 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 10/14/2008 2:21 AM |

| Date: Friday October 10th, 2008 | Live From: Greenville Convention Center - Greenville, North Carolina | Commentators: WallStreet ((Main Event: Bert Busch)) | Theme: TBD | Deadline: Your First RP MUST BE POSTED 24 HOURS BEFORE DEADLINE or earlier 8pm EST Expect Results Sometime Monday | Main Event Non Title Six Person Intergender Tag Drew Stevenson, Scott Addams & Tani Lyons ( W/ Jimmy Stryker) V.S. David Van Dam, WallStreet, & Da Sweet Lunatic ((One Time Only, WallStreet makes a return to the ring to team with ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam and former ICWA US Champion DSL To take on Jimmy Stryker's apparent allies, Drew Stevenson, Scott Addams, and Tani Lyons.)) Match 5 Singles ICWA Women's Championship Angelina Santana V.S. Faith Rivers Match 4 Singles Tag Team Title Contention Joe Six Pack (W/ Big Steed Williams) V.S. Christian Michaels (W/ Whysper) -Ten Minute Intermission- Match 3 Singles TOG V.S. Superbeast Match 2 Singles Rematch Shattered Soul V.S. "Wild Pitbull" Terry Kenderson Opening Bout Singles Scott Andrew V.S. King Slender Plus: MJ Storm Explains TCA Actions, Paul Heyman's monster Patrick Warner's in action AND MORE!!! Card Subject To change | |
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The camera man begins manually shooting the crowd with a less graceful (although still professional) sweep of the inside of what’s been dubbed the "ICWA Arena" by the locals. As the ICWA cameraman’s doing his job, our attention is quickly redirected as "Step Up" By Drowning Pool begins blasting over the PA. WallStreet, " Welcome to ICWA "Bailout Vetoed - Stock Market Crash"�?As always I am the Corporate Icon Taylor McCallister and tonight we’ve got quite the line up for you. ICWA Women’s Champion Faith Rivers defends her championship against former ICWA Women’s champion Angelina Santana, Tee Oh Gee goes head to head with the Superbeast as both of those men look to gain some momentum after disappointing losses at our last event, and in our main event Jimmy’s STDs Scott Addams, Drew Stevenson, and Tani Lyons take on the surprising team of Da Sweet Lunatic, ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam, and yours truly�?That’s right, tonight I take my boots off the wall and lace em up one more time to show these gentlemen that here in the ICWA there are consequences for your actions. Especially when said actions entail an unprovoked attack on yours truly. However, at present time it looks like we’re going to see Paul Heyman’s monster Patrick Warner in action. He’s been on a roll as of late." By now Patrick Warner and Paul Heyman have made it into the ring. Patrick stands in the middle of the ring, rolling his shoulders with a mean scowl on his face as Heyman stands in front of him, "motivating". With that Mick Foley’s theme blasts over the PA as the crowd jumps to their feet. Bert Busch, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is our OPENING BOUT! It is scheduled for one fall with a ten minute time limit. Already in the ring, from Indianapolis Indiana�?He is the Monster they call PATRICK!" By now the curtain has moved and from behind it�? Bert Busch, "His opponent�?From Truth or Consequences New Mexico, he weighs in at 285 pounds�? He is your bat swingin�? hardcore hero�? He is�?DICCCCCCCCCCCK FOLLLLLLLLEYYYY!" Foley raises a barbwire covered baseball bat in the air and draws a decent reaction. WallStreet, " It would appear that Greenville really loves Dick. Of course with all the college girls I shouldn’t be surprised………�? What? I’m told college girls find Dick Foley very sexy�?What? Oh, you thought there was an innuendo intended there? (Laughs) Hahaha�?Of course not. Heh-hmm�?Anyway." Dick Foley walks around slapping hands with the fans and then finally slides in the ring. Having seen the way Warner’s gone through AOP and Derek Flair, Dick immediately darts for Warner and nails him across the chest with that barbwire covered bat. Warner stumbles back as the official rushes over and snags the bat from Foley before calling for the opening bell. Foley keeps ontop of Warner with fast hard right hands backing him up against the ropes. WallStreet, " Holy Toledo, Somebody’s standing their ground with Patrick Warner!" Foley grabs Warner by the wrist and goes for an Irish whip but Warner swings around and reverses. Foley hit’s the far ropes, darts back, and when he does Warner grabs him by the arm pit, hoists him up, spins around and slams him down with a devastating D-Lo Brown Sky High (Sitout Spinebuster). The crowd gasps as Warner stays in the sitout position and Harding drops down and counts …………One……………Two……………Three! The bell sounds as Warner pops up nearly foaming at the mouth. WallStreet, " And it would appear I spoke too soon." Busch, " Here is Your winner…�?PATRICK WARNNNNNNNNER!" Heyman climbs up into the ring and has a microphone in hand as he does�?/P> Heyman, " For YEARS I’ve watched MY WORK get ripped off! Vince McMahon made millions off of his little "Attitude Era"�?I CREATED THAT! ME! PAUL HEYMAN! Not VINCE MCMAHON! Attitude came from ECW’s Revolution and anybody who says otherwise is a damn liar! Much the same as Eric Bischoff sat in his high rise Atlanta office mocking me and mocking ECW saying Hardcore couldn’t work while he was in the midst of stealing RAVEN from ECW only to have him bring Hardcore to WCW! Eric Bischoff, Vince McMahon, and now damn near everybody has ripped me off and ripped ECW off and I haven’t gotten so much as a DAMN THANK YOU! Well how dare they! How dare they never ONCE say "Hey, I got that from Paul Heyman and ECW"?! I hate thieves and all rip off artists are, are THIEVES! I’m on a crusade to off them all, and with my Juggernaut Patrick Warner, that crusade will be a successful one. We will destroy con after con, rip off after rip off much the way Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff destroyed ECW by ripping me off and ripping off my talent. And then, when I finally feel like we’ve left enough bodies piled up, We’ll cap it all off with the ULTIMATE Rip Off�? And then, I promise you, that once we do that the entire face of how you view the ICWA will change. Now that my friends�?Is EXTREEEEME." Heyman drops the mic as "Step Up" by Drowning Pool echoes over the PA again. WallStreet, " Heyman seems very convicted in his opinions, although I must admit that I do not necessarily agree. Personally, I think that you need to have fun and if that gentlemen who got carted to the back a moment ago had fun pretending to be Mick Foley then hey, do your thing. It’s not like guys like that are going to be getting booked on mainstream television anytime soon�?Well unless you count TNA as mainstream television (Insert hearty laugh)." Suddenly the snares from "Worlds Greatest" by R Kelly is heard over the PA, making the capacity crowd instantly erupt. WallStreet, " Wait, That’s�? The curtain flies and out from behind it comes a very intense, very serious David Van Dam. The crowd erupts as WallStreet declares, " That’s the ICWA Heavyweight Champion David Van DAM!" Pat Warner is standing strong in the ring, a little blood on his chest from that shot with the barbwire bat as Paul Heyman looks extremely cautious. WallStreet, " Our Heavyweight Champion a major player in that huge Main Event match coming later tonight, but�?What’s he want out here now?" Van Dam marches down the ramp and down the strip of concrete floor till he gets to the ring. He climbs up the stairs, his eyes never leaving Pat Warner’s. Van Dam enters between the ropes and steps right up to Warner, looking up at him with a burning intent in his eyes. Warner doesn’t back down an inch at first and the crowd eats it up, but, Heyman puts a hand on Warner’s chest and starts urging him to leave. Begrudgingly Warner does as he’s told and Heyman gets him to exit the ring as he follows suit. The two head up the ramp as Van Dam reaches down and grabs the microphone Heyman dropped a minute ago. Van Dam’s music cuts as he says, " JIMMY! Two weeks ago you wrapped me up in these ropes and you pummeled me and forced me to watch my best friend get decimated by you and your STDs! You disrespected me, disrespected my friend, disrespected each and everyone of these people, but more importantly then that�?By interfering and destroying that great wrestling match Drew Stevenson and I were having you disrespected the very SPORT that I BLEED and SWEAT to make credible! Well bigman, I haven’t wrestled for twenty minutes, I’m not down on the mat already, and my back isn’t turned�?Why don’tcha try me now!" Van Dam drops the mic and starts pacing like a war ready tiger waiting to pounce on his rival as the crowd is going wild. Crowd: DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! DEE VEE DEE! WallStreet, " David Van Dam is all fired up and he’s daring Jimmy Stryker to come on down and�?well�?to come on down and get him some!" Van Dam continues to pace, but it doesn’t take long for him to realize that Jimmy’s not coming. David bends down and picks the mic back up and says, " Fine. If you won’t come to me, I’ll come to YOU!" The crowd erupts as Van Dam drops the mic again and heads out of the ring. Van Dam walks back toward the back with the same intensity he walked down with and the crowd is on their feet. WallStreet, " David’s been sitting and allowing all of his rage and frustrations fester inside. He was not very happy when he found out that Jimmy Stryker refused to participate in tonight’s six man tag and sent in all of his henchmen instead. It would appear we’re at a bit of a stand off with Van Dam and Stryker�?Stryker refuses to step in the ring with Van Dam unless it’s a sanctioned ICWA Heavyweight Title match and Van Dam refuses to give Stryker a title match as he feels it’d be rewarding the heinous actions that Jimmy Stryker’s taken part in since the ICWA’s resurrection. I tend to agree with David, however, I can’t deny that it’s been an intelligent strategy by Jimmy Stryker whether it’s worked or not." David goes behind the curtain and Bert Busch retakes the center of the ring as we get ready to head into our second bout. | |
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Bert Busch, " Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL with a fifteen minute time limit!" Scott Andrews appears from the back of the stage, ready to fight and draping the Canadian flag over his shoulder. Bert Busch: Ladies and gentlemen, hailing from Toronto Ontario Canada...... He weighs in at 220lbs...... here is the Canadian Dream......Scott Andrews! His music hits the arena, the lights dimmer down to a hazy red. The fans boo The Dream but he shrugs it off as he waves his flag for the fans who appreciate him. The lights come back to their normal state, he makes his way down the ramp cursing down the fans at ringside and in the aisle. He then makes his way into the ring waving the flag once more. King Slender walks through the curtain, robe on, with his hands outstretched. He does a twirl as Saliva pounds through the arena: "I'm the king of my world!" Busch, " His opponent, From New York City New York�?. KING SLEEEEEEENDER!" Slender slowly ascends the staircase, walking along the apron in disgust of the audience. He sneers at them before entering the ring. A crew member at ringside carefully removes King's robe, careful to fold it properly. King Slender hits the ropes a few times and prepares for a fight. He turns his back to Andrew, which is a big mistake. Before the ringbell sounds, Andrews darts across the ring like he did against Nate Rupe last week, only unlike Rupe, Slender tricks Andrew, spinning around and clobbering Andrew with a vicious clothesline. Wallstreet, " The Canadian Dream was blindsided by Slender. As cowardly as it was, you can't blame Andrew, as he is vastly outstrengthed by the physical specimen that is King Slender." Slender attacks the mat, pounding on Andrew with multiple fist drops to the