 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 6/22/2007 11:07 PM |
ICWA Demented Live May 2nd, 2007 | What a show last week. The Heavyweight Champion and the number one contender finally got their problems on the table and then Matlock got put through the table. The fans were digging it as the first hour drew a 4.6 and hour two drew a 4.8 making ICWA Demented go just barely over the Sopranos as the number one and two Television shows on Cable television (of course network shows such as American Idol and the rest of those cornball shows are still significantly ahead, but that’s a different television ratings division). Now this week promises to be even better as former United States Champion No Limits Christian Skywalker goes one on one with the former ICWA World Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam, the ICWA United States Championship tournament continues, and in the main event, the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship is on the line for the first time since Resurrection III: Howl of the Wolf as the CEO and Chairman of the ICWA, Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister challenges "The Cornered Animal" Matt Matlock for the ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling Championship of the World. All that and much much more in mere moments. That 70s Show has just concluded and the screen goes black only momentarily�?/P> "Straight out of Line" By Godsmack begins the play over the PA as the ICWA Demented Video Kicks on. The cameras draw back from the video and the Green pyros begin to explode. The cameras draw back and begin panning the arena as our commentators start earning their paycheck. Busch, "Welcome to ICWA Demented! I am Bert Busch alongside "Destructive" Jay Marshal for another jam packed two hours right here on FX! And folks, the action is gonna be off the charts tonight as the ICWA United States Championship Tournament continues!" Marshal, "Speaking of the US Title, our longest champion to date in No Limits Christian Skywalker meets his limit breaker tonight as he faces the should-be Heavyweight champion of the World, David Van Dam! Get ready Skywalker, The force can’t save you from the darkside tonight!" Busch, "And of course the REAL World Heavyweight Champion in Matt Matlock DEFENDS his championship LIVE here tonight against our CEO and Chairman, The WallStreet Brawler Taylor McCallister!" Marshal, "That one’s gonna be off the hook, no doubt." The arena lights shut off, and the crowd rises to their feet as Wachovia Center is filled with the sounds of Back in Black by AC/DC. The crowd boo's heavily as it plays through while MJ Storm runs out onto the stage, bouncing up and down while looking at the ring while Ted DiBase stands next to him.. Busch, "Well folks, we’re not wasting anytime tonight! We’re getting right into things as your Tag Team Champions, Remorseless Storm, are kicking off in competitive action." Back and Black changes into King of Kings by Motorhead. The boo's increase as the former ICWA World Heavyweight Champion Sean Frost Mann walks onto the stage. The trio begins to walk down the ramp, ignoring the heavy boo's from the crowd. Busch, "Well folks, if you didn’t see it last week, Remorseless Storm seemed to have some internal conflict�?Let’s take a minute and show ya what happened�? __________________________________________ ICWA Demented Live �?Last Week�?/P> We open up on the conclusion of MJ Storm and NLCS Last week. We see NLCS with the cover and then SFM yanking the official out and sliding in himself only to put the boots to Skywalker’s back. We proceed to watch the attack on Skywalker and then we hear a dramatic silence in the ICWA Produced isnturmental that was playing followed by the opening chords of "Superstar II" By Saliva. We watch WallStreet zip down and slide into the ring and then we see him go for the right hand on SFM only for SFM to duck and MJ to get blasted. We watch SFM escape the ring and WallStreet proceed to drop Ted Dibiase with a big Spinebuster. We See MJ back up wielding a chair and we then see NLCS Disarm MJ and MJ make his escape. ____________ When the cameras return we see SFM and MJ Storm heading for the arena's exit fully dressed with their gym bags over their shoulders and Ted Dibiase following behind. MJ Storm, " What the Hell was that Sean?" SFM, " I already told you, your fight with Street is your fight with Street. I don't have any issues with Street so why would I get involved. It's not like you were being double teamed." MJ Storm, " He came after YOU in the first place!" SFM, " He came to stop the attack on Skywalker, which mind you, I may have been a part of at the time but as soon as I backed off of Skywalker that wasn't my issue anymore." MJ Storm, " What kind of a partner are you?" SFM Stops and slaps MJ Storm in the face... MJ's eyes draw small and narrow, his nostrils beginning to flair. SFM, " HEY! You needed that! Now you calm your ass down and listen here...." ___________ MJ Storm suddenly bitch slaps SFM right where he stands. The crowd pops as SFM's head spins back and then back to where it was. MJ Storm, " Now you listen to me... Don't ever put your damn hands on me again!" MJ Storm, " …you are about (draws thumb and index finger within a centimeter of each other) this far away from feeling the effects of Storm Chasing!" And with that MJ slams open the arena door and heads out as SFM stands there, glaring. Ted, " Easy Sean, he doesn't mean that... I'll talk to him." SFM smirks, " Don't worry about it Ted, it's nothin." Ted seems concerned, " No-no, I'll talk to MJ..." SFM shakes his head, " No, *I'LL* Talk to MJ... When I see fit... And it may not be very verbal." With that SFM too heads for the door as we go to the commentators at ringside. _______________________________________ With that we come back to the entrance of the World tag team champions who are entering the rin. The music slowly draws to an end as Dart stands in the center of the ring. Kevin Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is the OPENING Bout for ICWA Demented! It is a tag team contest scheduled for onefall with a fifteen minute TV Time limit! To my left�?Weighing in at a combined weight of 457 pounds�?Hailing from Philadelphia Pennsylvania�? The crowd cheers their hometown team as a graphic comes up with their names�?/P> Dart, "�?FONT color=#00ccff> They are Jamie Christian, Jesse Cross�?CHHHHHHHRISTIAN CRUCIFIXION !" Cross and Christian wave to the fans but still seem focused. Dart, "AND On my Right�?Making there way at a combined weight of 494 Pounds, they are the ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS of the WORLD�?MJ Storm�?SFM�?REEEEEEEEEMORSELESS STORMMMM!" SFM and MJ storm are exchanging words in the corner and somehow it doesn’t look like they’re talking match strategy. Referee Chris Martin calls for the opening bell but neither team has selected starters. The camera goes in on SFM and MJ’s corner so we can kind of pick up their conversation. MJ, "You wanta start or not?" SFM, "Actually, I kind of want to kick your head into the nose bleed seats. Keep that bass in your voice boy and I may just spoil myself to a treat." MJ, "Don’t threaten me, You want it that bad we can do it anytime any place old man. I beat your ass last year, I’ll beat it this year." Busch, "The hostility evident between the tag team champions." As the tag champs are arguing the young Philly boys decide to take advantage and dart toward the champs. About the same time SFM suddenly springs out for the superkick toward MJ, MJ however ducks and darts forward and MJ ends up spearing Jesse Cross out of his boots as SFM nails the "Lets Roll" Superkick on Jamie Christian. Both men drop hard and MJ stays ontop of Jesse as SFM shrugs and drops down on Jamie. Not knowing what else to do Chris Martin drops down and counts …………………One……………………Two…………………Three! The bell sounds as Dart declares, "Your winners, REMORSELESS STORM!" "Remorseless Storm" as produced by ICWA Productions (a mix placing SFM and MJ Storm’s songs together) blasts over the PA. Busch, "Well the tag team champions won this bout but ya gotta wonder if they weren’t aiming for each other and just so happened to get fortunate�? Marshal, "I hate to agree with ya Bert but I think they were aiming for each other!" MJ And SFM are both up now and they’re in each other’s face in the center of the ring. They’re eyes are glaring holes through each other and the crowd is getting loud with anticipation. Sensing the tension Ted Dibiase quickly slides into the ring and gets next to MJ and SFM, pleading reason. Busch, "I’m not too sure how a well oiled machine would work against Christian Skywalker and Taylor McCallister�?If these two can’t get on the same page by ICWA Oblivion I have a feeling we may be looking at new tag team champions on the horizon." Marshal, "We very well could be." