 | | From:  DementedPics (Original Message) | Sent: 2/24/2007 7:20 AM |
. | | . | The following is a David Van Dam presentation, and is sponsored by the International Championship Wrestling Alliance Ô . Together, they proudly present�?/FONT> Another World-Class Promo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [The International Championship Wrestling AllianceÔ cameras open up five to six hours west from Cleveland, Ohio. The cameras are across the state boundaries and well into the next state, Indiana. The cameras are actually outside of a very nice looking building. Much like the ground in New York, this ground is coated in snow, with a layer of ice underneath that. The cameras look at the building, panning around the concrete structure. There’s another, taller building. There’s a sign in front of the building saying Elite Sports Entertainment. This is of course the headquarters of David Van Dam’s company, Elite Sports Entertainment, which means this building in front of the camera would be the headquarters for the Van Dam Wrestling Academy. The camera man moves closer to the building, and actually enters it. It looks like what a wrestling school should look like. There’s a desk off to the right where you are supposed to check in, and sitting at the desk is a blonde haired woman named Morgan Opel, whose David Van Dam’s personal assistant. Behind her, the room opens up into a large room, the center of it is occupied by a twenty by twenty wrestling ring. The ropes are a plain black, the canvas is blue with DVDWA written on the center of it. The apron skirt is black as well. In the center of the ring is a shirtless David Van Dam. He’s wearing a pair of knee length Under-ArmourÒ athletic shorts with a pair of white and black Adidas Superstar II’sÔ . In the ring with him is a long haired young man. His hair is long and blonde and tied behind him. He’s a tall, good looking guy, probably about twenty-years old. His name is Chazwick Brock. He looks rather confident as he stands across the ring from the reigning International Championship Wrestling AllianceÔ World Heavyweight Champion, David Van Dam. Brock has on a pair of generic Wal-Mart brand basketball shorts, but he still looks impressive. Outside of the ring, Van Dam’s close personal friend Seth Anarchy is leaning against the ring apron, watching how Brock can handle himself against a world class athlete like Van Dam. Next to Anarchy is Van Dam’s current girlfriend, Monica Swhear, who is also watching intently. [Van Dam looks over at Brock and nods, inviting him to make a move. Van Dam can tell by looking at Brock that Brock is over-confident, a youngster who is certain he’s the best thing going, and that all he needs is his one break to prove to the world that he’s a star. Brock moves towards Van Dam, as Anarchy calls out �?/FONT>Remember Brock, there are no strikes in this match.�?Anarchy’s deep, gravely voice, a lot like Harley Race’s, calls out. [Brock nods as he shoots in for one of Van Dam’s legs, but Van Dam pulls his leg back and falls forward, his chest pushing down on Brock’s back, slamming Brock’s torso into the mat. Van Dam immediately wraps his left arm under Brock’s arm, raising it up as he straightens it, spinning around so he can apply pressure onto the elbow and shoulder joints. It takes a mere fifteen seconds for Brock to tap out and Van Dam releases the hold, standing up to look down at Brock who’s grabbing at his arm. Van Dam shakes his head. “You have a lot to learn, kid. Next time, don’t be so cocky.�? Van Dam’s voice is stern and serious, very recognizable for his years in the business and his massive amounts of main stream exposure. Anarchy helps Brock out of the ring and tells the kid to hit the showers and stretch his arm out. Van Dam shakes his head. “Kids these days.�?He says off-handedly, almost lazily as he hops out of the ring and takes a towel being handed to him by Monica Swhear. “Yeah, but next Wednesday won’t be two kids, David.�? Monica says softly as Van Dam towels his arms and torso off before pulling on a black ICWA t-shirt. Van Dam shrugs his shoulders softly. “I know, I wasn’t even referring to Taylor and Christian.�? He says as he lowers his frame onto a wooden bench, picking up a bottle of water from the ground. Unscrewing the top, he takes a drink from it. “I was just making a general statement. I’m well aware of how talented my opponents are in the ICWA.�?/P> Monica nods her head as she looks at her boyfriend . “Don’t you think you should be preparing more for them?�?She asks, her voice soft and curious, she wants to make sure David is in tip top physical condition. “I am preparing, mentally. That’s where this match will be won or lost. Up here.�? He taps his temple as he stands up and walks to a wall. This wall has several framed posters of him, to remind every student who exactly their trainer is. A few of the pictures are posed promotion pictures of him holding various Championships, a few are in-action pictures. He smiles broadly as he reaches onto a storage shelf to pull his gym bag off of it. He sets it on the ground and kneels, unzipping the bag. “Both of my opponents, and even my partner, want something that I have. They want something that I get to carry around. So both of my opponents, and my partner, are stepping into the ring with something to prove.