but slightly behind him shaking his head. ONE.......TWO..........THREE.......FOUR..... The crowd suddenly erupts with boos as Drew just shakes his head. Drew takes a couple of steps backwards before he turns around, but as soon as he turns around BAM! Busch, " WHAT THE HELL?!" The crowd is booing loudly as MJ Storm (who just connected with a huge spear to Drew Stevenson) rolls out of the ring and stays laid down at ringside, holding up only his head as he looks around with a mischivious smirk on his face. Back on the ramp SFM grins and begins walking back down the ring. Busch, " Oh sure, SFM wants him some now... Now that his tag team partner just did his dirty work for him!" Marshal, "Huh? What are ya talkin about?" Busch, "I'm talking about MJ Storm hittin that damn spear!" Marshal, "MJ Storm?! Where?!" Busch, "Aww give me a damn break!" SFM slides back in the ring breaking Shawn Cain's count at eight. Cain turns around and seems a little confused as he's not sure why Stevenson's out, but he also didn't see anything so he can't do much. SFM stretches and yawns sarcastically before he drops to a knee and covers Drew with but a single finger tip, drawing tons of heat from the crowd. Crowd: BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT ! Busch, " Damn straight it is!" Marshal, "Aww Bert, are those tears?" Busch, "Screw you Jay! Screw you, screw SFM, MJ Storm, and every son-of-a-bitch like ya'll!" Marshal, "I'll pass. Thanks." ..................One The crowd is booing as Busch says, " Damn it all! Not this way!" .....................Two MJ is on his feet, holding the canvas with a huge smile on his face as SFM's smirking and the crowd's still booing ......................Thre Drew suddenly throws his shoulder up as Cain's hand is grazing the mat for three. Busch, " Ah he got him! SFM has won..." Cain stands up and throws up two fingers before thrusting his shoulder forward and slapping it, signifying that Drew did in fact get his shoulder up in time. The crowrd erupts as MJ's smile disappears and his eyes draw wide in shock. SFM gets up in an outrage, screaming Cain who's still contesting that it was only two. Busch, " Wait... He... He... HE DIDN'T GET HIM! YES! DREW STEVENSON'S STILL IN THIS!" Marshal, "What?! This is a travisty! Where'd Shawn Cain learn to count, A can of spagetti Os?!" Busch, "Drew Stevenson is still in this thing!" Marshal, "I know you're excited about your lil Missouri boy's new found chance for victory but don't get real excited Bert. The damage is already done." Busch, "That may very well be the case but damn it Drew never quits! He's still in this contest!" SFM is arguing relentlessly with the official as Drew rolls over to his chest. Drew starts pulling himself up as SFM's still complaining about the count. Drew suddenly darts under, hooks the wrist and the thigh again, hoists SFM up and slams him back with his variation of the Angle Slam, making the crowd erupt, hitting their pop. Busch, " FINAL CONFLICT! FINAL CONFLICT! BAH GAWD HE JUST GOT ALL OF THE FINAL CONFLICT!" Drew drops down to make the cover but as he does MJ Storm jumps up onto the canvas and starts to get in the ring. Cain instantly hops up and rushes over to the ropes nearest the commentary tables where MJ Storm was trying to enter. The fans start booing loudly as Busch says, " Aww for God's sake, get him the Hell outta here already!" Drew is maintaining the cover but quickly realizes it's about pointless without an official to count the three. Drew Stevenson gets up and darts over, leaping into the air hitting a big drop kick to MJ, sending him sailing off the ring and landing face first on the Commentary table. His head bounces back and he drops to his back on the floor as the crowd is cheering. Busch, " Serves him right!" Drew turns around and... SMACK! Busch, " Aww no! Stevenson was distracted by MJ Storm and SFM got the Let's roll!" Drew drops hard as SFM hooks the far leg and rolls back so his weight is primarly on Drew's shoulders as Cain drops down and counts .....................One.......................Two......................Three. The bell sounds as "King of Kings" begins to blast over the PA, Although it's difficult to hear over the chorus of boos. Dart, " Your winner.... SEAN FROST MANN!" Busch, " Well by hook or by crook SFM's won this thing..." SFM begins sticking the boots to Drew in the ring as MJ Storm slides in with a black steal chair in hand. Busch, " Aww come on, you've done enough!" The bell is sounding as Shawn tries to get SFM to stop with the boots. MJ comes across and wraps the official over the head with the chair, making him hit the mat and roll out of the ring to the floor. SFM grabs a fist full of Drew’s hair and picks his body up off the mat as the crowd is booing. SFM sets Drew’s back against the ropes and then pulls up on the second rope, bringing it up over Stevenson’s arms, trapping him in the ropes. SFM points to MJ who’s at center ring with the chair still in hand and yells "Put this son of a bitch out!" Busch, "Oh no�?You can’t do this�?Drew Stevenson’s completely defenseless�? MJ Runs forward, draws the chair up, and brings it crashing over Drew’s forehead making a sickening SMACK. The crowd boos as SFM immediately swings around and applies a front facelock to Stevenson with his left arm, delivering some hard punches to Drew’s captured face with his right. SFM Finally releases Drew so he’s just hanging from the ropes again and we see he’s been busted open across the forehead. The fans are booing as Busch says, "Come on�?You’ve made your damn point, let him go already!" SFM points to the far ropes and directs for MJ to get even more momentum behind his charge so he can deliver another sickening chair shot. Busch, "Oh No�? MJ Raises the chair in the air, drawing an even louder chorus of boos�?/P> Crowd: BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY�?/P> Busch, "These fans calling for Bobby Johnson�? Marshal, "They can call all night long Bert, Bobby Johnson’s not here and he’s not EVER comin back Jack!" MJ Darts across the ring, bounces off the rampside ropes, comes flying back while raising the chair and CRRRRRRACK! He brings the chair crashing down over the Emerald’s skull as his whole body goes limp and the fans continue to boo. SFM grabs Drew’s face with his left hand as he uses his right to paint brush (disrespectfully slap) Drew. Busch, "Now they’re adding Insult to Injury." SFM looks at MJ and says, "Give him one more!" Busch, "NO! DON’T DO THAT!" MJ Smirks and nods�?/P> Suddenly we begin hearing the guitar chords from "The Truth" by Limp Bizkit. The crowd is on their feet, a few who know who this song belongs to cheers. Busch, "Now what the Hell is this�?Wait�?I think I recognize that song�?Jay�?I think that’s�?That’s�? The curtain moves and we see a smaller man with long black dreadlocks�?He flies down the ramp and slides into the ring. MJ Comes rushing after him with that chair but the man immediately leaps up with an incredibly high Drop Kick, driving the chair right into Storm’s face. The chair goes flying and MJ lands hard on the mat and rolls out of the ring. "The Truth" is still playing over the PA as SFM launches out looking for a Let’s Roll�?The man ducks the leg and as SFM spins around the man delivers a quick kick to the gut, leaps up and nails a Fame Asser driving SFM Face first into the mat. SFM rolls out of the ring as the smaller athlete throws his arms up in the air making an X above his head and drawing a huge reaction from the fans as for the first time we get a clear shot of his face. Busch, "WHYSPER! WHYSPER! WHYSPER HAS COME TO THE EYE SEE DUBBYA EH, AND BAH GAWD HE’S COME IN THE NICK OF TIME!!!" Whysper rushes over to the ropes and starts fighting with the ropes to free Drew Stevenson as we see some EMTs and ICWA trainer Danny Yung rushing out from the back. Marshal, "What the Hell is he doing here?! Isn’t he from Michigan?!" Busch, "Well he is�?The last time we saw this kid he was a Titanium Champion in Michigan�?I don’t�?I don’t know what he’s doing here but Bah Gawd�?Thank God he is here!" Marshal, "How does some guy from another company just end up in our building, and just HAPPEN to know that Drew Stevenson’s gonna need a save? And why the Hell is he sticking his nose in this anyway?!" Busch, "Drew and Whysper were teammates down in Michigan before�?Wait�?You don’t think? You don’t think that maybe�?Maybe WHYSPER’S DREW’S PARTNER?! I think we may have just found out who’s going against Remorseless Storm at Resurrection!" Marshal, "WHAT?! That’s not fair Bert! He doesn’t even work here!" Busch, "Well apparently he does now! Remorseless Storm best to get their A Game ready cause I reckon their gonna damn well need it against these two!" MJ and SFM are walking backwards up the ramp, glaring toward the ring and yelling obscenities as they both hold their faces in pain. Whysper lets the EMTs try and free Drew as he runs across the ring and jumps up onto the ropes, his left foot on the bottom rope and his right foot on the second rope as his left hand holds the top rope and his right hand points out to SFM and MJ. He then brings his right thumb to one side of his throat and draws it all the way to the other, implicating that the end is near for Remorseless Storm and drawing a huge reaction from the fans. Busch, "Oh Boy! Business has just picked up and we’re only a little over half way through the night! When we come back�?