 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 4/28/2007 11:12 AM |
ICWA Demented Live April 25th, 2007 | After a week's advertised hiatus the ICWA and it's farns are ready and raring to go. Last Episode of Demented got an ICWA Record high of 5 even in hour one and 5.2 in hour three, apparently the fans came by the masses to see if the rumors of a new World Heavyweight Champion were true. Now this week the ICWA expects to maintain it's high ratings as the fans tune in to see what's going to happen in this highly explosive situation with Matlock and Van Dam, who's going to advance in the advertised United States title tournament and what exactly did WallStreet mean last week when he told MJ Storm and SFM that there'd be a level of "Divine Intervention" involved in their next tag team title contest (For those who don't know Divine Intervention was a stable in BUD Comprised of WallStreet, Seifer, Dante Cross, Amethyst Jane, Melkiah, and RJ Endeavor, although since BUD Seifer and WallStreet have represented DI off and on as a tag team). That in mind, Let's not make the people wait any longer. With that the ICWA Demented Video kicks on as "Straight out of Line" by Godsmack blasts over the PA. As the video concludes the cameras draw back from Dementa-tron as the pyros begin to explode from the stage. The cameras start to sweep the arena as we hear the famed voiced of the ICWA... Busch, "Welcome to Eye See Dubbya Eh Demeneted! Bert Busch alongside former CWA Heavyweight champion "Destructive" Jay Marshal and folks, we are in store for a wild ride tonight and we don't wanta hesitate to get the ball rolling... Let's go to Kevin Dart in the ring for the opening contest, Kevin." The bell sounds three times as Dart says, "Ladies and Gentlemen... The Following contest is the OPENING BOUT! It is scheduled for ONEFALL with a Ten Minute time Limit! This is a FIRST ROUND contest for the International CHAMPIONSHIP Wrestling ALLIANCE United States CHAMPIONSHIP!"  | Suddenly the Lights dim to almost pure darkness and the speakers begin to crackle. The familiar introduction to Pachelbel's Cannon begins to echo throughout the arena. The Rush, Ryan Ross steps out from behind the curtain. Sparks rain down from the entranceway as he poses to the arena, showing off his beautiful new sequined ring robe, reminicient of Ric Flair. The fans begin to boo with disgust for this one-time fan favourite. The Sparks cease as this classical version of Pachelbel soon transitions to the neo-classical arangement of Guitarist Jery C. Ryan ignores the crowd as he slowly walks down the ramp headed for the ring. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he pauses before making his way up the steel steps. He enters the ring through the second rope, and then does a fancy spin move. A few of the ladies cheer as he slowly disrobes, showing his perfectly sculpted body, however the general reaction of the crowd is still negative. Dart: Introducing FIRST, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and weighing two hundred and five pounds, "The Rush" Ryan...Rosssss!!! Marshall: And there you see a man who thinks he's trying to get over in Japan ladies and gentlemen. Busch: Oh don't start that already Marshall. Ryan Ross is a great athlete. Marshall: I'm not saying that he isn't a great athlete. But the fans of the United States want to see the simple moves, nothing extremely fancy. The moves aren't as important as the story. Ryan Ross specializes in a lot of these crazy ass looking moves and people don't know what the hell he's doing. Busch: Perhaps but I think he's still entertaining. Marshall: Whatever. Dart: And his opponent, making his way to the ring, weighing one hundred ninety pounds and hailing from Plainville, Indiana. He's being escorted by Angelina Santana...."The Silent One" Whyyysssperrrr!!! "The Truth" by Limp Bizkit blasts through the P.A. and plays awhile, awaiting the arrival of the Silent Warrior. After a few seconds, Whysper emerges, along with Angelina, from the back and flips his hair back and pounds his chest with his fist and gives the rock/heavy metal taunt. Then, he looks up towrds Heaven and points towards that direction. He then looks at Angelina and she turns to him dramtatically, pressing herself against him as he grabs her around the waist. She puts her arms around Whysper's shoulders and wraps her right leg around his waist as he holds it around the thigh area. Angelina caresses the Silent One's face as he does hers. They then engage in a short kiss. After releasing each other, Whysper walks to the ring with Angelina sauntering behind him. Once he gets a few feet from it, he sprints and slides in. Once he stands back up, he then looks at Angelina and points at her. She gives the crowd a playful smile and puts her hands on the apron. Then, Angelina proceeds to twist and gyrate her hips in a seductive motion. She then puts up one of her long, athletic legs on the apron, caresses it, then puts the other one on the apron and pulls herself up onto the apron. She ducks under the ropes and into the ring. Whysper then helps her up. Then, as Angelina greets the crowd, Whysper climbs a turnbuckle and does the same rock taunt he did on stage, but does the it with both hands in the air and with his mouth open like he's yelling. Then he crosses his arms in front of him in the form of an 'X.' After that, Whysper runs to another turnbuckle and does the same taunts again. He then hops down, kneels at the turnbuckle, and prays as Angelina climbs out of the ring. Once he gets done doing that, he stands up and walks to the center of the ring, staring up at Ryan and looking him in the eye. Busch: So what do you think of Whysper? Marshall: Well he does know what country he's trying to get over in. He sticks with a lucha style and he's very good at it. But he can't do very much outside of that. If you put him against someone like WallStreet, or Hope Cassidy even, he may not stand as good of a chance. Busch: Well don't forget either that Whysper holds several victories over the current ICWA Champion. The kid must be good if he can pull that off. Marshall: If it happens in Michigan, it doesn't count I say. Referre Darren Thomas pats down both men to check for weapons, and then calls for the bell and then we're underway. Whysper starts to pace around the ring, looking up at his larger opponent. Whysper is obviously trying to figure out how to handle this size disadvantage. Ryan lunges at him once or twice but Whysper quickly steps back out of reach. Ryan begs him to come in for a collar and elbow tie up. Whysper steps into range but then Ryan lifts him up and looks to take The Silent One down with a spinebuster. However in mid-air Whysper counters into a hard DDT. Whysper quickly runs to the ropes and leaps off with a twisted Lionsault and comes down on top of Ryan. Thomas slides down for the count and slaps the mat one....two...but Ryan gets his shoulder off the mat. Busch: The smaller man Whysper quickly taking the advantage here as he reversed that Spinebuster and he looked to finish the match early with the Silent Scream. Marshall: Whysper's still a rookie, he should have known that wasn't going to keep the former CWA Champion down. Ryan sits up and tries to shake off the cobwebs, as Whysper runs off the ropes behind Ryan, leapfrogs him, bounces off the other ropes and dropkicks Ryan in the face. Whysper slides in for another pinfall attempt but gets a two count before Ryan kicks out. Whysper gets to his feet as does Ryan and Whysper attempts to hit Ryan with an enziguri. However Ryan ducks and Whysper misses the move completely. Ryan then grabs Whysper's legs and crosses them, lifts them up in the air and drags Whysper backwards. Whysper tries to get towards the ropes but then Ryan leaps up and wraps his legs around Whysper's midsection and clinches in the hold. Marshall: Ouch...what kind of submission is that? Busch: I looked it up earlier and it's called the Gorilla Clutch Hold. Marshall: Looks painful. Hate to say it but Ryan may have this one. Ryan has the hold locked in tightly but he is close to the ropes. Whysper's in a lot of pain and you can tell, but he reaches for the ropes and tries to pull himself towards them on his elbows. Very slowly he moves towards them and then he grabs onto them, as Darren Thomas counts 1, 2, 3, and 4 and then Ryan lets go of the move. He looks around at the crowd as they boo him. He looks down at Whysper laying in pain. He kicks him in the ribs several times, hurting the ribs he already attacked. Whysper gets on his knees and Ryan stalks him, and then he lashes out with a vicious sounding kick to the side of Whysper's skull and the Silent One just drops. Marshall: Geez....that almost looked like a buzzsaw kick but he just kicked him right in the temple. What's that called then Bert, since you seem to know. Busch: It's called a ko-too-bu kick. Ryan moves in for the cover on Whysper now and nearly gets the three count. But somehow Whysper gets his shoulder up. Ross, apparently frustrated, lifts up Whysper and looks for a scrapbuster suplex, however instead of landing on his back, Whysper manages to land on his feet which gets a roar from the crowd. Whysper immediately runs forward and springboards off the ropes and dropkicks Ryan in the face. Whysper then heads to the turnbuckle, as Ryan stumbles back to his feet and he gets caught with a hurricanrana from Whysper which sends him flying to the outside. Busch: And just like that this match is back in the control of Whysper! Marshall: It only takes one mistake, one move and everything changes Bert. Whysper has the opportunity and he capitalized on it. Ryan is trying to get to his feet outside but he's on spagetti legs really. This doesn't concern Whysper who runs off the opposite ropes and runs forward with a big time suicide dive. Both men are down on the floor, and the referee starts a count. He reaches five and both men are still down. But by seven both of them are still up. Whysper punches Ryan in the face, and slides into the ring to break the count. He then grabs the top rope and looks for a slingshot body splash. However Ryan sees it coming and manages to jump up and connect with a jumping heel kick in mid-air as Whysper simply drops to the floor. Busch: Did you hear that?! Ouch! Marshall: Well Whysper went to the proverbial cookie jar too often. He got lucky with one high risk move, then went for a second and he paid for it big time. Poor kid's going to have more brain damage then he already does. Busch: Then he already does? Marshall: Well if you're trying to kill yourself with all these fancy moves your brain must be somewhat damaged. Ryan manages to climb into the ring and sits down in a corner to try and rest. Whysper's out cold on the outside for the most part. Angelina, who for most of the contest was just sitting back and watching, comes over to check on Whysper now. He seems to be coming to now, as the ref is at a count of four. Ryan now gets outside of the ring, and starts to stalk Angelina. She steps back, as Ryan is licking his lips and asking her if she wants some. He tries to touch her but Angelina then slaps him across the face. Darren Thomas steps outside of the ring now, and tells Angelina to back off and go to her own corner or Whysper will be disqualified. Ryan is smirking now despite the red mark on his face, as he turns around to see Whysper on the apron trying to get back into the ring. Ryan charges but Whysper gets up, dashes across the apron and leaps off, grabbing Ryan's head in mid-air and slamming it to the floor. Busch: Poetic Justice off the apron down to the floor! That's gonna do it I think! Marshall: That is a really sick thud. Damn! Whysper picks Ryan up and slides him into the ring now.... Whysper leaps up to the top rope now, as Ryan is staggering to his feet. Ryan turns around and Whysper leaps off the top ropes with the Sound of Silence and drops Ryan hard to the mat. He rolls him over and floats into a cover. One....two....THREE! Dart: Here is your winner, Whysper! "The Truth" By Limp Bizket begins blasting over the PA as referee Darren Thomas raises the hand of Whysper in victory. Angelina gets in quickly and takes over for Darren however. Busch, "A Bigtime win for this Cruiserweight athlete out of Plainesville Indiana, and now Jay, he's one step closer to obtaining his first taste of ICWA Championship gold." With that the cameras draw to the backstage parking lot area where we see a long black limoseen pull in. Busch, "Well I'm not sure who that is, the Chairman's been here all day so I can't imagine that it's Mr. McCallister..." The Limo draws to a parking position and we see the driver step out and walk around to the back passinger door. He draws it open and we see a pair of black armani shoes hit the ground. The camera switches angles so the door's not in the way and we slowly pan up the off white dress slacks, the black leather belt, the blue button up and see a less than ecstatic former ICWA World Heavyweight Champion in David Van Dam. The crowd begins to boo loudly as Van Dam snickers in disgust. Busch, "Looks like David Van Dam has arrived to the Continental Airlines Arena here in East Rutherford New Jersey..." David starts heading toward the door to the arena as we see Greg Davidson come into the sceen with a microphone in hand. Greg, "David Van Dam.... Exactly one month ago you lost the covited ICWA World Heavyweight Championship to a man you once called your best friend in Matthew Matlock... Now tonight you've agreed to meet the new World Heavyweight Champion one on one in the middle of the ring for a peer mediation... What are your thoughts heading into this verbal confrontation designed to sort out your personal delima?" David glares at Greg and says, " I "Lost" the Title?" David grabs Greg's face and pie faces him down on his ass. The crowd boos as David continues toward the arena. Busch, "What a royal Jackass!" Marshal, "I know, David should have never lost the title, what's Greg thinkin?!