head. After three, Andrew covers up and rolls out of the ring, clutching his head. Slender turns his back to jaw jack to the ref. He beckons Andrew to get back in the ring. Andrew leaps up to the apron and Slender comes charging. Andrew grabs Slender's hair and drops Slender with a guillotine on the ropes. Slender clutches his neck, stumbling back, and Andrew climbs up the top rope. Slender turns around and is met with a phenomenal flying dropkick from the top. Wallstreet, " What athleticism by Andrew and he has taken control of this match." Andrew picks up Slender and shoots him off the ropes. Slender comes back, but soars through the air with a flying shouldertackle. Andrew ducks and Slender hits the mat hard on his shoulder, the momentum causing him to roll right out of the ring. Slender lands on the outside on his feet, tending to his shoulder. Andrew comes running and leaps in the air, clearing the ring ropes and landing a flying body splash on the sulking King Slender. The crowd is in awe of what they just witnessed as two crumpled bodies lay on the ground. The ref counts to 6 before they both start to get up. Andrew slides back in the ring, but Slender is quick to grab his foot and pull him back out. Andrew catches Slender off guard with a hard right hand. He begins to whip Slender into the steel steps on the outside, but Slender overpowers him, forcing Andrew to fly at the steps full force. Andrew's body flips over the steps and he lands in a heap against the crowd barrier. Slender struts over to Andrew's body and starts laying kicks into Andrew's midsection. Slender looks up at the audience. "You see this," he screams. "This is what champions look like!" The crowd screams for retribution, but Slender picks Andrew up and throws him back in the ring. Wallstreet, " This crowd can't stand either competitor, but I think they'd love to see Slender get his head ripped off. And I gotta tell ya, I'm not too much against it." Slender picks up Andrew and locks Andrew's almost limp body in a headlock. Slender charges to the middle of the ring and drops Andrew with a powerful bulldog. Slender lays in a few more fist drops and stops to jaw jack to the audience. Andrew makes it to his knees before Slender powers him down with a club to the back, causing Andrew to cry out in pain. Slender picks a weak Scott Andrew up to hit him with a Russian Leg Sweep. Andrew throws a few elbow shots to Slender's stomach, and quickly hammers Slender with his own side russian leg sweep! Both men lay on the ground, barely unable to move. Wallstreet, " That took everything the Canadian Dream had! In an act of desperation, he took both of them out! Can he get back up before Slender?!" Both men start to make their way up�?Andrews runs at Slender but Slender quickly ducks down and sends Andrews flying up and over with a big back body drop. Slender (who’s near the ropes), squats down and appears to be stalking in wait. WallStreet, " Slender seems to be waiting for Scott Andrews to find his feet�?He could be looking for that devastating "SlenderBender" backbreaker of his." Andrews get’s up, his back to Slender. Slender goes to head his way but finds himself stuck. He turns around and on the floor we see somebody holding Slender’s ankle. WallStreet, " Who in the�?Wait, I saw that guy backstage tonight. He’s the Englishman Darren Hunter, but�?What’s he doing out here right now?" Suddenly out of no where Andrews takes Slender over with a text boy school boy. Carlton drops down to make the count and as soon as he does Andrews grabs the fist full of tights and throws his feet on the bottom rope where Darren holds his ankles for extra advantage. ……�?.One……�?Two………Three! The bell sounds as "Human Leauge" by You’re My Obsessesion begins blasting over the PA as Andrews quickly slides out, getting a big pat on the back and sideways hug from Darren Hunter on the floor. Busch, " Your Winner…�?Scott ANDDDDDDREWS!" The crowd is booing as Slender is up, fuming in the ring. WallStreet, "By hook or by crook Scott Andrews has pulled the upset and that makes him two and oh here in the ICWA. Perhaps the bigger story, however, is the involvement from Darren Hunter. Is there some sort of an alliance being created between the Canadian Dream Scott Andrews and the new comer from Nottingham England, Darren Hunter? That could prove to be quite the high impact team�?Perhaps the International Impact Players? I guess only time will tell." Darren raises Andrews arm on the ramp as Slender threatens to back hand the official if he doesn’t get out of the ring. Andrews and Hunter head behind the curtain as Slender kicks the bottom turnbuckle pad in frustration and exit’s the ring himself. WallStreet, " King Slender’s in some mood after that upset, and I personally would not like to be whomever he ends up facing right here in the Greenville Convention Center on October 24th." | |
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Slender heads up the ramp and back behind the curtain as Busch once again takes center ring. Bert Busch, "The following contest is scheduled for Onefall with a fifteen minute time limit." The opening chords of "Inside The Fire" by Disturbed strike as the strobe lights begin spinning. Eventually there’s an evil laugh, upon said laugh the curtain flies open and from behind it with a disgusted glare on his face is Shattered Soul. Busch, " He weighs in at 236 pounds and hails from The Depths Of Darkness�? He is�?SHATTERED SOOOOOOOOULLLLLL!" Shattered Soul begins walking down the barricade created isle way slowly and with a lack of motivation as the fans boo and jeer his way. WallStreet, " And on goes the transformation of Scott Jensen. He looks to pick up another victory tonight as Shattered Soul." Shattered Soul stops before he gets in the ring and glances over, again looking confused as just like at our last show, there’s a dorky looking fan in a half shirt and dazy duke cut offs holding a sign saying "Shattered Soul‘s My Hero". Shattered Soul rolls his eyes and slides into the ring. WallStreet, " Shattered Soul’s number one -And perhaps only- fan is in the house again here in Greenville." Nothing To Lose starts playing while we focus on the stage. The camera skims around for a second till the music picks up. The camera then goes back to the stage and standing on it with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face is the Pitbull. Busch, "And Finally, From Brooklyn New York�?Weighing in at 225 pounds�?The Wiiiild Pitbull�?Terry KENNNNNNNNNNDERSONNNNN!" Kenderson makes his way down the ramp, his focus never leaving the ring. He climbs the steps and enters the ring. He climbs to the second rope, crosses his arms and looks beyond the fans. He then stands in his corner with his arms crossed staring across at a slouched Shattered Soul. Referee Jason Harding calls for the bell and the Pitbull comes charging across the ring at Shattered Soul. Soul stands motionless until Pitbull is almost there, then out of nowhere, Soul ducks around Pitbull, who smashes into the corner. Shattered Soul locks Kenderson in a crossface chickenwing and drops to the floor. Wallstreet, " Where did that come from?! Terry Kenderson was gonna knock the man formerly known as Scott Jensen clear into next Tuesday! Nice reversal by Shattered Soul." As Soul locks Kenderson in tighter, he can be heard screaming in Pitbull's ear " IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?!" Wallstreet, " We are watching a man who has clearly lost his mind, folks." As quickly as Soul locked Pitbull in the chickenwing, he decided to release the hold. Soul sits up and looks through the crowd. He gets to his feet at the same time as Kenderson and starts laying punches into Pitbull's chin. LEFT HAND! - RIGHT! LEFT! - Soul spins, going for a discus clothesline, but Kenderson ducks and hammers Soul with an out-of-nowhere neckbreaker! Kenderson rolls over for the pin. 1- 2- Kickout by Shattered Soul. Pitbull picks Soul up by the hair and drives him into the turnbuckle with his shoulder. Pitbull lays into Shattered Soul with punches and chops, then hard irish whips Soul into the opposite corner. With too much momentum, Soul staggers back out into the middle of the ring, walking right into a northern lights suplex pin by Wild Pitbull. 1- 2- ALMOST A THREE, but Shattered Soul kicks out again. Wallstreet, "Pitbull is surprised with the kickout. That was almost a three." Pitbull goes over to the corner and climbs up to the second rope. Soul stumbles over and is greeted with a flying double axe handle from the second rope. Shattered Soul collapses on the mat as Pitbull rolls him over onto his back, looking for a camel clutch. Kenderson tries to lock him in, but Soul starts clawing at Pitbull's legs in an act of desperation. Pitbull breaks free and stomps on Soul's head. Wallstreet, " That looked like it hurt, but dare I say, I think Shattered Soul enjoyed it." Pitbull tries again for the camel clutch, but this time, Shattered Soul completely trips him up and Pitbull falls forward. Soul regains some speed, turns around and heads for the ropes. He bounces off as Kenderson is still bent over and lays him out with a running bulldog. Wallstreet, " What a bulldog as Shattered Soul just stole Kenderson's momentum in this match." Shattered Soul hovers over Pitbull, waiting for him to get back up. Kenderson struggles to make it to his feet, but when he does, Soul boots him in the stomach and drills him with a flowing DDT. Wallstreet, " That's the Shards of Soul! And this match is over!" Soul covers for the win. 1- 2- 3! The bell sounds as Busch declares, " AND YOUR WINNER IS...SHATTERED SOUL!" WallStreet, " And Shattered Soul with an impressive victory over "The Wild Pitbull" Terry Kenderson. That places Shattered Soul at two and oh so far in the ICWA�?Perhaps this persona change he’s taken is what he needed after all." Shattered Soul hops out of the ring and glances over at the fan in the front row with that "Shattered Soul’s My Hero" sign and just shakes his head. WallStreet, " Someone in the Greenville area must really enjoy Shattered Soul, because this is the second show in a row I’ve seen this guy at with his pro-Shattered Soul signs. Shattered Soul, however, doesn’t seem to be overly excited or flattered by his fan’s veneration." Shattered Soul walks up the ramp and heads behind the curtain as Kenderson rolls out under the bottom rope holding his head. The crowd gives a small round of applause to his efforts despite his loss and he puts an arm up to acknowledge them and make their applause even louder before he heads behind the curtain himself. | |
