 | 0 recommendations | Message 1 of 8 in Discussion |
| (Original Message) | Sent: 8/26/2007 4:07 AM |
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager. |
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ICWA Presents Demented August 22, 2007 | The FX Network goes live with ICWA Demented after one of the most important Pay Per Views in ICWA History. On this Demented, their is no opening video, there is no opening song or fireworks display. The cameras go live with the sounds of "No Apologies" by Eminem blaring over the sound system. The crowd is on their feet, booing loudly. Busch, "Well, it was announced on ICWA.com that our new executive officer and ICWA World Champion David Van Dam would kick off the program... I just want to knwo what he's going to say." Marshall, "He's going to say what he should say, that he proved once and for all he's the better man, and now, he's going to tell the world that the ICWA is going to be infinitely better than it was under Taylor McCallister." The boo's intensify as David Van Dam walks onto the stage, but he's not alone. He's accompanied by Joe Six Pack and Big Steed Williams, two individuals who have obviously been enlisted into his service. Also with him, is the new ICWA Women's Champion, his girlfriend and close advisor, Hope Cassidy. The quartet look out at the arena and smirk before walking down the ramp, Six Pack and Williams flanking the World Champion and his girlfriend, keeping the fans outstretched hands from reaching them. Dart, "Please Welcome, being accompanied by Six and Rising, Incorporated and Hope Cassidy, the NEW ICWA World Champion, and the ICWA Executive Officer, DAVID...VAN...DAM..." The quartet enter the ring, Six Pack first, then Cassidy, then Van Dam, then Williams. Instantly a microphone is handed to the new Executive Officer, who has the ICWA World Title drapped over his shoulder. His music fades, and Van Dam smiles. Van Dam, "Welcome to the new ERA of the ICWA! An era that was ushered in by my AMAZING performance at ICWA Oblivion." The crowd boo's as Six Pack, Williams, and Cassidy clap enthuastically. Six Pack's trademark voice can be heard, "Amazing performance!" Busch, "Amazing perfomance? He stole a victory after Matlock hit Wallstreet with the Matlock-Go-Round!" Marshall, "He didn't steal anything! He uses his superior intellect to create a brilliant strategy. It truly was an amazing victory, Bert." Van Dam, "I regret to inform you that after his... embarassing loss at ICWA Oblivion, Taylor McCallister will no longer be seen on ICWA programming. He's decided it's best that he leave the wrestling scene, after he proved that he just doesn't have what it takes to compete with an athlete of my caliber." Van Dam's associates nod their heads in agreement as the crowd begins loud chants of "You suck, You Suck!" Van Dam looks around in pure shock asking Six Pack why they would say this. Growling, Six Pack takes the mic from Van Dam and looks at the crowd. Six Pack, "You shut up! You shut up while this man speaks. This is David Van Dam! He's the ICWA World Champion! He's the best wrestler alive! He's the best World Champion in HISTORY! Show him some damn respect.!" Van Dam pats Joe Six Pack on the back as a sign of thanks as he takes the microphone back. Van Dam, "As I was saying before you fans rudely interupted me, Wallstreet will not be around anymore. Also, Matt Matlock will not be getting a rematch." The boo's intensify. Van Dam, "I was reviewing his contract, and the rematch clause clearly states that when he is defeated for a title, he gets an automatic rematch, but, since he was not defeated, since Wallstreet was defeated, there is no rematch!" The crowd's chants of "Asshole!" rise heavy as Van Dam smiles, shrugging. Busch, "He can't do that!" Marshall, "Actually, he can. He's the boss." Van Dam, "Now, with that said. I'm looking for a new challenger for the ICWA World Title. So, wrestlers, be on top of your game, and you may just get a shot." As Van Dam goes to set down the microphone, the PA system comes alive with "Back in Black" by AC/DC. Busch, "Is this... Is this who I think it is?" Marshall, "I sure hope not! He's not supposed to be here!" The crowd explodes with cheers as MJ Storm bursts through the curtains. A man who's fought for the ICWA World Title before. He's dressed in street clothes with a microphone in