ICWA's newest fighter emerges from the locker room, his fists taped up, his boots laced. He made an explosion on Demented, unleashing 6 kinds of hell on the main eventers. The bringer-of-whoop-ass pushes his greasy, jet black hair out of his eyes as he heads for the interview room, ready to give his first interview for the company. He enters the room to find a pudgy cameraman and Greg Davidson. They say that when you're standing face to face with a bear, you stand your ground, look tough, and try to appear taller and bigger than you actually are. Well this bear of a stranger be damned if Davidson wasn't standing on his tippy toes. As this man stands in front of Greg Davidson, Greg wonders if he should put the mic up to his mouth, wonders if this mystery stranger speaks at all, or if he just lets his big arms do the talking for him. Davidson puts the mic up to his face, only to have the stranger rip it from his hand. Stranger: You know, I remember when I first came to ICWA, and I started off in PLW, then WAR. There was a lot of talk about this monster of a fighter, this hardcore machine, this trash talkin, runnin', gunnin', son of a bitch who can split heads open, and have a fun time doin' it. They said he was the best pure brawler out there. Well enough with the talk. I'm here now...........here in the big leagues. Last week, I thought I made a pretty great opening line for this essay of asskicking i'm writing, when I cut into the main event with precision like a f***ing surgeon!! This stranger pauses for a moment, staring his cold dark eyes into the camera. Don't get me wrong, fellas. That was not my initial intentions, no! You see, I like going through the back door and creating all kinds of hell there, but someone else had other plans. You see, I'm a fighter for hire. I have been all my life, from when I was spending nights in the finest hotels in my hometown of Buffalo, New York, to when I was sleeping in the dumpster behind it! But when someone offers me money, and I get that contract that says who's head to put on a silver platter, I charge out to that ring, and collect their head. On Demented, I think it's safe to say I went out there and knocked a couple of heads CLEAN OFF! I like Skywalker, I really do. I'll respect that son of a bitch until the day my maker calls me home, but when his name came on that list, I knew what I had to do! I had to send the message I was paid to send. See, I like ya cause of your style. I like the "no limits" lifestyle cause when i'm in the ring with you, and i'm beatin' your ass, and hopefully you'd be beatin' mine, I know you're not gonna quit on me like a bunch of those other bums, at least until I hoist you over my head like I did last week, and drill you with that "6 and Rising". So, Skywalker, don't take that last ass-whuppin' personally, but when you're ready to go, and I mean ALL OUT! you come see me, cause we're gonna brawl all over this country! The newcomer looked down for a few seconds, then looks back deeply into the camera. My name is Joe 6-Pack, and like you saw what I did to Skywalker, WallStreet, and even the world champ, David Van Dam, if you give me enough money, i'll knock anyone on their ass!!! |