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ICWA Presents Oblivion August 12, 2007 | The lights in the arena dim to white lights flashing all over the arena as the pounding sounds of "Fixation on the Darkness" by Killswitch Engage begin to play over the P.A. system. The fans rise to their feet, some cheering and some booing, as the titan tron plays the video of a blonde modeling, beating up an opponent, or just standing around looking pretty, as always. Soon enough, from behind the curtains comes Nicole Page herself, smiling and waving to the crowd. She stops and looks around with a nod ofthe steps and along the apron before stopping to enter the ring. She placed leg through the top and second ropes, slowly movin approval on her face, feeling satisfied that there's so many people who cheer her on. Nicole continues down the aisle, waving at some fans nearby and looking at the crowds beyond her reach. She then walks up g her body along with it, and then places the other leg through as well. She walks to the center of the ring and raises her arms and points her index fingers out as a pose as the fans cheer her on.
Kevin Dart: Making her way to the ring, from Spokane, Washington, she is NICOLE PAGEEEE!
Black rose petals fall as "Do you dare to enter my world" is said. Flames block the entrance as Blaze comes walking out. The fans are unable to see her as the bell rings. She lowers her hands and the flames create an opening. She walks through the opening with no show of fear whatsoever. As the rose petals fall "Enjoy the silence" hits and Blaze walks down the ramp. She is introduced and makes her way down the ramp. She enters the ring by jumping on the apron. She does a pose in the ring and takes off her jacket, giving it to the ref. She then stretches and touches her toes without even bending her knees, warming up for her match. The fans go wild as Blaze Inferno smirks and then waits for her opponent as the music fades.
Kevin Dart: From Edmonton, Ab, Canada, making her way to the ring she is BLAZE INFERNOOOOOOOOO!
Jay: I really like Page tonight.
Burt: So do I, but Blaze is the vet of the two and she might have just enough history to get her through this match.
[The bell sounds for the match and we're on our way, with Blaze charging Page. She may be short but she changes that real quick with a dropkick to the knee to take Page down to her level, sort of. She starts laying into Page with some right hands, and then a knee to the face. While Page is stunned she bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Page in the face, which makes her fall back. Blaze goes for a cover, but Page's under the ropes and the ref won't count. Page powers out anyway and sends Blaze flying back a bit. She's obviously not too pleased now as he charges like a bull at her. However she manages to duck under it Trish Stratus style, turns around and dropkicks Page's other knee out, following that with a spike DDT on Page. Blaze manages to roll her over and hooks the leg, but she only gets two.]
Burt: Blaze really is taking it to Page.
[Blaze gets up now, and waits for Page to follow suit. She looks for an enziguri but Page ducks underneath it and waits. When Blaze gets back up Page nails a shoulder tackle and drives Blaze hard to the canvas, and goes for a cover. But she only gets a two count as well.]
Jay: Dang another close nearfall!
[Page pulls Blaze up to her feet, before taking her down with a quick but powerful snap suplex. Grabbing the standing Blaze Inferno from behind with a back waist lock. Lifting Blaze up, she bridges backwards and completes a German Suplex, keeping the bridge for a pin. Referee is quickly position, and starts to count, it's not quite a two. Page argues with the referee, this gives Blaze the moment she needs, roll up!]
1...2... NO Jay: Nicole shouldn't argue with the ref!
[Blaze and Page both get to their feet, but Page goes to arguery with the ref again, so Blaze slides out of the ring, and grabs two metal folding chairs. She slides one in under the bottom of the ropes and carries the other one in with her]
Burt: BLAZE! What are you doing?!
[The ref sees Blaze carrying in the chair and goes to stop her, however the ref did not see the chair she slid in. The ref is able to pull the chair that Blaze was carring away from her and has he turns his back to the women and hands the chair to a ring crew man...Page took this split second...kick to the gut...DDT ON THE CHAIR! Page slides the chair out and hooks Blaze's leg, the ref turns and drops for the count]
Jay: Not that way!
Burt: But Blaze was the one that brought the chairs in!
Kevin Dart: Here is your winner, NICOLE PAGEEEEEEEE!
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ICWA Presents Oblivion August 12, 2007 | Dart, " The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for a guarenteed ICWA United States Title shot. Introducing first..." All the lights in the arena go out...Red strop Lights come flashing across the arena then "HeadStrong" comes loud across the PA system: HEADSTRONG TO TAKE ON ANYONE! A red spotlight shines down on the ramp as David Baumann comes out and he stands at the top of the ramp with his unzipped black champion sweathshirt on, the hood up, his head down. Kevin Dart: Making his way to the ring, He hails from "The Circle City" Indianapolis, Indiana. Standing 6 feet 2 inchs, weighting in tonight at a mean 225 pounds. He is DAVID BAUMANN!!!!!! His hands shaking at his sides has he pumps himself up for the match. Finally David starts to walk down the middle of the ramp, head still down, hood still up. David reachs the ring and he makes one lap around before climbing the stares and walks to he far turnbuckle. Still on the outside David climbs to the second rope and has he throws his hood off and his hand in the air, his face comes into clear picture, his eyes closed, his head looking up, a cocky smirk across his face. David hops down to the inside of the ring. David paces back and forth in the ring before settling in the corner, a small prayer facing the turnbuckle, on one knee. As he finishs he hops up and he is ready to wrestle. Busch, "This is a big chance for the youngster from Indianapolis, Indiana. He's gotten the call up to the ICWA, and what a match to make his name in. Two established stars in the ICWA in James and Ryan Ross. If Baumann can score an upset here, he could cement himself as a force to reckon with." Marshall, "Baumann has a lot of potential, he was trained by a man in the main event tonight, David Van Dam. He's held several titles on the lower levels of wrestling, Baumann can really break into stardom tonight." The arena is a buzz, the fans are excited about all the things going on in ICWA. Suddenly the lights go out in the arena and Europe's 1986 smash hit 'Final Countdown' begins to echo throughout the arena. The camera slowly pans across the arena showing the fans as their buzz becomes a violent booing. They all know who is comming out. As the songs introduction finishes, four evenly