his hand. Raising the microphone, his music cuts. Storm, " Van Dam! Van Dam! I was sitting backstage for the first time in a while, and I was listening to what you were saying, and something you said caught my ears. You said you were looking for a new challenger for the ICWA World Title. Well, look no further! I'm here, to challenge you!" The look on Van Dam's face is pure shock. He looks at Six Pack and then Williams, who shrug as if they don't know what to make of this challenge. Hope Cassidy is the same way. Van Dam picks up his microphone again, looking at Storm. Van Dam, "Let me get this straight... You want a shot at me, MJ? You want a shot at the ICWA World Championship? You think you can stand in the wrestling ring with David Van Dam! Well, if you want a shot so bad... TOO BAD! You don't get one!" Busch, "What! Why not! Come on Van Dam! If you're as good as you think you are, you'll give him one!" Marshall, "What makes MJ Storm think he deserves one? What has MJ Storm done lately to earn one? David Van Dam shouldn't give him one!" Storm, "What's the matter, David? Are you scared? Are you scared that you can't beat me? Are you scared that if you put that title up against me I'll take it from you?" Van Dam charges towards the ropes, yelling into the microphone. "I'm not scared of anything! I'm David Van Dam! I'm the greatest professional wrestler alive! I'm so great that I could wrestle an elephant to the ground and make it tap out! I'm so great God takes wrestling lessons from ME! I'll tell you what MJ. If you want a shot so bad... I'll give you one." Storm nods his head and turns to go towards the back, but Van Dam keeps going. Van Dam, "I'll give you one if, next week live on Demented, you defeat the Tongan War Machine Ak Tui!" MJ Storm looks back at Van Dam and grits his teeth, nodding his head. Busch, "MJ Storm doesn't look to pleased with that, but the kid's a fighter, so I'm sure he'll put it all on the line against Ak Tui next week on Demented. But what a way to open our show. Don't change the channel folks, ICWA will be back with it's opening contest after this quick commericial break."
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ICWA Presents Demented August 22, 2007 | Hunter Levesque is already in the ring as the opening chords of "War Machine" by Kiss begin to ring out over the PA as the fans are on their feet, knowing what’s next. The Dementa-Tron flashes with images of the path of destruction this Ultrastar has paved mixed with tribal war footage from Tonga. When the lyrics start to kick in the black curtain goes flying and out from behind it steps the Tongan War Machine. Not far behind is his manager Safata Tupou. Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?ON his way to the Ring, Being occumpanied by his Manager, SAFATA TUPOU�?Hailing from the Untamed ISLES OF TONNNGAA�?He weighs in at over three hundred pounds and is known world wide as the "Tongan WAR MAACHINNNNEE"�?He is, AAAAAAAAAK TUUUUUUUUU’I!" Ak walks down the ramp, looking around much like a savage might if thrusted from his third world country to a country such as ours. Safata walk just behind Ak, coaching in his ear as the fans are booing the monster that’s coming to destroy their heros. Upon his arrival to ringside Safata first walks up the stairs, Ak following close behind. Safata walks to the end of the ring and then takes a seat on the second rope while lifting the top rope for Ak Tu’i. Tu’i enters the ring and�?/P> Ak stares across at his opponent with a wild savage look in his eyes as the music begins to fade and the bell is rang. Immediately, Ak Tui rushes Hunter and Hunter barely has time to move as the massive Tongan warrior spears Hunter to the ground. Ak stands over Hunter, panting wildly. He rips Hunter from the canvas and whips him into the turnbuckle. Ak rushes Hunter again, but Hunter manages a boot to Ak's face. Ak holds his mouth, stumbling back. Hunter rushes Ak barraging him with a flurry of rights and lefts. Ak blocks one right and sends a double knife edge chop to Hunter's neck. Hunter yelps in pain and Ak sends to the ropes. Hunter attempts a clothesline, but Ak merely unleashes his Jawdropper knee lift and sends Hunter flat to the canvas. Ak whips Hunter hard to the ropes and Levesque no more hits the ropes back first then Ak splashes him. Hunter stumbles out of the corner and falls on his back. Ak climbs to the second rope, bounces off once and lands, sitting on Hunter, completing his Descent From Tonga. The ref slides in for the count. 1.. 2.. 3! Dart: Your winner....Aaaak Tuu'iiii!!!!! The bell rings and the ref raises Ak's hand. Ak rips his hand away from the ref and glowers at him. | | |
