 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 9/15/2008 11:49 PM |
For a month now the buzz on the internet has been that the ICWA would be coming back to the business. As time went on we’d find out it was relocating it’s home base to eastern Carolina and operating as an Independent promotion. For the last two weeks it’s been the talk amongst all wrestling fans in the Eastern Carolina area�?Everywhere you turn there’s flyers, posters, radio spots, even TV commercials. All in hopes that they could pack the Greenville Convention center. A Typical Indy in North Carolina is likely to draw fifty people or less, if you’re really lucky a hundred. The Top Indy in the area averages between 150 - 200 and never does much more than three. The ICWA was looking to blow those numbers away, at least for their debut show. Finally it was about that time�?The doors were opened at 6pm and now at 7pm, We can already tell that there’s somewhere between 800 - 1000 fans. Unbelievable. A soundtrack of various songs had played in the background to keep people moderately entertained as the ICWA gave as much time as possible for people to pile in, buy concessions, So on and so forth, but now�?Now it was time. The music draws to an end as the crowd sees a familiar face walking up the steel steps to the ring�?It’s the National voice of the ICWA from their FX days, "Double B" Bert Busch. Busch steps into the ring, Mic in hand, and says, " Ladies and Gentlemen�? WELCOME to the RESURRECTION of the EYE�? SEE�? DOUBLE-YOU…�?EHHHHHHHHH!" The crowd erupts as Bert nods�?/P> Busch, " The World has waited for a year, I will make you wait no more�?Without any further ado please allow me to introduce you to the man who founded this very promotion and the man who made the decision to bring the grand spectacle of the ICWA RIGHT HERE To GrrrrrrEENVILLE North Caroliiiiina�?/FONT> (Crowd cheers) Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the new voice of the ICWA and the founding father of this company�?Please Welcome Taylor "WALLLLLLSTREETTTT" McCAAAALLLISTER!" The crowd begins to erupt as the theme for this show (Long Way To The Top by AC/DC) Begins to blast over the large speakers standing on either side of the homemade black wooden stage and ramp. The opening chords bellow throughout the convention center, but as it picks up we see the black curtain move to the side and from behind it to a small eruption in a of black dress slacks and a black polo with a green ICWA logo on the left chest area is the one and only Corporate Icon. He raises a hand and begins to wave at some of the people before he jogs down the small wooden ramp and then begins walking around the barricade, shaking hands with many of the fans. WallStreet heads all the way around the ring shaking as many hands as he can before he finally gets back to the side of the ring facing the ramp, which, happens to be where the stairs are located as well. WallStreet climbs up the stairs and Bert Busch sits on the second rope while lifting the top rope as a jesture of respect to WallStreet. WallStreet nods in appreciation and enters the ring , lifting a hand to wave to the fans much like a legendary boxer being brought back to a prize fight in Vegas as a guest judge or announcer. WallStreet walks over and shakes hands with Bert Busch before Busch hands over the microphone and the music cuts off. WallStreet looks to the excited crowd and can’t help but smile a little. WallStreet, " After a year of waiting I have GOT to say�? DAMN It feels GOOD to be back in an ICWA ring!" The crowd cheers as WallStreet looks around, nodding in agreement with their excitement. WallStreet, "And let me tell ya folks something’�?I encourage each and everyone of you to keep your ticket stubs from this event someplace safe. What you’re all doing right now, is you’re becoming a part of history. I look in that locker room, and never in my career have I seen so many great, GREAT athletes and people as I see in that lockeroom today. We don’t just have the very best technical wrestler in the world back there holding our World title in David Van Dam (crowd cheers)�?We don’t just have the biggest heart in this business sitting back there in Christian Michaels (Crowd cheers)�?We don’t just have the best Bigman around in the Legendary Icon Jimmy Stryker (crowd cheers) or whatever else�?What we have back there is some of the greatest PEOPLE that you could ask for. Each and every one of them has busted their back since they found out we were reopening this organization and tonight they are going to give you a show like NOBODY has ever given you before because they simply don’t know how to do anything Less than that!" WallStreet pauses to add emphasis which draws even more cheers from the fans. WallStreet, " Tonight is going to be special. It’s going to be a night that years from now you can talk to your kids about based on the historic prevalence of this evening within this sport�? When the ICWA’s back on Cable television going all over the world and showcasing this fantastic show that we’re going to be giving to you exclusively here tonight, it will always be known that it all started right here in this very ring, inside of this very building, with (points to the fans) YOU very People and NEVER can that be changed. Give yourselves around of applause." The crowd erupts again as WallStreet tucks the mic under his armpit and begins applauding with them. Finally he draws the mic back to his lips, " The quest to take back our place in the wrestling world starts tonight and let me kick this thing off by showing you ten of the hottest young talents in the world today�?Our first match tonight is gonna be an Over The Top Rope battle Royal and the last two remaining superstars will go on to compete right here LIVE later on tonight in a one on one match for the newly activated UWC Cyber Television championship. Now, I’d like to go ahead and bring them out here and get this thing kicked off right�? Unless of course, you people aren’t ready for some action?" The crowd begins cheering as WallStreet shakes his head and says, " I’m sorry, I can’t hear you Greenville�? ARE You READY FOR SOME ACTION?!" The crowd grows louder. WallStreet hops up onto the middle of the ropes, one foot on the bottom and one on the second rope as he says, " Are you ready for some ICWA ACTION?!" WallStreet hops down and looks to the back as he says, " Then you guys hit that music and let’s bring these boys out!" "Long Way To The Top (If You Wanta Rock-n-Roll)" begins playing again as the curtain starts moving and guys start coming down one by one, Being introduced in the order they come out and sliding in the ring or climbing in as they arrive. WallStreet, " Ladies and Gentlemen, The crazed mad man of the ICWA, Rorschach! The Nightly Delight Jerome Stevenson! The man your mother warned you about, Scott Addams! Former ECW Talent Christian York! The INFAMOUS Icon Joey Silvia! The Son of the greatest Heavyweight champion of all time and our Special Guest Referee for the Main Event�?David WHOOO BAH GOD�?FLAAAAAAAIR!(Larger cheer than most).. A Heavyweight Champion in the Midwest, Zarek Lyle! Our Last United States Champion, The Silent Assassin Whysper! Arguably the greatest Intergender performer to ever set foot in the ICWA, Da Sweet Lunatic! And finally, an ICWA Homegrown Hero�?Scott "The Machine" Jensen!" DSL is the final performer to slide into the ring but unlike everyone else who came out in a timely fashion and either did some waves to the people or shot some sneers and snide comments depending on their roll tonight, Jensen takes his time. When he finally does come through the curtain, he looks nothing like the man ICWA Fans would remember. ICWA Fans would recall a guy with shorter hair, a clean cut look, a pair of leather wrestling pants and an overall pleasant demeanor�? What they’re getting is a guy with torn jean shorts, A Black "Disturbed" Band shirt with the sleves cut off, and long curly hair over his face. He has a slower pace but WallStreet just raises an eyebrow, shrugs, and signals for the end of the music. It cuts off again as Jensen’s still sluggishly heading to the ring. WallStreet brings the mic back to his lips, "You ten performers have a chance to truly set the pace for your tenure here in the ICWA. Some of your faces are brand new to this organization (he glances at Scott Adams and a couple of the NPCS)�?Others have their names intertwined with the very fibers of the roots of the long legacy this company has built (glances from DSL To Whysper to Jensen who’s climbing onto the ring.)�?But all of you have an opportunity to step up and become a standard barrier for this organization in this unparalleled quest for supremacy that we’re on, both as a company and as individuals within this ultra-competitive Industry. Good luck to all of you." WallStreet gives a nod and then heads to the ropes and hops out as Jensen’s only just finally getting in. Referee Carlton stays on the outside and calls for the opening bell as the crowd is ready to go. Cyber TV Battle Royal 10 Participants No Time Limit WallStreet, " And Here we go folks. The Corporate Icon tryin his hand at the ol�?commentary table and ten great young athletes trying their hand at becoming the inaugural ICWA Cyber TV Champion. The Cyber TV title of course our own little twist on the classic Television championship made famous by the NWA and then WCW. Since we aren’t carried on a Television network you have to see our shows either by going to the website and downloading the shows, or, purchasing them on DVD and thus, The Cyber TV title." Everybody in the ring is looking each other over waiting for someone to strike. Silvia looks like he’s about to dart toward Jensen but Jensen puts up a hand and shakes his head. Everyone looks curiously as Scott turns around, grabs the top rope, hops over it to the outside canvas, and climbs down to the floor. The crowd boos as the referee asks him what he’s thinking�?before he signals to Bert Busch. WallStreet, " What in the World�? Busch, " Scott Jensen has Been Eliminated." All of the wrestlers are looking down at him with confused expressions as Jensen reaches up onto the outside ring apron where WallStreet had left his microphone sitting. Jensen, " Only fitting is it that I should eliminate Scott Jensen from this contest, as I’ve eliminated him from everything else. For years I came out here with a smile on my face and this preposterous level of humility and sportsmanship. All the while, as I gave and gave to the ICWA, and gave and gave to each performer there in, nobody gave anything to me. Well What about Me?!" He pauses briefly and looks around, a look of disgust on his face as he breaths heavy through his nose. He finally continues, " Well�?That man is deceased and so too is his identity. All of the pleasantness and optimism that man once had has deteriorated and died much the same as Mid Atlantic Wrestling and the legacy of the Ric Flairs and Rickey Steamboats (Crowd boos)�?All that is left now is hopelessness and despair�?And where the man Scott Jensen once stood, all that remains is a Shattered Soul." Jensen�?Or um�?Shattered Soul, extends his arms in a Crucifix pose and then turns and starts heading for the ramp as the fans boo. WallStreet, " Well uh�?I’m not too sure what to say here folks. I know that Scott’s gone through a lot of personal turmoil in his hiatus from the ICWA and even in his last tenure there in he showed some levels of frustration toward not obtaining the levels of success he’d longed for but�?I had no idea that this type of person was even capable of coming out in that young man." Suddenly Scott Addams slams a forearm into the back of Christian York and he goes up and over the top rope to the floor below. WallStreet, " WHOA! Regardless of what Scott.. Or uh, "Shattered Soul’s" deal is, we’ve still got a match going on and it looks like we just saw the second elimination." Burt Busch, " Christian York has Been Eliminated!" WallStreet, " And so it’s confirmed. And now this Battle Royal is finally underway." DSL lunges forward and drives a forearm into the jaw of David Flair taking him to a corner as Addams turns around just in time to drive a boot into the stomach of Joey Silvia. Zarek Lyle starts driving hard rights into the face of Rorschach backing him into a corner. Jerome Stevenson grabs Whisper by the wrist and goes to Irish Whip him into an available corner but when he does Whysper jumps up onto the top rope, leaps back and lands a corkscrew based flying maneuver that leaves him driving his own back into Stevenson’s chest, taking the Nightly Delight down. Jerome rolls up to his feet, his eyes wide with surprise as he grabs his chest with an arm,,, He turns around as Whysper leaps up and nails him with a big drop kick sending him up and over the top rope to the floor. Bert Busch, " Jerome Stevenson Has Been Eliminated!" WallStreet, " Uh-Oh�?Looks like the Nightly Delight’s "Night" is Over�?I know what you’re thinking and yes�?Yes I am one witty son of a gun." Back at the ropes where Addams had Silvia doubled over with a kick, Addams grabs Silvia by the wrist and sends him across the ring with an Irish Whip. Silvia hit’s the far ropes and darts back as Addams bends over for a back body drop�?Silvia flips over Addams and lands on his feet behind him. Scott Addams turns around as Silvia leaps back and nails Addams with a standing Moonsault. Silvia jumps up off Addams (who is down on his back), darts to the side, leaps onto the second rope, and flips back looking for a lionsault, however, Addams brings up his knees and Silvia takes said knees to the ribs as the fans are on their feet impressed with the athleticism being displayed in this battle royal. Silvia staggers back holding his ribs when out of no where DSL leaps up, wraps her legs around his neck, spins around and sends him up and over the top rope with a hurricanranna. Busch, "Joey Silvia Has Been Eliminated!" WallStreet, "Whysper went into the corner and started puttin�?it on David Flair, and as a result Da Sweet Lunatic was able to identify that Joey Silvia was ripe for the pickin and now Joey Silvia’s on his way to the showers." Off in another Corner Zarek Lyle reaches under the arm pit and grabs the neck of Rorschach and sends him up and over to his back with a modified Hip Toss type maneuver. Rorschach grabs his back as Zarek darts back, hit’s the ropes, and then nails a low drop kick into Rorschach’s back as Rorschach’s in the seated position. Rorschach extends his arms in shock and then reaches back and grabs his back as he rolls over to his knees. Zarek reaches down and pulls the clown-lookin villain up to his feet. Zarek hooks Rorschach and hoists him up for the vertical suplex, but, when he does Rorschach manages to land on his feet behind Zarek. Lyle turns around and Rorschach immediately delivers an eye rake. Zarek grabs his eyes as Rorschach leaps up and looks for a standing enziguri, however, Zarek ducks under and shoves Rorschach away. Rorschach Hit’s the ropes chest first, turns around, and as he does Zarek darts forward, leaps up and spins delivering a flying back elbow that sends Rorschach up and over the top rope to the floor below. Busch, " Rorschach Has Been Eliminated!" Rorschach is on his ass on the floor�?He looks up at Zarek in the ring and a big grin comes over his face. Rorschach, " HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" WallStreet, " Rorschach has been eliminated and he’s�?Laughing?! This guy is freakin nuts." Zarek seems confused as he looks down at Rorschach. Suddenly Zarek jolts forward and catches the top rope as we see Scott Addams nail him from behind with a big forearm. Zarek turns around and Addams nails a right hand that makes Zarek stumble down the rope and end up into the corner. Addams grabs Zarek’s legs and swings em up onto the top rope so that Zarek’s essentially laying across the top ropes in the corner. Zarek is holding the top rope as Scotts trying to roll him off. Off on the other side of the ring we see that David Flair has Whysper in the corner. David grabs the top rope with his left arm and delivers a hard knife edge chop with his right hand. Crowd: WHOOOOOOO! David reaches back to deliver