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All Message Boards : Dancing To The Sound of Silence{Whysper. SiG III.}
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From: MSN NicknameNëvÂ¥rmorr  (Original Message)Sent: 2/6/2009 2:35 AM


Warning: The roleplay you are about to read could contain material that is unsafe for people under the age of 16. If materials such as sex, violence or swearing bother you and you think it may warp your delicate little mind then I suggest you stop reading after this warning is finished. If you choose to continue reading and you are offended by what you read it is your own fault. Don't say I didn't warn you.



Whysper snorts once and shakes his head.

"Trying is all I've done my whole damn life. I've always been the underdog. 'Keep trying, Whysper. Keep trying, you'll get your big break one day.' Well, I'm tired of waiting! I'm an impatient man and since November of 2005, I have been wrestling my ass off save for a few months. I have yet to get my very first Heavyweight title reign in ANY promotion and I think it's high time that Silence truly be golden."

Whysper smirks at the 'silence truly be golden' remark. He finds it interesting that a lot of ICWA's shows have been named for him or because he's associated with the main event. To the country-raised Whysper, he's not used to any type of top-billing.

"This show is named after one of my catch phrases, 'Silence Is Golden.' The reason I think it was named for me because this is MY time. Friday is the day that Whysper takes his place amongst wrestling's highest echelon. The rainmakers in the ICWA have seen correctly that I finally get what I deserve. People are tired of seeing the same people in the main event every night. It's time that one of of the people...wears the highest gold that this company has to offer."

Whysper paces back and forth in front of the camera like a caged tiger. His fists are balled and there's a slight bend to his knees as if he's measuring up some prey, ready to spring at the slightest opening.

"I'm sick of talking! I'm sick of words! I just wanna take action! I wanna get in that ring and finally get that monkey off my back. Forever have I heard 'Whysper just can't win the big one. Whysper's just like Peyton Manning, he chokes when the big game is on the line.' Well, not this time! It's time I take MY Super Bowl, MY World Series, MY World Cup and finally hoist that championship trophy. I'm the Boston Red Sox to David Van Dam's New York Yankees. I am the Indiana Pacers to Van Dam's Boston Celtics. It's my time to take the championship and when MY music is played after I win MY title.....everyone, including David Van Dam, will be dancing to the Sound of Silence."

((Fade Out))

This Layout Was Made By Â©CANADIANPUNK© For JOSH As His Character; Whysper Or As Any Other Character HE Please, Anywhere He Wants. Don't Steal Any Part Of This Layout, If You Like It Just Ask Me For One And I'll See What I Can Do.

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