 | | From:  ѕнεłłусакε (Original Message) | Sent: 12/15/2008 5:04 PM |
They were great *thumps up*, but please people and that means taylor and Mister Stryker my characters name is Kathrine, easy lol? Not katherine, not kathrina or anything just Kathrine Storm lmfao... please take notice. xox shelly |
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In all fairness, when you use your own spelling for a common name, it can be difficult to remember. Now had you used the traditional spelling for the name, it'd be impossible to get wrong because all of the results end up in my word proccessor where they get spell checked... Not to say that some spelling errors don't slip through, but, I'm familiar with the common spelling of your character's name so it wouldn't be an issue. |
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I remember my message being all friendly, so yeah nothing bad about it. i was just making clear cause i plan on rping for my matches like always and so i get into results and they were written in three different ways. and i was just stating so no rush or fever attack. so telling taylor. xox shelly |
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Lol. Who's not being friendly? I'm just sayin you don't use the common spelling for the name so it may take us a little longer to remember the way you spell it. No biggie. |
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oh then its good for a moment i thought i cro´ssed a bad line.... |
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I would just like to point out, that even if you know the spelling of someones name you still might spell it wrong in the heat of writing. You can know it's Kathrine, but when writing, and your'e really flying along, it might come out as Katherine. It's just human error, so don't let it worry you. |
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That reminds me, Taylor. Spell Nevyrmorr right!!!! Geez, I know you work insane hours, wrestle, and have a new girl, but I'll be damned if you make a mistake in writing results. Homie don't play that. |
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hey stop straight there, i already said it was nothing i just wanted to point it out.- cause taylor and me already had a laugh and chat about it. so nothing to worry about. lol |
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No no, I think its time we quit giving Taylor a pass. Its time that he be held accountable for his actions an mis-spelling! Who's with me? Lynch mob forms over here *points* Lol. Hey there Shelly type person I'm jus raggin on Taylor some, not you. That way we has no confusions. I think Josh was jus busting ya boobies (Get it?). As for David? Science has no answer for him |
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I am not taking it hard, but i am glad someone has my humour... thumps up for you |
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*Pimp slaps Nev... Kicks CM in the shin... Raises a smug eyebrow and offers a wink to Shelly... Watches David drink the last Dr. Pepper and shrugs* |
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*rakes Dave's eyes, pokes CM in the eye, throws Josh by his hair and gives Taylor a high five before running away from Shelly in all her girliness*  |
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*Just stands there and smiles and tells shelly everything will be fine |
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LMFAO boys now i feel somehow OVER- protected... like in a wolves family damn it and what the hell GIRLINESS? when? what? who and most important HUH *is totally confused but amused at the same time* |
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That was my comment, as everyone should know by now, I'm gay so I jokingly ran away from the girl because she's a girl, in this case you. |
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I guess everyone knew but me lmfao |