 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 4/17/2007 7:58 AM |
ICWA Demented Live February 28th, 2006 | ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf took place on March 25th of 2007�?It is currently April 11th�?That’s a 17 day separation�?A Half a day shy of being Two and a half weeks removed from the Pay Per View. And the question becomes, why? Why was Demented off the air for those two weeks? Well, ICWA runs on short term contracts with the Network because it’s generally seasonal. Our contract with FX ran out on Monday, March 26th. FX Presented a new contract to the ICWA and it was borderline insulting. ICWA Wednesday Night Demented draws higher than any other show on their network and they actually wanted to reduce our advertising spots on the network and they wanted to put in a bid for TNA Wrestling�?WallStreet said absolutely not and said he’d take his program off the air before he’d sign that contract. Apparently FX thought he was kidding and chose to call his bluff. The problem is, WallStreet doesn’t bluff. So for two weeks FX has been running "That 70s Show" Marathons in place of ICWA Demented and apparently they grew tired of the complaints and the plummet in Network ratings, so they caved to virtually every demand made by the ICWA. Since then the ICWA has been heavily advertised all over FX, The FX Network actually paid for an advertisement in the US Today letting the world know their ICWA Demented is coming back live tonight. And thus, here we are. That being said, our previous Demented drew a solid 3.5 in Hour one and a 4.3 in hour two�?And now it’s the return�?/P> That 70s show has concluded and the screen goes dark only momentarly before an Insturmental begins to play�?/P> _______________________________ ICWA Resurrection III: Howl Of The Wolf Busch, " WELCOME TO EYE_SEE_DUBBYA_EH RESURRECTION THREE, HOWL_OF_THE_WOLF! I’m Double B Bert Busch alongside the former CWA Heavyweight Champion, "Destructive" Jay Marshal and we WELCOME YOU to the ICWA PAY PER VIEW!" The Cameras begin to focus on the ramp as we suddenly hear the triumphant sound of trumpets, signaling the opening of the "Final Countdown" by Europe. Busch, " And folks, we ain’t wastin anytime here tonight!" ________________________________ We see clips of NLCS's entrance ____ We see clips of Joe's entrance ____ Busch, " Jay, I had the opportunity to interview this man last week on Demented and let me tell ya, I’m not a man who’s intimidated easily but this Joe 6-Pack is one intimidating man." Marshal, "When the ICWA Started up there was one big dog in the yard, one guy who could out fight anybody else and nobody wanted to cross paths with�?That was me. I was the Bully in the school yard, but this Bully never got punked by the Good guy. Now in 2007 a New force of Destruction has arisen�?A New Bully in the Yard, a new Dog running the Kennel and his name is Joe 6-pack. Make no mistake about it Bert, this guy isn’t nice, he doesn’t work a real pretty, scientific style, but he is 275 pounds of unadulterated whoop ass machine." Busch, "Well I reckon we’re fixin to find out just how bad he is." _____ We see a few clips from the match till we get to the finish. Skywalker hops up onto the ring apron and watches as Joe starts to pull himself up in the center of the ring�?As he gets up it kinda looks like he may have picked something up, although we can’t really tell�?Joe Staggers, his back to Skywalker as Skywalker leaps up onto the top rope�?Joe turns around as Skywalker leaps through the air, his arms high as if he’s looking for a big Axe Handle smash�?But as he descends toward 6-Pack, we see big Joe swing with a metallic object in hand and hear a "CRACK" as it collides with Skywalker’s face, making him drop on the mat like a sack of potatoes. Busch, " What the Hell?!" Referee Ken Martel instantly calls for the Bell as the fans begin to boo and Joe Stands there, his chest pumping in and out, a devilish smirk beginning to form on his face�?/P> Dart, " Your winner as a result of a DISQUALIFICATION�?No Limits�?CHRISTIAN_SKKKYYYWALKER!" Joe reaches down and grabs a fist full of Christian’s hair as Martel is bouncing around, demanding Joe stop whatever he’s thinking of doing. Busch, " Aww come on damn it! Ya already got yourself disqualified from the match with that damn lead pipe, ain’t that enough?!" Marshal, "I don’t think Joe came out here caring if he won the match Bert�?I think he came out here looking to make a very physical, destructive point�? Busch, "Well it damn well seems that way don’t it?! Come on!" Joe pulls the unconscious Skywalker up to his feet and then hoists his limp body into the air as if looking for a back drop while the fans continue to boo loudly�?Six Pack swings around and drops NLCS hard with the 6 and Rising (A Back drop into a Rock Bottom) Busch, " BAH GAWD!" Joe gets up as Martel is still in his face�?Joe just draws back and nails Martel with a huge right hand that drops him dead on the mat as "I Walk Alone" by Saliva begins to blast over the PA and Joe smirks, even lightly chuckling to himself as he heads for the ropes and the trainers and officials hesitantly enter the ring the same way Joe’s exiting. ______________________________________________ With that we hear "Game On" By Disciple hit the PA as we switch to images of Ryan Ross making his entrance, then we see WallStreet make his. We cycle through a few spots in the match again until we get to the finish�?/P> Ross runs his hands through his sweaty hair as he pulls Wallstreet up to his feet, Kicking Wallstreet in the gut, it looks like Ryan Ross is going for a tiger driver, but Wallstreet pushes Ross off, Ross comes back, boom, kick to the gut, arms underhooked.. STOCK MARKET CRASH! Street makes the cover. One Two Three! Busch, " And that's all she wrote. Wallstreet wins!" Dart, " Your winner, the Corporate Icon, TAYLOR MCCALLISTER!" WallStreet stares down at his motionless adversary _____________________________ We start seeing clips of Hope Cassidy and Jay Styles entrances as we hear the commentators�?/P> Busch- Well folks, Three times these two great young athletes have paired off, and three times they’ve come to a draw. Here tonight it doesn’t matter how long it takes, it doesn’t matter how it has to happen, there MUST BE A WINNER! Marshall- And it’s a good thing because not only are they frustrated with themselves for not being able to beat each other, but the fans are frustrated about not being able to find out who the better Ultrastar really is. We then go through clips of the match till once again we get to the finish. Almost as soon as Styles hits the mat, she rolls over and locks in a dragon sleeper, completing her patented finishing maneuver, the lights out! Jay struggles towards the ropes but it is to no avail, Hope Cassidy leans back in the sleeper wrenching on the neck and back of her opponent. He reaches for the ropes, but there is about three inches separating him from ropes. He screams out in pain refusing to tap. Hope, however simply wrenches back even further on the neck and more importantly the back of Jay Styles. The sleeper is beginning to have an effect. The referee grabs Jay Styles' arm and lifts it. It quickly drops to the mat. The referee tries a second time with the same result. The Referee grabs the arm for a third time, and lets it fall, but Jay Styles manages to hold his arm up. Hope is furious, having believed it was over once more. This causes Hope Cassidy to wrench back even further leaving Jay Styles no resort. He is forced to tap, and he does. He taps out. The Referee calls for the bell. Kevin Dart: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match at 21:49 as a result of a submission, HOPE CASSSSSSIDY! Busch, " BAH GAWD what a match! Hope Cassidy has finally done it! We’ve finally found a winner!" Jay Seems frustrated as he stands up, holding his hips and shaking his head. Hope walks over and extends her hand as the crowd cheers�?Jay looks at it briefly, hesitating, but he soon nods and shakes her hand drawing a great reaction from the New York fans�?/P> Busch, " And that’s what ya pay to see right there�?Two great athletes giving it all they got and then displaying true sportsmanship, congratulating each other and shaking hands after the bout. That’s truly great." _________________________________________ Busch: Well folks, it may not have started here in the ICWA, But I reckon it’s fixing to be finished here tonight at ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf. For all you folks at home, you’re about to take part in a true piece of history as this epic feud finds it’s conclusion.... Marshall: Yeah and what a finish it will be I am sure..... As we hear that commentary we watch the entrances of Jimmy Stryker and DSL, and see the graphic on the screen reminding us this is for the ICWA United States title. We then see black and white clips of the bloody fight that ensued between DSL and Jimmy Stryker. Stryker now hunched over, but falling to his knees, as he then tries to find a way out of the predicament he is in. DSL then comes over to Stryker as he then elbows her in the gut, as he then stands up, picking her up over his shoulder, as he then drops her head first into a tombstone pile driver. DSL's neck is seen snapping back as Jimmy is seen making the cover. Ref: 1..................2...................3!!!! DING DING DING!! Dart: (Inside the arena) HEre is your winner and NEW.....ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPION......JIMMY STRYKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as Jimmy is seen not moving, someone from inside is seen delivering the US title as the ref is seen placing it over the bloody fallen body of Jimmy Stryker raising his hand as he is declared the winner of the matchup. Jimmy is seen being wheeled away, he holds the US title high in the air�?/P> _____________________________________ Dart, " The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit and is to decide the NEW International Championship Wrestling Alliance World Tag Team Titles." We see clips of the entrances for the tag title match and then various clips from the match�?/P> Stevenson turns around and catches a huge superkick from SFM. Stevenson is spun right around into MJ Storm, and into a Storm Chaser Slam. MJ goes for the cover, grabbing a fist full of tights, while SFM dives at Whysper. Busch, " MJ’s got the tights!" One Two Three Dart, " Your winners, and NEEEEWWWWWWW Tag Team Champions, REMORSELESS STORM!" Busch, " Well, By hook or by crook Remorseless Storm has just won the ICWA Tag Team Championships!" Marshal, "After that Storm Chaser I think the tights grab was just an extra insurance policy, Drew wasn’t getting up from that." Busch, "God, can ya imagine what these guys egos are gonna be like now that they’ve added the ICWA Tag Team championships to their Resume?" Marshal, " SFM’s an ICWA Hall of Famer and has done a lot here, but this is his first time as an ICWA Tag Team champion and MJ Storm’s been wildly successful all over the world but March 25th, 2007 marks the day that MJ Storm wins his very first championship here in the ICWA in the form of the ICWA World Tag Team championship!" Back in the ring we see MJ raising his title high as SFM’s in the opposite corner pointing to the title and himself while trash talking the fans�?/P> _____________________________________ We see various clips from the Women’s bra and panties match�?/P> Immediately, Summer throws Angelina backward, but Angelina is able to wrap her legs around Summer's neck. She spins 360 degrees and hits a DDT, flattening Summer who lays sprawled out on the mat.
Marshal: What the?! Where did that come from!
Busch: She calls that the SoCal Stunner and it just layed out Summer! We could be looking at a new women's champion.
Angelina wasts no time tugging on Summer's shorts, struggling mightily to get the shorts over the champ's boots. She tugs on them with one pant leg to go. With one last pull, the shorts come off, as Angelina stumbles backward, falling on her behind.
Busch: She's done it! She's done it! Angelina Santana has upset Summer Stratus in what supposed to be an easy match for the women's champ!
Angelina scrambles to her feet and walks over to the ref who raises her hand.
Dart: Your winner and NEEEEWWW ICWA Women's Champion.....Angelina Saaantaaanaaa!!!!
Angelina raises a fist in the air as the crowd applauds the surprising win. The ref lowers Angelina's arm as Angelina climbs a turnbuckle and gives the rock on taunt, and jabbing another fist in the air triumphantly. She even wipes a tear away from her eye. Angelilna climbs down as the ref presents Angelina with the Women's title belt. Angelina, shades of Shawn Michaels, takes the title in both hands, kneels down, and buries her face in the gold.
Busch: Obviously an emotional moment for our new Women's Chamipion who was not supposed to win this match.
Marshal: I'm utterly shocked. I was sure Summer would wipe the floor with this chick.
