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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | This is it�?The Grand Finale. The Final Episode. The Conclusion. Ending Point. Whatever you want to call it, it’s that. The ICWA is rich in history and has done a lot over the years. Personally, I’m proud of the ICWA. It isn’t recognized amongst it’s peers as being anything special, but ya know what, fuck our peers. ICWA Stands in a class of it’s own�?And it’s been a pleasure to run a promotion with so many positive people who believe in doing what’s right for business above doing what’s right for themselves. Thank you�?Thank you for reminding me of why I still do this. That said, let’s get down to business. We are nine days removed from the most heavily viewed Pay Per View event in MSN History (That’s the truth folks)�?People all over the circuit have let the powers that be know that ICWA Resurrection was quite possibly the greatest pay per view event of all time, and thus as you can imagine the average fans loved it. Buy Rates were at an all time high and the buzz around the ICWA is huge. But now, now it’s time for the single biggest episode of Demented to date. The FX Network has granted us up to 3 hours should we need additional time, and we very well may use the entire thing�?/P> The credits for "Cops" on FX are drawing to a conclusion was we slowly fade to black. "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let The Bodies Hit The�?/P> FLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR *DEMENTED REEL* The cameras shoot from the ICWA Demented reel to sweeping the sold out W2K Arena. *W2K PIC* Bert Busch, "WELCOME ICWA FANS, TO THE DOUBLE-YOU TWO KAY ARENA IN SAN ANTONIO TEXAS! I’m Double B Bert Busch alongside former CWA Champion "Destructive" Jay Marshal and folks�?It simply DOES NOT get any bigger or better than the show we have in store for you here tonight. It is the DEFINITION OF, A star studded show. Because folks, Every championship is being defended, and at the end of the night, every champion will enter a five man headline to determine the very last ICWA Heavyweight champion in the year 2006�?Also in that match, the CWA-nWWF Titles will be on the line, so for the first time ever the ICWA Heavyweight titles will be unified as one." The cameras finally come to ringside where we see Bert Busch and Jay Marshal at the commentary tables. Bert Busch is dressed in a black tuxedo and the Destructive one is in a well designed black suit with a white shirt as shown below. *PIC* Marshal, "EYE-SEE-DUB is in the DUB-TWO-KAY arena and I gotta say Bert, As much as I hate W2K, and while I don’t understand for the life of me why we’re hibernating in W2K during our off season, the fans have packed this place to the brim and the reaction is off the charts. San Antonio’s laid down the red carpet�?Quite literally, and it’s goin down. And like you said Bert, Huge matches all the way down the card, and they all lead to one�? The Dementa-Tron lights up with the match banner for the main event which sends the fans into a craze *MATCH BANNER* Marshal, "But the question is, who’s gonna make it." Busch, "Well we’re fixin to find out, but first, it’s time to pay our respects to mother Liberty." The camera goes to the ring where Kevin Dart announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Here to sing the American National Anthem, please welcome multi-time platinum country artists from right here in TEXAS (Crowd pops)�?They are, LOOOOOOONESTAR!" The crowd erupts as we fade to the stage�?/P> *PIC* Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? *PIC*
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? *PIC*
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. *PIC*
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? The crowd erupts as Lonestar offers a few waves and a couple bows before "Superstar II" Blasts over the PA, Drawing a huge reaction from the fans. *PIC* Busch, "THERE HE IS! Former Chairman, and tonight one of several performers looking to advance into the ICWA Main Event!" WallStreet walks over and shakes hands with the members of Lonestar, sharing some pleasantries that go unheard to the camera before he heads down the ramp with a big grin on his face and bop in his step. Busch, "A Very confident WallStreet�? Marshal, "Let me tell ya something Bert�?Bar for maybe James, I have more history with this man than anybody else�?Most of it bad, but that’s neither here nor there. The fact is, I’ve seen that added Swagger in McCallister’s step and that means the man is at his peek�?He’s feeling prime�?If Nic Dangerously weren’t involved with the night I’d put my money on WallStreet right now." Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Please Welcome The NUMBER ONE Contender to the W2K CHAMPIONSHIP (Crowd erupts), And ICWA Ultrastar, The WallStreet Brawler, Mr. TAYLOR_McCCCCCALLISTERRR!" WallStreet gets to the bottom of the ramp and slaps a few hands as he rounds the barricade and then practically skips up the steps. WallStreet half dances across the outside barricade before he swings his leg over the second rope, bends down and hops into the ring. The crowd is still going wild as WallStreet goes over to the corner and climbs up to the second rope, throwing his arm in the air as the already erupting crowd grows even louder. WallStreet smirks and hops down as a crew member hands him a microphone and the music slowly begins to fade. *PIC* WallStreet, "……�? Crowd: WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET�?/P> WallStreet smirks as he laughs to himself slightly. WallStreet, "San Antonio Texas, WELCOME TO EYE-SEE-DOUBLE-YOU-EH DEEEEEMENTED!" Crowd erupts. Brief pause. Busch, "This capacity crowd is defining." Marshal, "Considering I’ve seen more space in a Mini Van then the W2K Shoe-box Arena, it is crazy how loud this place is right now." WallStreet finally continues, "Welcome to Demented�?The very last Demented before the ICWA Merges itself into Double-You Two Kay for the off season and starts raisin�?Hell ALL OVER San An-Tonio." Crowd: DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY�?/P> WallStreet nods, "You bet your asses. See the Corporate Icon�?The Corporate Icon’s excited�?Keyed Up�?EAGER to see the ICWA roll into W2K�?Eager to work San Antonio�?And Eager to do it, as the ICWA World�?Heavyweight�?Champion. (Crowd erupts). And that’s gonna happen�?You can Bet your grandma’s social security on it because I’m *Not* Leaving this arena without the prize that’s eluded me for four years. AH-AH, It simply ISN’T Going To Happen. What Is going to happen is that I am going to roll through DSL, And then�?MJ Storm, Matt Matlock, Bobby Johnson, Jimmy Stryker, James, Matt Hardy, Nikki Black, Christian Skywalka�?And Nic E�? WallStreet can’t even finish saying the man’s name before the Crowd erupts�?/P> Their eruption inevitably turns into a chant of : N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D…�?