/P> Busch continues, "DSL takes Jamal Atkins as her partner to rematch two ICWA Hall of Famers in the Original Sadist James and the Legendary Icon Jimmy Stryker�?Folks that’s gonna be a barn burner deluxe! We’ll be right back!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | Earlier Tonight�?/STRONG> | Flipside then looks down knowing that the legs have been weakened as he then locks in the texas cloverleaf, as he executes the hold perfectly, as well as Dean Malenko used to. Suddenly out of seemingly no where we see some one in a pair of black dress slacks and a black button up (top button unbuttoned) fly into the ring, grab Flipside by the neck and drop down hard with a modified Diamond Cutter. Busch, "What in the Hell?!" The man instantly pops up and we realize that it’s The Original Sadist James. The Rush looks up from the mat and sees James. James ignores him as we hear the fans booing. The Sadist rolls out of the ring, grabs the official off the floor, slaps his face a couple of times and slides him into the ring as the Rush pulls himself over and hooks the far leg of Flipsde. Busch, "Aww come on�? The official counts ………………………One……………………Two………………………Three! The bell sounds as Dart announces, "YOUR WINNER�?"The RUSH" Ryan ROSS!" Ross rolls out of the ring, his legs like spaghetti as James just grins, looking in at Flipside who’s holding his neck in pain. James walks around the ring and begins walking backwards up the ramp as Flipside has pulled himself up and is leaning on the second rope, holding his neck and glaring at a very arrogant James. James does the DDP "Diamond" taunt and then grabs his neck sarcastically and winks at Flipside as Flipside is breathing hard and glaring harder. | During The Commercial | We see a still frame of MJ Storm and SFM heading through the second curtain to leave the gorilla position and head into the backstage area. Busch, "Welcome back folks. This took place during the Commercial Break�? The frame unfreezes as see an unenthused MJ Storm and SFM marching through the back. "Excuse me�?Excuse Me�? The camera pans back and we see a young man with a microphone�?Perhaps the ICWA’s grooming another interviewer? MJ and SFM stop as the interviewer says, "Remorseless Storm�?It’s been confirmed�?March 25th from Madison Square Garden in New York City, You two will meet the team of Drew Stevenson (crowd cheers) and Whysper (crowd cheers) for the ICWA Tag Team championships. What are your thoughts?" SFM, "Our thoughts? Our thoughts are, Whysper should have stayed in Michigan playing with the Titanium title. Remorseless Storm is exactly what it’s name says it is kid, A Remorseless Storm. And for Drew and Whysper the storm is brewing�?Oh it’s brewing. And at Howl of the Wolf, Just like Katrina to New Orleans, We’re going to rack up the victims, cause some mass destruction, and take whatever we damn well want�?Which in this case is going to be the ICWA Tag Team Championships." MJ Storm, "Oh yeah, you got that right Sean. So Whysper’s the tag partner? Well I know Whysper pretty well. At Resurrection III the Whysper’s gonna be silenced. At Resurrection III we’re going to do the same thing I’m going to do later tonight to Leaky Format�?Dominate and Obliterate. The difference being that tonight all that comes of the Domination and Obliteration is my arm being raised and Leaky Format’s humility being invoked�?On March 25th we not only win pride, but the ICWA Tag Team Championships of the World." With that Remorseless Storm walks off. | The screen fades back in to the crowded arena just as the sound of an organ blasts through the speakers and the lights in the area go out. only the stage lights sending any light at all as slowly a smoke begins to float off the stage and down the ramp, bathing the area in a mist. four blue flames slowly begin to build on that stage, forming a square as slowly the James begins to rise up from below the stage, his head bowed and his hands held infront of him as slowly the stage rises, his head lifting as he looks out over the crowd and grinning at them. the flames going out as James makes his way slowly down the ramp. James rolls in under the bottom rope and slowly getting to his feet, his hands raised high into the air as he looks around at the screen crowd slowly walking over to one corner. Busch- well ladies and Gentlemen if you have been Keeping tabs on this man lately then you know full well that he certainly seems to have problems with one of the men he’s meeting here tonight Marshall- I haven’t heard a better thing all damn night, maybe we’ll actually see someone who knows how to fight unlike what I’ve been forced to sit through so far. Busch- well folks unlike my partner here I can’t really say that I’m eager to see James unleash the rage that’s building up inside of him lately the man seems intent on ending a career here tonight and no one deserves that. Marshall- thank god your not a ref or we’d never actually see any good fights for you always preaching "play nice" As Marshall and Bert are talking "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. Out from the guillera curtains, walks the Legendary Jimmy Stryker. He is seen dressed in black jeans, boots, and a white t-shirt on. Jimmy then looks around at the crowd, who continues to let him feel the heat that they generate towards him. Jimmy then smiles, as he soaks in the hatred. He then makes his way down the steel rampway, as he then quickly slides to the inside of the ring, where he then is seen making his way to each corner of the ring culminating in the one that James is currently standing in. both men stare at each other giving a look that makes the fans wonder if they might not see a whole different match before the opponents actually get down to the ring, Jimmy looks at James for a little bit longer before simply smiling cockily and walking to the middle of the ring where he then drops to the mat, and kisses the necklace that is around his neck, slowly getting back to his feet he walks to the corner on the same side of the ring as James, both men staring up the ramp. Busch- By gawd look at the looks on those two. I would not want to be either DSL or Dark Child not if you offered me every last cent in the damn world. Both of those two look ready to be doing murder right here. Marshall- I know! ain’t it great? "Perfect Insanity" by Disturbed hits as the lights flash off quickly yellow lights lighting up the ramp as purple smoke filters onto the stage from behind the curtain, the boos from the crowd erupting as DSL steps from the curtain smirking at the fans booing at her. Her eyes rolling suddenly as Dark Child walks out onto the stage beside her. Obviously not wanting to let her walk to the ring alone knowing the unpredictability as well as brutality the two men in the ring have and not putting it past them to both attack her should she reach the ring alone. Stryker smirks up the ramp as the would be hero walks down beside the women he professes to Love while James leans back against the turnbuckle laughing at the scene before him as both DSL and Dark Child slowly make their way into the ring. Busch- well ladies and gentlemen I can guarantee that this one is going to be one interesting match. James and Jimmy Stryker moving towards each other and meeting in the middle between their two corners both men talking to figure out who’s going to start off the match. DSL and Dark Child turn to face each other DC’s motions indicating that he obviously wants to start things off. Suddenly James shoots forward as Styker ducks out of the ring between the ropes. James charges forward as Dark child turns to see what the fans are cheering about his body turning just in time for James to hit him like a charging bull catching him hard in the gut with his shoulder, James keeps the momentum up and lifts, bringing DC over his arm for a split second before he hits the ropes and Dumps his