Angelina is shown climbing a turnbuckle and holding the title aloft with one hand _______________________________ Greg, " Matt Matlock�?We are but one match away from seeing the epic confrontation between you and ICWA World Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam that’s been 3 months in the making�?You’ve never been the heavyweight champion here before, never been the heavyweight champion anywhere that’s highly recognized on MSN or in Sports Entertainment as a whole�?Now as David Van Dam aptly said it last week on ICWA Demented, You are in the "Pressure Cooker"�?How are you dealing with that pressure?" Matlock, " I know David’s watching, so David�?This is what you’re in for. There’s no surprise. I don’t know how I feel about you as a person anymore, but as a competitor I still respect the Hell out of you, which is why I’m being as straight forward and honest as I’ve ever been with anyone I’ve wrestled�?I’m going to cheat, lie, and if given the opportunity, Steal this championship. But come Hell or High water, I WILL win by Any Means Necessary. Look at the show banner, it says ICWA Resurrection Three: Howl of the Wolf�?Tonight the Lone Wolf howls in victory." ___________________________ Kevin Dart: The following contest is a Triple Threat Elimination Barbed Wire Cage Match. A person can only be eliminated by pinfall or submission. We see various clips from that match, including Flipside’s elimination of DC�?/P> [James walks over to Raymond, lifts him up and kicks him hard in the gut.] Busch: We seen this before. [ James goes for Fractured again, but this time nails it. He smirks and drops for the pin. He wraps Raymond's legs for a pin.] One... Two... Three.... DING...DING...DING... Dart: Your winner, The Original Sadist, James! Busch: What a great match. _____________________________ We switch over to Greg Davidson standing by with David Van Dam. Greg, " Tonight you face your former best friend and he says he’s putting it all out there�?He won’t be pulling any shots�?What do ya say to that?" David, " Good, I wouldn’t want it any other way." And with that simple line the champion walks off Greg Davidson, " Few words, but enough said... ___________________________ Kevin Dart announces, " Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is the MAIN EVENT! It is Scheduled for ONEFALL and there is NO TIME LIMIT�?This Bout IS FOR The ICWA HHHHHHHEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP of the WORLD�? We see Most of Matlock’s spectacular entrance, then we switch to David’s entrance�?/P> We watch them slowly cycle each other in the early goings, and then watch various clips from this great contest ________________________________ David hits the ropes as Matlock’s coming toward him with an arm extended for the Clothesline. David Van Dam ducks down and darts under Matlock, making Matlock spin around with his back now against the ropes. Van Dam quickly wraps him up with a front waist lock, does a half spin ala Scott Steiner as Van Dam’s back is now against the ropes. Matlock’s hands grab the top rope as Van Dam pops up and sends Matlock flying up and over the top rope to the floor below with a big Belly to Belly suplex drawing a huge reaction from the sold out Madison Square Garden. Busch, " GOOD GOD! Matt Matlock just got LAUNCHED over that top rope to the outside floor!" _________________ Matlock hits a second, then a third and then hooks Van Dam by the neck and the leg and snaps back with a Fisherman suplex release on the floor, drawing a solid reaction from the fans. Tim White has stopped his count and is on the floor trying to encourage the athletes to take it back into the ring. Busch, " Tim White being lenient with his count here�?He knows that the fans don’t want to see a double count out here, they want a winner�?They want a true champion. Ya gotta give a lot of credit to Senior Official Tim White on this call." ________________ Back on the floor Matlock’s gotten to his feet and he’s dragging Van Dam up by his neck. Matlock gets the champion up and looks over at the steel stairs�?The Cornered Animal grabs the Wrestling Icon by the wrist and goes for a big Irish whip but Van Dam swings around with a reversal and Matlock goes darting across the floor and collides hard, back first against the steel steps making a sickening smashing sound. Busch, " Bah Gawd! That’s flesh on steel!" Marshal, "My favorite sound Berty-boy!" Van Dam glances over his shoulder and sees Jessie standing there with her hands over her mouth and nose, her eyes wide as she’s clearly concerned with the way her fiancée connected with those stairs. David smirks and extends his arms to his sides, cocking a very sarcastic smile�?The same taunts Matlock uses only his grin is genuinely arrogant and not so sarcastic. The fans actually boo a little as Jessie seems surprised an offended by David’s gesture. Busch, " Van Dam mocking Matlock to his own Fiancee�?I’m not sure that’s really necessary." Marshal, "Well ya gotta bare in mind Bert, the fans have been split. Van Dam’s not used to the fans getting behind his challenger and riding his ass a little, so I think he’s just giving it back. Obviously Jessie’s a Matlock fan, so that’s who got the blunt of the punishment for everyone here in New York cheering on the Cornered Animal." Busch, "Perhaps, but I still don’t see why that was necessary. She’s just an innocent by standard cheering for her soon to be husband." _______________ Matlock stumbles a bit grabbing his back and Van Dam waists no time as he wraps his arm around Matlock’s waist, picks him up as if contemplating a big Kevin Nash style Sidewalk Slam, only to drop to a knee and bring Matlock’s spine crashing across that very knee with a back breaker. Matlock rolls of the knee of the Champion holding his back as Van Dam rolls him over to his shoulders and hooks the far leg. Tim White drops down and counts ………………………One…………………Two……………………Thr�?Matlock just kicks out before the three. Van Dam slams his palm down on the mat and yells out " THREE TIM! THE NEXT NUMBER WAS THREE!" Busch, " Van Dam was just a half-a-hiccup away on that one and is clearly a lil frustrated�? Marshal, "Can ya blame him? Where’d Tim White learn to count?!" ______________ Busch, " David Van Dam was in control but Matt Matlock forced him to switch gears and come to a halt with that big back drop. Now both men are on the mat, there bodies truly taking a toll from this contest." _______________ They both get to their feet, although they both seem pretty wobbly. ………………………………�?/P> Tim White’s considering the ten, neither man’s really all together despite being on their feet�?But he looks out to the raging sea of humanity surrounding him and he just can’t bring himself to do it, so he declares both men on their feet drawing a unanimous cheer from the Madison Square Garden fans. _____________ Busch, " Big clothesline bringing both Ultrastars over the top rope in front of us." _____________ Matlock’s staggered over to the time keeper’s table, stealing time keeper Mike Marks�?bottle of water and trying to flush his eyes. As he does that David bends down, grabs a hold of the black protective mats and rips it up as we hear the sound of the Velcro separating when the mat comes up. Busch, " What’s David doing here?!" Van Dam lifts the mat way up and pushes it off to the side�?/P> Busch, " David Van Dam’s exposing that concrete floor�?This has nowhere but bad to go." ____________ He grabs Matt in a vertical suplex grapple and goes to hoist his challenger up with a vertical suplex but the Canadian Ultrastar blocks by snaking his leg around David’s. David attempts the vertical a second time but again to no avail�?/P> Busch, " Van Dam’s looking for that vertical suplex�?This would absolutely finish Matt’s back�? Matt apparently senses that as he begins delivering hard right hands into the ribs of the heavyweight champion. After a series of shots Matt maintains the suplex grapple and actually hoists Van Dam into the air�?The fans are on their feet as Matlock’s squinting in pain, holding Van Dam in the air as he takes a couple of steps forward onto the exposed floor, spins and drops down driving the heavyweight champion head first into that exposed concrete floor with a spinning brainbuster as the crowd erupts. Busch, " MATLOCK-GO-ROUND-OH-3, OH MAH GAWD! HE JUST DROVE DAVID VAN DAM SKULL FIRST INTO THAT EXPOSED CONCRETE WITH THE MATLOCK-GO-ROUND-OH-THREE!!!" Crowd: MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK, MAT-LOCK�?/P> Both men are down, David’s body actually rolled over so he’s on his chest with his head and hands under the ring apron, hidden from the world. Matt’s on his back, squinting and gritting his teeth in pain as his hand is under his body, probably nursing his back. Busch, " BAH GOD! That could be all she wrote but�?But�?What did that take out of Matlock?! Can he capitalize?!" _____________ | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 11th, 2007 | _____________ Matlock walks a possibly concussed David Van Dam over to the matted area near the stairs, bends over, picks him up and slams him on the black wrestling mat with a very basic scoop slam. Matt grabs his back as he climbs up the stairs and then starts to climb up the ropes. The fans are still on their feet, their cameras in hand and flashes already starting to go off�?/P> Busch, " What’s Matlock thinking here?" Matlock climbs up to the top and is crouched down holding the top ropes with his back to the fans�?David suddenly jumps up, leaps onto the ring, runs up the outside ropes just as Matt’s standing up, gets on the top rope and without a second of hesitation, hooks the leg and arm of the cornered animal�?/P> Busch, " Oh My God�?Oh My God�? David Leaps in a diagonal direction with Matlock on his shoulders and the two go soaring through the air as the arena lights up with camera flashes from the time they leave the time ropes till they come crashing through the commentary table with a HUGE Angle Slam. Busch, " OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!" Crowd: HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT! Busch, " I CAN’T BELIEVE MY EYES! LAST CHANCE! LAST CHANCE! LAST CHANCE FROM THE TOP ROPE THROUGH OUR ANNOUNCE TABLE! HOLY HELL!" _____________ We see the trainers rush down, and then we see them call out the medics and state that this match is a wrap�?/P> Danny and Anoop both look to the back and start to wave on the medics which makes the fans boo. As they do we see Matlock’s hand come up and grab Anoop by the shirt, clearly catching the trainer off guard. The fans seeing this on the Dementa-Tron erupt as Matlock’s eyes stay closed but he’s got a fist full of the chest of Anoop’s shirt�?Matlock’s other comes up a little bit, waving Anoop to draw his head down closer to Matlock. Anoop bends his neck down a little bit as the medics are starting to head down the ramp with two stretchers. Matlock continues to wave Anoop down, telling him to come closer. As he does the camera gets right close, hoping the mic on it can pick up whatever Matt might be about to say�?/P> Anoop’s ear finally get’s right close to Matlock’s mouth, his eyes still not open as he says, " You tell those sons-a-bitches to get the fu__ out of her�?This match ain’t ending this way. If I’m not leaving here champion it’s not gonna be because I didn’t finish the match." Anoop, " Mr. Matlock�?You may have sever neck and spinal damage�?One wrong move and you could be looking at permanent paralysis�? Matt’s eyes finally open, an obvious fire in them making the crowd go wild as he says, " Shut the f__k up and keep those pricks away from me!" Matlock shoves Anoop away with the hand that had hold of his shirt, making Anoop fall on his ass. Danny shakes his head and says, " Well he can stay if he wants, we’re getting David out of here�? " No you’re not." Danny looks down as for the first time since the Last Chance off the top we see a part of Van Dam’s face move. David, " You heard the kid�?We’ve got a match to finish." Busch, " Bah�?God. This�?This is insanity. I’ve never respected two athletes as much as I respect David Van Dam and Matt Matlock right now, but�?there comes a time when ya gotta say when and I believe Matt and David have reached that time�?Two lesser men wouldn’t be alive right now�?These guys wanta finish the match. What heart." David and Matt slowly start to try and roll to their chests as Danny Yung and Anoop Kaushik both stand up shaking their heads. The medics start to make their way around either side of the ring as Danny and Anoop separate and head opposite ways shaking their heads and motioning for the medics to go back. Crowd: DVD, MAT-LOCK, DVD, MAT-LOCK, DVD, MAT-LOCK, DVD-MAT-LOCK, DVD-MAT-LOCK�?EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EH, EYE-SEE-DUB-EYE�?/P> Busch, " This capacity crowd is on their feet, overwhelmed as these two�?these two�?I don’t even know what to call em�?These Modern day Warriors, make their way up to their feet�? __________________ Matt staggers back and Van Dam shoots in, grabs the leg and the wrist and hoists the Lone Wolf up�?/P> Busch, " HE’S GOING FOR ANOTHER LAST CHANCE!" Matt Kicks and wiggles though and slides down David’s back. David spins around and Matlock hooks his neck and head and hoists him up into the air�?Matlock lets out a loud groan, clearly his back is feeling this big time. Matlock hooks the other leg, and then drops back with what basically looks like a double leg-hooked fisherman suplex release without a bridge, or for the 2 TNA fans, Samoa Joe’s Muscle Buster. Busch, " MATLOCK-GO-ROUND-OH-SIX! IT’S OVER! WE HAVE A NEW EYE SEE DUBBYA EH CHAMPION!" Matlock sits up, pain deeply etched on his face as he holds his back before rolling over and laying ontop of David Van Dam. Senior referee Tim White drops down as the crowd counts with him�?/P> Crowd & Ref: ……………………ONE! ………………………TWO! Busch, " WHAT A GREAT MATCH THIS WAS!" Crowd & Ref: ……………………………THREE! Busch, " IT’S OVER!" But wait�?The Crowd counted three but Tim White stopped�?He points to the ropes where we see Van Dam’s foot draped atop of the bottom rope, and signifies that it was just two. Matlock’s eyes are wide as he grabs two fist fulls of his own hair and drops his forehead to the mat in blatant frustration. Busch, " BAH GOD! SO CLOSE! SO CLOSE! MATT MATLOCK WAS SO CLOSE!" ____________________ We switch to Matlock sitting on the top turnbuckle as David’s heading up the ropes himself. David Climbs up top with Matlock and pulls Matlock up, hooking him for the superplex�?/P> Busch, " These guys are in no man’s land with no where but down to go�? David wants that superplex but before he can launche Matlock delivers a couple of stiff rights into his ribs, breaks the Vertical suplex grapple and forces David’s head between the Canadian thighs of the contender�?/P> Busch, " MATLOCK REVERSES�? Matlock hooks the arms and leaps out, nailing Van Dam with a sitout pedigree that makes the fans go nuts�?/P> Busch, " BAH GOD! SIT OUT STOCK MARKET CRASH! SIT OUT STOCK MARKET CRASH! WHAT A REVERSAL! THAT HAS TO BE IT!" Matlock rolls back holding his back in pain. Busch, " Matlock’s in SO MUCH pain he can’t capitalize off that huge move!" Marshal, "Crawl! Scrape! Do something! Just get David on his shoulders with your body over his!" Busch, "You’re pulling for Matlock?!" Marshal, "I’m pulling for em both! They deserve it!" ________________ Crowd: MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! MAT-LOCK! Matlock finally gets to David, brings his arm under David’s and gets his hand cuped over David’s neck, essentially applying a half nelson. Matlock uses that Half nelson to roll David over to his back and hooks the far leg as Tim White drops down and the crowd once again joins him in his count�?/P> Crowd & White: ……………………ONE Busch, " Middle of the ring, no where to go�?This HAS to be it!" Crowd & White: …………………………TWO…………………………THRE…�?/P> Tim White’s hand is literally about to graze the mat when David shoots his shoulder up making the crowd gasp in shock. Busch, " BAH GOD! HOW THE HELL DOES HE DO THAT?! David Van Dam may very well be the most resilient champion in the history of our business!" Marshal, "I’ve been here for every champion from X Bomb to Van Dam and I can’t think of one of em that’d of gotten their shoulder up after that!" Busch, "NO WHERE ELSE! No Where else in the WORLD are ya gonna find two athletes as incredible as the ones you’re seeing right here! NO Where else are ya gonna see a World Title match contested between two men in singles competition that’s at this level! You are watching the ICWA do Pay Per View like NOBODY ELSE Can!" _______________ Matlock gets up and staggers back away from the ropes and when he does, Van Dam is waiting. David grabs his arm and goes for the Crossface Chickenwing as the crowd erupts �?/P> Busch, " He’s looking for Faded Glory!" But Matlock resists and runs back driving DVD back first against the turnbuckles. The crowd is on their feet going wild. DVD hammers his forearm across the shoulder blades of Matlock and then hops up onto the second ropes. David leans over looking to hook Matt’s head for a tornado reverse DDT, But Matt reaches out and gets his hands cupped under David’s armpits as David’s eyes grow wide�? Busch, " David looking for some sort of a reverse DDT or a Blockbuster but Matlock’s hooked him�? Matlock lets out a might roar as he lifts David only slightly, runs out with David held up like an outsider’s edge only with David’s back facing the ceiling instead of his chest�?Matt gets to about center ring and tosses David up about an inch so he’s no longer holding David’s armpits�?He comes out, reaches up, and brings David crashing down with a Diamond cutter, thus the inadvtered Tommyhawk �?/P> Busch, " ANIMAL INSTINCTS! ANIMAL INSTINCTS! BAH GOD!" David flops over to his back as Matlock is sitting up rocking back and forth, so much pain on his face as he holds his back�?He Knows he doesn’t have time to hurt though, so he puts one hand on the canvas, uses it to pop him into the air as he lunges across David’s body, and hooks the far leg�? Tim White and the Crowd counts: …………………………ONE Busch, " I’D say this is it but David’s kicked out of so much!" White & Crowd: ……………………………TWO! Busch, "IS THIS�? White & Crowd: …………………………………THREE! Tim White jumps up and makes the call as the bell starts to sound and the crowd goes absolutely nuts... "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" blasting over the PA. Kevin Dart, " YOUR WINNER�?and the NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ALLIANCE HHHHHEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WWWWWWWWORLD�?MATT MAAAAAAATTTTTTTLOCK!!!" Busch, " HE DID IT! HE DID IT! BAH GOD MATT MATLOCK HAS DONE IT! HE’S PROVEN ALL THE DETESTERS WRONG! HE HAS JUST MADE IT TO THE NEXT TEIR! HE IS THE ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT WRESTLING CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!" Marshal, "And Holy Hell does he deserve it after that!" Busch, "BOTH MEN�?BOTH MEN�?Both Men poured EVERYTHING into that match! BOTH MEN Deserve so much credit�?BAH GOD! ________________ Crowd: THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap)... Busch, " What an incredible moment Jay�?Four years�?For Four Years Matt Matlock has scrapped and clawed with only one desire�?To reach the pinnicle of our business. Here tonight he has done that. Matt Matlock is the ICWA World Heavyweight Champion." Matlock asks the official to Help him up so Tim White drops to a knee and gets his shoulder under Matlock’s arm put, wraps his arms around Matlock’s waist, and on a three count they both rise up to their feet, Matlock’s face showing the pain in his back. The crowd is still on their feet, applauding and going wild as confetti begins dropping from the sky. Busch, " I’m so proud�?So proud to be a part of this very moment Jay." Marshal, "No doubt Bert, we’re witnessing true history here tonight." Matt hobbles over to the corner and climbs up onto the second rope, raising his belt high in the sky as he screams out, " I DID IT! JESSIE! I DID IT!" Busch, " Oh Yes you did Matt�?Yes You did!" The camera pans out so we can see Jessie at ringside who’s also crying, a big smile on her face as she’s wiping her tears with her hands and looking up at Matt shaking her head and saying " Yes you did baby�?Yes you did!" Back in the ring David’s rolled up to his knees and is shaking his head in disappointment. Busch, " David Van Dam has just lost the ICWA World championship but he has NOTHING to be ashamed of here tonight�? Marshal, "Absolutely not Bert�?What we just saw was truly incredible." Matlock steps down off the ropes and sees David pulling himself up off the mat. Matt walks over, the title in his left hand as he comes face to face with Van Dam in the middle of the ring. Matlock’s music fades away as the confetti is still floating around. Crowd: THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap),THANK YOU MATLOCK! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap), THANK YOU DAVID! (Clap, Clap, Clap-Clap-Clap)... In the middle of the ring we see Matlock standing there, tear soaked eyes as he simply nods to the crowd’s statement, extends his right hand and says, "Thank You." Busch, " Oh that’s great�?I mean really�? David sighs, but then nods his head and accepts Matlock’s hand as the crowd goes nuts. Busch, " YES! That’s what it’s all about! I can’t believe the show we’ve seen here tonight! Awesome! Simply Awesome!" David Raises Matt’s arm in the air as "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" Blasts over the PA. The capacity crowd is going wild. Busch, " Ladies and Gentlemen�?It’s been a true privilege to be in your homes tonight calling the action for this historic event�?I’m Bert Busch along side�? Suddenly David swoops down, hooks the leg and wrist of Matlock, pops up and slams him down hard on the mat with the last chance, making the crowd go silent for a brief second as they’re actually in shock�?/P> Busch, �?/FONT>WHAT THE HELL ?!" The crowd starts erupting with boos as David gets up, a look of rage on his face. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" David looks down at Matlock pulls his neck back, and then LITERALY spits on Matlock’s chest as he lyes there motionless. Busch, " WHAT A LOW LIFE SON OF A BITCH! I DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS BUT BAH GOD DOES IT MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL! We�?We Gotta Go�?We’ll see ya next Wednesday on FX for Demented�?What the HELL?!" ________________________ The screen goes black only momentarily�?/P> Tonight we forgo the usual opening video and pyro and open on a wide pan shot of the Crowd at the Verizon Wireless Center in Manchester, New Hampshire. We can see Whysper standing in the ring and his image reflected on the Dementa-Tron. Busch, "Off the Heels of perhaps the greatest Pay Per View event in our fine company’s history, WELCOME to Eye See Dubbya Eh Demented!" Every ICWA fan is readily awaiting the next contest, nothing they love more than the intense action the ICWA Ultrastars provide them. While they're waiting, the arena lights change from the normal ICWA setting to pure gold. The ICWA fans eyes shift from the ring to the ramp, where they eye the entry way. The public address system begins to come alive, pushing out the sounds of, "No Apologies" by multi-plantium rap artist Eminem. The ICWA Demnta-Tron comes to life with varying images of the Ultrastar about to make his way to the ring, David Van Dam. With all eyes on the stage, a loud pyro explosion of red fireworks rocks the arena, the after effects are a thick cloud of smoke, which adds to the mystic as the Ironman walks onto the stage, no robe, no fancy entrance attire, just his singlet, wrestling boots, knee and elbow pads. His cold blue eyes are focused on the ring. 