another, but, DSL (Who’s just getting up off the mat from a previous strike by Scott Addams prior to him heading for Zarek) nails Flair from behind with a forearm. David staggers forward releasing the left rope and takes a hard right hand from Whysper for his trouble. Whysper and DSL both wrap David’s head and hoist him up like a vertical suplex, placing him on the top turnbuckle. Whysper and DSL both climb up and re-hook the vertical suplex grapple. They both hoist David up and fly back as the crowd gasps and then erupts while they deliver a double superplex off the top. WallStreet, " Good Gracious! Da Sweet Lunatic and Whysper both just nailed a huge Superplex off the top rope!" That huge earth quake like landing makes Scott Addams turn around to see what happened. As soon as he does Zarek rolls off the top and blind sides Addams with a hard right hand. Whysper and DSL pull David Flair off the canvas and both place a hand on the back of his head as Zarek grabs Addams and hoists him up for a Vertical suplex. Whysper and DSL dart forward and simultaneously ship David Flair up and over the top rope as Zarek faces the ropes and then launches Addams forward in a modified reverse vertical suplex, sending Addams down face first to the floor below. Busch, " David Flair and Scott Addams have BOTH been Eliminated!" Zarek backs up breathing heavy as too does DSL and Whysper till all three of their backs meet in the middle of the ring. They all turn around and begin a three way stair down as the crowd is going wild. WallStreet, " Uh Oh�?We’re down to three and I think all three of these individuals have just realized that there’s only room for two�?Which one’s going home and which two are heading on to the Cyber TV Title match later on tonight?" Whysper and DSL look at each other, nod, and go for a double clothesline but Zarek ducks under. Whysper spins back around and BAM! Zarek nails him with a big hook kick. DSL looks at Zarek, looks down at Whysper, shrugs, and nails Zarek with a staggering right hand. Bam! A second. BAM! A third and Zarek’s against the ropes. DSL grabs Zarek by the wrist and sends him rushing across the ring. DSL bends over in the center and Zarek leap frogs over. DSL immediately spins around and drops down in front of Zarek’s feet. Zarek jumps over DSL and darts back across the ring. Zarek hit’s the ropes, and as he comes back DSL leaps up in the middle and nails a big drop kick making Zarek drop back hard on the canvas as the crowd erupts. WallStreet, " What athleticism by these fantastic athletes." DSL hovers over Zarek when out of nowhere Whysper runs from behind, grabs her shoulders, flips himself up and over DSL, Reaching back and grabbing her neck as he does so and nailing a modified stunner in the process. DSL leaps back and falls on her back on the opposite side of the ring. Whysper jumps up and screams, "VIVA LA RAZA!" The crowd erupts as Whysper darts toward the ropes�?/P> WallStreet, " I don’t know what he just said but boy did he say it with great energy!" Whysper hit’s the ropes, comes back, and leaps up, flipping in the air and landing a modified swanton type deal on Zarek Lyle. Whysper rolls up to his feet and bends down, grabbing both sides of Zarek’s head and pulling him up. WallStreet, " If Whysper can send Zarek Lyle up and over, he and DSL will be heading on to the Cyber TV Title match." Whysper get’s Zarek to his feet, grabs the back of his head, and darts toward the ropes with him but, when they arrive Zarek grabs the top rope and places a foot on the bottom rope, blocking the over the top throw and shaking his head emphatically. Zarek drives an elbow into the side of Whysper, followed by a second, and then a third. Zarek then turns around, grabs the back of Whysper’s head, and sends Whysper up and over the top�?/P> WallStreet, " WHYSPER’S Gonna be�?Wait�?He landed on the ring apron! He’s still in it!" DSL suddenly darts for Zarek but Zarek turns and sends her up and over the ropes with a big hip toss. WallStreet, " DSL’S ELIMI�? Wait�?No! She landed on the ring apron as well!" Zarek surveys the scene as both Whysper and DSL start pulling themselves up on the outside portion of the ring, both Jason Harding and Carlton standing on the floor on either side of them to wait and call for the bell if either should fall off�? Zarek darts across the ring as DSL and Whysper get to their feet. They both see each other and start trying to push each other off the ring with one arm while holding the top rope with another�?Zarek springs off the ropes, darts across and DSL And Whysper both turn their heads back to the ring just in time to see Zarek leap up and extend both arms, nailing simultaneous clotheslines as all three going flying from the ring to the floor and the crowd erupts. The bell instantly sounds as WallStreet says, " What a move! All three performers are down on the floor and I�?Who’s eliminated?!" | |
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All three performers are in a pile at ringside as the fans are on their feet in anticipation of an announcement. Zarek starts to pull himself up on the apron and as he does both Carlton and Harding raise his arms. WallStreet, " Alright�?So we know Zarek Lyle was not eliminated, which, based on the way he went out of the ring I kind of suspected that he probably did in fact hit the floor last. However, which of the other two is still in this contest?" Whysper and DSL are both hurting as they’re pulling themselves up. When they do, Harding grab’s Whysper’s hand and raises it as the crowd erupts. WallStreet, " Well there we have it! Whysper and Zarek Lyle will be heading into our Cyber TV title match later on tonight." Carlton’s eyes get big and he shakes his head and then grabs DSL’s arm, raising her arm as the crowd erupts again. WallStreet, �?/FONT>Wait�?So DSL and Zarek Lyle are going on to the Cyber TV title?!" Harding looks at Carlton like he’s mentally challenged, shakes his head, and re-raises Whysper’s arm. Carlton gives Harding a similar look back and re-raises DSL’s hand. WallStreet, " It seems that our officials are at a severe disagreement on who was first to hit the floor between DSL and Whysper." Carlton and Harding stop raising arms and start discussing/arguing over who hit the floor first. Whysper and DSL look a little annoyed and they both look at each other. DSL is saying something and pointing toward the ring but we can’t pick it up�?Whysper points to himself with an inquisitive look and then points to the ring. DSL nods, Whysper shrugs and they both dart to the ring and slide in. They stand up in the middle and immediately begin throwing right hands as the officials both get wide eyed and put their attention on the ring. WallStreet, " What the�?I think DSL and Whysper just decided to end the argument and figure it out for themselves!" Carlton and Harding are about to slide in to break it up but Zarek puts a hand on both of their chests and says something to them. WallStreet, �?/FONT>I think Zarek’s telling em to go ahead and let these two figure it out in the ring!" Finally Whysper gets the advantage in the battle of fists and backs DSL up to the ropes. He grabs her by the wrist and uses the Irish Whip to send her across the ring. Whysper follows after her and shoots up for a cross body but DSL grabs the top rope and drops down, pulling the rope with her. Whysper goes flying over the rope but spins in the air and grabs the bottom rope, making himself land on the outside ring apron. DSL gets up and raises her arms in the air with her back to Whysper as the crowd is on their feet�?/P> WallStreet, " DSL think’s she has it won but Whysper kept a hold of that rope�? DSL takes a breath of relief and turns just in time for Whysper to leap up onto the top rope, leap over, wrap his legs around DSL’s neck and snap back, sending DSL up and over to the ropes with a Hurrincanrana�?But DSL grabs the top rope with one hand and directs herself so she lands on the ring apron. WallStreet, " I’m gonna have a heart attack!" DSL pulls herself up but Whysper glances over his shoulder and realizes she’s still there so he leaps up and she shakes the cobwebs off just a quarter second too late to evade a big drop kick from Whysper�?Whysper nails the drop kick and she goes flying back and hit’s floor as the bell sounds again. Harding and Carlton slide in and raise Whysper’s arm as the crowd is going wild. WallStreet, " What a fantastic display of fast paced razzle dazzle wrestling in this battle royal! I am soooo Impressed!" Bert Busch, " Da Sweet Lunatic HAS BEEN Eliminated! Your winners, progressing to the Cyber TV Title Match later tonight�? Zarek Lyle and WHYSPER!" Whysper breaths heavy as he stands in the middle looking at Zarek Lyle on the floor who just nods his head in appreciation of the great athletic display on the part of Whysper. DSL pulls herself up from the floor and holds her hips, looking up into the ring with an expression of clear frustration. She drops her head and shakes it a little as Whysper hops over the top rope and then drops down to the floor. Whysper extends his hand to DSL on the floor and DSL nods her head and shakes his hand. Zarek walks over and also extends a hand to DSL�?DSL glares and contemplates denying his gesture, but, he seems sincere so she softens up, sighs, and shakes his hand as well. Zarek grabs one of DSL’s arms as Whysper grabs the other and they all raise their arms in the air on the floor. The crowd immediately erupts as WallStreet says, " This folks�?This is what it’s all about. It’s moments like that that make me so proud to be a part of this sport. These three great athletes just showed they were a bar above all the rest in this battle royal and now in a display of sportsmanship and mutual respect, they all stand there with their arms raised in victory�?And despite only two of the three heading to the Cyber TV title match here tonight, all three were victors by my view and from the sounds of things�?By the view of these people as well." The three all head to the back, Whysper and Zarek both providing a pat on the back for DSL as they head through the curtain. WallStreet, " Unbelievable�?Only in the ICWA folks." "This Is Extreeeeeeeeme…�?Chaaampionship………�?. Wrrrrrrrrrrrrestling" As the classic ECW Theme song blasts over the sound system, the crowd gets on their feet in anticipation. WallStreet, " And we head from an "Extreme" display of talent to a completely different "Extreme" all together�? Bert Busch, " Ladies and Gentlemen�?At this time please welcome from New York City�?One of the most brilliant minds in the professional wrestling world, Please welcome Paul HEYYYYYYMAN!" The crowd erupts as the curtain swings to the side and from behind it steps the one and only Paul Heyman. WallStreet, " There he is, Paul Heyman or as fans may recall from his WCW Days, Paul E Dangerously. That’s no relation to former ICWA Champion Nic E Dangerously (Lets out a hearty chuckle)." Paul Let’s out a big grin, perhaps he’s missed the business, or perhaps he’s just that pleased with whatever announcement he’s here to make, either way though he looks like he’s in a positive mind frame. WallStreet, " Paul Heyman, the mastermind behind the revolutionary ECW in the 90s. He called me up a few weeks back and told me he was gonna take the ICWA by storm with his announcement here tonight. I wonder just what it is Paul E. has on his mind." Heyman climbs the stairs and walks to the center of the ropes on the outside, taking a minute to turn his head and look at the erupting crowd. Heyman ducks down and enters between the second and third as Bert Busch extends his hand. Heyman raises an eyebrow and just awaits his music’s conclusion. As the music cuts off Busch says, " Paul E Heyman�?Your Legend precedes you sir. It’s a pleasure to have you here in the ICWA�? Heyman, " Yeah, Yeah, give me the mic and go back to pig wrestling or whatever people do down here." The crowd instantly starts to boo as Heyman takes the mic from Busch. WallStreet, " Bert Busch is actually from the St. Louis area of Missouri, but hey, who’s keeping track." Busch begins to exit as Heyman says, " Boy�?Has this business SUCKED without Me or WHAT?!" Most of the crowd boos, of course there’s always gonna be a small collection of Heyman marks anywhere ya go so there’s a few cheers. Heyman, " Ya know, in 1993 Todd Gordon brought me into the front office of ECW, and from that day I single handedly began reshaping this entire business. If it wasn’t for me, you’d still have fat slobs like Dusty Rhodes�? The crowd instantly erupts at the mention of Dusty’s name. WallStreet, " The American Dream Dusty Rhodes a huge name in the history of pro wrestling here in the Mid Atlantic/Carolina area." Heyman continues, "You’d still have slobs like Dusty Rhodes coming out here and stinkin it up for sixty BORRRRING minutes. (Crowd boos) You’d still have guys with no personality like that goody two shoes Ricky Steamboat�? The crowd erupts again. WallStreet, " Another legendary figure in this region." Heyman, " But ECW changed all of that. ECW gave you the format that’s used for wrestling today, and for that I will now pause and allow you to thank me with your applause and perhaps a simple chant of "Paul E Rocks"." Heyman puts his hands on his hips and closes his eyes, looking up and awaiting the adulation of the fans�? Crowd: PAUL E SUCKS! PAUL E SUCKS! PAUL E SUCKS! Heyman jumps back wide eyed and offended as WallStreet says, " Not exactly what The Innovator of Extreme had in mind I don’t think�? Heyman, " Ahhhhh, what the Hell do you know. Anyway, I don’t think I like being here, so I’m gonna cut to the chase�?I have a surprise for North Carolina and for the ICWA�?Hey kid, come on out here." The curtain moves again and from behind it�?/P> WallStreet, " Hmm�?I’m not too sure who this fella is. He looks pretty young and he’s not very big but hey, they say dynamite comes in small packages so who knows?" The kid does a very Jeff Hardyesque dance on the stage and then darts down and slides into the ring. A few fans cheer, probably fans who follow the local indy scene and have seen this kid before. Heyman, " What’s your name again?" The kid pops up off the mat and says, " A_O_P,,, ACE OF PUNK BABY! WHOO!" He shakes his arm toward the fans and a few more cheer, diggin his energy. Heyman, " Where ya from kid?" AOP, " Punksville NORTH CAROLINA!" Much more of the crowd cheers at the name dropping of their state. WallStreet, " The kid’s got a lot of energy." Heyman, " Yeah, Yeah�?Nice cheap pop kid. Say, you have quite the resemblance to uh�?What’s his name�? Jeff Hardy?" The crowd instantly erupts at the mention of Hardy’s name as AOP nods. AOP, " He’s my hero! I’m kind of a tribute to him." The fans continue to cheer as Heyman says, " Oh yeah, I can see it. Ya got the little arm socks and the painted nails and the Stevie Wonder dye job on the hair�?I see the resemblance. Well there ya go folks, AOP. Thanks for your time." Heyman let’s out a wave and gives AOP a pat on the back. AOP hops up onto a turnbuckle as Heyman heads to exit the ropes�?/P> WallStreet, " Interesting." Heyman raises his leg but suddenly stops, put’s his foot back on the mat, stands up and backs up a few steps�?/P> Heyman, " Oh wait�?I forgot�? Heyman smacks himself on the forehead and shakes his head as AOP hops off the ropes. Heyman, " This old memory of mine�?I said I had a surprise for the ICWA�? "Step Up" by Drowning Pool hit’s the speakers as the curtain flies and from behind it steps a monster of a man who looks alot like Kurt Angle's old bodyguard when he was Smackdown GM (Luther Reigns)�?/P> WallStreet, " Good Gracious! Who in the world is That?!" The Man jumps around a little like Brock Lesnar used to and darts down and slides under the ropes. He hops up, darts forward and BOOM! A huge clothesline makes AOP back flip and land hard on his chest. The crowd starts booing as Heyman screams, " SURRRRRRPRISSSSSSSSEEEE!!! PICK HIM UP PATRICK! PICK HIM UP!" WallStreet, " Patrick?" The man we now know as "Patrick" lifts AOP off the mat�?/P> Heyman, " DO THE THING�?YOU KNOW�?THAT THING YOU DO�?DO IT!" Patrick takes AOP by the wrist and launches him across the ring with a hard Irish Whip. AOP hit’s the ropes, darts back and Patrick hoists him up in the air, holding his arm pit with his left hand and placing his right hand on AOP’s chest before he spins and sit’s out slamming the kid with a modified Sky High. WallStreet, " WHOA! What Intensity!" Heyman drops down and counts ……�?1.…�?2.…�?3. Heyman screams out, " Ring the bell!" Busch not sure what else to do, adheres to the demand and hit’s the bell. WallStreet, " Well I’m not so sure that was an official match but, I believe the point has certainly been made. What a monster." Heyman’s theme blasts over the PA again as Heyman grabs this Monster’s hand and it raises it into the air while AOP lays motionlessly on the mat, The crowd is booing loudly as Heyman sits on the second rope and lifts the top rope, making it easier for his monster to exit the ring. WallStreet, " I don’t know who this human monstrosity is but with his brutality and Heyman’s mentality, I think we can pretty much chalk him up to Bad News for the ICWA." Heyman leads "Patrick" to the back as referee Carlton slides in and starts helping AOP roll under the ropes. Carlton rolls AOP off the ring and to his feet on the floor, and props himself under AOP to basically carry him up the ramp. The crowd stats clapping for the poor little Jeff Hardy "tribute" as he’s being carted to the back. WallStreet, " The fans here applauding this young man for enduring the assault of that beast of Heyman’s. Good job indeed kid. Hopefully he’s not hurt too seriously." | |
