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Developmental RP : Alstad shoot promo (Anyone reply)
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From: MSN NicknameXan-Qenadius  (Original Message)Sent: 3/7/2007 2:29 AM
All-Star walks into the ring looking super pissed off and then grabs the mike from the ring announcer, after doing that he kicks the ring announcer in the chin ala Shawn Michaels and the ring announcer falls to the mat out cold
"So the ICWA and PLW want to silence the All-Star Stoner!"
Crowd boos
"I quote management on this one...."Alstad's frequent drug references and dropping of the F-bomb make him un-marketable". Well Fuck You then! I sure as shit ain't changing my life so you ass clowns can make more money....all you fuckers do is sit around and bitch about how this one won't listen and this one makes his own rules. Well guess what? That's where Foley came from, that's where Austin came from.....where the Sandman, Tazz, RVD, Sabu and other great wrestlers came from and where I come from. And that means you don't know talent unless it crawls out of your asshole! You don't like what I say? Well too fuckin' bad! ever heard of a bleep touch and my little contraversial F-bombs dissappear....or are you too fuckin cheap to buy something like that?
Crowd pops
Also as to my little pot references....3 words for you....Rob Van Dam!  In case you in management didn't know but he came up with RVD 4:20 long before I was on the shut the fuck up you little hypocrits.....the next time I hear one of you monkeys say shit about me I'm taking you to school! The point is I'm not following your little rules or the way things are done.....I will continue to kick ass, take names and wash that all down with a fatty and a beer! I know it, now you know it and all these Hardcore Stoners here know it. so shut your fuckin mouth before I shut it for you! In case you forgot:"
Crowd finishes "4:20!!" Crowd pops
" Now I'm going to deal with that jackoff of an opponent you gave me tonight and then I'm going to interject my little ass in Gryphon's little title match tonight and proceed to kick his corporate ass. And there ain't a fuckin thing you can do to stop me.....I told you Gryphon to keep your head up cause I was coming and now you will see what I pulled shit with me and my god you will...."
Crowd finishes again "GET SCREWED!"  Crowd pops as All-Star's music plays

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