"Make sure you get out of the way so you won't get the Dick Chaney treatment cause I'm a sure shot."
The voice of a woman is heard as she cocks the barrell of the shotgun and aims straight ahead as she sees a deer off in the distance. Tracking the animal as it roams the forrested areas of Upstate New York as you duck down in the snowy terrian bundled up in the gear of a huntsman you lock in and fire. The bullet explodes out of the gun barrell and just before it finds it's mark the damn deer runs into shelter and the bullet nails a tree lodging into it. You slam your fist into the snow glaring at the damn deer you can see through the thicket as she crawl like this is some kind of warfare and you are the soldier spying on your enemy.
"God damn deer never stay still when you need them too."
She mutters this to herself as she gets it right in her sights squinting a bit as she gets a clear view as the deer looks around surveying the lay of the land. You have it where you want it though and you don't hestitate to unload a round of bullets off one shot and then another for good measure in rapid succession and you wait for the smoke to clear. When it does you look up and down on the ground is the deer and you crack a smile looking back as you speak up again.
"I told you I was a sure shot that damn deer had no chance, no chance at all. So it looks like we'll be having Venison for the next few days Chuck cause I've got the catch of the day boy, the catch of the day."
The man identified as Chuck laughs as she stands up and walks towards her kill as he follows her he speaks up finally as she puts away her hunting rifle and pokes the deer alittle to see if it is indeed dead. You shrug your shoulders with a cocky grin as you have no doubt killed the deer as he addresses you and you put your foot on it's ribcage as if you've conquered it.
"God damn cocky bitch. Always trying to show the world that you do it all and that you're god's gift to everything. When is it ever going to end Grace Taylor? When is it ever going to end?"
She smirks replying as she blows her knuckles thinking of her next conquest. What could it be? Professional or personal we don't know until The Graceful One speaks up which she does almost immediately full of herself now more then ever.
"Never, ever, ever!"
You knew that was coming as you look on trying not to laugh as she gives you a mischievious grin continuing on.
"Oh and that's Mrs. Cocky Bitch to you son and don't you forget it."
Winking at you while you bust up laughing she does alittle dance to herself with a great big smile.
"You kill one deer and you act like you've scored the winning touchdown at the Superbowl. I'd hate to see what you'd do if you ya know did something other then take life from an animal like win another wrestling title."
You stop dead in your tracks as he starts laughing it up.
"That RoW stink worked out, Ontario Pro, then there was TnT, now, now what? Empty handed with no gold what so ever. It's not so good being Grace Taylor now is it at least in wrestling."
She glares.
"Dude just no. Don't bring that up, just don't."
He of course knows he's struck a sore spot or nerve with you so he continues to push you even more.
"How great can it be when you mop the floor with someone and they get a title shot over you? How great can it be to know that you could have been champion not Chance Kennedy and that ever since you've been struggaling? How great?"
Great just great you think as you stand there before him. It has been awhile since you've held gold but that's beside the point as you stand there fuming as you tell him to help you load the deer in the pick up truck. You speak up.
"It is fucking awesome genius. I love being dicked around, screwed over, and left out in the cold. It'll change this week because I'll put away Jessica Michaels and become the number one contender to the women's championship. Thanks for telling me the obvious man, thanks for telling me that I've been one of the most hardest luck talents going today for sometime. I appreciate it."
He nods his head with a smile.
"Happy hunting Gracie Tee. Happy hunting and I do what I can when I can sweetheart."
He tips his cap to her.
"Don't tip your cap at me. Don't do it Chuck, just don't do it. I'm not going to just roll over and let this fly anymore I'm a star and stars shine they don't get screwed over repeatedly. They don't have to play second fiddle to anyone they just do what they do and are rewarded. I have paid the cost to be the boss and that cost better start paying dividends or somethings about to give because I play second fiddle to no one. Never have I played second fiddle to anyone ever."
There is no doubt. She's fired up. "So Jessica Michaels is going to get shot down in the ring so I can ascend to the top and keep what's mine in the PLW Women's Championship. After I do my thing as champion time and time again then the sky is the limit for The Graceful One. The sky is the limit. Happy hunting you say. Very happy hunting I say because when I'm locked in there is none better. Absolutely none who can top me. So let's stop waxing poetic and do what we came here to do and that's hunt because for now I want to relax instead of wax poetic about killing some whore in my ring."
He shrugs as you cross your arms with a look of disgust as he can tell that you've been irritated by his remarks. Quickly he makes amends.
"Fair enough. I just want to know where your heads at is all. It's actually refreshing to see you so adament about being ontop." She shakes her head.
"Chuck, just man up and say it. you don't have to worry about me handling my business against Miss Michaels. You have to worry about me pulling a Dick Cheney if you don't stop being an asshole."
He gulps after laughing it up.
"I'm sorry Gracie."
She smiles at him with a day glow grin as she looks down at the deer and back at him.
"Dude, let's get this sucker packed away. There is enough time for chit chat and opining about wrestling now it's time to happily hunt."
He nods in agreement as he picks up the hind legs and they walk off into the distance as the scene cuts away. The hunt for championship gold is on as our great talent in Grace Taylor enjoys the time before the fight with her good friend Chuck. She walks off into the distance with the kill now but can she get the one that counts the most in the ring? A victory puts her closer to being ontop and reigning as the number one woman in PLW. It all comes into play and for Jessica Michaels if she gets her way it will be the longest night of her life for Grace Taylor is always The Stylishly Superior Talent. Always! |