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ICWA Presents Demented August 22, 2007 | Ak Tui and Safta are walking backstage after Ak Tui's successful match against Hunter Levesque. Safta, "Very good, Ak Tui. Mister Van Dam is going to be very pleased with you. You did very well this week. Perhaps next week you'll be given a tougher opponent." Ak Tui grunts animalistically as Safta stops dead in his tracks, holding out his arm for Ak Tui to stop. In front of them is the boss of ICWA, David Van Dam. He smiles. Van Dam, "You did very good tonight, but your work is not over." Safta, "Oh? What more do you need from us, boss?" Van Dam, "Walk with me, and I shall tell you what I need my War Machine to do." | | |
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ICWA Presents Demented August 22, 2007 | Dart, "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit, and is for the ICWA World Tag Team Titles! Introducing first..." "We Taken' Over" hits the speakers, red and green strop lights hit throughout the arena and David and Joe Baumann make their way out from the back. They each stand on the entrance ramp and as they look out at the crowd, they look at each other, hit fists, and start down the ramp. Kevin Dart : "Making their way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 450 pounds, they come to ICWA by way of Indianapolis, Indiana, they are David and Joe, THE BAUMANN BROTHERS!" They each slide in the ring and go to respective turnbuckles, climb up, and taunt with the crowd, feeding off the crowd. They hop down and prepare for the match to begin. Dart, "And their opponents..." "God Gave Me Everything" hits the speakers, and here come Six and Rising, Inc. The two big brawlers stare at the ring as they make their way down the ring aisle. Dart, "At a total combined weight of 590 some-odd pounds, Joe Six Pack and Big Steed Williams, Six and Rising, Incoporated!" The crowd boo's loudly as these two Van Dam Associates roll under the bottom rope and into the ring. Busch, "A real constrast in styles here. Six Pack and Williams are two big brawlers with a lot of power, while the Baumann brothers are more athletic, though Joe Baumann looks like he's got some power behind him." Marshall, "Joe Baumann is a solidly built athlete. Looks very old school with the barrel chest and thick muscular thighs. He's a former football player, so he can't be too weak. He's got some agility in him too." Busch, "Joe Six Pack has proven himself to be a shady competitor who will do whatever it takes to win, so you can expect the same from Big Steed Williams." Marshall, "Joe Six Pack isn't a shady individual! He just does whatever he has to do to get the job done. That's what makes him such a vicious competitor. His meanstreak and willingness to do whatever it takes makes him a step above everyone else." Busch, "There's the opening bell, it looks like it'll be Six Pack and David Baumann starting it off. There's a big size differnce between the two. Six Pack is six foot five, two hundred seventy-five pounds of fighting ability. David Baumann is six foot two, two hundred and fifteen pounds. That's a three inch, and sixty pound differential. David Baumann is not going to want to get in a slug fest with Six Pack." Marshall, "No, he doesn't. Baumann wants to ground Six Pack. David is going to want to take the verticle base of Six Pack out. Six Pack has the each and power advantage, so if he is grounded, it nullify's both of those advantages." Busch, "Surprinsingly, we hav a collar elbow lock up to start things off. Six Pack definately has the strength advantage here. Look at the way Six Pack has backed Baumann up into the corner. Referee Shawn Cain demands a break. But oh! Six Pack with a cheap right hand!" Marshall, "It's not cheap, it's opportunistic." David Baumann clutches his jaw as Shawn Cain repremands the Buffalo native. Six Pack ignores the referee as he grabs the smaller wrestler's left arm and whips him from one neutral corner to the other. Baumann colides back first with the turnbuckles and