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OOC Board : Results and Other Stuff
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 Message 1 of 12 in Discussion 
From: WallStreet  (Original Message)Sent: 12/20/2008 3:58 PM
First off this was a really solid week of rping, especially considering it was such a significantly shorter rp period then people are used to in the ICWA. I'm impressed. Thank You.

Secondly, I had a show yesterday ((I got two ECW Chants *Insert MSN Cool face here)) and now I'm at a friend's place because we're ridding together to another show I'm working tonight. So, I won't get a chance to do anything till tomorrow. I'm looking to have results posted by Tuesday or Wednesday if I can find someone to write one more match. I'm pretty optimistic about a Tuesday post just because I'm not planning on over loading this show with stuff.

Alright people, wish me luck. I effed up my shoulder last night and I have a feeling I'll work the crapest wrestler that ever lived tonight sooo, here's hoping that I don't have to actually kill him.

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 Message 2 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSave-Us222Sent: 12/20/2008 5:52 PM
Hey Taylor, I know we discussed me r/ping for my match this week and I had asked yah for an extension and all but as it is in the oil field profession I wont be able to do anymore r/ping  for a while, so can you just take me off any further cards till  a later date.
Also , sorry Zarek for not r/ping our match I was really looking forward to it I had half of it written.
Anyways take it  easy peeps and hopefully i can make a comeback  in the new year.

 Message 3 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameвlаск•lавзl•ваиdіτ�?/nobr>Sent: 12/20/2008 11:53 PM
Ah, dang. I was waiting until atleast today, so I wasn't continuously posting while you couldn't. It's no problem though. I'm sure we'll have a good one whenever you get back. It's gonna be lame, I'm just gonna go ahead and post what I got.

 Message 4 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameIm Not GodSent: 12/25/2008 5:23 AM
*Looks at the clock*
".. I'm looking to have results posted by Tuesday or Wednesday if I can find someone to write one more match. I'm pretty optimistic about a Tuesday post just because I'm not planning on over loading this show with stuff."
Well by my clock theres 42 minutes left in Wednesday. HURRY UP TAYLOR YOU LAZY BASTARD!
Remember, I'll help out with results as much as I can to help get them up on time.

 Message 5 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJimmyStryker�?/nobr>Sent: 12/25/2008 6:15 AM
he's waiting on me, if you all want to know, sorry been busy this week with christmas, so you will all have to wait a bit, i am gonna get this match done as soon as i  can.

 Message 6 of 12 in Discussion 
From: WallStreetSent: 12/25/2008 11:51 AM
I'm waiting on another match from someone else as well. Plus at present moment I have a half a match and a couple of segments myself. Although my stuff will probably be done in a couple of hours since I'm not tired and don't have any Christmas plans.

 Message 7 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSouthern_Heartthrob1Sent: 12/25/2008 4:36 PM
I'll try and get my stuff done today too folks. I apologize for the lateness on my part. Things been a lil busier than I expected round here.

 Message 8 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname¤Ðå_§wêê†_£ùñå†îç�?/nobr>Sent: 12/25/2008 5:52 PM
No excuses to you mr cowboys fan hurry it up :P

 Message 9 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNëv¥rmorrSent: 12/26/2008 12:13 AM
Yeah, everybody. I got nothin' better to do than sit around and wait for results. Hurry it up!!!

 Message 10 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameThe-Midwest-MessiahSent: 12/26/2008 5:37 AM
Man, this feels weird.  Normally *I* am the one holding up results.  So this is how it feels to have turned in your match early

 Message 11 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameXEvilGeniusXSent: 12/26/2008 11:05 PM
Hey Taylor. Just sent you the match you asked me to pick up yesterday. Let me know if you didn't get it.

 Message 12 of 12 in Discussion 
From: WallStreetSent: 12/27/2008 3:37 AM
Still waiting on one more match to be sent to me, then they'll be posted.If I don't have it sometime tomorrow I'll go on without it.

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