�?/P> Van Dam pulls out another championship belt shaped velvet case. He unzips this case and pulls out a freshly polished Championship belt. This is of course the richest prize in the game, the prize everyone in the ICWA is after. The International Championship Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Championship. “Since Two Thousand and Two, the ICWA has been making a name for themselves. They’ve done something that very few companies have been able to do�?They’ve made their Championship title the most prestigious title in MSN. In those four years, they’ve had twelve title changes, and eleven different champions. Only one man has repeated as Champion, Black Warrior, and that happened via a loss and a strip on the same night. In four years, eleven grapplers have earned the right to be called World Champion. Currently, the Championship belt is mine, and it’s been mine since December Twentieth of last year. For fifty-six days, I have reigned supreme at the top of the International Championship Wrestling Alliance mountain, and I don’t plain on stopping now. So don’t worry, Monica. I’m going to be ready for Taylor and Christian.�?/FONT> Monica nods her head, as if she understands. Van Dam continues. “Taylor let the whole world know how much this title means to him.�?/FONT> He pats the World Title. “He let the whole world know that he needs this title, and that he plans on getting the title. He’s going to do whatever he has to do to get it, and he’s going to earn his way here. He doesn’t want to be handed the title, he doesn’t want to be handed a shot. He wants to prove that he deserves it. Now Taylor, there is no one in wrestling that I respect more than you. There is no grappler that has my respect more than you. You’re it, Taylor. You’ve got it all. You’ve got the best body in wrestling, you’ve got the most charisma, you’ve got power, you’re technically sound, and you’re quick and agile. There is not a better all-around performer than you. But there is one thing that has eluded you. There’s one brass ring that you haven’t been able to grab.�?Van Dam pats the World Title again. “This. This title has eluded you and stayed out of your grasp. In your one chance to win it, when you finally decided you were going to fight for the title, you couldn’t get the job done. You couldn’t do it. You came so close, you had Dangerously down for the three count, but he had you down as well. When the pressure was on, you didn’t get the job done. That’s no knock on you, Taylor. Believe me, I know what it’s like to be in the hot spot. I know what it’s like to have all the eyes on you, wondering if you can get it done. Wondering if you have what it takes. I know what it’s like, I know how it feels to question yourself too. I know what it’s like to look into the mirror and wonder if you have what it takes, wondering if you can dig down deep enough to get it done. The only difference between us, Taylor, is that when the pressure is on me, I step up, and I rise to the occasion. With the pressure is on me the most, I rise to the occasion. You, unfortunately, couldn’t rise to the occasion.�?David Van Dam raises his hands in a defensive manner. “No Taylor, I’m not saying you can’t rise to the occasion, I’m saying you didn’t. I’m saying that you hold the crowd in the palms of your hands in any normal situation. When you step out from behind the curtain, everyone watches. When you walk down the aisle, all eyes are on you. But something happens to you when the title is on the line. Something happens to you when you have the chance to win the World Title. You just come up a little short. Don’t worry though, Taylor. I can show you how to walk into the ring when the pressure is on, when the title is on the line, and win. I can show you how to over come the pressure and the doubt and get the job done. ‘Cause after all, I had to do it myself, and I did do it, leading to thirty-three different Heavyweight Title reigns around the world.�?/P> Van Dam smiles softly. “Taylor, if you want a shot at me, all you have to do is tell me when and where. I will gladly show up and bring this…�?Pats the World Title again. “Along with me and I’ll hand it over to Tim White and let him raise it to the sky. I’ve got not problem defending against you, Taylor, because I know you deserve it. I know you’ve earned it. I know you go out to the ring every night you’ve got a match and put your heart and soul into that ring.�?Van Dam points to the ring in his gym. “I know you started in a ring like this. A training ring, a ring that has no give to it. Maybe it has some broken boards. The ropes are just cable with electric tape wrapped around it. You didn’t start in the state of the art training facilities that we both have now. You and I�?We paid our dues. We bled and sweat are way to fame and fortune. We scratched and clawed for everything we’ve got. You and me�?We’ve proven that we deserve to be in the top tier. So believe me, you don’t have anything left to prove, Taylor. You don’t have any title shots left to earn, you’ve already earned them. You just tell me when, and you’ve got it.