Six Pack charges forward, ramming his body into David's. The younster stumbles out of the corner as Six Pack hits one set of ropes and comes charging back, nailing David with a clothesline so forceful, it causes Baumann to flip through the air. Marshall, "What a clothesline from the big brawler! That's what I like to see!" Six Pack doesn't let Baumann stay down too long, picking the smaller wrestler up, Six Pack lifts him up and slams him back down into the mat. David grabs at his lower back in pain as Six Pack picks him back up again, lifting him up for a sidewalk slam. Dropping him down onto the mat, Six Pack stands up and moves over to Big Steed Williams, tagging in his partner in crime. Busch, "It's been all Six and Rising, Inc thus far." Marshall, "That's because these boys know how to fight, plus, they're in league with the boss! They know what they're doing." Busch, "Don't forget that David Baumann was trained by David Van Dam as well, so he's no slouch in the ring." Big Steed grabs a handfull of David Baumann's hair, pulling him to his feet, but Baumann grabs Big Steed's head, dropping back down to his knees, driving Big Stead's jaw into the top of his head. Steed grabs his jaw and stumbles back as Baumann gets to his feet, planting his right foot in Big Steed's thigh, raising himself up, his left boot colliding with the back of Big Steed's head. Big Steed gets light on his feet, falling back against the ropes for support. David stumbles towards his corner, his back throbbing in pain. David falls forehead, making a tag to his older brother, Joe Baumann. Joe Baumann hops over the top rope and into the ring. Big Steed charges towards him, and catches a shoulder tackle from the former college football player. Six Pack enters and gets one as well. Big Steed is back up and gets a spinning powerslam from the powerhouse of the Baumann Brothers. Six Pack is up, and catches a lariat from Joe Baumann. Busch, "Joe Baumann is a house of fire in his first match in the ICWA!" Marshall, "Yeah, speaking of that, how did his first match end up for the Tag Team Titles?" Busch, "I don't know, Jay. Maybe you should ask our new boss, David Van Dam?" Marshall, "David Van Dam made this match?" Busch, "Yes." Marshall, "Then it was the right decision." Shawn Cain orders Joe Six Pack out of the ring, with his back towards Joe Baumann and Big Steed Williams. Joe Baumann moves towards Big Steed Williams, who is on his knees. When Baumann gets close enough Williams, Big Steed reaches forward, grabbing a handful of Joe Baumann's tights, pulling him closer for a big low blow. Joe Baumann grabs at his genital region, falling to his knees. Shawn Cain turns around and only sees Big Steed picking Joe Baumann up and dropping him down with a big powerslam. Steed goes for the cover. One Two Joe Baumann rolls his shoulder off of the mat breaking the pin. Big Steed says nothing and just pulls Joe Baumann up. Backing Joe Baumann up to the ropes, Big Steed goes to whip Joe Baumann into the other set of ropes, but Baumann reverses it and sends Big Steed into the ropes. Big Steed comes roaring back and gets caught with a powerful spinebuster from the former college football player. Joe Baumman moves to the corner and tags in his younger brother, who immediately moves to the top rope and leaps off, flipping backwards for a shooting star press. He lands squarely on Big Steed Willams and stays on for the cover. One Two Thr. Joe Six Pack nails David Baumann with a boot to the head, forcing Baumann to roll off of Big Steed. Referee Shawn Cain demands Six Pack to get out of the ring, trying to old the big Buffalo native back as David Baumann grabs Big Steed Williams and starts to pull him up. But, just like his brother Joe, David gets a low blow. David falls over, and Big Steed stumbles towards Joe Six Pack, who's now in the corner. The tag's made. Marshall, "Here comes Six Pack again!" David Baumann is up to his feet slowly, and boom! Huge big boot from Joe Six Pack, who charges towards Joe Baumann, swinging his big fist, knocking Joe Baumann off of the apron and to the floor. Baumann is back up, Joe Six Pack picks up up for a powerslam and spins him out, completing the Six Drop. Joe Six Pack stays on Baumann for the cover. One Two Three. Marshall, "HaHa! They've done it! Six and Rising are Tag Team Champions." Dart, "Your winners, and NEW ICWA World Tag Team Champions, Joe Six Pack and Big Steed Williams, SIX and RISING, INCORPORATED!" Busch, "I can't believe it. They got the job done, but what an effort but The Baumann Brothers." | | |
