 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 11/1/2008 2:43 PM |
| Date: Friday October 24thth, 2008 | Live From: Greenville Convention Center - Greenville, North Carolina | Commentators: WallStreet | Theme: TBD | Deadline: Your First RP MUST BE POSTED 24 HOURS BEFORE DEADLINE or earlier 8pm EST Expect Results Sometime Monday | Main Event ICWA Tag Team Championships Tag Team Christian Michaels & Whysper (W/Angelina) V.S. Six And Rising Inc Match 6 Singles MJ Storm Returns To In Ring Action MJ Storm V.S. "The Wild Pitbull" Terry Kenderson Special Guest Commentary By: T.O.G Match 5 Singles ICWA Cyber TV Championship Scott Addams (W/ Tani Lyons) V.S. Zarek Lyle -Ten Minute Intermission- Match 4 Womens Tag Team Faith Rivers & Angelina Santana V.S. Ashley Caswell & Brooklyn Riot Match 3 Singles Darren Hunter (W/ Scott Andrews) V.S. TOG Match 2 Singles Scott Andrews (W/ Darren Hunter) V.S. Superbeast Opening Bout Singles Tani Lyons V.S. Al'Lani Chambers Plus: Jimmy Stryker & David Van Dam Sign on the Dotted line and make their future ICWA Heavyweight Title match Official, Paul Heyman's Monster Patrick Warner's in Action, Da Sweet Lunatic's in the House, And Someone with On and Off Air Management Experience from one of the MSN Network "Top 3" Promotions Will Make An Unexpected Arrival... All This AND MORE! Card Subject To change | |
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Once Again the Greenville Convention Center is crammed beyond capacity as our cameras start rolling over the excited ICWA crowd. Inside the ring we see a table set up dead center with a clipboard and some papers atop of it. " The Date is October 24th of 2008 and the event is Good Friends�?Better Champions? And folks, We aren’t gonna waste anytime in taking things to the top level here tonight because as you can see, there’s a table sitting in the center of that ICWA Ring and atop of that table�?Is A Contract Dictating the stipulations and regulations of the match the whole world’s been waiting to see�?Jimmy Stryker�?David Van Dam�?ICWA Heavyweight Championship." The lights begin to flash as the opening chords of "Right Now" by Korn begin blasting over the sound system to an over whelming level of disdain from the fans. WallStreet, " And speaking of the devil�? The curtain draws open and from behind it�?/P> WallStreet, " There he is, The Bigman himself�?Jimmy Stryker." Stryker has that crap eating smirk on his face as he knows he’s mere moments away from getting what he’s been wanting all along. He begins heading down the small black spray painted wooden ramp as WallStreet chimes back in, " Well folks�?Say what you will about Jimmy Styrker but over the course of the last two months he’s shown the entire world, and most specifically, David Van Dam, why he’s called the "Chaotic Mastermind". He has caused more chaos then we have perhaps ever had to deal with, and, through his masterminded chaos he’s finally provoked David enough to give him a heavyweight title match. One might recommend that David Van Dam would be the odds on favorite in any heavyweight title match, however, Jimmy Stryker is certainly no under dog. Nearly seven feet tall, right around three hundred pounds and perhaps the largest man I’ve ever seen with advanced knowledge of the striking art of Karate. Add on top of that over a decade of in ring experience, Heavyweight title reigns galore including a run as ICWA’s Undefeated Heavyweight Champion in 2004... Folks, They don’t come much bigger, Badder, or much more experienced then Jimmy Stryker." Jimmy Climbs over the ropes and paces the ring, his smirk still on his face. Jimmy’s music’s abruptly cut and in it’s place we begin hearing the snares from "The World’s Greatest", which immediately change the tone of the crowd from their shows of disdain to their unwavering devotion for our Champion. WallStreet, " And Here He Comes�?Here Comes the longest reigning champion in ICWA History�?Here Comes the only man in history to win the Heavyweight championship by Submission�?Here comes the most decorated wrestler in MSN history�?Here Comes as Ric Flair called him nearly two months ago�?"The Man"�?Here Comes�?/P> *PIC* "David! Van! Dam! Good Gracious !" Van Dam stands atop of the wooden stage, his glare hard and cold as, piercing a whole through the arrogant smirk of Jimmy Stryker�?David’s only distraction comes when the fans begin to chant his name, Making his glare soften only slightly as he turns his head toward the sea of humanity�?/P> Crowd: DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! DEE_VEE_DEE! WallStreet, " This capacity crowd is infatuated with the Heavyweight champion, and as well they should be!" David finally begins heading down the stage as Bert Busch is seen entering the ring, attempting to keep Stryker back on the opposite side of the ring already. WallStreet, "It was September the twelfth when the ICWA made it’s long anticipated return at "Back By Popular Demand"�?At that event Jimmy Stryker made his return by attacking Christian Michaels, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, and David Van Dam after a fantastic Heavyweight title match involving the three of them. Two weeks later at the Colossal Aftermath Jimmy Stryker struck again, this time attacking Van Dam after an awe inspiring wrestling display between he and "The Emerald" Drew Stevenson�?Just Two weeks ago at "Bailout Vetoed-Stock Market Crash", Stryker attempted to strike yet again, trying to assault Van Dam and company after an energy depleting six man tag team match, but, to little avail as Zarek Lyle was on hand to even the odds, getting a little revenge on Scott Addams for side lining him at the same time�?Which of course folks, Later on tonight we’ll see all of that come to a head as Zarek defends his ICWA Cyber TV Championship against Scott Addams�?With all of that in mind, You have to imagine that it’s everything David Van Dam can do not to go pounce on Jimmy Stryker right here and now and say screw the contract signing, let’s go." David enters the ring and shoots a glare at Jimmy, almost daring him to come get some before he finally decides to climb the turnbuckles and raise his belt in the air to a great ovation from the Greenville fan base. WallStreet, "They love em some David Van Dam in North Carolina." David hops down as his music concludes and Bert Busch stands beside this table that’s acting like a proverbial line in the sand, separating Stryker and Van Dam. Busch, " Almost two months in the making, Finally, It’s time for the contract to be signed to verify and cement the up coming Heavyweight Championship match between You Jimmy Stryker and You, David Van Dam. Both of you have reviewed the contract with legal council present, however, I have been asked to briefly summarize the context therein to remind both of you of what you’re agreeing to, and, to inform the fans of what they’ll be getting�?If I may gentlemen?" Van Dam nods and Stryker leans back in the corner and does a "By All Means" hand gesture. Busch withdraws a pair of specs from his coat pocket and then grabs the clipboard off the table. Busch, " Heh-hmm�?On Friday, November 14th you two have agreed to contest for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship�?(Crowd cheers)�?This contest will be under standard championship match rules. That means it will be a One Fall to a Finish contest contested with a One Hour time limit with normal ICWA and North Carolina State rules and regulations including outside ring counts, standard rope break regulations, and a right to the official to disqualify either of you if he feels you’re breaking said rules or that he’s lost control of th contest. Should there be any match conclusion other then a Pinfall, Submission, Or Ref’s Decision, The Championship will not change hands. That includes Count Outs, Time Limit Draws, And Disqualifications. Most notably, however, by signing this contract you’re also agreeing to a Zero Tolerance Rule between now and your main event contest on November the seventh�?If either of you act physically aggressive toward the other, This match will not take place and hefty fines and punishments -Which you’ve both agreed too-, Will be invoked�?Including, A stripping of the championship on your part Mr. Van Dam, and, A Six Month ban on any championship opportunities for you Mr. Stryker�?" WallStreet, "Whew�?It certainly doesn’t pay to break that clause." Busch, "If we’re all clear, Then I believe we can go ahead and sign this thing. We’ll start with you first Mister Stryker." Jimmy uses his boot to push himself outside of the corner and comes to the table. He takes the clipboard from Busch as well as the Microphone and begins looking at Van Dam�?/P> Stryker, "The All Mighty David Van Dam�?beating your ass and taking your belt’s gonna be a lot of fun (crowd boos). Although it disappoints me that the ICWA felt the need to add this zero tolerence clause�?I personally think it’d be a lot of fun to kick the crap out of you at some point tonight. It kind of makes me feel like I’m defying tradition to come to an ICWA event and not beat you like a bitch who pissed on the living room rug�?But Oh Well, I guess it just means I’ll have to put a little extra stank on it in two weeks." Stryker grabs the pen and signs away before he hands the contract and microphone over to Busch. Busch of course dishes them off to Van Dam. David stairs straight into Strykers eyes and says, " Bigman……………�?If you wanta do it, just say the word. This contract isn’t official till I sign on the dotted line. Let’s start a new tradition�?The Tradition of you being face to face with me before an attack instead of doing It from behind�?Because if we start that tradition, I’ll break your damn ankle, pop your shoulder out of socket, and then if I’m still in the giving mood I may go ahead, pick your big ass up and throw you on your FREAKING HEAD! How bout it Bigman?!" The crowd erupts as David sets the contract and mic on the table and removes his jacket, tossing it to the side. Jimmy rolls his eyes, picking up the mic off the table and saying, "Yeah, and have you conveniently forget to sign the contract so this get’s put off another week? I’ll pass. Just sign the damn thing David." David snickers, looking at Jimmy in disgust. But he picks up the clipboard and sure as sure can be, he signs the contract making the crowd erupt. Busch, " And so it’s official! Ladies and Gentlemen, In three weeks we will witness the first meeting in ICWA History of Jimmy Stryker and David Van�? The Crowd begins booing loudly as from nowhere, the ICWA Tag Team Champions Six and Rising Inc slide in, tossing their tag straps to either side before driving double forearms into the back of Van Dam. WallStreet, " What the Hell�? David Drops to his knees and the tag champions begin putting the boots to the Heavyweight champion as Stryker snags the mic from a retreating Bert Busch. Stryker, "I don’t have to attack you David! I’ve got plenty of people who can do it for me!" He smirks as he tosses the mic and kneels down, talking trash toward Van Dam as the fans are booing desperately at Stryker and the Stomping Six and Rising Inc. WallStreet, " This is getting absurd. First Scott Addams and Drew Stevenson�?Now Six and Rising Inc? How many people are going to be used as attack dogs for Jimmy Stryker?" The Crowd’s boos quickly change to cheers again and it doesn’t take long to figure out why as we see Christian Michaels and Whysper darting down the walk way and sliding into the ring. WallStreet, " Michaels! Whysper!" They grab the Tag champs by the shoulders, spinning them both around before quickly driving hard right jabs into their respective jaws as Stryker drops down and rolls out of the ring. The Contenders get the champions back against the ropes, They look at each other, run back, bounce off the far ropes, dart forward, forward roll, and then leap high into the air before extending their legs with duel drop kicks to the higher chests of Six pack and Steed, making them both go up and over the top rope, falling down on the floor below as the crowd erupts. WallStreet, " Michaels and Whysper just came down and got it goin on with the ICWA Tag Team Champions! They’re on fire and this capacity crowd is burnin up with CM-Whysper Fever!" Stryker puts a hand on either champion’s backs and guides them around the ring to the entrance side of the ring as they’re all bickering and yelling obscenities toward the ring. As they come around the ring they find their tag straps, picking those up and placing them over their shoulders. WallStreet, " The Tag Team champions are not happy�?Uh-Oh, And Neither is David Van Dam." Van Dam’s on his feet in the ring and he’s ripped his shirt open, tearing it in doing so as CM and Whysper are both holding him, trying to convince him not to go assault Stryker. Meanwhile on the floor Stryker’s flaunting his jaw, pointing to it as if begging Van Dam to come out and pop him so he’ll be stripped of the strap. " I wouldn’t recommend that David." David gets a "Who the Fuck" look on his face as to do all of the other wrestlers. WallStreet, " Huh?" The curtain moves and from behind it with a microphone in hand steps�?/P> WallStreet, " Oh Hey, It’s the former Vice President of Professional Wrestling Today, Jonathan Brooks." Everyone’s attention is on Brooks on the stage. Brooks, " I recently got a call from a former business partner of mine, Mr. McCallister (crowd cheers)�?He told me that after he so abruptly decided to book himself in the main event at the last show to seek retribution, that, perhaps he didn’t have quite enough discipline to avoid doing the same thing should something like that occur again. As a result, He’s made his sole on air responsibilities to offering fantastic commentary, and as a result, He has delegated full on air responsibility and authority of the ICWA to the newly named President of the ICWA�?Me." A lot of the crowd cheers, recalling Jonathan Brooks as a fair and solid managerial figure for PWT, some who aren’t as familiar with Brooks begin talking to each other about the decision. Brooks, " Now, Rest assured I’m *One* Newly Elected President you *Can* take at their word and I promise ya David, I’ll hold the full extent of that No Tolerance stipulation against you if you retaliate against Jimmy Stryker right now." The crowd boos as WallStreet says, " Not a popular decision, but, the right decision none the less." David doesn’t seem pleased but Brooks continues, " However�?Jimmy, I’ve watched this show for the last month and a half and we haven’t had ONE Main Event end fair and square in the center of that ring and you’re the primary cause of that. My first act as President of the ICWA is to GUARANTEE that tonight’s main event will end that horrid streak you’ve started." The crowd cheers this time around. Brooks, " Now, How am I so confident that this match won’t have any interference or disqualifications or other off hand shenanigans? Because I have faith in You, Jimmy Stryker, and You, David Van Dam, To make sure there isn’t�?That’s why I’m mandating that Van Dam accompany the challengers to ringside and that Jimmy Stryker accompany the Champions to ringside as official Outside Enforcers." WallStreet, " Hmm�?Interesting." Jimmy Rolls his eyes and David still has a "WTF" look. Brooks, " Oh�?And if you allow there to be any of the aforementioned shenanigans in that main event, Then, You’ll receive the same punishments as if you were to break that Zero Tolerance rule." The crowd erupts as Jimmy’s eyes about pop out of his head. Stryker begins yelling, "THAT’S BULLSH*T BROOKS! THAT’S BULLSH*T!" And the tag champions are yelling obscenities along the same lines. Brooks, " I didn’t ask if ya liked it, I just told ya how it was gonna be. Now, I recommend you gentlemen make sure our main event’s as outstanding as it has the potential to be by making sure it’s decided by those four men’s athletic performance and not off beat shenanigans�?But, there’s always that other option�?I’m sure there’s a whole slew of guys who wouldn’t mind filling in for you two to contend for a vacated Heavyweight title in two weeks. The decisions yours to make." With that "Rocky Top" The Tennesse Collegiate theme begins playing as Brooks turns and heads back through the curtain. WallStreet, " That’s huge! The Heavyweight Champion and newly official Number One Contender are both gonna be at ringside during our huge Tag Team Main Event and not only are they expected not to kill each other, BUT, They’ve gotta make sure nobody screws up this match or Van Dam losses his belt and Stryker loses his shot and any possible future shot for the next six months!" Stryker turns and begins cussing his way back toward the ramp as The Tag champs walk backwards, behind him, pointing toward the three men in the ring spouting off various obscenities. They eventually disappear behind the curtain and finally "Worlds Greatest" By R Kelly re-strikes. WallStreet, " It’s gonna be a wild headline here tonight and if this has set the pace for the entire evening, I believe I’d be justified in assuming it’s going to be an off the charts evening." David finally exit’s the ring as the tag contenders follow behind him and they too make their way up the ramp to a great reception from the fans. | |