�?/P> Van Dam grins as he rubs a hand over his bald head. Monica is watching him, she’s propped herself up on the ring apron, her eyes watching the Champion. “Christian Skywalker. The heart and soul of the ICWA. A guy who is always there for ICWA, and the only time he’s ventured out was for one venture into Jimmy Stryker’s UWA. Other that that, the only place you can find Christian Skywalker is in the ICWA. In June of Two Thousand and Three, he won the United States Championship here in the ICWA, and he lost it in June of Two Thousand and Five. Two years Christian Skywalker held that title, the Rob Van Dam of ICWA. The guy who busted his ass in the midcard for years, but hasn’t gotten his chance to shine, hasn’t gotten his chance to prove that he can win this.�?David pats the World Championship. “Christian, if you want a shot, you too can have won. Unlike previous champions, or champions in other companies, I don’t duck challengers, I don’t tell people they don’t get a shot. Anyone who wants one can step up. Granted, I don’t get to decide all my opponents, but I won’t refuse anyone a shot, I’m welcoming everyone, especially guys like Christian Skywalker, especially guys who bust their asses night in and night out for the fans. Any guy like Christian, who pours his whole being into this company is welcome to have a shot, because they deserve it. Christian, I don’t have any problems with you. I’ve got no malice or ill-will towards you. You’re my opponent on Demented, so you’re going to get David Van Dam coming at you with one goal�?Victory. But, it’s nothing personal, it’s just business.�?/P> Another smile from Van Dam. “You know Monica, Matlock and I have been up and down the road together. We’ve beaten each other all around arenas. We’ve teamed up all over the world. We are one of the most experienced and well-versed teams on MSN. Sure, we don’t team all the time, but we team enough to stay fresh, and we know each other well enough that when we team up, who ever our opponents are, are going to have to deal with a lot of pain and punishment.�?/FONT> Monica interrupts. “But Matlock wants your World Title…�?/FONT> Grinning, Van Dam continues. “So? A lot of people want the World Title. I can’t fault Matlock for wanting the World Title. If the role were reversed, I’d want the World Title too. At ICWA’s return Pay Per View, Matlock gets his chance at the World Title, until then, we don’t have to worry about it. I know Matlock isn’t going to throw me into the lions den. Matlock isn’t going to stab me in the back. I trust him. He trusts me. We know that when Resurrection III rolls around, we’re going to be opponents, and we both know that we’re going to wage a war in that ring for the World Championship, but until then, we’re friends, and after that, we’ll be friends. Besides, there’s no one I’d rather have on my side in a battle against Taylor McCalister and Christian Skywalker than Matt Matlock. If anyone can team with me to defeat those two world-class athletes, it’s Matlock. The ICWA fans are in for a brilliant main event, it’s going to be a great night�?but at the end of the night, David Van Dam and Matt Matlock, Pure Perfection, are leaving with a victory.�?/FONT> Monica smiles and nods her head as the scene ends. | | . | |
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. | | . | The following is a David Van Dam presentation, and is sponsored by the International Championship Wrestling Alliance Ô . Together, they proudly present�?/FONT> Another World-Class Promo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [The International Championship Wrestling AllianceÔ cameras open up five to six hours west from Cleveland, Ohio. The cameras are across the state boundaries and well into the next state, Indiana. The cameras are actually outside of a very nice looking building. Much like the ground in New York, this ground is coated in snow, with a layer of ice underneath that. The cameras look at the building, panning around the concrete structure. There’s another, taller building. There’s a sign in front of the building saying Elite Sports Entertainment. This is of course the headquarters of David Van Dam’s company, Elite Sports Entertainment, which means this building in front of the camera would be the headquarters for the Van Dam Wrestling Academy. The camera man moves closer to the building, and actually enters it. It looks like what a wrestling school should look like. There’s a desk off to the right where you are supposed to check in, and sitting at the desk is a blonde haired woman named Morgan Opel, whose David Van Dam’s personal assistant. Behind her, the room opens up into a large room, the center of it is occupied by a twenty by twenty wrestling ring. The ropes are a plain black, the canvas is blue with DVDWA written on the center of it. The apron skirt is black as well. In the center of the ring is a shirtless David Van Dam. He’s wearing a pair of knee length Under-ArmourÒ athletic shorts