|Nobody believed that she could beat Scott Addams but she did it. Not once but twice. DSL became the Cyber TV Champion and now will defend it for a second time. This time though it will be against Darren Hunter. I'm sure you all are asking yourselves who? I know DSL did. So some research was done and it turns out this man was a dear friend of holden risen yes that one guy. They were best of buds after only one brief conversation talking bout possibly teaming up. You would have thought that they had known each other forever since it bothered Darren so badly that the guy didn't even say goodbye. Now he's got to go on and face DSL the cyber tv champion for a shot at her title. It's funny I don't know if DSL has ever had an opponent like him before. He's acknowledged her talents and even addmitted that he doesn't know if he can beat her. This man isn't at all confident in his abilities. If he was then in his opinion he should be thinking that he will beat her for sure. I guess Darren Hunter has another thing coming to learn. Don't show your weaknesses to your opponents, because they will take advantage of it. Hell even I will guarantee that DSL will kick your ass. Now maybe she hasn't spoken yet but that is her normal style wait until the timing is right for her then she'll produce a promo that will have you standing there wondering what you're about to get yourself into. So stay tuned folks to see what our lovely Da Sweet Lunatic does next. **The scene fades into a room as DSL is sitting there in a black leather chair with an american flag right behind her on the wall. Her Cyber Tv championship is sitting over her shoulder as there is a stern look on her face. She turns toward the camera and looks straight ahead.** I'm sure that Darren Hunter is standing around back somewhere wondering when I would finally speak about our match. So I decided that time has finally come. Though sorry bud but you're going to have to wait a couple more minutes until I get back to you. First there's a couple other things that I would like to address but I do promise to get back to you. ** A smirk comes across DSL's face.** First things first, Zarek Lyle buddy ol pal had I not come out to help you and take your place in the first match you were suppose to have with Addams you would have forfitted your title. Since I didn't want to see you get screwed by Addams there I decided to help you out. Hell I even beat Addams at that point maybe it had been by DQ but it was still a win. So because I did that you had made sure that I'd have my shot whether you retained your title or not. It's not anybody elses fault that you lost to Addams. Yes you could probably beat him 9 out of 10 times but all that mattered was that one time. Zarek someday I will beat you, someday I see you trying to come back for the title that was yours and honestly I can't wait for that day. The day that you realize you won't always be able to beat me. Just don't forget all it takes is that one time Zarek. Now I should also go on to say that I will be enjoying your match because you kicking Scott Andrews ass is always a good thing to watch. Andrews don't think I forgot about you attacking me after I beat Addams for his title because I didn't. At that point you didn't want to earn anything. You thought by copying Addams and attacking people would get you a shot yet it didn't seem to work. You're just another nobody a man who couldn't beat nova. Also a man who will never beat Zarek or even come close to ever getting a shot against DVD. See Andrews you're just another guy who thinks that he can attack when he wants and do nothing else besides that. You don't get rewarded for doing nothing. To get gold you have to earn it that's at least my philosophy on it. And you Andrews don't deserve shit. **DSL rolls her eyes.** Now on to another man who thinks that he deserves a world title shot. MJ Storm. Should have known that you would be trying to squirm your way into the title picture. Though I can't blame DVD for not wanting to fight you. All you do is bitch. Look at it now you're still bitching what like 3 years after the fact that mattlock won the damn title. Get the fuck over MJ who gives a damn. If you want DVD to fight you then prove yourself. Winning what 2 matches, that won't do it. Who cares if you beat CM he had one in a very few off days. He still deserves to face DVD more than you ever will. Man up MJ bitching won't get you anywhere it just gets nobody wanting to face you or having nothing to do with you. For now that's enough about you though cuz I actually have a title that i worked hard for and earned. **DSL sits up straight in her chair as she smiles.** Now Darren here's the deal Honestly at first I didn't know how to respond to you. You're honest you know you won't beat me so I gotta give you that. Hell you'll even do your best that one brought a tear to my eye really. Hell I'm probably the best person you've ever fought in your oh so short career. So let me be the first to set a couple of things straight. I will not be losing this title at Silence is Golden. There's no way in a hell that you're going to be some Cinderella Story and start running through all the vets and winning all these titles. Sorry Pal that just ain't going to happen. The cyber tv title is mine until I decide other wise. See I worked to hard to get where I am. It's been a few years since I left fighting in the womens division and I don't plan on going back. Losing to you would be just about as bad as listening to another Tani Lyons promo. I'm sure that someday you will make it big in this business but I won't be helping you make a name for yourself that one you will have to do yourself. **DSL stands up and turns toward the flag as she salutes it.** Defeating you isn't just to retain my title it's for America and everyone of the fans out there. If every rookie can come in here and win a title on their first shot then this would just be jobberville. You gotta learn the hard way that you don't always get what you want. One more thing though who gives a shit if you have allies or not. I know that you would need help to beat me but Darren acting like you need help and saying it on tv won't get you anywhere in this business. So just take the ass beating you're going to be getting and move on. **DSL smirks as she moves her arms down as the scene fades.** |