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 2nd, 2007 | [The camera pans the audience as we begin to focus on the ring announcer] Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a Ten minute time limit. First from Greenwich, Connecticut, Heather McMahon. ["Brackish" by Kittie hits and Heather McMahon appears on the top of the ramp. She smirks as she looks around at the cheering crowd. She then puts her hands in the air and lowers them as she starts to make her way down to the ring. She smiles and waves at the fans as they hold up signs with her name on them. She gets patted on the back a few times. She then walks over to the steel stairs and walks up them. She walks onto the side of the apron and gets into the ring through the bottem ropes. She walks into the middle and holds her hands high as the crowd cheers...] Announcer: And from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Summer Stratus. [As she stands in the gorrilla position, she can hear the crowd as they wait for something to happen when my theme blares throughout the arena. As "Hot in Here" by Nelly plays, she steps out from behind the curtain and stand on top of the entrance ramp with her hands on her hips.She walk down the ramp with a smile on her face as she hears the cheers from the crowd. As she reaches the bottom of the ramp, she slides in the ring under the bottom rope. As she gets to my feet, she walks over to the ropes and point out into the crowd as cameras flash. She does this on the opposite side of the ring as well before her music cuts and she pace the ring waiting on the match to start.] DING...DING...DING.... [The two ladies stare down each other as they know that this win would mean a whole lot to the women's division. With both being viable contenders for the Women's Title, they know a win in this situation is a must. The ref tells them to begin as Summer immediately goes after Heather with a hard flying crossbody taking Heather down the mat and immediately into a pinning situation] One.... [Kickout by Heather] Marshal: Well, what a quick start already. Less than ten seconds and already a pin attempt. This is going to be a great match between two very hot women. Busch: Don't forget that they are wrestlers underneath all of that. Marshal: I would like to see underneath all of that. Heh heh heh. [Busch shakes his head at Marshall] Busch: Let's just call the match. [Summer picks up Heather by the hair, and begins to throw some hard punches. She connects over and over again until Heather falls to her knees. Summer picks her up and quickly hits a snap suplex sending Heather hard on her back grabbing it in pain. Summer smiles for the crowd a bit, blows a few kisses, and grabs Heather's legs to flip her over; but gets kick to the ground as Heather counters Summer's efforts. Summer stands back up and puts her arms around Heather's neck trying to put her out with a sleeper hold. Heather struggles for a couple of minutes until she finally gets ahold of Summer's head and flips her over top. Heather gets to her knees and quickly jumps on Summer laying on the ground and begins to pound away at her as the ref counts to break the position] One Two Three Four [She breaks the position as she backs off letting Summer get to her feet slowly. Heather irish whips Summer off the ropes and as Summer comes running back Heather nails her with a hard spine buster. Heather holds her neck for a second until she realizes she is in control. Summer grabs her lower back in pain as Heather goes for the count[ One Two [Kickout by Summer] Busch: That was close. What a perfectly planted spine buster. Marshall: I'll bust... Busch: Shut up Marshall. [Heather argues with the ref slapping her hands together as Summer collects herself. She continues to scream and point as the mat as Summer is ready to reverse the momentum of the match. Summer grabs the waist of Heather and goes for a rollup pin] One Two [Kickout by Heather} Busch: That was close! [Heather runs and bounces off of the ropes making her way towards Summer, and nails her with a hard baseball slide. The ref quickly checks to see if Summer is alright as Heather once again bounces off of the ropes and baseball slides right into Summer's abdomen again. Heather grabs her arm and locks in an armbar pulling hard on the arm of the former champ. She finally releases as she decideds to go for a third baseball slides as the third time is always the charm. Summer is grabbing her stomach-area as Heather climbs the top rope, smiles at the crowd, and jumps towards Summer going for an elbow drop but misses as Summer rolls out of the way. With both ladies laying on the ground the ref begins the ten count] One Two Three Four [Both ladies begin to slowly move and struggle to get up as the ref continues the count] Five Six Seven [Summer gets to one knee as Heather uses the turnbuckle to pull herself up. The ref stops the count as they both get to their feet and begin to go after each other once again. They begin to exchange a few punches back and forth until they both decide to run in opposite direction and bounce of off the ropes. As they run after each other they nail each other with a clothesline sending both of them down to the ground making the ref begin the ten count once again] One Two Three Busch: These two won't budge. One hits a move; so does the other. It is quite back and forth and this match could go either way. Marshal: It has been an alright match. Would be better if there was more ripping off clothes and less fighting. Four Five Six Seven Eight [Summer finally gets to her knees and falls on top of Heather for a pin] One Two [Kickout by Heather] Busch: What a close one! [Summer picks up Heather and hoping to end it she grabs Heather's arms for "Dangerously Hot" but instead Heather slips out of her arms and sweeps out Summer's legs. Heather is on one knee still trying to recover while Summer lays on the ground. The two stares each other down on the mat and look like they won't give an inch to their opponent. Heather finally gets to her feet as Summer remains on the ground trying to get herself together. Heather looks around and decides what to do. Heather somehow climbs the ropes and jumps as she tries for her trademark "Nightmares" and nails is hard on top of Summer. She grabs her own stomach in pain but rolls over on top of Summer and decides to cover for the pin] One Two [Summer grabs the rope breaking the pin attempt] Marshal: That was a good idea. Busch: Yeah, she knew exactly where she was otherwise that could've been the end! This match is one to go down as a great matchup here on Demented. The fans are getting a real treat as they are putting on a clinic. [Heather is quite frustrated at she begins to stomp on Summer. She stomps her arms; she stomps her legs; she stomps her stomach and her head. The ref finally backs her off allowing Summer to gather herself for a minute. Heather pushes the ref off a bit and comes back at Summer, but Summer is quick enough to grab her leg and sweep Heather onto her back. Summer jumps up and once again goes for the quick pin] One Two [This time Heather grabs the ropes to break the pin attempt. Both ladies look quite tired as this match has been a back and forth match going on with no clear winner in sight. Summer grabs Heather's legs and goes for the Boston Crab, but instead she somehow reaches back and grabs Summer's leg making her fall face forward. Heather rolls over to Summer and goes for the pin] One Two [Kickout by Summer] Busch: No one is going to win this match. Both ladies want this win as much as the either. I don't know what it is going to take for someone to win. Marshal: Maybe I should get in there and show them a thing or two. Busch: Calm down Marshal. [Heather picks up Summer as Summer pushes back on her. They begin to exchange blows. Summer punches once. Heather punches once. Summer punches at Heather again, and than Heather punches at Summer again until finally Heather grabs Summer in a side headlock, looks around the ground, and nails her with a hard DDT. She rolls over Summer and goes for a pin] One Two [Kickout by Summer] [Heather pounds hard on the mat showing her frustration at now being able to end this match already. Summer slowly gets to her feet as Heather grabs her in another side headlock and as she goes for a second DDT, Summer pushes off sending Heather hard on her back. Summer climbs to the second ropes, gasps for some more air, and leg drops hard across the sternum of Heather. She sees this could be the end, rolls over and goes for the pin.] One Two Thr... [Kickout by Heather at the last second] Busch: Another close fall. I am on the edge of my seat. [Summer being quite frustrated grabs the hair of Heather and begins to pull her across the ring as the ref counts to break the hold] One Two Three [Summer breaks the hold as she allows Heather to get to her feet. Summer kicks Heather hard to the guy, and goes for "Dangerously Hot" again and nails it sending Heather hard to the mat. But instead of rolling over for the pin, Summer is out of energy as it looks like. The ref looks at both ladies and begins the ten count once again.] One Two Three Four [Both of them are still lying on the mat with no movement in sight as they have tried everything to win the match. They seem quite out of breath and drained of all of their energy.] Five Six Seven Eight Ding...ding...ding... Busch: What the hell? Why did the bell ring? Marshal: I have no idea: Here is the announcer. Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen this contest has EXPIRED the Ten Minute TV TIME LIMIT! (Crowd boos) As a result this bout will be declared a DRRRAW!" Busch: Aww, come on. This match was too good to end like this. Marshal: It is finally over...good. [Summer and Heather both finally get to their feet as they look worn out and drained. They hear the announcer and looks as pissed as every. They begin to go after each again some more and the bell continues to ring to make them stop. Finally the ref gets in between them to help break it up but calls up the ramp for more refs to come down and help separate these two. Busch, "These two just put it all out there and neither one managed to obtain the win. Their frustration is evident, albeit understandable." With that the cameras go to the parking lot where we see WallStreet entering the arena. The crowd erupts as Busch says, "There he is�?Tonight’s challenger for the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship�?What would it mean to the ICWA Pay Per View if WallStreet walked in as the defending champion?" Marshal, "It’d be a first ever, that’s for sure." Busch, "Indeed it would be, and it very well may be�?/P> *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 2nd, 2007 | As the cameras come back from commercial we see WallStreet walking still walking backstage, receiving another large pop. Busch, "The dominate share holder of this company and more importantly on this evening, the number one contender for the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship just arrived mere moments ago." Marshal, "The bossman looks like he’s in prime shape to tear apart the champ here tonight." Suddenly WallStreet stops in his tracks as his eyes narrow and a scowl comes on his face. The cameras pan out and the crowd begins to boo as we see�?