with a pair of white and black Adidas Superstar II’sÔ . In the ring with him is a long haired young man. His hair is long and blonde and tied behind him. He’s a tall, good looking guy, probably about twenty-years old. His name is Chazwick Brock. He looks rather confident as he stands across the ring from the reigning International Championship Wrestling AllianceÔ World Heavyweight Champion, David Van Dam. Brock has on a pair of generic Wal-Mart brand basketball shorts, but he still looks impressive. Outside of the ring, Van Dam’s close personal friend Seth Anarchy is leaning against the ring apron, watching how Brock can handle himself against a world class athlete like Van Dam. Next to Anarchy is Van Dam’s current girlfriend, Monica Swhear, who is also watching intently. [Van Dam looks over at Brock and nods, inviting him to make a move. Van Dam can tell by looking at Brock that Brock is over-confident, a youngster who is certain he’s the best thing going, and that all he needs is his one break to prove to the world that he’s a star. Brock moves towards Van Dam, as Anarchy calls out �?/FONT>Remember Brock, there are no strikes in this match.�?Anarchy’s deep, gravely voice, a lot like Harley Race’s, calls out. [Brock nods as he shoots in for one of Van Dam’s legs, but Van Dam pulls his leg back and falls forward, his chest pushing down on Brock’s back, slamming Brock’s torso into the mat. Van Dam immediately wraps his left arm under Brock’s arm, raising it up as he straightens it, spinning around so he can apply pressure onto the elbow and shoulder joints. It takes a mere fifteen seconds for Brock to tap out and Van Dam releases the hold, standing up to look down at Brock who’s grabbing at his arm. Van Dam shakes his head. “You have a lot to learn, kid. Next time, don’t be so cocky.�? Van Dam’s voice is stern and serious, very recognizable for his years in the business and his massive amounts of main stream exposure. Anarchy helps Brock out of the ring and tells the kid to hit the showers and stretch his arm out. Van Dam shakes his head. “Kids these days.�?He says off-handedly, almost lazily as he hops out of the ring and takes a towel being handed to him by Monica Swhear. “Yeah, but next Wednesday won’t be two kids, David.�? Monica says softly as Van Dam towels his arms and torso off before pulling on a black ICWA t-shirt. Van Dam shrugs his shoulders softly. “I know, I wasn’t even referring to Taylor and Christian.�? He says as he lowers his frame onto a wooden bench, picking up a bottle of water from the ground. Unscrewing the top, he takes a drink from it. “I was just making a general statement. I’m well aware of how talented my opponents are in the ICWA.�?/P> Monica nods her head as she looks at her boyfriend . “Don’t you think you should be preparing more for them?�?She asks, her voice soft and curious, she wants to make sure David is in tip top physical condition. “I am preparing, mentally. That’s where this match will be won or lost. Up here.�? He taps his temple as he stands up and walks to a wall. This wall has several framed posters of him, to remind every student who exactly their trainer is. A few of the pictures are posed promotion pictures of him holding various Championships, a few are in-action pictures. He smiles broadly as he reaches onto a storage shelf to pull his gym bag off of it. He sets it on the ground and kneels, unzipping the bag. “Both of my opponents, and even my partner, want something that I have. They want something that I get to carry around. So both of my opponents, and my partner, are stepping into the ring with something to prove.�?/P> Van Dam pulls out another championship belt shaped velvet case. He unzips this case and pulls out a freshly polished Championship belt. This is of course the richest prize in the game, the prize everyone in the ICWA is after. The International Championship Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Championship. “Since Two Thousand and Two, the ICWA has been making a name for themselves. They’ve done something that very few companies have been able to do�?They’ve made their Championship title the most prestigious title in MSN. In those four years, they’ve had twelve title changes, and eleven different champions. Only one man has repeated as Champion, Black Warrior, and that happened via a loss and a strip on the same night. In four years, eleven grapplers have earned the right to be called World Champion. Currently, the Championship belt is mine, and it’s been mine since December Twentieth of last year. For fifty-six days, I have reigned supreme at the top of the International Championship Wrestling Alliance mountain, and I don’t plain on stopping now. So don’t worry, Monica. I’m going to be ready for Taylor and Christian.�?/FONT> Monica nods her head, as if she understands. Van Dam continues. “Taylor let the whole world know how much this title means to him.�?