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 25th, 2007 | The scene flashes from black to various scenes of Pythons slithering through a high grass�?They continue to flash back and forth between darkness and the creeping snakes as we hear a very Ravenesque�?voice�?/P> "The innermost reaches of your mind�?That’s where I fester and begin to insert my venom�? The scene continues to flash back and forth from black creating almost a rave effect, except that it’s not purple but very dark�?Now however, in-between flashes we see a Python coiling up, preparing to strike�?/P> "There is No Cure�?FONT color=#ffffff> (Python rises) For Pure Poison �? The snake lunges for the camera as we see it’s huge fangs consume the entire screen before the following graphic comes up�?/P> "Now is the Time for Venom!" ____________ The Cameras come back into focus on the ring as Busch sasy, "Another taste of this... "Python"." Marshal, "Eh, I don't like Snakes Bee-bee." Busch, "Oh? I thought you *Were* a Van Dam Fan?" Dart - "Ladies And Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a first round match in the United States Championship Tournament. Introducing first, he is from Beaufort, South Carolina, he weighs in at 200 pounds, he is Leakyyyyyy Foooorrrrrrmat!!!!" "Yes Yes Ya! Your Dreams Are Now Fullfill! Get Out Your Seats And Lets Get ILL! Live Before Your Very Eyes, He Is Tha Epitome of Greatness, Your Wrestling Icon, Give It Up For The Leaky One, Leaky Format!!!" The lights goes down as the music plays...For they is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory Forever, The Kings The Ruler, The Ruler Rules!!! Leaky Format comes out as the crowd boos and chants "Leaky Sucks!".....He doess a spin and drops to his knees as more pyros erupts. As he walks to the ring with a cocky strut playing to the crowd. He enters the ring and does another muscle pose before the match starts.... Dart - "And his opponent, she is weighing in tonight at 137 lbs., she hails from Queens, New York, she is Snnnnnnnaaaaakkkkkeeeee Eyyyyyyyeeeeessss!!!!!!!!!" The lights flash red and pink and then the music plays. Snake-eyes comes on on the ramp and dances like crazy. The fans cheer as her music blares loud. She walks down the ramp and jumps on the apron. She jumps over the top rope and then some walking while dancing in the ring. She sits on the second turnbuckle but lays with her legs on the rope. Busch - "This first round match up is going to be quite unique. I think Leaky will come out firing due to his loss last week, and this is a grand opportunity for Snake Eyes to show that she is more than just a competitor in the Women's Title division." Marshall - "I hope Leaky knocks her teeth out, and shows her the rightful place, the place she belongs." Referee Chris Martin calls for the bell and we are under way. Snake eyes gets down from the ropes and Leaky smiles, either because he is confident or over confident. They come to the center of the ring, and they are staring eye to eye, with Snake Eyes not backing up one bit. They lock up, and Snake Eyes tries with all of her might to show some power, but Leaky just smiles and shakes his head, it is clear that he has the power advantage, so he is not putting full effort into this lock up. Snake happens to look up and sees that Leaky is not taking her seriously, so she changes her footing, spins and locks Leaky's head in and throws him over with a snap mare. Leaky gets up to his knees and smiles at Snake, but it is clear that he was taken back a bit. They lock up again, and this time Leaky is putting a little more effort into it, but still not much. Snake grabs Leaky's arm, and she is trying to go for an Irish whip, but Leaky isnt budging from his stance. Out of nowhere, he reverses and send Snake into the ropes with an Irish whip. Snake comes off of the ropes and when she returns, she is met with a vicious clothesline. She hits the back of her head hard on the mat, and is in obvious pain, and the crowd is booing loudly at Leaky, which he seems to love. Leaky then bends down and grabs Snake by the hair and brings her back up to her feet. He smiles in her face again and then throws Snake up onto his shoulders and then throws her down hard to the mat with a big bodyslam. Busch - "This man is showing no mercy, he should at least show a little compassion." Marshall - "What are you smoking, she said she wanted to be treated like and equal competitor, and that is what Leaky is doing." The crowd is really getting on Leaky, and Snake Eyes is a great deal of difficulty. Leaky then drops and elbow drop right across the sternum of Snake, then leaps up to his feet and leaps and drops a leg drop across Snake's throat. He goes for the cover and Martin drops down, 1 ....and a quick kick out by Snake, and the crowd pops loudly. Leaky looks a little shocked, but he picks up Snake anyway. He hooks her up and taunts the crowd, then lifts her up for a stalling vertical suplex. Snake wiggles around and somehow manages to get out of the air and back to a vertical base, and just as quickly, she snaps Leaky over her head with a Perfect Plex and hooks his leg, but Leaky kicks out before the ref can count to one. Snake Eyes gets to her feet and a milisecond later, so does Leaky, and when they spin to face each other, Snake picks Leaky up onto her shoulders and delivers a devastating Death Valley Driver, sending Leaky crashing to the mat. Snake struggles to her feet and then goes over to the corner to catch her breath and she is holding herself up with the ropes. Leaky is still down, and Snake gets up a head of steam and drops down, begins to roll and nails Leaky with a Rolling Thunder. Snake then goes around to the feet of Leaky, and picks up his legs. She locks them under her arms and spins Leaky over, and then squats down with alot of pressure, locking in the Boston Crab. Leaky is in pain, but he is close enough to the ropes that he reaches out and grabs the bottom rope. Martin makes Snake break the hold, which she does right away. The crowd is really into this match, and they are happy that Snake has the upper hand. Snake then picks Leaky up and sends him into the ropes with an Irish Whip, but when he come backs, Snake telegraphs a back body drop and Leaky stops dead in his tracks, then lowers the boom on Snake with a forearm to the back of the head, which sends her crashing back down to the canvas. Leaky catches his breath real quick, then he picks Snake Eyes up, hooks her head underneath his arm and taunts the crowd, which sends out a chorus of boos. He then smacks Snake's back real hard for more pressure, and drops her right on her head with a nasty looking DDT. The force of the DDT brings Snake all the way over and back on her feet, and she is real staggered. She happens to turn around, and she is met with another hard clothesline. Leaky backs up across the ring, and waits for Snake to struggle to her feet, which she eventually does. When she turns around, Leaky rolls and nails Leaky Heartbreak. Snake Eyes falls in perfect position for Leaky Format, so Leaky climbs up to the top rope. The crowd is booing, but hey are also anticipating a real high risk manuver. Leaky does not disappoint when he leaps off of the top rope and nails Waterfalls. He goes for the quick cover, and Martin counts 1 .... 2 ..... and Snake Eyes gets her shoulder up. Busch - "Oh man, I thought he might have had her there, but she is showing some guts." Marshal - "If he would have made a cover and hooked the leg, he would have had her. You think he did that on purpose? I know he did, he is just toying with the broad." Busch - "Watch it Jay, you are over stepping the line there. You can be impartial all you want to, but leave the name calling to the fans." Leaky drags Snake's almost lifeless body back to the center of the ring. He goes over to his feet, and picks up her left leg. He goes to spin around, going for the Whirlpool, but as he spins around, Snake Eyes reaches up and pulls Leaky down in a small package. The ref drops down and counts 1 ... and Leaky kicks back out before the ref can hit the mat for the two count. Leaky is in a bit of shock, but he gathers himself back together and he begins to pick Snake up. As Snake is rising, she pushes Leaky away and when he comes back closer, she leaps up and nails him right in the mouth with a standing dropkick, and Leaky falls backward fast and hits the canvas. He struggles back to his feet, but he is met with a spinning heel kick that sends him back to the corner, where he falls into a sitting position. Snake gets a big smile on her face, and the crowd begins to pop, then she gets a running start and leaps onto Leaky, nailing a Bronco Buster. She jumps up and down on Leaky's chest six times, then she gets up and the crowd showers her with applause. She takes a knee, trying to get herself together, as this match has been grueling on both competitors. Leaky gets to his feet, but he is still in the corner. Snake Eyes kicks him in the gut, doubling him over, then puts his head under her arm. She pulls him in and climbs up to the second rope. She taunts the crowd by doing a spinning motion with her arm, then she leaps and spins and nails Leaky with a Spiked Tornado DDT. Both competitors are down, but Snake begins crawling over to Leaky, who is seemingly out of commission. She finally gets to him and drapes her arm over him for the pinfall. Martin drops down and begins to count. 1 .... 2 .... thr.....the ref's hand almost hits the mat, but Leaky gets his foot on the bottom rope and Martin notices at the last moment. Snake Eyes gets to her feet and she is clearly upset, thinking that she had just won the match, but finding out she didnt. She gets back to her feet, then she begins to drag Leaky towards the center of the ring, and leaves him there. She turns away from him, but then leaps up and nails a standing moonsault. She clutches her midsection, but has enough sense to go for the cover once again. The ref counts 1 .... 