 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 3/22/2007 4:04 AM |
ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | Last week’s show was pre-recorded and it’s no secret that live shows draw higher television ratings than pre-recorded shows. So last week on hour one Demented received a 2.8 and on hour two we received a 3.2. Still not bad though. Never the less, two weeks ago we got bumped for a very special FX presentation and this last week we were pre-recorded. Now this week it’s back to live television and it’s the last show before the return Pay Per View, ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf. That in mind, That 70’s Show has just concluded on FX and we fade into blackness, albeit only briefly�?/P> Last Week On Demented | A custom made ICWA instrumental starts playing as we begin watching footage from last week�?/FONT> By now Drew’s in the ring and he has a microphone in hand as his music is fading out. Stevenson, "Ya know�?Two weeks ago, MJ Storm came out here and he challenged that I didn’t have a tag team partner�?He challenged that perhaps I didn’t deserve to go for the tag team titles (crowd boos)�?/FONT> He even suggested I step off in favor of letting he and SFM obtain the tag team championships uncontested. (Crowd boos) Well�?Boy are they gonna be disappointed." He grins as the crowd cheers�?/FONT> Busch, "I like where this is headin�?/FONT>." Marshal, "That makes one of us." Stevenson, "So I think, without further ado I should introduce my new tag team partner�?He is�? "Behold The King�?The King of Kings�?BR>On Your Knees Boy!" The crowd’s reaction turns instantly as they begin booing. Marshal sarcastically, "BAH GAWD BERT! SFM! SFM IS THE PARTNER! Gah-ha-ha!" Busch, "Well that’s SFM’s music but I somehow doubt he’s Drew’s partner." ___________________________ SFM Smiles a very sarcastic smile as the crowd begins to chant: ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE, ASS-HOLE�?/FONT> SFM goes to speak but Drew beats him too it as he says, "I’m not sure how good your hearing is but there’s 18,000 people calling you an assh**e!" SFM seems only slightly annoyed as he says, "You think I give a crap what they think?" Stevenson, "Matter of fact, I do Sean." SFM, "Well you’re wrong. I don’t give a crap what any of these sniveling bastards think! Nor, Drew, do I give a damn who your little partner is. Because ya see, while you’re out here playing suck up to these losers, I’m back here just counting down the minutes before I get in that ring with you here tonight�?And when that happens Drew�?Your partner better be the Incredible Hulk or Superman because he’s gonna be flying solo for a long time." Stevenson, "Well if you think you’re man enough SFM, then why wait till later�?Why don’t you bring yourself down here right now and we’ll sort this out here and now!" SFM, "�?You want it, you got it." The crowd is going wild now as Drew sets the Mic down in the corner and pulls his shirt up over his head, tossing that in the corner as well. SFM keeps his mic in hand but begins unbuttoning his cuffs and rolling them back. Busch, "HO-BOY! Business�?Business�?BUSINESS Is fixin to pick up!" "When The Lights Go Up And The Game Is On Is You Ready for Me? Cause I’m Ready For you When The Bell Rings Out And The Fight Is On Is You Ready For Me? Cause I’m Ready For Yooouuu" The crowd is booing as Busch says, "That’s�? _____________________ The curtain moves and the crowd boos as out from behind it steps�?/FONT> Ross draws a microphone up to his mouth�?/FONT> Ross, "Ya know, it seems like the only damn way I get any air time around here, is when I open the show. I’m on the bottom of the card because somebody in the front office has a wild hair up their ass because they can’t keep me under their thumb, and because I don’t come out here every week like Drew Stevenson and go "Mwah, Mwah" to the grotesque and ample backside of these fans!" Ross continues, "Now, I can’t even get that because you two ________s want to steal the very little bit of TV time I DO Have!" Drew, "�?/FONT>Who�?Are You?" The crowd erupts as even SFM grows a smirk. Ross, however, does not appear to be nearly as amused. Ross, " Who am I?! WHO AM I?! I am RYAN FRICKIN ROSS! I AM THE MAN WHO MADE THIS COMPANY! I Am the man who brought it to the peek of GLORY! And now I’m being SHAT on by glorified noobs!" Drew Stevenson, " Ryan Ross? I loved your album!" Ross’s jaw drops slight�?He suddenly gets a look as to say "Hmm, maybe he’s not so bad." Ross, " Well�?I’m glad somebody has good taste. What was your favorite song?" Drew, "You know�?That one�?(Deepens his voice and "sings") "Err Day I’m Hustlin, Err Day I’m Hustlin, Err Day I’m Hustlin, Hustlin�? Ross gets a sour face again as the crowd is laughing and cheering. Busch, " Well Ryan Ross was the lead singer of a band, but I think Drew’s got him mistaken for the rapper *Rick* Ross." __________________________ SFM, " I do believe that Drew and I were in the middle of something. So, anybody who’s not at least (raises his hand to mid chest) This High on the card can dismiss themselves as the top tier does business." SFM takes a few more steps forward as he’s about three quarters of the way down the ramp. Ross, " Oh, I’ll dismiss something�?I’ll dismiss my foot in your ass." And with that Ryan Ross begins heading down the ramp. Busch, " Oh Boy, it’s lookin�?to be a free-for-all out here! Somebody might wanta call security!" Ryan Ross is walking down the ramp none too pleased�?/FONT> Suddenly The Triumphant trumpets begin blasting over the PA�?/FONT> The crowd instantly erupts, giving it’s biggest reaction of the night so far as We soon hear someone working out hard as we hear Nelly�?/FONT> "Ya Gotta work, Gotta Work, Come on�?Push It�?Come on man Push It�?Five more, five more, you can do it�?Come on baby�? Busch, " Wait a Second�?WAIT A SECOND�?THAT’S�? "Heart of a Champion" by Nelly begins to take off as the crowd is going wild and Ryan Ross has now stopped half way down the ramp�? the curtain moves�?/FONT> Busch, " It’s the heavyweight Champion of the World! He’s got that huge tag team main event later on tonight but�?What’s he doing here now?!" In one hand he has the ICWA Heavyweight championship belt, in the other a microphone. His music slowly fades as he soaks up the crowd’s reaction�?/FONT> Crowd: D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D�?/P> ___________________________ David, " I was sitting backstage thinking about how tonight, I get the distinct privilege of giving Albany one of the greatest main events they have ever seen�?(crowd cheers)�?And it was then that I heard borderline blasphemy�?I heard Sean Frost Man say "Let the Top tier do business"�?The Top Tier?! I don’t know if you noticed buddy, but I AM The Top Tier!" The crowd cheers again as Busch says, " The World Heavyweight Champion�?There’s no disputing that." SFM, " Yeah, that’s cute. You’re the world champion, congratulations. In another life maybe I give a crap, but in this one I’ve been there, done that, bought the Tee shirt, and am content to move on to the next destination." David, " Ya see, that’s where your wrong Frost Mann. There Is NO "Next Destination". This championship is the ULTIMATE destination. Every trip you make in this business is simply a side road that you can only hope leads to the end all and be all of destinations in the ICWA World Heavyweight championship. And anybody who doesn’t think so doesn’t deserve to be in this business to begin with." SFM, " Well maybe somewhere down the road when I get real bored I’ll come back and pursue that belt again and take it off your shoulder. Until that time my focus is on the�? Ross, " WHOA WHOA WHOA! HELLO! YOU-WHO! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! Is every ego and jackass in a ten mile radius just going to come out and help themselves to my time on the show?! How the Hell does somebody like me who’s done so much, merit such COMPLETE disrespect?!" David scratches his head as he says, " Obviously you know who I am but uh�?Who are you?" The crowd erupts with laughter and cheers as SFM smirks again and Drew tries to stifle a chuckle. Ross has a very Jericho-like "That’s not funny" face�?/FONT> ________________________ Ross, " One of these days when the powers that be stop protecting you and you get in the ring with Me�?I promise your doubts will be washed away as you feel the Rush�?BITCH!" Busch, " I’m not sure I’d advise calling our world champion a "Bitch"." Marshal, "Ross just laid down the punk card brotha." DVD smiles, " Bitch huh? Well feel this�? DVD Sets his title to the side and tosses the mic to the other side as he begins unbuttoning his cuffs and the crowd goes wild. David starts walking down the ramp with purpose as Ross glances from side to side looking for a way out�?Meanwhile down at the bottom of the ramp SFM slides into the ring and pops up as he and Drew begin throwing hands. Back on the ramp Ryan Ross has decided to stand his ground and when DVD arrives Ross kicks him in the knee instantly dropping him to one knee. He begins striking the side of the head of Van Dam but David wraps Ross�?legs and delivers a double leg sweep dropping him on the ramp. The crowd is going nuts. Busch, " BAH GAWD! IT’S PANDEMONIUM!" A flood of referees and security come flying down the ramp. Once they get to Ross and Van Dam the group splits in half as some continue into the ring and some stay right there and try to separate Van Dam and Ross. | | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | Last Week On Demented | ____________________________________________________________ We go to the ring for the start of the Drew/SFM match. We slowly cycle through various clips from the match till we get to the finish�?/FONT> The crowd suddenly erupts with boos as Drew just shakes his head. Drew takes a couple of steps backwards before he turns around, but as soon as he turns around BAM! Busch, " WHAT THE HELL?!" The crowd is booing loudly as MJ Storm (who just connected with a huge spear to Drew Stevenson) rolls out of the ring and stays laid down at ringside, holding up only his head as he looks around with a mischivious smirk on his face. Back on the ramp SFM grins and begins walking back down the ring. Busch, " Oh sure, SFM wants him some now... Now that his tag team partner just did his dirty work for him!" SFM slides back in the ring breaking Shawn Cain's count at eight. Cain turns around and seems a little confused as he's not sure why Stevenson's out, but he also didn't see anything so he can't do much. SFM stretches and yawns sarcastically before he drops to a knee and covers Drew with but a single finger tip, drawing tons of heat from the crowd. Crowd: BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT! BULL-SHIT ! Busch, " Damn straight it is!" Marshal, "Aww Bert, are those tears?" ..................One The crowd is booing as Busch says, " Damn it all! Not this way!" .....................Two MJ is on his feet, holding the canvas with a huge smile on his face as SFM's smirking and the crowd's still booing ......................Thre Drew suddenly throws his shoulder up as Cain's hand is grazing the mat for three. Busch, " Ah he got him! SFM has won..." Cain stands up and throws up two fingers before thrusting his shoulder forward and slapping it, signifying that Drew did in fact get his shoulder up in time. The crowrd erupts as MJ's smile disappears and his eyes draw wide in shock. SFM gets up in an outrage, screaming Cain who's still contesting that it was only two. Busch, " Wait... He... He... HE DIDN'T GET HIM! YES! DREW STEVENSON'S STILL IN THIS!" SFM is arguing relentlessly with the official as Drew rolls over to his chest. Drew starts pulling himself up as SFM's still complaining about the count. Drew suddenly darts under, hooks the wrist and the thigh again, hoists SFM up and slams him back with his variation of the Angle Slam, making the crowd erupt, hitting their pop. Busch, " FINAL CONFLICT! FINAL CONFLICT! BAH GAWD HE JUST GOT ALL OF THE FINAL CONFLICT!" Drew drops down to make the cover but as he does MJ Storm jumps up onto the canvas and starts to get in the ring. Cain instantly hops up and rushes over to the ropes nearest the commentary tables where MJ Storm was trying to enter. The fans start booing loudly as Busch says, " Aww for God's sake, get him the Hell outta here already!" Drew is maintaining the cover but quickly realizes it's about pointless without an official to count the three. Drew Stevenson gets up and darts over, leaping into the air hitting a big drop kick to MJ, sending him sailing off the ring and landing face first on the Commentary table. His head bounces back and he drops to his back on the floor as the crowd is cheering. Busch, " Serves him right!" Drew turns around and... SMACK! Busch, " Aww no! Stevenson was distracted by MJ Storm and SFM got the Let's roll!" Drew drops hard as SFM hooks the far leg and rolls back so his weight is primarly on Drew's shoulders as Cain drops down and counts .....................One.......................Two......................Three. The bell sounds as "King of Kings" begins to blast over the PA, Although it's difficult to hear over the chorus of boos. Dart, " Your winner.... SEAN FROST MANN!" Busch, " Well by hook or by crook SFM's won this thing..." SFM begins sticking the boots to Drew in the ring as MJ Storm slides in with a black steal chair in hand. Busch, " Aww come on, you've done enough!" The bell is sounding as Shawn tries to get SFM to stop with the boots. MJ comes across and wraps the official over the head with the chair, making him hit the mat and roll out of the ring to the floor. SFM grabs a fist full of Drew’s hair and picks his body up off the mat as the crowd is booing. SFM sets Drew’s back against the ropes and then pulls up on the second rope, bringing it up over Stevenson’s arms, trapping him in the ropes. SFM points to MJ who’s at center ring with the chair still in hand and yells "Put this son of a bitch out!" Busch, " Oh no�?You can’t do this�?Drew Stevenson’s completely defenseless�? MJ Runs forward, draws the chair up, and brings it crashing over Drew’s forehead making a sickening SMACK. The crowd boos as SFM immediately swings around and applies a front facelock to Stevenson with his left arm, delivering some hard punches to Drew’s captured face with his right. SFM Finally releases Drew so he’s just hanging from the ropes again and we see he’s been busted open across the forehead. The fans are booing as Busch says, " Come on�?You’ve made your damn point, let him go already!" SFM points to the far ropes and directs for MJ to get even more momentum behind his charge so he can deliver another sickening chair shot. Busch, " Oh No�? MJ Raises the chair in the air, drawing an even louder chorus of boos�?/P> Crowd: BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY, BOBBY�?/P> Busch, " These fans calling for Bobby Johnson�? Marshal, "They can call all night long Bert, Bobby Johnson’s not here and he’s not EVER comin back Jack!" MJ Darts across the ring, bounces off the rampside ropes, comes flying back while raising the chair and CRRRRRRACK! He brings the chair crashing down over the Emerald’s skull as his whole body goes limp and the fans continue to boo. SFM grabs Drew’s face with his left hand as he uses his right to paint brush (disrespectfully slap) Drew. Busch, " Now they’re adding Insult to Injury." SFM looks at MJ and says, " Give him one more!" Busch, " NO! DON’T DO THAT!" MJ Smirks and nods�?/P> Suddenly we begin hearing the guitar chords from "The Truth" by Limp Bizkit. The crowd is on their feet, a few who know who this song belongs to cheers. Busch, " Now what the Hell is this�?Wait�?I think I recognize that song�?Jay�?I think that’s�?That’s�? The curtain moves and we see a smaller man with long black dreadlocks�?He flies down the ramp and slides into the ring. MJ Comes rushing after him with that chair but the man immediately leaps up with an incredibly high Drop Kick, driving the chair right into Storm’s face. The chair goes flying and MJ lands hard on the mat and rolls out of the ring. "The Truth" is still playing over the PA as SFM launches out looking for a Let’s Roll�?The man ducks the leg and as SFM spins around the man delivers a quick kick to the gut, leaps up and nails a Fame Asser driving SFM Face first into the mat. SFM rolls out of the ring as the smaller athlete throws his arms up in the air making an X above his head and drawing a huge reaction from the fans as for the first time we get a clear shot of his face. Busch, " WHYSPER! WHYSPER! WHYSPER HAS COME TO THE EYE SEE DUBBYA EH, AND BAH GAWD HE’S COME IN THE NICK OF TIME!!!" Whysper rushes over to the ropes and starts fighting with the ropes to free Drew Stevenson as we see some EMTs and ICWA trainer Danny Yung rushing out from the back. Marshal, " What the Hell is he doing here?! Isn’t he from Michigan?!" Busch, "Well he is�?The last time we saw this kid he was a Titanium Champion in Michigan�?I don’t�?I don’t know what he’s doing here but Bah Gawd�?Thank God he is here!" Marshal, "How does some guy from another company just end up in our building, and just HAPPEN to know that Drew Stevenson’s gonna need a save? And why the Hell is he sticking his nose in this anyway?!" Busch, "Drew and Whysper were teammates down in Michigan before�?Wait�?You don’t think? You don’t think that maybe�?Maybe WHYSPER’S DREW’S PARTNER?! I think we may have just found out who’s going against Remorseless Storm at Resurrection!" Marshal, "WHAT?! That’s not fair Bert! He doesn’t even work here!" Busch, "Well apparently he does now! Remorseless Storm best to get their A Game ready cause I reckon their gonna damn well need it against these two!" MJ and SFM are walking backwards up the ramp, glaring toward the ring and yelling obscenities as they both hold their faces in pain. Whysper lets the EMTs try and free Drew as he runs across the ring and jumps up onto the ropes, his left foot on the bottom rope and his right foot on the second rope as his left hand holds the top rope and his right hand points out to SFM and MJ. He then brings his right thumb to one side of his throat and draws it all the way to the other, implicating that the end is near for Remorseless Storm and drawing a huge reaction from the fans. ________________________________________ We see an unenthused MJ Storm and SFM marching through the back. " Excuse me�?Excuse Me�? The camera pans back and we see a young man with a microphone�?Perhaps the ICWA’s grooming another interviewer? MJ and SFM stop as the interviewer says, " Remorseless Storm�?It’s been confirmed�?March 25th from Madison Square Garden in New York City, You two will meet the team of Drew Stevenson (crowd cheers) and Whysper (crowd cheers) for the ICWA Tag Team championships. What are your thoughts?" SFM, " Our thoughts? Our thoughts are, Whysper should have stayed in Michigan playing with the Titanium title. Remorseless Storm is exactly what it’s name says it is kid, A Remorseless Storm. And for Drew and Whysper the storm is brewing�?Oh it’s brewing. And at Howl of the Wolf, Just like Katrina to New Orleans, We’re going to rack up the victims, cause some mass destruction, and take whatever we damn well want�?Which in this case is going to be the ICWA Tag Team Championships." MJ Storm, " Oh yeah, you got that right Sean. So Whysper’s the tag partner? Well I know Whysper pretty well. At Resurrection III the Whysper’s gonna be silenced. At Resurrection III we’re going to do the same thing I’m going to do later tonight to Leaky Format�?Dominate and Obliterate. The difference being that tonight all that comes of the Domination and Obliteration is my arm being raised and Leaky Format’s humility being invoked�?On March 25th we not only win pride, but the ICWA Tag Team Championships of the World." With that Remorseless Storm walks off. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Busch, " And as a result of that, next week we have got a huge main event heading into the ICWA Resurrection Pay Per View as we’ve just found out that "The Rush" Ryan Ross will be going one on one with David Van Dam in a non title contest! Folk’s that’s gonna be huge!" Marshal, "No doubt Bert, No doubt." The promotional banner stays on the Dementa-Tron but the viewers at home switch to Ross standing in the ring, his head cocked to the side as he looks up at the graphic on the tron, further anger on his face as we can read him saying " That’s bullshit!" Busch, " Well apparently Ryan Ross isn’t too thrilled with that decision from the ICWA Executive branch." __________________________________________ David and Matlock are backstage, eye to eye, neither giving an inch. David nods, " Alright man, I feel ya." David extends his hand and Matlock accepts it as the two shake hands, bring each other in, and share a small embrace which draws a solid reaction from the crowd. Busch, " Oh Boy! It looks like Matlock and Van Dam are back on the same page! That doesn’t bid well for the former US Champion and our Chairman!" " Heh-hmm." David and Matlock turn around as the camera pans out and the fans begin booing upon the site of Ryan Ross. David, " What do you want?" Ross, " Some respect, some recognition, my rightfully deserved spoils for the blood and sweat I’ve left on that ICWA Canvas�?And the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." David, " I respect ya as a fellow ICWA Ultrastar and a great in ring performer�?I recognize you and what you’ve done in the past for this great organization�?And if by spoils you mean cash, I’ll even buy your T Shirt. But as far as the ICWA World Heavyweight title is concerned�?Well that belongs to me kid. And if you want that�?(David steps closer, nose to nose as he stares straight into Ryan’s eyes) You’ll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers." The crowd erupts as Busch says, " And Bah God he means that folks!" Ross doesn’t back down a step as he says, " Ironicly David, it appears I have the opportunity to do just that. Because you see, next week on Demented I’ve been booked to meet you one on one�?And I went to Taylor and requested that you be forced to put your ICWA World Heavyweight title on the line�? David, " Oh yeah? What’d he say?" Matlock chimes in, clearly having a vested interest, as he says, " Yeah Ross, what’d he say?" Ross, " Well�?He said that it was up to you David. So what do ya say Van Dam? All that crap about being the best there is�?All the talk�?Is it just that David? Is it simply "Talk"? Or are ya willing to back it up and put that title on the line next week?" David doesn’t hesitate as he says, " Oh I’ll back it up Ryan�?I’ll back up every word. You want the championship on the line next week? YOU GOT IT!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, " WHAT?! THAT’S HUGE!" David doesn’t move his stare as he says, " But you better come with a game like you have NEVER came with before�?Because if you don’t, This won’t just be the biggest match of your career�?It’ll be the LAST." Ryan smirks, " Oh don’t you worry David�?You’ll get the best I’ve got, and in turn, I’ll get the title of being the best there is as I obtain the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." Ryan nods as he turns (satisfied with how that worked out) and walks away. David just stares at the back of his head as Matlock is behind David, his eyes about out of his head as his head’s cocked to the side and he has a look of both shock and anger on his face as he looks at David�? ______________________________________ we see Matt Matlock sitting on a steal chair in the back, tipping it back on it’s hind legs as he has his feet up on a table and is drinking a cold Mountain Dew (the label easy to see). We hear a door draw open and we see his lady friend, Jessie, walk in. Jessie, " Baby, you’re up." Matt rolls his eyes, " Yay." Jessie gets behind him and leans down, putting her arms around his big chest as he reaches up with his right hand and rubs her forearm. Jessie, " What’s wrong baby?" Matt sighs, " David. We spent fifteen minutes talking about respect and friendship, and then in a single moment he pisses on his whole hypocritical speech." Jessie, " What happened?" Matt, " Ryan Ross." Jessie, " Who?" Matt, " Some guy I beat at the Holiday Show. He’s got some chip on his shoulder because apparently he was a big deal in the ICWA at one time and now he’s not. So he comes to David and says "Well WallStreet said that you could decide to put the title on the line against me next week" and David actually did it. He just completely disrespected me by giving Ryan Ross the title match. That was my title match. I am the number one contender for the title. Now what? If Ryan Ross wins next week then what happens? David becomes the number one contender, and then ol Matt Matlock gets bumped back as they build for the big money rematch between Ross and David. Then if David wins that match, Ryan Ross becomes the contender and gets a rematch�?I may never even see my match. I’m just gonna get bumped to the side and forgotten. Well screw that. I’ve done my time, I’ve waited as long as I’m going to wait and I’m sick and damn tired of people thinking that Matt Matlock’s just some guy to pushed to the side when something "better" comes along. I beat the crap out of Ryan Ross. Ryan Ross has never beaten me. Yet he gets a shot before me? And who do ya blame? It’s not like WallStreet forced David to defend the title. He left the decision up to David and David said "Oh, well piss on Matt, I’ll defend the title next week." Jessie, " Baby, you’re talking about your own partner. The man who you have to share the ring with in just a few minutes�? Matt, " Yeah well, I’ll go out there and do what I need to do because I want to beat WallStreet and Skywalker again. But David’s going to find out real soon that I’m not playing nice anymore." With that Matlock stands up and heads for the door | | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | Last Week On Demented | _______________________________________ Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is the ICWA MAIN EVENT! (Crowd pops)�?It is a Tag Team bout scheduled for ONEFALL with a One Hour Time Limit�? Busch, "Well folks, here we go�? Matlock grabs Skywalker by the wrist and presses his back against the ropes�?He springs out and sends No Limits zipping across the ring. Christian bounces off the ropes and comes rushing back as Matlock telegraphs the back body drop this time. Skywalker leap frogs over, but instantly spins around and applies a rear waist lock. The crowd cheers but Matlock resists and is trying to break the lock. Realizing that it may not happen he begins running backwards, in turn making Skywalker go backwards. Tim White notices them coming toward the corner but doesn’t notice in time and is squashed as the two big athletes come barreling into the corner. Busch, " Oh! ICWA Senior Referee Tim White was just the victim of a big-time collision!" Christian released the waist lock after the collision. Matlock pulls him out and hooks a vertical suplex grapple, probably looking for a vertical suplex. He goes to pull up Skywalker but Skywalker blocks the take over. He tries it again, but gets the same result. Skywalker suddenly delivers a hard right hand into the ribs of the number one contender and then he ends up hoisting Matlock into the air and taking him over with a vertical suplex of his own. The crowd is getting rowdy as Skywalker shines that million dollar smiles of his. Suddenly from the commentary side of the ring we see somebody slide in�?He’s got a lead pipe in hand and is wearing Blue Jeans and a black T Shirt and has long black hair. Skywalker turns around and as he does he’s leveled with the pipe. WallStreet’s eyes draw wide as he enters the ring between the ropes. WallStreet rushes in and charges the big man, but he springs toward WallStreet and levels him with a big clothesline. Busch, " Who the Hell is this and what’s he doing here?!" WallStreet rolls out of the ring holding his neck as the big man grabs two fist fulls of Skywalker’s hair and pulls him up to his feet as the crowd boos loudly. Matlock’s pulled himself up and David’s entered the ring, both men looking confused. The big black haired man hoists Skywalker up in the air as if going for a back drop, but then swings around and drops Skywalker hard with a modified Rock Bottom. Busch, " Good GOD! What a move! But�?Who the Hell is this guy and why’s he here?!" Marshal, "I don’t know who he is but he’s dismantling Christian Skywalker. I like him already." David walks up and grabs the big man by the shoulder, swinging him around as the crowd is on their feet with anticipation�?/P> David, " What the Hell are you doing?!" The big man, " Stay out of my way David�? The big man starts stomping away on the upper torso of an unconscious Christian Skywalker but David Van Dam quickly shoves him off. The Bradshaw looking fella doesn’t hesitate as he instantly springs foreward and nails a big time lariat on the champion. Matlock’s over in the corner and is seemingly considering getting involved now but he hesitates�?And then opts to simply stay where he’s at. In the corner referee Tim White has pulled himself up and sees all the carnage and the big man stomping away at Skywalker�?Tim White starts calling for the bell, which in turn begins ringing. Busch, " Well it looks like this contest is gonna be thrown out but�?What the Hell is this guy’s deal?" The big man walks to the center of the ring, pounds his chest a couple of times and then throws his arms up in the air, drawing on a huge chorus of boos from the fans. The big man turns around and starts walking back toward Skywalker. On the floor Van Dam and WallStreet are both pulling themselves up. WallStreet gets his whereabouts faster then Van Dam does so he climbs up on the apron and enters the ring as the big man places Skywalker in the corner. WallStreet walks over and delivers a hard right hand, followed by a second, then a third, a forth�?The crowd is going wild as WallStreet swings back for a big time haymaker but our Bradshaw looking fella immediately launches forward and hits another clothesline sending WallStreet up and over the top rope and right back to the floor below. Busch, " I don’t know who this guy is but he’s manhandling everybody in his path�? "When The Lights Go Up And The Game Is On Is You Ready for Me? Cause I’m Ready For you When The Bell Rings Out And The Fight Is On Is You Ready For Me? Cause I’m Ready For Yooouuu" The crowd is booing even more so as "Game On" by Disciple blasts from the PA and the curtain flies to the side�?/P> Ryan Ross comes running down the ramp as David’s reaching up to the ropes to climb back into the ring, not even noticing that Ross is coming down. Ryan Ross slams his forearm right inbetween David’s Shoulder blades making him release the rope and drive against the ring. Van Dam turns around and Ryan Ross delivers a stiff kick between his legs, catching him completely off guard and dropping him hard on the floor as the fans continue booing. Busch, " Aww come on! For God sakes!" Ryan mounts the champion and begins dropping unrelentless rights and lefts as in the ring the big black haired man is pummeling Skywalker down in the corner. Matt Matlock looks around and just smirks as he walks to the rampside ropes and exits the ring. He looks at Ross pummeling David and just keeps walking up the ramp as the fans boo. Busch, " Matt Matlock’s�?He’s just leaving his partner at the hands of Ryan Ross�?WallStreet’s down on the floor and Skywalker’s getting destroyed by this�?this big brawler. It’s chaos! We need security or something�?Next week Ryan Ross meets Van Dam one on one for the ICWA Championship, but will Van Dam make it that far? And what the Hell’s the deal with this guy in the ring and his apparent vendetta against Christian Skywalker?! Bah God�?Maybe we’ll get some answers next week�?We’ve�?We’ve Gotta go�?Damn it somebody get down here and get control!" We pan back so we can see the Bradshaw looking guy beating on Skywalker, we can see Ross beating on Van Dam on the floor, and we can see Matlock standing half way up the ramp just watching�?/P> _________________________________________________ |  | The Opening Video For ICWA Demented begins as "Straight Out of Line" by Godsmack blasts in the background. As the video concludes we draw back from the Dementa-Tron and watch a set of pyros explode�?/P> The cameras then begin sweeping the TD Bank North Garden in Boston Massachusetts. Busch, "Welcome to EYE SEE DUBBYA EH DEMENTED! I am Double B Bert Busch alongside the former CWA Heavyweight Champion Destructive Jay Marshal and we are back LIVE on FX! And folks, we didn’t spare any expense this week�?We have got a blockbuster quality card lined up for ya tonight, that much I guarantee." Marshal, "No Doubt, No Doubt Busch! Great card on the horizon�?Ya saw what happened last week between Ryan Ross and David Van Dam�?Well that led to this�? The crowd erupts as the Dementa-Tron lights up with the promotional banner for tonight’s main event�?/P> Busch, "The ICWA Demented Main Event�?Ryan Ross going one on one with the World’s Heavyweight Champion, David Van Dam and folks, the championship IS on the line. A decision, might I add, that didn’t seem to make one Matt Matlock very happy." Marshal, "So uh, speakin�?of Matlock�?If Ryan Ross wins here tonight, what happens to the main event at Resurrection?" Busch, "Well folks�?If Ryan Ross wins here tonight than we have been told that the Resurrection main event will be changed to a rematch from here tonight." Marshal, "So what’s that mean for Matt Matlock and his title opportunity?" Busch, "I guess it’d essentially end up on the back burner." Marshal, "I got a feelin�?Matlock’s not gonna be real happy to hear that." Without further hesitation The opening guitar chords of "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" hit the speakers. Busch, "It don’t look like it’s gonna take us long to find out!" Eight seconds later, the song kicks into Fed up tired, Sick & twisted One man army I'm enlisted Trust yourself trust no one else Fuck a hero just be yourself It's at this point when Matt Matlock steps out from behind the curtains, dressed in his jeans and a muscle shirt and wearing a pair of sunglasses. He stands there looking out over the crowd with a grin as the song continues. Kevin Dart, "LADIES and Gentlemen�?The following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL and has a ten minute time limit!" And I don't need your lousy handouts With clenched fists I'll fight my way out Fight my way out, find my way out Matt stands still for a moment, his arms at his sides. People wake up and sing along I trust no one, all my trust is gone! At this moment Matt looks skyward and points up to the roof as loud pyros suddenly explode on both sides of the ramp, starting at the top and repeatedly exploding all the way down past him towards the bottom. Busch, "Ya can see the frustration and aggravation in the eyes and the body language of the Cornered Animal as he makes his entrance here tonight." Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything! Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything, yeah! Now as the pyros subside and the song continues, Matt continues his walk down the ramp. Most of the crowd is booing as he does so, but some fans have their hands out for him, and he slaps hands with them as he passes by. He reaches the ring and slides underneath the rope as Kevin Dart takes the mic. Dart: And now in the ring, hailing from Cape Breton Island, Canada and weighing at two hundred and seventy pounds, the greatest CWF/nWWF Champion ever, he is "The Cornered Animal"....MATT....MAT-LOOOOOCK! While Kevin is doing the introductions Matt leaned over the ropes on both sides of the ring facing the crowd, talking trash at those are booing him. Matt then heads up the top turnbuckle, where he stands for a moment before stretching his arms to the side. The moment he does so a flurry of pyros erupt in the enter of the ring behind him, HBK-style pyros. Busch, "HO-BOY!" They shoot off rapidly for a few seconds until he lowers his arms and they stop. It's at this point where Matt hands his sunglasses off to the ref as he steps down and then looks up towards the stage as he awaits the arrival of his opponent Busch: Matlock seems ready to go for this opening contest.