placed pyrotechnic blasts go off across the entranceway. In their dim light, Ryan Ross is revealed to be on the stage. The spotlights give a dim light down the ramp as he makes his way toward the ring. The fans continue to boo him violently. He stops about midway down the ramp and poses briefly before continuing down the ramp. He makes his way up the steel steps and into the ring.... Dart, "Now in the ring, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 205 pounds, Ryan Ross!" Busch, "Ryan Ross has been trying to break into the main event for a while now, and this could finally propel him into superstardom." Marshall, "It could be the very boost he needs." The sound of an organ blasts through the speakers as the lights in the area go out. only the stage lights sending any light at all as slowly a smoke begins to float off the stage and down the ramp, bathing the area in a mist. four blue flames slowly begin to build on that stage, forming a square as slowly the James begins to rise up from below the stage, his head bowed and his hands held infront of him as slowly the stage rises, his head lifting as he looks out over the crowd and grinning at them. the flames going out as James makes his way slowly down the ramp, his hands rubbing together slowly as he gets to the ring, rolling in under the bottom rope and slowly getting to his feet, his hands raised high into the air. Dart, "Now in the ring, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing two hundred and twenty-five pounds, The Original Sadist, James!" With all three men in the ring, the bell rings officially starting the contest. James springs out of his corner like a monster, swinging his powerful fists. Rights and lefts to Ryan Ross send him reeling into the turnbuckle. Baumann comes from his corner, leaping up and hitting a drop kick on James' back. James chest slams into Ryan Ross' while Baumann lifts James up and drops him with a version of the back drop suplex. Baumann's up and turns towards Ross, who springs from the corner with a leaping enzurgari. Baumann drops to a knee as Ross rushes forward, driving his knee into Baumann's head. Busch, "Fast action thus far, this match will probably be fast and quick, don't expect this to be a long match with the pace these three are setting." James grabs Ross around the midsection, popping his hips to send him overhead with a beautiful overhead belly to belly suplex. James is up, but so is Baumann. James turns, swinging a fist at Baumann, but Baumann ducks and drives his boot leg into James midsection. James stumbles, where Ryan Ross is awaiting with a kick to the lower back. James' back arches as Baumann runs forward, nailing James with a lariat. The lartiat floors James, but opens Baumann up to a snap DDT from Ryan Ross. Marshall, "These guys are really letting it hang out." James is back up, but barely. Ross is charging towards him, James ducks an attempted lariat and lifts Ross up,driving him back down into the mat roughly with a modification of a judo throw. Baumann comes charging towards James, who ducks down and uses his shoulder to propel Baumann into the air and over to the ground. Ross is back up and James ducks another attempted shot, swinging a big hook that catches Ross right on the temple. Ross drops, the blow obviously stunning him. Seeing an opening, James falls onto of him for the cover. One Two Three . Busch, "And it's over that fast! One good punch from James and it's done." Dart, "Your winner, James!" | | |
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ICWA Presents Oblivion August 12, 2007 | Kevin Dart: Ladies and Gentlemen, the next match is for the ICWA WOMEN'S TITLE!
"It's All About the Benjamins" rushes through the PA and Angelina walks out to the stage. She stops, holds her arms out to her sides and twists her hips with a seductive smile. She then proceeds to walk to the ring, greeting the fans and blowing kisses to them. Once she gets to the ring, she stops at the apron, and puts her hands upon it. Then, Angelina proceeds to twist and gyrate her hips in a seductive motion. She puts one leg up, and caresses it. Then, she puts the other leg up, sitting spread-eagle on the apron. She then ducks under the bottom rope and crawls into the ring. After that, Angelina stands up and gives the 'rock on' taunt. She then walks to the ropes and bounces on the second rope, giving the 'rock on' taunt again. After that, Angelina hops off the rope and walks to the center of the ring.
Kevin Dart: Making her way to the ring, from Beverly Hills, CA she stands five feet four inchs, she is the reigning Women's Champion, she is ANGELINA SANTANAAAAA!
The opening beats to the Pussycat Doll?s "Dontcha" hit the sound system and a large base with a silver pole starts to descend slowly from the ceiling above the stage. As the music continues Hope is seen wrapping herself around the pole slowly, teasing the crowd by slightly opening her long black trench coat and leaning right over for a great cleavage shot. As she reaches the stage she throws her coat to the floor, swings around the pole and slides down with her back to the pole one last time. The chorus kicks in and a stunning Hope Cassidy in her usual wrestling gear makes her way down the ramp as the crowd chant her name. Hope flashes one of her winning smiles before hopping up into a sitting position on the ring apron, facing the stage. After a quick Basic Instinct style flash Hope rolls underneath the bottom rope, stands up and poses for the fans before returning her attention back to the match.
Kevin Dart: Now introducing to you from Boston, MA she is HOPE CASSIDYYYY!
"Brackish" by Kittie hits and Heather McMahon appears on the top of the ramp. She smirks as she looks around at the cheering crowd. She then puts her hands in the air and lowers them as she starts to make her way down to the ring. She smiles and waves at the fans as they hold up signs with her name on them. She gets patted on the back a few times. She then walks over to the steel stairs and walks up them. She walks onto the side of the apron and gets into the ring through the bottem ropes. She walks into the middle and holds her hands high as the crowd cheers...(etc..etc..)
Kevin Dart: From Greenwich, Conneticut she is HEATHER MCMAHONNNN!
As I stand in the gorrilla position, I can hear the crowd as they wait for something to happen when my theme blares throughout the arena. As "Hot in Here" by Nelly plays, I step out from behind the curtain and stand on top of the entrance ramp with my hands on my hips.
Kevin Dart:"Making her way to the ring from Toronto, Ontario, Canada please welcome....Summer Stratus!"
I walk down the ramp with a smile on my face as I hear the cheers from the crowd. As I reach the bottom of the ramp, I slide in the ring under the bottom rope. As I get to my feet, I walk over to the ropes and point out into the crowd as cameras flash. I do this on the opposite side of the ring as well before my music cuts and I pace the ring waiting on my opponent.