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ICWA Demented Live April 11th, 2007 | Busch, "Well folks�?He’s not a happy camper after losing his World Championship to Matt Matlock at Howl of the Wolf." Marshal, "Ya have to remember, David Van Dam’s not your typical wrestler�?He’s not a guy who strives for the belt because it makes his paycheck go up or because it’ll increase his merchandise sales�?He doesn’t wrestle for the title to pay his bills, he didn’t wear the Championship to live, he Lives to wear the Championship." While standing on the stage, he jumps from foot to foot ala Brock Lesnar, making sure he's fully prepared for the task at hand. With an animalistic roar, Van Dam throws his arms forward, another pyro explosion accompanying it. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL! There is a fifteen Minute time limit! Already in the ring, from Plainville Indiana, weighing in at 190 Pounds�?WHYSSSSPER!" The cameras switch from DVD coming down the ramp to Whysper in the far corner of the ring, watching David carefully. He knows Van Dam well and he doesn’t like the feel of what’s coming to the ring. Busch, "I’m not sure I’d want to be this young man tonight." Marshal, "That could be Jimmy Stryker standing there and I wouldn’t want to be him tonight either." Dart continues, " And the Challenger�?Making his way to the ring, from Indianapolis, Indiana and weighing in at two hundred and forty-five pounds, the Ironman, DAVID VAN DAM!" Van Dam’s eyes are cold as Ice as he gets to the ringside floor. He jumps up, knee first onto the apron, quickly pulls himself up to his feet and enters the ring between the second and third ropes as referee Darren Thomas is waiting. David waists no time as he power walks across the ring. Whysper knows he can’t wait so he instantly darts out of the ring toward Van Dam. "No Apologies" by Eminem fades as Whysper leaps in the air, looking for a Hurrincarana�?David However, prevents Whysper from flipping back and then slams him down hard with a powerbomb as Darren Thomas calls for the opening bell. Busch, "Ouch�?Ya know, I get that Van Dam’s very passionate about the World championship, but don’t you think he’s overreacting just a little?" Marshal, "No, not really. That title’s his life. What Matlock did would be the equivalent of me coming to you, ripping a steak out of your mouth and telling you ‘You can’t eat anymore.�?You have to eat or you’ll die. So are you gonna just say "Well, alright, I’m just happy you can eat."? Hell no you’re not. You’re gonna do everything in your power to beat my ass and take back your steak because your survival instincts tell you that if you don’t�?If you don’t take back your right to eat, you can’t live. That’s exactly what Van Dam’s survival instincts are telling him in regards to that championship, and he’s gonna rip through whoever he’s gotta in order to get back that right to eat." Back in the ring Whysper’s pulled himself up, holding his back from that powerbomb. Van Dam rushes behind him, grabs him by the back of the neck, continues running and throws him up and over the top rope to the floor below, drawing a loud series of boos from the crowd. David goes to give chase but Darren gets between him and the ropes and tells him to get back. David looks at Darren like Hitler might a Jew and says, "MOVE!" Darren hops his happy ass out of the way and David exits the ring between the second and third ropes, dropping to the floor where Whysper is starting to get up. Busch, "Van Dam’s a real big man intimidating ICWA Referees." Marshal, "Why don’t you go tell him that Bert?" Busch, "I’ll pass." Whysper gets up and as he turns around Van Dam darts forward and nails him with a huge clothesline that sends him twirling through the air and landing hard on his face on the mats. Busch, "He flipped him upside down and inside out." Marshal, "At Howl of the Wolf Van Dam wrestled Matt Matlock for 73 Minutes and 27 seconds�?The longest match not only in both Van Dam and Matlock’s careers, but the longest match in our company’s history�?Somehow though, I don’t foresee this match competing to break that record." Busch, "I’d reckon not." Van Dam reaches down and picks Whysper up by the hair and his black shorts, and then throws him so he collides knees and chest first with the steel steps, flipping up and over the stairs as they echo through out the arena. The crowd is booing loud but Van Dam doesn’t seem to care as he walks around those stairs like a man possessed. Upon rounding those stairs a female fan is screaming obscenities at Van Dam�?DVD Instantly stops and looks at her, walking toward her. Fan, "SCREW YOU DEE VEE DEE!" Busch, "I wouldn’t provoke him folks�? DVD suddenly raises his right hand up, showing the fan the backside of it, and it looks like he’s getting ready to deliver a massive backhanded slap to the fan but as he starts to swing Whysper nails him from the side, ramming him into the fan barricade as the fans erupt. Busch, "Bah God Bert, I think he was really gonna backhand that female fan!" Marshal, "Hey, if you’re dumb enough to provoke a guy on a killing mission, then you probably deserve what you get." Busch, "That’s absured! She paid good money to get that seat, she should be able to encourage or heckle whomever she damn well pleases!" Marshal, "No one said she couldn’t, but that’s also not to say that there isn’t a consequence for her actions. She’s just lucky Whysper was there." Whysper goes for a right hand but Van Dam blocks it and then jabs a thumb into Whysper’s eye. The crowd boos as Whysper stumbles away holding his eye. Van Dam grabs Whysper by the shorts and the neck and throws him back into the ring under the bottom rope. DVD turns back around and walks a couple steps toward the female fan who’s still talking shit. He points directly at her and says, "Shut your mouth and open a can of slim fast fatty!" The fans boo but DVD’s done dealing with them as he rolls into the ring, breaking what was nearly a ten count. David gets up and starts laying in heavy boots to the Silent Assassian. Apparently sick of playing games he rips off his singlet straps, grabs Whysper’s leg, wraps his legs around it and drops down, twisting on that ankle as if trying to open a bottle containing the secrets of life in it. Whysper grabs at his hair with both hands, an intense look of pain on his face. Busch, "He’s got Whysper locked in the Main Event Lock and the ropes are a long ways away�?He’s holding out but for how long can ya resist when there’s virtually no hope for escape?!" Whysper puts his arm out, reaching desperately as if his mortal soul depends on it, but the ropes are feet upon feet away. His left hand clutches a fist full of his own hair, trying to do anything to reduce his nerves awareness of the incredible pain Van Dam’s putting his ankle through, but he quickly realizes that there is no chance of escape and begins tapping the mat vigorously. Darren Thomas leaps up and calls for the bell immediately as No Apologies by Eminem begins blasting over the PA. Busch, "And that’s that�?This young man came with a lot of heart but I don’t think anybody could have faired much better against Van Dam the way he is tonight." Dart, "YOUR WINNER�?DAVID_VAN_DAM!" The crowd is booing at Van Dam still has the Main Event Ankle Lock applied to Whysper as Darren Thomas is begging and pleading with the former champion to release the hold. No Apologies fades from the PA as all we hear is the constant ringing of the bell. Busch, "Come on! He’s gonna break the poor kid’s ankle!" "The More the Light Shines through me I pretend To Close My Eyes The More the Dark Consumes I pretend I’m Burninnnng�?BR>Burning Bright" As the Chorus of "Burning Bright" By Shinedown hits the PA the crowd jumps to their feet and erupts�?/P> Busch, "That’s�? Busch, "That’s Whysper’s tag team partner Drew Stevenson! Thank God!" Drew Power walks a few steps and then runs and slides into the ring. As he does Van Dam releases the Ankle lock and jumps to his feet coming to center ring to meet Stevenson. Stevenson gets to his feet just as Van Dam’s making his stance in center ring. Drew comes right to David and the fans are going wild. Busch, "Well why don’t ya try manhandling somebody who isn’t 190 pounds David! Try manhandling someone Drew Stevenson!" As they stand face to face however, Drew puts his hands up, not as fists but open and with his palms facing Van Dam as he says, "Easy Bro, I don’t want none of you man." Busch, "What?" David says nothing, his expression doesn’t change as Drew keeps his hands up and eases around Van Dam like a park going easing away from an angry bear. Drew gets around David and then rushes over to Whysper, grabs the top rope and starts laying in deep stomps all over him as the fans start booing again. Busch, "AWE WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" David turns around and Sees Drew stomping away at Whysper. Busch, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Van Dam already may have broken this Kid’s ankle and now Drew Stevenson’s out here picking up the scraps like a vulture! And why?! WHY DREW?! WHY!? That man’s your partner!" Marshal, "And ya see that neither one of em are wearing tag team gold are they!" Busch, "But they tried�?They’re bound to get another shot! Why would he do this!?" Suddenly David darts in from behind, grabs Drew by the arm and the thigh, pulls him up into the air, runs back a few steps, jumps and spins nailing a devastating version of the Last Chance (Angle Slam). The crowd actually cheers that move. Drew nails the mat hard and rolls outside on the floor. Whysper rolled himself out to the floor off the last kick from Stevenson. David demands Kevin Dart hand him his microphone, and Dart wastes no time delivering. David, "MATLOCK! MATLOCK! YOU SUPERSILIOUS SON OF A BITCH! HOW DARE YOU!? HUH?! HOW FREAKIN�?DARE YOU?!" Busch, "How dare he what?! Achieve his dream?! Out wrestle the so-called "Wrestling machine"?!" Marshal, "Quite Bert! If he can hear you I don’t want his wrath aimed our way!" David breaths heavily as he looks up the ramp, "Let me make a fe�? "HOOOOOWWWWWWWWW" The crowd jumps to their feet as from that wolf’s howl, the opening chords of "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" begins to blast over the PA. David looks almost offended as he grabs the top rope with his left hand and stares up the ramp�?/P> Busch, "Well ya heard Van Dam take a shot at the Champ and I reckon it didn’t take the Champ long to get ready for a response!" "Fed Up, Tired, Sick & Twisted One Man Army, I’m Enlisted Trust Yourself, Trust No One Else F**k A Hero, Be Yourself�? The curtain moves and the fans go absolutely crazy as from behind it steps your World Heavyweight Champion�?/P> Busch, "THERE HE IS! The Man everybody said couldn’t but did! The Heavyweight Wrestling Champion of the WORLD! The Cornered Animal�?MATT_MATLOCK!" Indeed�?And while around his waist is that coveted ICWA Heavyweight championship, in his hand is a black microphone. Matlock’s music starts to fade but before he can say anything David points to Matlock’s waist with his left hand and raises the mic to his lips with his right, "MINE! THAT BELT IS MINE!" Matlock’s head moves slightly from side to side as if contemplating or considering the thought presented to him before he says, "I don’t know David, I think The millions of people around the world who ordered Resurrection and the thousands of people here in Manchester New Hampshire�?(Crowd erupts)�?I think they’d tend to disagree." Busch, "That’s right! We all saw it live on Pay Per View! Matt Matlock IS the UNDISPUTED ICWA World Heavyweight Champion." Marshal, "I don’t know about that Bert, it seems David’s disputing it right now." David, "I Don’t give a DAMN what you, what the "millions" of people at home, or what the jerkoffs here in Womanchester think! (Crowd boos)�?I was screwed! That championship should still be wrapped tightly around MY waist and YOU KNOW IT!" Matlock sighs, "Look�?David�?I didn’t come out here to argue over who the champion is. The Pay Per View footage speaks for itself. What I came out here to do, is to�?Well�?To call a truce." Marshal, "A Truce?! There aren’t Truces in wrestling!" Busch, "Well these two were once best friends and that championship seems to of gotten in between that friendship." Marshal, "So what? This isn’t Lifetime, it’s FX! We don’t do the mushy patch ups!" David, "A Truce?! You steal my belt and now you want a "Truce"?!" Matlock, "David�?We were best friends once. I screwed that up." David, "Oh, you’re damn right ya did!" Matlock takes a deep breath, "I admit that David. I got paranoid in my quest for the championship and I made a lot of accusations and said a lot of things that weren’t true. I did some things that weren’t necessary, and I apologize. The fact is I had never truly tasted true success in our business and I had just gotten so hungry and so crazed with my four year quest for the championship that I just�?I lost my mind really. But now that I’ve gotten it�?Well I’m not going to sit here and say that it wasn’t worth it because I’m not sure if there’s any sacrifice that’s not worth this championship around my waist, but It wasn’t right. David man�?we Were best friends�?You ARE My best friend on this planet David. I Deserved what you gave me after our match at Resurrection but now�?Well now I want to put it all behind us and try to salvage our friendship." Busch, "What a sincere apology from Matt Matlock. It takes a real man to come out on a Globally broadcasted program and say "I was wrong and I’m sorry"." Marshal, "And it takes a real Woman to appreciate that. Want a tampon Bert?" David, "You’re right about one thing Matt�?You DID deserve what you got after our match at Resurrection�?You deserved that and so much more. But don’t worry Matty, you’ll get it all in the long run Matt�?You’ll get EVERYTHING you deserve because come Hell or High Water I WILL be the next man to fight you for that Championship, and when I do I’m not going to just take your championship�?I’m going to take your CAREER!" Matlock sucks his teeth, it’s evident that he’s getting a little worked up, but he’s trying to maintain his composure. Matlock, "David, I agree that you should get a rematch to this championship�?But don’t threaten my Career. You’re too good for that. How many people have vowed to take my career David? And yet here I am, ICWA World Heavyweight Champion." The crowd cheers but it’s soon subsided as Van Dam says, "Not For Long! You screwed me at Resurrection, but you WON’T screw me again! I Won’t let you! And I won’t let WallStreet (Crowd cheers) screw me either! That’s right! WallStreet’s already trying to push me off to the side because here tonight he’s fighting Flipside in a number one contenders match for MY ICWA World Heavyweight Championship! And I’ll bet that was your doing wasn’t it Matlock! You probably went to Mr. McCallister and said "Well ya know Boss, you’re real great! You’ve never gotten your shot and David’s always getting title opportunities all over the world so why don’t ya push him aside and take your golden opportunity boss! Ya know I’d love to wrestle ya Mr. McCallister, cause gee golly if you’re not just the greatest darn wrestler alive�? It’s no secret that the road to getting whatever you want in this place is to play to McCallister’s ego! You KNOW you can’t beat me straight up so you’re trying to get a different opponent! Well to coin a phrase Matt Matlock, EH-EH! I don’t think SO! There’s one contender for that championship and YOU’RE LOOKIN At Him! And when this show is over Matt, NOTHING Will have changed in the contendership picture, I guarantee it!"