passenger to the outside of the ring. James bounces off the ropes, ducking what would have been a hard clothesline from Dsl, rebounding again off the ropes and taking to the air, hitting Dsl with a hard flying shoulder tackle both performers hitting the mat with James rolling though and coming to his feet followed a split second later by dsl. James Charges again hoping to catch her off guard before she recovers, those hopes realized as James Nails a quick clothesline James turns, his back bouncing off the ropes. Darkchild who was just about to climb up into position on the ring Apron sees James and reaches out, grabbing his feet and pulling him off balance sending the bald Sadist crashing face first into the mat. James shakes his head as he gets up to a knee being suddenly knocked over backwards as a running DSL catches him right in the temple with a hard knee. James shakes his head again, scrambling to his feet and lashing out to grab DSL who drops to her side as she hooks James arm, sending him to the mat with a quick arm drag. James jumping back to his feet only to be taken back down with another arm drag. Both competitors are back to their feet as Dsl grabs James arm looking for another arm drag. James however drops to a knee, his free hand reaching out and grabbing the far leg of Dsl, locking it behind her knee and pulling as he stands up, lifting her from the ground and holding her body across his like a "t" before stepping forward with one leg and hitting a hard rib breaker, another step and hitting a second pulling her up, looking as if he is going for a third before simply falling forward hitting a hard falling frontslam. Busch- an impressive offensive move their by James who since ICWA has started up again has actually seemed to be developing a repertoire of actual wrestling moves as opposed to his normal "bust em upside the head" style Marshall- well of course he has. I mean you don’t spend time in the same building with me and not pick up one or two moves here and there. Back in the ring James is getting back to his feet, the last couple of moves however having taken their toll as Dsl had never leased the lock she had on James arm. The sadists face tells the story of how much damage he did to himself while hurting Dsl as he rubs his shoulder reaching down and grabbing Dsl’s head, slowly bringing her to her knees as she lashes out with several hard rights to James�?midsection. James grunts but refuses to release the head as he brings a forearm down hard onto the back of Dsl stumbling her and driving her down to a knee. James goes to pull her up again, this time seizing her head with the other hand as well and again being met with a series of shots to the gut. Dsl seems a little more pumped this time as she begins sending out hard lefts and right’s peppering James stomach with shots before shooting up, her hands straight up and knocking James�?arms out wide before driving a hard punch to the side of the head and following it with another. James screams suddenly, shooting both arms out forward and wrapping them under her arms snapping his hips as if for a suplex, one arm leaving hers as she is in the air landing a hard straight arm takeover as he falls with her, landing on his stomach and popping back up with a little grimace as that move twinged his arm. Slowly James Grabs DSl, pulling her to her feet and sending her hard into her and Dark Childs corner. James steps back slowly towards his own corner to give DC a lot of room to get into the ring. James�?arms held wide tauntingly as he starts yelling at him. DC doesn’t need any more provocation as the moment Dsl hits the corner he reaches out and slaps her shoulder quickly slipping into the ring and running at James. James spreads his arms wide as if readying himself to Catch Dc, suddenly James drops to his knees, his hands coming up over his head. Dark child has too much steam by now and can’t stop in time as he slams gut first into James�?reinforced head-butt the shot causing him to double over. The real reason James backed up apparent now as Stryker reaches over reaches over and taps James on the shoulder. Stryker then leans back as James straightens, pushing off with his feet and slamming upwards, his head and arms slamming hard into the chest of DC and sending him stumbling back a step or two. James quickly drops to his stomach, rolling out of the ring as Stryker steps between the ropes and immediately lays out Dark child with a hard clothesline. Busch- James and Stryker seeming to work pretty well together tonight Marshall- Hell they are both probably so drunk they don’t even realize they are partnered with each other and that’s why their getting along. Stryker has been meanwhile Laying the boots to dark child or at least been trying to As Dc has been rolling all over that ring trying to stay a step ahead of being stomped into the ground. Stryker finally manages to clip the arm of DC. Pinning it under his boot and reaching down, delivering several stiff right hands to the jaw before letting the arm go and Pulling Dark child to his feet. Stryker begins laying in with several hard lefts and rights as the crowd goes nuts. As Styker seems to be in complete control of the match at this point. Stryker swings out looking for a hard left hook and finds nothing but air as Dc ducks under it kicking out hard and catching Stryker squarely in the gut, Stryker doubles over from the shot and is sent hard to the mat from a quick ddt from Darkchild. Both men get quickly to their feet DC shaking his head to try and get rid of some of the haziness from the hard shots by Stryker. Jimmy moves in only to be caught in the gut with another kick, Dc looks for a second ddt and grabs the head, Stryker spins, gripping the wrist in both hands and spinning to get out of the move. He stands to his feet just as DC reaches out and rakes his good hand right across the eyes of Stryker. Jimmy drops the wrist and gets caught with a quick knee to the gut as dc grabs him with the other arm and this time manages to hit the second ddt. Both men fall to the Mat, Dc to his feet first and charging Stryker gets to his feet just in time to be taken back to the mat with a hard Lou Thez press. DC raining several hard shots down on Stryker as the crowd boos. Stryker raises his hands, blocking the left and rights that Dc slams down towards his head. Strykers body suddenly flexes as he brings his knees up, catching Dc right in the lower back. Dc Straightens in pain that split second being all Stryker needs as his hands shoot out, both hands wrapping tightly around the throat of Dc before rolling to the side. Now the positions are reversed and Dc is in deep Trouble as the veteran Brawler brings his ground and pound skills into play sending huge left and right hooks and bouncing Dc’s head back and forth between his hands like a ping pong ball. Stryker reaches down, grabbing thr throat again as he stands up and hoists Dc to his feet, grabbing an arm and sending him hard to the ropes, catching him as he comes off with a hard powerslam and hooking the leg�?1�?2…no as Dc manages to the arm up Stryker shrugging as he pulls Dc back up to his feet, locking the head and nailing a hard suplex before rolling over and hooking the leg. 1�?2�? on as Dsl runs in, slamming both hands across the back of the head of Stryker. Jimmy get’s to his feet ready to end this hear and now but has no Chance as James nails a quick clothesline, putting on the breaks and turning to nail another DSL rolls and comes up, running at James who side steps and sends her out to the floor of the ring before walking back to his corner and stepping back into position, his hands resting on the top rope as if watching t.v. Stryker turns, going back to finish of DC and is hit in the head with a hard right. The distraction giving Dc just enough time to regain a bit of himself as he slams the right hand into striker three times before hitting a hard short clothesline Stryker gets to his feet quickly, obviously angry about being caught off guard and is hit several more times with rights. Dc however learns the hard way never to try and fight a man who enjoys brawling as suddenly a swarm of punches stops Dc’s attack and puts him on the defensive, doing anything he can to try and keep away from Stryker. Stryker steps back a hard roundhouse cutting the air easily and aiming for Dc’s head. The kick however never makes it as Dc in his retreat from Stryker’s attack had mad ehis way into his own corner. Both men too intent on each other to notice Dsl hiding down by the ring apron. The moment Stryker moves for the kick Dsl who knows just how dangerous those feet can be reaches up and trips