Burt: And lets the ready for our first title match of the night.
[Hope and Summer continue to stare at each other for a moment, each one taking a couple steps to close the gap between them. The crowd can barely contain their excitement as the two circle each other, obviously remembering what happened the last match and trying to remember the weakness? of their opponent. Both step forward looking for the tie-up or at Least Summer is looking for it as he steps in only for hope to duck under one arm stepping quickly behind her and nailing a hard dropkick right to the shoulder blades sending Summer falling forward. Summer hits the mat hard and rolls coming back to her feet quickly and wasting no time as she charges at Hope, who jumps into the air looking for another dropkick which Summer barely manages to sidestep. Hope hits the mat and rolls out of the way, just barely avoiding a quick elbow drop from Summer. Both are quickly back on their feet only inches form each other. Summer kicks out obviously looking for a setup for the ddt. The kick never comes close however as Hope snatches the kick out of the air infront of her, bringing her other hand up from underneath and catching Summer hard under the knee, twisting and pulling off a quick dragonscrew. Summer wastes no time in bounding back to her feet, stepping in quickly to grab hope who grab the arm, obviously looking for the armdrag. Summer locks the back at the last moment to keep from going over, her other arm swinging out and catching hope in the stomach, doubling her over as he steps across locking her other arm with her and hitting a hard Double arm suplex. Summer quickly scrambles looking for the cover and gets only a one off of it as hope easily gets the shoulder up.]
Jay: Wow, what a way to start this match off.
Burt: Yes, these two ladies look perfectly matched, but let us not forget about the two other women sitting on the outside.
[Summer and Hope stand toe to toe in the middle of the ring before each turning from eachother and tagging in McMahon and Angelina. McMahon steps in looking to try and actually tie-up this time. Again Angelina goes to duck under the arm, McMahon however obviously see this coming as she spins, grabbing her as she goes to hit her back and hitting a quick belly to belly sending Angelina crashing yet again to the mat. McMahon wastes no time and quickly pulls her back to her feet Irish whipping her to the ropes catching her as she rebounds and sending her flying across the ring with a double overhand suplex. McMahon is obviously feeling the pump of the crowd as she quickly pulls Angelina to her feet again, sending her hard to the turnbuckle and charging forward, arm out for a hard clothesline. Angelina reels as instead she gets a hard double boot to the face. Stumbling back a couple paces with a hand going to her nose for a moment to make sure her nose isn?t broken. Angelina locks her hands on the top rope, taking advantage of this moment to hop up to the top rope and flying nailing McMahon with a hard cross-body and sending them both careening to the mat.]
Jay: McMahon and Angelina are both out on the outside!
[Hope and Summer both jump in the emtpy ring and charge each other. Hope ducks and turns and hits Summer with a stiff lariat. Summer falls back and goes head first hard into the mat. Hope doesn't take a break and goes right down onto Summer stomping her in the head. Hope stands and turns to the crowd and taunts, giving Summer a chance to recover and get a quick roll-up]
[Hope is able to get her shoulder up before the ref can come down for the count of three. Summer yells at the ref for a second giving Hope the chance to recover before Summer knows what happens "STRAIGHT TO HELL!". Summer is driven hard into the head first and Hope makes the cover.]
Kevin Dart: Summer Stratus has been eliminated!
Jay: Say goodbye to Summer!
[McMahon and Angelina have both made their way to their feet and see Hope just standing in the ring over a lifeless Summer body. The ref is covering Summer from any more attacks while an EMT crew rushes to the ring. The EMTs are able to stabalize Summer and put her on the strecther and take her to the back area.]
Burt: I hope Hope didn't hurt Summer too bad!
[McMahon and Angelina slide into the ring and attack Hope from behide. They pound away on her back before throwing Hope out of the ring. McMahon and Angelina turns back to facing each other and McMahon throws a right hook but Angelina ducks and hits a germen suplex on McMahon. Angelina bridges and the ref drops for a pin...]
[McMahon kicks out and gets to her feet in the matter of seconds, before Angelina is even able to get to her feet and McMahon turns the ref around arguing with him, and while Angelina is leaning on the ropes trying to recover and take a momentry break, Hope takes this chance and slams a chair into Angelina's back and McMahon takes advanagte of the fallen Angelina and drops down for a cover.]
Kevin Dart: Angelina Santana has been eliminated!
Jay: No, not that way!
Burt: Whatever way we have taken to get here we are down to our final two women...Hope and McMahon!
[McMahon stands and taunts towards the crowd after eliminating Angelina, not seeing Hope standing right behide her on the outside. Hope slides in, turns McMahon around, Irish Whip..."LIGHTS OUT"!]
Jay: Hope has the Dragon Sleeper locked in tight!
[McMahon is able to wiggle her way close to the ropes and reachs out for one last chance at breaking the submission, but even stretching her arm as far as possible her hand fars short and McMahon Taps!]
Burt: Thats it! Its over!