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Some lights on the stage begin flashing as the opening of Superbeast by Rob Zombie hit’s the waves. About 12 seconds in when the music picks up the Superbeast comes onto the stage with a scowl on his face. He gives a sarcastic look to the fans and heads to the ring. Busch, " The Following Contest is scheduled for Onefall with a fifteen minute time limit! Already on his way to the ring, From Philadelphia Pennsylvania�?He weighs in this evening at 350 Pounds�?He is the SUPPPPPPPERBEAST!!!" Superbeast climbs the stairs and enters between the ropes, heading to his corner and slowly pacing in wait. Busch, " And his opponent�? "Man In The Box" by Alice in Chains begins blasting from the speakers as the crowd jumps to their feet. Eventually the curtain moves and from behind it to a grand ovation is the man most commonly known as That One Guy. Bert Busch, " Making his way from Buffalo New York, weighing in at 240 pounds... He is Tee... Oh... GEEEE!" TOG makes his way down the ramp and slaps some hands along the way till he gets to the ring. He climbs the stairs, enters the ropes and climbs up the turnbuckles where he throws his arms in the air to the crowd. Superbeast (who had gone down to the floor to let TOG do his entrance) starts rolling in. As soon as he rolls in under the bottom rope TOG is on the spot with stomp after stomp, and we’re off as the bell sounds to start the match. Stomp, punch, stomp, punch, over and over again as TOG tries to keep Superbeast down but they seem to have no effect as he starts getting to his feet. Still, TOG with punch after punch to Superbeast but all the big man does is lean forward with a flex and a yell and TOG runs backwards and rebounds off the ropes, charging at Superbeast with a full head of steam and leaps at Superbeast with a flying forearm which actually starts to stagger the big man back, but nothing otherwise. Once again, a charging clothesline knocks Superbeast back into the ropes but as he bounces off, he takes TOG down with a massive clothesline followed by immense boos. Wallstreet, " And Superbeast really displaying that size and raw strength advantage as he takes TOG down hard with that clothesline." TOG holds his head as he hits the mat and Superbeast rebounds off the ropes to his left running toward TOG for a huge splash. Leaping into the air goes Superbeast but TOG rolls out of the way and TOG crashes and burns with a huge thud. The crowd goes nuts as TOG gets up holding his head while Superbeast is slow to get to his feet. TOG waits for the opportune moment and right when Superbeast is doubled over, TOG charges at Superbeast grabbing his head and taking him down with a huge bulldog and follows up with the cover. One�?Two�?Kick out! Not enough to keep the big man down as TOG goes for another quick cover. One�?Two�?Kick out! Still not enough to keep him down. Wallstreet, " TOG with a rare opportunity to try and get a pin over the Superbeast, however, to no avail at this stage in this contest." Both men after a moment are back to their feet and starts throwing hard left hands at Beast to throw him off, and then switches it to right hands but the big man doesn’t seem to be moving much. TOG then starts going to kick after kick to the back of the knee of Beast, trying to keep him off his feet, strategizing. Superbeast drops to a knee showing the effect of the kicks but still starts to get up. Throwing his arms out with a yell, the crowd erupts as TOG taunts for the match to be over. Quickly grabbing Beast’s arms into a butterfly he walks backwards to the corner, getting up on the middle rope as the fans go nuts. Leaping off, TOG spins to his right and drops Superbeast with a huge Tornado Nameless DDT. Wallstreet, " Good Gracious! TOG just took his double armed Nameless DDT and put some stank on it!" The big man is down, and TOG quickly rolls over for the cover. One…Two…Three! The bell sounds as Busch declares, " Here is Your Winner�? TEE! OH! GEEEEEEE!" The crowd cheers as the official raises his hand in victory and Superbeast rolls out of the ring to the floor. Suddenly we hear hard winds and the rumbling of thunder followed by a loud emergency warning siren going off�?The crowd immediately begins to boo as the opening chords of "Riding The Storm Out" by REO Speedwagon begins blasting over the PA. WallStreet, " Oh Boy�?We’ve been waiting two weeks to find out why MJ Storm did what he did last week and now it looks like we may just find out�? TOG is on his feet, holding his ribs with one arm as he looks up the ramp, clearly ready to go should he have to�?The referee on the other hand looks much more concerned then confrontational. Finally the curtain moves and from behind it steps�? MJ Storm. The music slowly fades as MJ looks around�?/P> Crowd: EM JAY SUCKS! EM JAY SUCKS! EM JAY SUCKS! EM JAY SUCKS! EM JAY SUCKS! EM JAY SUCKS! EM JAY SUCKS!" MJ, " No, ECU Sucks. Nice game with Houston." The crowd boos loudly as WallStreet says, "ECU Pirates suffered a damaging loss to Houston recently that they’re apparently still a little sore about." MJ looks at TOG in the ring and says, " Ya know all I’ve heard for the last two weeks is that people wanta know why I did what I did at the Colossal Aftermath�?I hear you on the internet whining and cryin about "Oh, MJ Storm attacked me unprovoked"�?UNPROVOKED?! UNPROVOKED?!" MJ seems as if he’s not to far from being enraged as he glares at TOG�?/P> MJ Storm, " The Colossal Aftermath was the DEFINITION Of "Provoked"! I’ve been "Provoked" for more than five years you self centered piece of SHIT!" WallStreet, " Whoa�?I’m not sure I’ve ever heard MJ curse before�? MJ breaths hard, his glare hardening his face as TOG has a "WTF" Look on his face. MJ brushes his fingers through his long blonde hair, clutching at it from time to time as it seems like he’s trying desperately to obtain some level of composure and get a grasp on how he wants to approach things here�?/P> MJ Storm, " Ya know, with everything that happened between us, for our as rich as our past is�?Then for you to act like you don’t even know who I am?! For you to come into PWT and never ONCE come up to me and ask me how I’ve been or where I’ve been�?Of course I shouldn’t of been surprised�?Oh no, Because it was ALWAYS About YOU!" TOG’s face is a map of confusion as he’s trying desperately to follow MJ but is having about as much luck as the rest of us. MJ takes another deep breath as he paces on the stage. MJ Storm, " You act like you still can’t wrap your brain around this�?Do you know what the "M" In MJ Stands for? Matt�?How can you still stand there and stare at me like you DON’T GET IT?!?!" MJ stops and just looks at TOG in astonishment and GREAT aggravation as the fans for the most part are staying quiet and listening. MJ, " You stupid prick�?I’ve got two words for you…�? Matt Nowak. UGH!" MJ Tosses the mic down as TOG gets a "Wait�?What?" Type of look on his face and his look of confusion (which is still present) starts slowly turning into a "…�? Look�?/P> "Riding Out The Storm" Restrikes as MJ shakes his head and heads back through the curtain. WallStreet, " From years of having to sign MJ Storm’s pay checks, I know that that’s his real name, Matt Nowak, but, what I don’t know is how that has any prevalence to what he did at the Colossal Aftermath�?But perhaps T.O.G Understands it more clearly than I do as it looks like gears are turning inside his head right now." Bert re-enters the ring as "Riding Out The Storm" fades�?/P> Bert, " TOG, What’s that name mean? I don’t understand�? TOG, " I�?He�?But�? TOG looks confused again�?/P> TOG, " There’s no way�?Is there?" Bert, " I don’t understand Tog, You’ve got me confused here�? TOG, " I�?No�?I mean, He got into this? I�?I don’t know�?I just don’t know." TOG shakes his head, still looking perplexed as he hops out of the ring. WallStreet, " I see�?Heh-hmm�?That’s perhaps the most confusing interview segment I personally have ever been apart of. Never the less, I can only assume that more answers are to come as LIVE from right here in the Greenville Convention Center on Friday, October 24th, MJ Storm will be in action in an ICWA Ring for the first time in over a year and, in light of what’s just taken place, I am Personally extending an invitation to Tee Oh Gee to join me on commentary and try to help clear all of this up for everybody. That’s former ICWA Tag Team Champion, MJ Storm, Live in action here on Friday the 24th �?You don’t want to miss it." As TOG heads back through the curtain WallStreet says, "Well folks, we’re going to head into our ten minute intermission period here at the Greenville Convention Center. For those of you watching at home, feel free to stay tuned as we stream some videos for your enjoyment, and for those watching courtesy of ICWA on DVD, We’ll see ya in a few seconds." The Camera stops rolling for the Intermission. --Intermission�?GO BUY OUR CRAP!-- | |
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The camera starts rolling again as Bert Busch is standing in the ring. Busch, " The following contest is scheduled for ONEFALL with a thirty minute time limit! Tag Team Title Contention is being contested!" The fans are casually moving back into their seats after the intermission. Suddenly though there's a mad dash as "Champion In Me" by 3 Doors Down hits over the speakers. And those people who rushed back to their seats cheer loudly as Christian Michaels steps out from behind the curtain. He heads for the ring slapping hands along the way. Double B: On his way to the ring, hailing from Ripley, Tennessee......CHRISTIAN MIIIICHAELS! Michaels climbs into the ring and ascends the nearest corner. He throws his hands up eliciting more cheers the capacity crowd. CM then hops down and he heads over to Double B to give some thoughts. Double B: Boy they sure do love you here in North Carolina don't they Christian? CM laughs as the crowd cheers again. They finally die down and Christian leans in to answer. CM: As Barney as this may sound, they love me and I love them. And more love from the fans. Wall$treet: Good gracious they do love CM around these parts. Suddenly CM leans back in to the mic. CM: Thank you everyone. And I'm sure just a second ago Wally prolly said "Good gracious". Wall$treet: Gah! How'd he know? Hmm, I guess maybe that has become my catchphrase..... CM: Now excuse me for a moment Double B but I wanna talk about this match coming up in a couple minutes. Ya see tanight Joe and his lifemate Big Steed ain't gonna have the opportunity to attack someone from behind. Tonight they have to do things.. Michaels is interrupted as "God Gave Me Everything" by Mick Jagger with Lenny Kravitz hits over the speakers. CM: ....face to face... [ Here comes Joe and Big Steed stomping their way down to the ring. Naturally its raining boos from every seat in the house. As usual these roughnecks don't seem to care. They climb up into the ring and walk right up to CM. Joe: Who do you think you're talkin about BOY? Huh? You wanna run that trap while we're out here BOY? Come on BOY, run that mouth now. [ The Heartthrob looks away to the crowd, but he's shoved by Steed. Wall$treet: Uh oh. CM may not be the biggest dog in the fight but he's damn vicious when ya push him. And I'm speaking from experience. Big Steed: Answer him BOY! That short fused lil southern temper gets the better of CM. He comes in and shoves Steed back to the ropes. CM: Boy played on Tarzan you stupid sons of bit... Michaels is cut off by a huge right hand from Joe Six-pack. That huge right sending the Heartthrob staggering to the ropes. Burt scurries his big butt out the ring as Joe an Steed close in on CM. But CM launches himself off the ropes and spears Six-pack to the mat. Michaels raining down lefts and rights til he's pulled off by Steed. A big right by Big Steed is blocked by CM. The heartthrob connects with a right....a left....another right! Wall$treet: Would ya look at that? CM's holding his own against the tag champions by himself. Oh, nevermind, now the numbers game coming into effect. Yes as CM had backed Steed into a corner and really started light him up Joe made the save. He clotheslined Michaels from behind. The Heartthrob falls to his hands and knees. Not ones to pass up these kind of oppurtunities the champs begin stomping away at CM. They're just stomping away when suddenly the crowd comes to life. Wall$treet: Christian is just trying to cover up here but its not doing much....Wait a minute! Its Whysper and Angelina! Whysper sprints down the aisle and slides into the ring. He pops up and dropkicks Steed in the back sending him out between the middle an top ropes. Steed hits the mat and jumps back up.....just in time to catch Whysper as he launches himself over the ropes. Wall$treet: Huge suicide dive by Whysper on Big Steed! Now CM's fighting back against Joe in the ring. Referees Jason Harding and Carlton charge down from the back trying to get some order restored. They finally get Whysper and Steed seperated into the corners of their respective partners. With things settled that way Carlton takes control of the situationa nd calls for the bell. It rings and he slides in to officiate this match between CM an Joe that's already underway. Joe and Michaels exchanging right hands. Being the big brawler he is Joe's punches carry a lil more behind