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So I'm on YouTube lookin through random wrestling videos and I see Scott Steiner doing a shoot. In this shoot he's asked "Did you ever take Steroids" and he says "No.". Then he proceeds to say "My agent told me they wanted to test me. I said sure, Call Hunter and bring the limo for us, we'll go together. That was the last I heard about that." This implicating that Triple H was on roids. I had a good laugh. But not nearly as good as I did when I saw that there are actually Scott Steiner marks in the world. I personally had no idea. I didn't realize anybody ever cared when he was on TV. But Steiner marks are about as mental useless as Scott has become physically in the ring. The following is the lil "Debate" We're having. this guy dares to critisize the WWE? since when did he ever reached the main event? he was in the main event in wcw, wwf and tna Scott Steiner was one of the greatest wrestlers ever. He can pretty much say whatever he wants to. Besides, he knows he could beat up anybody who would ever challenge him. All-American macho stud Steiner's massive arms impress and intimidate everyone around him. :-) he looks like a shaved King Kong which a gay persons goatee & what's the deal with his hair? it's so blonde it's almost transparent! no offense, but if you'v nothing to say, don't rely with lol hes a sinister shady lookin dude. looks like a hells angel or somethin Scott Steiner is by NO MEANS "One of the greatest wrestler's ever". He's one of the Luckiest professional wrestlers ever. He doesn't draw, didn't draw, he's sloppy, has a bad attitude, and isn't beyond mediocre in any aspect. Most of his success is a result of the body he got through the Steroids he swears he didn't take. what? he's been around forever and wrestled EVERYBODY. hes been around longer than HHH or THE ROCK or just about everybody. like him or not he was one of the strongest, fastest and most technical wrestles of all time. and i'm talkin about him 15 years ago. and quit bein jealous buddy and even if he is on juice he has more dedication than you or almost anybody. Erm.. No. Lol. 1.) I'm not jealous, I have nothing to be jealous of. I'm very content with my body and my stage in the business. 2.) Alot of wrestlers have been around a long time, that doesn't make you the "Greatest Performer Ever". He was a solid tag team wrestler, but he wrecked his body with roids, got slow, and during his tenure with the WWE he had more fluff ups in his matches than anybody else. And maybe Scott's been around longer than Triple H or the Rock, But he's no where near as good as Triple H, nor as he ever drawn on the same level as The Rock. since when was HHH a good wrestler?? he was just as bad as steiner in their battles. i'm not sayin steiner is a good wrestler now cuz hes not, but nobody bashes flair. watch scott 10 years ago, he was amazing. i didnt say he was the best wrestler now cuz hes not, but he sure was funny. Ric Flair is the greatest professional wrestler of the modern era. But that's not because he's been in the game for a long time, it's because the time he's spent in the game has been increadible. At almost 60 years old he can still out perform almost everyone on the card. Triple H is a GREAT wrestler, but there's some guys even he can't make look good, I.E. Steiner. Although Steiner's matches With H looked better than anyone else Steiner worked with in the WWE. Flair is just an ass kissing idiot just like HHH and HBK. all those 3 ever did is kiis ass. why do u think HHH is always champ like flair was? steiner like it or not was one of the, if not the best wretlers of all time period. lets see Flair or HHH pull of a Frankensteiner at 275lbs, let alone half of all the other amazing moves Steiner did. LMFAO! You clearly have no incling of what you're talking about. First off, The hurrincarana isn't an extremely difficult move. There's a guy in Windy City Pro Wrestling who's over 250 that hits it all the time. Big guys don't hit those moves, Not because they can't, but because it doesn't make sense. Flair didn't kiss ass, and Flair held the NWA Title in a time where the champion was voted on by a board of promoters from all over the country, not JUST his promoter. everybody hates steiner cuz hes not a nice guy and has an attitude. he spoke the truth and got shit for it because i guess they cant handle the truth. didnt u see his shoot on Flair on live Nitro? Yes you Dolt, I did see his shoot. Let me repeat myself, Scott Steiner's word is not gospel. Scott Steiner's just another guy who even as WCW Champion, was NEVER Looked at as one of the best. Ric Flair never kissed ass. He spent all of his time in WCW At odds with Eric Bischoff. Hell, Bischoff tried to sue Flair into bankrupcy. Flair never kissed ass? his best friends were the fucking owners! of course he was 50 time champion or whatever the fuck it was. all the good old boys ran shit, and steiner said so on national TV and they tried to fire him. they hate him cuz hes a bad ass and hes not a kids role model. thats why everybody basically forgot his pre Big Poppa Pump gimic, because he turned into a prick. |