/P> Busch, "A lot of loyal Dangerously fans here in San Antonio Jay." Marshal, "Dangerously’s been holdin down the fort in San Antonio longer than Tim Duncan Double B" WallStreet, "NLCS Can respect that�?And so too can I. But tonight�?In any other arena in the world�?In any other City in the world�?I’d be the people’s choice to win tonight’s headline, But this here�?This is Dangerously Country�? The cameras shoot over to some fans holding a sign as the crowd is going wild. *PIC* Busch, "No questioning who the celebrity is tonight." WallStreet, "Alright, Alright�?Everyone here loves Nic Dangerously�?I respect Nic Dangerously, The boys in the back respect Nic Dangerously�?But tonight�?Tonight, whether you’re with me or you’re with Nic, I’m taking the ICWA Championship. (Mixed reaction) So don’t expect, that just because we’re in San Antonio there’s going to be some fairy tail ending to the night where the hero reigns supreme at home�?This is not a Disney movie, this is real life, and in real life when you step in my ring, with my belt, and four years of my LIFE on the line, There’s only one force that reigns supreme and you’re lookin at him." The smirk is gone and WallStreet’s stair is firey as the crowd is still loud, but mixing with boos and cheers�?/P> "Mr. Torture" by Holloween suddenly blasts over the PA sending the crown into another surge as James�?Dementa-reel begins playing over the Dementa-Tron. WallStreet smirks again and leans on the ropes as the curtain moves and from behind it to a fairly jacked reaction is James. James stands on the ramp and shakes his head looking down at WallStreet. Busch, "The Original Sadist is set to kick things off tonight as he takes on Version One and Nikki Black for the ICWA Hardcore Championship�?But I’m not sure WallStreet was quite finished." Marshal, "WallStreet is never finished. If we stuck him in a ring in the desert, handed him a mic, and kept our program director away so nobody could tell him he had to wrap it up he’d probably cut promos on the cactuses for a month before it finally dawned on him that he’d died three weeks ago from dehydration." Busch can’t help but laugh a little bit as it’s no secret that WallStreet can run his mouth for a while. Meanwhile James is coming down the ramp in his "gear" (Which is just a pair of black slacks) and a White T shirt. Busch, "I still can’t get over what a night we have in store�?Five championship matchs�?Four of which are in a row�?The winners going to the ICWA Main Event." Marshal, "Not to mention the contendership match between DSL and WallStreet scheduled to take place tonight, the winner of that joining our male division champions in the headline." Busch, "And that’s all huge�?But�?We still have some huge bouts that aren’t related to the headline, because tonight�?Hall of Famer Verses Hall of Famer as Hope Cassidy comes back to the ICWA For One Night Only to go one on one with fellow Hall of Famer and former ICWA Heavyweight Champion Sean Frost-Mann." Marshal, "I’ve been on the opposite side of the ring from both those guys, there’s no doubt that one’s gonna be "Destructive"�?And speaking of destructive Bert, possibly the most intense bout on the card as two huge rivals meet inside of a steal cage here tonight�?Two PWT Walk Of Famers and former PWT Heavyweight champions, David Van Dam and Christian Michaels, go one on one in a Steal Cage and there’s a Red Cross freezer’s worth of bad blood there." Busch, "I don’t think they freeze blood donations Jay." Marshal, "Wanta find out for sure?" Bert, "And Image Johnson defends both her ICWA Women’s title as well as her W2K Championesship in a triple threat verses Summer Stratus and Blaze Inferno�?And regardless of who wins this match, the ICWA Women’s title will be infused into the W2K Championesship as the powers that be have declared this will be the very LAST Match that the ICWA Has an ICWA Women’s championship. Apparently when we return in 07 it’s all intergender." Marshal, "I like that�?Completely dodge your pending doom�?Good call Bert." Busch, "Mamma ain’t raise no fool." At this point James is entering the ring between the second and third ropes as WallStreet is standing in wait. James reaches between the ropes and is handed a microphone as his music fades. James, "WallStreet�?Street�?Taylor. It’s been a long time man�?We’ve been traveling together for what�?Four years? (WallStreet nods)�?The fact is Taylor, in four years I’ve never once seen you put yourself first in this business, and I respect that. You’ve sat back and worried about taking care of everyone else and you forgot about Taylor�?So I’m glad you’re waking up and pursuing the strap, really Street, I am. You know full well that through all these years, whether we were spilling each others blood�?/P> The crowd pops as a lot of them recall the many ICWA Epics between James and WallStreet. James and WallStreet both smirk. James, "Or, Teaming up to spill everyone elses�? I’ve always respected you. BUT, The fact is that there’s a long list of guys who have a chance to get into that headline tonight. Matter of fact, I’m one of em. And while this may infact be "Dangerously" Country (Crowd erupts)�?Yeah, Yeah, Whatever. You’re just as bad as these love starved fans Street." WallStreet cocks a curious eyebrow. James, "Because you’re out here, In the time set for *MY* Match mind you, and you’re going on and on about how you’re gonna beat Nic Dangerously in Dangerously country and it doesn’t matter what Dangerously’s fans think because Dangerously’s in the way and Dangerously blah blah blah, Dangerously, Blah blah, Dangerously, dangerously, Dangerously. First of all, Nic Dangerously isn’t a shoe in for the main event�?He has to face Christian Skywalker (Crowd erupts)�?And since Skywalker holds two draws over Dangerously, I guess that’s not ol�?Nickey’s easiest task. Secondly, YOU, Taylor McCallister, are *Not* a shoe in either because you have to fight Da Sweet Lunatic and frankly Street�?That bitch is crazy. (Crowd pops)�?But, let’s go ahead for the sake of humor and say that not only do you beat DSL (WallStreet nods and we can read his lips saying "Don’t worry, I will.")�?Good man, I hope you do�?And let’s Say Nic Dangerously (Huge Pop AGAIN)�?Let’s say he does beat Chris –Although my money’s on Skywalker-�?There’s gonna be three more guys in that match who’s names aren’t Nic E. Dangerously, so you need to open your eyes and realize that nobody shootin to get in this match is planning on going into the middle of the ring to jerkoff while you and Nic put on some "Clinic" and decide the strap between the two of you. These people can sing the guy’s name all night, sing it from the Mountain tops, sing it from the Alamo, but the fact is that none of that matters when my arm’s in the air and the ICWA Title’s around my waist. WallStreet snickers, "Those are mighty big words for a guy who got lost and made it to work." James, "Well I’ll tell ya what Street�?If you hadn’t of come out here and bored the world with ten minutes of your ever so stale and tired crap, I guess we’d be on the verge of finding out wouldn’t we. So why don’t you do the world a favor, shut your mouth, and let my opponents come down here so someone who’s name is Dangerously or McCallister can get a f**king ten minute slot around this place." Busch, "……………………�? Marshal, "……………………�? Fans: FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)……�?/P> James offers the crowd a one finger salute as WallStreet brings the mic back to his mouth and says, "Tell ya what James�?I’ll do ya one better, You don’t even have to work a match tonight. (James raises his eyebrow)�?Matt Hardy’s currently been placed on a wellness leave as he’s suffering the effects of a Staph infection. So Unfortunately, Matt Hardy was not able to make the trip (Crowd boos) and is resting at his home in Cameron North Carolina. In an unrelated incident, Nikki Black was recently over in the UK doing promotional work for the ICWA and was scheduled to file into the states early this morning, however, due to the recent terrorist threats security has been increased beyond belief out there, and they found some suspicious looking�?Get this folks�?Shampoo�?In her luggage and�?