Out.Of.Character.Comment; Look I'm posting EARLY! *gasp* also...i had this done before chrissys was up but my mac hates me so it made me re-do html shit...so it's got nothing in it about her r/p. •�?/font>GOLDEN Beautiful...it was the only word that Tani Lyons could think of to explain her situation. She was finally getting a title shot at the belt she knew she deserved. Faith had some how been put up on a pedestal and Tani was still trying to figure out why. Not only that but was stumped that Faith beat Brit, after all someone that could be Tani could surely beat the poor excuse for a champion that was Faith. What kind of name was that anyways? A generic one for starters but that didn't matter did it? It didn't matter that the girls gimmick was older than dirt and re-used time and time again. Sure Tani was our typical bitch but she had qualities that set her apart, all Faith has was a load of bullshit flowing from her mouth every week and horrible talent that only got showcased because she knew how to do business, and by do, Tani means DO business. Tani had always doubted Faith's talents and she wouldn't make that secret in fact she was happy to be out in the open with it and let each and every person know why she was better. Sure Faith would want to come back with her usual comebacks, she would talk her ass off and try and make people believe all the lies that flowed out of her mouth, but Tani knew better, Tani knew what real talent was. She had been showing it to everyone for the past few years after all whenever she stepped into that ring. After all who could argue with the FACT that whenever Tani Lyons stepped into that squared circle it was perfection. "I really don't like you..." Tani looked at Kit who giggled to herself. Tani crossed her arms as she watched Kit set the remote down leaving the channel on VH1 Tool Academy. "Everyone loves Tool Academy!" Kit proclaimed laughing. Tani shook her head. "Not grown ups." Tani shook her head and Kit acted hurt. She finally picked up the remote again switching the channel to the news. "There you go grown up, lets find out what's happening in the world!" Kit set the remote down by Tani who grinned. "Why do you have to be so jealous of my great taste in TV?" Kit looked at Tani to shook her head. "No, no dear I am jealous of no one. I'm THEE Tani Lyons." Tani's sarcasm was evident. Kit laughed . Their attention was turned when the door could be heard being unlocked. Scott stepped inside grabbing his keys out of the door. He looked over to the girls on the couch as they giggled and rose an eyebrow. "What?" Scott narrowed his eyes and Kit laughed. "Send him to Tool Academy." Kit began to laugh loudly and Tani tried to hold a smile back. "Psh, my boyfriend takes out tools for a living, what does yours do?" Tani looked to Kit and she rolled her eyes. "That's what I thought." Tani smiled looking back over to Scott who shrugged his shoulders. He walked over kissing Tani as she leaned her head back. "Why are you here again Kit? Didn't you move to Michigan?" Scott made his way towards the kitchen. "I did. I'm back though because left a few things behind in a storage place I need." Kit shrugged. "Which reminds me, I need to get going. It was good catching up. I wish I could come down and see you win that title. Then we can have a little personal photoshoot looking beautiful with our titles to send back to our families." Kit giggled and Tani joined in. Kit got to her feet and Tani followed walking her to the door. it grabbed her coat and purse putting both on. Tani and her shared a hug before Tani opened the door letting her walk out. Tani then turned back around. "Where were you tonight?" Tani looked at Scott as he walked back into the room with a bowl of left over spaghetti in his hands. "I went downtown." Scott shrugged his shoulders sitting down on the couch. Tani shrugged back walking over towards the couch and taking a seat as well. "I need to go work out." Tani's voice was winey as she looked at Scott pouting her lip. He slurped up a string of spaghetti and she laughed. "You're so proper, how have I dealt with this for a year?" Tani laughed to herself again. "Then again, back to the gym thing, do I really need to. I think that just bringing anything of me to a match with Faith is an automatic win for me." Tani shrugged and Scott simply nodded his head. She looked over to him and shook her head seeing that his eyes were locked on the TV. "Ah yes, another perk of being together for a year, you stop listening to me." Tani pouted sarcastically once again and Scott grinned. "I'm listening to you, I always do babe." Scott looked at her and wink she narrowed her eyes. "But really, what is there to say, you're going to kick Faith's ass, unless Wallstreet gets himself involved." "Will you be there if that happens?" Tani looked at Scott. He simply nodded his head. "Good, that's why I love you." Scott rolled his eyes as Tani leaned forward kissing his cheek. "There are many other reasons as well though trust me." She smiled. "Oh ugh, I should cut a promo..." Tani let out a sigh. "Goodness talking down to people