/FONT> He pats the World Title. “He let the whole world know that he needs this title, and that he plans on getting the title. He’s going to do whatever he has to do to get it, and he’s going to earn his way here. He doesn’t want to be handed the title, he doesn’t want to be handed a shot. He wants to prove that he deserves it. Now Taylor, there is no one in wrestling that I respect more than you. There is no grappler that has my respect more than you. You’re it, Taylor. You’ve got it all. You’ve got the best body in wrestling, you’ve got the most charisma, you’ve got power, you’re technically sound, and you’re quick and agile. There is not a better all-around performer than you. But there is one thing that has eluded you. There’s one brass ring that you haven’t been able to grab.�?Van Dam pats the World Title again. “This. This title has eluded you and stayed out of your grasp. In your one chance to win it, when you finally decided you were going to fight for the title, you couldn’t get the job done. You couldn’t do it. You came so close, you had Dangerously down for the three count, but he had you down as well. When the pressure was on, you didn’t get the job done. That’s no knock on you, Taylor. Believe me, I know what it’s like to be in the hot spot. I know what it’s like to have all the eyes on you, wondering if you can get it done. Wondering if you have what it takes. I know what it’s like, I know how it feels to question yourself too. I know what it’s like to look into the mirror and wonder if you have what it takes, wondering if you can dig down deep enough to get it done. The only difference between us, Taylor, is that when the pressure is on me, I step up, and I rise to the occasion. With the pressure is on me the most, I rise to the occasion. You, unfortunately, couldn’t rise to the occasion.�?David Van Dam raises his hands in a defensive manner. “No Taylor, I’m not saying you can’t rise to the occasion, I’m saying you didn’t. I’m saying that you hold the crowd in the palms of your hands in any normal situation. When you step out from behind the curtain, everyone watches. When you walk down the aisle, all eyes are on you. But something happens to you when the title is on the line. Something happens to you when you have the chance to win the World Title. You just come up a little short. Don’t worry though, Taylor. I can show you how to walk into the ring when the pressure is on, when the title is on the line, and win. I can show you how to over come the pressure and the doubt and get the job done. ‘Cause after all, I had to do it myself, and I did do it, leading to thirty-three different Heavyweight Title reigns around the world.�?/P> Van Dam smiles softly. “Taylor, if you want a shot at me, all you have to do is tell me when and where. I will gladly show up and bring this…�?Pats the World Title again. “Along with me and I’ll hand it over to Tim White and let him raise it to the sky. I’ve got not problem defending against you, Taylor, because I know you deserve it. I know you’ve earned it. I know you go out to the ring every night you’ve got a match and put your heart and soul into that ring.�?Van Dam points to the ring in his gym. “I know you started in a ring like this. A training ring, a ring that has no give to it. Maybe it has some broken boards. The ropes are just cable with electric tape wrapped around it. You didn’t start in the state of the art training facilities that we both have now. You and I�?We paid our dues. We bled and sweat are way to fame and fortune. We scratched and clawed for everything we’ve got. You and me�?We’ve proven that we deserve to be in the top tier. So believe me, you don’t have anything left to prove, Taylor. You don’t have any title shots left to earn, you’ve already earned them. You just tell me when, and you’ve got it.�?/P> Van Dam grins as he rubs a hand over his bald head. Monica is watching him, she’s propped herself up on the ring apron, her eyes watching the Champion. “Christian Skywalker. The heart and soul of the ICWA. A guy who is always there for ICWA, and the only time he’s ventured out was for one venture into Jimmy Stryker’s UWA. Other that that, the only place you can find Christian Skywalker is in the ICWA. In June of Two Thousand and Three, he won the United States Championship here in the ICWA, and he lost it in June of Two Thousand and Five. Two years Christian Skywalker held that title, the Rob Van Dam of ICWA. The guy who busted his ass in the midcard for years, but hasn’t gotten his chance to shine, hasn’t gotten his chance to prove that he can win this.�?David pats the World Championship. “Christian, if you want a shot, you too can have won. Unlike previous champions, or champions in other companies, I don’t duck challengers, I don’t tell people they don’t get a shot. Anyone who wants one can step up. Granted, I don’t get to decide all my opponents, but I won’t refuse anyone a shot, I’m welcoming everyone, especially guys like Christian Skywalker, especially guys who bust their asses night in and night out for the fans. Any guy like Christian, who pours his whole being into this company is welcome to have a shot, because they deserve it. Christian, I don’t have any problems with you. I’ve got no malice or ill-will towards you. You’re my opponent on Demented, so you’re going to get David Van Dam coming at you with one goal�?Victory. But, it’s nothing personal, it’s just business.