2 .... and Leaky kicks out once again, although this time isnt as close as the last one. Busch - "Snake Eyes is showing great heart here, and I think she is just a heartbeat away from scoring one of the biggest victories of her career." Marshal - "She isnt showing anything, which sucks. I was hoping she would fall out of that bra she is wearing, now that would bring in some high ass ratings." Snake Eyes then drags Leaky back towards the corner and she leaves him there. She then begins to slowly climb up to the top rope. She finally gets there and perches herself there for a few, waiting for Leaky to get to his feet. Leaky gets to his feet, and turns to see Snake up on the top rope. She leaps off going for the Molly Go Round, but Leaky ducks out of the way, and Snake misses, but lands on her feet. They spin to face each other, but Leaky nails a clothesline, while sweeping her feet out from underneath her with his, sending her crashing down hard to the mat, head first. Leaky has a nasty look on his face, as he picks Snake up off of the mat. He sinches her head in, and then lifts her up in the air, going for another stalling vertical suplex. Snake isnt wiggling this time, and Leaky drops down, only instead of a vertical suplex, he drops her on her head with a brain buster. The crowd boos loudly, but Leaky is determined. He picks Snake up and she is about lifeless. He kicks Snake in the gut, and goes running of off the ropes and comes back, leaps and nails the Wet Down, sending Snake Eyes crashing face first into the mat. Snake is not quite out yet, as she is still moving around. Leaky then goes over and gets up onto the second rope. He waits for Snake to try to get to her feet, which she eventually does. She is still hunched over, and Leaky leaps off of the second rope and nails another Wet Down that almost turns Snake Eyes inside out. He goes for the cover and Martin drops to count. 1 ... 2 .... 3!!!!!! Dart - "Here is your winner, advancing to the second round of the United States Title Tournament, Leeeeeeeaaakkkkkkyyy Foooorrrmmmatttttt!!!!!!!!" Busch - "Well, Snake Eyes gave it one hell of a fight, but in the end, I think Leaky Format's power advantage was just too much for the lady from Queens. Leaky showed in the end that he was superior, and he began to beat the hell out of her, I am just glad he knew when to stop and end this match." Marshall - "Are you kidding, power had nothing to do with this. Yeah, Snake put up a fight, but in the end, Leaky smacked her in the mouth and showed her she has no place in the middle of the ring, she should be in the middle of the kitchen or the middle of my bed, period." Busch - "You are a sick puppy, you know that? That young lady just showed me and this crowd alot, and all you can think about is getting her in your bed, grow up. Anyway, Leaky Format is your winner and he is on to the second round of the ICWA United States Title Tournament, and with the power he displayed tonight, I would not want to run into this man in this tournament!!!" The cameras draw to the back where we see Flipside watching the monitor with a pair of large headphones on his head which is hooked to the monitor. Flipside, "Pfft... I wouldn't want to run into *ME* in this tournament. I may not have picked up the win last week for contendership as a result of Van Dam's intrusion in my match with WallStreet, but when I become the next ICWA United States Champion there will be no way to contest my claim to the World Heavyweight title. Oh Yeah baby, Oh yeah." Flipside tosses the headphones aside and starts heading for the gorilla position as "Straight out of Line" by Godsmack begins to play in the background. Busch, "Well he's going to have the oppertunity to take his first step toward that championship quest as he too is in a US Title tournament bout when we come back!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 25th, 2007 | The cameras go to the back where we see Christian Skywalker walking through the back, whistling merily to himself. Of course the crowd is solidly behind the former US Champion. Busch, "Well folks, he'll be in action here later tonight as he goes one on one with one half of the ICWA Tag Team Champions in Remorseless Storm's MJ Storm..." "HEY PUNK!" Christian stops and turns as the cameras pan around and we see David Van Dam looking at him with a clear attitude on his face. Busch, "Oh what's this now?" Christian seems slightly confused as he says, "You talking to me?" David keeps walking toward Skywalker as he says, "Yeah I'm talking to you! You got a problem with me kid?" Skywalker gives a "wtf" look and says, "Umm... No." David arrives at Skywalker but he doesn't stop walking till he smacks his forehead against Skywalker's. Forehead to forehead David says, "You want one?" Skywalker shoves David back as he says, "What the Hell's your problem?" David shoves Skywalker back and says, "My problem is you're going around talking to Hope about me and my actions but can't nut up and confront me." David smashes his forehead back into Skywalker's head and says, "So if you want it, come and get it chump." Skywalker pushes his head right back against David's, the two looking like a couple of wild rams. Skywalker, "I don't have a problem, but you're about to have one if you don't back up out of my face buddy..." David, "Come through, I'll wreck your face worse than Joe 6 Pack did!" Skywalker suddenly brings his right fist flying up across the jaw of Van Dam sending down to his ass in an instant daze. Skywalker leaps down and starts driving hard rights into Van Dam's face as we can see Secuirty and officials flooding the scene. | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 25th, 2007 | Busch, 'BAH GOD What a right hand from Christian Skywalker!" Marshal, "He caught the Champ off guard!" Busch, "The Champ is Matt Matlock and Matt Matlock's not even here!" Marshal, "Van Dam's still MY Champion damn it!" The security guards grab Skywalker and pull him up off of David. David pushes himself up to his ass and holds himself there with his left hand as he checks his mouth for blood with his right. There is in fact a little blood and David points at Skywalker and says, "YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'LL OWN YOU!" Skywalker, still being held back yells, "Go ahead, sue me bitch! You came after me!" Van Dam, "No, Not financially, Physically!" Skywalker, "Well then lets go!" Van Dam picks himself up and a couple of guards stand in front of him. Van Dam raises his hands as to suggest to security he's cool as he then points to NLCS as and says, "No, I'm not some mindless barbarian! We'll do it MY way! LIVE, NEXT week after I get out of this New York landfill known as New Jersey! (Crowd boos) Next week, You and Me Skywalker! I'll finish the job Joe started!" Skywalker, "YOU'RE ON!" The cameras leave the ruckus backstage as we come to the ring. Busch, "BAH GOD! What a match next week!" Dart, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a twenty minute television time limit." After Dart finishes the word limit, the lights completely shut off, casting the arena in total darkness. With the lights off, "Numb/Encore" by Linkin Park and Jay Z hits the speakers. Fan favorite, Flipside, comes out of the curtain, his eyes ready. He's got a chance to move forward in the United States Title tournament, and he doesn't want to blow it. Busch, "Flipside looks better than I've seen him in a long time. Especially after the dissapointing turn out of his match last Demented against Wallstreet. He's got a chance at redemtpion, and chance to come one step closer to immortal glory. He's been given a chance to redeem himself tonight and move one step closer to the ICWA United States Title, and, I don't think he's going to blow it." Flipside climbs up the steel steps and onto the apron. Walking down the apron, he wipes his boots off before holding onto the top rope, giving himself some support as he leaps over the top rope and into the ring. Dart, "Now in the ring, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and weighing in tonight at two hundred and forty-six pounds, FLIPSIDE!" The crowd cheers Flipside as he raises his arms to them. He's ready. His music fades out as "Valse de Grand Meche" hits the speaker system. The crowd continues to cheer as the youngster Christopher steps out onto the ramp. He's smiling and waving at the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp. Busch, "What an opportunity this twenty-two year old youngser has in front of him. He's got a chance to move further in the ICWA United States Championship Tournament, a chance to cement his name in wrestling history at the tender age of twenty-two. He's new to the ICWA, and he's already in a position to make a name for himself. This should be great." Christopher slides underneath the bottom rope and into the ring. Dart, "Now in the ring, from New Orleans, Lousiana, weighing in at 185 pounds... CHRISTOPHER!" The crowd cheers the youngster as he and Flipside shake hands. Busch, "A nice show of sportsmenship from the two grapplers, there's the bell, and here we go. Collar-elbow lock up, Flipside with the standing arm bar, and an elbow right into Christopher's shoulder." Marshall, "I'm a big fan of this United States Title tournament, it's giving the young talent a chance to go at it for a very rich prize in the ICWA." Flipside delivers a second elbow to Christopher's shoulder, before tightening his grip on Christopher's arm, bending it and bring it up for a painful hammerlock. Christopher slaps at his shoulder before stepping back and ducking under, breaking Flipside's grip on his arm, and trapping Flipside's own arm with a hammer lock of his own. Flipside doesn't let this hold stay in long, reaching back, he grabs a hold of Christopher's head and brings him over for a head lock takeover, quickly locking in a seated side healdock, with Christopher facing the cieling. Busch, "A nice exchange of holds from the youngsters." Marshall, "If I were Flipside, I wouldn't worry about going hold for hold with Christopher, I'd use my size advantage on the smaller wrestler. Christopher only weighs one hundred and eighty-five pounds, while Flipside weighs two hundred and forty-six pounds. That's a sixty-one pound weight advantage, Flipside needs to use that to his advantage." Busch, "Well he is right now, keeping his weight on Christopher with that seated headlock. He's leaning his weight on Christopher's chest. While not getting all his weight on Christopher's chest, he's still forcing him to carry quite a bit of his weight. That's going to tire Christopher out a lot faster." Marshall, "Not to mention that it's going to slow the smaller wrestler down. Christopher's got a real southern style. He likes to brawl, but he's also a new school talent who likes to work quickly. Flipside needs to slow him down and wear him out. It looks like that's what he's trying to do." Busch, "Christopher's starting to fight back to his verticle base. He pulls Flipside back into the ropes and shoots him off. Big drop kick from Christopher." Christopher, true to Busch's words, leaps from his verticle base, driving both of his boots into Flipside's chest and face, bringing him right down to the mat. Christopher gets to his feet and pumps his arms, getting the crowd behind him. Flipside comes towards Christopher, but gets taken to the mat with a deep arm drag takedown ala Ricky Steamboat. Flipside is up, and another arm drag take down. The crowd is roaring with approval at this quick burst of speed. Flipside is up and comes back towards Christopher. Christopher leap-frogs over Flipside. Flipside hits the ropes on the other side of Christopher, who's dropped back to the mat, for a verision of the monkey flip. His head facing the charging Flipside, who manages to stop himself, grabbing Christopher's legs, he lifts Christopher up in a modified wheel-barrel position, before sitting out, dropping Christopher face first into the mat. Busch, "A devestating move from Flipside right there. He really took the wind and momentum out of Christopher." Marshall, "That really showcasted Flipside's strength, but also his intelligence. He knew what Christopher was going to do, he stopped himself, and drove Christopher right into the mat." Flipside attempts a cover but only gets a one count. Both wrestlers get to their feet, Christopher moves towards Flipside and swings a big fist, looking for a big punch. Flipside ducks under it, his arms grabbing Christopher, lifting him up for a back drop. Instead of falling backwards, he swings Christopher forward, dropping him right on his chest. Another attempted pin fall, but only a one count. Busch, "Fast paced action thus far, Flipside seems more intent on driving Christopher