[The words FLIPSIDE appear on the sceen in gold letters as the music hits] Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're far too kind
Now can I get an encore, do you want more Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy So for one last time I need y'all to roar
Now what the hell are you waitin for After me, there shall be no more So for one last time, nigga make some noise
Get em Jay [Flipside comes out as the fans go crazy chanting FLIP...SIDE...FLIP...SIDE. He slowly makes his way down the ramp slapping some hands and smiling at the younger audience. Dart, "And the opponent�?Weighing in at 246 pounds and Making his way from Toronto Ontario CAN-A-DA�?FLLLLIPSIIIIDEE!" Busch, "Well, as a result of the built up animosity between Flipside, James, and Dark Child these three great athletes have been placed inside of a barbwire cage match this Sunday on Pay Per View. Until that bout all three men have been forbidden to touch each other. But here tonight all three men have been booked in singles action in order to get an opportunity for some momentum as they head into this big pay per view bout�? Busch, "Flipside is of course getting ready to combat Matt Matlock�?There ya see, later tonight Dark Child will go one on one with Leaky Format as both men attempt to regain a level of momentum here in the ICWA as they’re both coming off of disappointing losses�? But folks, the big one�? The crowd erupts as the next promotional banner comes up�?/FONT> Busch, "James and WALLSTREET here LIVE TONIGHT! These two have had one of the most incredible, epic feuds of our business. And here tonight it gets yet another chapter added as we get this pay per view quality contest absolutely free on Demented here on the FX Network! Man, what a match up that’s gonna be later tonight!" Marshal, "No doubt, no doubt. James and WallStreet, Those two can tear it down like no other. I’ve been here and watched em go time and time again and let me tell ya, the fans are in for a real treat here tonight." Flipside gets to the bottom of the ramp, looks around, raises his arms, and the fans once again go nuts.] I've become so numb I can't feel you there I've become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you
I've become so numb Can I get an encore, do you want more (more...) I've become so numb So for one last time I need y'all to roar One last time I need y'all to roar. [Flipside slides into the ring, climbs the to top of the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the hands. He is ready for anything...] Busch: Well Folks, when we get back these two young athletes are gonna�?they’re gonna get it ON!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | During the commercial Matt Matlock and Flipside cut a promo to each other that only the fans in Boston got to see. They dug it. *End Commercial* DING DING DING Darren Thomas calls for the bell, as Flipside gets an early jump on things flying through the air, and landing a forearm in the face of Matlock sending him stumbling backwards. Flipside walks right up to Matlock, as he continues to assault Matlock with everything he's got, as Matlock falls to the mat onto his ass trying to get himself together. Flipside backing off a bit, but then goes back to try another round of an assault but Matlock is right there to push him back as Matlock gets to his feet. Matlock smart with his in ring ability, then kicks Flipside in the gut as he wrings his arm a good few times, jerking the arm downwards, trying to wring the shoulder out of its socket, as he climbs up to the top rope, and lands down hard onto the same shoulder. Hell of a move by Matlock who like the Undertaker pulled it off perfectly. Matlock feeling a bit saucy, then does the same attempt one more time, as up the ropes he goes, but this time as he is standing on the top rope, Flipside turns his body enough, hip tossing Matlock from the top rope to the mat. Matlock a little shocked at what just happened, as Flipside is right there on top of him once again. Flipside punches Matlock a couple of times, as he then picks him up to his feet. Matlock then is seen being lifted into the air, and dropped back down to the mat with a tremendous Tbone suplex by Flipside. Flipside relentless on this match as he wants to secure a big win over Matlock. Busch: Matlock in trouble early on Jay!! Marshall: Yeah and Flipside looks more determined than ever Bert!! Flipside not wanting to let his guard down, as he then picks up Matlock one more time. Matlock trying to fight back with shots to the gut, as Flipside doesnt have any of it, as he nails Matlock with a knee shot to the face. Matlock flings upwards, as Flipside picks up Matlock and drops him down into a thunderous spine buster. Flipside getting it into his head that he has a chance, as the fans are roaring in the arena for him, as he then goes to the outside on the apron. He then looks out at the crowd, as the cheer for him to climb. Flipside then climbs up to the second turnbuckle and then the third and final, as he then raises his arms above his head. The crowd in approval cheers louder, as Flipside launches himself off of the top for The Flipside, as Matlock saw it coming and moves out of the way, as Flipside lands with a thud on to his back in the middle of the ring. Flipside holding his back in pain now, as Matlock is seen sitting up, looking over at him, with a smile on his face. Busch: Flipside, I cant believe you missed that move!! Marshall: Rookie mistake Bert!!! He took too long!! Busch: Your a mistake Jay!! Matlock to his feet, as Flipside is seen getting up not facing Matlock, as Matt takes off, and nails Flipside with a bulldog. Flipside is seen rolling over onto his back as his hands are covering his face. Matlock then picks up Flipside and whips him into the corner. Matlock then lifts Flipside to the top buckle on the ring. Matlock then climbs the corner as well, as he tries locking in for a high impact move. As Matlock tries, Flipside throws shots to the gut until Matlock releases the hold. Flipside with a fist to the head of Matlock, but Matlock keeps his balance on the ropes. Matlock then turns around with three or four fists to the head of Flipside, hooking on the possible suplex, as Matlock hooks the leg and nails Flipside with a Top Rope Perfect Plex. Matlock taking a shot as well but Flipside the most with the move being placed upon him him. Flipside is down and not moving, as Matlock is seen rolling over, as he places himself over the falled Flipside as Darren Thomas is right there to make the count. Darren: 1..........2............Kickout by Flipside!! Busch: Holy yeah ummm that was sure close!! Marshall: Ill agree with you there Bert!! I thought Matlock had this won!! Matlock is seen with Flipside grabbing him by the hair, as Darren is telling Matlock to let go of the hair. Matlock does not let go, as Darren starts making the five count. 1.................2......................3.........................4 Matlock lets go of the hair, and just chops Flipside in the chest hard!! Flipside then chopping Matlock as well, as Matlock finally grabbing the arm of Flipside pulling him forward nailing him with a short armed clothesline sending Flipside back down to the mat. Matlock then pulls Flipside back to his feet, as Flipside kicks Matlock in the gut, as he then nails Matlock with a northern lights suplex, grabbing the leg in a pin attempt. Darren: 1..............2................Kickout by Matlock!! Matlock quickly to his feet, as he then grabs Flipside wrapping his arm around his neck, dropping him down with the eye of the hurricane. Flipside lays flat on the mat, as Matlock is seen giving the crowd the middle finger as they give him major heat. Matlock with a smile on his face as he just lets them all boo him, as he goes back for Flipside one more time. Flipside all of a sudden gets a second wind, as he takes his right arm swiping Matlocks leg out from under him as he falls to the mat. Flipside then bounces himself off the ropes, as he jumps into the air, dropping a beautiful leg drop to Matlock across the neck. Matlock holding his neck gasping for air, as Flipside then goes back to the top rope one more time. Flipside then jumps off the top, and connects with The Flipside!! Flipside is seen climbing over Matlock hooking the leg. Darren: 1................2................Kickout by Matlock!! Flipside then tries to pick up Matlock, but there is Matlock with a thumb to the eye of Flipside, as Matlock slowly gets to his feet. Flipside gets himself over to the ropes, as he then sets himself there rubbing the eye he was poked in. Matlock then comes a running, as he nails a clothesline on Flipside, as Flipside hangs onto Matlock pulling him over the top rope and to the floor crashing into the barricade. Flipside is seen hanging onto the ropes as he pulls himself back into the ring, as he tries catching his breath before Matlock gets back into the ring again. Flipside is seen waving his hand at Matlock, telling him in his own words, to get himself back in the ring. Matlock is seen getting to his feet. Flipside then takes off from the other side of the ring, leaps over the top rope landing on Matlock on the outside, as both men were seen crashing back into the guardrail, as Darren Thomas is seen making the count. Darren:1..............2...............3................4...................5 Flipside to his feet as the count continues, as he tosses Matlock to the inside of the ring, as he slides in himself, as he now makes the cover. Darren: 1,...............2............Matlock reverses the pin Darren: 1.................2................Kickout by Flipside!!! Busch: Holy crap, what a way to start out Demented!!! Marshall: Your not a kidding!! What is going to come next!! Busch: I dont know Jay, but with other blockbuster matches here tonight, you can just imagine!!! Flipside now gets back to his feet, as does Matlock. Both men wanting to get the other, as Matlock gets himself closer, Flipside not happy as he kicks Matlock in the gut, lifting him into the air and over his shoulder, Matlock then reverses in by sliding behind Flipside flips him around nailing him with the Animal Instincts as Flipside lays motionless in the middle of the ring. Busch, "ANIMAL INSTINCTS! Matlock just got the Animal Instincts and ya gotta believe this one is just about over!" "So How have ya been?" Matlock cocks his head to the side as he walks over toward the ramp and looks upward in that direction. We see that the Dementa-Tron has kicked on and David Van Dam is approaching Hope Cassidy who’s sitting on a crate backstage. The crowd erupts for the site of the ICWA Hall of Famer and the current champion. Busch, "Well I’m�?I’m not sure what this is�? Hope, "Ah you know, it’s been hard with everything that’s been going on. I’m a little frustrated with this situation with Jay, I can’t believe we drew two weeks in a row. I also can’t believe how little recognition I’ve gotten lately." DVD, "Well, it’ll get better. You just have to get over this rut with Jay." Hope, "Well hopefully I can do that tonight. Then I want to get moving on. I’m tired of doing the same thing in the same spot on the card every week." DVD, "Of course�?Ya know, speaking of doing something different�?How about dinner tonight?" Hope grins, "Why Mr. Van Dam, are you trying to pick me up?" DVD laughs, "Nah, just figured we could get a bite�?You know, as friends." Hope looks at him suspectingly as she says, "Friends eh? Uh-huh." David rubs the back of his head as he says, "No, really�?I mean Taylor and I went out the other night�?Same thing here." Hope, "Except Taylor doesn’t have blonde hair, blue eyes, and luscious curves." David laughs, "Well no�?But what do ya say?" Hope, "Well, I’ll let ya know when "later tonight" gets here." Hope sticks out her tongue before declaring, "But, I’ve gotta go get ready for my match." She slips off the crate and gets on her tippy toes, hugging the champ before turning around and walking off. David smiles softly as he shakes his head and scratches the back of his head�?/P> Busch, "I think Hope and David may be a bit smitten with each other." The cameras switch back to the ring where Matlock’s looking up at the Dementa-Tron in awe�?/P> Marshal, "Who cares! There was a match going on here!" Suddenly we see Matlock fall back and realize that Flipside’s recovered from the Animal Instincts and has just scooped a very unsuspecting Matlock up with a school boy. Darren Thomas drops down and counts ………………One……………Two………………THREE! Matlock kicks out but he’s a hair too late as he was taken by the shock and the "Numb/Encore" remix done by Jay Z and Linken park begins blasting over the PA as Flipside instantly rolls out of the ring to a great ovation. Dart, "Your Winner... FLIIIPSIDE!" Busch, "BAH GAWD! Matlock was distracted by that footage of Van Dam and Cassidy backstage and Flipside caught him and got the win!" Darren raises Flipside’s hand on the outside as Flipside slaps some hands and accepts some embraces from some ringside fans. Back in the ring Matlock’s on his knees, his jaw open and dropped a bit as he can’t seem to believe what’s just happened. Busch, "I think Matt Matlock may still be in shock." Matlock slams his hand down on the mat and we hear him yell "SON OF A BITCH!" Busch, "Matlock clearly unpleased with that." Marshal, "Of course he is Bert! What the Hell was that?! Why are we getting footage of David Van Dam and Hope Cassidy acting like high school kids looking for a prom date in the middle of a live wrestling match?! That’s horse crap! Van Dam’s ego’s inflated so high that he’s cutting into matches now?! Give me a friggin break Bert!" Busch, "Well I doubt very much that it was David’s idea to interrupt Matlock’s match with Van Dam and Cassidy’s conversation�? Marshal, "Then who’s idea was it!?" Busch, "I�?I don’t know." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | Two Dementeds Ago | ICWA Demented: February 28th, 2007 live from HSBC Arena in Buffalo New York We see Hope on her feet but seemingly dazed and confused as Jay Styles seems to be looking sharp. Figuring the kickout was just one last bit of luck on Hope Cassidy’s part, Styles moves in for the kill. He goes a Bodyslam, but she’s got him fooled. Instead , she rolls him up into a Modified Small Package. Now, both wrestlers�?shoulders are on the mat. The referee drops down and makes the count. One�?/P> Two�?/P> Three! Hope Cassidy thinks she’s won, but soon learns otherwise. Kevin Dart: "As a result of a double countout, this match will end in a draw!" Busch: "I don’t believe it! Hope Cassidy and Jay Styles were both counted out! This one’s gonna be a draw!" We looks at Jay and Hope who both have faces of shock and are debating the official, but to no avail. ____________________________________ Last Demented Styles slowly moves to the corner, obviously feeling the effects of the match slightly as he slowly starts to climb the turnbuckle, looking back at hope to make sure that she is not recovering too quickly. he nods a little as he sees her just starting to stir and slowly pulls himself up to the top of the turnbuckle. Turning to regard hope who is now on a knee he stands, both hands out wide as his knees bend slightly. Hope gets to her feet and turns just into time to see styles flying through the air looking for a incredible missile dropkick. And finding nothing but Pain as Hope falls onto her back, narrowly missing the move. Styles crashes hard to the mat and lays there obviously trying to catch his breath as hope moves quickly, Dropping several hard elbows onto her prone opponent. Hope pulls Jay up and grabs him by the wrist, quickly pressing him to the rampside ropes before whipping him across to the commentary side. Hope bends over in the middle of the ring, telegraphing a back body drop but Jay catches it and jumps up into the air and turns in mid air, droping a leg over Hope’s neck in a modified Fame Asser�?/P> Busch, " STYLES FLOP! STYLES FLOPS! THIS ONE COULD BE OVER!" The crowd is on their feet as Jay rolls Hope over and hooks the far leg. The official drops down to count …………………One……�?DING DING DING�?/P> Referee Chris Martin hits two but stops counting after he hears the bell. Styles pops up to his knees confused as Martin goes over to the commentary side of the ring to consult with ICWA Ring Announcer Kevin Dart and ICWA Time Keeper Mike Marks. Busch, " Well I’m not sure what’s going on here�?Jay Styles hit that Style’s Flop and it looked like he was a three count away from victory but�?The bell sounded before the count finished�? After some deliberation the Official and Time Keeper come to an understanding. Kevin Dart gets his facts straight as Hope and Jay are both on their feet in the ring (Hope holding her neck) as they try and figure out what’s going on�?/P> Kevin Dart, " Laaadies and Gentlemen�?This contest has gone to the full extent of the ten minute TV Time Limit! As a result this contest is a DRAW!" The crowd boos as Jay and Hope both sigh in frustration. Busch, " A Time Limit Draw! Bah God Jay, these two great athletes have gone for two straight draws! What a great match up! The fans aren’t happy with the decision and I don’t think Jay and Hope are either but bah gawd, how often do ya see something like this?" ______________________________________________ That was the ICWA Nike Re-Run�?Nike, The Second Coming. 
| Busch, "Two weeks in a row Hope Cassidy and Jay Styles have paired off and two weeks in a row they’ve wrestled each other to a draw. Hopefully here tonight we’ll find a winner between the two�? Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit! "Enter Sandman", by Metallica, starts to play over the PA system The arena goes pitch black dark, as a red light takes over the darkness, Smoke fills the ramp area.. And a video of Styles starts to play.. As the smoke continues to consume the entire ramp.. Jay emerges through the smoke and on the ramp.. On his way down to the ring, Jay ignores the fans and gets a determined look in his eye as he awaits the arrival of his opponent Dart: In the ring, from Memphis, TN, weighing in at two hundred and twelve pounds, Jay Styles!!!! The opening beats to the Pussycat Doll’s “Dontcha�?hit the sound system and a large base with a silver pole starts to descend slowly from the ceiling above the stage. As the music continues Hope is seen wrapping herself around the pole slowly, teasing the crowd by slightly opening her long black trench coat and leaning right over for a great cleavage shot. As she reaches the stage she throws her coat to the floor, swings around the pole and slides down with her back to the pole one last time. The chorus kicks in and a stunning Hope Cassidy in her usual wrestling gear makes her way down the ramp as the crowd chant her name. Hope flashes one of her winning smiles before hopping up into a sitting position on the ring apron, facing the stage. After a quick Basic Instinct style flash Hope rolls underneath the bottom rope, stands up and poses for the fans before returning her attention back to the match. Dart: And his opponent, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at one hundred and thirty-five pounds, Hope Cassidy!!!!! Busch, "Here we go folks, time to find a winner." Hope and Jay have a nice friendly staredown of sorts for the third time in a row as the referee calls for the bell and the match gets underway. Hope and Jay move around, to get the blood flowing. They then hook up in the center of the ring, and Jay uses his weight advantage to push Hope into the corner, as the referee quickly comes over to call for the break, 1....2....3...Jay breaks the hold slowly as Hope glares back at him and he throws himself into her, squishing her against it. He then grabs her head, and runs forward for a bulldog, planting her in the center of the ring. He takes the opportunity make a quick cover, and the referee gets down for the count, 1....kick out by Hope! Jay brings her up and sets her up for a suplex but when he brings her up, she slips out and dropkicks him in the back which sends him staggering into the ropes. He hits them chest first and comes back as Hope grabs him from behind and rolls him up. The referee drops down to make the count, 1.........2.kick out by Jay! Busch, 'Near fall, Jay Styles gets the shoulder up at two." Both competitiors get back to their feet and Hope has a smile on her face, and Jay just shakes his head. They both move around before they lock up again, and Hope brought up a knee into his gut which gave her the chance to give him a snap suplex. She then floats into the pin and the referee gets into position, 1........2..Jay throws a shoulder up! Hope grabs Jay before he can scramble back to his feet. She puts him into a side headlock, and wrings back on it. She then pushes him forward into the ropes and he bounces off, and when he comes back, she grabs him and looks for a Belly to Belly Suplex, but Jay slips his leg around hers to block it when she goes for the lift, which sets Hope off balance. Jay then moves his leg and takes her down with a Belly to Belly suplex of his own. After hitting the move, he drops a well placed elbow on her. He grabs her by the hair, and lifts her back to her feet and gives her a scoop slam in front of the near by corner. He then climbs up the turnbuckle, with his back facing the ring, and comes off with a moonsault! He connects with it, and stays on Hope for the pin as the referee drops down for the count, 1.........2......Hope gets a foot on the ropes! Busch, "Big moonsault nearly spelling the end for Hope Cassidy, but she applied that veteran knowledge and knew where she was in the ring and used it to her advantage." Jay gets up, frustrated that he didn't get the win there for one or hook the leg when he had the chance. He does a little stomping on Hope before he picks her up in a doubled over position and plants her with a nice DDT. The way Hope's head hits the floor, gets a few 'oooohs' from the people in the front row who saw it first hand. Jay keeps on the advantage by picking her up and taking her over for a nice delayed vertical suplex. Hope grabs at her back, and Jay runs at the ropes, coming back and jumping into the air, and connecting with a leg drop. He then picks her up once more, and slides behind her for a German Suplex but he keeps it for the bridge as the referee drops down for the count, 1..........2......Hope rolls the shoulder! Jay gets up adamant that he should have gotten the win here. The referee gives him the two fingers sign and the shoulder up motion and Jay keeps throwing up three fingers but the referee just shakes his head. Jay sighs as he turns back to Hope who has gotten back to her knees. He looks to pick her up by the hair again but she throws a punch right into Jay's gut. He staggers back but comes back at her again, and she throws another punch to his gut, then following it up by grabbing his legs and pulling him down to the mat. She then flips over him in a jacknife pin as the referee gets into position for a count, 1.......2....Jay kicks out! Busch, "Another near fall..." Jay gets up in a slight state of shock when he gets up after Hope rolled off him and got back to her feet. Hope took advatnage of his momentary stunned feeling and kicked him hard in the area where she had thrown those punches and Jay doubled over in pain. Hope then ran at