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WallStreet, " Good Friends are Whysper and Christian Michaels, but, will they be even better champions or will Six and Rising Inc use their size and brawling expertise to continue their lengthy tag team title reign? Two big title matches here tonight, Of course the Tag Team title main event, but, also Scott Addams challenging Zarek Lyle for ICWA Cyber TV Title�?/P> "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy begins to play over the speakers there are boos heard from the crowd as Tani steps out onto the entrance ramp with her hands on her hips, Scott Addams standing right behind her. WallStreet, " Speaking of Scott Addams�?Here comes Tani Lyons for our first official bout of the night." She looks around for a second and bounces her head upward. Busch, " The Following Contest is scheduled for Onefall with a ten minute time limit! Introducing first, accompanied to ringside by Scott Addams�?TANNNNNNI LYONNNS!" She grins as she begins down the ramp letting her hands fall to her sides. People reach out for her to slap their hands but she laughs at them stepping away. The boos get louder as she gets closer to the ring. As Tani and Scott make their way to the ring WallStreet begins, " Ol�?Tani Lyons might be a little sore in the backside after the events that took place a couple of weeks ago (Chuckles).. Never the less, She has an opportunity to really make an impact as she enters her first singles contest here in the ICWA tonight against another novel face to the ICWA, A’lani Chambers. A couple of young new comers looking to really make a name in the highly competitive ICWA Women’s Championship division�?Of course the head of that division at present time, Faith Rivers. Speaking of Faith, She’ll join competitive rival turned ally for a common cause, Angelina Santana, in tag team action here tonight against Ashley Caswell and Brooklyn Riot. Ashley Casewell -you’ll remember- made her debut two weeks ago with a heinous assault on Angelina Santana and Faith Rivers after their fantastic wrestling display for the ICWA Women’s championship. She’s romantically linked to Jimmy Stryker, however, I have no idea how she’s linked to Brooklyn Riot nor am I sure specifically who Brooklyn Riot is or what to expect from her debut here a little later tonight." Tani walks over towards the steel steps walking up them. She walks to the middle of the turnbuckles and swings her leg through the middle and top rope as Addams walks around the ring. She takes her time ducking under the ropes and getting into the ring making the crowd pop with cheers for a second. Tani then walked towards the middle of the ring she messes with her hair a little bit, flipping it and then presents herself outstretching her arms to the sides. She yells some things into the camera directed either towards the fans or her opponent. She then looks towards the entrance ramp waiting for the match to begin. " Lights Camera Action " The words echoed across the arena, people in the crowd became excited as they watched the lights flash at an unmercfully speed. In a timely manner, smoke begin to rise from the side of the lit up stage area. As " Boss Lady" plays louder, A'lani Chambers exposes herself from behind the gorilla curtains with her arms raised into the air. Busch, "And the Opponent, Hailing from JA-MA-CA…�?A’LANNNNNNNNNNI CHHHHHHAMBERS!" Cheers from the excited crowd become louder as the diva rolls her hips a bit and quickly moves herself down the ramp clapping her hands to get the crowds reaction. WallStreet, " As A’Lani Chambers makes her way to the ring I’d like to take a moment to remind everybody that for the first time this season, the ICWA Will be breaking away from the Greenville Convention Center. Live Saturday, November the seventh We’ll be coming to the Fairfield Gymnasium in Kinston North Carolina�?Tickets for that event are available now. You can expect a lot of great competitors to be on hand in Kinston Saturday night including Paul Heyman’s Monster Patrick Warner, Shattered Soul, King Slender, And Many others�?That’s the Fairfield Gym in Kinston North Carolina, and that show’s being put on in support of "Christmas In The Middle East", A Program we’re proud to be taking part in to create care packages to be shipped over seas to provide our young men and women with some of the basic supplies and minor luxuries they’re slack on. Simple stuff from things like Socks and Deodorant to Books and various�?"Tastes of Home" to assist them in keeping their sanity. One Hundred percent of the proceeds of this and every show we do outside of the Convention Center from now through Christmas will go to this cause. If you’d like to contribute beyond just buying a ticket, Feel free to bring any items you may like to send. Please, Only new items. Nobody wants to reuse your B.O. Stick. And nothing that would expire or melt in extreme temperatures…�?Oh, And Tani wasting no time as she jumps on A’Lani Chambers out of the starting great. ICWA Announcer and Time Keeper Bert Busch ringing the bell and this contest is officially under way." As A’Lani slid in, Tani immediately began stomping at her. A’Lani fights through the stomps and pulls herself up on the ropes. As she does Tani grabs her by the wrist and whips her across the ring, A’Lani darts across As Tani hit’s the very ropes from which she initially shot A’Lani off of�?The two dart toward each other and Tani leaps up, spinning and extending that right elbow, nailing a hard flying right elbow. Chambers hit’s the mat and the former supermodel Tani Lyons hops on top of her, grabbing two fist fulls of hair and beginning to repeatedly bash the back of her skull against the mat while screaming, " COME ON DSL! COME ON LUNATIC! GET CRAZY! COME ON!" WallStreet, " Good gracious�?Tani Lyons has become a mad woman. Do you hear her in there? I don’t even think she’s aware of who she’s beating on�?All she sees is DSL." Finally ICWA Official Carlton gets Tani to release A’Lani’s hair and get up. A’Lani holds her head in pain as Tani glares down at her, darts to the ropes, leaps up onto the top rope, and then leaps back with a corckscrew senton type of deal across the body of A’Lani Chambers. Tani pops up as the crowd is booing loudly. She walks over to the ropes and screams, " WHAT?! YOU DON’T LIKE IT?!" The crowd continues to boo. Tani turns around as A’Lani’s pulling herself up, holding her midsection. Tani stomps her way and drills her in the stomach with a hard boot, doubling her over. Tani places her head between her legs, Hoists her up for a power bomb, and then throws her out, catching the back of her head and driving her down face first with an X Factor. WallStreet, " Ouch�?I think that’s gonna be all she wrote�? Tani covers with a dominate lateral press as Carlton drops down and counts ………………One………………Two………………Three. The Bell sounds as the crowd showers the ring in boos. Bert Busch, " Here is your winner�?TANI LYONS!" WallStreet, " Whether ya love her or hate her, ya gotta admit that was an impressive display here tonight." Tani reaches between the ropes and receives a microphone as she breaths heavy from that onslaught of offense. Tani, " LUNATIC! LUNATIC!…………�?What happened last week�?That disgusting, grotesque�?(Shutters) UGGGGGGH! I don’t even want to talk about it�?But when WallStreet (The crowd erupts, forcing Tani to pause and glare)……�?When he placed his big, filthy, disgusting hands on me�? WallStreet, " Hey now! I washed my hands that night�? It was after the match granted, but, It still counts!" Tani, " DSL�?I’m Holding you PERSONALLY responsible for that! I’d of never even been in that stinking match if you’d of known how to mind your damn business and just take that beating we gave you at the Colossal Aftermath as a warning to stay off Zarek’s jock and let Scott do his thing, that match would have just been a tag team match with Scott and Drew beating the crap out of David and WallStreet�?/P> WallStreet, " This must be what John McCain feels like when Obama starts pulling crap out of the sky to justify socialisim." Tani, " But Nooooooo, Instead you had to stick your nose in things and as a result I got�?I got�?Ugggggggh. Ya know what, I’m not even gonna repeat what happened. Nobody here probably saw it anyway so maybe I can leave it behind me�? Crowd: YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! Tani, " UGGGGGGGGH! I HATE YOU PEOPLE!" Crowd: YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! As the crowd chants Scott puts his hands over Tani’s ears and starts screaming, " SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU! SHUT UP!" WallStreet chuckles, " This crowd having a good time with Tani Lyons and Scott Addams." Tani, " This is all your fault DSL! You mark my words, some where, sometime, I’m gonna get you for all of it! Just like my man’s gonna get Zarek Lyle tonight when he takes the Cyber TV title�?Isn’t that right baby?" Scott accepts the mic from Tani and says, " Oh Yeah�?It’s damn right. Zarek Lyle, You should have stayed laid up on whatever hospital bed they had you on after I put you out at The Colossal Aftermath. That little rough-housing with the chain was just a case of some horse play�?It was kids stuff�?What I’m going to do to you tonight, however, Is going to be very�?Very Serious. I’m going to take your championship, and, I’m going to take……�?Your CAREER." Addams drops the mic as the crowds boos almost drawn out "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy. WallStreet, " Hmm…�?Some very intense words from both Tani Lyons and Scott Addams�?DSL and Zarek Lyle aren’t any slouches though. If anybody can handle it, it’s those two exceptional athletes. Never the less, We’ll see how this one comes to a head later tonight when Scott Addams challenges for the ICWA Cyber TV Title." Addams and Tani head up the ramp as the fans continue to shower them in boos. | |
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As Tani and Scott head behind the curtain, Tani’s theme concluding, Bert Busch retakes the ring. Bert: The following contest is scheduled for one fall............ The sounds of "Dream on" By Aerosmith fill the hall and from behind the curtain out steps Darren Hunter (With Scott Andrews close behind) in his ring gear as he stands in front of the curtain he looks around and then to the ring. Bert: In the ring, from Nottingham, England weighing two hundred seventeen pounds.....DARREN HUNTER!!!!!! He then walks towards the ring looking nervous and then he slides into the ring and a smile then forms on his face and he puts his arms around and does a little spin and then he looks towards the curtain for his opponent. WallStreet: Darren Hunter another young new talent finding his way into the ICWA�?We’re gonna see what he’s made of here tonight as he goes one on one with the man who’ll be my broadcast partner later on tonight, Tee Oh Gee. "Man In The Box" by Alice in Chains begins blasting from the speakers as the crowd jumps to their feet. Eventually the curtain moves and from behind it to a grand ovation is the man most commonly known as That One Guy. Bert: " Making his way from Buffalo New York, weighing in at 240 pounds... He is Tee... Oh... GEEEE!" TOG makes his way down the ramp and slaps some hands along the way till he gets to the ring. WallStreet, " TOG the Center of a "unique" situation with MJ Storm. Hopefully later on tonight we’ll get some answers and figure out what that’s all about. For those of you who don’t recall, MJ made his return a month ago by attacking Tee Oh Gee after his match�?Last week he came out to "Explain" himself, however, all he accomplished was to confuse us more than we already were. However, whatever he said seemed to make some sense to Tog, So, Hopefully he’ll clear it up for us later on. Right now, however, he’s about to force this young native of Nottingham England to show us just what he’s made of." He climbs the stairs, enters the ropes and climbs up the turnbuckles where he raise his arms above his head as he gains approval from the fans as his music dies out. DING DING DING!!!! TOG and Darren Hunter look at one another in which is looking to be one hell of a fight. Here comes TOG, starting off with a bang, after the lockup with a huge swinging neckbreaker. TOG now is seen back to his feet, then dropping across the head with a huge knee drop. TOG is seen standing himself up looking down at Darren now, trying to get himself into the big time by securing a victory. TOG then smiles as he kicks Darren in the jaw, and then levels him with an elbow drop across the chest. TOG picks Darren up and whips him into the ropes. Darren with a rebound then quickly changes sides, going up into the air, and connecting with a flying lariat, sending TOG to the mat. WallStreet: TEE OH GEE...on a run there for a moment, until that huge flying lariat from Darren. Darren, then gets to his feet, as he picks up TOG. He then sets up TOG for a suplex, bam there is one. Bam there is two and bam there is what will finish up the trifecta of the three amigos. Darren smirking as he gets behind TOG and locking in the chicken wing stretch. Darren locking it in tight, as he is hoping TOG will tap out making this an easy victory for him. But to no avail TOG is right there, trying to fight his way out of the hold. TOG not able to for the moment, as Darren keeps the hold locked in tight. But here comes TOG once again, fighting out of the hold. This time TOG gets to his feet, as he elbows Darren in the gut three or four times, and then heads towards the ropes. TOG then nails Darren with a clothesline, then another clothesline. TOG then picks up Darren nailing him with a vertical suplex. TOG then while he is on a run, This time there is Darren ducking another clothesline, and then being nailed with a drop toe hold, and then Darren quickly locking on the Boston Crab. WallStreet: This has been a back and forth battle between the two. Darren really looking impressive as he hangs with TOG in his ICWA Debut. TOG once again in a dangerous situation here, as Darren is sitting back more laying in the pressure on the knees and legs. TOG is heard screaming out in pain. TOG then looks up and begins smiling from the pain. His expression making Darren think he is in pain, continues screaming bloody murder. TOG then suddenly, flips Darren over into a pinning predicament... Ref: 1..........2..........Kickout!! Darren then is seen locking a figure four leglock on TOG. TOG now in more pain, as his legs were worked on moments ago, and now they are again. WallStreet: TOG back on the defensive end, but how much longer can he hold on? The ref is seen checking on TOG, and he then looks up at the ref telling him that he is not giving up the match yet. Darren wondering why TOG is not tapping, as he lets go of the figure four. Darren then steps up as TOG is still on the ground. Darren then is seen locking in the STF. WallStreet: Darren Hunter with another impressive submission�?