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Busch, " Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a fifteen minute time limit. Introducing first, from Sportstown USA, He weighs in 225 Pounds�? Maaaaaarvelous MIIIIIIIKEE!" Jock Jams "Hey" blasts over the PA as from behind the ropes steps Marvelous Mike. WallStreet, " Marvelous Mike a varsity Athlete in high school now looking to stretch out beyond the scholastic level and make a go of it here in the Pros. I think that the "Marvelous" one will find that this is a whole different world then high school." Mike starts strutting down the ramp, showing off his butt to various fans. WallStreet, " Apparently he’s quite proud of his um�?backside." Mike goes around the ring talking trash and showing off his butt till eventually he finds himself at the stairs and makes his way into the ring. Busch, " And the opponent�? "King of My World" by Saliva begins as the curtain yet again moves to the side for another ICWA superstar. Busch, " Making his way from New York City, New York�?He weighs in this evening at 265 pounds�?He is Kiiiing�?Sllllllllllenderrrr." Slender looks disgusted as he looks down from the small stage to the people in the floor seats. He shakes his head and begins heading down the ramp. WallStreet, " King Slender�?Ironically not a King and not all that Slender either. But again, who’s keeping track. This young gentlemen from the Empire State has a dominating presence about him, standing at an impressive six foot five and a well shaped 265 pounds. As far as I’m aware this is his first official promotion, however, Don’t expect to see a slouch in the ring as he was trained by one of the all time greats in this sport�?The Legendary Harley Race. Harley of course no stranger to this Mid Atlantic area either despite St. Louis really being his dominate area." Slender doesn’t take the time to go all the way around the ring as he struts up the stairs and glances out to the fans with another look of disgust. Slender wipes his feet on the outside canvas, bends down and enters between the ropes. He spins around and then runs his hands through his long blonde hair and says, " OH DADDY! Marvelous Mike, Get a notebook and take lessons kid, *This* Is What Champion’s look like!" Marvelous Mike snickers, " Oh yeah, where’s your belt Champ?" Marvelous turns to the crowd with a "Get a load of this guy" Expression, But Slender darts forward and Mike turns back just in time to take a big forearm in the mouth. Carlton calls for the bell as Mike falls back against the ropes. Slender grabs Mike by the wrist and goes for the Irish Whip, but Marvelous reverses and sends King across the ring. King Slender hit’s the far ropes and comes back as Marvelous Mike stands strong in the center and takes Slender up and over with a big hip toss. Slender grabs his back, rolls up and goes back for Mike only to find himself on the business end of a text book arm drag. Mike keeps the arm and applies an arm bar to that left arm. WallStreet, " King Slender looks for the early advantage, however, it looks like Marvelous Mike has thrown those aspirations of Slender’s out the window." Mike stretches Slender’s arm out, pins it to the mat, jumps up and drives a knee into the arm of Slender. King let’s out a yell and rolls over holding his arm. He starts pulling himself up as Mike stays behind him in an athletic position�?Slender turns back around and Mike sends him up and over with a Japanese Arm Drag. Slender grabs his arm in pain and comes back up again, but this time Mike grabs him by the wrist, swings under and then applies the big side wrist lock. Slender jumps up and down in pain as Marvelous Mike keeps the wrist lock with one arm and then uses his right arm and drives an elbow into the extended arm of Slender. Slender screams out in pain and tries to take back his arm but Mike immediately goes back to the two handed wrist lock and manages to maintain the hold. WallStreet, " Marvelous Mike really putting the focus on that arm of King Slender’s. That’s a pretty intelligent strategy, although, with the distinct height difference these two athletes I personally would have been more apt to consider a leg based assault strategy�?And maybe Mike did. Sometimes you go in with one thing in mind and based on the way things go you’re forced to head in a different direction." Mike takes the side wristlock into a top wristlock, attempting to bridge Slender back, however, Slender stumbles back instead and ends up with his back on the ropes. WallStreet, " The Marvelous one really having to stretch to apply that top wrist lock to the six foot five King Slender." Slender is stretched back against the ropes and Carlton’s calling for the ropes break on the wrist lock. Mike slowly starts to break the hold and Slender appears to be just letting him make a clean break�?Or not. Slender suddenly jabs the thumb into the eye of Marvelous Mike, making him spin around and stagger away holding his eye. Slender follows behind him, wraps an arm around his lower back, hoists him up, takes a couple steps forward and drops him back with a high angle Belly to Back to suplex in the middle of the ring. Slender rolls over and hovers over with a lateral press as Carlton drops down and counts …�?.1.…�?2.…�? Only two as Marvelous Mike kicks out. WallStreet, " King Slender takes over the offense with that thumb to the eye of Marvelous Mike and follows it up with a Belly to Back suplex into a quick two." Slender crawls over to a knee but as he does he ends up with his calf across Mike’s throat as he begins arguing the count with the official. Carlton insists that it was only two and Slender insists otherwise, till eventually Carlton realizes that Slender’s sneaking a choke in there and begins demanding Slender relinquish said choke. Slender seems oblivious to what the ref’s talking about but his feigned state of "Duh" goes out the window when Carlton begins applying the count …�?.…�?.…�?.…�?.…�?Slender pops up off the mat as Mike grabs his throat and Carlton begins to chastise King. WallStreet, " Well, whether you agree with the use of that choke on the behalf of King Slender or not, there’s no denying the intelligence in the strategy and the use of the rules. Slender distracted the official long enough to buy some extra time and then took that five second grace period to its limit, breaking only just before the disqualification could be declared. Harley Race once said that the difference between a good wrestler and a great wrestler is knowing how to use all of those counts and rules to your favor. I’m sure that he made sure to instill that deep, deep in the mind of his protégé, King Slender." Mike starts crawling toward the ropes and as he arrives Slender jumps on top of him, reaches down, and pulls up on the ropes as his upper torso’s pushing down on his neck and throat, thus choking the man again. Carlton rushes over to demand the break and begins applying the count again �?.1.�?.�?.3.�?4.�? Slender comes back and let’s Mike slide off the ropes gasping for air as Carlton gets even more intense in his admonishing of the Kingfish. Marvelous Mike slowly starts to pull himself up on the ropes and stumbles into the corner. Slender grabs the top rope with his left hand and delivers a hard knife edge chop with the right. The crowd "Whoos" As Mike grabs his chest in pain. Slender pushes up on Mike’s jaw with his left hand so his head’s all the way back, and then BAM! He drops a big forearm onto the chest of Marvelous Mike. Mike staggers out of the corner and along the rope to the middle of the ropes. Slender grabs him by the wrist and shoots him off the ropes across the ring. Mike hit’s the far ropes as Slender finds himself in the center. Slender drops down for the back body drop and Mike goes up and over, but, hooks the thighs of Slender and takes him over with a sunset slip. The crowd cheers as Carlton drops down and counts ……�?.1.…�?.�?Only two as Slender kicks out. Both men roll up to their feet but King Slender’s a quarter second faster and it shows as he nails a hard clothesline, knocking the Marvelous one to the mat hard. WallStreet, " Marvelous Mike saw the Back Body Drop coming and countered with a sunset flip into a two count�?Apparently King Slender took a little exception to the counter as he nearly took Marvelous Mike out of his boots with that clothesline." Slender’s chest starts pumping as he glares around at the now booing fans. Slender sees one rowdy fan unparticular down on the floor and points and says, " SHUT IT FATSO!" The crowd begins booing louder as Slender adjusts the waistband of his trunks and slowly walks around, offering a few disparaging remarks to a few random fans. Mike starts pulling himself up and Slender stalks behind�?Mike get’s to his feet and Slender hops up and dropkicks Mike in the back, making Mike lunge forward and land chest first into the turnbuckle pads. Slender rolls up to his feet, runs forward and nails a high body avalanche (AKA Stinger Splash) to Mike’s back in the corner. Mike arches back and starts staggering back, but Slender’s still right there and hooks the rear waist lock and then pops back throwing Mike through the air and making him land hard on his back with a big release German Suplex. Slender stands up and looks to the crowd, " WHO’S THE KING?!" The crowd boos again as WallStreet says, " Marvelous Mike taking a lot of abuse to his back. I hear that Slender’s got a mean backbreaker that’s been known to put men down and out�?He may be softening up Mike’s back with intentions of having extra success if he ever gets an opportunity to apply said backbreaker." Slender drops down and hooks the far leg as Carlton drops and counts ……�?.…�?2.…�?Mike just kicks out. WallStreet, " Almost three on that exchange." Mike tries to sit up, clearly in pain, so as he does Slender puts a knee into Mike’s back while grabbing his wrists and pulling back in a version of the Bow and Arrow submission. The crowd starts to boo as Mike winces in pain, grunting and trying to figure a way out of this without tapping out. Carlton is right there to see if Marvelous Mike wants to call it quits, but he refuses to do so. One of the fans yells out "COME ON MIKE!"�?Slender just wrenches back even more on the submission. Mike starts to slam his foot up and down on the mat trying to start a rally, and a few fans catch on and start chanting clapping along as Mike’s arms start trying desperately to break free as he rolls up to a knee, forcing Slender’s knee to go out of his back and for Slender himself to come up to his feet. Mike starts turning into Slender and get’s enough freedom to drive a hard elbow into the stomach of Slender. Slender doubles over but keeps hold of Mike. Mike drives in a second Elbow, then a third finally breaking himself free of Slender’s grasp. Slender stands up right and goes for a right hand but Mike blocks and nails a right of his own, followed by a second, then a third. Slender shakes em off and tries to dart forward for another power clothesline, but Mike ducks under and Slender ends up darting to the ropes. He comes back and Mike runs and meets him in the middle with a flying Forearm. Slender hit’s the mat hard as the fans cheer. Slender rolls right back up to his feet and turns around in time to see Mike leap up and nail a beautiful dropkick that lands point on right on the higher chest of Slender. Slender hit’s the mat hard again as the fans are on their feet. Slender rolls back up rockin�?and reelin�?He turns around and bam, kick to the gut�?Mike darts back, hit’s the ropes, grabs his back as he comes off the ropes wincing in pain, and then jumps up and nails an axe kick dropping Slender to the Mat. Mike rolls up, holds his back with one arm and uses the other to rally the crowd as he yells " COME ON!" WallStreet, " When this contest began it seemed that The crowd and Marvelous Mike were on opposite pages of the book, but over the course of this match they seem to of found a bit of a common bond in their mutual disdain for King Slender." Slender rolls to his knees and starts slowly crawling toward the corner. Mike glances over and notices, so he keeps firing em up as he starts looking Slender’s way. Slender pulls himself up in the corner as Mike get’s wide eyed and points his way. Slender turns and Mike darts forward, jumps and spins driving his ass into Slender’s chest. Slender grabs his chest, staggering forward for a step or two and then dropping to his ass and leaning back in the corner. Mike keeps the fans hyped up while still holding his lower back with one arm�?he finally darts forward again and leaps up looking for the bronco buster, but, Slender puts up his boot and blocks with a low blow. Mike spins around holding himself as Carlton looks conflicted but ends up screaming at Slender but choosing not to call for the bell. WallStreet, "I believe the official made a good call there�?That was a defensive maneuver and really was just a matter of Slender extending the leg, he could have just as easily hit the stomach or abs�?" Slender pulls himself up as Mike’s in the center, bent over holding his lower extremities. Slender grabs him, Hoists him up in a Military press, then spins him and drops to a knee simultaneously delivering a vicious Backbreaker out of the Gorilla Press position. The crowd let’s out a collective grasp as Mike’s down on the mat holding his back. Slender looks around with a pissed off glare and then hooks the far leg and rolls back as Carlton drops down�?. WallStreet, " That’s gotta be that Backbreaker manuver I heard about. This one has to be over." …�?.……�?.2.……�?3. The Bell sounds as "King of My World" by Saliva hit’s the PA. Busch, " Your winner�?King Sleeeeeeeender!" The official raises Slender’s arm as Slender twirls around and says, " Like I SAID�?*This* Is What A Champion Looks Like!" WallStreet, " An impressive victory by King Slender In his debut here in the ICWA. This may have been his first dance to the ICWA tune but surely it will not be his last." Slender exit’s the ring and throws a few insults at a few random fans as he starts heading for the back. He makes his way up the stage and through the curtain as Marvelous Mike starts slowly rolling out of the ring, falling to his feet on the floor and holding his back. Marvelous hobbles around the ring and slowly begins heading up the ramp himself. WallStreet, " A Valiant effort on the part of Marvelous Mike and who knows, perhaps we’ll see this kid again as well." | |