the ropes, bounced off and grabbed Jay's head as she hit him with a running neckbreaker that hit hard. Hope kept on him as she picked him up and nailed him with a running bulldog. She then got up and went back to the ropes, bounced off them and nailed a leg drop right on the back of his neck. Jay grabs his neck in pain, and Hope goes down to the mat, and puts Jay in a front face lock. She pushes down on Jay's neck and he screams out in pain. He tries to smash his fists down into the mat, to push himself back up towards a vertical base. He gets up a little when Hope tries to push him back down but he fights that off. Hope slides it into a side headlock but then Jay throws an elbow to her gut. He does it a few more times so that Hope breaks the hold and she staggers forward a bit. She turns around and Jay goes for a kick but she grabs his leg, and so he swings it around for an Enziguri. Hope goes down and Jay scrambles into the cover, hooking the near leg as the referee makes the count, 1.........2....Hope kicks out again! Busch, "Great back and forth action here between Hope Cassidy and Jay Styles." Jay takes a deep breath as he gets up, and takes Hope's legs, crossing them over as he steps into them, before turning her over into a Sharpshooter. He leans back into it, and Hope screams out in pain while she then begins to claw towards the ropes. She gets closer and closer but then Jay drags her back into the center of the ring. Hope begins to slap her hand on the mat as a sign of frustration and not submission and the crowd starts to get behind her, to fuel her to get out of this predicament. She does the clawing thing towards the ropes again, and this time she makes one last desperation lunge as she grabs the bottom rope. The referee taps Jay on the shoulder to break the hold, and Jay doesn't hear that he didn't get the win so he begins to celebrate which gives Hope a little recovery time of her own. The referee comes over to Jay to clarify that he didn't win and Jay seems irate. He turns back to Hope who has gotten back to her feet and she throws a wild right hand to him. Jay then throws one back at her, and they begin to trade blows back and forth but then Hope starts getting more in than Jay is countering or blocking. She whips him to the ropes and when he turns around, she gives him a nice drop kick. He hits the mat, and it seems she has gotten a second wind. She picks him up off the mat and hits him with an Inverted DDT. She then goes to the ropes, running at them, then jumping on one, flipping over into the air and connecting with a lionsault on Jay! She bounces off a little but goes back onto him for the cover, and the referee counts, 1..........2.......Jay gets the shoulder up last moment! Busch, "Hope was less than a hiccup away from putting this thing in the bag." Hope is now the one feeling frustrated for not getting the win. She goes over to a corner, and drops down into a spear position, waiting for Jay to get up. He gets up and turns around and Hope nails him with a spear, which sends him flying back. Hope goes over to him, and hooks him into a position for the Luscious Landing, which she runs forward and nails it. She then goes over on him and makes the cover, 1..........2.......Jay gets the shoulder up again! Hope then gets up and shakes her head as she heads towards the turnbuckle, and she turns her back to him, and motions to the crowd that the end is over. She flips off for a Moonsault, and Jay brings his legs up which Hope hits and bounces off. Hope is over by the ropes, grabbing her ribs in pain, and then Jay finally gets up using the ropes. He goes over to her, and lifts her up to her feet before bringing her into a suplex position. But instead of suplexing her, he drops her gut first onto his knee. She bounces off of it and hits the mat. Jay then goes over to her, and makes the cover on her, as the referee makes the count, 1...........2.......Hope kicks out again! Busch, "I can't believe these two are still goin'!" Jay gets up, and then he picks up Hope and slams her down in front of the corner. He does a little taunting before he heads through the ropes and climbs up the turnbuckle. He gets up top and does another little taunt at the crowd before turning his attention to Hope again as he then comes off for the Styles Go Round but Hope rolls out of the way, and Jay crashes and burns. The referee makes the count as both people are down but at about five, Hope gets back to her feet, and picks up Jay and kicks him nicely in the gut to plant him with a DDT. She gets up gingerly again, and picks him up once more, as she then whips him towards the ropes. He hits them and comes back as she goes for a clothesline but he ducks under it. She turns around as he hits the other ropes, and when he comes back, she makes a slight side step and hooks her leg around his as she takes him down with a Russian Leg Sweep. After hitting the move, she locks in the Dragon Sleeper to finish off her Lights Out move. Jay fights and fights the move for a few moments before Jay starts to fade out. Hope yells for the referee to come over to check him, and he does as he grabs Jay's arm, lifting it up, and then dropping it as it falls to Jay's side. He throws up a finger and yells out "One!". He then grabs Jay's arm again, lifting it up and dropping it down as it lands at Jay's side. He throws up two fingers and yells out "Two!". He grabs Jay's arm, and lifts it up but before he can drop it down, the bell begins to ring. The referee drops Jay's arm to find out whats happening as he speaks to the Timekeeper, Hope thinks she has won as she breaks the hold on Jay. She heads over to the referee and taps him on the shoulder as he yells something to Kevin Dart, and Hope looks for him to lift her arm, but he shakes his head, and the voice of Kevin Dart is heard. Dart: Ladies and Gentlemen, this match has gone the alloted ten minutes, so this match is a time limit draw! Hope looks irate at this, and is arguing with the referee, saying his arm went down a third time when he headed over to the side of the ring. The referee throws his hands up, saying there's nothing he can do as things head off to a commerical, as it seems we still don't have an answer on who the better competitor is. Busch, "GOOD GAWD THEY’VE DRAWN AGAIN! These fans are in an uproar and neither of these two athletes seem none to pleased!" "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa�? The crowd erupts as we see�?/P> WallStreet on the Dementa-Tron. WallStreet, "Three straight weeks we’ve seen the two of you perform at such a level that neither could beat the other. The first time it was a double pin, now the past two weeks you’ve gone to the full length of the time limit provided to make sure that we don’t grossly go over our allotted time from the FX Network for Demented. So what do we do, where do we go from here? Do we just give up on finding a winner and let the two of you move on?" The crowd boos as Busch says, "Well I reckon these fans want to see a winner�? WallStreet, "No. But then what’s the answer? Well I believe I have a very logical solution. See, FX Has a television schedule to maintain so we can only a lot such an amount of time for matches here on Demented�?But Pay Per View however�? WallStreet gets a foxy smirk. WallStreet, "Well at the Pay Per View we don’t have nearly as many time restraints. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to make the match ONE MORE TIME�?Hope Cassidy One on One with Jay Styles�?BUT, There will be NO Time Limit. I don’t care if you guys wrestle ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes, forty minutes, fifty minutes, an hour, or a whole damn twenty four hour day. One way or another there will be a winner. If there’s a double count out then as opposed to being a draw, they’ll cancel each other out and the match WILL Continue until we have a winner." The crowd cheers as Busch says, "Well I like the sounds of that Jay!" Marshal, "There must be a winner, I like that too." WallStreet, "So Hope, Jay�?Get ready. Because come this Sunday there WILL_BE_A_WINNER!" The Dementa-Tron flips back to Hope and Jay in the ring who are both staring each other down, clearly more than ready to find a winner between the two of them. Busch, "They’re ready and raring to go for Resurrection�? With that we go to the back where see Matt Matlock walking irately through the back. He stops down a hallway and kicks a door hard, leaving an indentation in the door. He then grabs the doorknob and swings it open as he goes in. The door swings back closed and when it does we read the name plate�?/P> "ICWA World Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam" Busch, "…………�? *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | The cameras come back from commercial much the same as they left; focused on the door of the champ. The door draws open and Matlock comes out breathing a little heavy (not from exhaustion but anger). He walks off and the camera heads into the locker room. As we do we see Van Dam’s duffle bag has been thrown about, all of his clothes all over the place. We see a white button up shirt that’s been ripped in half, a torn pair of black dress slacks�?We see that his monitor has been knocked on the floor and shards of glass are around it, the coffee table’s been thrown upside down and there’s a cheese and fruit platter spilled all over the floor. Busch, "Bah Gawd, Matlock’s a mad man!" Marshal, "This is what happens when ya make a career out of shoving a highly talented guy like Matt Matlock into your shadow." Busch, "Are you actually suggesting David Van Dam deserves this destruction of his property and his lockeroom?" Marshal, "The thought had crossed my mind." Busch, "That’s obsured!" The lights begin to flicker in the arena. The crowd gets REALLY loud and cheers because they think that ICWA is having electricity problems but little do they know who is coming out. All the lights shut off, and half the crowd that smokes pulls out a lighter and lights it up. Then a guitar solo comes onto the PA System.. then in comes the drums.. the music really gets flowing. THEN theirs someone screaming in the song.. as the lyrics play out " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I WATCHED YOU WALK AWAY.. RUTHLESS.. WITH NOTHING TO SAY.. SO I OPENED BY EYES.. HOPING TO SEE YOU AGAIN>> THIS ... IS .. MY... CURSE!" A loud BANG can be heard echoing through the arena as all the fans jump to their feet and then the theme music continues as all the fans continue to cheer right up until Dark Child walks out on the ramp. Their tone changes from cheers to a low roar of booing. Dark Child begins to walk down the ramp flipping the entire crowd off. Not caring about what they think or what they do. As you look around there are some signs that are cheering for Dark Child and some that are negative towards Dark Child. He happens to walk by a person with a negative sign towards him, he then takes it away and rips it up right infront of them. He grins from ear to ear, he then walks to the apron and jump on it. He runs around and SPITS water everywhere something like Triple H usually did but didnt take as long to do so. He grins some more and then gets into the ring. He walk over to a rope and jumps onto the ropes. Dart: " The following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a fifteen minute time limit! Making his way to the ring from New York City, New York! Weighing in at 220 pounds.. DARK CHILLLLLLLLLLLLD!" As Dark Child jumps on the ropes he flips off the entire crowd once again. He then jumps off the ropes and then goes to a corner and takes his chains and shirt off. He then goes and turns around, he waits patiently for the bell to sound. Busch: Dark Child is in the ring folks. I bet he is not too thrilled. He hasnt had the best couple of weeks. Marshall: Your not a kidding Bert!! Dark Child just needs to relax if he wants to make things happen. "YES YES YA! YOUR DREAMS ARE NOW FULLFILLED! GET OUT YOUR SEATS AND LETS GET ILL! LIVE BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES, HE IS THA EPITOME OF GREATNESS, YOUR WRESTLING ICON, GIVE IT UP FOR THA LEAKY ONE....LEAKYFORMAT" THE LIGHTS GOES DOWN AS THE MUSIC PLAYS... FOR THEY IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER.... THE KINGS THE RULER THE RULER RULES LEAKYFORMAT COMES OUT AS THE Cheers...He doess a spin and drops to his knees as more pyros erupts. As he walks to the ring with a cocky strut playing to the crowd. He enters the ring and does another muscle pose before the match starts.... Dart: In the ring from Beaufort, South Carolina, weighing two hundred pounds....LEAKY FORMAT!!!!!!!!!!! Chris Martin is standing in the ring, as he waves his arm to the time keeper... DING DING DING!!! Dark Child and Leaky on the opposite sides of the ring, as Dark Child is seen getting himself pumped up for the match. Leaky however is calm and collected, as he then walks over to Dark Child who's back is turned pushes him into the corner, and starts wailing on him with right and left hands. Dark Child not expecting this kind of startgrabs Leaky by the neck turning him around and pushing him into the corner, as Dark Child returns the favor with rights and lefts of his own. Leaky pushes DC back out of the corner, as Leaky comes charging at him. Leaky goes for a spinning heel kick, but DC moves to the side as Leaky hits the mat, but rolls back up to his feet. Leaky pissed off, as DC outsmarted him in the early going in this matchup. DC and Leaky go back for one another, but as DC comes closer, Leaky takes him down with an armed drag takedown. DC is back up on his feet, as he then gives Leaky one of his own. DC then watches as Leaky gets up as DC has a smile on his face. DC then charges Leaky, but he moves out of the way, as DC bounces off the ropes, as he comes back, Leaky dodges the body plancha of DC and face first into the mat goes DC. Leaky drops on top of DC with a huge elbow, and then locks him up in a version of the crippler crossface. Busch: Is DC gonna tap out here in the early going? Marshall: Not a chance Bert!! Too early to give up anything! DC is seen about to tap, but he rolls Leaky over into a pinning predicament... Chris: 1..........2.....DC back in the crippler crossface again. DC then pushes himself up with his hands as Leaky trying not to fall off of him, Now Dark Child to his knees, as Leaky lets go of the hold falling to the mat. Leaky gets to his feet as DC is to one knee. Leaky out of nowhere comes with a foot to the face of DC sending him crashing backwards to the mat. Leaky then laying in a few boots to DC, leaving the lights out for him. Leaky then picks up DC, and hoists him up on his shoulders. Leaky pushes DC forward crashing him down to the mat, with a sitdown facebuster. DC is not moving an inch as Leaky then grabs the back of the leg, locking in the STF on DC. DC not moving as Chris Martin is right there to check on DC. Chris then raises DC's arm. Chris: NO NO NO DC kept his arm up as he now stands up with Leaky on his back. Leaky not knowing what to do as DC falls backwards into a samoan drop to knock some air out of Leaky. DC now trying to get back to his feet after Leaky started out this little tyrade, DC then is seen planting his foot square in the face of Leaky sending him crashing down hard to the mat. DC now thinking that Leaky is a waste of time, as he picks him up and drags him over to the ropes. DC, rams Leakys head into the turnbuckle a couple of times, as he then rakes the eyes of Leaky across the top rope as Chris Martin is right there to break it up. DC turns and pushes Chris away, as Chris gets into his face warning him about a possible DQ. DC then grabs Leaky, as he whips him into the ropes, as Leaky rebounds DC is right there with a hard clothesline sending Leaky down to the mat. DC then adds some insult as he bounces off the ropes and connects with a huge Legdrop on Leaky. DC then smirks as he helps up Leaky one more time, he positions Leaky in between his legs lifts him up and slams him down into a powerbomb, then rolling on top of him bridging the legs into a pinfall attempt. Chris: 1...............2..................Kickout by Leaky!! DC, then tries to get Leaky back to his feet. As he does, Leakypushes off of DC trying to catch a breather before the next round of attacks. DC not having any of it comes for Leaky. Leaky notices the arrival of DC, as he shoots his leg straight up kicking DC in the chin with a superkick, as DC falls to the mat. Leaky sure of himself now, then grabs DC by the head, as he then nails his head into the corner twice, then setting DC up on the top rope for a high impact move. As he does, DC looks over at Leaky who is trying to get his arms around Dark Child to set him up for the ride of his life. Leaky thrusts with DC off of the top, but in mid air DC swings his body releasing the grasp Leaky had on him as he comes down onto Leaky instead in a body plancha set up. Busch: Holy S**T!! Now that was some move!!!! Marshall: Now that was sure amazing on the part of Dark Child Bert!! DC and Leaky are both seen down on the canvas, as Chris Martin is already up to three in his count. Chris: 4....................5...........................6.........................7..............................8........................................9.............................. Dark Child flings himself to his feet, as Chris stops the count in time. Leaky is rolling over as he is to one knee, as DC is there sending clubbing blows to the back of Leaky. DC, then whips him into the ropes, as Leaky comes back, DC locks in the sleeper hold. But Leaky is see fighting it off. Dark Child then kicks his own feet out from under him as he nails Leaky with a falling reverse DDT, as DC stands up signaling for the end. DC then is seen one more time putting Leaky in between his legs. He then looks out towards the crowd, flipping them off. He finally lifts up Leaky tossing him into the air, and coming down with a diamond cutter. Busch: THE CHILDS PLAY!!! DC goes for the cover. Chris: 1.............2..................3!!!! DING DING DING!!! Dart: Here is your winner...DARK CHILD!!!!!! Busch, "Well, for those of you keepin�?score at home that’s Flipside One, Dark Child One, and James shot at some momentum is comin�?up a little bit later tonight." With that the camera goes backstage where we see Summer Stratus walking down the hallway with a very arrogant swagger and a smirk on her face. Busch, "Folks, this is the third and final week of the Summer Stratus Invitational. If Heather McMahon can beat Summer Stratus�?challenger of choice this week then she will go on to Resurrection this Sunday to challenge for the ICWA Women’s Championship. But judging by the way Summer Stratus looks right now ya have to believe she has a trick left up her sleeve�? Busch, "When we come back it’s crunch time for Heather McMahon as she goes one on one with a final mystery athlete curtosey of Summer Stratus�?We’ll be right back." We fade on the banner as "Straight Out Of Line" plays in the background. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | When the camera returns from the break we see for the very first time tonight�?/P> Ryan Ross walking through the back. The crowd is booing upon seeing him. Ryan’s walking down a familiar hallway when he comes to an open door. He stops and glances in, baring witness to the destruction that Matlock had caused earlier. He steps in and looks around�?/P> Ross, "Well dang�?Somebody had a field day in here. Nothing compared to what I’m going to do in the ring for the championship though." Ross grins as he turns and walks out of Van Dam’s locker room, walking down the Hall a few more steps and turning into another hallway. The camera suddenly turns around and we see�?/P> David Van Dam standing a few yards back in the Hallway. The crowd erupts as Van Dam seems perplexed. Busch, "There’s our heavyweight champion, the championship being grasped by his right hand. Last week he told Ryan Ross he could have it when he pried it from his cold, dead, finger tips. The grip he’s got on there right now show’s no sign of that happening." Van Dam proceeds down the Hallway and stops as he sees his lockeroom door still open. He walks in and his eyes draw wide as he sees the condition of his lockeroom. David, "That son of a�? David takes a deep breath as he turns right back around and walks back out of his locker room. David says to himself, "Ryan Ross�?You want to mess with my stuff? That’s cool�?I’ll just mess with your ankle tonight. Snap, Crackle, POP! Not cereal, but a broken ankle LIVE on Demented!" Busch, "David thinks�?He thinks Ryan Ross did that to his locker room!" Marshal, "I’d hate to be Ryan Ross tonight!" Busch, "You ain’t kiddin. He probably deserves it, but�?But not for this particular offense." The cameras fade from Van Dam to the ramp as "Brackish" by Kittie hits. Busch, "Well folks, here we go. The finals of the Summer Stratus Invitational." Heather McMahon appears on the top of the ramp. Busch, " Ya gotta wonder who the Woman is tonight that Summer’s selected to try and be the final road block for Heather McMahon." Marshal, "Whoever she is, she better get the job done or Summer’s Women’s title could be in Jeopardy." She smirks as she looks around at the cheering crowd. She then puts her hands in the air and lowers them as she starts to make her way down to the ring. She smiles and waves at the fans as they hold up signs with her name on them. She gets patted on the back a few times. She then walks over to the steel stairs and walks up them. She walks onto the side of the apron and gets into the ring through the bottom ropes. She walks into the middle and holds her hands high as the crowd cheers. Dart: In the ring, from Greenwich, Connecticut, Heather McMahon!! "Brackish" cuts out as Nelly's "Hot In Herre" starts to play. The Demented audience showing their disproval by showering her with boos. Summer just stands on the ramp, not dressed to wrestle, and with microphone in hand. Summer: Well, Well, Well. It looks like Heather’s come along way. I guess I should just get ready to defend my title at Resurrection Huh? (Smirks) Not quite what I have in mind. Heather, I guarantee that tonight’s match will be nothing like the previous two. Tonight’s match won’t end anything like the previous two either. Because I did find a World Class Athlete Heather�?One that trumps former WWE Women’s champion Ivory�?One who trumps the European sensation Lady Mystique�?See this athlete isn’t just huge�?This athlete has a history right here in the ICWA. Busch, "She’s peeked my curiosity." Summer, "Not only that�?This athlete is a former ICWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT Champion!" Busch, "BAH GAWD! IT’S HOPE CASSIDY!" Summer, "Without further ado�? The lights suddenly fade. Some pale red lights come over the arena as a deep fog comes over the stage. Over the PA A thunder storm is heard brewing as two reporters cut in and out Reporter: Police Have Identified Four Victims and plan on more then just the former of charges filed today Female reporter: Confirmed, earlier reports of cannibalism Male Reporter: The Building was a Scene of ghoulish slaughter {Busch, "This�?This isn’t Hope Cassidy�?