/P> TOG now screaming in pain, as his legs and neck are wrenched back, and finally after a few moments TOG is seen tapping out to the STF, as the bell rings. Bert: Here is your winner.....DARREN HUNTER!!!! Darren releases as soon as he hears the bell. Darren stands up and looks down at TOG, Offering down his hand�?TOG looks at him with a "Are you serious" and Scott Andrews, who’s climbing up the stairs has the same look. TOG Reaches up and sure enough, Darren helps him up. The crowd cheers as TOG nods, shrugging and giving Darren a pat on the shoulder. TOG, "Good stuff kid�?Good stuff." TOG drops down and rolls out, slapping a few hands as he heads for the back. WallStreet, " With all the animosity in our sport, that was pretty refreshing. Kudos to Tee Oh Gee and to the victor this evening, Darren Hunter." Andrews gets in the ring and questions Darren, as he obviously wouldn’t have been nearly as kind to an opponent he beat, but, before much can transpire from the situation�?/P> Some lights on the stage begin flashing as the opening of Superbeast by Rob Zombie hit’s the waves. About 12 seconds in when the music picks up the Superbeast comes onto the stage with a scowl on his face. He gives a sarcastic look to the fans and heads to the ring. Bert: The following bout is scheduled for ONEFALL�?Already in the Ring, Making his way from Toronto Ontario�?SCOTT ANDREWSS�?. His Opponent, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia, weighing three hundred fourty pounds.....SUPERBEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WallStreet: Superbeast may currently be the largest performer on our roster and as a result, can be the deadliest force in the ICWA if motivated to be. It’s going to be interesting to see how the significantly smaller Scott Andrews handles the challenge. Darren Hunter will of course be at ringside, however, I doubt that he’ll get very involved as so far, he seems to be a pretty rule abiding citizen." Superbeast enters and the bell sounds. WallStreet: And were underway, with Superbeast not wasting time delivering a powerful knee to the gut of Scott Andrews. Andrews is seen bunched over, as the big man reaches back and pounds him across the face with a hell of a punch. Andrews the falls to the mat, holding his jaw, wondering what truck just hit him, as he then tries to get to his feet. Superbeast not wasting a minute as he grabs the back of the head of Scott now slamming it into the turnbuckle pad. Superbeast pulls Scott out of the corner and then levels him with a short armed clothesline, sending him flipping through the air, and to the mat. WallStreet: Good Gracious! He nearly took Scott's head off with that clothesline. Superbeast then look down on his fallen opponent, the scowl filling his face still, as he picks Scott up. About halfway up BAM, a huge gutwrench powerbomb. Superbeast steps back a bit, and lifts his leg high into the air, and lands a nice legdrop to the throat of Scott Andrews who is now gasping for air. Superbeast tries for the cover. Ref: 1.....2.....Kickout by Andrews. WallStreet: The Kid still has fight in him after this onslaught of a beating. Superbeast laughing now, as Scott is seen climbing over to the ropes, Superbeast right there to lay a forearm in the back of Scott Andrews. Superbeast gets Scott to his feet and hoists him up for a body slam.But Scott finding this wind slides off of Superbeasts shoulders, and nails him with the backstabber. Super Beast holding his back now, as Scott Adams is trying to get himself on his feet. Scott now to his feet looks down at Super beast, who is getting more angry knowing Scott got the best of him, As Super Beast turns around Scott pokes the big guy in the eyes, and then nails him with a huge clothesline. Scott then exits the ring, and heads to the top rope. Scott then launches himself off the top, nailing Super Beast with a five star frog splash. Scott now holding his rib area, as he is now trying to find out what to do, and catching his breath. WallStreet: Scott came off that top rope quickly, but it may have cost him a bit. Scott then stands himself up and grabs superbeast and whips him into the corner. As Super Beast hits Scott is seen right behind him, then exiting the ring, with a handful of hair. Scott then is seen leaping over the top rope, and connecting with a huge face buster on the big man. Scott is seen making the cover. Ref: 1...........2............Kickout with power by The Beast!! WallStreet: Excellent work there by Scott Andrews. Say what you will about his attitude, but, he has all the tools to engage in a bright future here in the ICWA. .Superbeast now back to his feet, as he sends a right hand to the gut of Scott. Scott then goes back for Beast, but there is another right hand to the gut, and then a hard shot to the chin rocking The Canadian Dream!!! Scott then comes back at him with a right of his own staggering the big man. Then another right by Beast, knocking Scott to the mat. Scott then swings his left leg, connecting to the back of the knee of Beast. Beast is seen dropping to one knee now, as Scott quickly gets to his feet. As Beast is trying to stand up on his own, Scott is seen running to the ropes, as he tries a huge body plancha, but Beast is right there to lock him into a devastating bear hug. WallStreet: Scott better get out of this if he plans on winning this match. But Beast does seem to have it on nice and tight. Beast then smiles, and nails him with a huge headbut. Beast then flips him over, head down to the mat. Beast then tries for the Philly Driver....But here comes, Scott sliding out of it with another huge facebuster. He goes back to the top rope, as he is seen coming off nailing Beast with The Maple Leaf, and then goes to hooking the leg. Ref: 1............2..........3!!! Busch, " Here is your winner�?SCOTT ANDREWS!" Scott Andrew is celebrating in the ring, having just defeated Superbeast. As he climbs to the middle rope and raises his arms to the sky when his music is cut off by the sounds of "Step Up" by Drowning Pool. The Canadian Dream's eyes go wide as Paul Heyman marches out, leading his six foot five inch monster, "The Juggernaut" Pat Warner out. Scott Andrews is quick to get out of the ring, He and Hunter backing away as Heyman points up at the ring. Warner leaps onto the apron from the ground and steps into the ring, turning to face the entrance area. Busch, " Now in the ring, he weighs two hundred and ninety pounds and is coming to us tonight from Indianapolis, Indiana. He is PATRICK WARNER!" Pat Warner stares at the entrance way, as "I Think I'm Parnoid" by Garbage hits the speakers. Two Hardy Boyz looking guys, Kirby Mack and and TJ Mack (AKA Team Macktion) come bouncing out. They do the old Hardys routine before looking at each other and charging down towards the ring. Rolling into the ring, before they can be announced, Pat Warner attacks. He delivers a big right hand to TJ Mack which drops him. A big right hand drops Kirby as well. TJ is back up and swings for Pat Warner's head. The shot to his head does nothing but anger the big monster as he grabs TJ, lifting him up in the gorilla press position. Kirby gets back up and finds his tag partner tossed at him. They collide and drop to the mat. Wallstreet, " This Pat Warner is a monster. He's destroying these two young competitors." Referee Jason Harding tries to gain control but is ignored as Warner lifts TJ up. Hoisting TJ into the air, Warner recklessly tosses him over the top rope to the ground. Kirby is back up and comes charging at Warner, only to be caught, lifted up, and slammed back down with The Juggernaut Slam. Warner makes the cover. One, Two, Three. Busch, " Your winner... Pat Warner. WallStreet, " And Patrick Warner just put away TWO competitors in under three minutes! Who can stop this war machine on his path of destruction?! Hey Obama, try and tell Patrick Warner to withdraw from Heyman’s war on gimmick theft before it’s over�?See how far that get’s ya." Warner exit’s the ring and heads back up the ramp with Heyman slapping him on the back and bouncing around in joy of the carnage his monster left behind�?Said Carnage is being scrapped up by our refs to be carted to the back as Bert Busch retakes the ring. | |
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Bert: The following Contest is a TAG TEAM Match! It is scheduled for Onefall with a fifteen minute time limit�?/P> WallStreet, " Well, It wasn’t a good day to be team Macktion, But, I doubt very seriously that either tag team in this contest will be so easily manhandled." "Riot" begins to play over the system, shortly there after Brooklyn Riot steps out; hands on her hips and that sexy, cocky little grin spread across her face. Lifting an eyebrow to the booing crowd, the diva throws her body weight forward as she walks down the ramp. Busch, " Introducing First�?Making her way from LAS VEGAS NEVADA…�?She is�?Broooooklyn RIIIIIOT!" Stopping towards the bottom of the ramp, Brooklyn glances around and scowls towards a fan who tries to reach out to touch. WallStreet, " Brooklyn Riot a fresh new edition to the highly competitive ICWA Women’s division. Tonight she looks to make her debut as the tag team partner of Ashley Caswell against the ICWA Women’s champion Faith Rivers and the number one contender, Angelina Santana." Rolling her eyes, Brooklyn walks to the steps and crawls between the two middle ropes slowly; always showing off her body. "Pain by 3 Days Grace hits, as Ashley Caswell steps out onto the stage. Her beauty shining off for the whole world to see, as the boo's drown out anything else going on in the arena. Busch, " Her Partner, Making her way from Hollywood California�?Ashley�?CASSSSSSSWELL!" She smiles and shrugs off to what she thinks is a disrespectful welcome, and heads to the ring. WallStreet, " Miss Caswell made her debut at the Bailout Vetoed show some two weeks ago at the expense of Faith Rivers and Angelina Santana, thus setting up this impromptu match up. Rumor has it that since her arrival she’s formed a romantic affiliation with Jimmy Stryker. Jimmy Stryker of course makes his in ring return LIVE in THREE WEEKS from right here in the GREENVILLE Convention Center as he takes on the longest reigning champion in this company’s history, David Van Dam, for the richest prize in the Industry�?The ICWA Heavyweight Championship. They’ll be out here a little later tonight as special guest Outside Ring Enforcers for our huge tag team main event�?With that zero tolerence rule being placed on them, It should be interesting to see how that pans out with only two weeks separating them from this huge ICWA Championship match." As Ashley’s already entered the ring and is consulting her partner, A woman's voice cooes, "This is where the money's at," and Angelina walks out to the stage as Rob Zombie's "Girl On Fire" blasts out of the PA system. She stops, holds her arms out to her sides and twists her hips with a seductive smile. Busch, " And the opponents�?First, From Beverly Hills California�?B> ANGELINA�?SAAAAANTANAAA!" Angelina proceeds to walk to the ring, all business. WallStreet, " And here comes the lovely Angelina Santana�?As beautiful as she is devastating I assure you. Whysper maybe one of the luckiest men on the planet, but, when you factor in that short temper and devastating right hand she has, You have to wonder if it’s all *Good* Luck (laughs)." Once she gets to the ring, she stops at the apron, and hops up on it on her right knee. She looks around a bit, leaps up, does the leg splits, and ducks under the ropes. WallStreet, " The gentlemen here tonight certainly appreciated that (laughs)." She stands up on one knee and flips her hair back, smiling slightly. She stands up and holds out her arms in a grandiose fashion(a la Randy Orton). The lights go out and "Faith" by Limp Bizkit begins to come out of the PA System. Faith Rivers walks out and stands at the top of the entrance ramp. Busch, " And Finally, Making her way from Miami Florida�?She is the ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPIONNNN�?FAAAAAAITH RIVVVVVERS!" As the chorus of the song hits, 'You Gotta Have Faith' she jumps up a little and as her feet come down on the ramp again, lights flash on the entrance ramp before her, just before Faith runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. WallStreet, " And look at her go! Faith is ready and raring to go here tonight!" As she gets to her feet, Faith runs into the corner and gets up on the second turnbuckle. She taunts the fans a bit before jumping down. Faith begins to loosen up her arms before leaning back against the ropes. The four ladies come to the center of the ring and begin the trash talking�?Yep�?That doesn’t last long before the pot shots get traded in for hard shots from the right hands. DING DING DING!!!! Brooklyn sending shots with her right hand, and now her knees to the gut of Angelina Santana, while Ashley is taking on Faith. After a few shots delivered, Faith and Angelina, begin to fight back. The blows continue to fly as the ref trying not to get in the middle of it all and have him punched out for the night, screaming at them, as finally Faith and Angelina are taken down to the mat with thunderous DDT's. Brooklyn is seen exiting the ring, as Ashley is going to start this tag team match, as she lays kicks to the head of both Faith and Angelina who are still down. Angelina is seen rolling herself out of the ring, as Faith is being helped to her feet by Ashley. Ashley the grabs Faith by her hair calling her any name she can think of before hitting Faith with a hard forearm shot. Ashley then knees Faith into the midsection where she then grabs her by the hair tossing her across the ring. Ashley with a look to kill on her face, walks over, tagging the waiting Brooklyn, who now enters the ring. The two women work together, nailing a double suplex on Faith. WallStreet: A surprisingly good show of teamwork between the new commers Brooklyn Riot and Ashley Caswell. Brooklyn then pushes Faith into the corner, where she slaps the taste out of her mouth. Faith now falling to her ass, as Brooklyn sticks a boot across the throat of Faith. As she does, inside the ring comes Angelina and nails Brooklyn from behind. Angelina now laying her frustrations out on Brooklyn forearm shots to the back, and then a huge dropkick to the back sending Brooklyn head first into the turnbuckle. Angelina is seen pulling Faith out of the corner, and dragging her over to their side of the ring for a tag. But before she can, Ashley is there knocking Angelina with a kick to the gut, then tossing her through the middle rope and onto the floor. Faith through this time, is a bit weary but knowing where she is, as Brooklyn goes for her, but Faith knocks her wind out of her lungs for a sec with a couple hard shots. Faith to her feet now, kicking Brooklyn in the gut, then facing away from her for a Russian leg sweep. Faith now looking over to make the tag however Angelina is seen barely getting from her knees to her feet on the outside. Angelina notices that she is coming, getting closer and closer to their corner every second. Angelina now back on the apron, as Angelina reaches out for Faith's hand. Ashley then grabs the ankle of Faith before she can make the tag. But instead Faith stands up on her own accord on one leg, and delivers a ensiguiri to the face, sending Ashley to the mat, and finally the tag to Angelina is made. WallStreet: Faith gets out of a bad predicament and brings in the fresh Angelina, who is raring to go. Angelina, gets into the ring quickly as she goes to work not only on Brooklyn who is coming to with a neckbreaker sending her down to the mat. Angelina then takes Ashley down with a huge clothesline. Faith now back on her feet. The womens champion and Angelina, both in control, as the two lock Ashley and Brooklyn up and nail them with dual standing hurricanrana's crashing them to the mat. The fans on their feet with the way the match has happened so far. The two of them continue the all out assault until Brooklyn heads over to where the time keeper is and grabs the womens championship. Brooklyn then climbs up on the apron, and is about to get into the ring, until Ashley is seen falling to the mat holding her ankle. The ref is seen checking on Ashley only to give time for Brooklyn to smash the womens title across the face of Angelina sending her down to the mat hard. Brooklyn then goes for Faith, but Faith ducks, and kicks Brooklyn in the midsection, moves her a bit, and drops her with a DDT onto the womens title that lay in the ring. Faith pushes the title out of the ring, as she make a cover, screaming at the ref who is still with Ashley. The ref turns his head noticing the cover, as he starts hitting the mat. ref: 1.........2..........kickout by Brooklyn. WallStreet: Well played. I gotta give it to them on that one. Ashley now to her feet quickly, as she levels Faith from behind, only to have Angelina sneak up from behind her do a wierd lookin flip and nail her with the So Cal Stunner. WallStreet: So Cal Stunner from Angelina, however, she’s not the legal competitor�?