We are in the wonderful city of Indianapolis Indiana on a absolutely beautiful day. The sun is shinning and there is not a cloud in the sky as far as the eye can see. Against the sunny backdrop walking up the street looking at a piece of paper is a large black figure. He is wearing a black sleeveless tee and a pair of black mesh pants and finishing off the ensemble is a pair of Nike sandals and a pair of Oakley sunglasses. He stops and looks up at the building in front of him and we see its none other than the newest addition to the WAR roster Akmed. He shakes his head in approval and walks into the Wrestle Art Dojo and gets pointed at by the secretary down the hall to the ring area. Akmed salutes her back and walks down the hall to the ring area which is completely empty right at this time. The empty arena brings back a lot of good memories for Akmed as he slides in under the bottom rope and climbs a turnbuckle and sits down on the top and seems to talk to no one in particular but we all know as he does that a camera crew virtually follows him around at all times and now is no different.
I am here today to cut a promo for the first match that I have in the minors of ICWA. The place where all new hires are sent to, to show what they have before going into what we all know as the ICWA. In my first match I have been put into familiar territory and that is being thrust into a match that is dubbed as being hardcore. I laugh at that a bit cause I doubt that when the bookers for Hybrid TV were making the card that they were thinking about sending the poor soul I go against straight to his own funeral. Cause you see Jason Royce that’s exactly what they are sending you to. The idea that you can stand the onslaught that I shall bring to you is laughable at best. I went through hell to get to this place and I have went through hell to get to where I am right now in my career and I will bet that I have been in a lot more hardcore wars than you have even had matches son. You weren’t tied to a barbwire board and beaten with a kendo stick repeatedly were you Jason? I was and at first it hurt like hell but Feral said it was the best training to begin with and it would get much worse and it did Jason. You didn’t thrown through cages like I did Jason did you? You didn’t take on two masters of hardcore like I did, did you Jason. I was made to be an absolute wrestling machine that could go into any match and do well and I am still learning. With every match I have I learn more and more and now just starts another chapter in the blessed career that I have had.
Akmed hops down onto the mat and slides out and reaches under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick and then slides back into the ring and continues to speak once more.
You see Jason this kendo stick right here is my favorite weapon to use, that’s if I cant get my hands on some barbwire then my own body becomes my ultimate weapon. You see all of you out there that are ICWA fans and are fans of its many development indy programs have not seen what it truly means to be hardcore. The thing is hardcore is a state of being and not just a type of match you can be in. Being hardcore is the way you live eat and breath, you get up in the morning and start your day thinking of how you can spill the blood of others. Cause when it comes right down to it Jason you my inexperienced friend you have no idea what it takes to become a master of hardcore. You first have to know how much pain and torture your body can take and then train it to go up and above that threshold. The thing is that I have been through every hardcore match that has been conceived and come out on top of most of them. TLC matches, hell in a cell, barbwire rope matches, light tube covered barbwire matches, Feral Instinct match, elimination chambers you name it I have won them. What the hell have you ever done in your short career? That’s right you have not done SHIT!
Akmed takes the kendo stick and bashes himself in the head about ten times and a small trickle of blood starts to flow off his forehead as he tosses the kendo out of the ring. The camera man hops up on the apron and Akmed walks over to him and the camera guy whispers into his ear and he gets out of the ring and walks behind the announcers table and sits down as one of the monitors flickers to life and shows the promo from Jason Royce. All we can see is Akmed laughing hysterically and standing up and leaping over the announcers table and sliding back into the ring to comment on that worthless five minutes he wasted of his life watching that promo.
Oh my god Jason you really expect me to believe anything you say about me really? It was a very convincing actor you got there to impersonate me there but it was true in one aspect and that was when I was beating you like a red headed step child that just stole something. Then you have the audacity to come out and say that I want to play mind games with you and that is totally false cause I don’t beat on someone like that who is unarmed. The point I am trying to make here Jason is that you are absolutely correct you are not some second rate bitch but you are even LOWER than that. I am going to give you the beating you deserve on Hybrid TV Jason and there is nothing you or anyone in ICWA can do about it. At the very end of that waste of time you say Jason that you want me to prepare to bleed, let me tell you something and I expect you to be listening real close here Jason. I always expect to bleed in all my matches but I expect you to bleed more than I do. I don’t understand why you a promising young man on his way to a decent career in this business would want to piss me off like you have, and in a match that I excel in above all others. If you look at my career and my past matches Jason you will see that I am a master tactician when needs to be, I am a pure lucha high flyer when need be and I can throw power moves with the best when the need arises. The point is this Jason, you say that I am a stepping stone for you but I think you are thinking backwards there. Cause YOU are the stepping stone for me and hopefully the bookers and the people in the upper ranks finally see I don’t belong down here in the minor leagues and will get me to where I belong and that is up into the ICWA main ranks. To close this little verbal beat down Jason I leave you with this thought, how can you defeat someone that has absolutely nothing to lose and has nowhere to go but up?
Akmed leans against the top rope on the ramp side and flips over backward landing on his feet and walks back up the ramp to back to his hotel room for the night and maybe go work out in the hotel pool.