�?/P> Another smile from Van Dam. “You know Monica, Matlock and I have been up and down the road together. We’ve beaten each other all around arenas. We’ve teamed up all over the world. We are one of the most experienced and well-versed teams on MSN. Sure, we don’t team all the time, but we team enough to stay fresh, and we know each other well enough that when we team up, who ever our opponents are, are going to have to deal with a lot of pain and punishment.�?/FONT> Monica interrupts. “But Matlock wants your World Title…�?/FONT> Grinning, Van Dam continues. “So? A lot of people want the World Title. I can’t fault Matlock for wanting the World Title. If the role were reversed, I’d want the World Title too. At ICWA’s return Pay Per View, Matlock gets his chance at the World Title, until then, we don’t have to worry about it. I know Matlock isn’t going to throw me into the lions den. Matlock isn’t going to stab me in the back. I trust him. He trusts me. We know that when Resurrection III rolls around, we’re going to be opponents, and we both know that we’re going to wage a war in that ring for the World Championship, but until then, we’re friends, and after that, we’ll be friends. Besides, there’s no one I’d rather have on my side in a battle against Taylor McCalister and Christian Skywalker than Matt Matlock. If anyone can team with me to defeat those two world-class athletes, it’s Matlock. The ICWA fans are in for a brilliant main event, it’s going to be a great night�?but at the end of the night, David Van Dam and Matt Matlock, Pure Perfection, are leaving with a victory.�?/FONT> Monica smiles and nods her head as the scene ends. | | . | |
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. | | . | The following is a David Van Dam presentation, and is sponsored by the International Championship Wrestling Alliance Ô . Together, they proudly present�?/FONT> Another World-Class Promo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [The International Championship Wrestling AllianceÔ cameras open up five to six hours west from Cleveland, Ohio. The cameras are across the state boundaries and well into the next state, Indiana. The cameras are actually outside of a very nice looking building. Much like the ground in New York, this ground is coated in snow, with a layer of ice underneath that. The cameras look at the building, panning around the concrete structure. There’s another, taller building. There’s a sign in front of the building saying Elite Sports Entertainment. This is of course the headquarters of David Van Dam’s company, Elite Sports Entertainment, which means this building in front of the camera would be the headquarters for the Van Dam Wrestling Academy. The camera man moves closer to the building, and actually enters it. It looks like what a wrestling school should look like. There’s a desk off to the right where you are supposed to check in, and sitting at the desk is a blonde haired woman named Morgan Opel, whose David Van Dam’s personal assistant. Behind her, the room opens up into a large room, the center of it is occupied by a twenty by twenty wrestling ring. The ropes are a plain black, the canvas is blue with DVDWA written on the center of it. The apron skirt is black as well. In the center of the ring is a shirtless David Van Dam. He’s wearing a pair of knee length Under-ArmourÒ athletic shorts with a pair of white and black Adidas Superstar II’sÔ . In the ring with him is a long haired young man. His hair is long and blonde and tied behind him. He’s a tall, good looking guy, probably about twenty-years old. His name is Chazwick Brock. He looks rather confident as he stands across the ring from the reigning International Championship Wrestling AllianceÔ World Heavyweight Champion, David Van Dam. Brock has on a pair of generic Wal-Mart brand basketball shorts, but he still looks impressive. Outside of the ring, Van Dam’s close personal friend Seth Anarchy is leaning against the ring apron, watching how Brock can handle himself against a world class athlete like Van Dam. Next to Anarchy is Van Dam’s current girlfriend, Monica Swhear, who is also watching intently. [Van Dam looks over at Brock and nods, inviting him to make a move. Van Dam can tell by looking at Brock that Brock is over-confident, a youngster who is certain he’s the best thing going, and that all he needs is his one break to prove to the world that he’s a star. Brock moves towards Van Dam, as Anarchy calls out �?/FONT>Remember Brock, there are no strikes in this match.�?Anarchy’s deep, gravely voice, a lot like Harley Race’s, calls out. [Brock nods as he shoots in for one of Van Dam’s legs, but Van Dam pulls his leg back and falls forward, his chest pushing down on Brock’s back, slamming Brock’s torso into the mat. Van Dam immediately wraps his left arm under Brock’s arm, raising it up as he straightens it, spinning around so he can apply pressure onto the elbow and shoulder joints. It takes a mere fifteen seconds for Brock to tap out and Van Dam releases the hold, standing up to look down at Brock who’s grabbing at his arm. Van Dam shakes his head. “You have a lot to learn, kid. Next time, don’t be so cocky.