 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 4/13/2005 9:11 AM |
ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | Here we are again. Just moments away from a high impact episode of ICWA Demented live on USA, as a re-run of Nash Bridges is drawing to it’s conclusion. Just as normal the final credits begin to show as we hear the female narrator from the USA Network pop on. Narrator, "And now it’s time for two hours of neck crushing, head banging action as ICWA Demented explodes on USA!" NASH BRIDGES USA Network The scene briefly fades to black before kicking back up showing a video replay of some of last weeks events. From the Debut of Dark Child where he decimated 11 people and announced his freedom from the Originators and his alignment with the ICWA and more specifically, the Entourage. Missy Bytch winning the women’s championship only to find out that Krystin Pryce was behind the most recent attack, as Krystin relayed this message via a frying pan to the head. Mace’s decimation of Matt Matlock, hooking the bra around his back, and of course Carl Cross’s attempt to take out Jacob Mitchell. We see the graphic of the Cloaked performer, who after last week we strongly suspect to be the legendary Jimmy Stryker, even bits of WallStreet speech, more specifically the return of Brock Lesnar and the announcement of the huge "Impress the Boss" match scheduled for next week. Finally the video concludes as �?A target=_top href="http://a420.v8383d.c8383.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/420/8383/3b858b51/mtvrdstr.download.akamai.com/8512/wmp/0/3397/oocboard.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=10874&LastModified=4675709729137558421">Encore" by Eminem begins playing over the PA and the ICWA Dementa-Tron kicks on with the Demented video reel.  | After the footage finishes rolling the pyro explodes, sending the capacity crowd into a frenzy. The crowd is going nuts and the cameras are sweeping the arena as JR says, "Welcome to ICWA Demented! We thank you for letting us into your living rooms tonight, and I personally think that we have got an explosive card set for you!" Cross, "Absolutely JR! Tonight’s card is full of action, especially the main event where�? The crowd sees the match banner pop onto the Dementa-Tron and goes wild as Cross continues, "No Limits Christian Skywalker returns, to defend his ICWA United States Championship against ICWA Intercontental Champion, Alexis Davis!" Heyman, "Yeah, that’s great, but this is more than just a title match�?Christian Skywalker has held the United States championship for it’s entire existence. There has never been another US Champion. Look at the history, He defeated two of the ICWA’s top guys at that time, Layla Cassidy and Shawn Michaels, as well as 10 other guys including the likes of Sting and Triple X, in order to become the US Champion. He went on and successfully defended his championship against some of the best in the business including DSL." JR, "That’s absolutely true, Christian Skywalker a proven champion here in the ICWA, but you can’t argue with the momentum of the rookie Alexis Davis. She made her professional wrestling a little over a month ago when she won the Intercontentl championship in a battle royal, defeating an ICWA Main stay in Blaze Inferno, as well as a couple of fellow rookies who have really proven their worth recently in the ICWA Hardcore champion Bobby Johnson and Ryan Michaels." Cross, "This one’s gonna be a dosey." Heyman, "But let’s not forget that our own Carl Cross gets in the ring with�?(laughs)�?nWs member�?(laughs) Jacob MITCHELL!" Heyman burst out in laughter as Cross says, "Well I’m glad someone finds it amusing. I was simply defending myself last week and WallStreet has taken it upon himself to force me into this match with Mitchell and frankly it’s just not right!" JR, "I Agree with ya buddy, we’ll be rootin for ya." Heyman, "Speak for yourself JR, I can’t wait to see what Mitchell does to you in the ring." JR, "Neither here nor there�?Let’s not forget about the big match that came about from events last week�? The crowd pops for the Jesus/Taz match as JR proceeds, "Tonight in one on one competition Taz will meet the battered and bruised Y2Jesus, and honestly, the odds don’t bid well for the self appointed Savior." Heyman, "Taz isn’t a regular wrestler, he’s a savage beast! Taz reigned over the ECW for nearly a decade. He is the ONLY man to ever come back to the ECW while under contract for another organization, and become the ECW Heavyweight champion. The man is good, arguably the best there’s ever been, and tonight Y2J wants to fight him on one leg? Taz is gonna rip him apart!" Cross, "I don’t know, I think that he’s got a pretty good shot, Jesus is a bit of an obnoxious�?annoyance at times, but as JR might mention, his heart’s immeasurable." JR, "There’s no question about that." Before they can further their commentary All of the sudden, the lights go out and a deep male voice come over the PA system and begins to countdown, 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white and blue pyro explodes from each side of the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker makes his way from behind the curtain. The crowd erupts with a loud ovation as he is standing at the top of the ramp posing with his United States title. JR, "There he is! The ICWA United States Champion, finally making his return after over a year hiatus!" Cross, "Listen to this crowd!" The crowd is going absolutely ballistic as He stands there for a few moments smiling and soaking in the applause of the fans. He then begins to walk slowly down the ramp. He stops halfway down the ramp and poses for the crowd some more. He then walks the rest of the way down the ramp and climbs the stairs to the ring. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns to taunt the crowd some more and they eat up every moment of it. He then gets into the ring and goes over to the stage help to ask for a mic which they give him promptly. He walks back to the center of the ring and tries to talk, but the ovation is too much for him to speak. The Hartford Civic Center is full of cheers for their hero, and US Champ, Christian Skywalker. Finally however, they turn the volume down enough to allow No Limits some speaking time.  | No Limits, "It damn sure feels good to be back (Crowd pops). ……�?You know, I’ve been sitting at home, watching, waiting, all the while saying, ‘Where’s my call? When are they going call up the single greatest entertainer of all time (crowd pops) to come up to the ICWA and get the job done like only No Limits Christian Skywalker can do!?�?And then it happened�?I picked up the phone and who did I hear but ICWA Talent Coordinator William Regal asking ‘When da bloody Hell can ya return chum?�?So I told Regal the first thing that came to mind, which as I recall went a little something like ‘By George, pour me a spot of tea, bake me a biscuit, and put away your queen Elizabeth dolls, The Champ is on his way BACK TO THE ICWA BABY!" The crowd is going wild as Christian has that big ol smirk on his face while he glances over the erupting sea of humanity before him. No Limits, "Now tonight I make my return, and fittingly enough I return in the main event against a hot young rookie�?and you can take that description anyway ya want to (winks)�?Who reminds me a lot of myself. Just like I beat out 11 other people in a battle royal to become the first, and ONLY United States champion, Alexis has beat out 6 other people in the Battle Royal to become the IC Champion. And just like myself, Alexis is on a hot little win streak with her championship. And just like myself, Alexis seems to be having a Rookie year that would make even Kurt Angle a little jealous�?But the difference is, that my rookie year has passed, and here I still stand as the ICWA’s Undefeated United States champion. See when I first came in, everyone thought I was just hype. I came in with a lot to carry because every PLW graduate before me, either turned their back on this company and ran for sanctuary in the warm and coddling arms of SDE, or they simply didn’t have that drive and determination left in em once they passed the grueling punishment distributed in the PLW. So here we stood, Myself and a guy named Scott Jensen (crowd pops) as the only PLW Graduates left, and we’ve been forced to carry the burden of the ignoramuses before us. I’m clearly a Heavyweight Championship caliber performer, yet I haven’t received my shot, and why? Because the powers that be fear that I will follow in the foot steps of those who came before me. So tonight Alexis, our similarities�?our mirrored paths to success, well they have to end. Because by being the Unified champion, I’m just winning a belt or adding another title to my legacy, I’m proving a point�?That I can take the ball and run with it, and when I do, it’s not gonna be ran up the bleachers and out of the stadium to a "softer" "nicer" place, it’s gonna be taken DIRECTLY into the ICWA ENDZONE! BOO-YA, 6 POINTS ON THE BOARD, AND BAM! I’LL KICK THE EXTRA POINT MYSELF AND IT IS GOOD!!" The crowd is really getting into the excitement of No Limits as they begin chanting "CHRISTAIN, CHRISTIAN, CHRISTIAN, CHRISTIAN, CHRISTIAN�? Which simply leaves No Limits smiling. JR, "No question these fans are behind the United States champion�? No Limits, "So while I hate to be the guy that has to draw your hot streak to an end, unfortunately I have no cho�? Before he can finish ‘Perfect Strangers�?by Deep Purple blast over the PA making the crowd’s little ‘Christian�?chant draw to an end as they begin booing, rather loudly. Christian’s look changes to one of annoyance as out from behind the curtain comes none other than The Franchise Shane Douglas. Shane Douglas stands on the ramp and talks a little smack, although he’s yet to bring the mic that he carried out, to his lips. JR, "Now what the Hell does this guy want?!" Heyman, "I don’t mean to point out the Obvious�?Ah Hell, sure I do, He’s the number 1 contender! At Resurrection he’s gonna meet the winner of tonight’s main event, that’s why he’s out here!" Cross, "He makes a valid point JR." Heyman, "Of course I do�?Say when did you become my Publicist?! I don’t need you defending my points, Shut up!" Shane Douglas, "You wanta cry me another sob tail, or was that the only one ya had? Why don’t you start telling as about how your daddy was a drunk or your momma didn’t love you enough�?HA-HA, Shut it Jackass! You aren’t being held back because some jackass rookies who graduated from the ICWA Training camp decided to take their training and run off with it, you’re not the Heavyweight champion because you’re simply not that good." The crowd boos as Shane glares at them momentarily before turning his attention back to No Limits and saying, "Face it Christian, your career’s been the quickest in this sport’s history. You went from Rookie to washed up in the same year. I’ve seen the tapes, you call yourself ‘No Limits�?! Pfft, at best your tag name should be ‘Luckiest Guy In The Business�? because that’s all you are. What’s winning a battle royal say? You were bright enough to keep your feet on the mat? Congratulations, any two-bit idiot can do that, Alexis proved that by winning the Intercontental strap a few weeks back." The crowd boos as Shane starts to walk forward, slowly getting ready to head down the ramp as Christian takes a step back in the ring and mentally prepares himself for a fight. Shane continues, "I’ve gotten in the ring with guys like Dick Flair, Ricky Steamboat, and Terry Funk and the only names you can pull out of your hat are what? Layla? DSL? A couple of broads who you happened to meet with at ‘That time of the month�? Let me tell ya what a real�? As he’s talking the crowd suddenly erupts, although we aren’t sure why. Suddenly we hear that oh too familiar sound of steal on flesh as Douglas drops down to a knee and we realize that Alexis has come down and struck with a blue folding steal chair. She has her Intercontental championship firmly strapped around her waist and her hands firmly wrapped around the legs of that steal chair as she cocks back and BAM!, Right across the back of the head of the Franchise. JR, "BAH GAWD, What a SHOT!" Alexis has a look on her face of pure hate, as JR might say she looks like she’s possessed. JR, "She looks like she’s possessed!" Case and point. Never the less She looks up into the ring where Christian is smirking, clearly amused by the misfortune of Douglas. Alexis chucks the chair to the side, darts down and slides into the ring as Christian gets a much more serious look, again prepaired for a fight. Alexis gets up in No Limit’s face and there they stand, face to face in what looks like the perfect image for a promotional poster for the HBO PPV Fight of the Year. JR, "What a main event it’s gonna be when these two meet!" Cross, "Damn Skippy!" The scene fades as the two just glare at each other. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | As the cameras come back from commercial the Dementa-Tron lights up as it has a label reading ::Moments Ago::. JR, "If you’re just joining us, you missed quite the opener�? ICWA Demented Live. ::Moments Ago:: | It starts with Shane Douglas walking down the ramp, already speaking as it catches him saying, "Let me tell ya what a real�? Before he can finish we see Alexis come from behind and slam a blue folding steal chair over the back of the Franchise. Shane Drops to a knee and Alexis pegs him something fierce across the back of the skull. Then the scene skips over the chair toss and running toward the ring and simply shows Alexis and Christian standing face to face in the ring, before the footage kicks off. | JR, "This main event is heatin�?up." The cameras switch to a very large locker room in the back where we see WallStreet sitting behind a desk, and on the other side of the desk is Shawn Allen as between them is a chest board which the two seem to be playing chest on. On the couch DC and Bobby are both seated playing ICWA Demented: Internal Rage for Playstation 2. The game isn’t released yet to the public, but from what we can see of what they’re playing the graphics seem extrodanary, much better than the first Demented Game released back in the early part of 2003. The calm environment however, is quickly disrupted as the door swings open and in walks an irate Shane Douglas. Shane, "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS?!" Shawn turns in his chair and says, "What’s up man?" Shane, "What’s up?! WHAT’S UP?! I’ll tell ya "What’s Up", I just got attacked by that little bitch Alexis, that’s "What’s up". Shawn, "Relax, we saw the attack, and we were about to come out, but WallStreet told us to relax." Turning to WallStreet Shane says, "YOU WHAT?!" WallStreet, "Calm down, look�? Shane brings his hand down with great force and backhands the chest pieces off the board and clear against the wall. Shane, "NO, YOU LOOK! I HAVEN’T BUSTED MY ASS FOR SO DAMN MANY YEARS SO THAT I COULD COME INTO SOME CORPORATION RIP OFF AND GET LEFT OUT THERE TOO HAVE MY ASS KICKED BY SOME 2 BIT SKANK!!" WallStreet stands up and gets face to face with Douglas as at this point DC and Bobby have paused the game and everyone’s attention is on WallStreet and Douglas. WallStreet, "Listen pal, you need to calm down, and you need to do it quick, fast, and in a hurry. Let me double check something real quick�?All the Billionaires in this room, raise your hand." Nobody raises there hand, but WallStreet slowly puts his hand up, and leaves it there only momentarily before continuing, "From what I can tell I’m the only Billionaire in this room�?Or even in this Arena. And I didn’t obtain my fortune by being an idiot, okay? I know what I’m doing. The Entourage stayed back here because it wouldn’t have served a purpose to come