Kevin Dart: Heather McMahon has been eliminated and YOUR WINNER AND NEW ICWA WOMEN'S CHAMPION...HOPE CASSIDYYYYYY!! | | |
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ICWA Presents Oblivion August 12, 2007 | Hunter is already in the ring, pacing back and forth awaiting his opponent as we return from a commercial break. Bush, “Well folks this one should certainly be interesting. The monstrous Ak Tu’i will be facing off against that man right there, Hunter Levesque. Hunter is very new to this business but with his family connections is expected to make a big impact here in the ICWA. The question is Jay, will he be able to do it against the Tongan War Machine?�?/FONT> Marshal, “That kid doesn’t stand a chance in Hell! I don’t care who his dad is and I certainly don’t give a rat’s ass about who is slut of a mother might be! That boy is about to receive the beating of a lifetime�?and I can’t wait!�?/FONT> Jay’s mocking laughter is cut short by the shot of Kevin Dart, microphone at the ready with the audience chanting “Let’s Go Aky�? desperately awaiting the arrival of the Tongan War Machine. Dart, “Ladies and gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Already in the ring from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 200lbs�?Hunter Levesque!�?/FONT> The crowd cheer a little for the newcomer but that is soon silenced as the sound of “War Machine�?hit’s the sound system and the crowd jump to their feet in a chorus of boos. The Dementa-Tron flashes with images of the path of destruction this Ultrastar has paved mixed with tribal war footage from Tonga. When the lyrics start to kick in the black curtain goes flying and out from behind it steps the Tongan War Machine. Not far behind is his manager Safata Tupou. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?ON his way to the Ring, Being occumpanied by his Manager, SAFATA TUPOU�?Hailing from the Untamed ISLES OF TONNNGAA�?He weighs in at over three hundred pounds and is known world wide as the "Tongan WAR MAACHINNNNEE"�?He is, AAAAAAAAAK TUUUUUUUUU’I!" Ak walks down the ramp, looking around much like a savage might if thrusted from his third world country to a country such as ours. Safata walk just behind Ak, coaching in his ear as the fans are booing the monster that’s coming to destroy the new boy. Busch, “Ak Tu’i looking as ready as ever to rip this young man to pieces, only time will tell if Hunter can put up a fight against this monster.�?/FONT> Jay is still laughing at the sheer notion of Hunter being able to compete with a creature like Ak Tu’i. Upon his arrival to ringside Safata first walks up the stairs, Ak following close behind. Safata walks to the end of the ring and then takes a seat on the second rope while lifting the top rope for Ak Tu’i. Tu’i enters the ring and stares across at his opponent with a wild savage look in his eyes as the music begins to fade and the bell is rang. Jay, “Here we go�?get the stretcher ready boys!�?/FONT> Ak immediately charges Hunter who with sheer instinct ducks at the last second underneath the massive forearm of his opponent before it collided with his head. The quick thinking of the youngster only infuriates the Tongan War Machine further and as he spins around on his heels to face him he is practically foaming at the mouth. The two stare each other down for a brief second, the newcomer looking rather nervous as he watches the mad eyes of his opponent. But courage is clearly a family trait he has been cursed with and with Ak Tu’I still fuming Hunter launches himself at the monster and begins battering him in the head. Lefts and rights, again and again forcing the beast back and back until he is in the corner, arms up against his face trying to block the ongoing assault. Busch, “Hunter’s really taking it to Ak Tu’I here Jay! He certainly isn’t going to take this lying down!�?/FONT> Jay, “He’ll regret it!�?/FONT> Jay rolls his eyes in an unimpressed manner and soon his words ring true because the second Hunter lets up on his attack Ak Tu’I grabs him by the shoulders and tosses him the full length of the ring! Busch, “Holy crap! Look at the strength of that man! My God he just tossed the 200lb Levesque across the other side of the ring like he was nothing more than a rag doll!�?/FONT> Jay, who was previously laid back, disinterested, in his seat is now on the edge of his seat watching a replay of that last move in total awe. It takes a lot after all to make the ICWA Hall of Famer sit up and take notice. As Hunter pulls himself up on the ropes in a daze Ak runs full speed and smashes the back of his head into the turnbuckle with a massive clothesline! The War Machine’s eyes are mad with fury now, completely aghast at the lack of fear his opponent had previously expressed. He grabs him straight up by the neck and again tosses him, easily, into the centre of the ring. Jay, “Now this is what I was talking about!�?/FONT> Busch, ”Jay for God’s sake have some sympathy! Hunter is trying to show that he won’t back down from this monster and is getting tossed around the place like�?oh for crying out loud!�?/FONT> Ak Tu’I has now dived on top of Hunter and sunk his teeth into his forehead much to the fan’s (and Bert Busch’s) disgust. He climbs back to his feet, blood dripping from his lips and let’s out a cry, clearly pleased with himself. Hunter meanwhile has rolled onto his stomach clutching his bleeding forehead in agony. Ak then climbs on his back and grabs him around the neck, wrenching him backwards in an awful position. The referee is warning him about the illegal move but Ak Tu’I is ignoring him. The ref continues to scream at him and then begins a count which Ak Tu’I takes offence to and releases Hunter, stands up and shoves the referee, screaming at him in his own language. The referee warns him to back off but at that moment Hunter springs up and nails Ak Tu’I with a Back Cracker only to collapse again on the mat still clutching his bloodied head. Busch, “What a move out of nowhere there from Hunter! There may be hope for him yet!�?/FONT> Jay, “You really are a moron aren’t ya Bert!?�?/FONT> As Ak Tu’I recovers from not only the move but also the shock of being caught off guard, his manager is screaming at him from the outside to get up and finish off his opponent. He rolls onto his knees staring down Hunter who has just managed to clamber to his feet using the ropes for leverage. Ak charges and forces Hunter face down between the ropes, pushing all his weight down on Hunter’s neck which is being gripped by the middle rope. The referee dashes over in a fury and immediately begins the count, warning Ak in between what will happen If he doesn’t release the hold. But the Tongan War Machine is so full of fury now that the officials words go unheard and it is only when he reaches the five count and rings the bell for the end of the match that the monster realises what has happened. Dart, “You’re winner as a result of disqualification�?Hunter Levesque!!�?