King Slender walks down the hallway with Evan the Cameraman scurrying behind him. Slender sports beige khakis and an expensive blue sweater. Slender: Hurry up, kid! When you wear clothes like mine...you gotta walk fast. Evan: Whatever, man. You ready to shoot your interview? Slender: I'm always ready, kid. Slender walks behind a curtain and Evan hits the record button. Slender: Christian Michaels, you think you scare me by kicking some damn web designer in the head? You better think again, pal, cause along with finely combed hair and five hundred dollar sunglasses on my face, I got eyes in the back of my head too. You're serious, and I don't doubt that, but you better get practical, Michaels, cause if you try that on a superstar of my magnitude, I'll knot you up like a pretzel! How are you gonna kick me in the face when you're blubbering like a baby in my King Crab? Slender runs his hand through his golden blonde hair. He takes off his sunglasses. Slender: Sorry to be so harsh, Michaels. I know you're depressed, and I know you're sad, and I know your life isn't going so well. But I have a remedy. Ol' King Slender's gonna sing you a song. Slender begins to sing to the theme of Elvis's "Heartbreak Hotel" Slender: Well CM's getting lonely, he doesn't have a belt, and Slender's so damn sexy, that CM's gonna melt, but not to worry, Christian, cause I promise to be tender, when you're laying on the mat after one big SlenderBender. Slender puts back on his shades, amused by himself. Slender: Hope you feel better. My point is that everybody's got a breaking point, Michaels, and you think you've seen yours already? Once you get in the ring with me, boy, you're gonna find out that you haven't seen rock bottom yet. I will DRAG you there. Take a look at Wallstreet. He was so damn full of himself and where'd I put him? I put a former world champion on his knees, shining shoes for a living! It's time for another world champion to fall to King Slender, because Michaels, on your best day, ON YOUR BEST DAY, you couldn't lace my boots. And you can think you're in control of your anger as much as you want. You can think in one hand, and crap in the other, and see which one fills faster. There's no telling how far or how fast my stock is going to rise, but we all know for damn sure how hard you're going to hit bottom, CM. And outside of kicking nerds with funny names in the face, there ain't a damn thing you can do to stop me! |