out there. She hit ya twice with a chair and that was the end of it. It would have been different if she’d of pummeled you or Christian had joined in, but it was a small attack that was designed to send a message. By the time we’d of gotten to the ring they’d of been gone, or we’d of had to beat the piss out of both of em and then there goes my Main Event. No see, I have different plans for Chrissy and Lexxy tonight�? WallStreet gets a big grin on his face as Douglas seems to have relaxed a bit and nods. WallStreet, "See, I figure that�? The cameras fade out of The Entourage’s locker room and comes into the ring as The lights go out, then they flash on and off changing from blue to red. Lies by Evanescence hits the PA and she steps out from behind the curtain. She is dressed in A long black over coat that goes all the way to the floor. Under that is a pink top and black leather paints that flair out at the bottom. She stands there for a second looking down at the floor letting her hair fall in her face. Then she walks to one end of the stage to the next like edge does. The bell sounds three times as this is the opening bout, and then Finkle Announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following bout is scheduled for ONEFALL! With a 10 minute time limit! On her way to the ring, hailing from Detroit Michigan�?She is The Ravishing PIT-BULLLLLL!" She walks down to the ring and jumps up on to the ring. She climbs threw the ropes. She slowly takes off her jacket and hands it over to the person waiting for it. She walks around the ring a few times and glares at everyone before retreating to a corner. She looks around then looks down at the floor and lets her hair fall in front of he face. She then looks up and watches threw her hair for her "Victim" to come to her. "Dead Bodies everywhere" by Korn comes on over the PA system. The Lights go out except a single blood red spot light which makes it's way to the top of the ramp. Akasha comes out with her long black trench coat on out from behind the curtain. She makes her way down the ramp with the lights still out. Finkle, "And her opponent... Hailing from Dracula's Castle... AKASHA!" She climbs into the ring and she raises her arms up and Red pyro goes off threw out the arena. The lights come back on and Akasha Yells for them to shut of her music. As the music fades and the lights readjust ICWA Women’s Division referee Brian Hebnar calls for the bell as Akasha and Pitbull slowly step around sizing each other up. Suddenly both Akasha and Pitbull rush in and tie up with force but almost instantly Pitbull places her thumb nail into the eye of Akasha. Akasha spins around holding her eye in pain as Pitbull runs and bounces off the ropes. The Ravishing one comes off as Kasha turns facing Pitbull and gets met with a clothesline. Akasha falls and Pitbull runs over to the left hand side of the ring this time and bounces off the ropes. Bull runs as Kasha turns to her chest. Pitbull jumps over Akasha and Akasha hops up as Pitbull is hitting the right hand side ropes. Pitbull comes back and ducks down as Akasha leap frogs over Pitbull. Pitbull hits the right hand ropes as Akasha turns to face her. Pitbull comes back and Akasha executes a quick hip toss. Pitbull and Akasha both get up quickly and Pitbull runs back at Akasha only to get hit with another Hip toss. Pittbull gets up again and seems to be stumbling as Akasha grabs her by the arm and nails a Single arm DDT. The crowd boos as Akasha rolls Pitbull over and then hooks the far leg as Hebnar counts .....1...2. Only two as Pitbull kicks out. Akasha gets up and Then grabs Pitbull by the hair and guides her up but Pitbull delivers a stiff elbow to the ribs of Akasha followed by two more and then picks Akasha up and hits a side slam. Pitbull sits for a second catching her breath as the crowd boos the Ravishing one. Pitbull gets up as Akasha is getting to her knees. Pitbull steps over Akasha and puts on the camel clutch as Akasha screams in pain. Hebnar gets right down in the face of Kasha Hebnar, "What do ya wanta do Kash? You wanta give it up?.... All ya gotta do is tap the mat and It's over." Akasha screams in pain but refuses to tap. Pitbull holds the move for about 45 seconds more and then gets frustrated and unlocks the hold to grab Akasha by the hair. Pitbull then slams Akasha's face into the mat by the hair. Hebnar gets right in Pitbull's face demanding she release the hold on Kash's hair and Pitbull eventually obliges. The Ravishing one walks around to the legs of Akasha and then hooks on the Boston crab. Akasha screams in pain as they are in center ring. Hebnar is right down in her face asking her if she wants to tap but she refuses as Pitbull has the hold synched in tightly. Akasha brings in her elbows and lifts up which only places more pressure on her back. Akasha begins to do a military crawl toward the ropes as she screams in pain. Very slowly The Vampire queen is progressing to the ropes. Finally Akasha pulls herself one last time and grabs the bottom rope. Hebnar calls for the break but Pitbull walks out to center ring again keeping the hold locked in. Hebnar goes back down asking Akasha if she wants to tap. Akasha fights as the pain is growing unbearable. Suddenly the crowd erupts for no apparent reason when suddenly Dark Angel (The one with J-lo pics�?Wow�?This is gonna get complicatedK) slides into the ring with a black steal chair in hand. Angel comes running at Pitbull with the chair but Pitbull releases the hold on Kasha and ducks the chair. Dark Angel hits the ropes and bounces back still holding the chair when Pitbull lifts her leg and delivers a big boot to the face of DA sending her falling through the second and third ropes where she lands hard on the outside canvass and then rolls to the floor. Pitbull walks over to the ropes glairing down at Angel who is right in front of the commentary tables. Pitbull starts talking smack to Angel when suddenly Pitbull is swung around and met with a stiff kick to the gut. Akasha then hooks the neck and leg of Pitbull and goes for a perfect plex but on the way up Pitbull puts her free leg back and hooks it on the top rope. Akasha tries to continue back but obviously doesn't have the power to lift the entire ring. Suddenly Pitbull frees her other leg and places both legs on the second rope and hooks Akasha’s head and swings off the ropes quickly landing the tornado DDT. The crowd is booing as Pitbull slowly begins pulling herself up off the mat. She stumbles back and lands with her back against the corner as a few feet in front of her Akasha is to her knees. Akasha slowly gets up, turns, and is met with The Pitbull Charge (Spear). Pitbull hooks the far leg as Hebnar counts ……�?………�?…………�?! The bell sounds as Finkle announces, "Your winner, via PINFALL�?THE PITTTTBUUUUULLLLLL!" JR, "The pitbull managed to put this hard fought contest away, but the bigger story here might be that young diva at ringside�?What did she invade this match for?!" Cross, "I don’t know but it looked like she was trying to attack Pitbull it didn’t seem to go over too well." On the floor DA is just glaring into the ring at a slightly confused Pitbull as the cameras go to the back where we Jacob Mitchell is seen doing push ups on the concrete floor in a random hallway that has a lot of equipment scattered about. As he proceeds to do push ups he hears some footsteps which makes him look up, making his eyes widen slightly as he says, "Well I’ll be damned�? He hops up off the floor and grins as he says, "It’s been a while�? With that the cameras pan out to show former nWs member Jamie Pierce. JR, "This is interesting, Pierce is actually the man responsible for training Mitchell until their egos eventually collided and they parted ways." Jamie puts out his hand and Mitchell nods and shakes it as Mitchell says, "So what the Hell are you doing here?" Pierce, "I have come to conquer the ICWA and reign supreme as the Perfect Prophecy." Mitchell doesn’t seem overly surprised by the "confidence" of Pierce as he knows him better than perhaps anyone else in the promotion, bar perhaps the remainder of the nWs. Jamie observes Mitchell and says, "I see you’re in your gear, who are you performing against?" Mitchell, "Carl Cross�? Jamie raises an eyebrow, "Who?" Mitchell, "Carl Cross." Just as Jacob did, Jamie repeats himself, "Who?" Mitchell, "He’s a commentator�? Jamie gets a very blank stair as Mitchell says, "Awe piss-off! He attacked me last week so tonight I take a week off of Icon Slaying and just drop his ass for shits and giggles. Then next week I’ve been told that I get to name my match Verses Ricky Carter, who is being brutalized tonight by Mace." Jamie nods as he apparently understands now. Jacob, "Anyway, that match is next, so I gotta roll, but take it easy and I’ll see ya round." Jamie nods as Mitchell walks off. JR, "I hope you’re ready Carl, cause Jacob Mitchell certainly seems like he is." Cross, "Yeah�?I hope so too�? *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | When cameras return from commercial we see Y2Jesus walking in the back. The crowd, surprisingly, pops. Jesus doesn’t seem to be limping as bad as he was last week; however that knee is still heavily braced. As he proceeds through the hallway he suddenly stops, and gets a less than gratified look on his face. The cameras pan out and there stands Walking Legacy Shawn Allen, along with Hardcore champion Bobby Johnson and US Title contender Shane Douglas, all of which have cocky smirks on their faces. Allen, "Well I’ll be damned�?Ya know I woke up today and I said to myself, I said ‘Shawn, today’s gonna be a good day…�?but I didn’t realize just how well my ESP was working. Shane and Bobby start to walk around the sides of Jesus, traping him in a bit of a Triangle as Jesus just stands, waiting for one of them to strike. Allen glances down and says, "So how is that knee of yours anyway Zeus? Hurt a little?" Allen laughs only to feel a sudden hand on his throat. Allen falls back and the cameras pan back to see that Taz has come from behind and locked on the Tazmission. Jesus realizes this is the best opportunity he’s gonna have so he turns and leaps, delivering a double clothesline to Johnson and Douglas. All three men go down but Jesus is the first to get back up. Jesus reaches over and grabs a folded steal chair that’s leaning on the wall rather conveniently, and then as Johnson gets to his feet, CRACK! Right over his head. Johnson hits the floor as Douglas gets to his feet, turns, and CRACK! Right across his head. With both Douglas and Johnson down and out Taz releases an unconscious Shawn Allen and gets up, getting face to face with Jesus. Taz, "…………�?Your Welcome." With that said Taz walks around Jesus and heads off down the hallway as Y2J just stands there and the cameras go back to the ring. JR, "Well later on those two are gonna be going at it, but it looks like, at least for the moment, Taz seems to have ‘The Savior’s�?back." Heyman, "Too bad he doesn’t have your back Carl, because now it’s time for the match I personally have been waiting for all week." The lights in the arena flicker, as the commentators and crowd watches the Dementa-tron, waiting for the man's introduction movie to hit. Red lights fill the arena, as the small projector in front of the stage begin to flash with Jacob's face and one of his trademark tattoo signs. Finally, the familiar guitar strums opening up "The Chauffeur" by Deftones plays over the P.A. System. The crowd jumped to their feet, booing Jacob yet at the same time anxiously waiting the arrival of The Prodigal Son. The black curtain was seen pushed to the side as Jacob slowly struts out and stopped at the top with his head cocked a bit. He holds both arms out to his side, with an cocky smirk on his face while he waves the crowd down. He dropped his arms back down to his side as he begins to walk down the ramp, watching the crowd laughing at them, making them boo him ever more for mocking them. Jacob has on his black tights, and tribal design on the back of his tights, which was outlined with a gold stroke, and in silver letters 'MITCHELL' which was also stroked with a gold outline. Once he reached the middle of the ramp, he slowly dropped down to his left knee and braced himself with his left arm and closed his eyes. He looked down at the steel ramp as sparks fell from the top of the Dementa-tron. After a few seconds, Jacob pushed himself back up and made his way down to the bottom of the ramp. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest has been scheduled for ONEFALL, With a 10 minute time limit! On his way to the ring, hailing from Honolulu Hawaii, he weighs in this evening at 265 pounds�?He is nWs representative Jacob_MITTTTTTCHEELLLLL!" He slid into the ring and pushed himself up back onto both feet. He ran over to the ring post, pulled himself up and extended his arms again. A few gold and white lights beamed down on Jacob, exposing his deep muscle definition. Though by now, the boos had gotten louder as Jacob's smirk got wider. He dropped his arms back down to his side and jumped back down to the mat. He backed up into the corner and rolled his head on his shoulders as he made his way to the turnbuckle in the opposite side. Jacob climbed up the turnbuckle again and held his arms out, gathering many more boos this time around. Chants of "Jacob Sucks" begun to start up, that only fed his ego more as he dropped doiwn to the mat and perched himself up onto the turnbuckle and looked down at the commentary table with a cocky smirk on his face, just waiting for his victim. At the commentary table Cross takes a deep breath before he says, "Okay, well I guess this is it�? Cross puts down his head set and walks around the table, and then slides into the ring as Mitchell hops down off the turnbuckle and referee Jack Doan calls for the bell. Mitchell and Cross glair into each others eyes briefly before they rush into the center of the ring and meet in a neck and elbow grapple. Mitchell quickly throws on a sideheadlock, albeit briefly as he is fast to roll around the side of Cross and lock on a rear waist lock. Mitchell hoist Cross up and then slams him down on his stomach and sprawls around the back of Cross, locking a very brief front face lock before slapping the back of the head of the one man commentary team and hoping up, making the crowd as he just smirks. JR, "What disrespect�?Jacob Mitchell is just toying with Cross." Heyman, "What disrespect?! Where were you saying ‘What disrespect�?when Carl Cross blatently attacked that man with a ring bell and delivered an elbow drop through this commentary table?!" Back in the ring Cross is on his knees glaring up at Mitchell who’s still just smirking. Cross stands up and the two again meet in a neck and elbow grapple. This time Cross goes for a sideheadlock but to no avail as Mitchell quickly pulls his head back and locks on the rear waist lock. Mitchell quickly releases the hold and pushes Cross�?back, making him stumble frontward as Mitchell just smirks, as he is like a cat playing with a ball of yarn named Carl Cross. Cross turns around, takes a deep breath, and says, ‘Okay, Okay�?Let me try this one more time.