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All Message Boards : Darren's Golden Oportunity (SIG No1) Thread
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJason_Flair1  (Original Message)Sent: 1/25/2009 11:01 AM

codyonedone.png picture by shellycane

Roleplay Title Darrens Golden Oportunity
OOC Information This is my Thread

Darren Hunter has been away from the icwa for a few weeks mainly stuck in Airports and doing a few apperances and promo apperances at TV Shows in the uk.. so he's been kept busy.. He even went backstage at the UK's Version of Gladiators and was invited backstage by Oblivion.. Otherwise Known as Brutus Magnus in TNA or to Friends as Nick Aldin.. Darren Was told by Nick that TNA Management was looking for another young englishman to join him in a stable.. Darren had told Nick that he wouldn't be ringing TNA He was happy in ICWA.. Nick had then said that he could always put in a good word when darren was ready to move on...

Now Two Weeks later Darren is back in America.. More Importantly at ICWA and has just heard the News that Holden Riser was Leaving ICWA.. The one guy that had been there for him.. Darren is Gutted but as his father told him Live moves on.. and well where there is Bad news there is Good news.. Darren has a title Shot.. Darren at the next Show "Silence is golden" Will Take on Da Sweet Lunatic in a Cyber TV Title Match.. Darren is Thrilled this Oportunity has come his way and Will do his best to take the title...


                                                                                                               Layout done by silbermond (c) 2008

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJason_Flair1Sent: 1/28/2009 8:01 PM

codyonedone.png picture by shellycane

Roleplay Title Darrens Golden Oportunity
OOC Information This is my Thread

"This is it.. My Golden Oportunity..I Can't belive it.. Haha.. Scott Said i'd Never make it.. well he was wrong.. My Actions Haven't gone Unnoticed and Now at Silence is Golden i have my chance to Shine.. This is Great.. Oh who am i Kidding!"

Darren is standing backstage on his own looking into a Mirror he's in his Wrestling Gear.. who knows why.. Darrens not even sure yeah a little later he'd be hitting the Gym but that was hours away he was looking for Holden Riser to say his goodbyes as that seems to be his own Allie here in ICWA.. But it seems that he has already left.. So Now Darren Hunter is on his own Again.. But that doesn't mean that Darren won't give 110% in his Title match.. But he's seen DSL in the ring and he knows not to Underestimate anyone in the Squared Circle.. He Knows that DSL is a Force to be Reckoned with after all she left the womans Division and Joined the Men.. Beat Scott Addams and is Cyber Tv Champion.. that is a lot..And Darren is Ready!!.. Ready for Action

"Hey there Son!!"

That awoke Darren from his Dreamlike State.. Darren Looks up and he Sees Burt Busch standing in a Suit

Darren "Hey Burt How you doing?"

Burt "I'm ok thank you Darren.. Is it ok if i ask you a few Questions?"

Darren "Yeah Sure Fire Ahead"

Burt "Well it seems over the last few weeks you've been away but you come back and are rewarded for all your hard work with a Shot at the Cyber TV Title when you take on Da Sweet Lunatic.. What i want to know and I'm sure the Fans also want to know is Can you beat her?"

Darren Chuckles "Ya Know Burt i would love to Say yeah of course i can beat her but you know Burt thats not me.. All i'm going to say is that i'm going to give my best in the match and well if i come out on Top thats a bonus But win or lose i will Give my best.. But you can count on one thing..and that is that there will be no Outside Interferance I'll have nobody ringside.. Because as it seems at the moment i have no Allies"

Burt "I'm sure thats not the Truth Darren.. I have to Say though darren.. That i am looking forward to calling this match.. But i have another Question.. A few Weeks ago you had an Altercation with Jason Flair and Beat Him again at David Vs Golaith..Now He's on the Main Roster are you Expecting to face him again"

Darren "You know Burt Never say Never.. I used to idolise that man.. I watched him make his Career.. I watched him as he got his Heart Broken.. As he won Titles.. But now he's here.. I've shown him respect.. But Jason hasn't shown me One ounce of Respect.. So Burt.. Yeah i would love to face Jason Again he has challenged me in ways i thought he couldn't.. But again with DSL.. I Expect another Challenge.. I'm still learning this great Bussiness and i cannot wait i'm so hyped up for this match.. and when it comes i'll be ready!"

Burt "Thank you for your time Darren.. I'll see you at Silence is Golden!"

Burt walks of and Darren is Once again left to his thoughts

TBC By anyone

                                                                                                               Layout done by silbermond (c) 2008