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ICWA Presents Demented August 22, 2007 | ICWA comes back from commericial, ready for the Jay Styles/Matt Matlock match up. But, instead of being ringside, the cameras are backstage, and laying in a pool of blood is former ICWA World Champion Matt Matlock. Standing above him is the Tongan War Machine, Ak Tui. Ak Tui nods his head as his handler grins, holding him back from doing more damage. After a few moments, security comes rushing to the scene. Busch, "With Matlock taken out, I guess there is no match up with Jay Styles tonight. Up next, Angelina Santana versus Nicole Page." | | |
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ICWA Presents Demented August 22, 2007 | The cameras cut back to ringside Nicole Page is already waiting in the ring when "It's All About the Benjamins" rushes through the PA and Angelina walks out to the stage. She stops, holds her arms out to her sides and twists her hips with a seductive smile. She then proceeds to walk to the ring, greeting the fans and blowing kisses to them. Busch, “Well the former Women’s Champion in still looking as optimistic as ever despite her loss at last week’s Pay Per View.�?/FONT> Jay, “Maybe she’s realised she’s better off just letting her puny boyfriend handle the wrestling stuff from now on. Get your latina ass back in the kitchen�?chica!�?/FONT> Busch, “You make me ashamed to work with you at times, do you know that Jay?�?/FONT> Marshal just shrugs, unconcerned whether Bert is ashamed of him or not. Once Angelina gets to the ring, she stops at the apron, and puts her hands upon it. Then, Angelina proceeds to twist and gyrate her hips in a seductive motion. She puts one leg up, and caresses it. Then, she puts the other leg up, sitting spread-eagle on the apron. She then ducks under the bottom rope and crawls into the ring. After that, Angelina stands up and gives the 'rock on' taunt. She then walks to the ropes and bounces on the second rope, giving the 'rock on' taunt again. After that, Angelina hops off the rope and walks to the center of the ring. Busch, “Well our contestants are ready�?but where is our referee?�?/FONT> The opening beats to the Pussycat Doll’s “Dontcha�?hit the sound system but instead of her usual flashy entrance the newly crowned Women’s Champion strolls out onto the stage with the title wrapped around her waist. The cameras cut back to Angelina who is staring daggers at the new Champ. As the music continues Hope, in a black and white halter neck top (cut off at the mid-drift of course) and black trousers, holds the belt up high to a roar of applause from the ICWA faithful. The chorus kicks in and she props the belt up onto her shoulder and makes her way down the ramp as the crowd chant her name. Hope flashes one of her winning smiles before hopping up into a sitting position on the ring apron, facing the stage. After a quick Basic Instinct style flash Hope rolls underneath the bottom rope, stands up and poses for the fans before returning her attention back to the waiting ladies, still clinging to her title. Busch, �?FONT color=#ffff00>Look at the way Angelina is glaring at Hope, she can’t take her eyes off her. That‘s gonna cost her if she can‘t control that fiery temper of hers.�?/FONT> Angelina is ordering Hope to ring the bell but Hope holds her hands up, backs towards the ropes and signals for a microphone. Angelina is pacing back and forth in frustration as Hope begins to speak. “Cool it Santana. I made a promise to myself, these fans and all the women of the ICWA locker room when I won this belt at Oblivion. I promised the ICWA Women’s Division would be like no other, a shining light to the many female talents of the MSN Circuit. That is a promise I plan on keeping so to liven up this little one-on-one we have going on here I am going to bring out every single woman contracted to the ICWA. Not as your opponents, that would be far to messy�?but as Lumberjacks. You all know the rules so let’s get this party started�?shall we?�?