�? Van Dam’s voice is stern and serious, very recognizable for his years in the business and his massive amounts of main stream exposure. Anarchy helps Brock out of the ring and tells the kid to hit the showers and stretch his arm out. Van Dam shakes his head. “Kids these days.�?He says off-handedly, almost lazily as he hops out of the ring and takes a towel being handed to him by Monica Swhear. “Yeah, but next Wednesday won’t be two kids, David.�? Monica says softly as Van Dam towels his arms and torso off before pulling on a black ICWA t-shirt. Van Dam shrugs his shoulders softly. “I know, I wasn’t even referring to Taylor and Christian.�? He says as he lowers his frame onto a wooden bench, picking up a bottle of water from the ground. Unscrewing the top, he takes a drink from it. “I was just making a general statement. I’m well aware of how talented my opponents are in the ICWA.�?/P> Monica nods her head as she looks at her boyfriend . “Don’t you think you should be preparing more for them?�?She asks, her voice soft and curious, she wants to make sure David is in tip top physical condition. “I am preparing, mentally. That’s where this match will be won or lost. Up here.�? He taps his temple as he stands up and walks to a wall. This wall has several framed posters of him, to remind every student who exactly their trainer is. A few of the pictures are posed promotion pictures of him holding various Championships, a few are in-action pictures. He smiles broadly as he reaches onto a storage shelf to pull his gym bag off of it. He sets it on the ground and kneels, unzipping the bag. “Both of my opponents, and even my partner, want something that I have. They want something that I get to carry around. So both of my opponents, and my partner, are stepping into the ring with something to prove.�?/P> Van Dam pulls out another championship belt shaped velvet case. He unzips this case and pulls out a freshly polished Championship belt. This is of course the richest prize in the game, the prize everyone in the ICWA is after. The International Championship Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Championship. “Since Two Thousand and Two, the ICWA has been making a name for themselves. They’ve done something that very few companies have been able to do�?They’ve made their Championship title the most prestigious title in MSN. In those four years, they’ve had twelve title changes, and eleven different champions. Only one man has repeated as Champion, Black Warrior, and that happened via a loss and a strip on the same night. In four years, eleven grapplers have earned the right to be called World Champion. Currently, the Championship belt is mine, and it’s been mine since December Twentieth of last year. For fifty-six days, I have reigned supreme at the top of the International Championship Wrestling Alliance mountain, and I don’t plain on stopping now. So don’t worry, Monica. I’m going to be ready for Taylor and Christian.�?/FONT> Monica nods her head, as if she understands. Van Dam continues. “Taylor let the whole world know how much this title means to him.�?/FONT> He pats the World Title. “He let the whole world know that he needs this title, and that he plans on getting the title. He’s going to do whatever he has to do to get it, and he’s going to earn his way here. He doesn’t want to be handed the title, he doesn’t want to be handed a shot. He wants to prove that he deserves it. Now Taylor, there is no one in wrestling that I respect more than you. There is no grappler that has my respect more than you. You’re it, Taylor. You’ve got it all. You’ve got the best body in wrestling, you’ve got the most charisma, you’ve got power, you’re technically sound, and you’re quick and agile. There is not a better all-around performer than you. But there is one thing that has eluded you. There’s one brass ring that you haven’t been able to grab.�?Van Dam pats the World Title again. “This. This title has eluded you and stayed out of your grasp. In your one chance to win it, when you finally decided you were going to fight for the title, you couldn’t get the job done. You couldn’t do it. You came so close, you had Dangerously down for the three count, but he had you down as well. When the pressure was on, you didn’t get the job done. That’s no knock on you, Taylor. Believe me, I know what it’s like to be in the hot spot. I know what it’s like to have all the eyes on you, wondering if you can get it done. Wondering if you have what it takes. I know what it’s like, I know how it feels to question yourself too. I know what it’s like to look into the mirror and wonder if you have what it takes, wondering if you can dig down deep enough to get it done. The only difference between us, Taylor, is that when the pressure is on me, I step up, and I rise to the occasion. With the pressure is on me the most, I rise to the occasion. You, unfortunately, couldn’t rise to the occasion.