/P> David Van Dam. Busch, "With the way Van Dam’s been as of late ya may wanta put the women and children to bed cause this ain’t gonna be pretty." Van Dam, "Hey McCallister! I don’t know where you get off competing for my championship, but you got some kinda brass. You’re trying to steal my shot." WallStreet doesn’t say anything, just maintains his stair. Van Dam, "That’s right, you heard me. You better pray you don’t win tonight, because at Oblivion whoever has that belt’s getting torn apart at my hands whether you like it or not." WallStreet, "………�? Van Dam, "Yeah, that’s right. So if you’re smart tonight you’ll take a dive and save your health come Oblivion." WallStreet, "………�? Van Dam snickers and begins to walk past WallStreet. As he does WallStreet reaches out, his eyes never leaving the spot they’d been focused on ahead of him as his hand grabs Van Dam’s bicep, stopping him and drawing a huge pop from the crowd. David turns and looks at the side view of WallStreet, his eyes wide with surprise as WallStreet never moves. WallStreet keeps looking ahead, choosing not to turn and look at David as he says, "If *You’re* smart you’ll go hide under the nearest rock you can find, because when I win tonight I’m going to Oblivion as the Heavyweight Wrestling Champion of the World�?And when I do I don’t care if it’s you, Matlock, or God himself�?If you stand in my way of retaining that championship�?If you attempt to become my road block�?Then I promise you David Van Dam�?I WILL Run�?You�?Down." The crowd erupts as WallStreet releases Van Dam’s arm and continues walking as he had been prior to Van Dam’s arrival to the sceen. Busch, "Bah God, what strong words by WallStreet!" The cameras focus on Van Dam who seems a bit surprised. Van Dam, "Well then�?I guess we’d just better make sure you that you don’t get to Oblivion." David grows an evil smirk as the cameras fade to the ring. Busch, "What? What the Hell’s he mean by that?!" Dart, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a thirty-minute time-limit, and is a semi-final match in the United States Title Tournament. Introducing first.." The Public Address system comes alive with the sound of legendary rap group Run DMC's song "Crown Royal". The sold-out Wachovia Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania begins to cheer some what for the grappler from South Carolina. Leaky Format looks around at the crowd and spins with his arms held out, dropping to one knee, pyros exploding behind him. Dart, "Making his way to the ring, from Beaufort, South Carolina, weighing in tonight at an even two hundred pounds... LEAKY....FORMAT!!!!" Leaky spins again, this time at the center of the ramp, a few more pyros shoot off. After finishing a spin, Leaky sprints the rest of the distance sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring. He rises to his feet as the sounds of hip-hop group fades, being replaced by the sounds of Fred Durst and Limp Bizkit, performing their song, "The Truth." The crowd roars with cheers as one of the fastest rising stars currently in the ICWA darts out onto the stage. Bobbing his head to the beat of the music, the high-flyer from southern Indiana begins the long walk down the ring aisle. Dart, "Making his way to the ring, from Plainville, Indiana, weighing in at one hundred and ninety pounds... WHYSPER!" Whysper, who is accompanied by his girlfriend and business manager, Angelina Santana, hops onto the ring apron and wraps his arms on the top rope, turning his chest to the fans and the Dementa-Tron, in classic Chris Jericho style, a tribute to one of Whysper's favorite wrestlers. Stepping into the ring, Whysper meets eyes with his opponent for the evening, Leaky Format. "The Truth" fades out, leaving Leaky and Whysper alone in the ring, with just the sound of the crowd. The referee assigned to this contest, Ken Martel checks both grapplers for concealed objects. Busch, "What a semi-final match up this promises to be. Both men are fairly even in size. Leaky has ten pounds on The Silent One, but The Hardcore Luchadore has two inches on Leaky. Both wrestlers have a similar style, wrestling a fast-paced technical style. This definately has show-stealing possibilities written all over." Marshall, "That's true, both of these wrestlers would make great United States Champions, but only one of them will move on to the finals, and have a shot to win the United States Championship." The bell rings to start the contest, and Whysper and Leaky waste no time in moving towards each other in the customary collar-elbow tie up, a good way to start a wrestling contest. The taller but lighter Whysper makes the first move, wrapping his left arm underneath Leaky Format's left arm, falling to the mat, and bring Leaky Format over with an Arm Drag Takedown ala Ricky Steamboat. Both wrestlers are back to their feet, and this time, it's Leaky Format who hits the arm-drag takedown on Whysper. Both are back up, and nod towards each other. Another collar elbow tie up, this time Leaky takes control with a standing arm wringer. Whyser grits his teeth, slapping at his shoulder. They're close to the ropes after the arm drag exchange, so Whysper grabs onto the top rope with his right hand, using it to support himself as he flips backwards, causing Leaky's grip to slacken. This allows Whysper to reverse the arm wringer into an arm-wringer of his own, grinning. Busch, "A nice exchange of holds to start this off, both men trying to gain the upper hand." Marshall, "This is solid wrestling right here, a real display of athletic and technical ability, you saw the way Whysper used the back flip to help himself get out of that hold, mixing his athletic ability with the knowledge of wrestling he's recieved." Leaky is facing the ropes, his arm locked in an arm wringer. With a burst of quickness, Leaky jumps from the mat to the middle rope, bouncing off of the ropes, he turns through the air, using his right arm to grab at Whysper's arm, bringing Whysper over with a modified arm drag takeover. Both wrestlers are up, as Whysper starts shaking his arm. Leaky comes running forward, and Whysper leaps over him with a leap frog. Leaky hits the ropes on the other side as Whysper lands on his feet and then falls onto his back, bringing his legs up, Leaky is charging back, and sees Whysper's boots waiting for him. Leaky leaps over Whysper and tucks himself, landing on the mat with a roll, he gets up, turns around, and barely manages to duck an attempted kick to the head from Whysper. Leaky drops to the mat and goes to sweep Whysper's feet out from under him, but Whysper leaps into the air, and Leaky's leg just slides through the air. Leaky gets back to his feet as Whysper lands on the mat. Leaky attempts a lariat, but Whysper does a matrix-style dodge. Leaky turns around, and gets caught by both of Whysper's feet with a big drop kick. The crowd explodes with cheers as Leaky rolls out of the ring, grabbing his jaw. Busch, "What action here in the early going! This athletes are definately setting a quick pace for this match, I don't expect it to slow down much." Leaky rubs his jaw as he turns to face the ring. He sees Whysper running towards the rope, leaping over them, looking for a big dive onto Leaky. Leaky, who's standing on the ring ramp, leaps into the air, extending his feet, nailing Whysper with a mid-air drop kick that makes the crowd gasp as Whysper's body seems to fold in half around Leaky's feet. Whysper's body turns and collides with the steel of the ramp, showing amazing distance on Whysper's jump, but Whysper lays on the steel, grabbing at his chest while Leaky shakes his head, clearing the cob-webs from his own impact from the drop kick. Busch, "What will happen next? We'll find out after this commericial break!" Demented goes on to a commerical break.. Busch, "Welcome back to ICWA Demented, Leaky Format is in control right now, he's got an abdominal stretch locked in on Whysper, looking for the submission victory." Marshall, "I can tell you this, the abdominal stretch is one of the most painful holds you can be locked in, espcially if your midsection has been worked over at some point during the match." Whysper's face in contorted with pain as his body is stretched by Leaky Format. Whysper refuses to submit though, his right arm reaching out for the ropes that are too far away for him to reach. He grits his teeth, trying to block out the pain. Leaky realizes he's not going to get Whysper to submit so he takes the arm that's on Whysper's hip and moves it underneath Whysper's left leg, lifting him into the air while dropping to one knee, dropping Whysper's back onto the middle of his knee. Leaky makes the cover. Martel slides into position and starts the count, but Whysper rolls his shoulder off the mat. Busch, "Whysper refuses to go down, he doesn't want to see he's hopes at being the United States Champion." Marshall, "No one wants to see their hopes dashed, because the four guys left in this tournament know that the United States Title is one rung beneath the World Heavyweight Championship, winning the United States title elevates you not only in the eyes of the fans, but in the eyes of Wallstreet. It moves you up the ladder. Winning the United States Title is a good way to get into the World Title picture." Leaky pulls Whysper to his feet and kicks him hard in the gut, knocking any wind left in Whysper out. Leaky hits the ropes and comes charging back towards the doubled-over Whysper. Leaping into the air, Leaky sits in the air, looking for his finishing move, The Wet-Down. Whysper senses that it's coming, and moves out of the way. Leaky manages to land on his feet though, and turns towards Whysper, who plants his foot on one of Leaky's thighs, bringing his body into the air, using Leaky's leg as a base, his other leg coming to the back of Leaky's head. With a loud 'pop', Whysper's boot collides with the back of Leaky's head, stopping all the momentum that Leaky had been building. Leaky grabs the back of his head as he hits the mat, curling up in a ball. Busch, "What impact on that kick! The Silent One just drove his boot right into the bak of Leaky Format's head, one of the most tender places on the human body." Marshall, "That's definately a tide turner, Whysper needs to capatalize here and get the victory." Whysper, who was laying on the mat, slowly pulls himself to his feet, wrapping his hand around the middle rope, Whysper pulls himself to his feet. He doesn't have a strong base under himself though, stumbling somewhat as he tries to regain his barrings. Leaky pushes himself up to his feet, he's also stumbling, the kick to the back of the head has him seeing stars. Whysper runs towards Leaky Format and leaps into the air, turning so that he grabs Leaky's head, driving it down into the mat with a verision of his 'Poetic Justice'. Leaky grabs the back of his head as Whysper makes the pinfall. Martel slides into position and counts. He almost gets to three when Leaky Format gets his shoulder off the mat. Busch, "Leaky kicks out! Leaky kicks out!" Whysper runs his fingers through his dreadlocks as he pulls Leaky up to his feet. Whysper whips Leaky into the corner and follows him in, leaping into the air, Whysper crashes into Leaky's chest. Leaky stumbles out of the corner and Whysper kicks him hard in the gut before climbing up to the top rope and leaping off, looking for his Sound of Silence. He connects, driving Leaky Format face first into the mat. Rolling Leaky over, Whysper makes the cover. Martel slides into position and makes the count. One, two, three!. Dart, "Your winner, and moving to the finals of the United States Title Tournament, Whysper!" The crowd cheers as Whysper raises his arms in victory. Busch, "Whysper pulled out a victory, but who will he face for the United States Title? Will it be Joe Six Pack, or will it be Flipside? We'll found out later tonight." With that the cameras go to the back where we see�?