 | | From:  XEvilGeniusX (Original Message) | Sent: 2/2/2009 12:10 AM |
|  | F A I T H | | | | As scenes open up backstage inside the Women's locker room of the Greenville Convention Center, a blonde is seen sitting with the Women's Championship on the bench beside her. She is looking over her nails, making sure none are chipped, when the locker room bursts open.
As a dark haired woman walks into the room and stops right in front of the blonde, who stands up from the bench and drapes the title over her shoulder, before glaring over at the darker haired woman while crossing her arms.
"What do you want, Tani?"
Of course neither woman was the actual Faith or Tani, but let's see where they're going with this. Shall we?
"I want your title. You know I deserve it way more than you do."
"Oh of course you do. You are the best woman in the ICWA. I don't even know why I have it."
Tani rolls her eyes.
"You have the title because you sleep with WallStreet."
"Yes that's right. It has nothing to do with my abilities."
"What abilities? You don't have any. That is why I'm going to beat your ass at the end of the week and put that championship you hold around my gorgeous waist."
"Yes you are so pretty."
Faith starts to slink back down onto the bench as Tani gets up in her face.
"I am nothing."
Faith says in a soft voice before looking down at her feet ashamed. Tani stands there tapping her foot on the floor not amused for sure.
"Why I know how you can make it right."
Faith looked up from the floor at Tani with hopeful eyes.
"You can give me the title now and save us from fighting at Silence Is Golden."
Faith thinks it over for a long moment and then sighs.
"Well as long as you're going to win it anyway."
Faith hesitates but than slowly takes it off her shoulder and starts to hold it out to Tani, who's eyes light up like a kid on Christmas morning. Just before Tani could get her hands on the title, the REAL Faith Rivers steps into the cameras view and takes her title back, putting it on her shoulder. Faith then looks over her shoulder into the camera.
"Sorry Tani, that only happens in your dreams.", Faith then turns back and looks at the blonde on the bench, "If you ever make me look that retarded again...I am so kicking your ass."
"Hope was only doing what you asked, sis."
"Shut up Destiny.", Faith said with a wave of the hand before motioning to the bench, "Now sit down and let me tell Tani how it's really going to be, then I'll take you both shopping."
Destiny grumbled a little bit but walked over to sit next to her sister on the bench. Faith said if they put on a good show, she'd take them out to get some new clothes. And since Faith mentioned shopping, Destiny knew she was pleased. Once her sister's were seated, Faith turned towards the camera, adjusted the Women's Championship on her shoulder, and began to speak.
"I hope you enjoyed the show, but now that the dreams are over, it's time for you to be introduced to the reality of things. And the reality of the situation is me kicking your ass inside the ring and going on to retain the Women's Championship. And no I'm not an idiot, dumb bitch, or whatever other names you want to call me. I just know how things are going to work out. That's the beauty of being the champion, you just know you're that damn good inside the squared circle and nothing can stop you."
Faith shrugs her shoulders.
"And Tani you're not going to be able to stop me. I was quite aware that you were comparing me to Candice and not yourself, but being as wrong as you were, I felt the need to correct you. Because I am not a no talented loser, I'm the undefeated champion. And you are not going to be the Mickie James of the WWE and bring me down. You are going to be brought down and brought down HARD. So seiously, why are you even wasting your precious time?"
Faith pauses briefly as if she's actually going to get an answer, then shakes her head and goes on.
"Because you think you have something the others don't. But the truth is you don't. You are going to fall just as they did. Why? Because you are no better than them...just a bit more annoying to listen to with the cheap insults and all. I mean, WallStreet accepts nothing but the best, so if I was a mediocre lay do you really think he'd be with me?"
Her sisters are heard snickering but Faith ignores them.
"But that's besides the point, because my performance in bed isn't on trial here. But since you've failed to pick up on this in my last fifty promos, I'll explain it to you one more time, so pay attention. Being with WallStreet has no baring on my winning the Women's Championship. He didn't help me when I was going head to head with Angelina Santana, Sadie Brighten, or any other woman that stepped in the ring with me since my victory. But if you still want to doubt my credibility, what about BUD? WallStreet was no where near the Bank Alantic Center when I won the Bytch Championship. So I'm glad you won the Bytch Championship to your own accord, because I did too. As for it being gone if you showed up, put your money where your mouth is. Because I'd gladly put it on the line against you just to prove you wrong yet again. Maybe after I put your shoulders to the mat enough, you'll leave me the fuck alone. Who knows. Then again you could turn into the next Angelina Santana where I make it a weekly habit of beating you. I found that quite amusing for awhile before I lost interest completely."
Faith laughed a little.
"You see my wins aren't lucky, but you are for getting this title match. Because let's face it, you've barely showed any interest in this company until you recieved this match. You usually show up when you please and barely show any interest. You can say that's because your opponents are below you but every match deserves the proper attention. That's what we get paid for. Now unlike you, I come out each and every week faithfully and give things one hundred percent. That is why I'm the champion. Because I give it my all. And at Silence Is Golden, things will be no different. I'm not beat until you pin me, so think about that before you go running your big mouth again."
Faith gives the camera a little smirk before turning to her sisters.
"You guys ready to go shopping?"
"We've been ready since you started your speech."
"Right! Let's get going then."
They get up from the bench and all start to leave but not before Faith brings her head back into the camera's view.
"But go on keep being jealous of my title but know you're not going to get it either."
Faith winked into the camera just before each of her sisters grabbed an arm and pulled her off with them as scenes faded. | | | | | | | F A I T H | | RP Title | Dreams And Reality[Silence Of Golden III] | Record | 06-00-00 | OOC | Just another roleplay..Hope you liked it... | TBCB | Me ONLY, if I want. | | | | There's nothing like a dose of flattery in the morning, on the other hand it's late as hell, and I'd much prefer originality, so kindly hit the link to request. This layout is brought to you by BossyDIVA for Chrissy as Faith. | | |
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