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As Mike heads through the curtain Busch takes back to the ring. Busch, " Ladies and Gentlemen, At this time I’d like to take a moment away from this high impact ICWA Action and get a few words with a man who needs no introduction anywhere in the world, but, especially here in North Carolina�?He is the Sixteen Times (Crowd instantly starts erupting) World Champion�? He is�?RICCCCC FLAAAAAAAIRRR!" The crowd is creaming their shorts as we hear from the Speakers: WHOOOOOOOO! From there Ric Flair’s classic theme begins to blast over the speakers. WallStreet, " The Legendary "Nature Boy" Ric Flair is on his way and this great crowd in Greenville North Carolina is on their feet in anticipation as too am I." The curtain finally moves and from behind it in all of his splendor is the one and only Nature Boy Ric Flair. Flair, " WHOOOOOOO!" Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOO! Flair smiles as he looks at his adoring fans, and then begins strutting down the ramp. WallStreet, " The signs in the crowd "Welcome Home Naitch", "Flair Country" "We Love You Ric", and "Four Horsemen 4 Life"�? If you aren’t here to feel this I’m not sure I can explain it to you. It is a homecoming of sorts as for the first time since the days of Jim Crocket and Mid Atlantic has Ric Flair been able to come to this time of a building and stand in such an intimate atmosphere with those who brought him to where he is today and likewise, those who he brought an unparalleled level of entertainment too for so many years�?This is the type of moment that we all live for." Flair struts up the stairs as Busch immediately takes a seat on the second rope and lifts the top rope for one of the most influential men to ever claim the Carolinas as home. Flair steps between the ropes and looks out over the crowd, several of which are bowing to this legendary Icon. WallStreet, " How great it is to see my friend, Ric Flair, back in the middle of his people again." The music slowly fades as Busch and Flair shake hands. Busch, " The Legendary Nature Boy Ric Flair�? So Glad to have you here tonight�? Flair, " DID I�?WHOO! BAH GOD! DID I HEAR RIGHT?! Is It True?! Is the ICWA Coming back to town!?" Busch, " Absolutely it is." Flair, " GREENVILLE NORTH CAROLINA�? By God how good it is to be back! (Crowd continues erupting)." Busch, " Tonight you take on quite the task as you step between Christian Michaels and ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam to referee this huge World Title main event�?" Flair, " DAVID VAN DAM! CHRISTIAN MICHAELS! WHOOO! It’s gonna be hotter than a Horsemen’s party with the ladies of ECU! WHOOO! (Crowd cheers the mention of their hometown University). But, just because I’ve been in the WWE for a little while now doesn’t mean I don’t pay attention to the rest of the wrestling world. I’m all too familiar with Christian Michaels and David Van Dam and I know both guys have taken a shot at getting to my crown of the Dirtiest Player In The Game at one point or another�? Well boys, many may try, but there’s only one dirtiest player in the game and you’re lookin at him!(Crowd cheers) What that means is that I know all the tricks in the book and you’re not gonna get one over on ol�?Naitch. This match is gonna be fair and it’s gonna go right down the middle, I guarantee it. And when the Nature Boy makes a Guarantee, BAH GOD, you can take that to the bank! WHOOOOOO!" The crowd is going wild as Bert brings the mic back to his lips, " Excellent. Well we’re looking forward to that Main later tonight and�? Suddenly we hear a snare drum over the sound system�?It’s the lead in to "Worlds Greatest" by R Kelly. WallStreet, " Ric Flair assuring the legitimacy of our Heavyweight title contest later tonight, but, now he and Double B are being disrupted by�?Well I’m not sure by whom to be honest." "It’s The World’s Greatest Ya’ll�?It’s The World’s Greatest�?/P> As the music get’s going we see the curtain move and from behind it in a sharp navy suit with a tan button up and of course, the ICWA Heavyweight Championship folded and held across his forearm and palm is David Van Dam. WallStreet, " Well Hey, it looks like we’re gonna be joined by our Heavyweight Champion, David Van Dam." David looks around at the erupting fans and smiles softly, giving them a nod before he begins heading down the ramp. WallStreet, " David Van Dam has held the ICWA Heavyweight Championship for over a year, taking time to go and defend the championship all over the world during our off time. However, it has been a while. I believe his last title defense took place in May against Konan in an event hosted by Triple A Wrestling down in Mexico City Mexico. For whatever reason Van Dam hasn’t shown any interest in returning to Mexico since that successful title defense although I’m not sure why. Regardless, It’s been a while since Van Dam has had a title defense, and certainly even longer since he’s had one with an athlete the caliber of Christian Michaels." Van Dam walks up the stairs and enters between the ropes as the crowd is eating up having both the Legendary Ric Flair and the ICWA Champion David Van Dam in the ring at the same time. The music cuts off as Busch asks, "M ister Van Dam�?To what do we owe this pleasant surprise?" David, " Well, with all this talk about the main event, I found it only fitting that the Heavyweight Champion come down here and say a few words." Busch, " Well I suppose that makes sense." David, " That it does. It also makes sense to me that Ric Flair, The Greatest Professional Wrestler in the history of our sport�? Van Dam’s cut off by the fans unanimous agreement vocalized in a loud level of cheers�?/P> David nods, " It makes sense to me that he (motions to Flair) be the referee for my match tonight�?Because ya see, Ric’s right about a couple of things. He’s right that he is the Dirtiest Player in the Game and thus, knows all the tricks (Ric nods)�?He’s right that both Christian and I have had our moments where we may have pulled a dastardly deed or two (Shrugs and nods)�?And he’s right that the only way for a match of this magnitude to take place and do the justice it deserves is if it is indeed right down the middle." Flair nods in agreement as the fans are still cheering, although they really haven’t stopped since Flair first came through the curtain. David, " But by that same token, be forewarned Ric, that tonight’s match isn’t going to be just a wrestling clinic�?No doubt there will be some fantastic wrestling, but, It’s also going to be hard hitting, kick ass, take no prisoners as wrestling was intended. Christian and I go back a long ways, and I’d dare say that he and I may be the Ricky Steamboat-Ric Flair of our era. But, more importantly than any history he or I may have, is this�? He grabs the strap of his ICWA Heavyweight title and lets it unfold itself and hang in the air for all to see. David, " This is the richest prize in the sport today and I will do EVERYTHING within my grasp to make sure that it leaves Greenville North Carolina the same way it entered Greenville North Carolina�? In MY Arms." Flair nods and seems like he can appreciate that sentiment. Busch, " Some bold words by our champion David Van Dam, and I believe it just underscores our great Main Ev�? Out of no where the guitar chords for the intro to "Champion in Me" by Three Doors Down hit’s the speakers
WallStreet, " What in the�? The curtain flies to the side and from behind it�?/P> WallStreet, " Ho-Boy�?Now business is really starting to pick up�?There’s tonight’s challenger, The Southern Heartthrob Christian Michaels." The crowd is going ballistic now as the biggest hero in the Southern US since Walker Texas Ranger is on the stage. He walks down with his energetic stride, and looks a hundred times better then when he was moping around his liter filled home. He slides into the ring as David and Flair both just kinda watch. His music cuts out and Busch says, "Bah God, we’ve got the whole main event in the ring now!" CM, " Berty Boy, It’s good to see ya! It’s good to see Greenville North Carolina (crowd cheers)�?/FONT> And it’s good to see the ICWA once again. But ya know, I sit back there and I hear the Legendary Ric Flair talk about being the Dirtiest Player in the Game and calling this match down the middle and Hey, I’m cool with that. Who can’t appreciate a good, On the level wrestling match? Then I hear David Van Dam come out here and talk about doing everything he can to leave here as ICWA Heavyweight champion and Hey, I’m cool with that too. I mean, if David didn’t come here with that exact goal in mind then what kind of a champion would he be anyway? Not a very good one, that’s for sure. And if there’s anything David Van Dam’s experienced at and perfected, it’s the art of being a Champion. He’s worn more belts than Gucci could dream of making. But, the problem with that is that I’m no slouch, and, I didn’t come all the way to Greenville to leave empty handed! I came to become EYE SEE DUBBYA EYE CHAMP-IONNNNN!" The crowd lights up again. Flair finally chimes back in and says, " ICWA Champion�?It’s what David Van Dam is and what everybody else strives to be. To Be The Man you gotta beat the man�?It’s something I said for years, but it wasn’t on the bases that I was the man just because�?It was on the bases that I was the man because I was the World Champion. Tonight, Christian Michaels, you aim to become the man and David Van Dam, you aim to remain the man�?And honestly, I’m not planning on getting in either of your guy’s way as long as you don’t make me�?But if you do�? WHOOOOO, This ol�?dog still has a lot of bite behind his bark! Try me daddy!" Flair’s music hits as he hops out of the ring and the fans begin their Flair-Frenzy again. In the ring Michaels and Van Dam are face to face, neither saying a word, just holding each others eyes in lock with the other’s. WallStreet, " This is gonna be one for the ages�?Christian Michaels challenges David Van Dam for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship with Ric Flair calling it in the ring and it’s going to take place live here at the Greenville Convention Center just a little later tonight." As Flair makes his way through the curtain CM says (without the mic), " I’ll see ya in the Main Event David." CM finally breaks his stair with Van Dam and exit’s the ring as well, walking back and keeping a look with Van Dam as Van Dam stays in the ring holding his championship over his shoulder and watching Michaels walk away. Finally as he heads through the curtain, Van Dam hops down out of the ring and starts heading that way as well. WallStreet, " What a night it’s been so far and we’ve still got one more match to go before we even reach intermission! Unbelievable! Speaking of which, let’s take ya back to Bert Busch in the ring for the announcement of the next contest." | |
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The bell sounds and Bert Busch is in the center of the ring, ready to announce the next match. "Ladies and Gentlemen�?The following contest is for one fall and is for the ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!" WallStreet, "Alot of strong statements made by some of the biggest players in the Industry just moments ago and now... Now there's an oppertunity for two out of the four men in this next contest to make a huge statement of their own..." With that the old Rock-n-Roll express theme hits the speakers as the fans jump to their feat and from behind the curtain bolts Ricky Morton and Bobby Eaton. Bert Busch, "Introducing first, the challangers.... "Rock-N-Roll" Ricky Morton and "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton... They are, "The Midnight Rock-N-Roll Express!" The Express makes their way down the ramp rockin out with the fans as they do so as WallStreet says, "The Rock N Roll Express and the Midnight Express have arguably the longest standing rivalry in the history of this great sport. They've been feuding for the better part of almost three decades and as a result, I believe that Beautiful Bobby and Rock-n-Roll Ricky have finally come to realize that if they can be such great rivals, imagine what they could do if they put their issues aside and tried their luck as a tag team. Both men have more tag team experience then anybody activly competing today and while they may not be at the prime of their careers, they've forgotten twice as much as any other tag team could ever hope to know. Tonight these two men have an oppertunity to the statement that they've still got it and still have another run left if they can capture the ICWA Tag Team Championships." You Can See It In A Clear Blue Sky You Can See It In A Woman's Eyes You Can Hear It In Your Baby's Cries You Can Hear It In Your Lover's Sighs Joe 6-Pack and Big Steed Williams hit the stage, the tag belts around their waist. As they storm to the ring, the crowd can see that they are intent on destroying something tonight. 6-Pack and Williams role into the ring, staring down the challengers. They take off their belts and hoist them in the air. Wallstreet, "I'm interested to see tonight if the raw power and intensity of 6 and Rising Inc. can overcome all the experience of the challengers tonight. But with all of the respect in the world to Eaton and Morton, the odds-on favorite has to be the champs." Bert Busch wraps up the introduction, "They are your ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, Joe 6-Pack, Big Steed Williams, 6 and Rising Incorporated!" The music fades and the bell rings. Steed goes to the corner, as does Ricky Morton. Wallstreet, "Looks like 6-Pack will start things off against Bobby Eaton." Joe stares across the ring, puffing out his chest, trying to intimidate Eaton, but the veteran doesn't back down, mouthing the words "Come on, big man." The close the distance and tie up. 6-Pack easily backs Eaton into the corner. Referee Jason Harding breaks it up, but as he gets between the two combatants, Joe hurls a big right hand past Harding, landing on Eaton's chin. The crowd screams for retribution. Wallstreet, "The crowd isn't too happy about that cheap shot by 6-Pack. Joe backs into the center of the ring, turning to the crowd and grinning like a madman. Joe turns back to face his opponent, but is caught by a spinning neckbreaker. Wallstreet, "Eaton came flying out of nowhere with that hellacious neckbreaker!!!" Eaton goes for a cover...1...2... Kickout by 6-Pack, who rolls over to his corner, tagging in Big Steed Williams. "We almost had new tag champs there." Big Steed charges at Eaton before he has time to react, and Steed clotheslines him into next Tuesday. Wallstreet, "And just like that, Steed sweeps the momentum right out of the match. That's why these guys are so dangerous, they're so powerful, they can take the momentum almost at will." Steed begins clobbering on the back of Eaton. He whips him to the ropes, catching Bobby in a devastating backbreaker. Steed covers him for the win." 1...2... Ricky Morton breaks up the pin. 6-Pack runs in and clobbers Morton with a shoulder tackle. Morton rolls out of the ring, with 6-Pack following to inflict more damage. Steed walks over to the rope, yelling for 6-Pack to get back to his corner. While his back is turned, Eaton attempts a roll-up from behind...1..2...Steed barely kicks out in time as referee Jason Harding throws up two fingers. Steed walks over to the corner, where Joe has just gotten back to. The tag is made and Joe enters the ring, stomping away on Bobby Eaton. Wallstreet, "Bobby Eaton sorely needs a tag to Ricky Morton or this match won't go much longer." 