�?Mitchell laughs but agrees. The two go in for a third neck and elbow grapple but this time Cross jabs his thumb in the eye of Mitchell. The crowd pops as Mitchell steps back holding his eye. Cross suddenly begins unloading devastating right hand after right hand, the crowd growing loud in support of the one man Commentary Team. Cross his a fifth or sixth right hand, a quick roundhouse which puts Mitchell’s back on the ropes, and then BAM! The superkick (sweet chin music) which makes Mitchell go up and over the top rope and land on the floor bellow as the crowd goes nuts. JR, "BAH GAWD HE MAY JUST HAVE A SHOT AT THIS!" Heyman, "Oh yeah, piss Mitchell off, that’s a good idea. But I don’t know JR, I mean (using JR Voice) He MAY JUST HAVE A SHOT AT THIS! (Normal voice) pfft, yeah right." Mitchell gets up and glares in the ring at Cross who is back, allowing Mitchell to get in the ring. Mitchell wipes his face with his right hand, checking to make sure he’s not bleeding. Realizing his face is in fact bloodless, he slides in the ring and runs at Cross with great anger. Cross suddenly drops down and grabs onto the top rope, bringing it down with him, making Mitchell go up and over and land on the floor again, this time in front of the commentary station. JR, "Ha-ha, looks like Cross is playing a little himself!" Mitchell gets up, clearly very annoyed as he turns behind him and notices JR seems pretty pleased. Jacob walks over to the commentary table, leaning right in JR’s face as he says, "YOU THINK THIS FUNNY?! HOW ABOUT I THROW YOUR ASS IN THAT RING TOO?!" HUH JR?!" Clearly not feeling like talking anymore Mitchell slaps JR across the face, knocking the headset off of JR as he falls out of his chair holding his face. Mitchell looks like he’s about to say something else but he suddenly feels an arm on his shoulder. Mitchell turns around and there’s Carl Cross who begins unloading right hands as if his life depended on it. Jab after jab after stinging jab, he just keeps sending em until finally he has Mitchell staggering. Cross reaches back, and then in a fashion similar to the Rock, nails a huge right hand which makes Mitchell land back on the commentary table. Cross quickly runs back and hops up on the ring apron as the crowd is going nuts. Cross puts his arm in the air, runs the apron, leaps�?GOOD GOD! He went flying through the air as the area was over taken by the flashing of cameras but just in the nick of time Mitchell rolled off the commentary table and Cross when crashing through it. Heyman would probably say something but his headset has been ripped from his head, and JR is off to the side, still nursing that slapped right cheek. Mitchell glares down at Cross, before forming a small smirk as he re-adjust his tights slightly, then reaches down, grabs Cross by the neck and tights, lifts him up, and slides him into the ring. Mitchell slides in behind Cross and covers him as Doan counts ……�?……�?……�?But just before three Mitchell lifts Cross�?head and shoulders off the mat as the crowd boos and the official begins raising Hell. Mitchell tells Doan to Piss off as he stands up, and then pulls Cross to his feet. Mitchell smirks, and then out of no where, BAM, He has on the Mitchell Lock (modified cobra clutch). A barely conscious Mitchell tries to squirm free, but realizing that it just isn’t gonna happen and that the pain of this move is growing unbearable, he finds no choice but to tap out as Jack Doan calls for the bell. Finkle, "Your winner via SUBMISSION…�?Jacob_MITTTCHHEELLLLL!" Back in the ring however, Mitchell has refused to relinquish the hold. Time keeper Mark Eaton continues to ring the bell and Mitchell continues to hold on the Mitchell lock with a bit of fire in his eyes. Doan is pleading with Mitchell, even trying to physically break Mitchell’s hold. Finally however, Mitchell decides to release the hold and let Cross drop the mat, holding his neck and gasping for air. By now JR and Heyman have gotten headsets back on. JR, "What a vial, sorry excuse for a human being!" Heyman, "You’re just mad because he bitch slapped you." JR, "DON’T YOU TELL ME WHY I’M MAD! I’m not MAD, I’m DISGUSTED at the actions of this�?this�?This JACKASS!" Heyman, "That’s showing him JR, Call him a jackass!" JR, "WHY DON’T YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH PAUL!?!" Surprisingly, Paul obliges JR, probably due to shock that JR just stood up for himself. Back in the ring Mitchell has a grin from ear to ear as he glances down at JR and just snickers a bit. JR, "OH YEAH, YOU’RE A BIG BAD MAN! YOU WHIPPED MY ASS, CONGRATULATIONS! YOU’RE REALLY SOMETHING SPECIAL!" Mitchell obviously can’t hear JR from the ring so he just smirks as the cameras go to the back where Alexis is sitting in a locker room, pulling up her baby blue knee pads as she hears a knock at the door. Alexis, "Who is it?!" Some music begins playing as a male voice says, "Baby�?I know you hurting�?Right now you feel like you could never love again�?Now all I ask, is for a chance�?To prove that I know�? With that the door swings open as in burst Ricky Carter with remote control in his hand which seems to be posing as a microphone as he is lip sinking to The Backstreet Boys ‘I’ll Never Break Your Heart�?/FONT> Ricky (Lip sinking), "From the first day, that I saw your smiling face�?Honey I knew that we would be, together foreverrrr. Oooo When I asked you out�?You said no, but I found out Darlin that you’d been hurt, you thought that you’d never love again I deserve a try hunny, just once, give me a chance and I’ll prove this all wrong You walked in you were so quick to judge, But honey he’s nothing like me. I’ll Never Break Your Heart, I’ll Never Make You Cry I’d Rather Die, than live without�?You I’ll give you all of me, Honey that’s no lie I’ll Never Break Your Heart, I’ll Never Make You Cry I’d Rather Die, than live without�?You I’ll give you all of me, Honey that’s no lie As time goes by, you will get to know me�?BR>A little more better, girl that’s the way love goes! And I�?Know you’re afraid�?To let your feelings show And I Understand, Girl it’s time to let go I deserve a try honey, Just once, Give me a chance and I’ll prove this all wrong You walked in you were so quick to judge�? Ricky slides in front of Alexis on his knees as "He" sings (lip sinks), "Darlin why can’t you SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Alexis begins laughing as she says, "Oh my God�? Ricky, who is still lip sinking, slowly gets up and sits in her lap, leaning back as he continues to lip sink into his remote control. "�?I’ll Never break your heart, I’ll never make you cry I’d rather die, than live without you I’ll give you all of me Honey that’s no lie
I’ll Never break Your Heart (no way), NO way, (No How) Make You Cry�? No Way, No How�?IIIIIIIIII, I’ll Never Break Your Heart I’ll Never make you Cry I’d rather, than live with you I’ll give you all of me honey, that’s no lie. I’ll never break your heart, I’ll never make you cry�? Alexis is laughing hysterically as the music seems to be fading (thank god) and Ricky pops out of her lap with a big smile on his face. The song ‘Darlin�?begins to play (also from the Backstreet boys) as Alexis says, "Where is that terrible music coming from?!" Ricky walks out into the hallway and she follows behind, reviling a large boom box set on a chair. Alexis laughs as she says, "My God�?You are so silly." Ricky gets a big, child-like smile on his face as he says, "Sooooooo�?Wanta go play paintball?!" Alexis, "I’m sorry Ricky, but I really need to get focused on this match tonight." Ricky, "Awe come on, I have Mace tonight but I still wanta play�? Alexis, "You always wanta play." Ricky, "Okay, okay�?So yeah�?Hey, we should go out sometime�? Alexis smiles and says, "Yeah, we’ll get all dolled up and have a real romantic dinner." She laughs and pats Ricky on the shoulder as she walks around him, still laughing a bit at Ricky’s antics as she heads off down a hallway. The camera comes back on a fairly disappointed Ricky who says, "Yeah�?That’s kind of what I had in mind�? *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | We come back from break just in time to see New Jack with a trash can over his head, which he quickly brings crashing down over the head of Sean O’Haire. We seem to be in the back somewhere and since Hardcore Division Referee Bill Alfonso is supervising the action, we can assume that the Hardcore match has somehow began in the back. JR, "Folks, you’re not seeing things, this hardcore bout got going during the commercial break�? ICWA Demented Live. ::During The Break:: | We see Sean O’Haire heading for the Gorilla position he bumps into New Jack who is walking the same way with a trash can full of "toys". New Jack, "Watch where you’re gonna ni**a." New Jack shakes his head and keeps walking as O�?Haire stops and cocks his head to the side abit, almost in disbelief of New Jack. Suddenly he lunges forward and delivers a hard forearm to the back of New Jack’s head, making him stumble forward, releasing the trash can. O’Haire removes a broom from the trash can as New Jack turns around and O’Haire slams it over his head, shattering the handle and making New Jack hit the concrete as Bill Alfonso runs into the camera angle and calls for the bell to start the match. | The "During the Break" footage stops rolling and somehow now New Jack has ended up on the floor as a very intimidating Sean O’Haire stands over his victim. O’Haire bends down to pick up New Jack by the head when suddenly a long wooden handle to either a mop or a broom comes crashing over his back, breaking in half as O’Haire drops to a knee. The camera pans back and the crowd erupts as Jack Memphis seems to have joined the party. Memphis delivers a hard boot to the head of O’Haire and then begins stomping away at his back as to the side New Jack is getting to his feet. Memphis turns around just as New Jack has grabbed an acoustic guitar from his trash can of toys. Memphis quickly delivers a stiff kick to the gut of New Jack, wraps his head in a front face lock, and drops back delivering a quick DDT on the concrete floor. The crowd is going wild as Memphis picks up the guitar himself, but only to be turned around by a revived Sean O’Haire who delivers a kick of his own to the gut of Jack Memphis. He places Jack’s head between his legs, and hoist him up, looking for the powerbomb, but Memphis has kept a hold of that Guitar and while he’s in the air he brings it down crashing over O’Haire’s head, making him fall back as Memphis lands on his feet. JR, "Bah Gawd, Memphis has just began dominating this match!" Memphis sees that New Jack has began getting up, so he reaches down, grabs him by the neck, guides him up, and begins walking through the back with him until they come to the refreshment table. Memphis goes to bounce the Original Gangsta’s head off the table but he quickly puts the breaks on, blocking the move and delivering a series of stiff elbows to the gut of Jack Memphis, making him relinquish the move. New Jack turns around and hooks the front facelock, probably looking for a DDT, But is blindsided by a huge Clothesline from Sean O’Haire which sends him back hard against the concrete. Jack stands upright only to be met by a right hand from O’Haire. Memphis doesn’t leave it unanswered though, and these two begin going punch for punch, both throwing very fast paced punches to each other’s face until O’Haire gets the sudden advantage by delivering a hard kick below the belt of Jack Memphis. Heyman, "Don’t expect to see any lil�?Memphis’s running around." Memphis has doubled over in pain as O’Haire again, hoist him up, but this time is very successful in delivering a powerbomb right through the refreshment table which cost a series of food platters to end up all over Memphis. Everything from Barbeque to cake is covering Jack Memphis, which would spread onto O’Haire as he goes down and hooks the far leg. Alfonso counts, ……�?……�?………�?But Memphis gets the shoulder up. O’Haire gets up and sees that New Jack has a stapple gun in hand and is running his way. O’Haire drops and delivers a Drop Toe Hold, planting New Jack face first into the concrete as O’Haire rips the staple gun out of his head and stands up. At this point Memphis is to a knee, attempting to get to his feet. Memphis turns around and DOT! Right in the forehead he gets a shot from that staple gun. Memphis screams in pain as he grabs his forehead and JR can be heard saying "OH MAH GAWD! THAT’S ABSOLUTLY SICKENING!" O’Haire grabs Memphis by the shoulder and spins him around as we see the blood has just began to gush from his forehead, the staple can still be seen in the center of Memphis�?forhead. O’Haire looks like he’s sizing up the Texan for another shot with that staple gun but we’ll never know as Memphis delivers a big kick to the lower anatomy. O’Haire drops the gun and doubles over as Memphis delivers a second kick between the legs and then spins around and hits a huge right hand, making O’Haire drop hard on the concrete. As Memphis spun around some of his blood splattered onto the camera, so at the moment we’re looking at this action with a couple of dark dots blocking a little. Memphis reaches into his back pocket and withdraws his wallet, which is hooked to his jeans with a long chain. Memphis unhooks the chain from his jeans and wraps it around his right fist a couple of times as both O’Haire and New Jack are finding their feet. New Jack gets to his feet first and comes running, only to be met with that big right hand from Memphis which drops him hard on the ground again. O’Haire gets up and walks to Memphis, but gets blasted in the mouth from that chain covered right hand. Memphis follows the hard right hand up with a pick up, and the drop into the Atomic drop, making O’Haire once again grab onto the testicular region of his anatomy. Memphis grabs O’Haire by the neck and begins guiding him further through the arena, as the exit sign isn’t far away. Out of no where however, O’Haire delivers a devastating elbow to the gut of Memphis, which makes Memphis release his hold on O’Haire. O’Haire reaches down, picks up Memphis in the form of a military press or a Gorilla press if you will, and then throws him, making him collide with a bunch of wooden pallets that were neatly stacked, and then landing on a smaller pile of pallets. Memphis holds his back and his ribs as O’Haire has an angry, almost psychotic look on his face. O’Haire turns and suddenly out of no where looking for a spear is New Jack. O’Haire quickly side steps and New Jack spears a large metal post and drops like a bag of bricks. O’Haire bends down and picks New Jack up, slinging him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, he then charges ahead nearly 20 yards, screaming as he does so, before he drives New Jack’s back, hard against the large garage like door. He steps back letting New Jack slide down the door and onto the concrete floor. He turns around and Jack Memphis has left his position on the pallets but where the Hell did he go? O’Haire just shakes his head and picks up New Jack, clearly not done distributing punishment. O’Haire throws New Jack over his shoulder and goes to walk out of the regular door which has an "Exit" sign above, when from no where a four by four comes crashing over the back of Sean O’Haire with a loud ‘SMACK�? O’Haire is forced to lunge forward, going through the door and droping New Jack on the pavement outside. Memphis follows with the four by four still in hand, and blood still pouring down his face, although not nearly as quickly as before. O’Haire turns around and faces Memphis who is walking through the door. Memphis jabs the large piece of wood into the gut of O’Haire, and then slams it over his head, making it break in half as O’Haire drops hard on the pavement. Jack Memphis steps over the pile of bodies as Alfonso and the camera man (which has had a clean camera for sometime now), walk outside and we realize that we are in the parking lot of the Hartford Civic Center. JR, "Bah god, this has spilled out clear into the parking lot." Heyman, "Thanks for the news flash Dan Rather." Memphis, who has lost a lot of blood and therefore a lot of energy, drops to his knees and covers O’Haire as Alfonso drops down and counts ……�?…………�?…………�?But New Jack just barely spikes his shoulder up. Memphis sighs and crawls over, laying over O’Haire as Alfonso again counts, ………�?………�?