/P> Crowd: BRITS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICCK, BRITTS SUCK DICK�?/P> Busch, "Well now I don’t think that’s fair. The ICWA has a lot of great fans in the UK and we love going out there every opportunity we have." Marshal, "Speak for yourself." WallStreet continues, "So, Nikki Black is only JUST now getting into the air, and quite obviously will not be able to make the show. So, since she realizes that tonight was a mandatory defense for all champions, she has reluctantly forfitted the Hardcore championship, which means that as of right now, James�?Due to the fact that you’re the only who was able to get to the arena, You are the NEW ICWA Hardcore champion. (Crowd boos)�?We’ll get your belt to you in 7 �?14 Business days." James, "Well then�?I guess that means that I’m in the main event�?There’s a lot to be said for a hard nights work�?Let’s see if you can get there too." Street, "Oh, don’t you worry about me, I’ll be there�?And when I get there James�?I’m not just going to beat you�?I’m not going to humiliate you, because come Hell or High water, your ass’ll be gone in the first five minutes or I’ll walk out of the match myself." The crowd pops as Busch says, "WHAT?!" James and Street hold a glare as "Superstar II" By Saliva blasts over the PA as the crowd erupts. James snickers and finally walks away from Street, exiting the ring between the ropes and walking backwards up the ramp offering one finger salutes to Street, The W2K Arena fans, and whomever else is around. *PIC* Busch, "Well, apparently we have our first advancee to the main event and a new Hardcore champion, but, it’s not going to be that easy for Bobby Johnson or Jimmy Stryker because when we come back, those two great athletes go head to head and it’s for the US Title�?Don’t You Go Away!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | This is it�?The Grand Finale. The Final Episode. The Conclusion. Ending Point. Whatever you want to call it, it’s that. The ICWA is rich in history and has done a lot over the years. Personally, I’m proud of the ICWA. It isn’t recognized amongst it’s peers as being anything special, but ya know what, fuck our peers. ICWA Stands in a class of it’s own�?And it’s been a pleasure to run a promotion with so many positive people who believe in doing what’s right for business above doing what’s right for themselves. Thank you�?Thank you for reminding me of why I still do this. That said, let’s get down to business. We are nine days removed from the most heavily viewed Pay Per View event in MSN History (That’s the truth folks)�?People all over the circuit have let the powers that be know that ICWA Resurrection was quite possibly the greatest pay per view event of all time, and thus as you can imagine the average fans loved it. Buy Rates were at an all time high and the buzz around the ICWA is huge. But now, now it’s time for the single biggest episode of Demented to date. The FX Network has granted us up to 3 hours should we need additional time, and we very well may use the entire thing�?/P> The credits for "Cops" on FX are drawing to a conclusion was we slowly fade to black. "Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor. Let The Bodies Hit The�?/P> FLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR *DEMENTED REEL* The cameras shoot from the ICWA Demented reel to sweeping the sold out W2K Arena. *W2K PIC* Bert Busch, "WELCOME ICWA FANS, TO THE DOUBLE-YOU TWO KAY ARENA IN SAN ANTONIO TEXAS! I’m Double B Bert Busch alongside former CWA Champion "Destructive" Jay Marshal and folks�?It simply DOES NOT get any bigger or better than the show we have in store for you here tonight. It is the DEFINITION OF, A star studded show. Because folks, Every championship is being defended, and at the end of the night, every champion will enter a five man headline to determine the very last ICWA Heavyweight champion in the year 2006�?Also in that match, the CWA-nWWF Titles will be on the line, so for the first time ever the ICWA Heavyweight titles will be unified as one." The cameras finally come to ringside where we see Bert Busch and Jay Marshal at the commentary tables. Bert Busch is dressed in a black tuxedo and the Destructive one is in a well designed black suit with a white shirt as shown below. *PIC* Marshal, "EYE-SEE-DUB is in the DUB-TWO-KAY arena and I gotta say Bert, As much as I hate W2K, and while I don’t understand for the life of me why we’re hibernating in W2K during our off season, the fans have packed this place to the brim and the reaction is off the charts. San Antonio’s laid down the red carpet�?Quite literally, and it’s goin down. And like you said Bert, Huge matches all the way down the card, and they all lead to one�? The Dementa-Tron lights up with the match banner for the main event which sends the fans into a craze *MATCH BANNER* Marshal, "But the question is, who’s gonna make it." Busch, "Well we’re fixin to find out, but first, it’s time to pay our respects to mother Liberty." The camera goes to the ring where Kevin Dart announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Here to sing the American National Anthem, please welcome multi-time platinum country artists from right here in TEXAS (Crowd pops)�?They are, LOOOOOOONESTAR!" The crowd erupts as we fade to the stage�?/P> *PIC* Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? *PIC*
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? *PIC*
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. *PIC*
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? The crowd erupts as Lonestar offers a few waves and a couple bows before "Superstar II" Blasts over the PA, Drawing a huge reaction from the fans. *PIC* Busch, "THERE HE IS! Former Chairman, and tonight one of several performers looking to advance into the ICWA Main Event!" WallStreet walks over and shakes hands with the members of Lonestar, sharing some pleasantries that go unheard to the camera before he heads down the ramp with a big grin on his face and bop in his step. Busch, "A Very confident WallStreet�? Marshal, "Let me tell ya something Bert�?Bar for maybe James, I have more history with this man than anybody else�?Most of it bad, but that’s neither here nor there. The fact is, I’ve seen that added Swagger in McCallister’s step and that means the man is at his peek�?He’s feeling prime�?If Nic Dangerously weren’t involved with the night I’d put my money on WallStreet right now." Dart, "Ladies and Gentlemen�?Please Welcome The NUMBER ONE Contender to the W2K CHAMPIONSHIP (Crowd erupts), And ICWA Ultrastar, The WallStreet Brawler, Mr. TAYLOR_McCCCCCALLISTERRR!" WallStreet gets to the bottom of the ramp and slaps a few hands as he rounds the barricade and then practically skips up the steps. WallStreet half dances across the outside barricade before he swings his leg over the second rope, bends down and hops into the ring. The crowd is still going wild as WallStreet goes over to the corner and climbs up to the second rope, throwing his arm in the air as the already erupting crowd grows even louder. WallStreet smirks and hops down as a crew member hands him a microphone and the music slowly begins to fade. *PIC* WallStreet, "……�? Crowd: WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET, WALLSTREET�?