/P> Christian Skywalker walking toward the Gorilla position. The fans begin to erupt as we hear "Straight out of line" in the Background. Marshal, "Joe or Flipside, that’ll be determined later tonight but when we come back, Oh DADDY! It’s David Van Dam tearing this punk limb from limb and I can’t wait!" Busch, "Van Dam�?Skywalker�?NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 2nd, 2007 | Every ICWA fan is readily awaiting the next contest, nothing they love more than the intense action the ICWA Ultrastars provide them. While they're waiting, the arena lights change from the normal ICWA setting to pure gold. The ICWA fans eyes shift from the ring to the ramp, where they eye the entry way. The public address system begins to come alive, pushing out the sounds of, "No Apologies" by multi-plantium rap artist Eminem. The ICWA Demnta-Tron comes to life with varrying images of the Ultrastar about to make his way to the ring, David Van Dam. With all eyes on the stage, a loud pyro explosion of red fireworks rocks the arena, the after effects are a thick cloud of smoke, which adds to the mystic as the Ironman walks onto the stage, no robe, no fancy entrance attire, just his singlet, wrestling boots, knee and elbow pads. His cold blue eyes are focused on the ring. While standing on the stage, he jumps from foot to foot ala Brock Lesnar, making sure he's fully prepared for the task at hand. With an animalistic roar, Van Dam throws his arms forward, another pyro explosion accompaning it. Dart, "Making his way to the ring, from Indianapolis, Indiana and weighing in at two hundred and forty-five pounds, the Ironman, DAVID VAN DAM!" David Van Dam climbs up the solid steel steps and walks down to the middle of the apron, wiping his boots on the apron before stepping into the ring, grabbing the top rope and tugging on it, preparing for battle. The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain and "Final Countdown" by Europe blasts over the PA. He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He then walks down the ramp towards the ring, stopping half way down and holding out his arms to get an even bigger crowd reaction. Dart, "Making his way down the ring aisle, from Buffalo, New York, and weighing in at 255 pounds... No Limits, CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER!" He gets to the bottom of the ramp and walks over to the steps. He pauses again, looking out at the crowd, then he climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring and goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the second rope and puts his arms out once again with the crowd goes nuts. He hops down from the rope and stands in the corner, stretching himself on the ropes. Van Dam stares at Skywalker, his eyes not blinking as he stares at his opponent. Busch, "This could be the match of the night, David Van Dam versus Christian Skywalker. Two men who don't quite see eye to eye right now. These two have never faced off in singles competition, but last season they were supposed to. Now we get the match much of us eagerly anticipated. Will David Van Dam get the victory? Or will Christian Skywalker do the unthinkable and defeat the self-proclaimed best wrestler alive?" Marshall, "Self-proclaimed? David Van Dam IS the best wrestler alive. He lost the title on a fluke, and it's only a matter of time until he gets it back. Christian Skywalker shouldn't have came out to wrestle tonight." Referee Shawn Cain calls for the bell, but before the action can begin, David Van Dam holds a hand out and then motions to ring announce Kevin Dart to bring him a microphone. Dart scratches the back of his head as David Van Dam takes the microphone. Looking around, David Van Dam speaks. David Van Dam, "Christian, I was hoping you wouldn't make the misake of coming out here tonight, but you decided to. So, I'm going to make one last plea for you to just lay down, Christian. Lay down on the mat and allow me to pin you one, two, three. I don't want to have to hurt you, Christian, so do us all a favor, and just take the fall, other wise I'll be forced to hurt you." Marshall, "See how nice David Van Dam is? He's offering Christian Skywalker a chance to not get hurt. How considerate." Busch, "How considerate? He's showing nothing but uninhibited arrogance." Marshall, "No he's not! He's thinking of Christian Skywalker's health!" Busch, "He's thinking of nothing more than a victory, he doesn't want to have to try to beat Christian Skywalker, so he's trying to convince him to just lay down. That's garbage." David Van Dam stares at Christian Skywalker, having handed the microphone back to Kevin Dart. Motioning for Skywalker to lay down, Van Dam moves around the ring. Skywalker looks around at the crowd, looking like he's actually contemplating the offer David Van Dam is giving him. The crowd boo's as Skywalker nods his head, laying down on the mat. Grinning, David Van Dam moves over to Skywalker, starting to drop down to make the pin. Skywalker shows a burst of speed as he grabs Van Dam and rolls him up. Vice Senior Official, Shawn Cain, quickly drops to the mat to make the count, which almost gets a three. David Van Dam kicks out and springs to his feet, slamming his foot off the bottom rope, his face bright red as he turns towards Christian Skywalker, who's smirking. Van Dam charges at Skywalker, who dodges Van Dam's out stretched arms, his legs wrapping around one of Van Dam's, Skywalker's arm moving to Van Dam's back, helping drive Van Dam into the mat with a drop toe hold. David Van Dam hits the mat and rolls out of the ring, shaking his head in frustration as the crowd cheers the first ever ICWA United States Champion. Busch, "Ha Ha! Some mind games played by Christian Skywalker, throwing the former World Champion off of his game. I bet David Van Dam didn't plan on that." Marshall, "That was a stupid move by Christian Skywalker. He knows David Van Dam is already angry and on-edge, that's only going to anger David Van Dam more, and David Van Dam is a very dangerous individual." David Van Dam demands that Shawn Cain keeps Christian Skywalker back so he can get in the ring. Shawn Ccain obliges, holding Christian Skywalker back so that David Van Dam can enter the wrestling ring. David Van Dam tugs on the top rope, loosening up his arms again as he demands Christian Skywalker meets him in the center of the ring. Christian Skywalker smirks and meets him in the center of the ring, a collar-elbow tie up from the two men. David Van Dam looks like he's going to try and put Christian Skywalker down, but Christian Skywalker side-steps David Van Dam's attempt to move around him and lock in a reverse waist lock. David Van Dam shakes his head as he turns back to face Christian Skywalker, another big collar-elbow tie up, this time, David Van Dam is able to get Christian Skywalker in a side head-lock. Grinning, Van Dam trash talks Christian Skywalker , "Oh yeah, this where we go to school!" Christian Skywalker grabs David Van Dam and lifts him straight up into the air, David Van Dam shaking his head no before Christian Skywalker falls backwards, driving David Van Dam head and shoulders into the mat. Grabbing his neck, Van Dam rolls on the mat as the young but experienced Christian Skywalker quickly makes the cover, but only gets a one count. Busch, "Look at Christian Skywalker go! He's got the former Worlds Champion reeling." Marshall, "Every time he hits David Van Dam with a move, he's adding the the amount of pain he's going to feel. I'd hate to be Christian Skywalker when it's all said and done." Skywalker and Van Dam are up, Skywalker nails Van Dam with an open-handed chop right on the chest. Van Dam grabs at his chest as the crowd 'whoo's in tribue to David Van Dam's favorite wrestler of all time. Skywalker nails Van Dam with a second, and then a third chop. Van Dam his on one knee, grabbing his chest as the native of Buffalo, New York pulls him back up a a verticle base, only so he can hit him with another chop that drops him flat on his back. Again David Van Dam rolls out of the ring, this time, he doubles over, grabbing at his chest. The crowd is cheering on the long-haired grappler as he hits the ropes and comes charging towards David Van Dam, dropping down to the mat, his feet sliding out, nailing David Van Dam on the shoulder, propelling David Van Dam into the barricade surrounding the ring. Sliding out of the ring, Skywalker grabs Van Dam, spins him around, and whips him from the guard rail into the ring apron. Van Dam groans as the crowd cheers on the youngster. Lifting Van Dam up, Skywalker rolls him into the ring, and takes a moment to look at the crowd, nodding his head. Busch, "Skywalker is in firm control right now, and he's got the crowd behind him, this could be the biggest night of Skywalker's professional career." Marshall, "Just wait for it... David Van Dam's about to introduce Christian Skywalker to a wrestling lesson Christian Skywalker has never had before." Skywalker pulls Van Dam up and hits him with a snap suplex, before attemtping a pin fall. David Van Dam kicks out at one and a half, so Skywalker pulls Van Dam back up, and moves behind him, locking his arms around David Van Dam's waist. Skywalker pops his hips and drives David Van Dam into the mat with a powerful German Suplex. Keeping his hands locked, Skywalker pulls himself and David Van Dam back up. A second German Suplex, and again Skywalker keeps his hands locked. Again, Skywalker pulls David Van Dam up with his hands locked around David Van Dam's