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[On Camera] David Van Dam is in his familiar scene- in front of the ICWA Banner. He doesn't need it to be much fancier. He just needs the camera, and the platform to express himself. The bald-headed wrestler shifts the weight of the ICWA Heavyweight Championship from his left shoulder to his right shoulder. He goes to speak, but stops himself, as if he's just not ready. He takes a few deep breaths and speaks. Van Dam, "Whysper. The Silent Warrior. The Silent One. My opponent at Silence is Golden. The man I have given the chance to win the ICWA Heavyweight Championship to. Whysper, we're only a few days away from our epic battle, and believe me, I've never been more prepared." Van Dam runs his hand over his scalp. Van Dam, "A lot of people like to make claims at deserving title shots. A lot of people like to claim that they deserve a chance at my ICWA Heavyweight Title, but I'm here to say, no one... and I do mean NO ONE deserves an ICWA Heabyweight Title shot more than Whysper. Christian Michaels can argue that he won the triple threat match at Clash of the Champions, and yes he did. He pinned my shoulders to the mat, one, two, three. Christian, just hold your horses pal. Like someone I cannot stand pointed out, you had your chance at the first show of ICWA's return. That's not saying you don't deserve a second one, but so does Whysper. For anyone that questions why Whysper is getting a shot, look at the facts. He was one half of the ICWA Tag Team Champions, and he was the last ICWA United States Champion. He's been one of the top competitors in ICWA for two years now, and I believe it's time he got his title shot. There are some people, and one annoying pain in the ass in particular, who seem to think that they're entitled something, but I'm going out and officially saying no one, and I mean no one, deserves a shot at the ICWA Heavyweight Title more than Whysper." Van Dam nods in agreement with his own statement. Van Dam, "With that said, Whysper, this is your golden opportunity so to speak. This is your chance to step up to the plate and knock one out of the park. This is your opportunity to do grab the brass ring and claim it as yours. This is your opportunity, Whysper, to silence all your ciritcs and prove that you can really hang. At Silence is Golden, you have the chance to prove that you belong in the top tier of professional wrestlers. This is your chance, Whysper. I want you to come to Silence is Golden with more than your best. I want you to come with a bag of new tricks. I want you to come prepared to scrape and claw out a victory. I want you to to wrestle, Whysper, like your very life depended on it. This, Whysper, is your chance to right every wrong that's ever been done to you. Are you going to swing for the fences? Are you going to go for the home run? Or, are you going to just going to play it safe and swing for a single? It'd be easy to cop out, Whysper. You could play our match safe. You could stick to your usual strategy of wrestling, you could stick to the styles your comfortable with, and who knows... Maybe you could get lucky and pin my shoulders to the mat, and even if you lose people will applaud your consitency, they'll applaud that you tried. But, if you step outside of your comfort zone, if you step up to swing for the fences, then even if you fail no one will ever...ever forget the site of you putting your heart and soul into trying and win the ICWA Heavyweight Championship." Van Dam pauses to shift the Championship again. Van Dam, "Whysper, I have dedicated my entire being into being ICWA Champion. Everytime I step into the ring with this title on the line I do so knowing that I could be losing the thing I value the most. You have to think, if I'm willing to put what's most important to me on the line, then what I am I willing to do to keep it. Whysper I'm the most dangerous professional wrestler in the world... Not because I swing bats with nails sticking out of them, or because I can shoot lightning from my finger tips, or because I'm willing to torture a human being. I'm the most dangerous professional wrestler because every time I step into the ring I do so with the mindset that my life is on the line. See, wrestling is my life. So, if I'm willing to put that on the line, what am I willing to do to keep it? Whysper, I'm telling you right now, I'm going to wrestle like my life depended on it because it does. If you plan on taking the ICWA Heavyweight Championship, you better plan on doing something drastic, because I don't plan on losing." End. | | |
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