into the mat with some heavy impact moves than he is on wearing Christopher down." Marshall, "I think his strategy is to break Christopher apart." Flipside pulls Christopher up, but Christopher holds onto Flipside's head, and drops down, hitting Flipside with a verision of the jaw breaker. Flipside clutches his jaw and stumbles away. Christopher is up and comes charging towards Flipside, who lowers himself, lifts him up, and slams him to the mat with a devestating powerslam. With Christopher down, Flipside moves to the ropes, climbing up the turnbuckle, he leaps off, hitting his "The Flipside." Staying on Christopher, the count is made. One, Two, Three, and it's all over. Dart, "The winner of this contest, FLIPSIDE!" Busch, "And Flipside makes a diffinitive statement as he now joins The Silent Warrior Whysper and Leaky Format in the quarter finals of the ICWA United States Title tournament!" With that the cameras switch off to a lockeroom backstage where Remorseless Storm and manager Ted Dibiase are all standing. The crowd boos their appereance but they don't seem to notice as MJ says, "SFM, I want you to come down to ringside with me... After what WallStreet said last week I have a feeling we're going to have to fed off... Off..." MJ seems so disgusted at the thought he has a hard time saying it as his face looks like he's drank some sour milk, "Divine Intervention." The crowd erupts as SFM says, "Yeah, don't worry man, I've got your back. I already beat Seifer once and if Taylor wants to take it there then we can take it there." MJ, "Good." With that Remorseless Storm follows MJ out the lockeroom door and in the direction of the Gorilla position as "Straight Out of Line" by Godsmack begins to play in the background. Busch, "Well when we come back it's MJ Storm one on one with a returning "No Limits" Christian Skywalker..." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 25th, 2007 | Dart, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a twenty minute television time limit." After Dart finishes the word limit, the lights completely shut off, casting the arena in total darkness. A deep, booming voice comes over the public address system, counting down from ten. When he reaches one, a loud pyro explosion rocks the sold-out Continental Airlines arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The crowd stands on their feet as "Final Countdown" by Europe begins to pulsate through the crowd. The roar of the crowd is nearly defeaning. Busch, "Listen to the ovation for the returning Christian Skywalker, I don't think he's ever had an ovation quite this loud." Marshall, "I don't know why, these fans must be stupid. They should be cheering the man who nearly crippled him, Joe Six Pack!" Busch, "The fans respect Christian Skywalker because of his testicular fortitude. A lead pipe shot like he took at Resurrection III would've crippled a normal man. Christian Skywalker is not only still walking, he's here to wrestle!" Marshall, "And that shows how stupid he really is." The first, and longest reigning, ICWA United States Champion Christian Skywalker pushes the curtain aside as he steps onto the metal entrance stage. Standing underneath the ICWA Demnta-Tron. His eyes dart over the sold out crowd in New Jersey, just a state away from the state ICWA and Christian Skywalker call home. The youngster begins the long walk down the ring aisle, the fans warmly welcoming him back to an ICWA ring. Dart, "Making his way down the ring aisle, from Buffalo, New York. Weighin in tonight at 255 pounds, He has no limits... This is, CHRRIIIIISSSTIIIIAANNNN SKKKYYYYYYYWALLLLLKKKKEEEEER!" Busch, "Christian Skywalker is clearly focused on making his return to an ICWA ring a victorious one." Marshall, "Meh." Christian Skywalker slides under the bottom rope and to the center of the ring, standing up, he holds his arms out to his sides. The crowd is fully applauding him as his music suddenly changes to "Back in Black" by AC/DC, the spotlight that was on him moves up to the entrance stage, where the current Tag Team Champions, Remorseless Storm stand. Only one of them is dressed to wrestle, and that's MJ Storm. Standing next to him is his tag team partner, Sean Frost Mann. No Ted DiBase this week. The duo begin the slow decent towards the ring. Marshall, "Now, here comes a real wrestler, one half of the current Tag Team Champions, MJ Storm." Busch, "Christian Skywalker is a real wrestler." Marshall, "Not when compared to MJ Storm and his partner, the former ICWA World Champion Sean Frost Mann." Dart, "Making his way down the ring aisle, being accompanied by fellow Remorseless Storm member, Sean Frost Mann, weighing 256 pounds, he is one half of the reigning Tag Team Champions, MJ STORM!" MJ Storm climbs up the steel steps and down the ring aisle. Unclipping the Tag Team Title from around his waist, he hands it to his tag team partner, Sean Frost Mann. Stepping into the ring, MJ Storm stares at his opponent for the night. He's battled Christian Skywalker before in Tag Team match earlier in the year, and now he's ready to go as the official signed to this contest, Ken Martel checks each wrestler for concealed objects. Busch, "These men are evenly built, weight wise. Only one pound different between them, with MJ Storm holding the advantage. MJ Storm also has a two inch advantage in height." Marshall, "MJ Storm is also one half of the Tag Team Champions, and he's got Sean Frost Mann down there with him. I like MJ Storm's chances in this one." Busch, "One does have to keep in mind Sean Frost Mann. How big of a factor will he be?" Marshall, "MJ Storm doesn't need him to beat Christian Skywalker, he can do that himself, but Sean Frost Mann's an added confidence booster out there, because MJ knows that Skywalker's going to have to keep an eye on Sean Frost Mann." Busch, "And there's the bell to start this conest." Indeed, the bell has rung, and immediately we have a collar-elbow tie up in the center of the ring. The two men push against each other, each one evenly matched in all aspects of a professional. Even size, speed, strength. They break the first collar-elbow tie up and circle each other. Now they're sizing each other up. Their eyes locking, studying each other's eyes. They lock up again in the center of the ring. Each man's muscles strain as they attempt to back the other one down. Again, no one can gain an advantage. They break the tie up and circle each other again. Skywalker feigns another collar-elbow tie up, which brings MJ Storm's arms up. Taking this opportunity, Skywalker ducks under and around MJ Storm, wrapping his arms around MJ Storm's waist. MJ Storm, a very capable in-ring technician, immediately spreads his legs and squats, keeping himself low to the ground, preventing Skywalker from lifting him up and taking him down. Marshall, "Smart idea by MJ Storm. He's got a wide base and a low center of gravity. Keeping himself low like this is going to allow him time to try and break Christian Skywalker's grip."
Storm tries to wedge a hand between Skywalker's locked hands and his own waist, trying to create some space between them. Skywalker's muscular body is straining to try and pull MJ Storm up. Skywalker changes his plan of attacking, quickly breaking his grip, he pulls his left arm back and delivers several vicious forearms to the upper back and lower neck of MJ Storm. MJ Storm kind-of curls up while he's standing, Skywalker's arms wrapping back around Storm's waist. The few quick shots caused Storm to stand up so he didn't fall, and before Storm gets a chance to widen his base out, and lower himself, Skywalker pulls him off of his feet and down to the mat. Usually a float over into a seated front chancery is what follows, but instead of doing that, Skywalker gets to his feet, hits the ropes, comes bouncing back, and drops a knee right to the base of MJ Storm's neck. Busch, "The first sign of an advantage goes to the returning Christian Skywalker. Ouch! Another knee right to the back of MJ Storm's neck." Skywalker is back up, and delivers a third knee to MJ Storm's neck. The impact causing MJ Storm to groan and clutch his neck, rolling over the mat. MJ Storm wisely rolls underneath the bottom rope and onto the floor. MJ Storm grinds his palm into the back of his neck, trying to keep it from stiffening up. He needs his neck to be loose, other wise it becomes an easy target for Skywalker, while simotaneously limiting MJ Storm's ability to look around, limiting Storm's range of vision. Sean Frost Mann comes over to check on his tag team partner while referee Ken Martel holds Christian Skywalker back. Busch, "Those three knees to the back of MJ Storm's neck might have been exactly what Christian Skywalker needed." Marshall, "If Skywalker wants to win, he's going to need to stay on MJ Storm's neck. Keep working on it, put MJ Storm in so much pain that he can't move, and victory will be Christian Skywalker's." Skywalker pushes referee Ken Martel out of the way and moves over to the ropes. Grabbing onto the top rope, Skywalker pulls back on it and then leaves his feet, using the rope to help spring his two hundred and fifty-five pound frame into the air. Skywalker floats through the air with surprising grace before crashing into the bodies of Sean Frost Mann and MJ Storm. The crowd explodes with cheers as Skywalker stands up and looks around at the crowd, pumping his arms. Referee Ken Martel leans through the ropes and demands that Skywalker bring it back in the ring. Skywalker holds up one finger, as if to say one moment. Busch, "Christian Skywalker is taking control now, and the crowd is fully behind him." Marshall, "I don't know why. These fans must be stupid." Skywalker reaches down and pulls up MJ Storm, both of Skywalker's hands on the side of MJ Storm's neck. Leading Storm by his head, Skywalker walks him to the ring apron, pulls back, and ram's Storm face first into the mat. The crowd cheers as Skywalker lifts MJ Storm up and rolls him into the ring, quickly following suit. Laying over MJ Storm, Skywalker attempts a pin that only gets him a one count. Skywalker shrugs and pulls MJ Storm up. Backing Storm into the corner, Skywalker unloads with a barrage of heavy forearms to the side of MJ Storm's face, really working on his head and neck. Climbing onto the middle rope, Skywalker traps MJ Storm's head between his side and arm, leaping backwards, he swings down, dropping MJ Storm with a vicious modified DDT. The impact on MJ Storm's head is so great that instead of falling on his stomach, which is customary for most DDT's, MJ Storm falls onto his back, like he was spiked, which, in a way he was. Busch, "My God what a DDT! It's clear that Skywalker came to win tonight." Marshall, "Well, duh. If you're a professional wrestler, you always come to win. It's your job." Busch, "Yeah, but sometimes wrestlers are 'on' their game, and other times their not. And tonight, Christian Skywalker is on his game." Marshall, "Who cares? Why is he still employed here?" Busch, "Skywalker is employed here because he puts his heart and soul on the line each and every night! He's employed here because he's willing to do whatever it takes to please the fans!" Marshall, "He's here because no one else will hire him, and Wallstreet's just a nice guy." Busch, "MJ Storm with an eye poke. Come on Ken, that was a blantant eye poke!" Marshall, "Now, THAT'S wrestling." Busch, "That's cheating!" Marshall, "Says who?" Busch, "The rules." Marshall, "Well I say different." MJ Storm has taken control after his dastardly eye rake. A barrage of closed fists, that the referee can't see because of MJ Storm's positioning, has Skywalker stumbling down the ropes, trying to shake the cob webs. MJ Storm is obviously favoring his neck, because his head barely moves side to side, he uses his body to keep Skywalker in front of him. Skywalker's back is to MJ Storm, which allows the reigning Tag Team Champion to dive forward and drive his forearm into Skywalker's lower back. Skywalker's back arches and he's knees almost buckle from impact. Marshall, "If I were MJ Storm, I'd be going after Christian Skywalker's head. After Joe Six Pack clocked him with that lead pipe, Skywalker can't be a hundred percent, no matter what he says." MJ can't hear Jay, and doesn't take his advice. Another stiff shot right to Skywalker's lower back, preceeds a lift from MJ Storm. MJ Storm has Skywalker lifted into the air in a horizontal position. Storm drops one knee down to the mat, keeping the other extended. This causes Skywalker's lower back to be driven right into MJ Storm's knee. Skywalker groans in pain as Storm attempts a lateral press that barely gets him a two count. Busch, "Now MJ Storm has taken full control of this match. He's slowed it down some, because Skywalker likes to keep a pretty face pace. MJ Storm likes to keep his opponent out of his comfort zone, and he's doing that now by slowing it down." Marshall, "I agree with MJ Storm's strategy, only because MJ Storm works both quick and slow. Though, in wrestling, you want to make your opponent wrestle your game, even if your game is still the same as his. If David Van Dam and Taylor McCallister were wrestling in a singles contest, you wouldn't expect one of them to try and set the match at a real fast pace just because the other doesn't wrestle a fast pace, because it's outside their comfort zone." Storm pulls Skywalker up, places a shoulder against Skywalker's gut, and charges forward, ramming Skywalker's back into the turnbuckles. Skywalker groans in pain as Storm tries to loosen up his neck from Skywalker's previous onslaught. Storm raises Skywalker up to the top turnbuckle pad, with Skywalker sitting. Climbing up to the second rope, Storm sets up Skywalker for a super-plex, which he executes. Not wanting to waste any time, Storm floats over into a cover, which still secures him a two count. Marshall, "I really like the way MJ Storm keeps going for the pin every time he takes Skywalker down. Everytime Skwalker kicks out, it uses up precious amounts of energy. Each time it becomes harder and harder to kick out. Very smart, veteran like strategy from MJ Storm." Storm pulls Skywalker up, lifts him into the air, and brings him back to the mat with a scoop slam. Skywalker arches up off the mat, grabbing at his lower back before instinctivly rolling to his stomach, which is actually a mistake on the part of the longest-reigning ICWA United States Champion. Storm sees that Skywalker has exposed that lower back of his, and takes off towards the ropes. Hitting the ropes with full force, he's shot off of them, back towards Skywalker. When he nears Skywalker, Storm leaps into the air, and drives his knee right into the lower back of the man who claims to have no limits. Skywalker grabs at his back in pain as Storm attempts another pin cover, which still only gives him a two. Busch, "I don't know if I agree with him going for a pin there. I think I would've locked in a submission. It's highly unlikely that MJ Storm is going to defeat Christian Skywalker off a knee to the back. A submission would have probably yielded him better results." Marsall, "Bert, were you ever a wrestler?" Busch, "You know I wasn't." Marshall, "Then why are you saying what you think he should have done? A submission hold would've applied more pressure onto the lower back, but also would've caused MJ Storm to use valuable energy to keep the hold locked in. By going for the pin, MJ Storm makes Skywalker use energy to push his body off the mat with two hundred and fifty-six pounds laying against it. MJ Storm isn't a submission specialist, Bert. While he's a capable submissions wrestler, he shouldn't start applying them when a pin fall will accomplish what he's wanting to accomplish- wearing Skywalker out." Storm pulls Skywalker up to his feet and brings him back against the ropes. Stepping away from the ropes, Storm shoots Skywalker off into the ropes opposite where they are. Skywalker hits them and comes bouncing back. Storm grabs him, and starts to spin, looking for the Storm Chaser Slam, but before MJ Storm can execute it, Skywalker shows a little veteran instinct, moving an arm up and around MJ Storm's head, using the momentum MJ Storm has given him, Skywalker spins his body, bring MJ Storm crashing head first right into the mat with a modified verision of the Tornado DDT. Busch, "Skywalker with a beautiful DDT! Skywalker needs to capatalize here, he's been obsorbing a lot of punishment to the back, and with MJ Storm down, he needs to make his move." Skywalker, who's also laying on the mat, his lower back throbbing in agony, begins to crawl towards the downed MJ Storm. Storm might be unconcious, as the force of that devestating DDT was unbelieveable. Skywalker rolls Storm onto his back and makes a cover, not hooking the leg, because well, he doesn't seem to have the strength. Ken Martell is almost at three when MJ Storm rolls his shoulder off the canvas. Busch, "Skywalker almost had him right there!" Skywalker slowlys begins to get to his feet, one hand on his sore lower back. His other hand moves, pulling MJ Storm to his feet. Skywalker gets behind MJ Storm and pulls him into an inverted DDT position, before letting out a yell, and completing his "Red Scare" finishing move. The crowd roars as Skywalker makes the cover. Martell is right there. As his hand is about to come down for the three, he's pulled from the ring and onto the arena floor by Sean Frost Mann. The crowd boo's as SFM slides into the ring, and begins to put the boots right to Skywalker's back. Ken Martell, who's back to his feet, calls for the bell as SFM pulls Skywalker up, only to drop him right back down with a devestating super kick. Dart, "The winner of this contest by disqualification, Christian Skywalker!" Skywalker lays prone on the mat as SFM works him over with some big boots to the back. After a few moments, MJ Storm gets up and demands SFM pull Skywalker up. SFM nods and does so, which allows MJ Storm to charge forward and spear Skywalker with so much force it almost knocks Skywalker out of the ring... Suddenly the Continental Airlines Arena comes alive with the sound of Superstar II By Saliva Busch, "That's... That's..." Busch, "It's WallStreet and Bah God he's bookin!" WallStreet is rushing down the ramp, his shirt off as he appears ready for combat. He gets to ringside and slides in underneath the ropes as SFM runs toward his former tag team partner SFM. SFM darts out of the way and WallStreet ends up driving his fist right between MJ Storm's eyes, dropping him hard on the mat. WallStreet spins around instinctivly and we see Ted Dibiase running toward him with a steel chair. WallStreet ducks under, scoops the Million Dollar man's legs and swings around with a big time spine buster as the chair flies out of Ted's hands and slides across the ring. The crowd is going wild as WallStreet stands up... SFM is standing in the corner, looking ready to launch with his "Lets Roll" superkick. WallStreet spins around and sees SFM in the corner. SFM suddenly releases the top rope and puts his hands up before dropping down and rolling out of the ring. WallStreet glares out and breaths heavy with adrenaline as SFM walks around the ring toward the ramp. Busch, "Bah God! Our Chairman has cleaned house and SFM's runnin like a scalded dog!" Suddenly MJ Storm comes from behind and brings the chair Ted had earlier, crashing over the shoulder blades of WallStreet, making the chairman drop to a knee as the fans boo. MJ Brings the chair high over his head, clearly about to do something vile when we see a pair of hands rip it from MJ's hands, making the crowd erupt again. MJ spins around, sees NLCS now holding MJ's chair, and drops down rolling out of the ring on the rampside of the floor. Busch, "I reckon MJ Storm didn't want him none of that!" WallStreet gets up and demands a mic as NLCS is standing there, staring down Remorseless Storm. WallStreet gets his mic and steps up onto the ropes... WallStreet, "Hey Storm... What you see in this ring... Christian Skywalker, Your's truly.... WE'RE Your next challangers Remorseless Storm! Skywalker and I are on the title hunt and your asses are fixin to be shot, hung, skinned, and turned into burger!" The crowd erupts as WallStreet flicks the mic out onto the flood and "Superstar II" By Saliva blasts over the PA again. Busch, "OH MY GOD JAY! Did you hear that?! WallStreet and Skywalker! WallStreet and Skywalker! They're contending for the ICWA TAG TEAM TITLES! I reckon we're on the verge of new champions here in the ICWA! That's huge!" The cameras fade on WallStreet and NLCS staring down at an unpleased, slowly retreating Remorseless Storm. *Commercial Break | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 25th, 2007 | During the Commercial Break The cameras start on a freeze frame of the backstage area. Busch, "Let's take ya backstage during the commercial break... The scene unfreezes and we see Heather walking toward the gorilla position and much like last week, we see WallStreet coming from the gorilla position. Heather, "Oh, hey. We've gotta stop meeting this way (laughs)." WallStreet laughs as well as he says, "Yeah... So ya got a pretty big one tonight eh? It'd be mighty hard to deny your right to the Women's title if you beat the current champion and the last champion together." Heather, "Yeah. Thankfully I've got a great partner... Although a little good luck wouldn't hurt either." WallStreet grins, "Oh yeah?" Heather looks at WallStreet sheepishly as WallStreet moves in, gently grabs her hips, and softly bends down, kissing her lips romanticly. WallStreet pulls up, and winks as he says, "Good luck." WallStreet walks away as Heather just smiles and shakes her head. "AWWWWWWWWW" Heather jumps nearly out of her skin and spins around as we see Hope with a big smirk, "How Cute!" Heather gets beat red in in the face and smacks her arm, "Shut up!" Hope giggles, "Alright... Besides, the cuteness is over, let's go beat these bitches into the ground!" Heather nods, "Hell yeah." _____________________________ Busch, "If I didn't know any better I'd say Mr. McCallister and Heather McMahon are growing a bit smitten with each other." Marshal, "Pfft, WallStreet doesn't grow smitten!" Dart, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit and is your Women's Tag Team Match of the evening. Introducing first..." The lights go down as "Don't Cha" by the Pussycat Dolls begins to blare over the Public Address system here in the Continental Airlines arena. The crowd begins to sway on beat as the cheer the arrival of one of the most popular female superstars in ICWA History. The beautiful Hope Cassidy walks out on stage, her face wearing nothing but smiles. She puts a hand on her hip, her other hand waving at the crowd. Busch, "Here comes the most accomplished female wrestler in the history of the ICWA. The only woman to ever win the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship, and she held that title for quite a long time. But, not only is it impressive that she won the title, but she defeated Brock Lesnar to do so, that's no small feat. She was also ICWA Women's Champion and ICWA Tag Team Champion." "Don't Cha" fades out as "Brackish" by Kittie replaces it. Hope's tag team partner for the evening, Heather McMahon comes walking out on stage. She grins as well, patting Hope Cassidy on the bag before beginning to walk down the ring aisle, the duo heading towards the ring. Dart, "Making their way down the ring aisle, the tag team of former ICWA Women's Heather McMahon, and her partner, former ICWA Women's, Tag Team, and World Heavyweight Champion, Hope Cassidy!" The crowd roars with approval as the two women slide underneath the bottom ropes and into the ring. They move to their assigned corner for this contest. They tug on the top rope to loosen themselves up for this contest as "Brackish" is replaced by "Hot In Here" by Nelly. The crowd continues to cheer as the former ICWA Women's Champion Summer Stratus walks out onto the stage, staring down her opponents. Busch, "Summer Stratus is an interesting character to say the least. A former ICWA Women's Champion, she is definately a fierce competitor." Her music is replaced by Puff Daddy and the Family's "It's All About The Benjamins." The crowd cheers continue as the reigning ICWA Women's Champion, Angelina Santana, walks out onto the stage, the title wrapped around her mid-section. She looks at her tag team partner, who she defeated for