/P> Brooklyn now coming from behind Angelina, locks up her arms and nails her with the start of the riot. WallStreet: Brooklyn’s starting a Riot and this capacity crowd is on their feet. With Angelina and Ashley down, Brooklyn and Faith both on their feet once again go for another. This time as Faith is right there to lay the fists and the boots to Brooklyn's head. Brooklyn stumbling back and Faith then comes charging at her with a running knee lift that literally lifts Brooklyn off her feet sending her to the mat. While Brooklyn is down, Faith then grabs Brooklyn and slaps her, then whips her into the ropes, this time Faith rolling her body, sending a foot to the jaw of Brooklyn courtesy of a spinning heel kick. Brooklyn crashes to the mat one more time as Faith attempts the cover... Ref: 1.....2.....The ref stops.... The ref is seen telling a irate Faith that Brooklyn is not the legal competitor in the ring, that Ashley indeed is. Faith then runs her fingers through her hair, as Angelina is now onto her feet. Ashley coming to somewhat, as both ladies look at one another with a gleam in their eyes. Faith the whispers something to Angelina who nods back at her. WallStreet: Faith and Angelina are strategizing and folks, That look’s the same look I see in a woman’s eye when I take her into Macys and tell her my credit card’s limitless�?I know that look and it could be just as bad for the opposition as it often times proves to be for my Visa. Faith then is seen grabbing Brooklyn and tossing her to the outside. As Angelina is whipping Ashley across the ring, as Ashley bounces off the ropes, there is Faith right there lifting her high into the air, as Angelina grabbing the neck of Ashley crashing her down onto the mat. WallStreet: Good Gracious! A Tag team effort to perform a super three-fourths neck breaker of sorts! Faith is seen making the cover... Ref: 1.....2.....3!!!! The bell sounds as "Faith" by Limp Bizket hit’s the speakers again and Busch announces, " Here are your Winners�?Angelina SANTANA and FAITH RIVVVVVVERS!" WallStreet, " And there you are�?As per usual, an impressive display by our Women’s champion and our number one contender�?Although Ashley and Brooklyn were certainly no slouches. You have to concede that they’ve certainly placed themselves in the title picture with their valiant efforts here tonight." Santana goes to the side ropes and hops up on the first and second rope, pointing out to the cheering fans as Faith heads over to a corner on the opposite side of the ring and gets up on the second rope. The fans are cheering but as Faith and Angelina celebrate, Brooklyn slides in with a steel chair in hand. Angelina hops down off the ropes and backs up a few steps, smiling and holding her arms out but to her surprise the fans are booing�?/P> CRAAACK! Guess Angelina knows why they’re booing now as she ends up being nailed from behind with the chair and dropping to her face. Her hand races to hold her back as Faith’s theme concludes in favor of the bell. WallStreet, " Apparently miss Riot isn’t overly pleased with the outcome of this contest." Brooklyn raises the chair high into the air, probably planning to bring it crashing over Angelina’s back, but, Faith (who’s obviously no longer on the ropes) spins her around and drives a hard right to her jaw, making the chair drop from her hand as she stumbles back and falls between the ropes, rolling out onto the floor as the crowd’s boos change to cheers. WallStreet, " Good Gracious! Faith Rivers just knocked the taste out of that young woman’s mouth." Brooklyn pulls herself up holding her jaw as Ashley’s now up and standing next to her. Faith reaches down and grabs the chair Brooklyn left behind and holds it up, daring Ashley or Brooklyn to come back in here. The two round the ring, Ashley holding her neck and Brooklyn holding her jaw. Brooklyn shoves Ashley and says, " Way to lose it!" Ashley looks completely offended and shoves Brooklyn back as she says, " And where the Hell were you when I was getting double teamed?!" Brooklyn rolls her eyes and puts her palm in Ashley’s face as if to say "Talk t o the Hand" as she says, " Whatever." Brooklyn snaps around, flipping her hair back as she heads to the back. Ashley watches her walk away, and then looks back to the ring where Faith is standing with that chair�?Ashley glares before pointing at Faith and doing the Title taunt around her waist. Ashley then turns and heads up the ramp herself. WallStreet, " A little friction between Ashley Caswell and Brooklyn Riot�?This may not be a very long standing tag team here in the ICWA." As Ashley heads through the curtain Faith shakes her head and turns around�?As Faith turns around, Angelina pulls herself up to her feet and turns at the same time�?She looks at Faith with offended surprise in her eyes. Angelina, " YOU BITCH!" The crowd that heard her gasps�?/P> WallStreet, " What in the World�? Faith seems confused as she says, " What’s your problem?" Angelina looks further offended by that question�?Angelina looks at Faith, then at the chair in Faith’s hands, then back to Faith�?/P> WHAM! Angelina drives her boot hard into Faith’s gut as the crowd begins to boo. WallStreet, " Wait�?/FONT> I think�?I think Angelina thinks Faith hit her with that chair!" Angelina quickly grabs Faith and BAM! So Cal Stunner. The crowd boos louder as Angelina stands up and stairs down at Faith, glaring and cursing as "Girl on Fire" by Rob Zombie begins blasting over the sound system. WallStreet, " Angelina got nailed from behind by Brooklyn Riot with that steel chair but when she got up she saw Faith with the chair in hand, linked the two and reacted accordingly. Unfortuantly, Faith was innocent of the crime for which Angelina chose to punish her. I have a feeling the events of this contest may bubble over with that hot Women’s title feud between Angelina and Faith, and the addition of Brooklyn Riot and Ashley Caswell to the pot�?It’s a recipe for disaster folks." *INTERMISSION* | |
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As we return from Intermission Bert Busch stands in the center of the ring. Busch, " The Following contest is scheduled for Onefall with a Thirty Minute Time limit and it IS For the ICWA Cyber TV Title!" WallStreet, " This is one of two big title matches we’ve been waiting for all night." "Pride, Honor, Glory, Stardom - it all defines me... Greatness Incarnate" The arena goes black and the opening riff and drums to "Divided" by Silent Civilian hits. A dely on Scott's arrival occurs as 24 seconds into the song, the opening scream hits and then cuts up to around a minute in when the lyrics come nto play. The heavy scream speaks out loudly and the boos begin to run rampant through the arena. I'm not the one you'll deceive/choose what I want to perceive You lack the will and control/ your church is destined to fall Force those to bow and accept/ imposing fear to repent Divide a nation of one/ ignore the damage you've done
Free minds destroyed, they kneel Trapped in the lies, you sell
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell
Prey on the hearts of the week/give them something to believe Undo their liberal state/ revoke the right to debate Your lies of deliverance/ scare tactics gain their consent Abortion of the free mind/ create the sheep get in line The lights quickly flash with a red and white combination as the arena is black as the lights pulsate to the drum beat of the song, and with a big flash the lights are instantly back on and smoke is filling up at the entrance as Scott emerges from the smoke. His arms are in the air as he turns around in a circle taunting as streaming sparks explode to his sides from the two bases set up just for his entrance, just executing his ever-growing cockiness as he's showered in the sparks. Busch, " Introducing First, The Challenger�?Making his way from Chicago Illinois at a weight of 225 pounds�?He is accompanied this evening by Tani Lyons�?He is, "Greatness Incarnate" SCOTT�?ADDDDDDDAMSSS!" Free minds destroyed, they kneel Trapped in the lies, you sell
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell
Please believe within you, resist oppression Lies and greed before you, passive aggression Guilt, they'll feed, and scorn you, for liberation
In the name of fascism, you steal Seperating what is one, wont heal In the name of your deceit, you sell You condemn those who think free, to hell Scott makes his way - Tani Close behind- walking down to the ring throwing profanities and hand gestures to the fans as he reaches the edge of the ring and the solo of the song hits. Scott raises his arms up into the air to form the "X marks Greatess" taunt with the arms in the air with an X, and his music continues to play as the boos are heard loudly. WallStreet, " This feud between Scott Addams really started long before their arrival to the ICWA, However, since their arrival in the ICWA it’s certainly picked up quite a bit of steam. Zarek Lyle in historic accord managed to find victory in two matches in one night to become the very first Cyber TV Champion in ICWA history�?All of which occurred in his ICWA Debut. Zarek’s taken the ICWA by storm since his arrival and I can’t help but think that Scott Addams may be a little jealous of all the attention Zarek’s received over the past couple of months. Regardless of the reasons for their utter disdain toward each other, They’re gonna get a chance to go on ahead and sort it out the good ol fashion way�?Mono-e-mono, Man to man, Fist to cuffs. Get ready folks, this one should be explosive." Scott Addams takes his place in the far corner, Tani behind him massaging his shoulders as he’s bent down, crouched almost, glaring at the curtain in wait�?/FONT> Zarek’s theme suddenly strikes the PA and as it does the capacity plus crowd on hand erupts. The curtain flies open and from behind it, (His torso wrapped up from beyond the waist line of his tights all the way up to the bottom of his pecs), Zarek Lyle comes flying out, holding the ICWA Cyber TV title way in the air to the crowds adulation. WallStreet, " There he is folks and I believe he’s just as ready for this contest as the challenger, perhaps even more so." Zarek shoots a look around, and then darts down the ramp making the crowd erupt even louder. Zarek slides into the ring and as he does Tani and Scott both hop out through the ropes, landing on the floor at the same time Zarek jumps up to his feet. Zarek tosses his title to the side and darts forward, leaping onto the ropes that Scott and Tani just exited through and shouting down for Scott to get back in. Scott looks at the ref and starts yellin, " YOU GONNA GET HIM TO HIS CORNER REF?! COME ON!" Harding acknowledges the validity of Addams�?protest by coming over and placing a hand on Zarek’s chest, insisting he hop down and back up. WallStreet, " Zarek Lyle’s all fired up for what would be his second Cyber Tv Title defense -The first of which you’ll remember was against DSL, after which Scott Addams distributed the horrific attack that left Zarek Lyle in the condition you see him in today." Zarek hops down and backs up, wincing a little as he grabs his torso with one arm and uses the other to beg Addams to come on in. WallStreet, " Zarek Lyle’s an incredibly passionate performer but you have to question his judgment here tonight. He’s clearly no where even remotely close to a hundred percent�?Not only does he risk losing the championship here tonight, but far more importantly, he runs the risk of suffering permanent and quite possibly career ending injuries." Zarek’s theme concludes as Scott begins slowly starting to reach up to climb up onto the ring�?As he does Zarek starts to head his way so he immediately hops back and yells " COME ON REF! FOR GOD’S SAKES�?CAN’T YOU EVEN CONTROL A FREAKING CRIPPLE?!" WallStreet, " This a true testament to the guts, fortitude, and pride of the man we call Cyber TV Champion, Zarek Lyle. Despite the clear risks, He’s gonna do what he’s gotta do to get his hands on Zarek Lyle�?Or Excuse me, Scott Addams I obviously mean. The kid may have more guts then brains, but then again, It seems like most of the guys who become all time greats in our business do." Addams tries to enter again, but again backs off and changes his mind as the crowd boos. WallStreet, " Scott Addams taking his time here. You could recommend that he’s scared, but, I honestly don’t believe that to be the case. I believe Addams�?is making sure to dictate the pace, which, is a smart move�?Uh-Oh, He’s getting a microphone." Indeed he is. Addams, " Zarek�?Ya know�?There’s nothing that I want more tonight then to do what I told the world I was going to do earlier and end your career…�?Trust me, I want to put you to rest worse then most Americans want to put Barany Franks to rest�? WallStreet, "For those of you residing on South Main Street of Under-a-rock’sville USA, Barany Franks was the Democratic congressmen from Massachuttets who was involved with the over seeing and regulating of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac�? Addams, " BUT…�?I can’t." Zarek looks at him with a "WTF" Look similar to DVD’s earlier in the night when Jonathan Brooks made his ICWA Debut�?/FONT> Addams, " Apparently you’re not medically released to compete. Soooooooo, Looks like you forfeit kiddo. I’ll take my belt now." The crowd is booing loudly as WallStreet says, " We already discussed that Zarek Lyle’s clearly not at a hundred percent but I’m not sure what this is all about�?If Zarek’s willing to wrestle knowing the risks, then I believe that’s his decision to make. He’s a grown man." Zarek reaches out and Burt holds a mic up as he says, " I’m fully aware of my medical condition�?Spare me the pity and get your ass in here!" The crowd erupts as Zarek begins pacing side to side, a hand on his ribs and another hand by his side as he looks like he’s ready to jump on Addams as soon as he walks in. WAllStreet, " WA-HOA�?Zarek Lyle puttin it all out there. "Get your ass in here" he says�?This kid’s ready and raring to go folks!" Scott Addams raises an eyebrow, " Pity? Puh-lease. I’d beat Zack Gowen with his own prosthetic leg if given the opportunity." Busch is still holding the mic up into the ropes from the floor so Zarek bends back over and says, " Then what’s the flippin problem?!" " You’re not Medically cleared Mister Lyle�?That’s the "Flippin" Problem." Zarek turns around and as he does Jonathan Brooks comes out onto the stage drawing a few boos as he does. WallStreet, " The newly appointed President of the ICWA making his second appearance here tonight." Zarek leans on the ropes with an annoyed look on his face as Jonathan steps to the side of the stage and says, " Zarek�?I’ve been in talks with our trainers all day. I’ve searched for any and every possible way to consciously justify allowing you to compete here tonight, but, I’m sorry�?There’s simply no way. Your ribs are tender at best and it wouldn’t take much to re-fragment the ribs you broke last month. And that’s the good news, the bad news is what would happen to your more internal injuries�?I’m sorry Zarek, But Scott’s absolutely correct. I’m going to have to force you to forfeit this match, and, due to the indefinite time frame of healing necessary predicted by our medical staff, I’m going to have to regretfully order your forfeit of the ICWA Cyber TV Championship." The crowd boos loudly as Zarek grits his teeth, glaring hard as he’s clearly not happy. WallStreet, " Zarek Lyle not happy here folks, and neither is this passionately Pro-Lyle crowd. However, as much as I’d like to see this match and as much as I can empathize with Zarek Lyle having been in his position before�? I can also empathize with Jonathan Brooks. He’s doing what he feels is best for the welfare of one of his performers, and truthfully, whether any of us like it or not, he’s probably making the right decision here." This in time instead of bending over to speak into Busch’s microphone, he rips it out of his hand. Zarek, " This is a load of Crap Brooks. I busted my ass to win that belt. Where were you when I (Points back to Addams) threw this toad and the rest of the Cyber TV Title division over the top rope in a Battle royal?! (Crowd cheers). Where were You when I put on a match still considered as one of the all time best wrestling displays of 2008 with Whysper to win that championship the very same night?! (Crowd cheers)�?Where the HELL Were you when I took DSL�? The crowd cheers the mention of DSL’s name, making Zarek stop and nod in agreement with the fans�?/FONT> Zarek, " Where were you when I took DSL to her limits and retained this championship?! Where were you Jonathan Brooks?! Because I’ll tell ya where I was! I was in the middle of THIS Ring in the middle of THIS_VERY_FREAKING_BUILDING in the Middle of GREENVILLE NORTH CAROLINA�? Crowd: ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! ZAREK! Zarek looks at the fans, his chest pumping up and down�?Zarek then looks back up at Brooks�?/FONT> Zarek, " I was bleeding Green and Black to put this company back on the map and based on the lack of room in this building, the increase in web hits, and the whispers that TV representatives are in the house today watching this show, I think I did a pretty damn good job!" The crowd is still chanting Zarek’s name as Brooks sighs. Brooks, " Mister Lyle�?I’m as appreciative as the next man of all the effort and heart you’ve put into the ICWA�?However, That has no baring on the situation at hand. Now I believe we’ve wasted more time then is far to these fans looking to watch the very best action in Pro Wrestling today, The ICWA." Zarek’s clearly frustrated as he responds, " This is crap. There has to be another way. I mean, when a player on a football team gets injured they don’t just force the team to forfeit their superbowl aspirations�? Brooks, " That analogy’s way off base here Mister Lyle�?Football TEAMS are just that, a team. There’s somebody to fill in for an injured star�?So, unless you have a second string champion to step in your place, I’m going to have to request we stop stalling and do this. Rest well assured, you will be number one contender regardless of circumstance as soon as your medically cleared." Zarek sighs as Addams chimes in from outside on the opposite side of the ring, " So as I said, Gimmie my belt bitch." The crowd boos loudly as Zarek walks over to the side of the ring he’d tossed the belt and picks it up, sighing�?/FONT> The opening beat of "Perfect Insanity" by Disturbed suddenly strikes over the speakers as the previously disappointed crowd instantly begins erupting again�?/FONT> WallStreet, " What in the world�? The curtain moves and from behind it�?/FONT> The crowd is on their feet as WallStreet says, " Well there’s The Sweet Lunatic, but, What possible reason does she have to come out here right now?" Addams and Tani are glaring, whispering amongst themselves as Zarek backs up a few steps, not too sure what to expect. At The Colossal Aftermath she tried to save him from their post match attack, but, that was after a match where she wrapped the guy upside the head with a chair. DSL walks down the ramp, ignoring Brooks on the side of the stage as WallStreet chimes in, " I wonder if this is in regards to Tani Lyons declaration earlier tonight that DSL was to blame for her recent misfortune at my hands and that she’d quote "Get" DSL as a result. I suppose that’s entirely possible although I don’t know, I’d like to think that she’d save her interests in allowing Tani the opportunity to back up her words for a more appropriate time. This poor kid Zarek Lyle’s in the midst of having to just give up and hand over everything he’s worked so hard to acquire and retain here in the ICWA." DSL gets to ringside and begins climbing the stairs. The fans are cheering pretty loudly but she doesn’t pay them any mind as she seems to have an air of seriousness about her. She enters between the ropes as the music draws to a fade. DSL reaches out through the ropes and now a third mic is put in circulation as Busch hands one up to her. DSL looks to Zarek and says, " Let me do it." WallStreet, "……�?This isn’t a very appropriate time or place for a sexual advance on our Cyber TV Champion." Zarek seems confused as he says, " Do what?" DSL, " McBama asked you if you had a fill in to defend the title on your behalf�?Let me do it. Let me defend the championship against that Jackass for you." The crowd instantly erupts as Addams eyes get big and he begins protesting, " WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! That’s horseshit! Pro Wrestling isn’t a team sport, we don’t have bench warmers and we don’t pull the bench warmers in for the injured champ! I signed a contract to face Zarek Lyle for the ICWA Cyber TV title, he can’t compete, there for he forfeits and I get the title. That’s how it works�? Brooks, " Hmm……�?How do you feel about this Zarek?" Addams seems offended that he even asked Zarek, and as Zarek looks at DSL with deep contemplation, almost as if he’s trying to figure her out, Addams starts in again, " NO! It DOESN’T MATTER How Zarek feels about this! I’ll protest this to the damn supreme court if I have to! It’s Bullshit! No way, no how!" DSL, " Why, Are you scared?" The crowd erupts at that premise as Addams glares and says, " No, I’m not scared�?I just know when I’m getting screwed! No way, No Ho�? " I Accept�? The crowd erupts as Zarek looks up to Brooks and continues, " I Accept DSL as my replacement to defend the Cyber TV title on my behalf. Under the stipulation that if she retains on my behalf, she become number one contender upon my return. But until I’m healthy, I accept her as my fill in for the title." The crowd is going wild but Addams smirks and says, " Well it doesn’t matter because Brooks knows bet�? | |
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Brooks interjects, "Brooks knows what sounds like a good idea? You’re right. Zarek, You may stay at ringside if you wish since it’s your title�?Scott, Get in that ring�?Mr. Busch, Ring the bell please." Addams, " No way! I refuse! I�? The bell sounds. Addams, " I’m not doing it�? Brooks shrugs, " That’s fine. Mr. Harding�?You have a participant on the floor. I believe that warrants a ten count before concluding the match should he not return�?Correct?" Harding begins the count as Addams throws the mic and starts screaming and stomping around in rage. WallStreet, " Well damn�?Somebody get this kid his bottle or change his diaper or something." Brooks, " But hey, no big deal�?Just means you’ll drop to the bottom of the division and have to wait a while for another shot. It’s your decision to make." The crowd erupts as Brooks heads back behind the curtain, Zarek steps out of the ring, and the count commences. The fans counting with Harding. ONE! TWO! THREE! On the arena floor Addams is complaining to fans in teh front row, but receiving no sympathy from them FOUR! FIVE! SIX! Tani comes over and she starts workin on convincing Scott to get in the ring. He's still not hearing it though. he signed to face Zarek and Zarek only he shouts! SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! With no other choice Scott darts forward an slides under the bottom rope. Harding was about to say ten but he stops. DSL comes for Scott but he rolls back out of the ring. The fans are booing him like crazy. Scott calls Tani over and they're having a lil pow-wow. One would have to believe its to form a plan fo rthis match. But its interuppted as DSL charges across the ring and launches herself over the ropes! Scott an Tani looking up just before impact. Wall$treet: DSL! She just launched herself over the top rope to take out Tani and Scott. DSL gets to her feet and the fans are cheering for her. She looks over and see's Tani getting to her hands an knees. A devilish grin on DSL's face as she leans down a bit and swats Tani's backside! Lyons yelps and crawls away. DSL is pointing an laughing along with everybody else. Well everybody but Scott Addams. he's up an he grabs a handful of hair and yanks DSL around. Addams buries a knee to the mid-section and then still with that handful of hair slams DSL's face into the apron. She pops up an Scott repeats the process a couple more times. He then rolls her under the bottom rope and climbs in himself. Wall$treet: Addams rolling DSL back into the ring now. As amusing as it was, that slap to Tani's backside could cost her in this match, and in effect directly cost Zarek his Cyber Television title. The action in the ring continues as DSL gets to her feet. She's holding her head from the slams into the apron when Addams pulls her into a piledriver. DSL holds her neck an kicks her feet afterwards. Scott rolls her onto her back an makes a pin. Only a two count though. Addams naturally argues that the ref is screwing him. But he doesn't waste much time with the arguement. Instead he pulls DSL to her feet an sends her into a corner. DSL turns and takes the impact backfirst. Not the best idea as Scott follows in with a huge clothesline in the corner! DSL slumps but Scott pulls her back up and lights her up with stinging chops. Wall$treet: Addams may not have wanted to face DSL, but right now he's got the upperhand in it. But we shouldn't count DSL out yet though. She's a fighter and she'll go until she can't go anymore. Scott Addams looks down at Zarek on the outside and talks some smack. He then turns attention back to DSL and monkey flips her from the corner. DSL landing on her back an sits up holding it in pain. She rolls to her side and starts to get up. DSL on her feet but doubled over as Scott runs across the ringa nd plants her back onto the mat with a big time DDT! Rolls he rover for another pin! ONE...........TWO..........NO! DSL is just able to shoot a shoulder up before a three. Outside the ring Zarek Lyle pounds on the apron to get the fans behind DSL. And they respond cheering, attempting to will DSL back into the match. Addams tells them all to shut up before he pulls DSL up an sends her into a corner. Wall$treet: The fans trying to will DSL into this match, but Scott is in firm control here. With his opponent in the corner, Scott crosses the ring and hits a Stinger Splash on DSL. Addams stepping out of the corner all smug and walks to the center of the ring. He again has some words for Zarek. Then its across the ring again, lookingf or another splash-NO! DSL pulls herself out of the corner along the ropes in the nick of time! Addams eats turnbuckle an stumbles back. DSL explodes off the ropes with a clothesline! Wall$treet: DSL and Scott are both down! Harding is starting the standing ten count.... The crowd counts with Harding as he counts. Collectively they reach seven before DSL crawls over an drapes an arm over Scott. Down to the mat Harding goes and makes a count of two. DSL gets to her feet after the attempted pin an moves to the ropes. She waits as Scott slowly get sto his feet. He turns around and here's DSL lookingf or a crossbody block! Addams ducks! Harding gets taken out! Wall$treet: Oh no. The ref has just gone down and Scott is frantically asking Tani for a weapon of sorts. The brawler is correct, of course. As DSL checks on the ref, trying to wake him, Scott directs Tani to get a chair. She does an slides it in. DSL stands up, having no luck with the ref. She turns and WHAMO! Scott Addams delivers a wicked chairshot to the cranium. Needless to say DSL crumples in a heap. Wall$treet: That's just uncalled for. Wait a minute! Zarek's in the ring! Zarek comes at Scott but gets the chair jabbed into his ribs. This doubles over the champ and Addams then delivers a shot across the back. Lyle dropping to the mat following that shot that sounded like a shotGUN going off! Zarek begins crawling toward the corner as Scott stalks him with the chair, a menacing grin on his face. Zarek slowly starts pulling himself up on the ropes as the crowd is booing�?Suddenly Tani rushes around to the side of the ring Zarek and Scott are on and begins motioning for Scott to turn around, Unfortuantly Scott’s eyes are locked on Zarek�?/FONT> DING! DING! DING! Scott’s head spins around as he sees Harding’s back on his feet and just signaled for the bell. Busch, " Here is your winner via Disqualification�?DSL!... Therefore, STILL ICWA Cyber TV CHAMPION�?ZAREK LYLE!" The crowd erupts as Addams looks shocked and enraged�?/FONT> WallStreet, " I�?I don’t know if Harding saw that last shot from Scott Addams or if he.. He just got up and saw Addams with the chair and put two and two together? I�?I don’t know but I know Scott Addams isn’t happy." No, No he’s not. And his intention is to take that lack of joy out on Zarek Lyle, however, as he turns around there’s no Zarek�?What the�?Scott glances up and a quarter second too late realizes Zarek had gotten on the top rope�?Zarek launches himself off and with an RVD style kick, drives the chair into Addams�?face, making him fly back and roll out of the ring as the crowd erupts. Addams pulls himself up on the floor holding his face as Tani looks him over, making sure he’s alright. In the ring Zarek aids DSL back to her feet as well. Scott demands a microphone from Busch�?/FONT> WallStreet, " This can’t be good�? Addams, " ZAREK! I’m sick of this crap! I don’t give a good damn what your medical condition is and I don’t give a good damn what Jonathan Brooks or anybody else in the ICWA has to say about it�?There’s two things I want and that’s to beat your ass and to be ICWA Cyber TV Champion�?Now, man up, sign a waiver releasing the ICWA or I from responsibility after I send you to an early grave and let me do both!" Zarek reaches through the ropes and is handed a microphone�?/FONT> Zarek, " You want me? Hey, for once we agree on something. I’d love to beat the crap out of you (crowd cheers)�?So, Since the ICWA Won’t sanction it, I’ll tell ya what�?You bring yourself back here to the Greenville Convention Center in three weeks, and we’ll do the damn thing!" The crowd erupts as Zarek nods�?/FONT> Zarek, " And if Brooks and the ICWA don’t like it, they don’t have to sanction it�?It won’t be an official ICWA match, It’ll be two men fighting�?Now, Sure, Our fight may take place in this ring, but, that doesn’t have to make it an ICWA Match anymore then a fight at the local bar makes it a bar sanctioned fight�?You and Me, And, In a private wager between two competitive men, I’ll bet you my ICWA Cyber TV Title that I beat your ass and walk out of Greenville the clear winner." The crowd erupts as WallStreet chimes in, " Well, The Cyber TV Title is ICWA Property so Brooks has the power to disallow that wager, but, aside from that this is sounding pretty good to me." Addams, " Fine!" Addams hands his mic to Tani as he still searchs his face with his hand for blood. Tani, " DSL�?I bet you thought you were being real cute tonight�? DSL grabs Zarek’s wrist, directing his mic to her lips as she smirks and says, " What? You mean when you Got�?Well, You know (winks)�? Crowd: YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! YOU GOT SPANKED! Tani, "UGGGGGGGGGH! Real Cute�?I’m glad you think this is all fun in games! It’s HUMILIATING! But that’s alright because in three weeks I’ve been told it’s gonna be you and me�?/FONT> (Crowd cheers)�?And I’m gonna turn the tables and make you go through what I had to! We’ll see who get’s "Spanked" Lunatic�?I’m gonna beat your ass raw!" With that Addams�?theme hits the speakers as she plops her mic on the edge of the ring and the two begin heading for the ramp. WallStreet, " Whoa! Two huge matches made for the 14th when we return to the Greenville Convention Center! What a night that’s gonna be!" Zarek and DSL raise each other’s arms, celebrating as Scott and Tani head to the back. Eventually they also exit and make their way to the back. | |