waist. David Van Dam reaches out, grabbing the shirt of Shawn Cain, holding on to him, distracting the referee as he brings his leg back and up, slamming it into the genital region of Christian Skywalker. The crowd boo's heavily as Cain pushes DVD off of him, warning him to keep his hands off. David Van Dam nods and apologizes, claiming that he was woozy, and didn't know what he was grabbing on to. Marshall, "That's the veteran expertise of David Van Dam coming into play. He knew he had to stop Christian Skywalker's momentum, and had to stop it quickly, so he kept Shawn Cain's attention on something else, and then nailed Skywalker with a low-blow. Brilliant." Busch, "I call it cheap. There's no reason a wrestler the caliber of David Van Dam should have to use cheap shots to stop someone's momentum." Marshall, "There is a reason. David Van Dam wants to win. When you're being lifted in the air and dropped on your neck, you don't think to yourself 'well gee, I really hate being suplexed, but the only way I can get out of it is to use an illegal move, so I guess I'm just going to allow myself to be put in a world of pain.' You think that you want to get out of the predicament you find yourself in, no matter what the costs. It's not cheap to you then, it's something you must do to survive." David Van Dam shakes his head a few times, trying to get the cob-webs out of it, trying to clear his mind and get his head straight, those suplexes really threw him off. Getting his head back together, David Van Dam moves towards Christian Skywalker, who is on all fours, one hand clutching at his genitals. David Van Dam brings his leg back and drives it forward, his boot driving straight into Skywalker's gut. The anger and frustration is clear on David Van Dam's face, the force of the boot to Skywalker's midsection flipping him from all fours onto his back. David Van Dam backs up until he's against a set of ropes. Springing off the ropes, David Van Dam comes towards Skywalker, leaping into the air, Van Dam drives his knee into the upper chest of Skywalker. Skywalker grabs at his chest as Van Dam grabs a handful of his long blonde hair. David Van Dam is shaking his head as he pulls Skywalker towards him, lifting him into the air, he holds him there, letting the blood rush to Skywalker's head before falling backwards, driving Skywalker into the mat with a powerful suplex. Instead of going for the pin, which David Van Dam would normally do in this situation, the Ironman pulls Skywalker back to his feet, wrapping both of his arms around Skywalker's gut, he lifts him up into the air, and then drops him, extending a knee so that Skywalker lands chest first on David Van Dam's knee. Busch, "This is a much more physically intense David Van Dam than we've ever seen. He's doing more moves to just inflict the maxium amount of pain, not linking together moves to wear his opponent down, he's just trying to hurt Skywalker." Marshall, "This is what happens when David Van Dam doesn't have the World Championship. He gets angry, and there is nothing scarier than a man who studies how to hurt people for a living getting angry. When David Van Dam gets angry, someone gets hurt." Van Dam pulls Skywalker up and backs him into a corner, stepping out of the corner, Van Dam powerfully whips Skywalker across the ring, so that he collides chest first with the turnbuckle. Skywalker groans in pain as David Van Dam comes charging towards him, sending his two hundred and forty-five pounds into Skywalker's back, causing Skywalker's chest to again collide with the turnbuckle, this time with the added weight of David Van Dam behind the collision. The crowd groans, they were so happy when Skywalker is in control, but now they are seeing him get legally assaulted in the wrestling ring. Van Dam moves and lets Skywalker stumble out of the corner, clutching at his chest. Grinning, Van Dam grabs him and lifts him up for a suplex. Again, instead of falling back immediately, like Van Dam holds Skywalker in the air, looking out at the crowd. Smirking, Van Dam falls forward, driving Skywalker chest first into the mat. Van Dam rolls Skywalker over and attempts a very lax cover. Skywalker gets his shoulder up at two, and Van Dam looks down at him, as if to say stay down. Busch, "Skywalker kicks out! I'm not sure how, but Skywalker kicks out!" Marshall, "How bad does this kid want to get hurt?" Van Dam shakes his head and pulls Skywalker up to his feet. Deciding to change his strategy, Van Dam lifts Skywalker off of his feet, and drops him onto his knee for a big back breaker, he doesn't let Skywalker hit the mat, instead he stands back up with Skywalker still in his arms, and delivers another back breaker, again Van Dam stands up with Skywalker in his arms, and delivers a third back breaker. Van Dam attempts another pin fall, but again only gets a two. Van Dam looks down at Skywalker , "Just stay down!" Van Dam yells. It's clear by the look on his face he just wants Skywalker to stay down. Van Dam pulls Skywalker to his feet and sets him up for what looks like a Rock Bottom. As he lifts Skywalker up, Van Dam drops him down onto his knee with another version of the back breaker. Pulling Skywalker to his feet with out letting him touch the ground, Van Dam modifies his grip and pops his hips, sending Skywalker flipping through the air with a slightly-modified T-Bone Suplex. Skywalker crashes onto the mat and grabs at his lower back, holding it in agony. Marshall, "Skywalker just needs to stay down, live to fight another day." Busch, "Skywalker has heart for this business, Skywalker loves this business, and he's not going to just stay down for anybody." Van Dam makes the cover, and again, Skywalker kicks out. Van Dam runs a hand over his bald head. Sweat drip from it, running down his face as Van Dam pulls Skywalker up to his feet. Skywalker looks out of it. Van Dam backs Skywalker into the ropes and shoots him off into the other set of ropes, Skywalker hits them and comes back, Van Dam lowers himself and lifts Skywakler up onto his shoulders with an elevated fireman's carry. Van Dam pushes Skywalker out, going for the diamond cutter, but Skywalker somehow manages to push David's body away, and land on his feet. Van Dam turns around and gets caught with a spinning wheel kick. Van Dam hits the mat, as does Skywalker, both men down. The crowd is cheering, trying to get Skywalker back to his feet. Busch, "Who will capatalize here? Who will gain the upper hand? We'll find out right after this break." Demented goes to a commerical break. Busch, "And we're back, David Van Dam has Skywalker on the top rope, looking for a superplex, but Skywalker blocks it. Again, and another block. Wait, what's Skywalker doing? He's got Van Dam up and he just dropped him chest first on the mat. Why is Skywalker standing up on the top rope... Van Dam is standing up, grabbing his chest... Skywalker leaps off the top rope. My God Jay, what a missle drop kick!" Marshall, "Why does Skywalker keep fighting back? Every time he fights back, he just angers Van Dam more." Skywalker pulls himself to his feet, sweat dripping off of his frame, his body throbbing. Van Dam pulls himself up too, his back facing Skywalker, turning around, he gets caught with a big lariat from the Buffalo, New York Native. The crowd is roaring as Skywalker stands up and pumps his arm, getting the crowd pumped, getting them all behind him. Van Dam pulls himself to his feet, his body throbbing. He turns around, and again Skywalker is lunging towards him, Van Dam ducks this attempt at a lariat. When Skywalker turns around, Van Dam lifts him up for the Last Chance, but Skywakler slides off of Van Dam's back, and drops down to the mat, rolling Van Dam up as he does so. Cain is in position to count. One, Two, Three! Right as Cain's hand hits the mat for three, Van Dam kicks out. The bell rings as Skywalker rolls out of the ring, his hands in the air. Van Dam looks at Cain and shakes his head no, holding up two fingers. While Cain shakes his head and holds up three. Dart, "Your winner, CHRISTIAN...SKYWALKER!" Van Dam stands up and slams his foot into the bottom rope, roaring as Skywalker stumbles up the ramp, beaming. Marshall, "What just happened?" Busch, "Christian Skywalker did the unthinkable, that's what happened. Christian Skywalker beat David Van Dam. Christian Skywalker did it!" Suddenly the crowd begins to boo as we see someone come from behind and wrap Skywalker in the back of the neck with a hard forearm, making him drop forward and roll a ways down the ramp. The cameras pan back and upon further evaluation we realize it’s SFM. Busch, "Awe come on! The man just wrestled a huge match and now SFM’s trying to capatlize on what’s set to be his future tag team title challenger." Van Dam hops off the ropes and backs up into the middle of the ring as SFM gives pursuit to Skywalker. Christian starts to pull himself up at the bottom of the ramp but SFM comes across with another hard forearm across the back of the neck. Skywalker stumbles forward and SFM grabs him by the neck and trunks and slides him under the ropes into the ring. SFM slides in after him as Skywalker stumbles up to his feet. Skywalker turns around and SFM goes for a hard right hand but Skywalker puts up his arm blocking the shot and hits a hard right of his own, making the crowd erupt. Busch, "Skywalker with the block and a hard right!" Skywalker hits a second, then a third that has SFM reeling on the ropes. He winds up and gets ready for a haymaker but Van Dam suddenly shoots in from behind and�?