/FONT> Hunter gasps for air as Ak Tu’I paces the ring ferociously, trying to work out how to fix this. Then like a baited bull he charges for Hunter once more but the quick thinking Levesque dives underneath the ropes and makes a dash for the ramp. Ak roars his disapproval that his victim got away and then turns to find the referee staring back at him, wide eyed. The official now realises he should of made his own exit when he had the chance because the War Machine lunges at him and grabs him around the neck, screaming at him in Tongan his anger boiling over! Busch, “Somebody needs to get out here now before Darren Thomas has to be stretchered out of here! Jay, “Go on then Bert you go stop Ak! Me�?I’m, staying right here!�?/FONT> Nobody comes to the aid of the official however and Ak Tu’I swings him around and puts him in the Tongan Choke, quickly choking him into unconsciousness. Safata is in the ring now cheering on his monster and screaming obscenities at the knocked out ref. Not done there Ak then lifts him up, still in the hold, and slams him into the canvas. “War Machine�?hits and Ak Tu’I celebrates his decimation of the helpless Darren Thomas while the crowd boo on. | |
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ICWA Presents Oblivion August 12, 2007 | Joe bursts out from the back, the electricity coursing through his veins as his knees bounce up and down. He slows down before the ramp, stops and breathes in the audience. Joe slaps his chest one by one with each fist, then raises his fists high above his head, resulting in a massive explosion of red pyro behind him. Dart, "Making his way to the ring, from Buffalo, New York, Joe Six Pack!" Joe heads down the ramp, making any gesture towards the audience to make them hate him even more. He walks to the steps, takes in a breath, and runs up the steel steps slightly hunched over, touching every step with the tips of his fingers. He walks along the apron with his chest out, boastful. He points to an attractive woman in the audience, winks at her, and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. 6-Pack climbs up to the second turnbuckle, and points to his chest with both thumbs, as the crowd overwhelms the arena with boos. Dart, "Making his way to the ring, from Plainville, Indiana, Whysper." At first the intro to "The Truth" plays a while and then the Silent One hits the stage. He flips his hair back, pounds his chest with his fist and gives the rock/heavy metal taunt. Then, he looks up towards Heaven and points towards that direction. He walks to the ring and once he gets a few feet from it, he sprints and slides in. He climbs a turnbuckle and does the same taunt he did on stage, but with both hands and with his mouth wide open like he's yelling. Then, he crosses his arms in front of him in the form of an 'X.' He runs to another turnbuckle and does the same taunts again. He then hops down, kneels at the turnbuckle, and prays. Burt, "What a match this promises to be." Whysper and Joe stare at each other for a moment, both taking a few opening seconds to watch the other for any signs of weakness as the ref very wisely back out of the way, barely making it in time as both men rush forward, Joe obviously looking for a hard clothesline. It’s not meant to be however as Whysper ducks the powerful shot and quickly reaches back, hooking the outstretched arm with one of his own and using his momentum to carry his body up and across the back of Joe, grabbing his head after the floatover and obviously looking for a DDT. Joe reacts out of pure instinct pushing out with one hand, shoving back Whysper who holds on tight to the head, this proves to be a mistake as Joe uses his other arm, slipping it up between him and Whypser and twining it around the offending arm, pushing up suddenly putting tremendous weight and torque on the elbow and the shoulder and forcing Whysper to release the hold or risk having his arm broke. Joe wastes no time once his head is released as he follows the motion through, twisting the arm around and behind the back of Whysper who attempts to struggle out of it. Joe grins and reaches over with his unused hand, slamming it into the already overtaxed shoulder. The crowd boos at the obvious attempt to injure the arm as the ref warns Joe to lay off the deliberate attempts to cripple his opponent. Joe shrugs and simply reaches down with his other hand, gripping the wrist and using both hands to wrench up on the joint. Whysper yells in pain and struggles a little more, Joe quickly lets go of the wrist and grabs his arm around the head, looking to choke off the air as Whysper shakes his head left and right to prevent it, suddenly whisper jumps up, his body jerking forward to the ropes that he’s finally managed to close in on, Joe’s face shows his surprise as jumping does nothing to ease the pain of the hold, his eyes going wide as Whysper kicks out, both feet sliding between the middle and top rope, his body following after them and pulling Joe along for the ride, a ride which ends visciously as his throat is brought down atop the top ring rope choking him and forcing him to release the hold or be pulled onto the floor. The crowd pops loudly at the escape as Joe reels back from the ropes trying to regain his breath, the ref starting the ten count as Whysper slowly paces back and fourth outside the ring, stretching his arm and working the blood and feeling back into it. Marshall- what a damn pussy running like that go and actually fight the man. Burt- what are you even talking about? That was a brilliant way to get out of the move and knowing the so called “captain Badass�?probably the only way that wouldn’t have gotten his arm broken. The count has reached 6 as whisper slides back into the ring, ducking a forearm attempt from Joe and rebounding off the ropes, he comes back in fast quickly baseball sliding between Joe’s legs and out to the arena floor, quickly reaching up and grabbing Joe’s Ankles, a single quick tug sending the man face first into the canvass and quickly hopping onto the Apron, Whysper jumps up, using his hands to get more height so that his feet clear the top rope, using it to bounce from to gain a little extra height Before crashing down, driving a hard elbow drop right onto the lower back of Joe who just managed to get to his knees. The crowd pops again as Whysper jumps to his feet Bounding off the ropes and rolling over the Back of Joe as he gets to his feet. Joe feels the move and sets himself standing up and Catching whisper in a hard Powerslam as he comes rocketing off the ropes again. Both men hit the ground hard, Joes hand going to his back as the sudden explosion of power was a little too much for his freshly bruised back. Both men slowly getting to their feet the crowd cheering at the already impressive display being shown Joe wastes no time and quickly delivers a series of right hands to Whyspers sending him staggering back with each one. Finally putting him against the ropes and nailing three quick Jabs in short succession before stepping back and posing before moving in for a viscious right. In a last Ditch effort Whysper raises both