them. He rocks CM back to the ropes and whips him across. Michaels hits the farside ropes and rebounds off them. He comes back to Six-pack setting for a backdrop. CM flips over and tries for a sunset flip. Joe not going for it. He tries to nail CM with another right but CM slips out of the way. Wall$treet: Folks that's probably the only time you'll see a right from Joe not rock whoever or whatever he hits. Good move by CM to advoid that. CM to his feet and he waits as Joe turns around. Dropkick by CM sends Joe stumbling back to the ropes. Michaels charges in and gets DRILLED by a huge clothesline! Wall$treet: Joe just turned CM a flip! What a clothesline! Joe leans down and takes CM by the hair and pulls him up. Ignoring warnings from Carlton, Joe clubs CM across the back with his huge tree-like arm. The Heartthrob dropped to a knee before he's pulled back up and gets a repeat. Then a third time folks! On the next time he pulls CM up Joe whips his smaller opponent into a corner. Joe charges in and delivers a devastating clothesline in the corner! Michaels slumping down in the corner afterwards. Joe then starts, as the saying goes: stomps a mudhole in CM. Outside the ring Whysper and Angelina are slapping the apron trying to get CM back into the match. Wall$treet: This match is so far all Joe Six-pack. The chances of CM and Whysper getting a shot at the tag straps isn't looking good. Michaels is pulled up from the corner and nailed by a Tbone suplex. CM hitting the mat and sitting up holding his back. Christian gets up and is caught from behind and nailed with a Russian Leg Sweep. Cover by Joe that nets a two count. He tells Carlton it was a three but gets nowhere with Carlton. Instead of continuing to argue Joe heads towards his corner. He and Steed are too busy planning where they're gonna celebrate tonight to notice CM getting up. But the Southern Heartthrob gets to his feet. He see's an opening and charges at Joe. CM with a spear to the back and keeps on charging forward sandwiching Joe between CM an the turnbuckles of the corner. Wall$treet: Ohhh! Christian catches Joe napping there. This could be his opportunity to really take control. Christian backs off and Joe turns around in the corner. CM heads to the center of the ring, pumps up the crowd, and then charges back in looking for a Stinger Splash in the corner. But Joe had enough time to recover and snatches CM out of the air into a MASSIVE spinebuster! Wall$treet: Wow! That spinebuster should be all she wrote. Joe makes a cover for the ONE..........TWO.........THR-NO! Christian manages to roll the left shoulder off the mat. Getting annoyed now Joe rips CM off the mat and strongly whips him into a corner. Joe now is the one charging in and CM comes out of nowhere with a superkick! Wall$treet: Joe just got whapped! And like a big redwood Joe slowly falls back to the mat. CM stumbles trying to get to Joe for a pin. he finally gets into the cover and its ONE...........TWO............THR-NO! Its now Joe that manages to just beat the fatal three count. Wall$treet: So close for CM. Its not very often someone survives that superkick. Both guys are slow to get to their feet. They both end up getting up about the same time. Joe with a big right hand that rocks CM back. The Heartthrob comes back and he delivers a European uppercut that send Joe stumbling back some. Joe comes back looking for the knockout punch but CM ducks underneath. Joe spins around and CATCHES the foot! CM looked for another superkick but his foot was caught by Joe. Six-pack throws the foot down but CM spins back around nailing his "Dragon Whap" kick! This time CM springs back up quickly and the fans go wild. Wall$treet: It looks like CM has gotten that second wind we always talk about. Joe to his feet and turns toward Michaels. The Heartthrob delivers an arm drag as Joe charges. Both guys pop up and Joe takes another arm drag from CM. Then there's a third one! The fourth time they get up CM starts in with hard knife-edge chops backing Joe to the ropes. CM goes for an Irish whip but Joe reverses and send CM to the ropes. And he gets the ref's attention as Big Steed trips up CM when he hits the ropes. Wall$treet: Come on now! CM turns to yell at Steed but there's no use. Whysper charges around the ring, leaps up onto the steps, and then he launches himself off taking out Steed! The Silent Warrior gets up and steps back a few feet havings ome words for Steed. Joe notices what's going on and he charges at CM. Michaels senses him coming and drops down and pulls the top rope down as well. Joe goes flying over and collides with Steed outside. Wall$treet: What is Whysper doing getting in the ring? Whysper and CM look at each other, the the tag champs, and then they launch theirselves over the ropes! Whysper takes out Big Steed and CM takes out Joe! The fans go absolutely nuts as CM an Whysper get back up. Wall$treet: Good gracious! It takes a moment but Joe gets back up and he slides into the ring. CM's readya nd delivers a kick to the gut. Michaels hooks Joe for the "JustLikeThat" twist of fate. Being no fool Joe has that scouted and he shoves CM off to the ropes. Michaels rebounds and looks for a cross body block. No! Joe catches CM and has him in position for a fallaway slam. He looks to go for the "Sixth Drop" where he modifies the slam into a Rockbottom. No! CM goes on through it for a crucifix pin! ONE........TWO...........THREE-NO! Just barely, and I mean BARELY, Joe Six-pack gets a shoulder off the mat. Both guys race to their feet with CM a hair faster. he plants a kick to the mid-section and hooks Joe again. This time there's no blocking as Michaels nails the.. Wall$treet: Just Like That! Yes, CM nails his version of teh twist of fate. He rolls Joe over and hooks the leg in a pin. ONE............TWO.............THREE!!! The bell rings and "Champion In Me" blares. Double B: Here is your winner, CHRISTIAN MIIIIIICHAELS! Wall$treet: What a match. I swear that Michaels guy never fails to amaze you. Whysper and Angelina slide into the ring to celebrate the win with CM. Big Steed helping Joe out of the ring as they realize now they have challengers for their straps. | |
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Joe Six-pack and Big Steed are steadily backing up the ramp, yelling at their new contenders. They finally disappear behind the curtain. In the ring CM and Whysper get ready to leave as well. Each bumping fists with Angelina and wishin her luck. Wall$treet: Well the champions have headed to the back and now its time for their contenders to do the same. Its just about time for tonight's Women's title match. Both climb from the ring and head up the ramp, slappin hands with fans along the way. In the ring Angelina goes to a corner and starts stretching to get ready for her match. Double B getting back in the ring to do his announcing job. Double B: Our next match, ladies and gentlemen, is scheduled for ONE Fall. and is for the ICWA Women's championship! Introducing first, she is already in the ring and hails from Beverly Hills, California.....Angelina SANNNNNNNNTANA!!! Angelina waves from her corner and she gets a nice roar of approval from the fans. Double B: And her opponent, hailing from Miami, Florida, she is the reigning ICWA Women's champion.....Faith RIVVVVERS!!! The lights go out as "Faith" by Limp Bizkit begins to come out of the PA System. Faith Rivers walks out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp. As the chorus of the song hits, 'You Gotta Have Faith' she jumps up a little and as her feet come down on the ramp again, lights flash on the entrance ramp before her, just before Faith runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. As she gets to her feet, Faith runs into the corner and gets up on the second turnbuckle. She taunts the fans a bit before jumping down. Faith begins to loosen up her arms before leaning back against the ropes. Wall$treet: This should be a highly competitive match between these two. Both of these ladies are feisty and love to tear it up. Jason Harding, who slipped out when CM an Whysper were leaving, calls for the bell once Double B is out the ring. The championess and her challenger step out of their respective corners. Meeting in the center of the ring they both have some choice words for one another. Eventually though Faith says bring it beyotch. Angelina responds with a shove to the championess. Almost laughing, Faith jars Angelina with a left forearm shot! Angelina returns the favor! Soon enough it just breaks down into an exchange of right hands between the two ladies. Harding is there beggin for some open hand shots to be used. But he's generally ignored. Wall$treet: I think Jason's going to have to do a little more than *ask* these ladies to open those fists. Right after this comment from Wally the ladies get tied up in a collar an elbow lockup. They're both trying to overpower each other to no avail at first. But Angelina manages to back Faith up into a corner. She breaks the lockup and delivers a couple right hands and chops on Faith. But wait a minute! The championess blocks a right and then she spins Angelina into the corner. Now she's the one opening up with rights an chops. Wall$treet: Faith reverses Angelina into the corner. Harding looking to get in there and get them outta the corner. Indeed our brave ref does get in between the two. He finally gets a break between them forcing Angelina back. Harding steps aside and Angelina waves teh championess on. Faith comes charging out that corner but she's tackled to the mat. Angelina into a MMA mount position and starts raining down the lefts and rights. Not to be outdone Faith reverses and she begins raining down bombs. Then its reversed by Angelina, then Faith, and so on until the two roll out of the ring right under the bottom rope. They both race up and are right back to trading the rights. Wall$treet: This is more like a street fight than a championship title match......I have to admit I'm digging it. Finally though we have something more than punches. Angelina with a kick to the mid-section. She then takes Faith and slams her face into the ring apron. Faith pops up an falls back to the ringside barricade. After a few stinging chops Angelina sends Faith into the ring. The challenger climbing up to the top turnbuckle instead of just coming into the ring herself. Faith to her feet and turns towards the corner looking for Santana. She doesn't have ta look far as Angelina comes down with a double axe handle smash to the back. Wall$treet: Santana taking down the champion with the classic double axe handle smash. So far the challenge is taking it to the champion. Angelina stalks her prey as Faith rolls off her back to her hands an knees. Slowly the championess gets to her feet. Angelina comes in an mows her down with a clothesline. Then she waits for Faith to get back upa nd nails a second one. Angelina heads back to teh well for a third clothesline but Faith ducks it! The championess reaching back and catches Angelina with a neckbreaker to boot! Faith makes a quick pin and gets her a one count. Both women race up with faith a lil quicker. That extra step allows Faith to connect witha quick running knee lift. Wall$treet: Very nice running knee lift there. Faith pulls Angelina back to her feet and catches her with a snap suplex. The challenger sittin up holding her lower back in obvious pain. There's no sympathy from faith who gives Angelina a quick kick to the lower back. Miss Santana gets to her feet holdin her back. She's quickly grabbed by Faith and receives a Russian leg sweep. Float over into a pin by Faith that this time nets a two. Wall$treet: Angelina showing her toughness as she refuses to stay down for a three. They're both to their feet and Faith dropkicks Angelina in the back. This sends the challenger for the title between the middle an top ropes to the apron. Faith springs into the corner and looks for a Y2J-like springboard dropkick but its ducked by