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All Message Boards : Prepare For War{Whysper. SiG I.}
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From: MSN NicknameNëvÂ¥rmorr  (Original Message)Sent: 1/28/2009 11:05 PM


Warning: The roleplay you are about to read could contain material that is unsafe for people under the age of 16. If materials such as sex, violence or swearing bother you and you think it may warp your delicate little mind then I suggest you stop reading after this warning is finished. If you choose to continue reading and you are offended by what you read it is your own fault. Don't say I didn't warn you.


"Alright. Okay. I'm supposed to be elated. I'm supposed to be ecstatic. I'm getting my first ICWA World Heavyweight Championship title shot.  I should be psyched, right?"

Short pause.

"But, I'm not, okay?

The Silent One paces around, shaking his head from side to side. The ICWA faithful know what's on his mind. At ICWA Rage In A Cage on January second, Whysper and his tag team partner Christian Micahels got blindsided by Shattered Soul and Mason Caine. This caused Whysper and CM to lose the tag straps to their rivals Joe Six-Pack and Big Steed Williams better known as Six and Rising.

"I can't help but feeling this is a set up. I'd like to blame David Van Dam, but we buried our hatchet ages ago. See, every time something good happens, it's not just taken from me, but raped from me and broken to tiny shards of what once was. I don't know who has it out for me, because I've had it pretty damn good in the ICWA.  Now, my marriage is in shambles, I lost the tag titles, and my buddy Christian Michaels is pitching a bitch fit that I'm getting a title shot.  Someone has to have it out for me. I can't tell you who for sure but I can tell you the difference between my fall here and my fall back in my PWT days."

Whysper's lips curl into a sneer.

"Johnathan Brooks."

Whysper shrugs.

"Of course I don't blame my marriage on him, not directly, but the rest is all his. See, Brooks set me up in PWT, letting me have a big title reign. Then, he jobs me out to some nobody. I have a great run here...until he shows up. Don't you think it's a bit ironic that Mson Caine decides to make his return during MY match? Who books the matches? That's right, Johnathan Brooks. So, everybody don't become too concerned with me if I'm less than ecstatic at my "good" fortune. The only gold I really want right now is what this represents."

Whysper takes off his wedding ring up to the camera.

"Van Dam, right now, the title is a perk for me. If I win, I won't say when because I'm not blind and arrogant enough to think that way. If I win, the ICWA World Heavyweight title is some sort of consolation prize. Right now, all want is a chance at beaten somebody's ass and it might as well be you. Don't take it personal, my friend. I don't have anything against you. We're both professionals and you know I'll go at you like you're my worst enemies until that bell rings a second time. You know how it is, but I gotta blow some steam off. I have nothing to lose in this world right now, David. Nothing."

The camera focuses on Whysper's eyes.

"Prepare for war."

((Fade Out))

This Layout Was Made By Â©CANADIANPUNK© For JOSH As His Character; Whysper Or As Any Other Character HE Please, Anywhere He Wants. Don't Steal Any Part Of This Layout, If You Like It Just Ask Me For One And I'll See What I Can Do.

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