/P> WallStreet smirks as he laughs to himself slightly. WallStreet, "San Antonio Texas, WELCOME TO EYE-SEE-DOUBLE-YOU-EH DEEEEEMENTED!" Crowd erupts. Brief pause. Busch, "This capacity crowd is defining." Marshal, "Considering I’ve seen more space in a Mini Van then the W2K Shoe-box Arena, it is crazy how loud this place is right now." WallStreet finally continues, "Welcome to Demented�?The very last Demented before the ICWA Merges itself into Double-You Two Kay for the off season and starts raisin�?Hell ALL OVER San An-Tonio." Crowd: DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY, DUB-TWO-KAY�?/P> WallStreet nods, "You bet your asses. See the Corporate Icon�?The Corporate Icon’s excited�?Keyed Up�?EAGER to see the ICWA roll into W2K�?Eager to work San Antonio�?And Eager to do it, as the ICWA World�?Heavyweight�?Champion. (Crowd erupts). And that’s gonna happen�?You can Bet your grandma’s social security on it because I’m *Not* Leaving this arena without the prize that’s eluded me for four years. AH-AH, It simply ISN’T Going To Happen. What Is going to happen is that I am going to roll through DSL, And then�?MJ Storm, Matt Matlock, Bobby Johnson, Jimmy Stryker, James, Matt Hardy, Nikki Black, Christian Skywalka�?And Nic E�? WallStreet can’t even finish saying the man’s name before the Crowd erupts�?/P> Their eruption inevitably turns into a chant of : N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D, N-E-D…�?/P> Busch, "A lot of loyal Dangerously fans here in San Antonio Jay." Marshal, "Dangerously’s been holdin down the fort in San Antonio longer than Tim Duncan Double B" WallStreet, "NLCS Can respect that�?And so too can I. But tonight�?In any other arena in the world�?In any other City in the world�?I’d be the people’s choice to win tonight’s headline, But this here�?This is Dangerously Country�? The cameras shoot over to some fans holding a sign as the crowd is going wild. *PIC* Busch, "No questioning who the celebrity is tonight." WallStreet, "Alright, Alright�?Everyone here loves Nic Dangerously�?I respect Nic Dangerously, The boys in the back respect Nic Dangerously�?But tonight�?Tonight, whether you’re with me or you’re with Nic, I’m taking the ICWA Championship. (Mixed reaction) So don’t expect, that just because we’re in San Antonio there’s going to be some fairy tail ending to the night where the hero reigns supreme at home�?This is not a Disney movie, this is real life, and in real life when you step in my ring, with my belt, and four years of my LIFE on the line, There’s only one force that reigns supreme and you’re lookin at him." The smirk is gone and WallStreet’s stair is firey as the crowd is still loud, but mixing with boos and cheers�?/P> "Mr. Torture" by Holloween suddenly blasts over the PA sending the crown into another surge as James�?Dementa-reel begins playing over the Dementa-Tron. WallStreet smirks again and leans on the ropes as the curtain moves and from behind it to a fairly jacked reaction is James. James stands on the ramp and shakes his head looking down at WallStreet. Busch, "The Original Sadist is set to kick things off tonight as he takes on Version One and Nikki Black for the ICWA Hardcore Championship�?But I’m not sure WallStreet was quite finished." Marshal, "WallStreet is never finished. If we stuck him in a ring in the desert, handed him a mic, and kept our program director away so nobody could tell him he had to wrap it up he’d probably cut promos on the cactuses for a month before it finally dawned on him that he’d died three weeks ago from dehydration." Busch can’t help but laugh a little bit as it’s no secret that WallStreet can run his mouth for a while. Meanwhile James is coming down the ramp in his "gear" (Which is just a pair of black slacks) and a White T shirt. Busch, "I still can’t get over what a night we have in store�?Five championship matchs�?Four of which are in a row�?The winners going to the ICWA Main Event." Marshal, "Not to mention the contendership match between DSL and WallStreet scheduled to take place tonight, the winner of that joining our male division champions in the headline." Busch, "And that’s all huge�?But�?We still have some huge bouts that aren’t related to the headline, because tonight�?Hall of Famer Verses Hall of Famer as Hope Cassidy comes back to the ICWA For One Night Only to go one on one with fellow Hall of Famer and former ICWA Heavyweight Champion Sean Frost-Mann." Marshal, "I’ve been on the opposite side of the ring from both those guys, there’s no doubt that one’s gonna be "Destructive"�?And speaking of destructive Bert, possibly the most intense bout on the card as two huge rivals meet inside of a steal cage here tonight�?Two PWT Walk Of Famers and former PWT Heavyweight champions, David Van Dam and Christian Michaels, go one on one in a Steal Cage and there’s a Red Cross freezer’s worth of bad blood there." Busch, "I don’t think they freeze blood donations Jay." Marshal, "Wanta find out for sure?" Bert, "And Image Johnson defends both her ICWA Women’s title as well as her W2K Championesship in a triple threat verses Summer Stratus and Blaze Inferno�?And regardless of who wins this match, the ICWA Women’s title will be infused into the W2K Championesship as the powers that be have declared this will be the very LAST Match that the ICWA Has an ICWA Women’s championship. Apparently when we return in 07 it’s all intergender." Marshal, "I like that�?Completely dodge your pending doom�?Good call Bert." Busch, "Mamma ain’t raise no fool." At this point James is entering the ring between the second and third ropes as WallStreet is standing in wait. James reaches between the ropes and is handed a microphone as his music fades. James, "WallStreet�?Street�?Taylor. It’s been a long time man�?We’ve been traveling together for what�?Four years? (WallStreet nods)�?The fact is Taylor, in four years I’ve never once seen you put yourself first in this business, and I respect that. You’ve sat back and worried about taking care of everyone else and you forgot about Taylor�?So I’m glad you’re waking up and pursuing the strap, really Street, I am. You know full well that through all these years, whether we were spilling each others blood�?/P> The crowd pops as a lot of them recall the many ICWA Epics between James and WallStreet. James and WallStreet both smirk. James, "Or, Teaming up to spill everyone elses�? I’ve always respected you. BUT, The fact is that there’s a long list of guys who have a chance to get into that headline tonight. Matter of fact, I’m one of em. And while this may infact be "Dangerously" Country (Crowd erupts)�?Yeah, Yeah, Whatever. You’re just as bad as these love starved fans Street." WallStreet cocks a curious eyebrow. James, "Because you’re out here, In the time set for *MY* Match mind you, and you’re going on and on about how you’re gonna beat Nic Dangerously in Dangerously country and it doesn’t matter what Dangerously’s fans think because Dangerously’s in the way and Dangerously blah blah blah, Dangerously, Blah blah, Dangerously, dangerously, Dangerously. First of all, Nic Dangerously isn’t a shoe in for the main event�?He has to face Christian Skywalker (Crowd erupts)�?And since Skywalker holds two draws over Dangerously, I guess that’s not ol�?Nickey’s easiest task. Secondly, YOU, Taylor McCallister, are *Not* a shoe in either because you have to fight Da Sweet Lunatic and frankly Street�?That bitch is crazy. (Crowd pops)�?But, let’s go ahead for the sake of humor and say that not only do you beat DSL (WallStreet nods and we can read his lips saying "Don’t worry, I will.")