dc, sending him to the mat but saving him from having his head removed from his shoulders. Stryker spins to complete the kick as Dsl reaches through the ropes her closed fist slamming directly into the knee on Jimmy’s supporting leg and sending him crashing to the canvas. Dc recovers quickly and charges forward, Just as Stryker makes it to a Knee, dc bends forward slightly, catching Stryker’s head and powering him over to the mat jumping forward slightly and putting them almost dead center in the ring, his one arm dropping low as he locks on a side sleeper hold, arching his back and locking it in tightly. James quickly ducks through the ropes more then ready to put a stop to this. However he never makes it that far as just as he’s closing in Dsl nails him with a huge flying drop kicking sending him sprawling. The crowd is cheering madly as Dsl runs at James who gets to his feet more out of instinct then out of knowing where he is at the moment. James turns to see her and is met with a se4ris of quick elbows to the temple sending James back into the corner. Dsl jumps onto the second rope, preparing to reign down shots this however appears to be a mistake as James manages to get one hand up, locking it around the back of her neck and pulling her head down as his other hand hooks behind her leg, lifting her slightly, his back rocking from side to side until finally he is resting against the ropes instead of the turn buckle as he pushes up with his legs, the weight on his upper body causing him to pivot on the top rope slowly falling backwards, sending him and DSL slamming to the outside both landing in a heap and neither moving except for a twitch here and there. Back in the ring The ref is slowly raising Stryker’s arm for the third and final time. DC has a wide grin on his face as he can almost taste the victory. The ref Raises the hand high and lets go. Dc’s eyes widen as the hand doesn’t move an inch, simply staying high in the air as if hung on a peg, slowly Stryker squirms, his neck moving in the crux of Dc’s elbow as he makes it finally to his back, his eyes staring up at the ceiling as Dc tightens the hold, the arm now flat around the throat as it looks like Stryker has made a serious mistake. The ref looking at Stryker, asking if he is going to submit as the crowd suddenly comes alive. Stryker’s legs moving up to his chest and over as he rolls onto his shoulders, rolling like a backward summersault until his legs are completely over his head, the only thing holding him from completing the roll is DC’s arm. However now dc is in a bad Place as the position Brings all of Stryker’s weight across Dc’s arm and shoulder, the torque enough to already have separated the shoulder of an untrained man as DC tries to fight through the pain, knowing that all he has to do is keep the hold on until Finally Stryker runs out of air. Suddenly Darkchild yells in pain Stryker as moved his weight again, shifting it slightly to the side and causing Dark Childs body to be pulled with it. Suddenly dc’s shoulder is supporting not only Stryker’s body weight but now his own as Well. Dc knows he has no choice as he lets go of Stryker’s throat and quickly rolls to the side, his good arm gripping at the shoulder and rubbing it, trying to get a little of the pain to subside. Stryker completes the roll back, and simply lays on his stomach, finally pulling in the air that was denied to him for such a long time as both men lay there trying to get themselves together. Slowly both men stumble to their knees, Stryker using the ring ropes to pull himself up as the crowd erupts Jimmy’s eyes tell whole volumes as nothing is left in them but anger as he lifts a leg slamming it foot first to the canvas and straightening it, stomping the other one down as well as he straightens shaking his head and stalking Forward. Dc steps forward, slamming his hand out and catching him hard in the jaw, his eyes widening a little as Stryker simply shakes it off, taking the next few shots as well. The Crowd explodes as Stryker’s response Has Dc out on his feet Jimmy reaching out and grabbing the back of Dc’s head to hold him standing up as he reigns several more shots onto his head. The crowd screaming as he punches him in the gut doubling Dark child over. Setting him up and hoisting Dc High into the air Nailing the Supreme Killing right smack in the middle of the ring. Standing over the body he has no time to Savor his victory as DSL slams into him from behind driving hard shots to the back of his skull before Stryker turns, both of them trading shots in the middle of the ring before Stryker Sends her to the outside. Looking at her and at DC as if deciding who to finish first. The Crowd screaming as James who was just a little bit slower then DSL is seen climbing onto the Apron hand Extended. Stryker walks over to him, slapping the outstretched Hand before climbing out of the ring and charging at DSL who has pushed herself up on the barricade. Stryker charges looking for a beheading clothesline and finds nothing as DSL ducks under it jumping up and nailing a huge dropkick into Stryker’s back, sending him flying over the barricade before climbing over it herself and dropping to a knee beside him, reigning hard punches down upon him as he fights back, shoving her away and getting to his feet. The two of them trading blows in the crowd, not caring about anything else around them only intent on killing each other as they drive fist after fist against each other using anything they can find in the crowd as a weapon. Busch- Somebody get out here and stop those two before they kill each other Marshal- And end one hell of a good show? Don’t be an idiot I mean come on grow a pair Bert this stuff is great. Back in the ring James has climbed to the top rope, one foot resting on the top rope and one resting on the second as he signals for an Elbow drop. The crowd erupting suddenly into boos, James turning just in time to see Flipside jump the barricade with chair in hand, jumping up and cracking James right across the side of the skull. The bell rings as James tumbles to the mat. Kevin Dart- your winners as a result of DQ�? JAMES and JIMMY STRYKER. Flipside quickly slides into the ring, looking down at James and slowly pulling him to the middle of the ring, slapping him across the face a few times to wake him back up,, James still in a stupor for a moment before Screaming in pain as Flipside locks in the Cloverleaf James screaming and swearing at the top of his lungs as he tries to break the hold. Busch, "Bah Gawd, Flipside’s got that Cloverleaf locked in!" Marshal, "And this guy’s suppose to be some kind of a role model?!" Busch, "James provoked this earlier tonight when he attacked Flipside for no reason and cost him the match against Ryan Ross." Marshal, "Yeah well, James doesn’t claim to be a stand up guy." Busch, "Flipside’s a stand up guy, but there’s only so much you can let go." Back in the ring Dark Child is back on his feet. Dark Child looks at Flipside in the middle of the ring with the Cloverleaf applied as the fans are cheering. Dark Child suddenly bounces off the ropes, comes darting across and levels Flipside with a big time clothesline making the crowd’s cheers turn to boos. Busch, "Dark Child and Flipside have an extensive history and it looks like Dark Child’s decided he wants to get him some of the Flip-a-cane." Flipside rolls up to his feet and Dark child immediately meets him right hard right hands, driving him back to the corner. Dark Child grab’s Flipside by the wrist and goes to Irish whip him across the ring but Flipside comes up with the reversal and sends DC across the ring. Dark Child bounces hard against the turnbuckles with his back and stumbles out into a hard clothesline from Flipside. Off on the side of our screen we can see James pulling himself up to his feet. Dark Child rolls up to his feet and he and Flipside begin exchanging shots. As those two are brawling, James comes darting across and delivers a hard forearm shot to the back of Flipside. Then he nails a right hand to Dark Child. All three men are throwing shots and beating on each other as the officials and agents all come rushing out from the back. Busch, "It looks like the tempers have reached max capacity and the fists are flying." The officials and agents start to flood the ring although it doesn’t look like they’re going to have an easy time separating these three guys. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | When the cameras come back we see Flipside, James, and Dark Child all being held apart by a ton of Referees, Agents, and arena security. The cameras pan back as we see WallStreet walk into the scene, changed out of his suit and into his gear with one of his own T Shirts on. WallStreet looks around and says, "Whoa, Whoa, WHOA! What the Hell is going on?!" Senior referee Tim White speaks up and says, "These three won’t stop trying to kill each other!" WallStreet, "Stop�?Stop�?DAMN IT I SAID STOP!" Reluctantly everyone does stop, but Flipside, Dark Child, and James are still glaring at each other, trying to break the hold of the security around them. WallStreet, "I don’t know what the Hell the deal is with you three and quite frankly I don’t really give a damn. This is the International Championship Wrestling Alliance�?What that means is that we don’t solve our issues with street warfare, we solve them in side of that ring out there. So, that’s exactly what we’re going to do�?And we’re going to do it on March the 25th at ICWA Resurrection Three: Howl of the Wolf. You three are gonna go, but the problem here is that the way you’re acting I’m not sure I can trust you to just stay in the damn ring and wrestle. Well I’m Taylor McCallister, The King of Pay Per View. I deliver to these fans ten times out of ten and that won’t be tarnished by you three blowing off the match to fist fight through out the arena. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to bring fifteen feet of steel cage to Madison Square Garden.. (The crowd cheers)�?And I’m gonna put barbwire around the top of that cage just the same as you’d see a prison wall, because essentially that’s exactly what this is going to be Fellas�?A Prison to prevent you men from escaping the ring. So there ya go�?No escape, no ditching the match just to fight. You win by pin or submission, and since you guys all enjoy each other’s company so much, It won’t be over till two of the three of ya have been pinned or forced to submit. Until then, I don’t want you guys to so much as breath on each other. You guys touch each other between now and Resurrection and I’ll ship your asses to Development for the duration of your contract and then you skip your happy asses right on along to the next place. It wouldn’t be the first time I opened the door for somebody’s leave this week. Now get the Hell outta here. None of you have anything else to do here tonight. Get your crap and go home." The security and the agents start pushing the three athletes along in separate directions as the cameras switch over to the ring. Busch, "Another huge match up set to take place at ICWA Resurrection III�?Folks this one is a can’t miss, no doubt about it." Kevin Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!! YES YES YA! YOUR DREAMS ARE NOW FULLFILL! GET OUT YOUR SEATS AND LETS GET ILL! LIVE BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES, HE IS THA EPITOME OF GREATNESS, YOUR WRESTLING ICON, GIVE IT UP FOR THA LEAKY ONE....LEAKYFORMAT" THE LIGHTS GOES DOWN AS THE MUSIC PLAYS... FOR THEY IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER.... THE KINGS THE RULER THE RULER RULES
LEAKYFORMAT COMES OUT AS THE CROWD cheers...He doess a spin and drops to his knees as more pyros erupts. As he walks to the ring with a cocky strut playing to the crowd. He enters the ring and does another muscle pose before the match starts.... Dart: In the ring, from Beufort, South Carolina, weighing two hundred pounds....LEAKY FORMAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Busch: Now this guy is having some sort of luck isnt he Jay!! Marshall: Nothing good Im sure!!! The fans are buzzing about after getting back to their seats with their drinks and food items.They're waiting for the last of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Back in Black' by AC/DC begins to blare over the pa system and the crowd begins to boo loudly, as M.J. Storm comes through the black curtain with his manager, 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase. They begin to walk down the ramp, and M.J. holds up the Million Dollar Championship belt to spite the crowd. Dart: Making his way to the ring, accompanied by 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase, from Madison, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, he is "The Million Dollar Champion" M.J. Storm!!!!!!!! M.J. finishes walking down the ramp, and slides into the ring as Ted DiBiase walks over to a corner outisde of the ring. M.J. then walks over to a set of ropes, and jumps on them, bouncing. He then hops down and turns to a stagehand and hands them his leather trenchcoat,and gets ready for his match. Busch: There is MJ Storm!! Marshall: Congrats Bert, you know his name!! Busch: Shut Up Jay!!! Marshall: We will never know, what is exactly wrong with you Bert!! Busch: (laughing) I wonder the same about you!! DING DING DING!!! MJ and Leaky are seen staring one another down. The ring canvas, a bit scarred from earlier contests in the evening, sets the mood of the crowd for this anticipated matchup. MJ and Leaky finally lock up, as Leaky is seen pushing MJ back into the corner. MJ finally letting himself go, slaps Leaky across the face, as Leaky a bit stunned. As Leaky goes for MJ, here is MJ with a kick to the midsection taking the wind out of Leaky's sails. Storm with a few hard shots to the head, making Leaky back off a bit, as MJ comes a running, spearing Leaky to the mat, and then immediatly, swinging for the fences. Leaky then rolls MJ over, as he then begins throwing some punches back, until finally MJ, reaches up poking Leaky in the eyes, after Leaky was trying to get a reaction from the crowd. MJ then pushes leaky off of him, as he then stand up, walks back a couple steps as Leaky is on his hands and knees, as MJ kicks Leaky in the ribs sending him into the air and onto his back, holding his midsection as he went for a ride. Busch: What a vicious shot by Storm!! Marshall: God, I could feel that and I am just calling this damn thing!! MJ lifting up, Leaky as he then sets up for a huge powerbomb. MJ gets Leaky up and into the air, but before Leaky could be dropped, he gets himself freed, as he pushes off of MJ connecting with a dropkick to the chest of MJ throwing him into the ropes only a few feet away. Leaky landing on the canvas, as he tries to get himself to his feet, but not in time, as MJ comes back at him grabbing his neck then swinging Leaky connection with a tremendous neck breaker. Leaky now down on the mat, as MJ is seen rubbing his chest from the kick he just took not long ago from Leaky. MJ then gets to his knees as he is seen taking in breaths of air, as he then gets to his feet. MJ grabs Leaky tossing him to the outside of the ring. Leaky shaking it off a bit, as he now gets to his feet, only to have MJ right back on top of him, nailing a baseball slide, sending Leaky into the guardrail slamming his back hard against the unforgiving steel crowd restraints. Busch: Leaky hit hard Jay!!! Marshall: But look he is moving, he is not letting that shot hold him down!! Busch: He is up, but for how long with MJ being on fire at the moment. MJ is then seen heading outside to the apron of the ring, where he jumps to the middle rope, and attempts a moonsault as Leaky was smart moving himself out of the way, as the body of MJ crashes to the floor below. Leaky then picks up Storm, as he then slams MJ's head into the guardrail. He does this a few more times, then Leaky whips MJ into the steel steps as MJ's body crashes into the steps as he falls from the shot, as he lies on the outside of the ring, in pain. Leaky is seen rolling back into the ring, to break the count only to roll back to the outside one more time. Leaky then is seen grabbing MJ one more time. Leaky tosses MJ back into the ring, as he then helps himself back inside. Leaky then picks up MJ and puts him in the corner. Leaky then climbs the turnbuckles as he then begins to deliver hard shots to the head ten times, as the crowd counted with him. As Leaky drops to the canvas, MJ comes out of the corner, and is about to fall face first, only to have Leaky right there wrapping his arms around the neck of MJ, connecting with what looks to be like a version of the Diamond Cutter. Busch: MJ isnt even moving after that move Jay!! Marshall: That was a clean shot to the head and neck, what do you expect Bert!! Here let me drop you on your head and see if you can move afterwards!! Busch: No thanks!!! Leaky still on the attack, as MJ still is not moving. Leaky then picks up MJ taking his weight into his arms, lifting MJ off the ground and planting him with a belly to belly suplex. Leaky now on his knees as he just looks out at the crowd. The crowd giving signs of life here in this matchup, as Leaky continues his assault. But instead Leaky makes a pin attempt. Ref: 