………�?And again to no avail as O’Haire thrust his shoulder up. Memphis is clearly frustrated as he gets up and O’Haire begins rolling to his stomach. Memphis takes a few steps out, trying to figure out what it’s gonna take, as O’Haire gets to his feet and New Jack begins rolling to his stomach. O’Haire comes out and goes for a punch but Memphis delivers a kick to the gut, making O’Haire bend over. Memphis begins delivering right hands to O’Haire, making him back up until he has his back on a white Escalade. Memphis backs up a few steps, runs, leaps, and raises the knee, but O’Haire ducks out of the way and Memphis slams his leg against the Escalade, denting the door and making the alarm start beeping. Memphis falls down on his ass, holding his knee as O’Haire comes running and drives his knee into the face of Memphis, which bounces the back of his head against the Escalade. O’Haire, who has clearly realized that Memphis came to fight, where as New Jack has been easy pickings all night, decides that the intelligent thing to do is to go finish off New Jack, so O’Haire reaches into his tights, and comes out with a pair of handcuffs (which if you read his rp, he obtained from the mental ward). O’Haire gets a devilish grin on his face as he drops to a knee, handcuffs Memphis�?right wrist, and then takes the other cuff and locks it around a pipe under the Escalade, which still has it’s alarm going off. With that O’Haire stands up and turns, only to see New Jack running his way. O’Haire bends down and delivers a modified back body drop, which sends New Jack up on the roof of the Escalade. O’Haire walks over and hops up on the hood as New Jack pulls himself up. New Jack runs and leaps looking for a Hurracarana, however O’Haire catches him, Flips him up onto his shoulders, and then BAM! Cruel Intentions (Reverse DDT) Right through the windshield, shattering it. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT JR, "BAH GAWD!" Heyman, "Now THAT, was EXTREEEMEEE!" O’Haire drops to his knees and lays across New Jack as Alfonso and the crowd count in unison ………�?…………�?……………�?! The bell sounds as Finkle announces, "YOUR WINNER, AND THE NUMBER 1 CONTENDER TO THE ICWA HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP�?SEAN_OOOOOO’HAAAAAAREEEE!" JR, "I can’t believe the pure carnage that we have witnessed!" Heyman, "Bobby Johnson had better beware, because Sean O’Haire doesn’t seem to be playing around! What a debut!" With that the cameras go to the back where Ricky Carter is walking about, his usual, happy-go-lucky smile on his face. As he turns the corner however he finds himself face to face with Jacob Mitchell. Carter tries not to let this spoil his mood as he goes to walk around Mitchell, but Mitchell steps to the side blocking Carter’s path. Carter tries to step around him to the right, and Mitchell again moves, blocking Carter’s path. Carter rolls his eyes and attempts to walk around the left side again but this time Mitchell drives his forearm into Carter’s throat and presses him against the wall. Mitchell, "Tonight, you’re about to get owned by Mace. But next week, it’s my turn, and according to WallStreet I get any match I want. So I’m gonna suggest you pray to your little boy band God that Mace decides to show mercy and end your career quickly tonight, because as bad as Mace is gonna hurt you tonight�?I’ll make sure to inflict the punishment just that much more next week�?Now, you go have fun�? With that Mitchell brings up his free hand and gives Ricky a couple of light slaps to the face, enough to say ‘There ya go little guy�? and lets him go, laughing slightly as he walks on and Ricky just seems annoyed. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | When cameras return from commercial we see the Dementa-Tron light up as we see a couple of Mountain bikers going down the side of a mountain at great speed with apparently little or no concern for their wellbeing as a male narrator says, "Mountain Dew Amp, the great taste of Mountain Dew with that extra jolt of energy that’ll allow you to do anything! GET AMPED!" ICWA Demented Live. ::During The Break:: | The scene fades in with highlights of last weeks "Holy Breaticles Batman" match between the "Lone Wolf" Matt Matlock and the "God Of War" Mace. It shows clips of the end of the match...Mace hitting the strong front kick to the temple. As well as Matlocks humiliation at the hands of Mace when he's forced to wear a bra.  Narrator, "This has been the mountain Dew "Amp of the Night"�?Mountain Dew Amp, GET AMPED!" | <<<<<<<<The Following Has Been Written By Y2Jesus>>>>>>> The clips end and you see Paul and Jr having a good laugh at Matlocks expense. JR, " You know something Paul...never in a million years would I have ever thought I'd see Matt Matlock wearing a bra."
Paul, "Hell Jr..I could have GONE a million years withouts seeing that! I hope Taylor has this out of his system, because as if it isnt bad enough sitting next to you all night...now Im forced to watching ugly overweight men in bras." JR, " Hey, don't tell me...you kiss his ass, why don't you remove your lips and tell Taylor yourself." Paul, " Excuse me? I merely have a tendancy to agree with the man, I think saying I kiss his ass is going a little too far sir." JR, " Mmmmh...sure..." Paul, " I'll have you know that I have never in all my life been as offended as I am here right now! You have the nerve to sit there and say I brown nose Taylor McCallister?! HOW DARE YOU SIR!" JR, " Oh would you shut up..." Paul, " Don't you know who I am?!?! I'm PAAAAAAAAAUL HEYMAN!" With that the lights go out as the arena is covered by pure darkness. Not like pure as in pure evil, that'd be absurd! We're talking pure as in no light. Yeah, no impurities of any kind, even French people! Well that's until the white search lights roam the arena, kind of ruining my build up and push of the pure darkness. They pass over the crowd members, who recognizing the entrance, chant the name "Mace, Mace, Mace!" The spotlights tentatively pauses on each exit to the arena, giving the illusion that Mace could appear from any one of them. Suddenly the darkness, and crowd's cheering and shouting are torn apart by three massive explosions on the stage. (Total bodycount: 4 dead, 3 injured.) The lights are back at full brightness as "Third Reich From The Sun" by Hanzel Und Gretyl rages through the room. The intensity of the song picks up the tempo of the whole arena, as everyone is more and more psyched. In the damage created by the over the top explosions, stands Mace, hands out to his side, on one knee. His cocky smile blazes, as he looks up to the sky, and then around the arena. The decibels are louder than a jet engine as Mace rises to his feet, and walks slowly down the entrance ramp. "The One" sways from side to side, not due to alcohol intoxication, but to slap and shake the hands of all the fans clamoring for the attention of their hero. Finkle, "And his opponent�?Coming to us from Chesterfield England and weighing in at 210 pounds�?Representing the New World Slaughter, he is MAAACCEE!" JR, " Oh thank lord...remind me to ask Mace to come out here the next time you go on a tirade." Heyman, " There have only been a few men in my life who have made me shut up in mid sentence....so savor the flavor cus it sure as hell wont be happening again for a long time Jr." JR, " Aww shucks..." Mace calmly pounces onto the ring apron, looks at the crowd, and raises an arm. The crowd's cheers are like thunder clapping, as mace somersaults over the ropes, and lands in the middle of the ring on both knees, arms outstretched to soak up the fans adulation. Matlock on the other side of the ring doesn’t seem nearly as enthused about this as the rest of the arena as he glares as he awaits his adversary. Suddenly Rock Your Body�?By Justin Timberlake blasts over the PA as the crowd begins to erupt and out from behind the curtain steps Ricky Carter. The crowd cheers as Carter walks down the ramp, posing and letting the female fans touch him as he makes his way to the ring. Finkle, " On his way to the ring...from Albany New York…weighing in at...(checks card)...uh...pounds unknown...it's the female sensation sweeping the nation...Rickyyyyyyy Carterrrrrrrr!" He quickly runs and slides under the ring and spins around grinning as he nods over to Finkle, who winks as he remembers the name change from the previous week. Ricky looks over at Mace as he hops to the beat of his song...it slowly begins to fade as Mace paces on the other side of the ring. Rick looks out at the crowd pointing to a pretty girl in particular, which is all that Mace needs. He comes racing across the ring leveling Ricky with a vicious clothesline. The bell is quickly rung as Mace begins putting the boots to young Carter who tries desperately to cover up. He quickly scoots under the bottom rope as he quickly tries to escape the barrage of shots from Mace. Mace however simply hops out of the ring and gives chase to Ricky who quickly takes off, the two men running around the ring. Ricky suddenly dives under the apron, but before Mace and grab him he scoots all the way under the ring. JR. " You know something Paul...this kid looks to be goofier then a pet 'coon." Heyman, " Actually that would be goofier than a pet 'coons' pet 'coon Jr." JR, " In any event...did you ever stop to think that it's all an act?" Heyman, " If that kid is acting...he should be winning Oscars not getting the crap beaten out of him." Mace slides back in and begins trying to look around to see where Ricky will be coming out from. We see Ricky slowly emerge from beneath the apron, hiding so that Mace cant quite see him from inside the ring. He puts his finger to his lips telling the fans to be quiet as he waits for Mace to turn around. Once he does, Ricky slides in and goes for a school boy, grabbing some tights. The ref slides to count but Ricky only gets two. JR, "OH! Ricky tried for a rollup there but only got two." Heyman, "Hmmm maybe he's not as dumb as I thought...." As Mace gets up Ricky slaps him on the ass a few times causing Mace's eyes to get wide with anger. Ricky winks at him as Mace gets to his feet, and lunges at the youngster, but Ricky ducks under and rolls through his legs chop blocking him on his way through. He quickly grabs for an ankle but Mace quickly squirms out. However Ricky gets up and nails a standing dropkick to Mace sending him into the corner. Ricky runs in, hops up onto his chest and falls back monkey flipping Mace back onto the mat. JR, " Carter’s starting to build momentum, using the speed and unorthodox tactics to confuse Mace here Paul..." Ricky quickly runs and hops up onto the top as he waits for Mace to stand back up. He kinda grooves in a manner similar to Grand Master Sexay before he leaps off at Mace attempting a Crossbody. But Mace catches Carter in midair nailing a powerslam. Paul " So much for THAT theory Jr..." He goes for the cover, but Ricky kicks out at two. He quickly beings with the right hands to Rickys head, locking him in a rear naked choke. Luckily for Ricky, he gets his hand up in time so Mace can't get it all the way in. The two roll around on the mat, Mace trying to cut off his wind supply and Carter trying to get out of it. He starts elbowing Mace in the side furiously which after half a minute loosens Mace grip enough for Ricky to be able to bite down Maces arm. Heyman, " What the hell is he doing Jr?!" JR, " Well it looks to me like he bite the man." Heyman, " You don't bite in wrestling!" JR, " Well George Steele ate turnbuckles all the time if memory serves..." Heyman, " But he didn't bite opponents!" Mace screams and quickly let’s go as the ref yells at Ricky for the illegal biting. As Mace crawls away and gets to his feet, Ricky leaps up and latches on to Maces back trying for a sleeper hold. But Mace simply grabs behind Ricky's knees and falls backwards, crushing Ricky between his own body and the canvas. Paul, "Oooooo Jr...we might need to get the local roadkill crew to come and scrape Ricky boy there off the mat when this is all said and done." Mace sits up and grins as he looks back at Ricky who is visibly in pain as he lays unmoving on the mat. As quick as lightning Mace mounts Ricky and begins his brutal Mach 5 series of UFC mixed martial arts style of ground and pound. The ground groans as Ricky Carter begins to lay still being beaten down by Mace's piston like fists, elbows, and forearms. Eventually Mace pauses, and you can see a nasty cut has been opened above Rickys eyebrow, the blood trailing down his face and pooling onto the mat. JR, " Looks like Carter has been busted up Paul. no doubt from all those vicious shots!" Heyman, " Well DUH!" Mace doesn't go for the pin right there but instead begins playing to the crowd asking if they like what they see. When he turns back, he sees Ricky on his hands and knees and approaches him only for Ricky to headbutt him in the stomach. Ricky does it a few more times using his head as a battering ram. Mace falls back into the corner and Ricky lunges at him nailing him RVD style shoulder blocks before grabbing him in a side headlock and planting him with a running bulldog. Ricky goes for a quick cover and only gets a two as Mace is able to kick out. Ricky quickly rolls him over, and gets in a mounted position straddling his chest. Then without hint or warning he quickly grabs Mace's nipple giving them a hard jerk. The crowd pops as Mace begins screaming and flailing as Ricky’s painful nipple pinch does it's damage. JR, " PURPLE NERPLE! PURPLE NURPLE! BAH GAWD IT's THE PURPLE NERPLE!" Heyman, "I haven't seen that move used since I was in Kindergarten Jr!" Eventually through some bucking, Mace is able to dislodge Ricky and begins rubbing his tender nipplige. He makes it to the ropes and begins to pull himself up. As he turns around Ricky surprises him by kissing him right on the lips to a huge pop from the crowd. Mace totally disgusted pushes him away wiping his mouth and spitting which allows Ricky to dropkick him in the back. Mace bounces against the ropes, and all of a sudden you see Ricky Carter come flying across the ring and leapfrogs over Mace to the outside, grabbing his head and whip lashing his neck across the top rope. JR, " My God! I've seen necks snap back with less force in car wrecks!" Mace flies back and crashes to the mat as Ricky climbs back onto the apron and gets slowly up to the top rope. He faces the crowd and signals for the moonsault, but Mace quickly scrambles to his feet and shoves Ricky off. He flies through the air and lands chest first on the guardrail, before flopping onto the floor fanside. JR, " Jesus!" Heyman, " He's dead Jr! It will be a miracle if he escapes without injuries!" JR, " Ricky Carter went for his patented moonsault and ate nothing but guardrail!" Mace rests against the turnbuckle smiling before slowly climbing up himself. He looks back at Ricky and steadies himself...he looks back at Ricky...he sets and springs off with all his might, flying through the air with a beautiful moonsault before coming crashing down on the prone body of Ricky Carter on the outside. JR" NO NO NO! OH GOD! MACE PUTTING EVERYTHING ON THE LINE HERE!" Heyman " THAT WAS EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEME JR!" A HUGE chant of "HOLY SHIT" is heard as the to men lay on the other side of the guardrail. Inside the ring the ref slowly begins his 10 count...the crowd begins buzzing, not wanting to see the match end this way...but neither men move an inch as the refs count makes it to ten. The bell rings the match obviously declared a draw, but the fans don't really seem to care. The camera begins showing replays of the match as some more refs come out to check on the two men. <<<<<<<<End of Jesus Writing>>>>>>>>> Finkle, "This bout has been declared a DRAW!" Out from the back nWs members Jacob Mitchell, Omen, and Seifer can all be seen running down