/P> BAM! The crowd boos as DVD nails the Last Chance! Busch, "DAMN IT!" SFM regains his composure as he smirks and comes over to where we see Van Dam stalking the now virtually slain NLCS. SFM pats Van Dam on the back and suddenly Van Dam’s head perks up as his eyes go narrow. SFM, "Good job man, good job." Van Dam turns around and says, "Thanks Sean." SFM nods and turns to leave but as he does Van Dam grabs his arm and neck and applies the standing Crossface Chickenwing. The crowd actually pops as we see SFM tapping his shoulder, pleading for a release. David doesn’t care though, the ruthless ex champion just wrenches it in even harder�?We can see the shoulder trying to run through SFM skin to escape the pain but David won’t let up. Suddenly we hear a loud "Pop" as SFM’s arm goes limp. Busch, "Uh�? As that happens David pops his hips back and sends SFM flying back with a Crossface Chickenwing suplex. SFM lands hard on his shoulder and neck and slides out of the ring to the floor. Marshal, "Holy Crap! I think Van Dam just completely dislocated SFM’s shoulder, IF he didn’t shatter the joint all together. And then I think he dropped him on his neck!" The crowd is cheering though because lord knows they don’t like SFM. But now David goes back to stalking a barely moving NLCS. Skywalker rolls to his knees as David pulls down the straps of his singlet. Busch, "Come on now�?He’s had enough�? Marshal, "PFFT! David Van Dam’ll decide when he’s had enough!" NLCS starts to crawl toward the ropes and as he does Van Dam hops on his back, wraps up his arm and his chin and falls back, applying a crossface chickenwing with a leg scissors wrap to apply extra pressure to the ribs and to keep NLCS short of air. The crowd is back to booing as Skywalker is damn close to dislocating Skywalker’s shoulder as well. We hear the sound of a phone dialing�?/P> Kid, "Yeah�? Man, "Yeah." Kid, "I Wanta be a Rockstar When I Grow Up�? Man, "A Rockstar huh?" Kid, "Hell Yeah�?Just Like You." *Drumbs* YEEEEAH! EEEEEEEEHYEAAAAAAAAAH YEAAAAAAAAAAAH�?/P> By now the crowd is in a frenzy, realizing that the start of Superstar II By Saliva can only mean one thing�?/P> WallStreet! Busch, "YES! HERE COMES THE CALVARY!" WallStreet has a steal chair in hand and is power walking down the ramp. Van Dam keeps the Chickenwing applied momentarily but soon releases and stands up, realizing he’s about to be joined by the boss. WallStreet stops half way down the ramp realizing David’s released Skywalker. WallStreet points to Van Dam with his chair and says, "Get your ass out of here!" At least that’s what we think he said since his music’s playing and he doesn’t have a mic. David just smirks, grabs a fist full of Christian’s hair, yanks him to his feet and re applies the Crossface. WallStreet darts down and slides in the ring. WallStreet goes running at Van Dam, his chair wound up high above his head with so much might that WallStreet’s eyes even close�?At this time DVD realizes that there’s no way this is worth the chair shot he’s about to receive so he releases Skywalker and suicide dives out of the ring as WallStreet brings the chair crashing down and ends up leveling Skywalker! The crowd gasps as WallStreet open’s his eyes wide with shock. We can see a HUGE dent in the chair from Skywalker’s head and we watched Skywalker crumple up like an according. Busch, "BAH GOD!" David smirks and starts walking around the ring as WallStreet drops to his knees and grabs Skywalker’s now bleeding skull. WallStreet starts waving to the back as he screams, "GET SOME HELP! GET SOME DAMN HELP DOWN HERE!" "No Apologies" by Eminem begins to blast over the PA as David arrogantly saunters toward the ramp and the medics begin rushing from behind the stage. Busch, "Bah God, I think Skywalker AND SFM may have just been put on the shelf!" Marshal, "What’s that mean for our tag team title match at Oblivion?!" Busch, "Forget that, what’s it mean for their careers!" The cameras fade on the medics checking NLCS and SFM as WallStreet glares up the ramp at an arrogant, vindictive David Van Dam. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 2nd, 2007 | When the cameras return from commercial we find ourselves backstage where two ambulances are parked side by side with their back doors opened. We see a couple of gurneys being rolled toward them, one has NLCS strapped down with a neck brace and the other has SFM strapped down from the waist down with a neck brace and his limp arm on his chest. We can see a lot of the ICWA performers and staff gathered around, gasping and whispering as WallStreet follows the performers. Busch, "If you’re just joining us you’re seeing the carnage left by one man; David Van Dam." Marshal, "I’ve never seen Van Dam as intense as he’s become after losing that ICWA Championship." Busch, "Intense?! He’s become a mad man!" They start loading SFM and NLCS into their respective ambulances as the crowd suddenly pops. Why? Because we see Matt Matlock walking around the ambulances with his gear on, his belt on, and his Duffle bag over his shoulder. Apparently he got dressed at the Hotel or something. Matlock walks around and sees the two performers being loaded up as he says, "Damn�?What happened?" WallStreet turns and says, "Your best pal happened." Matlock, "Huh?" WallStreet, "David Van Dam." Matlock seems unpleasantly surprised as he says, "David did this?" WallStreet, "Who else? The guy’s become a crazed war machine." Matlock, "This is bullshit! Just because he lost the championship doesn’t give him the right to go around trying to end everyone’s career! I’m going out to the ring and calling him out! We’ll settle this once and for all right now!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "Well that sounds damn good to me! You wanta try and cripple people Van Dam?! Try crippling the Heavyweight champion of the World why don’t ya!" Marshal, "Ya don’t shut up he’s gonna cripple you." WallStreet, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I don’t think so Matt." The crowd boos as Matlock says, "Why the Hell not?" WallStreet, "You’re fighting me tonight and I don’t want any excuses when I take your title. You want Van Dam? Hell, so do I. But not tonight. I promised the world a block buster main event and I’m not screwing them over for our own personal vendettas! What I will do is this�?Next Demented no matter who wins or losses between you and I tonight�?Next Demented the Marquee’s STILL Gonna read Matt Matlock & Taylor McCallister (Crowd cheers)�?The difference is that it’s gonna read our names together as a team against David Van Dam (Crowd boos) and the only guy in this company who can still stomach Van Dam�?Joe Six Pack (Crowd boos)!" Busch, "BAH GOD! What a Main Event!" WallStreet, "But this week it’s you and me for that strap. We clear?" Matlock stairs in WallStreet’s eyes momentarily and then nods, "Crystal. Next week Van Dam meets the end of the road on his little tantrums�?This week�?Well try and keep up in the ring because I’ll gladly go in against Van Dam and Six Pack next week in a handicap match if it’s the difference between being or not being the World Heavyweight Champion." The crowd pops as WallStreet smirks and nods. WallStreet, "Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind." Busch, "Oh boy, I reckon Matlock and our Chairman are ready to go here tonight!" The Ambulances take off with their lights flashing as we fade to the ring. ((Back in May before I left two matches weren’t done. The Main Event and the following match. Both will be summarized here as I don’t have match writing in me right now. )) ICWA US Title Tournament Flipside V.S. Joe Six Pack Winner: Joe 6 Pack It was a close match, Flipside started to get a real heavy offense mounted that was based off using his speed and wits. However Joe would deliver a hard shot with an undetected set of brass knucks out of no where, then hit the 6 and Rising. After that it was curtains for Flipside. This match went six minutes. Joe stands tall with his arm raised as the crowd boos and Dart declares, "Your Winner�?JOE_SIX PAAAAAAACK!" Busch, "Flipside just got cheated hard!" Marshal, "It’s only cheating if ya get caught Bert!" Busch, "Well by hook or by crook Joe Six Pack just one this thing which means that at Oblivion it’s gonna be Joe Six Pack and Whysper going one on one for the ICWA United States Championship!" With that we go to a split screen as the crowd erupts�?/P> We see both WallStreet and Matlock heading toward the Gorilla Position from their own respective places in the arena. Busch, "But when we come back it’s even bigger than that�?Our CEO and Chairman goes one on one with the Heavyweight Champion of the World and the title is on the line! That’s NEXT!" the cameras slowly draw back and the image of WallStreet and Matlock becomes glassy. As it continues back we see�?/P> David Van Dam watching the monitor. We fade on an evil smirk. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live May 2nd, 2007 | The cameras return on Bert Busch and Jay Marshal at ringside. Busch, "Folks we are mere moments away from our blockbuster main event but before we go to Kevin Dart in the ring we have just gotten a big time announcement about our next Demented�?The main event has been changed as a result of Joe Six Pack defeating Flipside in the united states title tournament. The bout has now been made a Six Man Tag match! Joining the team of WallStreet and Matt Matlock now will be Joe’s opponent for Oblivion�?Whysper!" Marshal, "That’s huge Bert! But who’s gonna even it out for Joe and Van Dam?!" Busch, "Are ya ready for this Jay?" Marshal, "I’m ready! Out with it!" Busch, "David Van Dam has worked quickly here tonight�?It’s no secret that Van Dam’s wrestled all across the globe for years and has documented success in many countries�?Well it appears that on his last trip to the Orient he met a man by the name of Safata Tupou. This man was part Tongan, part Fujian and he told Van Dam that he had access to a Tongan War Machine named�?Ak Tui! Next week folks in the six man main event, the Tongan War Machine Ak Tui makes his debut alongside David Van Dam & Joe Six Pack as they face off against Matt Matlock, Mr. McCallister and Whysper! Bah God what a huge night!" Marshal, "I’ve heard about this War Machine and man�?I never thought I’d say this but I feel sorry for the Boss." Busch, "Well don’t start reading his last rites yet, there’s a reason he’s contesting for the heavyweight championship here tonight. And speaking of which, he is indeed contending for the title so let’s get to the ring for that bout."  | ICWA Main Event ICWA World Heavyweight Championship Taylor "WallStreet" McCallister V.S. Matt Matlock This bout was a highly competitive contest between two of the all time greats in this industry. It went for about 25 minutes with two commercial breaks thrown in the midst. Let’s take you in for the conclusion. Matlock and WallStreet are both down on the mat, breathing heavy from the grueling action they’ve endured. Senior official Tim White’s applying the count. ………………�?One………………�?.Two........ Busch, "These two have been going full throttle but they may have used up the last of the gas in the tank." ……………………�?Three……………�?Four…………�?