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As for Shawn Michaels... Shawn Michaels didn't kiss ass. And Shawn Michaels didn't have a great attitude either. By his own admission, he was aprick, he was hard to work with, and he argued with Management every step of the way. Fact is, he was good enough to get away with it. As for Triple H... LMFAO. Give me a break. Triple H's whole career got smacked back a solid year because of MSG. Triple H just manned up and kept with it, and that dedication... The decision not to go back to WCW, but to work hard to get past it. That put him to the top. So, Just because Scott Steiner needs to make excuses for why he was never able to get to that top tier, even when he had the belt in WCW, doesn't make his word something worth livin by. Fact is some guys need to just man up and say "Ya know what, I wasn't as good as a Triple H, or a Shawn Michaels or a Ric Flair. But I tried, I had a good ride, and I did what I could." those 3 are the most over rated wrestlers ever. they werent athletes, they never wretled or played football. like steiner said, if HHH was bangin the bosses daughter he wouldnt have a fuckin job. and what he says does make sense, because u can tell their all the same kind of people. steiner knows all about the politics, its not hard to tell. Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest professional wrestlers who ever lived, and virtually NOBODY argues that. Even most of the guys who don't like Shawn Michaels admit he's great. Triple H busted his ass and worked harder than almost anybody (Almost). I think you need to stop drinking that Kool Aid. Just cause guys like Steiner "shoot" about guys like H and Flair because they themselves never got to the same level of fame and success doesn't make their word gospel. shut up u like all of the sissy ass kissing idiots that everyone hates. listen to steiners interview, he even says HHH, Flair and HBK run shit cuz they kiss ass and everybody hates them. they all act like pussies that whine if they dont get their way. Actually Slick, Ric Flair played Football and he wrestled in highschool and the one semester of college he did. Triple H competed as a Weight Lifter (which is an Olympic Sport), and Shawn Michaels played Baseball. EVEN STILL, That has no real baring on whether they were great professional wrestlers, which they were. As for Triple H... If Triple H's success is from Stephanie, explain to me why he had World Title runs when he was still bangin Chyna. "Triple H wouldn't have a job if he wasn't bangin Stephanie" Coming from a guy who is no longer employed by the WWE. Guess he better wait for Aurora to hit 18;) Of course by then He won't be able to move from all the Steroids he "didn't take". "Fuck you and fuck you too"- Scott Steiner (first saying to Scott Hall then to an NWO fan at 97 Souled Out) Pardon me, but I've noticed a few comments that have bothered me. One is calling Ric Flair an ass kisser by this guy blacksocko. Blacksocko, have you been backstage? Has he kissed your ass? No. I think not. Ric flair was traveling all over the world, going an hour a night for the love of wrestling, not because he had to... because he wanted to... don't ever insult Ric flair- 'cause when you do, you prove you don't know a damn thing about wrestling. Flair was an ass kisser he got austin fired from wcw cause he didnt think he had talent he tried to hold steiner sting luger among others down Shawn kissed vince's ass and got his clique to back him up triple h has always kissed as watch a bret hart interview he said triple h was not one of the boys he wasn't looked on as the same because he kissed ass and stephanie is his bitch Scott Steiner said Flair got Austin fired. Flair had nothing to do with Austin's firing, Flair liked Austin. Austin has varified that, Flair's varified it, and Eric Bischoff has taken full responsibility for firing Steve Austin. Flair made Lex Luger look better than anybody else, and Flair was criticized for pushing Lugger as soon as he came in the door. And Sting attributes his whole career to Ric Flair. Pick up a book and stop assuming Scott Steiner (Or Bret Hart for that matter) Speak Gospel. Shawn Michales was with "The Kliq", But do your research. All "The Kliq" was, was Six guys (if you count Creadible) who hung out all the time and did nothing but talk wrestling. Shawn Michaels busted his ass like no other. And Triple H took the entire punishment for the MSG Incident and ate it and kept busting his ass because that's what he does. If you want to be a Mark, I respect that, be a mark. If you want to be smart to the business, I respect that, be smart. But don't be a Mark and Act smart. One or the Other guys. |