/FONT> She beckons to the ramp way and as Demented’s theme song blasts out across the sound system a host of ICWA’s female talent begins emerging from the curtain. Once they are all positioned around the outside Hope gives Angelina a sly wink and then signals for the bell. Angelina and Nicole lock up but only for a brief moment as the former Champ displays her superior power and shoves Nicole to the other side of the ring. Hope looks shocked as a fired up Angelina goes straight after her dazed opponent. Nicole is frustrated at her embarrassment and decides to screw the rules. As Angelina reaches down for her she gives her a huge fist in her mouth then kicks her in the mid section, jumps up quickly and hits a side slam. Busch, “I can’t believe Hope allowed that closed fisted punch! Despicable.�?BR>Jay, “She’s banging David Van Dam, Nicole Page is probably banging David Van Dam�?are ya stupid or do you not see what’s happening here Bert?�?/FONT> Nicole covers, but no luck there. She lifts Angelina trying a leg sweep but the ex Champ hits an elbow to the face of Nicole Page to a roar of approval from the crowd! Nicole staggers to the ropes and returns to receive another kick to the mid section by the furious Miss Santana as Hope warns her not to get too over-excited. Angelina lifts her opponent up delivering a body slam followed by a knee to the forehead. She poses to the crowd as they cheer her on and then turns to Hope, signalling with her hands that she wants her belt back. Hope laughs in her face and reminds her that she is the official for this match and not to provoke her. Jay, “Haha, I love this. The only reason Hope is out her is to rub salt in the wounds of the former Women’s Champion. She’d like nothing more than to see a rookie like Nicole Page take Angelina Santana down a peg or two.�?/FONT> Nicole goes to the corner and begs for mercy, trying to tell Angelina she’s hurt her ankle. Hope looks concerned and tries to push Angelina out the way but the latina isn’t falling for the trick. She grabs Hope by the arm and swings her out of the way then starts laying lefts and rights into Nicole. Hope marches over and grabs at Angelina, screaming at her and begging to know why she thought she could put her hands on her! As Angelina looks around to see shake Hope off of her Nicole delivers a knee right into Angelina‘s back, sending her crashing to her knees. Hope shrugs inconsiderately as Angelina writhes in pain and just steps back out of the way so Nicole can continue her assault. Busch, “Hope’s attitude here tonight is really quite disappointing, why she can’t just call this match fairly and leave her issues with Angelina in the back is beyond me.�?/FONT> Jay, “Give it a rest this is the best I’ve seen of Hope Cassidy since she came back to the ICWA. All that doing it for the fan’s crap was getting on my nerves! Finally she’s realised that if she goes out there and thinks only of herself she can accomplish things�?and that includes getting one over on the former Champ. Good for her I say!�?/FONT> Nicole Irish whips Angelina to the other corner, the hoard of women still on the outside waiting for their chance to unleash a little violence. As Angelina recovers, holding her back in pain, Nicole lands a huge chop to her opponent’s chest. With the crowd baying for her blood Nicole takes a few steps away from the winded Angelina and poses for them. She spins in a circle, her arms out stretched, enjoying every bit of hatred this crowd has for her. Then as she spins back to face Angelina the former Women’s Champ charges her and hit’s the SoCal Stunner completely out of nowhere! The crowd go nuts as she hooks the leg. Busch, “Uh�?Hope?�?/FONT> Hope is in stunned silence as Angelina lays there, eventually with the crowd counting the pinfall several times Hope is forced to make the pin. She counts, slowly�?/FONT> 1.�?BR>2... 3!!! “It’s All About The Benjamins�?hits one more time and Angelina stands nose to nose with Hope, telling her to raise her hand. Begrudgingly she does so, much to the crowd’s delight and Angelina turns to leave. Hope grabs a mic however and coughs loudly into it to get her attention. In her other hand is the Women’s Championship, dangling down at Hope’s feet. “That wasn’t exactly what I was expecting�?but congratulation Angelina. Quite the performer. You’ve made a lot of progress since she won the Women’s Championship and I can see you don’t plan on stopping just because you no longer have gold around that pretty, little waist of yours.