} Female Reporter: A Large kettle on the stove which held boiled body parts Male Reporter: Have Identified four victims Female Reporter: Killed even more Male Reporter: and plan on more then just the former charges filed today Female Reporter: He had sex with some of his victims before he killed them, and he was also�?A Necrophilia Suddenly as 'House of a Thousand Corpse' by Rob Zombie blast over the PA, through the fog walks�?/FONT> Busch, "MYSTICAL! MYSTICAL! OH MAH GOD IT’S MYSTICAL!" The crowd erupts as Mystical is in his standard Red and Black designed Leather pants. He has the same pattern on his tight shirt and on his right hand is a large black leather glove and over his face is a mask with the same design as his outfit (Kane's outfit when he first came to the WWF as Kane). The Crowd is going wild from the nostalgia as Mystical walks forth from the fog. Busch, "I�?I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! This isn’t fair!" Marshal, "Well, he is a former ICWA World Heavyweight champion. If that don’t classify ya as a World Class Athlete I don’t know what does." Busch, "Yeah but�?The man is over seven foot tall and in excess of four hundred pounds! He’s not even a man, he’s a monster!" Marshal, "Monster or not, he meets the qualifications. Nobody ever said it had to be a woman, we just made that assumption." Busch, "I just�?This isn’t right! I hoped we’d never see this man again�?How�?How can this be happening?!" Marshal, "Well I don’t agree with you often but I’m not any more excited about Mystical making his return than you are. I have a history with this guy and it isn’t pretty. But all feelings aside, ya gotta admit this one’s a Hell of a move on the part of Summer Stratus." Busch, "But does she even know what she’s done?! You can’t control this man! She’s brought back an untameable beast! A Monster from the pit of Hell itself!" The camera flashes to Heather who’s exited the ring on the side nearest the commentators and seems like she’s in complete shock. Busch, "This ain’t right. Heather, just leave. I know ya want that Women’s title but there has to be another way. Do NOT get in that ring with that�?that�?MONSTER! He has no morals, he has no mercy. He is a cruel, heartless, fiend. I don’t advocate retreat very often but in this case it’s the only option." Marshal, "I’m not a big Heather McMahon fan, but you’re right. She needs to get the Hell out of dodge. Take the count out and lose the match. Alright, no big deal. Nobody’s gonna think any less of any woman in our company for not getting in the ring with Mystical. Hell, I wouldn’t think less of any MAN in our company for not getting in the ring with Mystical." Busch, "Absolutly not. I’m sure there’s someway around this. Surely our Chairman would do something for Heather. You don’t have to do this Heather, DON’T DO this!" By now Mystical has reached ringside. Mystical reaches up and grabs the top rope and then places the bottom of his right boot on the outside canvas and then pulls himself up to the ring. Mystical steps up over the top rope as Dart and the official leave the ring in fear of Mystical. Mystical stands in the center of the ring and drops to one knee as he is facing the stage. Mystical then puts out his right arm like the Undertaker used to in his Ministry days. Mystical then slowly closes and clenches his hand into a fist and brings it in to his chest. The lights slowly come back on as Mystical rises to his feet and Summer is seen walking down the ramp arrogantly. Referee Ken Martel cautiously slides back into the ring as Mystical turns and stares down to the floor where Heather is standing. Busch, "What an intimidating site is Mystical." Marshal, "You’re not kiddin." Heather looks behind her shoulder at the commentators, clearly a little scared. Bert, "Don’t feel ashamed to be afraid Heather. You’ve got no reason to get in that ring with that man. Get out of here while ya still can." Heather looks back to the ring where Mystical is standing, making no movement except that of his chest slowly coming in and out from the shallow breaths he’s taking. Heather reaches up and grabs the bottom rope, slowly bringing her knee up to the canvas to climb up to the ring. Busch, "Think this through Heather! Ya ain’t gotta do this!" Heather reacts almost as if she can hear Busch’s words as she lets go of the rope and takes a step back, trying to reassess the situation. Busch, "We’ve watched this man literally dine on flesh�?He is sick and depraved." On the other side of the ring Summer’s climbed up on the apron and is screaming at referee Ken Martel to start the match and count her out already. Ken tries to put that off as long as he can, but he soon realizes that he really doesn’t have much of a choice. Martel calls for the bell and time keeper Mike Marks accommodates that request by ringing the Bell. Martel yells down to Heather, "It’s alright. I have to count ya out but don’t worry about it. Everybody understands." And with that he begins to count. Busch, "Ya heard referee Ken Martel basically say the same thing we’ve been saying, which is that nobody expects Heather to try and wrestle against Mystical. Ken Martel’s gotta do his job and count her out, but that’s a small price to pay." Marshal, "No doubt. Everybody here’s got sympathy for McMahon. I mean it’s one thing to fight against a world class athlete, but Mystical’s another completely. Now I’m not saying I disagree with Summer’s choice, it was basically a guaranteed win success for her in this Summer Stratus Invitational. Great decision by Summer. But it’s a foregone conclusion so there’s no point in Heather resisting it. It’ll be much less painful to just walk away." Martel’s up to five. …………Six…………Seven…�?/FONT> Heather takes a deep breath and then grabs the bottom rope, places her knee on the edge of the ring and pulls herself up onto the outside ring apron as the crowd erupts. Busch, "No! Don’t go in there Heather! Think this through!" Heather takes one more deep breath before she enters the ring between the second and bottom ropes. Mystical is still standing in the center of the ring. Busch, "For God’s sake, get out of there!" Heather looks up to Mystical who’s more than a foot and a half taller than Heather and about three hundred pounds heavier than Heather. Not knowing what else to do Heather bounces back off the ropes, runs and leaps, putting her hands into an Axe handle as the smash against Mystical’s broad chest. Mystical doesn’t move though. Busch, "Don’t a damn thing about this feel good." Heather looks around realizing Mystical didn’t so much as flinch. Suddenly she jumps up and delivers a drop kick to the left knee of Mystical. Mystical instantly drops to a knee making the crowd erupt. Heather runs to the ropes, bounces back, and jumps up landing a drop kick to the head of Mystical. Mystical’s body goes back but he catches himself by planting his hand on the mat. Busch, "Bah God she’s mountin�?an offense!" Heather rushes to the ropes again, exiting between the second and third ropes and climbing up the ropes as fast as she can. She gets to the top and leaps off but Mystical instantly stands up and catches her by the throat in mid air. He holds her there momentarily before dropping to his knees, driving her down with a huge Chokeslam. Busch, "Oh God�? Mystical stands up and snaps his head back, making the hair fly out of his face as he grabs his long black leather glove and draws it tight. We can hear Summer screaming from the floor, "AGAIN! HIT HER AGAIN!" Busch, "What an EVIL BITCH!" Marshal, "Well hot damn Bert�?I’ve never heard ya speak like that." Busch, "This is wrong! Damn wrong!" Heather has somehow managed to roll to her knees and is crawling toward the ropes. She slowly begins to pull herself up to her feet as Mystical raises his gloved hand up, stalking Heather. Busch, "Please don’t do this!" Heather gets up, half out of it and stumbles back before turning around and immediately being snatched around the throat by the hand of Mystical. The fans are on their feet, erupting with boos as Mystical simply stands there, holding her by the throat. She tries to pull his hand away but her two arms strength can’t remotely match his one�?Finally he hoists her up�?And yet again he drops to his knees and slams her down. Busch, "She’s broken in half!" Mystical leaves his gloved hand over the higher area of her chest and snaps his head back as Martel drops down and counts ………………One……………Two……………Three. The bell sounds as Dart announces, "Your winner�?MYSTICAL!" Summer grins from ear to ear as "House of a thousand corpses" begins blasting over the PA. Busch, �?FONT color=#ffff00>Well it looks like the Summer Stratus invitational is over and Heather McMahon’s not going to Resurrection. I just hope she’s gonna be alright. The way Mystical slammed her down there could very well be internal damage if not spinal damage. I think we should get some EMTs out here to check on Heather McMahon ." The cameras slowly fade on Mystical standing in the ring. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | During The Commercial Break | We open up on a freeze frame of the backstage area, right outside the Gorilla position. Marshal, "Before the commercial we saw the return of Mystical as he man handled Heather McMahon�?This occurred after that contest, during the commercial break." The freeze frame unfreezes as we see Summer Stratus walk through the curtain into the backstage area. As she does we see Greg Davidson approach with a microphone in hand. Greg, "Summer Stratus�? Summer turns around. Greg, "Summer Stratus, don’t you think that your tactics out there were underhanded at best?" Summer, "Underhanded? Perhaps. Effective? Well I think the EMTs would contest that yes, it was very Effective." Greg, "Well I don’t think it was right but moral and ethical belief aside, now you have to choose an opponent to defend your title against in four days at ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf. Who’s your opponent going to be?" Summer contemplates as she starts scanning the area�?She suddenly smiles as she points out of the camera’s range and says, , "Her." The camera swings around as the crowd reacts well to seeing�?/P> Angelina Santana. Greg Davidson, "Angelina Santana?!" Summer shrugs, "Sure. Hey girlie�? Angelina raises an eyebrow and points to herself as to say "Me?" Summer, "Yeah, you. Ya ever lace a pair of boots before?" Angelina shrugs, "I’ve had a few matches here and there." Summer grins,"Excellent. Congratulations, you’re the number one contender to the ICWA Women’s championship." Angelina, �?FONT color=#ff99ff>What ?" Summer, "Bring some gear to Madison Square Garden on Sunday. (Looks back to Greg) There ya go, now ya know." Summer walks off as Greg says, �?FONT color=#ccffff>Well folks, there ya have it�?This Sunday at ICWA Resurrection it looks like it’s gonna be the manager of Whysper, Angelina Santana in competitive action one on one with Summer Stratus for the ICWA Women’s Championship !" | The cameras open up on a wide shot of the Arena before slowly panning down toward the ring. In the ring we see a red ring cover on the mat, a table with a black cover and a black chair on either side of the table. On the table is a large, metal briefcase, But most notably, we see Bert Busch with a microphone in one hand and a clipboard in the other. Marshal, "There’s my colleague Bert Busch. At Mr. McCallister’s request, Bert’s going to be managing the contract signing of Jimmy Stryker and DSL. Let’s see how bad he screws this up." Busch, "Folks�?There has been a rivalry in our sport that has superseded most�?Over three years in the making it’s been. Now this epic feud was not birthed here in the Eye_See_Dubbya_Eh, but it has certainly spilled over into the ICWA. Last year at the very Pay Per View that we’re heading toward, (ICWA Resurrection), the world thought it was concluded as it had climaxed in a first ever for the ICWA�?A Buried Alive Match. Of course I’m talking about Jimmy Stryker and Da Sweet Lunatic." The crowd erupts as Busch nods and lets them react. Busch continues, "DSL Showed that trademark resiliency though, and after having been buried alive she has still managed to return with a vengeance. So in four days at ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf, we will once again see these two fine competitors go one on one. Now we will go over the stipulations after I bring these two out here. (Raises his hand with the clipboard) Now what I have in my hand is the official match contract for Resurrection�?So without further delay please allow me to introduce the competitors for that match�? "Perfect Insanity" by Disturbed hits as the lights flash off quickly. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. Busch, "Please welcome first�?From New York City, DA Sweet Lunatic." The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the Dementa-tron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms. She looks around as the fans continue to react her. Marshal, "Not for nothin, but how is it that she always just appears? Does she live under the ring with Little Bastard? Is she a Genie? Is there a lamp in the ring that we can’t see? *Sighs*." "Right Now" by Korn hits as black, white and blue spotlights flicker all over the area. Out from the black curtains, walks the Legendary Jimmy Stryker. Jimmy then looks around at the crowd, who continues to let him feel the heat that they generate towards him. Jimmy then smiles, as he soaks in the hatred. Busch, "Please welcome her opponent, From Las Vegas Nevada�?Jimmy Stryker." He then makes his way down the steel rampway. Marshal, "Well ya heard Bert mention the vast history between these two. It’s going to be intense at Resurrection III, there’s no doubt about that. Obviously Jimmy’s going to win, He’s a man, but it’s still going to be intense." Jimmy climbs the stairs and enters between the second and third ropes, keep his gaze locked on the eyes of DSL the entire time. As he enters the music fades and the lights readjust. DSL is on the commentary side of the table in the center of the ring, Jimmy’s on the ramp side. At the end of the table in the center of the ring is good ol Double B Bert Busch. Busch, "Mr. Stryker, Miss Lunatic, Thanks for joining me. This is the official Contract signing for ICWA Resurrection III. Mr. McCallister has asked me to host this on his behalf as he’s getting prepared for his huge bout later here tonight against the Original Sadist James." The crowd cheers. Busch goes on, "Now your attornies have looked over the contract and both of you have agreed to it. At this time I’d like take an opportunity to tell the fans here in Boston and all around the world exactly what it is that you have agreed too. This contest is set to be the FINAL bout in the DSL-Jimmy Stryker feud. After this contest it’s over. 3 years in the making finally coming full circle to it’s conclusion. That being said, that means that you two need the opportunity to leave it all in the ring. So the ICWA is going to provide you that opportunity. At Resurrection your contest will have No Time Limit, No count outs, no rope breaks�?And it will be NO Disqualifications. (Crowd cheers)�?FONT color=#ffff00> It won’t be billed as a "Wrestling Match", but a good ol fashion, New York City Street Fight! Anything goes. Falls count anywhere in New York. So essentially you two can do whatever ya want to each other ." Marshal, "Oh brother, the EMTs are gonna have a long night at Resurrection in four days." DSL and Jimmy both seem very satisfied with that stipulation. Busch, "Now there was one minor alteration to the contract that you two will be hearing for the very first time." Jimmy and DSL both seem curious. Busch pops open the metal briefcase on the table and we see�?/P> The crowd grows loud as they can figure out where this is going. Marshal, "There’s the ICWA United States title which was vacated recently." Busch, "As I’m sure most people are already aware, the ICWA United States championship has been vacated. DSL and Jimmy Stryker were the number one and two contenders for that very championship. As a result the executive branch of the ICWA has decided that ontop of your heated rivalry, ontop of the fact that this is your last opportunity to let it all out�?They’ve raised the steaks that much higher as it WILL be for the ICWA United States CHAMPIONSHIP!" The crowd erupts as Marshal says, "Whoa! That’s big time folks!" Busch, "So with that in mind, all that’s left is for you two to sign on the dotted line." Bert places the clipboard down on the center of the table and places a silver pen down with it. Jimmy Stryker doesn’t take long to grab the contract. He tells Busch to come over with the Mic so Busch does, bringing the mic up to Jimmy’s mouth as Jimmy flips the pages and gets ready to sign. Jimmy, "Three years�?Three years Jaz, and it all culminates in four days at Resurrection in a no holds bared environment�?My specialty. You’re a hardcore broad, I’ll give you that�?But You’re also a hardcore broad who has Never�?Ever�?Beaten the Legend of Jimmy Stryker. This weekend is your last chance Jasmine�?One of us will look back very fondly on Resurrection, one of us will not be nearly as ecstatic�?But It will be our last memory of each other. It will be a very bloody, brutal memory�?Bare this all in mind as you sign this contract Jasmine�?Because you’re not just signing up for a match�?You’re signing your life away. You’re agreeing to step into a life altering situation with the Chaotic Mastermind. I know you well enough to know you’re not going to back down and you will indeed sign this contract, but when you’re lying in that hospital bed as a full bored paraplegic, I don’t want you to claim that you weren’t fully aware of the destiny you created yourself. When you lye there, crippled, your career concluded, know that you did it to yourself by signing this blood contract. Because that’s exactly what it is�?A Blood contract." Jimmy’s eyes never leave DSL’s as he pens his name on the contract and then tosses it down on the table in front of DSL. Bert just assumes that that she’ll have a rebuttle so he walks over to her with the microphone as she picks up the contract and flips to where Jimmy’s signed. DSL, "You’re right Jimmy, I’m not going to back down and I’m damn well going to sign this contract. And you’re right, it is a blood contract. But where your facts turn to fiction is when you talk about my career being ended and my body becoming useless�?Maybe this will be life altering�?Matter of fact, I’ll guarantee it will be. But if by some chance I do go down�?I’m Taking You With ME!" The crowd erupts as DSL pens her name. Marshal, "What words between DSL and Jimmy Stryker!" Busch, "There it is folks, This Sunday, March 25th live on Pay Per�? Suddenly DSL leaps over the table and takes Jimmy down as she begins unloading hard rights and lefts on Stryker. The crowd is on their feet as Busch immediately flees the ring. Stryker rolls her over and starts unloading rights and lefts of his own. The two are rolling around brawling as we see the officials, agents, and security pour out from the back. Marshal, "Man, imagine what it’s going to be like when there isn’t anybody to break it up………�?Welcome back Bert." Busch, "Good Gawd! She just leaped that table without warning and now they’re destroying each other!" The cameras fade on the two pummeling each other as the security, officials, and agents flood the ring. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | Last Week | Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is the ICWA MAIN EVENT! (Crowd pops)�?It is a Tag Team bout scheduled for ONEFALL with a One Hour Time Limit�? Busch, " Well folks, here we go�? Matlock grabs Skywalker by the wrist and presses his back against the ropes�?He springs out and sends No Limits zipping across the ring. Christian bounces off the ropes and comes rushing back as Matlock telegraphs the back body drop this time. Skywalker leap frogs over, but instantly spins around and applies a rear waist lock. The crowd cheers but Matlock resists and is trying to break the lock. Realizing that it may not happen he begins running backwards, in turn making Skywalker go backwards. Tim White notices them coming toward the corner but doesn’t notice in time and is squashed as the two big athletes come barreling into the corner. Busch, " Oh! ICWA Senior Referee Tim White was just the victim of a big-time collision!" Christian released the waist lock after the collision. Matlock pulls him out and hooks a vertical suplex grapple, probably looking for a vertical suplex. He goes to pull up Skywalker but Skywalker blocks the take over. He tries it again, but gets the same result. Skywalker suddenly delivers a hard right hand into the ribs of the number one contender and then he ends up hoisting Matlock into the air and taking him over with a vertical suplex of his own. The crowd is getting rowdy as Skywalker shines that million dollar smiles of his. Suddenly from the commentary side of the ring we see somebody slide in�?He’s got a lead pipe in hand and is wearing Blue Jeans and a black T Shirt and has long black hair. Skywalker turns around and as he does he’s leveled with the pipe. WallStreet’s eyes draw wide as he enters the ring between the ropes. WallStreet rushes in and charges the big man, but he springs toward WallStreet and levels him with a big clothesline. Busch, " Who the Hell is this and what’s he doing here?!" WallStreet rolls out of the ring holding his neck as the big man grabs two fist fulls of Skywalker’s hair and pulls him up to his feet as the crowd boos loudly. Matlock’s pulled himself up and David’s entered the ring, both men looking confused. The big black haired man hoists Skywalker up in the air as if going for a back drop, but then swings around and drops Skywalker hard with a modified Rock Bottom. Busch, " Good GOD! What a move! But�?Who the Hell is this guy and why’s he here?!" Marshal, "I don’t know who he is but he’s dismantling Christian Skywalker. I like him already." David walks up and grabs the big man by the shoulder, swinging him around as the crowd is on their feet with anticipation�?/P> David, " What the Hell are you doing?!" The big man, " Stay out of my way David�? The big man starts stomping away on the upper torso of an unconscious Christian Skywalker but David Van Dam quickly shoves him off. The Bradshaw looking fella doesn’t hesitate as he instantly springs foreward and nails a big time lariat on the champion. Matlock’s over in the corner and is seemingly considering getting involved now but he hesitates�?And then opts to simply stay where he’s at. In the corner referee Tim White has pulled himself up and sees all the carnage and the big man stomping away at Skywalker�?Tim White starts calling for the bell, which in turn begins ringing. Busch, " Well it looks like this contest is gonna be thrown out but�?What the Hell is this guy’s deal?" The big man walks to the center of the ring, pounds his chest a couple of times and then throws his arms up in the air, drawing on a huge chorus of boos from the fans. The big man turns around and starts walking back toward Skywalker. On the floor Van Dam and WallStreet are both pulling themselves up. WallStreet gets his whereabouts faster then Van Dam does so he climbs up on the apron and enters the ring as the big man places Skywalker in the corner. WallStreet walks over and delivers a hard right hand, followed by a second, then a third, a forth�?The crowd is going wild as WallStreet swings back for a big time haymaker but our Bradshaw looking fella immediately launches forward and hits another clothesline sending WallStreet up and over the top rope and right back to the floor below. Busch, " I don’t know who this guy is but he’s manhandling everybody in his path�? "When The Lights Go Up And The Game Is On Is You Ready for Me? Cause I’m Ready For you When The Bell Rings Out And The Fight Is On Is You Ready For Me? Cause I’m Ready For Yooouuu" The crowd is booing even more so as "Game On" by Disciple blasts from the PA and the curtain flies to the side�?