is just so hard for me." Tani giggled at her sarcasm but Scott seemed to care more about what was on TV. She shoved him a little before getting up. "I'll help you out." Scott set down his bowl and got up after her. She turned around with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her waist. They shared a kiss. Tani made her way into the bedroom was Scott set up the video camera and the tripod. She came out of the bedroom quickly, her hair fixed. Tani made her way in front of the camera as Scott pressed record. "Well hello out there cunts and sluts." Tani grinned. "I'm sure you all feel blessed to see me again, as you should. Most of you know that I walked out of my referee duties last week, because lets face it we all know that it should've been me in Brit's spot. In my opinion I played it fair...well as fair as I could." Tani snickered. "Then again who can REALLY call it down the middle when both girls are just so far beneath you? I mean look at me! Look at what I can do in the ring, then look at what Brit and Faith have under their belts, certainly not the type of poise that I have in that ring. Sure I don't have many titles to my name, but to me it isn't about just being a champion, it's about being a winner whenever you can be. Being a champion doesn't mean you're the best, it means you are a target, then again I suppose that theory can only go for Faith considering when I do win that championship the best really will have it." Tani shrugged her shoulders. "You're getting stale Faith, lets just admit that much. People are sick of seeing you as champion and you haven't even held the belt for all that long. I won't dwell on the fact that you're sleeping with the boss because that would just be too easy. What I will dwell on is the fact that you can't seem to come up with any new tricks. I'm waiting for it, I'm waiting to be impressed by you in and out of the ring but it just isn't happening. You say you have held that belt with respect and dignity? Well who says? You? Do you determine what those mean? Cause as far as I can tell dignity shouldn't be your strong suite...I suppose that's a hit towards what I said I wouldn't dwell on though." Tani tapped her lips as if to think. She then grinned looking back at the camera. "Faith, you are the women's champion, you earned that title I won't take that away from you, and trust me that is all you will get out of me, but ever since then you have been doing nothing but falling down a slope of boring blah blah promos that couldn't even begin to interest me. I really don't see what the "fans" see in you. Then again they have a tendency to look towards the non-talents and hate those with it. I won't compare you to anyone but Candice Michelle, a girl that has all the looks and none of the talent. Don't that that in stride either although I know you have your way with turning people's words around, trust me I can play that game just as well." Tani winked. "Don't worry though Faith, I won't cut you down too bad, I mean I don't think I could ever go as low to equal out the playing field between us, but I'll do my best to try and make you understand something about me." Tani cleared her throat leaning down looking into the camera as if it were a child. "When a girl wants to wrestle, she has to decide something. If she wants to be worthless and get things handed to her, or if she wants to do everything in her ability to show she deserves something and be worthwhile." She took a second regaining her kindergarten teacher voice. "Now..you have been lied to. I'm sure that your mommy told you that everyone is special in their own way, but she isn't right. What is right is what auntie Tani has to say, so listen close. You are worthless, like a little scum roaming the earth taking titles that shouldn't be in your hands. I am not worthless, in fact I'm a lot more than just worth while. I am going to take that little title of yours because I deserve it. Do you understand?" Tani stared into the camera for a little bit a grin still locked on her face. "Well lets hope so, I'm sure I'll get that answer from you when you actually talk and you'll prove my point just as well." Tani cleared her voice again realizing she still had a baby voice. "Now I won't just leave you with that, what I will leave you with is a little tid bit, just in case you don't quite know my history. I once held that little title you hold in BUD. I too once was on top of the Bytch Division, and honestly ever since I left it's just been a joke, which is probably why my amazingly great friend Kit Black doesn't compete in that division, she knows it would be too damn easy." Tani nods. "You aren't as good as you think you are, you just get lucky, and I am not just saying that my dear, I will show that to be more than true. I'm ready for your rebuttal my dear, I want this title because it's been all too long since I held gold of my own and honestly seeing you represent the women's division makes me want to puke. So good lucky, I'm sure that you will fall victim to the curse." Tani narrowed her eyes the grin still on her face as Scott ends the tape. |