�?Good man, I hope you do�?And let’s Say Nic Dangerously (Huge Pop AGAIN)�?Let’s say he does beat Chris –Although my money’s on Skywalker-�?There’s gonna be three more guys in that match who’s names aren’t Nic E. Dangerously, so you need to open your eyes and realize that nobody shootin to get in this match is planning on going into the middle of the ring to jerkoff while you and Nic put on some "Clinic" and decide the strap between the two of you. These people can sing the guy’s name all night, sing it from the Mountain tops, sing it from the Alamo, but the fact is that none of that matters when my arm’s in the air and the ICWA Title’s around my waist. WallStreet snickers, "Those are mighty big words for a guy who got lost and made it to work." James, "Well I’ll tell ya what Street�?If you hadn’t of come out here and bored the world with ten minutes of your ever so stale and tired crap, I guess we’d be on the verge of finding out wouldn’t we. So why don’t you do the world a favor, shut your mouth, and let my opponents come down here so someone who’s name is Dangerously or McCallister can get a f**king ten minute slot around this place." Busch, "……………………�? Marshal, "……………………�? Fans: FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap), FUCK YOU JA-MES (Clap, Clap, Clap-clap-clap)……�?/P> James offers the crowd a one finger salute as WallStreet brings the mic back to his mouth and says, "Tell ya what James�?I’ll do ya one better, You don’t even have to work a match tonight. (James raises his eyebrow)�?Matt Hardy’s currently been placed on a wellness leave as he’s suffering the effects of a Staph infection. So Unfortunately, Matt Hardy was not able to make the trip (Crowd boos) and is resting at his home in Cameron North Carolina. In an unrelated incident, Nikki Black was recently over in the UK doing promotional work for the ICWA and was scheduled to file into the states early this morning, however, due to the recent terrorist threats security has been increased beyond belief out there, and they found some suspicious looking�?Get this folks�?Shampoo�?In her luggage and�?/P> Crowd: BRITS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICK, BRITTS SUCK DICCK, BRITTS SUCK DICK�?/P> Busch, "Well now I don’t think that’s fair. The ICWA has a lot of great fans in the UK and we love going out there every opportunity we have." Marshal, "Speak for yourself." WallStreet continues, "So, Nikki Black is only JUST now getting into the air, and quite obviously will not be able to make the show. So, since she realizes that tonight was a mandatory defense for all champions, she has reluctantly forfitted the Hardcore championship, which means that as of right now, James�?Due to the fact that you’re the only who was able to get to the arena, You are the NEW ICWA Hardcore champion. (Crowd boos)�?We’ll get your belt to you in 7 �?14 Business days." James, "Well then�?I guess that means that I’m in the main event�?There’s a lot to be said for a hard nights work�?Let’s see if you can get there too." Street, "Oh, don’t you worry about me, I’ll be there�?And when I get there James�?I’m not just going to beat you�?I’m not going to humiliate you, because come Hell or High water, your ass’ll be gone in the first five minutes or I’ll walk out of the match myself." The crowd pops as Busch says, "WHAT?!" James and Street hold a glare as "Superstar II" By Saliva blasts over the PA as the crowd erupts. James snickers and finally walks away from Street, exiting the ring between the ropes and walking backwards up the ramp offering one finger salutes to Street, The W2K Arena fans, and whomever else is around. *PIC* Busch, "Well, apparently we have our first advancee to the main event and a new Hardcore champion, but, it’s not going to be that easy for Bobby Johnson or Jimmy Stryker because when we come back, those two great athletes go head to head and it’s for the US Title�?Don’t You Go Away!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | When cameras return from commercial we go to the back where we see Image Johnson walking through the back with her ICWA Women’s championship in hand. Busch, "Welcome back folks. There ya see the current ICWA Women’s champion in Image Johnson." Image comes across a door and swings it open. As she does so we see Bobby Johnson sitting on a love seat watching the show with a less than delighted look upon his face. Image, "You ready baby?" Bobby says flatly, "Oh yeah�?I’m ready�?Belee dat." Image, "You alright?" Bobby, "Something seems shady about tonight. I don’t like the Nic factor in this match." Image, "Nic’s our allie, not our enemy." Bobby, "I don’t know about that anymore Im’�?I really don’t." Image, "Nic’s not going to betray Synergy regardless of your guys�?egos clashing." Bobby, "All I know is he better call it right down the middle or Synergy might end being a moot point." The cameras fade from Bobby’s face to the ring. Busch, "Tonight’s definitely gonna be interesting�? TAKE OUT ATKINS, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, TAKE OUT ATKINS, clap, clap, clap, clap,clap. This is the chant heard throughout the arena as the camera Brings us back to the ringside area as we faded from the previous segment. The shot pans around showing fans on their feet. The entire crowd almost in complete unity of their hate of Atkins. The shot switches to Marshal and Busch. The two sitting there Marshal, bobbing his head to the beat of the chant as if to a good song. Busch, " ladies and gentlemen here we are. And just about to Hit the Ring are none other then the Sadist James and Jamal Atkins. And I must say that from the Reaction here it’s more then obvious what side of the fence this crowd is on." Marshal, " can you Blame them? I mean hell it’s not like Jamal Atkins is the most likable guy, I mean I’m found in some quarters to be dislikable but people come from around the world just to Hate Atkins. And now he’s Set himself up with the two a**holes of our management team." The Booing grows more intense as "this fire Burns" Blast over the P.A. System. The Crowd actually jumping to it’s feet to voice their displeasure as Atkins appears at the head of the ramp. His hands held up high, flipping off the crowd with impunity. Slowly Jamal makes his way down the ramp, shaking his head with disgust at the crowd flipping them off one more time before sliding into the ring where he easily hops to his feet. The booing grows in volume as he raises his hands slowly into the air, allowing the people to Bask in his glowing presence before flipping them off. Busch, "well it seems James�?Plan worked as Mr. Borden seems to be nowhere in site. Looks like this match might actually be a fair one" Marshal, " with James involved? You willing to put money on that?" In the ring Jamal is Laughing to himself, the satisfied smirk slowly slipping off his Face as his music begins to scratch out as if trying to fight with something else as the words " I find the Rack Rather Soothing actually" overpower his music. The crowd explodes into cheers as "Mr. Torture" plays through the speakers. Slowly James walks to the ramp, a large grin on his face as his eyes scan the crowd. A whip held tightly in one hand and a cooler in the other. Slowly he makes his way down the ramp, casually flicking the whip out now and then towards the ring, yelling something towards Jamal, the camera mics not sensitive enough to pick out the words. Slowly James walks around the ring, his eyes locked on Atkins in the center of the ring as he walks around to the announcer booth, placing the cooler on the table and opening it infront of Marshal showing it to be filled with beer. James, "unlike our glorious leaders, I’m not cheap man. They stiffed ya last