/P> Ryan Ross comes running down the ramp as David’s reaching up to the ropes to climb back into the ring, not even noticing that Ross is coming down. Ryan Ross slams his forearm right inbetween David’s Shoulder blades making him release the rope and drive against the ring. Van Dam turns around and Ryan Ross delivers a stiff kick between his legs, catching him completely off guard and dropping him hard on the floor as the fans continue booing. Busch, " Aww come on! For God sakes!" Ryan mounts the champion and begins dropping unrelentless rights and lefts as in the ring the big black haired man is pummeling Skywalker down in the corner. Matt Matlock looks around and just smirks as he walks to the rampside ropes and exits the ring. He looks at Ross pummeling David and just keeps walking up the ramp as the fans boo. Busch, " Matt Matlock’s�?He’s just leaving his partner at the hands of Ryan Ross�?WallStreet’s down on the floor and Skywalker’s getting destroyed by this�?this big brawler. It’s chaos! We need security or something�?Next week Ryan Ross meets Van Dam one on one for the ICWA Championship, but will Van Dam make it that far? And what the Hell’s the deal with this guy in the ring and his apparent vendetta against Christian Skywalker?! Bah God�?Maybe we’ll get some answers next week�?We’ve�?We’ve Gotta go�?Damn it somebody get down here and get control!" We pan back so we can see the Bradshaw looking guy beating on Skywalker, we can see Ross beating on Van Dam on the floor, and we can see Matlock standing half way up the ramp just watching�?/P> | The scene goes to Bert Busch and Jay Marshal at ringside Busch, "Since that the one question on everybody’s mind has been, just who is this large brawlic fella who came in and man handled three of the biggest stars in this company’s history without a second thought. Well It took the better part of the last two weeks but I did some investigating and finally got a hold of this individual. He wouldn’t give me information to find his home and he wouldn’t come to the ICWA Studios, but he finally agreed to meet me for a brief interview at a Country-Western club in Buffalo called the "Buckin�?Buffalo Saloon". We caught up with him earlier in the evening before it started getting crowded for this interview�? Last Week | We open up on the big guy from last week playing cards at a table with a large black fella who happens to look like Farrooq because that’s the best picture I could find. We pan out and see Bert Busch approaching. The big man looks up and then looks to his buddy, "Excuse us for a minute will ya Ronnie." The black man nods and throws his cards in before getting up and heading for the bar. Bert takes a seat and says, "Good evening. Thanks for taking a minute to talk with me." Bradshaw Lookin guy, "Whatever keeps ya off my voice mail." Busch, "The first and biggest question�?The world wants to know�?Who are you?" Bradshaw Looking Guy, "How’s it feel to want? You want to know who I am? I’m Buffalo’s Finest, I’m Captain Motherlovin Badass. When you look at someone and you say "Oh, I wouldn’t want to come across that guy in a dark alley"�?I AM "That Guy"." Busch, "Well how should we refer to you? What should we call ya?" Bradshaw Looking guy, "If I were you I’d make that choice very cautiously. But if you need a name so damn awfully bad�?You can call me what everyone around here calls me. Joe 6 Pack" Busch, "Alright Joe�?Now my next question, Why did ya do what ya did to fellow Buffalo Native, Christian Skywalker last week?" Joe Six Pack, "I did it for a couple of reasons. The first being that that’s what I was paid to do. I have a reputation as the biggest, baddest, hardest son-of-a-bitch in Western New York. Pretty soon that reputation’s gonna spill over as the biggest, baddest, hardest son-of-a-bitch in the ICWA, and from there, in the Industry. As a result of that reputation, People hire me to handle their dirty work and I accept with a smile on my face. I get to do what I love most in this world and beat the unholy Hell out of people, and I make a damn good profit in the process. Win-win situation for Joe 6-pack. And the other�?Well No Limits probably don’t remember real well, but this isn’t our first meeting. Chris and I go way back." Busch, "How so?" Joe Six Pack, "None of your G*d Damn Business "how so". If Chris can’t rack his brain and figure it out on his own then I’ll put it all on the table when I’m good and damn ready." Busch, "So it’s safe to say this is personal?" Joe six pack laughs only slightly before saying, "Naw�?Don’t never take my ass whoopin personally. It’s just an added incentive and extra fun for the Rebel of Buffalo." The large fella who was called "Ronnie" is heading back with two opened cans of beer much the same as the ones crushed all over the table. 6 Pack, "Well, it looks like our interview’s over. Goodbye." Ronnie sets the beers down on the table and glares across the table as Bert doesn’t hesitate to get up. Busch, "Thanks again for the time�? 6 pack ignores him as he goes back to his cards. | That concludes and the crowd erupts as we go to No Limits Christian Skywalker who’s watching the monitor backstage. Christian Skywalker, "Joe 6-Pack huh? Well I don’t know who the Hell that is, but I know that four days from today He will feel the power of the Liminators! Tonight, however, I’ll focus some of that pent up rage toward Remorseless Storm�?So Maybe�?MAYBE�?There won’t be as much behind the complete ASS KICKING that I intend to give Joe this Sunday at ICWA Resurrection III!" Busch, "What?! That’s huge! This Sunday we get to see Joe 6-Pack make his in ring debut verses Christian Skywalker!" Marshal, "I like this Joe 6-pack, I’m lookin forward to that." Busch, "We’ve gotta wait till Sunday to see Joe 6-pack, but�?/P> Busch continues, "We’ve only gotta wait for afew minutes to see Christian Skywalker team up with the man they call Whysper to take on Remorseless Storm! That’s when we come back." We fade on the match banner as "Straight Out of Line" plays in the background. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | As we return "Burning Bright" by Shinedown is playing over the PA as we see Drew Stevenson rounding the ring toward the commentary table. Busch, "Welcome back folks. Drew Stevenson is getting ready to join us for commentary on this bout." Drew gets to the commentary table and shakes hands with Bert and Jay before putting on a head set and sitting down. Busch, "Welcome to the commentary table Drew, it’s a pleasure to have ya." Drew, "Thanks a lot Bert. I wish I could be in the ring, but since they won’t let me get in the ring this is the next best place." At first the intro to "The Truth" plays a while and then the Silent One hits the stage. He flips his hair back, pounds his chest with his fist and gives the rock/heavy metal taunt. Then, he looks up towards Heaven and points towards that direction. Busch, "There he is, your hand selected tag team partner for ICWA Resurrection where you will be pursuing the tag team championships." Drew, "Yeah, Whysper’s a good guy and a great athlete; Remorseless Storm has no idea what they’re in for." He walks to the ring and once he gets a few feet from it, he sprints and slides in. He climbs a turnbuckle and does the same taunt he did on stage, but with both hands and with his mouth wide open like he's yelling. Then, he crosses his arms in front of him in the form of an 'X.' He runs to another turnbuckle and does the same taunts again. He then hops down, kneels at the turnbuckle, and prays. Dart: The following contest is a tag team contest and is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing team number one.....from Plainville, Indiana weighing One hundred and ninety pounds.....WHYYYYYYYYYYSPER!!!!!!!!!!!! The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. Busch, "And there is your selection for Whysper’s tag team partner here tonight. What a selection it was too." Drew, "I think so. I looked all over the lockeroom, but Skywalker’s a multi-talented individual with a lot of success here in the ICWA. I think he’ll pan out well for the night. He and Whysper should mesh well." He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He then walks down the ramp towards the ring and he climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring as Kevin Dart speaks. Dart: And his tag team partner, from Silver Springs, New York weighing two hundred and fifty pounds...he is NO LIMITS CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER!!!!!!! NLCS and Whysper shakes hands as the two prepare for what is coming at them. 'Back in Black' by AC/DC begins to blare over the pa system and the crowd begins to boo loudly, as M.J. Storm comes through the black curtain with his manager, 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase. They begin to walk down the ramp, and M.J. holds up the Million Dollar Championship belt to spite the crowd. Dart: Making his way to the ring, accompanied by 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase, from Madison, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, he is "The Million Dollar Champion" M.J. Storm!!!!!!!! M.J. finishes walking down the ramp, and slides into the ring as Ted DiBiase walks over to a corner outisde of the ring. M.J. then walks over to a set of ropes, and jumps on them, bouncing. He then hops down and turns to a stagehand and hands them his leather trenchcoat,and gets ready for his match. Busch: The excitement is hitting us already and that match has yet to start. Marshall: Let alone, Storm without his tag team partner. The camers hit the stage as the Titiontron lights up with flames and a cross slowly fades in on the screen. Blue laser lights shoot out from the Titontron circling through the crowd. Acouple of seconds later red lasers shoot out from the stage hitting the ring. After a moment the arena goes black as a voice comes over the PA. Voice: I can hear what your thinking all your doubts and fears and if you look in my eyes in time you'll find the reason I'm here. And in time all things shall pass away and in time you may come back someday. To live once more or die once more, but in time your time'll be over As the words fade over the PA.blue and red smoke begins to role over the enterence way as six men walk out from under the smoke and line up down the ramp standing across from each other. They reach under there cloaks and each pull a single large cross out and hold it high above their heads as "King of Kings" by Motorhead begins to play. The lights come on dimely in the arena as a figure appears under the red and blue smoke. "Behold the King, the King of Kings. On your knees dog. All hail.
Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King" The figure bows its head before stepping out from under the smoke and raises his hands hig in the air as the fans erupt at the sight of SFM on the stage. SFM looks left and then right as he lowers his arms and starts down the ramp walking under the crosses held above his head by the cloaked men. "The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze, Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood, He tasted his grin and it tasted good. The King took his head. Left him broken and dead. " As SFM reaches the ring steps he goes two steps up before stopping and turning towards the fans and shooting them a cocky smile before continuing up the ring steps and standing on the ring apron. SFM turns once again resting his back against the ropes and raising his hands high above his head "Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. " SFM turns and ducks under the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and shoots the fans another cocky smile as he raises his hand and points at a turnbuckle and red pyro explodes out of it. He points at a second turnbuckle and a blue pyro explodes. A red explodes from the thrid and a blue from the forth. "The King left none living, none able to tell. The King took their heads and he sent them to hell. Their screams echoed loud in the place of their death. Ripped open they died. With their final breath. They hailed to the King, the King of Kings." SFM raise his hands above his head and lowers his head as his hair falls down covering his face. He brings his hands down as red and blue pyros explode from all four turnbuckles and his music fades and SFM walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs up it and lays across the top ropes waiting for Kevin Dart to announce him and the match to start. Dart: In the ring, from the south park section of Houston, Texas weighing two hundred and thirty eight pounds.....SEAN FROST MANN!!!!!!! Busch: Look like SFM and NLCS are going to start out this contest as their partners go to the apron on the outside of the ring. NLCS and SFM no strangers to one another, as they walk to the middle of the ring staring down one another. Ken Martel signals for the bell as this one is underway. DING DING DING!!! SFM and NLCS are seen once again staring the other down as the two the come face to face jawing back and forth to one another, finally SFM pushes NLCS backwards. NLCS smiling as he backs off a bit towards his corner as SFM walks towards him as a blind tag is made by Whysper, and off the ropes unexpectedly comes Whysper with a slingshot body splash on SFM sending him down to the mat. NLCS then smiling some more is seen trying to exit the ring, normally, but there is MJ coming in nailing him from behind sending him to the outside and to the floor. MJ then spouts off at the mouth a bit, as he then turns around grabbing Whysper by the hair, lifting him up and holding his arms behind his back, as SFM begins taking shots to the face and body of Whysper. MJ finally lets go of Whysper as he falls to the mat, as MJ finally leave the ring, as Ken Martel is right there yelling at him, telling him he needs to tag before he comes in the ring. MJ ignores Ken, as SFM has Whysper now in a headlock, as Whysper is seen trying to fight himself out of it. Whysper gets a couple elbows in there, but SFM keeps the headlock on tight as Whysper is not able to break out of it for some reason, now as NLCS is seen getting back onto the apron of the ring, with a angry look on his face as he is wanting to get in the ring, and put the hurting on some people. This time Whysper throws a couple more elbows into the gut of SFM, as he swings his lower body forward, locking his legs around the neck of SFM, taking him down with a huge hurricanrana. Whysper now down on the mat, as SFM is seen getting back to his knees with a shocked look on his face. Whysper is seen crawling over to his corner, as NLCS is seen trying to get in the ring, Ken Martel is trying to get him out as MJ now comes in grabbing the leg of Whysper pulling him back closer to their corner, and then exits the ring, as Ken Martel turns around to check on him. MJ then puts up his hands motioning that he did nothing and was standing on the outside the whole time. Busch: What a crock of bull Jay!! Marshall: Veteran move there Bert!! You gotta give it to them. SFM now to his feet as he then grabs Whysper, locks his arms around him and nails him with a belly to back suplex. Whysper now down, as NLCS is in the corner motivating Whysper to fight back and get over to tag him in the match. Whysper is then seen being helped up by SFM, as he drags Whysper to their corner, slamming his head into the turnbuckle, then tagging in MJ. MJ and SFM both look at one another, and both lay one hell of a double knife edge chop at the same time on the chest of Whysper. Whysper now sagging down in the corner, as MJ comes in laying the boots to him, as Whysper is now on his ass, as Ken comes over trying to break up the mauling in the corner, as MJ brushes him off and gives him one more kick for good measure. While Ken is seen yelling at MJ for what he has done, SFM is seen on the outside choking Whysper with some sort of object. NLCS watching as he gets himself into the ring, running across the ring now, and nails SFM off the apron with a forearm, as Ken is right there to get in front of him telling him to get out. MJ not far from the two is seen laughing at NLCS, as NLCS pushes Ken to the side and socks MJ square in the mouth as he takes a dive to the mat. NLCS then gets himself out of the ring, as Ken is seen turning around watching as MJ now gets a little ill tempered looking over at NLCS wanting him in the ring. NLCS ready and willing to get into the ring, as with both MJ trying to get over to tag SFM who is now back on the apron, as Whysper during all of this is almost back to his corner. Busch: Come on Whysper!!! Whysper gets to his corner, as he tags in a fresh NLCS, who gets right in as he sends a punch to the head of SFM who enters with no tag, then clotheslining down MJ for good measure. Finally NLCS then grabs NLCS from the ground as he sends a super kick right to the jaw of SFM who falls backwards to the outside of the ring. As MJ is now outside to talk to SFM calming him down to keep his head in the match. While they are outside Whysper now back up starts running from one side of the ring, as he is seen leaping over the top rope nailing both men with a suicide dive. NLCS then goes to the outside as well, bends down waiting for someone to get up. As SFM is seen getting up, he clotheslines from hell SFM back down to the mat on the outside. Whysper now back up climbs back up to the apron. He jumps up onto the ropes, and then shoots off nailing a leg drop onto the back of the neck of a still down MJ Storm, as he and NLCS slide back in the ring, as the crowd go completly nuts. Busch: Man what a comback Jay!! Marshall: A display that is just unbelievable. NLCS and Whysper both look at one another, as NLCS is seen patting Whysper on the back. Whysper, then is seen exiting the ring, as NLCS watches as MJ gets back into the ring, after the assault. NLCS then waves his hand towards MJ telling him to bring his best. MJ however comes running at NLCS but, he dodges as MJ runs into the ropes, as Whysper brings up a leg kicking MJ in the back of the head sending him falling into the arms of NLCS who picks up MJ dropping him into a huge spinebuster in the middle of the ring. NLCS the picks up MJ, as he then lifts him up and slams him down with a kind of sidewalk slam. MJ trying to get himself back to reality as he reaches out to SFM who is trying to get the tag, but instead here comes SFM without the tag as Whysper is seen getting back in the ring, as Whysper is right there as NLCS ducks down as Whysper slingshots himself off of NLCS grabbing a hold of the head of SFM and dropping him into a tornado DDT!! SFM and MJ both still down, as Whysper is seen heading back over to his corner of the ring, as he then gets out and he is back on the apron. MJ is almost to his corner of the ring, not knowing SFM has been taken down, as he jumps up tagging nothing but air, as he looks up noticing SFM is not there. MJ then pounds his fists into the mat, as He then pushes himself up to his knees. He then gets to his feet finally looking around the ring, seeing that SFM is down and out. MJ with his adrenaline going at a thousand miles per hour goes back for NLCS, as MJ sends a forearm to the head of NLCS, as NLCS is seen swinging back at him, as the two have just got down into a fist fight right in the middle of the ring. Marshall: It's exploding in the middle of the ring now Bert!! Look at them go!! Busch: Your not a kidding Jay!! What else is coming for these competitors. Finally NLCS pushes MJ off of him, as MJ finally comes back snapping NLCS nearly in half with a huge spear. MJ now on the attack as NLCS a little out of it now that he didnt expect that to hit him all of a sudden. MJ then pulls NLCS over to the opposite corner of the ring, where he then grabs the legs of NLCS, and kicking him square in between the legs connecting with the abdomen area. MJ is seen helping up SFM as he just came around. MJ then smiles as he says something to SFM. SFM seeming to like it as he positions himself standing behind MJ who is now back at the feet of NLCS. SFM then sets up NLCS and he catapults him up towards SFM, who is right there with a hard clothesline sending, NLCS crashing back down to the mat. MJ smiles as he picks up NLCS, lifting him high into the air, as he waits a few seconds, then drops him down onto his head with a Stalling brainbuster. MJ not worried about the pin fall as of yet as he then climbs on top of the fallen NLCS, grabbing the legs and head locking him into the STF. Whysper now hoping that he will get him time back into this match, as MJ is seen locking the hold on tighter than before. NLCS is heard yelling out in pain, as Ken Martel is right there checking on him. Whysper is seen cheering him on trying get him to break the hold to tag him in. NLCS with the pain building up on his face. MJ is screaming at NLCS telling him to tap out, but the response is a loud NO!! heard throughout the arena. NLCS then rolls over trying to get himself loose of the hold somehow. MJ not allowing this to happen as he then rolls himself back over NLCS locking the hold in even more. NLCS then looks over seeing the rope only an arm length away. NLCS takes his hand and reaches out grabbing the rope, as Martel then tells MJ to break the hold. MJ doesnt listen as Martel is right there to count. Ken: ONE!!! TWO!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!! FOUR!!!!!! MJ breaks the hold as he then rolls over and gets to his feet, walking a few steps tagging in a fresh SFM. SFM enters the ring, as NLCS has found it in himself to get back to his corner where Whysper is seen waiting for him. He is not far away as his hand is extended, as SFM grabs his leg. SFM then tries to fight him off, but instead NLCS has the reach and tags Whysper... Marshall: Oh Crap!!! Whysper jumps onto the top rope as another hurricanrana is delivered to SFM sending him down to the mat. MJ now into the ring, as Whysper then runs to the ropes, propelling him backwards connecting with a flying ensiguri to the head of MJ sending him down to the mat. Whysper then grabs NLCS, as he then brings him to. Whysper points to SFM who lies on the mat. NLCS then picks up SFM, wraps his arm around the neck dropping him into the Red Scare. NLCS then picks up MJ as Whysper goes to the top rope. MJ then turns and low blows NLCS, as Ken was over watching Whysper on the top rope. NLCS is seen falling to the mat, as MJ takes Whyspers legs out from under him. Whysper falls to the turnbuckle as he is seen with a look of pain on his face as MJ pulls Whysper off the top as his feet hit the mat, and MJ nails him with the Storm Chaser Slam!! MJ covers Whysper!! Ken: 1..............2..............3!!!