1...........2............Kickout by Storm. Leaky gets to his feet, as he helps MJ back to his feet. Leaky wraps up his arms into MJ;s as he drops connecting with a double armed DDT on Storm, causing Storm to bounce head first off the canvas. MJ not knowing what is going on as Leaky points to his head, knowing that he has this match under control. Leaky then goes to pick up MJ one more time, as he then locks in a sleeper hold on MJ. With MJ already being weakened, Leaky knows that this could seal the deal. Just then Ted Dibiase is seen climbing up on the apron, as The ref is seen going to get him down. Dibiase, is seen arguing with the ref to give MJ enough time to recover. Ted now stops that argument as he begins to argue over the illegal action in the ring, as Leaky is seen pulling out a small rope, pushing it down across the throat of MJ. Storm now seen gasping for air, as Leaky continues to put the illegal object into his throat. Dibiase is seen dropping from the apron, as Leaky is seen tossing the rope to the outside of the ring, before the ref seen him with it in his hands. Busch: What the hell? I may not complain much, but that was not the way to go Leaky!!! Marshall: Do what you have to do to win Bert!!! Busch: By choking the life out of your opponent Jay? Marshall: IF you have to do it to win, then do it!!!!!!! Here comes Leaky one more time, as MJ is seen down on the ground. He then sits up a moment, as he then seems to not have enough energy to move. As Leaky comes closer, MJ rolls him up for a pin. Ref: 1...........2..............Kickout!! MJ then is seen with a punch to the head, as he then covers Leaky who is now tired as well. Ref: 1................2...............Kickout!! Now its Leaky rolling MJ back over, as he lifts himself into the air, bringing the knee to the side of the head of MJ as he now covers. Ref: 1..............2..................Kickout!!!! MJ shakes off the cobwebs, as he then rolls Leaky back over as Leaky begins to fight him. Leaky now onto his back as MJ leaps into the air extending his leg, connecting with a huge leg drop. Ref: 1................2...............Kickout!! Busch: So many damn near falls!! What is next!! Marshall: Who knows Bert. But these near falls are amazing. Neither man wants to quit. MJ grabs Leaky, as he tries to fight his way out of MJ's grasp. MJ holding on to the hair of Leaky. Leaky then is seen putting knees to the head of MJ, but finally MJ blocks the last one shoving Leaky off of him, crashing into the ref, knocking the ref down and out. Dibiase on the outside is seen sliding a steel chair into the ring, as MJ picks it up waiting for Leaky to get to his feet. Leaky a few moments later stands up and turns around, as the chair MJ was holding has now come crashing down over the head of Leaky format. MJ then reaches into his tights, as he is seen with brass knuckles wrapped around his hand, as he then covers Leaky, and starts hitting him with hard shots to the head with those knuckles. Leaky is seen bleeding from his forehead, as MJ slides the knucks back down the front of his tights, as Dibiase is seen reviving the ref, as MJ has the cover. Ref: 1...............2.................3!!! DING DING DING!! Dart: Here is your winner.......MJ STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Busch, "And Remorseless Storm picks up another one at the expense of sportsmanship and ethics. But whether ya like their methods or not –and I don’t -, ya can’t deny that the momentum has suddenly shifted and ya gotta believe that it’s starting to put the advantage in on Remorseless Storm’s side." Marshal, "Absolutely�? The cameras fade to the back as we see Matt Matlock sitting on a steal chair in the back, tipping it back on it’s hind legs as he has his feet up on a table and is drinking a cold Mountain Dew (the label easy to see). We hear a door draw open and we see his lady friend, Jessie, walk in. Jessie, "Baby, you’re up." Matt rolls his eyes, "Yay." Jessie gets behind him and leans down, putting her arms around his big chest as he reaches up with his right hand and rubs her forearm. Jessie, "What’s wrong baby?" Matt sighs, "David. We spent fifteen minutes talking about respect and friendship, and then in a single moment he pisses on his whole hypocritical speech." Jessie, "What happened?" Matt, "Ryan Ross." Jessie, "Who?" Matt, "Some guy I beat at the Holiday Show. He’s got some chip on his shoulder because apparently he was a big deal in the ICWA at one time and now he’s not. So he comes to David and says "Well WallStreet said that you could decide to put the title on the line against me next week" and David actually did it. He just completely disrespected me by giving Ryan Ross the title match. That was my title match. I am the number one contender for the title. Now what? If Ryan Ross wins next week then what happens? David becomes the number one contender, and then ol Matt Matlock gets bumped back as they build for the big money rematch between Ross and David. Then if David wins that match, Ryan Ross becomes the contender and gets a rematch�?I may never even see my match. I’m just gonna get bumped to the side and forgotten. Well screw that. I’ve done my time, I’ve waited as long as I’m going to wait and I’m sick and damn tired of people thinking that Matt Matlock’s just some guy to pushed to the side when something "better" comes along. I beat the crap out of Ryan Ross. Ryan Ross has never beaten me. Yet he gets a shot before me? And who do ya blame? It’s not like WallStreet forced David to defend the title. He left the decision up to David and David said "Oh, well piss on Matt, I’ll defend the title next week." Jessie, "Baby, you’re talking about your own partner. The man who you have to share the ring with in just a few minutes�? Matt, "Yeah well, I’ll go out there and do what I need to do because I want to beat WallStreet and Skywalker again. But David’s going to find out real soon that I’m not playing nice anymore." With that Matlock stands up and heads for the door as we switch over to WallStreet and Christian Skywalker, getting a great reaction from the fans. Busch, "Things not looking well for Pure Perfection�? WallStreet, "You ready man?" NLCS, "Oh yeah, I was born ready beh-bay!" WallStreet and NLCS slap hands as WallStreet says, "Alright, let’s do this." NLCS nods and they head for the door as "Straight Out Of Line" starts playing in the background. Busch, "Don’t you go no where�?When we get back it’s Pure Perfection, WallStreet, and Christian Skywalker all getting it on in a huge tag team rematch! *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live Recorded March 7th, 2006 | The bell sounds three times as we find ourselves focused on Kevin Dart in the center of the ring. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is the ICWA MAIN EVENT! (Crowd pops)�?It is a Tag Team bout scheduled for ONEFALL with a One Hour Time Limit�? Busch, "Well folks, here we go�? The cameras slowly fade from Dart to a wide pan from the back of the arena�?/P> "Do-Don’t Make Us Click Up Don’t Make Us Click Up The Dirty South Bout Too Tear This Mother____ Up (YEAAAAH) Don’t Make Us Click Up Don’t Make Us Click Up The Dirty South Bout To Tear This Mother____ Up (YEAAAAH) Don’t Make Us Click Up Don’t Make Us Click Up The Dirty South Bout To Tear This Mother____ Up (YEAAAAH) Mic Check, One-Two-One-Two You Wanta beef with the King What is you gonna Do?" With that the curtain flies to the side and out from behind it to a huge roar steps the one and only, Christian Skywalker. Busch, "THERE HE IS! The former ICWA United States champion!"