feet, wrapping them around Joe’s head as he closes in, his hands pushing off from the ropes giving him the momentum to swing around and hit a quick hurricarana. Whysper quickly moves over and drapes himself across Joe. 1..2..kickout from Joe, both men quickly getting to their feet, Joe hit hard in the chest with a beautifully delivered dropkick. Whysper running forward again as Joe also surprisingly shoots forward also, catching him and hoisting the surprised Whypser up and slamming him down in a savage spinebuster. The crowd popping in surprise at the sudden show of recovery by Joe as instead of releasing his grip he simply picks Whysper back up , snapping his hips and landing a hard belly to belly Joe reaches down and quickly pulls Whysper back to his feet, sending a fresh seris of punches right at his head. The first one connects the second however Flies right over top as Whysper ducks, quickly letting loose a right hand of his own right to the Gut. Joe doubles over and Whypser dives right over top of him, rolling through and up to his feet before jumping up and rebounding off the second rope as Joe turns around, hitting him with a flying splash. Whysper rolls through again and comes quickly Back up to his feet. Joe Bounding up angrily as whisper comes Back, grabbing Whysper and sending him hard into the turnbuckle following up with an attempt at a Body Splash. Whysper quickly wraps both arms around the ropes and pulls back, lifting himself up as Joe slams the turnbuckle under him Whysper comes down hard, his lower Back landing atop joes head and Smashing it down against the top turnbuckle hard. Whysper turns as he hits the ground, dropping to one knee and rolling up Joe. 1�?2�?.3! Joe shakes off the effects of the daze and kicks out a eyeblink after the hand comes down for the last time. Dart, "Your winner, and NEW ICWA United States Champion, Whysper. | | |
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ICWA Presents Oblivion August 12, 2007 | Every ICWA fan is readily awaiting the next contest, nothing they love more than the intense action the ICWA Ultrastars provide them. While they're waiting, the arena lights change from the normal ICWA setting to pure gold. The ICWA fans eyes shift from the ring to the ramp, where they eye the entry way. The public address system begins to come alive, pushing out the sounds of, "No Apologies" by multi-plantium rap artist Eminem. The ICWA Demnta-Tron comes to life with varrying images of the Ultrastar about to make his way to the ring, David Van Dam. With all eyes on the stage, a loud pyro explosion of red fireworks rocks the arena, the after effects are a thick cloud of smoke, which adds to the mystic as the Ironman walks onto the stage, no robe, no fancy entrance attire, just his singlet, wrestling boots, knee and elbow pads. His cold blue eyes are focused on the ring. While standing on the stage, he jumps from foot to foot ala Brock Lesnar, making sure he's fully prepared for the task at hand. With an animalistic roar, Van Dam throws his arms forward, another pyro explosion accompaning it. David Van Dam climbs up the solid steel steps and walks down to the middle of the apron, wiping his boots on the apron before stepping into the ring, grabbing the top rope and tugging on it, preparing for battle. Busch, "David Van Dam looks like he's ready for war tonight. He definately looks prepared to take back the World Championship." Marshall, "If you were in David Van Dam's position, you would be just as focused." The crowd turns back towards the entrance area. The lights shut off completely, casting the entire arena in darkness. The Public Address system beings to pulsate with the sounds of "Make it Rain" by Fat Joe featuring Lil Wayne. The crowd explodes with cheers as a spotlight settles on the entrance. Standing there, with his head bowed, is "Wallstreet" Taylor McCallister. Water drips from his strands of hair as he just stands there, waiting. After a few moments, he moves. He looks at the crowd, his arms telling them to get louder as he walks down the ramp. Climbing up the steel steps, Wallstreet looks out at the crowd, letting his eyes scanned the sold out venue. Entering the ring, Wallstreet takes a spot in a corner, awaiting his chance. Busch, "Look at Wallstreet, I've never seen him more prepared than he is right now. There's a look in his eyes that says tonight is the night. Tonight, Wallstreet can vanquish everyone of his demons, tonight, Wallstreet can reach out and grab the brass ring." Marshall, "Or, could tonight be the night that Wallstreet finally loses control over the ICWA. Tonight, Wallstreet could see it all slip through his fingers. Tonight, it could all end for Wallstreet." The loud banging opening chords of Chris Cornell's "You Know My Name" sound over the arena speakers as the fans turn their attention towards the stage. The opening verse of the song plays, as the 'tron above the stage showcases various clips of Matlock in interviews, backstage and posing. As the song begins to pick up, more clips of in-ring action are shown on the screen, as Matlock, along with his fiance' appear at the top of the ramp. Matt steps out and poses on the stage. As the chorus starts to play, pyro shoots up from the stage and then all the way down the ramp. Matt stands on the stage a moment, as Jessie comes down to meet him. They proceed down the ramp to the bottom as the chrous comes to an end. Matt gets close to one of the ringside cameramen, and looks into the camera as he mouths the last line of the chorus, "you know my name", as his name flashes all over the 'tron. He heads into the ring now, as Jessie stands in his corner. Matt paces around the ring, posing and taunting all the while. As the song comes up on the second chorus, he heads for the top and stretches his arms to his side as pyro similar to that of HBK blasts in the ring. As Matt lowers his arms the pyro subsides, and as he steps down to look towards the stage, awaiting his opponents for the evening. As Matt lowers his arms, the pyro subsides, and as he steps down he looks at his opponent for the night, and eagerly awaits the opening bell. Busch, "Matt Matlock has spent his entire career to get where he's at. He's spent his entire career working to become the World Heavyweight Champion, to be called the best in the business. Some have said he doesn't deserve it. Some have said he shouldn't be where he's at, but tonight, he has the chance to put all the nay-sayers to rest. Tonight, Matt Matlock can retain the ICWA World Title, and prove that he truly does belong." Marshall, "Yes, tonight is his chance, but he's putting a lot on the line. He's in the pressure seat tonight. " Busch, "Let's go to our broadcast collegue Kevin Dart for the introductions." The cameras turn towards Kevin Dart. Dart, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for both the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship and Executive Control over the International Championship Wrestling Alliance. Introducing first, one of the challengers..." Turning