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WallStreet, " What a wild night it’s been so far. If you’re keeping track at home folks, on November the 14th we’ve got Jimmy Stryker verses David Van Dam for the ICWA Heavyweight Championship on the headline, but, I’ve gotten word from President Brooks that as a result of the fiasco in the Women’s tag team match earlier, there will be a Fatal Four Way for the ICWA Women’s Title between the four women involved in that tag team match�?That does not bid well for the ICWA Women’s champion as she does not have to be involved in the decision to lose her championship. Of course as you just heard Zarek Lyle’s planning to sign a waiver to compete injured as He’ll defend his ICWA Cyber TV Title in an unsanctioned contest. Their decision to have this Cyber TV Title match is considered a personal gamble to where the Cyber TV title is at steak as opposed to a financial wager. We will acknowledge the winner of this personal bet as the Cyber TV champion but are not sanctioning or acknowledging this "Match." It’s of their own free will and as such, means it will be immune of ICWA Rules and Regulations. And of course, in a non-title contest Da Sweet Lunatic finally goes one on one with Tani Lyons and folks�?I just got word from the president that in light of this whole spanking ordeal�?Well�?Somebody really is gonna get spanked! It’s gonna be a Paddle on a Poll match! All this and much more LIVE From the Greenville Convention Center on November the 14th." Nothing To Lose starts playing while we focus on the stage. The camera skims around for a second till the music picks up. The camera then goes back to the stage and standing on it with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face is the Pitbull. The crowd cheers and/or boos but Kenderson pays it no mind. Busch, "The Following Contest is scheduled for Onefall with a Fifteen Minute Time Limit…�?Introducing first, from Brooklyn New York…�?The Willlllllllllld Pitbulllllllllll�? TERRRRRY KENDERSONNNN!" WallStreet, " The Wild Pitbull’s got the heart of a man twice his size but despite all of t hat effort, his luck hasn’t been nearly as large in stature as he’s yet to secure a victory here in the ICWA. Perhaps tonight can change the course he’s on." Finally Kenderson makes his way down the ramp, his focus never leaving the ring. He climbs the steps and enters the ring. He climbs to the second rope, crosses his arms and looks beyond the fans. He then stands in his corner with his arms crossed and waits for the opponent�?/P> The lights suddenly begin to flash as the sounds of high impact winds and the ruffles of thunder are heard in the background�?A Huge Storm Warning siren goes off as the opening chords of "Riding The Storm Out" by REO Speedwagon begins blasting over the Stereo. The crowd boos loudly as WallStreet declares, " This ICWA Crowd already offering MJ Storm their disdain and as they do, I’m being joined by a man who I’d recommend share’s very similar feelings for MJ Storm�?That man of course one of the newest editions to the ICWA, Tee Oh Gee. Thanks for joining me Tee." TOG, " Thanks for having me. A lot of respect for you and what you’ve done�?And a huge debt of gratitude for what you’ve done for me in my career." WallStreet, "Thank You. While I appreciate all of that, This isn’t about me�?This is about you and MJ Storm. The whole world wants to know, and on their behalf and my own I’m gonna ask�?What’s the Deal?" MJ Comes from behind the curtain to even more boos as he offers a sarcastic "Eat Shit and Die" type of look. He begins heading down the ramp as Kenderson remains on the opposite side of the ring with his arms cross, staring at Storm. TOG, " It’s a long story bossman." WallStreet, "If this is the same MJ Storm from a year or more ago, You may have to give me the abridged version to have it fit within the time frame of this match, but, we’ll see." MJ slides in as the music fades. Carlton calls for the bell and the two men head to the center. WallStreet, " There’s the bell and this contest is officially Underway. So Tee Oh Gee, Tell us�?What’s the deal with MJ Storm?" TOG sighs, " Matt and I go back quite a ways. He transferred into my high school during my senior year in Buffalo." Kenderson, who already took MJ over with a deep arm drag, now delivers a Japanese arm drag and swings around, applying an armbar submission. WallStreet, " Wow�?Your story with MJ Storm goes back to high school?" TOG, " Yeah. I was a pretty athletic kid, and had a level of popularity to boot. I pretty much got along with everybody�?MJ came in and we instantly clicked because he had a very similar personality. He wasn’t as athletic as I am, nor was he remotely as athletic as he is today, but, he had a level of charisma and was another guy who got along well with everybody. Very Likeable." WallStreet executes that deep hearty laugh of his as he says, " Likeable? There’s a word I’ve never heard used to describe MJ Storm. I don’t think the Wild Pitbull finds MJ very likeable as he just took Storm over with that Judo style arm throw and has reapplied the arm bar to that left arm�?Things not looking good for the "Likeable" MJ Storm in the early goings of this contest." TOG laughs, " Well, ya have to understand that Matt was nothing like this when we were teenagers. He was a pretty cool cat. He and I used to hit my Dad’s pizza joint every day after school. We were the definition of best friends. He practically lived at my house, we double dated so much that our girlfriends became best friends and are still close to this day as far as I know�?Matt was cool�?We were different in some areas, I Lettered in football, he ran for student body president. I racked up rebounds on the basketball court, he racked up early collegiate credits. I scored points on the wrestling mat, he scored points in debates. I hit home runs and watched Cleveland Indians games, he watched shows on the Discovery Channel explaining how baseball bats are made (laughs)�?/FONT> That’s why it was completely breath taking to see him wearing a pair of wrestling tights and having the long hair and the Rockstar type look�?He was kind of a really popular nerd in School�?I mean that in the nicest way, he just wasn’t the kind of guy who took a big interest in sports. All the years I talked about being a Pro Wrestler, even when I first broke into the business he showed no signs of sharing that interest." WallStreet, " Good Gracious! He must have picked up an interest somewhere,,, What a shot! The Wild Pitbull came in for the splash in the corner but what a devastating clothesline from MJ Storm! This was the change in tide MJ needed to get going in this contest." TOG, " Yeah, he defiantly picked up an interest somewhere." WallStreet, " MJ Storm drives the forearm hard across the back of Kenderson much to the Pitbull’s chagrin�?So What happened that took you guys from the best of friends to what we’ve seen over the last month?" TOG, " I don’t know. He just kind of up and left one day. I got an email telling me not to worry and that he had stuff he had to take care of back in Wisconsin so I accepted that and figured he’d give me a call or come back up when he got the chance. Over the course of time as I engulfed myself in work and training and what not, I gradually stopped waiting or expecting and accepted the situation for what it was. When I came to PWT I saw MJ around, but I had no idea that it was the same MJ from back home. He was never in poor shape, but he’s in great shape now, he’s grown his hair out, and his whole demeanor has changed. I don’t think I’ve really changed much since High School but he’s done a complete three sixty." WallStreet, " OH! Good choice of words as Terry Kenderson just did a three sixty courtesy of that modified bossman slam he calls the Storm Chaser. He hooks the leg and this one’s academic from here�?One, Two, Three." The Bell sounds as MJ rolls to his knees with an annoyed scowl on his face as "Riding Out The Storm" by REO Speedwagon blasts over the PA. Busch, " Your Winner�?MJ STORM!" The crowd boos as WallStreet says, " What’s next for you and your long lost "best friend" now Tee?" TOG, " That’s a good question bossman�?I don’t know�?I really don’t." MJ mounts Kenderson and begins driving hard right hands into his skull as Carlton starts waving his arms, insisting for the action to stop as the bell continues to ring. WallStreet, " Apparently MJ has some pent up frustrations�? TOG sighs, " I’m telling you Taylor, This isn’t the guy I knew. I don’t know what happened but Matt was a class act at one time�?I had a ton of respect and admiration for him. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend then he was�?I just don’t understand what happened." Carlton reaches down to try and pull MJ off of the Pitbull but MJ drives his elbow up, knocking Carlton back onto his ass holding his jaw. MJ stands up and looks down at Carlton with contempt in his eyes as he slowly stalks the worried official�?/P> WallStreet, " Whoa�?I don’t know what you’re thinking about here MJ, but reconsider it�? Suddenly the lights go out , One dim spot light falling over a confused MJ as a deep instrumental begins to play while a young boy’s voice is heard�?/P> "When A Man’s Heart Is Full Of Deceit It Burns Up�?BR>Dies�?BR>And A Dark Shadow Falls Over His Soul. From The Ashes Of A Once Great Man, Has Risen A Curse; A Wrong That Must Be Righted. He looked at the skies for a vindicator�?BR>Someone To Strike Fear Into The blackhearts Of The Same Men Who Created Him The Battle between Good and Evil Has Begun Against An Army Of Shadows Is A Dark Warrior A Prevailer of Good From A Life Of Exile With A Mission Of Justice This�?Is�?Nevyrmorr�? WallStreet exclaims, "DID I JUST HEAR WHAT I THINK I HEARD?!" Some of the crowd cheers, other’s aren’t sure what to do, but MJ’s eyes get as big as his head as he begins to show signs of panic�?/P> KAAAAAA-KAWWWWW�?KAAAAAAAAA-KAWWWW WallStreet, " What in the world�?The Lights have gone out, now.. Is that lightening flashing? And it sounds like there’s a bird stuck in the speakers�?What’s going on�? TOG, " This is crazy Taylor�? KAAAAAAAAA-KAWWWWWWWW The Lights go out completely and then a larger spotlight comes on over the ring, showing a black Raven perched on the top rope. MJ falls back on his ass, holding up his hands like Ric Flair begging off from a hot baby face�?MJ begins scooting back from the Raven and as soon as he gets close to the ropes he rolls out of the ring. WallStreet, "That Raven’s frightened the color as far from MJ’s face as it can get�? TOG, " Raven�?Isn’t that the calling card of�? WallStreet, "It is�?It’s the calling card of Nevyrmorr!" TOG, " Man, this is getting too weird for me�?It’s been a pleasure but I gotta roll." WallStreet, " Thanks for joining us and clearing up some of the history between Yourself and MJ Storm�?Well, I’m not sure what’s going on but MJ’s high tailed it behind the curtain and that Raven’s still sitting�? The lights go out again�?When they turn back on the Raven is gone and the ring is empty�?/P> WallStreet, "�?Um�?Well, The Raven *Was* still sitting there�?I don’t know folks�?I will say this though, if our assumptions are correct and we’re on the verge of a Nevyrmorr sighting, You may see the entire face of this sport as we know it altered�?I can’t wait to see how this unfolds, Much the same as I can’t wait to see how this huge ICWA Main Event Unfolds�?Fortunately, I won’t have to wait very long to find out as Bert Busch is in the ring ready to get us going." | |
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Bert Busch, " Greenville North Carolina�?It is now time for YOUR ICWA Main EVENT�?Let Me hear ya’ll make some noise if you’re ready!" The crowd cheers�?/P> Busch, " I SAID, Let Me hear Ya’ll make some NOISE IF YOU’RE READY!" The crowd erupts as WallStreet chimes in, " It sounds like Greenville’s ready to me�?Let me see if I am�?Christian Michaels foam finger? Check. Whysper’s Whistle of Silence around my neck? Check. Six and Rising Inc can cozy for my refreshingly cold can of Mountain Dew? Check. David Van Dam hoody on? Check. Jimmy Stryker skully cap? Also a big ten-four. If you want to be as prepared as I am, Go to ICWA-dot-com to see what great ICWA Superstar Merchandise is available for you." Busch, " The Following Contest is the ICWA Main Event�?It Is a TAG TEAM Match and it IS For the ICWA Tag Team Championships. This contest is scheduled for Onefall and has a Sixty Minute Time Limit." The lights begin to flash as "Champion In Me" by 3 Doors Down begins to blast from the speakers. It’s not long before the curtain flies to the side and out comes Whysper and Christian Michaels, Both darting to an Opposite side of the stage as David Van Dam follows close behind and stands in the center of the stage while CM plays to the left side of the stands and Whysper to the crowd. The fans go ballistic from the moment the curtain moves as Busch attempts to announce over them, " Introducing first�?Weighing in at a Combined weight of 424 Pounds, and tonight they are the challenging number one contenders�?They’re accompanied by one of two official Outside Enforcers for this contest, ICWA HEAAAAAAAAVYWEIGHT Champion�?David Van Dam�?They Are WHYSPER and CHHHHHHHRISTIAAAAAAAN�?MICHAELSSSS!" The crowd is going wild as the three meet back in the middle of the stage and begin heading down the ramp. WallStreet, " You’ll remember that earlier tonight Jonathan Brooks mandated that Jimmy Stryker and David Van Dam act as outside ring enforcers to make sure that this contest was not influenced or spoiled by an attack or a disqualification, or any other "off beat shenanigans" as he put it. If it is, Van Dam faces a reprimand as severe as a title stripping, and Jimmy Stryker as severe as being withdrawn from any title opportunity for up to six months. I have to imagine that this is one main event nobody has to worry about getting screwed up." CM and Whysper simultaneous slide into the ring, Whysper darting across and hopping up on the far turnbuckles as Michaels takes a sharp right and hops up on the near turnbuckles. WallStreet, " They absolutely love these guys. Should Christian Michaels and Whysper win the tag team titles they would be the most popular tag team champions since Hells Angels in 2003. Of course Hells Angles was comprised of Layla and Hope Cassidy and were arguably the most popular team in ICWA history, however, I believe Christian Michaels and Whysper would be well on their way to tying if not replacing the Angels in that spot with a little more time to become established as a team. It’s very rare that two men who have never teamed before have the instant chemistry that Whysper and Michaels have displayed recently." Six and Rising Inc’s theme strikes the PA as the fans cheers and shows of adolation instantly flip flop to boos and disdain. It doesn’t take long for the curtain to move, and from behind it�?