6-Pack locks Eaton in a full nelson. He moves closer to Ricky Morton. "You see this Morton! Try to make the tag, I dare you! You're all washed up, old man, and now I'm coming in for the kill." Eaton struggles to get out of the full nelson. In an act of desperation, he pushes 6-Pack and himself to the ropes, and with a all his might, flips Joe 6-Pack over the top rope and onto the floor. Wallstreet, "Dear Lord! With everything Eaton had left, he dumped 6-Pack on to the floor. Eaton is down, but can he make a tag?!" Eaton crawls over to his corner, Ricky is standing on the lowest rope, stretching his hand out as far as he can. "Eaton! Eaton is almost there!" Eaton lunges for the tag, but 6-Pack reaches over, pulling Ricky Morton off the apron and whipping him into the stairs. "Eaton about to make the tag and Six Pack takes Morton off the ring. It's not very sportsmenlike but it's smart." Joe rolls back into the ring, picks up Eaton, and chucks him into the corner. Joe chops him a couple of times, then whips him across the ring into Steed's corner. The tag is made and Joe lifts Eaton up in a military press. Steed gets down on one knee, and Joe drops Eaton on Steed's knee. Steed continues to rain his massive forearms down on Bobby Eaton's back. Bobby fights to stand up, and when he does, Williams locks him in a big bear hug. Wallstreet, "The massive strength of Big Steed Williams is wearing down the former tag team champion." Eaton screams out in pain. The crowd begins rallying behind him: "LET'S GO EATON! LET'S GO EATON!" Eaton gets a shot of adrenaline and starts firing axehandle smashes over Steed's head. After the fourth shot, Big Steed breaks the hold. Bobby Eaton runs to the rope and comes firing back at Williams. Steed bends over to give Eaton a back body drop. Eaton catapults into the air - BUT SOMEHOW LANDS ON HIS FEET! He stumbles over to Morton's corner, and as he collapses on the ground, makes the HOT TAG! Wallstreet, "And the crowd comes alive as Rock-N-Roll Ricky Morton finally gets the tag!" Morton fires a big dropkick to Steed, who reels backward. Morton goes off the ropes and comes back with a flying forearm smash, and Williams clings to the ropes. Morton spins around and darts at Big Steed Williams, and with a running dropkick, sends Steed over the ropes and crashing to the arena floor! Wallstreet, "Ricky Morton looks twenty years younger and he is GETTIN HIM SOME!" 6-Pack runs in, but Morton catches him with a boot to the gut and somehow, lifts the giant monster Joe 6-Pack with a monster suplex. 6-Packs writhes in pain as Morton ascends the top rope. Joe gets up and is met with a diving crossbody. Morton gets up and throws his hands over his head. The crowd is in a frenzy! Morton spins around, and out of nowhere, is caught in a sadistic spinebuster by Big Steed Williams. Morton's body explodes on the canvas and Steed makes the cover. 1..2..3! The bell rings and Big Steed helps Joe up to his feet. Morton is motionless on the mat and Eaton is still lying on the apron. Bert Busch, "Your winners, and STILL the ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, JOE 6-PACK, BIG STEED WILLIAMS, 6 AND RISING INCORPORATED!" They lift their titles in the air as the crowd is on its feet, booing desperatly. Wallstreet, "That was a hell of an effort by Ricky Morton and Bobby Eaton, but in the end, it just wasn't enough. When you're fighting Williams and 6-Pack, it must feel like there is 10 guys in there, cause those two keep coming out of nowhere. Morton didn't see Big Steed slide back in the ring and he ran right into that monstrous spinebuster." 6 and Rising Inc. walk down the aisle with the belts on their shoulders as Eaton crawles over to Morton to check on him. WallStreet, "I said that both teams here tonight would have an oppertunity to make a statement and that statement was made definitivly by our champions. They are the team to beat in this sport and I'd venture to recommend that nobody will be accomplishing that task anytime soon." Six and Rising go behind the curtain as Morton and Eaton stand up, gaining a huge ovation from the live fans. WallStreet, "A tremendous and more than deserved show of respect from this great crowd on hand. Folks, This was just one of four Championship matches to take place tonight. The next three are coming up after we take a breif break." And with that the camera stops filming as we provide a ten minute intermission for the fans in live attendance. | |
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The intermission is finally over and our cameras kick back on, showing Bert Busch standing in the ring. Busch, "The Following Contest is scheduled for ONEFALL and is for the ICWA CYYYYYYBER TV CHAMPIONSHIP!" The crowd erupts knowing who’s competing for the Cyber TV championship as our camera man focuses on the stage. The lights suddenly go dark without any sense of warning as "Ex's and Oh's" by Atreyu begins to play over the pa system. A single figure comes out from behind the black velvet curatin. As the lights slowly raise, you see Zarek Lyle walking down the ramp. Busch, "Introducing first, making his way from Crete Greece�?He weighs in this evening at 225 pounds has qualified for this contest by way of Battle Royal victory�? Zarrrrrrrrekkkkkk�? LYLLLLLLLEEEEEE!" As he walks down, he taunts the crowd, getting their screams up to a point of his liking. WallStreet, "This young native of Crete Greece has really managed to get these ICWA fans behind him here tonight. He’s got a plethora of potential and all the tools to develop that potential into raw talent if given the opportunity to excel�?And folks, we all know that that’s what it’s all about in the ICWA�?Opportunity." He hops onto the apron and flips over the top rope. Zarek goes to a corner, jumping to the second turnbuckle, to get the crowd roaring. He hops off the turnbuckle, and jogs around the ring a bit. Resting his hands upon his knees in a crouching position, he awaits his opponent. At first the intro to "Fire It Up" plays a while, "Face your fear. Accept your war. It is what it is." is sung and then the Silent One hits the stage as the song continues. WallStreet, "And There He Is�?The Last ICWA United States Champion looking to broaden his resume and become the very first ICWA Cyber TV Champion." He flips his hair back, pounds his chest with his fist and gives the rock/heavy metal taunt. Then, he crosses his arms in an 'X' formation in front of his body. After that, he looks towards Heaven and points towards it. Busch, "Making his way to the ring, weighing one hundred ninety pounds. From Plainville, Indiana....Whyyysssperrrr!!!" He walks to the ring, slaps hands with the crowd, and once he gets a few feet from the ring, he sprints and slides in. WallStreet, "This kid’s got a lot of energy�?Both of these young guys have tendencies to remind me of an ADHD patient on cocaine so it’ll be interesting to see where this goes." He climbs a turnbuckle and does the same taunt he did on stage, but with both hands and with his mouth wide open like he's yelling. Then, he crosses his arms in front of him in the form of an 'X.' He runs to another turnbuckle and does the same taunts again. He then hops down from the turnbuckle, kneels, and prays. WallStreet, "Whysper looking for a little guidance from the divine and that may not be such a bad idea with the dangerous fast paced style both of these men like to utilize. This match could very well be one big car crash waiting to happen." Whysper hops up and starts hoping around in a very athletic style, focusing on Zarek across the ring who’s crouched down looking quite athletic himself. Referee Jason Harding has the Cyber TV title in hand and raises it in the middle of the ring, showing everyone what this match is for. WallStreet, "There it is folks. The coveted prize these two warriors wage battle for." Harding hands the belt down to a member of security on the floor and then calls for the opening bell. WallStreet, "And heeeeeere we go!" Zarek and Whysper keep their eyes locked as they start circling around the ring. Both men take swipes toward each other but neither guy shoots straight in out of the gate as they’re both too smart to throw that much caution to the wind in the beginning. Finally they come together in the center and lock up in a strong collar and elbow grapple. Zarek quickly twists and grabs a side headlock, which, quickly becomes a side headlock take down on Whysper. Whysper puts both hands on Zarek’s back, rolls his weight back as far as he can and then pushes himself out of the headlock and kips up behind Zarek. Whysper darts to the ropes as Zarek glances up and quickly dives at Whysper’s feet. Whysper hops over and darts across the ring. Zarek gets back up and heads for Whysper as Whysper bounces off the other set of ropes. Zarek goes for a clothesline but Whysper ducks under and hooks the right arm clothesline attempt, reaches back, hooks the left arm, and drops to his knees taking Zarek’s shoulders to the mat with a backslide. Harding drops down and barely gets one before Zarek kicks out and gets to his feet. Lyle sweeps the silent warrior’s legs making Whysper swiftly fall to his back as Zarek jumps and quickly follows up with a low impact splash. Harding again barely gets one as Whypser kicks out with authority this time. Both guys hop up and Whysper immediately darts back toward Zarek Lyle�?The self proclaimed Greek God turns and scoops Whysper up for a Sideslam but Whysper keeps his body going upward, wraps his legs around Zarek Lyle’s neck, and takes him over with a head scissors. Zarek and Whysper both get up. Zarek darts at Whysper this time but Whysper goes high and Zarek goes low creating a leap frog. Zarek hit’s the ropes and Whysper turns in time to see Zarek jump up, wrap his legs around Whysper’s head and take Whysper over in the Head scissors. Both men get up, turn, and go for simultaneous drop kicks, both just catching air. They both roll right back up and jump into combat ready stances as the crowd erupts on their feet.
WallStreet, "What a remarkable display of athleticism by these two Cyber TV Contenders, Whysper and Zarek Lyle! These fans are On Their Feet!" Zarek and Whysper both take a bit of a deep breath and start to slowly begin circling the ring again. Finally they both shoot in for each other, But this time Whysper shoots low for Zarek’s legs as Zarek had shot in for a standard grapple. Whysper goes for a double leg sweep but Zarek quickly wraps his arms around the back and waist of Whysper and drops down, putting Whysper on the mat on his chest and using his own chest to place his weight on Whysper’s back. Zarek slides down, relinquishing his reverse rear waist lock and changing up into a front face lock. Zarek holds the facelock with his right arm and then uses his left to go under Whysper’s right arm and to roll him over to his back. Harding drops and counts a one count but Whysper immediately kicks out, to which his momentum and Zarek’s relinquishing of the arm place them right back to the original front face lock with both guys back on their chests and Whysper at Zarek’s mercy. WallStreet, "This is a good strategy by Zarek Lyle. He tried to go tit for tat with Whysper with that fast paced cruiserweight style and it didn’t quite work out. Now, he’s using his overall size advantage to ground the Indiana native and wear him down. It’s a smart strategy but it’s gonna be a difficult one for Zarek to adjust to as it’s very rare in this business that a man of Zarek’s size finds himself in a position to where it’s best suited to utilize a size advantage and perform a more rugged, grounded strategy." Whysper, Who’s been flailing around here and there trying to find the best route of escape, has finally managed to prop his knees under him to slowly start to counter Zarek’s leverage advantage. Whysper starts to push up to a knee, which forces Zarek to rise up to his feet. Whysper gets to his feet, grabs the wrists of Zarek Lyle that are keeping him stuck in that Front Facelock, struggles a little, but finally breaks free and simultaneously places the "Greek God" in a wringing side wristlock. Zarek let’s out a grunt of pain and Whysper waists no time as he pushes himself up on his toes a little and turns the side wristlock into a top wristlock. Realizing that Zarek has a couple inches of height advantage thus giving him leverage, and probably has a little more strength in his 225 pound frame compared to Whyspers 180 frame, Whysper skips the attempt to bridge Zarek back and opts to simply sweep the man’s legs taking him straight to his back while maintaining the top wristlock. Whysper then in turn flips over Zarek, still holding the top wristlock. Whysper lands in a bridging position which sends a shot of pain through Zarek’s wrist and arm that makes him bridge up in response. Both men start to slowly fight to raise up from the bridge and gradually their heads come off the canvas and progressively head upward till finally they’re almost back to back, which provokes Whysper (who’s still got a modified version of the top wrist lock) to change up to a side headlock. He quickly spins around and changes sides with the side headlock, only to then forift the second side headlock and continue spinning around to apply a hammer lock to that same arm he just had the top wrist lock on. Zarek winces in pain as the crowd is still on their feet watching each exchanging hold and maneuver. Zarek tries to reach behind him on either side, but suddenly spots Whysper’s leg a little outside the area it should be in when securing this lock. Zarek immediately bends down, reaches back, and sweeps Whysper off his feet. He holds onto the obtained leg and turns back applying a spinning toe hold, however, Whysper quickly reaches up, grabs Lyle’s neck and rolls him up in a Small package. Harding drops down again ……�?1.…�?2 WallStreet, "Not only are these young men proving to be two of the finest athletes in the world today, but, now they’re showing that they’re two of the best WRESTLERS in the world today. What a great display." Zarek kicks out with authority as Harding hardly gets a two. Both men come up quickly but Zarek’s a quarter second quicker and thus uses that quarter second to leap up and blast Whysper in the face with a big calf kick. Zarek Hops up, leaps in the air and flips, nailing a senton flip on Whysper and immediately spinning around and pinning down the far wrist as the crowd goes wild. Harding counts ………�?1.………�?... Just two as Whysper kicks out. The crowd cheers again as WallStreet says, "The first real set of impact moves as Zarek finally threatens to take the advantage by landing that hard calf kick and quickly following it up with that variation of the senton splash into a pinning attempt." Whysper holds his ribs and rolls to his chest, starting to try and push himself up as Zarek comes up to his feet. Whysper comes up but Zarek immediately hooks him in a vertical suplex grapple, gets solid footing, and then snaps back with the quick snap suplex and a float over into a strong lateral press cover. Harding drops down again and counts ……�?.1.……�?2.�? Only two again as Whysper kicks out. Whysper starts trying to get up but Lyle cups his hands under the silent warrior’s chin while putting his knee into his back and applying a reverse chin lock lock. WallStreet, "Zarek going back to utilizing holds and ground positioning, this is gonna be his key to success and if he can’t remember that I believe Whysper’s going to replace that sabbaticaled United States championship with the ICWA Cyber TV title tonight." Whysper clearly realizes he’s in no mans land in this seated chin lock as his hands keep trying desperately to pry Zarek’s hands off his chin, but to no avail. "COME ON WHYSPER!" A Whysper fan can be heard calling for his hero to fight and as soon as he does Whysper’s hand shoots out and waves for more assistance from the crowd. Now the whole section that fan was in starts screaming as Zarek cringes and tries to tighten up his hold. Before long the whole crowd is going wild and clearly, the Crowd’s hype is hyping Whysper as his arms are stretched out on either side and he’s gradually starting to turn his body so that his back is getting out of Zarek’s knee and his own knee is almost planted into the canvas to aid him in getting up�?. Yes, His knee is now planted. Zarek’s forced to start standing up to keep a firm grasp on his leverage advantage and of course when he does, Whysper too begins to come up. Whysper gets up to his feet which forces Zarek to go to his side to maintain the chinlock. Whysper takes but a mere second to reassess his current situation before he drives a hard elbow into the stomach of the ICWA New comer. It takes a big shot of Zarek’s wind out of his proverbial sails, but, he maintains the chinlock never the less. Whysper nails a second elbow, and then a third finally forcing the break. Whysper breaks away and darts to the ropes but it doesn’t take Zarek much time to catch his focus back. Whysper bounces off the ropes and Zarek bends down to attempt a back body drop, however, Whysper catches it and leaps over, grabbing Zarek in the process and taking him over with a sunset flip. Harding slides down and counts ……�?.