towards David Van Dam, "He hails from Indianapolis, Indiana, and weighed in this afternoon at two hundred and forty-five pounds. He is the former ICWA World Heavyweight Champion, 'The Ironman' DAVID...VAN...DAM!!!" The crowd boo's loudly at the name of the seemingly crazed former World Champion. Dart turns towards Wallstreet. Dart, "And the second challenger for the World Championship, he is putting Executive Control of the ICWA on the line. He calls Manhattan, New York his hometown, and weighed in this afternoon at two hundred and eighty-nine pounds. He is 'The Wallstreet Brawler', TAYLOR MCCALLISTER!" The crowd roars with approval at the sound of the boss's name. A vast majority of them hoping that the boss can finally realize his dream of winning the World Title. Dart turns towards Matt Matlock. Dart, "And finally, introducing the reigning and defending World Champion, from Cape Brenton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, he weighed in this afternoon at two hundred and seventy pounds. Being accompanied tonight by Jesse Winters, he is 'The Cornored Animal', he is MATT MATLOCK!" ICWA senior official Tim White takes the ICWA World Heavyweight Championship from Matt Matlock and shows it to both Wallstreet and David Van Dam, allowing each wrestler a chance to look at the title. Moving back to the center of the ring, Tim White raises the title up above his head, holding it high for all the crowd to see, holding it high for all of the viewing audience to see. Lowering the title, Tim White hands it to a ring hand, before checking each wrestler for concealed weapons and asking them if they're ready to go. Busch, "It's just about go time, each wrestler has been preparing for this match, they've been getting themselves ready for action. Tonight, who will rise to the occasion and become the better man tonight." The bell rings to officially start the main event of ICWA Oblivion. None of the wrestlers move from their corners though, none wanting to be the first one to open himself up to attack. They look at each other, sizing each other up. All three of them want this, all three of them can taste it. All three men move forward at the same time, moving to the center of the ring. Van Dam is the smallest of the competitor, giving up an inch to Matlock, and two inches to Wallstreet, as well as twenty-five pounds to Matlock, and fourty-four pounds to Wallstreet. Wallstreet definately holds the size advantage most assuredly. Suddenly, Wallstreet explodes with a punch to the side of Van Dam's head, which is followed by a punch from Matlock. Wallstreet and Matlock nod at each other, and continue to exchange punches on Van Dam, using him as their punching bag. Each of them grab an arm, back Van Dam up into the ropes, and send him into the opposite set of ropes. Van Dam hits the ropes and comes bouncing back towards his two oppoents. Wallstreet and Matlock bend over, catching Van Dam with their shoulders. They both stand up, sending Van Dam flipping through the air and back down onto the mat. Busch, "It looks like Wallstreet and Matlock are in agreement to take Van Dam out early." Marshall, "That's because they realize what a threat David Van Dam really is. If he gets going, you might not be able to stop him." Van Dam holds his lower back in pain as Wallstreet picks him back up. Another right hand from Wallstreet, a left hand from Matlock. Van Dam falls back against the ropes and is dragged away from them by the C.E.O. of the ICWA. Wallstreet crouches down and grabs Van Dam, lifting up, Wallstreet turns around and drops Van Dam with a powerful spinebuster. Matlock hits the ropes and comes bouncing back and leaps into the air. Matlock comes crashing down on Van Dam's chest with a powerful body splash. Marshall, "It's almost like a handicapped match out there. Wallstreet and Matlock aren't giving Van Dam a chance to get anything started." Matlock pulls Van Dam to his feet and grabs him by the singlet. Running towards the ropes, he sends Van Dam over them and to the outside. Matlock turns around, and gets a boot from Wallstreet to the stomach. Wallstreet pulls him to the center of the ring and shoves his head between his thighs. Underhooking both arms, Wallstreet looks to be going for the Stock Market Crash. Sensing this, Matlock drops to his knees. Wallstreet backs away and runs forward, driving his boot into the midsection of Matt Matlock. Matlock rolls over onto his back, which allows Wallstreet to crouch on top of him and unload with a flurry of punches to Matlock's head. Referee Tim White begins the five count, and at four, when Wallstreet doesn't look like he's going to get off, Tim White grabs Wallstreet and pulls back, pulling Wallstreet off of Matt Matlock. Busch, "Wallstreet is fighting like a man possessed tonight. Wallstreet is letting it all hang on the line tonight." Marshall, "That's because he knows tonight could be his last chance to win the ICWA World Title." Wallstreet pushes Tim White off of him and climbs to his feet. Matlock is slowly staggering to his feet now, trying to shake the cobwebs from his head. Wallstreet moves forward and calls Matlock to the center of the ring, calling him for a collar-elbow tie up. Matlock moves forward, nodding his head and raising arms. Moving forward, Matlock and Wallstreet lock up in a standard collar-elbow tie up. Wallstreet using his strength advantage to push Matlock back into a corner. Referee Tim White demands a break, and, believe it or not, gets a clean break. Matlock shakes his head and comes charging towards Wallstreet, Wallstreet see's him coming and turns his body slightly, his arm wrapping under Matlock's using Matlock's momentum to bring him into the air and onto his back. Matlock grabs at his lower back as he gets up to his feet. When he's standing, he catches a leaping knee to the face, sending him back down to the mat. Wallstreet looks out at the crowd and roars, pumping his arms to get the crowd behind him. The crowd is roaring as Matlock gets back to his feet, waiting for Wallstreet to turn around. Wallstreet does, and Matlock charges forward, driving his shoulder into Wallstreet's with a shoulder tackle. Wallstreet hits the mat, but is only there momentarily before rolling back to his feet. Matlock is there, meeting him with a flurry of forearms that sends the challenger into the corner. Grabbing onto Wallstreet's left arm, Matlock sends him across the ring and into the opposoite set of turnbuckles. Wallstreet hits it back first, groaning in pain as the two hundred and seventy pound World Champion comes charging towards him. Matlock looks to be going for a body avalanche, but before he can successfully lock it in, David Van Dam flies across the ring, driving his shoulder into Malock's with enough force to send Matlock through the ropes and to the floor. Busch, "I thought Matt Matlock was going to crush Wallstreet's sternum, but out of now where, David Van Dam nails him with a shoulder tackle that sends him to the outside." Marshall, "I don't think I've ever seen David Van Dam use a