Angelina! Now the challenger with a senton flip over the ropes and conencting with Faith's lower back. The championess left writhing in pain as the challenger is stalkin her again. Wall$treet: Could the time be right for the "SoCal Stunner"? That's what's on the mind of Angelina. As the championess gets up the challenger charges in. Angelina goes into the 360 degree spin but Faith's lower back is hurtin from the senton. She's unable to remain upright long enough for Angelina to finish the move. Both women hit the mat. Wall$treet: What happened? If I had to guess there it'd be that Faith was still hurtin from the senton to the lower back. Looks like that move may have bit Angelina in the bottom. Both ladies getting up slowly now. Angelina up top and is waiting for maybe a tornado ddt. But Faith fires some shots to the mid-section. Suddenly she hooks Angelina and snatches her off the top rope into the "Faithful" elevated diamond cutter! Wall$treet: Faithful! Faith just pulled Angelina off the top rope with her "Faithful" finisher! There's a pin made by teh championess. ONE............TWO................THREE!!! The bell rings as the championess has retained the championship. Bert Busch, " Here is your winner and STILL ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPION�?FAAAAAAAITH RIVVVERSSS!" WallStreet, " What a great contest between two of the very best female competitors in the world today, Angelina Santana and Faith Rivers. Never in all of my years have I been so excited about the caliber of talent that lyes within the walls of the ICWA and these two truly personify�? Before he can finish he’s caught off guard as a dark haired lady slides into the ring. Faith turns around and as she does Ashley delivers a hard kick to the Women’s champion’s gut. The crowd immediately starts booing as said woman wraps Faith’s head in a front facelock and then drops back with a hard DDT. WallStreet, "What in the World! That’s Jimmy Stryker’s lady friend Ashley Caswell, but�?What’s she doing out here after this fantastic Women’s wrestling contest?" Ashley gets up as Angelina’s pulling herself up holding her neck�?Angelina turns around and BAM! Another kick in the gut doubling her over. Ashley places her head between her legs and hoists her up�?Then BAM! A Piledriver for Angelina. WallStreet, " Good Gracious! She just spiked Angelina with that Piledriver!" Ashley gets up and grabs the ICWA Women’s championship. She raises it into the air as the crowd boos emphatically. WallStreet, " It should come to no surprise to anybody that somebody associated with Jimmy Stryker thinks the way to win a championship is by coming out and assaulting the champion and the number one contender after their match. Well, rest well assured that won’t go unanswered by our Women’s champion and surely by Angelina Santana either. Miss Caswell may have bit off more then she can chew in this high impact, but sure to be costly debut." Ashley hops out of the ring, leaving the Women’s title behind as the crowd continues to boo. As she makes her way up the ramp Jason Harding and Carlton both jog down and assist Angelina and Faith out of the ring. | |
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WallStreet, " Well folks, That’s gonna do it for me. I’ve gotta go catch up with my teammates and get ready for our huge six person main event, but, on his way to the back is Bert Busch and as I’m sure any of you who have followed us in the past are well aware, he’s more than adequate on the head set. I’ll see ya soon." We hear the headset drop and then there’s a brief period of dead air before we hear it getting messed with again. Bert Busch, " Ladies and Gentlemen, filling in for the Bossman as he joins our Heavyweight champion and DSL in this huge six person main event, I’m Bert Busch. It’s finally the time that we have all been waiting for�?Let’s focus on the ring where our special guest ring announcer, Ervin Peacock is standing." Ervin, "Ladies And Gentlemen�?It is now time for the ICWA MAIN EVENT! Are you Ready?!" The crowd cheers. Ervin, " I know you can do better than that! ICWA FANS ARE! YOU! READY?!" The crowd erupts as Ervin stands there holding his recipe cards and nodding with approval for their reaction. Ervin, " The following match is a Six Person Intergender Tag Team Match! There will be No Time Limit." The opening chords of "Right Now" by Korn echo over the PA as the crowd is on their feet. The curtain flies to the side and out jogs Drew Stevenson. He Steps to the side and out follows Tani Lyons with a sexy smirk on her face�?Behind her comes Scott Addams. Tani drops down to a knee and spins around, her hands going up Addams glistening, baby oiled abs. They find their way around his body to his ass as her head drops down and just as it looks like she’s practically giving him head through his tights his head falls back. His head then snaps forward as she spins around facing the ring (still on a knee)�?They both smirk and finally from behind the curtain behind them is big Jimmy Stryker. The crowd is booing emphatically at the men on stage, which doesn’t appear to matter much to any of them. Ervin, " Introducing first, Being accompanied to ringside by "The Legendary Icon" Jimmy Stryker�?They are Drew Stevenson, Tani Lyons, and Scott ADDDDDDDDAMS!" Tani stands up and Stryker and his minions start their way down the ramp as the fans continue booing. Busch, " This capacity crowd really given these boys some Hell, and frankly I believe it’s well deserved after their actions here two weeks ago. If you don’t recall, Jimmy Stryker’s minions put on a brutal attack on our normal commentator WallStreet as well as our Heavyweight champion after his match with Drew Stevenson. Now you may be wondering why Jimmy Stryker isn’t involved in this match�?Jimmy’s refused to have a match with David Van Dam unless Van Dam’s ICWA Championship is on the line. Never the less ya gotta believe that sooner or later Van Dam’s gonna get him some of big ol�?Jimmy Stryker." "Sure, Once David puts the title on the line." Busch, " What in the worl�?Oh No. Paul Heyman? What are you doing here?" Heyman, "You didn’t think I was gonna letcha come out here and drown by yourself did ya Berty? Of course not." Busch, "Gee�?Thanks." Heyman, "No problem, what are friends for?" Busch, "If you’re my "friend" I reckon it’s a good thing I ain’t got too many enemies." By now all of Stryker’s guys are in the ring in a corner, alongside Jimmy Stryker. Suddenly the opening snares of "World’s Greatest" by R Kelly begins over the PA, drawing a huge eruption from the fans. The curtain moves and from behind it comes DSL to a great reaction�?The curtain moves again and the crowd erupts as WallStreet steps out. Busch, " There he is! WallStreet back in his gear for One Night Only!" Heyman, "That’s because he won’t be able to walk after tonight." Busch, "I wouldn’t bet on that Paul." WallStreet points out to the fans on his side of the stage and starts yelling and motioning for them to elevate their sound as DSL does the same on the opposite side. The crowd reacts accordingly, nearly blowing the roof off the Greenville Convention center�?Both DSL and WallStreet then do the nWo/Cliq style deal where they use both arms to point to the curtain and when they do, with the ICWA Title firmly around his waist appears�?/P> Busch, " And there the ICWA Heavyweight Champion!" Ervin, " And the Challangers�?The Hardcore Queen Dee�?Es�?El�?The Corporate Icon, WallStreet�?And the ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT Champion Of The World�?David Va�?AHHH!" Before the introductions could even finish David ripped the buttons on the back of his belt from each other making the strap drop to the ground as all three dart down the ramp and slide into the ring, causing Ervin to drop down and roll out. They dart forward as the Heels are standing ready to go�?Well aside from Jimmy, he hopped out of the ring before the faces slid in. Anyway, David lunges forward and delivers a double leg take down to Drew, putting him on his back and quickly sliding up and delivering a series of mounted punches. WallStreet darted forward and nailed Addams with a hard clothesline sending him flying back through the ropes and falling to the ground. Tani Lyons came at DSL, but only for DSL to grab two fist fulls of her hair, spin her around so her feet are hovering over the mat, and then release letting her fly to the side and roll out to the floor near Scott. Finally David hops up off of Drew�?Drew stands up, turns around, and when he does David grabs him around the waist and throws him backwards, sending him up and over the top rope with an overhead belly to belly suplex. The crowd erupts as David, WallStreet, and DSL stand supreme in the center of the ring. Busch, " Bah God! David just unleashed some right hands on Drew Stevenson, which, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Van Dam do that before�?WallStreet knocked Scott Addams so hard with that Clothesline he ended up out of the ring and DSL shipped Tani Lyons sailing right along with him�?And that Overhead belly to belly from Van Dam? BAH GOD!" Heyman, "Ugh. Don’t start!" The heel team is on the floor and they don’t look happy as they regroup. Van Dam’s pointing to Stryker and yellin�?" Come On Bigman! COME ON!" Addams looks over at Jason Harding and says "COME ON REF! GET SOME DAMN CONTROL!" Harding reluctantly comes over and demands that two of the three exit the ring. DSL and WallStreet finally end up exiting, leaving Van dam looking like a Lion ready to pounce on somebody. Busch, " Ya know David Van Dam’s been under the weather for the last week and some change Paul, but, He sure looks like he’s ready to get him some here tonight." Heyman, "He’s gonna be under the dirt if he keeps denying Jimmy Stryker his rightful shot at the ICWA Heavyweight Championship." Harding begins his ten count since none of the Heels have gotten back in or even on the ring. They continue conversing, Jimmy Stryker included, and finally they seem to come to a conclusion. All three of them climb up onto the ring and Scott Addams points at the Ref, then at David as he says, " BACK HIM UP REF! I NEED SOME ROOM HERE!" The crowd boos, which makes Scott turn and offer a few unkind words�?As he’s turned David ignore’s the ref’s request to back up and heads to the rope. Scott turns his head just as David grabs the top rope�?David pushes the rope out and then pulls it in with such force that Addams flips up and over and lands hard on his back in the ring. Busch, " And the Champion brings him in the hard way." Addams pulls himself up and starts walking toward a neutral corner. Van Dam follows him and drives a forearm into his back, making him stumble right into said corner. Van Dam grabs Addams by the wrist and goes to Irish whip him into the opposite neutral corner but Addams reverses�? DVD darts across, Addams in hot pursuit but DVD grabs the top ropes and launches himself into the air, causing Addams to run underneath him, taking the turnbuckles hard with his chest. Addams staggers back a couple of steps and Van Dam hooks him in a rear waist lock. David Pops back and drives Addams down onto his neck and shoulders drawing a great reaction from the fans as he delivers a bridging German suplex. Harding drops down and counts ………One………Two�?Just two as Addams kicks out. Busch, " Van Dam with the up and over into the German Suplex for a two count." Van Dam rolls to his feet and sees Addams doing the same, so, he grabs "Greatness Incarnate" in a front facelock to maintain control and backs up, pulling the young superstar over into the baby face corner. David turns and calls for a tag out so DSL obliges him, slapping him on the shoulder. Harding acknowledges the tag as DSL hops up onto the top rope. Van Dam releases the front facelock and side steps as Addams gets up right just in time to get taken down with a big Crossbody from DSL. The crowd cheers in excitement as DSL stays on top forcing Harding to drop down