Van Dam chucks the mic damn near all the way up to the stage as "No Apologies" by Eminem blasts over the PA and Van Dam leaves exits through the ropes to the floor. Busch, "What�?What’d he mean by that Jay?" Marshal, "I don’t know, but I have a feeling we’re going to find out before the night’s over." Busch, "I guess so�?Well folks, as David Van Dam just informed you, later tonight�? The crowd cheers as Busch says, "Our Boss, Mr. McCallister goes one on one with Flipside in a number one contender’s bout for the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship�?Plus the Tag Team titles are on the line here tonight, and when we come back from commercial a new ICWA Ultrastar makes his debut�?All that and more LIVE on Demented here tonight!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 11th, 2007 | The scene flashes from black to various scenes of Pythons slithering through a high grass�?They continue to flash back and forth between darkness and the creeping snakes as we hear a very Ravenesque�?voice�?/P> "The innermost reaches of your mind�?That’s where I fester and begin to insert my venom�? The scene continues to flash back and forth from black creating almost a rave effect, except that it’s not purple but very dark�?Now however, in-between flashes we see a Python coiling up, preparing to strike�?/P> "There is No Cure�?FONT color=#ffffff> (Python rises) For Pure Poison �? The snake lunges for the camera as we see it’s huge fangs consume the entire screen before the following graphic comes up�?/P> "Now is the Time for Venom!" ____________ The cameras come back on Bert Busch & Jay Marshal�?/P> Busch, "It looks like the ICWA’s about to receive a very interesting personality." Marshal, "There’s been a real influx of new blood here in the ICWA This season�? "Valse de Grand Meche" begins to play, and then the black curtain gets flicked aside and Christopher walks out Busch, "Speaking of New Blood, here’s a young blue chipper making his ICWA Debut�? Dart - ""Ladies And Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall�?Introducing first, tonight he is making his ICWA in ring debut, he hails form Bayou Breaux, Louisiana, he weighs in at 185 lbs., He is Christopherrrrrrrrr Bourdeaaaaaaauuuuuxxxxxxxsx!!!!" .He smiles at the crowd as he walks down the ramp, and gives a hi-five here and there. Busch, "Christopher Bourdauex making his ICWA Debut here tonight�? Marshal, "I already don’t like him. Where’s this kid from, Ethiopia?" Busch, "According to Kevin Dart he’s from the bayous of Louisiana." Marshal, "Do they have something against eating in Louisiana?" Busch, "Of course not�?They got some of the best Gumbo and Craw Fish you can find anywhere in the world�? Marshal, "So explain to me why there’s a flag pole walking to the ring instead of a real wrestler�? Busch, "This kid may be smaller then a lot of our performers but that’s not to say he won’t be able to compete. It’s not always the size of the dog in the fight that matters�? Marshal, "The Kid’s 185 pounds�?Only on MSN would a douche like this find a job in a Global enterprise. I hope he breaks his neck."
He hops up on the steel steps, then up onto the apron. He head over to a far corner and stands in there, looking across at his opponent... Dart -, "And his opponent he is from Beaufort, South Carolina, he weighs in at 200 pounds, he is Leakyyyyyy Foooorrrrrrmat!!!!" "Yes Yes Ya! Your Dreams Are Now Fullfill! Get Out Your Seats And Lets Get ILL! Live Before Your Very Eyes, He Is Tha Epitome of Greatness, Your Wrestling Icon, Give It Up For The Leaky One, Leaky Format!!!"
The lights goes down as the music plays... For they is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory Forever, The Kings The Ruler, The Ruler Rules!!! Leaky Format comes out as the crowd boos and chants "Leaky Sucks!".....He doess a spin and drops to his knees as more pyros erupts. As he walks to the ring with a cocky strut playing to the crowd. He enters the ring and does another muscle pose before the match starts.... Busch - "This is going to be one exciting contest, Bourdeaux is a young man who is having the lights shine bright on him for the first time, and he is going against a man who is as tough as nails, this will be a true test for the rookie!!!" Marshall - "I hope he isnt too inexperienced, because Leaky looks like he is ready to eat someone up, and Bourdeaux would be the perfect candidate in my opinion!!!" Busch - "You havent even seen this kid in action yet, none of us have, so just relax and hold back any judgements until the match is over!!!" Marshall - "I can judge whomever in the hell I want to, whenever I want to, just like I judged you to be a jackass before I ever met or worked with you, and of course, like always, I was right!!!" Busch - "Well, you are entitled to your opinion, but nevertheless, this match is about to begins, so lets go into the ring!!!" Leaky Format and Christopher Bourdeaux circle the ring, trying to feel each other out. After circling for a couple of seconds, they lock up, and struggle for the upper hand. Finally, Bourdeaux hits an armdrag sending Leaky over, which shocks him. Leaky didnt realize how quick Bourdeaux is. Leaky gets back to his feet and they lock up again. This time, Leaky shows off his power as he throws Bourdeaux backwards. Bourdeaux rolls through and ends up on his knees, and he has a confused and shocked look on his face, similar to the one that was on Leaky's face not that long ago. Bourdeaux gets back to his feet and they lock up yet again. This time, Bourdeaux gets Leaky in a headlock, Leaky elbows Bourdeaux three times in the gut, then sends him off to the ropes. Bourdeaux comes off of the ropes and ducks a clothesline, then he comes back off of the opposite ropes and delivers a spinning heel kick to the head of Leaky. Bourdeaux picks up Leaky, and hooks his head under his arm. With one quick jerk, he lifts Leaky over his head and drops him hard to the mat with a vertical suplex. Leaky is holding his back, he is some pain, and Bourdeaux gets on top of him, and begins to pound on his head, nailing the mounted punches. He punches him eight times right in the head, then gets off and picks up Leaky. He again sinches Leaky's head under his arm, and this time he is going for a running bulldog. Leaky stops in his tracks, and Bourdeaux comes off of his head, and he punches Bourdeaux in the back and delivers a massive reverse DDT that sends Bourdeaux crashing to the mat. Leaky pulls Bourdeaux up by his hair, and shows his power again and he tosses Bourdeaux up on his shoulder. He goes over to the corner, turns towards the center of the ring, and runs and powerslams Bourdeaux down hard to the mat. Leaky spins right over and locks in a reverse chin lock, and Bourdeaux is writhing in pain, trying to get free. Leaky releases the hold, but springs to his feet, and delivers a elbow drop, and goes for a quick pin...1....quick kick out by Bourdeaux and the match continues. Busch - "That wasnt even close, the youngster is showing some true guts by kicking out that quick."
Marshal - "Are you kidding, Leaky was just toying with him, he isnt ready to embarass this kid yet." Leaky picks up Bourdeaux, throws him up on his shoulder and is going for another powerslam. Bourdeaux wiggles his way off of Leaky's shoulder and behind Leaky, Leaky turns around, and Bourdeaux nails a standing dropkick sending Leaky to the mat. Bourdeaux gets up to the standing position, sees that Leaky is down, and he decides to go up the top rope. Leaky is still down and Bourdeaux takes flight and drops a huge legdrop off of the top rope, landing right across Leaky's throat. He goes for the cover...1....2....and Leaky gets out, with the pinfall not getting too close to three. Busch - "Now it looks like Bourdeaux is the one who is doing the toying. Can you believe this kid, he is ready for the show." Marshal - "If he keeps screwing with Leaky, he will be ready for a dentist's appointment because Leaky will knock his teeth right out of his skull." Bourdeaux gets up and does not get discouraged, but he locks in Drownin In The Bayou, but Leaky seems to be to close to the ropes because he gets right to the ropes, and the referee makes Bourdeaux break the hold. Bourdeaux picks up Leaky, and pulls him in and delivers a belly to belly suplex. Bourdeaux gets up and taunts the crowd a little bit. He then picks up Leaky, pulls him in close and delivers another belly to belly suplex. Again, Bourdeaux gets to his feet, smirks as he Leaky laying in agony. He picks up Leaky one more time, pulls him close to his body, and this time, Leaky knees Bourdeaux in the gut, and then he delivers a spike DDT sending Bourdeaux crashing to the mat, and both men are down. Leaky gets to his feet, and Bourdeaux is struggling to his feet, but when he finally does get up, Leaky his the Leaky Heartbreak. Leaky drags Bourdeaux to the corner, laying him in the right position, then he climbs up top, and Leaky then flies off of the top rope with the Waterfalls, and goes for a quick cover 1..... 2..... kickout, but very close to a three count. Busch - "This is some great back and forth action, these two are really bringing out the best in one another."
Marshal - "It is just a matter of time Bert, you just wait and see." Leaky gets right up, goes back up to the top rope, flies off of the top rope again, going for another Waterfalls, but Bourdeaux gets his knees up and Leaky comes down belly first across the knees. Both men are down and they are both hurting. The ref begins his count. 1....2....3....4....Leaky begins struggling to his feet....5......6..... Bourdeaux is also moviing 7......8.....Leaky makes it to his feet. He helps Bourdeaux up the rest of the way, Bourdeaux tries to surprise Leaky with a kick to the gut, but Leaky catches it, but Bourdeaux spins his body and delivers a nasty enziguri to the back of Leaky's head, and they both crash to the mat again. They struggle to their feet again, this time quick enough that the ref does not have to start his count. Bourdeaux goes for another kick to the gut, but Leaky catches his foot again. Bourdeaux goes for another enziguri, but Leaky ducks it, but Bourdeaux lands on his feet, but he is dropped right away as Leaky nails him with a clothesline to the back of the head. Leaky picks him up and hooks him in, and delivers a quick snap suplex. Leaky floats over and goes for the pinfall 1.....2.....thr.........Bourdeaux gets out in the nick of time. Busch - "Ohhhh, that was so close. I thought Leaky had him there."
Marshal - "He did have him damn it, this referee needs to learn how to do his damn job, I hope Mr. McCallister is watching and that this jackass gets his walking papers." Busch - "Bourdeaux clearly got his shoulder up, and the count wasnt slow, so quit your complaining." Leaky picks up Bourdeaux and hooks his head again, and drops Bourdeaux with a swinging neck breaker. Leaky drops a leg drop, then returns to his feet, and begins to slowly pick up Bourdeaux. Leaky goes for another bodyslam, but Bourdeaux reverses it yet again, and he then puts Leaky up on his shoulders, and drops him with a samoan drop. He quickly picks up Leaky and Irish whips him into the ropes, and he leaps up and nails Leaky with a Hurricarana when he returns from the Irish whip. Bourdeaux goes up to the top rope and taunts the crowd some more, waiting for Leaky to get to his feet, which he finally does, and Bourdeaux leaps, going for a flying cross body. But Leaky sees him coming, and he leaps up and delivers a perfectly placed dropkick. Now both men are down. The ref begins to count again as both men are out again...1....2....3....4....5....6....7...both men begin to get to their feet. 8....9....1.......Leaky makes it to his feet barely, and Bourdeaux also gets up to his feet..... Busch - "Wow, both men made it back to their feet. I thought that was if for sure. My oh my, what a contest."