week but this week Drink up" James grins and turns, running directly to the ring and sliding in. Jamal backing up quickly as James advances on him, the whip still held in his hand. The ref stepping in to intervene James laughing and pointing at Atkins as he walks over to the corner, one hand dipping under his shirt as he drops the whip. Atkins charges forward, looking to catch James off guard as he turns, the hand under his shirt held straight out in front of him, pounding Atkins hard in the stomach, raising the hand quickly, the follow up shot planting him flat on his back. The ref quickly runs over, taking a look at Atkins as James�?hands both start doing something under his shirt. The ref listening to Jamal before turning on James, his hands moving wildly as he points at James�?shirt. Rolling his eyes James slowly slips his hands from under his shirt, his fingers spread wide apart to show that he isn’t holding anything. The boos from the crowd erupt as the ref proceeds to Pat James down, looking for anything that might be able to tell the story of how Jamal was put to his back so quickly. Atkins is back to his feet, glaring angrily at James as the ref turns to him, shaking his head to say that James has no weapons on him. James laughs and makes a quick move forward, Atkins jumping back wearily to another eruption of cheers from the crowd. James laughs again before grabbing the bottom of his shirt. And slowly pulling it up over his head. The crowd erupts into laughter and cheers as Jamal’s eyes go wide. There wrapped around James�?Waist is a Wide piece of chain held together with a huge steel clasp. Busch, " THERE’S THE WEAPON REF" Marshal, " oh don’t be an Idiot. Anyone can see that, that is nothing more then the mans belt. Get off his case" James is laughing as the ref points to his belt, yelling at him, James sighs, rolling his eyes a couple times and finally nodding his head before taking it off and hanging it over the ringpost. Both men step forward locking up, Jamal drops quickly to his back, pulling James�?arm down and nailing a quick arm drag, both men rebound to their feet, Atkins running forward only for James to nail an arm drag of his own. Atkins bounces back, his normal composure nowhere in sight as he charges forward again, being caught in the chest with a hard dropkick, the kick sending him rolling out of the ring. James runs forward, grabbing the ring ropes as Jamal runs close to the Apron to get away from the impending splash. James laughs as he launches a quick kick through the ropes, taking Jamal hard in the head before rolling out of the ring. Jamal finds himself in a bad spot as James grabs the back of his head, slamming it twice into the edge of the ring before rolling him back in. delivering a quick shot to the chest to lay him out flat on his back, lifting his arm and putting it through the ropes as he climbs onto the edge, jumping into the air and dropping the leg across the vulnerable arm, slamming it against the edge of the ring. Jamal screaming in pain as the crowd erupts, Seeing the Sadist slowly begin another nights work. Marshal, " Jamal is in trouble now. That’s the one chance everyone has. You can never be sure what James is going to show up to a fight. The drunk or the torturer. But when you don’t get the drunk your in for one hell of a bad day" In the Ring James seems to be proving Marshal right as he grabs the arm, pinning it against his chest and dropping back in a arm-breaker. Jamal yelling in pain as James rolls from under the arm. Slowly getting to his knees and straddling the Injured appendage. James sits on Jamals back, grabbing the arm and wrenching it up and back, his own body weight preventing Jamals body to move to release the pressure being built up. The ref is quickly to Atkins�?side, asking him if he wants to quit. The crowd has to give credit as he keeps shaking his head, finally telling the ref to get out of his Way. James shakes his head, realizing this is not the way he’s going to pick up the win and dropping the arm. Quickly taking a few steps forward, his eyes locking on Jamal, sizing him up, weighing him for that final moment. Jamal gets to his feet, his instincts saving him as he ducks the clothesline James had aimed at the back of his head, James rebounding from the ropes only to be caught with a hard dropkick. Sprawling on his back, a roar of frustration signaling his anger as he jumps back to his feet, only to be caught with another perfectly placed drop kick. Jamal is not as lucky this time as he comes down on his bad arm, the breath rushing from him in a moment of pure agony. He rolls for a few seconds, his mind fighting through the pain as he stands, Not even registering the screaming crowd signaling his own demise. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL?!?" Jamal is in a bad Place as James hits the final call, taking a single step back, his body Prepared to launch the "closing time", suddenly James straightens, his back arched in pain as the crowd boos. A Fan having Jumped the barricade and slid into the ring behind him. The hooded fan nailing a hard forearm to the back before punching him in the back of the head. The man reaches up as James turns around, pulling the hood off his head. BORDEN!! James eyes go wide for a second as Borden nails another hard punch to James, three quick shots landing upon the jaw of the surprised man as Borden quickly kicks him in the stomach, screaming at the ref to keep the match going as he was about to call for the bell. Borden grabs James�?head slamming him with a hard ddt. James lies on the mat. Atkins making his way over as both men begin sinking hard boots into the stomach of James. Borden reaches down, grabbing his head and pulling him, up, hitting him with a clubbing blow to the back. James seems to almost shake off the blow, the adrenaline of the fight and the anger at being interrupted finally coming to the top as he pops up, throwing Bordens hands off him and unloading a series of Brutal crosses to the head and jaw of Borden. Borden stumbles back a couples steps, James moving to follow him before getting hit in the Back. His shoulders tightening for a second as he turns. Jamal stands there, realizing that trying to hit James while his good arm was still useless was obviously not a good idea. James deals with that situation very quickly, a hard short roundhouse slamming swiftly several times into Jamals shoulder. The fourth shot knocking him from his feet. James turns. Rolling out of the ring to follow Borden who is leaning against the ramp. Both men start Trading hard blow as the ref quickly gets out of the ring, trying to find some way to stop the carnage without actually putting himself between the two men. The crowd erupts suddenly the ref to distracted to look back to the ring. As the camera switches showing Atkins getting slowly to hit feet. The reason for the crowds reaction suddenly becomes very obvious as a Smiling Jamal Atkins turns�?right Into a Grinning Nikki Black. Jamal has no chance to do anything as Nikki brings her right fist around in a hard arch. James�?previously discarded belt wrapped tightly around her knuckles. Jamal crumples to the mat, obviously knocked out from the Blow as Nikki quickly slides out of the ring, making her way around it to the Still brawling James and Borden, Both men are still slamming each other, Borden getting a little bit of the better of the fight because of the effects of his sneak attack shots. Nikki slowly walks up behind him, taking in the entire situation in a glance, looking