/FONT> Matlock and WallStreet both slowly begin moving. ………………………Five………………�?Six…………�? They both start to roll to their knees, the crowd clapping and stomping to awake their headliners. ………………………Seven…………………Eight…………�?/FONT> They both grab the ropes on the opposite sides of each other, Matlock grabbing the ropes rampside and WallStreet grabbing them nearest the commentators. ………………………Nine…………………�?/FONT> They both pull themselves up on the ropes, leaning back on the ropes staring across the ring at each other. Tim White checks em both and decides to let the contest continue, drawing a huge roar of approval from the fans. It doesn’t take long however for that roar to change it’s tone as we suddenly see Matlock’s legs swept, making him land face first on the canvas before he’s yanked out of the ring. Busch, "What the Hell?!" The cameras reveal that Van Dam’s rushed down and grabbed Matlock. The crowd boos as Tim White begins screaming at David. David slides in the ring and darts across, leaping up and nailing a huge Clothesline that sends WallStreet up and over the top rope. The crowd begins booing loudly as Tim White calls for the bell. Busch, "Damn it! Van Dam’s just ruined this match!" The Bell begins sounding as Van Dam hops up on the ropes and points down at the fallen WallStreet on the floor. Van Dam yells, "This is MY Belt! MINE! You hear me?! MINE! And YOU’RE Not keeping me from it!" On the other side of the ring Matlock’s gotten to his feet and slides in under the ropes. The crowd begins to cheer as he glares a hole through the back of Van Dam, his chest pumping fiercely. David hops down and turns around, his eyes instantly wide with surprise that Matlock’s back in the ring. Matlock darts toward David but David instantly drops down and rolls out of the ring to the fans dismay. Busch, "Oh yeah, Look at him! He’s runnin away like a sculded dog!" Marshal, "Why should he stay? He accomplished what he set out to do�?He made sure that WallStreet wouldn’t be in the Oblivion main event AND he got another shot on Matlock!" David smirks on the floor and taps his head, implicating he’s too smart and too fast for Matlock�?Matlock however darts for the ropes and baseball slides out to the floor. The crowd erupts as Van Dam’s eyes shoot wide, his smirk disappears and he looks like he just saw the reaper himself. David instantly turns and runs, jumping over the fan barricade, but Matlock stays in hot pursuit as he does the same and begins chasing Van Dam through the crowd to the fans great approval. Busch, "YES! GET HIM! GET HIM! BAH GOD GET HIM MATLOCK!" Marshal, "GAH!" We follow Matlock and Van Dam through the sea of humanity to the curtain for one of the floor seat entrances. Van Dam bolts behind it and Matlock is right behind�?Conveniently, a camera man is on the otherside to take over for our ring cameras. Busch, "Van Dam’s on the run and the Champ’s in hot pursuit!" Indeed, and the fans are eating it up. Security is trying to keep up as David goes bolting through the "tunnel" that leads from the main arena floor to the floor seats for the show. He darts out into the lobby of the Wachovia center and heads for the doors as Matlock is close behind. He goes rushing through the doors, Matlock only a couple of steps behind�?As we go outside we see a tan Ford Tores parked with the Engine running and the back windows rolled down. We recognized Joe Six pack in the passenger seat and we see a dark man behind the wheel, probably Big Steed Williams. David leaps with his arms straightened in front of him like an Olympic diver as he gets his upper body into the car through the open window. We see his legs wiggling as he yells, "GO! GO! DRIVE!" The tires squeal just as Matlock grabs for David’s leg and the car takes off down the street. Busch, "David Van Dam was a hiccup away from being at the mercy of our champion! It’s a damn good thing for him that his buddies had the car ready for him or he may not have made it here next week." The security that’d been trying to keep up so to make sure Matlock and Van Dam weren’t attacked by fans is now surrounding Matlock in a half circle on the side walk as Matlock just looks at the disappearing tail lights of Van Dam’s get away car, staring coldly as he breaths heavy. The credits come up in the lower left corner of the screen as Busch says, "Well folks, Van Dam and Six Pack may have gotten away tonight but next time there’s no where to run, no where to hide as they meet WallStreet, Whysper, and our heavyweight champion in three on three tag action�?I’m not even sure that a Tongan War Machine will be enough to save them now." The cameras fade on the aforementioned image. 
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ICWA Demented Credits & Quick Match Results Demented Matches Remorseless Storm Def. Local Tag Team Via Double Pinfall (Written by Taylor) Heather McMahon Drew w/ Summer Stratus via Time Limit Experation (Not sure who wrote it) Whysper Def. Leaky Format via Pinfall (Written by DVD) NLCS Def. DVD via Pinfall (Written by DVD) Joe 6 - Pack Def. Flipside via Pinfall (Summerized) Hope Cassidy Def. Angelina Santana via Pinfall (Written by NLCS) WallStreet v.s. Matt Matlock - No Contest (Summerized) Sorry Hope and Angelina, I only JUST realized I forgot to add your match in results. It's being tacked on behind these credits. 
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Dart - "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a non-title match. Introducing first, she hails from Boston, Massachusetts, she weighs in at 135 lbs., HOPE CASSIDY!!!!" The opening beats to the Pussycat Doll’s "Dontcha" hit the sound system and a large base with a silver pole starts to descend slowly from the ceiling above the stage. As the music continues Hope is seen wrapping herself around the pole slowly, teasing the crowd by slightly opening her long black trench coat and leaning right over for a great cleavage shot. As she reaches the stage she throws her coat to the floor, swings around the pole and slides down with her back to the pole one last time. The chorus kicks in and a stunning Hope Cassidy in her usual wrestling gear makes her way down the ramp as the crowd chant her name. Hope flashes one of her winning smiles before hopping up into a sitting position on the ring apron, facing the stage. After a quick Basic Instinct style flash Hope rolls underneath the bottom rope, stands up and poses for the fans before returning her attention back to the match... Dart - "And her opppnent, she is the reigning ICWA Women's Champion, she comes to us tonight from Beverly Hills, California, she weighs 125 lbs, she is ANGELINA SANTANA!!!!" "It's All About the Benjamins" rushes through the PA and Angelina walks out to the stage. She stops, holds her arms out to her sides and twists her hips with a seductive smile. She then proceeds to walk to the ring, greeting the fans and blowing kisses to them. Once she gets to the ring, she stops at the apron, and puts her hands upon it. Then, Angelina proceeds to twist and gyrate her hips in a seductive motion. She puts one leg up, and caresses it. Then, she puts the other leg up, sitting spread-eagle on the apron. She then ducks under the bottom rope and crawls into the ring. After that, Angelina stands up and gives the 'rock on' taunt. She then walks to the ropes and bounces on the second rope, giving the 'rock on' taunt again. After that, Angelina hops off the rope and walks to the center of the ring... Referee Chris Martin goes for the bell, but just as Hope Cassidy and Angelina Santana are about to lock up "Brackish" by Kittie begins to play. The two women look up to see Heather McMahon walk out on to the ramp. Her grin causes Angelina to glare. Hope just lets out a laugh as Heather starts down the ramp towards the ring. Angelina yells at the ref and points at Heather. Heather shrugs as she walks over to where Bert Busch & Jay Marshall are sitting. Heather motions for Bert to scoot over to another chair and he does giving Heather room to sit at the annouce table. Angelina's eyes follow Heather. Heather just winks at Angelina as she slips on a head set... Busch - "Well this is an unexpected, but very pleasant surprise. Heather McMahon, one of the many women vying for the right to face Angelina Santana for ICWA Women's Title has decided to grace us with her presence." Marshal - "What is so pleasant about it Bert? I finally get rid of one broad, Image Johnson, and now I have to deal with another one. You know, the reason they dont put women behind the announcer's table is because they dont know what the hell they are talking about." Busch - "Jay, you need to show a little respect. I may not be able to do much......" Heather - "Nah, dont worry about it Bert. I can handle myself. Jay, you better keep your trap shut, or at least keep in clean as far as I go, because I will slap the living piss out of your mouth. Now, gentleman, and Jay, lets focus on the match." Marshal - "What the hell are you doing out here anyway, it isnt like we need your help." Heather - "I am here scouting some competition. I want that Women's Title and I know these two ladies are two of the top females we have here. Angelina is the champ and Hope is going to get a shot sometime soon, at least you would think so." Hope and Angelina begins circling the ring, trying to figure each other out. Angelina is keeping an eye on Heather, and she keeps looking back at her, then Hope. The champion does the right thing though, and she begins concentrating on Hope. They lock up in the center of the ring, but neither lady can seem to get the advantage. They pull back, and stare at each other. They faced off last week in a match, and they know alot about one another, but no one could get the advantage. They lock up again, and this time Hope pulls Angelina in for a head lock. She begins to grind on Angelinas head with her arm, but Angelina hits Hope in the back three times, then sends her to the ropes. Angelina drops down and Hope leaps over her, then Angelina returns to her feet and when Hope comes back from the ropes, Angelina nails a clothesline sending Hope crashing to the mat. She drops an elbow over Hope's chest and gets to her feet, only to drop down with another one. Hope clutches at her chest as the fans cheer, not because Hope is hurt, but because both woman are loved. Angelina picks Hope up off of the mat, and sends her off to the ropes, and Angelina runs the other way and bounces off the other side of the