………�? Zarek kicks out. WallStreet, "Zarek lookin for the Backbody drop, Whysper counters and gets a two�? Whysper shoots up and shoots to the ropes again as Zarek does the same with his back to Whysper’s direction. Zarek turns around and as he does Whysper leaps up to the middle rope and shoots back taking Zarek back down with a springboard cross body. Harding drops down and counts again ……�?.1.……�?.2.. Only two again as Zarek kicks out. WallStreet, "Springboad Crossbody! One, Two�?Zarek escapes again!" Zarek shoots back up, again his back inconveniently to Whysper as Whysper darts toward him, scoops the leg and takes him over with a school boy. Harding again drops down and counts …………�?.……�?2.…�?Only two as Zarek kicks out AGAIN! WallStreet, "He’s got him on the mat again! One, Two�?GAH! He falls short again!" Whysper shoots up, hit’s the ropes again as Zarek comes his way looking for a clothesline again only to have Whysper catch the arm, leap up, and wrap his legs around the other arm looking for a crucifix pin�?However Zarek’s close enough to the ropes that he resists Whysper’s momentum, hit’s the ropes with his chest and then flips backwards doing a complete flip (with Whysper still on his shoulders) and actually landing a reverse 420 Samoan Drop. The crowd gasps in awe as Zarek sits up with a look of slight exaustion and then falls back and hooks the near leg. WallStreet, "I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life! What an incredible effort by Whysper but this may be curtains!" ……………ONE………�?.TWO………�?.THRE�?Whysper just shoots his arm up making the crowd gasp again and then erupt with the loudest applause so far tonight. WallStreet, "……�? In 2005 I met a kid named Whysper and thought "He’s got heart, he’s got guts, he’s alright. On the 12th day of this nineth month in the 2008th year we have all just met a man named Whysper who’s got more intestinal fortitude and courage then I could have ever imagined. And what about the indescribable athletic ability of this man we here in the ICWA are just now being introduced too, Zarek Lyle? Unbelievable." Zarek takes a deep breath and starts pulling himself up off the mat as The fans are on their feet in anticipation of what could possibly be coming next. Whysper is on his chest trying desperately to push himself up as Zarek gets to his feet. Zarek realizes that this time, It’s Whysper who’s getting up with his back to Zarek�?Zarek immediately backs up, crouches down, and begins stalking Whysper like a Tiger awaiting that perfect moment as his juicy gazelle sips from the sun reflecting water�?Whysper gets up, holding his back�?Zarek comes up behind him and bends down, hooks his arms, and hoists Whysper upside down on his back like a human backpack in position to deliver a version of Shane/Gregory Helms�?Vertabreaker or Homicide’s Cop Killa�?Whysper however kicks about and ends up breaking Zarek’s hold on his arms and landing on his feet behind Zarek�? Zarek spins around and when he does he goes for a kick to the gut of Lyle�?Zarek catches it, but with no hesitation Whysper leaps up and CRAAAAAAAAACK! A big Enziguri across the back of Zarek Lyle’s skull sends em both down to the mat and the fans out of their seats yet again. | |
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WallStreet, "That kick sounded like a gunshot going off! Zarek Lyle may have just been seriously concussed and even with those kick pads Whysper may have just broken his foot with that impact!" Either could be possible since neither is offering a lot of movement. Harding checks both guys and with a limited response from either, begins applying his count …………ONE……………TWO…………�?THREE WallStreet, "Both men down on the canvas and if they can’t answer the ten count then we may not end up with a new Cyber TV champion after all. I’d sure hate to see such a valiant effort wasted on a draw�?Our fans deserve better, and so too do these two fantastic performers." ………�?FOUR………�?FIVE�? Whysper pushes himself up to a seated position�?/FONT> WallStreet, "All one of these guys has to do is get their knees on the canvas and the count will be stopped�? Whysper and Zarek both start to roll over and find their knees at about six, breaking the count�?The crowd is cheering both men on as they start to pull themselves up, their backs to each other on opposing sides of the ring. They turn around and dart toward each other�?Zarek leaps up for a cross body but simultaneously Whysper leaps up for a drop kick and literaly ends up dropkicking Zarek Lyle out of the air to a huge reaction from the fans. Zarek grabs his gut in pain as Whysper throws up the Metal sign and screams, "FIRE IT UP BABY!" The crowd erupts as Whysper darts to the ropes, leaps up onto the second rope and flips back nailing his version of the Lionsault as the crowd goes wild. WallStreet, "Whysper just delivered the Silent Scream after that devastating drop kick and this huge crowd is in an uproar!" Whysper hooks the far leg as Harding and the fans both count ………�?.ONE…………TWO……�?THR…E�?GAH! Harding’s hand nearly grazes the mat for three as Zarek JUST get’s his shoulder up. WallStreet, "Whysper’s the new Cyber TV Champ�?Oh My, No he’s not! What a near fall!" Whysper’s eyes are wide with shock as he simply can not believe that Zarek Lyle got the shoulder up. Whysper hops up and looks around, frantically contemplating what else he can pull out as Zarek holds his midsection in pain. Finally it dawns on Whysper as he points to the corner and then raises his arms in an X. WallStreet, "He’s callin for that devastating Sound of Silence maneuver and if he hits it, it’s gotta be over!" Zarek starts trying to roll to his knees but Whysper’s anxious so he grabs him and starts pulling him off the mat. Whysper goes to Irish whip Zarek into the corner, but Zarek reverses and gets Whysper into a position for a Side Russian Legsweep�?However, as opposed to delivering the side Russian legsweep he spins around hooking Whysper’s arm behind Zarek’s back with Zarek’s right arm, then placing his left arm across Whysper’s chest, and then BAM! He sweeps the legs with his leg and nails his version of the trapping armbar STO, "Apollo’s Call". WallStreet, "Good Gracious!" The crowd erupts again as Zarek hooks the leg and Harding drops down again ………………One……………Two………………THR�?NO! Whysper just gets the arm up and again the fans are in a frenzy. WallStreet, "I don’t believe it!" Zarek takes a deep breath, a bit surprised that didn’t do it much as Whysper was when the Silent Scream didn’t do it. Zarek looks at the ropes and then Whysper down on the mat�?Zarek pulls Whysper up by the head, Scoops him up, and body slams him kitty corner to the corner. WallStreet, "Zarek Lyle has an impressive Corkscrew Shooting Star Press that he’s been known to finish many a foes with�?I think he’s got it in mind." Zarek climbs between the ropes and starts climbing up the ropes on the outside but as he does Whysper rolls up to his feet holding the back off his neck after that STO�?Zarek gets to the top but Whysper’s right there to grab him and send him up and over, hitting his back hard in the center of the ring. The crowd sighs a little disappointed they won’t see a flying move, But their sigh turns right back to cheers as Whysper grabs the top ropes, leaps up onto the top and turns around so he’s crouched down in wait on the top. WallStreet, "What’s he gonna do here?" Zarek pulls himself up�?Turns�?And as he does Whysper leaps off with a big Crossbody�?He collides with Zarek and takes him down but Zarek keeps the momentum going and rolls up and over ontop of Whysper as Harding drops down and counts ……………ONE………�?.TWO……………THREE! Whysper kicks out but Harding’s already calling for the bell, It’s just a hiccup too late! The crowd goes completely ballistic as the bell sounds and WallStreet says, "Whysper went up top for that Crossbody, Zarek was prepared, rolled through and is now the ICWA Cyber TV Champion!" "Exs and Ohs" by Atreyu is blasting over the PA as Zarek is on the ropes pumping his fists to his adoring fans. Busch, "Here is your winner and the NEW ICWA CYBER TV CHAMPION... ZARRRRRRRRRRREK LYYYYYYYYYYYYYLLEEE!" WallStreet, "At the top of the night nobody here knew what to expect from this young man, now, he’s won the world over the course of this praise worthy display that he and Whysper put on here tonight. Zarek Lyle�?Learn that name folks, because soon it’ll be household like salt, pepper and living room furniture." Zarek hops down and when he does he sees Whysper standing in the middle, sweaty with the ICWA Cyber TV title in hand. Zarek stands and looks at Whysper, not holding a harsh glare or any negative facial expression, but simply looking�?Waiting. Whysper nods and extends the Cyber TV title which Zarek gladly excepts. The two men immediately shake hands and pull each other in sharing an embrace as the crowd goes wild. Whysper grabs Zarek’s arm and raises It and both men point at each other as the fans go crazy. WallStreet, "Nobody lost this match�?It was literaly the difference in a shift of momentum�?Had Whysper’s body landing a quarter inch lower across Zarek Lyle’s body, Zarek wouldn’t have been in positioning to use the momentum and roll back and it very well may have been Zarek Lyle pinned to the mat for three�?However, Everyone in this building won with this match. You can’t beat that folks. Take a look because these are just a couple of the great athletes paving the road of return for this organization�?And we’ll see a couple more in our main event later tonight." Whysper hops out of the ring and starts walking up the ramp as Bert Busch slides climbs into the ring. Busch, "Zarek Lyle�? Zarek’s theme lowers but still plays. Busch, "Never in the history of the ICWA has a man won a championship in his debut show�?How’s it feel?" Zarek, "Whysper’s an incredible athlete who I already had a tremendous amount of respect for and I just gained a tremendous amount more�?Thank you Whysper. But man, This is just a start, David Van Dam keeps saying if you’re not Heavyweight champion you’re not the best�?That’s a valid perspective but this Cyber TV title is one Hell of a step in the right direction and by the time I get done proving I belong in the ring with the Best by way of lighting this division up and defending against all comers, I’m then gonna prove I AM the Best and take the final step in that direction." Busch, "Those are some lofty but certainly obtainable goals�?You said all comers, who do you percieve as the first in Line?" Zarek, "Whysper, Somewhere down the road man Whysper has to get another shot�?But, in the interest of fairness since we were both contenders tonight and thus neither of us would have had a reason to claim a right to an automatic rematch leaving here tonight�?DSL WAS the last�? Before he can even finish saying that he has to stop because the crowd immediately cuts him off with their adolation of DSL. Zarek nods, "DSL�?All issues aside, You were the last one eliminated from that battle royal and it was a decision that could have easily gone one way or another had the officials been left to make that decision�?So DSL, If you want the first shot, consider this your invitation, In two weeks when we return to the Greenville Convention Center, The Cyber TV title’s gonna be here, I’m gonna be here, and Lunatic�? I’ve gotta imagine you will be too. So do what you need to do, and I’ll be glad to meet ya right here." The crowd erupts as Bert Busch says, "Mah God�?That’s Huge! There it is folks, Zarek Lyle agreeing to put the belt on the line two weeks from tonight right here in the Greenville Convention Center against Da Sweet Lunatic! It’s gonna be huge!" Zarek’s theme goes back to full volume as he hops out of the ring and starts slapping some hands before heading back up the ramp. WallStreet, "Huge indeed Double B�?Huge indeed. I can’t wait to see that or any of the other great action that’s going to take place when we come back to the Greenville Convention Center in two weeks. You can get tickets for this event at the Greenville Convention Center Box Office, at Mario’s Boots on Greenville BLVD, or, by Card at ICWA.com. We can’t wait to see ya here." Zarek heads back through the curtain and the music fades as we head back to Bert in the ring. | |
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Busch, "The following contest is a THREE WAY DANCE for the ICWA Women's Championship! This contest is an ELIMINATION match." A woman's voice cooes, "This is where the money's at,"and Angelina walks out to the stage as Rob Zombie's "Girl On Fire" blasts out of the PA system. She stops, holds her arms out to her sides and twists her hips with a seductive smile. WallStreet, "Not only one of the most beautiful women in this spot, but, Angelina Santana is also the only woman in this contest to of worn a championship before. Last time around in the ICWA she showed the world she was just a pretty face, but a true competitor when she captured the ICWA Women's Championship. Can she repeat that tonight? Ya gotta believe she is the odds on favorite to do so." She then proceeds to walk to the ring, all business. Once she gets to the ring, she stops at the apron, and hops up on it on her right knee. She looks around a bit, leaps up, does the leg splits, and ducks under the ropes. She stands up on one knee and flips her hair back, smiling slightly. She stands up and holds out her arms in a grandiose fashion(a la Randy Orton). Busch: Now in the ring, from Beverly Hills, California....she is ANGELINA SANTANA!!! Angelina raises her hands to the crowd as The lights go out as "Faith" by Limp Bizkit begins to come out of the PA System. Faith Rivers walks out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp as WallStreet says, "Faith Rivers. Here's a woman I've grown very familiar with. I first saw Faith Rivers down in Atlanta being completly underutilized and made to live in the shadow of -In my opinion- a much less talented lady being used as that orginization's star attraction in the ladies division. Here tonight she has an oppertunity to break free of any shadows and shine like she has never shone before if she can beat the odds and capture the Women's championship." As the chorus of the song hits, 'You Gotta Have Faith' she jumps up a little and as her feet come down on the ramp again, lights flash on the entrance ramp before her, just before Faith runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. As she gets to her feet, she looks over at Angelina, as Faith runs into the corner and gets up on the second turnbuckle. She taunts the fans a bit before jumping down. Faith begins to loosen up her arms before leaning back against the ropes. As her music fades, Faith looks up towards the entrance ramp and waits on her opponent. Busch: In the ring from Miami, Florida.....she is FAITH RIVERS!!! Faith and Angelina stare one another down....until both turn..... "Brackish" by Kittie begins to play over the P.A. system and the fans have a mixed reaction as the lights begin to dim. Spotlights circle around the crowd and finally land in the middle of the top of the ramp, Heather and Sadie stand there, Heather a little bit more forward. She holds her hands on her hips and Sadie looks out looking anxious. WallStreet, "And our last entrant here tonight, Saddie Brighton. Saddie Brighton's the pupil of former ICWA Women's Champion Heather Mann. Heather's a remarkable performer and by far one of the finest Women's champions we've ever had. She was here the year this company opened and I think it speaks very highly of the dedication and loyalty of Miss Mann that she's still here six years and many breaks later. If her pupil's half as good as she was, We could see a huge upset here tonight." The lights come up a little as they start down the ramp, Heather leading. The fans reach out trying to get the girls to slap their hands. Heather just laughs at them and it seems as though Sadie doesn't even care to look around. Heather makes her way up the stairs as she reaches them. She walks down the apron waiting for Sadie to reach the stairs. Sadie walks up