Marshal - "I hate to agree with you, so I wont. Bourdeaux should have stayed down, he will regret that decision. Come on Leaky." Busch - "So much for being impartial." Leaky kicks Bourdeaux in the gut, and hooks his head in. Leaky holds up Bourdeaux for a stalling suplex, and he has them up for a few seconds. Bourdeaux starts to wiggle, and he finally gets down in front of Leaky, who still has him hooked. Bourdeaux knees him in the gut, sinches his arms in, spins and lifts Leaky in the air. He then delivers the Ragin Cajun and Leaky is out cold. Bourdeaux goes for the cover, and the ref starts to count, 1.....2.....3!!!!!!! Dart - "Here is your winner, Christopherrrrr Bourdeaaaaaaauuuuuuxxxxx!!!!" Chris’s theme song rings out over the sound system as Busch says, "Leaky Format was but a hiccup away from picking up his first win here in the ICWA, But the rookie Christopher Bourdeaux managed to make an impressive debut at Format’s expense." Marshal, "Yeah, yay." With that we go to the back where we find Angelina Santana standing around, her Women’s championship in hand as she chit chats with Make Up girl Melinda Chase. Melinda, "�?anyway, I just think he’s so gorgeous." Angelina laughs, "He’s certainly not terrible looking, but I’m very happy with my Whysper." Melinda’s applying a light erm�?Whatever that stuff is there that chick’s apply with that soft furry thing on the cheeks and forehead�?Anyway, yeah, So Melinda’s applying that stuff to Angelina when we see another young beautiful woman walk into the picture in Hope Cassidy. The crowd erupts for the ICWA Hall of Famer as Hope smiles. Hope, "Angelina?" Angelina, "Yes?" Hope extends her hand as Melinda’s concluded applying the make up to Angelina�?/P> Hope, "Hope Cassidy." Angelina smiles and shakes her hand, "Angelina Santana. I’ve heard so much about you, It’s a real honor to meet you." Hope, "I’ve heard abit about you as well. You seem to be the hot topic in the ladies lockeroom after winning the Women’s championship in your first match in the ICWA." Angelina’s cheeks get a little red with embarrassment as she says, "Well, I was just lucky enough to be the right woman in the right place at the right time." Hope, "You’re too modest, you did well against Summer. You set a record, you’re the only person in our history to win a championship in their debut bout�?I respect that. I know a few things about record setting as the first and only Female ICWA World Heavyweight Champion." Angelina, "That’s quite an accomplishment Miss Cassidy." Hope, "Yeah, it is. And do you know how it all started? (She taps Angelina’s belt) That title right there. So don’t take this personally, but I want it back and I’m going to take it back." Angelina, "Well I look forward to facing you someday." Hope, "You don’t need to look very far forward because it’ll be sooner than later, I promise. See ya soon." Hope offers a wink and a smile and then taps Angelina on her shoulder as the former World Champion walks around the Women’s champion. Busch, "Hope Cassidy laying down claim to the ICWA Women’s championship�?Later on tonight she’ll be going one on one with Heather McMahon and you have to believe a win in that one would certainly help her quest for the gold, but up next�? Busch. "ICWA Veteran Ryan Ross goes one on one with a very different Drew Stevenson." The cameras fade on the banner as "Straight out of Line" by Godsmack blasts over the PA. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 11th, 2007 | When the cameras come back we see�?/P> David Van Dam walking through the back. The crowd is booing but Van Dam doesn’t acknowledge it�?Suddenly he stops in his tracks though. The camera pans back and the crowd cheers as we see WallStreet with two police officers on either side of him, just slightly behind him. Van Dam, "What do you want?" WallStreet, "You out of my arena." Van Dam, "WHAT?!" WallStreet, "I heard what you said out there earlier�?I’m no dummy, I know what you have in mind and I’m not gonna just let it happen. I don’t want you ruining the main event these people paid to see." Van Dam, "Screw the people and their money! Those backstabbing jerk offs were screaming my name on the last Demented, now all of a sudden it’s a Matlock love fest? I don’t give a damn if they do feel robbed, screw em!" The crowd boos Van Dam’s words as WallStreet says, "No Dave, screw you." The crowd cheers but David quickly replies, "You already did." WallStreet, "What the Hell is that suppose to mean?" David, "Oh like you don’t know. Since when does a regular main event match not have a Sixty Minute time limit McCallister?!" WallStreet looks confused as he says, "What?" David, "Yeah, that’s right. You screwed me. That match with Matlock should have been a sixty minute draw and I should still have my ICWA World Heavyweight Championship! And now you’re further screwing me by pushing me out of my rematch. Well I don’t frickin think so buddy!" WallStreet, "Well I do�?Gentlemen, Get him out of my building." The officers walk around WallStreet and David sighs, "Fine, let me go get my clothes at least." WallStreet, "Fine, but you guys watch him closely and get him the Hell out of here when he gets done." The officers nod as Busch says, "Well it looks like the former Champion’s being ejected from the building�?And speaking of Ejection, let’s take ya back and show ya what happened earlier here today." _______________________________ Earlier Today�?/P> We see Ryan Ross standing backstage chatting with Jay Marshal. Ross, "It’s bull man. I’ve been here since 2003 yet I keep getting jerked around. And then the Pay Per View�?I know I could have stomped WallStreet, I don’t know what the Hell happened there." Marshal, "WallStreet’s one of the very best I’ve ever been in the ring with Ryan. Losing to McCallister isn’t anything to be embarrassed about." Ryan Ross, "Well, if nothing else at least I know I’ve got it tonight. I’ve been watching tape of Drew Stevenson and I have no idea what the hype around that guy is, I’ve got this one wrapped up." "Pfft." The camera draws back and we see Drew Stevenson walk into the scene. Drew, "You couldn’t beat me if your life depended on it. I’ll wrestle circles around you." Ross, "Please dude, you’re a chump. The only reason you’re even on the show is because WallStreet’s got a hard on for ya and he’s handed you your spot on a silver platter." Drew, "Nobody’s handed me anything, I’m one of the very best in the business." Ross, "Oh yeah? Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?" Drew, "You want to make a wager? Alright, how about we do an old fashion Hair V.S. Hair match here tonight." (Live crowd cheers) Ross, "That’s been done to death in Connecticut. I’ve got a better idea, Career V.S. Career�?Loser Leaves Town match TONIGHT!" The crowd explodes as Drew hesitates, but then says, "Alright Ryan�?You’re on." Drew walks off as Jay says, "You sure about this Ryan?" Ryan, "Oh yeah�?Oh Yeah." __________________________ Busch, "It's about time for a match that promises to have all the technical wrestling fans the world over watching closely as Ryan Ross steps into the ring with Drew Stevenson." Marshall, "I really liked what Drew Stevenson did earlier, coming out and letting the world know he wasn't going to be held down by his tag team partner, Whysper, any longer." Busch, "Are you kidding me, Jay? What Drew Stevenson did was disgusting. Whysper had just gotten brutalizied by our former World Champion, and then Drew came out and started attacking him." Marshall, "That doesn't really matter to me, I like it when someone stands up for what the think and believe." Busch, "That maybe, but this is a Loser Leaves Town Match, I haven't seen one of these in ages, and now we get one between two high quality superstars. It doesn't matter who wins or loses, the ICWA is going to lose a tremendous superstar." Dart, "The following contest is a Loser Leaves Town Match... Introducing first.." The familiar tune, "Game On" by Christian Rock artists Disciple fills the arena with its pulse pounding rhythm. The Titantron flares up with images of the ICWA Superstar, Former CWA and GWC Champion, The Rush, Ryan Ross. He steps out from behind the curtain to a mixed reaction.Sparks rain down from the entranceway as he poses to the arena, showing off his beautiful new sequined ring robe, reminicient of Ric Flair. Many of the fans are not sure what to make of him. Traditionally he is a favorite, however, lately he has been the focus of many not to plesant backstage rumors. The fans who do not read internet rumors as cheering their hearts out, however, many who have read, and believe the rumors are booing equally as loud. Ryan ignores the crowd as he slowly walks down the ramp headed for the ring. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he pauses before making his way up the steel steps. He enters the ring through the second rope, and then does a fancy spin move. A few of the ladies cheer as he slowly disrobes, showing his perfectly sculpted body. A ring hand takes the robe from him. Dart, "Now in the ring, hailing from Philadelphi, Pennsylvania, weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, The Rush, RYAN ROSS!" The arena lights suddenly just shut off consuming the arena into complete darkness. The sudden engulfing of a massive bright spotlight shines down onto the entry area, the fans try looking through it but it is far too bright to see through it with the naked eye. Suddenly, the public address sound system comes on playing ''Burning Bright'' by Shinedown just as the stage is still engulfed in the massive light. After a few seconds, the spotlight begins fading away and the arena lights return to life as there stands Drew Stevenson with his hands on his hips just looking out nodding as these fans boo him for his previous actions in the evening he just begins walking down the aisle sporting his usual attire which consists of dark green Chute Boxe style shorts, dark green kneepads, boots and his hands taped up in dark green tape as well. He begins walkng down the aisle until he gets down to the ring, he quickly rolls into the ring from under the bottom rope immediately getting back to his feet just pacing the ring simply awaiting for the bell to ring thus getting this match underway. Dart, "And his opponnent, from Seymour, Missouri, weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds, DREWSTEVENSON!" Dart gets out of the ring, leaving the two men who are going to do battle in there with referee Chris Martin. Chris Martin begins to check both grapplers for concealed weapons. Busch, "Both Ryan Ross and Drew Stevenson had disappointing Pay Per View performances. Ryan Ross lost to Wallstreet, and Drew Stevenson competed in the Tag Team Title match, which didn't really go his way." Marshall, "No, it didn't go his way, so he took it out on his partner, brilliant if you ask me." Busch, "I think for a man who's prided himself on being a rolemodel, it's a very shady and unrolemodel like thing to do." Marshall, "He didn't ask you for your advice, did he? He went out there and did what he felt necessary to do." Busch, "Yeah, luckily former World Champion put a stop to it before Drew Stevenson could really punish Whysper." Marshall, "David Van Dam shouldn't have gotten involed in that situation, but he did." Busch, "Well, one of these guys is not only going to have a dissapointing Pay Per View, but they're going to have a dissapointing week, because they're going to lose their job." Referee Chris Martin signals for the bell to open the contest, and both grapplers immediately meet center ring in a classic collar-elbow tie up. Drew Stevenson is the better technical wrestler, Ryan Ross being a better striker, so Ross really can't do much as Drew not only moves behind him, but instead of going for a waist lock, Drew reaches for Ross' leg, bringing the expert-kicker down to the mat with a single leg take down. This brings Ryan Ross down to mat chest-first. Stevenson doesn't waist any time in grabbing Ross' left leg and pulling back, crouching over the small of Ross' back. Ross grunts in agony as he quickly crawls towards the bottom rope, his hand reaching out to grab it, Stevenson lets go of the leg as Ross crawls under the bottom rope, trying to shake the feeling back into his leg before it tightens up. Drew Stevenson slides under the ropes, behind Ross. Kicking Ross in the back of the thigh. Ross' leg starts to buckle and Drew gives him another kick right to the thigh, causing Ross' leg to buckle a little more, on the third kick, Ross falls to one knee. Stevenson moves in front of Ross and sneers at him, before lifting him up and rolling him back into the ring. Stevenson hops back on the apron and casts a glance at the crowd, which gets him many boos. Busch, "The crowd doesn't like Drew Stevenson because of his unwarranted attack on Whysper, but they don't like Ryan Ross' unending arrogance, they really don't know who to pull for." Stevenson pulls Ross up, and bends his left leg in, raising Ross into the air, and bringing him down onto his knee, right into the left leg of Ryan Ross. Ross groans in agony and clutches at his leg. Stevenson is like a shark that smells blood as he grabs Ross' left leg, tugging on it several times, causing Ross to growl in agony, Stevenson runs towards Ross' head, snapping the leg as he does so. Ross grabs at his leg, particuarly his knee, and rolls in severe agony, as Drew looks arrogantly out at the fans. Marshall, "I really like this new attitude of Drew Stevenson, is very refreshing." Busch, "Well I think it's disgusting, as if wrestling isn't over populated with arrogant combatants to begin with, we don't need Drew Stevenson added to the list." Stevenson approaches Ross again, who's attempting to crawl to the ropes. Stevenson allows Ross to pull himself up to a very wobbly base. Stevenson is behind Ross, stalking him. Hunting him. Stevenson dives forward, driving his forearm into Ross' leg. Ross grabs his leg as he falls back to the mat, his leg muscls beginning to knot. Stevenson smiles as he folds Ross' leg up and lifts him into the air before bringing him down with onto his knee again, driving Ross' leg up. Ross groans in agony as Stevenson pulls him into the center of the ring, and locks in another single legged Boston Crab. Ross grits his teeth as he reaches out for the ropes, but he's too far away. He doesn't want to give it up, he doesn't want to pack up his bags and leave as he digs into the mat and drags himself to the ropes so he can grab at it, his hand wrapping around the bottom rope. Referee Chris Martin demands a break. This time, Stevenson holds on until a four count, moving away from Ross, Stevenson grins arrogantly. Busch, "Stevenson is working his tail off to try and get Ross to submit." Marshall, "It's a smart strategy for Drew Stevenson to try and keep Ross down and immobilize him. This is the best way to do so." Stevenson begins to pull Ryan Ross up, and Ross drives his thumb right into Drew Stevenson's eye. The crowd has mixed reactions as Drew grabs at his eye. Ross brings his hand up, and brings it down, letting it rougly slap off of Drew's exposed chest. Drew moves his hand from his eye to his chest, Ross, hobbling on one leg, moves forward and nails Drew with a closed fist that gets a warning from referee Chris Martin. Another blow from Ross staggers Drew Stevenson, and then a third blow drops Drew Stevenson right to the mat. Ross groans in pain and slams his own hand into his leg before shaking it out, trying to get the feeling back in. Marshall, "Ryan Ross' is trying to shake the feeling back into his leg, trying to get the muscles uncramped and get the blood flowing again. Very smart." Stevenson is back up and gets grabbed by Ryan Ross and gets taken over with a heavy snap suplex. Stevenson grabs at his lower back as Ross rolls through and switches it into a Fisherman's Suplex. Ross keeps it for a bridge, but only gets a one and three quarters count. Ross stands up and waits as Drew Stevenson gets back up. Stevenson is caught in the gut, his arms are underhooked, he's lifted into the air and he's powerbombed, Ross puts his legs over Stevenson's shoulders for a pin. He only gets a two count this time, Ross sighs and pulls Drew up again, bringing him back to the mat with a Fisherman's Buster. Now Ross moves to the top rope and looks out at the crowd. Leaping off the top rope, Ryan Ross hits his move Adrenline. Ross lays over Stevenson as Chris Martin counts the three. Dart, "Your winner, RYAN ROSS!" Busch, "That's it... No more Drew Stevenson here in the ICWA." Drew’s eyes are shallow as he’s on his knees, looking to the back as the reality of the situation starts to enter his mind. Busch, "Well, there’s a certain level of karmatic justice here, but uh�?Ya can’t help but feel badly for an individual who loses his job." Marshal, "Meh, he’s working six other places anyway�?Besides, if he hadn’t lost he’d of retired within a month for the sixth time anyway." With that the cameras go to the back where we find Remorseless Storm walking down the hallway, the ICWA Tag Team Championships around their waste and Ted Dibiase following close behind as "Straight Out of Line" starts to play in the backdrop. Busch, "Well folks�? Busch, "When we return Remorseless Storm’s set to make their very first Tag Team Title Defense as they take on Blaze Inferno and Snake Eyes!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 11th, 2007 | ICWA Demented comes back from commerical with Blaze Inferno and Snake Eyes already in the ring. The arena lights shut off, and the crowd rises to their feet as the Verizon Wireless Center is filled with the sounds of Back in Black by AC/DC. The crowd boo's heavily as it plays through while MJ Storm runs out onto the stage, bouncing up and down while looking at the ring while Ted DiBase stands next to him.. Back and Black changes into King of Kings by Motorhead. The boo's increase as the former ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Sean Frost Mann walks onto the stage. The trio begins to walk down the ramp, ignoring the heavy boo's from the crowd. The World Tag Team Champions, Remorseless Storm, slide into the ring and move to their corner as their music ends. Busch , "We've got both teams out here, so let's go to Kevin Dart for the introductions." Dart, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit, and is for the ICWA World Tag Team Championship. Introducing first, in the corner to my left, the challengers. The team of Blaze Inferno and Snake Eyes!" The two divas get a nice reception from the jam packed crowd. Dart, "And their opponents, they are the reigning and defending ICWA World Tag Team Champions. Being accompanied by Ted DiBase, the team of MJ Storm and Sean Frost Mann, REMORSELESS STORM!" Referee Ken Martel takes the tag team titles from the reigning Champions as both teams prepare for battle.