and count again. ……�?One………Two�?. Again only two as Scott Addams kicks out aggressively. DSL comes up and reaches out to grab Addams�?by the head but when she does he reaches up and quickly rakes her eyes drawing a big boo from the fans. Harding starts admonishing Addams but he pays no attention as he stumbles into his corner and tags Tani Lyons in. The crowd boos Addams retreat as DSL looks ready to go�?Tani enters between the ropes and the two women begin circling around in the ring. They finally dart in for each other, however, Tani turns and drives her leg into DSL’s midsection with a big hip check. Busch, " The two ladies appeared to be going in for a grapple, however, Tani cut her off with the hip check." Heyman, "Smart move by lady Addams." Tani grabs two fist fulls of DSL’s hair and snaps her back down to the mat. Tani puts up her arms yelling " HOW DO YA LIKE THAT?!" The crowd of course showers her in boos. She waves them off as if to say "Pfft. Whatever." And then darts to the ropes. As she hit’s the ropes DSL pushes herself up and leaps sideways at her feet�?Tani leaps over and runs toward the opposite side of ropes as DSL pulls herself. Tani hit’s the opposite side of ropes as DSL runs her way�?Tani ducks low as DSL Leaps high causing a leap frog effect. Tani nails the original set of ropes as DSL turns around�?Tani comes back and DSL plants her feet and extends the arm, hooking Lyons under her own arm and sending her up and over with a big hip toss. The crowd cheers as Tani grabs her back and heads back up to her feet. Tani turns around and DSL grabs her left arm and then takes her over with a deep arm drag, keeping a hold of the arm as the Lunatic ends up on a knee with a strong arm bar on Tani Lyons. Lyons let’s out a scream of pain as she winces, trying to come up with a way out of this predicament. Busch, " The Sweet Lunatic showing shades of an old time hero here in the Mid Atlantic region in Ricky Steamboat." Heyman, "She can’t do that!" Busch, "She most certainly may." Heyman, "Tani Lyons�?is too good lookin�?to be thrown around like that! DSL needs to let her go before she catches something!" Busch, "Knock it off Paul!" Heyman, "Aww, how cute�?You have a crush on Peniszilla!" Busch, "�?." Heyman, "I don’t hear you denying it." Busch, "I’m choosing not to dignify that comment with a response. Back in the ring DSL has that arm bar firmly in place, however, Tani Lyons has gotten to a seated position and seems to be attempting to fight her way up with encouragement from her teammates on the apron." Busch called it well and just as he suggest, Tani starts fighting her way from the seated position to a knee. Tani starts to come up to her feet, so, instead of trying to resist the inevitable break of the hold DSL releases, quickly grabs Tani by the wrist, and sends her running across the ring�?Tani comes running back as DSL ducks down for a back body drop.. She does in deed catch Tani and send her flying up and over, but, incredibly Tani lands on her feet. DSL turns around and Tani bitch slaps so hard that it echoes through out the entire arena drawing an "OoOOoOO" From the crowd. DSL spins around in a full circle and Tani grabs two first fulls of her hair, throwing her to the side as the crowd boos. Tani Looks around, smirking, her back to DSL as she raises her arms again and yells, " WHAT?!" Busch, "I wouldn’t turn my back to DS�?Wait�?Uh-Oh." WallStreet reaches out and slaps DSL’s shoulder and the crowd goes ballistic as Harding signifies that it is indeed a tag. Addams and Drew both get big eyed pointing beyond Tani and screaming for her to turn around as WallStreet enters the ring. Tani isn’t sure what the big deal is so she turns around.. As soon as she does she jumps back in shock falling on her ass. WallStreet smirks as Tani puts her hands up in a fashion similar to Ric Flair, begging off as she starts scooting back. Once she’s back far enough, Drew reaches in and slaps Tani’s shoulder. WallStreet raises his eyebrow, apparently a little surprised as Drew so willingly hops in. Busch, " The crowd has waited all night to see WallStreet get it on in there, and for a breif moment I thought he may do so at Tani Lyons�?experience, but�?It seems that Drew Stevenson wants to try his luck with the Corporate Icon." Drew drops down into an amateur wrestling stance and WallStreet nods, seemingly impressed at his willingness to compete, so, he adjust the waist band on his trunks and takes off, leading the two in circling around the ring. WallStreet spins in the Heel corner making sure he’s constantly aware of where everbody is and spins right back around to keep his focus on Drew as he circles away from the Heel corner�?Coming full circle both guys dart toward the middle, Drew shooting in for WallStreet’s legs and WallStreet wrapping his arms around Drew’s waist and throwing his legs back putting his weight on the top of his feet so his knees are nearly on the mat, making it impossible for Drew to sweep the legs. WallStreet, utilizing his leverage advantage uses that waist lock to support him before he spins around, sprawling half way around Drew’s back and turning the waist lock into a rear waist lock. WallStreet picks Drew up and drives him down onto his chest with the rear waist lock still intact, and then sprawls back around to the head and locks on a grounded front facelock as the crowd cheers WallStreet’s wrestling display. Busch, "Much to even my surprise, WallStreet’s taking it to Drew on the mat." Drew being the smart mat wrestler he is, however, manages to snake a wrist inbetween his neck and WallStreet’s arm�?WallStreet tries to just apply more pressure, but Drew’s already got the arm too far in there. Drew hooks WallStreet’s arm and spins around managing to force WallStreet’s arm behind his own back with a strong hammerlock hold. WallStreet shakes his head, probably not having expected that counter. WallStreet takes a second before he ends up swinging his legs out and getting himself into a seated position. WallStreet reaches up for Drew’s head, but Drew quickly makes sure to evade WallStreet’s arm�?Without the ability to go for a snap mare, WallStreet starts spinning back, going underneath Drew’s arm and reversing Drew’s hammerlock into a hammerlock of his own as Drew’s forced to drop to his ass. Knowing that Drew could easily utilize the same counter WallStreet used, The Corporate Icon only maintains the hammerlock for a second and switches up to a reverse chin lock, cradling Drew’s chin on the inside of the corporate elbow and applying a large portion of pressure. Drew winces in pain as his first instinct is to grab for WallStreet’s arm and pull it off his chin. Of course this only causes WallStreet to squeeze even harder. Drew’s arms go out, his fingers wiggling about involuntarily from the pain as WallStreet looks out to the crowd and screams, " COME ON, MAKE SOME FREAKIN NOISE!" The crowd erupts and as they do WallStreet squeezes a little harder. Crowd: TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! Busch, " This crowd is solidly behind WallStreet, who, ya gotta hand it too�?Thus far he’s stood his ground on the mat with Drew Stevenson. And, speaking from twenty years of experience, He’s also the first guy I can recall making the crowd get excited at the premise that a performer may tap out from a standard reverse chinlock." Heyman, "Every time a wrestler executes a submission hold of any kind, the goal should be to force a submission. You can be realistic and know that the odds are it’ll be more likely to ware your opponent down then force the submission, BUT, the submission should still be your goal and as such you should apply each hold to the fullest of it’s capabilities. Unfortunately that’s what WallStreet’s doing right here with that rear chinlock. That’s alright though, I’m confident in my man Drew Stevenson to find a way out of this." Almost on cue Drew starts fighting to a knee, forcing WallStreet to his feet to maintain the leverage advantage. Once Drew feels completely stable on his knee he shoots an arm around WallStreet’s leg, shoots the other one up over his head and takes Street over with a text book amateur fireman’s carry. WallStreet lands on his ass and Drew quickly gets behind him and places WallStreet in a sleeper hold. The crowd gasps in surprise as DSL and David are rooting for WallStreet to find a way out of this well applied sleeper. Busch, " Thus far WallStreet’s certainly held his own, however, Drew’s found a counter for each maneuver that WallStreet’s executed. This is truly a classic catch-is-catch can situation." WallStreet knows there’s only one way he’s getting out of this and that’s to simply out power Drew and force himself to his feet. So he doesn’t take much time to start as he quickly gets to a knee. His right arm is out there waving for the fans to pick up the volume so they quickly adhere to the command�?/P> Crowd: WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WALL-STREET! WallStreet pulls himself up to his feet, which forces Drew to loosen up slightly based on the awkward angle he’s now at�?With that loosened grip WallStreet spins around and Drew’s sleeper turns into a side headlock. WallStreet wraps an arm around the lower back of Stevenson and reaches down, grabbing the back of his thigh with his other arm and hoists drew up, dropping him back with a high angle belly to back suplex and drawing a huge reaction with that actually being the first bump that either of these two have taken since coming in the ring. WallStreet gets up, grabbing his neck and nodding his head in approval before he reaches out and tags DSL back in. Busch, " I think WallStreet may have realized that he was heading into dangerous territory keeping the contest on the mat with Drew Stevenson and finally opted to utilize his strength advantage with that belly to back Suplex. Now DSL gets an opportunity to come on in and test her luck." Drew starts pulling himself up as DSL hit’s the ropes and darts past Drew as he’s getting up right. DSL leaps up on the second rope and spring boards back looking for a Springboard cross body, however, as she does Drew leaps up and nails her with a hard drop kick to the gut. The crowd gasps as both performers hit the mat. Drew gets back up and heads to his corner, tagging in Scott Addams as DSL lays there holding her chest. Busch, " Drew Stevenson literally drop kicked the Lunatic out of the air and now Scott Addams is in and folks�?There’s no love loss between these two competitors." Addams glares down at DSL, draws his foot up, calculates, and delivers a solid stomp to the back of the Lunatic. He delivers a couple more and then raises his right knee in the air, dramatically hesitating before he jumps up and drops down driving that knee into the spinal region of the Lunatic. The crowd boos as DSL sits up, one hand nursing her back and the other stretched out from the shock that sent through her back. Addams quickly grabs both arms, puts his knee in the center of DSL’s back, and draws her arms back applying a version of the Bow and Arrow as the crowd boos. Busch, " Addams drove that knee into the back of the much smaller DSL, and now he’s continuing to put the pressure on that spinal region with that variation of the bow and arrow submission." Heyman, "Not since Jim Lundas have I ever seen the bow and arrow so expertly applied." Busch, "Jim Lundas used a bow and arrow?" Heyman, "Probably not. I just wanted an excuse to bring a name from that far back into the current vernacular." Busch, "I see�? Heyman, "But that’s still a damn good bow and arrow from the Ambassador of Magnificence." Busch, " The "Ambassador of Magnificence"?" Heyman, "What?" Busch, "Oh yeah, Scott Addams needs help coming up with more ways to label himself "Greatness Incarnate"." Heyman, "I agree, and thus, I’ve done my good deed�?That takes care of the 2000 to 2010 decade. Whew, I was starting to wonder if I’d get a chance to fit one in this decade." Busch, "…�?He-hmm.. In