the ramp to check on their leader as the cameras go to the back where we see Ryan Ross walking with a smirk on his face. JR, "What the�?He’s not scheduled to be here?!" Heyman, "He’s the CWA Champion, clearly he has every right to be here!" JR, "This may not bid well for our nWWF Champion James, who’s in intergender tag competition NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | *Commercial Break* After the commercial we find ourselves with the always trusty Mitchell Cole in the back! The crowd pops slightly, glad to see that they’re back from commercial, but their attitudes are quick to change as we move over and see ICWA CEO and Chairman, WallStreet. Cole, "Mr. McCallister, next week we sign the contract making the nWWF and CWA Unification match at Resurrection official, yet the CWA Champion has yet to see in ring competition�? WallStreet, "Yeah, and?" Cole, "Well some people might be under the impression that you’re trying to protect the CWA champion and better his chances of success by over working James." WallStreet, "Well some people are morons. Why would I "Protect" the CWA Champion when he is CLEARLY the better athlete and ARGUABLY the best athlete in this company. After Ricky Steamboat was Shawn Michaels, after Shawn Michaels is Ryan Ross, and I absolutely shudder to think of what could possibly come after Ryan Ross. Ryan Ross is to today what Shawn Michaels was to the mid-90s, he’s the Champion of the New Millennium, and at Resurrection he will prove it." Cole, "Recently it seems that you and James have been playing a game of one upsmenship during your tag team competitions. During your first title defense James dominated and captured the pinfall, than during your second it seemed as if you took the helm, are you trying to prove that you still have what it takes to hang with the Original Sadist?!" WallStreet eyes nearly bulge out of his head in disbelief of the idiocy that just spewed from this man’s mouth. WallStreet, "What the Hell?! One upsmenship?! Do you have any idea how this company got re-opened?! In nearly four years on the MSN circuit I’ve suffered 1 defeat that wasn’t for political purpose, and EVEN WITH political losses added, I have STILL only suffered 6 defeats in nearly FOUR YEARS! Baring the ICWA�?Because inside of the ICWA, we build genuine athletes. Men with character and ability that surpasses that of any other�?The ICWA is home to guys like Jacob Mitchell, Mace, Ryan Ross, Brock Lesnar, Christian Skywalker, Taylor MC-FRICKIN-CALLISTER! You may as well call the ICWA the Chapel because we produce Gods and Saints like Nike puts out sneakers! But, just for you Mitchell Cole�?Just for you, I will prove that of all the greats in this house, I am still the greatest and how will I prove that? Well it’s real simple. Next week LIVE on ICWA DEMENTED! The NUMBER 1 Rated show for the last 3 Weeks�?I am gonna perform in a 7 on 1 Elimination Handicap match against 7 of the very best in the business today. And just to prove that I can over come even further adversity, I will ALLOW Alexis to officiate this match (crowd pops). However, since I believe I do deserve at least 1 item in my favor, I am not going to let the performers that will be against me know who they are until it’s bell time. I believe that’s fair, I’m facing them 7 on 1, I think I should have the lay it on em as a surprise so they can’t come together and make a strategy against me." JR, "7 on 1�?That’s suicide!" Cole, "7 on 1?!" WallStreet, "That’s right, and I’ll GAURANTEE that they will be top names�?No jobbers, no BUD, just top name talent." With that WallStreet throws an arm on the shoulder of Mitchell and walks by him as the cameras go to the ring for our tag team competition. JR, "Bah Gawd�?7 on 1�?That’s unbelieveable!" Heyman, "I believe it, you don’t become the best without proving it by over coming adversity. I’d bet your hat that WallStreet wins with fair ease." <<<<<<<<<<Since Missy and Havoc were unable to show, I will be summarizing this match as to finish the show quicker>>>>>>> ::Start:: James and Havoc opened up the bout and found themselves exchanging a lot of hard shots. It started off more like a back ally street fight than a wrestling match. Eventually Havoc would gain the advantage by going down stairs however, it wouldn’t take long for James to come back and stomp a proverbial mudhole in Havoc. By her request James tagged in Krystin, who went to work on Havoc as well. ::Mid Match:: By this time Missy had been tagged in and put on quite the fight with Krystin, however Krystin was impressive and fairly dominate through out the exchange. But Missy certainly got her licks in, showing Krystin that her championship glory is no fluke. ::Close:: Again Havoc and James are in. Havoc, who was pretty hot off the tag, has cooled down due to the incredible skill that James has all but perfected when it comes to the ring. We will now take you to the conclusion of this match, already in progress. This match has been a fairly decent one, although James and Krystin have been the clear aggressors through out the vast majority of the bout. James stands in wait of Havoc as the crowd begins to boo. The camera glances to the ramp and we see a very smug Ryan Ross walking down with his CWA Championship slung over his shoulder. JR, "Awe, well what the Hell is he doing here�? Heyman, "He’s probably scouting his opponent, that’s what champion caliber athletes like Ryan Ross do." Ryan Ross gets to ringside and Missy assumes that he’s there to drop James so she intelligently attempts to get in the ring, drawing the attention of Vice Senior referee Nick Patrick. As Patrick comes over, Havoc delivers a stiff knee into the gut of James. Havoc runs back and bounces off the ropes but as he does Ross hops up quickly and bashes Havoc in the back of the head with the CWA Championship. Missy’s jaw drops across the ring as Ross hops down. Havoc is glossy eyed and stumbling as James gets upright and nails the ‘My Roots�?(Modified Diamond cutter). James tags in Krystin and leans in the corner as Krystin gets the cover and Patrick counts ……………�?……………�? Missy comes in for the save but James lunges across the ring, nailing the Sweet Chin Music, dropping Missy in her tracks as Patrick counts ………�?! Finkle, "Your winner via PINFALL�?Krystin Pryce and James!" James glares down at Ryan Ross on the bottom of the ramp, who has a smug smile on his face. JR, "But why�?Why in the world would Ross come to James�?aid? Especially in a match that he’d had under control all night?!" Heyman, "Why do you keep wearing that ridiculous hat�?Didn’t Kurt Angle tell you to take that stupid thing off at Wrestle Mania 17? Yet here we are 4 years later and you’re still wearing that stupid thing!" With that the cameras go to the back where Y2Jesus is in his locker room. He’s got his forehead pressed against a mirror on the wall as he takes a deep breath and suddenly goes from a look of being lost and even depressed, to a look of sheer hate. He headbutt’s the mirror with great force (although to the Mirror’s credit it stays intact) and then turns and walks to the door. JR, "Well when we get back�? Before JR can finish Jesus has opened the door to find Alexis standing in front of him. Alexis, "Hey�?Look, I just wanted to say�?Goodluck." Y2J nods and gives her an assuring pat on the shoulder before he walks past her to make his decent toward the gorilla position. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | When cameras return from commercial we see No Limits Christian Skywalker in the men’s locker room, sitting on a steal chair with a bottle of Gatorade in his hand as he sits, watching Alexis�?match with Raven Calloway inside of the steal cage. As he watches we hear a door open and No Limits looks up as a small smile comes to his face. He stands up and into the camera’s view steps fellow PLW Graduate Scott "The Machine" Jensen. Scott and Christian shake hands as Christian says, "Well how the Hell have ya been man?" Jensen, "I’ve been alright�?A little down on my luck as of late, but all in all, not too bad." No Limits, "Yeah, I see your wins haven’t exactly been piling up since the ICWA’s re-opening." Jensen, "They certainly haven’t�?I’m just trying to find myself, once I do�?I’ll be good." No Limits smiles and gives him a pat on the shoulder as he says, "Tell ya what man, after I become the Unified champion tonight, you and I should go paint the town a bit and do some catching up. What do ya say?" Jensen shrugs, "Yeah what the Hell, I haven’t been out in a while, why not�? Christian , "That’s the spirit�? Jensen glances over his shoulder and notices the tape of Alexis rolling on the TV. Jensen, "Ah, scouting the competition eh? Let me tell ya a couple tendencies I’ve noticed in her style�? Christian nods and they go on talking as the scene fades to the ring. -()- Suddenly the lights in the arena dim and the Dementa-Tron flickers to life with the symbol for the Inter County Wrestling Alliance . Suddenly some hard guitar riffs begin pulsating through the PA system. The ICWA symbol is crushed by a falling graphic that says Y2Jesus. The lights around the Titan Tron begin strobing as the tempo speeds up again the climax of which shows the Y2Jesus graphic explode as his tron video begins playing. "Halleluja" by Rammstein is heard blasting over the PA system. The song is being sung in German, but translated into English in Y2J's entrance video. The lights around the arena and stage strobing bright white and gold. begins rocking throughout the arena as the crowd erupts in waves of jeers, boos, and obscenities! -()- " Er ist fromm und sehr sensibel.....an seiner Wand ein Bild des Herrn.....er wischt die Flecken von der Bibel.....das Abendmahl verteilt er gern!" -()- As the song plays you see the Self Appointed Savior of the ICWA strut out onto the ramp. He pauses with his back turned to the audience, his hands in prayer before spinning around and holding them out in a grand fashion.-()- " Er liebt die Knaben aus dem Chor.....sie halten ihre Seelen rein.....doch Sorge macht ihm der Tenor! So muss er ihm am nächsten sein auf seinem Nachttisch, still und stumm, ein Bild des Herrn er dreht es langsam um!" -()- As he stands proudly atop the ramp as a shower of gold pyro erupt behind him from atop the Dementa-tron (think Christian's old entrance), and some firework like pyro explode above him in a teardrop type fashion. -()- " Wenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlägt halleluja faltet er die Hände zum Gebet halleluja er ist ohne Weib geblieben halleluja so muss er seinen Nächsten lieben halleluja " -()- Y2J smiles widely as he spins around on the top of the ramp. Y2J begins walking in a very cocky manner, his flowing brown locks trail behind him as the golden specs from the fireworks fall all around him. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the following bout has been scheduled for onefall and has a ten minute time limit�?On his way to the ring, hailing from Boston Massachusetts and weighing in at 262 pounds�?He is the Self Proclaimed SAVIOR of the ICWA, Y2JEEEEESUS!" He struts and primps, tossing his hair, pausing and jabbering with the fans a few times as he approaches the ring. -()- " Der junge Mann darf bei ihm bleiben...die Sünde nistet überm Bein...so hilft er gern sie auszutreiben... bei Musik und Kerzenschein! " -()- Y2J gets to the ring and stomps up the steps one at a time, getting up on the apron. He pauses and wipes his shoes on the outside before stepping through the ropes. -()- " Wenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlägt halleluja faltet er die Hände zum Gebet halleluja " -()- He goes to the center of the ring and holds out his arms motioning up and down his body playing to the crowd as a shower of flashbulbs rains down on the arrogent Y2J. He smirks at his opponent before climbing atop the nearest turnbuckle and posing again. -()- " er ist ohne Weib geblieben halleluja so muss er seinen Nächsten lieben halleluja " -()- Y2J hops off the turnbuckle and walks over to the ropes as the song begins to fade and the house lights return to normal. Y2J takes off the top part of his old robes he used to wear and hands it to a tech guy at ringside. -()- The lights go out in the arena as the fans grow loud with anticipation. War Machine by KISS echoes through the arena as Taz’s video plays on the Dementa-tron. An orange spot like sweeps the arena like a prison light searching for an escaped convict. This makes the crowd get even louder as they now believe that Taz could be coming from anywhere in the Arena. At nearly a minute into the song a blast of orange pyro explodes on the stage and then with a black towel over his head comes Taz at the same time that the singer says �?Better Watch Out, Cause I’m A War Machine! Taz walks down the ramp with his aggressive bad ass walk as JR and Heyman can be heard arguing over the abilities of the man labeled the Human Suplex Machine. Finkle, "And his opponent�?Hailing from the Red Hook section of Brooklyn, he weighs in this evening at 240 pounds�?He is TAZZZZ!" Taz gets to ringside, climbs the stairs, and enters the ring. As he bends over to enter the ring the towel falls of his head. He stands in the corner of the ring with his arms crossed, just waiting for the referee to ring the bell so that he can chalk up Just Another Victim. The music fades and the lights readjust as referee Charlie Robinson calls for the bell. Taz has his typical scowl on his face as Jesus has a fairly serious look on his�?Not a look of fear but a look that would best be described as aggravation yet readiness. Taz walks out to center ring and cross his arms over his chest as if to say ‘Here I am, you gonna step up or sit down?