the Women's Championship at Resurrection III and nods, the duo moving down the ramp. Dart, "Making their way down to the ring aisle, the team of former ICWA Women's Champion Summer Stratus, and reigning ICWA Women's Champion Angelina Santana!" Summer and Angelina take the steel steps onto the ring apron before entering the ring. Angelina unsnaps the Women's Title from her waist and hands it to a ring hand as refereee Ken Martel checks both teams of Women for concealed objects. Busch, "This promises to be an interesting tag team contest. All four of these women have held the Women's title, with Angelina being the current Champion. The three other ladies would love to be Women's Champion again." Marshall, "Wake me when it's over." The bell rings, officially starting the contest. The two starting wrestlers are Hope Cassidy and Summer Stratus. The two women look at each other, sizing each other up. Summer Stratus, the fierce raven haired competitor glares at the seasoned blonde-haired competitor. They move towards each other, and do the customary collar-elbow tie up. Hope Cassidy, who has two inches and fifteen pounds on Summer Stratus, uses that leverage and weight advantage to push Summer back into a corner. Referee Ken Martel demands a break, but doesn't get one, so he moves between them, and starts to push out on Hope, who slowly breaks her grip, moving her arms back. Summer allows the clean break and nods her head, as if saying alright, it's time to get down to business. Busch , "It looks like we're going to have a serious contest on our hands, but a pure contest, not tainted by cheap shots." Marshall, "Man, I was hoping this would be good." Another center-ring collar elbow tie up, and this time, Summer holds onto Hope as she falls towards the mat, moving her legs to monkey flip Hope Cassidy over and onto the ground. The collar elbow tie up is broken, obviously, by the monkey flip. Summer is back to her feet, and Hope Cassidy gets up, nodding at Summer. They lock up again, and Hope quickly locks in an arm wringer. Summer grabs at her shoulder, before lowering her body and rolling so she's on her back, she nips up and reverses Hope Cassidy's arm wringer into an arm wringer of her own. Hope shakes her head frustrated, gritting her teeth as she bends backwards, her free arm helping support her as Summer tries to keep a grip on the arm she has. Raising her body verticly on one hand, she breaks Summer's grip. Hope pushes off her hand and onto her feet, completing a version of a back hand-spring. Once her feet are back on the mat, Hope springs forward with a tackle, bringing Summer Stratus down to the mat. Busch, "A great showing of technical mastery and atheltic abilities by both wrestlers." Marshall, "Obviously they've been studying tapes." Busch, "Every wrestler in the ICWA is a student of the wrestling game, they all watch tapes to improve themselves." Hope pulls Summer Stratus up to her feet, before taking her down with a quick but powerful snap suplex. Moving over to her corner, Hope takes in her tag team partner, Heather McMahon. The daughter of Billionaire Vince McMahon is quickly on the offensive, grabbing the standing Summer Stratus from behind with a back waist lock. Lifting Summer up, she bridges backwards and completes a German Suplex, keeping the bridge for a pin. Referee Ken Martel is quickly position, and starts to count, it's not quite a two. Busch, "Hope Cassidy and Heather McMahon seem to be working very well together, we've yet to see how good of a team Summer and Angelina are." Heather pulls Summer up and whips her into the ropes. Summer hits the ropes and comes bouncing back, ducking a Heather McMahon clothesline attempt. The athletic sister of Trish Stratus leaps onto the middle rope and springs backwards, so when Heather turns around, she gets a facefull of Summer Stratus' elbow. Heather hits the mat, and so does Summer hits the mat and rolls backwards, getting back to her feet, she falls backwards where Angelina Santana makes the tag. The luchadorette, and reigning ICWA Women's Champion, Angelina Santana leaps into the ring, full of energy, she's ready to rock-n-roll. Heather McMahon slowly climbs to her feet, her hand on her jaw. Angelina runs forward and leaps into the air, grabbing Heather McMahon's head, she spins around, hitting a DDT. Angelina makes the cover, but barely gets a two count. Angelina climbs off of Heather and backs up, waiting for Heather to stand up. Busch, "Angelina is very fiery in the ring, she's definately shaping up to be a great Women's Champion, a lot different than the one's we've had in recent memory. Summer Stratus is technical, with some quick moves, but no where near explosive as Angelina Santana. Angelina wrestles a lot like the luchador's of Mexico, even though she's never actually wrestled in Mexico." Marshall, "That's something I find really peculiar. She was trained by her grandfather, legendary CMLL wrestler, and David Van Dam, neither one of these men uses the quick aerial style that she uses. Her grandfather, La Pantera Negra, was a solid technical wrestler, who wrestled before all of this speed and flips." Busch, "I think she's picked it up from the evolution of lucha libre wrestling, and from her current boyfriend, Whysper." Heather gets up, holding her head, the force of the DDT rattled one of the most prolific female competitors in ICWA history. Angelina turns her back to Heather, and grabs her by the head, bringing her over with a snap mare. When Heather's ample prositere lands on the mat, Angelina leaps into the air and drives her feet into Heather's back and head with a great drop kick. Heather grabs her head as Angelina drags her over towards her corner. Angelina climbs onto the middle rope and leaps off, tagging Summer Stratus as she brings her weight down on Heather's chest. Angelina moves off of Heather as Summer springs off the middle rope and into the ring, turning her body in air to land sitting on Heather's chest. She rolls into a pin, but only gets a two count. Busch, "Now Angelina and Summer are showing that they can work well as a tag team. They're isolating Heather McMahon." Summer pulls Heather up and pushes her into the corner. Angelina holds her hands back to let referee Ken Martel know she's not interfereing. Summer lowers her body, and begins to ram her shoulder into Heather McMahon's midsection, driving all the wind out of Heather. Heather is gasping for air as Summer quickly nails a snap suplex before tagging Angelina Santana back into the match. Angelina leaps from the apron to the top rope, turning her body so her back is to the ring. Leaping off the top rope, she flips through the air, landing on Heather McMahon after completing a back flip for the moonsault. She stands on Heather for a two count, broken up when Heather McMahon rolls her shoulder off the mat. Busch, "How resilient is Heather McMahon to kick out after that moonsault? It really shows how tough she is." Angelina starts to pull Heather up, but Heather grabs onto Angelina's head and drops down, nailing a version of the jaw breaker. Angelina clutches at her jaw as Heather crawls towards Hope's out-stretched hand, trying to make the tag. Angelina grabs onto Heather's ankle, but Heather brings her legs in, and pushes them back out, knocking Angelina off of her. Diving forward, Heather makes the tag, bringing her tag team partner into the match. Busch, "I think business is about to pick up." Hope Cassidy enters the ring and nails Angelina with a big clothesline. Summer Stratus comes in and gets nailed with a big clothesline as well. Angelina is back up, and this time gets hoisted in the air, and brought over with a suplex. Hope is back up, and Summer is right there, attempting a boot to the midsection, but it gets caught, Hope pushes Summer's foot down, and grabs onto Summer's head, snapping back and down for a DDT. Summer grabs onto her head as Hope gets up, and finds a face full of Angelina's fist waiting for her. She stumbles backwards as Angelina kicks her in the gut and goes for a DDT, which Hope Cassidy blocks. Moving an arm down to Angelina's leg, and another arm to Angelina's arm, Hope Cassidy raises Angelina up and turns, dropping her with a version of the Olympic Slam. Busch, "Last Chance! Hope Cassidy just hit Angelina Santana with David Van Dam's Last Chance!" Marshall, "Well, aren't they dating?" Busch, "Yeah, but at one point David Van Dam dated, and trained, Angelina Santana, so it's just ironic that one of his trademark moves would be used against her." Angelina hits the mat and rolls out of the ring to the floor. Hope Cassidy moves over to the ropes and grins, before turning around, only to find both of Summer Stratus' boots waiting for her, knocking her over the top rope and to the floor. With Hope Cassidy down, Summer smiles. Only to find herself lifted into the air, her head on Heather McMahon's shoulders, her legs on Heather's hips. Heather moves her away from the ropes and drops down, hitting her 'Downfall'. Heather makes the cover, which Martel counts, having lost track of who is legal and who isn't. His hand falls to the mat three times, and he signals for the bell. Dart, "The winners of this contest, Hope Cassidy and Heather McMahon!" Busch, "Heather McMahon and Hope Cassidy just beat the Women's Champion and the champion previous! That's gotta have huge implications on the Women's title picture!" With that we go backstage as we find... ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Matt Matlock. The crowd goes nuts upon his site as he walks through the back. Busch, "There he is folks! The ICWA World Heavyweight champion, Matt Matlock!" Marshal, "He's a fraud Bert!" "Excuse Me Matlock..." Matlock looks up and sees Greg Davidson with a microphone. Greg, "Matt Matlock, ICWA World Heavyweight Champion... Tonight you've arranged a mediation between yourself and David Van Dam... What do you hope to accomplish here tonight?" Matlock thinks momentarly before he says, "I guess I want to just make sure everything's on the table. I mean ultimatly I'd like to see David and I start to rebuild our brotherhood, because realisticaly that's what we were like, brothers. But if this level of distain is going to be there, then I want it to be perfectly clear why. I don't want everything to be built on some misunderstanding or something, so if nothing else we can at least get everything on the table here tonight and then if the problems still exist, at least I'll know they're not misguided. So wish me luck Greg..." Greg Davidson goes to say something but Matlock puts his hand up, "Uh, just for the record, don't wish me luck the same way WallStreet's been offering Good luck around here eh? You're not exactly my type." Greg seems confused at first but then he suddenly chuckles and says, "That wasn't quite what I had in mind at all." Matlock lets out a small laugh and pats Greg on the shoulder as Bert says, "Well folks, that's certainly a noble enough cause... Here's to hoping it pays off here later tonight. But when we come back... The match banner for Joe and Blaze comes up. Busch, "The final contest in the opening round of the ICWA US Title tournament takes place as Joe 6 Pack goes one on one with the seasoned Vet, Blaze Inferno!