�?David Van Dam raises his hands in a defensive manner. “No Taylor, I’m not saying you can’t rise to the occasion, I’m saying you didn’t. I’m saying that you hold the crowd in the palms of your hands in any normal situation. When you step out from behind the curtain, everyone watches. When you walk down the aisle, all eyes are on you. But something happens to you when the title is on the line. Something happens to you when you have the chance to win the World Title. You just come up a little short. Don’t worry though, Taylor. I can show you how to walk into the ring when the pressure is on, when the title is on the line, and win. I can show you how to over come the pressure and the doubt and get the job done. ‘Cause after all, I had to do it myself, and I did do it, leading to thirty-three different Heavyweight Title reigns around the world.�?/P> Van Dam smiles softly. “Taylor, if you want a shot at me, all you have to do is tell me when and where. I will gladly show up and bring this…�?Pats the World Title again. “Along with me and I’ll hand it over to Tim White and let him raise it to the sky. I’ve got not problem defending against you, Taylor, because I know you deserve it. I know you’ve earned it. I know you go out to the ring every night you’ve got a match and put your heart and soul into that ring.�?Van Dam points to the ring in his gym. “I know you started in a ring like this. A training ring, a ring that has no give to it. Maybe it has some broken boards. The ropes are just cable with electric tape wrapped around it. You didn’t start in the state of the art training facilities that we both have now. You and I�?We paid our dues. We bled and sweat are way to fame and fortune. We scratched and clawed for everything we’ve got. You and me�?We’ve proven that we deserve to be in the top tier. So believe me, you don’t have anything left to prove, Taylor. You don’t have any title shots left to earn, you’ve already earned them. You just tell me when, and you’ve got it.�?/P> Van Dam grins as he rubs a hand over his bald head. Monica is watching him, she’s propped herself up on the ring apron, her eyes watching the Champion. “Christian Skywalker. The heart and soul of the ICWA. A guy who is always there for ICWA, and the only time he’s ventured out was for one venture into Jimmy Stryker’s UWA. Other that that, the only place you can find Christian Skywalker is in the ICWA. In June of Two Thousand and Three, he won the United States Championship here in the ICWA, and he lost it in June of Two Thousand and Five. Two years Christian Skywalker held that title, the Rob Van Dam of ICWA. The guy who busted his ass in the midcard for years, but hasn’t gotten his chance to shine, hasn’t gotten his chance to prove that he can win this.�?David pats the World Championship. “Christian, if you want a shot, you too can have won. Unlike previous champions, or champions in other companies, I don’t duck challengers, I don’t tell people they don’t get a shot. Anyone who wants one can step up. Granted, I don’t get to decide all my opponents, but I won’t refuse anyone a shot, I’m welcoming everyone, especially guys like Christian Skywalker, especially guys who bust their asses night in and night out for the fans. Any guy like Christian, who pours his whole being into this company is welcome to have a shot, because they deserve it. Christian, I don’t have any problems with you. I’ve got no malice or ill-will towards you. You’re my opponent on Demented, so you’re going to get David Van Dam coming at you with one goal�?Victory. But, it’s nothing personal, it’s just business.�?/P> Another smile from Van Dam. “You know Monica, Matlock and I have been up and down the road together. We’ve beaten each other all around arenas. We’ve teamed up all over the world. We are one of the most experienced and well-versed teams on MSN. Sure, we don’t team all the time, but we team enough to stay fresh, and we know each other well enough that when we team up, who ever our opponents are, are going to have to deal with a lot of pain and punishment.�?/FONT> Monica interrupts. “But Matlock wants your World Title…�?/FONT> Grinning, Van Dam continues. “So? A lot of people want the World Title. I can’t fault Matlock for wanting the World Title. If the role were reversed, I’d want the World Title too. At ICWA’s return Pay Per View, Matlock gets his chance at the World Title, until then, we don’t have to worry about it. I know Matlock isn’t going to throw me into the lions den. Matlock isn’t going to stab me in the back. I trust him. He trusts me. We know that when Resurrection III rolls around, we’re going to be opponents, and we both know that we’re going to wage a war in that ring for the World Championship, but until then, we’re friends, and after that, we’ll be friends. Besides, there’s no one I’d rather have on my side in a battle against Taylor McCalister and Christian Skywalker than Matt Matlock. If anyone can team with me to defeat those two world-class athletes, it’s Matlock. The ICWA fans are in for a brilliant main event, it’s going to be a great night�?but at the end of the night, David Van Dam and Matt Matlock, Pure Perfection, are leaving with a victory.�?/FONT> Monica smiles and nods her head as the scene ends. | | . | |