them and sits down between the top and middle ropes allowing Heather to get into the ring. After Heather enters Sadie gets into the ring after her. Sadie then walks to the middle of the ring and Heather presents her to a crowd of booing fans. Sadie grins along with Heather hearing the boos. As Sadie stares down her opponents as Heather steps out of the ring to the outside. Busch: From London, England....she is SADIE BRIGHTEN!!! Busch exits the ring as the referee is seen warning all the women about the rules. The women nod, as Sadie just can't wait to get this started cause she is damn determined to win the womens championship. The ref then is seen holding up the ICWA Womens Championship showing it off to make it official. Finally without notice, here comes Sadie, charging past the referee. WallStreet: And here we go! Sadie then begins to lay into both Angelina and Faith. She start throwing fists at each woman, elbows, you name it. Finally she turns to Faith who is still staggering, as she hops into the air grabbing the neck of Faith and dropping her into a huge neckbreaker. Sadie quick to her feet, as she charges towards Angelina. Sadie goes for a huge clothesline only to have Angelina duck, as she hops up to the second rope, and lauches herself off, delivering a huge missile dropkick to the chest of Angelina as she crashes to the mat. WallStreet: Sadie the fiery red head is in control. Sadie, then taunts the crowd for a moment, as the boo's fill the arena. She smiles her sweet smile, as she grabs a hold of Angelina picking her up to her feet. She grabs the hair of Angelina, and talks some mad shit to her before giving her a hard right hand she would not forget. Angelina stumbles back a bit, she then swings back connecting to the head of Sadie. Sadie upset over the shot to the head, tries to come back for another round, only to have Faith comes from behind her trying to roll her up into a pin attempt. Ref: 1......2.....Kickout by Sadie. Angelina is seen going for Faith as she gets to her feet. Faith not even noticing that she is coming only figures it out by the time she is back down onto the mat after a clothesline. Angelina then picks up the fallen Sadie, and nails her unexpectedly with the SoCal Stunner, and covers Sadie immediatly. Ref: 1.....2.....3!!! Busch: Sadie has been eliminated!!!! WallStreet: Sadie never even saw that coming!! Angelina then comes for Faith who is the only opposition left. She turns out white Faith is getting to her feet, and sends a hark kick into her head sending Faith flying onto the mat Faith then holding her whole head in her hands, as Angelina picks her up, as she does she looks over at the womens championship and licks her lips knowing it is not far from her grasp. She then whips Faith across the ring and into the ropes. as Faith rebounds there is Angelina up into the air her legs around Faith's neck, and down goes Faith with a huge head scissors takedown. Faith crashes to the mat hard, as Angelina, seems to want more and more to be the champion. Angelina then bends down to pick up Faith as the guys in the front row whistle checking out her ass, as Faith decides to roll her up instead trying to pick up some kind of easy win. Ref: 1.....2.... Kickout by Angelina Angelina now on her knees, as Faith is too. Faith then throws a few hard shots at Angelina before both women get to their feet, only for Angelina now to double over, from a huge kick to the gut of Faith, as Faith then backs off a bit, charges and nails Angelina with a huge spear. Angelina with no breath in her small body, as Faith turns into Festus like after the bell rings, grabs Angelina and whips her into the ropes. Angelina rebounds, there is Faith with a huge high impact spinebuster. Angelina not seeming to move for a moment, until Faith is seen picking her up. WallStreet: That shot had pain written all over it. Faith then see's a huge opportunity to end this match but Angelina fights back a bit with fists to the gut, and and takes off into the ropes, tries returning for a clothesline and the attempt is successful as Faith drops to the mat. Angelina now looking for some kind of retrobuition, but not before, Faith takes her down with a drop toe hold, and locks her into a boston crab. Angelina fighting not to give up, as Faith seems to have it locked in pretty good. Angelina then is seen using all of her strength as she gets to the bottom rope breaking the hold of Faith Rivers. WallStreet:And a rope break saves the day for the former Women's champion. Faith then helps Angelina up from the mat, but there is Angelina with a huge dropkick sending Faith to the mat. Angelina then goes to the top rope, as she is about ready to steady herself, Faith is to her feet.Angelina comes off the top rope, but Faith is right there and wraps her arms around the neck of Angelina on her way down and nails her with Faithful a dominating version of the diamond cutter. Faith then pulls a lifeless Angelina to the middle of the ring and makes the cover. Ref: 1.....2......3!!!!! DING DING DING!!! Busch: Here is your winner and new ICWA womens champion.....FAITH RIVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carlton hands the belt to Faith and Raises her arm as "Faith" by Limp Bisket echos and the crowd goes wild. WallStreet, "And there you have it folks... Twice in one night a performer making their debut in the ICWA has won a championship.... Unbelievable. This is a History setting night." Faith jumps up on the corner and raises the belt in the air as Angelina rolls out, shaking her head and cussin abit as she heads back up the ramp. WallStreet, "Two new champions, A pair of retaining champions and now, we're about to find out who's going to lead the ICWA through this revolutionary time as ICWA Heavyweight Champion. If that match is anything like the three championship matches we've just witnessed, it's going to be off the charts and folks... I've never known Christian Michaels or David Van Dam to disappoint." Faith finally hops out of the ring and heads to the back, slapping hands with some fans along the way. She gets up on the stage, raises her belt in the air one more time drawing another great reaction from the fans and then heads back behind the curtain. | |
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Wallstreet, "It's main event time, folks. This is the big match, the marquee match. David Van Dam defends his Heavyweight Championship against Christian Michaels, with The Nature Boy himself as the guest referee." Wallstreet is cut off by a loud "WOOOOOOOO" coming from the public address system followed up by the classic sounds of Ric Flair's classic theme plays over the public address system as The Dirtiest Player in the Game struts out from behind the curtain. Gone is the suit from earlier, now Ric Flair has on a pair of black slacks, black shoes, and the zebra-stripped referee shirt. The crowd is on their feet cheering as Ric Flair let's out a long "Wooooooo". Wallstreet, "Listen to the crowd! They love this man, and rightfully so. There will never be another Ric Flair." Ric Flair struts down the ring aisle before climbing up the stairs, wiping his feet on the apron, and stepping into the ring. Double B, Bert Busch grins as he lifts his microphone to his lips, Flair's theme fading from the public address system. Busch, "Standing in the ring, the special guest referee, THE NATURE BOY.... RIIIIIIICCCCC FLAIIIIIRRRR!" The crowd errupts again at the sound of the 16-Time World Champion's name. Flair bounces off the ropes and struts to the middle of the ring before letting out a long 'Wooooo!" Ric Flair moves back into a corner as 3 Doors Down's song, "The Champion In Me" hits the speaker system. The crowd is still on their feet and begin cheering as The Southern Superman, Christian Michaels, comes from behing the ICWA entrance curtain. Wallstreet, "Here comes Christian Michaels, one of the top wrestlers in the world. One heck of an athlete, Christian Michaels stands a good chance of walking out of Greenville, North Carolina as the ICWA Heavyweight Champion." Christian hops forward and raises one arm, letting out a crowd-motivating yell before moving down the aisle, slapping hands with many of the ICWA fans who are lucky enough to be lined up next to the entrance stage. The globally traveled grappler slides underneath the bottom rope into the ring. He shakes hands with Ric Flair and takes a position in the corner. Christian's music fades out as "World's Greatest" by R. Kelly begins to play with the speakers. The crowd hasn't had a chance to sit down, as now, the reigning ICWA Heavyweight Champion, David Van Dam, moves from behind the curtain. He's wearing a black singlet with a gold star in the center and on the chest. Wrapped around his shoulders is a black cloth banner with ICWA printed on it, around his waist is the ICWA Heavyweight Championship. Wallstreet, "There is the ICWA Heavyweight Champion, who is, in my opinion, the greatest technical wrestler in the entire world. Van Dam has the ICWA banner around his shoulders, I'm going to assume as a show of respect and loyalty to the company he's the champion of." Van Dam waits a few moments before beginning the walk down the aisle. He doesn't extend his hands to slap hands with any of the fans, but some reach out and pat him on the back and shoulders as he moves down the aisle, his eyes focused on the challenger to his title, Christian Michaels. Climbing up the solid steel steps, Van Dam moves down the apron, wiping his feet much like Ric Flair did. Enterting the ring, Van Dam also moves to shake hands with Ric Flair before moving to his own corner, still looking focused. His music fades as Bert Busch moves to the center of the ring. Busch, "The following contest is your main event here at ICWA: Back by Popular Demand! It is scheduled for one fall with a sixty-minute time limit, and is for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship!" The crowd cheers as Ric Flair takes the Heavyweight Title from David Van Dam, moving to the center of the ring, next to Busch, Flair raises the ICWA Heavyweight Title, rotating to every side of the ring, so every fan can get a chance to see what the main event is for. Busch, "Introducing first, in the corner to my right, the challenger. He hails from Ripley, Tennessee, and weighs in this evening at two hundred and thirty-four pounds, The Southern Hearthrob... CHRISTIAN.... MICHAELS!" Christian Michaels steps out of his corner and pulls his shirt off, tossing it into the crowd before moving back into his corner. Flair moves to Michaels, showing him the Heavyweight Title, Michaels gently touches it and nods his head as Flair tucks the title under his arm so he can quickly check Michaels for concealed weapons. Busch, "And his opponent, he is in the corner to my left, and is the reigning and defending, ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.... He hails from Indianapolis, Indiana and weighs in this evening at two hundred forty-five and one fourth pounds. He is THE IRONMAN.... DAVID...VAN...DAM..." Van Dam pushes his arms back and up, causing the ICWA banner to fall from his shoulders as he lets out a low yell, a focused yell as he steps back to his corner. Lifting the banner off the ground, he hands it to the singular ring-hand that is at the ring. Flair moves to Van Dam, repeating the process he just went through with Christian Michaels. Wallstreet, "Van Dam and Michaels are pretty evenly matches. They both stand at 6'2", though, I think Christian Michaels has a slight reach advantage, but Van Dam is about eleven pounds heavier than Michaels. Michaels definitely has the speed advantage, while I think Van Dam is the stronger of the two. Both have excellent stamina, Christian is probably the better brawler, while Van Dam has the stronger mat game. They make excellent opponents, and this promises to be a match for the ages. Folks, I hope you don't have to go to the bathroom during this one, because it's going to be incredible." Ric Flair hands the ICWA Heavyweight Title to Double B, Bert Busch, as Busch exits the ring, leaving just the two wrestlers and the Nature Boy in the ring. Flair calls the two grapplers to the center of the ring to go remind them of the rules. Telling them to go back to their corners, Flair signals for the bell, officially starting the main event of Back by Popular Demand. Wallstreet, "And here we go. One has to think that Van Dam's strategy is to keep the match slow, not allow Michaels raise the temp, while Michaels wants to keep the match quick, he doesn't want to allow Van Dam time to single out a body part." Van Dam grabs on the top rope, pulling down on it to loosen up before moving out of the corner, while Michaels comes out with his hands his front of him, not in closed fists, but in open hands, as if he's ready to grapple. His fingers shake slightly to keep them limber. Both men are lower to the ground, keeping their bases low to prevent either one from shooting in and grabbing hold of the others leg. Meeting center ring, they lock up in a collar-elbow tie up. Flair is right there to make sure there's nothing foul going on as Michaels surprinsgly wins the lock up, getting the ICWA Champion into a standing side-head lock. Wallstreet, "Michaels takes the early advantage with a headlock. The frustration is clear from Van Dam's body. He is definitely trying to fight out of the headlock, which when done properly, can be a very painful move. Michaels looks to have it locked in tight too, which is a good thing for him. He's got his arm pressed against Van Dam's temples, his right hand is clutching his left wrist, keeping the grip tight. Van Dam needs to get out of this before he gets too light headed." One of Van Dam's hands slaps off of Michaels back in frustration before reaching up and getting a handful of Michaels hair, pulling back on it. Michaels lets out several sounds of discomfort as he tells Flair that Van Dam has a handful of hair. Flair tells Van Dam to let go of the hair, and admonishes him as Van Dam drops to one knee, and trys to pull his head free. He's unsuccessful, so he pushes himself back to a standing position. Moving back, Van Dam tries to push Michaels off, but again is unsuccessfull. Grunting in frustration, and discomfort, Van Dam again grabs a handful of Michaels' hair, and is again admonished by Flair. Wallstreet, "Michaels has that headlock wrenched in. Van Dam can't seem to find a way out of it. He can't wedge a hand up to break the grip, he can't push Michaels off, and every time he gets a hold of Michaels' hair, Flair is there to make him let go. Van Dam needs to get out of this headlock, if he stays in it for too much longer, he risks passing out from the pressure on his head." Van Dam lets out another audible grunt as he gets both arms around Michaels waist, lifting him up, Van Dam tries to force Michaels to break the hold that way, but Michaels leans his body forward quickly, causing Van Dam not only to lose his grip on Michaels, but allowing Michaels to drop to the mat and bring Van Dam down with a headlock take over. The headlock is still there. Flair slides into position and counts to one, because Van Dam's shoulder was down, but Van Dam gets it off the mat, and rolls onto his side, but still trapped in that side headlock. Wallstreet, "I'm really surprised right now. Christian Michaels is actually out-wrestling the Champion. Van Dam can not get his head free. Everything he's tried, Christian has been able to counter. Michaels has obviously been studying lots of Van Dam footage." Van Dam lets out another sound of frustration as he grabs another handful of hair, pulling back on Michaels' head as Michaels yelps. Flair notices that Van Dam again has a handful of hair, and reminds him that it is against the rules, and tells him to break the hold. Van Dam does, and slams his foot into the mat out of frustration. Van Dam pushes his feet against the mat to rotate his body slightly, luckily, they aren't in the center of the ring anymore, and Van Dam is able to get his foot on the bottom rope. Flair calls for, and gets, a break of the hold. Wallstreet, "Van Dam's finally able to get free, but by going to the ropes, which definitely isn't what he wants. Back on his