ropes. When they meet in the middle, Angelina leaps and nails a cross body black, sending Hope crashing to the canvas again, and Angelina stays on top of her for the quick cover, 1 ..... and a quick kick out by Hope... Busch - "That was not even close, but I have to admit that I am suprised to see Angelina is taking the fight to Hope. I know she is the champ, but Hope is a former Heavyweight Champion." Marshal - "She only beat Brock Lesnar Bert, that is nothing special. What is he doing now, training guys? None of them are that good either." Heather - "Sounds like someone is a little jealous of Brock, but that is neither here nor there. Hope needs to get her act together, Angelina is looking real good though." Angelina picks Hope up, but as Hope is rising, she elbows Angelina in the mid section. Angelina is doubled over, and Hope runs to the ropes, and when she returns, she nails a spinning heel kick and Angelina falls backwards onto the mat. She drops an elbow returning the favor from earlier. Angelina holds her chest, and she is in some pain. Hope gets a head of steam an runs to the ropes, and come back and nails another elbow drop. She gets right up to her feet and turns away from Angelina. She leaps and nails a standing moonsault. Angelina is down, and Hope goes over to the corner, and climbs the ropes. She gets to the top rope, and leaps down with a big splash, but Angelina gets her knees up and Hope comes crashing across them. Hope is holding her midsection, and Angelina gets up. Angelina picks Hope up and gives her a snapmare over, then dropkicks her in the back of the head. She picks Hope up, sinches her head under her arm, and spins around so they are back to back, then drops her down with a neckbreaker. She picks Hope up again and turns her around. Angelina puts her head underneath Hope's arm, and then lifts her in the air and drops her down on her back with a belly to back suplex. Hope is holding her back, and Angelina springs to her feet and the crowd cheers respectfully. Hope begins to stagger to her feet, and Angelina charges at her. Hope leaps flat footed and clears the chargiing Angelioa, then Hope runs to the ropes and charges back, and as Angelina turns around, she is nailed with a massive spear. Both women are down, and they are sucking win heavily. This has been a fast paced match. Hope gets to her feet first, and Angelina does shortly there after. Hope kicks Angelina in the stomach, and puts her head between her legs. Hope then lifts hard and Angelina is up on Hope's shoulders, and Hope slams her down to the mat hard with a powerbomb. She drops down and goes for the cover. Martin counts 1 ... 2....and a kickout... Busch - "These two ladies are letting it all hang out in there. This match has been high impact and high risk." Marshal - "Unfortunately for us, there is nothing hanging out in this match. This sucks, we need someone to not reinforce the wardrobes of our lady competitors." Heather - "We are not just eye candy Jay, we are here to compete and we are here to win. If you werent retired, I would beat your ass in the middle of that ring too." Hope picks Angelina up and gives her an irish whip into the ropes, and she follows Angelina in, and they meet right before the ropes and Hope clotheslines Angelina right up and over the top rope. Hope then steps through the ropes and leaps from the apron to the floor. She picks Angelina up and rolls her back into the ring, she does not want to fight on the outside, and she does not want a cheap countout victory. She is here to make a statement against the champ. She lifts Angelina up, kicks her in the gut again, and leaps up, and comes down, nailing a FameAsser to the back of Angelina's head. Angelina hits the mat face first, and clutches her nose. Hope gets to her feet and the crowd cheers for her as well. Angelina is still on her stomch, and Hope quickly goes down by her legs, and she pulls up Angelina's left ankle and hooks on the Ankle Lock. Angelina begins to scream and squirm, she is in a great deal of pain. Hope really sinches it in, but Angelina inches her way to the ropes and grabs the bottom one. Martin goes to begin his count, but Hope drops the leg and lets go. Angelina is holding her ankle, and Hope bends down to pick her up. Hope stands Angelina up straight, and goes for a clothesline, but Angelina ducks and when Hope turns around, she is nailed with a standing dropkick to the face. Both women are down and Referee Martin begins the count 1 .... 2..... 3...... 4...... 6...... 6..... Angelina begins to move 7...... now Hope is moving 8...... 9.......Angelina gets to her feet with Hope still on her knees, but that is enough for the ref to stop the count. Angelina sees that Hope is on her knees and she makes a short jump and nails another dropkick right to Hope's face. Angelina then goes over to the corner and goes up to the top rope. She is waiting for Hope to get to her feet, which she finally does. Angelina then leaps and wraps her legs around Hope's head and spins her over with a head scissors. She then picks Hope up and kicks her in the gut, then she runs to the ropes and jumps and nail a float over DDT. Hope's head smashes on the canvas and Angelina goes for the cover. Martin drops down and counts 1 .... 2..... th........ Hope gets her shoulder up... Heather - "Good job Hope, oh man, that was close." Busch - "Yeah, I thought the Women's Champ had her there, but Hope Cassidy is a resiliant woman. Angelina is going to have to work a little bit hard than that I think." Marshal - "These women need to hurry up, so we can get back to some real competition." Heather - "One more time Jay, and you are going to get knocked out, that I can promise you." Marshal - "Alright, I will just keep my mouth shut then." Busch - "Thank you Heather, by god thank you. If I knew that was all it took to shut this man up, I would have invited you out here a long time ago." Angelina picks Hope up and picks her up onto her shoulders. She walks over to the corner, and then she gets a head of steam, but Hope wiggles her way off and catches Angelina by the back of the head. She then drives Angelina down hard on her back with an with an Inverted DDT, and both women are down again. Hope gets to her feet, but she falls back onto the ropes trying to catch her breath. After standing there for a few moments, Hope goes over and picks Angelina up, sinches her in and delivers a fast snap suplex. She holds on, rolls her hips and brings Angelina back up to her feet. She then darts behind Angelina, and wraps her arms around her waist, then Hope lifts with all her might and delivers a devastating German Suplex. Hope does the cross throat gesture signaling that the match is over. She then picks up Angelina and hooks her in, then she nails a Lucious Landing, and her and Angelina crashing to the mat. Hope is down, but she slowly turns herself over and covers Angelina. Martin counts 1 .... 2 .... and a kickout before three by Angelina. Hope looks a little frustrated, but she continues on the attack. She picks Angelina up again and hooks her in, and she lifts her up, but Angelina gets a little momentum and delivers a massive Tornado DDT. The two women are down and Martin begins to count. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... neither competitor is moving as of yet, but both are breathing really hard, the match has taken a lot out of them. 5 ..... 6 ..... 7..... Hope begins to gather herself. 8 .... 9..... Angelina kicks up and is right back on her feet. She is still out of it, but she made it to her feet to stop the count. Hope gets to her feet shortly there after. Angelina charges at Hope and drives her right back into the corner. She then lifts Hope up into the air and places her bottom first on the top turnbuckle. The crowd begins to get into a roar, they are very happy with this match and now they are expecting something big. Angelina climbs up the the top rope to, and she is standing on the top rope and Hope's head is right near the crotch area. Angelina then leaps up and wraps her legs around Hope's head and her momentum carries them both over, with Angelina nailing a top rope Hurricarana. The crowd ooohhhhs as both women are down again, but Angelina slowly makes it over and covers Hope. Martin drops and counts 1 ....... 2 ....... Thre......... Hope gets her shoulder barely up at the last second... Busch - "Oh my god, you cannot get any closer than that. That was close fall, but Hope once again got her shoulder up. Wow, what a contest." Heather - "I have to admit, this has been beyond impressive. This is why the greatest women competitors come to the ICWA, this is where the best competition and the best action is." Marshal - "........." Angelina cannot believe she did not get the three there. But she is true champion and she is not going to let this distract her. She goes over and drops another elbow drop across Hope's chest. Angelina then picks Hope up, and they are leaning on one another, face to face, they are both about worn out. Angelina then puts Hope's head underneath her arm, grabs ahold of Hopes tights and pulls hard lifting her into the air. Hope quickly counters and twists and falls down behind Angelina, landing on her feet. She also managed to hook Angelina's head underneath her arm, and she quickly nails the Straight To Hell. Hope rolls over with the move into the cover and Martin drops to count.... 1 ....... 2 ...... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dart - "Here is your winner, HOPE CASSIDY!!!!!!!" Heather - "Wow, what a match, but in the end, my good friend Hope pulled this one out. I cannot take anything away from Angelina though, this was a hard fought victory for Hope." Busch - "I could not have said it any better myself Heather. We may have just witnessed one of the greatest women's matches that this company has ever seen. In the end, Hope somehow managed to suck it up and survive, and after she hit the Straight To Hell, there was no doubt." Marshal - "Thank god its over, now Heather can get the hell out of here and we can get back to some real actiun." Busch - "Heather, before you coldcock this man, I want to thank you so very much for coming down here and sharing your commentary with us. We will be looking forward to seeing you in action again, and more importantly, you are welcome back here anytime. Thanks you very much." | |
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