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 25th, 2007 | When the cameras return we see SFM and MJ Storm heading for the arena's exit fully dressed with their gym bags over their shoulders and Ted Dibiase following behind. MJ Storm, "What the Hell was that Sean?" SFM, "I already told you, your fight with Street is your fight with Street. I don't have any issues with Street so why would I get involved. It's not like you were being double teamed." MJ Storm, "He came after YOU in the first place!" SFM, "He came to stop the attack on Skywalker, which mind you, I may have been a part of at the time but as soon as I backed off of Skywalker that wasn't my issue anymore." MJ Storm, "What kind of a partner are you?" SFM Stops and slaps MJ Storm in the face... MJ's eyes draw small and narrow, his nostrils beginning to flair. SFM, "HEY! You needed that! Now you calm your ass down and listen here... I've known Taylor McCallister longer than you've been WATCHIN Wrestlin! Now I'm not afraid to beat his ass if the time calls for it, and apparently somewhere down the road in tag team action the time will infact call for it... Likewise I know he'd do the same, quite obviously by him taking the tag team title shot... But in a situation like that one out there, Taylor wasn't my problem, his issues aren't with me they're with you. Now that the issue is with our tag titles, I'm more involved." MJ Storm suddenly bitch slaps SFM right where he stands. The crowd pops as SFM's head spins back and then back to where it was. MJ Storm, "Now you listen to me... Don't ever put your damn hands on me again! And further more, I'm not JUST talking about your deal out there with WallStreet... You're off stroking Dante Cross' johnson and trying to rival Matt Matlock now when you SHOULD be focusing on retaining OUR tag team title." SFM, "What?! I'm your tag partner, not your whore! On my free time I'll do whatever I damn well want with whomever I damn well want against whomever I damn well want!" MJ Storm, "Well you do that! All Three of you are about (draws thumb and index finger within a centimeter of each other) this far away from feeling the effects of Storm Chasing!" And with that MJ slams open the arena door and heads out as SFM stands there, glaring. Ted, "Easy Sean, he doesn't mean that... I'll talk to him." SFM smirks, "Don't worry about it Ted, it's nothin." Ted seems concearned, "No-no, I'll talk to MJ..." SFM shakes his head, "No, *I'LL* Talk to MJ... When I see fit... And it may not be very verbal." With that SFM too heads for the door as we go to the commentators at ringside. Busch, "It looks like two egos are on the verge of collision and it just so happens that those egos belong to our tag team champions." Marshal, "Don't worry, they'll get it worked out." Busch, "Well folks, regardless if they do or not, I think now's a good time to set the record straight on a few things... Rumors have been running rampid that former Ultimate Domain Heavyweight Champion Dante Cross has been signed to the ICWA. These rumors are just that folks, rumors. Dante Cross has made a couple of live appereances as a personal guest of our Chairman as they are former stablemates and have maintained a working friendship over the years. Now there is truth to the rumors that Mr. Cross has exchanged unfriendly words with our World's heavyweight champion, but that's the extent of it. Dante Cross is not with the ICWA and as far as I've been told, there's no sign of that changing in the immediate future. Of course with all things, that could change, anything can happen in our business." Marshal, "Here's to hoping something happens quick! Dante Cross would be a Hell of a find for the ICWA." Busch, "I've never been especially fond of his attitude but there's no doubt that he is an incredible athlete... Speaking of incredible athletes, we're fixin to see two of em mix it up as we finalize this ICWA United States Title tournament. Let's go to Kevin Dart in the ring." Dart: The following contest is a first round match in the United States Title Tournament! Black rose petals fall as "Do you dare to enter my world" is said. Flames block the entrance as Blaze comes walking out. The fans are unable to see her as the bell rings. She lowers her hands and the flames create an opening. She walks through the opening with no show of fear whatsoever. As the rose petals fall "Enjoy the silence" hits and Blaze walks down the ramp. She is introduced and makes her way down the ramp. She enters the ring by jumping on the apron. She does a pose in the ring and takes off her jacket, giving it to the ref. She then stretches and touches her toes without even bending her knees, warming up for her match. The fans go wild as Blaze Inferno smirks as the music fades. Dart: Now in the ring, from Edmonton, Alberta Canada and weighing 137 pounds, Blaze Inferno! "God Gave Me Everything I Want" by Kravitz & Jagger starts to blare as Joe bursts out from the back, the electricity coursing through his veins as his knees bounce up and down. He slows down before the ramp, stops and breathes in the audience. Joe slaps his chest one by one with each fist, then raises his fists high above his head, resulting in a massive explosion of red pyro behind him. Joe heads down the ramp, making any gesture towards the audience to make them hate him even more. He walks to the steps, takes in a breath, and runs up the steel steps slightly hunched over, touching every step with the tips of his fingers. He walks along the apron with his chest out, boastful. He points to an attractive woman in the audience, winks at her, and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. 6-Pack climbs up to the second turnbuckle, and points to his chest with both thumbs, as the crowd overwhelms the arena with boos. Dart: And her opponent, hailing from Buffalo, New York and weighing 275 pounds, Joe Six Pack! Marshall: Welcome back to ICWA Demented folks. If you're just tuning in, you're in time to see Blaze Inferno get run over by a truck. Busch: You're awfully quick to dismiss Blaze Marshall. Marshall: There's a one hundred thirty eight pound weight difference and a nine inch height difference. Nine inches Bert! Busch: Well let's just see how this goes. Blaze is the veteran. The bell sounds for the match and we're on our way, with Blaze charging the much larger Joe Six Pack. She may be short but she changes that real quick with a dropkick to the knee to take Joe down to her level, sort of. She starts laying into Joe with some right hands, and then a knee to the face. While Joe is stunned she bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Joe in the face, which makes him fall back. Blaze goes for a cover, but Joe's under the ropes and the ref won't count. Joe powers out anyway and sends Blaze flying back a bit. He's obviously not too pleased now as he charges like a bull at her. However she manages to duck under it Trish Stratus style, turns around and dropkicks Joe's other knee out, following that with a spike DDT on the big man. Blaze manages to roll him over and hooks the leg, but she only gets two. Busch: Well contrary to your belief Marshall, Blaze has this match under control in the early going, using her speed to compenstate for the size disadvantage. Marshall: Won't last long. Blaze gets up now, and waits for Joe to follow suit. She looks for an enziguri but the big man ducks underneath it and waits. When Blaze gets back up Joe nails a football tackle and drives Blaze hard to the canvas, and goes for a cover. But he only gets a two count as well. Marshall: Told ya so. She has no chance here. Busch: Don't be so sure Marshall. Marshall: What are you talking about? She loses all the time! Joe may as well be facing Dubya Dubya Ee's Funaki! Joe lifts Blaze to her feet and then lifts her up high for a vertical suplex, holding her there for a few seconds before dropping her. He then runs off the ropes and drops the elbow on her. He starts to stomp on her for a bit, and then slaps his chest, and raises his arms in the air to shout about how good he is. He turns around and Blaze is up and gouges Joe in the eyes, before bouncing off the ropes and diving at him, looking to take him down with a spinning DDT. However Joe has her and manages to swing her around into a side slam, then hook the leg. It's a near three count but Blaze once again kicks out, not willing to just lay down and die. Marshall: Stupid broads won't take no for an answer. Busch: I take it a lot of broads have told you no Marshall? Marshall: Yeah, your wife was the most recent. As in "No, Don't Stop Jay." Joe seems a bit aggravated now, and slaps the mat in anger. He gets in the face of the referee who doesn't take any of his shit and tells him straight up it was a two. Joe then grabs Blaze by the air, and irish whips her to the corner. He follows looking to squash her but she manages to get a foot up and catch Joe in the face as he essentially runs right into it. Blaze then quickly ascends to the top rope, but Joe very quickly follows her up and starts laying in with some rights and lefts. But Blaze headbutts Joe and it seems to stun him, as she starts thrashing on him wildly. This causes Joe to lose his balance and then he hits the canvas hard. Blaze turns and leaps off the top rope with a moonsault. She covers Joe but she only get a two count. She too seems frustrated, knowing she doesn't have many chances at putting this one away. Busch: Blaze nearly had this one but Joe managed to keep himself in the game. Marshall: No matter how many times Blaze tries Bert, I told you, she had this lost from the start. Blaze has a hard time winning matches against people her own size, so in this case she was completely screwed. Joe can toss her around like she was his abused spouse. Busch: Yeah but Blaze is a veteran of the ring, you don't know what kind of tricks she has. Blaze bounces off the ropes and catches Joe with a kick to the face as he tries to get up. She bounces off the opposite ropes now and kicks Joe in the back of the head as he tries to get up. She stands up and hits a standing shooting star press on Joe and makes another pinfall attempt. But, again, only two. She doesn't let up though, as she does a spinning leg drop reminiscent of Matlock and lands the leg hard on Joe's throat. She stands up and starts to stand on his face, as the ref warns her and tells her to get off. Blaze is starting to feel some momentum now and she helps Joe to his feet, nailing a few shots on the way. She takes him over to the corner and looks to set him up for the Dawn of The Inferno, but Joe suddenly snaps out of his daze and lifts her off the ropes in a backdrop position, and connects with a hard Six & Rising from the top rope. He hooks the leg as the ref counts One, Two, Three! It's done. Marshall: Ha ha! That's the man, right there! I told ya Bert, this guy is getting hotter by the week. Busch: Real hot beating up a woman half your size. Marshall: She's the one with "intergender passion" Bert. Heh heh heh... Dart: Here is your winner, Joe Six Pack! Busch, "And Joe Six Pack makes it as our final entry into the Quarter finals of our ICWA US title tournament." Marshal, "Damn straight he did! Like I said last week, he's my pick to win it all!" Busch, "Well he's in there with some fine athletes as Whysper, Leaky Format, and Flipside have all advanced in this tournament!" Marshal, "And they're all one match with big Joe away from bein' eliminated!" With that we go to the back on a split screen as we see both Matlock and Van Dam heading toward the gorilla position from seperate parts of the arena. Straight out of Line begins to play in the background as Busch says, "Well folks, when we come back I'll be in the ring with Matt Matlock and David Van Dam for an official Mediation of these best friends turned bitter rivals!