/P> Busch, " And Finally�?At A Combined weight of 558 Pounds�?They are Accompanied by the final outside ring enforcer for this contest and the current NUMBER One Contender to the ICWA Heavyweight Championship, Jimmy Stryker�?They are BIG_STEED_WILLIAMS�?Joe SIXPACK�?They are the ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONNNNNS, SIX AND RISING INKKKKKKKKK!" The crowd boos as The tag champs give their gloves a tug and then begin heading down the ramp with the menacing Jimmy Stryker following behind. WallStreet, " On the contrary to Christian Michaels and Whysper should they become ICWA Tag Team champions, Six and Rising Inc have been arguably one of the most hated teams to ever hold the championships, Competing with other not-so-friendly tag champions such as former nWWF Owner Shane and The Giant, And at a time when I wasn’t the friendliest guy to be around, Myself and the IRS James Maddox. As controversial and obnoxious as the aforementioned teams were, however, I’m not sure that either of them were as rough or tough a force in terms of the rawest definitions of those words as Joe Six Pack and Big Steed Williams. These are just a couple of tough guys, lookin for a fight. And unfortunately, this is one game of Hide and Go Seek that anybody opposite of them simply can not afford to lose�?However, if anybody can endure a beating the likes of which Six and Rising Inc can offer and still perciver, We’ve seen time and time again that it’s Christian Michaels and Whysper. Never in all of my career have I seen two men with the heart and the resilience nor the motivation, determination, and pure drive of Christian Michaels and Whysper. They are truly Awe-inspiring individuals.. That being said though, I’ve seen individuals after an encounter with Six in Rising Inc in such a state that it was "Awe-Inspiring" that they were still breathing, Soooooooo, We’ll see how this one unfolds." Joe and Steed climb the stairs and enter between the ropes on either side of the corner post as Stryker stays down on the floor, staring down Van Dam with a shit eating smirk on his face from across the ring. Van Dam stairs back, but with no such smirk, just cold, hard, loathing. In the ring CM and Whysper are discussing strategy when Joe and Steed decide to dart their way and club them both from behind with big forearms. The crowd boos as Harding rushes to call for the opening bell and begins to scream for some order. WallStreet, " Six Pack And Steed opting not to await Jason Harding’s official call for the start of this contest and now Whysper and Michaels are on the ropes." Indeed they are. Steed grabs Whysper as Six Pack grabs Sixpack and both men Irish Whip their smaller adversaries off the ropes and across the ring. Six and Rising Inc turn and head for the center of the ring as the opponents bounce off the far ropes. Both guys put their hips out and extend their arms, sending their smaller foes into the air with stereo hip tosses, however, as Michaels and Whysper are flying through the air they both manage to extend their legs up and back, wrapping them around Six and Rising Inc’s necks simultaneously and instead of hitting their backs off the Hip Tosses, they counter the hip tosses with modified Hurrincanrans flipping the tag champs to their backs instead and making the crowd go ballistic. WallStreet, " Good Gracious! What fantastic Athleticism and Agility!" Six and Rising Inc come up to their feet with looks of shock as they stagger and turn around only to both take a couple of hard forearms to the face, backing them up a couple feet. Michaels and Whysper then leap up simultaneously and drive their feet into the Tag Champion’s chests, drop kicking them with enough force that they both stagger back and fall between the top and second ropes, hitting the outside canvas with their backs and rolling off, landing on their feet at ringside while holding their backs and glaring into the ring. The crowd is on their feet cheering as Michaels and Whysper look at each other with cunning grins�?Six Pack and Steed appear to be regrouping and discussing strategy when CM and Whysper dart across the ring and leap through the ropes, however, (unlike two weeks ago) Steed and Pack are prepared and turn around, side stepping and literally clotheslining the two men out of the sky with such force that they go from facing the ground with their suicide dives to having a complete momentum change and crashing on their backs. The crowd gasps in surprise as Harding’s still screaming for order on the inside. WallStreet, " HOLY CA-PISS-CA-POLY! Steed and Six Pack just turned em inside out and upside down!" Joe and Steed pick up their decimated foes and roll their bodies back into the ring. They both follow close behind, climbing up onto the ring and re-entering between the ropes as Harding insists that one of them exit. Unfortunately for our man Harding, Six and Rising Inc aren’t the greatest of listeners. Steed picks Whysper up by the waist band and the hair and discards him on the far side (looking down from the stage) of the ring. Meanwhile, Joe picks Christian up off the mat and upon Steed’s hasty discarding of the Silent Warrior, Six pack beckons him to come back over. Steed follows Six Pack’s call and wanders over. The two hook Michaels on either side of the neck, hoist him up�?/P> WallStreet, " This can’t be good�?Whatever goes up�? And drops him back with a double vertical suplex. You can hear the cringe in WallStreet voice as he concludes, "�?/FONT>Must Come Down." Steed rolls under the ropes and gets up right in his corner as Six Pack rolls over for a strong lateral press cover. Harding drops down and counts …………………One………………Two Michaels kicks out right at two, much to the crowd‘s delight. WallStreet, " Joe looking for it early but Michaels able to kick out at the dawn of two." Joe looks up and throws some unkind words Harding’s way, but, opts not to waste much time with it since the count wasn’t even close. Instead he stands up, watching Michaels attempt to pull himself up with limited success. No problem though, Our man Joe (Not the Plumber) has more manors then we’d suspect as he gladly reaches down and aids Michaels in getting to his feet�?Of course after he does so he not-so-kindly offers (or forces rather) a hard right hand across the skull of the Southern Heartthrob, making him stagger way back. Joe follows and drives one more hard right across Michaels skull, this one driving the ICWA Championship Virgin into the corner. Six Pack drives a hard boot into CM’s gut, then an elbow across the face, and then another boot to the gut. Some fans are booing the assault, others are beginning to chant Michaels name in hopes of encouraging some kind of a comeback�?Six Pack grabs Michaels by the wrist, pushes his back against the turnbuckle pads and then launches him out with an Irish whip sending him darting across to the other neutral corner. Joe darts across in pursuit and looks for a massive clothesline, but, just as CM’s back hit’s the turnbuckles he quickly grabs the top rope and pulls himself out of the corner, thus evading Joe’s clothesline and making Joe slam chest first into the top turnbuckle pad. Joe Stumbles back as CM quickly slides under and rolls him up with a school boy. The crowd erupts as Harding drops down and counts ………………One……………Two…�?Only two as Joe powers out to a moan from the crowd. WallStreet, " CM evades the clothesline and capitalizes with a school boy roll up for the two�? Joe rolls up with a look of rage and heads after CM looking for another hard right hand, but, CM ducks under, hooking the right arm, leaping up and hooking the left arm with his legs and rolling back, taking Joe over to his shoulders with a crucifix pin as Harding drops down again …………………One……………Two…………�?Again Joe powers out. WallStreet, " Michaels with a second two count, this one drawing closer to the three then the last�? Both men roll up to their feet and Christian quickly meets Joe with a big kick to the gut. CM wraps his head in a Front Facelock, Throws up his arm drawing a big reaction from the fans, and spins around in position to land the Diamond Cutter portion of his "Just Like That" (twist of fate) finish, however, Joe violently shoves Michaels off to the ropes. CM hit’s the ropes and comes back leaping up for a Crossbody, but, as he Does Joe extends his leg and delivers a big boot to the abs of Michaels, making him drop in a crumpled up ball on the canvas as the crowd lets out an "OooOoo�? WallStreet, " YOUCH! I’ll be impressed if that doesn’t leave Michaels with internal bruising at the very least." Joe glares at Michaels, then glares at the fans as he yells, "YOU WANTA CHEER FOR THIS LIL PILE?! HUH?! CHEER THIS!" Joe begins driving hard stomps into the same abs of Michaels that just got booted back to Tennessee as the crowd’s boos become defining. WallStreet, " Michaels mounted a brief comeback but to minimal avail as Six Pack’s regained complete control of this contest." Joe finally stomps the stomps and reaches down, picking Michaels up by the neck and dragging him over to the Six and Rising Inc corner. Steed extends the hand and Joe slaps it, making Harding declare an official tag as Joe keeps Michaels bent over and restrained in a front facelock while Steed enters the ring. Steed gets in and CRAAAAACK! A big kick across the abs as Sixpack releases Michaels, letting him drop to the ground holding his stomach before exiting the ring. WallStreet, " Six and Rising Inc zeroing in on the abdominal-Stomach region of Christian Michaels and if they continue to do so, this one may be over as fast as it started." Steed pulls Michaels up off the mat, keeps him bent over, goes under the far arm and hooks the neck with one arm and grabs a fist full of Michaels pants with his other hand, applying a firm Abdominal Stretch as Michaels screams out in pain. WallStreet, " That’s about the last place in the world that the Southern Heartthrob needs to be right now. That Abdominal stretch is pretty self explanatory, It stretches the abdominal muscles and does so to such an extent that a man of full health would be hard pressed not to submit to the immense pain of the hold, let alone a man who’s had his abdominal region decimated like Christian Michaels has." As Harding goes around to ask Michaels if he’s ready to give up, Steed reaches back and grabs Six Pack’s hand, allowing Six Pack to pull back with Steed, doubling the pressure of the hold and making CM’s eyes almost pop out from the shock of the pain he’s feeling. CM screams in agony as the crowd screams in anger. Michaels still refuses to give up though so Harding starts to stand up right and head back around to make sure they haven’t backed into the ropes�?As he does so Steed quickly releases Joe’s hand and places his hand on CM’s abs, Harding raises an eyebrow and looks at Joe who’s looking at the ceiling whistling the tune of "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off to Work We go" from snow white. Harding shakes his head as Steed demands, "CHECK HIM AGAIN REF!" Harding heads back over to CM’s head and bends down to ask him again, and of course, Steed again removes his hand from Michael’s abs and grabs Six Pack’s hand, doubling the pressure again. CM, " I’m not givin u�?HOLY HELL! ARGHHH!" The crowd is booing desperately as Whysper is up on the bottom rope on the far side holding his neck and screaming, " COME ON REF!" WallStreet, " Whysper back with us. Between that devastating clothesline on the floor and then being tossed back out of the ring and dropped on his head on this concrete floor again, I was wondering if this might not become a two on one handicap. However, Whysper appears to be back up on the apron and while showing obvious neck and pain, he seems to be ready to get things done." Harding finally accepts that Michaels isn’t gonna give up and stands up right again, making Steed once again relinquish his cheating grip on Six Pack’s hand and place his hand back on Michaels abs. Harding sees Steed’s hand plop back on Michaels abs and raises an eyebrow again, but, as he looks to Six Pack he sees the Buffalo Brawler cursing out some people in the front row. Harding doesn’t seem entirely convince that something shady isn’t going on here, but, there’s not much he can do. Steed, " COME ON REF! THIS LIL RUNT WANTS TO TAP, I CAN TELL! ASK HIM!" Harding sighs and goes back to CM to ask him again�?Of course that means that Steed YET AGAIN grabs Six Pack’s hand for the double pressure effect, BUT this time Harding quickly looks up and sees it�?Harding’s eyes get wide as he says, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Realizing their caught Steed and Six Pack apply as much pressure as possible but not for very long as Harding walks around, grabs the top rope, and sends his leg flying up, kicking the hands of Steed and Pack and physically forcing the break. The crowd erupts as WallStreet declares, " Harding finally got wise to the double team from Six and Rising Inc and this crowd is about as thankful as I have to imagine Christian Michaels himself is." As a result to the dirty tactics Harding is demanding the break and is at four, so, Steed releases the Abdominal stretch and lets Michaels fall to his back holding his abs and wincing so hard in pain that you could almost wonder if some of the wetness on his face isn’t just sweat, but, perhaps tears? Perhaps. Anyway, Steed drops down and hooks the far leg as Harding drops down and counts ………………One……………Two…………�?Thr�?Michaels just kicks out drawing a great reaction from the fans. Steed looks over his shoulder to Six Pack as Six Pack yells back " DON’T LOOK AT ME! THE GUY’S THE FREAKIN ENERGIZER BASTARD BUNNY FROM HELL!" Steed shakes his head as he rehooks the far leg and insists Harding try the count again. Harding counts ………………One……………Two…………�?CM kicks out again making the crowd erupt and Whysper jump up and down a little. WallStreet, " Michaels with that never say die attitude and once again the "More Guts then Brains" label can be applied here tonight." Steed sighs and stands up. He looks at Whysper across the ring, points and says, " WHATCHU CHEERIN AT FOOL?!" Whysper ignores it and starts slapping the turnbuckle, beggin for CM to get up and inadvertently rallying the fans at the same time. Steed marches over, almost looking offended as he get’s in Whysper’s face starts jaw jacking. Whysper starts mouthing off in return and Steed doesn’t take long to have enough before he clocks Whysper with a small jab, making him drop to a knee. Steed turns around and heads back over to Michaels but Whysper’s eyes get huge as he’s holding his jaw. Whysper leaps over the ropes and starts charging for Steed but Harding quickly cuts him off at the pass and insists that he exit the ring. The fans quickly start to boo as Six Pack climbs through the ropes while Steed is picking Michaels up off the mat. Steed and Six Pack press CM against the center of the right set of ropes (looking down from the stage) and whip him off, sending him darting to the opposite side of ropes with a double Irish Whip. Whysper knows this can’t be good and looks to get out of the ring so that hopefully Harding will turn around and catch whatever’s going on�?Too late. Steed and Six Pack hoist CM into the air and then KABOOM! They SLAM him down with a HUGE Double Spinebuster. Steed rolls out as Harding turns around and sees Six Pack hooking the near leg and rolling Michaels up�? WallStreet, " Good Night Irene! Six and Rising Inc have just successfully defended the tag team titles." Harding drops down and counts …………………One………………Two……………………Thre�?Just before Harding can hit the three Whysper comes out of no where and stomps the crap out of Six Pack, breaking the count and making Six Pack relinquish the cover. The crowd cheers despite Harding quickly rushing Whysper back out of the ring. WallStreet, " Whysper just saved their slim chances at winning the ICWA Tag Team titles. Christian Michaels maybe completely out now�?Bare this in mind folks, That huge spine buster didn’t just send a shot through Michaels spine, but, it bumped and jarred and sent pressure all through Michaels insides, INCLUDING the abdominal and stomach region." Joe stands up, looking down at CM with a sarcastic smirk before he looks out to the crowd and says, " THIS?! THIS IS YOUR HERO?! KISS HIS HILLBILLY ASS GOODBYE!" The crowd boos as Six Pack bends down, grabbing two fist fulls of Michaels hair and applying a lot of his strength to pulling Michaels lifeless body off the mat. Once Joe gets CM to a standing/wobbling position, He points at Whysper and says, " YOU CAN BE NEXT BOY." Six Pack wraps an arm around the back of Michaels and hoists him up into the air for a high angle back body drop (also the set up for his big "Six and Rising" finisher)�?However, CM begins kicking about and much to Joe’s surprise, he flips himself back and lands on his feet behind Six Pack. Six Pack turns around and CRAAAACK! WallStreet, "SUPERKICK! JOE! SIX! PACK! JUST! GOT! WHAPPED !" The crowd erupts but both men are down on the mat and Michaels is holding his abs and burying his face into the mat as Joe’s eyes float around looking to try and find a center. WallStreet, " Somehow, Someway, Christian Michaels was able to counter the Six and Rising and land that heavy super kick he calls "Just Got Whapped", But, How much did Michaels really have left? If Joe can get it back together and bring Steed back into this contest before Michaels can make the tag you gotta believe it’s gonna be over." Six Pack reaches up, grabbing his jaw as he tries to get it to pop or crackle or do something to stop the throbbing while Michaels holds his abs and lifts his head, looking at the ten feet or so he needs to go to get to Whysper with great despair�?Ten feet might as well be a hundred yards against the strongest defensive line in the league right now. Never the less, He begins trying to inch forward as Six Pack begins trying to regain consciousness. Harding, "ONE…………�?TWO…………�?THREE…………�? WallStreet, " If neither of these men can answer the ten count then this contest will of course end up being a Draw, in which case Six and Rising Inc would retain their coveted ICWA Tag Team Championships and Michaels and Whysper I’d imagine would remain the number one contenders, setting them up for an instant rematch�?However, I have to imagine that neither of these two teams would be overly satisfied with that outcome. Six and Rising Inc need this win in order to get Michaels and Whysper off their backs, and Michaels and Whysper are hungry to become the ICWA Tag Team Champions." …………………Four………………�?Five……………Six………�?