at Borden then James then the audience. She pulls back her hand still covered in the belt then stops…looking at Borden again and shrugs, instead snapping his foot out in a quick kick, his shoe protruding from between his legs as the top of her foot hits home, Borden grabbing himself and doubling over. James looks at Nikki for a split second before she Points to the ring. James needing no other encouragement slides into the ring, easily lying atop the still prone Body of Atkins. The ref being smart enough not to Argue with James and Nikki quickly joins him in the ring and drops to the mat.1�?.2…�?!!!! Busch, " NIKKI BLACK WAS THE WILDCARD!! James said that he had this match watched and it was by her. No wonder he didn’t fear anyone joining in. God damn of everyone out here no one would have been happier to lay out Atkins then her" Back in the ring James looks at Nikki who holds his belt out for him, smirking as he shakes his head and walks over to the ropes, sitting on them to let her pass through easily. The two of them Walking up the ramp. James reaching the top before stopping suddenly and looking at Nikki then at his belt. His eyes lighting up when he remembers something. Quickly running back down the ramp and moving to the corner. James reaches slightly into the ring, grabbing the whip he brought down with him as the crowd erupts into cheers again, James snapping it once between his hands before heading up the ramp towards Nikki again, the cameras slowly fading From there we fade to the back as we see MSN’s Russ Johnson walking through the back with a clipboard in hand. Busch, "There’s the man with the stroke around this place, Russ Johnson. And he’s coming our way with the official match contract for Jimmy Stryker and Da Sweet Lunatic..."  Busch continues, "Stryker�?DSL�?Face to Face�?NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 22nd, 2006 | When cameras return from commercial we go to the back where we see Image Johnson walking through the back with her ICWA Women’s championship in hand. Busch, "Welcome back folks. There ya see the current ICWA Women’s champion in Image Johnson." Image comes across a door and swings it open. As she does so we see Bobby Johnson sitting on a love seat watching the show with a less than delighted look upon his face. Image, "You ready baby?" Bobby says flatly, "Oh yeah�?I’m ready�?Belee dat." Image, "You alright?" Bobby, "Something seems shady about tonight. I don’t like the Nic factor in this match." Image, "Nic’s our allie, not our enemy." Bobby, "I don’t know about that anymore Im’�?I really don’t." Image, "Nic’s not going to betray Synergy regardless of your guys�?egos clashing." Bobby, "All I know is he better call it right down the middle or Synergy might end being a moot point." The cameras fade from Bobby’s face to the ring. Busch, "Tonight’s definitely gonna be interesting�? TAKE OUT ATKINS, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, TAKE OUT ATKINS, clap, clap, clap, clap,clap. This is the chant heard throughout the arena as the camera Brings us back to the ringside area as we faded from the previous segment. The shot pans around showing fans on their feet. The entire crowd almost in complete unity of their hate of Atkins. The shot switches to Marshal and Busch. The two sitting there Marshal, bobbing his head to the beat of the chant as if to a good song. Busch, " ladies and gentlemen here we are. And just about to Hit the Ring are none other then the Sadist James and Jamal Atkins. And I must say that from the Reaction here it’s more then obvious what side of the fence this crowd is on." Marshal, " can you Blame them? I mean hell it’s not like Jamal Atkins is the most likable guy, I mean I’m found in some quarters to be dislikable but people come from around the world just to Hate Atkins. And now he’s Set himself up with the two a**holes of our management team." The Booing grows more intense as "this fire Burns" Blast over the P.A. System. The Crowd actually jumping to it’s feet to voice their displeasure as Atkins appears at the head of the ramp. His hands held up high, flipping off the crowd with impunity. Slowly Jamal makes his way down the ramp, shaking his head with disgust at the crowd flipping them off one more time before sliding into the ring where he easily hops to his feet. The booing grows in volume as he raises his hands slowly into the air, allowing the people to Bask in his glowing presence before flipping them off. Busch, "well it seems James�?Plan worked as Mr. Borden seems to be nowhere in site. Looks like this match might actually be a fair one" Marshal, " with James involved? You willing to put money on that?" In the ring Jamal is Laughing to himself, the satisfied smirk slowly slipping off his Face as his music begins to scratch out as if trying to fight with something else as the words " I find the Rack Rather Soothing actually" overpower his music. The crowd explodes into cheers as "Mr. Torture" plays through the speakers. Slowly James walks to the ramp, a large grin on his face as his eyes scan the crowd. A whip held tightly in one hand and a cooler in the other. Slowly he makes his way down the ramp, casually flicking the whip out now and then towards the ring, yelling something towards Jamal, the camera mics not sensitive enough to pick out the words. Slowly James walks around the ring, his eyes locked on Atkins in the center of the ring as he walks around to the announcer booth, placing the cooler on the table and opening it infront of Marshal showing it to be filled with beer. James, "unlike our glorious leaders, I’m not cheap man. They stiffed ya last week but this week Drink up" James grins and turns, running directly to the ring and sliding in. Jamal backing up quickly as James advances on him, the whip still held in his hand. The ref stepping in to intervene James laughing and pointing at Atkins as he walks over to the corner, one hand dipping under his shirt as he drops the whip. Atkins charges forward, looking to catch James off guard as he turns, the hand under his shirt held straight out in front of him, pounding Atkins hard in the stomach, raising the hand quickly, the follow up shot planting him flat on his back. The ref quickly runs over, taking a look at Atkins as James�?hands both start doing something under his shirt. The ref listening to Jamal before turning on James, his hands moving wildly as he points at James�?shirt. Rolling his eyes James slowly slips his hands from under his shirt, his fingers spread wide apart to show that he isn’t holding anything. The boos from the crowd erupt as the ref proceeds to Pat James down, looking for anything that might be able to tell the story of how Jamal was put to his back so quickly. Atkins is back to his feet, glaring angrily at James as the ref turns to him, shaking his head to say that James has no weapons on him. James laughs and makes a quick move forward, Atkins jumping back wearily to another eruption of cheers from the crowd. James laughs again before grabbing the bottom of his shirt. And slowly pulling it up over his head. The crowd erupts into laughter and cheers as Jamal’s eyes go wide. There wrapped around James�?Waist is a Wide piece of chain held together with a huge steel clasp. Busch, " THERE’S THE WEAPON REF" Marshal, " oh don’t be an Idiot. Anyone can see that, that is nothing more then the mans belt. Get off his case" James is laughing as the ref points to his belt, yelling at him, James sighs, rolling his eyes a couple times and finally nodding his head before taking it