�?Jesus walks out, limping ever so slightly on that heavily braced right leg. Jesus and Taz are now face to face as the crowd pops, knowing that this could easily be the match of the night. Finally Jesus shoots down for the legs of Taz, but Taz throws his legs back and locks his hands around the waist of Jesus as they both fall to the mat, Jesus on his chest and Taz with his chest on Jesus�?shoulders. Taz quickly sprawls around, hooks the arm, and throws on a hammerlock. Jesus however is quick to adjust his body and get on his ass forcing Taz up to his feet, bending down and holding the hammerlock in place. Jesus puts the bottom of his feet on the mat and brings himself up to a standing position. Taz still has the hammerlock locked on, but Jesus is able to work his wrist (which was being held by Taz) and is able to obtain wrist control in time to spin around and hook the hammerlock on Taz. Taz lets out a small grunt before he reaches up behind him, grabbing Jesus as if he’s about to go for a stunner, but ends up delivering a Snapmare take over which he quickly follows up with a chin lock (modified sleeper) as he is on one knee behind Jesus who is sitting on his ass and moving about, trying to escape before Taz gains steady control by controlling the pace that Jesus is able to obtain air. Referee Charlie Robinson quickly reaches in and makes sure that Taz’s arm isn’t across the throat of Jesus causing a choke, and clearly it isn’t as Robinson approves of the hold and hops in front of Jesus and Taz, asking the Savior if he wants to give it up. Obviously however, Y2J isn’t gonna submit to a basic chin lock. The self appointed savior works his body, getting himself to a knee which causes Taz to get to his feet in an attempt to maintain the leverage advantage. Jesus however gets to his feet, and realizing that Jesus has half a foot on Taz in the height department, Taz’s final attempt of keeping control of Jesus is to switch the move into a basic sideheadlock. Y2J however uses his upper body strength and shoves Taz off, making him run against the ropes. Taz comes running back and Y2J bends down, hoist him up, and drops to a knee delivering an inverted atomic drop. Taz grabs "himself" in pain as Jesus jumps up and delivers a drop kick, sending the Human Suplex Machine to the mat as the crowd boos slightly, although they’re not nearly as anti-Y2J as they were just a month ago when he made his ICWA Debut. Jesus is up and ready to go as Taz gets up, his back to the savior, as he stumbles his way around to facing Jesus only to receive a stiff kick to the gut. Y2J hooks the head and tosses Taz’s arm over the Savior’s head before he hoist him up, and holds his straight in the air momentarily before falling back and delivering a Stalling Vertical Suplex. Y2J keeps a hold of Taz, rolls over, and pulls him to his feet, looking to follow up with a second suplex, however Taz delivers a fast knee to the gut of Y2J and delivers a snap suplex of his own, making the crowd pop. And just like Y2J did before him, The Human Suplex Machine keeps a hold of Jesus and rolls over to his knees, and then lifts the man up to his feet. Taz looks for a second Snap suplex but Y2J raises the leg with the block, and then he hoist Taz up again, and falls back, delivering another vertical suplex of his own. And again, he doesn’t release Taz. He gets up and goes for the follow up suplex, and again Taz delivers a knee into the gut of the Savior and delivers a snap suplex which has the crowd going nuts with this unique exchange of suplexes. Taz keeps the hold on Jesus and brings him up to his feet again. Taz again goes for a snap suplex but this time around Jesus delivers a kick below the belt of Taz which goes undetected by the official but clearly not undetected by Taz who doubles over in pain. Jesus wraps his arms around the waist of Taz and delivers a ‘Gutwrench Suplex�?as the crowd boos knowing how Y2J obtained the leverage in that Suplex war. Jesus however is a little exhausted from his participation in the suplex exchange and takes a second to catch his breath as both men are down on the mat. JR, "That exchange of suplexes seems to have taken it’s toll on the self appointed "savior"." Heyman, "Never have I seen anyone go suplex for suplex with Taz, while you will not hear me sing his praises regularly you have to give credit to a Y2Jesus for the fine display of wrestling that he has given us along with the former ECW Heavyweight champion Taz." Jesus gets up and walks over to Taz, who has rolled over to his back at this point. Jesus grabs Taz’s legs and looks to be looking for�?BR>JR, "He’s trying to roll him over into the ‘Pearly Gates’�?If he can get Taz over it could be the end right here!" Jesus fights to apply that modified Lion Tammer of his, but realizes that Taz is not worn down enough to surrender to the submission move yet so without too many alternatives Y2J falls back and slingshots Taz up off the canvas, making him land face first into the top turnbuckle in the corner. Taz stumbles back as Jesus is to his feet behind the ECW Legend. Y2J hooks the rear waist lock and then hoist up and delivers a German suplex, however he doesn’t release the rear waist lock. Instead he rolls over and pulls the Suplex Machine up to his feet, and again�?German suplex. Two doesn’t seem to be enough as he again, rolls over and pulls Taz back up, still holding the rearwaist lock, and goes for another German suplex but this time Taz brings his legs back and rolls through which gives us an end result of Taz with his legs wrapped around Jesus�?right leg and his arms applying a modified Ankle lock submission that has Y2J screaming in pain, not only because of the ankle lock but because of the bit of pressure being applied to the knee as well. Fortunately for the self appointed savior the rope isn’t far out of reach as he stretches his right arm just as far as it’ll go and finds he has hold of the bottom rope. Robinson gets down in Taz’s face and demands the rope break, which Taz willing gives and rolls off of Y2J. Jesus gets up and turns around only for Taz to hook the head and that right leg and deliver a release Fisherman suplex which he quickly follows up with a spinning toe hold to the right leg that has Y2J again screaming in pain. After holding in the Spinning toe hold for a good 20 �?30 seconds He jumps and with shades of Ric Flair comes crashing down on that leg, landing on his knees as Jesus cries out in pain. Taz stands up, re-applies the Spinning Toe Hold, and this time finishes it with the Figure Four leg lock as they are in the center of the ring. JR, "Taz is like a shark smelling Blood here!" Heyman, "I think it should be noted that this isn’t the typical style of Taz. He’s not a "Submission Wrestler" persay, however he’s not an idiot either. He realizes that the right knee of Y2Jesus is the most vulnerable spot on his body, and like a rabid pitbull he simply Attacks, Attacks, Attacks! That, JR, Is why he was the most feared man in ECW for nearly a decade!" JR, "You’ll certainly get no argument from me. Taz is arguably the deadliest performer to step in the ring since the decade of Frank Gotch and George Hachendschmidt." Back in the ring Taz hasn’t let up a bit with that Figure Four leg drop. Finally Jesus has seemingly given up as he lays back, motionless. Robinson drops down and counts ……�?………�?�?But Y2J sits back up, the pain etched on his face. The crowd begins to boo suddenly, although we don’t know why as nothing has really changed in the ring. Jesus is attempting to roll either which way but Taz has the hold locked on pretty tightly. The crowd continues to boo, but I think we finally realize why as we switch camera angles and see a very cocky Shawn Allen making his way down the ramp along with ICWA Hardcore champion Bobby Johnson. JR, "Well what the Hell do these two guys want!?" Back in the ring, Jesus is finally working Taz over a bit as they are on there right sides and Taz is desperately trying to prevent Y2J from rolling over, but to no avail as Jesus�?lower body strength seems to surpass that of Taz and he ends up rolling over, reversing the figure four on the Human Suplex Machine. Taz yells in pain briefly before he breaks the hold. Taz pulls himself up but Jesus is still down as that move clearly had quite the effect on that injured right knee. Taz senses that this is his time to capitalize and stalks the Self appointed Savior. Jesus gets to his hands and Knees and Taz comes over him and hooks the Tazmission, making the crowd erupt. Taz falls back however, Y2J’s legs are near the ropes and he quickly wraps his feet around the bottom rope. Robinson comes over and demands the rope break as the camera faintly picks up Taz yelling �?STRONG>YOU GOTTA BE FUCKIN�?KIDDING ME?!�? Taz reluctantly gives the break as he’s clearly growing frustrated, wondering just what the Hell he’s gotta do to put this guy away. Taz gets up and grabs Y2J by the head, pulling him to his feet. Taz locks a front waist lock on Y2J and seems to be going for a Overhead Belly to Belly suplex, but Y2J in a very interesting reversal, wraps his arms around Taz’s neck, so when Taz lifts up and falls back looking to throw Y2J all that happens is Taz falling to his back with Y2J on top of him. The Savior quickly takes advantage of the situation as he puts his weight on his left knee and begins unloading right hands to the face of the Human Suplex Machine, clearly no longer interested in putting on a clean wrestling display nearly as much as he’s interested in his own survival and prevalence. Taz endures the shots and rolls Y2J over, however, before Taz can unload his own punches Jesus quickly wraps the Human Suplex Machine’s head in a front face lock and wraps his legs around his body locking on a Guillotine submission hold. Taz puts his palms on the mat and tries to push up and break free, but to no avail as Y2J has that hold locked in tight. Referee Charlie Robinson slides in and tries to squeeze his hand between Y2J’s forearm and Taz’s throat but he can’t, so he declares the hold an illegal choke and demands the break. Y2J isn’t nearly as quick to give the break as Taz has been through out this bout so Robinson for the first time tonight applies his 5 count. "………�?………�?……�?…�?…�?Come on Jesus, break the damn hold!" Y2J finally obeys the official and gives the break as Taz rolls over and gasp for air. Y2J gets up and hobbles back as Allen gets up on the apron. The official goes to say something but Y2J spins around and delivers a hard right hand to the face of the Walking Legacy, making him fall back and roll off the ring. Johnson jumps up to the apron in a fit of rage but Y2J being a seasoned vet realizes he really doesn’t have time for this when he has a man like Taz down. Jesus turns around and Taz is pulling himself up from his knees. Taz goes for a clothesline but Y2J ducks and Taz ends up nailing Johnson off the canvas. Taz looks down, grins and shrugs before he turns around only to receive a stiff kick in the gut from Y2J. Y2J then hooks the gutwrench and flips Taz up as if looking for a Gutwrench power bomb, but instead of stopping Taz in the powerbomb position he lets Taz fly behind him and start falling down behind him (with his back heading for the canvas). As Taz is coming down Y2J reaches back and while Taz is in mid air, locks a loose sideheadlock and drops, making the final part of this huge move look like the end to the Eye of the Hurricane. The crowd erupts as JR says, "BAH GAWD, WHAT A MOVE!" Jesus rolls over and covers him as Robinson counts ……………�?…………�?……………�?!" Finkle, "Your winner via PINFALL…�?Y2JEEEESSSSSUSSSSS!" The crowd pops as Jesus just rolls over, sitting up and holding that right knee of his in pain. From the outside Allen and Johnson slide in the ring, Johnson with his Barbwire covered Sledgehammer and Shawn Allen with a black, folded, steal chair. They get a look of sheer evil as they look over Taz and Y2J. They get ready to strike when we see in the corner of the screen, somebody hoping over the security guard rail. The man slides in the ring with quite the presence as he stands 6 foot 6 and is well fit. He has a glare, yet somewhat of a smirk on his face as he looks at the Entourage members in the ring, almost daring them to come forward. Finally Allen decides to run first, raising his steal chair only for this huge man to deliver a big boot, sending the chair right back into the face of Allen. Allen hits the mat and rolls out to the floor as Johnson looks for a huge shot with that sledge hammer, however the big man ducks and when Johnson spins around the big guy delivers a hard kick in the gut, and follows it up with a powerbomb which makes Johnson grab his back and roll out to the floor as well. The crowd is going wild as Y2J just grins. The man helps Jesus up and raises his arm as ‘Hallelujah" by Ramstein blast over the PA. Jesus is severely limping and drops down, rolling out of the ring as the big man exits via the second and third ropes. The big guy ducks under Y2J’s right arm, acting as a human crotch for the Savior, helping him up the ramp as the cameras go to the back and we see a less than enthused WallStreet and Dark Child looking at the monitor. WallStreet, "Now who the Hell is this guy?! You know what, it doesn’t even matter, we own Jesus, and if he thinks otherwise we’ll just fix that knee of his again�?Speaking of maintaining ownership, I think it’s time to go show Ryan Michaels why The Entourage will never be dethroned, You ready?" DC Smirks, "Born ready�? With that they both walk out of the locker room as the cameras fade. *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | The cameras return from commercial as we find ourselves zoomed in on a door with a name plate which looks as follows�?/P> We stay on the sign as we see Omen walk to the door, open it, and pop his head in as he says, "Hey, you ready…�?DC’s up next�? With that he smirks and steps back as Jacob Mitchell steps out of the locker room with a smirk on his face. Omen and Mitchell make there way down the hallway as the cameras go to the ring. JR, "This could get interesting�? <<<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Y2Jesus>>>>>>>>>>> Suddenly the opening beats of Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" begin blasting over the pa system sending the fans into a frenzy. The arena lights go off and strobe lighting searches around the building, going over the fans. As the music starts to play the strobe lights point to the entrance ramp. Ryan Michaels walks out into the lights and pyros go off on both sides off him, leading to the arena being lit back up. He walks down the ramp a bit and as the lyrics get to the chorus he kneels down and pyros start going off in all directions. As Michaels begins to get to his feet again the unmistakable voice of the Fink is heard from the ring. Finkle, " The following match is scheduled for one fall...making his way to the ring from San Antonia, Texas...weighing in at 238 pounds...Ryan Miiiiichaaaaaaaaels!" JR, " Well here we go Paul, this kid looks fired up and ready for some action here tonight!" Heyman, " Yeah well he may have bit off more than he can chew with this one. And just like everyone who opposes them...I think DC is going to make an example out of this kid." The crowd continues going nuts as Ryan gets up and walks down the rest off the ramp, giving the fans high-fives and everything, slowly making his way to the ring. When he climbs in he climbs the turnbuckles and taunts the crowd. He then goes to the rope facing the entrance ramp and does the kneeling flex pose that Shawn Michaels does. This then sets off more pyros, this time coming from the turnbukles in the ring. Michaels gets back up, a grin on his face as he plays to the crowd some more, the lights going back to normal and his music fading. He looks up towards the ramp as " Hate Me Now" by Nas begins playing. A loud chorus of boos and jeers are directed towards the ramp as the lights around the arena begin flashing in time with the music. As few beats later and out from behind the curtain pops DC, who pauses at the top of the ramp looking out at the fans with disgust. He walks a few steps down the ramp, and then stops looking confused. JR, " What in the heck is he looking for Paul?" Heyman, " I dunno Jr...maybe he's finally wondering why Taylor booked him in the match? Or perhaps he's trying to help Michaels find his talent." He suddenly smiles and taps his head like he forgot something before turning back to the top of the ramp and waving with his hand. At this point the already loud boos from the crowd become defining as the one and only, the WallStreet Brawler himself, yes that's right folks...Taylor McCallister saunters out from the back. He points at DC and smiles and he claps his hands in admiration. DC waits for Taylor who begins talking into his ear as they make there way to the ring. JR, " Oh...figures...where one goes, so goes them all!" Heyman, " What are you talking about Jr?! There's just Taylor out there...man you really are getting old." JR, "This is turned into a damned handicap match is what is it!" Heyman, " What?! Taylor is simply out here to cheer on DC, they are stalemates after all." JR, " Oh out here to cheer on DC my Oklahoma backside Paul! Taylor is out here to make sure Michaels looses mark my words!" Finkle, " And making his way to the ring, accompanied by the Chairman and C.E.O of ICWA...Taylor McCallister....weighing in at 220 pounds and hailing from New York City, New York....DDDDDDDDDCCCCCCCCCC!" DC slides into the ring, as WallStreet stands at ringside watching as DC and Ryan get in each others faces. The two men begins talking shit as the music fades and the house lights return to normal. The ring bell is sounded and after the verbal sparring, DC comes out of nowhere slapping Michaels right across the face. JR, " A total lack of disrespect shown by DC...I always knew he didn't have any class." Heyman, " Nah...I