Christian Stands to the side, smiling and shaking his head to the fans reaction. He then swings his arms, one over his head ala the nWo, and points to the entrance way he just came from as the other side’s curtain flies and out from behind it steps a screaming WallStreet who turns immediately to his left and starts posing and screaming to the erupting fans. Marshal, "And there comes the ol�?Corporate Icon!" Dart, "INTRODUCING FIRST�?Coming to the ring from the State of New York�?At a combined weight of 524 Pounds They are�?NO LIMITS Christian SKYWALKERRR�?And the WallStreet Brawler, MISTER Taylor_MmmmmCCCCCCALLLLISTERRRRR!" A Green spotlight follows WallStreet as a red one follows NLCS While they start heading down the ramp, pointing and at various fans and slapping hands when they get far enough down the ramp to do so. Busch, "Wallstreet and Christian seem to be trying to work together right now, trying to get some fans behind them." Marshall, "The Boss has really shown that he's a class act, forgiving Skywalker for not only hitting him, but for losing as well." WallStreet and Christian get to the bottom of the ramp and slap a few more hands before Christian walks around and starts heading up the stairs. As he heads up the stairs WallStreet walks to the right side of the ring (looking down from the ramp) and climbs up onto the outside ring apron. WallStreet points at a few fans fans and then throws up his right arm drawing a huge pop as on the other side of the ring Christian leans back against the ropes and screams to hype the crowd (and it seemingly works as they too pop). Busch, "The fans are ready for some action." WallStreet and NLCS both enter the ring and go to opposite corners, climbing up the ropes and doing their respective posses of choice for the fans to erupt too. They then drop down and come back to the corner nearest the commentary tables and begin discussing strategy as the arena lights turn to a gold lighting.. The Public Address System begins to play "Don't Say Nuthin'" by the Philadelphia based rap group The Roots. The ICWA Jumbo Tron is flashing the words "Pure Perfection" in between clips of David Van Dam and Matt Matlock in action. The curtain underneath the tron is pushed aside as David Van Dam and Matt Matlock walk onto the stage. David Van Dam stands on the right, and Matt Matlock on the left. The duo looks out at the crowd. They raise their arms to the air and look out at the crowd. Kevin Dart: "Making their way down the risle, they weigh in at a total combined weight of five hundred and fifteen pounds, the team of David Van Dam and Matt Matlock... PURE....PER....FECTION!" David Van Dam and Matt Matlock look at each other and then at the ring. All four of these guys have had some sort of issue with their respective partners over the last couple of weeks. Van Dam sheds his robe, Matlock sheds his jacket, and the two men slide in the ring, and the match begins. Matlock taking it to NLCS, and Van Dam and Street going right at it. NLCS and Matlock exchange big rights and lefts, as Street and DVD exchange some of the most vicious chops around. NLCS gets the upper hand on Matlock, using some big fists to knock Matlock towards the ropes. NLCS runs to the other ropes and hits them, before bouncing off and coming towards Matlock, and Matlock grabs NLCS for a powerslam, blocking NLCS' attempt at a cross-body block. Matlock turns and dumps NLCS over the ropes. The large Matt Matlock climbs up onto the middle rope as he waits for NLCS to get up. NLCS is up, and Matlock leaps out of the ring and splashes onto NLCS. The crowd is on their feet as Wallstreet irish whips the reigning Champion into the ropes. DVD hits the ropes and comes bouncing back, and what is he hit with? A huge spinebuster! Busch, "We've started off fast and furious, referee Tim White needs to get control of this match." Marshall, "Screw that, just let 'em go at it." Wallstreet goes for the quick cover, but he only gets a one count. Street shrugs as he pulls DVD up. Hard forearm from the CEO of ICWA, followed up by a kick to the gut and a snap suplex. Matlock and NLCS are still on the outside, going at it. NLCS has taken control, a big irish whip to Matlock sends him into the ring barricade. with such force that Matlock is propelled over the barricade and into the front row of the crowd. The crowd let's out an 'ohhhh', as Street pulls Van Dam to his feet, but gets a shot to his gut, then a second, then a third. DVD propels himself off of the mat with a big European Uppercut that causes Wallstreet to stumble back. Wallstreet rubs his chest as Van Dam nails him with a couple of big forearms, an irish whip from Van Dam, when Street comes bouncing back and DVD catches him in the side-walk slam position, but instead of slamming Street to the mat, DVD drops Street onto his knee for a backbreaker. Busch, "Back and forth, hard hitting action." NLCS is back on the apron as Matlock pulls himself over the barricade. DVD goes for the pinfall, but Street kicks out after one, so Van Dam drives his knee into the spine of Wallstreet, his hands locking around Street's chin. Street groans in pain as Matlock crawls to the apron, his head full of cobwebs as he climbs up on the apron. Van Dam releases his hold when he can't get Street to tap out. DVD looks over at Matlock, who shakes his head, saying he's not ready for the tag yet. DVD begins to pull Street to his feet, Street nails DVD hard in the gut, grabs his face and drives it into his knee. DVD grabs his face, as Street nails DVD with a hard clothesline, knocking them both back to the mat. Marshall, "This match is much different than their first contest, which was much slower. This one is fast and hard hitting, and the crowd is loving it." Both men slowly get to their feet, Street charges at Van Dam, who ducks the attempted lariat, before diving to Matlock and makes the tag. The matlock has a mixed reaction but he pays it no mind as he rushes in toward WallStreet. Matlock goes for a hard right but WallStreet puts up his left arm, blocking the shot, and hits a stinging right hand of his own�?Then a second�?a third�?a forth�?And he pulls back and nails a huge open handed shot that sends Matlock flying back, landing on his ass in his own corner. The crowd is going wild as Matlock grabs the second ropes on the left side of him, grabs his jaw with his right hand, and has his eyes wide with surprise. WallStreet just nods and says, "Come on�? Busch, "WallStreet daring the Canadian Ultrastar to come back." Marshal, "Matt Matlock’s not a guy you have to ask more than once to come to a fight." Matlock pulls himself up but when he does David slaps his shoulder and tags himself in, getting a big reaction from the fans. Matlock cocks his head to the side, clearly not happy but David doesn’t even notice as he charges toward WallStreet. WallStreet bends down, looking to scoop Van Dam up with the Spinebuster but Van Dam bends down as well, cradling his own neck in between WallStreet’s neck and shoulder before flipping himself up and over, land his back ontop of WallStreet’s back and sliding down the Corporate back, getting to his feet behind McCallister. Van Dam spins around, hooks a rear waist lock, hoist the Corporate Icon up into the air and slams him down on his chest. Van Dam instantly sprawls around to the head of McCallister and hooks in a Front Facelock. WallStreet wastes no time snapping in his knees and then jumping up to his feet as Van Dam is forced to rise up as well. WallStreet is about to attempt a Northern Lights Suplex but Van Dam can feel it coming based on the weight shift McCallister’s forced to engage in so the Champion spins around, releasing the front face lock and turning into a rear waist lock. David pops his hips back and takes the Chairman over with a German Suplex. David maintains the bridge as Tim White drops down and counts …………………One……………………Two just barely two as WallStreet kicks out. Busch, "Van Dam with the German Suplex into the pin for a count of two as this high pace action continues." The camera shot pans back as we see Skywalker with one foot on the bottom rope, the tag rope around his hand as he applauds his partner. On the other side Matlock’s just leaning on the top rope, not nearly as enthused about his partner. WallStreet and David both roll up to their feet and David grabs WallStreet by the wrist, Irish whipping him across the ring to Pure Perfection’s corner. David gives pursuit and goes to grab WallStreet, probably thinking about hoisting him up for a superplex of sorts. But as he arrives Matt smacks him on the shoulder, tagging himself in. David raises an eyebrow but shrugs it off as Matt Enters the ring. Matt goes for a right hand on WallStreet but WallStreet quickly cuts it off with a thumb to the eye. The crowd is behind the thumb though. Matlock stumbles out and grabs Matlock by the trapezoid muscle, pulling him back and slamming him back first against the turnbuckles. WallStreet grabs him by the wrist and springs out, sending him running across the ring to the opposite corner where Skywalker is waiting. WallStreet darts across and lands a huge clothesline across the chest of Matlock. Matlock staggers out of the corner as WallStreet slaps the hand of Skywalker, tagging him in and drawing a solid reaction from the fans. Skywalker begins climbing the ropes on the outside as WallStreet grabs Matlock for a sidewalk slam, but drops down to a knee, dropping Matlock’s back across his knee with a backbreaker and holding him atop of the Corporate knee. Skywalker gets up top and leaps out, nailing a Guillotine leg drop on Matt Matlock, dropping him hard off of WallStreet’s knee. WallStreet exits out as Matlock is seen holding his back in pain. Skywalker drops down and goes for