off and hanging it over the ringpost. Both men step forward locking up, Jamal drops quickly to his back, pulling James�?arm down and nailing a quick arm drag, both men rebound to their feet, Atkins running forward only for James to nail an arm drag of his own. Atkins bounces back, his normal composure nowhere in sight as he charges forward again, being caught in the chest with a hard dropkick, the kick sending him rolling out of the ring. James runs forward, grabbing the ring ropes as Jamal runs close to the Apron to get away from the impending splash. James laughs as he launches a quick kick through the ropes, taking Jamal hard in the head before rolling out of the ring. Jamal finds himself in a bad spot as James grabs the back of his head, slamming it twice into the edge of the ring before rolling him back in. delivering a quick shot to the chest to lay him out flat on his back, lifting his arm and putting it through the ropes as he climbs onto the edge, jumping into the air and dropping the leg across the vulnerable arm, slamming it against the edge of the ring. Jamal screaming in pain as the crowd erupts, Seeing the Sadist slowly begin another nights work. Marshal, " Jamal is in trouble now. That’s the one chance everyone has. You can never be sure what James is going to show up to a fight. The drunk or the torturer. But when you don’t get the drunk your in for one hell of a bad day" In the Ring James seems to be proving Marshal right as he grabs the arm, pinning it against his chest and dropping back in a arm-breaker. Jamal yelling in pain as James rolls from under the arm. Slowly getting to his knees and straddling the Injured appendage. James sits on Jamals back, grabbing the arm and wrenching it up and back, his own body weight preventing Jamals body to move to release the pressure being built up. The ref is quickly to Atkins�?side, asking him if he wants to quit. The crowd has to give credit as he keeps shaking his head, finally telling the ref to get out of his Way. James shakes his head, realizing this is not the way he’s going to pick up the win and dropping the arm. Quickly taking a few steps forward, his eyes locking on Jamal, sizing him up, weighing him for that final moment. Jamal gets to his feet, his instincts saving him as he ducks the clothesline James had aimed at the back of his head, James rebounding from the ropes only to be caught with a hard dropkick. Sprawling on his back, a roar of frustration signaling his anger as he jumps back to his feet, only to be caught with another perfectly placed drop kick. Jamal is not as lucky this time as he comes down on his bad arm, the breath rushing from him in a moment of pure agony. He rolls for a few seconds, his mind fighting through the pain as he stands, Not even registering the screaming crowd signaling his own demise. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL?!?" Jamal is in a bad Place as James hits the final call, taking a single step back, his body Prepared to launch the "closing time", suddenly James straightens, his back arched in pain as the crowd boos. A Fan having Jumped the barricade and slid into the ring behind him. The hooded fan nailing a hard forearm to the back before punching him in the back of the head. The man reaches up as James turns around, pulling the hood off his head. BORDEN!! James eyes go wide for a second as Borden nails another hard punch to James, three quick shots landing upon the jaw of the surprised man as Borden quickly kicks him in the stomach, screaming at the ref to keep the match going as he was about to call for the bell. Borden grabs James�?head slamming him with a hard ddt. James lies on the mat. Atkins making his way over as both men begin sinking hard boots into the stomach of James. Borden reaches down, grabbing his head and pulling him, up, hitting him with a clubbing blow to the back. James seems to almost shake off the blow, the adrenaline of the fight and the anger at being interrupted finally coming to the top as he pops up, throwing Bordens hands off him and unloading a series of Brutal crosses to the head and jaw of Borden. Borden stumbles back a couples steps, James moving to follow him before getting hit in the Back. His shoulders tightening for a second as he turns. Jamal stands there, realizing that trying to hit James while his good arm was still useless was obviously not a good idea. James deals with that situation very quickly, a hard short roundhouse slamming swiftly several times into Jamals shoulder. The fourth shot knocking him from his feet. James turns. Rolling out of the ring to follow Borden who is leaning against the ramp. Both men start Trading hard blow as the ref quickly gets out of the ring, trying to find some way to stop the carnage without actually putting himself between the two men. The crowd erupts suddenly the ref to distracted to look back to the ring. As the camera switches showing Atkins getting slowly to hit feet. The reason for the crowds reaction suddenly becomes very obvious as a Smiling Jamal Atkins turns�?right Into a Grinning Nikki Black. Jamal has no chance to do anything as Nikki brings her right fist around in a hard arch. James�?previously discarded belt wrapped tightly around her knuckles. Jamal crumples to the mat, obviously knocked out from the Blow as Nikki quickly slides out of the ring, making her way around it to the Still brawling James and Borden, Both men are still slamming each other, Borden getting a little bit of the better of the fight because of the effects of his sneak attack shots. Nikki slowly walks up behind him, taking in the entire situation in a glance, looking at Borden then James then the audience. She pulls back her hand still covered in the belt then stops…looking at Borden again and shrugs, instead snapping his foot out in a quick kick, his shoe protruding from between his legs as the top of her foot hits home, Borden grabbing himself and doubling over. James looks at Nikki for a split second before she Points to the ring. James needing no other encouragement slides into the ring, easily lying atop the still prone Body of Atkins. The ref being smart enough not to Argue with James and Nikki quickly joins him in the ring and drops to the mat.1�?.2…�?!!!! Busch, " NIKKI BLACK WAS THE WILDCARD!! James said that he had this match watched and it was by her. No wonder he didn’t fear anyone joining in. God damn of everyone out here no one would have been happier to lay out Atkins then her" Back in the ring James looks at Nikki who holds his belt out for him, smirking as he shakes his head and walks over to the ropes, sitting on them to let her pass through easily. The two of them Walking up the ramp. James reaching the top before stopping suddenly and looking at Nikki then at his belt. His eyes lighting up when he remembers something. Quickly running back down the ramp and moving to the corner. James reaches slightly into the ring, grabbing the whip he brought down with him as the crowd erupts into cheers again, James snapping it once between his hands before heading up the ramp towards Nikki again, the cameras slowly fading From there we fade to the back as we see MSN’s Russ Johnson walking through the back with a clipboard in hand. Busch, "There’s the man with the stroke around this place, Russ Johnson. And he’s coming our way with the official match contract for Jimmy Stryker and Da Sweet Lunatic..."  Busch continues, "Stryker�?DSL�?Face to Face�?NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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