any event folks, DSL’s foot is pounding up and down on the canvas and this capacity crowd is delivering the encouragement she’s calling for, which, in turn seems to be fueling her adrenaline." Heyman, "I think we should force the fans to sign an agreement to turn into mutes when they come to our shows. They’re obviously too stupid to cheer for the right people, so, why not just revoke their cheering privileges?" Busch, "That’s absurd! Cheering isn’t a "privilege", it’s your RIGHT as an American citizen�?It’s called freedom of speech!" Heyman, "Freedom schmedom. Obama’s gonna have us having coffee and donuts with a bunch of communist dictators, we might as well just get ready to follow in that direction." Busch, "Oh for God’s sakes let’s not turn this match into politics�?This capacity crowd is incredibly loud and as a result, despite the clear size advantage DSL has somehow mustard up enough gumption t o get to her feet, however, Scott Addams still has her stretched out behind her�?But at least some of the pressure’s off the middle of her back." DSL’s face is etched with pain as WallStreet and DVD try to encourage her. Addams�?is screaming for her to give it up but she shakes her head with great passion, refusing to submit despite the pain. Finally she just decides to charge forward, which, catches Addams off guard so he finds himself running behind her, still extending her arms behind her back. DSL darts to the ropes, runs up the ropes and leaps back making Addams�?release her as she back flips behind him, catching his chin with both hands and raising her knees so they go into his back while in the midst of falling, thus turning this back flip into one Hell of a Carlito Backcracker/stabber. The crowd goes ballistic but after how much tork Addams had on that submission, DSL’s unable to capitalize and both performers are down on the mat. DSL rolls to her chest and starts looking at David and WallStreet, both leaning over the top rope with arms extended for the tag. DSL begins crawling as the crowd is on their feet�?/FONT> | |
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Busch, "The Sweet Lunatic desperately needs a tag right now." DSL continues to crawl as David jumps up onto the bottom rope to extend his reach just a little further�?DSL is closing in�? UGH! Addams grabs her by the ankle�?DSL starts to push herself up off the canvas and onto one foot. She turns around as Addams still keeps a hold of her leg�?DSL suddenly jumps up looking for an Enziguri kick, but, Addams raises his arm, blocking the enziguri and wrapping both of her legs up in the set up to head into a Boston crab (or Walls of Jericho)�?However, instead of turning her over he falls backwards turning himself into a human catapult as DSL goes flying into the air and collides with the Heel team’s corner. Addams get’s up and puffs his chest out toward WallStreet and David as he says, " I Bet you WOULD like to get in here huh!?" Addams reaches out and smacks WallStreet�?The crowd gasps�?And then erupts as WallStreet darts through the ropes. Addams quickly grabs Harding and puts him in front of himself to stop WallStreet. Harding quickly restrains WallStreet and insists he go back to his corner as in the Heel corner Drew’s got DSL restrained in a hold that resembles a Sleeper and Tani Lyons is in delivering hard punches and kicks into her mid section. Scott walks over and grabs the top rope on one side as Tani grabs it on the other side and the two start doubling up on the hard stomps as Drew releases his hold from outside the ropes so that they can start to stomp her down into the mat. Busch, " Come on! It’s three on one for god’s sakes!" Heyman, "What’s wrong with that?" Busch, "What’s wrong with that?!?" Heyman, "Yeah. You act like DSL isn’t used to being in three on one situations with two men and a woman. She’s a movie star ya know�? Busch, "What?" Heyman, "Yeah, I saw her on the cover of a DVD at the rental shop the other day�?It was called "Bi Bi American Pie"." Busch, "I’m not surprised that’s the section you were lookin�?to rent from." Heyman, "I was just looking for a rest room�? Busch, "Uh-huh�?OH COME ON REF! Break this up!" WallStreet being no spring chicken, doesn’t take long to regain his composure realizing it was a bait and distract situation. But despite the fact that he’s back on the apron, Harding’s still admonishing him. Finally he turns around just in time to see a now seated DSL being stomped away by Addams and Lyons. Harding darts over and demands that one of them exit, so, Addams does so leaving Tani Lyons in. Busch, " For those of you keeping track at home there was no tag there, however, That should come as no surprise considering the way these thugs operates." Heyman, "Thugs? What’s with the name calling Berty?" Busch, "I’m just callin�?it how I see it." Heyman, "Then buy some glasses and try it again." Harding not content to just have Addams out of the ring, starts getting on Tani to get DSL out of the corner. Tani doesn’t pay much attention but seems to of had those plans anyway as she reaches down, grabbing two fist fulls of The Lunatic’s hair and pulling her up to her feet and out of the corner. Tani turns around, re grabbing her hand fulls of hair and then drops to a knee, snapping DSL over to her ass with a hairmare (Snapmare using the hair instead of the back of the head). DSL grabs her neck as Tani darts back, hit’s the ropes, rushes back toward DSL, leaps up and delivers a hard drop kick to the seated mid-back of the Lunatic. DSL’s arms immediately shoot out from the shock of the shot as she slowly rolls to her knees and forehead holding her back. Tani pushes her over to her back and hooks the far leg with a look of confidence on her face as Harding drops down and counts …………………One………………Two………�?But to grand appeal to the capacity crowd in Greenville, DSL shoots that arm up, wincing in pain as she does so. Tani Lyons gets up, clearly a little peeved as she starts arguing with Jason Harding while DVD and WallStreet can be heard encouraging The Sweet Lunatic from the corner. Tani turns around and struts toward DSL And WallStreet, taking a minute to highlight her body by pointing toward herself with her hands and letting her hands skim down from her shoulders to her waist as she says, "Don’t You Wish�? She smirks, but, out of no where DSL rolls her up with a Schoolboy making Harding slide down quickly and count ………………One………………Two……………Thr�?Tani just kicks out. Busch, " Tani Lyons choosing to take time to try and trash talk with WallStreet and the Heavyweight Champion David Van Dam and it nearly cost her dearly." DSL rolls up holding her back in pain as a clearly surprised and offended Tani Lyons shoots toward her looking for a clothesline, however, DSL ducks under, hooks the arm Tani was gonna clothesline her with, and then as Tani instinctively throws her other arm back to catch her balance DSL hooks that one too, dropping to her knees and letting Tani’s back slide down DSL’s own back till her shoulders hit the mat. Busch, " DSL counters with the backslide, One! Two! Thr�?AH! Only Two!" Tani kicks herself over to her knees and quickly gets up as DSL’s still on a knee holding her back. Tani rushes over and grabs DSL’s head to pull her up but when she does DSL reaches up, snatches Tani’s head with her arm and Tani’s leg with her own leg, rolling Tani over in a Small Package (or an inside cradle if you will) making Harding slide down yet again. Busch, " The Lunatic with the Inside Cradle! One, Two, Thre�?Tani escapes again, this time less than a hiccup from defeat!" Tani shoots up and this time darts over and makes the tag into Scott Addams as DSL holds her back before (and while) leaping out and extending her free hand to make a tag too�? WallStreet! The crowd erupts as Scott’s eyes get wide with surprise. WallStreet points across the ring, his own eyes wide, as in one word he spikes the entire arena�?" YOU!" WallStreet enters the ring and Points again, " YOU!" He then starts waving for Addams to get in as the crowd is going ballistic�?/P> Busch, " Yes! We’ve Been waiting for two weeks to see this! Get in there and take whatcha got comin to ya son!" Scott comes in and darts at WallStreet, but WallStreet quickly opts to do the same and extends that right arm, driving Addams to his back with a big clothesline as the crowd cheers emphatically. Addams rolls back up and this time WallStreet raises his big elbow and Drives it hard into the skull of Addams, dropping him hard again. Addams rolls back up, retreating toward the ropes but WallStreet comes right after him and grabs him by the wrist. WallStreet pushes Addams back further against the ropes and then shoots him out with a big Irish Whip. Addams darts across, hit’s the far ropes, comes back, and�?/P> Busch, " SPINEBUSTER! What a Spinebuster by WALLSTREET!" WallStreet shoots up, points to the crowd and shoots his arms up and out as they are on their feet, screaming their lungs out for this one time appearance of the Corporate Icon. Busch, " This capacity crowd is on their feet for the Corporate Icon here in Greenville!" Addams holds his back as he slowly starts pulling himself up�? WallStreet stalks behind him and the mere act of stalking has the fans continuing to go wild�?Addams gets up, stagger-turns and when he does BAM! A big kick in the gut. Busch, " The Bailout Has Been Vetoed! The Stock Market Is about to CRASH!" Heyman, "NO!" WallStreet butterflies the arms as Tani hops in through the ropes, only to be cut off by ICWA Official Jason Harding. Addams drops to a knee and struggles as WallStreet glances behind him to figure out what’s going on that made the ref dart away�?In that split second of distraction Addams breaks his arms free and quickly untucks his head and raises his arm, delivering a hard low blow to WallStreet. The crowd’s reaction instantly turns as WallStreet grabs his fellas and drops to his knees. Addams darts back, hit’s the ropes, and leads with his foot delivering a running face wash (Picture Test’s big boot) to WallStreet as he’s on his knees. WallStreet’s eyes roll back in his head as his body goes high and right before rolling and flopping to his chest and face. Addams shakes the cobwebs from the previous shots and drops to his knees, rolling WallStreet to his back and hooking the near leg as he rolls so his back’s on WallStreet’s higher chest. With a hand in the air, he counts along with Harding�?