Marshall, "I really don't like Blaze Inferno and Snake Eyes' chances in this match. They're both much smaller than their two opponents, and not as strong, which puts them at a distinct disadvtange." Busch, "Don't count out Blaze and Snake Eyes. Blaze was a former number one contender to the United States Title, and Snake Eyes is a former contender for the Women's Title." Marshall, "So? Sean Frost Mann is a former ICWA World Heavyweight Champion, and MJ... Well, he's got a damn mean streak in him." Ken Martel calls for the bell to start the contest, and Remorseless Storm is immediately on the offensive, with MJ Storm quickly charging the smaller Blaze Inferno and driving his knee into her abdomen, while SFM grabs Snake Eyes and throws her over the top rope. Referee Ken Martel demands SFM exits the ring as MJ Storm lifts Blaze Infero up and brings her crashing down with a hard, heavy suplex. Inferno grabs at the small of back as Storm goes for a quick cover that doesn't even get him a one count before Inferno gets her shoulder off the mat. MJ pulls her up and lifts her up into the air, and brings her back down with a forecful powerslam. Busch, " Heavy impact offense from MJ Storm, showing a good strategy. Blaze Inferno and Snake Eyes are smaller, and they have a thinner bone structure, with a smaller amount of muscles. If MJ Storm and Sean Frost Mann can keep Blaze Inferno in the ring, and work her over, they can end this quickly..." Marshall, "Which is ALWAYS beneficial to the Champions, and to the challengers as well. The quicker you end the match, the quicker you can come home with the Tag Team Titles." Busch, "I hate to cut you off, but did you see the force of that Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker? Blaze Inferno might be broken in half." Marshall, "She's not, and get your own catch phrase. Only a two count on this pen attempt, it looks like Sean Frost Mann is going to get the tag." Sean Frost Mann enters the ring with Blaze Inferno in the corner, holding her back. The crowd is trying to cheer Blaze Inferno back into the fight as Sean Frost Mann raises her up to the top rope. He does some trash talking before climbing up to the middle rope, and sets her up for a superplex. Blaze blocks his first attempt, and nails him in the gut several times before he can attempt a second one. The crowd is cheering as Blaze stands on the top rope and flips over SFM, driving him into the mat with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, much to the crowd's delight. Blaze Inferno lays on the mat for several moments before attempting a cover on the downed SFM that only gets her a one and a half count. She stands to her feet and pulls SFM up, before bringing him back down with a snapmare, followed up with a drop kick to SFM's neck and upper back. Grabbing at his neck, SFM rolls on the mat. Busch, "Blaze Inferno is really making a come back here, she needs to make the tag to the fresh Snake Eyes though, Blaze took some heavy punishment earlier in the match, and needs to make the tag." Marshall, "Which is exactly what she's doing." Snake Eyes enters the ring and sees SFM getting to his feet, still holding his neck. SFM charges towards SFM, leaps into the air, grabbing SFM's head, she swings him into a powerful DDT, and the crowd explodes with cheers as she attempts a pin, but it's broken up by MJ Storm. Ken Martel demands that MJ exits the ring, which he does so, rather reluctantly, as Snake Eyes deliver several boots to SFM before pulling him up. SFM looks a little woozy as Snake Eyes hits him another snapmare take over before hitting the ropes and comes charging back, flipping over SFM with a flipping neck breaker. Busch, "Blaze Inferno and Snake Eyes are really going to work now." Snake Eyes makes a quick tag out to Blaze Inferno, who holds onto the top rope, leaps up off the apron onto the top rope, and springs off, sitting out with a huge springboard leg drop onto SFM's exposed throat, before making a cover, that is broken up at two by MJ Storm. Blaze Inferno sighs as she pulls SFM up and whips him into the corner that Snake Eyes is in. Blaze Inferno charges into the corner and leaps onto SFM and is tagged by Snake Eyes, who climbs up th ropes as Blaze Inferno monkey flips SFM out. When he hits the ground, Snake Eyes leaps off the top rope and lands on him with a hard frog splash. She grabs at her gut before making the cover, which is again broken up by MJ Storm. Busch, "Good tag team action from Blaze Inferno and Snake Eyes, quick tags, letting each other grab a breather before coming back in." Marshall, "Meh, they're still broads, and they don't belong in the same wrestling ring as MJ Storm and Sean Frost Mann, they shoud be cooking food for them instead." Busch, "Come on, Jay, Blaze and Snake Eyes are tremendous athletes who have worked hard to be here." Marshall, "So?" Sean Frost Mann almost looks out on his feet as he's pulled up. Snake Eyes nails him with several hard forearms before whipping him into the ropes, when he comes bouncing back, she brings him over with a hip toss into a sit out type slam. While SFM is flying through the air, his large boot comes into contact with the side of referee Ken Martel's skull. This causes the referee to drop like a sack of rocks. Snake Eyes lays across the chest of Sean Frost Mann for the pin fall. Busch, "Blaze Inferno and Snake Eyes have this match won, but referee Ken Martel is knocked out!" MJ Storm enters the ring, and so does Blaze Inferno. Blaze comes charging at MJ Storm, who ducks and carries Blaze Inferno over with a devestating powerslam. Blaze grabs at her back as MJ Storm reaches into his pants, waiting for Snake Eyes to get up, she does, and gets caught with a huge brass-knuckles right hand that drops Snake Eyes to the ground. MJ rolls SFM onto Snake Eyes and shakes referee Ken Martel awake. Martel makes the three count and calls for the bell. Dart , "Your winners, and STILL Tag Team Champions, REMORSELESS STORM!" "Remorseless Storm" as mixed by ICWA Studios is playing over the PA, but MJ Storm doesn’t take much time to approach the ropes nearest the time keepers table and demand a microphone. Kevin Dart hands him up his mic and the music fades. MJ Storm, "What you just bared witness to was the decimation of the only tag team left in the ICWA. At Resurrection we took out Drew Stevenson and Whysper and now, we never have to worry about facing that team again as Ryan Ross beat Drew’s ass and sent him the Hell home. Now, the only real tag team that remained was Snake Eyes and Blaze and we just laid them to rest. So since there is no opposition left, there’s no need to keep being jerked around against make shift tag teams, so SFM and I are going to do the right thing�?We’re going to officially retire the ICWA Tag Team Championships (Crowd boos) and from now till the end of time Remorseless Storm will be known as the very last tag team champions in ICWA History." Busch, "What? The Tag team championships just came off a suspension, now they’re gonna be retired?! Can they do this?" We hear the sound of a phone dialing�?/P> Kid, "Yeah�? Man, "Yeah." Kid, "I Wanta be a Rockstar When I Grow Up�? Man, "A Rockstar huh?" Kid, "Hell Yeah�?Just Like You." *Drumbs* YEEEEAH! EEEEEEEEHYEAAAAAAAAAH YEAAAAAAAAAAAH�?/P> As Superstar II By Salvia blasts over the PA, the capacity crowd goes wild�?/P> Marshal, "Well I guess we’ll find out right now if they can do it!" The curtain flips from the side and out steps WallStreet to a great ovation from the New Hampshire fans. Busch, "There’s the majority stock holder of this fine organization. We’re fixin to see him go one on one with Flipside for contention to the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship a lil bit later in the evening, but I reckon he’s here right now to handle this situation with the ICWA Tag Team Championships." The music fades as he draws the mic to his lips, "Ya know MJ, It’s no huge secret that I’m not the leader of the MJ Storm Fan Club�?The reason that’s no secret is because that club doesn’t exist and the reason that club doesn’t exist is because you’re a total dolt." The crowd cheers. WallStreet, "Ya see MJ, you don’t have the stroke to decide if a championship gets retired, I do. I’m the sole executive power in this company and I say that the tag team championships aren’t going ANYWHERE." The crowd cheers again as Busch says, "Good call!" MJ, "Why the Hell not? There’s nobody left to face. Blaze and Snake Eyes were the last tag team McCallister." WallStreet, "Oh I disagree�? MJ Storm, "Oh, alright�?You want us to defend against Bert Busch and Jay Marshal next week?!" The crowd cheers as Bert says, "Gee MJ, I appreciate the offer but I’ll pass." Marshal, "Eh, I could take em." MJ Continues, "Because that’s the only other team in the ICWA that I’m aware of." WallStreet, "Key words being, That *YOU’RE* Aware of�? MJ, "Oh, I see�?Another month of playing the guessing game as to who we’re defending our belts against in yet another attempt to screw us out of these belts. Real Cute Taylor." WallStreet, "Oh no, I won’t make ya wait a month�?Much the contrary, I’m going to make you wait but one week. Next week on Demented you’ll find out exactly who the next contenders for the ICWA Tag Team championships are going to be. Between now and then I strongly urge you to start upping your training regiment because the next team to contest for your titles blow Drew and Whysper out of the water�?The next tag team to contend for your championships are going to be the biggest challenge in Remorseless Strom’s young career�?And when it’s all done the tag team championships are going where they belong." MJ Storm snickers, "Pfft, it’d take an act of God to make these belts change hands�? WallStreet grins, "Oh don’t worry MJ, I promise it will indeed be a Divine Intervention." The crowd immediately erupts as "Superstar II" By Saliva begins to play over the PA. MJ’s face actually gets a little pal as he and SFM Both look a little surprised as Busch says, "A�?A Divine Intervention�?You don’t think Jay?!" Marshal, "I don’t know but if this is going where I think it’s gonna go then we’re on the verge of new tag team champions! Busch, "Bah God how huge! I can’t wait to find out who’s facing Remorseless Storm next week!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 11th, 2007 | ________________________________ During The Commercial Break We see a freeze frame on the black curtain but it’s from the otherside of it. Busch, "Well, this occurred during the previous commercial break." We see the curtain move and watch as WallStreet walks back into the Gorilla position. He walks through and goes through the second pair of curtains that goes from the Gorilla position to the backstage area and as he does he finds himself face to face with Heather McMahon. WallStreet, "Oh�?Hey." Heather, "Hey." WallStreet, "Big match tonight, you and Hope�?It’s been a long time coming." Heather, "No question. I’m looking to prove myself tonight." WallStreet, "I’m sure you’ll do well, just give it your all." Heather, "I will�?I just hope I win. I’m really bummed about that whole Summer Stratus invitational incident." WallStreet, "It’s in the past, look to the future and mold it by creating your present as you see fit. I got you a Good Luck charm today." Heather, "Oh yeah? What’s that?" WallStreet, "Close your eyes and open your hands." Heather laughs but she closes her eyes and holds out her hands. WallStreet gently grabs her by the chin, tips her head up, and draws in near, giving her a deep slow kiss. Her eyes open wide but then close again before he concludes. He pulls back, and says softly, "Good luck." With that he walks away as Heather takes a deep breath, clearly not sure how to take that. Heather, "Um�?Wow." ____________________________ Busch, "I’m not sure what that was all about and It seems Heather isn’t either." Marshal, "Go Bossman!" The opening beats to the Pussycat Doll’s "Dontcha" hit the sound system and a large base with a silver pole starts to descend slowly from the ceiling above the stage. As the music continues Hope is seen wrapping herself around the pole slowly, teasing the crowd by slightly opening her long black trench coat and leaning right over for a great cleavage shot. As she reaches the stage she throws her coat to the floor, swings around the pole and slides down with her back to the pole one last time. The chorus kicks in and a stunning Hope Cassidy in her usual wrestling gear makes her way down the ramp as the crowd chants her name. Hope flashes one of her winning smiles before hopping up into a sitting position on the ring apron, facing the stage. After a quick Basic Instinct style flash Hope rolls underneath the bottom rope, stands up and poses for the fans before returning her attention back to the match.
"Brackish" by Kittie hits and Heather McMahon appears on the top of the ramp. She smirks as she looks around at the cheering crowd. She then puts her hands in the air and lowers them as she starts to make her way down to the ring. She smiles and waves at the fans as they hold up signs with her name on them. She gets patted on the back a few times. She then walks over to the steel stairs and walks up them then she walks onto the side of the apron and gets into the ring through the bottom ropes then walks into the middle of the ring holding her hands high as the crowd cheers for her as she looks into the eyes of her opponent as they circle each other not wanting to make the first move putting one another at a disadvantage.
Jay Marshal: I wish they’d quit stalling and get down to the nitty gritty because if there is one thing I love it’s a good ole�?fashioned chick fight.
Bert Busch: These are some hard workin�?ladies and they’re about to prove it tonight as finally they finally lock up into a collard elbow tie up.
Jay Marshal: Come on and fight dammitt. Throw some bows don’t wrestle.
Bert Busch: They’re jocking for position as neither one wants to give up ground and show the world who the better wrestler is contrary to what my partner seems to want to believe.
Jay Marshal: Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever Bert. I came to see a fight.
Bert Busch: A fight to the end in a ole�?fashioned wrestlin�?match as Hope just pulled Heather into a side headlock and she’s wrenching at her head and neck with the early advantage.
Jay Marshal: Wake me up when it’s over or there is a damn chick fight.
Hope has all the leverage as she kicks Heather in the back of the knee bringing her down to a knee as Hope drops down with her but Heather fights the hold and begins to elbow her in the side freeing herself up after several seconds in the hold. She pulls herself up and punches Hope Cassidy in the face and then backs up and takes a run at her charging at Hope and she attempts a clothesline as Hope stands up but Hope is able to duck out of it and hit a neck-breaker as the crowd gives a good oh for the move as Miss Cassidy makes a quick cover.
One�?/FONT> Two�?/FONT> Heather kicks out as it is too early in the match to come close to getting a kick out especially from a neck breaker. Hope pulls her up by the hair and begins to slap her some talking trash before pulling her in and locking her up for what looks like a suplex and she goes to lift up Heather but she blocks it grapevining the legs and then Hope staying on it lifts her up but it’s blocked a second time as she then is dropped down with a DDT couresty of Heather McMahon after the second supplex attempt was nipped in the bud. She then rolls her over and goes for a quick cover of her own returning the favor to Hope who did so following the sudden neckbreaker just moments ago.
One�?BR> Two�?BR> T---
Hope kicks out and Heather quickly locks her into the grounded Sleeper hold from a kneeling position. She tells Hope to give it but she refuses hanging on for dear life flailing her arms fighting the hold as they are center ring and she stomps the mat as the crowd rallies behind her chanting her name over and over. As they do this another second of the crowd begins to rally behind Heather who seems to be in full control not giving an inch while she has Hope locked into the simple yet effective submission hold.
Bert Busch: Sleeper hold locked in tight and Hope is trying to break free of the hold. There is without a doubt that tension between these two women even though they might not hate each other they both want to win.
Jay Marshal: It’s the competitive edge. Some fire in Heather’s eyes finally wearing down Hope with that sleeper and I’ll say this right into the bossum of Heather McMahon is a great thing to do. So good to sleep and just die.
Bert Busch: Absolutely not! Hope’s got life left in her.
Jay: Marshal: She needs to just go to sleep dammit! Hope has a surge of energy run though her body as she pumps her fist. As the fans cheer her on as she fires elbows into the mid-section of Heather and then hits a jaw breaker staggering Miss McMahon as Heather pulls herself up and runs at her hitting a big clothesline and then after and another. The crowd is going wild now as she calls for Heather to get up and as she does Hope leaps forward after a full sprint and drills her with a vicious spear.
Bert Busch: That is a nasty Spear by Hope Cassidy and she’s following it up by putting Heather McMahon in a Walls of Jericho. The Submission hold is locked in tight and now it is Heather who is going to have to find away to fight free and fight on.
Jay Marshal: What is this?
Bert Busch: A damn good wrestling match between two of the top women in ICWA. That’s what this is my friend.
Jay Marshal: Oh okay! That explains my disinterest unless they fiiiiiiiiiight.
Hope grits her teeth as Heather tries to fight her way to the ropes as she is fighting the pain tearing through her body. Hope sits out on the move as Hope scratches and claws at the canvas pulling herself to the ropes after Hope Cassidy turned the tables locking her into a submission hold of her own after fighting out of the sleeper hold telling Heather to give up and submit. Hope is slowly yet surely giving up ground as she has the hold in as Heather finds enough strength to bear crawl to the ropes and wrap her hand in the bottom rope getting the rope break. Hope let’s go immediately holding her hands up in the air as the referee for the bout Chris Martin tells her to let go. As soon as she lets go immediately as Heather pulls herself up she is met with a barrage of piston like fists of fury. She then begins to stomp away at Heather after forcing her into the seated position. Everyone is rooting her own now as she pulls up Heather and locks her up and nails her with a snap suplex floating over into a pin fall attempt.
Bert Busch: Heather kicks out of the big suplex by Hope and the match continues on as neither of these ladies want to give it up. Hope staying on Heather and stomping away at her at every turn not giving Heather McMahon any room to breathe or even time to recover as Hope senses that it could be time to put her away.
Heather McMahon looks dazed and confused as she is nailed with a vicious punch to the face and then Hope pulls her up on her shoulders after taunting the crowd and this could be it. She goes for the Straight to Hell but as she spins out Heather finds her way to her feet reversing the move and with a few elbows to the back of Hopes head Heather then spins her around and nails her with a spinebuster. Hope looks up and Heather drags her into the corner and then she ascends to the top rope there it is she leaps through the air and hits a moonsault on Hope and the fans cheer as she hooks the leg.