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 25th, 2007 | As the cameras return from commercial we find Bert Busch standing in the center of the ring, a microphone in hand. Next to him a table is placed the long way, a chair at each end and a black cloth of sorts drapped over it. Busch, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am about to introduce a couple of men to you who have a historied past in this business of both heart ache and triumph; prestige and disappointment. They're two men who have been all over the world and they've both been at the bottom of the ladder, being told they couldn't make it, they wouldn't, they shouldn't... They've both been labeled as social misfits by their peers, as having too big-a-attitude, too loud a voice and despite their constant improvement and their clearly immeasurable level of talent, still to this day get told they're not good enough despite one being the undisputed best in the world today by being the World's Heavyweight Wrestlin' champion and the other being the record breaker, stats barring equivilent of the Michael Jordan. As a result they've ended up traveling the world together as a pair of outsiders from most lockerooms and most promotions much the same as many ICWA Talents... They didn't "shoot" enough, they weren't "hip" enough, "cool" enough... They weren't band wagon riders or mental midgits with strings to their back... But now they've even casted each other away and hopefully here tonight we can bring forth a level of resolve and let these two misfits turned best friends return to each other's side in a cruel business where true friendship is virtually impossible to obtain." With that Busch brings the mic down as the camera pans high. The arena lights change from the normal ICWA setting to pure gold. The ICWA fans eyes shift from the ring to the ramp, where they eye the entry way. The public address system begins to come alive, pushing out the sounds of, "No Apologies" by multi-plantium rap artist Eminem. The ICWA Demnta-Tron comes to life with varrying images of the Ultrastar about to make his way to the ring, David Van Dam. Marshal, "Well I'll tell ya people, David Van Dam's become a vicious machine of a man. You saw the anger and aggression in him when he confronted Christian Skywalker earlier and when Greg Davidson tried to come at him sideways. He destroyed Whysper, Drew Stevenson, WallStreet and Flipside last week!" With all eyes on the stage, a loud pyro explosion of red fireworks rocks the arena, the after effects are a thick cloud of smoke, which adds to the mystic as the Ironman walks onto the stage. Van Dam seems less than thrilled as he looks out to the booing crowd. With an animalistic roar, Van Dam throws his arms forward, another pyro explosion accompaning it. Marshal, "What a beast! I'd hate to be in this guy's cross hairs. He may not be the biggest, he may not be the youngest, but he's bad, he's experienced, and he's lookin to hurt somebody!" David half struts, half power walks down the ramp as draws the mic up and says, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the former World's Heavyweight Champion, David Van Dam!" The crowd continues to boo as David gets down to ringside, walks up the steps and enters between the second and third ropes. Marshal, "This should be interesting to say the very least." When the cameras return Flipside and WallStreet are both trying to get in each other’s face, but Tim White thus far is keeping them separated. Finally The opening guitar chords of "Born With Nothing, Die With Everything" hit the speakers. Eight seconds later, the song kicks into full gear as pyro erupts from the stage in a loud BOOM! Marshal, "Well whether I like it or I don't, here comes the technical heavyweight champion of the world." Fed up tired, Sick & twisted One man army I'm enlisted Trust yourself trust no one else Fuck a hero just be yourself It's at this point when Matt Matlock steps out from behind the curtains, dressed in his jeans and a T shirt His ICWA World Championship over his shoulder. He stands there looking out over the crowd with a grin as the song continues. And I don't need your lousy handouts With clenched fists I'll fight my way out Fight my way out, find my way out Matt stands still for a moment, his arms at his sides. People wake up and sing along I trust no one, all my trust is gone! At this moment Matt looks skyward and points up to the roof as loud pyros suddenly explode on both sides of the ramp, starting at the top and repeatedly exploding all the way down past him towards the bottom. Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything! Born with nothing (born with nothing) Die with everything, yeah! Now as the pyros subside and the song continues, Matt continues his walk down the ramp. Busch, "And folks, Please join me in a big hardty welcome for YOUR World Heavyweight Champion... MATT MATLOCK!" The crowd is going wild for their champion as Matlock slaps a few hands before arriving to the steel stairs. He walks up the stairs, his championship over his shoulder. Matlock enters the ring between the second and third ropes. As he does the music starts to fade. David starts to walk to Matlock so Matlock sets the title down on the table and meets him, forehead for forehead. Bert Busch gets in and pushes himself between them with the mic in hand. Marshal, "Probably not a great call Bert." Busch, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Come on now guys, this isn't supposed to be physical! There's a fleete of East Rutherford's finest waiting back there but damn it! I don't wanta see it come down to that!" Matlock and Van Dam reluctantly part a bit, still glaring at each other as Busch says, "Now Gentlemen, Please be seated." He doesn't draw a reaction from either guy, "Now come on guys! I have strict instructions from Mr. McCallister to end this thing if I don't feel I have control over it but I don't wanta cheat the fans of something they've been promised so PLEASE! Don't make me do that! It'd put (looks at Matlock) your title in jeopardy and (looks at Van Dam) your rematch in jeopardy, so Please, justs it down!" Matlock reluctantly heads to his spot on the table, perhaps growing a small soft spot for the fans since they've embraced him despite his many unembracable qualities. David follows suit and stands at his end. They both slowly sit down. Busch, "Now what we're gonna do here is simple, I'm going to simply address one of you at a time. Please don't talk over each other, otherwise nothing will get accomplished. First off Mr. Matlock... You requested this, is there something you wanta get off your chest?" Matlock nods as he grabs the mic left for him on his end of the table. Matlock, "Look I'm not going to be a wind bag out here. Most of what I had to say I said last week at the open of the show. I'm gonna make it plain and simple, David, I've screwed up. I screwed up a lot heading into our match at Howl of the Wolf, I admit that. But David, you haven't been any kind of a saint either. Now I'm not gonna bore these people with the same old story, but there's been many of times in the past you've put your person ambitions and pride as a singles competitor before us as a team when we were a team. I didn't like that, But I let it go. Now I wronged you with my attitude heading into our match, so I take responsibility for that, but now you're becoming over obsessed and frankly, you're becoming a dick. (Crowd cheers)... You want a title rematch, that's fine, I respect that. You're the last champion, you deserve it. But you don't need to wreck some cruiserweights or throw some big huffy attitude around for it, all ya had to do was ask. Why is it such a big deal that I'm finally on top, I finally have some glory that isn't attached to David Van Dam." David yanks his mic to his lips and says, "GLORY?! You wanta talk about Glory kid?! I've got more titles in my trophy room then you've got friends! That's glory!" Bert, "Please David, stay in turn." Matlock, "That's not Glory David, that's an ego trip. You want me to win a hundred titles in places nobody in these seats and most of the people in our lockeroom have never heard of? Fine, I can do that. But I don't need to because I'm confident enough in myself to know that I don't need 30 heavyweight titles to my name like you..." David cuts in, "Thirty-five actually... I have thirty five." Matlock, "Yeah, whatever. I had a couple but ya know what one matters more than thirty four of your thirty five and all of mine?" Matlock picks up the ICWA World title and smacks it with the mic before saying, "This one! The ICWA World Heavyweight Championship." The crowd cheers as Marshal says, "Well there's no contesting that." Matlock, "I don't need 35 titles, I need one and I have it. And David, I don't NEED your friendship, but I do want it. This is petty. What happened that made it so we couldn't be grown adults about this? Hell man, I remember you walking out of companies because people were being little kids, unreasonable idiots; and David, I was RIGHT behind you. Now we're becoming them. David, come on man... We're better than them... We're better than This." The crowd is growing loud as David sighs, "Ah crap... Matlock ya doofy Canuck! How the Hell can I stay pissed off at ya, You're right." The crowd erupts as David drops his mic and gets up. Matlock gets up as well and the two meet in the middle of the ring. Matlock extends his hand and David shakes it, bringing him in and sharing a hug. Busch. "Now that... That's what it's all about fellas. Good for you." David leans over to Busch's mic and says, "Let me borrow this." Busch willingly hands over his mic to Van Dam as he heads for the ropes to exit the ring. David, "Listen man, At Resurrection III there's something I didn't get the oppertunity to do, and I should have. Rumor has it backstage that next week you may be in a World title match." Matlock, "Oh?" David, "I guess with Flipside entering the US Title tournament WallStreet took it upon himself to put himself in the contendership spot, so I understand you two are fighting next week for the strap." The crowd erupts. David, "But in my eyes, you aren't the champion." Matlock raises an eyebrow as David walks over and grabs the belt off the table. David, "...Not till I do... this." David tosses the mic out of the ring and then with both hands extends the championship out to Matlock. The crowd is going wild as Matlock smiles and accepts the title. By now Busch is back at his commentary position. Busch, "What a great moment Jay." Marshal, "Definitly not what I expected." Suddenly Van Dam scoops under, hoists him up and slams him through the mediation table with a Last Chance (Angle Slam). The crowd erupts with boos as Busch screams, "OH WHAT THE HELL?!" David grabs the mic and stands over the rubble of Matlock and the table, "You think I wanta just kiss and make up? Screw you Matt! By the next Pay Per View that championship WILL be around my waist! And Matt, don't get any ideas like dropping the belt to Taylor next week to protect yourself, because I'm coming for ya Matt... I'm taking that Belt back and I'm taking it back from YOU!" "No Apologies" by Eminem begins to blast over the PA as Busch says, "That lyin, no good, Son of a BITCH!" Marshal, "THAT'S More what I expected! Go Van Dam!" Busch, "Well next week here live the US Title tournament continues, but from what I'm being told it IS confirmed, WallStreet and Matlock will go ONE on ONE for the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship! Last week Van Dam vowed that there wouldn't be a knew contender and he came from no where to put down Flipside and Mr. McCallister... Next week WallStreet's gonna be expecting him! This week that snake in the grass put down Matlock, But NEXT week he's gonna be expecting him! Whatcha gonna do Van Dam!? Whatcha gonna do with everyone's eye on you?! Bert Busch for Destructive Jay Marshal, We'll catch ya next week! BAH GOD!" The cameras fade on Van Dam holding the title on the second rope. 
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ICWA Demented Credits & Quick Match Results Quick Match Results Dark Matches Grace Taylor Def. Daizi Darkside Circle City Bad Boys Def. Rage-Wrecker Tongan War Machine Ak Tui Def. New York Wrestler Don Bon Jovi Demented Matches Whysper Def. Ryan Ross Via Pinfall Leaky Format Def. Snake Eyes via Pinfall Flipside Def. Chris via Pinfall NLCS Def. MJ Storm via DQ Heather McMahon & Hope Cassidy Def. Summer Stratus & Angelina Santana via Pinfall (Heather over Summer on the pin) Joe 6-pack Def. Blaze Inferno via Pinfall Main Event: Segment Post Show Dark Match Matt Matlock Def. DVD for the ICWA Title via pinfall in a ten minute bonus match for those in live attendence. Credits
Match 1 Singles Ryan Ross V.S. Whysper Written by: Matt Matlock Match 2 Snake Eyes. V.S. Leaky Format Written by: Josh AKA NLCS Match 3 Singles Flipside V.S. Chris Written by: David Van Dam Match 4 Singles MJ Storm V.S. NLCS Written by: David Van Dam Match 5 Singles Heather McMahon & Hope Cassidy V.S. Summer Stratus & Angelina Written By: David Van Dam Match 6 Singles Joe 6-Pack V.S. Blaze Inferno Written By: Matt Matlock Main Event Segment Mediation Involving: DVD & Matlock Written by: Taylor AKA WallStreet Winners Selected by Management Well Respected Opinions considered by management were provided from Big John, David Van Dam, and Matt Matlock. Thanks to everyone who rped this week. Special thanks to David and Matlock for stepping up and taking additional matches. Thanks a ton guys. great job. Sorry it was late and was a lower quality than normal. 
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