/P> Michaels is closer to his corner as Six Pack’s to a knee�?Six Pack starts to get up as Christian looks up at Whysper who’s on the bottom rope extending his hand as far as it’ll go, wiggling his fingers and bouncing about like a crazy man�?CM Drags himself a little further as Six Pack pulls himself up to his feet�?Six Pack turns around just in time to see Michaels leap the extra foot or so in distance and make the tag to Whysper, sending the fans into a frenzy. Whysper leaps over the top rope as Joe’s eyes get wide�?Joe darts for another clothesline, but, his clotheslines seem cursed tonight as Whysper ducks under. Joe spins around and Whysper Leaps up, wrapping his hands behind Joe’s neck and dropping back, driving his knees into Joe’s chest with a big Y2J Codebreaker. Joe grabs his chest and rolls out as Steed rushes in. Whysper kips up as Steed’s running his way.. Whysper drops down to his chest and Steed runs over him. Steed hit’s the far ropes as Whysper leaps back up. Steed comes running back and as he does Whysper leaps up, wraps his legs around Steed’s neck and uses their combined momentum to execute a quick hurrancanrana that flips Steed to his back and sends him sliding out of the ring. The crowd is going wild as Six and Rising Inc is in dismay on the floor near Stryker and the entrance strip. WallStreet, " Michaels made the tag, Whysper came in like a ball of fire and now the Tag Team champions are having to regroup as this capacity crowd is lit up at the revival of the number one contenders!" Harding starts his ten count as Six and Rising Inc seem pissed off�?Joe looks at Jimmy who was hanging on to their tag straps and they both yank em off Jimmy, Look at the ring, and wave off the match saying "SCREW IT!" Jimmy reaches in his back pocket and withdraws a mic as he says in a monotone voice, "No�?Wait�?Please�?Stop. Please, Oh Lord, Oh Please, Don’t walk out of the main event." Six and Rising Inc raise their eyebrows and offer a "Pffft�?Whatever." They turn and head for the ramp as Jimmy smirks, shrugs, and says over the mic, "I tried to keep the match in the ring�?Can’t say I didn’t." Jimmy discards the mic to a stage hand as the crowd is booing. Whysper tries to go after the champs but Harding stops his count to restrain Whysper�?/P> WallStreet, " I’m not so sure how much effort Jimmy Stryker really distributed as an outside ring enforcer�?That corny display was clearly just to give him an argument if Brooks tried to take disciplinary action for this main event being ruined. Damn it all�?I’m so sick of our Main events getting screwed up. This is horse cra�?Wait, What’s this?!" | |
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Van Dam is rounding the ring and he marches toward the Tag Champs (not that they realize it with their backs being to the ring) as the fans are starting to become a buzz. Van Dam has that Austin style BMF walk as he walks up behind the champs, grabs Six Pack, Spins him around, and WHAM! A hard forearm to the jaw drops Six Pack on his ass. Steed turns around and Van Dam drives the boot into his gut making him double over and release the tag strap. Six Pack pulls himself up just to take a hard hip check from Van Dam�?The crowd is going wild as the Heavyweight Champion grabs both the tag team champions by the back of the head and to their surprise, begins power walking them right back down to the ring. WallStreet, " Now THAT’S an Enforcer! Van Dam’ll *be* Damned if he’s gonna let this main event go to Hell! There ya go champ!" Stryker’s yelling "WHAT THE HELL VAN DAM?!" WallStreet, " Jimmy Stryker doesn’t seem happy but what he can he do about it? He touches Van Dam and he’s out of the title picture for six months!" Van Dam drags the champs to the ring and then, still holding their heads he rolls em both back into the ring. Van Dam turns, looks at Jimmy Stryker, and Then with a glare in his eye he brushes off his hands as Stryker gives him a "What the Fuck Ever" look. Van Dam starts marching back around the ring, smacking the occasional fan’s hand as Six and Rising Inc pulls themselves up in the ring in a huff. Harding finally stops trying to restrain Whysper and turns around in time to see that the Tag champions are both in the ring. Before he can say much Whysper darts across and drills the still bent over Big Steed Williams across the back, making him stagger forward and fall out of the ropes, landing on the outside ring apron. Joe turns around and drives a hard right hand to Whysper’s skull, making him fly back, hitting the mat so hard he flips backwards and ends up back on his feet with a far away look in his eyes by the far ropes. Joe stomps over and grabs Whysper by the wrist as Whysper starts shaking his head to clear the cobwebs�?Six Pack launches Whysper across the ring with a Hard Irish whip. Six Pack comes to the center as Whysper leaps up onto the second rope, launches himself back (twisting in the air), and grabs Six Pack’s head before dropping down and nailing a springboard DDT. The crowd erupts as Six Pack rolls to his back holding his forehead. Whysper hooks the far leg as Harding drops down and counts ……………One……………Two………�?WHAM! The previously erupting crowd boos as Steed drives the boot into Whysper’s side. Wait, There’s the cheers again�?CM comes flying across and leaps up, driving a flying forearm into the skull of steed. WallStreet, " MICHAELS! Christian Michaels is back in this thing!" Steed pulls himself up as Michaels gets up holding his abs. Steed goes for a hard right hand but Michaels blocks and BAM! He nails Steed with a right of his own as he winces from the pain of his abs�?A Second wincing right�?Then He leaps back and just as Steed shakes the cob webs�?WHAAAAAAP! WallStreet, " Steed’s Been WHAPED with Michaels Superkick!" Steed falls through the ropes, bouncing off the outside canvas before dropping down onto the floor. Michaels turns around and Whysper’s got Six Pack against the ropes. Whysper goes for the Irish whip but the much larger Joe Six Pack swings around and sends Whysper across the ring. Whysper darts back back as Six Pack bends down looking for the Backbody drop�?To no avail as Whysper stops short and kicks Joe in the chest. Joe pops up with a stagger spin that sends him into a boot to the gut from CM�?CM hooks his head in a front face lock and lifts his arm up with a loud " AHHHHHHHHHH" That puts the fans in a craze�?/P> WallStreet, "He tried it earlier�? CM spins around and BAM! The Twist of Fate sends the fans into an uproar as Six Pack bounces so hard he ends up on his back. WallStreet, " JUST LIKE THAT For Michaels!" Whysper darts to the side ropes, leaps up onto the second, and flips back crashing chest to chest with Six Pack as the already erupting fans are jazzing their shorts�?/P> WallStreet, " SILENT SCREAM!" Whysper hooks the far leg as Harding drops down and both he and the fans begin counting …………�?.ONE……………TWO………………THREE! Harding calls for the bell as "Fire It Up" by The Black Label Society blasts over the PA�?/P> Busch, " Here are your winners and the NEW ICWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS……�?Christian MICHAELS and WHYSSSSSSSSSSPER!" The crowd goes wild as Michaels and Whysper both seem wide eyed with surprise. Harding reaches out and is handed the tag straps by Busch, who in turn hands them to Michaels and Whysper. WallStreet, " THEY’VE DONE IT! WHYSPER AND MICHAELS HAVE DONE IT! Do YOU believe in miracles?! GOOD GRACIOUS!" Michaels and Whysper hug as the fans are on their feet going wild. WallStreet, " Our President Jonathan Brooks guaranteed a clean main event decided in the middle of that ring by Pinfall or Submission and with an assist from Outside Ring Enforcer David Van Dam, that’s exactly what we got. Give Six and Rising Inc their just-do, They did a great job and it wasn’t till those last few moments that the tag titles ever really fell into jeopardy, but, That’s all it takes folks�?That’s all it takes and Christian Michaels and Whysper have become the Tag Team Champions of the World!" Michaels climbs the ropes, his left arm nursing his abs as his right arm lifts the tag strap high in the air. Whysper is on the opposite side of the ring doing the same (minus the abs sell). WallStreet, " What a fantastic way to end this show, and I can’t wait for�? WallStreet’s cut off by the fans sudden boos as Jimmy, Steed, and Six Pack all take to the ring, Jimmy and Steed rushing to the far corner and nailing Michaels from behind as Six Pack drives his forearm into the kidneys of Whysper. The crowd boos as the tag team champions hop down. Van Dam quickly slides in but Steed leaves Michaels and begins putting the boots to the Champions back. WallStreet, " Come on now, This crap is getting old!" Van Dam fights up and starts throwing some hard forearms at Steed, but Steed cuts it off with a hip-check and gets driven into the corner with hard rights. Jimmy’s drilling Michaels in the corner and driving those tree like thighs and hips into Michaels abs ala Kevin Nash, Joe’s just driving hard rights and lefts into Whysper’s skull in another corner, and now Steed’s nailing Van Dam with hard rights and occasional shoulder drives…The booing fans suddenly begin to cheer as Zarek Lyle and DSL dart out from behind the curtain and start running down the ramp. WallStreet, " HERE COMES THE CALVARY!" Zarek tosses his Cyber TV Title to the side as he and DSL slide in. Zarek drives a forearm into the back of Six Pack as DSL darts over and drives the double axe handle into Steed’s back. Jimmy turns and starts heading for DSL but Michaels grabs his shirt and when Jimmy turns back around, CRACK! A stiff right hand. But again the cheers turn to boos as Scott Addams and Tani Lyons dart down the ramp and slide in. Zarek glances over and as soon as Scott Slides in they begin exchanging rights and lefts�?Tani rushes over and nails DSL and that sends them into an exchange�?/P> WallStreet, " This is breaking down to a chaotic situation�? The curtain flies again and Angelina rushes down the ramp. The crowd’s not too sure how to react after what happened earlier, but she gets more cheers then boos since they’re pretty sure she’s coming to help Whysper. Angelina slides in but before she can even get her hands on Six Pack, Faith Rivers (who must have come out RIGHT after Angelina) Slides in and jumps on Angelina with a Lou Thez Press. They both grab two fist fulls of each other’s hair and start rolling around, offering occasional jabs at each other�?The crowd boos some more as Ashley Caswell rushes down and slides in�?She goes over and starts stomping at Angelina and Faith but, not for Long as Brooklyn Riot slides in and spears her down. WallStreet, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! THIS IS PURE PANDAMONIUM!" Suddenly the lights begin to flicker as the opening chords of "Iowa" by Slipknot are heard…�?/P> A Young girl can be heard saying, "The Ashes Collect to Dust the Dust Spins In The Wind Through the Cloud Steps An Exile�?BR>His Heart Scarred and his Soul Tarnished Yet Still His Mission Remains�?BR>A Silent Scream Is Made�?BR>Never……�?Morrrrrr�? KAAAAAAAAA-KAWWWWWWWWWWW�?KAAAAAAAAAAA-KAWWWWWWWWW�?/P> The lights come back on and the bedlom has stopped as everyone in the ring looks up to the stage but sees nothing�?Not even the raven we so clearly heard? After a mere moment everyone remembers they were beating the crap out of each other and goes back to it. WallStreet, " That’s the second time tonight that all signs have pointed to a Nevyrmorr appearance�?Never the less these guys are back to destroying each other and�? The Opening chords of "Crush Em" by Megadeath suddenly strikes and from behind the curtain with a steel chair in hand stands Drew Stevenson, glaring down the ramp at the ring�?/P> WallStreet, " And here comes Drew Stevenson and the way I see it that definitively puts the advantage in the hands of Jimmy Stryker and Company." Drew power walks down the ramp and toward the ring as the fans are half booing, half cheering. Drew slides in with the chair and Six Pack happens to be the first person to look his way�?CRAAAAAAAAACK! The Crowd erupts as WallStreet declares, " HE JUST LEVELED JOE SIX PACK!" Six Pack rolls out as Whysper stumbles out�?CRAAAACK! WallStreet, "What in the World?!" Whysper drops and rolls out. Drew goes to progress but stumbles over Ashley Caswell and Angelina (apparently the women have been trading off who they beat on) rolling around. Drew bends down, Picks em both up by the hair and sends em out through the ropes. He sees Faith and Brooklyn rolling around and does the same with them. Not sure what’s going on, Steed darts toward Drew but Drew side steps, takes him by the back of the head and ships him sailing over the top. WallStreet, �?/FONT>Drew Stevenson is clearing house and these fans seem to be thrilled!" Drew reacquires his steel chair and just in time as Addams turns around and CRAAAAACK! He falls through the ropes. Zarek turns around�?CRACK! He drops and rolls out. DSL comes rushing his way and he takes his right hand away from the chair to side step and grab the back of her head, sending her over the second rope to the floor. Tani retreats to check on Scott and Michaels is smart enough to leave on his own to go check on Whysper and Angelina. That leaves Van Dam and Stryker both staggering out of their corners�? Neither looking too thrilled. Stryker rips off his T Shirt and Van Dam pulls down his singlet straps as the crowd is going wild�?/P> WallStreet, " Don’t do it! You’ll getcha some in two weeks fellas! DO NOT DO THIS!" Drew suddenly stands to the side but reaches down where someone’s rolled him in a microphone. Drew, " The first one of you bastards that takes another step is getting their brain scrambled." The crowd erupts as Jimmy seems surprised and David’s as pissed and annoyed as he’s been all night. Drew, " Do you people know what this is?! IT’S WRESTLING! WRESTLING! W-R-E-S-T-L-I-N- MOTHER EFFING GEE! WRESTLING! Not The Best of Springer! Not Orgy’s Gone Wrong! WRESTLING! I’m so Sick and DAMN TIRED of you people screwing things up for everybody who enjoys a great WRESTLING match by over shadowing it with all of your petty CRAP! I had a match with David Van Dam a month ago that some would call the best WRESTLING match of this year, YET, it concluded not by submission or pinfall, but by INTERFERENCE! Six Man Tag pitting six of the all time greats today against each other�?A cluster that renders a No Contest! Tonight, The match had a legit decision but can we bask in the glory of it?! NO! Because you jerk offs can’t just wrestle and Get the Hell over it! Well in two weeks we’re gonna know who the man in the ICWA Is�?David Van Dam or Jimmy Stryker�?And I swear to God if it follows suite to the trend we’ve had over the last few shows, I’m gonna swing more homeruns with this steel then Sammy Sosa EVER did with his corked bat! That’s a guarantee!" With that "Crush Em" by Megadeath restarts as Stevenson spikes his chair into the mat like a football in the end zone and exit’s the ring, leaving Stryker and Van Dam in a stair down as bodies stir about on the floor. WallStreet, " I Can’t believe the way this night has gone! THREE WEEKS�?In three weeks the world may see the very best show the ICWA’s had to offer in a very, VERY long time�?Scores will be settled, Championships Decided�?You CAN’T miss it! I’m Taylor McCallister, Live fans we'll see ya in Kinston on the seventh, Live and Web fans alike, Well see ya at the Greenville Convention Center in Three Weeks! What a night!" | |
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Credits Thanks to Justin AKA Scott Addams for the Show banner Thanks to Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker for writting Darren Hunter/TOG, Superbeast/Scott Andrews, and Angelina-Faith/Ashley-Brooklyn Thanks to Johnathan AKA CM for writting the DSL/Scott Addams Match And of course thanks to everyone who RPed | |
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