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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: WallStreet  (Original Message)Sent: 1/9/2009 12:18 PM
Alright, good news is my computer has become opperational again. The bad news is it's for a limited time only.
Before the computer went retarded I wasn't too far from done with results. I'm gonna work on em a little today, and then tonight at work, then I expect they'll be done.
Unfortuantly some urgent issues that I don't wish to discuss in great detail have come up in my personal life that are putting me in an immediate financial crunch. The lap top I'm currently using was purchased on a rent to own agreement... An agreement that costs me 230 dollars a month. While that probably doesn't sound like a great deal most, I have a job of modest pay at the moment and 230 dollars is a lot of money for me. Sadly, I am no WallStreet. What that means is that next Thursday (roughly), I'll be relenquishing my computer. Also, next weekend I'll be moving. I have no idea how the immediate future there after will work out, but, for the little bit that I think I have figured out, I should be moving again in a month or so and will hopefully end up back at my current job after a month long hiatus.
In theory if everything works out as I see it (and admitedly all of my visions for the short term future are blurry at best) I should be in a position to pick up a used or cheap computer shortly after returning to the Greenville area. Now, I'm not entirely positive where I'm heading next weekend, however, If it's my option B, I'll still have internet access it just may not be as frequent and certainly won't be in as elaborate a fashion. What I mean by that is that if I were still able to log into groups I wouldn't be able t o use layouts or colors or anything...
So, what's all this mean for the ICWA? That's a good question and I'll kinda leave that up to you guys. This has been a solid run...  It doesn't neccessarly have to end. If I go with my B option (which even though it's my B option, it's the most likely to occur), I could still post cards and stuff, I'd just have to seriously reduce the quality of results till I got home. A.) I wouldn't have time to do my normal results and B.) I wouldn't have the tools to do my normal results.
Another Option: We can take an LOA. We run shows every two weeks so even if I was gone as long as two months (which I doubt but who knows), that'd only be four shows. You'd be welcome to RP off camera or whatever. Because we're still Indy it won't kill our angle because Indys cancel shows and take hiatus' all the time.
Another Option: If for some reason I can't get any internet access, there are two people who I'd be willing to leave as a temporary managerial team till I came back. However, they'd have to both agree to do it because one's busy with other comitments and the other just doesn't have the right personality to be a sole managerial figure. This place would have tumble weeds going through in a month or less lmao. But if they both agreed, they're the only people who I trust without question to run things and I know they're both fully capable of handling everything as well if not perhaps even better than I would.
Last Option: I don't even like to throw this one out there, but... February's around the corner. We've been discussing where to move... We could opt not to move and instead of calling it the end of an Era, just call it "The End" as far as the ICWA's concearned. I still have a ton of ideas I'd like to see unfold from the booking end of things, but, they're useless if you guys decide to go this route because booking ideas don't do much if you have nobody on your show to book.
It's up to you guys, I'll try and fanagle whichever plan you wanta go with. One thing however, is for sure... Aside from the last option, all the options are gonna require an added effort from everyone to make these unstable times as smooth as possible till I can get back on solid ground with things. Especially if I leave the managerial team in charge, I refuse to put all the weight on their shoulders if they won't have plenty of help from everybody to assist them, especially with results.
So let me know. Give me your first choice and your second choice. Meanwhile, I'm gonna continue with the results as if our next show will be business as usual. Hopefully those will be posted tomorrow afternoon. Special thanks by the way to all my writters. I'm only waiting on one as far as I know and if I have to I can finish off of what they've done so far (although I really don't want to, just to throw that out there Writter.... Heh-hmm...)
So yeah, there it is folks. Sorry about the difficulty, Everything that made this situation arise kinda got thrown in my lap out of no where last night. Anyway, let me know.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameXEvilGeniusXSent: 1/9/2009 9:15 PM
Any other option but the last option is fine. There can be no end to the ICWA. Like WTF? It wouldn't be the same if I didn't get the 'I'm thinking about bringing ICWA back' conversation every now and again.

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameIm Not GodSent: 1/10/2009 8:00 PM
Taylor, you also know Im good to help out with anythng when needed. If you needed an extra management head, Id help (dmian knows I did good for BUD til roxy pissed me off) so d be good to go on that side of things.  dont think we should call an end to ICWA yet because we've barely got anything going I dont think. In regards to results, I opt to help again. But we need to fnd a forum to move too, and fast. I say if we get enough people opting to help we can keepthe ball rolling.

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameThe-Midwest-MessiahSent: 1/11/2009 5:48 AM
I like the option of a management team.  Whoever they are, I imagine they'd be great.
And... I think I could last over a month!  Jerk~

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