feet, Van Dam looks rattled, he needs to get re-focused, he has to get control of this match, or, dare I say, Christian Michaels will leave Greenville with the ICWA Title." Van Dam shakes his head as if trying to shake off any cob-webs that might have been put in his head from the side headlock he was locked in. He and Christian move back to the center of the ring, Christian raises his arms and goes for a lock up, but instead of locking up with Michaels, Van Dam throws a hard right forearm at Michaels' face. It connects and Michaels staggers back, but Van Dam grabs a hold of his head, pulling him closer, Van Dam throws a stiff Euroepean Uppercut. Again Michaels staggers as Van Dam grabs a hold of his left arm, and whips him into the ropes. Michaels hits them and gets bounced back towards David Van Dam, where, Van Dam uses Michaels' momentum, and his own strength, to hit Michaels with an over-head Belly to Belly suplex. Wallstreet, "Van Dam on the offensive now, and not with grappling. A forearm, an uppercut, and a suplex. Van Dam just used three hard-hitting moves to rock Michaels' world. He only gets a one and a half count though, so Michaels isn't too out of it, but he definitely has to be reeling after that blow." Van Dam shakes his head in frustration as he pulls Michaels to his feet. Lifting Michaels up onto his shoulders, Van Dam spins him backwards, looking for a Diamond Cutter variation, but Michaels is able to push off on Van Dam's shoulders, allowing him to land on his feet. Van Dam turns around and Michaels, who looks to have regained most of his senses, delivers a stiff kick to the gut. Michaels grabs Van Dam's head. Michaels spins for his "Just Like That", but when Michaels grabs Van Dam's head for the Diamond Cutter portion of his "Just Like That", Van Dam grabs his leg and lifts up, going for his Last Chance. Michaels slides off his back, Van Dam turns around and Michaels lunges forward for his version of the Superkick, but Van Dam's hands explode up and grab Michaels' ankle, twisting it into an Ankle Lock. He doesn't get to keep it locked in for long though, because Michaels quickly rolls himself forward, sending Van Dam tumbles through the ropes, but is able to spin his body somewhat so he lands on his feet. He stares up at the ring, where Christian Michaels is staring back at him. Wallstreet, "What an exchange we just witnessed. Both men went for their big moves, and were unable to hit any of their potential match-ending moves. These two want this victory badly. Michaels seems more on top of his game than I recall seeing from him in a long time. Van Dam looks more focused and intense than he has in a long time." Michaels backs up to one corner, motioning for Van Dam to get back into the ring. Van Dam climbs back onto the ring apron, then in the ring. He nods towards Michaels, who nods back. Michaels explodes from the corner he's in, charging towards Van Dam. Van Dam ducks under the lunging body of Michaels, as he turns, he wraps his arms around Michaels' waist, quickly popping his hips and arching backwards, Van Dam hits a German Suplex on Michaels. Wallstreet, "What a high-impact German Suplex from Van Dam. Perhaps Van Dam should have kept it locked in and bridged up for the pin, but he didn't. Van Dam is going for the pin though. He only gets a two count before Michaels gets his shoulder off the mat. Van Dam's stragtegy seems to be to hit quick, high impact moves and go for the cover, this is much different than his normal strategy of taking his opponent to the match and twisting them into pretzels." Van Dam pulls Michaels up to his feet and delivers several more stiff forearms before pushing him towards the ropes. Flair calls for Van Dam to get it out of the ropes, but Van Dam ignores the 16 time World Champion, delivering a hard-hitting European Uppercut on Michaels, before pulling Michaels out of the ropes some. Van Dam grabs Michaels for what appears to be a suplex. Lifting Michaels up, Van Dam lets his legs drop over the top rope. Slingshot Michaels' body off the top rope, Van Dam lets him rise into the air, before falling backwards, hitting a slingshot suplex. Wallstreet, "A tribute to Tully Blanchard there, slingshot suplex. Van Dam with the cover, again just a two count. The Champion is in full control here. It looks like Van Dam is changing up his strategy now, he's got the challenger in a Dragon Sleeper, made popular by Japanese Wrestler Ultimo Dragon. Look at how far back Van Dam is pulling. There's a lot of stress being applied to Michaels' neck." Michaels writhes in pain in the vice-like grip of Van Dam. Michaels tries to wedge a hand between Van Dam's to try and break the hold, but is unsuccessfull. Flair asks him if he wants to give it up, but Michaels loudly screams no, and then groans in agony. Digging his heels into the mat, Michaels pulls his legs onto the bottom rope, causing Flair to call for the break. Wallstreet, "That's why Christian Michaels is one of the best out there, he's got great ring knowledge. He knows where he is at all time. He damn-near had his head ripped off in Van Dam's grip, but was still able to get to the ropes. Michaels needs to get some momentum on his side right about now, in the past few minutes he's absorbed a lot of punishment, and if he doesn't start getting some offense, he could find himself with on the losing side of things." Michaels grips onto the second rope and pulls himself to his feet. Holding onto the top rope, he shakes his head several times, trying to clear the cobwebs. Van Dam comes charging towards him, and Michaels, sensing that he's in danger, as if he as a spidey-sense, drops down, pulling on the top rope as he does so. Van Dam, who sees that the rope is being pulled, can not stop his forward momentum, and tumbles over the ropes to the floor. Wallstreet, "This is the opening Michaels needs. He was able to use Van Dam's momentum against him, and has created an opening. Michaels needs to capatalize here." Van Dam grips the apron and pulls himself up, and rolls into the ring. He looks dazed as Michaels is quick to get on the attack. Delivering several kicks to Van Dam's downed body, Michaels drags Van Dam's body towards the center of the ring, dropping down for a cover. At the two count, Van Dam gets his shoulder off the mat. Michaels pulls Van Dam up and delivers a hard right hand, then a second, then a third. Van Dam is back against the ropes, Michaels whips him across the ring. Van Dam hits the opposite set of ropes and comes charging back. Michaels goes charging towards him for a clothesline. Van Dam gets rocked by the clothesline, but bounces back up, comes charging in and gets hit with a beautiful Ricky Steamboat like Arm Drag. Van Dam is back up, and a second arm drag, then a third. Wallstreet, "Look at The Southern Heartthrob go. He's got that fire in him. Michaels reminds me a lot of Ricky Morton, who we saw earlier tonight. I'm sure our older fans remember Ricky Morton as having a lot of high energy, a lot of bursting offense, as well as being incredibly resilent, which is exactly what Michaels is. Several nice chops by Michaels, and a good snap suplex as well. Michaels is really on a roll." Michaels climbs to the top rope and looks at the downed Van Dam. Looking around at the crowd, Michaels nods his head and leaps off the top rope, sitting out, Michaels delivers a vicious leg drop, which he calls "Southern Climate." Michaels goes for a cover, but only gets the two count. Shaking his head, the grappler from Ripley, Tennessee pulls Van Dam up and delivers a quick DDT. Michaels makes another cover, and gets another two count. Michaels looks around at the crowd, as if to say "What else do I have to do?" Wallstreet, "Michaels is in full control here. A lot of quick offense, and Van Dam looks out of it. The fall from the ring almost knocked Van Dam out, then the punches to the head, the clothesline, the arm drags, the leg drop and DDT. If Michaels can hit his You Got Whapped or his Just Like That, he'll be the new ICWA Heavyweight Champion for sure." Michaels pulls Van Dam to his feet, grabs his head, and spins, but Van DAm knows what's coming, and is able to use the momentum of Michaels turning to lift him into the air, and drive him into the mat with the Last Chance. Van Dam is not able to make the cover though, he just lays there next to the downed Michaels. With neither man moving, Flair begins the ten count. Wallstreet, "What a counter by Van Dam! Just when it looked like Michaels was going to finish him off, Van Dam hits his Last Chance and stops Michaels dead in his tracks. Both men are down though. Flair's up to six, Michaels is moving. Now Van Dam is moving. Michaels is up at eight. He's got his sites on Van Dam, who's slowly getting up to his feet... Van Dam just got whapped! Michaels for the cover. ONE...TWO...THR... No, Van Dam kicks out! Van Dam kicked out of Michaels' superkick. This is what wrestling is all about, folks. Two wrestlers who want the World Championship so bad they are digging deep inside of themselves to find that extra something. Ric Flair looks like he's having the time of his life refereeing this great contest. What is Michaels doing? He's going to the top rope... He can't be thinking... It looks like he's thinking Moonsault." Michaels is positioned with his back to the downed Champion, and bends low, so he can snap forward. Before he's able to, Van Dam springs to his feet, and then to the middle rope, grabbing onto Michaels, Van Dam arches backwards, causing Micahels to flip through the air, landing on his chest. The crowd let's out a gasp and stands to their feet as Michaels slams into the mat. The impact bounces his torso into the air, then drops back to the mat, definitely out of it. Van Dam falls from the middle rope and collapses on the mat, out of it as well. Wallstreet, "Van Dam with a Super German Suplex! Van Dam just German Suplexed Michaels off the top rope! But at what price? That might have taken everything the Champion had left inside of his tank. Van Dam's crawling towards Michaels. Can he make the cover?" Van Dam slowly rolls Michaels over, and then just drapes an arm over his chest, because that's all the strength he can seem to muster. Flair drops to the mat and counts. One. Two... Three! Flair gets to his knees and calls for the bell. Wallstreet, "That's it, Van Dam has done it! Van Dam has retained the ICWa Heavyweight Championship against Christian Michaels, and what a match it was. Nineteen minutes of hard hitting action. These two gentlemen took it too each other right from the start. My hat, if I was wearing one, is off to these two gentlemen." Busch, "The winner of this contest, and STILL ICWA Heavyweight Champion... DAVID...VAN...DAM..." Van Dam can't stand up, can only get to his knees, so he stays there as Flair hands him the ICWA Championship. Van DAm holds the title in his right arm, holding it in the air as Flair raises his left arm. Christian grabs the ropes and one at a time he begins pulling himself to his feet as Flair aids David to his. Both competitors come to the center, both wincing in pain. WallStreet, "There they are, toe to toe, eye to eye... The two great competitors that just put on that awesome bout." Christian nods and extends his hand, and David shakes it, drawing another great reaction from the fans. Flair pats both men on the shoulder, clearly impressed not only with their great performance, but, their great attitudes as well. Suddenly the opening chords of "Right Now" by Korn blasts over the PA. David, CM, and Flair all look to the back, not sure what's going on. WallStreet, "What's that... Wait... I recognize that song... That's..." WallStreet, "Jimmy Stryker! Former ICWA Heavyweight Champion Jimmy Stryker is in the House!" The crowd goes wild as Jimmy Stryker stands on the stage staring down at the men in the ring. WallStreet, "I knew he had planned on being here but I didn't know why... Now there he stands and I'm still not sure why." Stryker stands there and begins slowly applauding as he nods toward the ring. WallStreet, "Is he... I guess he's showing his approval for that great ICWA Championship match we just saw." The crowd applauds when suddenly we hear CRACK And see Michaels drop in the ring. The crowd goes silent as we see a guy witha chair, but don't have a clear view on his face yet... Flair turns around and CRACK! The chair takes him down too. The fans instantly start booing as the chair weilding person darts at Van Dam, But Van Dam ducks the chair, hooks a rear waistlock and takes the man down, making him toss the chair in the process. WallStreet, "What on Earth is this?!" Van Dam slides down and grabs the guy's ankle, applying a hard Ankle lock as the crowd erupts. He lifts his face up screaming in pain and we finally identify it... WallStreet, "Drew Stevenson?! What's he doing here?!" In the side of our view we see Jimmy coming up and over the top rope. He darts at David and nails him from behind with a huge Forearm that makes him release the ankle lock and stumble several steps. David turns around and BAM! Jimmy drives the big boot into the champions face dropping him hard and drawing even more boos from the crowd. WallStreet, "I don't understand! Why is this taking place?!" Michaels and Flair both make it to their feet and dart at Jimmy, both nailing hard shots. Flair delivers a chop-Right hand combination as CM does similar, backing Jimmy to the ropes and making the crowd go wild. WallStreet, "Michaels and Flair have recovered from those hard chair shots from Stevenson and now their taking it to Stryker!" Drew suddenly scoops CM from behind in a reverse fireman's carry, steps back to the center of the ring, spins him out and nails a big reverse diamond cutter as the crowd gasps and boos. Flair glances behind him only for a second and that's long enough for Jimmy to wrap his hand around Flair's throat, hoist him up, and nail a big chokeslam drawing another loud boo. Flair rolls out as Drew gives CM a few kicks rolling him out as well. WallStreet, "Drew Stevenson and Jimmy Stryker are back in control but... I still don't understand what's going on here." Drew and Jimmy Slap hands as David starts pushing himself up in the middle of the ring. Jimmy points at him and slowly draws his thumb across his throat, taunting the end as Drew smirks and nods in approval and the fans boo in dismay. WallStreet, "David's just wrestled one of the hardest matches of his life, and now for reasons I've yet to have explained to me, these vultures are picking the bones." David pulls himself up, staggering and when he does Jimmy kicks him in the gut and places his head between his tree like legs... WallStreet, "Oh no..." Stryker hoists him into the air, shoots him out holding onto his singlet and then BOOM! He nails him with a massive Last Ride Power bomb as Stevenson jumps up from the impact and starts talking trash to Van Dam. WallStreet, "GAH! He just put down the champion with that move he calls the Supreme Killing!" Stryker looks down over David and then brings his hands to his waits and starts doing the age old "title taunt" as "Right Now" rehits the air waves. WallStreet, "I... I Believe Jimmy Stryker just staked his claim to the ICWA Heavyweight Championship! What's going to happen in two weeks when we return to the Greenville Convention center for more ICWA Action? What's brought Drew Stevenson to the ICWA and will he be there alongside Jimmy Stryker in two weeks? We've just returned and already it's becoming whirl wind times in the ICWA... Thanks for joining us and we'll catch you all again September 26th right here from the Greenville Convention center! Good gracious, what a night!" We stop rolling, our last image being that of Jimmy Stryker standing over Van Dam taunting his title intentions and Drew Stevenson smirking by his side. | |
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Credits Thanks to Jeff AKA King Slender/6 and Rising Inc for writing the Tag Team Title Match. Thanks to Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker for writing the Women's Title match. Thanks to David AKA DVD for writing the Main Event match And of course thanks to everyone who RPed | |
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