Hope is able to kick out. There is a huge pop from the crowd at this as Heather immediately locks in yet another submission hold in the STF not wasting anytime to try and end this thing right here and now. Hope struggles to fight free as the fans cheer for her as well as begin to tell Hope to tap out in favor of Heather in this bout as the crowd has been split. There is without a doubt a rush that comes over hope as she is close to the ropes as she pulls herself forward a bit and grabs it to get the rope break. Hope pulls herself up and fights off Heather as she comes back firing. Rights and lefts being exchanged as the two can’t get the best of each other as they fight to the center of the ring now. Hope hits Heather with a knee to the mid-section doubling her over enough to charge and attempt a Fame-Asser but as she leaps into the air to come down she is surprised as Heather ducks out of it Hope is shocked as she turns around just in time to telegraph a Superkick by Heather ducking under the boot turning Heather around and going for the German Suplex yet Heather rolls through into a victory rolling pin.
Bert Busch: What counter wrestling fighting out of every move and into a next and Heather could do it winning it right here one, two, noooooooooooo Hope kicked out and both women are back on their feet exchanging blows.
Jay Marshal: God good put her way Heather.
Bert Busch: Hope has that fighting spirit and refuses to go down taking shot after shot going as far as to dish it out herself whenever Heather punches her she punches right back with her own haymakers.
Jay Marshal: This is the all out brawl I wanted to see.
These women don’t disappoint as both lay into each other with vicious punches and and then Hope backs up and nails a roaring elbow on Heather only staggering her against the ropes. She then throws her into the ropes with a Irish Whip attempting a clothesline but Heather ducks out of it and comes back off the ropes leaping into the air with a big back elbow smash. There is without a doubt a look on her face as she pulls herself up again and as Hope comes back up she charges, leaps and snaps her down with a nice Headscissors take down. She then grabs Hope after she pulls herself up yet again after being taken down briefly and is reeled in placed between her legs and hoists her up and flips her over her shoulder into place for the downfall but as Hope is able to fight free of her finisher just as Heather fought free from the Straight to Hell. She lands on her feet spins Heather around locking her up and immediately hits the Lucious Landing and rolls over hooking the leg for the pinfall attempt.
Noooooo! Heather is able to fight her way through and without a doubt shocking Hope kicking out of the Side Effect as Hope hits her with a big punch into the face. There is without a doubt some tension as these two go at it again as Hope is whipped into the corner and Heather charges with a big clothesline and then Hope falls forward and when she does she is met with a big back body drop sending her crashing to the canvas. This could be it as Heather pulls her up telling the world it is over as Hope rolls her up into the small package pin out of surprise as Heather took too much time to taunt the crowd.
Heather kicks out and then viciously kicks Hope into the spine and then pulls her up immediately hoisting her up into the air getting her into position for the Downfall and sure enough hope straight to fight free but she just doesn’t have enough in her as Heather drops down and nails the Downfall dropping down with authority pinning immediately after the impact of the move.
TWO�?BR> THREE�?/FONT> The crowd goes wild as "Brackish" by Kittie takes the air ways again and Heather McMahon has her hand raised in triumph after a back and forth affair. She looks down at Hope who holds her head still feeling the effects of the Downfall as she’s down and out as Heather celebrates and the crowd goes wild. Kevin Dart, "Your Winner.... HEEEEEEATHER MCMAHON!" Busch, "WHAT AN UPSET! Heather McMahon has finally beaten Hope Cassidy! BAH GAWD! What a great match!" Marshal, "I�?I can’t believe it Bert, I’d of thought this was a sure thing for Hope�? Heather pulls Hope up off the mat but Hope doesn’t seem ecstatic. Heather extends her hand and the crowd is waiting to see what happens. Hope’s still not thrilled but she does accept Heather’s hand. Heather pulls her in and gives her a big hug. Busch, "This is a big mile stone for Heather McMahon. She’s never defeated Hope Cassidy before." Marshal, "I gotta admit, Heather was impressive." Busch, "No doubt, and so too is the remainder of our show�?We’ll be right back." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 11th, 2007 | ________________________________ Nike Re-Run Busch: Well folks, it may not have started here in the ICWA, But I reckon it’s fixing to be finished here tonight at ICWA Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf. For all you folks at home, you’re about to take part in a true piece of history as this epic feud finds it’s conclusion.... Marshall: Yeah and what a finish it will be I am sure..... As we hear that commentary we watch the entrances of Jimmy Stryker and DSL, and see the graphic on the screen reminding us this is for the ICWA United States title. We then see black and white clips of the bloody fight that ensued between DSL and Jimmy Stryker. Stryker now hunched over, but falling to his knees, as he then tries to find a way out of the predicament he is in. DSL then comes over to Stryker as he then elbows her in the gut, as he then stands up, picking her up over his shoulder, as he then drops her head first into a tombstone pile driver. DSL's neck is seen snapping back as Jimmy is seen making the cover. Ref: 1..................2...................3!!!! DING DING DING!! Dart: (Inside the arena) HEre is your winner and NEW.....ICWA UNITED STATES CHAMPION......JIMMY STRYKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as Jimmy is seen not moving, someone from inside is seen delivering the US title as the ref is seen placing it over the bloody fallen body of Jimmy Stryker raising his hand as he is declared the winner of the matchup. Jimmy is seen being wheeled away, he holds the US title high in the air�?/P> ____________________________ "This has been the Nike Re-Run�?Nike, The Second Coming." ________________________________ The cameras come back on Bert Busch and Jay Marshal at ringside, "Well folks�?As a result of that brutal contest between DSL and Jimmy Stryker, both performers are out indefinitely. We wish Stryker and DSL a speedy recovery but as it stands right now we’re not expecting to see either fine athlete for quite sometime." Marshal, "Yeah-Yeah, but get to the important part." Busch, "Well I consider our Ultrastars well being very important, but as Jay’s eluding too�?We are now in search for a new ICWA United States Champion. So folks next week right here on Demented will begin an eight man tournament for the ICWA United States Championship by Jimmy Stryker’s own suggestion." Marshal, "A Good ol fashion tournament. We don’t have too many of those in the ICWA, The ICWA often resolves things with contenders matches or by adding the title to already in progress feuds so it’ll be kind of refreshing to see a tournament here despite how over done it can be in other places." Busch, "Absolutely�? "I Walk Alone" By Saliva begins to blast over the PA Joe bursts out from the back, the electricity coursing through his veins as his knees bounce up and down. He slows down before the ramp, stops and breathes in the audience. Joe slaps his chest one by one with each fist, then raises his fists high above his head, resulting in a massive explosion of red pyro behind him. Pyro, "POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP" Busch, " HO-BOY!" Marshal, "The Big man Joey Six-Pack. I really like this guy Bert." Busch, "Well we were talking about that ICWA United States Title tournament and Joe 6-Pack will be one of the participants in that tournament which kicks off here Wednesday April 25th at 9pm eastern standard time." Marshal, "And you’re looking at my pick to win it all Bert." Busch, "If it were a street fight tournament I’d tend to agree but in a wrestling based tournament I’m not nearly as convinced." Marshal, "Want to put some money on it?" Busch, "I wouldn’t dream of it�?See me after the show." Joe heads down the ramp, making any gesture towards the audience to make them hate him even more. Busch, "Well, for anyone sitting at home wondering why they haven’t seen Christian Skywalker all night long, you’re looking at the reason right now. Joe 6-Pack blasted Skywalker across the face with that lead pipe to such a degree that Christian Skywalker required minor facial reconstructive surgery. Thankfully with there being such a delay between our Pay Per View and tonight and the fact that we will not be joining you next week as a result of a television scheduling conflict created when we were without a contract here on FX. We’ll be back the following Wednesday, April 25th at our regularly scheduled time. The one plus with all these delays is that Christian Skywalker will finally be able to compete on our next episode of ICWA Demented." Marshal sarcastically replies, "And I’m sure that’ll be real razzle-dazzle." Busch, "Well one thing is for sure Jay, That man right there’s not gonna be forgotten easily by the former United States champion." Marshal, "If Christian has any interest in hanging on to any shred of his dignity and his mobility it will be." 6-Pack has finally made it to ringside. He walks to the steps, takes in a breath, and runs up the steel steps slightly hunched over, touching every step with the tips of his fingers. He walks along the apron with his chest out, boastful. He points to an attractive woman in the audience, winks at her, and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. Marshal, " Ha-ha. This guy’s great." 6-Pack climbs up to the second turnbuckle, and points to his chest with both thumbs as the crowd overwhelms the arena with boos. The music starts to fade as we see Kevin Dart standing in the ring. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a Ten minute time limit! To my left, from right here in Manchester New Hampshire (crowd cheers)�?FONT color=#00ccff> Weighing in at 206 Pounds, he is DAVE_E_RAAAGE!" Busch, "Quite the opportunity for this young athlete out of the New England area." Marshal, "Yeah, quite the opportunity to see the back of an ambulance." Dart, "And to my RIGHT�?He is the Rebel of BUFFALO New York�?Weighing in at 274 Pounds�?He is JOE_SIIIIIIIIIIX-PACK!" Referee Darren Thomas calls for the bell as Dave E. Rage is jumping a bit in the corner, rolling his neck. Dave E. runs for 6-Pack and leaps for a Crossbody but Joe catches him and holds him briefly as the crowd boos. He then swings him out and lands a Rock Bottom out of the last call holding position ala Wildcat Chris Harris. Joe gets up and beats his chest before raising his arms to a resounding boo from the fans. Joe turns around and sees a half-unconscious Dave E. Rage pulling himself up. Dave gets on his feet but he seems to have spaghetti legs. Joe comes up from behind, scoops him up for a back drop and then spins and lands a rockbottom. Busch, "6 and Dropping from Joe Six Pack and I reckon this one’s about over." Joe places his palm over Dave’s chest and smirks as Thomas counts ………………One………………Two………………Three. The bell sounds and the crowd boos as Dart announces, "The winner by Pinfall……�?JOE_SIIIIIIIIIIIIX_PACK!" Before his theme song can play Joe gets up and requests a mic from ringside. Dart hands his mic up. Joe, "At Resurrection I took out a United States champion�?One down, the rest to go�?But rest assured, your next US Champion stands before you." Joe smirks as he puts down the mic and the crowd’s boos are partly drowned out by "I Walk Alone" from Saliva blasting over the PA. Busch, "Joe 6-Pack laying claim to the ICWA United States Championship and that’s certainly a very real possibility. This poor kid Dave E. Rage never had a chance." Marshal, "Effin Eh he didn’t." The cameras fade off of Joe and go to the back where we see�?/P> ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling Champion of the World Matt Matlock walking toward the Gorilla position with his championship. The crowd erupts upon site of the Canadian Underdog turned World Heavyweight champion. Busch, "Well folks, when we get back we’re going to find out who the next man to contend for that very championship will be and joining us at ringside to scout the match out is gonna be THAT man�?ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Matt Matlock! That match is NEXT, Don’tchu go away!" "Straight Out of Line" plays in the background as the main event banner pops up and we fade on that image. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 11th, 2007 | The Dementa-Tron pops up as we see Flipside standing in a dark room�?/P> Flipside, "This is where it begins... the Road to Gold for me. The lines of reality and story begin... do I really hate Wallstreet? Or are we meeting up after the show for drinks and laughs? Lines so thin... it is hard to tell. Did the DDT through the table really cut him open, or was there a blade involved? We get paid to put on a show, and entertain the fans. Is what we do entertaining? Hell yes. It is real? Some of it. Will we admit to everything? Nah. Tonight is the first step in the right direction... even if Wallstreet cheats and pulls off a victory, being in this Main Event will help gain some more status for me. I am going down this long hard journey, and nothing will get in my way... not even Taylor McCallister. Tonight, it all changes... and it begins.... NOW!" [The The words FLIPSIDE appear on the sceen in gold letters as the music hits. Raymond steps out through the curtains as his music plays.] Busch, "There he is folks, The young Toronto native looking to take the biggest step in his young career here tonight." Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're far too kind
Now can I get an encore, do you want more Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy So for one last time I need y'all to roar
Now what the hell are you waitin for After me, there shall be no more So for one last time, nigga make some noise
Get em Jay [Flipside comes out as the fans go crazy chanting FLIP...SIDE...FLIP...SIDE. Flipside stands at the top of the ramp, looks around, raises his arms, and the fans once again go nuts.] I've become so numb I can't feel you there I've become so tired so much more aware I'm becoming this all I want to do Is be more like me and be less like you
I've become so numb Can I get an encore, do you want more (more...) I've become so numb So for one last time I need y'all to roar One last time I need y'all to roar. [Flipside stands.... holds the mic up to his face and begins to talk] Flipside, "You know, this week has been a rollercoaster week for me. I have gone through alot in the time I have been in this business... gaining and losing partners... my wife passing away... my daughter Skye growing up so fast. This business is my passion, and when I heard what WallStreet had to say, he did get into my head. I will admit that. But I am more focused now that I have ever been. Now, it is my turn to have something up MY sleeve. If you have been paying attention to my promos, I have been constantly in touch with someone by way of cell phone. He is a close personal friend, and he is no stranger to this business. Someone we all need friends, and he has always been there for me. Now I know that we may have not always seen eye to eye... and even feuded for a time being. But were we partners to begin with, and we will be partners to end with. Marshal: Who is it? Jamal Atkins is coming back? Stryker? Maybe even DSL having Raymond's back? Now is not the time for me to spoil who my friend is, but I do want WallStreet to know that tonight, he OR she has my back and will be watching the match from an unknown location not too far away. In case something happens... they will be ready. Tonight is the start for me... the rebirth of Flipside... the Road for the Gold.... [The crowd begins to chant FLIP...SIDE...FLIP...SIDE... Flipside hands the mic back to Kevin dart as the cameras draw upwards�?/P> Busch, "Flipside showing a real craving for the Gold, but ya know what I have a craving for Jay?" Marshal, "What’s that Bert?" Busch, "A Juicy Tasty Whopper from Burger King!" Marshal, "That does sound good Bert!" Busch, "It certainly does, and the best part is Jay, at Burger King you can have it your way right away!" Marshal, "And you can wash that great Whopper Value Meal down with a cold and refreshing�? Marshal, "MOUNTAIN DEW! Let the green energy flow through your veins and DO THE DEW! Mountain Dew!" We hear the sound of a phone dialing�?/P> Kid, "Yeah�? Man, "Yeah." Kid, "I Wanta be a Rockstar When I Grow Up�? Man, "A Rockstar huh?" Kid, "Hell Yeah�?Just Like You." *Drumbs* YEEEEAH! EEEEEEEEHYEAAAAAAAAAH YEAAAAAAAAAAAH�?/P> As Superstar II By Salvia blasts over the PA, the capacity crowd in Manchester goes nuts�?