�?/FONT> Angelina scowls as Hope smirks. Hope then turns her attention to the rest of the women standing around the ring. “This is what I expect from all of you, drive, passion�?the desire to rip me to shreds! It’s all part of being a member of the ICWA’s female roster, at least it is now. No more slacking, no more second rate performances. When you get into that ring you don’t only represent yourself you represent the ICWA�?you represent me. I am your locker room leader, I am your Queen Bee�?I hold the gold therefore I make the rules. Angelina didn’t know how to be a true Champion and she sure as Hell didn’t know how to be a true leader. But I do and I am going to lead us all into a new era for all the women of wrestling. Andc that starts with next week. The past few months Angelina, myself, Heather and Summer were the main focus of the women’s division. We were the four chosen to battle it out to be the best of us all�?and I won that challenge. But now I want to lay out a new challenge and not just to Angelina, not just to Heather as former Champions�?but to ALL the women of the ICWA. Summer unfortunately isn’t with us at this moment so she’ll have to make do with whatever chances are left for her upon her return.�?/FONT> Hope circles the ring eyeing each woman individually. “So next week live on Demented whether you are a former Champion or whether you have only wrestled one match your entire career. If you are contracted as a female member of the ICWA roster then you WILL be eligible for my challenge.�?/FONT> She turns back to face Angelina. “An Over-The-Top Battle Royale to determine the new Number One Contender for the ICWA Women’s Championship. Whoever is left standing in the middle of this ring when the dust settles�?you will challenge me for my title at the next Pay Per View. Is that acceptable to you Miss Santana or are you too afraid of the challenge?�?/FONT> Angelina grins, looks down at the unconscious Nicole and just laughs before exiting the ring and making her way up the ramp. As the rest of the women begin to file out behind her Hope steps over Nicole’s beaten body just as she is beginning to stir. “Oh I lied�?there is one lady here who won’t be making next week’s match. Nicole, you failed me, you failed David and you failed yourself. You are a disgrace the ICWA and to it’s new owner. We no longer need your services as David’s Assistant and I can safely assure you that we no longer need your services as a wrestler. You’re fired!�?/FONT> Hope drops the microphone next to a sobbing Nicole Page and then exit’s the ring, holding her belt up high as the fan’s give her a mixed reaction. Busch, “I really don’t know what to say, poor Nicole gave it her all but apparently that isn’t enough for the new Van Dam-Cassidy Era of the ICWA. Sickening behaviour from our Women’s Champion.�?/FONT> Jay, “YEah whatever but on the Brightside Hope is proving what a fighting Champion she is going to be! She isn’t afraid of any challenger and next week’s Battle Royale is going to prove that! Can’t wait for that huge match!�?/FONT> | | |
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ICWA Presents Demented August 22, 2007 | The cameras come back from commerical focused on the ringisde area. Sitting there alongside Busch and Marshall is the new United States Champion, Whysper. Busch, "It's time for the main event, and we're joined at the commentary booth by the new ICWA United States Champion, Whysper. Whysper, it's great to have you with us." Whysper, "It's great to be here, Burt, thanks for having me." Busch, "Believe me, the pleasure is ours." Marshall, "Quit sucking ass, Burt, let's get to the match!"
Before any contestant makes their way down to the ring, the sounds of "No Apologies" by Eminem hits the speakers, and the new ICWA World Champion and Executive Officer, David Van Dam. He stops on the ramp and looks around, microphone in hand. His music stops. David Van Dam, "I regret to inform everyone that Ryan Ross and James will not do battle this week. They had airline problems, and neither was able to make it to the show this week, but don't worry. Next week, in this very ring, we will see James go one on one against Ryan Ross, and Whysper will STILL call the action. I'll see you next week, folks!" With that, Demented ends.
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