DING DING DING!!! Dart: Here are you winners......Remorseless Storm.....MJ Storm and Sean Frost Mann!!!!! Busch, "What a disappointing loss�? Drew, "Perhaps, but rest assured it won’t turn out this way this Sunday." Whysper and NLCS roll out of the ring as the crowd is booing. SFM points out to Drew and then does the title taunt around his waist as MJ smirks and nods. Drew stands up and says, "Yeah, we’ll see Sunday�? Busch, "That we will�? The cameras go to the back as we see a pair of black boots covered by black dress slacks. The camera continues to pan upward and we see a well developed, topless upper torso. As it continues we realize it’s a smirking James. The crowd has a loud mixed reaction as James says, "WallStreet �?James, One More time�?I must have done something right in a previous life, although I can’t imagine what that was." James smirks as he heads out the door of his lockeroom and the cameras then switch over to WallStreet walking toward the Gorilla position. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Well when we come back these two are gonna�?they’re gonna get it on! NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | The sound of an organ blasts through the speakers as the lights in the area go out. only the stage lights sending any light at all as slowly a smoke begins to float off the stage and down the ramp, bathing the area in a mist. four blue flames slowly begin to build on that stage, forming a square as slowly the James begins to rise up from below the stage, his head bowed and his hands held infront of him as slowly the stage rises, his head lifting as he looks out over the crowd and grinning at them. the flames going out as James makes his way slowly down the ramp, his hands rubbing together slowly as he gets to the ring, rolling in under the bottom rope and slowly getting to his feet, his hands raised high into the air. Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit! Already In the ring, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing two hundred and twenty five pounds....THE ORIGIONAL SADIST.....JAAAAAAAAAAAAMES!!!! James walks around the ring a bit, until he stops looking up at the rampway suddenly... We hear the sound of a phone dialing�?/P> Kid, "Yeah�? Man, "Yeah." Kid, "I Wanta be a Rockstar When I Grow Up�? Man, "A Rockstar huh?" Kid, "Hell Yeah�?Just Like You." *Drumbs* YEEEEAH! EEEEEEEEHYEAAAAAAAAAH YEAAAAAAAAAAAH�?/P> As Superstar II By Salvia blasts over the PA, the capacity crowd in Boston goes nuts�?/P> Busch, "And there’s the bossman and folks, he is prime and ready to go I guarantee ya that!" Marshal, "No doubt. These two bring something special out in each other every time they step into the ring with one another." Busch, "Speaking of something special�? Busch, "You can watch Any one of millions of great titles from Blockbuster Video. Go to blockbuster-dot-com to see information about "Blockbuster Total Access" so you can order movies online with the flexibility to exchange movies in store so you never have to wait for a movie. Never be without a movie, go to Blockbuster-dot-com." Marshal, "And on the way stop through the drive through at�?/P> Marshal, "Burger King. Get your meat filled stacker or traditional whopper flame broiled, or choose from any one of dozens of great food choices at Burger King. Have it your way, right away�?Burger King!" Busch, "But ya know what Jay?" Marshal, "What?" Busch, "You can chase it down with a cold, refreshing Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew, Do the Dew." Marshal, "And I know how you love your mountain dew." Busch, "Aww ya know I do." Dart: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 276 pounds from Manhattan New York�?he is WallStreet Brawler... TAYYYYLOR MCCALLISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WallStreet is down to the floor, pulling himself up onto the ring as the crowd is going wild. He slowly looks back at James, then stares out to the crowd similar to how Triple H stares to the crowd prior to spraying his water. Busch, "Look at the intensity in the eyes of the principal owner of the ICWA." WalllStreet finally turns and enters the ring between the second and third ropes as the music slowly fades and the lights draw back to normal. WallStreet now in the ring, as James stares him down, James just shakes himself getting all of the cobwebs in his head out because he knows this match aint going to be a easy win for him. WallStreet and James then go face to face, as they both start talking some trash a bit to one another, until James, pushes WallStreet back sending him to the mat onto his back. Street looks up smiling at James, as he then gets back to his feet. WallStreet, then gets back into the face of James, as he then returns the favor by pushing James down onto his back on the mat. James, not happy with what just occured, but he shakes it off, and gets back to his feet as WallStreet just cant help but get back in his face one more time. Marshall: Come on, somebody hit someone!! Busch: Calm down Jay!! Geez!!! As James gets back up going to get in the face of WallStreet, Street just sends a right hand to the jaw of James. James then fighting back with a punch of his own, as the bell finally decides to ring making this match official. WallStreet now making himself known, as he lifts a knee into the gut of James, then grabbing his head whipping him down hard to the mat. James is seen holding the back of his head, as WallStreet is seen jumping into the air, and crashing down onto the throat of James with his knee. James now a little shaken with the shot, as James rolls over onto his stomach, trying to get himself back to his feet as Street is seen waiting for him. James then gets to his feet as WallStreet then runs towards him, jumps into the air, and connects with a neckbreaker sending James back down to the mat. James doesnt move, as WallStreet, takes control. WallStreet helps James back to his feet, as he whips James into the ropes. James rebounds, as Street bends down for a back body drop, only to have James raise a foot up straight into the mouth of WallStreet. Street now holding his mouth checking for a sight of blood, only to see James coming back for him since WallStreet is still a slight bit bent over. As James comes quickly, Taylor picks James up over his shoulder, and drops him into a effective samoan drop, as one more time James is down . Busch: The Boss, is on fire Jay!!! Marshall: Yeah he is, but dont think for a minute that James isnt going to come back from this!! Busch: I dont think he wouldnt. James is a fighter!!! WallStreet, then goes for a cover, but James is not having any of it as he kicks out immediatly without hesitation, as WallStreet begins an all out assault on the head of James, and then covering him where Chris cant see the head of James, as Street puts a thumb into the eyes of James, as WallStreet then gets up as James is seen holding his face in agony. Chris Martin is seen asking WallStreet what he did, and WallStreet shakes his head, holding up his hands not admitting to anything. WallStreet then picks up James whipping him in the corner and then doing a ten punch to the head of James, as the crowd is counting along. Crowd: ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN.... James is seen pushing WallStreet off the middle rope into the middle of the ring. WallStreet a little shocked, as he gets back up with James coming out of the corner, WallStreet charges James nailing him with a hard clothesline from out of the corner sending James back down to the mat one more time. WallStreet then goes to the outside as he then grabs himself a trash can, he then slides back into the ring with the can as he sets it up in the corner, as Chris Martin is seen telling WallStreet not to do it. WallStreet yells at Chris and pushes him out of the way, as he grabs James. WallStreet pulls James to his feet and whips him to the corner where the can is set up. James reverses the whip, as Taylor goes back first into the metal can, bending the can in almost half with the velocity that his weight was crashing into it. WallStreet falls to the mat, as his back is bleeding a bit from the metal parts of the can cutting him . Busch: Holy hell Jay!! WallStreet just nearly busted his back up with that shot to the grabage can!! Marshall: Thank god the can is clean or else he would have needed a tetanus shot!! Busch: Wha...What? What did that have to do with anything? Marshall: Shut up Bert!! James on his knees as he notices WallStreet down after the beating that was inflicted on him. James now ready for some pay back as he then starts stomping on the back of the head of WallStreet. James yelling some obscenities at him as he then grabs the garbage can, Chris Martin then takes the can away from James warning him that he would be DQ'd if he did that again. As Martin went to toss the can outside, James grabs some brass knucks from his tights, picks up Street quickly and plants then right in between the eyes of Street sending him back down to the mat with a huge thud. James is seen quickly hiding the knuckles, as Chris Martin is back on him like flies on crap, as James walks over helping up Street to his feet, placing him in the corner. James then nails WallStreet with a effective well done european uppercut, as it has lifted Street off of his feet and back down again, as James then connects with a couple hard knife edged chops to sum it all up. James then is seen pulling WallStreet out of the corner as he nails him with a short armed clothesline, sending WallStreet back down to the mat, as Chris Martin continues to look on. James then is seem picking up WallStreet over his head, and tossing him to the outside, as James then follows. James grabs Street as he then whips Street into the corner ringpost shoulder first as WallStreet is seen falling to the floor on the outside. Busch: The fight has went to the outside Jay!! Marshall: This should be good Bert. Who knows what will happen now!! James went to WallStreet, but Street right there, to take James down with a drop toe hold, sending the head of James into the guardrail. WallStreet tries to get himself back to where he was but as he goes to get James, he is given a shot to his gut, as James stands up and lifts Wallstreet into the air one more time dropping him neck first over the guardrail. WallStreet falls backwards, as James then tosses Wallstreet back into the ring. James follows, as he then climbs over the back of WallStreet locking him into the Camel Clutch. Chris Martin is right there checking on WallStreet, as James locks it in a bit harder than before, as WallStreet is heard yelling out NO in pain. James then adds insult to injury as he then takes his right hand and socking WallStreet clean in the head, and locking in the camel clutch more and more. Chris Martin is still checking on WallStreet, but Street seems to be finding his way out of the hold. WallStreet is seen standing up, with James on his back. James is still holding on for dear life. WallStreet about to drop backwards out of desperation is dropped backwards, but head first into a reverse xfactor by James. Busch: This is a reversal contest Jay!! Marshall: This is what makes this match so good!! they both know each other so well Bert!! Busch: Agreed Jay!! James and WallStreet are seen both down on the mat, as to see who will get up first. Both men spent in this match so far, as they have taken it to one another so far. Chris Martin is right there... 1.......................2............................3..................................4...........................................5...............................................6.................................................7 James is up to his feet, as WallStreet is also. The both of them are seen pressing it up towards one another, getting into each others face again. Both men seen to be showing the respect for one another, but finally that is not the case anymore as James swings at WallStreet who ducks, gets behind James, picks him up and is about to back suplex him to the mat, except for James lands on his feet instead locking WallStreet into the Lights Out!! WallStreet already a little out of it, as James is trying to keep the hold locked in nice and tight. WallStreet is seen as his body goes limp as James is yelling at Chris to check him. Chris is seen lifting the arm of WallStreet. It drops!! Chris: ONE!!!! Chris the lifts the arm of WallStreet a second time. It drops. Chris: TWO!!!!! James getting a bit cocky as Chris then goes for the third and final drop. Chris: Thre.....NO NO NO!!! Busch: OH MY GOD WALLSTREET KEPT THE ARM UP!!!! Marshall: Now that is a true pioneer in this business. Never give up!! James a little upset with what has happened, with the hold still locked in, as James is seen yelling at Chris Martin, but not long, as WallStreet is seen powering out of the hold with elbows to the midsection getting James to release the hold. As WallStreet is free, he comes off the ropes, but James is right there and takes him out with the Fractured a beautiful version of the Diamond Cutter, as WallStreet lies in the middle of the ring not moving as James makes the cover. Chris: 1..................2....................Kickout by WallStreet!!! Busch: Holy Crap!!! Marshall: Unbelievable!!!! James even more upset is seen getting into the face of Chris Martin who argues right back with James. WallStreet a little wobbly is seen helping himself to his feet, as James finally notices him. WallStreet delivers a kick to the gut of James as WallStreet nails James with the Stock Market Crash. Both James and WallStreet are down. A few moments later we see Street roll over putting his arm over the chest of James as Chris drops to make the count. Chris: 1...........................2.......................Kickout by James!!! Busch: HOLY S**T!!!! Marshall: You can say that again Bert!! Both men have kicked out of each others finishing situations. This is just unbelievable!! Busch: Your not a kidding there Jay!! This is so intense. But who is going to win!! Marshall: Time to wait and see now Bert!!! James and WallStreet are now seen getting to their feet, as James is rocking back and forth falling back into the ropes but regaining his balance as WallStreet is across from him helping himself up with the ropes. James then comes charging at Street, But Street is right there as he pulls down the ropes, as James goes over the top and outside to the floor as WallStreet is on the mat of the ring, catching his breath. WallStreet then rolls to the outside, as he then grabs a hold of James picking him up, ramming his lower back into the ring. James holding onto his back, as WallStreet is then seen picking up James in a suplex like formation, and dropping him stomach first into the guardrail, as WallStreet drops to one knee due to the exhaustion. James is seen lying across the guardrail not even moving, as WallStreet, the back to his feet comes out of nowhere with an elbow across the back of the neck sending James forward falling onto his back onto the mat in the ringside area. WallStreet now a little more pumped up, grabs James and is about to slam his head into the steel steps, but James is right there to block it somehow, and elbow WallStreet in the gut, and slam his head into the steel steps instead. WallStreet falls to the ground, as James is seen rolling into the ring and back out one more time. Busch: Were back on the attack Jay!! God how is this gonna ever end!!! Marshall: I dont know Bert, but this has been one hell of a match like we thought it would be!! Busch: Were back on the attack Jay!! God how is this gonna ever end!!! Marshall: I dont know Bert, but this has been one hell of a match like we thought it would be!! James then grabs Street tossing him back in the ring, as he then enters himself. James still frustrated this match is far from over is seen reaching back into his tights, as he places the knuckles on his hand. As he is going to hit WallStreet, Chris Martin is right there stopping him from using the knuckles, as he rips them off of his hand. tossing them to the outside. WallStreet ready to take full advantage once again kicks James in the midsection and tries once again to nail him with the Stock Market Crash. but James is right there pushing Street back and into the ropes. A shocked WallStreet comes forward as James then really lays in a boot to the head of WallStreet as he bounces off the ropes just to be met with a huge Fractured a well done Diamond Cutter. James then makes the cover. Chris: 1.................2.....................3!!!!! DING DING DING Dart: Here is you winner: JAMES!!!!! Busch: Who knew he would come out victories Jay? Marshall: Who knows. WallStreet didnt even see that kick coming from James and he really paid for it good!! Busch: What a match Jay!!! With that the cameras go to the back as we see�?/P> Christian Skywalker walking about. Busch, "Christian Skywalker coming off of a disappointing tag team defeat earlier this evening." Suddenly out of no where we see him get blasted from behind with a huge forearm. The crowd starts to boo as we see Joe 6 Pack attacking Skywalker. Skywalker turns around but when he does 6 Pack picks him up, spins with him and slams him down hard on the concrete floor with a big time spine buster. Busch, "OH MAH GAWD! There was a SICK THUD When Skywalker’s skull bounced off that concrete!" 6-Pack smirks and actually winks at the motionless Skywalker as he walks away. Busch, "What a sick individual! We gotta�?If anybody can hear me we gotta get some help back there for Christian Skywalker�? The cameras fade on the unconscious Skywalker. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live March 21st, 2006 | When Cameras return from Commercial we see Greg Davidson standing backstage. Greg, "Ladies and Gentlemen I’m outside of the lockeroom of the Heavyweight Wrestling Champion of the World, David Van Dam. We’re going to attempt to get a word before his big title contest coming up shortly�? Greg knocks on the door. He waits a minute and soon enough the door draws open as we see the Heavyweight Champion with his title around his waist. Greg, "David Van Dam, Heavyweight Champion of the World. Could we get a word?" David doesn’t seem as light hearted as normal but he nods. Greg, "Tonight you go one on one with the Rush Ryan Ross for the coveted ICWA World Heavyweight Championship in your first official title defense since your grand victory at the ICWA Holiday Spectacular where you made our previous champion tap out in record time for an ICWA World title match. How do ya feel going into the main event here tonight, only four days away from when you’re scheduled to face Matt Matlock." David, "Well Greg, I’m feeling a little aggravated to be perfectly honest. Ya see, last week Ryan Ross came to me man up and he told me he wanted me one on one for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship. I respect that straight forwardness and that bravado. I gained some respect for him as a man last week, which is why I eagerly accepted his challenge. I’m the ICWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT Champion. The toughest piece of work in wrestling today�?Not Jimmy Stryker, Not DSL, Not Remorseless Storm, but Me! David Van Dam�?The Heavyweight Champion of the World. This title means that no matter how good the next guy is, I’m that much better. And that’s a hard reputation to maintain because the ICWA lays host to the greatest athletes on the planet�?Pro Wrestling is the Sport of Sports and this is the Pinnacle. Tonight Ryan Ross steps up with the big boys of our sport�?He steps into the very same spot as X Bomb�?Brock Lesnar�?Black Warrior�?SFM�?Psycho�?Hope Cassidy�?And David Van Dam. The spot of the Heavyweight Championship Contender. Now everybody I named used that opportunity as the biggest moment in their career, and won the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship. But ya know who I didn’t name? Jeffery Nero Hardy�?Bobby Johnson�?Christian Skywalker�?Matt Matlock�?And even WallStreet. They too have all been in the same spot as Ryan Ross is in here tonight and not one of them can say they were ever ICWA Heavyweight Champion. Matter of fact, only three of them can even say they’re still employed with the company and only one of those three is still in the main event. So this spot Ryan Ross is in is truly the Pressure Cooker. He’s got two options here tonight, Sink or Swim. Now before when I had respect for the man, those were two very thesable options. I had every intention of beatin�?the man, but I wasn’t going to crush him�?Now�? David steps back, drawing his lockeroom door open so the camera catches the carnage we had seen left before. David, "Now after this, I have no respect left for Ryan Ross. I don’t respect a man who’s so cowardice that he attacks a man’s wardrobe�?A man’s inanimate objects as opposed to the man himself? I don’t agree with what Joe 6-Pack’s done to Christian Skywalker. I think it’s a real yellow move to attack a man from behind, but at least he’s actually attacked THE Man and not the man’s clothing and cheese platter. But that’s okay, I get it. Ryan Ross was trying to send a message. Well message received loud and clear. Now tonight I’m going to send a little message of my own, but I’ll do it like a man in the middle of that ring out there LIVE in front of the whole City of Boston!" The crowd erupts as Greg nods his head in agreement. Busch, "David still thinks Ryan Ross trashed his lockeroom!" Greg, "I don’t advocate looking past your opponent tonight for the Pay Per View, but let’s just presume that you win tonight and you do in fact head into the Pay Per View against Matt Matlock as the defending ICWA Heavyweight Champion�?Matt Matlock is your tag team partner and man you most recently called "friend". What’s it going to be like to enter the main event against your partner and friend in such a high steaks situation?" David, "Well ya know Greg, this wouldn’t be the first time Matt and I have ever squared off against each other. But lately�?I don’t know. He’s not the Matt Matlock I once knew. And I get that he’s frustrated and he’s got his eye on my title, but it’s like he’s a totally different person�?It’s almost as if someone’s gotten in his head or something. But regardless of what his malfunction is, this Sunday it’ll get sorted out and fixed One way�?Or Another. Now Greg, if you’ll excuse me�?I have to go sort out Ryan Ross first." Greg, "Absolutely. Thanks a lot champ." David shakes Greg’s hand and says, "Anytime." With that "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" takes over the PA as we go into a Resurrection Advertisement and the line up... Of course I don't feel like making Resurrection banners tonight so we'll just pretend that happened. *Commercial Break* The bell sounds three times as we find ourselves focused on Kevin Dart in the center of the ring. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is the ICWA MAIN EVENT! (Crowd pops)�?It is a singles contest scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute television time limit for the ICWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!" Busch, "This is a highly anticipated match up with a lot of repercussions on the Pay Per View. If the Champion retains, nothing changes, but if Ryan Ross manages to win the World Heavyweight Championship here tonight, the whole main event is changed." Marshall, "You're also forgetting that this is the opportunity of a life time for the young Ryan Ross, he can jump over ever one in ICWA and become the top guy with a win here tonight." When the lights go up, and the game is on Are you ready for me? 'Cause I'm ready for you When the bell rings out and the fight is on Are youready for me? 'Cause I'm ready for you... Suddenly the lights shut off completely, complete darkness encasing the TD Bank North Garden. The sounds of Disciple's "Game On" fills the arena. The crowd boo's heavily as the challenger for the World Championship, Ryan Ross, arrogantly struts onto the stage wearing a shiny ring robe. He spreads his arms and cocks his head back as a shower of golden sparks fall onto him. Marshall, "Look at that man, Bert, he looks like he's in great condition, he definitely came here with a goal." Ross begins to walk towards the ring, ignoring the reaction of the crowd- which is solidly against him tonight as he's challenging the World Champion. Ross does a fancy little spin at the bottom of the ramp before climbing up the solid steel ring steps and onto the ring apron. Climbing between the top and middle rope, Ross enters the ring. Moving to the center of the ring, Ross undoes his robe, sliding it off of his sculpted frame. He poses in the center of the ring before moving to his designated corner while referee Tim White begins to check him for concealed foreign objects. Busch, "Now all we have to Do is await the arrival of the World Champion." Disciple's "Game On" fades out and is quickly replaced with the sound of rap artist Nelly's "Heart of a Champion." The crowd claps on beat as the Dementa-Tron flashes with images of the World Heavyweight Champion. There's a loud pyro-technic explosion as The World Heavyweight Champion emerges from the cloud of smoke now covering the entry-way. The crowd roars with cheers as the World Champion's head bobs slowly. Gone is the customary Ric Flair style robe that he had been wearing on the first few episodes of Demented and at the Holiday Spectacular. In it's place is a sleeveless jacket that's unzipped to show the World Heavyweight Chammpionship wrapped around his waist, with a hood covering his bald head, which is bowed slightly. The jacket is dark black, with red and white stripes covering it. Ain't no way they can stop me now Cause I'm on my way, I can feel my ring comin It's the blood of a champion, pumpin Deep inside my veins, too much pride to be runnin I'mma get what I can and more, even if My blood, my sweat, and my tears don't mean nothin It's the heart of a Champion The Iron Man begins to walk down the ring aisle, his face intense, not waiting on anything as he reaches out with his hands, coming in contact with several fans before he reaches the base of the ramp. He stands there and looks right at Ryan Ross, his eyes staring at his challenger. The World Champion reaches the solid steel steps and climbs them, walking down the apron, he wipes his boots as a sign of respect before stepping into the ring. He leaves his ring jacket on for the time being as he raises his arms, the crowd roaring with approval. He backs into his corner as senior ICWA official Tim White checks him for illegal weapons, leaving the World Title around his waist for now. Busch, "Let's go to ICWA ring announcer Kevin Dart for the introductions." The cameras move to ring announcer Kevin Dart who's standing in the center of the ring. With the lights now returned to normal, and the entrance music faded out, Dart raises his microphone to his lips. Dart, "Introducing first, in the corner to my right (Motioning to Ross), the challenger. He weighed in earlier today at two hundred and twenty pounds. Hailing from the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, The Rush, RYAN ROSS!" A lot of boos great the challenger as he steps out of the corner with his arms spread while doing a spin of sorts. He steps back into his corner so Dart can introduce the champion. Dart, "And introducing second, in the corner to my left, (Motioning to Van Dam), he is the undefeated, undisputed, HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORRRLLLLDDDDDDD, he weighed in earlier today at two hundred and forty-five pounds. Wrestling out of Indianapolis, Indiana. The Iron Man, DAVID VAN DAM!" The crowd explodes with cheers as David Van Dam kneels in his corner and crosses himself before raising up and raising his arms to the crowd. Dart exits the ring as Van Dam takes off his ring jacket and unclips the World Title from his waist, raising it to his lips, he kisses it before handing it to Tim White. Busch, "We have two very different type of athletes competing for the World Title tonight, and it promises to be a show stealer." Marshall, "You're right about that, Bert. Ryan Ross is quick, with a lot of quick strikes. He's definitely different than our slower Champion who uses a lot of holds linked together to inflict a lot of damage on his opponents." Busch, "Another thing to note is the weight different. For once, the World Champion has the weight advantage. He has twenty-five pounds on Ryan Ross, which is much different for the seasoned veteran, who is usually fighting guys ten pounds heavier or more." Marshall, "That's a good point, Bert. The Champion is used to being the smaller guy, and using that to his advantage, bringing his opponents down to the mat and using their heavier weight against them, but now he's combating a lighter, faster wrestler who relies more on quick hits more than holds that he links together." Busch, "It looks like referee Tim White is signaling for the bell." Indeed he is. Referee Tim White officially starts the contest. The Champion and the Challenger stare each other down, and begin to circle each other. Van Dam keeps a low, wrestler's base, his legs spread, his knees bent, allowing him to react quickly to his opponnent. His hands are up and open, incase he has to grab an ankle or hand or lock up. Ross has a martial-arts influenced stance. His hands are partially closed and raised to protect his face, while his elbows are in to protect his body from any blows the Champion might have in store for him. Ross has his stronger right leg brought back behind him so that he can use it for a quick kick if necessary, while his left leg is left in front, he'll use it to block any attempted-shoot in's from the World Champion. Busch, "While Van Dam and Ross are sizing each other up could you describe what your plan of attack would be if you were each wrestler, Jay?" Marshall, "Certainly. If I was Ryan Ross, I'd use my speed and athletic ability to set the pace of the match. If The Rush wants to win this match he's going to have to make the World Champion match his pace. He can't try to play David Van Dam's game, because he won't beat the World Champion at hold for hold wrestling. Ross is going to need to take away Van Dam's source of strength, which is those thick, muscular legs. He's got to knot the muscles up, and keep Van Dam from hitting any of his explosive, crippling suplexes." Busch, "And if you were Van Dam?" Marshall, "I'd make Ross slow down, and try to get it down on the mat. Force Ross to carry my weight. Van Dam has twenty-pounds on his challenger, that's a lot of extra weight to add onto a two hundred and twenty pound frame. Smaller wrestlers generally have better cardio and stamina than larger wrestlers, because they carry around less weight. If Van Dam forces Ross to carry an extra two hundred and forty-five pounds around for several minutes, he's going to quickly deplete Ross' energy supply. As Marshall finishes his expert anaylsis, Van Dam and Ross meet for their first collar-elbow tie up in history. It doesn't last long, as the World Champion steps around Ross, changing his grip into a back waist lock. He quickly raises Ross off the ground, sweeping his legs out from under him, he slams Ross into the mat, sliding around so their heads are next to each other but their legs going opposite direction, the World Champion slaps the back of Ross head several times before backing away and standing up with a cocky smirk. Busch, "Some mind games from the Champion, getting into his challenger's head there." Ross is quickly back up, emphatically telling referee Tim White that Van Dam pulled his hair. Tim White asks Van Dam who shakes his head no, following that up by saying it was completely clean, a clean take down. Referee Tim White tells Ross he'll watch for a hair pull from the Champion. Ross goes for another lock up, but Van Dam ducks under, another back waist lock and another take down followed up by a few more slaps to the head. Both are back up, and Ross kicks the bottom rope, this time telling referee Tim White that Van Dam pulled his tights. Van Dam denies said charges, and White states that he'll keep his eyes on it. Busch, "Van Dam seems to be playing games with Ryan Ross." Marshall, "I don't know how smart that is of the World Champion, I'd get right to business if I were him." Another lock up, and this time, Van Dam locks in a standing arm wringer. Ross grabs at his shoulder, before dropping to the mat and rolling, he goes to nip up, and is pushed right back down by Van Dam, who spins and drops a leg right onto Ross' shoulder. That's followed up with a grounded key lock. Van Dam doesn't leave that in for long though, as he straightens out Ross' arm, raising up, he drops a knee into the shoulder, he repeats this process two more times before rolling Ross onto his stomach and locking in a seated arm bar, Fujiwara style. Ross groans in pain as he tries to get onto his knees, his face still pressed in the mat, he shows surprising toughness and agility as he head stands, and then uses his hand to balance himself on the mat, before sprining back, freeing his arm from Van Dam's vice-like grip. Ross tries to shake the feeling back into his arms as Van Dam comes in on the attack. Ross backs into the corner and ducks between the middle and the second rope, getting boos from the crowd as referee Tim White forces Van Dam back before beginning the five count. Marshall, "Very smart by the challenger. Van Dam was starting to build momentum and work that shoulder over, so before he could really get going and put alot of pressure on that left shoulder, Ross causes a break in the action." Ross pulls his torso back into the ring and moves to the center of the ring, where there's another collar-elbow tie up. This time, The Champion shows incredible amount of strength as he pushes Ross back into the corner. Referee Tim White demands a break and begins the count, there is no break, so White lowers himself and steps between the two to push them apart. Van Dam releases his grip and raises his arms to back away cleanly. Ross, on the other hand, takes advantage of the referee's position to drive a thumb right into Van Dam's eye. Van Dam grabs at it and stumbles away as Ross moves from the corner, the crowd is booing as Ross quickly drives his foot into the back of Van Dam's thigh, right into the hamstring. Van Dam's left leg almost buckles, but he manages to keep his footing, that is until the second kick, that puts him on one knee. Ross quickly hits the ropes that Van Dam is facing, coming roaring back, Ross raises a leg, driving his knee right into Van Dam's face, bringing the Champion down, Ross quickly attempts a pinfall. Referee Tim White slides into position. One The World Champion kicks out, letting the world know that he is not going to be put down that easy, not today. Ross sighs as he pulls the Champion to his feet. Marshall, "Ross is being very smart here. He went after the leg, got the Champion down, and immediately went for the cover. Smart, smart wrestling from the Challenger." Busch, "Another vicious kick right to the leg! That's the third hard kick to that hamstring of Van Dam, it's got to be knotting up now, the Champion is going to have a hard time from here on out." Ross delivers a fourth kick to the Champion's hamstring, bring him down to a knee again, instead of attempting another running knee, Ross pulls Van Dam back up and grabs Van Dam's left leg, bringing it up to his shoulder, Ross lockes his hands around Van Dam's leg and kneck, capturing the World Champion. Popping his hips, Ross sends the World Champion over hand, causing him to crash into the mat, the wind being driven from him. Again Ross attempts the cover. One Tw . Van Dam kicks out before the two is completed, and Ross shakes his head again in frustration, he wants to end this quick, the longer this goes on, the more it favors the Champion, because the closer it gets to the time limit. Ross waits for Van Dam to stand, who begins to. Van Dam reaches his base and Ross springs towards the ropes, leaping onto the middle rope, Ross springs backwards and turns in mid air, his leg extending and coming in contact with the side of the World Champion's head, completing the Tidal Wave.. The World Champion drops imediately as Ryan Ross looks out at the crowd before turning back to the champion and dropping on him for a lateral press with no leg hooked. One Two T . Van Dam kicks out again, but with less force and intensity this time. Busch, "Another attempted pin fall by the challenger Ryan Ross ends with out a victory." Marshall, "It might not have gotten him the victory, but he's forcing Van Dam to spend energy kicking out. The more Van Dam has to kick out, the more energy he uses, the less he has to use for offensive moves against Ryan Ross." Ross pulls Van Dam up and whips him into the corner. Backing into the other corner, Ross backs into one corner, and comes out, turning a cart-wheel into a hand spring. He lands on the mat and leaps into the air, extending his leg again, his foot again coming in contact with the side of Van Dam's head, completing the Tidal Crush. Van Dam stumbles out of the corner and lands on the mat. Ross wastes no time making the cover this time, he even hooks the leg. One Two Thr . Van Dam manages to kick out, much to the displeasure of Ryan Ross, but to the pleasure of the sold out crowd in Boston. Ross holds up three fingers in referee Tim White's direction, who holds up two back, raising one arm while his other hand slaps the raising arm's shoulder, motioning that Van Dam got his shoulder up in time. Busch, "Ross has really taken control since the thumb to the eye several minutes ago. The Champion is reeling." Ross signals to the fans that he's about to end this. Not normally a taunter, Ross is feeling very confident at this point. He pulls the World Champion up and sends him into the corner again. Following the World Champion in, Ross hits a big corner lariat, before pushing Van Dam back into the corner and raising him onto the top turnbuckle. With Van Dam seated, Ross climbs onto the top rope, pulling the World Champion up as well. Ross signals for his Shell-Shock, his big-time Finisher. Van Dam nails Ross several times in the kidneys before pushing him off the ropes. Ross hits the mat and rolls, before getting up, only to find the World Champion in mid-air, flying towards him for a flying cross-body. The talented Ryan Ross leaps into the air, drop kicking the World Champion, and an audible sigh of displeasure can be heard from the crowd who were hoping to see the World Champion mount a roaring comeback. Marshall, "What an athlete this Ryan Ross is!" With Van Dam down, flat on his back, Ross looks around, and then looks at the top rope. The Rush gets a well, rush, as he moves to the corner and climbs onto the top rope. He leaps off, flipping backwards as one would for a shooting star press, when he completes the rotation, he's in a sitting position, with his leg extended, looking for a leg drop. When he lands on the mat though, no one is there. The crowd roars as Ryan Ross misses his move Adrenaline. Ross grabs at his leg and rolls in pain as Van Dam just lays on the mat. Busch, "Van Dam needs to capatlize here." Van Dam and Ross are both up to their feet. Ross goes for a punch, but it's blocked by Van Dam. Another attempted punch from Ross, and another block by Van Dam. A third punch is attempted by Ross, and this time, Van Dam ducks under it, and skirts behind Ross, quickly hitting a release German Suplex. Van Dam is up, and he roars as he pulls down the straps of his singlet. He's begging Ross to get up. The crowd is on their feet, it doesn't take anything but a couple of seconds for David Van Dam to get the victory. Ryan Ross begins to get to his feet, stumbling. Van Dam is quickly behind him, Ross' arm chicken-winging it. His other arm comes across Ross' face, and his hands lock, completeing his version of the cross-face chickenwing, named Faded Glory. Busch, "This could be it!" Ross tries to get to the ropes, but Van Dam pulls him away from them, the hold really locked in. Ross untrapped hand is flailing, when suddenly... BOOM! The crowd boo's as a solid steel chair comes in contact with the World Champion's back. Holding the chair is the challenger at Resurrection III, Matt Matlock. Matlock drops the chair and looks at Van Dam as he falls to the mat in pain. The bell begins to ring as Matlock puts the boots to the Champion. Dart, "Your winner via disqualifacation, and still ICWA World Heavyweight Champion, DAVID VAN DAM!" Busch, "Oh come on! What is Matlock doing out here?" Marshall, "He's obviously making sure that Van Dam comes to Resurrection III with the World Title, but he's also softening up the World Champion." Matlock pulls the World Champion up to his feet, delivering a hard kick to the gut before dropping him face first into the mat with an Animal Instincts. Busch, "Bah Gawd! Animal Instincts on the Champion!" With the Champion down, Matlock grabs the World Title from a ring hand, moving over the fallen body of the World Champion. Matlock raises the title above his head, before draping it over Van Dam's chest. Busch, "That is a clear message to our heavyweight champion! Folks, you do not want to miss ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf this Sunday! What a personal fight this one has become! Catch us this Sunday at 8pm eastern, 5pm Pacific on Pay Per View. Check your Satalite or Cable provider for more information on ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf... BAH GAWD!" Demented ends on that image. 
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ICWA Demented Credits & Quick Match Results Quick Match Results Dark Matches Christopher Def. Blaze Inferno Snake Eyes Def. Nikki Black Summer Stratus Def. DSL Demented Matches Flipside Def. Matt Matlock Via Pinfall Hope Cassidy Drew w/ Jay Styles via Time Limit Experation Dark Child Def. Leaky Format via Pinfall Mystical Def. Heather McMahon via Pinfall Remorseless Storm Def. NLCS & Whysper via Pinfall James Def. WallStreet via Pinfall David Van Dam Def. Ryan Ross Via DQ (Run in by Matt Matlock) Post Show Dark Match David Van Dam Def. Matt Matlock & Jimmy Stryker for the ICWA Title via pinfall in a ten minute bonus match for those in live attendence. Credits
Match 1 Singles Matt Matlock V.S. Flipside Written by: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Match 2 Jay Styles V.S. Hope Cassidy Written by: Matt AKA MJ Storm Match 3 Singles Dark Child V.S. Leaky Format Written by: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Match 4 Singles Heather McMahon V.S. Mystical Written by: Taylor AKA WallStreet First Hour Main Event Advertised Segment Contract Signing for DSL & Jimmy Stryker Written By: Taylor AKA WallStreet Match 6 Tag Team Remorseless Storm V.S. NLCS & Whysper Written By: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Match 7 Tag Team James V.S. WallStreet Written By: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Main Event Singles ICWA World Heavyweight Championship David Van Dam V.S. The Rush Ryan Ross Written by: David AKA David Van Dam Winners Selected by Management Thanks to everyone who rped this week. great job. Incredible work by Aaron. The man wrote four matches so Demented could be up the same night as deadline was called for the first time in four years. Awesome man. Aaron's definitly the ICWA MVP right now. 
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