/P> Kevin Dart, "LADIES AND Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a SIXTY MINUTE Time Limit! It IS For Number one contendership to the ICWA HHHHHHHHHHHEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP�?Of The WORLD!" WallStreet begins heading down the ramp, staring a hole through Flipside in the ring. During the week he may be arrogant, he may talk trash and smirk and giggle, but when it’s time to go he’s as serious and deadly as the hardest assassin. Dart, "ALREADY In The Ring�?From Toronto ONTARIO Can-a-daaa�?He weighs in this evening at 244 Pounds�?He is Fuuhhhhhhhhhhh-LIIIIPPP-SIDE!" Busch, "The biggest match in his young career, and he’s lockin eyes with the biggest opponent he may ever have. Flipside’s fought some of the all time greats, David Van Dam, Jimmy Stryker, Christian Michaels and the list goes on, but he’s never ever fought anybody like Taylor McCallister�? Marshal, "McCallister’s one of a kind, the only way you ever fight somebody like the boss is to actually fight the boss. And even then, you never get the same WallStreet twice." Dart, "And On his Way To The Ring�?Hailing from Manhattan New York! He weighs in at 279 pounds�?He is The WallStreet BRAAAWLER, Mister TAYLORRRRRR_MMMCCALLISTER!" WallStreet gets down to ringside and slowly walks around the right hand side of the ring as the fans are going wild. WallStreet doesn’t acknowledge the fans though�?Not now. He climbs up onto the ring canvas and looks back at Flipside, making sure Tim White is positioned between he and his opponent for the night before WallStreet looks out over the sea of humanity and stairs into it’s core. Busch, "WallStreet in great shape, lookin as ready as he’s ever been. A lot of unkind words have been exchanged between he and Flipside this week courtesy of ICWA.com, but now the time for talking has drawn to an end. One of these two men are on the verge of contending for the richest prize in our industry, and they’re gonna do it�?When we come back. Folks this is our last commercial break of the evening and then we’re gonna follow this match as long as it goes�?We’ll be right back!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 11th, 2007 | During the commercial break WallStreet countered Flipside’s promo for the fans live in attendance. His counter promo got over very well, but that’s no surprise. *END Commercial Break* When the cameras return Flipside and WallStreet are both trying to get in each other’s face, but Tim White thus far is keeping them separated. Finally The opening guitar chords of "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" hit the speakers. Eight seconds later, the song kicks into full gear as pyro erupts from the stage in a loud BOOM! Busch, "And Here we go!" Fed up tired, Sick & twisted One man army I'm enlisted Trust yourself trust no one else Fuck a hero just be yourself It's at this point when Matt Matlock steps out from behind the curtains, dressed in his jeans and a T shirt His ICWA World Championship over his shoulder. He stands there looking out over the crowd with a grin as the song continues. Busch, "There is your Heavyweight Wrestling Champion of the World, Matt Matlock�?It’s gonna take a while for me to be used to saying that." And I don't need your lousy handouts With clenched fists I'll fight my way out Fight my way out, find my way out Matt stands still for a moment, his arms at his sides. People wake up and sing along I trust no one, all my trust is gone! At this moment Matt looks skyward and points up to the roof as loud pyros suddenly explode on both sides of the ramp, starting at the top and repeatedly exploding all the way down past him towards the bottom. Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything! Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything, yeah! Now as the pyros subside and the song continues, Matt continues his walk down the ramp. Dart announces: And finally, hailing from Cape Breton Island, Canada�?He’s making his way to ringside as a specially invited spectator for this contendership deciding MAIN EVENT�?Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome YOUR EYE SEE DOUBLE-YOU EH HhhhhhhhhhhhhEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOORLLLLLLLDDDDDDD�? "The Cornered Animal"....MATT....MAAAAAAAAT-LOOOCK! The crowd is going wild for their champion as Matlock slaps a few hands and then stands on the floor, looking up in the ring. WallStreet walks over to the ropes and points down to Matt�?/P> WallStreet, "Get ready because after this match your ass is MINE!" Suddenly WallStreet’s drilled from behind by a big forearm from Flipside making Matlock’s theme fade to an end as Time Keeper Mike Marks sounds the bell. Matlock shakes his head at WallStreet as a crew member sets up a steel chair for the champ. Matlock takes a seat and back in the ring Flipside’s slid WallStreet into the corner. Busch, "WallStreet turning his back to Flipside and now he’s paying the price as Flipside’s coming strong in the beginning of this contest." Flipside delivers a hard open handed shot similar to the way the Rock used to throw his "punches" back in the day. He delivers a second, third, forth (all rapid fire)�?Then draws his arm way back and BAM! Huge Right hand which makes WallStreet’s legs fly out from underneath him as he drops on his ass in the corner. The crowd is loud with excitement as Raymond Brothers grabs the Corporate Icon by the jaw and the top of the head and pulls him back up to his feet. The Rookie athlete grabs his Boss�?wrist, drives his own shoulder into the Corporate shoulder and then draws back Irish Whipping the Mecca of Mainstream across to the opposing Corner. McCallister nails the corner back first and it isn’t long before Flipside (who had given chase as soon as WallStreet went running) collides with WallStreet’s chest with a big time clothesline that makes a huge "SMACK" sound. WallStreet stumbles out a few steps holding his chest, and then his legs fly back and he lands hard on the mat with a modified Ric Flair Flop. The crowd is going wild as Flipside yells, "COME ON MCCALLISTER! YOU TALKED THE TALK, NOW WALK THE WALK BOOKER MAN!" Busch, "Flipside’s all fired up and it’s really reflecting here." Marshal, "Yeah well, I suggest he spend less time talking and more time taking advantage. You don’t waste time when you’ve got a guy like McCallister down, that’s how ya get yourself hurt." WallStreet gets to his knees and pushes himself up to his feet. Flipside rushes in and wraps his arms around the Corporate Icon, hooking a rear waist lock. He maintains the waist lock briefly before popping back and taking McCallister up and over with a German Suplex Release. WallStreet hits the mat hard and then rolls out of the ring to a knee at ringside as he holds his neck and tries to collect his thoughts. WallStreet starts to pull himself up and Flipside goes running across the ring, leaps into the air onto the top rope, spins around so his back is facing the crowd and then just as WallStreet is fully on his feet Flipside leaps back and puts the Boss right back down with a huge Moonsault drawing an explosion from the fans. Busch, "BAH GOD! What an Assai Moonsault!" A Box comes up in the higher left side of the screen as we see a replay of that big time moonsault off the top by Flipside. The replay concludes and we see even Matlock is on his feet on the otherside of the ring. Flipside pulls himself up off the floor, holding his ribs as they connected hard with WallStreet’s shoulder and upper torso upon impact from that Assai Moonsault. Flipside walks over and screams at Kevin Dart at the time keepers table "MOVE!". Dart darts out of the way (no pun intended) as Flipside grabs the black steel chair he was sitting on and folds it up. Busch, "Uh-oh�?Flipside’s over taken with emotion, he’s about to get himself disqualified out of this thing�? WallStreet is on his hands and knees on the floor in front of the commentary table. Flipside ends up by the ring but he raises the chair high in the sky and is about to bring it down over WallStreet’s back�?/FONT> Busch, "Think this through Raymond�? Just as he’s about to bring the chair down Tim White, who’s stepped half way out of the ring, just one leg on the inside of the ring, grabs the steel chair and takes it out of Ray’s hands before he can use it. Flipside spins around and starts arguing with the official but Tim White isn’t budging. Tim White ducks back into the ring and heads for the otherside of the ring with the chair, as he does Flipside shakes his head and heads back over to WallStreet. Flipside ducks down to grab the Corporate Icon, but WallStreet immediately throws his arm up between Ol�?Flipside’s legs, delivering a devastating low blow as senior referee Tim White is discarding the steel chair on the opposite side of the ring to a crew member. Busch, "WallStreet going a bit south of the border with that shot�? Marshal, "He’s never claimed to play by the rules Bert." Busch, "No, No he hasn’t." WallStreet pulls himself up and grabs the doubled over Flipside by the neck and the tights, bringing him over to the ring and rolling him inside. The Flipster holds his testicular region as WallStreet crawls up onto the ring and re-enters between the second and third ropes. WallStreet drops down over Flipside and hooks the far leg as Tim White slides to the mat and counts …………………One…………………Two�?Barely two as Flipside thrusts his shoulder up. WallStreet pulls himself up as Flipside rolls to his knees and starts to do the same. Flipside gets up to his feet and WallStreet hooks him from the side and hoists him up for a Back drop, but then brings him back forward and drops to a knee, landing Flipside’s tailbone down hard on the Corporate knee in a Manhattan Drop. Ray grabs his lower back in pain and drops to a knee as WallStreet gets up. Flipside pulls himself up as WallStreet drops back against the ropes, takes a few steps forward and drops down with a big Ric Flair-like chop block to the back of the leg of Flipside, dropping the rookie hard on his back. WallStreet gets up and grabs a hold of the Kid’s Ankle, lifting his right leg up (the same leg that was chop blocked), and then proceeding to sink several hard stomps into the back of the thigh of the Ontario native. WallStreet stops the kicks only to drop back, still holding that leg, and to apply a leg grapevine ala Goldberg. Flipside is yelling out in pain as ICWA’s Senior official Tim White is right there in his face, asking him if he wants to give it up. Of course Raymond Brothers�?is full of heart so he refuses to give up. WallStreet, "TAP OUT KID! GO BACK TO THE MERRY GO ROUND LIL BOY!" Busch, "Earlier Flipside had added a verbal assault to his attack of WallStreet. It appears now that WallStreet’s decided to return the favor." Marshal, "The only thing worse then exchanging words with WallStreet is exchanging moves and shots with him." Flipside’s still resisting the submission and he’s trying to inch his way to the ropes, but every time he inches a bit toward the ropes, it pulls on his leg thus inadvertently making WallStreet’s hold even stronger and shooting more pain through the right leg of Flip. The Greenhorn struggles and scratches and claws, but he does finally get his hand on the ropes and Tim White immediately demands the break. WallStreet resists the break only for a moment, but he relinquishes it before the official has to apply a count. WallStreet gets up as Flipside pulls himself into the corner, still on his ass as he nurses that right leg. WallStreet starts to head in for Flipside but Tim White steps in and demands McCallister give his opponent an opportunity to get up and away from the ropes. WallStreet reluctantly backs off as Flipside reaches up, grabbing a top rope with both hands and pulling himself up off the mat. Flipside’s limping a little on that right leg but it doesn’t stop him from coming right in after WallStreet. Flipside and WallStreet hook up in an Elbow and Collar grapple but WallStreet immediately kicks that right higher thigh and makes Flipside drop to a knee but as he does he maintains the grapple and pushes down, applying pressure to keep flipside’s weight down on that weakened leg. As this is going on we hear the crowd begin to boo loudly. Suddenly our camera switches over to the fan barricade�?/FONT>
| Busch, "What the Hell�?I thought he was thrown out of the arena!" Marshal, "Looks like he’s back." Indeed it does. David Van Dam has jumped the barricade and right near where he hopped over the steel chair that flipside had grabbed earlier is lying in place. David grabs the chair and then slides into the ring about the same time as Flipside is getting back to his feet (still in the grapple with WallStreet). Busch, "I don’t like where this is going!" David runs and slams the chair across Flipside’s back, instantly breaking the grapple as Flipside drops to the mat. Tim White calls for the bell and David wastes no time as he draws the chair up again�?WallStreet barely gets his arms up as the chair is crashing down, but David gets enough of the shot off to drop the boss as well. The fans are booing loudly as Tim White’s swinging his arms and signaling this one is over. Busch, "Well David achieved his goal! Tim White’s thrown this match out and now we don’t have a contender!" Marshal, "Oh yes we do Bert�?David Van Dam." David tosses the chair to the side as he bends down and picks Flipside up off the mat. David grabs Flipside, presses him against the ropes and Irish Whips him across the ring. Flipside hits the rampside ropes and then bounces back. He comes speeding across the ring and David hooks a front waist lock and pops back, sending Flipside up and over the top rope with a Belly to Bell Suplex as the bell continues to sound. Busch, "Come on!" David unbuttons his cuffs and then rips open the front of his shirt, yanking his shirt off and tossing it out to the floor as he stands, stalking WallStreet who is on his knees. WallStreet pulls himself up to his feet and David darts in, grabs the wrist and the thigh, hoists the Corporate Icon up, and slams him down with his version of the Angle Slam. The crowd is booing loudly as Busch calls it, "Last Chance from Van Dam to Mr. McCallister�?Somebody’s gotta stop this guy, he’s like a loose canon!" Van Dam lets out a mighty roar and then drops to a knee and grabs WallStreet’s ankle, locking it and torking it as WallStreet screams out in pain. On the floor Matlock’s up and looking into the ring. Finally he folds up the chair he was sitting in and slides into the ring. He comes after David and DVD releases the ankle lock on WallStreet, letting WallStreet roll out of the ring. Matlock tosses the chair to the side and puts his arms out as he says, "What the Hell’s your problem?!" Van Dam, "YOU’RE My Problem!" Van Dam and Matlock end up face to face�?/P> Matlock, "Then SOLVE IT!" The crowd is on their feet with excitement, ready to see the champion fight the former champion. Van Dam, "Oh I Will�? Matt Shoves Van Dam and David hits the mat and wastes no time rolling out of the ring. The crowd boos Van Dam starts walking around the ring toward the ramp and Matlock stands center ring, staring at Van Dam the whole time. Busch, "Oh yeah, what a big man! He tore apart poor Whysper who’s down nearly a hundred pounds, he attacked Drew Stevenson from behind and now he just attacked Flipside and WallStreet from behind with a steel chair�?But the Heavyweight Champion’s ready to go straight up and Van Dam’s runnin like a scolded dog!" David gets to the bottom of the ramp and points into the ring while yelling, "We do things on MY Time Matlock! Not YOURS! MY TIME!" Busch, "Well�?I don’t know where we’re going from here but I reckon somebody’s gotta get some control over this guy! Folks, We’ll be back on the 25th at our regular time and place�?Till then, log on to ICWA.com for updates and we’ll catch ya next time!" The camera fades on Matlock in the ring with his championship, glaring out to Van Dam. 
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ICWA Demented Credits & Quick Match Results Quick Match Results Dark Matches "Tongan War Machine" Ak Tui Def. The Yankee Angelina Santana Def. Grace Taylor Circle City Bad Boys Def. Straight Line Summer Stratus Def. Torrie Wilson & Daizi Darkside Demented Matches DVD Def. Whysper Via Submission Christopher Whatever Def. Leaky Format via Pinfall Ryan Ross Def. Drew Stevenson via Pinfall (Loser Leaves Town match, The ICWA Wishes Drew Stevenson best of luck in future endevors.) Remorseless Storm Def. Blaze Inferno & Snake Eyes via Pinfall (Assist from Brass Knucks) Heather McMahon Def. Hope Cassidy via Pinfall Joe 6-pack Def. Local Wrestler "Dave E. Rage" via Pinfall WallStreet/Flipside Match - No Contest Post Show Dark Match Matt Matlock Def. X Bomb for the ICWA Title via pinfall in a ten minute bonus match for those in live attendence. Credits
Match 1 Singles DVD V.S. Whysper Written by: Taylor AKA WallStreet Match 2 Chris B. V.S. Leaky Format Written by: Josh AKA NLCS Match 3 Singles Ryan Ross V.S. Drew Stevenson Written by: David Van Dam Match 4 Tag Team Remorseless Storm V.S. Blaze & Snake Eyes Written by: David Van Dam Match 5 Singles Heather McMahon V.S. Hope Cassidy Written By: Big John AKA Grace Taylor Match 6 Singles Joe 6-Pack V.S. Local Wrestler Dave E. Rage Written By: Taylor AKA WallStreet Flipside Segment prior to Main Event Written by Steve AKA Flipside Main Event Singles #1 Contendership to the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship WallStreet V.S. Flipside Written by: Taylor AKA WallStreet Winners Selected by Management Judges for the Main Event Were as Follows: Big John AKA Grace Taylor David Van Dan Matt AKA Ryan Ross Matt AKA MJ Storm (A Fifth judge was not accessable, however the vote count was 3-1 so it wouldn't have changed the finish). Thanks to everyone who rped this week. great job. Sorry it was late and was a much lower quality than normal. 
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