/P> Busch, " Oh Come on! Not this way!" Harding and Addams: ONE! (Crowd booing) Heyman, "What "way"? That was a legal kick." Busch, " And an illegal low blow to set it up!" Heyman, "What low blow? I didn’t see a lowblow." Harding & Addams: TWO! Busch, " Yeah, and neither did the damn referee! Addams is gonna win this thing and it’s a damn travesty!" WallStreet musters all of his might and just before Harding can slap the mat for three, WallStreet places his palms on Addam’s back and kicks out with great authority, making the crowd instantly erupt. Busch, " HE KICKED OUT! WALLSTREET KICKED OUT! BAH GOD Paul! I don’t believe it!" Heyman, "HOW?! With that lowblo�?I mean, That vicious but legal kick to the face�?HOW?!" Busch, "Cause he’s got something called GUTS! He’s got something called HEART DAMN IT!" Heyman, "Oh give me a break!" Addams looks both shocked and offended, an expression that’s becoming quite common for team Stryker. Speaking of Stryker, he’s not too pleased either as he’s pounding the outside mat insisting Addams find a way to put WallStreet away quickly. Heyman, "DO SOMETHING JIMMY!" Busch, "Thus far, To Jimmy Stryker’s credit and my own surprise, Jimmy Stryker has not made himself a factor in this match up at all." Addams gets up, seemingly surprised himself that he didn’t put WallStreet away with that. WallStreet starts pushing himself to his knees, still holding his groin region as Addams decides to rush the process and grab him by the hair, pulling him up, Addams extends his free hand and makes the tag to Stevenson as DVD seems frustrated in the corner that he’s not in a position to get the tag and come in himself. Drew comes in and delivers a hard kick to WallStreet’s gut as Scott finally releases the fist full of hair he had on him and heads out of the ring. Drew reaches over and grabs a side headlock and then runs forward a few steps, leaping up and driving the Corporate Icon’s face into the mat with a running bulldog. WallStreet grabs his face as Drew rolls him over with an amateur based half nelson roll over, then keeping WallStreet’s head and hooking it with that same arm that half nelsoned him, using his other arm to hook the far leg. Harding drops down and counts …………………One………………Two…………�?Only two as WallStreet kicks out to the crowd’s delight. Drew quickly grabs WallStreet’s left arm, wraps his legs around Street’s neck and applies a triangle choke. Busch, " This is not a position that WallStreet wants to be in. He’s down on the mat and Drew Stevenson, one of the game’s all time greats in terms of submission and ground wrestling has that deadly triangle choke well intact�?That boils down to nothing good for WallStreet." Heyman, "Which boils down to a win for the Stryke Force." Busch, " The "Stryke Force"?" Heyman, "Yeah�?You know, Jimmy Stryker�?Stryke Force�? Busch, "I understood the origin of the name Paul�? Heyman, "Well I can never be too sure�?You’re one of these Southern Guys and I know "yall" aren’t very bright." Busch, "Bright enough that I’ve never worked for anybody that couldn’t afford to pay me and bounced my checks like a rubber ball." Heyman, "�?FONT color=#000000> Oh, Gee, I’ve never gotten that crap before Bradsha�?Oh, Excuse me, Busch." Busch, "Hey, I have RVD on the phone�?He’d like to know when he can expect the insane amount of money you still owe him?" Heyman, "Ya know how I know you’re full of crap? He’s too high to remember I owe him any money." Back in the ring WallStreet’s wincing, trying desperately to pull Drew’s legs apart, but, with no luck. Harding is right down, asking WallStreet if he’d like to give it up, but he refuses. WallStreet starts pounding his foot on the mat as David’s slapping the top turnbuckle pad and DSL’s looking out, encouraging the crowd to get loud. They really don’t require all that much encouragement however, as it takes them no time to start screaming for WallStreet. With their wall trembling support, WallStreet begins using his all to roll to start to fight to his side, however, Drew has that hold locked in tight and shows no signs of releasing. WallStreet uses his strength to prop himself up and while Drew maintains his hold, WallStreet ends up rolling him over to shoulders and Harding drops down and starts counting …………………One………………Two………………Thr.. For the sake of not getting pinned Drew finally relinquishes the hold. WallStreet drops to a knee holding his left shoulder as Stevenson rolls up to his feet. WallStreet pulls himself up, his back to Drew as he holds his shoulder�?He turns around and Drew hooks his shoulder with his arm in the set up for the Rock Bottom�? Busch, " Uh-Oh…He’s looking for the Emerald Pride�? WallStreet quickly raises his knee into Drew’s abs. Drew keeps his hold so WallStreet raises a second knee, then a third. Drew staggers back and WallStreet drives forward, leaving his feet as he damn near clothesline’s Drew right out of his boots. The crowd instantly erupts but WallStreet’s down holding that left shoulder and it’s hard telling how much damage Drew’s Triangle choke did. Busch, " WallStreet nearly lopped the Emerald’s head off with that clothesline but�?It appears that he may have pulled or torn something in that left arm when Drew applied that triangle choke hold. Ordinarily that hold may not be as high-damage, however, When someone as expert in the submission wrestling field as Drew Stevenson applies a hold�?Whether it be a headlock or that Career Killer Texas Cloverleaf, it’s always a dangerous, Dangerous place to be." WallStreet holds his arm and starts crawling toward his corner as Van Dam is up on the bottom rope, leaning in, beggin for a tag. Busch, " The Champion hasn’t had a chance to get in here and do much through out this entire match�?He’s itching for an opportunity. As Drew starts pulling himself up, WallStreet gets to his knees and then leaps forward, tagging David and making the crowd erupt. Van Dam enters quickly and Drew comes rushing over looking to cut him off with a clothesline�?David Ducks under and as Drew swings himself around David hooks his neck and his leg and sends him up and over with a T Bone Suplex. The crowd erupts as Busch says, " The Champion is in and these fans are On Their FEET!" Addams and Tani Both rush into the ring and come darting David’s way. David ducks an attempted right hand from Addams and wraps "Greatness Incarnate"s waist in a rear waist lock before popping back and taking him over with a big German Suplex release. DSL quickly enters and darts over, spearing Tani Lyons down and sliding up to her upper torso, delivering a series of hard rights to her head as the fans are going crazy. David gets up and rips down his Singlet straps as he lets out a loud and intense yell that the fans eat up. Busch, " Bah God! This thing is breaking down!" Drew comes out of no where and clobbers David from behind with a hard forearm. David stumbles and turns around as Drew grabs him by the wrist and goes to Whip him out of the corner�?However as he does, Drew keeps the whip and ends up whipping him right back into t he corner he was originally in�?Unfortunately ICWA Official Jason Harding wasn’t expecting that turn in events and ends up being crushed by David in the corner. Harding drops down and rolls out of the ring as David looks down, not sure what happened there. Busch, " Oh No! Harding’s been taken out!" Drew suddenly hooks Van Dam from behind him and hoists him up, looking for his version of the Angle slam�?David slides down behind Stevenson, hooks the leg and the wrist and quickly takes Drew back with his own Angle Slam. Busch, " LAST CHANCE! David just hit the last chance but we don’t have a referee!" David gets up and turns�?KA-BOOM! Jimmy Stryker drives a running big boot right into the champions face and the crowd instantly starts booing. Busch, " NO! NO! DAMN IT NO!" WallStreet suddenly darts across the ring and leaps up, driving a hard elbow right into Stryker’s mouth. Stryker staggers back and looses his footing, falling between the ropes to the floor. The crowd erupts and WallStreet turns around just intime to take a loaded right hand from Addams. WallStreet goes out on his feet and seemingly glides into the corner. Busch, " Damn it! Scott Addams has that chain he used to take out Zarek Lyle last week and it’s wrapped around his fist!" DSL, who got lost in her aggressions toward Tani gets grabbed by the hair as Drew pulls her up off of Tani and throws her into the corner. DSL hit’s the corner hard, staggers out and Drew hooks her by the shoulder and this time is successful in landing an Emerald Pride (Rock Bottom). The crowd is booing loudly as Jimmy Climbs back into the ring. David’s getting back up so Jimmy yells for Drew and points to David. Drew comes up from behind and clobbers him again with a hard forearm to the back. Suddenly the strong instrumental lead in of "Exs and Ohs" by Atreyu hit’s the PA and the crowd immediately gets to their feet�?/P> Busch, " Wait�?That’s�? Zarek Lyle sprints from behind the curtain with a pair of jeans and a Skull Graphic Tee on�?A blue folding chair in his hand. Zarek darts down the ramp and slides into the ring�?Drew turns around and CRAAAAAACK! He takes the folded steel right over the head. Addams darts toward Zarek but Zarek jabs Addams in the gut with the chair. Zarek hooks Addams arms and starts setting up for his version of the Verta-breaker as Stryker hops out of the ring. Zarek nails his "Sweet Misery" and the crowd erupts. Busch< " SWEET MISERY! SWEET MISERY and Jimmy Stryker’s getting the Hell outta dodge before he gets him some too!" Addams rolls out holding his neck, Drew’s already done the same on the opposite side of the ring as only Tani Lyons is left in the ring from team Stryker. Everyone slowly starts getting up, including Tani. Tani holds her head and stumbles back, paying no mind till her back collides with WallStreet’s chest. The crowd grows a buzz knowing something’s about to happen as Tani’s eyes get wide�?She looks around and she sees DSL, She Sees David, and she seems Zarek�?But, she can do the math and she knows somebody’s missing�?Instead of turning around she tries to dart away but WallStreet quickly reaches out and grabs a fist full of her waist band. He drops to a knee and puts her over his knee as she kicks about and the crowd is screaming�? Heyman, "YOU CAN’T DO THIS!" Busch, " I reckon he’s fixin too! Unless you’re gonna go stop him Paul!" WallStreet raises his right hand and sure enough, he starts paddling her ass as the crowd goes absolutely nuts. Busch, " WallStreet just put that jezebel over his knee and he’s makin�?up for years of what her Daddy never did." Finally he releases her and she rolls out of the ring holding her ass as the crowd is on their feet. Zarek pulls off his T Shirt and when he does we see everything from his waist band to his pecs is heavily tapped up. He tosses his shirt to a fan as all of the baby faces seem to be feelin pretty good. On the floor Jimmy’s collected his whole crew and none of them seem too happy as Drew and Scott hold their necks and Tani holds her ass. David reaches between the ropes and is handed a microphone as the rest of the faces stand about in various spots in the ring. David, " Jimmy……�?Congratulations. You’re "great" plan has finally worked�?You’ve finally warn my last nerve and if the only way I’m gonna get your big ass In this ring is to put my Championship on the line……�?Well on October 24th when we return to the Greenville Convention Center�?To the ICWA ARENA (Crowd cheers)…�?(David looks at WallStreet) You bring the match contract, (looks at Jimmy) You bring that big ass, and I’LL bring the ICWA Heavyweight Championship!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, " WHAT?! He’s gonna defend the title against Jimmy Stryker?! BAH GOD! THAT’S HUGE!" Jimmy grins as David looks very serious when saying, " But Jimmy�?Be Forewarned, you haven’t accomplished any great feat by getting me to go against my own ethics and give you an undeserved title shot…�?All you’ve done is assure that your lengthy career will end up just a little bit shorter than it would have if you’d of been smart enough to stay out of my way. When you get in this ring with me Jimmy, I’ll guarantee you two things�?Number One, You’ll wish you hadn’t, and number two, I WILL Still be EYE SEE DOUBLE-YOU EH HEAVYWEIGHT…………�? CHAMP-I-ON!" The crowd erupts as David drops the mic and "Worlds Greatest" by R Kelly begins blasting over the PA. Busch, " I can’t believe it! Jimmy Stryker, David Van Dam, ICWA Heavyweight Championship! It’s gonna be official! In two weeks MJ Storm makes his in ring return to the ICWA after more then a year’s hiatus! Christian Michaels and Whysper take on Six and Rising Inc for the ICWA Tag Team Championships! And Bah God�?Jimmy Stryker and David Van Dam�?They’re gonna make this whole thing official and set up for what may be the biggest Heavyweight title match in recent memory! I Can’t believe it! You can’t miss this! We’ll see ya on the twenty-forth�?BAH GOD!" | |
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Credits Thanks to Justin AKA Scott Addams for the Show banner Thanks to Jeff AKA King Slender/6 and Rising Inc for writing The Scott Andrews/King Slender match and the Terry Kenderson/Shattered Soul match Thanks to Justin AKA Scott Addams for writing the TOG/Superbeast Match Thanks to Johnathan AKA CM for writting the CM/Joe Six Pack match and the Angelina/Faith Rivers Women's Title match And of course thanks to everyone who RPed | |
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