the cover making Tim White drop down and count ……………………One…………………Two Only two as Matlock kicks out. Skywalker gets up and pulls Matlock up off the mat. He grabs the Canadian Ultrastar by the wrist and sends him sailing across to the ropes. Skywalker bends down telegraphing the back body drop. Matlock returns and delivers a big right hand to the temple of Skywalker. Skywalker stays bent over holding his head as Matlock bounces over to the side ropes and comes back, grabbing Skywalker’s neck and nailing a big spinning neck breaker. Skywalker grabs his neck in pain as Matlock gets up and begins to deliver a couple of stomps to the upper torso of the former United States champion. Matlock bends down and pulls up Christian Skywalker as WallStreet’s encouraging him from the corner. Matlock grabs Skywalker by the wrist and presses his back against the ropes�?He springs out and sends No Limits zipping across the ring. Christian bounces off the ropes and comes rushing back as Matlock telegraphs the back body drop this time. Skywalker leap frogs over, but instantly spins around and applies a rear waist lock. The crowd cheers but Matlock resists and is trying to break the lock. Realizing that it may not happen he begins running backwards, in turn making Skywalker go backwards. Tim White notices them coming toward the corner but doesn’t notice in time and is squashed as the two big athletes come barreling into the corner. Busch, "Oh! ICWA Senior Referee Tim White was just the victim of a big-time collision!" Christian released the waist lock after the collision. Matlock pulls him out and hooks a vertical suplex grapple, probably looking for a vertical suplex. He goes to pull up Skywalker but Skywalker blocks the take over. He tries it again, but gets the same result. Skywalker suddenly delivers a hard right hand into the ribs of the number one contender and then he ends up hoisting Matlock into the air and taking him over with a vertical suplex of his own. The crowd is getting rowdy as Skywalker shines that million dollar smiles of his. Suddenly from the commentary side of the ring we see somebody slide in�?He’s got a lead pipe in hand and is wearing Blue Jeans and a black T Shirt and has long black hair. Skywalker turns around and as he does he’s leveled with the pipe. WallStreet’s eyes draw wide as he enters the ring between the ropes. WallStreet rushes in and charges the big man, but he springs toward WallStreet and levels him with a big clothesline. Busch, "Who the Hell is this and what’s he doing here?!" WallStreet rolls out of the ring holding his neck as the big man grabs two fist fulls of Skywalker’s hair and pulls him up to his feet as the crowd boos loudly. Matlock’s pulled himself up and David’s entered the ring, both men looking confused. The big black haired man hoists Skywalker up in the air as if going for a back drop, but then swings around and drops Skywalker hard with a modified Rock Bottom. Busch, "Good GOD! What a move! But�?Who the Hell is this guy and why’s he here?!" Marshal, "I don’t know who he is but he’s dismantling Christian Skywalker. I like him already." David walks up and grabs the big man by the shoulder, swinging him around as the crowd is on their feet with anticipation�?/P> David, "What the Hell are you doing?!" The big man, "Stay out of my way David�? The big man starts stomping away on the upper torso of an unconscious Christian Skywalker but David Van Dam quickly shoves him off. The Bradshaw looking fella doesn’t hesitate as he instantly springs foreward and nails a big time lariat on the champion. Matlock’s over in the corner and is seemingly considering getting involved now but he hesitates�?And then opts to simply stay where he’s at. Busch, "I�?I kind of got the impression that David Van Dam and this guy may know each other�? In the corner referee Tim White has pulled himself up and sees all the carnage and the big man stomping away at Skywalker�?Tim White starts calling for the bell, which in turn begins ringing. Busch, "Well it looks like this contest is gonna be thrown out but�?What the Hell is this guy’s deal?" The big man walks to the center of the ring, pounds his chest a couple of times and then throws his arms up in the air, drawing on a huge chorus of boos from the fans. The big man turns around and starts walking back toward Skywalker. On the floor Van Dam and WallStreet are both pulling themselves up. WallStreet gets his wear abouts faster then Van Dam does so he climbs up on the apron and enters the ring as the big man places Skywalker in the corner. WallStreet walks over and delivers a hard right hand, followed by a second, then a third, a forth�?The crowd is going wild as WallStreet swings back for a big time haymaker but our Bradshaw looking fella immediately launches forward and hits another clothesline sending WallStreet up and over the top rope and right back to the floor below. Busch, "I don’t know who this guy is but he’s manhandling everybody in his path�? "When The Lights Go Up And The Game Is On Is You Ready for Me? Cause I’m Ready For you When The Bell Rings Out And The Fight Is On Is You Ready For Me? Cause I’m Ready For Yooouuu" The crowd is booing even more so as "Game On" by Disciple blasts from the PA and the curtain flies to the side�?/P> Ryan Ross comes running down the ramp as David’s reaching up to the ropes to climb back into the ring, not even noticing that Ross is coming down. Ryan Ross slams his forearm right inbetween David’s Shoulder blades making him release the rope and drive against the ring. Van Dam turns around and Ryan Ross delivers a stiff kick between his legs, catching him completely off guard and dropping him hard on the floor as the fans continue booing. Busch, "Aww come on! For God sakes!" Ryan mounts the champion and begins dropping unrelentless rights and lefts as in the ring the big black haired man is pummeling Skywalker down in the corner. Matt Matlock looks around and just smirks as he walks to the rampside ropes and exits the ring. He looks at Ross pummeling David and just keeps walking up the ramp as the fans boo. Busch, "Matt Matlock’s�?He’s just leaving his partner at the hands of Ryan Ross�?WallStreet’s down on the floor and Skywalker’s getting destroyed by this�?this big brawler. It’s chaos! We need security or something�?Next week Ryan Ross meets Van Dam one on one for the ICWA Championship, but will Van Dam make it that far? And what the Hell’s the deal with this guy in the ring and his apparent vendetta against Christian Skywalker?! Bah God�?Maybe we’ll get some answers next week�?We’ve�?We’ve Gotta go�?Damn it somebody get down here and get control!" We pan back so we can see the Bradshaw looking guy beating on Skywalker, we can see Ross beating on Van Dam on the floor, and we can see Matlock standing half way up the ramp just watching�?/P> 
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ICWA Demented Credits & Quick Match Results Quick Match Results Dark Matches Patrick Warner Def. Brock Austin Blaze Inferno & Snake Eyes Def. Mandatory Demented & Christopher(The match was well enjoyed) ICWA Diva Angelina Santana made her debut, got over well, and then shot some ICWA T Shirts out into the crowd. Demented Matches Ryan Ross Def. Flipside Via Pinfall (Assist From James) Hope Cassidy Drew w/ Jay Styles via Time Limit Experation Heather McMahon Def. Lady Mystique via Pinfall Sean Frost Mann Def. Drew Stevenson via Pinfall (Assist from MJ Storm) Jimmy Stryker & James Def. Dark Child & DSL Via Disqualification (Flipside attacked James) MJ Storm Def. Leaky Format via Pinfall Pure Perfection V.S. WallStreet & Christian Skywalker: No Contest Post Show Dark Match David Van Dam Def. X Bomb for the ICWA Title via pinfall in a ten minute bonus match for those in live attendence. Credits
Match 1 Singles Ryan Ross V.S. Flipside Written by: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Match 2 Jay Styles V.S. Hope Cassidy Written by: James Match 3 Singles Heather McMahon V.S. Lady Mystique Written by: Matt H. AKA MJ Storm First Hour Main Event Singles Drew Stevenson V.S. SFM Written By: Taylor AKA WallStreet Match 5 Tag Team James & Jimmy Stryker V.S. DSL & Dark Child Written By: James Match 6 Tag Team Leaky Format V.S. MJ Storm Written By: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Main Event Singles Matt Matlock V.S. X Bomb Written by: David AKA David Van Dam & Taylor AKA WallStreet Winners Selected by Management Thanks to everyone who rped this week. great job. Special Thanks to Aaron & James who both picked up an two matches this week. I apologize once again for the long delay on results. 
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