flying shoulder tackle before. Busch, "Well, with the World Title and executive control of the ICWA on the line, he's going to do whatever it takes." Van Dam turns to Wallstreet, moving towards him. Wallstreet explodes out of the corner with a huge lariat, almost knocking Van Dam inside out. The crowd roars with their approval as Wallstreet picks Van Dam up, and lifts him into the air, holding him there, letting blood rush to David's head, also showcasing an impressive strength. Finally, after what must seem like an eternity for David Van Dam, Wallstreet falls backwards, dropping Van Dam with a powerful suplex. Once Van Dam's back and neck collide with the mat, Wallstreet floats over into a lateral press, trying to use his weight to keep Van Dam down. Referee Tim White slides into position. His hand raises, and falls. One Tw.. Van Dam manages to get his shoulder up just before the count of two. Busch, "Van Dam isn't going to go down with out a fight, and if you're going to put him down for the count, you're going to need more than a suplex." Marshall, "That's because David Van Dam is a fighter." Wallstreet gets up and pulls Van Dam to his feet. Lifting Van Dam off of his feet, he holds him in a horizontal position, looking around at the crowd, Wallstreet drops Van Dam onto his back with a sidewalk backbreaker. Van Dam grabs at his back, Wallstreet looking confident. Wallstreet stands up, is grabbed and spun around by Matlock. He catches a boot to the midsection from the champion, followed by an Exploder Suplex. Wallstreet hits the mat hard as Matlock gets back to his feet, ducking underneath an attempted clothesline from Van Dam. Matlock locks Van Dam in a Full Nelson, before lifting him up, and slamming him down to the mat with a hard full nelson suplex. Matlock lets out a roar as he looks around, his adrenline is pumping. Wallstreet slowly gets to his feet, dizzy from the big exploder. Matlock drives his boot into Wallstreet's gut, lifting him into the air. Dropping down, Matlock hits a beautiful brainbuster falcon arrow. Matlock immediately goes for the cover. One Two Wallstreet gets his shoulder up after the two, even though he's in a lot of pain, Wallstreet does not want to lose, he does not want to fail at his dream, and lose his company. Matlock moves away from Wallstreet, moving back to the now-standing Van Dam. Van Dam has been taking a lot of punishment throughought the match. Matlock grabs the only man with nothing on the line but pride, and lifts him into the air, spinning several times before bringing him down with a brain buster. Van Dam hits the mat and bounces into a sitting position, before falling back to the mat. Matlock goes for the cover. One Two Th.. Wallstreet breaks up the pin by driving both of his arms into Matlock's back, causing Matlock to roll off of Van Dam. Busch, "Matlock has really unleashed himself right now, delivering multiple high-impact moves to both Wallstreet and Van Dam." Marshall, "If Wallstreet wouldn't have broken up that pin, I don't think David Van Dam would've kicked out." Busch, "Most likely not, David Van Dam has been taking a lot of punishment throughought this match, and has not really gotten a whole lot of offense in. Wallstreet and Matlock have been very successfull in neutralizing David Van Dam." Marshall, "That makes me wonder whether or not Wallstreet and Matlock discussed this before hand, perhaps they stood in agreement that they needed to neutralize David Van Dam." Wallstreet blocks Matlock's attempt at a boot to the midsection, and delivers his own boot to Matlock's midsection. Underhooking both of Matlock's arms, Wallstreet leaps up, and drives Matlock's head down into the mat with a picture-perfect Stock Market Crash. Wallstreet rolls Matlock onto his back and attempts the cover. The crowd is on their feet. One Two Thre... Just before Tim White's hand collides with the mat for the third time, Van Dam dives into Wallstreet, pushing him off of Matlock, breaking the pin. Van Dam lays there on the mat for several moments, most likely trying to get his energy back as Wallstreet pulls him up to his feet, suddenly, Van Dam springs, grabbing Wallstreet's leg, Van Dam lifts him up and drives him into the mat with a Last Chance. The crowd boo's heavily as Van Dam falls onto of Wallstreet. Tim White slides into position. One Two Thr.. Matlock grabs Van Dam's boot and pulls him off of Wallstreet. Grabbing Van Dam, Matlock lifts him onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry. Walking towards the ropes, Matlock drops Van Dam over the top rope and to the floor below, with a modified version of John Cena's FU. Matlock leans against the rope, sucking in wind, his head in a massive amount of pain from Wallstreet's Stock Market Crash. Matlock moves over to Wallstreet, who's now on his knees. Pulling Wallstreet up, Matlock whips him into the corner. Walking towards the corner, Matlock lifts Wallstreet onto the middle rope, using the elevation to set Wallstreet up for the move Matlock calls The Matlock-Go-Round 2006. The crowd is on their feet as Matlock sprints from the corner, dropping down, successfully hitting the match. Wallstreet grabs at his neck as Matlock stumbles back to his feet, looking around at the crowd. He knows that now is the time. Busch, "All Matlock has to do is make the cover and he's retained his title and won Executive Control of the ICWA. All Matlock has to do his make the cover and he proves that he was no fluke champion." Marshall, "No! This can't be. Come on Van Dam, get up and get in there." Busch, "Jay, look! There David is. He's sliding under the bottom rope, and Matlock doesn't seem him. Matlock is still looking at the crowd." Marshall, "Come on David, this is your chance." Matlock turns around just in time to see David Van Dam lunging towards him, his arm extended. DVD's arm collides with Matlock's chest, sending him over the top rope to the floor below. Van Dam stumbles backwards, falling ontop of Wallstreet. Tim White slides into position. One Two Three. The bell rings as the crowd let's out a collective gasp. Van Dam doesn't move, he just lays ontop of Wallstreet as Kevin Dart's voice calls out. Dart, "Your winner, after twenty minutes of action, and NEW International Championship Wrestling WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, and NEW EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE ICWA!!!!!! DAVID...VAN...DAM..." Van Dam slowly gets to his feet as the Tim White hands him the ICWA World Title. Grabbing his left arm, Tim White raises Van Dam's arm to the crowd as Van Dam holds up the World Title. Busch, "My God. Van Dam is once again ICWA World Champion, but he also now runs the ICWA. What does this mean for the ICWA?" Marshall, "I don't know, but I know that it's a good thing." Busch, "That remains to be seen. For Jay Marshall and the ICWA, I'm Bert Busch. Thank you for joining us for ICWA Oblivion, make sure you catch Demented, airing every Wednesday on the FX network. Goodnight." | |
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