think there was a fly of something...he was just getting it off." Michaels touches his cheek and shrugs before coming back to DC with a stiff right hand, which sends the men trading blows. Michaels begins to moving DC back towards the ropes, and whips him towards the opposite end of the ring. As DC comes back, he ducks under Michaels clothesline, rebounds and nails a diving clothesline of his own to Michaels knocking him to the mat. DC quickly hops up putting the boots to Michaels before placing his foot on Michaels face, and then puts his weight on it twisting his sharply. Ryan cries out and grabs his face as DC steps back and smiles motioning down at Ryan. He flips off the crowd before picking Michaels up off the canvas and steps him up for a suplex, but Michaels blocks it and punches DC in the side a few times before hitting one of his own. JR, " Michaels off to a nice start here reversing DC's suplex...and he's trying for the Sharpshooter...this one could be over quick!" Michaels quickly grabs DC's legs going for his patented Sharpshooter...but DC kicks him off. Michaels comes back, but DC is on his feet and begins nailing him with clubbing blows which he punctuates with a nasty looking DDT. DC goes for a pin but only gets two, which you can see WallStreet is none to happy about. He shouts some instructions to DC who nods and picks up Michaels, tossing him over the top rope to the floor. The ref leans over to check but DC gets in his face, thus allowing Taylor to come around and nail some cheap shots in to a downed Michaels. JR, " What in the hell?! Taylor has no business even being out here!" Heyman, " He's helping him back in to the ring Jr." JR, " Are you blind Paul?! This is a damned mugging if I ever saw one!" Taylor bounces his head off the guardrail a few times before tossing him back into the ring. DC gives in to the refs instructions and turns to see Ryan back in the ring. He eyes WallStreet who shrugs but gets down and counts again. Again DC comes up short, causing DC to begin blatantly chocking Michaels. The ref begins counting but DC breaks it at 4 and smiles as he picks Ryan up and sets him up for a Fame Asser. But as his hops up, Ryan grabs his legs and slams him down in a sort of modified power bomb before turning him over into the walls of Jericho. JR, " What a beautiful counter from the Fameasser in to a modified Boston Crab here by Michaels! My god...DC could be forced to tap here!" Heyman, " DC is tough Jr...no way is he ever tapping out!" JR, " Well those ropes are an awfully long ways away Paul..." The fans come alive with cheers as DC begins clawing and scratching trying to get to the ropes. DC begins to scream in pain as Ryan synchs in the move, but somehow is able to hold on. You see Taylor comes around to shout encouraging words to DC, but as the ref goes to check on Ryan, Taylor quickly reaches into the ring and grabs DC's hand helping him to the ropes. He begins shouting and the ref, seeing DC's hands in the ropes tells Ryan to break the hold. JR, " That no good son of a-" Heyman, " Easy Jr...don't have a coronary." JR, " God...I can't actually believe I am watching this! Ryan Michaels had this match won Paul." Heyman, " How do you know Jr? DC made it to the ropes..." He does so begrudgingly and begins stomping on DC's aching back. DC uses the ropes to help himself up, but Ryan just wraps his arms around DC's waist and pulls him off with a German suplex. The crowd goes nuts as Ryan doesn’t let go and nail not one, but two more making a trifecta. On the third he releases DC who lands in a heap, but Ryan isnt done and quickly hops up onto the top rope. He pauses a bit before flying off but at the last second before Ryan hits his Frog Splash, DC rolls out of the way causing Michaels to crash and burn. Heyman, " Oooooooooow that had to hurt!" JR, " Defiently Paul...Ryan’s high risk move didn't pay off there!" DC slowly gets up to his feet and falls back in the corner catching his breath. He looks over at Michaels who is finally getting to his feet, and rushes from the corner looking for a Spear. Ryan quickly is able to sidestep DC who runs sternum first into the opposite turnbuckle. He bounces off and turns right into a Sweet Chin Music from desperation.. JR, " SWEET CHIN MUSIC! SWEET CHIN MUSIC! SWEET CHIN MUSIC! By god...Michaels sidesteps the Spear by DC and pulls that outta knowhere!" Ryan basically collapses onto DC, but as the ref goes to count DC for the three Wallstreet quickly jumps up onto the apron. The ref rushes over to get him down as the crowd loudly counts the one, two, three that Michaels should have gotten. He picks his head up, somewhat confused but glares as he sees Wallstreet. JR, " For the love of god ref...get him the hell outta here!" Ryan walks over to the ref and shoves him back trying to nail Taylor. But he hops off the apron, narrowly avoiding Michaels right hands. The two have words as the ref tries to get Michaels to back up. Unbeknownst to the ref or Ryan, but knowst to us...we see DC reach into his tights , and slips his trusty pair of brass knucks on his hand. He waits and finally the ref moves Ryan back before verbally admonishing Taylor. As Ryan turns back to DC he's nailed right in the face with DC's brass covered fist knocking his out. JR, "Oh! What a shot Paul!" Heyman, " I think we better put Ryan to bed Jr...." DC quickly catches him as he goes to fall and hit's his Child's Play T-bone slam. He covers Ryan and tosses the knucks outside before the ref gets down and counts the 1, 2 and 3. JR, " My god...not this way!" Heyman, " And another one bites the dust Jr! The Entourage is on a roll..." JR, " It took Wallstreet...a pair of brass knucks and the Child's Play to put Ryan Michaels away! Never in all my years have I ever witnessed such a lack of morals by two human beings!" The crowd begin booing loudly as "Hate Me Now" by Nas begins playing over the pa. DC gets up and Taylor makes his way into the ring, grinning like he just won the Nobel Peace Prize. He gives DC a thumbs up and grabs his arm lifting it up and pointing to DC as the Fink announces DC as the winner. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<End of Y2J’s Writing>>>>>>>>>>>>> The two Entourage members stand tall over the fallen body of Ryan Michaels as ‘Bawitdaba�?from Kid Rock suddenly blast over the PA. WallStreet is quick to hop up on the ropes, not sure who’s coming, but apparently ready for a brawl when out from behind the curtain steps Omen. The crowd pops as WallStreet just raises a curious eyebrow. Omen begins slowly walking down the ramp as WallStreet stays up on the ramp, shouting toward Omen, apparently trying to figure out what the Hell he’s doing. DC Is a few steps behind WallStreet, looking at the ramp as well when out of no where Jacob Mitchell slides into the back of the ring. Mitchell stands in wait of DC, and gives him a tap on the shoulder. DC turns and�?/P> BAM! The Prodigal Drop. The crowd surprisingly erupts as WallStreet glances behind him to see Mitchell standing with a smirk on his face. Mitchell gives WallStreet a cocky wink, which makes WallStreet hop down off the ropes as Jacob falls back and rolls under the bottom rope. WallStreet drops to a knee by DC, Checking on him and then glaring up the ramp where Mitchell has met up with Omen and the two are just smirking, looking into the ring. With that we go to the back where Page Falkenberg is standing by with ICWA Intercontental Champion Alexis Davis. Page, "Alexis, since your in ring debut a month ago where you out-lasted 6 other competitors to win that ICWA Intercontental Championship, you’ve been on quite the roll. But tonight you meet your most difficult opponent to date in the ICWA United States Champion No Limits Christian Skywalker�?Walking into your first main event with both straps on the line and the chance to be a part of history, are ya nervous?" Alexis, "I’m not gonna lie Page, I am a little nervous. But not because I’m facing ‘No Limits�? I’m nervous because this is my first main event. I mean it wasn’t that long ago that I was opening the card with Raven Calloway, and now I’m headlining to become to first Unified champion in ICWA’s history. I Hope, however, that Christian does not mistake my nervousness for weakness, because if anything it simply makes me even deadlier. This isn’t just a match, this is a huge opportunity, and tonight I intend to take full advantage of the opportunity. I mean you have to figure, with my current situation with WallStreet, I may not get another shot if I don’t pull it off tonight, so for me it’s sudden death overtime, and I’m ready to finish the game." Page nods and says, "Perhaps you’d care to go further indepth on your situation with WallStreet?" Alexis, "No, not really�? Page nods, seemingly understanding as he says, "Okay, well best of luck�? Alexis nods and walks off as we go to a split screen showing her heading for the Gorilla position as well as A shot of No Limits heading for the Gorilla position. JR, "No Limits Christian Skywalker�?Alexis Davis�?NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | <<<<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Alexis Davis>>>>>>>>>>>> The cameras return and go straight to the ring as The crowd is waiting, their hearts racing, the anticipation setting in�?What’s next? They wait eagerly, when the lights fade to black and the familiar opening chords to ‘Lose Yourself�?by Eminem begins to blast over the PA. This sends the crowd into an absolute frenzy as the beat picks up and a collection of light blue and green lights begin flashing with the base. Eminem, "Look�?If You Had One Shot�?Or One Opportunity�?BR>To Seize Everything You Ever Wanted�?BR>One Moment�?BR>Would You Capture It�? Or Let It Slip?" At exactly 54 seconds into the song, out from behind that oh so familiar black curtain that for years has separated the dreamers from the Achievers, the Immortal from the merely mortal�?Alexis Davis steps, sending the packed coliseum into an uproar. She stands on the top of the stage, shakes her arms a bit and rolls her head back, loosening herself up, before she finally steps out from right in front of the curtain and ends up on stage, moving a bit with the music. The crowd continues to cheer, clearly in support of this hot young rookie, as she finally begins making her decent down the ramp, a look of sheer determination sketched on her face. Finkle, "The following bout is scheduled for ONEFALL, with a 15 Minute Time Limit! This match is for the ICWA United States and Intercontental Championships! Already On her way to the ring�?Hailing from Miami Florida…�?ALEXIS_DAAAAAVISSSS!" The crowd pops at the announcement of her name as she gets to the bottom of the ramp. She walks over to the stairs, climbs them one step at a time, and then steps up onto the outer-ringcanvas as she slowly makes her way to the center of the ropes, faces the crowd, and raises her championship high in the air, sending them into another frenzy. Alexis than slings the title back over her shoulder as she enters the ring between the first and second ropes. She hands her title to the official and then, grabs onto the top rope and pulls back, stretching herself out a bit as her music fades, the lights readjust, and we await her opponent. The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. Finkle: "And making his way to the ring hailing from Silver Springs NY he is the ICWA's US Champion No Limits Christian SKYWALKER! He then walks down the ramp towards the ring and he climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring and the two champions face off, both glaring at each other intently. NLCS hands his US title to the ref and he holds both of them up high in the air as the crowd goes crazy. The ref signals for the bell and we are underway, though neither competitor makes a move, both stand there staring at each other waiting for the other to make a move. Alexis smirks and steps back but suddenly pushes herself forwards taking NLCS down with a spear, he counters by rolling them over he now on top as he punches her in the face. Alexis tries to fight back but Christian keeps her hands pinned down as he again punches her before finally getting up. He pulls Alexis to her feet and whips her into the ropes as Alexis comes off her breath is knocked from her as NLCS lands a hard spinebuster then quickly goes for the pin with the ref in position he begins slamming his hand down but only gets a one count before Alexis gets her shoulder up. Christian grabs her hair and pulls her to her feet he picks her up going for an f-5 but Alexis wriggles out of his grasp and onto the ground before kicking his legs out from under him, with NLCS down Alexis gets to her feet trying to ignore the pain as she quickly runs at the turnbuckles and lands Final Decent (Whisper in the wind) on NLCS keeping him down. Alexis grabs him and drags him to his feet before going for Devil's Drive(The Stroke) but NLCS blocks the move sending her into the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Alexis ducks and as she comes off the ropes again she lands a kick to him stunning him momentarily, she lands a spinning heel kick and with NLCS down Alexis lands a standing moonsault driving the air from her body. Both competitors lay there, breathing heavily as the crowd begins to boo as Shane Douglas walks out and stands in the middle of the Floor at ringside, obviously wanting a closer look at the action. NLCS is the first to his feet he grins before walking behind Alexis, grabbing her right ankle he locks in the Ankle Lock Alexis screams out in pain as the move gets locked in, she struggles to get to the ropes as she crawls towards them NLCS drags her back into the middle of the ring as the crowd begins cheering for the US champion. Alexis slowly once again begins reaching out for the ropes as the ref asks if she is ready to tap, she shakes her head and keeps moving finally the rope is just an inch away and she wraps her fingers around it as the ref tells NLCS to break the hold which he finally does. Alexis groans in pain and slides out of the ring wanting to take her time to get her breath back and to beat the pain. As she does Shane Douglas rushes down and takes her out with a quick and brutal belly to belly suplex, with Alexis out cold he rolls her back into the ring and Christian goes for the pin but Alexis gets her foot on the rope breaking the count. Christian pulls away from Alexis and looks over at Shane before starting to throw abuse at him which putting it blankly pisses Shane off enough for him to jump up on the apron, NLCS walks over and the two begin throwing insults at each other until Alexis rolls NLCS up but Shane grabs her ankles and places her feet on the ropes, which makes the ref break the count. Looking up in disbelief Alexis turns and screams at Shane before turning her attention back to her match as Shane steps away from the ring holding his hands up slightly. Alexis gets to her feet still not able to put all her weight onto her right ankle as NLCS stands Alexis looks at him, her focus on just him, grinning she goes for an attack but Christian focuses on her right leg taking her down and working on her ankle which causes Alexis to fight back trying to get the pain gone from her already sore ankle, she kicks her left leg up and cops him in the chin sending him stumbling backwards, Alexis grabs the ropes and gets herself to her feet, she pulls herself up to the top rope and waits as NLCS gets up Alexis launches herself off and lands a hurricanrana with the two of them down Alexis grabs his hair and begins slamming his head into the canvas until the ref pulls her off him. He places her down in the corner but Alexis rushes landing a baseball slide to NLCS. She pulls him to his feet and goes for a german suplex but NLCS blocks it, frowning Alexis goes for it again but again it's blocked. Alexis frowns and slams her forehand into the back of NLCS' head and again goes for a german suplex almost surprising herself as she lands it. With the adrenaline running through her body Alexis looks at him and nods to herself, grabbing his leg she drags him to the corner she leans down and grabs him trying to put him on the top rope but it fails as NLCS flips Alexis over him onto the canvas, from there he gets to his feet and climbs the top rope he looks down at Alexis and grins before jumping off and going for a frog splash but Alexis gets her knees up just in time causing NLCS to grab his mid section gasping for breath. As the two lay there the ref moves into position giving the ten count as he gets to four both Alexis and NLCS begin stirring and moving Alexis is the first back to her feet and goes to bounce off the ropes but Shane Douglas grabs her foot tripping her over. She spins and grabs the top rope before launching herself over and landing on Douglas taking them both out for the moment. NLCS rolls out of the ring and grabs Alexis before rolling her back in, with her out he gets back into the ring and sets her up for Red Scare (Eye of the hurricane) but Alexis is able to get out of the move, he slams her down onto the mat and goes for another Ankle lock but she rolls out of the way and quickly jumps back up but not for long as NLCS is in her face the two locking up for what seems to be the first time in the match, NLCS gets the upper hand backing Alexis into the corner with ease breaking the hold he grabs her and lands a DDT not wanting for her to gain the upper hand. With Alexis down NLCS goes for the pin, the ref slides into position but only gets a two count before Alexis gets her shoulder up. He pushes her down and goes for another pin but again she gets her shoulder up. He slams his fist into the canvas as frustration runs through his body, neither one ready to give up yet both make it to their feet and stare each other down, Alexis still limping slightly. The crowd gets behind the both of them cheering wildly from the intense match we've seen thus far from the two. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<End of Alexis Writing>>>>>>>>> JR, "What a match we’ve got thus far, don’t go away!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live April 5th, 2005 | When cameras return from the commercial break both No Limits and Alexis are down on the mat as the official’s 10 count is already in progress. …………�?………………………�?�?BR>JR, "Welcome back folks, these two young competitors are both down and out and let’s take ya back and give ya a look at what happened to create the massacre in the ring�? ICWA Demented Live. ::During The Break:: | No Limits is down as Alexis climbs the ropes. As she gets her balance on the top rope, Christian jumps to his feet, runs up the turnbuckles and jumps on the top rope which causes Alexis to start falling forward but Christian with great speed hooks the rear waist lock and before he himself ends up falling of the top, he pulls her up and launches back, delivering an insane German Suplex off the top rope which puts both of em down and starts the count. | As the Dementa-Tron goes back to the action senior referee Tim White has reached 8 and Christian on his knees as Alexis has yet to move. …………………�?…………………………�?Just as White’s about to count Ten, Christian falls over Alexis. White drops to the mat and counts ……………�?………………�?…………………�?But just by the hair of her chin she gets her toes on the bottom rope and White declares that it’s only two. Christian rolls off of Alexis and again lays on the mat, staring up at the ceiling. Again White begins to apply the count. ………………………�?………………………………�?……………………………………�?……………………………�?4…………………………�?.5…………………………�? At this point Christian has rolled to his knees and forehead, clearly still a little rough for wear from this brutal bout, as for the first time since that brutal Super-German Suplex Alexis has opened her eyes. ………………………�?……………………�? Christian is pulling himself up on the ropes. ………………………………�?……………………………�?As White is about to count ten, No Limits stumbles away from the ropes. White ask him if he’s good to go and No Limit’s gives him a half hearted nod which causes the official to opt to continue this bout. On the outside Douglas is watching on contently, realizing that somewhere down the road he’s gonna have to face one of these two competitors. Christian grabs the legs of Alexis, and wraps em up before he turns her over with the Texas Cloverleaf, although he doesn’t have it synched in nearly as tightly as he normally would as he’s clearly exhausted. Tim White drops to a knee and notices Alexis is moving about very much, one has to question if there was a genuine screw up on that super-German suplex that either left the Intercontental champion seriously concussed or with a neck injury. God I hope not, she’s one of our most active competitorsK…�?Anyway, White drops to a knee and asks Alexis if she wants to give it up but isn’t getting much of a reply. He raises her right arm, drops it, and counts 1. He repeats the process and counts 2. He goes to count three but Alexis stops her arm in the air and slowly moves it around, trying to get the crowd to support her a little. Alexis finally musters enough strength to put her hands down on the mat and push herself up as Christian holds the move in as tightly as he can. Alexis slowly crawls, inch by inch, toward the ropes until finally, she captures the bottom rope nearest the ramp. Tim White goes over and demands the break from Christian, although as he does Shane Douglas delivers a hard right hand to the face of Alexis. The crowd boos as Christian releases the hold and turns around to see Alexis laying there. No Limits stumbles back a couple of steps and the referee follows him, making sure he’s okay as Douglas pulls Alexis�?head under the bottom rope, backs up, and delivers a stiff elbow to the upper chest and head area of Alexis before pushing her back in. Christian sees all of this over the officials shoulder and is less than pleased. Shane smirks and jawjacks with a couple of fans as Christian bounces back off the far rope, runs jumps while turning in the air, just barely landing on the top rope with his back to the outside, and then flips just as Douglas looks up, seeing Christian flying down in the form of a Moonsault which he successfully lands on the Franchise, making the crowd erupt. JR, "BAH GAWD, WHAT AGILITY FROM THE UNITED STATES CHAMPION!" The crowd is going wild as both No Limits and Shane Douglas lay on the floor. Tim White is probably praying in his head that No Limits will stay down outside as he begins counting ………………�?……………�?…………�?………………�?………………�?………………�?…………�?…�?By this time Alexis has began pulling herself up in the ring, and is leaning on the ropes, her eyes glossed over as she holds her neck. Christian is on his knees and forehead on the floor and Douglas has rolled to his knees as well. ………………�?……………………�? Alexis falls down and rolls out of the ring, ending Tim White’s original count as he begins to yell at Alexis for going out of the ring. Alexis stumbles a bit and Douglas is first to his feet. He turns around and Alexis goes to kick him between the legs but because of her exhaustion she isn’t quick enough and Shane brings his legs together, smirking as he has her leg trapped between his legs. Shane, "Uh-uh sweetheart, it doesn’t (turns head)�?AH SHITTT!" With that said Christian comes running and flying through the air, grabbing The Franchise’s head as he does, and brings it down in a modified Buff Blockbuster over the guard rail, making the Franchise snap forwards, hitting the black mats surrounding the ring as Christian lands hard on the cement in the front row of the crowd. The fans are going nuts as Alexis looks at the two bodies and Tim White, to his credit, has decided to forget the count and just let these two handle there business. Alexis crawls over the crowd barricade and finds No Limits again on his knees. He guides him up by the head and delivers a decent right hand. Then a second, then a third, and finally jumps up with Christian catching her as if he’s gonna powerbomb her, stumbling forward till his legs are against the thick black fan barricade�?Only for her to flip back and deliver a hurracanrana sending Christian flying up and over the fan barrier, back first against the hard steal steps. The crowd pops as Alexis sits with her back against the barricade, trying to regain her composure. The fans are all reaching over, patting her on the shoulders. Alexis puts her arms up, allowing a couple of fans to help her get up to her feet as she stumbles forward. Alexis grabs Christian by the hair, pulls him up, and rolls him into the ring. He rolls to his knees and slowly starts getting up in the ring as she climbs the stairs and walks over onto the ring canvas. Christian turns around as Alexis pulls herself up onto the top rope, looking for a high risk move but Christian pushes her legs out from under her. Fortunately for her, she’s regained a little of her mental strength for lack of a better terminology, and is able to land with her feet on the outside ring canvas. Christian however, is quick to bend and deliver a stiff shoulder into the gut of Alexis, making her bend over, holding the second rope to remain on the ring. Christian then runs back, bounces off the far ropes, leaps over the top and before it’s all said and done he’s delivered the Sunset Flip from Hell, powerbombing Alexis�?back first into the fan barricade with such force that she actually breaks through that section of the barricade and is literally at the feet of the front row fans. Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT�?BR>JR, "BAH GAWD, WHAT AWESOME STRENGTH FROM NO LIMITS CHRISTIAN SKYWALKER!!!" Heyman, "Tonight is a night of precedents as not only have I been forced to give Y2Jesus credit, but I am left with no choice but to give these two athletes a big, big pat on the back. This, JR, is what a Main Event should be." No Limits is leaning back against the ring, not all there as this match has been Hell, not to mention that neither performer has had themselves all together since that huge German Suplex earlier on. Christian stumbles forward and bends down, grabing Alexis by the head and arm as he lifts up what is a very limp Alexis, and rolls her into the ring. He stumbles back, catching himself on the ring post, and slides himself in. Christian gets himself over Alexis as the official counts ………………�?……………�?………………�?! JR, "IT’S OVER! NO LIMITS HAS DONE IT! HE’S BECOME THE UNIFIED CHAMPION!" Despite JR’s declaration, the bell has yet to sound and Tim White is shaking his head. Christian looks up and the camera looks over as we see (which originally was not in the cameras view) that Alexis seems to have gotten her foot on the ropes at the last second, having used this escape for the third time tonight. The crowd goes wild as Christian has a look of disbelief. JR, "Well�?I�?I guess it’s not over�?Apparently she got her foot on the rope and we’re gonna keep going!" Christian takes a couple of deep breaths, trying to clear the cob webs out of his head enough to put together a decent strategy to finish this thing. Christian gets up and picks Alexis up off the mat, and sets her up in the position for the Reverse DDT, although he’s more than likely looking for the Red Scare. However much to his surprise, Alexis grabs onto his arm (which is wrapped around her head), and pulls herself up, wraps her legs around his head, and swings to the side delivering a head scissors take down. The crowd pops as Alexis slowly pulls herself up, one rope at a time. She stumbles back and leans back against the turnbuckles as No Limits is slowly pulling himself up. He turns around and is met with a huge Sweet Chin Music, making the crowd erupt. They both fall, but he falls to his back and she hits her knees. She doesn’t seem to have enough to follow up with the Shooting star press as she typically would, so she just lays across Christian as Tim White counts, …………�?……………�?……………………�?! But just as his hand is grazing the mat he notices that much like Alexis did earlier, Christian has gotten his foot on the bottom rope. The senior official, who might I add is really earning his pay tonight, declares it was in fact just a two count, and this match continues as Alexis rolls over and slams her fist on the mat, leaning her forehead on the mat as she is clearly frustrated that she didn’t just finish it off. She slowly gets up to her feet and turns around, seeing that Christian is barely moving. She decides that maybe, just maybe she has enough left to go ahead and put that Stank on the move after all. She grabs Christian’s wrists and drags him out from the ropes a little. Then she exits the ring between the second and third ropes and slowly climbs the ropes, trying not to fall in her exhaustion. She gets up top and takes in a deep breath before she flies out, clearly looking for the Shooting star press but in what can only be described as a combination of reflex and phenomenal ring savvy, he raises his knees and she drops hard across the US Champion’s knee caps. She instantly bounces off of him, holding her ribs and chest as the crowd is going nuts. Christian slowly rolls over and rope by rope, pulls himself up to his feet. No Limits grabs Alexis, pulls her up, and again hooks on that reverse front facelock, only this time, BAM! He nails the Red Scare which makes the crowd erupt. Christian sits there for a moment, just trying to collect himself as the gas tank is clearly on E at this point. He rolls over ontop of Alexis as Senior referee Tim White counts ………………………�?…………………………�?……………�?(DING DING DING) …………�?! JR, "What the�?Well Tim White just counted the three but the bell sounded a little early, I’m not sure what’s going on here�? Time Keeper Mark Eaton gets up and climbs the stairs, entering the ring between the second and third ropes as Howard Finkle follows. The three begin talking and White and Finkle seem to be nodding a bit as the time keeper is seemingly getting some vital information across. Tim White finally gives Howard Finkle the final decision. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?No Limits Christian Skywalker DID obtain the pinfall (crowd pops) ……�?HOWEVER, He did so AFTER the 15 Minute time limit! (Crowd boos). So due to the 15 Minute Time Limit, this bout has been declared a Time Limit DRAW!" The Crowd boos as Finkle continues, "Both of these champions will RETAIN their respective championships!" JR, "These two performers gave it all they had and went the entire time allotted for this bout by the USA Network. These are the stipulations and I understand that, but in this situation you have to ask yourself, perhaps Christian should have been declared the winner in this one?" Heyman, "PERHAPS?! This is the biggest Travisty I’ve bared witness to since I’ve been here, and as you may recall, I came to the ICWA with Brock Lesnar on it’s opening day!" JR, "Well I don’t know about that, These two young athletes took each other to the limit and the pinfall did take place after the time limit�? Heyman, "No Limits Christian Skywalker won this match and anyone who says other wise is Blind, Dumb, or BOTH! This easily surpasses the 97 Survivor Series in Montreal. I for one, am appalled by this decision and hope that our fair boss Mr. McCallister STRONGLY analyzes it." JR, "In any event folks, this night has drawn to an end. Next week it’s that Huge Impress the Boss main event where we will find out what 6 men are entering the Elimination chamber! Thank-ya once again for letting us come into your living rooms, We’ll see ya next week!" All name and copyrights reserved to InterCountyWrestlingAlliance Inc. 2002 �?2005. | |
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